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Integrated Lesson Plans for week beginning October 29, 2018 - November 1, 2018

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 5 x 21/2 hrs
Term: 1
Unit: 2
Unit Title: My Body (Part 3)
Foc. Question 2: Why and how should I care for different parts of my body?
Attainment Target: To enable pupils to:
 Begin to appreciate the variety of living things and how they are supported by the

 Begin to explore the environment in order to relate everyday experiences to simple

scientific concepts and processes by using/developing models that represent
concrete events.

 Use simple sentences to communicate ideas about caring for parts of the body.

 Display an appreciation of some of the beliefs, practices and expressions of persons

from different religious faith.

 Develop the understanding and skills that support healthy, safe, and active

 Explore and create, exercising critical thinking skills throughout the dramatic

 Create musical compositions exploring varied elements of music.

Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

 Explain why we need to care for different parts of our bodies
 demonstrate ways we care for our teeth
 differentiate between healthy and unhealthy habits
 Recognize the need to care for oneself through living a healthy lifestyle.
 Use simple sentences to communicate ideas about caring for parts of the body.
 Explain how exercise keeps their bodies healthy.
 Identify short-term effects of exercise/physical activity on the active individual.
 Use a drama mode to demonstrate the effects of not taking care of the teeth.
 Sing or compose songs about caring for the body

Key vocab. Concepts: exercise toothbrush toothpaste dentist

growth fruits and vegetables diet posture

Skills: sing song discuss information list habits share information

discuss care of teeth discuss healthy habits discuss benefits of activities

Materials/Resources: PPT school yard toothpaste rags toothbrush

Soap worksheet deodorants dental floss
Shampoo comb brush

Day 1: How do we care for our bodies?


Introduce caring for the body song “This is the way we wash our face. [hands, hair…..]. Have pupils
do the actions while singing each part of the song. At the end of the song, pupils will name the activities
they did to keep the body clean. They will identify other ways in which to care their bodies.

Discuss and answer questions about why and how to care for the parts of the body mentioned in the
song. Have pupils identify/name the items or things used to care for the body parts named in the song.
Identify other body parts besides the teeth that were not named in the song then say how they are
expected to care for these parts.

Present samples of body care items in groups and have pupils talk about how the item selected is used to
care for the body and why. Example: toothpaste and toothbrush, hairbrush and comb, hair oil,
lotion, soap, rag, nail clipper, shampoo. Demonstrations will be done to show how we care for our
body parts.

Pupils will view and discuss picture of traditional methods or products used to care for the body.
Example: loofah, lime, baking soda, coconut oil etc. Have pupils talk about or identify body care tools
that they should not share. Give reasons why these should not be shared.
Talk about healthy and unhealthy habits then list six healthy and six unhealthy things each had done the
previous day and share the information with the class.

View video on “How to Keep Your Body Clean” from link discuss video content.

Introduce the term “hygiene and personal hygiene”. Have pupils talk about what they think the terms
mean. [Hygiene talks about the practice of keeping our body and surroundings/environment clean.
Personal hygiene is cleanliness, care and attention given to one’s body]. Have them talk about the
things they should do each day to practice the skill of person hygiene and the effects of not practicing
personal hygiene.

In groups, have pupils use at least 5 minutes to compose and present a song or jingle with rhythmic
steady beats about caring for the body. Individuals with phones will record presentations then replay for
class discussion.

Individuals will on blank paper use crayons/coloured pencils and pencil to design a poster on one way
they would care for their body. Write a sentence about their drawing.

Were students able to: Some students Most of the All the students
did students did did
Explain why they need to care for
different parts of their body?
Differentiate between healthy and
unhealthy habits?
In groups, compose song/jingle on
caring for the body?
Create a poster on how they would
care for their body?
What percentage of the class was able to complete the given assessment accurately?
Teacher’s comment:
Day 2: How do we care for our teeth?

Pupils will brainstorm healthy ways for taking care of the teeth. Introduce and engage pupils in singing
Teacher-Made song ‘Brush your teeth’ sung to the tune of ‘Row, Row Row your boat’. Have pupils
do the actions while they sing.

Brush, brush, brush your teeth,

Brush them everyday
Father, mother, brother, sister
Brush them everyday

Brush and floss, brush and floss

Gently around the gums
Take a visit to your dentist
Cavities we want none

By AHoward

Discuss content of song and have pupils talk about all the ways in which they can take care of their
 Brush teeth after each meal and before going to bed.
 Rinse your mouth with water after each meal
 Floss daily
 Visit the dentist yearly
 Change toothbrush every three months or before if the bristles are worn.

