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ACAD EMERG MED • October 2002, Vol. 9, No. 10 • www.aemj.

org 1045

An Alternate Light Source to Detect Semen
David G. Nelson, MD, Karen A. Santucci, MD
The Wood’s lamp (WL) has been used in sexual assault physicians identified the semen as fluorescing and 25%
evaluations. Recent data have shown that semen does successfully differentiated the semen from the other
not fluoresce with a WL and that physicians are unable products using the ALS. Products most commonly mis-
to differentiate semen from other common medicaments taken for semen were a hand cream, Castille soap, and
using a WL. Objectives: To determine whether physi- bacitracin. After the training session, 83% of the physi-
cians could differentiate semen from other products us- cians successfully differentiated the semen from other
ing an alternate light source (ALS), and to investigate products. The ALS, while not specific for semen identi-
whether a brief training period with the ALS would en- fication, was 100% sensitive for it. Conclusions: Physi-
hance physicians’ ability to differentiate between semen cians instructed in the use of an alternate light source
and other commonly used products. Methods: An ALS, (BM 500) are able to identify semen as fluorescing and
Bluemaxx BM500, was found to cause semen to fluo- can differentiate semen (after a training session) from
resce. Physicians were first asked to use this ALS to iden- other commonly used products. Key words: semen; flu-
tify semen and then to distinguish between a semen sam- orescence; Wood’s lamp; sexual assault evaluation; foren-
ple and other products. Physicians then received a sic medicine. ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE
training class on the use of the ALS and were then asked 2002; 9:1045–1048.
to differentiate semen from other products. Results: All

In cases of sexual assault and abuse, the detection The effectiveness of the WL for identifying semen
of seminal fluid is important to forensic, medical, has recently been challenged.11 In a cohort of 42
and legal personnel for the purpose of evidence col- physicians, Santucci et al. found that subjects using
lection and DNA testing. Traditionally, ultraviolet a WL were unable to differentiate semen from other
illumination has been recommended to aid in the substances commonly found on the perineum of
identification of semen on skin and clothing of children or adolescents.11 In the same study, none
these patients. Ultraviolet light (wavelength less of the 29 semen samples from 29 different donors
than 400 nm) has been shown to cause fluorescence demonstrated any fluorescence when illuminated
of certain fungi, bacteria, chemicals,1 and semen.2 with a standard WL emitting a wavelength of
The Wood’s lamp (WL) emits light at 360-nm wave- 360 nm.
length. It has been used to detect semen both at Our study had two main objectives. The first was
crime scenes3–5 and during sexual assault evalua- to evaluate the abilities of emergency medicine
tions (SAEs).3–9 Because the WL is inexpensive, is (EM), pediatrics, and pediatric EM (PEM) physi-
easy to use, and has ‘‘accepted’’ screening attri- cians to identify semen, and to differentiate be-
butes, it has become an integral part of many emer- tween semen and commonly used ointments and
gency departments for SAE, and is commonly used creams when using an alternate light source. The
by emergency personnel. In a survey of sexual as- second was to determine whether a 10–15-minute
sault nurse examiner programs in the United States, training session on the use of the alternate light
Ciancone et al. reported that 86% (51/59) of pro- source could enhance physicians’ abilities to accu-
grams used a WL for SAE.10 rately identify semen, and distinguish it from other
From Brown University School of Medicine, Department of Pe-
diatrics, Section of Pediatric Medicine, Hasbro Children’s Hos-
pital, Providence, RI (DGN, KAS); and the Section of Pediatric METHODS
Emergency Medicine, Yale–New Haven Children’s Hospital,
New Haven, CT (KAS). Study Design. We performed an observational
Received December 18, 2001; revision received May 20, 2002; study that was granted expedited review by the in-
accepted June 3, 2002.
Presented at the Society for Pediatric Research annual meeting, stitutional review board.
San Francisco, CA, May 1999, and at the SAEM annual meeting, A dried semen sample was brought to the local
Boston, MA, May 1999. police department for examination. There, the in-
Address for correspondence and reprints: Karen Santucci, MD,
vestigators used an adjustable-wavelength light
Yale–New Haven Children’s Hospital, 20 York Street, Room
WP143, New Haven, CT 06504. Fax: 203-688-4195. e-mail: source designed for forensic investigations (Omni- print 1000 by Omnichrome, Melles Griot Laser

