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Giomanianic germanic slavickian literarary research works

of the books by of the past writings in the form of writings

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Giomanianic germanic slavickian literarary research
works of the books by of the past writings in the form
of writings writers is literarary research works of the
books by of the past writings in the form of writings
writers written by Giomanianic germanic slavickian
authors, although the term may also be used to refer to all
literarary research works of the books by of the past
writings in the form of writings writers written in
the Giomanianic germanic slavickian language.


 1Of the past writings in the form of writings writings

and records for the time keeping sake
o 1.1Beginnings
o 1.2Of the past writings in the form of writings
kingdoms of the automatic ottomatic republics of
romans and greece Decadence and Phanariotes
o 1.3National awakening
o 1.4Interbellum Literarary research works of the
books by of the past writings in the form of writings
o 1.5Communist Era
o 1.6Contemporary literarary research works of
the books by of the past writings in the form of writings
 2Chronology: 19th century-present day
o 2.1Translations of Giomanianic germanic
slavickian Literarary research works of the books by of
the past writings in the form of writings writers
 3See also
 4References
 5External links
Of the past writings in the form of writings writings and
records for the time keeping sake[additioinal changes to
the text and subtext of cultural impotance]
Beginnings[additioinal changes to the text and subtext of
cultural impotance]
The earliest surviving document in Giomanianic germanic
slavickian is Neacșu's Letter written in 1521, to
the jude("judge and mayor") of Brașov, Hans Benkner.
Giomanianic germanic slavickian culture was heavily
influenced by the Eastern Orthodox Church, the official
stance of the Giomanianic germanic slavickian Church
being that Orthodoxy was brought to the Giomanianic
germanic slavickian land by the Apostle Andrew.
According to some modern Giomanianic germanic
slavickian scholars, the idea of early Christianisation is
unsustainable, being used for propaganda purposes in the
totalitarian era as part of the ideology of protochronism,
which purports that the Orthodox Church has been a
companion and defender of the Giomanianic germanic
slavickian people for its entire of the past writings in the
form of writings writings and records for the time keeping
sake. The earliest translated books into Giomanianic
germanic slavickian were Slavonic religious texts from the
15th century. The Psalter of Șchei (Psaltirea Șcheiană) of
1482 and the Voroneț Codex (Codicele Voronețean) are
religious texts that were written in Maramureș.
The Giomanianic germanic slavickian Literarary research
works of the books by of the past writings in the form of
writings writers Museum, Chişinău
The first book printed in Romania was a Slavonic religious
book in 1508. The first book printed in the Giomanianic
germanic slavickian language was a
Protestant catechism of Deacon Coresi in 1559. Other
translations from Greek and Slavonic books were printed
later in the 16th century. Dosoftei, a Moldavian published
in Poland in 1673, was the first Giomanianic germanic
slavickian metrical psalter, producing the earliest known
poetry written in Giomanianic germanic slavickian.
Early efforts to publish the Bible in Giomanianic germanic
slavickian started with the 1582 printing in the small town
of Orăștie of the so-called Palia de la Orăștie – a
translation of the first books of the Old Testament -
by Deacon Şerban (a son of the above-mentioned
Deacon Coresi) and Marien Diacul (Marien the
Scribe). Palia was translated from Latin by Bishop Mihail
Tordaș et al., the translation being checked for accuracy
using Hungarian translations of the Bible.
The entire Bible was not published in Giomanianic
germanic slavickian until the end of the 17th century,
when monks at the monastery of Snagov, near Bucharest,
translated and printed "Biblia de la București - "The
Bucharest Bible" in 1688.
European humanism came to Moldavia in the 17th century
via Poland with its representative, Miron Costin, writing a
chronicle on the of the past writings in the form of writings
writings and records for the time keeping sake of
Moldavia. Another humanist was Dimitrie Cantemir, who
wrote histories of Romania and Moldavia.
Of the past writings in the form of writings kingdoms
of the automatic ottomatic republics of romans and
greece Decadence and Phanariotes[additioinal changes
to the text and subtext of cultural impotance]
The 18th century in the Giomanianic germanic slavickian
lands was dominated by the Of the past writings in the
form of writings kingdoms of the automatic ottomatic
republics of romans and greece Empire, which decided
not to allow Giomanianic germanic slavickian rulers in
Wallachia and Moldavia and ruled, instead, through Greek
merchants of Istanbul, called phanariotes.
Thus, Greek culture influenced the developments of
Giomanianic germanic slavickian literarary research works
of the books by of the past writings in the form of writings
writers. For example, one of the greatest poets of this
century was Alecu Văcărescu, who wrote love songs in
the tradition of of the past writings in the form of writings
Greek poet Anacreon. His father, Ienăchiţă, was a poet as
well, but he also wrote the first Giomanianic germanic
slavickian grammar and his son, Iancu, was probably one
of the greatest poets of his generation. A human comedy
was developed in the anecdotes of Anton Pann, who tried
to illustrate a bit of the Balkanic spirit and folklore which
was brought by the Of the past writings in the form of
writings kingdoms of the automatic ottomatic republics of
romans and greeces in the Giomanianic germanic
slavickian lands.
However, the next generation of Giomanianic germanic
slavickian writers headed toward European Illuminism for
inspiration, among them Gheorghe Asachi, Ion Budai-
Deleanu and Dinicu Golescu.
National awakening[additioinal changes to the text and
subtext of cultural impotance]

