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Basic words and phrases in Norwegian

the men
the beds
the mothers
the weeks
the cities

Examples of using the word 'your' in Norwegian

deres hus
your house
deres kjøkken
your kitchen
deres bok
your book
deres venn
your friend
deres mor
your mother

Examples for using Norwegian Verbs

han åpner
he opens
han sover
he sleeps
han husker
he remembers
han drar tilbake
he goes back
han gir
he gives

Examples for using Norwegian Verbs

hun løper
she runs
hun hjelper
she helps
hun går
she goes
hun leser
she reads
hun forstår
she understands

vi gir
we give
vi følger
we follow
vi gjør
we do
vi drar tilbake
we return
vi prøver
we try

dere sier
you say
dere spiser
you eat
dere åpner
you open
dere kjenner
you know
dere forstår
you understand

de gir
they give
de løper
they run
de kjenner
they know
de tenker
they think
de husker
they remember

Kvinnene er vakre.
The women are beautiful.
Husene er gamle.
The houses are old.
Eplet er godt.
The apple is good.
Kvinnen er vakker.
The woman is beautiful.
Gutten er stor.
The boy is big.

The Norwegian word for 'my'

The Norwegian words for my are min and mitt. The word min is used with common
gender nouns. The word mitt is used with neuter nouns.
Examples of using the word 'my' in Norwegian
mitt bord
my table
min penn
my pen
min seng
my bed
min far
my father
min venn
my friend
Norwegian possessive pronouns (first person singular) 'my'

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of possessive pronouns. When the noun is in
the plural, the Norwegian word for my is mine.
Examples of using the word 'my' in Norwegian with a noun in the plural
mine sønner
my sons
mine søstre
my sisters
mine barn
my children
mine epler
my apples
mine hunde
my dogs
he Norwegian word for 'your'

The Norwegian words for your are din and ditt. The word din is used with common
gender nouns. The word ditt is used with neuter nouns.
Examples of using the word 'your' in Norwegian
ditt bord
your table
din ordbok
your dictionary
dine penger
your money
din sønn
your son
din bok
your book
Norwegian possessive pronouns (second person singular) 'you'

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of possessive pronouns. When the noun is in
the plural, the Norwegian word for your is dine.
Examples of using the word 'your' in Norwegian with a noun in the plural
dine venne
your friends
dine bøker
your books
dine penner
your pens
dine bord
your tables
dine hus
your houses
The Norwegian word for 'his'

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of possessive pronouns. The English word his
is a possessive pronoun in the third person singular. The Norwegian word for his is
Examples of using the word 'his' in Norwegian
hans søster
his sister
hans kjøkken
his kitchen
deres venn
his friend
hans spørsmål
his question
hans bror
his brother
Norwegian possessive pronouns (third person singular) 'his'

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of possessive pronouns. When the noun is in
the plural, the Norwegian word for his is hans.
Examples of using the word 'his' in Norwegian with a noun in the plural
hans hunde
his dogs
hans barn
his children
hans venne
his friends
hans føtter
his feet
hans hånd
his hands
The Norwegian word for 'her'

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of possessive pronouns. The English word her
is a possessive pronoun in the third person singular. The Norwegian word for her is
Examples of using the word 'her' in Norwegian
hennes katt
her cat
hennes seng
her bed
hennes mor
her mother
hennes eple
her apple
hennes datter
her daughter
Norwegian possessive pronouns (third person singular) 'her'

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of possessive pronouns. When the noun is in
the plural, the Norwegian word for her is hennes.
Examples of using the word 'her' in Norwegian with a noun in the plural
hennes bord
her tables
hennes søstre
her sisters
hennes bøker
her books
hennes spørsmål
her questions
hennes hunde
her dogs
he Norwegian word for 'our'

The Norwegian words for our are vår and vårt. The word vår is used with common
gender nouns. The word vårt is used with neuter nouns.
Examples of using the word 'our' in Norwegian
våre penger
our money
vårt hus
our house
vårt eple
our apple
vår penn
our pen
vår musikk
our music
Norwegian possessive pronouns (first person plural) 'our'

