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Contributions of Greek Civilization


2. Science� The Greeks were good in mathematics.� Pythagoras formulated the
principle of geometry that bears his name the Pythagorean Theorem.
3. EUCLIDRecognized as the father of�Father ofgeometry�
4. ARCHIMEDES �Advance a method of measuring thecircumference of a circle. �He also
discovered theprinciple of thespecific gravity.
5. ARISTARCHUS� Discovered that the Earth revolves around the sun while rotating on
its own axis.
6. ERASTOSTHENESWAS�Able to make anestimate thecircumference of theworld.�He was
also thefirst to draw thelongitude and thelatitude lines on themap of the world.
7. ARCHITECTURE� The goal was to honor the god.� The most beautiful structure was
there temples.� Theaters ,baths, stadiums and markets.
8. Drama� The theme of the drama was how fate or destiny dictated on events
occurring in the world the subject of their drama was the problem in life.
9. SOPHOCLES,EURIPEDES andAESCHYLUS are the famous writers of Greek tragedy.
10. AristophanesFamous writer of drama.
11. PAINTING� The common design was the daily work of the people like
singing,dancing,pla ying musical instruments, taking a bath and other activities.
12. MEDICINEEstablished a schoolfor study of medicine where the cause ofillness
wasinvestigated andwhere sick was treatedbased on observation.
13. RELIGION� The tradition on Greek was the worship of different gods headed by
14. PHILOSOPHY� SOCRATES-famous because of his philosophy that reason and not
emotion should prevail.� PLATO-for him law was supposed to be for all and not for
the strong and rich only.� ARISTOTLE-was the intelligent students of Plato he
studied animals, plants anatomy and physics. According to him one should accept any
theory if this conforms to observable data.

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