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There are already past investigations and studies that are almost similar to this research that

can be supporting evidences to the research and these are the following:

According to a research conducted by the students of College of Our Lady of Mercy of

Pulilan, (2017), there are 10 out of 20 junior high school students that started watching porn at
the age of 10. It concludes that pornography starts at an early age due to the influence of peers
and social media.

Moreover, Hancock (2017) stated that the digital ministry of the British Board of Film and
Classification are taking the next step to put in place the legal requirement for websites with
adult content to ensure it is safely behind an age-verification control. All this means that while
people can enjoy the freedom of the web, the UK will have the most robust internet child
protection measures for any country in the world. As Gardner (2017) said, protecting children
from exposure, including accidental exposure, to adult content is incredibly important, given the
effect it can have on young people. Steps like this to help restrict access, alongside the provision
of free parental controls and education, are key.

Also, A 2007 study out of Germany found that, "sexual compulsion can cause physical,
anatomic change in the brain, the hallmark of brain addiction." and Struthers (2009) stated that
pornography is the consumption of sexual poison that becomes part of the fabric of the mind.

Perry, L. (2015, October) The Impact of Pornography on Children Retrieved from

Pornography exposure at these young ages often results in anxiety for the child. Children also
report feelings of disgust, shock, embarrassment, anger, fear, and sadness after viewing
pornography. These children can suffer all of the symptoms of anxiety and depression. They may
become obsessed with acting out adult sexual acts that they have seen, and this can be very
disruptive and disturbing to the child’s peers who witness or are victimized by this behavior.
Children under twelve years old who have viewed pornography are statistically more likely to
sexually assault their peers. In sum, children exposed to pornographic material are at risk for a
broad range of maladaptive behaviors and psychopathology.
Ross, M.D, M.P.H., C,August 13, 2012). Overexposed and Under-Prepared: The Effects of
Early Exposure to Sexual Content. Retrieved from

Most children aged 8 and 9 are already seeing sexual and pornographic materials on the
internet... This incidents results to unpleasant effects such as early sex. Studies show that most of
the time, teens are more exposed to sexual contents in movies resulting to teens having
unprotected sex invariably. Other effects is High-Risk Sex, that states that the earlier a teenager
is exposed to sexual content and begins having sex, are more likely to be in high-risk sex ...
Based on the reasearch of Dr. Jennings Bryant, 66% of boys and 40% of girls admitted that they
impulse to try some sexual activities that they saw on media, this may result to rapid growth of
sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. The last one is Love,Sex and
Relationship addiction, studies says that early exposure to pornographic material can increase the
risk of having sex addiction and mental disorder... This addictions and disorder increases the rate
of torture rape sexual harassment and the likes.

Weinstein, E. (June 28, 2017) Growing Up Too Fast: Early Exposure to Sex. Retrieved from

Currently, almost everyone could accessed the internet. The internet serves as one of the
primary sources of information as well as entertainments. Unfortunately such entertaients include
porn. Everyday thousands if not millions of people watch porn and is only increasing as the years
go by. This is only possible due to pornsites' easy accessibility and almost non existent age
secuirity that people of various ages tends to watch porn. Such was the case of an innocent
middle school girl whose friend recommended her and exposed her to pronographic contents.
The girl kept this event a secret evn to her family. She was interested, even though she knew
such acts are suitable yet for her age. The girl was artistically inclined and combined with her
new interest, she began replicating scenes she saw in her artworks which she showed to her
friends in school. The parents then found out about it and were frankly concerned about their
daughter's wellbeingg that they decided to treat her with therapy. During her therapy, her
therapist concluded that while she was exposed to such vulgar entertainments she showed
maturity not fit her age. This only strengthened the fact that expossure to porn robs a child's
innocence therefore ruining their childhood.

American College of Pediatricians. (June 2016). The Impact of Pornography on Children.

Retrieved from

The accessibility and use of pornography has become almost ubiquitous among adults and
adolescents. Consumption of pornography is associated with many hostile emotional,
psychological, and physical health outcomes. These include increased rates of depression,
anxiety, acting out and violent behavior, younger age of sexual debut, sexual promiscuity,
increased risk of teen pregnancy, and a distorted view of relationships between men and women.
In addition,
adults engagement in pornography results in an increased likelihood of divorce which is also
harmful to children.
DeAngelis, T. (November 2007). Web pornography's effect on children. Retrieved from

Each year about 40 percent of teens and preteens visit porn sitess either deliberately or
accidentally, studies here and abroad show. In a study in the February Pediatrics (Vol. 119, No.
2, pages 247-257), for example, attorney Janis Wolak, psychologist Kimberly Mitchell, PhD, and
Finkelhor, of the UNH center, found that 42 percent of a nationally representative sample of
1,500 Internet users ages 10 to 17 had been exposed to online porn in the last year, with two-
thirds reporting only unwanted exposure. In fact, the incidence of unwanted exposure has risen
for this age group, from about 26 percent between 1999 and 2000, to 34 percent in 2005, the
team has found.
Perhaps not surprisingly, boys are much more likely to seek out pornography than girls, and use
increases with age, research finds. In the UNH team's study, for instance, 38 percent of 16- and
17-yea-rold male Internet users deliberately visited X-rated sites in the past year, compared with
8 percent of girls. Similarly, Australian sociologist Michael Flood, PhD, of La Trobe University,
reported in the March issue of the Journal of Sociology (Vol. 43, No. 1, pages 45-60) that 38
percent of boys and 2 percent of girls ages 16 and 18 deliberately accessed such material.

The Cabin Chiang Mai (2016, December 13) The Connection Between Watching Porn and
Sex Addiction in Young People Retrieved from

It is possible that as more and more research takes place surrounding sex addiction, the same
pattern will be found — early exposure to sex and porn may increase the likelihood of
developing an addiction to sex.

One young man named Justin describes his struggles with porn addiction in an attempt to
raise awareness of the dangers and addictive nature of internet porn sites. At age 11, he came
across his first porn site while watching YouTube videos about remote control cars. The now-18-
year-old reports that from that time he kept seeking out similar sites until it became a compulsion
that he sought to control through inpatient sex addiction treatment.

Other young people are crippled with shame and fear surrounding their internet sex addiction,
which like drug and alcohol addictions, interferes with their ability to function normally.
The Philippine Star (2017, January 21) Pornography and democracy
Based on the article, boys always find a way to satisfy their pleasure, either on films, prints,
sculptures and literature. Porn is their open secret, part and parcel of their lives. But looking to its
technological factor, you can say that 'THE INTERNET IS FOR PORN' even if it is in fact an
adjunct to the freedom that the Internet has provided. It allows shy boys and girls to set aside
their own identities away from the real world and enter a way where they can exercise in
imaginary conquests.
But first, if we’re going to be simplistic about it, Pornography is illegal in the Philippines.
Nonetheless, it seems like Pornography is the guilty pleasure that Filipinos can’t live without and
the Internet has only allowed Filipinos to be franker about their desires.

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