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Student’s Worksheet 1


Task 1






© Macmillan Polska 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Student’s Worksheet 2

Task 2. Read the sentences below. Put them into the correct order to make a text. The first and last sentences
have been done for you.

1. Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar.

____ The tomb was guarded by the Roman soldiers and an enormous boulder was put
over the entrance so that no one could steal the body.
____ After Jesus was crucified on the Friday, his body was taken down from the cross and
buried in a tomb.
____ His followers realised that God had raised Jesus from the dead.
____ It celebrates Jesus’s rising from the dead three days after he was executed. Easter
Sunday marks Jesus’s resurrection.
____ On the Sunday, Mary Magdalene, followed later by some of Jesus’s disciples, visited
the tomb and found that the boulder had been moved and that Jesus’s body had gone.
____ Jesus himself was seen that day by Mary and the disciples, and for forty days afterwards
by many people.
8. Christians call this the Resurrection.

Task 3. Rewrite the sentences from Task 2 to reconstruct the missing parts of the text below.

Easter is ............................................................................................. . one could steal the body. On the Sunday,

It celebrates ...................................................................................... , ............................................................. visited the tomb and

three days after he was executed found that the stone had been moved and that

................................................................................................................... . Jesus’s body had gone. Jesus himself was seen

....................................................... marks Jesus’s resurrection. that day by Mary and the disciples, and for

After Jesus was crucified on the Friday (now known forty days afterwards by many people.

as Good Friday), ............................................................ . His followers realised .............................................................

The tomb was guarded by Roman soldiers ............................................................. . Christians call this the

and an ............................................................. , so that no ................................................................................................................... .

© Macmillan Polska 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Student’s Worksheet 3A
Part A
1. Easter/date/vary/why/year/to/does/of/from/the/year?
2. __________________________________________________________________________
An egg is a symbol of new life. For Christians, Easter eggs are used as a symbol of the
resurrection of Jesus.
3. it/called/is/why/Lent?
4. ________________________________________________________________________
Easter Eggs are delivered and hidden by the Easter Bunny. An Easter egg hunt is organised to
find the hidden eggs.
5. mean/does/Shrove/what?
6. ________________________________________________________________________
Pancakes are associated with Shrove Tuesday because they are a dish that uses up all the
eggs, fat and milk in the house, with a little flour.

© Macmillan Polska 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Student’s Worksheet 3B
Part B
1. ________________________________________________________________________
The date of Easter Sunday varies from year to year because it is based on the lunar calendar.
It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon, on or after 21 March.
2. symbolise/do/eggs/what/Easter?
3. __________________________________________________________________________
Lent is an old English word meaning ‘lengthen’. Lent is observed in spring, when the days
begin to get longer.
4. Easter/and/hides/who/delivers/eggs?
5. _________________________________________________________________________
Shrove Tuesday comes from the word ‘shrive’, which means to confess your sins.
6. do/Shrove/Tuesday/pancakes/why/people/eat/on?

© Macmillan Polska 2015 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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