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Three-dimensional analysis of tooth

movements after palatal miniscrew-supported
molar distalization
€ khan Serhat Duran,a Serkan Go
Go € rgu
€ lu  luc
€ ,b and Furkan Dindarog
Ankara, Turkey

Introduction: The aim of this prospective clinical study was to evaluate the dentoalveolar effects of a palatal
miniscrew-supported molar distalization appliance using a 3-dimensional reverse engineering method.
Methods: This study sample comprised 21 patients at an average age of 13.6 years with a bilateral Class II
molar relationship. Distalization was performed using skeletal anchorage. Dental casts were obtained just before
treatment and after appliance removal, and they were scanned with a 3-dimensional dental scanner. The digital
dental cast images were aligned. Four points and 2 lines were determined on each tooth, and the correlations
between tooth movements and the linear and angular changes were analyzed 3 dimensionally. Results: In
the sagittal direction, the first molars showed a mean linear movement of 4.10 6 1.57 mm, with distal tipping
of 11.02 ; the central incisors showed a mean distal movement of 0.95 6 0.40 mm, with retroclination of
1.59 6 0.59 . In the vertical direction, only the first molars showed intrusion, with a mean value of
–0.59 6 0.50 mm. Rotation of the first molars was 4.92 6 3.09 . The second molars had the greatest rotation.
The highest correlation among tooth movements was found between the first and second molars. Conclusions:
Through support from the anterior palatal region, the maxillary first molars were distalized without anchorage
loss. Furthermore, movement was observed in all 3 planes of space with reduction from the posterior to the ante-
rior in the maxillary arch. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2016;150:188-97)

axillary molar distalization is a nonextraction the development of intraoral distalization methods
treatment modality to gain space in the maxil- that do not require patient cooperation: eg, magnets,3
lary arch. The indication for maxillary molar nickel-titanium open-coil springs,4 pendulum appli-
distalization is a Class II dental relationship (due to ance,5 Keles slider appliance,6 distal jet appliance,7 and
mesial migration of maxillary posterior teeth) or a minor several other methods. The common and unwanted
skeletal Class II relationship and mild or no mandibular side effect of these noncompliance methods is the mesial
tooth size–arch length discrepancy.1 The traditional drift of the premolars and the incisors: ie, anchorage
method used for maxillary molar distalization is head- loss.8 To prevent anchorage loss, intraoral distalization
gear (extraoral anchorage). However, headgear has methods take support from the skeletal structures with
some disadvantages; it is esthetically unacceptable and the help of temporary anchorage devices such as endo-
needs patient compliance.2 These disadvantages led to sseous implants, miniplates, and miniscrews.9 Implants
and miniplates have some disadvantages such as high
costs and the need for additional surgery for placement
From the Department of Orthodontics, Dental Sciences Center, G€
ulhane Military
Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey. and removal. Miniscrews, on the other hand, are
Research assistant. preferred because they are cheaper and less invasive
than other methods.10 Additionally, they can be easily
Associate professor.
Research assistant.
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of placed in several skeletal regions. The anterior palate is
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. considered to be a safe region for miniscrew insertion
Address correspondence to: G€okhan Serhat Duran, Department of Orthodontics, because it is far from the tooth roots and important
Dental Sciences Center, G€ ulhane Military Medical Academy, Etlik, Ankara,
Turkey; e-mail, anatomic structures.11,12 Another advantage of palatal
Submitted, August 2015; revised and accepted, December 2015. anchored distalization mechanics is that there is no
0889-5406/$36.00 need to use full fixed appliances during the
Copyright Ó 2016 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights
reserved. distalization period. Many authors have examined the effects of intraoral distalization performed with
Duran, G€org€
u, and Dindaroglu 189

Fig 1. Preparation of the appliance: A, abutments over the miniscrew heads; B, hyrax screw was bent
and adapted to the abutments and the molar bands at a 90 angle to produce the distalization force; C,
intraoral view of the distalization appliance.

