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Thermodynamic analysis of CAES/TES systems for renewable energy plants

Article in Renewable Energy · September 2008

DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2007.12.003


99 306

2 authors:

G. Grazzini Adriano Milazzo

University of Florence University of Florence


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Renewable Energy 33 (2016) 1998–2006

Thermodynamic analysis of CAES/TES systems for

renewable energy plants
Giuseppe Grazzini, Adriano Milazzo
Dipartimento di Energetica ‘‘Sergio Stecco’’, Università degli studi di Firenze, via di Santa Marta, 3-50139 Firenze, Italy
Received 22 July 2016; accepted 5 December 2015
Available online 28 January 2016


A thermodynamic analysis is presented for an energy storage system without combustion and including thermal recuperation
(adiabatic compressed air energy strong (CAES)). The storage volume is optimized and a system layout with thermal storage (TES) and
variable configuration is designed. The proposed system is simulated in order to have a first estimate of its energy recovery efficiency.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Energy storage; CAES; TES

1. Introduction Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is located slightly

below pumped hydro systems, in terms of power. Actually,
Thermodynamics is the science of temperature, heat, and in the very few practical realizations, CAES systems are
energy exchange. Thermodynamics has practical hybrid plants, comprising energy storage and conversion.
applications in all branches of science and technology as Ambient air is compressed and stored in large underground
well as in various aspects of daily life, from weather to caverns during low-demand periods. In peak hours, the
cooking. Temodinamika is the study of the relationship compressed air is heated in a combustor and fed to a gas
between heat and effort and the properties that support the turbine. In this way, the whole turbine power is available at
relationship. It can also be said that thermodynamics is the the alternator, compression being performed apart. The
study of energy and its transformation. compression may be inter-refrigerated, but the recovered
The principles and laws of thermodynamics are used in the energy is usually wasted. An example of the economic
planning of combustion engines, nuclear power centers, potential of a current technology CAES system is given in
refrigeration planes, rockets, airplanes, aircraft with electric [2], with specific reference to a network with high wind
power, etc. Various energy storage technologies are energy share. The potential of CAES in arid regions is dealt
available (Fig. 1), according to different physical with in [3].
principles, and each of these technologies is well suited for In the case of a CAES coupled with a renewable energy
a specific power or energy range. Alternatively, energy plant, some variations to the above concept may be useful,
storage systems can be qualified according to their as will be shown later on. Specifically, energy recovery
operation time. efficiency should be optimized. For this purpose, the energy
Some of these systems, such as flywheels or super- expelled as heat during compression should be recovered
capacitors, have limited capacity. Others, like advanced and reused during expansion. This can be done by using
batteries or fuel cells, have high costs or low availability. thermal energy storage (CAES-TES) [4].
Moreover, they are often impaired by a low number of Besides, in order to avoid any local gaseous emission, the
charge/discharge cycles. The upper right corner of the combustor should be eliminated. This produces the so-
diagram in
Corresponding 1 is dominated by pumped
Tel.: +39 55 4796333; hydro
fax: +39 systems.
55 4796342. called ‘‘adiabatic CAES’’ concept, which is currently the
E-mailthese systems
address: have been extensively used, as far as
(A. Milazzo). object of an EU-funded research project [5]. Initial results
the orography of each country allows.
0960-1481/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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G. Grazzini, A. Milazzo / Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1998–2006 1999

Nomenclature t time

D diameter of reservoir Greek Letters

E stored energy
L work b compression ratio
L~ non-dimensional work e heat exchanger efficiency
P power Z energy efficiency
Q heat l exponent equal to (m 1)/m
R gas constant r density of material
T charging time s maximum allowed stress
T temperature t time constant
V storage volume
Vmat volume of material Subscripts
cp constant pressure specific heat
cv constant volume specific heat 0 ambient condition
k ratio cp/cv AF temperature of cold thermal storage
m polytropic exponent AC temperature of hot thermal storage
mmat mass of material c compression
m_ mass flow e expansion
n number of stages h heated
p pressure rest energy restitution
s thickness of reservoir t isothermal

of this project are reported in [6]. Here, however, some should be conceived. In this way, the CAES could be located
significant departures have been made from this approach. in the neighborhood of the renewable energy source or in a
As a last modification, the CAES concept can be location that minimizes global energy transmission cost in a
uncoupled from the availability of underground natural distributed generation scenario. An extreme consequence of
volumes [7]. For this purpose, low-cost artificial reservoirs this concept is presented in [8], where the air compressor is



