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Atmospheric Pollution Research


PM2.5 were collected in March 2006 during the MILAGRO campaign (Megacities Initiative: Local and Global Keywords:
Research Observations) carried out in the northern region of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA), in PM2.5
order to realize an individual characterization of particulate matter through scanning electron microscopy Scanningelectronmicroscopy
coupled with an energy–dispersive X–Ray analyzer (SEM–EDX), acquiring information from around 6000 Individualcharacterization
particlesabouttheirmorphology,sizeandsuperficialchemicalcomposition.Measurementsoftheaerosolwere Elementalcomposition
obtainedatasitelocatedinthenorthernpartofMexicoCity(T0)andalsoatasitelocated30kmnortheast(T1) Regionalimpact
electron detector (BSD) anthropogenic phases were analyzed with the EDX and elemental composition of ArticleHistory:
individual particles showed mainly elemental composition of Fe–O (24% relative abundance) with spherical Received:06March2012
morphology congruent to emissions from metal–mechanic industrial process and soil re–suspension. Twenty Revised:20May2012
percentoftheaerosolwas"Pb–rich"particlesidentifiedasagglomerationsofnanometricspheresofindividual Accepted:26May2012
rich" particles (16%) presented chemical associations of Ba–S–O and irregular morphologies and they were CorrespondingAuthor:
relatedtoemissionsfromthe mineralphaseofbarite thatconstitutestheasbestosoftheautomobilepieces. GladisLabradaͲDelgado
"C–rich" group was the fourth most abundant (12%) one with predominant morphology corresponds to Tel:+52Ͳ444Ͳ8252569
nanometric spheres (between 600 and 800 nm) of compact and continuous surface, this kind of particles are Fax:+52Ͳ444Ͳ8342010
mainlyrelatedtovehicleexhaustemissionsandtheirtemporaldistributionpresentedacleardecreaseduring EͲ

©Author(s)2012.ThisworkisdistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttribution3.0License. doi:10.5094/APR.2012.032

1.Introduction Sistembetween19°03´–19°54´northlatitudeand98°38´–99°31´
 west latitude with 2240 m above sea level of average elevation.
Particulate matter (PM) atmospheric pollution is currently an The MCMA altitude produces regularly deficient combustion
issueimpactingmainlythebigcitiesofdevelopedcountriesaround processes which emit major quantities of pollutants to the
the world. Diverse epidemiological studies have demonstrated a atmosphere due to the low oxygen content in the air, which is
correlation between PM exposure and adverse human health approximately 23% lower than at sea level (Molina and Molina,
effectsduetoparticlecharacteristicslikeitschemicalcomposition, 2002). Its latitudinal position causes an intense solar radiation
size, air concentration and exposure time. All of these determine reception which increases the speed of photochemical formation
the specific damage caused to the organism (Monn, 2001; ofpollutantslikeozoneandsecondaryparticles.Furthermore,the
Morawska and Zhang, 2002; WHO, 2003; Barrios, et al., 2004; mountains which enclose the MCMA cause the accumulation of
BrunekreefandForsberg,2005;PopeandDockery,2006). emissions.Itslocationatthecountrycentercausesthisareatobe
 affected by anticyclonic systems throughout the year and also
TheMexicoCityMetropolitanArea(MCMA)isconsideredasa maintains clear skies and consequently the photochemical
megacity because is an urban region with more than 10 million capability of the atmosphere is enhanced. Besides, these systems
habitants (WHO/UNEP, 1992), currently its population is close to reduce the wind speed nearby the ground surface inhibiting the
20 million and the implications about services demand and vertical and horizontal air movements causing decreasing
infrastructure related to its growth have shown a remarkable dispersionofthepollutants.
The MCMA is formed by Mexico Federal District (16 Programs on Air Quality, which designs prevention and control
delegations) and 59 municipalities of Mexico State, includes a strategies to reduce atmospheric pollution, establishes in its last
surface of 7732 km2, 19% of these corresponds to the Mexico EmissionsInventorypublishedin2008(EICP,2008)thatamongthe
FederalDistrictandtheother81%toMexicoState.Itissituatedon mainpollutantsemittedintheMCMA,andidentifiedas“principal
the east part of the region known as Transversal Neovolcanic pollutants”,aretheemissionsofcarbonmonoxide,volatileorganic
0 LabradaͲDeelgadoetal.–Atm