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of possessive pronouns. When the noun is in
the plural, the Norwegian word for our is våre.
Examples of using the word 'our' in Norwegian with a noun in the plural
våre hunde
our dogs
våre epler
our apples
våre hus
our houses
våre katte
our cats
våre brødre
our brothers
The Norwegian word for 'your'

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of possessive pronouns. The English word
your is a possessive pronoun in the second person plural. The Norwegian word for
your is deres.
Examples of using the word 'your' in Norwegian
deres bror
your brother
deres hund
your dog
deres katt
your cat
deres bok
your book
deres hus
your house
Norwegian possessive pronouns (second person plural) 'your'

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of possessive pronouns. When the noun is in
the plural, the Norwegian word for your is deres.
Examples of using the word 'your' in Norwegian with a noun in the plural
deres hus
your houses
deres spørsmål
your questions
deres katte
your cats
deres penner
your pens
deres søstre
your sisters
The Norwegian word for 'their'

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of possessive pronouns. The English word
their is a possessive pronoun in the first person plural. The Norwegian word for
their is deres.
Examples of using the word 'their' in Norwegian
deres seng
their bed
deres bror
their brother
deres ordbok
their dictionary
deres mor
their mother
deres søster
their sister
Norwegian possessive pronouns (third person plural) 'their'

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of possessive pronouns. When the noun is in
the plural, the Norwegian word for their is deres.
Examples of using the word 'their' in Norwegian with a plural noun
deres hunde
their dogs
deres bøker
their books
deres sønner
their sons
deres venne
their friends
deres døtre
their daughters
Norwegian personal pronouns (I)

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of personal pronouns. The English word I is
a pronoun in the first person singular. The Norwegian word for I is jeg.
Norwegian personal pronouns
jeg kan
I can
jeg faller
I fall
jeg tror
I believe
jeg finner
I find
jeg forlater
I leave
Norwegian personal pronouns (you)

The Norwegian words for you are du and De. The word du is the so-called familiar
form. It can be used with friends and family and people you know well. The word De
is the so-called polite form. It is used with strangers and people in a position of
importance. The word du is only used to speak with one person. The word De can be
used to speak with one person or with several people.
Norwegian personal pronouns
du leser
you read
du kjenner
you know
du putter
you put
du hjelper
you help
du lukker
you close
Norwegian personal pronouns (he)

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of personal pronouns. The English word he is
a pronoun in the third personal singular. The Norwegian word for he is han.
Norwegian personal pronouns
han spiller
he plays
han snakker
he speaks
han finner
he finds
han går
he walks
han putter
he puts
Norwegian personal pronouns (she)

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of personal pronouns. The English word she
is a pronoun in the third person singular. The Norwegian word for she is hun.
Norwegian personal pronouns
hun søker
she looks for
hun faller
she falls
hun skriver
she writes
hun spiser
she eats
hun kommer
she comes
Norwegian personal pronouns (we)

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of personal pronouns. The English word we is
a pronoun in the first personal plural. The Norwegian word for we is vi.
Norwegian personal pronouns
vi bruker
we use
vi husker
we remember
vi sover
we sleep
vi snakker
we speak
vi holder
we hold
Norwegian personal pronouns (you)

The Norwegian words for you are dere and De. The word dere is the so-called
familiar form. It can be used with friends and family and people you know well. The
word De is the so-called polite form. It is used with strangers and people in a
position of importance.
Norwegian personal pronouns
dere tror
you believe
dere skriver
you write
dere sier
you say
dere leser
you read
dere faller
you fall
orwegian personal pronouns (they)

Just like English, Norwegian has a set of personal pronouns. The English word they
is a pronoun in the third person plural. The Norwegian word for they is de.
Norwegian personal pronouns
de bruker
they use
De forstår jenten
They understand the girl
de spiser
they eat
De forstår folkene
They understand the people
de husker
they remember
The Norwegian indefinite article

