Sie sind auf Seite 1von 84


The Kindergarten Level 1 Workbook includes:

• a review of letter names and letter so unds

• the a and i vowel sounds used in short words
• commonly used «helper words"
• practice pages for review before reading words in context
• illustrated stories with words learned in each lesson
• parent tips to help you instruct and guide your child

Lesson Overview. .. .. . ... . . . . . ..... ... .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. iv Unit 4 ............................................ ....... 39

Alphabet an<l Letter Sound Review .... .. .. v1 Lesson 9: -id ...................................... 40
Lesson l 0: -iL ........... ... ....................... 44
Unit I ................. ..... ..... .. .. .. ..... .... ...... ... l Review ............ ...... ... ............. ............. 48
Lesson I : - al ........ ... .......... .... . ........... . 2
Lesson 2: - an ..... ... ... .. ...... .... .. ..... .... ... 6 Unit 5 ..... ............................................... 49
Lesso n .3: -ap ..................................... 10 Lesson I I: -ip ............ ............. ........... 50
R.eview ................... ............................ 14 Lesson 12: -irn ....................... ............ 54
Lesson 13: - in ... ......... .... ............ ........ 58
Unit 2 .................... ............................... 15 l~t-vicw ................... .... ........ ........ ........ 62
Lesson 4: -ad ...... .............................. . 16
Lesson 5: -an1 ..... ..... ....... .... ............. .. 20 Unit 6 ................................ ..... ....... ... .... 63
l~csson 6: -ag ............ .......................... 24 L esson 1/iL, -1.x . .......... .......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 6fi:i-
Review ............................................... 28 Lesson 15: -ill .................................... 68
Lesson 16: Add -s ................ ........ ...... 72
Unit 3 ... ... .. .. ......................................... 29 R eview ............. ... .. .......... .............. ..... 7 6
Lesson ·7 : -ab ..... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 30
Lesson 8: ~ig ...................................... 34
Jlev iew ..................... .......................... 38

~..T - - - ~ ---- -----.--- -.--.---- - - -- • -= - ....

I~ ...__ ... • - • • I··. . . ... . . . l11

As you know, readjn g is a big dea l. Celebrate each time your child reads a story o r book; by placing ·.·.···· ···_- ;,
a srickcr in che work book. This also provides a helpful marker co remember where co begin nexr tim e. j..·· .. \

Tips for Success

• Set a good pace. Work at a pace thaes right for your child, whether it's once a week or fou r times
a week.
• Don't overdo it. Fie the lessons into your chiJd's attentio n span, generally between 20 and
30 minutes.
• Master each lesson befo1·e moving on. N ew lessons build on previous on es, so n1ake sure your child
has masrercd che current lesson before movjng forward.
• Talk about the hooks and stories. Engaging your child in a co nversacion about what he's reading
helps stimulate his thi nking and co mprehension.
• Read to your child every day. The .m ore you share the love of reading with your ·child, the 1nore
your child will wanr co read.

Throughout this wo rkbook, you'll !>ee p arenr tips in ch e pu1·ple bar along the bo tto m of the page. These tips
are d esig ned co help you answer questio n s yo ur chiJd migbc have about things that arc new to him , and can
g ive yo u ideas on how to extend th e learning at h o me and o n the go.

H er e's a rip: For more information and ac tivities~

Unit I

To begin this unit, wacch the Unit l introd ucrion on rhe Level I DVT). T his will walk you and your chi ld
through the sounds and wo rds th at he wil l be .l earni ng in th is u ni t.

Lesson I: a t -at

Lesson 2: a n an

Lesson 3: a p ap

Wacch rhe Uni r 1 inrrod 11crion may be all you wan t to do on the first day. Judge you r chil<.l 's atte n ti o n
span to set: if he's ready to ~ca rr chc first lesso n j mm(.,!di~rely o r if you shouId wait until anoth er day.
Starti ng at each number, have yo ur child read the \,vords go ing across from left co righr.

sat pat rat cat at hat bat fat

mat fat Pat sat cat rat at

bat pat at cat hat fat rat mat

See the word Pat? Mendon chat che P

shows that Pat is a person's name.
... .
' .
·..·...' .. ...
... ..•.
I . ............... ·~
I ---


Rat. Pat rat.

