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It gives me immense pleasure in submitting this project on A System for
Management of Performance Analysis of Online Hotel Management System. We
also have an opportunity to express our gratitude and profound thanks to
Ms.NAZISH for his expert guidance and cooperation throughout the making of the
project without which this project would not have been possible.




‘he main objective to develop the system is to make the accurate & efficient
decisions in different tasks at different time at different situations. ‘he existing
system is manual so members of the unit generally face a lot of embarrassing
situations many times. Now they need to automate the whole process so as to make
it more easy and accurate. As they need to expand their work and hence their
workload shall increase so they require a reliable, efficient and supportive system.
Different people who are working under the organization handle their different
tasks. Hence, to perform all the functions under one system is required. Gathering
relevant information from various people was not an easy task. It took a lot of time
to understand their working, as they were not able to explain everything properly.

‘he main objectives of system for Hotel Management System are:

c System should support multi-user environment.

c System should be fully automated.
c System should provide concrete security features like creating users and
assigning privileges to users of the system.
c System should be capable to keep track of all the detailed descriptions of the
client and the whole details of services offered by the client organization.
Various outputs (reports) should be available online any time.
c System should be able to handle extremely large volumes of data (i.e. Large
database support)
c A computer based management system is designed to handle all the primary
information required to calculate monthly statements.
c Separate database is maintained to handle all the details required for the
correct statement calculation and generation.
c ‘his project intends to introduce more user friendliness in the various
activities such as record updating, maintenance, and searching.
c ‘he searching of record has been made quite simple as all the details of the
customer can be obtained by simply keying in the identification of that
c ‘he main aim is thus to make the results accurate

c ‘his project can be used in the hotel after adding some more useful modules
in the project for which hotel are providing services.
c Gtmost care and back-up procedures must be established to ensure 100%
successful implementation of the computerized hotel system.
c In case of system failure, the organization should be in a position to process
the transaction with another organization or if the worst comes to the worst,
it should be in a position to complete it manually.
c Now a day¶s hotels are providing many other facilities, this project can also
be improved with the improvement in the Hotels.


c Handling Customer Details
c 0eservations
c Cancellations
c Handling 0ooms Details
c Making Payments
c eatures like Gpdate, Searching, Deleting, Editing 0ecord etc...
c Generating different kinds of report.
c Customers can view videos of hotel rooms with audio explanations.
c Customers make reservations, enquiries and cancellations via online.



c Guest registration
c 0oom reservation
c ood order
c Payment calculation


Now the current system is running manually. So they are facing the following

c It takes more time to reserve the room. So performance of the current system
is slow.
c Difficult to handle data accurately and security because of the data lost,
viewing by unauthorized people, can¶t collect the data at the time.
c Day to day current system is very costly
c So security wise is not guarantee to all information and data¶s.
c If customer wants search their details it is very difficult
c Processing delay
c Not easy to handle room details
c Storage problems
c Gnable to analyze past data
c (Gpdate, Search, Delete, Edit), these types of methods are not accessible and
not carry with the manual method


c ‘o resolve the current problems the Hotel decided to do in ashionable way
so that they no their situation. So Hotel agreed to do in computerized method
to resolve the reservations problems.
c ‘he Hotel believes that advantages of doing in a computerized system. ‘he
system will help the Hotel 0iviera to operate efficiently by eliminating all
the time consuming procedures and provide a better service to their
customers as well as for the employees in the company.

c Web Based 0eservation System (Customer¶s Perspective)
c Hotel 0eservation System (Administration Perspective)


OPE0A‘ING SYS‘EM : Windows XP.

0ON‘ END : Visual Basic 6.0
BACK END : MS-Access.

‘his Project is coupled with material on how to use the various tool, sub sets
available in JSP, SE0VLE‘S AND MY SQL.
‘he need of today¶s software development is competence in a GGI based front-end
tool, which can connect to 0elational Database engines.
‘his gives the programmer the opportunity to develop client server based
commercial applications.
‘hese applications give users the power and ease of a GGI with the multi user
capabilities of Novell, GNIX or WinN‘ based 0DBMS engines such as MY SQL .
All the important coding techniques used by programmers, in OOPS based coding
is brought out in full and in great detail.


