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Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

pre sistol terapi tertawa 5 145 153 150.20 3.564

pre diastol terapi tertawa 5 90 103 95.20 5.975

post sistol terapi tertawa 5 135 143 139.20 4.025

post diastol terapi tertawa 5 80 85 82.60 2.302

pre sistol relaksasi otot

5 145 155 149.00 3.808

pre diastol relaksasi otot

5 95 100 97.00 2.121

post sistol relaksasi otot

5 128 145 136.00 6.442

post diastol relaksasi otot

5 87 90 88.60 1.342

Valid N (listwise) 5


Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

pre sistol terapi tertawa 5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

pre diastol terapi tertawa 5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

post sistol terapi tertawa 5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

post diastol terapi tertawa 5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

pre sistol relaksasi otot

5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

pre diastol relaksasi otot

5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

post sistol relaksasi otot

5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

post diastol relaksasi otot

5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

Statistic Std. Error

pre sistol terapi tertawa Mean 150.20 1.594

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 145.78

Upper Bound 154.62

5% Trimmed Mean 150.33

Median 152.00

Variance 12.700

Std. Deviation 3.564

Minimum 145

Maximum 153

Range 8

Interquartile Range 6

Skewness -.935 .913

Kurtosis -1.118 2.000

pre diastol terapi tertawa Mean 95.20 2.672

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 87.78

Mean Upper Bound 102.62

5% Trimmed Mean 95.06

Median 93.00

Variance 35.700

Std. Deviation 5.975

Minimum 90

Maximum 103

Range 13

Interquartile Range 12

Skewness .573 .913

Kurtosis -2.392 2.000

post sistol terapi tertawa Mean 139.20 1.800

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 134.20

Mean Upper Bound 144.20

5% Trimmed Mean 139.22

Median 140.00

Variance 16.200

Std. Deviation 4.025

Minimum 135

Maximum 143

Range 8

Interquartile Range 8

Skewness -.242 .913

Kurtosis -3.048 2.000

post diastol terapi tertawa Mean 82.60 1.030

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 79.74

Mean Upper Bound 85.46

5% Trimmed Mean 82.61

Median 82.00

Variance 5.300

Std. Deviation 2.302

Minimum 80

Maximum 85

Range 5

Interquartile Range 4

Skewness .197 .913

Kurtosis -2.716 2.000

pre sistol relaksasi otot Mean 149.00 1.703

progresif 95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 144.27
Mean Upper Bound 153.73

5% Trimmed Mean 148.89

Median 148.00

Variance 14.500

Std. Deviation 3.808

Minimum 145

Maximum 155

Range 10

Interquartile Range 6

Skewness 1.087 .913

Kurtosis 1.334 2.000

pre diastol relaksasi otot Mean 97.00 .949

progresif 95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 94.37
Mean Upper Bound 99.63

5% Trimmed Mean 96.94

Median 97.00

Variance 4.500

Std. Deviation 2.121

Minimum 95

Maximum 100

Range 5

Interquartile Range 4

Skewness .524 .913

Kurtosis -.963 2.000

post sistol relaksasi otot Mean 136.00 2.881

progresif 95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 128.00
Mean Upper Bound 144.00

5% Trimmed Mean 135.94

Median 137.00

Variance 41.500

Std. Deviation 6.442

Minimum 128

Maximum 145

Range 17

Interquartile Range 12
Skewness .252 .913

Kurtosis -.067 2.000

post diastol relaksasi otot Mean 88.60 .600

progresif 95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 86.93
Mean Upper Bound 90.27

5% Trimmed Mean 88.61

Median 88.00

Variance 1.800

Std. Deviation 1.342

Minimum 87

Maximum 90

Range 3

Interquartile Range 2

Skewness .166 .913

Kurtosis -2.407 2.000

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

pre sistol terapi tertawa 5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

pre diastol terapi tertawa 5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

post sistol terapi tertawa 5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

post diastol terapi tertawa 5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

pre sistol relaksasi otot

5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

pre diastol relaksasi otot

5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

post sistol relaksasi otot

5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

post diastol relaksasi otot

5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

pre sistol terapi tertawa .293 5 .185 .838 5 .159

pre diastol terapi tertawa .244 5 .200* .856 5 .213

post sistol terapi tertawa .252 5 .200* .811 5 .099

post diastol terapi tertawa .251 5 .200* .868 5 .257

pre sistol relaksasi otot

.204 5 .200* .937 5 .642

pre diastol relaksasi otot

.227 5 .200* .910 5 .468

post sistol relaksasi otot

.178 5 .200* .979 5 .928
post diastol relaksasi otot
.273 5 .200* .852 5 .201

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.


Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1 pre sistol terapi tertawa 150.20 5 3.564 1.594

post sistol terapi tertawa 139.20 5 4.025 1.800

Pair 2 pre diastol terapi tertawa 95.20 5 5.975 2.672

post diastol terapi tertawa 82.60 5 2.302 1.030

Pair 3 pre sistol relaksasi otot

149.00 5 3.808 1.703

post sistol relaksasi otot

136.00 5 6.442 2.881

Pair 4 pre diastol relaksasi otot

97.00 5 2.121 .949

post diastol relaksasi otot

88.60 5 1.342 .600

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

95% Confidence
Interval of the
Std. Std. Error Sig. (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df tailed)

Pair 1 pre sistol terapi tertawa - post

11.000 1.414 .632 9.244 12.756 17.393 4 .000
sistol terapi tertawa

Pair 2 pre diastol terapi tertawa - post

12.600 3.782 1.691 7.905 17.295 7.451 4 .002
diastol terapi tertawa

Pair 3 pre sistol relaksasi otot

progresif - post sistol relaksasi 13.000 2.915 1.304 9.380 16.620 9.971 4 .001
otot progresif

Pair 4 pre diastol relaksasi otot

progresif - post diastol 8.400 1.140 .510 6.984 9.816 16.474 4 .000
relaksasi otot progresif

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