1.E+06 FC Batt
Energy [kJ]

FC Batt FC
FC Batt
1.E+04 SMES
Batt FW
Cap Cap FW
1.E+02 Batt
1.E+01 Cap

1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05
Power [kW]

FW = Flywheel SMES = Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage

FC = Fuel Cell PH = Pumped Hydro
Batt = Lead-Acid Battery CAES = Compressed Air Energy Storage
Cap = Supercapacitor

Fig. 1. Performance of various energy storage technologies (data from [1]).

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2000 G. Grazzini, A. Milazzo / Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1998–2006

directly coupled to a wind turbine, avoiding the mechanical- With some simplification, the material volume results as
to-electric energy conversion. V mat 3
¼p . (2)
V 2s
2. Exploratory design of a CAES system for renewable In other words, the reservoir volume is proportional to the
energy plant air volume and to the ratio p/s between the internal
pressure and maximum allowed stress, while it is indepen-
2.1. Choice of storage pressure dent of the volume fractioning in several reservoirs. Taking
the volume from Eq. (1) and introducing the material
Thinking, as a reference, of a medium size energy source, density r, the reservoir mass is
the system is dimensioned to accept an input power 3 E r
mmat ¼ . (3)
P ¼ 500 kW. A charging period T ¼ 8 h should be allowed 2 ln ðbÞ s
at full power. The stored energy is then E ¼ PT ¼
In Eq. (3) the ratio s/r quantifies the elastic energy that
14,400 MJ. Actually, most of following results are general,
can be stored in the reservoir material. For some values of
independent of the above assumptions.
this ratio, Fig. 3 shows the reservoir material per unit
At constant temperature, the energy stored in a
stored energy.
compressed air volume varies with the compression ratio
For s/r ¼ 30 kJ/kg, representing steel with allowable
b. The system cost is a function of the required volume per
stress s ¼ 234 MPa, the reservoir mass can be lower than
unit stored energy, i.e.:
10 kg/MJ. For the energy amount considered herein, this
V 1 means a mass below 150,000 kg.
,E ¼ p b lnðbÞ (1) In practice, the reservoir mass will be slightly higher than
estimated above, due to practical available shapes,
where p0 is the ambient pressure. accessories, etc. Apart from specific values, the diagram
Both storage volumes and air masses steeply decrease for shows that the curves are almost horizontal for b4200.
bo50. For higher values, the decrease is slower (Fig. 2).
To quantify the investment cost, some hypotheses should 2.2. Energy storage and recovery
be made on the reservoir. In the case of natural under-
ground storage, the system capacity and its cost are given According to what has been said, b ¼ 200 is assumed in
by the available underground volume. On the other hand, what follows. Air can be compressed with volumetric or
for artificial storage, optimization is possible. dynamic compressors. In both cases, the compression
For the sake of simplicity, the material is considered to can be analyzed as a polytropic transformation,
be working at constant stress. For example, the reservoir whose exponent m is higher than the specific heat ratio
could be a relatively thin sphere. To avoid excessive cp/cv. Therefore, compressed air temperature increases
thickness, the volume may be divided into several according to
connected reservoirs. If the thickness s is small, its value
can be calculated as T c ¼ T 0 ðbÞðm 1=mÞ
. (4)

s 1p In order to limit this exit temperature and energy loss,

¼ , compression can be divided into stages and air can be
D 4s
cooled between them. If the heat exchangers used for
where p is the pressure, D the reservoir diameter, and s the cooling have efficiency e and the cooling medium enters at
maximum allowed stress. a temperature TAF, the exit temperature from the i-esime

10 10
V/E [m3/MJ]

m/E [kg/MJ]



0.001 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Compression ratio

Fig. 2. Specific air volume and mass for a constant temperature energy storage.
Author's personal copy

G. Grazzini, A. Milazzo / Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1998–2006 2001

mmat/E [kg/MJ]

10 30
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Compression ratio

Fig. 3. Reservoir mass per unit of stored energy as a function of material strength.