Introduce PPT about caring for the teeth. During the presentation of different slides pupils will be asked
to identify all the healthy habits they know in order to care for the teeth citing reasons why.

Have them identify the different products used in taking care of the teeth. Example: toothbrush,
toothpaste etc. Provide pupils to identify the number of words heard in each word. Name these as being
compound words.
Talk about and compare the traditional methods used to cleaned the teeth against modern methods.
Example: charcoal, salt, baking soda. Talk about the unhealthy and healthy foods and drinks that are
(1) good for (11) bad for the teeth and these can affect the teeth.

Using previous models pupils with models showing teeth with the dark markings will identify and
explain what the dark markings on the teeth represent and what caused to markings to develop. Have
pupils compare their models and identify what the differences are in both sets and why.

Introduce the word ‘‘decay’ tell what causes decays in the teeth. Discuss the term cavity’ and have
pupils tell what a cavity is and how cavities occur on the teeth. They will identify from previous lessons
about the parts of the teeth the parts of the teeth that would be affected when the teeth get affected by
decays and cavities.

Identify the community worker who helps them care for the teeth. Talk about their experiences at a
dentist’s office. At the end of discussion, have pupils re-sing the song then talk about what they have
learnt from the lesson.

Use drama mode in groups to demonstrate the effects of not taking care of the teeth


View video on How to Brush Your Teeth Properly - For Kids from link
Using previously created models of their primary teeth, pupils will demonstrate how to care for the teeth
using toothbrush and dental floss.

Evaluate: Pupils will:

 Use model to demonstrate proper care of the teeth.

 Give two (2) reasons why they should care for their teeth.
 List two (2) ways in which they should care for their teeth.
 Draw, colour and label one thing used to keep their teeth clean.
Were students able to: Some students Most of the All the students
did students did did
Demonstrate ways to care for the
Give reasons why they should care
for the teeth?
Work cooperatively in groups to
dramatize the effects of not caring
for the teeth?

What percentage of the class was able to complete the given assessment accurately?

Teacher’s comment:

Day 3: How do we care for our stomach?

Teacher introduces the cerasee plant and fruit. Have pupils observe the plant and fruit and tell what it is
and what they think it is used for. Engage pupils in singing the traditional folk song about the cerasee
“Elena”. Note words for song in Text “Knowing and Caring for my Body Page 105-106. Have
pupils dramatize the song as they sing.


Pupils will identify the following from the song.

 What the song was about
 Tell whether or not it was safe for Elena’s mother to send her home to boil cerasee tea by herself.
Give reasons.
 Tell if Elena really knew what the cerasee plant looked like.
 Talk about what happened to Elena.
 Talk about safety in taking bush tea if the purpose is unknown
 Tell what Elena’s mother did when she realized that Elena did not know the cerasee plant.

Talk about other healthy ways that they can use to care for their stomach.
 Drinking 8 glasses of water per day
 Washing fruits and vegetables properly before eating.
 Eating on time and eating healthy foods
 Not eating a lot of sweets and greasy foods.
 Avoid eating a big meal just before you go to bed.
 Eat foods rich in fibre to help clean the large intestines and keep our digestive system working
 Chewing food properly which can help the stomach work less to mix the food eaten.
Have them identify some healthy foods they must eat and explain how these help the body to be healthy.

Watch video on the Care of the digestive system.

Evaluate: Pupils will: Answer the following.

 Draw, colour and label a picture of the stomach.

 List three (3) healthy and unhealthy things you can do to take care of your
stomach and 3 unhealthy things you can do to hurt your stomach.

Were students able to: Some students Most of the All the students
did students did did
List at least two (2) ways to care for
the stomach?
Give reasons why they should care
for the stomach?

What percentage of the class was able to complete the given assessment accurately?

Teacher’s comment:
Day 4: Other ways to care for our body “Sleep and avoiding stress”
Introduce the poem “All Asleep”. Pupils will read the poem aloud and identify the different body parts
mentioned. Tell what each body part is used for.

All Asleep

My eyes can see. My feet can walk

My ears can hear. My mouth can talk.
My nose can smell. My tongue can lick.
My teeth can bite. My toes can kick.

