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1- What is your favourite weather? Why?

My favourite weather is sunny because I enjoy being outdoors. I like sunny weather
since it hardly rains in this weather. I think the weather can affect your mood.
Contrary to some people I think clouds and rain are gloomy. So, I am much happier
when the weather is nice. (25 second)

2- Why do people prefer to live in big cities?

Nowadays, more and more people (especially young ones) are moving to big cities
instead of living in country sides. Well, this choice may be necessary in some
situation. For example, a peasant boy whose father is a farmer wants to higher
education to become a sophisticated person. If this boy continues to live in the
countryside, he never goes to the university. So, he has to live in big cities. To give
another example, big cities possess better medical treatment and job opportunities
which earn much money. A person who is cancer patient must live in big cities to
cure this disease. To sum up my opinions, big cities are preferred thanks to better
opportunities like as educational, health, and jobs mainly. (1 min 10 second)

3- Describe your everyday diet. What do you eat? What don’t you eat? Why?

The food you eat can affect your health and your risk for certain diseases. For this
reason, balanced diet is very important for me. A balanced diet is one that provides
the body with all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals required to maintain
cells, tissues and organs as well as to function correctly. A diet that is lacking in
nutrients can lead to many different health problems. Recent studies indicate that
consumption of food which is containing Genetically Modified Organism bring
about low growth rate and unfortunately higher mortality rate. I eat three main
meals and two snacks every day. As you know breakfast is the most important meal
of the day. Every morning I have a breakfast containing that protein food such as
egg, cheese, milk. In addition to these foods, I drink tea and eat olives. After two
hours I eat an apple as a first snack meal. I have a bowl of soup; eat vegetables and
meat at every lunch and dinner. I don’t eat foods such as candy, chocolate, cakes,
chips, and other ‘junk’ foods. Because these foods are very harmful for health care.
If someone eat this foods, their bodies begin to fat. Their health can get worse in
time.( 1 min 40 seconds)

4- Science has made modern life healthier and more comfortable. Do you agree
or disagree? Why?

I agree with this idea mainly. İnsanoğlu antik zamandan itibaren sürekli kendini
geliştirmeye çalışmıştır. Bu sayede bilim ortaya çıkmıştır. Bilim ile birlikte
teknoloji terimide hayatımıza girmiştir. Bilim ve teknolojinin gelişimi hayatımızın
her alanını etkilemektedir. Geliştirilen makinalar sayesinde bulaşık makinesi
çamaşır makinesi vs ev işleri daha kolay yapılmaktadır. Otomobillerin, uçakların
daha da gelişmesi daha güvenli ve komforlu ulaşım sağlanmasına neden olmuştur.
Yeni nesil araçların sahip olduğu elektrik motoru havanın daha az kirlenmesine
neden olmuştur. Hava kirliliğinin azalması ve küresel ısınmanın yavaşlaması
sağlanmıştır. Bu sayede daha temiz ve sağlıklı bir havamız olmaktadır.
Baştada belirttiğim gibi bu fikre katılmadığım bazı konularda var. Mesela genetic
bilimi sayesinde elde edilen GDO’lu ürünler sağlığım açısından zarara yol
açmaktadır. Uzun ömürlü ürünler kansere yol açan katkı maddelerini vücudumuza
almamızı sağlamaktadır.
5- How does the Internet affect people’s lives?

With emergence of the internet which is unavoidable part of our life, many areas of
our lives have changed. The internet is always available for you to use.

Today, around 60 percent of the world population is using the internet. This
situation has both positive and negative effects in our lives. First, we will look at
the risks of using the internet. Such as non-social life, acquisition of false
information, fraud, restriction of communication ability, loneliness, introversion,
internet addiction, and so on. In addition, increased social media sharing has led to
an increase in theft. On the contrary, there are also benefits provided by the use of
the internet. To give an example; the spread of different ideas and innovations
through social media, or the creation of awareness in many subjects. For example
water and food for street animals during the summer months, donation for ALS
disease. In addition, reliable online shopping makes it easy to access various
products in different regions.

It has turned the world into huge virtual market where the prospective customer can
order and buy things of his choice sitting right in front of the computer terminal.
In my opinion, secure use of the internet has brought much benefit to our lives.
(1min 48 sec.)
6- Which means/types of transportation do you think is good for the environment?
Explain by giving examples and/or reasons.

As you know the world is smaller place today. Actually, I mean the globalized
world. So, transportation is very important for all of us. In this point I think
transportation dividing into two major sectors. These are international and intercity.
Air transport, maritime transport, railway transport, and highway transport make up
4 major sectors of transportation together. First, we consider highway
transportation which is very harmful for environment and people as my opinion.
Waste gases which gasoline and diesel vehicles composed emits to the air as a
carbon dioxide emission. This emission brings about both the pollution of air and
global warming. While diesel and gasoline vehicles cause many problem of
environment, electrical vehicles which possess zero carbon dioxide emission are
beneficial for environment. Similarly, steam or coal-burn trains are harmful for
environment whereas today trains which are developed with new technology has a
lesser emission. Therefore these types of vehicles are good for the environment.
Formerly, planes weight was ultimately high. Thus, consumption of fuel of planes
was high and this caused more pollution of air. Yet today’s planes are slighter than
the past ones. In this way, new planes require less fuel consumption and less
pollute environment. To sum up my opinions, new technological vehicles like as
hybrid or electrical cars, lighter planes, magnetic trains are friendly for
environment. However, all kind of former vehicles such as gasoline cars, steam
trains in addition to former air and maritime transport vehicles are pollutant for
environment. (2 min 5 second)

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