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The Mental Health Practices of the Students of the Business Cluster of the CAS, San Beda University

A.Y. 2018-2019



EXAMPLE of how to complete this questionnaire

Your age:
If you are at the bracket of 17-21 years old:

Age: ☐ 12-16☑17-21 ☐22-26, ☐27-31

☐32-36 ☐ 37-41 ☐ 42 and up


This section of the questionnaire refers to background or biographical information. Although we are
aware of the sensitivity of the questions in this section, the information will allow us to compare groups
of respondents. Once again, we assure you that your response will remain anonymous. Your
cooperation is appreciated.

1. Name (Optional): ______________________________

2. Age:

 16-17
 18-19
 20-21
 22-23
 24-25
3. Gender:

 Male
 Female

4. Year Level:

 First Year
 Second Year
 Third Year
 Fourth Year

5. Course:

 Accountancy

 Economics and Public Policy

 Entrepreneurship

 Human Biology

 Financial Management

 Human Resource Development Management

 Information and Communications Technology

 Operations Management

 Legal Management

 Marketing Management

 Psychology

1. Have you experiencing any of these mental health issues nowadays? Check as many as possible.
 Depression
 Stress and anxiety
 Sleep
 Suicide and self-harm
 Eating and body image
 Personality disorder
 Mania, bipolar
 Psychosis, hearing voices and schizophrenia
 Drugs - recreational drugs & alcohol
 Others. Please specify: ___________________________________________

2. What do you think the major causes that trigger mental health problems you are experiencing
nowadays? Check as many as possible.
 Genetics (heredity)
 Infections
 Brain defects or injury
 Substance abuse
 Severe psychological trauma suffered as a child, such as emotional, physical, or sexual abuse
 An important early loss, such as the loss of a parent
 Neglect
 Poor ability to relate to others
 A dysfunctional family life
 Feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, anxiety, anger, or loneliness
 Social or cultural expectations
 Academics
 Expectations
 Others. Please specify: _________________________________________
3. Do you agree or disagree that talking with a guidance counselor relieves the student of his mental
health problem in regards to his:

a) Family Problems
5 4 3 2 1
Financial problems
Health conditions of family members
Balancing of academics and demands at home
Worrying for the future (looking for jobs, pursuing other careers, etc)

b) Academics
5 4 3 2 1
Maintaining of grades
Running for honors
Balancing academics and extracurricular activities
Time management

c) Relationships (romantic and friends)

5 4 3 2 1
Time management
Financial problems (for “gala”, study sessions, etc)
Fitting in (distinctions in tastes, etc)
Looking for someone/maintaining the relationship

d) Extracurricular activities
5 4 3 2 1
Being popular
Looking for organizations to join to
Evaluating organizations available
Looking for friends inside the organization
4. Check all the applicable practices you usually do to alleviate you of your mental health problems
 Sleeping
 Praying
 Studying (alone or with friends)
 Chatting/ranting of problems to friends
 Spending time alone
 Skipping classes
 Going to parties
 Drinking/Smoking, etc
 Eating
 Self-harming
 Others

5. Please check the box that represents your answer. In your own view, the following factors help lessen
mental issues and make students more productive:
5 4 3 2 1
Highly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Highly Disagree
Going out with Friends to enjoy
recreational activities.
Bonding with your Family (Eating Dinner,
Travelling, etc).
Playing Computer Games, whether
online or offline games.
Sleeping, when you think you need it, in
order to regain the strength to battle
your own thoughts of depression and
anxiety (or any other mental issues).
Doing your hobbies (Playing Basketball,
Writing, Reading, etc.).
Having support groups (If Applicable).
6. Would you recommend the following activities in order to improve the mental health of students?
(Check the box if you would recommend the activities stated)

Open up to your close friends about your issues so that you would feel better.
Discuss to your family the situation you are in for them to be more understanding and be more
sensitive on what they say.
Consult Professional Help in order to get a scientific explanation on your condition so that you
could understand it better and to know how to properly deal with it.
Keep yourself busy with other activities, like being more active in student organizations, church
work, until you eventually forget about your problems.
Do activities that you like or have a passion for in order to boost your mood and slowly alleviate
your condition.
Do absolutely nothing about it and hope that what you feel would just go away.

Thank you 


Respondent’s Signature

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