Rat sat. Rat cat hatl

«Hat" is alsc)'available ~s Shared Reading in thl'
Ex(ras menu of the DVD.
Starcing at each numbe r, have yo ur child read the words go ing across from left to right.

fan van Ann pan can ran Jan an

man Dan tan an fan van can ran

at pat sat hat cat fat mat bat


• I

.... . -· '"·-·-
' ,# #~

/.... ,. ..... · ·1


Dan ran , ran , ran. Jan sat.

Jan? Fan , Dan?

- - - -
Remembe(, for mo,::e- ideas and activities after t:;ach
lesso n, visir my.hookedonpho.n
:: II
Helper Words

c'l-Ielper words" are co1nn1only used wo rds that either can't be sounded out or have so unds yo ur chi ld is
not yet ready to learn. These words are learned thro ugh repetitio n . Yo u,ve already sc:en chen1 in Lesson 3 on
the .D VD. Now repeat them with yo ur child. 1-lave hi1n point to and read each word five times 1 o r un til he
reads rhen1 easily.

17.xplain to your child cbaL ,, i-s not only a lettei aud squod, hue also a wo rd yo u can use to
refer co something. When ies a word, it sounds different than the let:cer and its sou,nd .
Cat . .
.. ·.-.:,

Your child is ready for his first book, Cat. Before read ing, ha ve him look at the cover and r-ead th e ride.
Ask what he th in ks the book might be abo ut. AFter read ing) use these qu estions to discuss cl1 c book.

Discussion Questions
• W ho is this book abo ut?
• W hat can Cat do?
• Why does Car take a nap ar the end of the book?
• W hac can you rap co make music?

You r child readi ng his first book is Gause fo r a celebraci<)n! Pura sticker up in the corner, buc don't srop
th ere. H ave him read his first book to friends and fam ily members ro show off his ne,v reading skill~.
Unit 2

To begin this unit, watch the Unit 2 in croducrjon on the DVD. T his will walk you and your ch ild through
the souods and words chat she will be learnjng in th is uni t.

Lesson 4: a ad

Lesson 5: a m am

Lesson 6: a g ag

- - - - TIT.: I
While xou·re watchiBg rhe DVD. you ~ n als I • • I •
ware::h che Uni t 1 jntroducri o n as a review.
- ...
Starring at each number, have your child read the wo rds going across from lcfr to right.

had bad add pad mad fad sad dad

rap pan dad bat an add nap had

mat ran lap fad he pad bad map

....... .-.. :·
/.-.~~ ....... ·..,\

Dad had a map.

Sad cat. Dad can pat cat.

. -- -

I t9
Starting at each nu111.ber, have yo u r chil d read the words going across fron1 left to right.

jam Sam barn am ram yam Pam dam

ham mad zap sad at


tan Jam man

can yam Ann am pat gap ram sat

,, ..
·..·...." t I
'· .............
·.. .
.:.... .,,..........,"~1

ii lL \
A can! Add a ham?
7 8

A ham! Barn, barn , barn!

11- - - - - - - -------.----- - - - ----- - - --- -

II • • ....:l...L•
• • •
I • .. • • ,
11 I!! ....: ._ -. - I • • L
Helper Words

Have your child poi nt co an<l read each wo rd. T hen c~ II our ::i color and have her read t he word
wri rren on chat color.

Pla.y a word hunt to reinforce helper words. O pen up some ocher books and have
yo ur child bunt fo r these helper words reading oach wo rd as she finds ic.
---;- .... ·' , ... --.
Tag ';,.
. .
/...~'" .....~·~

Your child is ready for her next book, Tag. Before read ing, have her look at the cover and re:.1d the tide.
Ask h er w hat she thin ks th e book mi ght be about. After reading) use these q uestions to discuss the book.

Discussion Questions
• W ho is playi ng tag?
• Who gees t ..1gged first?
• Where does th e rat hide?
• H ow docs Cat fi nd the rat?