com mpounds, sulfu ur dioxide, nitrrogen oxides and

a fine particculate partiicles in the airr) the MILAGR RO project (Me egacities Initiattive:
matter. In spite ofo the constantt governmentaal effort to maintain Local And Global Research
R Observations) was carried out du uring
thee acceptable po ollution limits established byy the Health Official
O Marcch 2006, with the objective of monitoringg air pollutants at
Meexican Norms (N NOMS, 2002) for
f air pollutannts to guaranteee the different distancess from an em mitting source to evaluate their
pop pulation’s health (Table 1), ambient
a contingency episodees still impaact to the globbal scale. In orrder to establish the monitooring
occcur in the MC CMA. However,, it has been demonstrated d that sitesonsurface,meeteorologicalm modelsandsate elliteanalysisw
con ntaminant emiissions do nott remain just inside the MCMA M utilizzed,locatingthreesamplingp pointswhichpe ermittedtoregiister
(Mo olina et al., 2007),
2 they could be spread d by the wind d and the pollutant plum me under three different conditions: (a) frresh
tran nsported through large disttances impactting diverse places, local emissions (TT0), (b) well mixed emissio ons (T1), and (c)
con nsequently the emissions imp pact study on regional and global
g emisssionschemicallytransformedbyphotochem micalreactions((T2).
scaleresultingofttheinteresttotthescientificco ommunity. Thesse sites were loocated at the M
Mexican Petrolleum Institute (T0)
de the MCMA and two otheer  outside; on ne of them at the
TTryingtounderstandtheevolu ution,transporrtandsignifican nceof Techhnological University of Tecam mac (UTTEC) in Mexico State (T1)
theeMCMAurban plumeformedbygasesandaaerosols(suspeended andttheotherattheeBiznagaRanchinHidalgoStaate(T2)(Figuree1).

1.Summaryofth heOfficialMexica


O3 NOM–020–SSA1––1993
CO NOM–021–SSA1––1993 11.00ppm(12595μg//m³),onmobileaverageofeighthhoursonceayearr
ppm(341μg/m³),averageof24 ho
0.13p oursonce ayear
S 2
SO NOM–022–SSA1––1993
N 2
NO NOM–023–SSA1––1993 0.21p
120μgg/m³,averageof24 hours. 98 Peercentilefromdedailyvalues
P 10
NOM–025–SSA1––1993 65μg//m³,averageof2
24 hours. 98 Perrcentilefromded
P 2.5
P 210μgg/m³,averageof24 hours. 98 Peercentilefromdedailyvalues
Pb NOM–026–SSA1––1993 1.5μgg/m³(threemonthsaverage)


 LabradaͲDelgadoetal.–AtmosphericPollutionResearch3(2012)289Ͳ300 291

The monitoring activities were performed during a period of nexttotheVallejoindustrialzone,locatedat1kmnortheastfrom

