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Accuracy of three corrective techniques for implant bar fabrication

Giancarlo G. Romero, DDS, MS,a Robert Engelmeier, DMD, MS,b John M. Powers, PhD,c and
Andrew A. Canterbury, MA, CDTd
University of Texas-Houston Dental Branch, Houston, Texas
Statement of the problem. Numerous articles emphasize the importance of passivity of implant-
prosthetic component interfaces. Nonpassive interfaces can lead to bone loss, abutment fracture, and con-
necting screw breakage.
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate 3 postcasting techniques for the correction of non-
passive fit between a cast bar superstructure and its interface with an implant abutment.
Material and methods. Thirty implant Hader bars were fabricated based on a metal model composed
of two 3.8/4.5 HL PME titanium implant abutments. Initial measurements were collected on the y-axis
of the left implant abutment-bar interface by using a M2001ARS toolmaker microscope. Means were cal-
culated from buccal, distal, and lingual measurements on each specimen. Ten specimens were sectioned,
indexed, and corrected by casting the same alloy (group 1). Ten specimens were sectioned, indexed, and
corrected by soldering (group 2). The last 10 specimens were submitted to 2 cycles of electrical discharge
machining on a MedArc M-2 EDM machine (group 3). Postcorrection measurements were collected on
the 3 groups. A 1-way ANOVA and a Tukey-Kramer test at a .05 significance level were performed on
the 3 groups after the corrective techniques.
Results. Initial gap means were 192 µm for group 1, 190 µm for group 2, and 198 µm for group 3.
There was a significant difference (P<.05) in gap means between group 1 (15 µm) and group 2 (72 µm)
as well as between group 2 and group 3 (7.5 µm) after each correction technique. No difference was
detected between group 1 and group 3.
Conclusion. The electrical discharge machining group resulted in the smallest mean gap distance of 7.5
µm, thus meeting the criteria of passive fit (within 10 µm) described in the literature. (J Prosthet Dent

The use of implant superstructures that splint 2 or more implants require a passive fit
to avoid possible complications such as bone loss, abutment fracture, and connecting
screw breakage. Of the correction techniques tested, electrical discharge machining may
result in the best fit.

T he attachment of implant-retained, removable

dental restorations to supporting fixtures can be
Protocols for the restoration of dental implant
patients are well documented in the dental litera-
accomplished in 2 ways. The first is with the use of ture.1-5 Most authors agree on the requirement for
resilient attachments on freestanding implant abut- a passive fit between the prosthesis framework and
ments. The second is with the use of resilient the implant fixtures.6-8 The resiliency of the peri-
attachments to attach the prosthesis to a rigid bar odontal membrane encountered in the natural
assembly that interconnects the implant fixtures. dentition is absent in the case of osseointegrated
Retention derived from a bar-retained prosthesis can dental implants. A nonpassive fit can lead to bone
be impressive; however, a minimum of 12 to 13 mm of loss, abutment fracture, and connecting screw
interarch space is required for this approach. breakage; the last of these is by far the most com-
mon complication of a nonpassive fit.9,10 To achieve
optimum distribution of the loading forces through
the screw joint, there must be a precise, passive fit
Graduate Prosthodontic Program.
bDirector, Graduate Prosthodontic Program.
between the implant abutment and the implant fix-
cProfessor and Vice-Chairman, Department of Restorative Dentistry ture. The fit at this interface is considered to be
and Biomaterials. passive if the gap between the fixture and the abut-
dAdvanced Prosthodontic Technical Specialist.
ment is kept at 10 µm or less.11



