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Special applications of the jet-grouting technique for underpinning works

Application spéciale de la technique de jet-grouting pour des travaux de soutènement

J.Maertens & W.Maekelberg - Tue Rail n.v., Belgium

ABSTRACT: For the realization o f the H igh Speed Rail link underneath the city o f A ntw erp a tunnel has to b e built beneath a 100
years old railway em bankm ent containing several bridges. To reinforce the foundations o f the old bridges and in order to build a new
foundation at higher depth a tem porary underpinning, made out o f je t grout columns, w as necessary. A xial loading tests were p re­
formed w ith the purpose o f determ ining the behavior o f the je t gro u t columns. During these tests conducted on prelim inary installed
columns, sudden ruptures occurred in th e upper section. To explain these sudden ruptures, a full-scale loading test on a colum n w as
performed in laboratory. From th e results o f this test it can be deduced that sm allheterogeneities in a grout colum n m ay have a real
influence on the compressive strength o f a grout column.

RÉSUME: Pour la réalisation de la ligne TGV en dessous de la ville d ’A nvers, un tunnel doit être construit sous u n vieux rem blai de
chemin de fer et qui contient quelques arches. P our consolider tem porairem ent les vieilles fondations de ces arches et po u r pouvoir
construire une nouvelle fondation à p lus grande profondeur, il fallait faire un ensem ble des p ieux de je t grouting a travers l ’ancienne
fondation. Lors des essais préalables de m ise en charge, des phénomènes de rupture se sont pro d u it dans la partie supérieure de
quelques colonnes. A fin d ’expliquer le phénom ène de rupture, on a réalisé un test à vraie grandeur sur une colonne de je t grouting
dans un laboratoire. D e ces résultats, on peut déduire que des petites hétérogénéités dans le grout d ’une colonne peuvent influencer
considérablement la résistance d ’une colonne entière.

1 INTRODUCTION Table 1: Grouting parameters for the installation o f 0.90m diameter grout
For the realization o f the H igh-Speed Railway link betw een
Grouting parameter Test columns Def. columns
Brussels and A m sterdam a tunnel underneath the city o f A nt­
C> = 0.60m <X>= 0.90m
werp needs to be b u ilt
The water pressure during the drilling ISObar 250bar
U ntil now the central station o f Antwerp has been an end-
N ozzle diameter 1 . 6 mm 2 . 8mm
station being used at full capacity. Since m uch higher capacity Grouting pressure 450bar SOObar
needs are expected in the future, an expansion o f the station be­ Extraction speed 5sec/4cm 8.1sec/4cm
came indispensable. Because o f the .urbanised environm ent o f Flow 0.9821/sec. 3.1701/sec.
the station, a subterraneous expansiqn under the station w as de­
signed. Underneath the station tw o S ages are being constructed
and w ill be accessible by a tunnel. 2.2 Jet-grouting technique
In the southern part o f the city the tunnel has to be build be­
The je t grout columns have been installed according to the mono
neath a 1 0 0 years old railw ay em bankm ent containing several
je t system.
bridges. In a tem porary phase th e foundation o f the bridges need
The prelim inary installed colum ns w ere also used to verify
to be underpinned. Therefore the jet-grouting technique is used.
the diam eter o f the colum ns and to optim ise the installation p a ­
Because the technique is used on a very large scale on this
rameters. The param eters used for the installation o f the test col­
project load tests have been perform ed on prelim inary installed um ns are given in the first colum n o f table 1 .
columns. These tests resulted in useful inform ation on the de­ During the lowering o f the drilling rods w ater w as pumped
formation behaviour o f the colum ns, being installed under the through the nozzles w ith a pressure o f 150 bars. The drilling rods
old foundation o f the bridge. w ere lowered rather slowly so a hole w ith a diam eter o f about
0.30m w as created before the real grouting operation w as started.
W ith these grouting param eters the diam eter o f the column
2 JET GRO UTIN G TEC H N IQ U E USED FO R w as about 0.60m.
UNDERPINNING W ORKS The required diam eter o f the definitive colum ns under the
foundation o f the bridges w as 0.90m . Therefore the grouting pa­
2.1 The underpinning works ram eters had to be adapted. The used param eters for the installa­
tion o f the definitive colum ns are given in the second column o f
In order to m ake the excavating o f the tunnel possible and to in ­
table 1 .
stall the new foundation o f th e bridges at higher depth, a tem po­
rary underpinning o f the old foundation o f the bridges w as nec­
Some o f these bridges to b e underpinned have a masonry 3 GEOLOGIC PROFILE
vault and are founded on a very deteriorated concrete layer. The
jet grout colum ns also provide a consolidation o f this deterio­ In table 2 the geologic profile encountered at the location o f the
rated concrete layer. bridges is described.

