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Dr. O’Becker lived in Tesla's time and he used Tesla Coils in his research. He described how this
system, more than any other, regulates injury repair processes throughout the body and stated
that the entire nervous system acts as an antenna for projecting the bio-magnetic pulsations. In
his book The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and The Foundation of Life, O’Backer documented
experiments of limb regeneration in small mammals when exposed to the radiation of Tesla
Coils. It is even mentioned that human children were able to regenerate the tip of a finger if the
injury occurred before the age of eleven, and if the cut was sharp and clean.1

This explains how one side of the ribcage which was much smaller and deformed, could
develop to be equal with the other, missing organs could regrow, healing of “incurable” illnesses
could occur… (Listen to Testimonials)

Dr Pjotr Garjajev, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the Academy of
Sciences in New York

DNA follows the same rules as our human languages.

“It should be noted: not the rules of a particular language (in this case, for example, the Russian
language), but rather rules at a fundamental level where common features reside among all
existing languages of mankind. Thus, the structure of the genetic code can be connected with
every existing human language... DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and
frequencies of energy without cutting out and replacing a single gene.”2

Tesla was aware that "energy" is not just a mechanical movement of particles; that in energy
work we interact with the universal consciousness which he called Active Aether, what is now
called The Field. In the case which was already mentioned, where one side of the ribcage was
much smaller and deformed, the DNA of the girl received the information of how the healthy
ribcage and lungs should be - and they developed! (Listen to Testimonials)

"When in vitro DNA in test tubes was exposed to coherent laser light, the laser light spiralled
along the DNA helix as if it was guided by the structure of the DNA molecule. The most amazing
effect was noticed when the DNA itself was removed and the laser light kept spiralling! The
vacuum of the space that was just previously occupied by the DNA had changed and something
caused the laser light to keep spiralling. These effects have been measured and remained for
quite some time after the DNA was removed. The effect is now becoming well known as the DNA
phantom effect."2

This explains how in the process of Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis the original 13 DNA
strands could be reconstructed and brought into harmony with the DNA of planet Earth and of
the Universe.

Furthermore, Dr Pjotr Garajajev and his team found out that “our DNA can cause disturbing
patterns in the vacuum, thus producing magnetized wormholes! These are tunnel connections
between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted
outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our
consciousness.” It seems that the human DNA is a “biological Internet”. 2

This explains how Tesla Metamorphosis practitionar are capable to create communicetion with
their clients on the level of the consciouss, subconscious and integrative mind.

Dr Fritz - Albert Popp, German biophysicist

Dr. Popp discovered that every living cell radiates light. A healthy cell radiates coherent light,
while a diseased cell radiates chaotic light. He further determined that cells do not just radiate
light, they also absorb light. A healthy cell will store light the longest, while an unhealthy cell will
lose the light over a shorter period of time. 3

Tesla Healing Metamorphosis has the intent to bring the frequency of light in the human body
into the perfect balance. Once the balance is re-established, the healing takes place, on all levels:
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Light is life. Tesla used the term “the spark of life”. It
seems that those intelligent waves of energy, Tesla Waves, stimulate the photon production in
our DNA and help it to absorb photons from the environment. That is why sometime it is
possible to see light around clients during Tesla Metamorphosis sessions.

Popp explains: “These biophotons, traveling at the speed of light, make up the electromagnetic
frequency patterns that are found in every living organism. This matrix, or field of frequency
oscillations or resonance [Tesla’s biofield] specificity provides the energetic switchboarding
behind every cellular function, including DNA/RNA messengering.4

In other words, the resonance conducts the transference of information, among cells, among
us, and through the Universe.

Dr Bruce Lipton

Dr Lipton changed the theory of genetics. Before Lipton, scientists were examining just the
strings, they did not examine the protein layer around the DNA string. When this protein layer
receives a signal from the environment, it changes shape and that results in a movement, to do
work or create behaviour. Life comes from protein movement. He stated that the cell can
function normally and live for more than two months after the nucleus was taken out. It proves
that the nucleus and the genes in it are not in control of the cell. Also, how could genes be in
control when they cannot turn themselves on and off? Genes are just a potential. We are not
controlled by DNA, we are controlled by received information.