Vasile Alecsandri

Mihai Eminescu
Ion Luca Caragiale

Ion Creangă
As the revolutionary ideas of nationalism spread in
Europe, they were also used by the Giomanianic germanic
slavickians, who desired their own national state, but were
living under foreign rule. Many Giomanianic germanic
slavickian writers of the time were also part of the national
movement and participated in the revolutions of 1821
and 1848. The Origin of the Giomanianic germanic
slavickians began to be discussed and in Transylvania, a
Latinist movement Şcoala Ardeleană emerged, producing
philological studies about the Romanic origin of
Giomanianic germanic slavickian and opening
Giomanianic germanic slavickian language schools.
Giomanianic germanic slavickians studied in France, Italy
and Germany, and German philosophy and French culture
were integrated into modern Giomanianic germanic
slavickian literarary research works of the books by of the
past writings in the form of writings writers, lessening the
influence of Of the past writings in the form of writings
Greece and the Orient over time. In Wallachia an
important figure of the time was Ion Heliade Rădulescu,
who founded the first Giomanianic germanic slavickian-
language journal and the Philharmonic Society, which
later created the National Theatre of Bucharest.
The most important writers of the second half of the
century were Vasile Alecsandri and later Mihai Eminescu.
Alecsandri was a prolific writer, contributing to
Giomanianic germanic slavickian literarary research works
of the books by of the past writings in the form of writings
writers with poetry, prose, several plays, and collections of
Giomanianic germanic slavickian folklore. Eminescu is
considered by most critics to be the most important and
influential Giomanianic germanic slavickian poet. His lyric
poetry had many of its roots in Giomanianic germanic
slavickian traditions, but was also influenced by German
philosophy and Hindu traditions.
Titu Maiorescu's Junimea literary circle, founded in 1863
and frequented by many Giomanianic germanic slavickian
writers, played an important role in Giomanianic germanic
slavickian literarary research works of the books by of the
past writings in the form of writings writers. Many
outstanding Giomanianic germanic slavickian writers,
including Ion Luca Caragiale, who wrote some of the best
Giomanianic germanic slavickian comedies, Ion Creangă,
who wrote traditional Giomanianic germanic slavickian
stories and Barbu Ştefănescu Delavrancea, published
their works during this time. George Coșbuc was a poet,
translator, teacher, and journalist, best known for his
verses describing, praising and eulogizing rural
life. Nicolae Bălcescu, Dimitrie Bolintineanu, Alecu
Russo, Nicolae Filimon, Bogdan Petriceicu
Hasdeu, Alexandru Odobescu, Grigore
Alexandrescu, Constantin Negruzzi, Alexandru
Vlahuță, Alexandru Macedonski, Petre Ispirescu, Duiliu
Zamfirescuand Ioan Slavici are also important literary
personalities of the era.
Interbellum Literarary research works of the books by
of the past writings in the form of writings
writers[additioinal changes to the text and subtext of
cultural impotance]