support from the miniscrews placed in this region.9 sutura palatina media using the self-drilling method.16
However, the tooth movements were generally analyzed A hyrax screw (Forestadent) was placed parallel to the
2 dimensionally on cephalometric radiographs and occlusal plane by rotating it 90 so that it could open
dental cast photocopies in these studies. The recently in the sagittal direction; hyrax arms were welded to the
emerged prominent opinion for the 3-dimensional molar bands and abutments using a laser welding device
(3D) analysis of tooth movements is the reverse engi- (Tornado SL 75; Siro Lasertec, Pforzheim, Germany).
neering method. Until today, this method was used to One week after the placement of the miniscrews, the
analyze facial soft tissues, and skeletal and dental initial (T0) dental casts were obtained and the appliance
changes.13 Few studies have analyzed the dentoalveolar was adapted; then the distalization period began (Fig 1).
changes after molar distalization with digital casts.14,15 The screw was activated by 0.2 mm every 5 days by the
In this study, we aimed to evaluate how the maxillary patient, and distalization was controlled every 4 weeks.
teeth move in space with advanced reverse engineering Distalization was continued until a super-Class I molar
software 3 dimensionally after maxillary first molar relationship was achieved. At the end of distalization,
distalization through direct support from the the appliance was removed, the dental casts were taken
miniscrews placed in the anterior palatal region. (T1), the appliance was recemented for anchorage, and
the treatment was continued (Fig 2).
MATERIAL AND METHODS The dental casts from T0 and T1 were scanned with
Ethical approval for this prospective clinical study an optical dental scanner (Activity 850; Smart Optics,
was obtained from the Ethical Committee of G€ ulhane Bochum, Germany); the scans were converted into digi-
Military Medical Academy in Ankara, Turkey. The pa- tal data, and the data were imported into reverse engi-
tients signed consent forms before the study. The study neering software (Rapidform; INUS Technology, Seoul,
was conducted with 21 subjects with an average age of South Korea) for the alignment phase. The T0 and T1
13.6 years, who were referred to the Department of Or- digital models of the same subject were aligned with
thodontics of G€ ulhane Military Medical Academy for the best fit (surface-to-surface matching) method17
treatment. The study group consisted of 9 girls and 12 (Fig 3). The alignment procedure was performed on sta-
boys, and the mean age varied between 12.3 and ble anatomic reference points such as the palatal rugae
15.3 years. The subjects had skeletal Class I or mild Class with limited manual process selection and deselection
II relationships (ANB, 2 -5 ), with a normal facial vertical of this area.18 In this study, a standardized coordinate
growth pattern, bilateral Class II molar relationship with system was defined on the occlusal plane at T0 for all
moderate crowding (#5 mm), fully erupted maxillary subjects (Fig 4). Aligned digital models were imported
second molars and premolars, and mild or no crowding to 3-matic Research software (Materialise, Haasrode,
in the mandibular arch (#3 mm). No orthodontic treat- Belgium) for linear and angular measurements. Refer-
ment was performed in the mandibular arch before or ence points and lines on each tooth in every model
during the distalization period. were determined by the same investigator (G.S.D.)
Two miniscrews, 1.7 mm in diameter and 8 mm in (Figs 5 and 6). The reference points and lines on the
length (Forestadent, Pforzheim, Germany), were placed T0 and T1 models were transported into the aligned
in the anterior palatal region corresponding to 6 mm model (T0-T1). The distance between reference
posterior to the incisive papilla and 2 mm lateral to the points was measured on the aligned models linearly in

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u, and Dindaroglu

Fig 2. Intraoral photographs: A, pretreatment; B, postdistalization; C, end of treatment.

Fig 3. Digital models: A, pretreatment (T0); B, posttreatment (T1); C, superimposed (T0-T1).

millimeters (Fig 7) in the x, y, and z axes (Fig 6). Similarly, calculated for all teeth. The total amount of linear move-
the angles between reference lines were measured in de- ment (D) was calculated using the Euclidian distance
grees, and tipping, inclination, and rotation values were formula.
obtained (Fig 8). The correlations among total linear movement
amounts among the different teeth were evaluated using
Statistical analysis the Spearman rank correlation (r: positive linear correla-
All statistical analyses and descriptive calculations tion if r . 0; negative linear correlation if r \ 0). The
were made using SPSS for Windows software (version correlation was considered very weak if the coefficient
20.0; SPSS, Armonk, NY). The means, standard devia- was 0 to #0.25; weak, 0.26 to #0.49; moderate, 0.50
tions, and minimum and maximum values of the linear to #0.69; strong, 0.70 to #0.89; and very strong,
and angular changes in the x, y, and z planes were 0.90 to #1.00. For evaluation of the methodologic

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Fig 4. Reference coordinate system and directions: A, frontal view; B, sagittal view; C, occlusal view.
X(1), Buccal direction (posterior teeth) and distal direction (anterior teeth); X(), palatal direction (pos-
terior teeth) and mesial direction (anterior teeth); Y(1), distal direction (posterior teeth) and retroclina-
tion (anterior teeth); Y(), mesial direction (posterior teeth) and proclination (anterior teeth); Z(),
intrusion; Z(1), extrusion.