30 days, 24 hours a day. Eight mobile units were installed in the this sampling point, so that is impacted by local industrial
MCMA perimeter and six investigation aircrafts equipped with emissions and from the Tula industrial area and Tula refinery
measuringinstrumentsalsoparticipated,fiveofthemwerebased (around60kmtothenorth–northwest,intheHidalgoState).The
inVeracruzStateandtheotherinHouston.Theairdataprovided drylakebedofLakeTexcocowaslocatedtotheeastofT0.
very extensive information at different altitudes. Satellite 
instrumentswerealsousedwiththepurposeofcoveringalarger ThestationT1 waslocatedattheTechnologicalUniversityof
geographicalarea.ThespatialarrangementofthesupersitesT0,T1 Tecamac (UTTEC) in Mexico State, is a semi rural site located at
and T2 was designed to characterize the chemical/physical 30km northeast of the Federal District. It is situated at 19°43’ N
transformations and to locate the ultimate destination of latitudeand98°58’Wlongitudeandatanaltitudeof2273m.This
pollutantsexportedfromtheurbanarea. site is far from major urban agglomerations but close to small
 populated agglomerations of around 172410 inhabitants,
According to Fast et al. (2007), the general meteorological according to the 2008 census. The main economical activity is of
conditions during MILAGRO campaign can be classified into three commercial type with a total of 3070 small businesses, the
regimes:thefirstfrom1stto14th Marchwithsunnyanddrydays; majority of them are food related. It is affected by vehicular
the second one beginning from 12th March with temperature emissions coming from federal road number 85, that is around
decrease,humidityincreaseandvariablewindsfromwesttoeast, 500m far from this station and the main vehicles are passenger
these conditions lasted until 19 March. From 21st March western diesel buses and light duty vehicles, which are the main mode of
winds and a cold front were registered with precipitations in the transportationinthearea.
last days of the month. In the same fashion, De Foy et al. (2008) 
carriedoutaclusteranalysisinordertoidentifythedominantwind 3.Methodology
patterns during the campaign. Their results indicated that March 
2006 was representative of typical flow patterns experienced in 3.1Particlescollection
the MCMA basin during the dry warm season, and six episode 
types(thatdescribetransportandbasinventing)wererecognized PM2.5 sample collection was performed using the Andersen
in order to understand atmospheric chemistry and to relate cascadeimpactorsamplers,inthoseequipmentstheparticlestend
meteorology and pollutant concentrations. Summarizing the six to deviatefrom the air flux due to their accumulated momentum
ventilation episodes by intervals of dates: “South Venting”, when airstream becomes curved as it passes through a solid or
presented up to and includingMarch 7 with uniform transport to semisolid surface. The particles become detached from the
thesouth;“O3–South”presentedon8,12and15–17Marchwhen airstream and impact onto the surface. Those samplers are
wind shift occurred, with transport initially to the south moving constitutedbyaseriesofsixaluminumplates,eachofthemwith
back to the north, in these days ozone peaks presented in the 400perforationswithdecreasingdiameterswhichinturnincrease
south of the city; “O3–North” for 9–11, 18–20 and 22 March, the the air velocity in every stage. Through an aspiration tube, an
morningpollutantaccumulationswereventedtothenorthduring airstream of 28.3L/min is sampled with a vacuum pump. The
the afternoon; “Cold Surges” on 14, 21 and 23 March having a particlesaretransportedintheairstreamandsortedbytheirsizes
strong southward flushing of the basin late into the evening, as in different fractions as they pass through the perforated plates
discussed in Fast et al. (2007); “Convection–South” on 24–26 and (diametersfrom0.18to10μm).Particleshavinglargemassesare
31 March, presenting south transport in the late afternoon with depositedinhigheststageswhilesmallerparticlesareabletostay
rain in the southern part of the basin; and the last one intheairfluxandaretransportedsuccessivelyatmajorvelocities
“Convection–North” during March 26 to 30 with weak southerly andimpactedonthecollectionsurfacesofthenextstages.Inthis
windcomponentaloftwithagapflowandraininthenorthernpart study polycarbonate and quartz filters were employed (Pallflex
of the basin. These meteorological conditions have an important ProductsCorp.,Putnam,CT,USA).
influence in the pollutants transportation, and according to the 
studies mentioned above, around March 22th main wind flux was PM2.5 samples were collected alternately during March 2006
towards the north of the MCMA, generating a possible (3or4samplesaweek)infourtimeintervals(6:00–9:00;11:00–
transportationofthepollutantplumefromT0toT1andT2. 14:00;16:00–19:00and21:00–0:00hrs)with6cutdiametersof
2.SamplingSites μm).
The environmental measurements performed during 3.2SamplepreparationforSEM
MILAGRO campaign consisted in particles and aerosols analysis 
such as total mass, ions, trace elements, elemental and organic For the individual characterization by electron scanning
carbon, particles size distribution, absorption and dispersion microscopy a Phillips XL30 of tungsten filament was utilized at
coefficients,opticalthicknessandparticlesmorphology. Metallurgy Institute of the Autonomous University of San Luis
In this research an individual characterization of particulate central part was extracted using a cylindrical cutter of 1.0cm of
matter emissions was performed for sampling sites T0 and T1 by diameter, in this portion was the major accumulation of the
means of scanning electron microscopy, with the objective to collectedmaterial.ThesamplewasplacedinaluminumSEMholder
describeindetailthemorphologyandchemicalcompositionofthe with an adherent conductive carbon tape and then, the sample
“fresh” PM2.5 emission (T0) and compare their characteristics surfacewascoatedwithafilmofconductingcoaltoeliminateany
against those of particles collected upon pollutant plume possible static charge that could affect the images quality, the
transportationduetotheMCMAweatherconditions(T1). equipmentusedtocover wasanSPI–Module CarbonCoater(SPI
The supersite T0 was located at the Mexican Petroleum 
InstituteinthenorthofMexicoCityat19°29’Nlatitude,99°08’W 3.3PM2.5analysisbySEM
longitude and at altitude of 2240 m. This station is impacted by 
urban,residentialandcommercialemissionsandisalsoinfluenced ThesampleswereplacedintheSEMchamberathighvacuum
byfreshroadtrafficemissionsbecauseissurroundedbyfourhigh to analyze their surfaces with secondary electron detector (SED)
traffic roads mainly transited by light duty vehicles and diesel and so register data about their morphology, texture and shape.
buses and, an important regional bus station is located at The general SEM operation conditions were 20 kV and 10 mm of
approximately500mSE,thus,trafficvolumeislarge.Itislocated workingdistance.Backscatteredelectrondetector(BSD)coupledin
292 LabradaͲDelgadoetal.–AtmosphericPollutionResearch3(2012)289Ͳ300 