Conventional dental laboratory techniques do not

allow the fabrication of a rigid bar assembly with an
acceptable degree of accuracy of fit. The error is due
mostly to the inconsistency of volumetric and linear
expansion of the fabrication materials used, which
include impression material, gypsum products, waxes,
investments, and casting metal. Potential distortion
can be generated at any step of the fabrication
Several different postcasting techniques have been
developed to correct inaccuracies of fit resulting from
the fabrication process.19-23 Among them are cutting
and soldering, cast-to, Kulzer abutment luting, and
electrical discharge machining (EDM). Even though
these techniques may be used to correct inaccuracies of
fit, they coincidentally may introduce additional inac- Fig. 1. Metal master model with titanium implant abutments.
curacies because of the dimensional linear changes of
the indexing materials and soldering investing material,
structural changes in the metal after heat treatment,
and wear of the components used for the execution of
the techniques.24-28
The purpose of this study was to evaluate 3 post-
casting techniques for the correction of nonpassive fit
between a cast bar superstructure and its interface with
implant fixtures. The techniques evaluated were cut-
ting and soldering, cast-to, and EDM. Evaluation was
based on the measurement and comparison of the
implant abutment-bar gold coping interface gap dis-
tances after correction by the 3 techniques just A B
Fig. 2. Verification jig on master (A) and working (B) models.
Master and working model fabrication
Thirty implant bars were fabricated on a metal mas-
ter model. The master model was composed of 2 fabrication, a verification jig was used to verify the
titanium implant abutments (3.8/4.5 HL PME trans- reproducibility of the master model with the work-
mucosal abutment, 6 mm Steri-Oss, Dental Implant, ing models (Fig. 2).
Yorba Linda, Calif.) permanently screwed and
Bar fabrication
cemented into a tightly fitted hole. The abutments
were 18 mm apart and marked left (L) and right (R) Two gold alloy bar copings (Steri-Oss, Dental
on the metal block (Fig. 1). Implant) were torqued to the abutment replicas using
Thirty custom acrylic resin trays (Fastray, Bosworth 15 N·cm. A prefabricated Hader bar pattern, 18 mm
Co, Skokie, Ill.) were fabricated at least 24 hours in length and 3.8 mm in height (Attachments
before making the impressions. Perforations holes and International, Inc, San Mateo, Calif.), was secured to
polyether adhesive (Impregum F, ESPE America, the bar coping with pattern resin material (GC
Norristown, Pa.) were used as retentive mechanisms America, Inc, Chicago, Ill.). A silicone matrix was
for the polyether impression material (Impregum F, made for the relocation of the remaining patterns for
ESPE America). Thirty impressions were made by the specimens in this study. The bars were invested
using an open tray impression technique and 2 guide with a phosphate-bonded investment (Power-Cast,
pin-retained square impression copings (Steri-Oss, Whip Mix Corp) and cast with a type IV gold alloy
Dental Implants) attached to the implant abutments (Ney-Oro CB; J.M. Ney, Bloomfield, Conn.) by using
on the metal master model. Thirty working models a 2-stage burnout cycle: first stage, 11°C/min up to
were poured in type IV high-strength dental stone 427°C held for 30 minutes; second stage, 11°C/min
(Hard Rock, Whip Mix Corp, Louisville, Ky.), and up to 704°C held for 75 minutes. Great care was
2 abutment replicas were used (Blue Aluminum, taken to avoid damaging the interface surfaces of the
Steri-Oss, Dental Implants). Previous to the bar gold cylinders; the bulk of investment was removed

DECEMBER 2000 603


stage (Gaertner Scientific Corporation, Chicago,

Ill.). Only the right abutment screw was torqued to
15 N·cm by using a new screw on each bar and leav-
ing the left abutment without a screw. Point “A” was
marked at the buccal, distal, and lingual surfaces of
the master cast abutments. Point “B” was marked at
the corresponding points on the opposing edge of
the gold copings. After careful alignment of the
specimens at each point A, gap distances were mea-
sured by rotating the linear scale on the drum
micrometer on the y-axis until the 90-degree filar
reticle intercepted point B at that position. Three
measurements were made of the gaps at the left
abutment of each specimen (Fig. 3). After the initial
Fig. 3. Graphic illustration of gap measurement at interface measurements, the specimens were sorted into 3
between implant bar assembly and implant abutment. Inset equal groups for the postcasting modification tech-
is M2001ARS Toolmaker microscope. niques.
Cast-to technique (group 1)
Bars corrected with the cast-to technique were sec-
tioned 5 mm from the right gold cylinder using a
0.45-mm separating disk. Mechanical undercuts were
milled into each cut surface before indexing (Fig. 4). The
segments of the bar were aligned with a Hader clip on
the metal master model and torqued using 15 N·cm.
They were then luted together with GC pattern resin.
A 12-mm, 10-gauge wax sprue was attached to the
A B junction. The assembly then was invested by using the
same investing technique previously described and cast
Fig. 4. Bar cut (A) and edges undercut (B) before correction with the same type IV alloy from which the bar had
by cast-to technique. been fabricated.
Soldering technique (group 2)
Bars corrected by the soldering technique were sec-
tioned and indexed as those in group 1. No undercuts
were milled into the cut edges of the bars; the cut sur-
faces were polished before soldering. All the soldering
blocks were standardized with a silicone matrix and a
phosphate-bonded investment (Fig. 5). These blocks
were placed in a cold burnout oven, heated at the rate
of 17°C/min to 649°C, and then held for 20 minutes.
A B Borax flux (B flux, Ney Company, Bloomfield, Conn.)
was applied to the connector joint space. A 6-mm
Fig. 5. Bar cut (A) and indexed for correction (B) by cut-and-
length of a narrow strip of solder (0.615 alloy, Ney
solder technique.
Company) was sliced between the cut edges at the
junction and melted with a gas-air torch. The same
divesting and cleaning procedure was used for groups
with an air chisel, followed by ultrasonic cleaning sub- 1 and 2.
merged in a hydrofluoric acid substitute solution. Air
Electrical discharge machining (group 3)
abrasion and polishing were avoided. Thirty bars were
fabricated. Electrical discharge machining (EDM) working
models were made with mounting stone in which 2
Initial measurements
copper abutment replicas were embedded. Ten trans-
The initial measurements were made at the left fer jigs were fabricated from the metal master model in
implant abutment-gold coping interface with a which the copper abutment replicas were secured with
M2001ARS Toolmaker Microscope with a rotary a catalyst-activated cyanoacrylate cement (Zapit,



