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Co n t ac t Zer o

PO Bo x 513, N o o sav i l l e LPO

q .l .d . Au st r al i a
I n si g n i aGat e 8 Ch an D r o p

O f f i c i al To p Fo l d er Lev el I n d ex 2018
By El i ah i Pr i est , Co n t ac t Zer o

a Pr i vat e I n t er n at i o n al i n v est i g at i o n i n t o t h e Cr i mi n al beh av i o r o f t h e

Cen t r al I n t el l i g en c e Ag en c y & Fo r mer U S Pr esi d en t Geo r g e Bu sh Sen i o r .

Bac k g r o u n d H i st o r y o n t h e CI A FI VE STAR TRU ST & I TS CO CAI N E & D r u g

TRAFFI CKI N G H i st o r y, i n c l u d i n g M o n ey Lau n d er i n g t h r o u g h t h e Au st r al i an
N u g an H an d M er c h an t Ban k & t h e su bseq u en t 2017/ 2018 Au st r al i an
Go v er n men t Co v er Up f r o m Lo c al Co ps u p t o t h e Go v er n o r Gen er al .


Key Points.
I n 2009 I was in a relationship with a British I ntelligence Officer & invited to join the SI S. I declined.
T hrough these channels I gained a background on L ord David James of Blackheath - see links.
L ord James was nominated for L ordship by Sir John Scarlett. T sxSOT DA fxA 0
I was working directly as point man for L ord James (his mobile phone number or introduction can be made available on
offical request). ?
CI A A gent M arlon M cCall notified L ord James of Former President Barack Obama's meeting with Former Prime M inister
David Cameron in 2011 over this issue before the meet was announced in the press. /24/barack- obama- uk- state- visit
T he L ord Strathclyde - /T homas_Galbraith,_2nd_Baron_Stra? - the next day after this
meeting informed L ord James that in investigating this issue further he was "now interfering with the highest threat to
British Security since W W 2."

T he Nugan Hand M erchant Bank
Short Summary?- 0GgF3Z3lSQ
Here is a long but thorough case study - NCncV w
I n the evidence linked in Drop Box below, and notably the (verified) FBI I nvestigation on the CI A for then Senator
Edward Kennedy, it mentions 5 Key M en who set up the Cocaine Drug Smuggling Operation linked to Nugan Hand.
Former U S President George Bush Senior.
Edward L ansdale - ansdale - (W ho we know met Hand)
General Robert L Ferrera (aka General L orin W illiam Rosier) - of LW R Gotsa Pureheart Foundation (L ord James?
Foundation X )
Richard A rmitage - rmitage_(politician)
W illiam Colby - illiam_Colby

i n si g n i ag at e@pr o t o n m ai l .c o m w w w .c o n t ac t z er o .o r g @en si n 17
Co n t ac t Zer o
PO Bo x 513, N o o sav i l l e LPO
q .l .d . Au st r al i a
I n si g n i aGat e 8 Ch an D r o p

You will note that W illiam Colby's business card was found inside the pocket of the corpse of Frank Nugan.?

YO U M AY U SE TH I S D RO PBO X LI N K TO SH ARE TH E FI LES W I TH I N TH I S FO LD ER: hm8a3f/A A BL BM pgEyA xW x64JxkGttjea?dl=0

