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Changemaking Skills & Adult ELLs as Agents of Change

Important Information
TEACHER: Auriel (Aureen) Andres
FACEBOOK: Auriel Aureen Andres
PHONE/TEXT: 858-531-2337
CLASS TIME: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:30 – 1:30pm
DURATION: 8 weeks (16 sessions); Dates to be announced!
STUDENT HOURS: 10:30-11:30 & 1:30-2:30pm
Or Just Stop By! I have an open-door policy; if I’m in, come and say hello! I’m always glad to
take a break and I always have snacks!
LOCATION: Doyle Elementary Campus; Room #: (to be determined)

This course is an Intermediate to Advance, multi-level, English language conversation class open
to the community. It will focus on the development of four skills: empathy, collaborative
teamwork, new kind of leadership, and changemaking. If you do not know what this means,
that’s okay! We will define these words together as a class.

We will think about problems that affect the community we live in. We will also deepen our
understanding of how these problems affect our children, our community, and ourselves. Since
this is a community-based (no grade, no credit) conversation class, we will not have required
assignments. I believe that
students learn best by
Teaching Philosophy
doing and when they are
Here is a snap shot of my teaching philosophy!
fully involved. Therefore, I
My philosophy is deeply rooted in Critical Theory & Critical
hope to keep you engaged
Pedagogy, so I tend to apply the Freirean approach to learning
and involved.
and teaching. What does this mean? You will find out more in
class, so pay attention!

I’m also interested in the Theory of Adragogy by Malcolm

Knowles which apply the following assumptions:
 (1) Adults need to know why they need to learn
 (2) Adults need to learn experientially,
 (3) Adults approach learning as problem-solving, and
by Unknown Author is
 (4) Adults learn best when the topic is of immediate licensed under
Required Materials
1. Email address (preferably Gmail)
- (noun) an electronic mail address
- your email will be used for correspondence,
important notices/changes regarding
scheduling or sessions, and sharing class
documents/PowerPoint/Google Slide
- google mail is suggested for easier access to
group activities and group work

2. Pens, pencils, highlighters

by Unknown Author is licensed under
- Writing tools for notetaking and activities

3. Student Journal
- (noun) a little notebook for writing
- Uses:
o For me to assess language proficiency
o For me to discover language challenges that need to be addressed in future
o As a means of communication for things such as:
 Questions or concerns you are not comfortable asking in class
 Things you would like to learn
 Topics you would like to discuss
 Answering prompts (statements or topics of an issue in which you
respond to; this may also be a question)

4. Paper or Notebook
- For notetaking (highly advised)

5. USB Flash Drive (Optional)

- (noun) small electronic device used for storing data
- This is highly recommended for storing any important
by Unknown
information Author is licensed
Classroom Expectations
We will create these together!

Attendance & Participation

I know that most of you will either be working, or have family obligations, or BOTH! So, don’t
worry about attendance. I do not take attendance for points. Instead, I ask that you come fully
prepared to participate and engage with your class family! These is a time for learning and I
believe that learning should be fun and informative.

Participation points if you bring a smile!

Other Information
Field Trip—Tentative; House of Pacific Relations International Cottages!
Where: Balboa Park
We will go on a field trip some time in the 4th week of class. Our goal is to experience other
cultures and try to see things through a different lens. We will be putting empathy and
teamwork into practice and learning about a new kind of leadership.
Suggestions: You may want to wear comfortable clothing, walking shoes, a water bottle, a bag
lunch and/or money (there will be places to buy food and you will be free to explore), and a
mat to sit on as we will be sitting down somewhere for the lecture portion of this day.
I can’t wait to experience this with you!
As you will notice, there are blank spaces in the syllabus. The reason for this is that this class is a
collaborative class in which you will be asked to help create the syllabus with me! This is to ensure that I
meet your needs as individuals and together as what I call a “family class.” This class is very fluid and
semi-structured to meet the ever-evolving and varying types of students that come in and out. This is
your class and your learning, so engage and take control!

Week 1: Meet & Greet; Getting to Know You and Your Classroom Family!
Course Syllabus; Building Community; Classroom Expectations
Pre-Diagnostic Test; Pre-Confidence Self-Assessment & Pre Self-Perception
What is Changemaking?

Week 2: What is Empathy?

Journal Writing & Small Talk

Week 3: What is Collaborative Teamwork?

Journal Writing & Small Talk

Week 4: Field Trip—Tentative; House of Pacific Relations International Cottages!

Balboa Park

Week 5: What is New Kind of Leadership?

Journal Writing & Small Talk

Week 6: Changemaking  Agents of Change

Start Brainstorming for Final Projects
Journal Writing & Small Talk

Week 7: Post-Diagnostic Test

Journal Writing & Small Talk
Work on Final Projects in Class with Group
Final Project Presentations

Week 8: Final Project Presentations

Post-Confidence Self-Assessment & Post Self-Perception Assessment
Festivities/Potluck! Food, food, food…yay!
Letter to Teacher
(to be explained in class)

Response to Student

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