errors, 15 patients were randomly selected from the 21 3.77 6 1.33 mm for the second molars. The lowest total
patients. Pretreatment and posttreatment measure- movement was observed in the lateral incisors as
ments were repeated after 1 month by the same investi- 0.91 6 0.47 mm.
gator, and intraobserver reliability was calculated using The linear movement (y-axis) of the first molars was
intraclass correlation coefficients for every 4.10 6 1.57 mm in the sagittal direction. The mean
measurement. distal movement of the second premolars was
2.90 6 1.08 mm. The lowest distal movement amount,
RESULTS which decreased toward the anterior teeth, was
Intraobserver reliability values (intraclass correlation observed for the central incisors as 0.59 6 0.37 mm.
coefficients) varied from 0.81 to 0.96 for all measure- The distal movement of the second molars was
ments. The average monthly distalization rate was 3.30 6 1.25 mm.
1.02 mm, and the mean duration of distalization was For angular movements (yz-axis), the amounts of
5.30 6 1.46 months (minimum, 3.9 months; maximum, mean distal tipping were 11.02 6 5.32 for the first
7.20 months). The survival rate of the paramedian mini- molars and 6.21 6 3.49 for the second premolars in
screws in our study was high; no miniscrew failure was the sagittal direction. The mean retroclination amount
observed. The amounts of the total movement and the of the central incisors was 1.59 6 0.91 (Table II).
linear movements in the transversal (x), sagittal (y), In the transversal direction (x-axis), movement of the
and vertical (z) planes for all teeth are presented in first molars was 0.69 6 0.44 mm in the palatal direction,
Table I. and the mean movement of the second molars was
When the amounts of total linear movement in all 3 –1.16 6 0.55 mm buccally. The amounts of sponta-
planes were evaluated, the movement of the maxillary neous palatal movement of the canines and the first
first molars was 4.67 6 1.32 mm. These changes were and second premolars were 0.77 6 0.39 mm,
2.79 6 1.05 mm for the second premolars and 0.46 6 0.36 mm, and 0.51 6 0.28 mm, respectively.

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Fig 5. Reference points: A, occlusal view; B, frontal view; C, sagittal view. 1, Mesio-occlusal point; 2,
disto-occlusal point; 3, cusp tips of canines and premolars, and medial points of incisors and molars; 4,
facial axis (FA)19 point.

Fig 6. Reference lines: A, T0; B, T1; C, superimposed models (T0-T1). 1, Line between cusp tip and
facial axis points (T0); 2, line between cusp tip and facial axis points (T1); 3, line between mesiodistal
occlusal points (T0); 4, line between mesiodistal occlusal points (T1).

In the transversal direction angularly (xz-axis), the showed the lowest rotation of 1.98 6 1.62 . The rota-
mean palatal tipping of the first molars was tion of the first molars was 4.92 6 3.09 . The coeffi-
–5.23 6 2.31 , and the mean buccal tipping of the cients for the correlations between total movement
second molars was 7.75 6 4.07 . The mean distal amounts and their statistical significance levels are pre-
angulation amount of the central incisors was 1.03 sented in Table III.
6 0.59 .
In the vertical direction, only the first molars showed DISCUSSION
intrusion, with a mean value of 0.59 6 0.50 mm. Of all In this study, we analyzed the angular and linear 3D
other teeth, the canines showed the greatest extrusion, tooth movements of the maxillary arch after molar dis-
at 1.44 6 0.80 mm. talization performed with the support of skeletal
The second molars had the highest rotation mesio- anchorage from the anterior palatal region. With the
buccally at 7.89 6 5.57 , and the central incisors excellent survival rate of miniscrews inserted into the

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Fig 7. Linear measurement on superimposed models (T0-T1).

Fig 8. Angular measurements: A, yz(1) distal tipping (posterior teeth) and posterior inclination (ante-
rior teeth); yz() mesial tipping (posterior teeth) and anterior inclination (anterior teeth); B, xz(1) palatal
inclination (posterior teeth) and mesial angulation (anterior teeth); xz() buccal inclination (posterior
teeth) and distal angulation (anterior teeth); C, xy(1) mesiobuccal rotation; xy() distobuccal rotation.

anterior palatal region, full fixed appliances were not molars. Thereby, it was possible to determine how the
required, and no active force was applied to the teeth potential spontaneous movements occurred in these
during the distalization period except for the first teeth 3 dimensionally. Only a few authors have

