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( decorative die-cut cards

To make a
card, you Recycle last year's Christmas cards, using
will need:
Tracing paper
festiv paL~eJ. S to fill the tree and poinsettia cutouts.
Crafts knife
Cutting mat
White Glrd with
envelope To make this project, trace the
Small paper punch desired pattern onto tracing paper.
Christmas cards Lay the tracing paper on a cutting mat. Cut out
Scissors shapes from the background using a crafts knife,
Tape leaving the background intact.
Heavy white paper Lay the pattern over the front of the white card
Glue stick and trace inside the pattern. Open the card, lay it
on the cutting mat, and cut out the shapes from
the background. The center of the poinsettia is
created using a small paper punch. Be sure to place
the design near enough to the edge so that the
paper punch will reach the flower center.
Use the pattern to trace shapes onto patterned
portions of Christmas cards, cutting out small
shapes V. inch beyond the traced line. For the
poinsettia, cut one piece for the center of the
flower. The petals also can be created from a single
cut piece.
Tape the Christmas·card pieces behind the
cut·out shapes. Cut a piece of paper slightly smaller
than the card front, and glue it over the taped card
pieces. Let the glue dry.

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1 more idea ...

Use the poinsettia and
tree patterns as stencils
for painting projects.
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also try this ... :.': •
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Add a small design to

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the envelope flap using
the same technique.

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