Table I. Means and standard deviations for the 3 groups

before and after technique
Group Status No. of bars Mean (µm) SD (µm)

Cast-to As-cast 10 192 70

Solder As-cast 10 190 70
EDM As-cast 10 198 78
Cast-to Modified 10 15 12
EDM = Electrical discharge machining.
Fig. 6. A, Verification jig fabricated on master model. B,
Transfer jig with copper abutment analogs and wires
attached before pouring EDM working model.
Dental Ventures of America, Inc, Anaheim Hills,
Calif.) (Fig. 6). A silicone matrix was used to stan-
dardize the boxing of the working models, which were
poured in mounting stone. Two models were fabricat-
ed for each bar specimen.
A model 2-dimensional EDM machine (MedArc,
Pilot Industry, Inc, Grass Lake, Mich.) was used for
the electrical discharge machining of the bars in this
group. The machine settings were as follows: 25 to 40
microseconds (feed rate), 30 to 60 volts (gap voltage),
1 to 3 amperes (power level), and positive polarity.
The gap voltage meter and ampere meter provided a
visual indication of the efficiency of the operation. A
steady reading indicated an efficient cut, whereas a A B
highly erratic reading indicated an inefficient cut. The
criterion for stopping the EDM process was seeing Fig. 7. A, Working model ready for EDM process. B, Bar
continuous sparks around both copper abutments (workpiece) undergoing EDM process.
when settings were at their lowest readings. This cycle
was run twice for each bar, once on each EDM work-
ing model (Fig. 7).
Postcorrection measurements were collected on all
3 groups at the same locations and in the same man-
ner as the initial measurements. The gap dimension
data were analyzed by 1-way analysis of variance
(Super-ANOVA, Abacus Concepts, Berkeley, Calif.)
for the 3 groups. The means were compared by Tukey-
Kramer interval at a .05 significance level.
Precorrection measurements were made at the
interface gap of the left abutment of each specimen. A
mean gap distance was calculated for each specimen by
measuring the gap at the mesial, distal, and lingual
aspects with a M2001ARS Toolmaker microscope.
Postcorrection measurements were made at the gap
of the left abutment of each specimen as previously Fig. 8. Graphic representation of as-cast and corrected
described. The smallest average gap distance found means for 3 tested groups.
after correction was 7.5 µm (group 3). The specimens
in group 1 had the second greatest decrease in average
gap distance (15 µm). Group 2, corrected by cutting 3 groups following the corrective techniques. There
and soldering the connector joint, followed with was a statistical difference of P<.05 among the groups.
72 µm. Table I and Figure 8 show the graphic repre- The Tukey-Kramer test showed a significant differ-
sentations of these mean values and their standard ence between groups 1 and 2 and between groups 2
deviations. A 1-way ANOVA was performed on the and 3. There was no statistically significant difference