Table 2: Geologic profile Table 4: T he results o f th e axial loading tests

Name Soil type Thickness Columnnr. Type o f the test Working load Displacement
kN mm
Top layer Quaternary Loam 3m 1 Pull out test 744 4.43
Formation o f Berchem Tertiary sand (40% Glauconite) 23m 2 Loading test > 112 0 5.63
Boom Clay formation Tertiary clay________________________ >50m 3 Loading test 736 3.45
4 Loading test 680 3.32
5 Loading test > 112 0 5.35
q c (M P a ) 6 Pull out test >900 >5.23
10 20

The tests w ere carried out until 2 tim e th e estim ated working
load o f the colum n w as achieved.

4.2 The results and interpretation of the tests

The interpretation o f the test results w as done in accordance w ith
the recom mendations o f the LCPC, based on the creep load
Table 4 displays the obtained working load o f each column
w ith the m atching displacements. These results show a dis­
placem ent o f the column at w orking load o f less than 1% o f his
Since for the design o f the underpinning, a design load corre­
sponding to a stress in the grout colum ns o f 1 M Pa w as consid­
ered, a settlement o f about 3 m m could be expected.
The construction around th e test on colum n 6 being too w eak,
the test could not be perform ed until m axim um load.
In figure 2 the different load-displacem ent diagrams for the
Figure 1. The CPT-test in the vicinity o f the bridges and the test site
axial loading tests are shown. Figure 3 shows the load-
displacem ent diagrams o f the pull out tests.
H ie results o f a CPT-test perform ed in the vicinity o f the
bridges and the test site are given in figure 1 . 4.3 The behaviour of the grout columns
To estimate the behaviour o f the grout colum ns the load dis­
4 AXIAL LOADING TEST O N JET G ROUT COLUM NS IN placem ent diagrams were com pared w ith the theoretical load
SITU displacem ent diagram given in the N EN [2], In the NEN, de­
pending on the pile type 3 different diagram s are distinguished.
4.1 Test program These diagrams are given in function o f th e ultim ate load o f the
In the vicinity o f the bridges to be underpinned a large num ber
Since colum n 1 is the only test colum n for w hich the maxi­
o f test columns have been installed The first aim o f these test
m um load approaches the ultim ate load o f the colum n the com­
columns w as to verify the accordance betw een the aim ed column
parison could only be done for this column. The effective ulti-
diam eter the grout-strength and th e used grouting parameters.
In total 6 jet-grout colum ns w ere tested with axial loading L o a d (k N )
tests. The features o f these colum ns are show n in table 3.
The je t grout colum ns have a total length o f 7 or 9 m , a di­ 500 1000 1500
ameter betw een 0.51 and 0.65m and are m ade in a tw o-layered
soil (Figure 1). Pull out tests (Colum ns 1 and 6 ) and axial load­
ing tests (columns 2-5) w ere perform ed on the different columns.
In order to sim ulate th e presence o f the old foundations un­
Column 2 (L ^ m )
derneath the bridge and to eliminate th e friction in this part o f
- Column 3 (L=7m)
the tested columns, a large tube w as p u t over the first 3 m o f the
Column 4 (L=7m)
axially loaded colum ns after the installation o f the columns. The
Column 5 (L ^ m )
depth o f 3 m eters has been chosen as it corresponds to the m ean
foundation level o f the bridges.
The tests w ere perform ed in accordance w ith the recommen­
dation o f the LCPC [1] (Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Figure 2. Load displacement diagram for axial loading tests
Chaussées). In each test the load w as p u t on the colum n in 8
stages w ith a duration o f 1 hour. D uring this hour the displace­ 18
m ent at the top o f the colum n w as m easured at pre-set timing. 16
Table 3 : Features o f the tested columns 12
10 ■ C o lu m n 1 ( L = 7 m )

Columnnr. LQncany Lf. hTB. LtomI ^coham 8 ~C o lu m n 6 ( L = 9 m )
m m m m 6
m m m m sm sm z m m m m m
1 3 4 7 0.51 a fflg g a g s a e i B ^ i
2 3 (Free) 6 9 0.54 2
3 3 (Free) 4 7 0.58 0
4 3 (Free) 4 7 0.62 0 500 1000 1500
5 3 (Free) 6 9 0.65
6 3 6 9 0.51 L o ad (k N )