The English indefinite article a has different forms in Norwegian depending on

whether the word to which it belongs is masculine, feminine or neuter. The
indefinite article for masculine words is en. For feminine words, it is ei and for
neuter words it is et.
Examples of using the Norwegian indefinite article
en uke
a week
en stol
a chair
et bord
a table
en bok
a book
en datter
a daughter
The Norwegian definite article (singular)

A unique feature of Norwegian is that, unlike English, the definite article comes
after the noun as a suffix. The English definite article the has different forms in
Norwegian depending on whether the word to which it belongs is masculine, feminine
or neuter. The definite article for masculine words is -en. For feminine words, it
is -a and for neuter words it is -et.
Examples of the Norwegian definite article
the mother
the dog
the door
the child
the house
The Norwegian definite article (plural)

A unique feature of Norwegian is that, unlike English, the definite article comes
after the noun as a suffix. In general, a noun in Norwegian is made definite with
the suffix -ne.
Examples of the Norwegian definite article
the sons
the men
the doors
the children
the friends
Norwegian adjectives
Adjectives come before the noun in Norwegian just like in English.
Examples for using Norwegian adjectives
den triste faren
the sad father
den glade faren
the happy father
den gode faren
the good father
Norwegian adjectives

Adjectives come before the noun in Norwegian as in English.

Examples for using Norwegian adjectives
de triste mennene
the sad men
de små mennene
the small men
de gamle mennene
the old men
de rike mennene
the rich men
de fattige mennene
the poor men
Norwegian verb conjugation (First person singular)

Norwegian verbs in the present tense do not conjugate for each person. This means
that the verb stays the same for I, you, he, they etc. This is similar to the case
in English.
Examples for using Norwegian Verbs
jeg sier
I say
jeg skriver
I write
jeg tar
I take
jeg tenker
I think
Jeg kjenner mannen
I know the man
Norwegian verb conjugation (Second person singular [you])

Norwegian verbs in the present tense do not conjugate for each person. This means
that the verb stays the same for I, you, he, they etc. This is similar to the case
in English.
Examples for using Norwegian Verbs
du søker
you look for
du kjenner
you know
du drikker
you drink
du lukker
you close
du kan
you can
Norwegian verb conjugation (third person singular [he])

Norwegian verbs in the present tense do not conjugate for each person. This means
that the verb stays the same for I, you, he, they etc. This is similar to the case
in English.
Examples for using Norwegian Verbs
han går
he goes
han følger
he follows
han går
he walks
han husker
he remembers
han drar tilbake
he goes back
Norwegian verb conjugation (third person singular [she])

Norwegian verbs in the present tense do not conjugate for each person. This means
that the verb stays the same for I, you, he, they etc. This is similar to the case
in English.
Examples for using Norwegian Verbs
hun foretrekker
she prefers
hun søker
she looks for
hun bor
she lives
hun følger
she follows
hun ser
she sees
Norwegian verb conjugation (first person plural [we])

Norwegian verbs in the present tense do not conjugate for each person. This means
that the verb stays the same for I, you, he, they etc. This is similar to the case
in English.
Examples for using Norwegian Verbs
vi begynner
we start
vi går
we walk
vi prøver
we try
vi drikker
we drink
vi forstår
we understand
Norwegian verb conjugation (second person plural [you])

Norwegian verbs in the present tense do not conjugate for each person. This means
that the verb stays the same for I, you, he, they etc. This is similar to the case
in English.
Examples for using Norwegian Verbs
dere går
you go
dere holder
you hold
dere sier
you say
dere sover
you sleep
dere skriver
you write
Norwegian verb conjugation (third person plural [they])

Norwegian verbs in the present tense do not conjugate for each person. This means
that the verb stays the same for I, you, he, they etc. This is similar to the case
in English.
Examples for using Norwegian Verbs
de hjelper
they help
de faller
they fall
de bruker
they use
de kjører
they drive
de tror
they believe
Simple Norwegian sentences

In a typical sentence in Norwegian which uses the verb to be, the verb is placed
between the subject and the attribute as in English. The verb to be is er in both
the singular and the plural.
Examples of simple Norwegian sentences
Huset er stort.
The house is big.
Eplet er godt.
The apple is good.
Hesten er gammel.
The horse is old.
Husene er store.
The houses are big.
Husene er små.
The houses are small.