the SEM wasused to the superficial chemical analysis (qualitative 4.1.Chemicalcomposition
and semi quantitative). A punctual micro analysis was performed 
with an energy–dispersive X–ray (EDX) analyzer adapted to the According to the characteristic X ray detection performed by
SEM, mainly selecting phases with heavy metals and secondary the energy–dispersive X–ray (EDX) analyzer adapted to the SEM,
inorganic compounds (sulfate phases), due to the BSD image that the most abundant elements detected were Fe, Pb, Ba, C, Ca, Zn
shows major contrast in the areas with major average atomic andCu,presentinthe87%ofthetotalparticles,beingFethemost
number. The microanalysis were obtained with 60 seconds of abundant one. Around 13% of the total particles registered
capture time, 1000 to 2000 counts per second and 30% of dead contents of other elements like Sr, W, Sb, Na, Sn and Al.
time,recordingtheEDXanalysisatthecentralpartoftheparticles. Considering the major abundance of the particles as function of
The morphological and chemical information from the overall the main constitutive elements and their possible health impact,
particlesanalyzed(around6000)wasorganizedinadatabasefor thesephaseswillbedescribedondetail.
 Fe: This element was present in the 24% of the total particles
4.Results (a1450 individual particles). The most abundant phase was iron
 oxides, 77% of this group, (Figure 2a) with irregular and spherical
Anthropogenic particles were the aim of the SEM shapes (ferrites), 13% was of metallic Fe particles and the rest of
characterization of the 275 polycarbonate and 20 quartz filters theparticlesshowedassociationsofFe–Si–Al–Ni–Zn,theelements
analyzed, gathering information of around 6000 individual differentfromFerepresentedaroundthe18%byweightobtained
particles (i.e., their morphology, size and superficial chemical bytheEDXsemiquantitativeanalysis.TheirregularFe–Oparticles
composition).Accordingtothenumberofanthropogenicparticles are associated with corrosion and abrasion of exposed metallic
analyzed by sampling day, a tendency of abundance per day was structuresoutdoors(Aragon,1999;CamposͲRamos,2005;CamposͲ
obtained to determine the most impacted day by number of Ramos et al., 2009), the “ferrites” are associated with emissions
anthropogenicPM2.5. fromindustrialprocesseslikemelting,weldingandsteelindustry

