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The Role of Preterm Placental Calcification in High-Risk Pregnancy as a

Predictor of Poor Uteroplacental Blood Flow and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome

Article  in  Ultrasound in medicine & biology · April 2012

DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2012.02.004 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Kuo-Hu Chen
Buddhist Taipei Tzu Chi General Hospital, Taiwan


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Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 1011–1018, 2012
Copyright Ó 2012 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0301-5629/$ - see front matter


d Original Contribution




* Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Buddhist Tzu-Chi General Hospital, Taipei Branch, Taipei, Taiwan; y School of
Medicine, Tzu-Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan; z Graduate Institute of Health Care Organization Administration, College of
Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; x Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; and { School of
Biomedical Science and Engineering, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
(Received 22 October 2011; revised 6 January 2012; in final form 5 February 2012)

Abstract—This prospective cohort study aims to clarify the role of preterm placental calcification in high-risk (i.e.,
hypertension, diabetes, placenta previa or severe anemia) pregnant women as a predictor of poor uteroplacental
blood flow (absent or reverse end-diastolic velocity [AREDV]) and adverse pregnancy outcome. Monthly ultra-
sound was performed starting at 28 weeks’ gestation to establish the diagnosis of Grade III placental calcification,
with measurement of Doppler velocimetry in the umbilical vessels at 32 weeks’ gestation. The participants were
classified into three groups: Group A (n 5 776), a low-risk group without antenatal complication; group B (n 5
42), a high-risk group with preterm (28 to 36 weeks) placental calcification; and group C (n 5 71), a high-risk
control group without preterm (,36 weeks) placental calcification. Analyzed by logistic regression, the risks of
AREDV (OR 4.32, 95%CI 1.25 to 14.94), adverse maternal outcome including postpartum hemorrhage (OR
3.98, 95% CI 1.20 to 13.20), placental abruption (OR 4.80, 95% CI 1.19 to 19.35), maternal transfer to intensive
care unit (OR 3.83, 95% CI 1.10 to 13.33) and adverse fetal outcome including preterm birth (OR 3.86, 95% CI 1.32
to 11.29), low birth weight (OR 2.99, 95% CI 1.11 to 8.03), low Apgar score (OR 5.14, 95% CI 1.64 to 16.08) and
neonatal death (OR 4.52, 95% CI 1.15 to 17.73) were greater in group B compared with group C. In contrast, the
risks of AREDV and adverse pregnancy outcome were significantly lower in group A than those in group C, except
postpartum hemorrhage (OR 0.53, 95% CI 0.19 to 1.46). We conclude that in high-risk pregnant women, the pres-
ence of preterm placental calcification is a predictor of poor uteroplacental flow and adverse pregnancy outcome,
requiring closer surveillance for maternal and fetal well-being. This finding helps identify the most dangerous pop-
ulation among high-risk pregnant women. (E-mail: Ó 2012 World Federation for
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.

Key Words: Preterm placental calcification, High-risk pregnancy, Doppler velocimetry, Maternal outcome,
Fetal outcome.

INTRODUCTION lence of preterm placental calcification ranges widely from

3.8% (McKenna et al. 2005) to 23.7% (Chitlange et al.
Grade III placental calcification, characterized by signifi-
1990). Given the placenta’s importance in oxygen and
cant formation of indentations or ringlike structures within
nutrition transportation, many structural (e.g., jellylike
the placenta (Harris and Alexander 2000) (Fig. 1), is often
(Raio et al. 2004)) and functional abnormities of the
found in pregnancy at term and regarded as a physiological
placenta contribute to fetal growth restriction and adverse
aging process (Harris and Alexander 2000; Nolan 1998;
fetal outcomes. Although many textbooks state that
Spirt and Gorden 2001). However, its earlier presence,
placental calcification is of no clinical significance
before 36 weeks’ gestation (preterm placental calcification)
(Harris and Alexander 2000; Nolan 1998; Spirt and
may represent an unusual pathological change. The preva-
Gorden 2001), McKenna et al. (2005) observed that finding
Grade III placental calcification at 36 weeks’ gestation was
associated with pregnancy-induced hypertension and fetal
Address correspondence to: Professor Kuo-Hu Chen, Department growth restriction. Furthermore, we have found that early
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Buddhist Tzu-Chi General Hospital, Tai-
pei Branch, No. 289, Jianguo Road, Xindian, New Taipei City, Taiwan. preterm placental calcification (noted at 28 to 32 weeks’
E-mail: gestation) is an indicator of adverse pregnancy outcomes

