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A Prmctical A*r**Z Rof*rence {*

Drug*Free Remed,ies us ing vitarnins,
Miruermls, Herbs & Food, Supplements

Considerations produce mucus. Cystic fibrosis alters this normally protec-

tive mucus and transforms it into a thick, abnormal excre-
[l Croup is a viral infection, so antibiotics will not help. tion that obstructs airways and damages tissue. Symptoms
In most cases, self-care measures at home-such as breath- of CF begin early in life. Glands in the lungs and bronchial
ing moist air and drinking fluids-can speed your child's tubes secrete large quantities of thick, sticky mucus that
recovery. More aggressive treatment is rarely needed. blocks lung passages and provides the perfect place for
f If your child's symptoms persist or worsen, his or her harmful bacteria to thrive. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (also seen
doctor may prescribe corticosteroids, epinephrine, or an- in cancer and burn patients) is the bacteria that most com-
other medication to open the airways. For severe crouP/ monly colonizes the lungs, resulting in chronic coughing
your child may need to spend time in a hospital receiving and wheezing, difficulty breathing, and recurrent lung in-
humidified oxygen. Rarely, a temporary breathing tube fections. Once established, the bacteria remain in the lungs
may need to be placed in a child's windpipe. and are responsible for repeated outbreaks of infection'
E Fresh cold air may also help a child with croup to breathe The bacteria form their own dense structure, called a
by reducing the swelling of the trachea and 1ar1mx. biofilm, ald are immune to most current treatments. They
also produce toxic proteins that can cause tissue damage
and weaken the immune system. The lungs of many chil-
dren with CF are inhabited or colonized by the Pseudomo-
nas aeruginosabacteriabefore they are ten years of age.
Thick secretions also often obstruct the release of pan-
CYSTIC FIBROSIS creatic enzymes, resulting in digestive difficulties and
malabsorption problems, particularly problems with the
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most cornrnon inherited illness metabolism of fats. Malnutrition may result because a lack
among Americans of northern and western European an- of necessary digestive enzymes means that nutrients from
cestry. It occurs in people of all ethnic backgrounds and is foods are not properly absorbed. This in turn can cause
most common in Caucasians. It occurs with approximately pain after eating and, especially in young children, a fail-
e'qual frequency in men and women. About 30,000 people in ure to gain weight normally. Pancreatic enzymes need to
the United States (70,000 worldwide) have been diagnosed be replaced to counter this.
with CF and 1,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Persons with this disease also lose excessive amounts of
It is estimated that about 12 mitlion Americans-adults salt through iheir sweat glands. Sweating may be profuse,
and children-are silent carriers of the defective gene that and the sweat itself contains abnormally high concentra-
leads to this disease. Many of them don't know that they tions of sodium, potassium, and chloride salts. Other signs
are CF carriers. The gene responsible for CF was identified suggestive of CF include clubbing of the fingers and toes (a
in 1989 on human chromosome 7, and it encodes instruc- result of poor oxygenation due to weak lung function);
tions for a protein that regulates the passage of salt in and greasy, bulky, foul-smelling stools; and salty-tasting skin.
out of the cells of the body's exocrine glands. This defective The reproductive organs may be affected, causing in-fertil-
gene transforms the protein called the cystic fibrosis trans- ity in almost all men and some women.
membrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and causes it to The identification of the CF gene has enabled research-
produce a mucus too thick and too abundant for the body ers to begin developing new approaches to diagnosis and
to excrete. treatment of the disease' A test is now available in *'hich
hr most people with CF, the genetic inshrrctions omii just cells are swabbed from the inside of the cheek and then
one of the protein's 1,480 constituent amino acids-a tiny examined for the presence of defective genes. The presence
glitch, but a devastating one that affects many different of both normal and mutant CF genes indicates that the in-
glands in the body, including the pancreas, sweat glands, dividual is a carrier. If only mutant genes are there, CF is
and glands of the digestive and respiratory systems. indicated.
A11 human cells (except red blood cells, eggs, and sperm) The most widely used test for CF is the electrolyte sweat
contain two copies of this gene, one inherited from each test. Developed over forty years ago, the sweat test detects
parent. CF results when both copies of the "CF gene" are the excessive amounts of electrolytes (charged mineral
abnormal. If one copy is abnormal and the other is normal, salts) found on the skin of many people with CF. A physi-
an individual is said to be a carrier. He or she will show no cian would likely recommend that a sweat test be per-
signs of CF, but can pass on a defective gene to offspring. formed on a child who failed to gain weight despite
Statistically, a child of two carrier parents has a 1-in-4 adequate feeding, or who suffered from very frequent re-
chance of inheriting CF; al-in- chance of being completely spiratory infections. CF testing is currently recommended
free of the mutant gene; and a7-in-2 chance of being a car- only for those individuals with symPtoms highly sugges-
rier, like the parents. tive of the disease, or with a family history of the disorder.
The airway, gastrointestinal tract, bile ducts of the liver, Howevet, if there is doubt about the diagnosis, the sweat
ducts of the pancreas, and the male genitourinary tract all test can be confirmed by performing a genetic test.