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Table I. Linear movements

Distance (mm) x-axis (mm) y-axis (mm) z-axis (mm)
number Min Max Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max Mean SD
1 0.27 1.67 0.95 0.40 0.01 0.87 0.34 0.21 0.01 1.62 0.59 0.37 0.02 1.13 0.38 0.32
2 0.01 1.98 0.91 0.47 0.04 1.10 0.49 0.28 0.03 1.93 0.64 0.45 0.05 1.43 0.46 0.32
3 0.65 3.50 2.00 0.72 0.23 1.84 0.77 0.39 0.05 2.74 0.93 0.63 0.44 5.20 1.44 0.80
4 0.75 4.13 1.99 1.02 0.02 1.45 0.46 0.36 0.35 3.95 1.61 0.94 0.01 1.63 0.70 0.40
5 1.20 4.96 2.79 1.05 0.10 1.12 0.51 0.28 1.19 5.37 2.90 1.08 0.08 1.28 0.52 0.30
6 2.13 7.69 4.67 1.32 0.03 1.86 0.69 0.44 0.86 6.98 4.10 1.57 0.01 2.30 0.59 0.50
7 1.34 7.81 3.77 1.33 0.21 2.26 1.16 0.55 1.15 6.54 3.30 1.25 0.05 4.15 1.03 0.76

Min, Minimum; Max, maximum.

Table II. Angular tooth movements

xz ( ) yz ( ) xy ( )
number Min Max Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max Mean SD
1 0.14 2.73 1.03 0.59 0.02 4.10 1.59 0.91 0.02 7.87 1.98 1.62
2 0.02 5.25 1.83 1.35 0.30 8.51 3.05 2.11 0.98 7.63 3.38 1.58
3 0.65 9.77 3.63 2.29 0.43 8.24 4.29 2.43 0.59 9.90 3.84 3.13
4 0.46 6.26 2.31 1.52 0.73 11.25 4.85 3.18 0.35 10.86 4.44 2.25
5 0.20 7.46 3.75 1.84 0.60 11.56 6.21 3.49 1.59 8.66 4.86 1.96
6 1.16 9.63 5.23 2.31 2.13 22.06 11.02 5.32 0.53 11.96 4.92 3.09
7 1.47 19.57 7.75 4.07 1.37 19.87 9.06 4.77 1.87 20.70 7.89 5.57

Min, Minimum; Max, maximum.

adverse effect on molar distalization,23 some authors

Table III. Spearman coefficients between mean total
have suggested that there is no such effect, or the effect
tooth movements (Euclidian distance) of all patients
is minimal.5 A recent systematic review reported that no
Tooth studies have a high evidential value, and the second and
number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 third molars have a minimal effect on the movement of
1 1
the first molars based on current studies.23 We paid
2 0.561z 1
3 0.347* 0.074 1 attention to the fact that all teeth, including the
4 0.078 0.054 0.424y 1 second molars but not the third molars, had erupted
5 0.012 0.009 0.571z 0.604z 1 and were properly lined across the buccopalatal direc-
6 0.037 0.022 0.022 0.087 0.393* 1 tion. In this way, the movement of the second molars
7 0.166 0.105 0.224 0.279 0.279 0.688z 1
was also analyzed, and the potential effect of eruption
*P \0.05; yP \0.01; zP \0.001. on distalization was eliminated. In this study, there
was no prerequisite for the presence and eruption of
the third molars.
investigated the potential spontaneous movements of The anterior palatal region is where the temporary
other teeth in the maxillary arch upon molar distaliza- skeletal anchorage units are inserted to prevent
tion.20,21 The use of reverse engineering software to anchorage loss during molar distalization.24 The anterior
evaluate tooth movements is a recent approach.22 Based palatal region is preferred because it is far from the roots
on the 3D analyses, there were movements of the ante- and the anatomic structures, provides adequate bone
rior and posterior teeth in various amounts in all 3 support, and is associated with high success rates.11
planes. There was a correlation in the combined move- Baumgaertel12 stated that the first premolars have the
ment among the measurements of the teeth. The highest greatest cortical bone thickness in the palatal region.
correlation value was 0.68 (r), observed for the first and Distalization was performed using direct anchorage
second molars, on which the force has a direct effect. with miniscrews for adequate anchorage support; thus,
Contrary to the opinions suggesting that the pres- anchorage loss was prevented, and the spontaneous
ence or eruption of the second and third molars has an movements could be observed for all teeth. Although

