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Org. Geochem. Vol. 26, No. 1/2, pp.

49-57, 1997
Pergmon © 1997ElsevierScienceLtd
All rights reserved.Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0146-6380(96)00152-0 0146-6380/97 $17.00 + 0.00

A new North Sea oil-based standard for Iatroscan analysis


'Geolab Nor, P.B. 5740 Fossegrenda, N-7002 Trondheim, Norway, -'Statoil, N-4035 Stavanger,
Norway, 3Saga Petroleum, P.B. 490, N-1301 Sandvika, Norway and 'Norsk Hydro, P.B. 200,
N-1321 Stabekk, Norway

Abstract--The TLC-FID technique using the Iatroscan is a fast and cost-effective way to obtain quan-
titative data on the composition of crude oils and solvent extracts of rocks. However, its accuracy
depends on correct calibration of the instrument using standards based on crude oil, since the use of
synthetic standards had resulted in erroneous response factors. In the present study, a North Sea deas-
phaltened oil from the Oseberg field (NSO-1) was fingerprinted and separated into saturated hydrocar-
bons, aromatic hydrocarbons and polars on a large scale, using preparative TLC. These fractions were
later mixed to provide a standard, which was used to calibrate Iatroscan and monitor the responses of
the individual fractions. This standard has been shown to be stable for routine use and will, if adopted,
render inter-laboratory data comparisons more reliable. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd

Key words--Iatroscan response factors, standard for Iatroscan, Oseberg oil, preparative TLC

INTRODUCTION pounds were isolated using preparative TLC

The thin-layer chromatography-flame ionization (PTLC) with the aim of preparing a standard mix-
detection ( T L C - F I D ) technique using the Iatroscan ture for calibrating Iatroscan. Deasphaltened oil
instrument is now recognized as an efficient, fast was used in this study, as specified in the
and cost-effective way to obtain quantitative data Norwegian Industry Guide to Organic Geochemical
Analyses (1993). Each isolated fraction was purified
on the composition of crude oils and solvent
by PTLC, then tested for purity using T L C - F I D
extracts (Ray et al., 1982; Karlsen and Larter, 1989;
and gas chromatography, prior to mixing. Each
Bharati et al., 1994). Sampling for analysis can be
fraction was individually calibrated so that its
easily performed on a millimetre to meter scale to
Iatroscan response factor could be applied routi-
map lateral and vertical heterogeneity in a well,
nely. A standard was then prepared for other users,
field or reservoir unit. Complex organic mixtures
by mixing weighed amounts of the separated frac-
such as crude oils, or solvent extracts of sediments
are easily separated into 3, 4 or 5 compound
classes, depending on the objectives of the study,
each compound class having, however, a different
Previous studies (Bharati et al., 1994) indicated Topped and deasphaltened oil (2.135 g) was sep-
that if synthetic standards were employed to cali- arated by PTLC using 10 plates (Merck; 1 mm silica
brate the Iatroscan instrument, the resulting re- gel with 254nm fluorescence activator). About
sponse factors were not satisfactory which 200 mg of sample was applied to each plate and
suggested that only crude oil based standards eluted successively with n-hexane (45 rain), toluene
should be used for quantification. In the light of (23 rain) and dichloromethane/methanol (93:7 v/v,
this, it was logical to develop a new Iatroscan stan- 3 rain) affording saturated hydrocarbons (Rf 0.64-
dard based on the oil (selected by the Committee 0.87), aromatic hydrocarbons (Rf 0.47-0.62) and
for the Norwegian Industry Guide to Organic polar compounds (Rf 0.25-0.38). Fractions were
Geochemical Analyses) from the Oseberg field, scraped from the plate and recovered by extracting
North Sea, (called North Sea Oil-l) to serve as a with dichloromethane/methanol (93:7 v/v), then
standard for other analytical techniques such as analysed using the Iatroscan as described by
liquid chromatography, gas chromatography and Bharati et al. (1994). Further purification of the
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. fractions (ARO 1 and POL 1) was done by repeat
In our study, the North Sea Oil-1 (NSO-1) was PTLC analysis which gave fractions ARO 2 and
fingerprinted to understand the basic characteristics POL 2, respectively.
of the oil and more importantly, saturated hydro- Quality control at a molecular level of the two
carbons, aromatic hydrocarbons and polar corn- hydrocarbon fractions was performed using gas