Compression train Expansion train

M C1 C2 C3 E1 E2 E3 U

Compressed air
Hot storage storage Cold storage

Fig. 4. Scheme of CAES system with thermal storage.

stage in a system with n stages is of this energy. On the whole, the reduction of the
compression work obtained with inter-cooling compen-
T i ¼ ð1 Þbl=n T i 1 þ T AF, (5) sates the reduction of expansion work due to lower
where l ¼ (m 1)/m. The non-dimensional compression expanding air temperature, giving the same recovery
work L~c ¼ Lc =ðcp T 0 Þ is efficiency. The specific energy storage per unit mass of
! thermal storage (TES) material is lower, but technological
Xn 1
T i problems, as well as heat losses in the environment are
L~c ¼ ðb 1Þ 1 þ . (6) reduced.
The hot storage temperature is related to cold storage
The heat recovered in the above exchangers can be stored and to compressor exit temperature given by (4) through
and reused in the following expansion, in order to raise the the heat exchanger efficiency e:
expanding air temperature and increase the recovered T AC ¼ T AF þ ðT c T AF Þ. (7)
work. For the sake of simplicity, the exchangers can be
arranged in parallel (Fig. 4). In this case, the cooling fluid Therefore, Tc being proportional to bl/n, the final tem-
temperature in the hot storage TAC is the average of those perature of the refrigerant fluid decreases with the number
reached at the exit of the exchangers. of stages.
In contrast with what is stated in [6], here an inter-cooled The expansion can be dealt with similarly, accounting
compression is pursued. This reduces the thermodynamic for heat exchange between air and fluid that comes from
value of the stored energy, but does not affect the amount the hot storage at TAC. Air enters the expander at a
Author's personal copy

2002 G. Grazzini, A. Milazzo / Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1998–2006

temperature optimized value found in Section 2.1. The opposite takes

T h ¼ T 0 þ ðT AC T 0 Þ. (8) place during discharge. A real compressor or turbine would
hardly work with reasonable efficiency on such an extended
Afterward, air is expanded and cooled down to a range. Simply wasting the exceeding pressure on a valve, as
temperature Te ¼ Th(b) l, where l has a different value in [9], is acceptable only for small and infrequently
from that of compression, m now being smaller that k. operated systems.
Accordingly, in an n-stage system configured as in Fig. 3, The problem could be solved by a variable configuration.
the exit temperature from i-esime expander is At first all the stages are operated in parallel, using the
T i ¼ ½T i 1 ð1 Þ þ T AC b l=n
. (9) incoming power to drive a huge flow rate inside the low
pressured reservoir. As the reservoir pressure increases,
The non-dimensional expansion work Le ¼ Le =ðcp T 0 Þ for some stages are placed in series, until the configuration
an n-stage system is shown in Fig. 4 is reached.
Ti A possible arrangement for such a variable configuration
L~e ¼ ðbl=n 1Þ . (10) system is shown in Fig. 6, where, for the sake of clarity, the
TES has been omitted. Valves V1, V2, etc. have two
An example can be carried out with a system working with positions and allow changing the connection between each
air (cp ¼ 1.0 kJ kg 1 K 1 and cp/cv ¼ 1.4), where the poly- stage and the following one. For higher numbers of stages,
tropic exponents are 1.45 for compression and 1.36 for intermediate series/parallel configurations are viable and
expansion, as in state-of-the-art machinery. more complex valve assemblies will be required.
Thermal fluid and inducted air are initially at ambient The real behavior of compressors and expanders is
temperature, i.e. 20 1C. The same is true for air inside dependent on the specific machine and its regulation. As a
storage volume. Heat exchanger efficiency is 0.7 and first attempt, it can be assumed that the control systems are
remains constant. able to vary the rotation speed, in order to keep absorbed
Fig. 5 shows the compression and expansion works, Lc (or released) power constant. In this way, stored (or
and Le, and heat exchanges Qc and Qe; these quantities are recovered) energy is simply proportional to elapsed time. If
reported with solid lines for easy reading, but obviously power P is a constant, the instant flow rate can be
they are meaningful only at integral numbers of stages. expressed as a function of compression work L as
Work and heat recovery efficiencies Z and Zt, defined as P
ratios between energies introduced during the charge phase m
_ ¼ . (11)
and recovered during discharge, are shown as well. L
For comparison, the diagram also shows the isothermal On the other hand, in the absence of fluid sinks, the input
compression work Lt, which is remarkably lower. Expan- flow in the storage volume V is equal to the increase of
sion work is also lower than its compression counterpart, stored mass:
but the difference decreases as the number of stages dm V dp
increases. This improvement is measured by the work m
_ ¼ ¼ . (12)
dt RT dt
recovery efficiency Z that reaches a value of 0.8 for a system
with 10 stages. Similarly, the heat recovered in the Substituting and integrating gives a relation between time
expansion is lower than that stored during the compres- and pressure:
sion, but the heat recovery efficiency Zt increases with the Z p Z
V p0 V b
number of stages. t¼ L dp ¼ LðbÞdb. (13)
PRT p0 PRT 1
The gain obtained with fractioning is evident as long as
the stages are few. Given the behavior depicted in Fig. 4, a Temperature T inside the storage volume is basically
good compromise between complexity and energy effi- constant and equal to ambient temperature T0, so that (13)
ciency could be n ¼ 5. A detailed analysis should account can be further simplified. Using once more the non-
for pressure losses in the heat exchangers and minimize dimensional work L~ ¼ L=ðcp T 0 Þ and introducing a time
global irreversibility. This is not the purpose of this work. constant t ¼ (p0 V/P)(cp/R), one has
On the other hand, an initial attempt should be made to Z b
understand system behavior with a storage pressure that t¼t L~ðbÞdb. (14)
changes from the ambient to fully charged value, i.e. with a 1