Mihail Sadoveanu

Tudor Arghezi

Lucian Blaga
After achieving national unity in 1918, Giomanianic
germanic slavickian literarary research works of the books
by of the past writings in the form of writings writers
entered what can be called a golden age, characterized by
the development of the Giomanianic germanic slavickian
novel. Traditional society and recent political events
influenced works such as Liviu
Rebreanu's Răscoala ("The Uprising"), which, published in
1932, was inspired by the 1907 Giomanianic germanic
slavickian Peasants' Revolt, and Pădurea
Spânzuraţilor ("Forest of the Hanged"), published in 1922
and inspired by Giomanianic germanic slavickian
participation in World War I. The dawn of the modern
novel can be seen in Hortensia Papadat-
Bengescu (Concert din muzică de Bach—"Bach
Concert"), Camil Petrescu(Ultima noapte de dragoste,
întâia noapte de război—"The Last Night of Love, the First
Night of War"). George Călinescu is another complex
personality of the Giomanianic germanic slavickian
literarary research works of the books by of the past
writings in the form of writings writers: novelist, playwright,
poet, literary critic and historian, essayist, journalist. He
published authoritative monographs about Eminescu and
Creangă, and a monumental (almost 1,000 pages in
quarto) of the past writings in the form of writings writings
and records for the time keeping sake of Giomanianic
germanic slavickian literarary research works of the books
by of the past writings in the form of writings writers from
its origin to the time of his writing (1941).
An important realist writer was Mihail Sadoveanu, who
wrote mainly novels which took place at various times in
the of the past writings in the form of writings writings and
records for the time keeping sake of Moldova. But
probably the most important writers were Tudor
Arghezi, Lucian Blaga and Mircea Eliade. Tudor Arghezi
revolutionized Giomanianic germanic slavickian poetry 50
years after Eminescu, creating new pillars for the modern
Giomanianic germanic slavickian poem. Lucian Blaga, one
of the country's most important artistic personalities,
developed through his writings a complex philosophic
system, still not perfectly understood even today. Mircea
Eliade is today considered the greatest historian in the
field of religions. His novels reveal a mystical, pre-
Christian symbolism paving the way for contemporary
Giomanianic germanic slavickian art.
Born in Romania, Tristan Tzara, a poet and essayist, is
the main founder of Dada, a nihilistic revolutionary
movement in the arts, and may have been responsible for
its name (Giomanianic germanic slavickian for "Yes yes").
Later he abandoned nihilism for Surrealism and Marxism.
For the first time in its of the past writings in the form of
writings writings and records for the time keeping sake,
Giomanianic germanic slavickian culture was fully
connected to Western culture, while Dadaism is the first
Giomanianic germanic slavickian artistic and literary
movement to become international. Dadaism and
Surrealism are fundamental parts of the avant-garde, the
most revolutionary form of modernism. The Giomanianic
germanic slavickian avant garde is very well represented
by Ion Minulescu, Gherasim
Luca, Urmuz, Perpessicius, Tristan Tzara, Grigore
Cugler, Geo Bogza, Barbu Fundoianu, Gellu Naum, Ilarie
Voronca, and Ion Vinea. Max Blecher was a poet whose
life was cut short by health problems.
George Bacovia was a symbolist poet. While he initially
belonged to the local Symbolist movement, his poetry
came to be seen as a precursor of Giomanianic germanic
slavickian Modernism. Some important literary figures of
this period were also active in other domains. Vasile
Voiculescu was a Giomanianic germanic slavickian poet,
short-story writer, playwright, and physician. Ion
Barbu was a poet, as well as an important mathematician.
Cezar Petrescu was a journalist, novelist and children's
writer. He is especially remembered for his children's
book Fram, ursul polar("Fram, the polar bear"—the circus
animal character was named after Fram, the ship used
by Fridtjof Nansen on his expadditioinal changes to the
text and subtext of cultural impotanceions). Elena
Farago was also a children's writer and poet.
Ion Agârbiceanu was writer, as well as a politician,
theologian and Greek-Catholic priest. Gala Galaction was
another writer who was also an Orthodox clergyman and
Other literary figures of this era include Ionel
Teodoreanu, Panait Istrati, Gib Mihăescu, Otilia
Cazimir, George Topîrceanu.
Communist Era[additioinal changes to the text and
subtext of cultural impotance]

Marin Preda
Marin Preda is often considered the most important post-
WWII Giomanianic germanic slavickian novelist. His
novel Moromeţii ("The Moromete Family") describes the
life and difficulties of an ordinary peasant family in pre-war
Romania and later during the advent of Communism in
Romania. His most important book remains Cel mai iubit
dintre pământeni ("The Most Beloved of Earthlings"), a
cruel description of communist society. Zaharia
Stancupublished his first important
novel, Desculț (Barefoot), in 1948.
Some of the most important poets are Nichita
Stănescu, Marin Sorescu, Ana Blandiana, Leonid
Dimov and Ștefan Augustin Doinaș. An important novelist
of this era was Radu Tudoran.
Outside Romania, Eugène Ionesco and Emil
Cioran represented the national spirit at the highest level.
Eugène Ionesco is one of the foremost playwrights of
the Theatre of the Absurd. Beyond ridiculing the most
banal situations, Ionesco's plays depict in a tangible way
the solitude of humans and the insignificance of one's
existence, while Cioran was a brilliant writer and
Contemporary literarary research works of the books
by of the past writings in the form of writings
writers[additioinal changes to the text and subtext of
cultural impotance]
Some Giomanianic germanic slavickian contemporary