But while I sleep

The whole night through
They all are still
They’re sleeping too.

Give reasons why they think sleep is important for the body to be healthy.
 Sleep helps you feel good and helps you grow.
 Sleep helps us to stay healthy
 Sleep helps us to work well in school and enjoy playing
 Sleep helps us to focus and pay attention
 Rest, sleep and relaxation are the ways in which some of our body parts get rid of waste and
prepare to become active again.
 Sleep helps our heart to get a chance to rest because it is not pumping blood so quickly to our
muscles and other body parts.

Have pupils talk about how they feel when they don’t get sufficient sleep and how the lack of sleep
affects them at school. Have them identify situations besides the lack of sleep that causes them to feel
stressed out.
 Working before coming to school
 The fear of reaching to school late
 Fear of not doing well in a test or class
 Looking after baby brothers and sisters
 Fear of being beaten for doing something wrong
Pupils will listen to story scenarios of children like themselves placed in stressful situations by adults.
Carlong Text. Knowing and Taking Care of my Body. Page 126-128. At the end of each scenario,
have pupils identify the type of stress each child was experiencing. Have them explain in their own
words how stress is caused. [Stress is caused by the difficulties and hardships that people have to
deal with in life].

Talk about ways in which they think the adults in the story could help each child to avoid stress. Identify
the types of stress reflected in the short stories. Know that: Physical stress are things that causes our
body to be stressed. Mental Stress are things that cause us to be stressed in the mind. Have them
talk about situations in which they feel physically stressed or mentally stressed.

Whole class viewing and discussion of video on stress
P5mcFE “Kids Have Stress Too : Young Children and Stress - Part 1”

Evaluate (Pupils):

In groups, role play the given scenes under the guidance of teacher. Identify the type of stress each
group presented. Determine the aspect of the scenario that indicated whether physical or mental stress
was portrayed. Class will suggest alternatives that the performers could use to avoid stress.

Situation 1

Shantae watched television until 2 o’clock in the morning. Later that day at school she felt tired, irritable and
stressed. She wanted sleep. ______________________

Situation 2

Imanii woke up late and missed the bus that he usually takes to get to school on time. He has to wait a long
time to get another bus. He will be late for the test that morning. He feels stressed.

Situation 3
Maleek did not go to football practice last term. Now he wants to be picked for his class team. So, he
practices (Teacher)
every morning at home and every evening at school. He feels very tired because of all the extra
exercise. He is sleepy during class. Maleek thinks his teacher will punish him for paying attention. This
might stop him from getting picked for the team.
Were students able to: Some students Most of the All the students
did students did did
Identify two (2) importance of sleep
to the body?
Identify ways to avoid both mental
and physical stress?
State how stress and lack of sleep
affect the body?
Cooperate in groups to Role play
scenarios of students under stress.

Suggest alternatives to avoid stress.

What percentage of the class was able to complete the given assessment accurately?

Teacher’s comment:

-Day 5: How do we care for our lungs and other body parts?


Have pupils know that for this lesson they will be looking at how they care for their lungs and other
internal body parts. Have pupils name one thing they can do to help make their lungs healthy and strong.
Tell what happens to our bodies when we exercise and name the body parts that work together in this

Have them name activities or exercises they can do to help the body to remain healthy and strong. List
on board. Have them also name the parts of their body that they are helping when they exercise. (heart,
lings, muscles, joints).

Pupils will be engaging in some exercise routines outdoor and during the process of exercising have
pupils know they should be paying attention how their heart, lungs and muscles feel when exercising.
Take pupils for outdoor activities (bending, running, skipping etc.) for about 30 minutes.
On their return to class pupils will report on how the exercises made them feel and what these exercises
did for the lungs, heart and muscles, joints and whole body. Note:
 Exercise keeps our heart healthy. Our heart beats faster to pump blood faster. The blood
takes more food and oxygen to our muscles so that they can work harder.
 When we exercise, we breathe deeply and our lungs get stronger and healthier
 Instead of being fat, our muscles grow and get stronger. This enables us to exercise for a
much longer time.
 Exercise allows us to bend more easily, using our joints, without hurting the muscles.
Your whole body:
 Exercise helps us to relax and get rid of stress. It helps all of our body to work better. We
look better and feel better when we exercise.
Have them identify other activities or exercises that they can do on a daily basis that contribute to being
healthy and strong.
View video on HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR LUNGS . DISEASES THAT AFFECT THE LUNGS Discuss video content at intervals.
Have them name diseases that may affect the heart, lungs, and joints.
Asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, heart disease, arthritis.
Talk about ways and means we can use to protect our lungs. [avoid smoking, inhaling chemicals and
Pupils will:
 List four (4) exercises that help keep the body healthy.
 Write one (1) sentence to tell why exercise is important.
 Name two diseases that affect the lungs.
Were students able to: Some students Most of the All the students
did students did did
Identify ways to care for the lungs?
Identify unhealthy practices and
diseases that can affect the lungs?
Suggest alternative actions they can
practice to prevent diseases of the
Cooperate in outdoor workout
exercises that exhibit ways to care
for our lungs and other body parts?