Author's personal copy

1012 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume 38, Number 6, 2012

Furthermore, the mediating effects of potential

confounders such as cigarette smoking or alcohol
consumption were not considered in some studies and
thus some conclusions could be incorrect or misleading.
Moreover, there is a paucity of research evaluating the
effect of preterm placental calcification on maternal and
fetal outcome in high-risk women, among whom earlier
identification of an aggravating indicator would be bene-
ficial. It is, therefore, important to clarify the role of
preterm placental calcification in high-risk pregnant
women as a predictor of poor uteroplacental blood flow
and adverse pregnancy outcome, with more participants,
newer instruments of better resolution, and stricter selec-
tion criteria to reach a reliable conclusion.

Fig. 1. Grade III placental calcification (according to the Gran-

num classification), showing diffuse echogenic lines (indenta- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tions) extending from the chorionic plate to the basal layer.
Study design and sample
(Chen et al. 2011). Nevertheless, both studies focus on the Between July 2007 and June 2009, this prospective,
low-risk pregnancy population. The role of preterm cohort study was conducted in a tertiary hospital with an
placental calcification in high-risk (i.e., hypertension, dia- average of 200 or more deliveries per month. The hospital
betes, placenta previa or severe anemia) pregnant women, provided ordinary obstetric clinics (available to all
as a predictor of poor uteroplacental blood flow and adverse women) for general low-risk pregnant women and special
pregnancy outcome, remains unclear. Being an extension obstetric clinics (requiring referral) for high-risk preg-
of the existing studies in low-risk population, this research nancy. All pregnant women could receive prenatal care
aims to find the relationship between preterm placental in the ordinary obstetric clinic without referral. In
calcification and poor uteroplacental blood flow, as well contrast, pregnant women in the ordinary obstetric clinic
as adverse pregnancy outcome in high-risk populations. who were noted to have antenatal complications and who
In a review of the literature, the clinical significance were referred form other hospitals because of antenatal
of placental calcification for pregnancy outcome appears complications, were transferred to the special obstetric
controversial. Some studies revealed that preterm clinic for evaluation and management of high-risk
placental calcification is associated with intrauterine pregnancy.
growth restriction (Chitlange et al. 1990; Hills et al. The study was approved by the local Institutional
1984; McKenna et al. 2005; Patterson et al. 1983), low Review Board of the hospital. Pregnant women in the
birth weight (Chitlange et al. 1990; McKenna et al. ordinary obstetric clinics and special obstetric clinics
2005; Patterson et al. 1983; Proud and Grant 1987), low were invited to participate in the study, and the volunteers
Apgar score (Proud and Grant 1987), fetal distress were screened by ultrasound for detection of placental
(Chitlange et al. 1990) and pregnancy-induced hyperten- calcification. A written informed consent to participate
sion (Hills et al. 1984; Kazzi et al. 1984; McKenna et al. in the study was obtained from the volunteers before their
2005), whereas other studies (Hill et al. 1983; Miller et al. enrollment and screening for placental calcification.
1988; Vosmar et al. 1989) reported that preterm placental Monthly ultrasound was performed starting at 28 weeks’
calcification is not associated with such negative findings gestation to establish the diagnosis of preterm placental
and is of little value in predicting pregnancy outcome calcification. Grade III placental calcification is recog-
(Quinlan et al. 1982). Conflicting conclusions drawn nized by the presence of echogenic indentations extend-
from these articles with different instruments and ing from the chorionic plate to the basal layer dividing
different research designs are confusing. Nonetheless, the placenta into discrete components, resembling cotyle-
the major limitation of previous studies is that, except dons. The first ultrasound examination for the volunteers
for the work of McKenna et al. (2005) and our study was done between 28 and 32 weeks’ gestation and the
(Chen et al. 2011) in low-risk women, most studies subsequent ultrasound examinations were arranged
were done many years ago with ultrasound of poorer reso- once per month until delivery. Doppler velocimetry of
lution and fewer participants, which makes their conclu- uteroplacental blood flow in the umbilical vessels was
sions questionable. In addition, the finding time, the performed at 32 weeks’ gestation. All ultrasound exami-
grading of placental calcification and the division of nations were performed using a Voluson 730 (GE
risk level in pregnancy were not distinct in many studies. Medical Systems, Zipf, Austria) equipped with a 2.8- to
Author's personal copy

