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Altered States of Consciousness and Short-Term Psychological After-Effects Induced by the First Time Ritual Use of Ayahuasca in an Urban Context in Brazil" Paulo Cesar Ribeiro Barbosa, M.Sc.*; Joel Sales Giglio M.D., Ph.D.** & Paulo Dalgalarrondo M.D., Ph.D.** Abate act-—This repr describes psychological assessments ofthe iste rival we of syaases in ihe selgions gous Unido do Vegetal snd Sato Daime, Nineteen subi who ied te beverage in Sano Daim rics and nie subjects who te tn Unsao co Vege uals were evaluated one {0 foe days before thee it ayabuaneaepevence if and one to wo werks after expen3e Senasimeunal interes and structured pschiatt scale were used inthe fis evaluation tei servansbles conconiagaitides owas the ayabuatea experience ado Hii mera heat os feral heli status was reatsseed in he second esata, whi alo ncladed a semsusnred Interview concerning the phenomensngy af ler sae of emsciousness (ASC) Predominantly positive expectancies concerning the tyakuacca ceperince ware tw nse prumineat Gnings Conceming se vaiabies. Visual phenomena. uminossness, peacefulness insights a ditesiog fesction ware te oe salient ASC expenences significant ratection ofthe ntensiy Of minor frgchistne symptoms cured inthe Suna Daime grouper the hallicinogen expense. Subes {es borh gop reported behavioral changes ward assertiveness, serenity and vase. These and sing hyputess. suzpestiity processes, ss well the supposed unique ffxi of wyabnasea Se used m creasing ese Figs. ‘Key words—halleinogens, ayshiine symptons,rigion, tol, sates of comSeOHSHESS| ‘Ayahuasca tea is a hallucinogenic beverage obtained trom Uecoction of root hark and somettmes te stem cortex of the liana Bawisteriapsts caapi (which contains harmala alkaloids hanmine, harmaline and tewshydrohssmine) and ‘The authors thai Sndre FSemolia and Helymar © Machado ot the Comssdo de Pexguien ~ Byanstea ~ FCM ~ UNICAME, for he sxaptal support sProlesion ot Selon Methods and Menta Heath, Departarnesto die Flesofige Cncias Humanas, Universe Estaaa Santa Crve TEES ees, Babi, Brac Feiolesnoe of Paychatry, Depatamento ds PscuTagis Medion « Piqua, Livers Ete de Campinas (ICAM Carnes Ais Pal, Boao less adios correspondence an zap quests to Paulo Cesar Wibeto arhosi A Mvaee Sales, 1619p 14, Campinas Cs. STO Paolo tae Bras CEP [OLO-002, emai pseser@yanoo.consts. aon of Prestuactive Brags 8 1N.N-dimethylicypramine (DMT)-contaming plants, such as the leaves of Payehovria viridis fusls (Ot 1994), Ethno Fogical dats has described the ritual use of the beverage throughout the western Amazon Basin by Amerindian and smestizo populations (Luz 2002; Dabkin de Rios 1989), te ritualized use among the Brazilian uebsn population cesults from the growth of two religious groups: the aio do Veg- 2tal (also known as UDV} and the Santo Daime, Both ‘groups are characteri2ed by & synoretism of Christian ele ments and beliets in reincarnation. Since ayahuasca is viewed a5 ¢ too! of spiritual development, ritual use of the beverage is un essential aspect of Santo Daime and UDV [Brissae 1999; Labigalini Jc. & Dunn 1995; MacRae 1992) ‘olume 372), June 2005 Barbosa, Giga & Datgaarroody The introduction of etual use of ayahuascs in urban con- texts has raised Serious concerns about potential adverse effects to mental health (Casenave 2000), ‘A well-known hypothesis about the psychological of sects of hallucinogens argues that positive or adverse zeaetions to these substances would be a function of the setting—the physical and social environment is: which the drug is consumed—and the set—the subject's emotional iste, intentions, expectancies and beliefs concerning the use of tie psychoactive substance {Szara 1967), Some stud~ ies have suggested that the celigious and ritual settings of the UDV and Santo Daime could favor pasitive outcomes of ayahuasca use because within these settings the halluci- nogen tea would be considered a sacrament, and its psychological effeets would be ritually structured toward & self-enhancing and spirizually laden experience (Grob eta 1996, MacRae 1992), ‘These studies performed assessments of long-term members ef UDV or Sani Daime whe were acquainted With the states of consciousness induced by the ritual use of ayahuasca as well as with the beliefs and values associ- ated with this use. There is a significant gap in knowledge about a fundamental aspect involved in the religious inico-

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