See you again

Vi sees


Ha det

You're welcome

Vær så god

See you tomorrow

Vi sees i morgen

Good morning

God morgen

Welcome !

Good night

God natt



You're welcome

Vær så god

Good evening

God kveld


Ha det

Good luck

Lykke til

Thank you



Ha det

See you again

Vi sees

Good night

God natt

Thank you very much

Mange takk

See you again

Vi sees

See you tomorrow

Vi sees i morgen

See you later

Vi sees senere


Ha det

You're welcome

Vær så god

Good luck

Lykke til

Good afternoon

God dag

Good morning

God morgen

Good luck

Lykke til


Ha det

Thank you


Welcome !




Thank you very much

Mange takk

Good afternoon

God dag

Welcome !


You're welcome

Vær så god
Good evening

God kveld

Good luck

Lykke til

Thank you very much

Mange takk

See you later

Vi sees senere

Good night

God natt

Good morning

God morgen

I am hungry.

Jeg er sulten.

I am sick.

Jeg er syk.

I am from Canada.

Jeg kommer fra Canada.

I am fine.

Jeg har det bra.

I am from Germany.

Jeg kommer fra Tyskland.

I was born in England.

Jeg er født i England.

I am single.

Jeg er ugift.

I am happy.

Jeg er glad.
Do you speak English?

Snakker du engelsk ?

How old are you?

Hvor gammel er du ?

What's your name ?

Hva heter du.

Excuse me.



Ha det

You're welcome

Vær så god

Good night

God natt

Good luck

Lykke til

Good evening

God kveld

Good afternoon

God dag

Thank you


Good morning

God morgen

The boy is small.

Gutten er liten.

The boys are strong.

Guttene er sterke.

The houses are old.

Husene er gamle.

The girl is strong.

Jenten er sterk.

The girl is small.

Jenta er liten.

The horse is small.

Hesten er liten.

The horses are small.

Hestene er små.

The horses are old.

Hestene er gamle.

The house is small.

Huset er lite.

The women are beautiful.

Kvinnene er vakre.

The women are old.

Kvinnene er gamle.

The woman is old.

Kvinnen er gammel.

The house is old.

Huset er gammelt.

The man is strong.

Mannen er sterk.

The boys are small.

Guttene er små.

The woman is beautiful.

Kvinnen er vakker.

The houses are small.

Husene er små.

The girls are big.

Jentene er store.

The apple is red.

Eplet er rødt.

The woman is old.

Kvinnen er gammel.

The boy is small.

Gutten er liten.

The boy is strong.

Gutten er sterk.

The houses are big.

Husene er store.

The women are beautiful.

Kvinnene er vakre.


Ha det

Good night

God natt

Good morning

God morgen


Ha det

Welcome !


Thanks a lot

Mange takk

You're welcome

Vær så god
See you tomorrow

Vi sees i morgen

See you later

Vi sees senere


Ha det

Good night

God natt

Good evening

God kveld

Thank you


You're welcome

Vær så god

See you again

Vi sees

Good afternoon

God dag



Welcome !


Thank you very much

Mange takk

See you later

Vi sees senere

Good evening

God kveld

Ha det

Thank you


You're welcome

Vær så god

Excuse me.


What's your name ?

Hva heter du.

Do you speak English?

Snakker du engelsk ?

How old are you?

Hvor gammel er du ?

Good afternoon

God dag

Good evening

God kveld


Ha det

Welcome !


See you again

Vi sees


Ha det

Good luck

Lykke til


The women are young.

Kvinnene er unge.

The girls are pretty.

Jentene er søte.

The boys are strong.

Guttene er sterke.

The man is big.

Mannen er stor.

The man is strong.

Mannen er sterk.

The apple is good.

Eplet er godt.

The girl is small.

Jenta er liten.

The boys are big.

Guttene er store.

The man is big.

Mannen er stor.