 LabradaͲDelgadoetal.–AtmosphericPollutionResearch3(2012)289Ͳ300 293

emissions (CamposͲRamos, 2005; Aragon et al., 2006; CamposͲ suspension due to high wind and vehicular traffic on unpaved
Ramos et al., 2009). Emissions with high iron concentration have roads(EICP,2008;Queroletal.,2008;Molinaetal.,2010).
been reported as well from the abrasion of vehicle parts, mainly 
from their breaks and this is especially true for heavy vehicles C:Forthecaseofcarbonrichphases,12%ofthetotalparticles,the
(Schaueretal.,2006). predominant morphology corresponds to nanometric spheres
 (between 600 and 800nm) of compact and continuous surface
Pb:TwentypercentoftheparticlespresentedcontentsofPband (Figure4a)thatbelongtophasesofelementalcarbon(EC)andare
the predominant morphology was spherical nanoparticles (Figure considered as tracers of combustion sources (Schauer, 2003) and
2b). These particles mainly registered EDX spectra corresponding asoneofthemainprotagonistoftheclimateforcingduetotheir
to lead oxides. It has been reported that this lead phase can be optical properties. As opposed to the EC phases characterized in
associated with emissions from garbage incineration, breaks and T0,thosecorrespondingtoT1presentedacoveringofaround300
tires abrasion, muffler emissions of gasoline and diesel vehicles nm (Figure 4b) which was easily degraded with the SEM electron
andfromdustre–suspensionofhighlytraffickedroads(Schaueret beam interaction, however, the EDS chemical analysis detected S
al.,2006;Moffetetal.,2008a). and O signals that represented around 4% of the particle weight.
 Considering that EC particles from T1 experienced a transport
Ba: The phases rich in Ba (Figure 3) presented chemical processduetotheclimaticconditionsreportedfortheMCMAand
associations of Ba–S–O and irregular morphologies (16% relative alsoduetothepresenceofSandOintheparticleedges,itcanbe
abundance). The presence of this element in the air has been assumed that those refer to secondary phases formed on the
related to vehicular emissions (Querol et al., 2008) mainly from primary particles emitted on T0 as a result of the superficial
braking pads abrasion emissions and, given that barite (BaSO4) interfacereactionwithsubstancespresentsintheatmospherelike
substitutedtheasbestosinthecompositionsofthoseautomobile SO2.ThecoveringcouldbeaphaseofSO4–generatedbyreaction
pieces, it could be explained the sulfur and oxide content withtheparticleorbycondensationonitssurface,dependingon
associated to these phases rich in barium (Sternbeck et al., 2002; the ambient relative humidity and temperature (De Icaza, 2003;
Adachi and Tainosho, 2004). As T0 and T1 have high vehicular Doranetal.,2008).
these kinds of particles. Also, the Ba–S–O associations could be Ca: The particles with Ca content presented S and O associations
related to the painting industry because there is a compound and irregular morphologies (Figure 5a) and so it can be assumed
formed by BaSO4 (70%) and ZnS (30%), called lithopone, that is that they refer to secondary phases of calcium sulfate since this
employed as a surface covering. In this group, particles of the material is commonly found in the atmosphere because of the
mineral phase of barite (BaSO4) was found as well, mainly in T1, calcite(CaCO3)sulfation,bySO2deposition,andforitshygroscopic
thatisclassifiedasasemiruralsiteanditsglobalchemicalanalysis character (McGovern et al., 2002). This group of particles
estimates that 45% from the PM2.5 comes from T1 soil re– representedthe6.0%ofthetotalanalyzed.


294 LabradaͲDelgadoetal.–AtmosphericPollutionResearch3(2012)289Ͳ300 


Zn,Cu:TheparticleswithcontentofZnandCurefereithertothe spherical shape. This kind of particles has also been related to
oxidizedphasesortothemetalliconesoftheseelements(Figures emissions from worn tires, especially in heavily trafficked roads
5band5c),beingmoreabundantinT0.Theparticlesrichinthese (Adachi and Tainosho, 2004). Precisely T1 site is impacted by
twoelementssummarizethe8.0%ofthetotalPM2.5characterized passenger buses circulation through federal road number 85, and
by SEM. The zinc–copper oxides are mainly originated by basic thisrepresentsanimportantsourceofthatkindofparticles.
metallic industrial activity, and these are close to T0 sample site. 
Moreover, their presence in the air results from metallic pieces 
abrasion and from melting; and this explain their characteristic 
 LabradaͲDelgadoetal.–AtmosphericPollutionResearch3(2012)289Ͳ300 295


Inregardsoftheminorityphasesanalyzed,Figure6showsthe these are punctual sources refereed to industrial combustion
morerepresentativeshapesforeachgroup.Theparticleswithhigh processes (EITP, 2008). The particles “Na–rich” correspond to the
SrcontentpresentedSO4–associationsandtheirmorphologyshow mineral phase of NaCl and their cubic morphology coincides with
definedcleavages(Figure6a)thatarecongruentwiththemineral the cristallinity of this phase (Figure 6e) that is present in the
phase of celestite (SrSO4), which is commonly found in solid atmosphere because this mineral is largely used in the basic
solutionwithbariteand,asthislastoneislargelyindustriallyused, chemical industry. The metallic W particles presented irregular
that can explains the presence of Sr particles in the air. The Sn forms (Figure 6f) and their source is assumed to be from polish
particles presented spherical morphologies (Figure 6b) and their machinery abrasion and from steel industries emissions, due to
source is attributed to the welding processes emissions and from tungstenisusedtomakehighhardnessalloys.
combustion of petroleum products, which could explain their 
roundness when condense they from high temperature gaseous 4.2.Sizedistribution
emissions. Particles with high Al content showed mainly irregular 
forms (Figure 6c) and low oxygen concentrations related to the The complete size range of the total particles analyzed
superficial oxidation generated by the environmental conditions, oscillated between 2.5μm and particles less than 600nm. To
thismaterialmainlycomesfromoutdoorstructuresabrasion.The classifythesizedistribution,fourintervalswereestablished:(1)2.5
Sb particles presented morphologies oriented as tetrahedral –2.0μm;(2)lessthan2.0–1.0μm;(3)lessthan1.0μm–600nm
pyramids (Figure 6d) which corresponds to antimony trioxide and and (4) less than 600 nm. The predominant size distribution was
theirprincipalsourcereferstofugitiveemissionsoftheprocessof the third interval, where the 60% of the particles were classified
asphalt mixture fabrication, petroleum combustion and melting (Figure7).Joinedtothesmallcutdiametershowedbythemajority
and molding of metallic pieces, ferrous and non ferrous; all of oftheparticles,wasthesphericalmorphologyofthemostphases
296 LabradaͲDelgadoetal.–AtmosphericPollutionResearch3(2012)289Ͳ300 