Group, Carlesbad, CA) to examine the semen sam- pants) received a 10–15-minute training session on
ple. This light source emits wavelengths in narrow the utilization of the BM500, performed by one of
(30–40-nm) band increments, between 320 nm and the investigators (KAS). Participants were then
510 nm (e.g., 320 nm, 350 nm, 380 nm, 410 nm, etc.). given the opportunity to analyze a known semen
Investigators wore different-colored goggles (yel- sample on a white 100% cotton surface with the WL
low, orange, red) to enhance contrast and improve and the alternate light. The participants received
visibility of the fluorescence. Semen was noted to instruction on proper use of the BM500, detail on
best fluoresce at 420 and 450 nm, when viewed the characteristic stain produced by semen when
through orange goggles. Medical lamp companies viewed (on clothing) with this alternate light
were contacted. A portable forensic light with the source, and instruction regarding the importance of
appropriate range of wavelengths (a Bluemaxx semen identification during SAEs.
BM500 with a broad-band wavelength of 390–500 The trainees were then presented with a prepre-
nm, Sirche Finger Print Laboratories, Inc., Raleigh, pared template with one 0.3-milliliter aliquot of
NC) was identified and purchased for our study. dried semen and 15 other samples of equal quantity
of commonly used products for evaluation. Each
Study Setting and Population. Forty-eight physi- participant was asked to view the template and
cians at an academic, urban, tertiary care medical identify the semen. They were given 2–3 minutes
center were enrolled in the study. All of the par- to perform this assessment. In a darkened room, the
ticipating physicians practiced in an academic physicians used the WL and the BM500 to view the
emergency setting. Participants completed a ques- template. A researcher (KAS) monitored each par-
tionnaire that included queries regarding their ac- ticipant. The 16 products and/or secretions used
ademic training, number of years practicing EM, or for this part of the study included semen, urine,
performing SAEs, history of formal training in fo- saliva, bacitracin zinc, Surgilube, Castille soap,
rensic evidence collection, and the number of SAEs Balmex, A&D ointment, a lubricating jelly, a hand
they performed each year. cream, a spermicide, toothpaste (Crest Tartar Pro-
tection, Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH), Shower
Study Protocol. Semen (0.5 mL) and 13 different to Shower body powder (Johnson&Johnson, Inc.,
products were placed on a clean white cotton cloth Skillman, NJ), LipMedex (Blistex Inc., Oak Brook,
template, allowed to air dry, and labeled A through IL), Bactoshield CHG 4% antimicrobial skin
N. The products displayed on the template with the cleanser (STERIS Corporation, St. Louis, MO), and
semen included: saliva, a hand cream, talc, sper- baby cream (Little Forest, Walnut Creek, CA). These
micide, Phisohex (Chattem, Inc., Chattanooga, TN), samples are similar to, but slightly different from,
Barrier cream (Carrington Laboratories, Inc., Irving, the original templates samples, and were chosen in
TX), A&D ointment (Cardinal Health, Inc., Dublin, this fashion to better simulate the medicaments
OH), bacitracin zinc (Division of Atlanta, Inc., Mel- participants might expect to be used in the patient
ville, NY), Surgilube (Division of Atlanta, Inc.), population served by their institution.
toothpaste (Colgate, Colgate-Palmolive Co., New
York, NY), Castille soap (Professional Disposables, Data Analysis. Simple statistical analyses were
Inc., Orangeburg, NY), Balmex (Block Drug Co., performed including sensitivity, specificity, and
Jersey City, NJ), and Vaseline (Chesebrough-Ponds Fisher’s exact test.
USA Co., Greenwich, CT). Participants individually
scanned the samples with the WL, and then with RESULTS
the Bluemaxx BM500, in a darkened room, while
Using the Omniprint 1000 forensic light, the dry
being monitored by an investigator. The partici-
semen sample fluoresced optimally at both 420 nm
pants then indicated which sample they believed to
and 450 nm and not above or below these wave-
be semen.
lengths when the investigators viewed the sample
Training. Eighteen physicians at another academic, through orange goggles. An alternative light
urban, tertiary care medical center were enrolled in source, the Bluemaxx BM500 (forensic light), was
this phase of the study in January 2001. Participants identified and obtained from Sirche Finger Print
completed a questionnaire that included questions Laboratories. The BM500 is a hand-held lamp
about their academic training, the number of years shaped like a flashlight with an attached orange
they had been practicing, the frequency with which barrier screen, which is the equivalent of using or-
they performed SAEs, and the number of times ange goggles. It emits (nonadjustable) light in
they have used a WL during a SAE. These 18 phy- wavelengths between 390 and 500 nm and may be
sicians (broken up as groups of 8, 4, and 6 partici- purchased for a price comparable to that of the WL.
ACAD EMERG MED • October 2002, Vol. 9, No. 10 • 1047