Remember, for more acrivities and ideas

Unit 3

To begin this uni t, watch the Uo ic 3 in troduction on the DVD. T hjs will walk you and yo ur child th rough
th e sound and words th at he will be lea rning in chis unit.

Lesson 7: a b ab

• •
Lesson 8: I g IQ

. --- - - -

The unit inrroductions and lessons o n the DVD pro vide

i rea c review when you're in between lessot:ts. 29
Starting at each number, have yo ur child read the words going across fro1n left t0 right.

gab tab lab cab dab jab tab gab

lag and dam dab the tag ram cab

no mad rap jab van cat a lab

·-·-.., I •
'· .........

• ......

.. · -!

Jab , jab, jab. Dab , dab , dab.

Jab! Dab! Pat! Zap! Tap! A cat!

t Dab1 Jab" is also available as Shared Re~cling
in the Ex tras menu of the DVD.
Helper Words

H ave your child poin t to and read each word . T hen calJ our a colo r and have her read the wo rd
written on that colo r.
.. / '.

.. ~.. · ···--,~- .
.._,. .......

Pig ;
f ~

l·' -- "'-·.:

Your child is ready for her n exc book, Pig. Before reading, have her look at rhe cover and read the titl e.
Ask her what she ch inks Lhc hook might be about. After reading, use these questjons to discuss the book.

Discussion Questions
• Where is Pig?
• W hac happens to Pi g s cap?
• How does C at 1nakr Pig fed bet rer?
• How would you d eco rate Pig's new hat?

Co ngratulati<>nsl This is the halfway point of this workbook.

Be sure ro cell your child how well she's d<:>ing!
Unit 4

To begin this uni t, watch the Unit 4 introduction on the DVD . This will walk you and yo ur child through
the sounds and words that he will be learning in this un it.

Lesson q: I

Lesson 10: I t -it

Star ting at each number, have your child read the words going across fro m lefc co right.

kid Sid bid hid rid did lid kid

on fig lab did


pig is cap rid

dig bid has lid


wig the fan hid

.: .
:'...... ........, _

Dig, kidf Dig!

The kid did. The van! The van!

Helper Words

Have yo u r c hild po int to and read each word. Then caJl out a color and have he r read Lh e word w ritten
on rhat co lo r.

- -- ~ - - ;;;;- -- --- - - -

.- - ......

. .. • ~
. . .
The Kit

Your child .is ready for her next book, The !Gt. Before read ing, have her look at the cover and read th e tide.
Ask her what she chinks the book might b~ about. After reading, use these questions ro discuss the book.

Discuss.i on Questions
• W h o is chis story abo ut?
• W hat does Pig make with h er kit?
• D id yo u guess what Pig was go ing ro make?
• What kind of kit would yo u like to have?

Don,c forget uo celebrate with a sticker. Positive reinforcement

is an important part of le.irnin g ro read.
Unit 5

To begin l'his unit, watch the Unit 5 introduction on the DVD . '"rhis wi ll walk you and yo ur chi l<l through
the sounds and words th at he will be Jea rning in this unit.

• •
Lesson II: I p Ip

Lesson 12:

m •

Lesson 13: I n
Starting at each number>have your chiJd read che words go ing across fron1 left co right.

hip tip sip yip dip lip


Zip r1p
·~= =--

sit lid, dig tip this zip gab what

she lip

hip rap dig rip hid Sip

-- - --- -- -- - - - - ----- ·-------=- --

.•~- .·. :Ii....
. '• ........
. _ _• __.. ,

•• • • 4' .......

Kit can sip . Yip , yip , yip!

Sit, Pip! Sip, sip, sip.

Sta rting at each number, have your child read the wo rds going across fro m lefr to right.


dim him Kim Jim rim him dim

pit has lap


Zip rim can rid

rag sip Dan Kim wit fig what

·..-... . ... .-:-
1' •

.... ,·
. ..
..:..·· .........:.

She has it. It hit the rim.

Tim can tap it! Tim and Kim did it!

Helper Words

Have your child poin t co and read each word. Then call out a color and have him read the wo rd
written on that color.

Your child knows how co read a !o r o f different wo rds ar this po in t.

