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Sava- Global Classroom Model 1

Global Classroom Module:

Colorado and Northern Territory Tourism:

Know my World

Sonya Fisher Sava

Integrating Technology:Global Perspectives
University of Maryland University College
EDTC 645
Fall 2018
Sava- Global Classroom Model 2


This learning module is designed to introduce the students to the concept and experience of
global collaboration while supporting curriculum standards in both Colorado and the Northern
Territory. Students will work on activities to research and explore more about their location,
geography, as well as the recreational opportunities in their area that contribute to the local
economy. Students will utilize 21st century skills while creating online projects designed to
contribute to active collaboration between the two classrooms.

At the end of this module, students will be able to:

● Describe the geography in their state and the partner classroom’s location.
● Identify the continent of the two locations.
● List similarities and differences in the language and common words used daily.
● Identify recreational activities that contribute to the local economy.
● Understand how tourism supports the local economy.
● Identify how persuasive writing works
● Understand how technology is a tool that supports global collaboration.
● Create online books

Global Classroom Module: Pre-Planning Proposal (Previously Submitted)


This learning module is designed to provide a collaborative project for students in 4th grade
classrooms in Colorado and the Northern territory, Australia. Students will compare and contrast
the similarities and differences between Australian and US culture. Students will learn more
about their own state, while also learning about the partner class’s location. Utilizing an online
collaborative format will give the students and opportunity to develop critical 21st century skills
and experience a global work partnership.
During the learning module, students will:
● Learn about their state’s geography.
● Identify important recreational opportunities in their state.
● Identify common phrases or words used in their culture.
● Provide a brief historical overview of their state.
● Create an online presentation to share with the class.
● Engage in the writing process by creating a personal blog.
● Research and calculate a travel budget utilizing math skills.
Sava- Global Classroom Model 3

Background concerning the school and the group you are working with​​: This project will be
designed for 4th grade students located in Colorado and the Northern Territory, Australia.

Time frame:

2 sessions of 3 weeks for each lesson plan and activity

Subject And Grade level:​​ 4th grade Social Studies, Reading, Writing, and Communicating,
World Languages

Proposed Topic and Rationale:​​ Students in each class will engage in a research project
culminating in a tourism type presentation to highlight their state’s geography, recreation, and
culture. Presentations will be shared between the two classrooms to gain a better understanding
between the two locations and culture. Students will engage in a cooperative sharing of
questions and opinions with student blogs. Following the tourist presentation teams of two
students, one from each classroom, will then work on a travel budget with the support of
students blogs or wikis. Students will experience a real world global collaborative effort while
learning more about their own state and culture, as well as their global peer’s location.

Global Network You Plan to Use: ​ePals

Key Challenges:
● Time difference- work will need to be completed asynchronously. ​ This will be addressed
by proving a common location of a website for the entire project. Students will be able to
start at this location for their research, as well as blogs. Introduction videos for the class
and each student will kick off the project and create a better feeling of collaboration.
Possible extension activities will include an evening or weekend Skype call. Parents will
also be encouraged to participate with access to the website and an area for questions and
● Appropriate language and comments on each others wikis and blogs could be
problematic.​ Prior to the start of the project conversations surrounding productive
commenting and cyberbullying would be beneficial. Including a brief video covering
these topics could be included in the website as well.

Prior Knowledge:​​ Students will need to have experience using computers and writing/typing.
Prior experience writing and commenting on wikis and blogs should be introduced for a
successful experience for all involved. KWL charts will be utilized for the two locations and
cultures which will be shared throughout the process to help guide the students during their
Sava- Global Classroom Model 4

Standards and Key Concepts

Content Standards:
Colorado State Standards:
World Languages
4.2 Investigate the concept of culture through comparisons of the target culture(s) and the
student’s own culture.
Social Studies
​1. Analyze primary and secondary sources from multiple points of view to develop an
understanding of the history of Colorado.