50 Sunil Bharati et al.

Whole oil-NSO- 1



900 O~

8oo -- eq


I ,

! ,~.,cq
500 ,ll i

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (minutes)

Fig. 1. Gas chromatogram o f NSO-1 (whole oil) on a column (40 m; i.d. 0.25 mm, film thickness
0.3 #m) coated with SE 54, temperature programmed from - 1 0 to 300°C at 4°C/rain, final hold at
300°C for 20 min. Peak identification example: nC6 denotes normal hexane.

chromatography (GC). Whole oil GC was per- cessing. The samples were analysed in multiple ion
formed in conjunction with G C - M S for basic detection mode (MID) with a scan cycle time of ap-
characterization and fingerprinting. G C - M S was proximately 1.1 s. Although G C - M S analysis was
performed on saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons not performed quantitatively, the amounts of satu-
using a VG TS250 mass-spectrometer interfaced to rated and aromatic hydrocarbon samples injected
a HP 5890 GC. The GC was fitted with a fused were similar, so that the variations in the signal
silica SE 54 column (40 m, i.d. 0.25 mm, film thick- intensities are easily comparable.
ness 0.3 ~m) directly into the ion source. Carrier
gas was helium. The GC oven was programmed
from 45-150°C at 35°C/min, after which the rate
was 5°C/min up to 310°C, where the column was NSO-1, with an API gravity of 32.8 °, is a mature
held isothermally for 15 rain. The MS was operated oil from a marine source rock with a low content of
in electron impact (El) mode at 70 eV, a trap cur- terrestrially derived organic matter (OM). The com-
rent of 500 #A and a source temperature of 220°C. position of the oil is dominated by light- and med-
The data system used was a V G P D P l l / 7 3 for ium-range hydrocarbons, with the overall n-alkane
acquiring data and a Vax station 3100 for peak pro- distribution being distinctly light-end biased (Fig. 1).

Table 1. Selected geochemical parameters of NSO-1 based on gas chromatographic analysis of the
saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons
Parameter Value
1 Pristane/nC 17 0.51
2 Pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) 1.56
3 Phytane/nC 18 0.39
4 Carbon Preference Index (CPI) 1.10
5 nCl7/nCl7 + nC27 0,91
6 Dimethylnaphthalene ratio (DMNR) 1,79
7 2/1 -methylphenanthrene (2/IMP) 0.94
8 Methylphenanthrene index (MPI) 0.70
9 Calculated vitrinite reflectance (P~) 0.82
10 Dibenzothiophene/phenanthrene (DBT/P) 0.38
11 4/l-methyldibenzothiophene (4/I MDBT) 3.60
12 3 + 2/l-methyldibenzothiophene (3 + 2/IMDBT) 0.91
(a) Ioo NSO-1-Saturated fraction m / z 191 3. IE6,

95: •2.9E6

90 i ~-2.8E6
ss~ •2.6E6
80 •2.5E6
75- - 2.3E6
70- - 2.2E6
65' - 2.0E6
150 - 1.8E6
55 1.7E6
% 50 G 1.5E6
45~ 1.4E6
4o! J1 1.2E6
35 'i I. IE6
3o: r2 9.2E5
25 - K2 L1 MI .7.7E5


0 . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t • "." •

45:00 50:00 55:00 1:00:00 1:05:00 1:10:00 1:15:00 1:20:00 1:25:00 1:30:00 1:35:00 1:40:00

(b) 100- NSO-l-Saturated fraction m / z 217 6.5E5

95i 6.2E5
90i r
g5i k I 5.5E5
soi 5.2E5
75i 4.9E5
70i 4.6E5
651 4.2E5
601 3.9E5
s5~ 3.6E5
% 50- 3.3E5
45- ~-2.9E5
40. •2.6E5
35. •2.3E5
30- .2.0E5
25 - 1.6E5
2oi - 1.3E5
15! -9.8E4

