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Checklist – Lesson 4


Students will be able

to recognise numbers
Students will be able to create bundles of ten to assist with counting Students will be able to represent numbers up to 35 as a that are called out as a
and representing numbers between 0 and 100 combination of a number of tens and a number of ones combination of a
Name number of tens and a Comment
number of ones
Identify State State Identify Make the
how State Match the
how how how how may number using Write how Write how
many the words of the Accurately match the
many many many unifix bundling many tens many
pop number number with two-digit numbers as
ones tens ones cubes strategy (pop in a ones in a
sticks to they the correct they are called out
make a they they makes 1 sticks and unifix number number
make a have visual image
ten have have ten cubes)
The student started to talk more quietly
than usual as the student was not
confident in this area and was copying the
other students’ answers. The student
could confidently count how many pop
sticks they had when counting one by
one, however could not identify the
number they had when their pop sticks
were bundled. The student knew how to
bundle pop-sticks and that 10 pop-sticks is
one bundle. The student showed a loss of
concentration in this activity and could
D  / /  / / /   / not answer the questions I was asking.
The student noticed a pattern in the
building cards and could perform this
activity quickly, however over time I
noticed the student was making the ten
for each card but could not understand or
explain why 1 ten had 10 unifix cubes. The
student could not see the relationship
between ones and tens. Due to a short
period of time available for the activity, it
was hard to measure the student’s
comprehension and performance in this
This student was a role model when
placing their hand up in the air when they
wanted to answer a question or ask a
question. This student could identify how
E  /    /    / many pop sticks make one ten however
struggled when asked how many ones
make a ten. Student could also identify
how many single pop sticks were left over
and state the number of pop sticks they
have by counting individually or by
counting using bundles and by skip
counting in 10s. When making the
number in the build it activity, the student
could not find the relationship between
the bundles of pop sticks and a tower of
unifix cubes. The student could complete
the activity by following the pattern, 1
tower of ten and single cubes to
represent ones for the ones in the
number, however could not explain the
meaning of the numbers and struggled to
answer the questions. the student initially
struggled with the worded cards such as
‘1 ten and 6 ones’ and with the place
value cubes representing a number.
The student was the first one to find the
relationship within the concepts and was
not afraid to share their findings. The
student needs to work on letting other
students have a go at answering the
questions and putting their hand up like
the other students when they want to say
something. Student F showed some
understanding of how many ones makes a
ten and could understand better the
terms pop sticks, bundles, tens and ones
when compared with the other students.
The showed they could identify how many
pop sticks make one bundle, how many
F           ones make a ten, how many tens they
had, how many ones they had, and how
many pop sticks they had altogether both
by counting individually or with bundles.
In the beginning of this activity the
student struggled to see a relationship
between bundles of pop sticks and towers
of unifix cubes. The student eventually
saw a relationship between the tower of
unifix cubes and the bundles of ten and
could identify that 10 cubes makes 1 ten.
the student was the only one of the three
students who was confident to read the
cards and match the cards with the
number on the board
= Not evident yet
/ = Developing understanding of concept
 = Some understanding of concept
 = Good understanding of concept

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