H ave him. find words he can read when you're our on the go.
......' .
..... ·•·.·..:·
··. .....
In the Bin

:..' ....... .. ..
'• ~

Your child is ready fo r his next book, In the Bin. Before read ing, have him look at the cover and read che title.
Ask hjm w hat he thinks the book might be about Afrer reading} use these questio ns to discuss the book.

Discussion Questions
• Where are Cat and Pig?
• Why a re they at rbe park?
• Why are Cal and Pig happy at rhe end of th e book?
• What do you do co help clean up?

Remember, for more ideas and activ ities afte( eac h lesso n,
Unit 6

To this uni t, watch the Unir G introduction on the DVD. T h is will walk you and your child through
the so unds and words t hat she will be learni ng in this uni t.

• •
Lesson 14: I x -IX

\ II
Lesson 15: I

Lesson 16: hat s hats

- - - - --- - -

I . J63r.
Starting at each number, have yo ur chi ld read lhe words go ing across from left to right.

• I I I

fix nix mix SIX nix mix fix SIX


bin SIX go dim yip they pit

rag they hat an lid nix fin mix

"'------== ==========
.. ... ... • ..) ' .._ _ •• #

• r"#

..~ ...-,. ....

0 [2J
What is this? Bix can go in .

o~ o
~ CD CD ~
o IZJ o_

Zap! It is the Bix Six!

'~ Bix in the Lab', is also available as Shared

- - - - - - - - - - - - - Readin_g in the Exrras menu of the DVD.
Starting al each number, have yo ur child read che words go ing across fro m left to right.

bill f i11 pill ki 11 dill si 11 ii I hill

Jill will mix


gill Win nix kill

• •
rig jab hill go SIX he ran i11

This is che last lesson with the i sound . Using what he's learned so far, yo ur chi ld
sl10uld be able to read words like rib, rniu, if and fizz. H ave him give them. a try_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _·
Will sits on the hill. Tap, tap , tap.

It is not a hill. It is Bill.

- -- - -·- = = - - -
. • • • • - •

I !] ~ I~ ~ii
Helper Words

H ave your child point co and read each wo rd. Then call out a color an d have her read the word written
on co lo r.

To get ni orr hdper word pracrice 1 use index cards to make Basb cards of all che helper
wo rds in fhis workbopk. Create pairs of quds co play hdper wo rd me.1nory m ntch.
The Rats

Your child is ready for h er next book, The Rats. Before read in g, have her look at the cover and read the
title. Ask her whar she thin ks the book might be abour. After reading, use chcsc questions to discuss the book.

D iscussion Questions
• How are the rats ali ke?
• H ow a re they difte ren t?
• What do the rats do in this book?
• What else do you think they might be able to do?
...,, .
Tim and Sam ·<~·.· · ·.:.~
..·...... .....·~

Your child is ready to read the last book in Kind ergarten Level ] Tim and Sam by award-winn ing autho r
1 1

and illusu-ator David Ezra Stein. Tim and Sarn is written wirh the wo rds your child has learn ed in this level,
plus a couple of chall enge words thrown in, such as who, race, and hog. Let your chjJd rry ro fi gure these
out, but don't be afraid co help hin1.

Tim and Sam /


Discussion Questions
• What is chis story about?
• W hat happens co the van that T im is driving?
• Why can Sam keep passing Tim ?
• W ho wins the race? Was it who you exp eCLed ?
Why or why nor?

by David Ezra Stein _ _



has completed Hooked on Phonics® Learn to Read

Kindergarten Level 1.

You are now ready to move on to I<indergarten Level 2 .

.......... ..
.· ~
Pre-K Pre-K Kindergarten Kindergarten Fir t Gr 1r t Gr d Second Grade Second Grad,

•• • •
Unit 6 Re view

Have yo ur child place her fin ge r on the arrow. As she fo llow!> the path with her fin ger, have her read each
wo rd she e nco u n le rs unli l she reach es che sca r.


will fans mix taps have SIX wins

• • ~ -- - . .


hill 1n pill look Jams fix kids


do si 11 nix fills tips iII pigs .

..... ··· .......!