to ! -6.5E4
0 :l . . . . ) . . . . v . . . . ) . . . . t . . . . I . . . . i . . . . | . . . . 0.0E0
50:00 55:00 l:00:00 1:05:00 I:10:00 1:15:00 1:20:00 1:25:00
Fig. 2. (a) Triterpane distribution (m/z 191) and (b) sterane distribution (m/z 217) in NSO-I. Both the
fragrnentograms are obtained by G C - M S analysis of the saturated hydrocarbon fraction. Identification of
important peaks: (a) In m/z 191: A, 18~,(H)-22,29,30-trisnorneohopane (Ts); B, 17:~(H)-22,29,30-trisnorho-
pane (Tin); Z, 17~(H),21fl(H)-28,30-bisnorhopane; C, 17,t(H),21fl(H)-30-norhopane; D, 17fl(H),21~t(H)-
30-norhopane; E, 17~t(H),21fl(H)-hopane; F, 17fl(H),21,t(H)-hopane; J l , 17a(H),21fl(H),22S-bishomoho-
pane; I2, 17:,(H),21fl(H),22R-bishomohopane; and Q, C24H~tricyclic terpane. (b) In m/z 217: a,
13fl(H),17ct(H),20(S)-diacholestane; b, 13fl(H),17ct(H),20(R)-diacholestane; c, 13~(H),17fl(H),20(S)-dia-
cholestan¢; d, 13~(H),17fl(H),20(R)-diacholestane; h, 24-ethyl-13fl(H),17r,(H),20(S)-diacholestane; k, 24-
ethyl-13fl(H),lT~(H),20(R)-cliacholestane; l, 24-ethyl-13ct(H),17fl(H),20(R)-diacholestane; n, 24-ethyl-
13ct(H),lTfl(H),20(S)-diacholestane; q, 24-ethyl-5~t(H),14~t(H), 17at(H),20(S)-cholestan¢; r, 24-ethyl-
5~(H),14/~(H),17//(H),20(R)-cholestane; s, 24-ethyl-5~t(H),14fl(H),17fl(H),20(S)-cholestane; and t, 24-
52 Sunil Bharati et al.

Table 2. Selected geochemical parameters based on triterpane and sterane distributions

Parameter Value

1 17ct(H)-22,29,30-trisnorhopane/180t(H)-22,29,30-trisnorneohopane (Tm/Ts) 0.85

2 17ct(H),21 p(H)-30-norhopane/17ct( H),21 fl(H)-hopane 0.45
3 15~t-methyl-170t(H)-27-norhopane/17ct(H),21 fl(H)-hopane 0.09
4 C24H44tricyclic terpane/17~t(H),21 fl(H)-hopane 0.03
5 17fl(H),21~t(H)-30-norhopane + 17fl(H),21ot(H)-hopane/17ct(H),21fl(H)-30-norhopane + 17~t(H),21fl(H)-hopane 0.15
6 17~t(H),21fl(H),22S/17~(H),21fl(H),22R + 22S-bishomohopane 57.96
7 13fl(H),17ct(H),20( S)-diacholestane/13fl(H),17~t(H),20( S)-diacholestane + 50ffH),14ct(H),17~(H),20(R)-cholestane 0.78
8 % 24-ethyl-5ct(H), 14ct(H),l 7ct(H),20(S)-cholestane 46. l0
9 Y 27 diasteranes/SZ 29 diasteranes 0.92
10 % 24-ethyl-5ot(H),14fl(H),17fl(H),20(R) and 20(S)-cholestane 61.0

