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Custom Timeline

For Michelle Garcia

1999 to 2018
Reign of Queen Elizabeth II
1952-2050: (Windsor) from before birth until
after timeline
8th Cholera pandemic from
before birth to age 4
William Clinton president of US
from before birth to age 1
1999: US attacks Bosnia in birth year
Playstation II ships - most
2000: powerful video system to date at
age 1
Working draft of human genome
completed at age 1
2nd Coming Prophesied 2nd time;
2000: Prophesy remains unfulfilled at
age 1
North Pole ice melts - 1.5 km of
open water in August at age 1
Probe NEAR-Shoemaker makes
1st touchdown on asteroid at age 2
Satellite Radio broadcasts to
consumers begin at age 2
2001: Wikipedia goes online at age 2
2001: X-Box console released at age 2
Netherlands first country to
2001: legalize same-sex marriage at age
Earthquaqe at Gujarat, India -
20,000+ deaths at age 2
Muslim terrorists destroy World
Trade Center Sep 11th at age 2
US attacks Afghanistan, October
7th at age 2
George W. Bush president of US
from age 2 to age 10
2002: Euro currency introduced at age 3
Terrorist bomb kills 170, injures
250 in Bali at age 3
10th solar planet(oid) discovered:
Quaoar at age 3
28,000 die in Iran earthquake at
age 4
Shuttle Columbia destroyed
during re-entry (feb 1st) at age 4
Non-government Spaceship One
achieves spaceflight at age 5
10 terrorist bombs kill 200, injure
1240 in Spain at age 5
Indian Ocean earthquake/tsunami
kills 290,000+ - dec 26 at age 5
Huge trans-Neptunian object,
Sedna, discovered at age 5
Water verified present on Mars
by Odyssey lander at age 5
2005: Microsoft ships Xbox 360 at age 6
NASAs Deep Impact spacecraft
craters comet Temple 1 at age 6
Space Shuttle returns to flight
July 26th-Aug 10th at age 6
Hurricanes Katrina, Rita
2005: devastate New Orleans - Aug, Sep
at age 6
Muslim terrorists bomb London
transit system July 7th at age 6
Huge trans-Plutonian object
discovered at age 6
2006: PS3 ships from Sony at age 7
2006: Twitter launched at age 7
2006: Wii ships from Nintendo at age 7
Americans lose habeas corpus at
age 7
2006: Israel attacks Lebanon at age 7
Amazon launches the Kindle
reader at age 8
Comet McNaught swings by the
sun - extremely bright at age 8
Tesla begins delivering electric
vehicles to the public at age 9
Global Recession from age 9 to
age 11
Comet Lulin, a green comet,
swings past earth at age 10
Population of Africa reaches one
billion at age 10
Barack Obama president of USA
from age 10 to age 17
US healthcare act (ACA) becomes
law at age 11
Haiti earthquake - 220k dead,
300k injured at age 11
Space shuttle fleet retired at age
Deepwater Horizon drilling
2011: platform exploded in the Gulf of
Mexico at age 12
Japan 9.1 earthquake and
Tsunami - 10K dead at age 12
Craig Venter creates first
2011: artificial lifeform: Mycoplasma
laboratorium at age 12
Macular degeneration curable at
age 12
Mayan calendar cycle ends at age
Voyager I crosses the heliopause
at age 13
First nation to legalize cannabis --
Uraguay at age 14
Meteor explodes over Chelyabinsk
at age 14
2013: PS4 launched at age 14
2013: XBox One launched at age 14
Embryonic stems cells created via
cloning at age 14
Amazon launches the Echo voice-
command server at age 15
Gay marriage in England, Wales
at age 15
Laser weapons deployed on naval
platforms at age 15
NATO ends combat ops in
Afghanistan at age 15
Cuba and USA reestablish
diplomatic relations at age 16
Dawn probe reaches Ceres at age
New Horizons probe reaches
Pluto at age 16
Hajj pilgrimage stampede in
2015: Mecca kills 2200+, injures 900+,
600+ missing at age 16
Ireland legalizes same-sex
marriage at age 16
Hurricane Patricia record winds
2015: 200 MPH+, 879mb pressure at age
liquid water found on Mars at age
North Korea tests nuclear weapon
at age 17
Chinese 500m radio telescope
begins ops at age 17
Machine learning system beats
human Go champion at age 18
Donald Trump president of the
2017-2020: US from age 18 until after

1. William Clinton president of US from before birth to age 1

When William Clinton was the president of the states of the United States, I had already been

2. New Horizons probe reaches Pluto at age 16

When I was 15 years old, the new horizontal had not reached pluton

3. North Pole ice melts - 1.5 km of open water in August at age 1

When I was 2 years old, the ice of the north pole had already melted

4. XBox One launched at age 14

when the Xbox one was launched, I had not turned 14 years old
5. Water verified present on Mars by Odyssey lander at age 5

when the odyssey lander verifies water present in Mars, I had turned 5 years old

6. Macular degeneration curable at age 12

When he was 12 years old, the molecular degeneration had been curable

7. Barack Obama president of USA from age 10 to age 17

when Barack Obama ended his presidency, I had turned 17 years old

8. Hurricanes Katrina, Rita devastate New Orleans - Aug, Sep at age 6

When he was 6 years old, the hurricanes in the month of September had devastated New

9. liquid water found on Mars at age 16

At the age of 16, they had already found liquid water on Mars

10. Chinese 500m radio telescope begins ops at age 17

when the radio telescope was begun to operate in China, I had turned 17 years old

I was born on January 13th, 1999, when William Clinton had already been president since 1993,
when I was one year old, the North Pole had already begun to melt, at the age of five years the
Odyssey Lander had already begun to verify water on Mars, the following year the hurricanes
katrina and rita in the month of August and September had begun to destroy new orleans.

When I was 10 years old, President Barack Obama had been named President of the United
States, when I was 12 years old, the molecular degeneration had been cured. When I was 14
years old, the Xbox One had been launched, in the year that I was 16 years old, the New Horizons
probe had arrived at Pluto and liquid water had been found on Mars. After four long years when I
was 17 years old, President Barack Obama had finished his presidency and in China it had already
begun to operate on a 500 m radio telescope.


yo naci el trece de enero del 1999, cuando william clinton ya habia sido presindente desde 1993,
cuando yo cumpli un año de edad el polo norte ya se habia comenzado a derrretir, a la edad de
cinco años la odyssey lander ya habia comenzado a verificar agua en marte, al siguiente año los
huracanes katrina y rita en el mes de agosto y septiembre habian comenzado a destrustir new

cuando cumpli 10 años de edad, el presidente barack obama habia sido nombrado presindente
de los estados unidos,cuando yo tenia 12 años de edad la degeneracion molecular habia sido
curada. cuando yo tenia 14 años de edad, habia sido lanzado al mercado el xbox one,en el año
que yo habia cumplido 16 años de edad , la sonda new horizons habia llegado a pluton y se habia
encontrado agua liquida en marte . Despues de cuatro largos años cuando yo habia cumplido 17
años de edad, el presidente barack obama habia culminado su presidencia y en china ya se habia
comenzado a operar en radio telescopio de 500 m.

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