lessthan800nm,thesebothcharacteristicsincreasethepossible In the case of “Ba–rich”, 45% of this group was in the third
human health implications that they could represent, because interval of size being predominant, the particles with size of 900
particlesofthatsizeeasilyentertothelungsalveolarregion(Pope nm,theremaining55%ofthebariumphaseswereintheinterval
andDockery,2006). ofparticleslessthan600nm.
With respect to the “Fe–rich” particles, the phase of Fe–O ThetotalsphericalECparticlesregisteredinsizesbetween600
presented size in the third interval included the “ferrites” (the and800nm,theonesfromT1madeevidenceofthebiggestsizein
spherical iron oxides) and the irregular oxides. The metallic iron this group, and this can be attributed to the condensation of
particlesweremainlyaround2.5μmandthe90%oftheparticles secondaryphasesontotheoriginalsurfaceareawhenparticlesare
withassociationsofFe–Si–Al–Ni–Znshowedsizelessthan2.0–1.0 transportedfromT0toT1.
The majority of the “Pb–rich” particles presented sizes in the first interval size even was the main contributing phase to
between1.0μmto600nm,butisimportanttomentionthatmost this interval size (2.5 – 2.0 μm). This can be explained due to the
ofthenanoesphereswereagglomeratedinclustersofaround1.5 predominantspeciationoftheCaphase,thatwasconsideredfrom
μm and just around 7.0% of the lead particles were between 200 CaCO3orsulfatedCaCO3,andthefractionedmineralphasepersists
and300nm. inbiggersizes.Theremaining20and15%ofthecalciumparticles