A predominantly marine OM source for the oil is were reproducible, giving uniform FID responses.
indicated by the low pristane to phytane ratio (Pr/ Analysis of the saturated hydrocarbons fraction
Ph) and the low carbon preference index (CPI) with varying amounts of sample (ca. 3-44 #g) gave
values (Table 1). The triterpane and sterane distri- a correlation coefficient of 0.998 (n = 15, Fig. 4a).
butions (Fig. 2) and the parameters derived from Similar analyses of the aromatic hydrocarbons frac-
these data (Table 2), also clearly indicate a predo- tion (ca. 7-86 #g) gave a correlation coefficient of
minantly marine OM source of NSO-1. 0.997 (n = 15), while the polar fraction (ca. l -
30#g) gave a correlation coefficient of 0.998
Separation of NSO-1 maltene fraction (n = 17) on linear regression (Fig. 4b and c, re-
Examination of a developed PTLC plate at spectively). These results clearly indicate the stab-
254 nm clearly revealed the separated fractions. ility of the responses of each of the fractions:
Table 3 shows the yields of the three fractions. Fig. 4(b) also shows the percentage of the total
Analysis by T L C - F I D showed that the SAT 1 frac- area eluting as polars in the various aromatic hy-
tion was virtually pure (Fig. 3). The ARO 1 fraction drocarbon analyses. Apparently, power regression
was, however, contaminated with polar compounds of the peak area that elutes as polars shows that
(about 11% by weight), whilst the POL 1 fraction the relative amount of sample material eluting as
was relatively clean, but split into two closely elut- "polars" decreases with increasing sample amount
ing peaks. However, a second round of PTLC using applied. The reason and significance of this is not
ARO 1 and POL 1 fractions removed much of the entirely clear. In general, the relative peak area elut-
unwanted material in each of these fractions, result- ing as polars is about 6-10% of the total ARO 2
ing in much purer fractions, ARO 2 and POL 2, re- fraction (when the injection consists of about 20-
spectively (Fig. 3). The SAT 1 and POL 2 fractions 82 #g), which should be seen as an addition to the
were, as a result of further PTLC separation, nearly actual area due to the POL 2 fraction in the mixed
100% pure, but about 10% of ARO 2 continued to standard (see the next section).
consist of polar material which was impossible to Gas chromatographic analyses of the two hydro-
remove even after two further purification steps by carbon fractions (Figs 5 and 6) do not give any in-
PTLC. dication of cross-contamination.
Analyses by G C - M S of SAT 1 and ARO 2, indi-
Analysis of the isolatedfractions cated only trace levels of contamination, based on
Iatroscan analyses of the three fractions (SAT 1, fragmentograms m/z 57, 91, 92, 99, 106, 142, 191,
ARO 2 and POL 2) which were to be used to pre- 198, 217 and 253. While the saturated hydrocarbons
pare the standard mixture showed that the results fraction has only traces of alkylbenzenes, the aro-

Table 3. Yields of various fractions from the total amount of 2.135 g maltene spotted on 10 PTLC plates. Only the SAT 1, ARO 2 and
POL 2 fractions were used in the standard mixture
Fraction Yield (mg) Rr Yield (%)
1 Saturated HC (SAT 1) 1191.2 0.64-0.87 59.10
2 Aromatic HC (ARO 1) 747.7 0.75-0.99 (purified further)
3 Aromatic HC (ARO 2) 651.6 0.75-0.99 32.33
4 Polars (main) (POL I) 50.6 0.67-1 (purified further)
5 Polars (main) (POL 2) 36.0 0.67-1 1.79
6 SAT/ARO boundary 69.6 nd 3.45
7 ARO/POL boundary 20.6 nd 1.02
8 Polars (secondary) 24.6 nd 1.22
9 Spot (material not eluted) 22.0 -- 1.09

Total quantified 2015.6 100.00

nd, not determined.
A new North Sea oil-based standard for Iatroscan analysis 53


[- 0
< <

t i I I I I , I i I" ~ I
10 0 10 0 10 0
cm cm cm
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3. TLC-FID chromatograms of the separated and pure fractions from PTLC; (a) saturated hydro-
carbons (SAT 1), (b) aromatic hydrocarbons (ARO 2) and (c) polar compounds (POL 2). These frac-
tions were subsequently used to prepare the standard mixture.