To reinforce all of rhc lessons you've now completed in

• Kindergarten Level 1, visit my. .
SL:.u ting a t each number, have yo u r chi ld read th e wo rds go ing across from left ro right.

pigs wins do bags fans look kids

fills taps jabs have fits tips hats gill

fix did bags van hill zap kid pigs

Lesson 16: Add -s

W a tch Lesso n 16 on che DVD. Th en ret urn here. 1-lave yo ur child use h er fin ge r as a g ui d e, sLOpp in g at
each wo rd w h ile sh e says rhc word our loud. I lave her repea t chis a few times u ntil she's ready ro move on.

hat s hats

..... hats fans taps bags jabs



..... pigs kids tips


fits wins fills

Adding scan make a wo rd mean more than one of something, like when hnt becomes hilts.
2. , •
•• I Jr can also mea n what someone else doe::s, as in "f hit the ball, and she.: hi es chc ball ."
- --
- -
On the Hill

Jill. Will.
3 4 -

Jill and Will, on the hill. Jill sits on the hill.
......_ - --- - - ~ - -- ~ - - -

to. . .
Lesson 15: -ill

Watch Lesson J 5 on the DVD. Then rccurn here. Have your child use his finger as a guide, stoppin g a( each
wo rd while he says the word out loud. Have him repeac chi. a few times until he's rec:1dy to move on .

I II -ill

-+ iII f iII sill mill bill dill

gill hill Jill will kill Pill

If there is an y confusion wiLh IA remind yo u.r child rhac rwo Cs side by

.. side make che same so undl as iFthere is only one L
Bix in the Lab

Th is is Bix. Bix is in the lab.


Bix c an fi x it. Bix can mix it .

Bix isn't one of the lcs$o n wo rds. See if your child ca n

fi gu re it o ur using her knowledge of 1he lertet soun ds.
Lesson 14: -ix

Watch Lesson 14 on the DVD. Then return here. Have yo ur chil d use her 6ngcr as a guide, Slopping ar
each word w hil e she says the wo rd O U ( lou<l. H ave her repea t rhis :1 few cimes unti l she's ready to move on .

• •
I x -IX

mix fix nix

Unit 5 Review

H ave yo ur ch jJd place his finger on th e arrow. As be follows the path with h is finger, have him read each
word he encou nters un til he reaches th e sca r.

-+ go fin tip they big lab

sit 1n bit rid

dim tin what rip

.......... -....
. -.·
hid Jim Win Sip inn Kim .: ..·
: '• • • ,# . . . . . . .· ~

- ... -- --- ==-------=- - - - - -- - ~-- ~ -- - - - -~ - ~ - --

Start ing at each number, have yo ur child read Lhc words going ac ross from left ro righ t.

• •
fin bin inn pin they 1n Win

tin him lip pin hid go fin


they pin win fit Tim sip ham mat

- - -- - - ~ . - - - - - -
Lesson 13: -in

Watch Lesso n 13 on the DVD. T hen retu rn here. H ave yo ur child use his finger as a guid e, stopping ar each
wo rd while he says the word out loud . H ave him repeat this a few times unL il he's ready to move on .

• •
I n -1n

in pin

bin fin


Win inn

The words in ::tnd hm sou nd the same but look different. Expla in to
yo ur chi ld rhar in is the opposite of out, and an inn is a small hocel.
Tim, Kim, and Jim

Tim and Kim. Jim is a big fan .


- -Tim
- can pass.
., / /

Kim can nab it.

Lesson 12: -im

Watch Lesson 12 o n the DVD. T hen return here. H ave your child use her finger as a guide, sto ppi ng at
each word whil e she says the word ouc loud. Have her repeat this a few cimes until she's ready co move on .

• •
I m 1m

him dim Jim Kim

rim Tim

-----=----=- -~- - - -

• _) ~
Kit and Pip

This is Kit. Kit can sit.

This is Pip. Pip can yip.

-=-----=-=- __- - - - ~- - -- - - - ;..i
-2~ :...- ..:J.I ..
• ~- I
Lesson II: -ip

Watch Lesso n 1 L on the DV D . Then rerurn here. H ave your child use his fi nger as a guide, stopping at each
wo rd while he says the word o ut lo ud . H ave him repea t this a few rimes until he's ready to m ove on .