What percentage of the class was able to complete the given assessment accurately?

Teacher’s comment:
Lesson Plans for week beginning October 29, 2018 to November 1, 2018

Subject: Language Arts

Term: One
Unit: One
Grade: 3
Unit Title: My Body (Part 3)
Foc. Question 2: Why and how should I care for the different parts of my body?
Strands: Listening and Speaking
Grammar and Conventions
Word Recognition and Fluency

Attainment Target: To enable pupils to:

 Communicate with confidence and competence for different purposes and
audiences, using SJE and JC appropriately and creatively.

 Use and adapt a range of sentence structure according to context, distinguishing

between SJE and JE.

 Read fluently and with appreciation

 Read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment of texts, using a variety of clues to
gain information and identify ideas and events.

 Develop approaches to the writing process to enable them to organize their

ideas into a coherent structure including layout, sections and paragraphs.

Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

 Explain their views/observations to small groups and to the class using SJE
 Formulate and apply rules for the use of singular and plural demonstrative pronouns.
 Identify long vowel sounds and blend these with consonant sounds to read words.
 Openly talk about the strategies employed in deciphering meaning.
 Write to compare different ideas/concepts
Key Skills: speak appropriately to different audiences give opinions
Read r-controlled words
Utilize story elements engage in discussion
Speaking listening inferring

Resource/Material: Listening song listening games Sunbeam Integrated Language Arts 3

Integrated Phonics 3 Worksheets Teacher-Made Song
worksheets on pr blend PPT on demonstrative pronouns
Composition And Comprehension Reader 3
PPT/VIDEO ON Context Clues


Day 1: Listening and Speaking (Show and Tell)
Content: Show-and-tell is a whole-class sharing activity in which one learner after another gets up,
takes the centre stage, and talks about something of his or her own choice – often some
objects brought from home. (CDC 2004, p. 145). In a Show-and-tell other learners are
expected to listen quietly and not to interrupt. They are also encouraged to ask questions
about the objects which the speaker is discussing.
Objectives: Pupils should be able to:
 Explain their views/observations to small groups and to the class using SJE

Have pupils sing ‘Show and Tell” listening song. Model to the students how show and tell is conducted.
Teacher uses object she would use, then introduce self and tell what teacher brought. Tell the story
behind the object using adjectives to describe the object. Ask if there are any questions (encourage
inquiry based questions. Have the class extend thank you for the presentation.

Have pupils know that each person will use 3 minutes to talk about the item he/she brought for the
‘Show and Tell’ activity. All other persons must listen to what is being said then they would be allowed
to ask the presenter questions about their item.


Students introduce the object in a short presentation of 1-3 minutes, while the other students listen and
prepare to ask some follow-up questions.

Tell why listening to each other is important. Talk about the important things learned from listening to
their classmates.


Pupils will create a thank you card from cartridge paper then write a thank you note. Example: a simple
sentence written for the classmate or group mate who presented. ("Thank you for sharing your
_________ with us today.").

Were students able to: Some students Most of the All the students
did students did did
Use SJE to Introduce self formally
using their full name and the item
being used for Show and Tell?
Free talk about Show and Tell
special item brought to class?
Pose questions to class mate about
their item presented?
Use art to create and design a
‘Thank You’ card ?
Use simple sentence to write on
Thank You card for a class or group
mate who presented?
What percentage of the class was able to complete the given assessment accurately?

Teacher’s comment:

Day 2: Grammar and Conventions (Conjunction- but)

A conjunction is a word that joins together words, phrases, or parts of sentences. The three most-used
conjunctions are and, or, and but. The three main jobs conjunctions do are:
1. Conjunctions can join words together, like in this sentence:
I'd like five peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, please.

