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Offshore research aids Accurate simulation of extreme

future design
environmental conditions.

Offshore research is an important loading is validated as part of the Joint Industry René Huijsmans
Project (JIP) SAFE-FLOW.
part of MARIN’s work and several
Design for operational conditions
developments outlined here are The assessment of the operability of tandem
or side-by-side moored vessels requires in-depth
helping improve future design. knowledge of the interaction effects of the moor-
ed vessels. The linear frequency domain diffraction
The main goal of MARIN’s offshore research program, DIFFRAC, has been enhanced to accu-
concerns the prediction of loads, and the response rately compute the wave diffraction effects around
of floating structures in wind, waves and current multiple moored vessels. Also wind and current
- with or without active moorings. This plays interaction effects are taken into account based on
an important role in future design strategies for results of wind tunnel experiments. Special atten-
offshore structures, with respect to both safety tion is devoted to the hydrodynamics of vibrating
(the ability to operate in extreme conditions) and risers in a deep water environment.
operational conditions. Special focus is placed on
the accurate simulation and analysis of extreme The complete and exact numerical solution of the
environmental conditions in the model basins. 3-D Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) problem
is still not within practical reach in day-to-day
Design for extreme conditions design practice. Therefore, there is still a need for
A study on the design of protection barriers on reliable drag and lift data for vibrating cylinders.
FPSOs and wave impact focused on the experi- Most of the known data in literature concern low
mental and numerical study of non-linear waves Reynolds number data. Research into VIV focused
breaking over the bow. on the determination of the fluid loading at high
A concerted effort by MARIN and the Rijks Reynolds numbers.
University Groningen has led to the development Interaction effects between risers have been stu-
of a volume of fluid solver with special applicati- died at high Reynolds numbers. These research
on to the green water loading problem on FPSOs. activities are executed as a joint effort in the
This volume of fluid methodology for green water VIVARRAY and DEEPSTAR JIPs.
Accurate simulation
Emphasis on the accurate modelling of extreme The latest FPSO JIP Week, held in Wageningen,
environmental conditions is driven by the need
to investigate the extreme behaviour of a floating home of MARIN, again provided an excel-
structure in severe seas. To this end the temporal
and spatial evolution of extreme waves needs to
lent platform for exchanging expert industry
be controlled accurately using advanced wave flap
knowledge and for discussing recent develop-
control in the model test basin. New analysis
methods have also recently been developed based ments in industry. In addition, proving that it
on finite element (FEM) techniques to model
extreme wave events in the model basin. is not just a talking shop, four new joint indu-
stry proposals were brought to the table.

Providing a platform for like-minded people

involved in FPSO development and research pro-
jects, the Week was created when in 1998, the
28 participating companies in the Joint Industry
Projects FPSO Integrity (MARIN) and FPSO
Capacity (DNV) decided to combine their pro-
gress meetings into the FPSO JIP Week. In the
meantime, new projects such as SAFEFLO, DPJIP
and ONSTREAM have come onboard.
The 7th FPSO JIP Week, organized by MARIN
and taking place from April 9 - 12, proved that
there is a growing interest in a permanent dis-
cussion platform where views can be exchanged
over the latest FPSO developments. This year the
week combined the progress meetings of five JIPs,
as well as the FPSO Research Forum.


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