Preterm placental calcification in high-risk pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcome d K.-H. CHEN et al. 1013

Pregnant women who underwent

antenatal examination in the
clinic 2007–2009 (n = 1220)

Pregnant women willing to

participate in the study (n = 962)

Pregnant women who met the Excluded: (n = 73)

inclusion criteria: enrolled Pregnant women who smoked or
participants (n = 889) consumed alcohol during
pregnancy; multifetal gestation;
major fetal congenital anomalies

Group A: low-risk women without Group B: high-risk women with Group C (the control group):
any notable antenatal complication notable preterm placental high-risk women without notable
before delivery, irrespective of the calcification at 28–36 weeks’ preterm placental calcification
presenting time of placental gestation (n = 42) prior to 36 weeks’ gestation (n =
calcification (n = 776) 71)

Fig. 2. Flow chart for selection and grouping of the participants, with placental calcification noted at different stages
of pregnancy.

10-MHz transabdominal transducer by one qualified Evaluated maternal outcomes at delivery included post-
obstetrician to avoid interobserver bias. All images partum hemorrhage (total blood loss $500 mL during
were further reviewed by another experienced obstetri- delivery), placental abruption and maternal transfer to
cian to ensure the accuracy of the diagnosis. the intensive care unit (ICU). Evaluated fetal outcomes
The participants were classified into three groups at delivery included preterm delivery (delivery before
according to the level of the risk in pregnancy, and the 37 weeks’ gestation), low birth weight (,2500 g), low
time when placental calcification was initially confirmed Apgar score (,7 at 5 min after delivery) and neonatal
(Fig. 2): Group A consisted of low-risk pregnant women death.
without any notable antenatal complication before Because smoking (Brown et al. 1988; Christianson
delivery, irrespective of the time of presentation of 1979; Harris and Alexander 2000; Proud and Grant
placental calcification; group B consisted of high-risk 1987; Ahluwalia et al. 1997) and alcohol consumption
pregnant women with notable preterm placental calcifica- (Wenman et al. 2004) are two major confounding factors
tion at 28–36 weeks’ gestation; group C (the control in placental calcification and pregnancy outcome, women
group) consisted of high-risk pregnant women without who smoked or drank alcohol during their pregnancies
notable preterm placental calcification before 36 weeks’ were excluded from this study. In addition, multifetal
gestation. ‘‘High-risk’’ pregnancies refer to pregnancies gestation is a risk factor for preterm delivery and post-
complicated by chronic or pregnancy-induced hyper- partum hemorrhage, and any woman carrying a fetus
tension (including preeclampsia), severe anemia with major congenital anomalies is at increased risk of
(hemoglobin ,8 g/dL), placenta previa or diabetes preterm delivery, low birth weight and poor neonatal
(either overt or gestational) when noted on antenatal outcome. Therefore, women with multifetal gestations
examination. or major fetal congenital anomalies found on antenatal
Poor uteroplacental blood flow was confirmed when examination were also excluded from this study. Except
absent or reversed end-diastolic velocity (AREDV) was for the women who met the exclusion criteria mentioned
found on Doppler velocimetry of the umbilical arteries. before, all pregnant women in the obstetric clinics were
Author's personal copy

