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MATLAB® Digest Submission

Guidelines for Connections Program


The MathWorks Connections Program Partners are invited to submit technical articles related to solving customer
problems or technical how-to’s using MathWorks products (along with your own tools, if applicable) for inclusion
in the electronic publication of the MATLAB Digest.

The MATLAB Digest is an electronic news bulletin sent to our MATLAB Access members six times a year, in
January, March, May, July, September, and November. The Digest is user-focused and provides detailed technical
information of interest to users of MathWorks products. You can view examples of past MATLAB Digest articles
on our Web site at:

We support one partner-related article per publication. The article must be technical in content and should not feel
like a sales pitch, user story, or marketing literature. The article should describe how you solved a particular
technical problem. Any products and features mentioned in the article must be currently shipping. Successful
articles in the past have had a friendly, informal tone with lots of pictures, graphs, and example code in the article as
well as code available for download.

An abstract of the article will be published in the e-mail MATLAB Digest with a URL pointing to the full article on
our Web site. In the article, we will list the author’s name and partner affiliation along with a link to the author’s e-
mail address for any questions.

Submission Guidelines:
Article Approval
If you already have an article written that might be appropriate, please submit it in its entirety. To submit ideas for
articles, please write a short synopsis (not more than a page in length) and send it to
for approval. Once your article or topic has been approved, you will be assigned a MATLAB Digest publication

Article Development and Review

You should hand in your article one to two months in advance of the scheduled publication date. The full article
should be between 2 and 10 pages in length and include pictures, diagrams, screen shots, code samples, files for
download, audio, video, etc. Once you have submitted your final version (along with any graphics, screen shots,
code samples, etc.) to the Connections Program Team, it will be technically reviewed and copy edited by a member
of our MATLAB Digest team. Please be aware that we may ask authors to edit or clarify their final draft before we
pass the article on for copy editing.

MathWorks will write a short one to three sentence abstract for e-mailed MATLAB Digest that will contain enough
information to entice customers to click the URL to read the entire article.

Article Delivery
Please submit the articles in PDF or HTML format (keep HTML as simple as possible) to the Connections Program
Team via e-mail at If possible, please provide the M-files and Simulink models that
created the graphics in case we need to recreate them. If the files are too large to send as e-mail attachments, please
download the files to the incoming directory on our ftp site and send an e-mail with the file names and what
platform they were saved on (Mac/PC, etc.).

From an FTP enabled browser:

Send hardcopy to: Connections Program Team, The MathWorks, Inc., 3 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, MA 01760-

Tel: 508-647-7000

© 2011 by The MathWorks, Inc. MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See for a list of additional trademarks. Other
product or brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

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