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1. Which is correct A or B?

1. You won't find Jerry at home right now. He ________ in the library.
A. studies

B. is studying

2. I ________ you're crazy!

A. think

B. am thinking

3. I ________ to Toronto next Thursday. Do you want to come?

A. go

B. am going

4. Don't give Jan any cheese. She ________ it!

A. hates

B. is hating

5. Salman is rich — he ________ a Mercedes.

A. drives

B. is driving

6. Marie-Claude isn't a Canadian. I ________ she comes from France.

A. believe

B. am believing

7. Look! Junko ________ into the water.

A. jumps

B. is jumping

8. It ________ quite hard — perhaps we shouldn't go out tonight.

A. snows

B. is snowing

9. I ________ lunch in the cafeteria every day.

A. have

B. am having
2. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1. He usually (work) ____ with paints and brushes.

2. She often (talk) ____ to herself.

3. In his job he usually (stand) ____.

4. Do you know anyone who (speak) ____ Italian?

5. At work he usually (sit) ____ all day.

6. I'm looking at that woman, she (wear) ____ a nice dress.

7. 'Where is Kate?' 'She (watch) ____ TV in the living room.'

8. Right now she (run) ____ down a hill.

9. What's that noise? Somebody (practise) ____ the piano.

10. She (have) ____ a shower at the moment.

11. Oak trees (grow) ____ very slowly.

12. I never (go) ____ out in the evening.

13. They (go) ____ on holiday every winter.

14. Most people (not like) ____ to visit a doctor.

15. My brother (not like) ____ animals.

16. My dog (not eat) ____ vegetables.

17. (you ever work) ____ at the weekend?

18. (you go) ____ to the party next Saturday?

19. We (go) ____ to the cinema this Friday.

20. The days (be) ____ longer in summer.

3. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form (present simple or present continuous).

Next week, my friends and I __________(go) camping in the woods. I __________(organize)

the food, because I __________(like) cooking. Dave __________(have) a big car with a
trailer, so he __________(plan) the transportation. Sam (bring) __________ the tent — he
__________(go) camping every year, so he __________(have) a great tent and lots of other
equipment. My wife __________(think) we're crazy. She (like) __________ holidays in
comfortable hotels, so she ___________(take) a trip to Paris instead.

4. Translate the following sentences.

1. Minden nap találkoznak a barátaikkal.

2. A szobájában ül, és levelet ír.
3. A szülei gyakran meglátogatják a kórházban.
4. A tigrisek Ázsiában élnek.
5. Isten mindent lát.
6. Ebben a pillanatban teniszeznek.
7. Az édesanyja most az állatokat eteti.
8. Jelenleg egy jó könyvet olvasok.
9. A konyhában mosogat.
10. Néha segítek neki a házimunkában.
11. Mindig otthon maradnak.
12. A lovak most vizet isznak.
13. Hallom a madarakat.
14. Ezek a gyerekek minden délután tévét néznek.
15. Nagyi most levest főz.

1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, Past Simple or Past Continuous, making
all the necessary changes.

1. When Frank (see) the policeman, he (put) the pen back.

2. The man (leave) the shop when the policeman (stop) him.
3. Where you (go) yesterday when I (see) you?
4. The teacher (correct) tests when the postman (ring) the bell.
5. Our plane (fly) over Scotland when the accident (happen).
6. Mandy (play) the piano while Jack (do) his homework?
7. Fred (go) home and (have) a shower before he (call) his sister.
8. I (want) to buy some bread yesterday, but the shopkeeper not (have) any.
9. When you last (open) this safe?
10. While my sister (play) tennis, I (do) her homework.
11. They (play) with the dog when I (see) them.
12. Jill (work) in the garden when it (begin) to rain.
13. When I (be) a little boy, I not (like) basketball.
14. Henry (finish) his newspaper while he (wait) for the bus.

2. Translate the following sentences.

1. Egész éjjel nem tudtam aludni, mert ugattak a kutyák.

2. Elaludtam, miközben a matek leckémet csináltam.
3. Éppen zuhanyozott, mikor megcsörrent a telefon.
4. Erről jut eszembe, ki nyerte a tegnap esti vetélkedőt?
5. Jól éreztétek magatokat a bulin?
6. Mikor fizetted be a jövedelemadódat?
7. Mikor voltál utoljára fodrásznál?
8. Miközben lefelé mentem a lépcsőn, megcsúsztam és elestem.

3. Put the verbs into the correct tense.

1. When I (get) __________up yesterday, the sun (shine) __________.

2. It (is) __________a beautiful morning.
3. So I (decide) __________to cycle around a little.
4. I (go) __________to the shed and (take) __________out my bike.
5. While I (cycle) __________past some villages, I (see) __________some people in their
6. One man (mow) __________the grass while his wife (pick) __________strawberries.
7. After one hour of cycling in sunshine, a big fat raincloud suddenly (appear)
__________and it (start) __________to rain.
8. Luckily, a farmer (notice) __________me and (tell) __________me to come in.
9. While it (rain) __________outside, I (sit) __________in the farmer's house.
10. After a while, the sun (come) __________out again.
11. I (thank) __________the farmer for his hospitality and (move) __________on.

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