2. Conjunctions can also join phrases together, like in this sentence:

Do want to go down the hill or up the mountain?

3. Conjunctions also join parts of sentences together, as shown here:

I ran, but the ice cream melted before I got home.
The word ‘but’ is a conjunction. But: is used to connect statements that express opposite ideas
When a sentence has two things that are in conflict or that are opposites, use the conjunction but.

Organization: Whole Class: 20 minutes


Introduce video on Conjunctions. See Link:

content/what-are-conjunctions/ Dr. Grammar Conjunctions AND
Discuss video content. Pupils will identify the jobs that conjunctions do or the identify the different
ways conjunctions can be used. Identify sentences from the video for each case. This will be written on
board and reviewed. Have pupils know that for this lesson we will focus on the conjunction ‘but’.

Write the following sentences on the board. Examples:

I looked everywhere, but I could not find my pink sweater.

I didn’t do all my chores, but I did do my homework.
I wanted to call you last night, but my brother was on the phone.

Explain to pupils that the word ‘but’ is a conjunction. But: is used to connect statements that express
opposite ideas. When a sentence has two things that are in conflict or that are opposites, we use the
conjunction but.
Have pupils now read the first sentence. They will identify the two sentences within the sentence that
express opposite ideas. Underline these then re-read these sentences. Identify the word that connects or
joins these two ideas. Identify the punctuation mark that separates the two opposite ideas. Tell where in
the sentence it falls. Do the same for the other sentences. Have pupils note that, “A comma is used
before the conjunction to separate the opposite ideas.
Explain what conjunctions are and the role of conjunctions. Explain the role of the conjunction ‘but’

In groups, provide groups with sentence parts. One group will read their sentence part while the other
groups will determine which of their sentence parts expresses an opposite idea of the sentence read then
join these sentences using the ‘but’ conjunction word card and placing the comma in the correct place.

Evaluate: Pupils will complete worksheet

Were students able to: Some students Most of the All the students
did students did did
Explain the purpose of conjunctions?
Identify at least 3conjunctions (and ,
or but) and explain what their job is?
In groups practice using the
conjunction ‘but’ to join sentences
that express opposite ideas?
What percentage of the class was able to complete the given assessment accurately?

Teacher’s comment:

Day 3: Word Recognition and Fluency (Phonics – Controlled R)


When a vowel is followed by ‘r’, the ‘r’ changes the way the syllable sounds. These are called
controlled ‘r’ controlled vowels. These controlled ‘r vowels are (ar, er. ir, or, ur)
Objectives: Pupils should be able to:
 Review and practice the proper pronunciation on ‘r’ controlled vowels.

Whole Group/Class: 20 minutes


Teach pupils the ‘ER song’ sung to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”. Have pupils know that the
words they’re going to listen and pay attention to are those that make the err sound. They will identify
the vowel and the consonant that made the required sound.

The “er” song sung to the tune of “The Farmer in the


er‟ sounds like /er/, „ir‟ sounds like /ir/,

„ur‟ makes the /er/ sound, too
They all sound like /er/.

Flower has an „er‟, so does her and verb,

tiger has an /er/ sound, too
They all sound like /er/.

Shirt has an „ir‟ so does girl and first,

stir has an /er/ sound, too
They all sound like /er/.

Turtle has an „ur‟, so does fur and hurt,

purple has an /er/ sound too
They all sound like /er/.


Create a table with the different r controlled vowel syllables heard in the song. Individuals will name a
word from the song that carried the particular r’ controlled vowel. List as given. Teacher models the
controlled ‘r’ sound when calling words and have pupils mimic the word pronunciation. Example:
ar er ir or ur
car flower girl word pork fur
bar worm cord