• •
I p IP
dip hip lip

Sip rip


ZIP yip

• • • - -~= - - ~ -
Unit 4 Review

Have your child place her fin ger on rhe arrow. As she [ollow8 chc path wirh her hngt.:r have.: ht:r rca<l each

word she encoun ter~ unti l she reaches che star.

-+ sit hid what pit pan fig bid

this it has did fit rid she Iit

. . .. ... .. .....
. .·

pig tab bit kit wit kid : .·

.:... ·· ... ·!

= - - - - • • • • -- -- - --- - - - - -

~ . • ., ~ ~ . . . . .r .
• I
tarting at each number, have yo ur chiJ d read the words go ing across from left rn righ t.

Iit wit bit what pit she fit it

mitt kit this hit sit rid

big pit

has dig wit hid what~ = -lit= == -lid
Lesson 10: -it

Walch Lc~son IO on Lh e DVD. Th en rerun, here. Have your child use her finger as a guide, scoppjng at
each wo rd while she says the word our loud. Have her repeal this a few times unti l she's ready to mov~ on.

I t it

-+ it fit bit hit kit

Iit pit sit wit mitt

-- ---- . - ---~- ---- .. .----- • • - , - - - - = ---====--- - -- • -- • -

, I•". I ... • • • 1t- ~

The Map

Ann. A kid.

The kid has a van . Ann hid the van.

Lesson q: -id

Wa tch Lesso n <) on th e DVD . T he n return here. Have yo ur chi ld use his finger as a guide, stop pin g at each
word while he says the word ouL loud. H ave him repeat th is a few times until he' ready to move on .

I d -id
-+ hid bid kid did

lid rid Sid

- - - - - • ------r ........ - •• ---=-. - ------,----- - -- --=-==-- ----=-- - . - - - - - : - - - - - --=-

~·.. _...
~ - ~

·. .
• I • l,
Unit 3 Review

I-favc your child place her fin ger on th e arrow. As sh e fo llows Lhe path with her fin ger, have h er read each
wo rd she encounters until she reaches rh e sta r.

dig sag

cab on jab fad rig

- T- ., -- . -- - -



• L


- - -

dab tab fig and Jam wig gab

·..·.... ..........
: ...

lab IS man at pig yam ;'........... ·~

- - -

Re me mber, if your child is geuing stu ck on p a rricular e ndin g

sounds. it m ighL be a good idea to re peat chat lesson.

. I
Sta rtin g at c.:acl1 number, have your chi ld read rhc wo rds going across from lerL to right.

pig wig on dig has fig big= ====--

rig gab has cab had pig map pat

on wig
sad barn ====
is big tab dig

-- - - - - -- --

6 I
Lesson 8: -ig

Watch Lesso n 8 o n the DVD. T hen return here. I-lave yo ur child use het fin ger as a gujde, stopping at each
word while she says che word o ut lo ud. H ave her repeat this a few times unti l she's ready ro move on .

• •
I g 19
~ big fig

pig wig



- - ,,,.--.... -.-- -.---- ~ -- - - - - -

. .[
Dab, Jab

Dab , dab, dab. A rat,

3 4

Jab, jab, jab. A batl

Lesson 7: -ab

Watch Lesson 7 on the DVD. T hen rcrurn here. Have your chil<l use his finger as a guide, sroppi ng at each
wo rd whil e he says the wo rd out loud . Have hin1 repeat chis :l few rim es unti l he's ready co move on.

a b ab

cab tab dab gab

lab jab

I This is the last lesson with the a sound. Using what he's learned so far, yo ur child should
Q, be able to read words like gas, pa~ tax, ynk, and pass. I fave him give them a try.
Unit 2 Review

Have your child place her fin ger on th e arrow. As she fo11ows the path with her fin ger) have her read each
word she encounters until she reaches the star.