: FomiBtion of Bochan (sand) Figure 3. Load displacement diagram for the pull out test

Table 5 : U ltim ate load calculated using V an Der V een m ethod Table 6: Colum ns diam eter m easured at different levels

Van Der Veen Distance from the top o f the column Diameter
kN m m
Test column 1 (Pull out test) 1341 0.45 0.60
1.35 0.71
2.00 0.63
2.60 0.71
Measured values
sation and transported to the laboratory M agnel o f the University
Bored pile
o f Ghent. The grout colum n w as no t reinforced w ith a steel bar
-e- Screwed pile and during transportation special care w as taken to ensure the
integrity o f the column.
Displacement pile A t the laboratory the colum n w as kept under ideal conditions
to avoid its drying out. Solely for th e preparation o f the column
( 2 days before perform ance o f the test) the colum n w as placed in
500 1000 1500 the laboratory under norm al conditions and so th at the drying out
L o a d (k N ) o f the colum n could take place. D ue to this phenom enon small
fissures could be observed on the surface o f the grout column
Figure 4 : Com parison o f th e m easured load displacem ent values to the
w hen the load test w as perform ed.
theoretical load displacem ent diagram s (NEN)
A t the upper p art o f the colum n about 65cm grout w as re­
m oved and about 10cm at the bottom . In order to obtain flat sur­
mate load o f the colum n w as extrapolated out o f the test results faces about 1 0 cm o f concrete w as installed at both ends o f the
with the V an D er V een m ethod and is given in table 5. column. These concrete layers w ere slightly reinforced. In this
From the ultim ate load a value o f cu, can be deduced, w ith ul­ w ay a colum n w ith a final height o f 2.68m w as obtained. The di­
timate shaft friction o f the p ileq s = oc,.qc (qc = cone resistance o f ameter o f th e colum n w as measured at different levels. The
CPT). m easurem ents are sum m arised in table 6 . The average diameter
W hen using an average resistance o f qc in the upper layer o f o f the colum n w as about 0.67m . The colum n w as pu t into a hy­
3Mpa and qc in th e form ation o f Berchem o f 9M pa (figure 1) draulic press as show n in figure 5.
one can deduce an a , -v alu e o f 0.018. This value o f a , is higher T he colum n w as tested in steps o f 300kN until a m aximum
than the maxim um value ( a , = 0.014) given in the N EN for dis­ load o f 2700kN , point at w hich failure o f the colum n occurred.
placem ent piles and m uch larger th an the value (a,= 0.006) given E ach stage w as m aintained for 10 m inutes w hile the defor­
for bored and screwed piles. T his is probably due to the irregular m ation o f the colum n w as constantly m onitored at 4 diametric
shape o f the grout colum n and the h ig h pressures used to install positions over the diam eter o f the column.
the column. The deform ation o f the colum n w as measured over a height
In figure 4 the m easured displacem ent values are compared to o f 2m. These m easurem ents w ere taken w ith an accuracy o f
the theoretical load displacem ent diagrams (NEN) for the differ­ 0 .0 1 m m and arc show n in figure 6 .
ent type o f piles. The value given in table 5 w as used as ultim ate W ithin the first 30 seconds after installation o f the load o f
load o f the column. 2700kN a first vertical crack at the top o f the colum n occurred
Out o f this com parison and according to the load displace­ w hich then quickly progressed until failure o f the w hole column.
ment diagrams, given in the N EN , one can deduce that the m o­ Figure 7 displays the broken colum n.
bilization o f the shaft friction o f a grout p ile is sim ilar to the m o­ One can observe th at failure occurred at the colum n head, and
bilization o f the shaft friction o f bored and screwed piles. that probably an already existing conical surface in the grout
colum n introduced the rupture.
4.4 Problems during the axial loading tests From this observation it can b e concluded that during the

During the tests a sudden rupture in the upper section o f two je t

grout colum ns occurred w hen the load o f 1500kN w as installed.
At that m om ent the stress in the grout colum n w as about ±5
Afterwards the rem ains o f the broken colum ns w ere trans­
ported to the laboratory Reynljens o f th e University o f Leuven
for further investigation.
In these rem ains different tinctures o f the grout could b e ob­
served. From the largest parts cored samples w ith an average
height o f ± 1 0 0 m m and an average diam eter o f ± 1 1 2 m m were
cored and tested. From the tests a minim um compressive
strength o f the grout o f ±1 lN /m m 2 could be determined.
Since the failure occurred at 45% o f th e m in compressive
strength o f the grout colum n other reasons than a possible insuf­
ficient strength o f the grout m ust have caused this sudden rup­
ture o f the column. F o r a better com prehension o f the failure
mechanism o f this rupture a full-scale test on an excavated je t
grout colum n had to be perform ed in laboratory.