Have pupils now identify which two controlled r vowels that were not accounted for. Have pupils know
that the vowel ‘o’ can have the same ‘er’ sound only if it comes before the letter ‘w’. if the ‘or comes
after another consonant, the control r makes the ‘or sound you hear in the words ‘pork, cord”
Have pupils explore the ‘ar’ sound. Say ‘far, say bar, say tar’. Ask: What sound does ‘ar make?
Pupils will reproduce the required sound then teacher will model the sound. Review all the controlled ‘r
Have a volunteer to play the part of Bossy R and hand him the r card. Then give each remaining card to
a different student. Have individuals stand and hold the cards to form the first word below. After the
seated students read the word, Bossy R says, “Let’s do it my way!” and then he inserts his letter card
into the word immediately after the ‘a’. Ask the group to read the newly formed word and compare its
vowel sound with the vowel sound in the previous word. Point out that when r immediately follows a
single vowel in the same syllable, the vowel sound is neither short nor long. Continue the activity with
different words until each student has a turn as a cardholder. Example

am chat gem he shot hose skit chip

bun hut study heat

a r m

Pupils will talk about what they learned from the controlled r vowels. Tell what role the ‘r’ plays in the
words reviewed. Explain that the ‘r’ acts extra bossy in order to control the vowel he comes after.

Group Activity: 10 minutes
Pupils will in groups provide six other words for the different categories. Present word list
Group 1: Independent Group 2: Teacher Assisted
Controlled r (ar) Controlled r (er)

Group 3: Independent Group 4: Teacher Assisted

Controlled r (ur) Controlled r (ir)

Group 5: Independent
Controlled r (or)

Evaluate: Pupils will complete worksheets

Evaluate (Teacher)
Were students able to: Some students Most of the All the students
did students did did
Read r-controlled words accurately?
Identify r-controlled vowel words
for the five categories?

What percentage of the class was able to complete the given assessment accurately?

Teacher’s comment:
Mathematics Lesson Plans for week beginning October 28, 2018 to November 1, 2018

Subject: Mathematics
Duration: 5 x 1 hr
Term: 1
Unit: 2
Unit Title: Why and how should I care for my body?
Topic: Measurement (Using Units of Length)
Standard: Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units,
instruments, and procedures to estimate and measure quantities of different
attributes, and to compute and solve problems.

Attainment Target: To enable pupils to:

 Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements
Objectives: Pupils should be able to:
 Differentiate between the use of metre and centimeters in measurement
 Use the words metre and centimeters and their symbols ‘m’ and ‘cm’ to
describe lengths.
 know that 100cm = 1m and 1000m = 1km
 convert centimetres to metres and metres to centimetres

Resources/ Materials: Sunbeam Integrated Mathematics 3 Primary Mathematics 3

Teacher-Made song centimeter rulers metre ruler
Trundle wheel pencils

Key Vocabulary: metre centimetre kilometre millimetre metric system

measurement metre stick (ruler) centimetre ruler measuring tape

Day 1: Identifying Measurement Situations for Millimetres, Centimtres and Metres

Have pupils brainstorm using the following questions. Example: Ask: When you go to the
shop/supermarket to buy flour or sugar, how much flour or sugar do you hear your mummy
asking for? What about what you hear them asking for when they go to buy pieces of fabric,
elastic or even linoleum? List units given by pupils and have them know that these are the different
types of measurement we use when we purchase things.
Help pupils to identify/name other units they hear people using. Example: pounds, yards etc. Explain to
class that these units of measurement are called customary units of measurement people used in the past
and some we still use today.

Introduce Teacher-Made story on Measurement. Have pupils listen to the story then discuss the story
content to identify the various types of measurement used by the bird, what he used each to measure and
the instruments or tools he used for measuring all the things he needed. List as given and have pupils
review them. Highlight the terms length, width and height and discuss their meanings.
Once upon a time there was a little bird who wanted to measure all the materials he
needed to make his bird cage. He travelled a long distance of 250 kilometres from
Port Antonio to St.Margaret’s Bay to get some sticks. He used a centimeter ruler and
measured all the sticks in centimeters, and the screws using millimeters. The height
of his house was 5 metres so the shopkeeper used his metre ruler to measure out 20
metres of wire. So the little bird used all the materials he bought to build his house.

Have pupils know that the system or type of measurement the bird was using is called the Metric System
of Measurement which is used by everyone around the world so that everyone will be able to agree on the
same measurements used. The area of measure for our study is the units of measurements used for
measuring length.

Explain to pupils that the main unit or basic unit for measuring the length of things is the “Metre”. From
the metre, there are other units which are also used to measure the length of things. Write this in a
concept web and have pupils name the other units of measurement heard in the song which will be added
to the web. Then arranged from the smallest to the largest unit. Discuss the abbreviated form of the units.
Example: The units most
frequently used today will be
Discussion will be done on the measuring situations in which the units (millimeter, centimeter and
metre) are used. The terms ‘height, length, width’ will be discussed. The instruments used for
measuring the length of things will be presented and discussed as they relate to the measuring situations.
Example: metre ruler, centimeter ruler, measuring tape, trundle wheel.