1014 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume 38, Number 6, 2012

asked to volunteer for the study. Participants were re- without notable preterm placental calcification at 28–36
cruited by means of ordinary survey rather than obstetri- weeks’ gestation (Fig. 2).
cian’s preference (highly selected samples) to decrease The characteristics of the participants in the three
the selection bias. groups are shown in Table 1. The total numbers of
Basic information on the participants, including age, divorced and widowed women were both ,10 and were
body mass index, economic status, marital status, parity included in the married category. There were no signifi-
and medical history, were obtained at the first antenatal cant differences in economic status, marital status, parity,
visit. The determination of gestational age was based maternal age and body mass index among the three
principally on the last menstrual period, and the valida- groups. In all three groups, the majority of women were
tion of true gestational age was confirmed by ultrasound married and nulliparous at presentation, had a vaginal
measurement of fetal development in early pregnancy. If delivery and were classified as ‘‘non-poor’’ in economic
there was a significant discrepancy (.1 week) between status. In all three groups, the average maternal age was
them, another ultrasound scan of growth measurement about 26 y, and the average body mass index was about
was arranged to determine the practical gestational age. 21 kg/m2.
With regard to economic status, ‘‘poor’’ was defined as There were notable differences in the distribution of
having a per capita income ,50% of the median accord- delivery type (p , 0.01), Apgar score at delivery (p ,
ing to the definition of the European Union (Haughton 0.001), gestational length (p , 0.001) and neonatal birth
and Khandker 2009). Ascertainment of smoking or weight (p , 0.001) among the three groups. As expected,
alcohol consumption during pregnancy, identification of the women with high-risk pregnancies in groups B and C
major congenital anomalies or placenta previa by ultra- had higher rates (42.9% and 49.3%, respectively) of
sound and the diagnosis of pregnancy-induced hyperten- cesarean delivery when compared with that (32%) of
sion, pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes were made women with low-risk pregnancies in group A. For women
on subsequent visits between 12 and 28 weeks’ gestation. in groups A, B and C, the mean gestational lengths were
We recorded the conditions of participants and newborns 38.42, 35.21 and 36.56 weeks, respectively, and the mean
at delivery and monitored the infants for three months birth weights were 3189.44, 2260.12 and 2731.41 g,
after delivery. respectively. Post hoc examination of one-way ANOVA
revealed that women in Group B had shorter gestations
Data analysis and lower-birth-weight newborns compared with those
Data were collected and analyzed using SPSS 16.0 in group A and group C (the control group).
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The statistics we used
in this study included descriptive statistics, c2 test, log Outcome
linear analysis (for expected numbers ,5) and analysis Doppler velocimetry of uteroplacental blood flow in
of variance (ANOVA) to compare the differences in the umbilical vessels and pregnancy outcomes of the
personal characteristics and in poor uteroplacental blood women in the three study groups are listed in Table 2.
flow, as well as in pregnancy outcomes in the three Because of preterm delivery before the scheduled time
groups. We performed logistic regression analyses to esti- for ultrasound examination and other personal reasons,
mate the risks of AREDV and adverse pregnancy 19 women in group A, 5 women in group B and 6 women
outcomes in groups B and A when compared with group in group C did not undergo Doppler velocimetry of utero-
C (the control group). The odds ratios (OR) and 95% placental flow. AREDV and maternal and fetal outcomes
confidence intervals (CIs) for each group were calculated were compared by c2 test and log linear analysis. Among
and presented after adjusted by the effects of maternal the three groups, remarkable differences were noted in
age, body mass index, economic status, marital status, the ratios of AREDV (p , 0.001), maternal outcomes
parity and type of delivery on AREDV and maternal including postpartum hemorrhage (p , 0.001), placental
and fetal outcomes. abruption (p , 0.001) and maternal transfer to the ICU
(p , 0.001), as well as fetal outcomes including preterm
birth (p , 0.001), low birth weight (p , 0.001), low
Apgar score (p , 0.001) and neonatal death (p , 0.001).
Characteristics of participants Further analysis was performed using logistic
A total of 889 participants were divided into three regression to compare the differences of Doppler veloc-
groups: group A (n 5 776), a low-risk group without imetry of uteroplacental blood flow and pregnancy
any notable antenatal complication during pregnancy; outcomes among the three groups, adjusted by maternal
group B (n 5 42), a high-risk group with notable preterm age, body mass index, economic status, marital status,
placental calcification at 28–36 weeks’ gestation; and type of delivery and parity (Table 3). The risks of AREDV
group C (the control group, n 5 71), a high-risk group (OR 4.32, 95% CI 1.25 to 14.94) and adverse maternal
Author's personal copy