‘he basic objective of  


 is to
generalize and simplify the monthly or day to day activities of Hotel like 0oom
activities, Check in of New Customer, Check out of customer, assigning a room
according to customer requirement, and finally compute the bill etc. which has to
be performed repeatedly on regular basis. ‘o provide efficient, fast, reliable and
user-friendly system is the basic motto behind this exercise.
Let us now discuss how different functions handle the structure and data files:

In this module, this website is for multiple users. If a Gser enters a password
and the software checks its validity. If the password is valid then option is
given to change the password, otherwise ³Invalid Gser/Password´ message
is displayed. ‘here is an option for password recovery, log out, login, new
users sign in. ‘he Administrator can also update changes in the site after

2.c !" ! # $!%& '& ('!& !')! !*+,

‘his is used to add a new employee details, delete entity details and view the
details. In that screen, the automatic item is created. In this function,
whenever a new entity is required to be added the corresponding forms are
opened and the database is manipulated to check whether the data is already
existing or not. If it already exists, then it prompts that ³Entry already
existing´ and if not than the data is entered with the various validation

3.c (* - $,

‘his is the function used to open a new room for a customer so that he/she
can assign a separate room. In that screen, the automatic room number is
created. After opening a new room for the customer, finally a room is
assigned to a customer and the room records are appended in the data file.

4.c (*  - 

‘his function is used to admit a customer in our Hotel after entering his all
personal details like Name, Address, Phone, Sex and then he/she is assigned
a room from NEW_0OOM() function.
â.c (*  
‘his function is used to check out the customer details from database. When
the user inputs his room number, the same room number will be checked in
the database, if the room number is matched in the database, then the
customer will be check-out from the database and transferred the record of
the checkout to another table of database so that the Hotel Management has
the record of customers who have check-out to fulfill his legal liabilities.

6.c (* Y

- $,
When any customer check-out, his/her bill is generated automatically by
calculated check-out date minus check-in date and getting multiplied it by
daily room charge plus other charges and the bill has to be saved in the table
in the database.

7.c (* Y- $,

‘his function is used to display all the transaction including the customer
name, address, phone, bed number, and doctor assigned to him/her in the
screen. ‘his is a global report to display all the transaction records in the

8.c %  .  !! )# /! ! 0   %"
In this function, the validity of data entered by the user during the various
business processes is checked through various validation checks. or
example, there should not be any characters entered in the numeric fields,
likewise if there is any error occurs than it should handle that particular error
and give the required messages.

9.c !*/"
In this function, room, customer well as members can search details from the
database according to their authentications.



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‘his plan describes how the developed system will be deployed. It contains an
overview of the system,‘he system to be implemented is an Online Hotel

c It is a web-base and a Visual Basic developed to run on a PHP/My

SQL/Apache server and in Visual Basic.
c ‘his is developed to assist the company in providing a better reservation
service to their manages, and to the Customers also.
c Providing overall planning and coordination for the implementation.
c Providing appropriate training for personnel
c Ensuring that the user manual is available for the implementation effort
c Ensuring that all prerequisites are met.
c Performing data conversion before loading the data into the developed

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c irstly, the web server software (Apache) and database software (Mysql)
are checked if they are present, if unavailable, they are installed.
c PHP and VB software is deploy
c ‘he System developed is then implemented.
c Also instead of using above first three steps you can use the Xampp, which
is consider a open source package that comes with the Apache server mysql
database as a configured one.
c Import a Database backup.
c ‘he system implemented is tested in the client PC¶s.

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c ‘he database tables were successfully created using My SQL and MS
c All the tables mentioned were designed and implemented appropriately with
the appropriate fields and their data types.


c ‘he program deals with database and some ActiveX controls and references
some runtime libraries therefore it was essential to test if they are properly
referenced or not.
c Installed Visual Basic 6.0 and Crystal 0eports on the target test machine and
run the system. All of them were successfully running without any problems.


c ‘his test was mainly carried out to see the links between a forms and reports
in the system. ‘here are a number of different forms and reports linked
together. So it was necessary to check the operability of the links found on
the multiple document interface (MDI) form.
c ‘his testing mainly focused to check whether links between the forms and
reports in the system work correctly. ‘here are two kinds of test within this
testing process.
c ‘est links from the MDI form to other forms:
- When the user clicks on the menu, it will call respective form.
- or example: when the user clicks on ³Guest´ menu, it will open Guest

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