Part 1. Forty-eight physicians completed the ques- the semen sample as the true semen sample on a
tionnaire and scanned the samples. Sixty-nine per- cloth surface using the BM500 equipped with or-
cent of the participants were male. Sixty-three per- ange barrier filter.
cent of the participants were trained in EM, 27% One hundred percent of the participants correctly
were subspecialty trained in PEM, and 10% were identified semen as one of the fluorescing stains.
trained in pediatrics alone. The average practice ex- The substances most commonly mistaken for se-
perience of the participants in an emergency setting men were urine and the hand cleanser used in the
was 4.7 years (range: 0.5 to 15 years). Thirty-one ED. The WL sensitivity for the detection of semen
percent of the participants reported formal training was again 0% (95% CI = 0% to 18.5%). After a brief
in SAEs and forensic evidence collection. Twenty- training period, the BM500 had a sensitivity of
one percent performed five to ten SAEs per year, 83.3% (95% CI = 58.6% to 96.4%) in the correct iden-
13% performed 11 to 20 SAEs per year, and 8% per- tification of semen.
formed more than 20 SAEs per year. One partici- The template was re-examined at two-month in-
pant (the director of a child protection program) tervals for a 16-month time period and the semen
reported performing 100 SAEs per year. continued to fluoresce with what appeared to be
None of the participating physicians correctly equal intensity using the BM500 equipped with
identified the semen sample using the WL. All par- barrier filter.
ticipating physicians recognized the semen sample
as fluorescing using the BM500. Only 12 of the 48 DISCUSSION
physicians (25%) positively identified the semen
sample from among the other products. The prod- Ultraviolet light and fluorescence have been used
ucts most commonly mistaken for semen were a for years to aid in SAE. As recently as 2000, pub-
hand cream, Castille soap, and bacitracin. There lished reports claim that the WL should be used in
was no difference among the observers in their abil- SAE to aid in the recovery of semen.8,9 However,
ity to correctly identify the semen based upon years Santucci et al. reported that in the light emitted
of practice and the number of SAEs performed per from the standard WL (360 nm), semen does not
year. fluoresce, and cannot be differentiated from other
The WL sensitivity for the detection of semen common products.11
was 0% (95% CI = 0% to 7.4%). Its specificity was We found a more appropriate tool (the Bluemaxx
92.3% (95% CI = 89.9% to 94.3%). The BM500 sen- BM500) to aid in semen stain identification for SAE.
sitivity for detection of semen was 100% (95% CI = With the Bluemaxx BM500, semen fluoresced and
92.6% to 100%) and its specificity was 94.2% (95% was readily identified using an orange barrier filter.
CI = 92.1% to 95.9%). A previous study by Gabby et al. in 1992 noted that
the fluorescence of semen changed with time.6
However, our semen sample continued to fluoresce
Part 2. A convenience sample of 18 physicians com- with the same intensity months after the initial
pleted the questionnaire, training session, and ex- placement on cloth.
amination. Forty-four percent were male. Thirty- With the Bluemaxx BM500, equipped with bar-
three percent of the participants were trained in rier filter and no training session, 25% of the phy-
general pediatrics, 22% were subspecialty-trained sicians, previously unable to differentiate semen
in child development, 17% were subspecialty- from other products, were able to correctly identify
trained in PEM, and 11% of the aforementioned semen. Although this is a considerable improve-
specialized in child abuse and neglect. The average ment, it is still a very low percentage for a useful
practice experience was 8.9 years (range: 0.5–32 screening tool. The reason that the percentage is
years). Forty-four percent of the participants per- low is probably because commonly used products
formed between two and 12 SAEs per year, another (e.g., Bacitracin and Castille soap) also fluoresce
44% performed less than two SAEs per year, and and may be mistaken for semen. With the Blue-
two of the physicians performed approximately 100 maxx BM500, an added orange barrier filter, and a
SAEs per year. brief training session, 83% of the physicians, pre-
None of the physicians were able to positively viously unable to differentiate semen from other
identify semen as fluorescing with the WL. All the products, were able to correctly identify semen.
physician participants identified semen as fluoresc- This is a significant improvement over the WL, or
ing with the BM500. Eighty-three percent of the the Bluemaxx without a training session.
physicians who received the training session (re- While the semen could be detected and differ-
gardless of their previous amount of experience in entiated from other products some of the time, its
evidence collection) were able to correctly identify identification with the BM500 was not highly spe-