Preterm placental calcification in high-risk pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcome d K.-H. CHEN et al. 1015

Table 1. Characteristics of the women in the three study groups


A (n 5 776) B (n 5 42) C (n 5 71)

Characteristic n % n % n % p-value

Economic status 0.236

Poor 111 14.3 10 23.8 10 14.1
Non-poor 665 85.7 32 76.2 61 85.9
Marital status 0.216
Unmarried 57 7.3 6 14.3 7 9.9
Marriedz 719 92.7 36 85.7 64 90.1
Parity 0.769
0 423 54.5 20 47.6 36 50.7
1 246 31.7 15 35.7 22 31.0
$2 107 13.8 7 16.7 13 18.3
Type of delivery 0.006*
Vaginal 528 68.0 24 57.1 36 50.7
Cesarean 248 32.0 18 42.9 35 49.3
Apgar score at deliveryx ,0.001y
7–10 759 97.8 30 71.4 65 91.5
4–6 12 1.5 6 14.3 3 4.2
0–3 5 0.6 6 14.3 3 4.2

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD p-value

Maternal age (y) 26.79 2.05 26.36 2.34 26.87 1.84 0.36
Body mass index (kg/m2) 21.57 1.17 21.44 1.16 21.86 1.49 0.11
Gestational length (wk) 38.42 1.77 35.21 3.43 36.56 2.03 ,0.001y
Birth weight (g) 3189.44 443.06 2260.12 694.86 2731.41 454.81 ,0.001y

Group A 5 low-risk pregnant women; group B 5 high-risk pregnant women with preterm placental calcification at 28–36 weeks’ gestation;
group C (control group) 5 high-risk pregnant women without preterm placental calcification before 36 weeks’ gestation.
* p , 0.01.
p , 0.001: c2 test for categorical factors of expected numbers .5, log linear analysis for categorical factors of expected numbers ,5, one-way
ANOVA for continuous factors.
Includes divorced and widowed women.
Apgar score measured 5 min after delivery.

outcome including postpartum hemorrhage (OR 3.98, rhage, placental abruption and maternal transfer to the
95% CI 1.20 to 13.20), placental abruption (OR 4.80, ICU; and adverse fetal outcomes including preterm birth,
95% CI 1.19 to 19.35) and maternal transfer to the ICU low birth weight, low Apgar score and neonatal death
(OR 3.83, 95% CI 1.10 to 13.33) were greater in group compared with the control group. As expected, the inci-
B than in group C (the control group). Similarly, the risks dences of AREDV, as well as adverse maternal and fetal
of adverse fetal outcome, including preterm birth (OR outcomes, were all lower in the women with low-risk preg-
3.86, 95% CI 1.32 to 11.29), low birth weight (OR nancies (group A) than in the control group (group C),
2.99, 95% CI 1.11 to 8.03), low Apgar score (OR 5.14, except for the outcome of postpartum hemorrhage. In
95% CI 1.64 to 16.08) and neonatal death (OR 4.52, high-risk pregnant women, the presentation of preterm
95% CI 1.15 to 17.73) were also greater in group B placental calcification may serve as a predictor of poor ute-
than in group C. In contrast, the risks of AREDV, as roplacental blood flow and adverse maternal and fetal
well as adverse maternal and fetal outcomes were all outcomes, requiring closer surveillance for maternal and
significantly lower in group A than in group C, except fetal well-being. Appropriate information and suggestions
for the outcome of postpartum hemorrhage (OR 0.53, should be provided to the high-risk pregnant women in case
95% CI 0.19 to 1.46). of finding preterm placental calcification to facilitate earlier
intervention or referral because both the mothers and
fetuses are at greater risk for poorer pregnancy outcomes.
There are two possible explanations for our findings.
The results reveal that women with high-risk pregnan- First, preterm placental calcification itself is the primary
cies who develop preterm placental calcification (noted cause of poorer uteroplacental blood flow and also
between 28 and 36 weeks’ gestation) have higher inci- adverse fetal outcome by means of gradual occlusion of
dences of poor uteroplacental blood flow (AREDV); vessels, with deposition of calcium and fibrin (Emmrich
adverse maternal outcomes including postpartum hemor- 1992), which impairs uteroplacental function and
Author's personal copy