The girl is strong.

Jenta er sterk.

The boy is big.

Gutten er stor.

The house is new.

Huset er nytt.

The apple is good.

Eplet er godt.

The house is small.

Huset er lite.
The boys are big.

Guttene er store.

The horse is big.

Hesten er stor.

Good night

God natt



See you again

Vi sees

Good evening

God kveld

Good afternoon

God dag

See you later

Vi sees senere

You're welcome

Vær så god

Good luck

Lykke til

It is sunny.

Det er sol ute.

It is cold out.

Det er kaldt ute.

It is nice out.

Det er fint ute.

It is windy.

Det blåser ute.

It is cloudy out.

Det er overskyet ute.

It is hot out.

Det er varmt ute.

It is raining.

Det regner ute.

What is the weather like ?

Hvordan er været?

It is raining.

Det regner ute.

What is the weather like ?

Hvordan er været?

It is snowing.

Det snør ute.

It is hot out.

Det er varmt ute.

What is the temperature ?

Hva er temperaturen?

It is cold out.

Det er kaldt ute.

It is nice out.

Det er fint ute.

It is windy.

Det blåser ute.

The horse is small.

Hesten er liten.

The woman is young.

Kvinnen er ung.

The horses are big.

Hestene er store.

The women are beautiful.

Kvinnene er vakre.

The boys are big.

Guttene er store.

The girl is big.

Jenta er stor.

The girls are big.

Jentene er store.

The girl is strong.

Jenta er sterk.

It is windy.

Det blåser ute.

It is raining.

Det regner ute.

It is hot out.

Det er varmt ute.

It is cold out.

Det er kaldt ute.

What is the weather like ?

Hvordan er været?

It is sunny.

Det er sol ute.

It is snowing.

Det snør ute.

It is nice out.

Det er fint ute.

Do you speak English?

Snakker du engelsk ?

Excuse me.


What's your name ?

Hva heter du.

How old are you?

Hvor gammel er du ?

Good night

God natt

See you again

Vi sees

You're welcome

Vær så god

See you tomorrow

Vi sees i morgen

Thanks a lot

Mange takk

See you later

Vi sees senere

Good morning

God morgen


Ha det

Good luck

Lykke til



You're welcome

Vær så god
Good afternoon

God dag

Good night

God natt

Thank you very much

Mange takk

See you later

Vi sees senere

See you tomorrow

Vi sees i morgen

Thanks a lot

Mange takk

You're welcome

Vær så god

Good morning

God morgen

See you later

Vi sees senere


Ha det

Good evening

God kveld

See you again

Vi sees

Good afternoon

God dag

The man is strong.

Mannen er sterk.
The women are beautiful.

Kvinnene er vakre.

The girls are small.

Jentene er små.

The house is old.

Huset er gammelt.

The girls are pretty.

Jentene er søte.

The horses are big.

Hestene er store.

The boy is big.

Gutten er stor.

The boy is small.

Gutten er liten.

Thank you


You're welcome

Vær så god

See you again

Vi sees

Good afternoon

God dag

See you tomorrow

Vi sees i morgen

Good evening

God kveld

Welcome !


Ha det

Good afternoon

God dag

Good night

God natt

Welcome !


See you again

Vi sees

Good luck

Lykke til

Good evening

God kveld

You're welcome

Vær så god

Good morning

God morgen

I am sad.

Jeg er trist.

My name is Peter.

Jeg heter Peter.

I was born in Canada.

Jeg er født i Canada.

I am from Germany.

Jeg kommer fra Tyskland.

I was born in America.

Jeg er født i Amerika.

I am thirsty.
Jeg er tørst.

I am learning German.

Jeg lærer tysk.

I am hungry.

Jeg er sulten.

The woman is beautiful.

Kvinnen er vakker.

The girl is big.

Jenten er stor.

The men are old.

Mennene er gamle.

The boy is big.

Gutten er stor.

The boys are big.

Guttene er store.

The boy is strong.

Gutten er sterk.

The apples are good.

Eplene er gode.

The woman is old.