1. Use geographic tools to research and answer questions about Colorado geography.


2. Determine the opportunity cost when making a choice (PFL).

Reading, Writing, and Communicating

Oral Expression and Listening

1. Pose thoughtful questions after actively listening to others.

2. Create a plan to effectively present information both informally and formally.

Writing and Composition

2. Write informative/explanatory texts using text structures appropriate for the purpose and developed
through facts, definitions, concrete details, precise language, and domain-specific vocabulary.


4.OA.A. Operations & Algebraic Thinking: Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve
Sava- Global Classroom Model 5

Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting (ACARA):

Literacy Learning Level 4

● Listen and Respond to learning area texts.

● Interpret and analyse learning area texts
● Use language to interact with others
● Deliver presentations

Money and Financial Mathematics Level 4

● Solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change to the nearest five cents
with and without digital technologies

Humanities and Social Sciences Level 4

● Pose questions to investigate people, events, places and issues

● Locate and collect information and​ data​ from different sources, including observations
● Record, sort and represent ​data ​and the location of places and their characteristics in
different formats, including simple graphs, tables and maps, using discipline-appro​priate
● Interact with others with respect to share points of view
● Present ideas, findings and conclusions in texts and modes that incorporate digital and
non-digital representations and discipline-specific terms

Geography Level 4

● The importance of environments, including ​natural vegetation,​ to animals and people

● The different cultural, religious and/or social groups to which they and others in the
community belong

ISTE Student Standards:

● Empowered Learner-Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves
their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Sava- Global Classroom Model 6

● Digital Citizen- ​2b ​Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when
using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
● Knowledge Constructor- 3b Students plan and employ effective research strategies to
locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
● Creative Communicator- ​6b ​Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or
remix digital resources into new creations.
● Global Collaborator- ​7a ​Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety
of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual
understanding and learning.

Pre-Lesson Steps:​​ Registering with the ePals network is the first step to connect with an
educator in NT Australia. When a teacher has been identified, initial communication between
the teachers is necessary to establish a schedule and review of the learning module website.
Parent permission needs to be obtained for student participation. Reviewing positive online
behavior including collaboration and constructive commenting should be reviewed. Also
introducing the concept of being a country representative to the students would be constructive in
helping them understand the importance and impact of positive online behavior.

Technology Use:​​ A website will be designed to house this learning module. It will contain
videos, text, and various resources for the students to use to complete research. A page
dedicated to students. teacher, and parent blogs will also be highlighted for regular, ongoing
dialogue throughout the activities. Students will work together to complete online introductory
videos, and a presentation illustrating their state. Students should have prior knowledge about
basic video recording, google docs, posting comments, and using either Book Creator or Little
Bird Books.

Essential Question(s):
● Geography of Colorado and Australia.
● Types of recreation in each state.
● Similarities/differences of basic greetings and words.
● How to collaborate with partners across the globe.

Differentiation of Instruction: ​By utilizing a variety of information sources such as text, audio
books, and videos students will have strong resources for different learning styles of challenges.
Creating a presentation with Glogster or VoiceThread, students will have the choice of writing or
speaking to convey their information. Working in teams grouped according to strengths and
challenges will also allow for a variety of jobs. Using Chromebooks and Ipads will also allow
for differentiation with tools such as speech to text.
Sava- Global Classroom Model 7

Starting Activity For Module: ​Students will be asked to complete a KWL chart for the other
classroom’s country, which will be contained in the website for the learning module. Then a
short video will be viewed for the country, videos will also be embedded in the website.
Students will work in teams to create a short introductory video for the class and also giving
some information about themselves. The video will be embedded in the website for each class to
view and get acquainted with each other. Students will be given the opportunity to view each
class’ KWL charts and make comments before the research project and activity starts. Teachers
are also encouraged to create a KWL chart and blog for student/teacher comments. I’d also like
to have an area for parents to engage with a KWL chart and comments on the website.