matic hydrocarbons fraction is dominated by alkyl- This suggests that in the 10 repeat analyses, while
benzenes (signal intensity 42 times stronger than in there was about 6% variation in the actual amounts
the saturated hydrocarbons) and alkylnaphthalenes quantified, there is much less variation in the rela-
(signal intensity more than 100 times stronger than tive percentages of the fractions, indicating human
in the saturated hydrocarbons); only traces of n- error during sample application, rather than the
alkanes, triterpanes and steranes were detected in reproducibility of the Iatroscan. With regard to the
the aromatic hydrocarbon fraction. amounts quantified in the standard mixture, the
saturated hydrocarbons were calculated to be
Preparation of the standard 20.63/~g in a 2-#1 injection, compared with the
As a result of 10 repeat analyses of the NSO-1 theoretically calculated 20.46/zg. The aromatic
maltene fraction by Iatroscan, the percentages of hydrocarbons are slightly underestimated (reported
saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons and polar as 8.89 #g compared with the theoretically calcu-
compounds were found to be 59, 31.2 and 9.8, re- lated 9.84 #g) and the polar compounds are over-
spectively (Fig. 7a). Accordingly, a standard was estimated (reported as 2.21 #g compared with the
prepared by weighing the PTLC fractions to give a theoretically calculated 0.96/~g). Closer examination
mixture with a roughly similar composition, of these variations reveals that this is due to the
namely: 65.46% SAT 1, 31.47% A R O 2 and 3.07% contribution of ARO 2 to the polars.
POL 2 (Fig. 7b). The reason for using such a low It has been shown that, depending on the amount
amount of POL 2 was the limited quantity obtained applied, some of the A R O 2 fraction elutes as
(Table 3). With the prepared standard having a polars. It is also known that the total amount of
concentration of 15.63 #g//~l, a typical injection of the ARO 2 fraction in a 2-#1 injection is 9.84#g.
2 #1 will theoretically contain 31.26 #g maltene, con- Using the power regression equation, it is estimated
sisting of 20.46 #g saturated hydrocarbons, 9.84 #g that for this amount, about 11% of the total aro-
aromatic hydrocarbons and 0.96 ttg polars. matic area will elute as polars, indicating that the
Repeat analyses of the prepared standard mixture area reported for aromatic hydrocarbons (55460)
(Fig. 7b and Table 4) show that the standard devi- represents only 89% of the total area or 89% of
ation in the actual amounts is greater (6, 6.7 and 9.84/~g, which is 8.75 #g. This calculated amount
7.7%, respectively) than the standard deviation in (8.75/~g) is close to the actual aromatic hydro-
the compositional percentages (1.8, 4.8 and 7.3). carbon amount reported for the prepared standard
54 Sunil Bharati e t al.

(a) Calibration of saturated hydrocarbons

[ ~- SAT 1





2 6 1'0 1'4 {8 22 26 " 3'0 " 3'4 38 ' 42 46

(b) Calibration of aromatic hydrocarbons

700- 20
]-~ Polar area Total ARO 2 area Polar area %
500- Vo"
0 500"

> 401)2
300 2


100 "
. 4 v 'v
0 i • | • ! • a • I - l • I 0

2 10 18 26 34 42 50 58 66 74 82 90

(c) Calibration of polar compounds

I -POL2]





3 ' 5" 7 ' 8 " il" 1'3' 1'5' 1'7' 1'9' 21' 2'3 " 25" 2'7" 19" 31
Amount applied (tzg)

Fig. 4. Cross-plots of sample amount vs. corresponding FID response. (a) Saturated hydrocarbon frac-
tion (SAT 1). Fifteen samples were analysed with varying amounts (3.2-44.66/~g). The resulting re-
sponse factor using the equation y = a + b x is 4017. (b) Aromatic hydrocarbon fraction (ARO 2).
Fifteen samples were analysed with varying amounts (7.6-85.66 #g). The resulting response factor using
the equation y = a + b x is 6235. (c) Polar compounds (POL 2). Seventeen samples were analysed with
varying amounts (1.2-30 pg). The resulting response factor using the equation y = a + b x is 8352.
A new North Sea oil-based standard for latroscan analysis 55





•~- 600
o 0

500 +
Z eq


300 i l l l l l i [ i
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (minutes)

Fig. 5. Gas chromatogram of saturated hydrocarbon fraction (SAT 1) on a column (25 m; i.d. 0.25 mm,
film thickness 0.3/an) coated with OV1, temperature programmed from 80-300°C at 4°C/min and held
at 300°C for 20 min. Peak identification example: nC15 denotes normal pentadecane.

ARO 2-NSO- 1

360 [


'+ __ IV' .

10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (minutes)

Fig. 6. Gas chromatogram of aromatic hydrocarbon fraction (ARO 2) on a column (40 m; i.d.
0.25 ram, film thickness 0.3/~m) coated with SE 54, temperature programmed from 40-290°C at 4°C/
rain and held at 290°C for 20 rain. GC equipped with both FID and FPD detectors. Peak identification
key to isomers: MN, methylnaphthalene; EN, ethylnaphthalene; DMN, dimethylnaphthalene; T M N ,
trimethylnaphthalene; P, phenanthrene and MP, methylphenanthrene. The numerical prefixes denote
the position of the alkyl group.
56 Sunil Bharati et al.

