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Gandamra, Camid OCTOBER 17, 2016

Fineza, Jaya Krisza U. POLSCI 147

The best way to channel globalization is through using alternative energy

sources such as wind and solar power. Companies today use harmful sources that

produce tons of greenhouse gasses. This is the root cause of harmful substances

that damage our environment. Wind and solar power are gentler and less harmful

compared to the ones being used by companies today. It has less harmful

environmental impacts. In this way, environmental damage can be minimized even

with globalization. We cannot get rid of globalization itself because it plays a huge

part in improving our daily lives. It has positive effects that we cannot pass up on.

By using alternative energy sources like wind and solar power, we can minimize

environmental damage and we can use it to make other advancements that can

help in countering negative environmental impacts. Globalization can be used to

lessen carbon footprints by creating new technologies. These technologies would

involve less harmful sources so as not to harm the environment drastically. Energy

sources like solar power were expensive in the past but it is now becoming more

affordable for companies to use.

By tapping these new energy sources, it creates new opportunities. It

creates new businesses and jobs. If we use new kinds of energy sources, it will

require new technology and human capital. It will also help less industrialized

countries to be part of the larger market especially if they have the resources to
offer. For example, the experience of the East Asian economies demonstrates the

positive effect of globalization on economic growth and shows that at least under

some circumstances globalization decreases poverty. The spectacular growth in

East Asia, which increased GDP per capita by eightfold and raised millions of

people out of poverty, was based largely on globalization—export-led growth and

closing the technology gap with industrialized countries (Stiglitz, 2003). If smaller

and less industrialized countries can participate in providing less harmful energy

sources to be used for globalization, then socio-economic progress will eventually

take place. The best part is we can improve through globalization without harming

and destroying our environment.

To achieve this, the governments, must take appropriate measures

reflecting the environmental cost of the activities of public administrations,

companies and citizens. But all the stakeholders must play a role: manufacturers

must adopt production methods that are more respectful of the environment and

consumers must change their habits, for example by purchasing “greener”

products and services. Things are more complex than it seems. For example,

encouraging companies or authorities to sell coffee branded “fair trade” may be

good for the environment, but will not resolve all the environmental problems linked

to coffee production. To have a truly positive impact, a palette of different

measures will need to be implemented simultaneously. Thus, there must also be

a need to guide globalization with environmental agencies and pose positive

effects of environmentally friendly technologies and practices.

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