 LabradaͲDelgadoetal.–AtmosphericPollutionResearch3(2012)289Ͳ300 297

Theparticlessizeofthe“Zn–rich”groupwaspredominantless The interval times with the major PM2.5 quantities of
than600nm,aroundthe61%ofthisphase,whiletherestofthese anthropogenic phases (6:00 – 9:00 and 16:00 – 19:00 hrs)
particles(a109)presentedsizebetween800and950nm(thethird coincidedwiththehoursofmajorvehicularandindustrialactivity
interval). of the MCMA, because the population commute to the working
 centers and schools takes place during those hours, and also the
The spherical particles with high Cu content represented the industries activities begin. This pattern coincides with the
45%ofthesekindsofparticlesandshowedsizelessthan600nm; information described on the Emissions Inventory of Criterion
however the irregular oxide phases of copper (35% of this group) PollutantsoftheMCMAthatlistsadailygenerationofaround14
presentedasizebiggerthan2.0μmandtherestofthemwerein tons of PM2.5 in this region, where 45% is emitted between 7:00
thesecondsizeinterval. and12:00hrs(EICP,2008).
Among the minority phases (13% relative abundance) “Al– Relating to the carbon particles, for example, the major
rich”particlescontributedtothefirstintervalsizeandthisisowing abundance of this phase (48% of the “C–rich”) was in the time
to their most probable origin related to outdoor structures intervalfrom6:00–9:00hrsandthiscoincideswithMCMAhighest
abrasion, this kind of particles represented the 1.4% of the total vehicular traffic hours reported by the EICP (2008) that
particles.ParticleswithSbcontentcontributedtothe2.0%ofthe corresponds from 6:00 to 11:00 hrs, presenting the maximum at
totalanalysisandthiswastheonlygroupfromtheminorityphases 10:00hrs.ThiscorrelatesthemainemissionsourceofCparticlesto
thatregisteredinsizelessthan600nm,theremained9.6%(phases internal combustion engines as it is reported by bulk chemical
ofSr,Sn,NaandW)wasinthesecondintervalsize,lessthan2.0– analysis that associate the PM2.5 to particular sources (Querol et
1.0μm. al., 2008; Mugica et al., 2009). For this group of particles the
 abundance tendency shows a decrease of 13% in weekend days
4.3.Particlesabundance andthiscouldbeattributedtotheaminorvehiclefleetcirculation,
Figure 8 shows the total number of anthropogenic particles 
analyzed per sampling day in the four time intervals. Asit can be ThetendencyoftheT1ultrafineparticlesanalyzedshowedan
observed, the major number of particles was obtained on March increase during days that presented air fluxes from the MCMA
17,19and22,accumulatinginthesethreedaysaroundofthe26% southwest (March 19 and 22), and this can be related to the
ofthetotalparticlesanalyzedandbeingtheintervalsfrom6:00– pollutantplumetransportphenomenon,speciallytheT0emissions
9:00hrsand16:00–19:00hrstheoneswiththemainregisterof regionalimpact,whichisaffectedbydirectindustrialandvehicular
the global anthropogenic phases described in Section 4.1 (14% emissionsinfluencedbyitssurroundingconditions.Itisimportant
relativeabundance). tomentionthatthemajorityoftheleadparticleswerelocatedin
the lead emissions from T0 to T1 and this difference of the
impacting hours of the “Pb–rich” particles could confirm the
to the atmosphere. Another line tendency that demonstrate the
clear correlation between meteorological conditions and the
EC phases decreased in the last days of March, similarly for lead
rainfall registered in the MCMA from March 24–30, and this
conditions generate the “troposphere washing” that implies the


Figure 8. March´s time series ofthe total number of particles analyzed by The individual characterization of the PM2.5 by scanning
eachhourintervalofthecollectedsamples. electron microscopy and the energy–dispersive X–ray (EDX)
The particles abundance distribution shows and important individual aspects from particulate matter. The chemical
incrementonT1duringMarch19thand22nd ofaround35%above composition showed that the three most abundant groups of
to the daily average (40 anthropogenic particles) in the time particles are constituted by iron oxides, lead oxides and barium
intervalfrom16:00–19:00hrs,whichcouldconfirmtheresearch sulfate,thesespeciesarecleartracersoftheemissionsfromroad
suggesting that March 22nd represented an effective pollutant trafficandindustrialactivities(Queroletal.,2008;CamposͲRamos
plumetransportdayofemissionsfromT0,sincethewinddirection etal.,2011),andthesearetwoofthemaincharacteristicsofthe
was northeast to MCMA, these meteorological conditions were northern MCMA, where T0 and T1 are located. The chemical
modeled in The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) by phasesanalyzedarecongruentwithotherglobalchemicalanalysis
employingafour–dimensionaldataassimilationtechnique,andthe performed by different researcher groups in the same study
results congruently reproduced the trajectories indicating that region. The large relative abundance of “Fe–rich” particles is
particlesflowedfromT0toT1andT2(Doranetal.,2007;Fast et explained with the corrosion and abrasion of exposed metallic
al., 2009). In a similar way Lagrangian particles dispersion models structures and from emissions of metal–mechanic industrial
were performed and showed that the air mass retro–trajectories processes,andasisindicatedontheEICP(2008)atthenortharea
impactedT1andT2effectivelycomefromT0(Doranetal.,2008; of the MCMA are mainly located industries of smelting and
FastandEaster,2006). moldingofmetallicproducts.ThesphericalFe–Ophases“ferrites”
298 LabradaͲDelgadoetal.–AtmosphericPollutionResearch3(2012)289Ͳ300 