Lesson Plans:

Summary of Two Lesson Plans:

Lesson 1​- This lesson will take place over a 3 week period. Students will utilize resources
contained in the website to research their state and create a online presentation for the other
classroom. Throughout this period, students will also be asked to write about varying topics in
their student blog such as a day in the life, recreation games they like, typical words etc.
Students will have time to also look at their partner classroom and comment on each other’s
blogs. A KWL chart will be utilized throughout this process for BOTH locations for each
student. These will be shared in the website to help each classroom to highlight topics that the
other students were interested in learning about for the location.

Lesson 2​- Students will be paired with a student from the partner class. Students will work
together asynchronously using student blogs, google docs, and videos to research and create a
travel plan including budget and activities. The students will create a travel plan presentation.

Summative Assessment: ​Student presentations must include information about the geography,
recreation and general cultural topics. The second presentation will include math considerations
for travel, and sites to see in each location. Students will be asked to complete an exit interview
detailing their experience for online collaboration. Possible opportunities could have a
VoiceThread for students to document their experience to share with both class.

Changes and Revisions to the Global Collaboration Module:

After reviewing my initial plan for this learning module, I wanted to include the first activity as a
fun assignment to enhance the relationship and collaborative nature of this learning
module.Students will create an introductory video to share with the classes. In the second
activity, I decided to include a persuasive writing element which seemed to enhance the
objectives of this activity. I also wanted to include extension activities that students could
complete with adults at home that would further develop the overall module. I decided to
develop a third activity that could be used as a classroom extension activity if the time and
scheduling of both classrooms was convenient. This activity would include math and
collaboration as students plan and budget a trip to each other’s locations.

Lesson Plan Outline #1

Sava- Global Classroom Model 8

Lesson Title: ​Building the Foundation of Friendship- Introductory Videos

Grade Level/Subject: ​4th grade- Social Studies, World Languages, Reading, Writing,

Concept: ​Students will engage their previous knowledge of the partner school’s location by
utilizing a KWL chart. Overview videos of the two locations will be used to give a brief
introduction to both areas and stimulate interest. Students will then work in teams to write and
produce and introductory video about themselves to share with both classes. This will support a
positive introduction for all students to start on a positive collaboration between the two

Length of Lesson: ​3 days

Colorado Standards:
● World Languages
4.2 Investigate the concept of culture through comparisons of the target culture(s) and the
student’s own culture.
● Reading, Writing, and Communicating
Oral Expression and Listening
1.Pose thoughtful questions after actively listening to others.

2. Create a plan to effectively present information both informally and formally

Australian Standards:
Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting (ACARA):

Literacy Learning Level 4

● Use language to interact with others

● Deliver presentations

Humanities and Social Sciences Level 4

● Pose questions to investigate people, events, places and issues

● Locate and collect information an​d data​ from different sources, including observations
● Interact with others with respect to share points of view
Sava- Global Classroom Model 9

● Present ideas, findings and conclusions in texts and modes that incorporate digital and
non-digital representations and discipline-specific term

ISTE Standards:

● Empowered Learner-Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves
their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
● Digital Citizen- ​2b ​Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when
using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
● Creative Communicator- ​6b ​Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or
remix digital resources into new creations.
● Global Collaborator- ​7a ​Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety
of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual
understanding and learning.

Lesson Plans:
Goals: ​Students will create online videos to share and develop a positive relationship with
members from both their class, and also their partner class. This first activity in the learning
module is designed to foster relationships, build curiosity and interest about both locations, and
introduce the online global collaborative model.
Students will:
● Identify their state and geographical area.
● List details about themselves to foster relationship building in a team.
● Write a script and film a video collaboratively.
● Engage in 21st century skills by working collaboratively, creatively, and providing
constructive comments to peers.

Both classrooms engaged in this project will utilize a website built for this learning module. On
the first day the website will be shown on the smartboard with videos detailing both areas the
classrooms are located. Students will utilize a KWL chart to stimulate and focus their interest in
this project. After reviewing videos and participating in classroom discussions concerning the
learning module, students will work in teams of two to create an introductory video about
themselves that teachers will post in the website for viewing. Teachers will assign teams, one
Sava- Global Classroom Model 10

from each classroom, to work together for the rest of the learning module. During this first
activity the teams will view each others videos and provide comments and questions to each
other on a Padlet embedded in the website. This activity is designed to elicit curiosity, interest
and team building to foster a strong collaborative environment between the two classrooms.