Kvinnen er gammel.

I am happy.

Jeg er glad.

I was born in America.

Jeg er født i Amerika.

I am fine.

Jeg har det bra.

I am learning French.

Jeg lærer fransk.

I was born in England.

Jeg er født i England.

I am thirsty.

Jeg er tørst.

I am from Germany.

Jeg kommer fra Tyskland.

I was born in Canada.

Jeg er født i Canada.

The horses are small.

Hestene er små.

The boys are strong.

Guttene er sterke.

The apple is red.

Eplet er rødt.

The horse is white.

Hesten er hvit.

The horse is old.

Hesten er gammel.

The girls are pretty.

Jentene er søte.

The apple is green.

Eplet er grønt.

The house is new.

Huset er nytt.

I come from Canada.

Jeg kommer fra Canada.

I am a student.

Jeg er student.
I was born in America.

Jeg er født i Amerika.

I am hungry.

Jeg er sulten.

My name is Peter.

Jeg heter Peter.

I am happy.

Jeg er glad.

I am learning French.

Jeg lærer fransk.

I am from Germany.

Jeg kommer fra Tyskland.

What's your name ?

Hva heter du.

Do you speak English?

Snakker du engelsk ?

How old are you?

Hvor gammel er du ?

Excuse me.


The apple is good.

Eplet er godt.

The boys are big.

Guttene er store.

The girl is pretty.

Jenten er søt.

The houses are big.

Husene er store.

The horse is old.

Hesten er gammel.

The girl is small.

Jenta er liten.

The women are young.

Kvinnene er unge.

The houses are old.

Husene er gamle.

The horses are old.

Hestene er gamle.

The horse is white.

Hesten er hvit.

The boy is big.

Gutten er stor.

The apples are green.

Eplene er grønne.

The men are old.

Mennene er gamle.

The girl is strong.

Jenta er sterk.

The apple is good.

Eplet er godt.

The houses are old.

Husene er gamle.

I am learning Spanish.

Jeg lærer spansk.

I am sick.

Jeg er syk.

I am sad.
Jeg er trist.

I am from Germany.

Jeg kommer fra Tyskland.

I am hungry.

Jeg er sulten.

I am single.

Jeg er ugift.

I am a student.

Jeg er student.

I am from Canada.

Jeg kommer fra Canada.

The house is old.

Huset er gammelt.

The horse is big.

Hesten er stor.

The woman is beautiful.

Kvinnen er vakker.

The horses are white.

Hestene er hvite.

The girl is big.

Jenta er stor.

The men are old.

Mennene er gamle.

The apple is green.

Eplet er grønt.

The women are beautiful.

Kvinnene er vakre.

See you tomorrow

Vi sees i morgen



Ha det

Good night

God natt

Good afternoon

God dag


Ha det

Good evening

God kveld

Thank you very much

Mange takk

The women are old.

Kvinnene er gamle.

The man is strong.

Mannen er sterk.

The horses are small.

Hestene er små.

The horse is big.

Hesten er stor.

The woman is beautiful.

Kvinnen er vakker.

The boys are big.

Guttene er store.

The houses are big.

Husene er store.

The apple is green.

Eplet er grønt.

See you tomorrow

Vi sees i morgen

See you later

Vi sees senere

Good afternoon

God dag

Good luck

Lykke til

Thank you


Good morning

God morgen

Thanks a lot

Mange takk

Good evening

God kveld

Do you speak English?

Snakker du engelsk ?

Excuse me.


What's your name ?

Hva heter du.

How old are you?

Hvor gammel er du ?

Good luck

Lykke til

Welcome !



Thank you


See you later

Vi sees senere

Good night

God natt

Thanks a lot

Mange takk

You're welcome

Vær så god

The house is big.

Huset er stort.

The girl is small.

Jenta er liten.

The horses are white.

Hestene er hvite.

The boy is strong.

Gutten er sterk.

The house is old.

Huset er gammelt.

The horses are old.

Hestene er gamle.

The girl is big.

Jenta er stor.

The apple is red.

Eplet er rødt.

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