0 <
< 0

-,1 <

I I , , I 1
10 0 lO 0
c m c m

(a) (b)
Fig. 7. TLC-FID chromatogram of (a) NSO-1 maltene and (b) the gravimetrically prepared standard
using the separated fractions obtained by PTLC. The percentages of saturated hydrocarbons, aromatic
hydrocarbons and polars are 59, 31.2 and 9.8, respectively in NSO-1 maltene and 65, 28 and 7, respect-
ively in the gravimetrically prepared standard.

(8.89 #g). Had all of the 9.84/zg eluted as aromatic 7.0% polars (reported as 2.21 #g), all with a 2-#1
hydrocarbons, the area would have been 62315. injection.
Therefore, in the total area of 18569 reported for CONCLUSIONS
the polars in the prepared standard, a significant
portion (6855) is due to material from the A R O 2 The standard mixture of saturated and aromatic
fraction eluting as polars. Therefore, despite the hydrocarbons and polar compounds prepared from
fact that the theoretical percentages of SAT l, the maltene fraction of the Oseberg oil NSO-1, has
been shown to give reproducible results and can be
A R O 2 and POL 2 in the prepared standard are
considered as a normal oil from the North Sea, and
65.46, 31.47 and 3.07, respectively, during analysis,
can be easily and successfully employed to calibrate
the standard's composition obtained will be:
the Iatroscan. In addition, the composition of the
65.0% saturated hydrocarbon (reported as prepared standard is close to the actual composition
20.63/zg), of the maltene fraction of Oseberg oil. Further, on
28.0% aromatic hydrocarbon (reported as T L C - F I D analysis, the composition of the prepared
8.89 #g) and standard mixture is found to be nearly the same as

Table 4. Results of 10 repeat Iatroscan analysesof the prepared standard using the same amount (2/A) each time. The response factors
used are 4017, 6235 and 8352 for saturated hydrocarbons,aromatic hydrocarbonsand polars, respectively,these being the new response
factors based on the standard mixtureprepared from the NSO-1 maltene
Saturated hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons Polars
Peak area #g (%) Peak area #g (%) Peak area ~g (%)

Mean 82876 20.63 (65) 55460 8.89 (28) 18569 2.21 (7)
SD 4976 1.24 (1.15) 3733 0.60 (1.35) 1382 0.17 (0.51)
SD(%) 6 6 (1.8) 6.7 6.7 (4.8) 7.4 7.7 (7.3)
A new North Sea oil-based standard for Iatroscan analysis 57

its theoretically calculated composition, when the Organic Geochemistry 1993 (Edited by Teln~csN., Graas
response factors calculated from the three individ- G. and Oygard K.), Org. Geochem. 22, 835-862.
Pergamon, Oxford.
ual fractions are used.
Karlsen D. and Larter S. (1989) A rapid correlation
Employment of this standard by different labora- method for petroleum population mapping within indi-
tories will make the comparison of inter-laboratory vidual petroleum reservoirs: applications to petroleum
Iatroscan analyses more reliable; now even more reservoir description. Correlation in Hydrocarbon
important since Norwegian oil companies and the Exploration, pp. 77-85. Norwegian Petroleum Society,
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate have decided to Graham and Trotman, London.
use quantified crude oil and extract compositional Ray J. E., Oliver K. M. and Wainwright J. C. (1982) The
application of the Iatroscan TLC technique to the
data from Iatroscan rather than from MPLC. analysis of fossil fuels. In Petroanalysis 81, H ~
Symposium, London, pp. 361-388. Heyden and Son,
The Norwegian Industry Guide to Organic Geochemical
Bharati S., Rorstum G. and Lorberg R. (1994) Calibration Analyses, 3rd edition, 1993 (A joint publication by
and standardization of Iatroscan (TLC-FID) using Statoil, Saga Petroleum, Norsk Hydro, IKU, Geolab
standards derived from crude oils. In Advances in Nor and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate).

OG 2 6 / I - 2 ~

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