50 mg dailY. Do not lmportant in immune function

Unless otherwise specified, the dosages recommended exceed a total of 100 mg and healing of tissue. Use zinc
ages of twelve qluconate lozenges or 0PtiZinc
here are for adults. For childrenbetween the daily from all suPPlements
iorbest absorption. Taking 30
the recom-
and seventeen, reduce the dose to three-quarters mg a day maY allow children to
melded amount. For children between six and twelve' use take less antibiotics to treat
dose, and for children under the upper resPiratory inlections.
one-half the recommended
age of six, use one-quarter the recommended amount'

100 mg daily. Acts as an immunostimulant.

Coenzyme 016
As directed on label. Supports the immune sYstem's
detoxification of many
COMMENTS from Coen4rme-A

,,:iiir..:.i-. - r: - . 3 mg daily. Low levels o{ coPPer and

:s::n:i!,.:jrn'.::3::i: n::::,
selenium have been linked
Aids in
Alui uulltlullrrrv infection
lll controlling and
Complete Enzyme As directed on label, on
200 mcg daily. lf You to cystic fibrosis.
helps digestion, and thins the selenium
Blend an empty stomach'
mucous secretions of ihe are pregnant, do not
Take behrueen meals'
lungs. Contact Your PhYsician exceed 40 mcg daily.
to find a high-quality enzyme To supply minerals and
Kyo-Green As directed on label.
blend. Some of the food-based chlorophyll needed to
enzvmes do not have the same from Wakunaga
control infection.
poiency as non{ood-based 0r
chlorophyll As directed on label.
500 mg each hvice dailY, Needed for rePair of lung
Aids in the maintenance and L-cysteine
Vitamin A As directed on label. on an emPtY stomach. tissue and to Proteci the llver
repair of ePithelial tissue, and
plus Take with water or juice. (See AMIN0 ACIDS in Part
which makes uP the mucous L-methionine
carotenoid comPlex Do not take with milk. Take 0ne.)
with membranes. Use emulsion
with 50 mg vitamin 86
As directed on label. form for better absorption and
beta-carotene and 100 mg vitamin C
qreater safety at higher doses.
for better absorption.
.100 Aids in digestion, healing,
Vitamin B comPlex mg of each maior As directed on label. Helps the Pancreas to function
and tissue rePair. Lipoic acid
B vitamin 3 times daily, properly and controls the
plus extra with meals (amounts metabolism o{ sugar.
of individual vitamins
in a comPlex will vary). As directed on label. Clinical tests have Proven that
50 mg 3 times dailY. this supplement combats lung
vitamin 82 methane (MSM)
(riboflavin) damage.

1,000-2,000 mcg daily' Needed for ProPer digestion A powerful antioxidant that also
Viiamin 812 n/cnogenol As directed on label.
on an empty stomach. and assimilation of nutrients, protects the lungs.
including iron. Use a lozenge,
sublingual, or sPraY form. As directed on label. To relieve in{lammation.
Raw pancreas
3,000-6,000 mg dailY, For tissue rePair and in Parl Three.)
Vitamin C and
in divided doses. immune function. As directed on label.
with raw spleen
bio{lavonoids glandular
Repairs tissue and Prevents and
Vitamin E As directed on label.
cell damage. Also helps in the raw thymus
Do not to exceed As directed on label.
200 IU dailY {rom utilization of vitamin A. Use
all supplements. d-alpha-tocoPherol f orm. 400 lU dailY Aids in protecting the lungs.
Vitamin D

100 mcg twice dailY Deficiency is common in those

Vitamin K
with this disorder. Needed
{or proper digestion.
See under Herbs, below. Herbs
fl AUatta extract supplies vitamin K and necessary
with cystic fibrosis
Relieves inf lammatton. e-rals, whlch are often deficient in those
Essential fatty acids As directed on label'
(fish oil, primrose oil)
Carflon: DHA omega-3 oil had ;;" i, absorption problems' It is also a good source of chlo-
no etfect on breathing in
children with Delta 508
homozygous cystic f ibrosis'
fl Boswellia, bromelain, cayenne, ginger' and peppermint
So don't use DHA alone; use a
blend oi DHA and EPA.
can aid in reducing inflammation'
Expectorant herbs such as cayenne, elecamPane'
supplement As directed on label' Needed for healing. Use Protein
ff be effective in help-
from a vegetable source or a noret ound, hyssop, and mullein may
free form amino As direcied on label' free form amino acid. ing to clear some of the congestion'
Speak to 5lour doctor before
acid (Amino is a Chinese herbal
Balance from Anabol
using a protein suPPlement' f Clearlungs from RidgeCrest Herbals for this condition'
tiatunls) Iorrnrlu thatls highly reconunended