-+ rag the sad can yam gag and

Pam tap he no fan wag had
:... ... ..

pad ham bag am nag fad --.. ,.,

As your chi ld reads chese words, note any tnrnb le spots. If she has difficuJ cy w1rh words
,. : wich the sa me ending s<:>imcls. ic's a good idea ro repeat lhal lesso n before moving fo rward.
Sca rcing at each num.ber, have your child read rhc words go ing across from left to right.

no bag lag and nag the gag

sag tag rag no barn had wag and

the Sam cap nag ram bag hat tag

--__ ~ -- -- - - - - - -

Lesson 6: -ag

Warch Lesso n 6 on Lh e DVD. T hen return here. ]-lave your chi ld USl: her fin ger as a guide, scoppin g at each
wo rd while she says Lh c wo rd out loud. Have her repeal thi~ a few times unLil she's ready to move on.

a g ag

....., tag sag bag rag wag

....., nag gag lag

- - -- - - -=--- - - -- - -- -

Pam and Sam

Pam. Sam . Jam , Pam?

3 4


\,~ ': P, I~\ \ ~

J am , Jam . I
, Jam . Add a c an?

Trus story is loaded with questio n marks an<l cxclamacio n poincs. lf your child isn't
reading these se nccnccs co rrectly, remind him whac chis puncruation mea ns.
Lesson 5 : -am

Watch Lesso n 5 on th e DVD. The n rcrurn here. Have your child us~ his fin ger as a gui<le, sloppin g at each
word while he says t he word o ul loud. Have him re pea t thi~ a lew tin1cs until he's ready to move on .

a m am

am ham barn dam Jam

..... ram Sam yam Pam

Dad Had a Cat

2 -

Dad. Dad had a cat.

Dad had a cap. Bad cat!

Lesson 4: -ad

Watch Lesson 4 on the DVD. Then return here. H ave your chil<l use her fin ger as a guide, stopping at each
word whil e she says the word out Joud . H ave her repeat this a few ti mes until she's ready co move on.

a d ad

-+ sad mad add bad dad

-+ had fad pad

Unit I Review

Havt yo ur chi ld pl.1cc his fi nger on th e arrow. As he fo llows chc paLh with his fin ger, have him read each
wo rd he en counters un til he reaches ch e st~u-.

-+ map pan bat he at can hat


zap sat man a fat gap nap

... -.' .... :,
rap ran pat lap fan rat :'.......... ·~

As yo ur child reads rh esc wo rds, no re a ny trouble spots. If he has difficulty with wo rds
with the sa me ending sounds, it's a good idea to re pea t that lesson before moving forwa rd .
SLa rting ar each number, have your child read the words go ing across fro m left ro right.

tap lap he rap a nap cap map

sap a zap gap pan sat he fan

Dan hat map tan mat nap Pat can

-- iiiiiiiii ii ~ - ~-=---= ----=- ~ - - -=

. I

t2'. . •. ~ L I -:~ - I I ,., ~ •• • I

~1.J • I - • :... 1-, • • ,

Lesson 3: -ap

Watch Lesso n 3 o n the DVD . Then rerurn here. H ave yo ur chi ld use his fin ger as a guide, s co pping at each
wo rd while he says the wo rd o ur lo ud . H ave him repeat t his a few t imes unti l h e's ready to move o n.

a p ap

--+ nap map sap rap cap

--+ gap lap tap zap

Dan Ran



-- -- -

VI ~
- --

Jan sat. Dan ran.

ii --- =--- • - ......

J>oim out rhe question mark~ in this srory. S:iy the ~eme11ccs our loud as if a perio<.I i<;
,.iJ".,wr ...-1
.i.;,.-t at th e end , and then with the question mark, so your child ca n the differen(c.
Lesson 2: -an

Watch Lesson 2 on Lh.c DVD. Then return here. H ave your child use he r fi nger as a guide, stopping at each
word while she says the word o u t loud . Have her rep eat Lhis a few Limes unti l she's read y to move on.

a n an

an man fan Jan can Dan

pan ran tan van Ann


Explain LO yo ur child d1at, wh en she sees rwo of Lhc sa me comonancs side by side (like
,6 . the rwo n's in A11n), they sound Lhe same as whe n rhere is only one.
Now ic's tim e ro begi n read ing! H ave your child r~1d Lhis sto ry all by himself.


Pat cat. Cat sat.