Day 1:
Preparation for the Activity: ​Teachers should review the website and have it book marked on
all 1:1 devices for the students. Pripor coordinating between teachers is essential to create a
cohesive experience between the classrooms. Students experience with using their devices to
create a video is helpful.

● Teacher will start this activity by displaying the ​Global Classroom Learning Module​ on
the Smartboard. The teachers will explain that the students will be participating in a
global effort between two classrooms to learning and understand about their state, and the
team classroom’s location.
● Teachers will pass out a KWL chart and have the students fill out the K section-what they
know about the other classroom’s location.
● After students have filled out the K section of the KWL chart, on the Smartboard have
the world map displayed that’s located in the website on the Getting to Know You page.
Ask the students to come up and show where their location is and where the other
classroom’s location is on the map. Ask them to identify the continents that they know.
● Using the Smartboard- or individual at their seats if there’s a 1:1 classroom situation-
students will view the brief videos about both locations.
● After the videos have been viewed, teachers should elicit responses about what the
students found interesting etc.
● Students will now fill out the W section on the KWL chart- what they want to learn.
● Next as a group, view the two videos about slang words in each country.
● Have the students brainstorm as a class slang words they use regularly. Students should
write down a couple of words of their chose on the back of the KWL chart.
● Finally, assign the students into teams of two. Explain to the class that we’re going to
make introductory videos to get to know each other in both classrooms. Conclude the
lesson by stating that the following day the teams will be working on writing and creating
videos. State that the students will be using their KWL charts to help them with the
videos script.

Day 2:
● Have the learning mosule website up on the Smartboard with the ​Getting to Know You
page displayed.
● As a group, watch the teacher Introductory videos to have an example.
Sava- Global Classroom Model 11

● As a group, have the students comment on any questions or concerns they have about
writing and creating the video. Give a quick refresher demonstration on how to use the
video options on their devices.
● As a group review the list on the website of required information in the video. Explain
that both students in the team need to take turns being the star and the videographer.
Both students will work together to write the script detailing information for both of
● Show the students the rubric at the bottom of the website that will be used to assess their
● Have the students get into their teams and start work on their videos.
● When a team finishes their video, have them review it with you and observe you as you
post it to the website.
● Explain to the students that the following day will be time to view their videos.

Day 3:
● Have the website on the Smartboard, opened to the ​Getting to Know You​ page.
● Open the conversation for any questions or comments.
● Have the students come to the Smartboard to identify the areas and continents on the
world map.
● Explain that today the students will be viewing each other’s videos. Have the students
get into their classroom teams.
● Demonstrate to the students how to comment on the Padlet using the Smartboard. Each
teacher should demonstrate this by commenting on the other teachers video as an
● Teachers should have created teams between the two classrooms previously.
● State to the students that they need to view their partner class team’s video and provide
constructive comments following the format listed in the Padlet on the website.
● These details need to be included in the comments:
○ 1. Your class team should be assigned to work with another team from the other
classroom. Review the other team's intro video.
○ 2. Include both teams names at the top of the post.
○ 3. Comment on what you liked about the other team's videos.
○ 4. Comment on things in common in the video.
○ 5. State things you'd like to learn about each other's locations or culture.
○ 6. Have fun!!

● At the end of this activity, have the website on the Smartboard with the ​Community ​page
opened. Show the students the slang word VoiceThread and demonstrate how they can
add comments. Explain that they can have their parents add to this VoiceThread at home
to create a fun community extension activity.
● Students should individually fill out the exit ticket contained in the website.

Technology Required:
Sava- Global Classroom Model 12

Smartboard, either Ipads or Chromebooks

Assessment: ​Rubric, Exit Ticket, and Observation

Accommodations: ​Students will be utilizing online materials that provide for a variety of
learning styles and needs. Videos are the predominant information delivery in this activity.
Students can also use text to speech when creating their videos.