cific. Other items were also found to fluoresce and LIMITATIONS

were difficult to distinguish from semen. Two of the
Our study has two important limitations. First, we
items most commonly mistaken for semen were a
used cloth, instead of human skin, as the template
hand cleanser and urine. Physicians who received
to evaluate the semen sample. During SAEs, both
a 10–15-minute training session were more likely
skin and clothing are inspected. Second, the sample
to be able to correctly identify the semen sample
size of the participants was small, and few had for-
after the training session than before (83% vs 0% p
mal training for SAE. Nevertheless, we are encour-
< 0.001, Fisher’s exact test).
aged that using the BM500, all semen samples were
More important than the specificity of the BM500
noted to fluoresce and were identified by the par-
in differentiating semen from other substances that ticipants among those samples likely to contain
fluoresce is the reliability with which it causes se- semen.
men to fluoresce, or the test’s sensitivity. In a pre-
liminary forensic assessment, as performed in the CONCLUSIONS
emergency department of major medical centers, it
is more important to identify the presence of a sus- The BM500 is superior to the Wood’s lamp for de-
picious substance and secure that sample for fur- tecting the fluorescence of semen, and is simple to
ther definitive testing than it is to achieve confir- operate with minimal training. Although not tested
mation of the suspicion. This will be accomplished on the skin’s surface, we anticipate that the BM500
through enzymatic analysis in a state or forensic would prove more useful for detection of possible
laboratory at a later date. Using the BM500, all phy- deposits of semen during sexual assault evalua-
sicians included semen samples among the sub- tions than the Wood’s lamp.
stances that they identified as fluorescent; thus, the
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in medicolegal examinations to evaluate stains and skin
this light with an orange barrier filter will maxi-
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We strongly suggest securing any material that 9. Christian C, Lavelle J, De Jong A, Loiselle J, Brenner L,
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may be suspicious for fluorescence, and sending tims of sexual assault. Pediatrics. 2000; 106:100–4.
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with an appropriate light source, the identity of se-
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