For the execution o f the full-scale test in laboratory a specially

made grout colum n w as excavated about 6 w eeks after its reali­ Figure 5. Full-scale test o f a jet-grout colum n in laboratory

Table 7: The compressive strength o f the samples at different levels in
the column

Level nr. Distance from top Compressive strength

Left Middle Right
m N/m m 1_____ N/mm 2_____ N/mm 1
1 2.32 33.00 13.60 24.10
2 1.78 35.30 23.60 23.80
3 1.18 19.40 7.00 -

4 0.83 13.90 15.80 24.90

5 0.32 17.50 15.80 20.30

D eform ation (m m /m )
O ut o f these results a w ide variety o f the compressive
Figure 6 . The deformation o f the column
strength o f the grout, w hich increases in the upper part o f the
column, can b e deduced. Furtherm ore the strength o f th e grout in
loading o f the colum n the conical shaped upper part w as pushed the centre o f the colum n is alw ays sm aller than the strength in
into the low er part o f the grout colum n. In this w ay very high the other p art o f the column. The sm allest compressive strength
tensile stresses are introduced in th e colum n. This also explains w as about 7N/mm 2 w here the m pture o f the colum n occurred at
the appearance o f vertically fissures in th e upper p art o f the col­ a m ain stress o f 7.60N/mm1.
umn before rupture took place. A s for the failure mechanism w e can say th at the colum n be­
A t the surface o f th e conical shaped upper p art a th in sand haves as a unit as long as there are no fissures in the exterior skin
layer (± 3 m m ) could be observed. The presence o f this thin sand o f the column.
layer is inherent to the in sta lla tion m ethod o f the grout columns. From the results o f the deform ation o f th e colum n (figure 7) a
A fter installation o f the grout colum n and during the harden­ deformation m odulus o f th e grout colum n w as deduced of
ing o f the grout a décantation o f the grout takes place. This is a 8990N/mmJ.
w ell know n phenom enon that is m ore pronounced as the grout
columns are installed in a sandy layer w ith a relatively low w ater
level. A s a result o f this phenom enon a lowering o f the grout sur­ 6 CONCLUSION A ND TOPICS FO R FU RTH ER
face takes place during the hardening period o f the grout, and a INVESTIGATION
conical shaped void arises in the upper p art o f the column. Fill­
ing up o f this void is norm ally done in several phases, w ith the The execution o f loading tests gives useful inform ation on the
same grout as used for th e installation o f the grout colum ns (w/c behaviour o f the grout colum ns
ratio o f about 1/1). Betw een each phase a thin sandy layer can From the results o f the p u ll out test (colum n 1 ) it can be de­
occur and m ay be, for instance, due to th e inflow o f drilling fluid duced that the shaft friction o f th e grout colum n is sim ilar or
during the installation o f a grout colum n in the sam e area. A de­ even higher than th e one calculated fo r displacem ent piles ac­
tail o f the hard cone under the upper plinth o f colum n is given in cording to the NEN. The displacem ent necessary to m obilise the
figure 7. shaft friction corresponds m ore or less to the one w hom is nor­
W hen the load test w as completed core samples w ere taken mally considered for bored piles. The displacem ents o f the load
from the colum n at the five levels indicated in figure 7. A t each tests are n o t large enough to allow conclusions convening the
level three samples, two at the edge and one in th e m iddle o f the m obilisation o f the base resistance.
colum n w ere tested. The sam ples had an average diam eter o f From the result o f the full scale test in laboratory one can de­
64.3m m and an average height o f 57.2mm. duct th at a sm all heterogeneity in a grout colum n, introduced
In Table 7 the com pressive strength o f the samples are sum­ during the execution o f the grout colum n, m ay have a real im ­
marised. pact on the compressive strength o f the column. So the question
has to be p u t forward i f it is really possible to determine the
compressive strength o f a grout colum n from the compressive
strengths measured on cored cylinders having sm all diameters.

Bustamante, M. & Jezequel, J-F. 1989. Essai statique de pieu isolé sous
4 charge axiale, Méthode d’essai LPC n° 31. France: LCPC.
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drukpalen. Nederlands noimalisatieinstituut.
Van Der Veen, C. 1953. The bearing capacity o f a pile. Proc. 3. Int.
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D e Vleeschauwer P., Maertens J. 2000. Jet-grouting: State o f the art in
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Figure 7. The grout column after testing


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