Extension Opportunities:
A community page is located on the website that provides opportunities for parents and
caregivers to participate in this activity. A VoiceThread for common slang words is provided on
this page that can be accessed and contributed to at home.


Global Classroom Learning Module Website

Introductory Video Exit Ticket
Introductory Video Rubric
Map of the World Retrieved from


[Colorado Parks and Wildlife]. (2017, July 17). ​Recreation in colorado state parks [​ Video File].
Retrieved from ​
[Homeschool Pop]. (2018, Feb. 18). ​Colorado for kids- u.s. states learning video​ [Video File].Retrieved
from ​
[Interactive English]. (2017, Sept. 2). ​10 common slang words americans use at the time.​ [Video File].
Retrieved from
[Kids Learning Tube]. (2016, August 16). ​Australia geography-australian state son​ [Video File].
Retrieved from ​
[Lonely Planet]. (2012, Feb. 15). ​Uluru:australia’s rock of ages​ [Video File]. Retrieved from
[Richard Bangs]. (2015, Jan.7). ​A town in the middle of everything​ [Video File]. Retrieved from
[Socratica]. (2014, Jan.4). ​Colorado-50 states-u.s.geography [​ Video File]. Retrieved from
[​xXBrooke96Xx]. (2011, May 21). ​Australian slang ​[Video File]. Retrieved from
Sava- Global Classroom Model 13

Lesson Plan Outline #2

Lesson Title: ​Persuasive Writing-Tourist Brochures

Grade Level/Subject: ​4th grade- Social Studies, World Languages, Reading, Writing,

Concept: ​Students will engage in creating tourist brochures for their location using facts and
persuasive writing.

Length of Lesson: ​5 days

Colorado Standards:
● World Languages
4.2 Investigate the concept of culture through comparisons of the target culture(s) and the
student’s own culture.
● History
​1. Analyze primary and secondary sources from multiple points of view to develop an
understanding of the history of Colorado.

● Geography
1. Use geographic tools to research and answer questions about Colorado geography.
● Reading, Writing, and Communicating
Writing and Composition

2. Write informative/explanatory texts using text structures appropriate for the purpose and
developed through facts, definitions, concrete details, precise language, and
domain-specific vocabulary.

Oral Expression and Listening

1.Pose thoughtful questions after actively listening to others.
Sava- Global Classroom Model 14

2. Create a plan to effectively present information both informally and formally

Australian Standards:
Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting (ACARA):

Literacy Learning Level 4

● Use language to interact with others

● Deliver presentations

Humanities and Social Sciences Level 4

● Pose questions to investigate people, events, places and issues

● Locate and collect information an​d data​ from different sources, including observations
● Interact with others with respect to share points of view
● Present ideas, findings and conclusions in texts and modes that incorporate digital and
non-digital representations and discipline-specific term

ISTE Standards:

● Empowered Learner-Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves
their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
● Digital Citizen- ​2b ​Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when
using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
● Creative Communicator- ​6b ​Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or
remix digital resources into new creations.
● Global Collaborator- ​7a ​Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety
of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual
understanding and learning.


Goals: ​Students will learn about elements of persuasive writing commonly used in tourism
advertising. They will also understand that information can be conveyed through imagery with
no words being used. Students will have a lively discussion covering these aspects of tourism
advertising. Following a group discussion, students will write, plan, and implement their own
Sava- Global Classroom Model 15

tourist brochure following research into facts about their location. Students will collaborate and
share their tourism books with each classroom and provide constructive comments for their team.
Students will:
● Understand the elements of persuasive speech and how they guide tourism information.
● Identify imagery used to convey meaning in tourism advertising
● Research facts concerning their location including history, geography, and recreational
activities that contribute to local tourism.
● Write and create an online tourism book highlighting information about their location.
● Collaborate to research and write book.
● Provide constructive comments on classroom partner team’s book.
● Engage in a 21st century collaborative project utilizing tech tools.