The conclusion is that genes do not cause anything. A gene is just a blueprint, but the blueprint
might be read, or not read. So we are not genetically determined, we are environmentally
determined. Lipton reports cases where people who were adopted, though they had heart or
cancer diseases in their immediate biological families, if those diseases were not present in their
new families, they did not manifest them. And the opposite way around: though there were no
heart or cancer diseases in their immediate biological families, if they were present in their new
families, and they believed that it was their biological family, they did manifest those diseases.5

Further, Dr Lipton illustrates the fact that fears are an illusion by giving the extreme examples of
Fire Walkers, such as Amanda Dennison who walked sixty-seven meters over coals at up to 98ºC
on one hand, and on the other, the Bakhtiari tribe of Persia which walks barefoot for days
through snow and ice on the mountain pass together with their herd. Twice a year 50,000
Bakhtiaris travel this path with no injuries because they have not been in contact with modern
civilisation and someone who would teach them that they should have died under these

Dr William Tiller, a professor emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford

Dr Tiller states that consciousness is multi-dimensional. According to him, we are beings capable
of sending consciousness as coherent information at a frequency beyond the gamma-ray
spectrum in the electromagnetic spectrum, with wave length so tiny and frequency so high, they
can penetrate any subatomic barrier. This is the level where we can attain ultra-cosmic
consciousness. He believes that it allows us to perceive it in a form of vision, knowledge,
enlightenment and healing, or to reach the state of levitation.7

Dr Tiller’s research explains how Tesla Metamorphosis practitioners, in Tesla Soul

Communication, are capable to create communication with clients on the level of the conscious,
subconscious and Integrative mind, after their consciousness had been elevated to the level of
the Crown Chackra.

Prof Lothar Schäfer,

According to Prof Lothar Schäfer, the phenomena of Quantum Physics show us that our mind is
not just our mind, that it is connected to the cosmic mind. He states that the influence from the
universe, faster than light, is mind-like, and asserts: “Quantum Physics says there is not only
matter, there is a part of the world that is real, but it doesn’t contain things, it contains forms.
They are not material, they are not energy. How come they are real? Because they can act, they
can express themselves in the empirical world and act in it. They have a nature of potentiality.” 8

Erwin Schrodinger, the father of quantum mechanics, stated a hundred years ago that the total
number of minds in the universe is one. The consciousness is a singularity with all beings. This
view is also the essence of Vedanta, Buddhism, Native American and many other traditions.

Nikola Tesla said: “My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we
obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core,
but I know that it exists.”9

Nikola Tesla: "Long ago he [man] recognised that all perceptible matter comes from a primary
substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether,
which is acted upon by the life giving Prana, or creative force, calling into existence, in never
ending cycles, all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls
of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter
disappears, reverting to the primary substance."10

Rolan McCraty Doc Childre

HeartMath Institute

Studies conducted at the Institute of HeartMath in California demonstrate that the heart’s
energy field is much larger than the one of the brain. The experiments at the Institute of
Heartmath show that the heart’s field is directly involved in intuitive perception through its
connection to an energetic information field beyond space and time. The heart has a more direct
communication with the Field than our brains. We communicate among each other through the
heart field, regardless of whether we are aware of it or not.11

Otto Heinrich Warburg, the Nobel Prize winner

"Cancer is 15 Millivolts of the cells, an aged cell is about 50 Millivolts and a normal cell is about
100 Millivolts. The Tesla Coil is a Molecular Enhancer. Every cell in the body has a tiny battery in
it. When that battery becomes low from stress, injury or disease, then it will have electrical
difficulty. This device charges the cells back up. This device powers the voltage back up in those
cells so the chemical and enzymatic processes can work properly."13
Eng Boris Petrovic

On the left is the chart made by Eng. Boris Petrovic, who illustrated how Tesla created the Tesla
Coil according to the diagram of the energy centres in the human body.14 This gave me an
insight: as Tesla Metamorphosis practitioners are capable to access Tesla Waves directly from the
Active Aether (no coils are involved), that Tesla Metamorphosis practitioners are enabled to
interact with these intelligent forces of nature in the process of a healing session, and they,
actually, act as a Tesla Coil.

Nikola Tesla said: “We are whirling through endless space with an inconceivable speed, all
around us everything is spinning, everything is moving, everywhere is energy. There must be
some way of availing ourselves of this energy more directly.15

In Tesla Metamorphosis we access the energy more directly.

In the book Tesla Metamorphosis - Heal and Evolve, by Anya Petrovic, you can find more
information about scientific research which explains and supports alternative medicine.

Order the book


1 O’Becker Robert, Salden Gary, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and The Foundation of Life,
William Morrow & Co. Inc. (1985).

3 Linsteadt, Stephen: Frequency Fields at the Cellular Level,

4 Popp F A,Nag W l, Li K H, Scholz W, Weingärtner O, Wolf R: Biophoton emission. New evidence

for coherence and DNA as source. Cell Biophys. 1984 Mar;6(1):33-52. PMID: 6204761.

5 Lipton Bruce: The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, &
Miracles, Hay House, US 2008.

6 Lipton, Bruce: Do Ordinary Humans Possess Superhuman Powers?;

7 Tiller, William: Psychoenergetic Model – Paradigm Shift Now,

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