Fo l d er 0 - I D & Cr ed en t i al s - Pr i est
T his folder contains the I signiaGate M andate from myself to those who I have authorised to drop this information on 8
Chan on 24.8.2018. I t also contains my credentials as Designate Honorary Consul (A mbassador) for the Democratic
Republic of Congo to A ustralia, my World Peace Congress pics and thank you letter and also my A ustralian Passport &
Queensland Drivers license for World T ransparency that I am putting all my chips on the table and my money where my
mouth is.
Fo l d er 1. CI A Asset s
T his folder hosts several conversations between myself and known CI A A gents which substantiate the Five Star T rust. I t
also holds the U S V I SA of A gent M arlon M cCall who was L ord David James of Blackheaths CI A Contact during the
foundation X U K saga in 2011. Of course the most interesting file is the CI A Kill order with a sanctioned hit on an asset
called "W hiteCat" authorised by the DCI (Director of Central I ntelligence <T he CI A >) whom at the time was L eon
Panetta. I stole this recording off the encrypted COM S device that Panetta's down- line "M " invited me into.
Fo l d er 2. D EA
Contains an M P4 of extracts from Oliver Norths Notebook as reported by DEA A gent M ike L evine. T his folder will also
act as a place- marker for all future DEA intelligence on the subject or connected.
Fo l d er 3. K ey D o c u men t s -
A fter years of research on the subject this remains the most important document with as yet unclassified FBI I nvestigation
for then Senator Edward Kennedy, including the SW I FT notes in the ACCOU NT S folder which substantiate the $15
T rillion Swifted from the Federal Reserve Bank through JP M organ & onto RBS Global in 2009. T he rest of the
information cross references and cross correlates the FBI document. I t is worthy to note that this FBI document has been
verified by various Government Sources.
Fo l d er 4. I n d o n esi a, Asi o & M r H amo d
T hese are unedited recordings taken of an interview I conducted in 2015 between myself and M r Tony Hamod of Sydney
A ustralia at the time. M r Hamod had an original $150 Billion Platinum Certificate that was part of the plunder when
Suharto took power and stole from the I ndonesian Central Bank. (I viewed the original in 2008 and witnessed A SI O asking
questions of M r Hamod in the Sydney Sheraton) T his type of "Collateral finance" further substantiated the banking black
market used to channel the CI A 's dirty money. M r Hamod's last known location as of 2017 is L ebanon where he alleged to
be spending proceeds from the Certificate on Prostitutes, instead of the Humanitarian I nitiatives he pledged to.
Fo l d er 5. I n t er n at i o n al En f o r c emen t
Various documents on international law surrounding drug trafficking from I nterpol & the U nited Nations as well as the
Vienna Convention which I have invoked for my own political protection as a result of this Drop.
Fo l d er 6. I n t er n at i o n al Su ppo r t
T his folder includes the digital response/footprint from other countries that have been sent the I nsigniaGate Drop.
Fo l d er 7. N u g an H an d Bac k Gr o u n d
A ll information pursuant to the Nugan Hand M erchant Bank of A ustralia & the CI A Connection. T he Nugan Hand Bank
was accused of laundering the drug money for the CI A and Frank Nugan was found dead with CI A Director W illiam
Colby's business card in his top jacket pocket. T he subsequent Royal Commission by the A ustralian Government into the
Nugan Hand Bank could find no connection between the CI A and Drug trafficking. Subsequent requests to reinitate the
Royal Commission have been stonewalled by every level of the A ustralian Government.

i n si g n i ag at e@pr o t o n m ai l .c o m w w w .c o n t ac t z er o .o r g @en si n 17
Co n t ac t Zer o
PO Bo x 513, N o o sav i l l e LPO
q .l .d . Au st r al i a
I n si g n i aGat e 8 Ch an D r o p

Fo l d er 8. Par l i amen t ar y pet i t i o n s 2018.

Part of my ongoing strategy to ensure that every level of the A ustralian Government had been given the lawful opportunity
and oversight at every level of the A ustralian Government apparatus to make comment on these heinous crimes. For
responsible officers of Government to continue to deny engagement on the issue places the A ustralian Government in
further collusion and jeopardy.
Fo l d er 9. Pr o sec u t i o n Fo l d er
I see this as the second most important folder in the I nsigniaGate Drop. I t includes a huge amount of correspondence,
dialouge and recorded phone calls with most every relevant department and agency in the A ustralian Government who
under the A ustralian Rule of L aw must be held accountable for directing and investigation into the CI A involvement in
Nugan Hand, given this new information contradicts the findings of the Royal Commission of the 1980's.
T he reader will note that I have conducted a high level of forensic due diligence on the A ustralian Government from the
local Police (who kidnapped me over this issue without charge) all the way up through the A ustralian Federal Police, the
A ustralian Security I ntelligence Organisation (A SI O), T he I nspector General for I ntelligence & Security, the Foreign
M inister Julie Bishop and Prime M inister M alcolm T urnbull - T hrough to A ttorney General Christian Porter and Governor
General Peter Cosgrove. M ost all confirmed receipt of the information and I collected digital I P Fingerprints on their
engagement with the intelligence. A s a result of the A ustralian Governments breach of their own Rule of law across their
entire apparatus, I now hold the entire Corpus of the A ustralian Government in T reason A gainst the A ustralian People &
the A ustralian Consititution under the Crown.
Fo l d er 10. W i t n ess & Cr i mi n al Pr o c eed i n g s
Further recorded telephone conversations with key witnesses and guilty parties - also Key I P Fingerprints etc.
Fo l d er 11. W i t n ess Test i mo n y
Place- M arker folders of W itnesses prepared to testify before Congress or the I nternational Courts - including myself.
Fo l d er 12. Reso u r c es & Ref er en c e
M iscellaneous files that I find interesting, including the speech by Former President Kennedy where I believe he was
making direct reference to the Five Star T rust, the M en that potentially lead to his assassination.
Fo l d er 13. Th e D r u g Fi l es
A n as yet not vetted or verified folder full of intel that links back to CI A drug trafficking, this was provided to me "A s is"
from an anonymous journalist linked to W ikiL eaks. Huge amount of information in here which will be a veritable gold mine
to substantiate the key drop points.

* T he final file is a speech given by Prime M inister for A ustralia M alcolm T urnbull about M r Julian A ssange.

A deeper synopsis and I ndex and description of each file will be provided in due course.

T hank you for your interest.


Ch i ef & Fo u n d er
w w w .c o n t ac t z er o .o r g
i n si g n i ag at e@pr o t o n m ai l .c o m @en si n 17
@EN SI N 17

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