variable compression ratio. Compression work varies with configuration: if n is the

maximum number of stages connected in series, recalling
2.3. Variable configuration system (6), compression proceeds as follows:

The foregoing analysis was made at steady state, while (1) all stages in parallel up to b1 ¼ b1/n:
actually the compression ratio starts from b ¼ 1 (or
possibly from some residual value, if the former discharge
phase was incomplete) and increases continuously up to the L~ðbÞ ¼ bl 1, (15)
Author's personal copy

G. Grazzini, A. Milazzo / Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1998–2006 2003

1400 1.0

1200 0.8

1000 0.6
L [kJ/kg]

800 0.4

600 0.2

400 0.0

900 0.80
800 0.76
Q [kJ/kg]

700 0.72

600 0.68

500 0.64

400 0.60
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
N of stages

Fig. 5. Exchanged heat and work during compression and expansion vs. number of stages.

! ! This phase ends at time t2 calculated with (18) at

b l þ1 b lþ1 þ b ¼ b2.
t¼t b þ1 ¼t b . (16)
1l þ1 ll þ1 (3) Three groups of stages in series from b2 to b3 ¼ b3/n:

This first phase ends at time t1 ¼ t½ðblþ1 þ lÞ= L~ðbÞ ¼ ð1 Þ 2b l þ 2 ð1 Þb 2=3l

ðl þ 1Þ b1 . þ ð2 þ Þb l=3 ð1 þ 2 Þ, ð19Þ
(2) two groups of stages in series from b1 to b2 ¼ b2/n:
L~ðbÞ ¼ ðbl=2 1Þð1 þ T~ 1 Þ; with blþ1 lþ1
t ¼ t2 þ t ð1 Þ2 þ 2 ð1 Þ
2 l þ1
T~ 1 ¼ ½ð1 Þbl=2 T 0 þ T AF =T 0 .
The analysis remains general, supposing the cooling bð2=3Þlþ1 bð2=3Þlþ1
2 bðl=3Þþ1 ðl=3Þþ1
þ ð2 þ Þ
fluid at heat exchanger entrance to be roughly at the ð2=3Þl þ 1 l=3 þ 1
ambient temperature. Substituting and simplifying gives
ð1 þ 2 Þðb b2 Þ . ð20Þ
L~ðbÞ ¼ ð1 l
Þb þ 2 b l=2
ð1 þ Þ, (17)

" (4) Four groups of stages in series from b3 to b4 ¼ b4/n:

b lþ1 1 b
t ¼ t1 þ t ð1 Þ l þ1
l þ1
# L~ðbÞ ¼ ð1 Þ 3 bl þ 2 ð1 Þ2 b3=4l
ðl=2 Þþ1 ðl=2
b 1b þ ð2 þ Þð1 Þb l=2 þ 2 ð1 þ Þb l=4
þ4 Þþ1 ð1 þ Þðb b1 Þ . ð18Þ
l þ2
ð1 þ 3 Þ ð21Þ
Author's personal copy