Mamane et al. (1986) analyzed individual particles emitted from idealconductiveparticles,andthiscouldbealimitfortheanalysis
coal–firedpowerplantsandfoundthatcoalflyashparticleswere ofsmallerparticles.
Al,SiandFe.Asitwasmentionedbefore,T0isimpactedbylocal 6.Conclusions
fuelused,andaccordingtothemeteorologicalpatterns(Moffetet By employing scanning electron microscopy it could be
al.,2008b)thatestablishlowwindspeedscomingmostlyfromthe obtainedfurtherdetailsfromparticulatematterlessthan2.5μm,
northduringtheearlymorning(3:30–10:00a.m.)itispossibleto registering information about morphology, texture, cleavage and
understand the source of the “ferrite” particles. Fe is also superficial chemical composition (qualitative and semi–
consideredasatracerofthesoilcomponent,presentintheairby quantitative) using an energy–dispersive X–ray (EDX) analyzer
soil re–suspension. In the elemental component analysis by ICP– adapted to the SEM. The information allowed establishing
AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma–Atomic Emission Spectrometry) temporalandabundancedistributionsofthePM2.5anthropogenic
performed by Mugica et al. (2009), Fe was, as similar to this phases.ForT0site,themajorpollutantemissionswereearlyinthe
research, the most abundant metal in PM2.5 (1.61 μg/m3, 2.3% morninghoursandfrom16:00–19:00hrs,andthiscoincideswith
relative abundance) estimating an 26% average contribution to the start of the working hours for the industries surrounding the
PM2.5 from re–suspended soil. Similarly, Querol et al. (2008) samplingsiteandalsocoincideswiththemajorvehiclevolumesat
classifiedFeasacomponentofthecrustalmaterial,presentinthe thenearbyroads.ForthecaseT1,thetimeintervalthatpresented
airduetodustre–suspensionandestablishedthecontribution of the major particles accumulation, mainly “EC–rich” ones, was
this factor as the 15–28% of the PM2.5. These results support the 16:00–19:00 hrs. These particles exhibited secondary phases
relative abundance of “Fe–rich” particles characterized by SEM– deposition due to T0 emission transportation. Although T1 PM2.5
EDSinthepresentstudy. concentrationsaremainlyattributedtoparticlesre–suspension,it
 was demonstrated that the T0 emissions affect T1 pollution, Pb
Moffetetal.(2008a)measuredparticlesizeandcomposition phasesareaclearexampleofthis,becausethoseparticlesdonot
withhourlytimeresolutionbytechniquesofprotoninducedX–ray present an emission source in T1 and showed a remarkable
emission(PIXE)andtheaerosoltime–of–flightmassspectrometer increase during 22nd of March, a date clearly identified as an
(ATOFMS),presentingaveragePM2.5concentrationtimeseriesfor effectivepollutiontransportdayfromT0toT1andT2.
Pb particles. Those results are very congruent with the individual 
SEM–EDS characterization presented in this research, both made As can be appreciated that, the individual characterization
evidentthedecreaseofthispollutantonweekends,mostlyinthe performed by SEM–EDX on the anthropogenic PM2.5 was
official Mexican holiday weekend during March 18th – 20th, when consistent with the bulk chemical analysis and this made evident
most of the industries stopped their activities and the regional the influence of the meteorological conditions on pollutant
vehicletrafficwasminimized.Aikenetal.(2009)alsoreportedlead distribution as well as the socio–economical regional activities.
particles with Zn associations related to industrial emissions from SEM–EDX as an individual characterization technique of PM2.5,
the north area of the MCMA, and described decreasing of this allows identifying specific details such as superficial chemical
phases on weekends, mentioning march 26th as a lower composition, size and morphology from air suspended particles.
concentrationpeak.Althoughthese“Pb–rich”phasesalreadyhave The individual particle details could contribute to establish
been detected in MILAGRO samples throughout bulk chemical pollution tracers emitted by specific sources and therefore follow
analysisandbyscanningmicroscopy(Moffetetal.,2008a;Moffet thegeneratedphasetrajectoriesinastudiedregiontoverifytheir
etal.,2008b;Queroletal.,2008),thenanometricagglomerationof impactintheregionaldomain.
spheres characterized by SEM were not shown before. This 
pollutantraised health concerns by the ATSDRand in general the Acknowledgements
PM2.5 fraction has been shown to be an important health risk 
factor in terms of inflammatory and toxicological markers in This study was supported by Mexico’s Consejo Nacional de
relationtothesourcecontributors(Duvalletal.,2008). Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) with the fellowship No. 161778.
 We also thank to the personal of the Centro de Ciencias de la
Anotherinterestinggroupisthe“C–rich”particleswhichalso Atmosfera, of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico for
presentedsphericalshapesandtheirpredominantsizewasaround theirgreatcollaborationinsamplescollectingforthedevelopment
700 nm. The EC phases are related to vehicle exhaust emissions ofthisproject.
andaccordingtotheEICP(2008)the52%ofthePM2.5 isattributed 
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