Both classrooms will utilize the the​ tourist brochure ​webpage for this activity. Students will be
provided an overview of the way tourism videos and material utilize persuasive speech to
showcase the location while also proving facts about their location. Students will engage in a
discussion and identify how information can also be conveyed through images and not always
words. Teams will then research, write and create a tourist book highlighting their area and
utilize persuasive writing. Students will provide constructive comments to their teammates once
all books are complete and are uploaded on the website page.

Preparation for the Activity:

Little Bird Tales account, or Book Creator on Ipad (Students should have previous experience
using these apps, or a quick tutorial before this activity.). Teachers should have a variety of
informational material regarding their location for students to use in addition to the research links
included on the website. Books, maps, and tourist brochures would be beneficial to have as
hands on materials.

Day 1:

Warmup: ​Start the group discussion by asking what the students like to do when they go on
vacation and ask them how they find out about places to visit. As a group, preview the tourism
videos on the webpage and discuss how the videos used persuasive writing to highlight their
location. In the group discussion guide the students to identify how imagery was used to convey
information about the location.
Sava- Global Classroom Model 16

● Have the website on the Smartboard with the tourist brochure page open.
● After previewing the tourist videos, guide the discussion to how the videos were
persuading us to visit the location. Describe to the students what the word persuade
means and ask a few of them to give examples of how you can persuade people.
● Together, watch the video describing persuasive speech.
● Have the students share their thoughts on how persuasive speech works in the tourism
● Introduce the idea of a slogan and give a few examples, i.e. Colorful Colorado,
Adventurous Australia. Talk about how slogans are also using persuasive writing.
Explain to the students that they need to brainstorm a slogan for their tourist books.
● Using the list of required elements on the web page, explain the activity to the students.
Display the rubric on the bottom of the page to highlight how they’re going to be
● Explain that once they have completed their book they’ll be posted to the website and the
students need to complete a post on the embedded Padlet and also complete an exit ticket.
● At the end of this period, have the students get together with their teammates to
brainstorm a slogan for their book.

Day 2:

Warmup: ​Have the web page displayed on the Smartboard. As a group, discuss the different
interesting facts that students know about their location. Have each team share the slogan they
decided on during the previous day or activity session. Review the webpage with the links for
research and also the list of required elements. Display and play the tourism book from the
website and provide a quick tutorial on how to use either Little Bird books or Book Creator,
whichever is being used in your class.

● After the group discussion, have the students get into their groups to commence research
for facts about their location.

Day 3 and 4:

Warmup: ​Start as a group again and quicky review the assignment for the students. Ask if
there are any concerns or questions.
● Students will continue with their research and if ready start working on their book.
● When a team completes a book, the teacher will upload it onto the web page.

Day 5:
● All completed books should be uploaded and accessible on the internet.
● As a team, students will view their books, and also their partner class team’s book.
● Teams will post comments on the Padlet provided on the web page. Students will follow
the required elements of posting that’s included in the Padlet.
Sava- Global Classroom Model 17

● Individually, students will fill out the exit ticket for this activity.
● Either at the end of this activity, or the third activity, have the students fill out the L
section on their KWL chart-What they learned.

Technology Required:
Smartboard, either Ipads or Chromebooks

Global Classroom Learning Module Website
Tourist Book Exit Ticket
Tourist Book Padlet
Tourist Book/Persuasive Writing Rubric

Exit Tickets, Observations, and Rubric

A variety of research material is provided including text, and videos. Students are encouraged to
use video, audio, and text in their books to provide opportunities for different learning styles.

Extension Opportunities:
Students are encouraged to have their parents or caregivers at home to utilize the website to view
the books. A Padlet is provided for at home commenting on favorite recreational opportunities
or interesting opportunities at their location. These can be shared during class time on the
An evening or weekend Skype call could also be arranged if the teachers and students were able
and interested in continuing the discussion on their locations.