Pupils will observe and discuss the features on the centimeter ruler. Have them use the ruler to draw a
1mm line so they could have an actual representation of the measurement. Discuss ideal measuring
situations for using the millimeter. Do same for the centimeter then have them make comparisons and
decide on the ideal situation for using the centimetres. Do this for the other units.

Talk about the different situation in which the units of length are used citing.

Through questioning to identify which situation they would use the measurements millimeter,
centimetre or metre.
a) the length of the classroom
b) the length of your finger
c) the length of your pencil
d) the length of your classroom chalkboard
 Refer pupils to Sunbeam Mathematics Text page 160. Pupils will read and discuss the content.

Evaluate (Students): Pupils will: Identify the unit of measurement used for each situation
 The length of your school pants. ______________
 The thickness of a dollar coin. ____________
 Your height. ___________
 The length of a football field. ___________
 The thickness of your exercise book. _________
 List two (2) instruments used for measuring the length of things
Evaluate (Teacher):
Were students able to: Some students Most of the All the students
did students did did
Identify the relationship between the
various unit of length?

What percentage of the class was able to complete the given assessment accurately?

Teacher’s comment:

Day 2: Identifying Measurement Situations for Kilometres, Metres and Centimetres

 Pupils will re-identify the main unit or basic unit for measuring the length of things is the
“Metre”. Identify other units which are also used to measure the length of things.

 Have pupils know that for this lesson they would be identifying the measuring situations in which
the units (kilometer, centimeter and metre) are used.

 Have pupils identify from their experiences in travelling the unit of measurement they’ve seen on
road signs that tell you where different places are located. Have them know that whenever they’re
measuring the distance between two places we use the kilometers. If we want to know the
distance a vehicle travels over a period of time this is measured in kilometers. Cite other

 Present a metre stick/ruler. Have pupils recall how many centimeters did it take to give us the
length of the metre stick. Explain that it will take 1000metres or 1000 of these metre stick to give
us 1 kilometre. Review concepts where necessary for understanding.
 Ask: suppose I wanted to measure the distance between Jamaica and the United States, what would
be the best unit of measurement to use? Which unit would be best to measure a garden hose? Your
bedroom window? Your tongue? Give reasons for their responses.

Assessment: Which unit would you use to measure the following ( cm, m, or km)

a) a needle b) the distance between Boundbrook and St. Margaret’s Bay

c) the length of the school’s corridor d) a nail
e) the length of a spoon f) the coconut tree
g) from the Earth to the moon h) the height of the school building

Home Work: Primary Mathematics Page 55. Exercise 1 only



Day 3: Using the Centimetre Ruler to measure Objects and Lines and record results

 Review the type of measuring system used today, the units and instruments used to measure length
and measuring situations used for the various units. Provide pupils with rulers and present large
sample ruler and have pupils study and observe their rulers carefully then identify the things seen
on the ruler. List and discuss these.
 Units of measurement: cm, mm, inch
 Numbers
 Different lengths of strokes: long, medium, short

 Have pupils look for the longest stroke/line on the ruler and name the number seen. Notice that the
longest line/stroke points to zero. Have them know this is the guide used when measuring things.

 Have pupils know that they will be estimating the length of lines and objects then they will conduct
the actual measurement using the centirmetre ruler. Have pupils know that when you’re estimating
the length, height or width of something, it means that you are using your skills and knowledge to
make a good guess. When measuring you must be accurate

 Present a worksheet with lines. Have pupils position the ruler with the first long stroke positioned at
the beginning of the line. Have them know that to read the measurement, they need to look at the
point where the line ends and read the ruler for the correct length. Teacher will demonstrate,
observe provide ample opportunities for pupils to practice measuring lines and objects and
recording the results. Example:
7 cm

Evaluate( Students): Pupils will: On worksheets use rulers to measure lines. Record measurements.

Present the centimetre ruler . have them tell how many centimeters the ruler has. Present the
metre ruler now and have individuals match up their centimeter ruler to the metre ruler. Know that it
takes 100cm to make 1 metre.

Home Work: Sunbeam Mathematics Page 162. ex. 1 and 2 and Page 164


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