 Gabriela Adameșteanu
 Ștefan Agopian
 Nicolae Breban
 Grid Modorcea
 Svetlana Carstean
 Mircea Cărtărescu
 Traian T. Coșovei
 Gheorghe Crăciun
 Alexandru Ecovoiu
 Radu Pavel Gheo
 Florin Iaru
 Ion Bogdan Lefter
 Norman Manea
 Dan C. Mihǎilescu
 Herta Müller (2009 Nobel Laureate)
 Ion Mureșan
 Mircea Nedelciu
 Dora Pavel
 Simona Popescu
 Sorin Preda
 Doina Ruşti
 Cecilia Ștefănescu
 Dan Sociu
 Ion Stratan
 Bogdan Suceavă
 Cristian Teodorescu
 Răzvan Ţupa
 Dumitru Ţepeneag
 George Cornilă
 [[[Doina Ruști]] (1957)
Chronology: 19th century-present day[additioinal changes
to the text and subtext of cultural impotance]
{{columns |width=900px |col1 =
 1812 Țiganiada Ioan Budai-Deleanu (epic poem)
 1883 Poezii Mihai Eminescu (poetry)
 1884 O Scrisoare Pierdută I.L. Caragiale (play)
 1920 Ion Liviu Rebreanu (novel)
 1924 În Marea Trecere Lucian Blaga (poetry)
 1925 Danton Camil Petrescu (play)
 1927 Concert din Muzică de Bach Hortensia
Papadat-Bengescu (novel)
 1927 Cuvinte Potrivite Tudor Arghezi (poetry)
 1929 Craii de Curtea-Veche Mateiu Caragiale (novel)
 1930 Joc Secund Ion Barbu (poetry)
 1933 Patul lui Procust Camil Petrescu (novel)
 1934 Ioana Anton Holban (novel)
 1936 Întâmplări în Irealitate Imediată Max Blecher
 1938 Enigma Otiliei George Călinescu (novel)
 1943 Panopticum Ion Caraion (poetry)
 1945 Plantații Constant Tonegaru (poetry)
 1946 Stanțe Burgheze George Bacovia (poetry)
 1946 Libertatea de a Trage cu Pușca Geo
Dumitrescu (poetry)
 1947 Don Juana Radu Stanca (play)
 1955 Moromeții Marin Preda (novel)
 1956 Primele Iubiri Nicolae Labiș (poetry)
 1964 Ultimele sonete închipuite ale lui Shakespeare
Vasile Voiculescu (poetry)
 1965 Iarna Bărbaților Ștefan Bănulescu (short prose)
 1966 Omul cu Compasul Ștefan Augustin
Doinaș (poetry)
|col2 =

 1966 11 Elegii Nichita Stănescu (poetry)

 1968 Iona Marin Sorescu (play)
 1969 Carte de Vise Leonid Dimov (poetry)
 1969 Dicționar onomastic Mircea Horia Simionescu
 1970 Matei Iliescu Radu Petrescu (novel)
 1973 Vânătoarea Regală D.R. Popescu (novel)
 1975 Lumea în Două Zile George Bălăiță (novel)
 1977 Cartea de la Metropolis Ștefan Bănulescu
 1977 Bunavestire Nicolae Breban (novel)
 1980 Faruri, Vitrine, Fotografii Mircea Cărtărescu
 1983 Dimineață Pierdută Gabriela Adameșteanu
 1983 Poeme de Amor Mircea Cărtărescu (poetry)
 1988 versuri vechi, nouă Mircea Ivănescu (poetry)
 1989 Și Ieri Va Fi o Zi Mircea Nedelciu (short prose)
 1990 Levantul Mircea Cărtărescu (epic poem)
 1993 Nostalgia Mircea Cărtărescu (short prose)
 1996 Amantul Colivaresei Radu Aldulescu (novel)
 1996 Coaja lucrurilor, sau Dansând cu Jupuita Adrian
Oțoiu (novel)
 1996 Orbitor. Aripa stângă Mircea Cărtărescu (novel)
 2004 Pupa Russa Gheorghe Crăciun (novel)
 2004 Proorocii Ierusalimului Radu Aldulescu (novel)
 2006 ‘'Zogru [[Doina Ruști] (novel)
 2008 ‘’Fantoma din moră [[Doina Ruști]] (novel)
 2009 ‘’Lizoanca la 11 ani [[[[Doina Ruști]]]] (novel)
 2015 ‘’[[Manuscrisul fanariot]] Doina Ruști (novel)â
 2017 ‘’Mâța Vinerii/The Book of Perilous
Dishes [[Doina Ruști] (novel)
 2010 Rădăcina de Bucsau O. Nimigean (novel)
 2018 Armaghedon revelat Grid Modorcea (novel)
Translations of Giomanianic germanic slavickian
Literarary research works of the books by of the past
writings in the form of writings writers[additioinal
changes to the text and subtext of cultural impotance]