This may be the first Lime yo ur child secS puncw mion. Ex plain chat periods are like a stop sign
al che end of a sentence. Exda macion points mean that you read so mething wi r-h strong feeling.
Lesson I: -at

Sta rt this lesson by watchi ng Lesso n l on th e DVD , th en ret urn to chis page. Have yo ur c hi ld use h is finger
as a guide, wo rking from left ro right, stopp ing at each word whiJ e he says the word out loud. Have him
rep eat chis a ft.:w rime~ un t il he's ready co move on.

a t -at
at sat mat rat bat

cat pat fat hat Pat

lf yo ur chi ld h esitates on a word , gently say che word our loud and have him repeat after
you. He's ready co begin praccicing when h e can read chis page with lirde hesitatio n.
Alphabet and Letter Sound Review

Kindergarten Level 1 shows your chi ld how letter so L111 d s bl end together co make wor<ls. Your child is
ready fo r this step i ( she k nows all rhc leLcer names and letter sounds. Review rh e letters with your ch ild.
Have her nam e each letter and the so und chat rhc letter makes. If she ca n do this eas ily, she's ready to
begin Ki nde rga.rten Level I .

Ao ~ Cc (
Dd Ee
Ff Hh Ii Jj



Uu ~ Vv Xx li] Yy e
For addilional review. wa rd, Lerrot N::1.nit.!s and Sounds
in th e Ex.tras men u of the DVD.
Lesson Overview

Welco me to th e Hooked on Phonics~ Learn to Read Kindergarten Level I Wo rkbook, yo ur guide

through all the lessons in this level. Fo llow the easy step-by-step inst ructio n, t0 get yo ur child started
on the advcncure of Jearning LO read . Every lesson fo llows rhe same appro1ch: Lea rn , PraCLice, Read .

Learn IAIIICln I at

Learn to read new wo rds by watching the lesson ::-.~ ':'.;~...~.!ii',!-;..•:.::.i::1~·t

..- f! ..... 4.. _.. .. ,_.,. _ _ _
: : : :... 1:---~4!...':'..i ....~.~ ...-.,. _.__.... .... _ ,41.., • .._.,..... __ .,_.... ..-,.i

on chc DVD and Lh en readin g the n ew
wo rds in the wo rkbook.

So:ll lllul 1()1


!.Cl pot

rot cn t

Put ool

hnt bal

rol al


cc,, P,1.11 IOI hsJ! Pvt pot at cot h<'lt mt ,ot mot

Practice -- ~
.... .._.. ____
- - - - --""'',...._
T he n practice readin g the new sound
con1hin arions and wo rds in the wo rkbook.

Now yo LL're ready co read. Each lesso n e nds
with a story in the wo rkbook or a srnrybook.
{ h1

Eve ry story and book is composed of wo rds

that your ch iJd has le~:irned to read so fo r in
the prog ra m .

• •

• •
.. •B,.1-; ...
- I

Design Teain Story Writers
Russel I G in ns Russell Ginn~ anJ Amy Krafc
Amy Kraft
TJ Trochlil McGrccvy Story IlJustrations
Christophtr Medellin D eJ nn Banal (pages 18-19, 42-43) 66-67)
Dorod, y M. "li1guchi, Ph.D. Andy Norman (pages 4-5, 8-9, 52-53)
Bob Ostrom (pages 22-23, 32-33, 56-57, 7 0-71)
Senior Producer
Amy Krali. Alphabet IDustrations
Bryan Langdo
Senior Director of Product Development
Russell Ginns Design and Layout
Two Red Shoes
Editorial Direction
·rhe Linguistjc Edge Special Thanks
Leslie Alacbay. Amy Bevilacqua, Kelly Djckens,
Educational Advisors Adina Ficano, Judy Harris, and Robert Pugh
Sheila Mandel , E<l.M .
Sonja Roseman, Ed.M .
Dororhy M. Taguchi , Ph.D.

© 2ooq Smarterville Productions LLC. All Rights Reserved.

No por1 of 1'his publication may be reproduced . stored in any retrieval system or transmitted.
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanlcal or otherwise. without prior
written permission of the publisher.
Printed in China.

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