f Eucalyptus, garlic, orlion, tea tree oil, and thyme have Considerations
natural antiseptic properties and fight in{ection.
E Recent media reports on the beneficial effects of the
f Echinacea, licorice, and Siberian ginseng are good for
spice turmeric (actually, its pigment, curcumin) in treating
building up the immune system.
CF should not be taken to indicate that this is a cure. It is true
Cautions: Do not take echinacea for longer than three that in animal tests conducted by Yale University, curcumin
months. It should not be used by people who are allergic to achieved beneficial results. Curcumin is a weak calcium-
ragweed. Licorice root should not be used during preg- pump inhibitor and this enhances the energy transport
nancy or nursing. It should not be used by persons with mechanism of the cell, which appears to be defective in pa-
diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, high blood pressure, or tients with CF. At this point, researchers caution that taking
a history of stroke. Do not use Siberian ginseng if you have curcumin pi1ls as a supplement, along with the existing CF
hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, or a heart disorder. drug therapies, has not been tested and could pose hazards.
f Lung Tonic from Herbs, Etc., is a combination of many A phase I safety trial is being conducted. Research is still in
organic herbs designed to support the lungs. the preLiminary stages.

f Other herbs beneficial for cystic fibrosis include ginger, f the symptoms of cystic fibrosis are normally controlled
goldenseal, and yarrow tea. with a number of different drugs. Antibiotics are used to
Caution: Do not take goldenseal intemally on a daily ba-
combat the infections to which people with CF are prone,
sis for more than one week at a time. Do not use it during
especially in{ection wltln Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a type of
pregnancy or if you are breast-feeding, and use with cau- microbe that is attracted to the sticky mucus in the lungs.
tion if you are allergic to ragweed. If you have a history of f Pancrelipase (also sold under a variety of brand names,
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or glaucoma, use it only including Viokase) is a prescription product containing a
under a doctor's supervision. combination of digestive enzymes that is often prescribed
for people with CF and other pancreatic insufficiencies.
f tvtany people also take anti-inflammatory drugs such
Recommendations asibuprofen (Advil, Nuprin, and others), naproxen (Napro-
syn, Aleve), or prednisone (Deltasone and others).
Q Eat a diet consisting of 75 percent raw fruits and vege-
tables, and raw nuts and seeds. E A small handheld device called the Flutter helps people
with CF to dislodge mucus from the airways. It can replace
E l'take sure your intake of calories, protein, and other conventional physiotherapy.
nutrients is adequate. People with CF require as much as
50 percent more of many nutrients than normal. Take E fne future of CF treatment may lie in gene therapy. In
the laboratory, normal CF genes have been successfully in-
supplements to provide required enzymes, vitamins, and
minerals. Antioxidant supplements (vitamins A, E, and troduced into cells from people with CF. Experiments in
Coenzyme Q1g) have been shown to increase blood levels rats have indicated that replacing the defective CF genes
of these nutrients and reduce airway inflammation. The with normal ones in just 10 percent of the lung-lining cells
supplements were given in a novel micellar formulation to improves lung function. However, because the genes in the
cells of the reproductive system are unaffected by this pro-
allow for better absorption.
cedure, the defect can still be passed on to offspring. As part
E h-rctude in the diet foods that are high in germanium, of this gene therapy, work is proceeding with vector aero-
such as garlic, shiitake mushrooms, and onions. Germanium
sols. Avector is like a shuttle that can deliver a good copv of
helps to improve tissue oxygenation at the cellular level.
the defective gene to the appropriate place in the body.
[l During hot weather, drink plenty of fluids and increase
f Dornase (Pulmozyme) is a naturally occurring enzyme
your salt intake. that breaks down DNA molecules. Part of the reason the
E po not eat foods that stimulate secretions by the mu- mucus that clogs the airways of people with CF is so thick
cous membranes. Cooked and processed foods cause ex- and sticky is that it contains large molecules of DNA re-
cess mucus buildup and drain the body of energy. These Ieased by white blood cells as they die fighting cfuonic bac-
foods are harder to digest. Do not eat animal products, terial infection. This makes the mucus even denser and
dairy products, processed foods, sugar, or white flour more difficult to expel. Breaking down the DNAmolecules
products. helps to thin the mucus. Other drugs that are used to in-
f tl,hen you must take antibiotics, take acidophilus to crease sputum volume and decrease its thickness include
replace " friendly" bacteria. N-acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) and guaifenesin (Humibid
LA, Entex). Still others such as albuterol (Ventolin) and
theophylline (Theo-Dur) open airways.
f Levels of two fatty acids-arachidonic acid (AA) and
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-have been found to be out