1016 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume 38, Number 6, 2012

Table 2. Doppler velocimetry of uteroplacental blood flow and pregnancy outcomes in the three study groups

A (n 5 776) B (n 5 42) C (n 5 71)

Outcome n % n % n % p-value

Poor uteroplacental blood flow

AREDV ,0.001*
Yes 20 2.6 10 27.0 5 7.7
No 737 97.4 27 73.0 60 92.3
Maternal outcome
Postpartum hemorrhage ,0.001*
Yes 26 3.4 10 23.8 5 7.0
No 750 96.6 32 76.2 66 93.0
Placental abruption ,0.001*
Yes 8 1.0 8 19.0 4 5.6
No 768 99.0 34 81.0 67 94.4
Maternal transfer to the ICU ,0.001*
Yes 6 0.8 10 23.8 5 7.0
No 770 99.2 32 76.2 66 93.0
Fetal outcome
Preterm birth ,0.001*
Yes 30 3.9 12 28.6 7 9.9
No 746 96.1 30 71.4 64 90.1
Low birth weight ,0.001*
Yes 50 6.4 13 31.0 10 14.1
No 726 93.6 29 69.0 61 85.9
Low Apgar scorey ,0.001*
Yes 17 2.2 12 28.6 6 8.5
No 759 97.8 30 71.4 65 91.5
Neonatal death ,0.001*
Yes 8 1.0 8 19.0 4 5.6
No 768 99.0 34 81.0 67 94.4

Group A 5 low-risk pregnant women; group B 5 high-risk pregnant women with preterm placental calcification at 28–36 weeks’ gestation; group C
(control group) 5 high-risk pregnant women without preterm placental calcification before 36 weeks’ gestation.
* p , 0.001: c2 test for categorical factors of expected numbers .5, log linear analysis for categorical factors of expected numbers ,5.
Apgar score ,7 at 5 min after delivery.

eventually results in poorer fetal outcomes. This hypoth- In the available data, there is no publication
esis is supported by the evidence that pathologic exami- describing the causal relationship between placental
nation of the placentas in fetal Bartter syndrome calcification and maternal outcome. We suppose that
(polyhydramnios, fetal hypokalemia and hypercalciuria) the placenta with preterm calcification is subject to early
showed extensive basement membrane mineralization detachment via some pathway, which is mediated by
(Ernst and Parkash 2002), focal calcification and acute hormones contributing to tissue breakdown and myome-
atherosclerosis in the placental vessels (Dane et al. trial contraction in the interface. The latter behavior may
2010). Another report confirmed the findings of calcifica- be similar to what takes place at term, i.e., cleavage of
tion and thrombi, both of which occluded the chorionic deciduas spongiosa and formation of retroplacental
and umbilical vessels and contributed to severe hematoma (Cunningham et al. 2010). Consequently,
intrauterine fetal growth restriction, associated with the premature separation and expulsion of the placenta result
findings of AEDV in the umbilical artery (Klaritsch in placental abruption, postpartum hemorrhage and even-
et al. 2008). The second hypothesis is that there stands tual maternal admission to the ICU. A detailed explora-
an unknown and uninvestigated root cause, which results tion of the pathophysiology will aid in understanding
in concurrent preterm placental calcification, poor utero- the real process in the event.
placental blood flow and adverse fetal outcomes. This Regarding the etiology of placental calcification,
theoretical view has not been sufficiently supported by possible mechanisms of tissue calcification involve phys-
direct research exploring these relationships. Finally, iological (similar to that of bone), dystrophic (ischemia-
current studies fail to answer which explanation is true, related) and metastatic processes (mineralization in
even if some research supports the first hypothesis. a supersaturated environment) (Anderson 1983). Poggi
The true mechanism seems complicated and remains et al. (2001) examined the calcium:phosphate weight
for future research to address the primary etiology ratio and bone morphogenetic proteins and concluded
underlying the clinical manifestations and outcomes. that the process of placental calcification was consistent
Author's personal copy