[Colorado]. (2016, April 25). ​Colorado tourism video:breathe​. [Video File]. Retrieved from
[]. (2013, Sept.11). ​Tourism destination:australia.​ [Video File]. Retrieved from
[Teaching Without Frills]. (2016, Jan. 4). ​Persuasive writing for kids:what is it?.​ [Video File]. Retrieved
from ​

Websites for Research

Ducksters Education site- ​
KidzFeed Colorado Facts- ​
National Geographic Kids-
Sava- Global Classroom Model 18

Northern Territory for Teacher for Students-
Northern Territory Facs for Kids- ​
ReadWriteThink. Org-​ Persuasive Writing Rubric
Traveling Australia with Kids-

Activity 3 (Optional Extension)

Lesson Title: ​Planning for Travel

Grade Level/Subject: ​4th grade- Social Studies, World Languages, Reading, Writing,

Concept: ​Students will research and create travel itineraries utilizing a budget.

Length of Lesson: ​2 days

Colorado Standards:
● World Languages
4.2 Investigate the concept of culture through comparisons of the target culture(s) and the
student’s own culture.
● Economics

2. Determine the opportunity cost when making a choice (PFL).

● Oral Expression and Listening
1.Pose thoughtful questions after actively listening to others.

2. Create a plan to effectively present information both informally and formally

● Writing and Composition

2. Write informative/explanatory texts using text structures appropriate for the purpose and developed
through facts, definitions, concrete details, precise language, and domain-specific vocabulary
Sava- Global Classroom Model 19

● ​Math

4.OA.A. Operations & Algebraic Thinking: Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve

Australian Standards:
Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting (ACARA):

Literacy Learning Level 4

● Use language to interact with others

● Deliver presentations

Humanities and Social Sciences Level 4

● Pose questions to investigate people, events, places and issues

● Locate and collect information an​d data​ from different sources, including observations
● Interact with others with respect to share points of view
● Present ideas, findings and conclusions in texts and modes that incorporate digital and
non-digital representations and discipline-specific term

Money and Financial Mathematics Level 4

● Solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change to the nearest five cents
with and without digital technologies
● ISTE Standards:

● Empowered Learner-Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves
their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
● Digital Citizen- ​2b ​Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when
using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
● Creative Communicator- ​6b ​Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or
remix digital resources into new creations.
● Global Collaborator- ​7a ​Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety
of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual
understanding and learning.
Sava- Global Classroom Model 20

Goals:​​ Students will learn how to research, plan, and budget for a trip to the partner classroom’s
location. Students will collaborate with their assigned partner class to identify 2 locations or
activities to include in their travel budget.

Students will:
● Utilize tech tools to work collaboratively
● Work within an specified budget to plan a trip.
● Identify activities or places of interest at their location for their teammates’ travel plans.
● Use mathematical reasoning to stay within their budget.

This is a fun extension opportunity if both classes are able to work together. Students will
continue to work in theri assigned class teams and partner class teams to further develop their
collaborative partnership. Teachers will provide a common Google document for the teams to
utilize while planning their respective trips. Students will be given a specific budget that they
need to use to plan a flight, lodging,transportation, and activities for their trip. Students will
develop itineraries for their vacation that can be shared with the classes.

Teachers should have previously set up Google Docs for teams to access and use when planning
their trip. Both teachers should also research the general costs of trips to set a budget for the
classes to use when planning their trips. Teachers should decide how the students will share
their itineraries once completed. This could be with a basic google doc documenting the travel
costs, short video covering their details, or Padlet or Voicethread. Teacher can determine the
best avenue for their class.
Day 1:
● Using the web page for travel planning on the website, teachers should briefly describe to
the students their task. Students should have access to their Google doc previously set up
by the teachers. Students should utilize the links to start their research and work within
their google Doc to collaborate on travel details.
Day 2:
● Continue research and collaboration with their teams on travel details.
Day 3:
● Share their travel itineraries.

Come to Life in Colorado- ​
Sava- Global Classroom Model 21

Visit Australia-

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