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the palatal region provides adequate bone support, it is study, the speed was greater than with these anchored
recommended to use 2 screws in a similar way as in our distalization appliances, at 1.02 mm per month. Distal
study and to create a screw angle of 60 to 70 with the movement decreases as the distance from the first mo-
occlusal plane.25 lars increases, and the total movement amount of the
The conventional method to measure the amount of central incisors was 0.95 mm, with distal movement of
movement of the molars and incisors from distalization 0.6 mm in the y-axis. It is known that the tension of
is to use lateral cephalometric radiographies and dental transseptal fibers is involved in the amounts of distal
cast photocopies.26 Cephalometric radiographs involve movement of the teeth and the correlations. The distal
radiation and may cause errors in landmark identifica- movements of the posterior teeth and the backward
tion because of superimpositions of symmetrical movements of the anterior teeth that were observed in
anatomic structures.27 Three-dimensional evaluations varying amounts can contribute to the correction of
cannot be performed alone in either method; therefore, anterior crowding; therefore, this is likely to shorten
these 2 methods should be used in combination. It is the treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances, the sec-
possible to make a reliable and an accurate 3D evalua- ond stage of treatment.
tion of tooth movements with digital models alone.26 Distal tipping of the first molars is an expected reac-
It is reported that pretreatment and posttreatment digi- tion after distalization treatment.34 It is reported in the
tal models can be reliably aligned without the need for a literature that the molars have distal tipping varying
reference plane using reverse engineering software and from 3 to 12 after distalization with skeletal
the best-fit mathematical superimposition method.17 anchorage.31 In our study, the distal tipping of the first
This method uses the iterative closest point algorithm molars was 11.02 . This result appears close to the upper
and needs stable regions on different models for super- limit of the above-mentioned range. According to an
imposition. In a study, the maxillary digital models were opinion in this regard, the whole force is delivered to
superimposed on stable miniscrews in extraction pa- the tooth on which the force is applied because of the
tients, and it was stated that the palatal rugae region stability of the skeletal anchorage unit during distaliza-
is stable and could be included for alignment to evaluate tion with skeletal anchorage methods. However, the
orthodontic tooth movements.28,29 This area was found pressure caused by the force on the tooth is reduced
to be stable throughout a person's lifetime and also has by the potential anchorage losses (mesial movement of
been used for establishing identity in forensics.15 The premolars and anterior teeth) in intraoral or other
validity of this method was evaluated in extraction pa- tissue-supported distalization methods. This, in turn, re-
tients22 and even in patients treated with orthopedic ap- sults in greater tipping of the molars in skeletal
pliances such as rapid maxillary expansion and maxillary anchorage methods.9 According to our results, distal
protraction headgear.30 The authors of these studies tipping was reduced toward the anterior region. The
concluded that the method is clinically reliable. It was amounts of retroclination of the central and lateral inci-
reported that using digital models to evaluate dental sors were 1.98 and 3.38 , respectively.
changes after distalization treatment is reliable and has Although the greatest movement was observed in the
minor measurement differences when compared with sagittal plane (y-axis) after distalization, there was
conventional superimposition methods.26 With this movement of the first molars in the vertical (z-axis)
method, the movement of each tooth over the arch and transversal (x-axis) planes at minimal levels
can be analyzed in all 3 planes of the space and measure- (0.60 mm intrusion and 0.69 mm buccal, respectively).
ments can be performed frequently, since digital models The type of movement is determined by the rigid
do not involve radiation. connection between the screw and the teeth, and the
It has been reported that the mean distalization relationship between the force exerting direction and
amounts in the sagittal direction after distalization are the resistance center of the molars. The slight changes
3.34 mm with tooth-borne intraoral distalization in the vertical and transversal directions are believed to
methods and 5.10 mm with skeletal anchorage.31 In be a result of the force exerting direction and the rigidity
our study, the mean distalization of the maxillary first of the appliance. The vertical and transversal changes
molars was 4.10 mm in the sagittal plane (y-axis) after were similarly slight for the other teeth on which an
a mean distalization duration of 5.30 months, which active force was not applied. The greatest vertical move-
was consistent with the literature. The mean amount ment was observed for the canines, with a mean extru-
of total movement was 4.67 mm. Mean overall distaliza- sion of 1.44 mm. Although the vertical direction can
tion speeds were reported to be 0.6 mm per month with be controlled with a rigid appliance, the first molars
the Beneslider appliance14,32 and 0.7 mm per month cannot follow the arch form because the movement
with a skeletally anchored pendulum device.33 In our goes toward the posterior side along the transversal

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2016  Vol 150  Issue 1

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