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Introduction to Apologetics

Apologetics – defending what you know through systematic reason.

If what you know or believe is really true, these tools should prove it:
• Historical Evidence
• Archaeological Discoveries
• Scientific inquiry
• Philosophical Reasoning

If anything you believe can be systematically disproven by any of these methods, it’s not
worth believing, BUT…

Don’t let your own mental laziness or unpreparedness be mistaken for a lack of

Our motto: The Holy Spirit loves a prepared mind.

Our rules:
1. If what we believe is true, it will stand up under scrutiny. Therefore, we do not fear
questions or investigation, but welcome them out of confidence that we are correct.
2. We accept only the best evidence that is well researched and well supported by
observation, not sensational claims by ‘us’ or ‘them.’
3. Evidence that seems to prove us wrong reveals inconsistencies in our understanding,
not in the objective reality of existence.
4. It is our job to analyze evidence without basing our opinions on emotion.
5. It is our job to provide well-reasoned arguments supported by facts and evidence,
not hearsay, ‘feelings’, or other people’s opinions.
6. Even though it puts us at a disadvantage, we must maintain appropriate conduct and
respect for our opponents, in keeping with the example of Paul of Tarsus and the
teachings of our faith.

The Attack:
1. There is no God or anything beyond the observable. If we can’t observe it or haven’t
observed it yet, it is false.
2. All religion is an emotional crutch for the mentally weak. All religious people are
bigoted, unintelligent, misinformed, and gullible.
3. While the Bible may contain some observational human truth, it does not represent
an accurate historical account or anything of spiritual value, because it was written by
pre-scientific, ignorant people.
Our claims:
1. There is a God who created everything that is, and His existence can be rationally
2. The Bible in its original language is God’s collected and revealed Word. Both
archeological evidence and historical inquiry support reliability of the biblical narrative.
3. Because the Bible is so accurate in the material details, we can infer that it is
accurate about the spiritual claims it makes as the writers of the Bible understood them.

The truth behind it all: the debate between ‘faith’ and ‘science’ comes down to 2
selfish viewpoints, or what we will call worldviews.

Worldview #1:
1. God exists. He created the universe a certain way, and some human beings messed
it up.
2. God doesn’t hate everybody, just the people who are not very good contributors to
their society. Those people will be judged because of that “sin”.
3. God really likes people who don’t “sin”, and therefore He will give them stuff like
husbands or wives and speedboats to prove that He exists and that people who don’t
believe in Him are terrible.
4. If you ever question this system of reward and punishment, you’re a sinner so watch
out! You’ll get yours.

(Note: If your faith in God is based on this structure, according to the Bible you ARE
NOT a follower of Jesus Christ.)

Worldview #2:
1. There is no God. Everything came about by accident. This is both convenient and
unfortunate. It’s convenient because it means I have no responsibilities to anyone other
than myself. It’s unfortunate because my life has no meaning or value.
2. Science, or the measurable, represents the WHOLE of human knowledge, and it’s
idiotic to suggest or wonder about anything beyond this valueless life.
3. It’s fine, and even recommended, for human beings to live basically moral lives, but
don’t kill my buzz by telling me what to do. Doing right means making me happy, and it’s
wrong to make me uncomfortable, so don’t.
(Note: If you really believe your existence to be an inconsequential accident, any appeal
to the moral or objective good in humanity is insanity!)

The Objective Truth:

1. God’s existence, by definition, does not depend on how human beings feel about it!
God being who He is, the notion that our opinion of Him matters cosmically is
nauseatingly absurd.
2. The very laws of physics that scientists have claimed disprove God point to an
outside source for the existence of the universe (0+0=0, every time). That source is,
through observation, obviously intelligent, rational, and consistent.
3. Human beings who hold to EITHER of the two worldviews we discussed are, at their
core, committed to themselves above any other thing and have effectively chosen to
deny objective, rational scientific process.

A call for a new Worldview:

1. God (not a god, but the only GOD) designed and created the universe, the world,
plant and animal life, and me, and it is my job to fulfill His purpose for me.
2. Because God is God and I am not, I can neither control Him nor know Him, except as
He has revealed Himself to humanity through nature, reason, and direct revelation. If
my understanding of God is incorrect, it is my error. I am the broken piece.
3. I can be assured in my belief in the Creator God because it makes the most rational
sense, when I put myself and my feelings aside and look at the data objectively. This is
not ignorance. I do not need an emotional crutch. A love of knowledge and rational
thinking has led me to this conclusion and I am not ashamed of it because I have taken
the journey and returned wiser.

Wisdom is OUR tradition, reason and understanding are encouraged by the

fathers of our faith and Christ Himself.
Paul of Tarsus wrote: “For I want you to know how great a struggle I have on your
behalf... and for all those who have not personally seen my face, that their hearts may
be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that
comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s
mystery, that is Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and
“See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception,
according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world,
rather than according to Christ, for in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form.”
(Colossians 2:1-3,8,9 NASB)

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