2004 G. Grazzini, A. Milazzo / Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1998–2006


M C1 C2 C3 E1 E2 E3 U

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6



M C1 C2 C3 E1 E2 E3 U

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6


Fig. 6. Variable configuration air circuit.

bl þ1 3 b b ð2 =5 Þlþ1 b4
ð2 =5 Þl
t ¼ t3 þ t ð1 Þ 3l þ1 þ 2 ð1 2
Þ þ1
l þ1 ð2=5Þl þ 1
bð3=4Þlþ1 b3 bl=5 l=5
þ 2 ð1 Þ2 ð2 þ 3 Þ b ð1 þ 4 Þðb b4 Þ . ð24Þ
ð3=4Þl þ 1 ðl=5Þ
4 þ1
b ðl =2 Þþ1 3 b
þ ð2 þ Þð1 Þ =2 Þþ1 Substitution of due values of b gives the time values
ðl=2Þ þ 1
# t 3 , t 4, and e t 5.
b ðl=4 Þþ1 3 b For example, let â ¼ 200, p0 ¼ 1 bar, and n ¼ 5
þ 2 ð1 Þ ðl=4 Þþ1 ð1 þ 3 Þðb b3 Þ .
ðl=4Þ þ 1 stages. Other data are set as in Section 2.2.
The connection between the stages varies as described
above and is shown in Table 1, together with pressure
(5) Five groups of stages in series from b4 to b5 ¼ b5/n: ranges and durations of each phase.
The first phase is very short, and probably could be
omitted without significant losses. The pressure curve,
L~ðbÞ ¼ ð1 Þ4 bl þ 2 ð1 Þ 3b ð4=5Þl
Fig. 7, is smooth, so that the single phases are not
þ ð2 þ Þð1 Þ 2b ð3=5Þl þ 2 ð1 2
Þb ð2=5Þl distinguishable. The duration of the charging phase is
þ ð2 þ 3 Þbl=5 1þ4 , ð23Þ 9.17 h instead of 8 h, due to energy losses; the input energy
is 16,500 MJ.
The simulation shows also that cooling medium in the
blþ1 lþ1 heat exchangers reaches a maximum temperature of 426 K,
t ¼ t4 þ t ð1 Þ4 which is barely feasible using pressurized water. A water
b4 l þ1
mass of 34,200 kg is needed. At the end of charging, the
ð4=5Þlþ1 water reaches 398 K.
bð4=5Þlþ1 b4
þ 2 ð1 Þ3 The same scheme with an inverse sequence is used in the
ð4=5Þl þ 1
discharge phase. Stages are connected in series at first and
bð3=5Þlþ1 b4 then in parallel. The configuration and the duration of each
þ ð2 þ Þð1 Þ2
ð3=5Þl þ 1 phase are shown in Table 2.
Author's personal copy

G. Grazzini, A. Milazzo / Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1998–2006 2005

Table 1
Charging sequence

p (bar) t (s) Configuration

1–2.9 0–39

2.9–8.3 39–364

8.3–24 364–1953

24–69 1953–8480

69–200 8480–33,000

Fig. 7. In-storage pressure for a variable configuration, 5-stage system.

Table 2
Discharging sequence

p (bar) t (s) Configuration

200–69 0–17385

69–24 17,385–22,117

24–8.3 22,117–23,307

8.3–2.9 23,307––23,563

2.9–1 23,563–23,596
Author's personal copy

2006 G. Grazzini, A. Milazzo / Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1998–2006

Energy losses produce a reduction of the discharge connection between these turbines and CAES compressors.
duration, which turns out to be slightly more than 6.5 h, In this way, the cost, complexity, and energy losses due to
releasing 11,800 MJ. conversion to and from electric energy could be avoided,
System power being constant, the energy recovery though these gains are not quantified here. Obviously a
efficiency can be easily calculated as the ratio between mechanically coupled storage would be unable to accept
charge and discharge duration. The result is energy from the grid in low load periods, limiting its
Zrest ¼ 0:72. function to the source variability mitigation.

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