50 mg h,vice daily.
of balance in people with CF This
lipid imbalance is most vitamin B6
noticeable in the lungs, pancreasr and' intestine-all of the and
in this area vitamin 812 1,000-2,000 mcg daily.
ur"u, *ort affected by cystic fibrosis' For improved circulation Use
Vitamin E 200 lU dailY.
seems Promising. d-alpha-tocoPherol f orm.
is adminis-
El When the antibiotic tobramycinto(Nebcin)
be more effective in Protein metabolism dePends
-ered by aerosol spray, it has proved Zinc lozenges
on zinc. The skin is comPosed

;;hilg infected lung tissue than when administered primarily o{ Protein.

through the iraditional intravenous route'

El tow levels of selenium and vitamin E have been
Needed for repair of all tissues
to cystic fibrosis and cancer' Free {orm amino
and for ProPer hair growth.
fib13sis is available
El Further information about cystic(See Health and Med-
acid (Amino
Balance from Anabol
Use a formula containing both

irom the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation' Naturals)

essential and nonessential
amino acids.
ical Organizations in the Appendix')
500 mg daily, on an Needed tor flexibility of the
empty stomach. Take skin and {or hair texture. (See
CYSTITIS with water or juice. Do AMINO ACIDS in Part 0ne.)
not take with milk. Take
with 50 mg vitamin 86
and 100 mg vitamin C
lor better absorPtion.
DANDRUFF Helps prevent dry skin. Aids
Vitamin A Up to 20,000 lU daily.
lf you are Pregnant, do in healinq of tissue.
that occurs when
Dandruff is a common scalp condition plus not exceed 1 0,000 lU dailY.
white flakes' It is Antioxidants and Precursors ol
dead skin is shed, producing irritating mixed carotenoids 15,000 lU dailY.
vitamin A.
;;;;1y ;.."ditlon of oily, raiher than dry' skin' and occurs
are shed' An important antioxidant
*,r ttfr{ cels renew themselves and the old cells Vitamin C with 3,000-6,000 mg dailY,
to Drevent tissue damage
and discard skin cells at a bioflavonoids in divided doses.
;;;" people tend to generate to ihe scalP and to aid in
shows that severe
faster rate than others' Recent research healing.

associated with seborrhea (a

.ur", oi flaking scalp, usually
overgrowih ol the
,yp* dermriitis;, may be caused by an Protects the scalP and
"f naturally on the skin' 1 tbsp 3 times dailY,
veast Pituros4oru* o'oi', which [ives Lecithin granules
before meals. strengthens cell membranes
illness' hormonal 0r
';;#;'.1" u" triggered by trauma'
"tlrbohydraie capsules 1,200 mq 3 times dailY, o{ the scalP and hair.

imbalances, i*prop"t
consumption' and the beiore meals.

.orrrr*ptlo., oi ,ogut' Deficiencies of nutrients such as the

n-"o-pi"" vitamins, essential fatty acids' andis normally
nr* Ui"r, fit ked to dandruff as well' Dandruff Herbs
worse in the winter months' rinse'
problem' El 4., infusion of thyme may be used as a hair
Dandruff is an annoying and embarrassing antiseptic and anti-
but is rarely serious' Thete i no cure
for dandruff' but the [l Aloe vera cream or gel is a powerful o{the pure gel' or a
ilflammatory. Twice u Juy upplitutigT
condition can be minimized'
;n"*p"; .or,,ult irrg aloe veia, should be beneficial'
taking dande-
NUTRIENTS fl Those with dandruff can benefit from
SUPPLEMENT SUGGESTED DOSAGE COMMENTS lion, goldenseal, and red clover'
on a daily ba-
Coution:Do not take goldenseal internally
,,..V.*rY| 4 time' Do not use it during
sis for more than o'-te w"eek at a
and use with cau-
Essential fatty acids
pr"g"r".y or if you are breast-feeding'
(ilaxseed oil, Primrose If you have a history of
oil, or salmon oil) I'r"'if yo, ur" ailergic to ragweed' use it only
cardiovascular disease, diaf,etes' or
Supplies needed minerals,
Kelp 1,000-1,500 mg dailY
esoeciallv iodine, ior better hatr under a doctor's suPervision'
grbwth and healing o{ the scalP'

200 mcg daily. li You An important antioxidant to aid

in controlling dry scalP'
are pregnant, do not
taw foods' Eat
exceed 40 mcg daily.
f fat a diet consisting of 50 to 75 percent
100 mg of each major B vitamins are needed for soured Products such as Yogurt'
'/-rtamin B comPlex
B vitamin twice daily, healthv skin and hair. Use a flour' choco-
with meals (amounts high-siress formula. Sublingual E Avoid fried foods, dairy products' sugar'
forms are best for absorption'
of individual vitamins late, nuts, and seafood'
in a comPlex will vary).

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