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Listening and Reading Task 1: Swallowing Process
I. Vocabulary: Organs in the Swallowing Process.

1. Write the correct number in the table.

a) Bolus 1
b) Trachea
c) Tongue
d) Uvula
e) Pharynx
f) Nasal cavities
g) Hard palate (roof of the mouth)
h) Stomach
i) Lower esophageal sphincter (LES)

2. Match the synonyms.

1. Stage (g) a) Passage, road, way.
2. Passageway b) Continue.
3. Top c) Permit.
4. Allow d) Adhesive, viscous.
5. Sticky e) Activate, stimulate.
6. Wave f) High point, head.
7. Trigger g) A point, period, or step.
8. Resume h) Motion, movement.

Professor Maximiliano Ayala

University of Playa Ancha
Listening and Reading Task 1: Swallowing Process
3. Match the words with the pictures.

1. Press – 2. Swing – 3. Drive – 4. Push – 5. Travel

6. Up – 7. Down – 8. Into – 9. Through – 10. Against – 11. Backwards – 12. Towards

4. Translate the following cognates.

English Spanish
Process Proceso

Professor Maximiliano Ayala

University of Playa Ancha
Listening and Reading Task 1: Swallowing Process
II. Listening Comprehension: watch the video and complete the transcript with the words in
the box.

Mouth – Respiratory – Nasal– Respiration – Medulla – Esophagus – Sphincter – Trachea –

Tongue – Uvula – Glotis – Pharynx – Bolus – Stomach

The Swallowing Process

Swallowing occurs in two stages: the oral pharyngeal and esophageal stages. At the start of a swallow,
a food 1.__________ is voluntarily pressed by the 2.__________ up against the roof of the
3.__________ and backwards towards the 4.__________. In response to activation of pharyngeal
pressure receptors the swallowing center in the 5.__________ initiates reflexes that prevent food
entry into 6.__________ passageways. The 7.__________ contracts, which blocks the 8.__________
passages from the pharynx. The laryngeal muscles contract, closing the 9.__________ at the top of
the 10.__________ by tightly aligning the vocal folds. The epiglottis swings down upon the closed
glotis. With all airways blocked off, 11.__________ is temporarily inhibited. As the upper esophageal
12.__________ relaxes, pharyngeal contractions drive the bolus into the 13.__________. The oral
pharyngeal stage is done and breathing resumes. During the esophageal stage a primary wave of
peristalsis initiated by the swallowing center pushes the bolus through the esophagus. As the bolus
travels through the esophagus, the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes allowing the food to enter the
14.__________. If the bolus is sticky and adheres to the esophagus, secondary peristaltic waves
triggered by the intrinsic plexus at the point of this tension completely clear the esophageal lumen to
finish the swallow.

III. Reading Comprehension: read the text and answer the questions.

1. What are the two stages of the swallowing process?

2. What is the function of the swallowing center in response to activation of pharyngeal
pressure receptors?
3. What drives the bolus into the esophagus?
4. What happens during the esophageal stage?
5. What happens if the bolus is sticky?

Professor Maximiliano Ayala

University of Playa Ancha
Listening and Reading Task 1: Swallowing Process
IV. Grammar: Present Simple. Listeng again and choose the correct form of the verbs.

Swallowing 1. occur/occurs in two stages: the oral pharyngeal and esophageal stages.

At the start of a swallow, a food bolus 2. are/am/is voluntarily pressed by the tongue […]

[…] the swallowing center in the medulla initiates 3. reflex/reflexes that prevent food entry into
respiratory passageways.

The uvula 4. contracts/contract, which 5. block/blocks the nasal passages from the pharynx.

The laryngeal muscles 6. contracts/contract, closing the glotis at the top of the trachea […]

The epiglottis 7. swing/swings down upon the closed glotis. With all airways blocked off, respiration
8. is/are temporarily inhibited.

As the upper esophageal sphincter 9. relax/relaxes, pharyngeal contractions 10. drive/drives the bolus
into the esophagus […]

During the esophageal stage a primary wave of peristalsis initiated by the swallowing center 11.
push/pushes the bolus through the esophagus.

As the bolus 12. travels/travel through the esophagus, the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes
allowing the food to enter the stomach.

If the bolus is sticky and 13. adhere/adheres to the esophagus, secondary peristaltic waves triggered
by the intrinsic plexus at the point of this tension completely 14. clears/clear the esophageal lumen
to finish the swallow.

Professor Maximiliano Ayala

University of Playa Ancha

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