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Yap, Ronnie James F.


1. What is Law according to Thomas Aquinas?

 St. Thomas Aquinas defined Law as “an ordinance of reason promulgated by
competent authority for the sake of the common good.”
 Law must contain a decisive comman to perform
 And must be clear to all for them to follow

2. Why is following laws necessary?

As citizens we respect the laws because they are clearly communicated and fairly
enforced. Everyone is held accountable to the same laws, and those laws protect our
fundamental rights.

3. What are the benefit we get from following laws?

 Following laws protects our fundemental rights
 Following laws keeps safety and peace in our communities

4. What is Eternal Law? Natural Law?

 Eternal Law
o The plan of God made in eternity before creation. Long before anything
existed, these were the things that exist in the mind of God.
 Natural Law
o Reflection of Eternal Law
o Everything we see in nature is exactly what is in God’s ideal of creation

5. Does following God's laws, limit human freedom? Or does it lead us to true
 God created us with the great gift of freedom.
 We are able to achieve true freedom by accepting limits, not disregarding them

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