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Período de Práctica: Nivel Inicial

Institución Educativa: Jardín Luna Gorda

Dirección: Elflein n° 419, Bariloche.

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala de 4 años - TT

Cantidad de alumnos: 12

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificación: clase

Unidad Temática: Prepositions

Clase Nº: 3

Fecha: 24/05/2018

Hora: 16:00 Hs – 16:30 HS.

Duración de la clase: 30’

Fecha de primera entrega: 21/05/2018 Formatted: Spanish (Spain)

• Teaching points: Prepositions (In- On-Under).

• Aims : During this lesson, learners will be able to…

- Identify and name different prepositions.

- Develop their listening skills by playing a game
• Language focus:


REVISION Shapes Giving Let’s Triangle

Circle triangle commands or paint /ˈtraɪæŋɡ(ə)l/
NEW Preposition Giving Let`s play Under
In-On-Under commands or /ʌndə/

• Teaching approach: The lesson is based on the Natural Approach, and organized
through the PPP procedure (Harmer,2010).

• Materials and resources: ????

 Pedagogical use of ICT in class: While working on the tables we will listen to the
following song Commented [A1]: I`m positive you can exploit resources more.

• Seating arrangement: Students will be sitting in a circle on the floor in order to

facilitate visual contact and interaction within the group. At some points in the lesson,
they’ll move around the class. And then sit on chairs around a table.

• Assessment: what will be assessed and how: I’ll check that students comprehend
and identify the different prepositions. I`ll point out an object and they have to say
what preposition is itit is in loud voice. I’ll provide them with the necessary input, and Commented [A2]: where

I’ll encourage them to produce the chunks of language I’m teaching.

Routine: 5’

Purpose: to start the lesson, get students into the mood for work, establish rapport.

I’ll get into the classroom and greet students: “Hello! How are you today?” EA: “Hello!”

I’ll ask students to sit in a circle on the floor and we’ll sing the usual welcome song:

“ This is the way we say hello, say hello, say hello,

This is the way we say hello, say hello to you”

Warm-up 5’:

Purpose: to introduce the topic and the teaching points

I`ll show students the flowing pictures and I´ll ask them:

Where is the dog? Commented [A3]: Instead of asking, you may describe the
You might set the topic by asking a general question, such as Do you
like dogs? And then commenting I love dogs, but they are so
naughty. Look at these pictures! This dog is under the table.

TABLE(Students repeat)

(Students repeat)
IT IS IN THE BOX (Students repeat)

Transition: Well done children let´s keep working. Commented [A4]: After showing the pictures, you can choose
some volunteers to pretend to be naughty dogs, and demonstrate
the prepositions through them. This “demonstration” exercise may
Presentation 10’: serve as the warm-up for the following one.

Purpose: to further expose the learners to the target language, to foster

comprehension of a very simple vocabulary

Now, we will play with a preposition dice. The dice will show the same pictures of the
dogs. Children have to recognize the action and do the same action. If the dice falls
UNDER they have to put themselves UNDER the tables or the chairs, the same with the
prepositions ON and IN. We can use a big box in order to go IN. Commented [A5]: You might get some hula-hoops and place
them on the floor, and students get “in” the hula-hoops.

 Closure 10 min-:
The students will work on the tables. I will give them a sheet of paper and they
have to draw a dog in a box, under a table or on a table. They can use different
colours, pencils, crayons and chalks. While working on the table we can listen to a
preposition song. Commented [A6]: The images go by rather fast.
I`ve found this video, I think you
should devote some time and watch it with your students,
encouraging them to answer the questions.
Commented [A7]: I would also work on this “written” task if
time there is spare time. I mean, it would not be a priority to
accomplish this.
By the way, make sure instruction is clear and that they can cope
with the task. I think you should include some pictures on the
worksheet, such as a box, a table and a chair. This way, you can
develop a listening activity, asking children to draw a dog under the
table, etc. You can use some examples from the song.
Formatted: English (United States)

Then “Oh, no! Look at the time” (pointing to the clock on the wall). It’s time to say goodbye!
Let’s sing the good bye song:

“ This is the way we bye bye hello, say bye, bye hello,

This is the way we say bye bye, say bye bye to you”

Lesson plan Excellent Very Good Good Acceptable Below Standard

component 5 4 3 2 1
Visual organization x

Coherence and x
Variety of resources x
– Learning styles
Stages and activities x

Teaching strategies x

Language accuracy x

Observations Minimum score: 18 / 30

Score: _21___ /30

Well done! 

Have a look at my comments, I hope you find them useful.

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