Preterm placental calcification in high-risk pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcome d K.-H. CHEN et al. 1017

Table 3. Comparison of poor uteroplacental blood flow membrane. As mentioned in the studies by Agababov
and adverse pregnancy outcomes of the women in the et al. (2007) and Pasquinelli et al. (2010), nanobacteria
three study groups
could play a critical role in the initiation of early patho-
Group logic calcification despite their limited case numbers.
Detailed discussion of the calcification cascade is beyond
A (low risk) B (high risk)
the scope of our study, but we believe that further effort
Outcome OR 95% CI OR 95% CI could be done to explore the relationships between the
calcium pump, nanobacteria and pathologic placental
Poor uteroplacental blood flow
AREDV 0.31* (0.11–0.88) 4.32* (1.25–14.94) calcification.
Maternal outcome
Postpartum 0.53 (0.19–1.46) 3.98* (1.20–13.20) CONCLUSIONS
Placental abruption 0.23* (0.07–0.82) 4.80* (1.19–19.35) In high-risk pregnancy, preterm placental calcifica-
Maternal 0.12y (0.04–0.43) 3.83* (1.10–13.33)
transfer to the ICU tion is not an aging progress but a reflection of underlying
Fetal outcome placental dysfunction when noted at 28–36 weeks’ gesta-
Preterm birth 0.41* (0.17–0.99) 3.86* (1.32–11.29) tion. More attention should be given to women with
Low birth weight 0.47* (0.22–0.99) 2.99* (1.11–8.03)
Low Apgar scorez 0.29* (0.11–0.77) 5.14y (1.64–16.08) preterm placental calcification because this ominous
Neonatal death 0.22* (0.06–0.76) 4.52* (1.15–17.73) sign is often representative of great danger for the mother
and fetus. In these women, closer antepartum surveillance
Group A 5 low-risk pregnant women; group B 5 high-risk pregnant
women with preterm placental calcification at 28–36 weeks’ gestation; should be considered for the evaluation of fetal
group C (control group) 5 high-risk pregnant women without preterm well-being, and monitoring and preparation should be
placental calcification before 36 weeks’ gestation.
* p , 0.05.
intensified during delivery because of increased risk for
y maternal complications.
p , 0.01: ORs are expressed compared with the control group C,
calculated by logistic regression and adjusted by maternal age, body Our study has some limitations. First, we recruited
mass index, economic status, marital status, type of delivery and parity.
Apgar score ,7 at 5 min after delivery.
pregnant women who received care in a large hospital.
Thus, generalization of the conclusions to other women
visiting smaller hospitals or local clinics should be made
with a metastatic mechanism. These placental deposi-
with caution. Second, some characteristics of the pregnant
tions are composed of calcium phosphate (Poggi et al.
women, including race and educational status, were not
2001) and arranged predominantly near the basement
considered in our study, and these could have affected
membrane, where it is believed to be the site where the
the results. As a longitudinal study, the last limitation
placental calcium pump responsible for calcium transport
concerns some uncontrolled factors varying with time
to the fetus lies (Kasznica and Petcu 2003). In recent
and the change of medical policies. A longer follow-up
years, nanobacteria were recognized as the initiators of
investigation could overcome this problem and provide
pathologic tissue calcification (Kajander and Ciftcioglu
more precise results.
1998) by propagating and causing cell death, resulting
in kidney or gall stone formation, psammoma calcifica- Acknowledgments—We are particularly grateful to the women who
tion in ovarian cancer and coronary artery calcification participated in the study. This research was supported by a grant from
Buddhist Tzu-Chi General Hospital, Taipei Branch, Taiwan
(Kajander 2006). On the basis of electron microscopy (TCRD-TPE-96-35).
examinations, nanobacterial infection was confirmed to
induce early, pathological placental calcification
(Agababov et al. 2007; Pasquinelli et al. 2010). The SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at
details of mechanism are still under investigation. doi:10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2012.02.004.
The results of our study suggest that preterm
placental calcification in high-risk pregnant women is
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