DECEMBER 2000 605


between group 1 (the cut-and-cast-to technique necessary for the fit to be passive. Neither the cast-to
group) and group 3 (the EDM technique group). technique nor the cut-and-solder technique resulted in
There was a correction of horizontal discrepancies an acceptable (passive) fit of the bar assemblies evaluat-
in all specimens in the cast-to group (group 1), which ed in this study. Only 50% of the cast-to specimens fell
means that there was no horizontal misalignment below the 10 µm standard; none of the specimens cor-
between the right and left implant abutments and gold rected by the cut-and-solder technique met this
copings after they were corrected by the cast-to proce- standard. The technique of casting the connector
dure. Seven of the 10 specimens in the EDM group joints has several advantages over soldering the same
(group 3) were horizontally out of alignment; howev- joints: There is less distortion of the position of the
er, this misalignment did not interfere with the screw framework parts during casting than during soldering;
connection procedure. Only 2 specimens in the cut- the casting alloy used to fabricate the framework is the
and-solder group (group 2) demonstrated horizontal same alloy used to cast the connector joint; and when
misalignment. the connector joint is waxed, invested, and cast, there
is better control of the volume, position, and flow of
the metal. In addition, mechanical undercuts can be
The fabrication of an implant bar assembly involves used in the joint.
a variety of clinical and laboratory steps, including All specimens in the EDM group demonstrated an
impression development, master cast fabrication, bar overall mean gap distance of 7.5 µm, which was the
assembly wax-up, sprue and investment techniques, smallest error of fit among the 3 test groups. No
and finally, casting and finishing procedures. The investing or casting procedures were used when cor-
potential exists at each of these steps to generate a dis- recting this group. There were virtually no mechanical
tortion that may result in a nonpassive fit of the forces at work on these samples. The cutting elec-
restoration. Even though the techniques used in this trodes never contacted the workpieces. The resulting
study strictly followed the guidelines established in the error in gap distance may be due to the addition of
literature, the 30 implant bar assemblies evaluated all error from analog wear during the EDM process,
yielded initial gap distances that were beyond accept- dimensional changes that occurred at the time of the
able accuracy.11 Inconsistencies in the linear and transfer jig fabrication, and/or expansion of the gyp-
volumetric expansion of the materials used makes such sum material used for model fabrication.
inaccuracy unavoidable.12-18 The metal removed from the electrode during
The cast-to technique produced a more accurate fit EDM usually is a fraction of that removed from the
than the cut-and-solder procedure. White24 has sug- workpiece. However, the loss of metal from the elec-
gested that a casting metal must have adequate flow trode may be significant if the machining process
properties to liquefy and that the alloy must be heated stretches over a long period. This problem can be con-
to a temperature above its melting temperature (super- trolled in part by regulating the polarity in the EDM
heated). The initial contraction of the metal mass computer. It is best to select positive polarity when
occurs when the superheat is lost. The greater the dif- there is a need for fine detail or a 3-dimensional cut.
ference between the superheat temperature and the In this study, all EDM cycles were performed with
melting temperature of the metal, the greater the ulti- positive polarity to minimize electrode wear. Despite
mate contraction of the casting alloy as it solidifies. this conservative approach, none of the copper abut-
Higher temperatures are reached in the area of a sol- ment analog electrodes showed “no wear” at the end
der joint than throughout the rest of the cast bar of the machining cycles. Similar wear was observed in
assembly because of the concentration of the torch a previous study by Linehan et al.27 Two EDM mod-
flame in this area. This concentration is needed to melt els were used for each sample in this group to
the solder and enable it to flow. minimize the error caused by metal removal from the
The acrylic indexes used to relate the cut pieces of electrodes.
the bar assembly samples introduced more uncontrol- No heat was produced during the EDM process.
lable error in both the cast-to and cut-and-solder This eliminated 1 heat treatment of the specimens dur-
techniques. Shrinkage of the resin created stresses in ing the correction procedure. Tan et al28 concluded
the indexes as the resin polymerized. This resulted in a that the heat cycle of the casting process on metal
reduced distance between the coping portion of the alloys might alter the configuration of the cast metal.
assemblies after the indexes were removed from the This EDM group of test samples was never submitted
metal master model.25 to a heat process; the same is true of the samples in the
Similar results were found in a previous study26 that other groups. Fewer step errors were accumulated by
compared postcasting correction of fit techniques. the bar assemblies corrected by the EDM process.
According to the criteria proposed by Rangert and Jemt The EDM test samples demonstrated the most hor-
et al, referenced in Carr et al,11 a gap of 10 µm or less is izontal discrepancy of fit among all the samples



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DECEMBER 2000 607

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