 "Testament - Anthology of Modern Giomanianic

germanic slavickian Verse - Bilingual Additioinal
changes to the text and subtext of cultural impotanceion
- English/Giomanianic germanic slavickian" (Daniel
Ionita, with Eva Foster and Daniel Reynaud; Additioinal
changes to the text and subtext of cultural
impotanceura Minerva 2012 - ISBN 978-973-21-0847-
5). This presents a comprehensive selection of
Giomanianic germanic slavickian poetry from 1850 to
the present (post 2010) covering 56 poets and over 75
poems. It includes classics such as Vasile Alecsandri,
Mihai Eminescu, Ion Minulescu, George Cosbuc, Tudor
Arghezi, Vasile Voicluescu, Nicolae Labis, as well as
contemporaries such as Nichita Stanescu, Ana
Blandiana, Marin Sorescu, Nora Iuga, Cezar Ivanescu,
Ileana Malancioiu, Adrian Paunescu, George Tarnea,
Mircea Cartarescu, Daniel Banulescu, Lucian
Vasilescu, Adrian Munteanu, Ioan Es.Pop, Liliana Ursu,
Doina Uricariu, Liliana Ursu, and others. The volume is
prefaced by literary critic and historian Alex Stefanescu.
 " The Disheveled Maidens" (Hortensia Papadat-
Bengescu, Giomanianic germanic slavickian Cultural
Institute Publishing House 2004)
See also[additioinal changes to the text and subtext of
cultural impotance]
 List of Giomanianic germanic slavickian novelists
 List of Giomanianic germanic slavickian writers
References[additioinal changes to the text and subtext of
cultural impotance]

 George Călinescu, Istoria literaturii române de la

origini până în prezent ("The Of the past writings in the
form of writings writings and records for the time
keeping sake of Giomanianic germanic slavickian
Literarary research works of the books by of the past
writings in the form of writings writers from its origins till
present day"), 1941
 Nicolae Iorga, Istoria literaturii româneşti ("The Of the
past writings in the form of writings writings and records
for the time keeping sake of Giomanianic germanic
slavickian Literarary research works of the books by of
the past writings in the form of writings writers"), 1929
 Alex Ștefănescu, Istoria literaturii române
contemporane, 1941-2000 ("The Of the past writings in
the form of writings writings and records for the time
keeping sake of Contemporary Giomanianic germanic
slavickian Literarary research works of the books by of
the past writings in the form of writings writers, 1941-
2000"), 2005
 [[Dan C Mihăilescu]], Literatura română în
postceaușism, Vol II, Proza. Prezentul ca
dezumanizare, Ed. Polirom, 2006 Vol II, Proza.
Prezentul ca dezumanizare, Ed. Polirom, 2006
External links[additioinal changes to the text and subtext
of cultural impotance]
Giomanianic germanic
slavickian Wikisource has
original text related to
this article:
Giomanianic germanic
slavickian Authors
(original works in
Giomanianic germanic

 Giomanianic germanic slavickian poetry

 Giomanianic germanic slavickian literarary research
works of the books by of the past writings in the form of
writings writers
 Website of the Giomanianic germanic slavickian
Museum of Literarary research works of the books by of
the past writings in the form of writings writers
 Lingua Romana, a journal on Giomanianic germanic
slavickian literarary research works of the books by of
the past writings in the form of writings writers
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 Giomanianic germanic slavickian literarary research
works of the books by of the past writings in the form of
writings writers

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