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Introduction and Purpose of Research

Problem Statement
The effects of bullying on the self-esteem of lower form students, specifically the forms one and
two students of Carapichaima East Secondary.

Statement of Problem
Recent studies have shown that over 3.2 million students fall victim to bulling globally every
year and approximately 90% of teens who have seen social media bullying are reported to have
ignored it. According to UNESCO website (, “a person is bullied when
he/she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more forms,
physical and psychological, both of which have a severe impact on children. As such, this study
serves to examine the effects of bullying on the self-esteem of students in Carapichaima East

Research Objectives
1. To identify the causes of bullying amongst students.
2. To recognize consequences of bullying when left unattended by those in authority.
3. To discern the impacts of bullying on the self-esteem of students.
4. To fabricate strategies that can be implemented to combat bullying at school.

Purpose of Study
Bulling solemnly affects students, not only physically, but mentally as well. In Carapichaima
East Secondary, I observed that there have been numerous occasions of students complaining
about being bullied in various forms. These lower form students complain that they are being
taxed by students of the upper forms, some stay away from school due to fear of verbal abuse.
Others lament that there are cliques in different classes who tend to victimize students outside
the clique. As such, this research aims at investigating the impact of bullying on the self-esteem
of students in Carapichaima East Secondary, so that the reader will have a clearer idea on the
situation plagued by these unfortunate students. This research is also important for me as a
student, to have a detailed analysis of bullying. With a proper in-depth analysis on this topic, the
result comes out to be fruitful and also my knowledge is enhanced. The research helps in
clarifying any complicated facts and figures that I may have on bullying. Having research and
study on the topic of bullying, in detail will remove all sorts of confusion and I will grasp the
proper understanding of the content.

Educational Value
This study will assist the students in learning to interact with one another with mutual respect. In
addition, the research will sensitize teachers on the negative impact of bullying and assist them in
identifying the signs of students being bullied/bullying others and as such they will be able to
help curb bullying problems at school. Parents will also be able to use the information in this
research to have a better understanding of the likeliness of their child falling victims of bullying
or bullying others so that they may educate their children on the importance of caring for and
respecting one another. Giving the schools principle, more awareness can be given to the
epidemic and more critical action can be taken into place to combat the situation.

Technical Terms
1. Bully - to force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate or aggressively dominate others.
2. Self-esteem - an individual's overall subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own
3. Taxed - to demand money.
4. Epidemic - a widespread occurrence.
5. Lament - a passionate expression of grief or sorrow.
6. Abuse - to treat with cruelty or violence


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