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School Performance

There are many reasons for children to

underperform at school, including a lack of
motivation to do well, problems at home or Related Articles
with peers, poor work habits or study skills, • ADHD
• Discipline Guide
emotional and behavior problems, learning • Making Strattera Work
disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder, mental retardation or below Internet Links
average intelligence and other medical • About Pediatrics
• School Problems
problems, including anxiety and depression.
Also keep in mind that children with sleep • Learning
problems, such as obstructive sleep apnea, Disabilities
or inadequate sleep, can have problems in • Back to School
school, usually secondary to attentional Resource Center
problems and daytime sleepiness. • ADHD Symptom Checklist

It is important to find the reason for your ADHD Books:

• more books
child's poor performance and come up with
a treatment plan so that she can perform up
to her full potential.

Another reason to get your child help, is

that doing poorly in school can easily lead
to problems with low self-esteem, behavior
problems and depression.

It is sometimes difficult to figure out if a

child's problems at school are caused by
their other medical problems, such as
depression, or if these other problems
began because of their poor school
performance. Children who do poorly at
school may be under a lot of stress, and
will develop different ways to cope with
this stress. Some may externalize their feelings, which can lead to
acting out and behavior problems or becoming the class clown. Other
children will internalize their feelings, and will develop almost daily
complaints of headaches or stomachaches. A thorough evaluation by
an experienced professional is usually needed to correctly diagnose
children with complex problems.

When you realize your child has a problem at school, you should
schedule a meeting with her teacher to discuss the problem. Other
resources that may be helpful including talking with the school
psychologist or counselor or your Pediatrician.
Even if your child has normal or above average intelligence, without
a desire or motivation to succeed at school, it is unlikely that she will
do well. There are many reasons for children to have a lack of
motivation, including parental expectations that are set too high or
too low, social problems, including difficulties at home or at school,
and behavior problems.

To help your child develop a positive attitude and motivation toward

working hard at school you should:

• Give your child praise and rewards for doing something well
or working hard toward a difficult or challenging problem.
Help build self confidence by avoiding frequent criticism and
praising hard work.
• Communicate with your child about school and ask her about
her day to show that you are interested.
• Help her to find something that she has a skill or special
interest in, such as music, sports, reading, etc.,
• Help your child to understand that success has a lot to do with
how much time and effort you put into a task, and is not just
about how smart or strong she is. Children who believe this
are more likely to take on new challenges and work harder on
difficult tasks.

• Set realistic goals and expectations for your children and set
up consequences for not meeting these expectations and
rewards or privileges for when she does. If your child is
making C's, but is working hard at school and at doing her
homework, then it may be unreasonable to expect her to make
the honor roll. You should instead reward and praise her hard
work and not punish her for not living up to your

Learning Disabilities
Learning disabilities can affect how children listen, think, store,
retrieve, write, read and communicate information or perform
mathematical calculations, and can cause her to have a short attention
span without having ADHD. It is common for children with ADHD
to also have learning disabilities.

Among the ways that a learning disability can affect the way your
child learns is by interfering with the input of information to the
brain. This can be a visual perception disability, causing your child
to reverse or rotate letters and numbers or to not be able to focus on
specific letters and words on a page, or it can be an auditory
perception disability, so that similar words sound alike and cause
confusion or she may not be able to process words that she hears as
fast as people are speaking them (auditory lag).

Learning disabilities can also cause problems with the integration of

sensory information, or how the brain processes the sensory data that
is sent to it. This can affect the information received from vision,
touch, and balance and can affect your child's gross and fine motor
skills. Specific integration disabilities include sequencing
disabilities, in which your child confuses the sequence of words,
letters, math problems, etc. They can also have abstraction,
organizational, and memory (affecting visual vs. auditory & short
term or long term memory) disabilities.

Children with learning disabilities can also have problems with the
way that they output information. These output disabilities can
affect the way they talk (language disability) or the way that they
write or draw (motor disability).

Most children with learning disabilities have one or more of the

above problems, affecting the way that they input, integrate or output
information. These problems can cause them to have difficulty at
school, but can also cause problems at home and when they play.

Some children with learning disabilities have always had trouble

learning new things, while others do well in school at first, but then
start to have problems in the fifth or sixth grade as school gets more

Children with learning disabilities may only have trouble with certain
subjects, such as math or reading, and may do well in other classes.
They will also have normal intelligence and may do well on
standardized tests. Children with learning disabilities are often
described as not performing up to their potential. There are tests that
your school psychologist or pediatrician can do to look for certain
learning disabilities so that a modified education plan can be

The evaluation of children with possible learning disabilities usually

includes an assessment of intelligence or an IQ test performed by a
psychologist. This will help to determine your child's learning
potential. Common IQ tests include the Wechsler and Stanford-Binet
intelligence tests and the Kaufman Assesment Battery. These tests
and your child's total and subset score will help to identify her
strengths and weaknesses.

The different types of Wechsler tests include the WPPSI for pre-
school age childrenand the WISC for school age children. The scores
for the WISC will include a verbal, performance and full-scale IQ.
Children with learning disabilities will usually have a 10-15 point
difference between their verbal and performance IQ, and/or a 5-8
point difference in the subtest scores (subtest scatter).

Your child will also be evaluated with a standardized achievement

test, to evaluate your child's performance in reading, writing, math
and their general knowledge level. Their scores on these tests will be
compared to other children in their grade level or of the same age.

To complete the evaluation for a learning disability, your child may

also require a medical exam by her pediatrician and a mental health

Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder will usually
have a short attention span and are easily distracted, and may also
be hyperactive and impulsive. These symptoms are usually noticed
before she is seven years old and occur in more than one setting, for
example both at home and at school.

Typical symptoms of hyperactivity include being fidgety or on the

go, always moving some part of their body, swinging their legs,
tapping their fingers, or rocking their chair, etc. Children with
ADHD may also have a short attention span, mainly because they
are very easily distracted and have hard time focusing on things and
staying on task. They may, however be able to focus on something
that they are really interested in, or on activities that are always
changing, such as playing video games. Being impulsive, children
with ADHD may also do and say things without really thinking about
them and without considering the consequences of their actions.

There are different types of ADHD. Children with ADHD who have
a short attention span, hyperactivity and who are impulsive are said
to have a combined type of ADHD. Children may also have
inattentive ADHD, with just the short attention span, or a
predominantly hyperactive/impulsive ADHD with just the
hyperactivity and/or impulsivity.

It is important to remember that ADHD is not the only medical

condition that can cause the above symptoms. Children with anxiety,
depression or a learning disability can also have a short attention
span and be hyperactive and/or impulsive.

Your Pediatrician or school psychologist can interview and test your

child for ADHD and come up with a treatment plan to help her

Improving School Performance

After discussing your child's school performance with her teachers or
other professionals and ensuring that she doesn't have a learning
disability or other medical problems that is causing her to perform
poorly, some steps that you can take to help her do better include:

• Become actively involved in your child's schoolwork, by

talking with her teachers, reviewing homework, and helping
with study strategies.
• Develop a daily study routine for after school, during which
she can study and do her homework.
• Help her become better organized:
o Use clear directions.
o Use colors, heading size or highlighting to help
important concepts stand out.
o Vary the type of activities to keep her interested.
• Consider getting a tutor at school or a private tutor to help
boost performance.
• Prepare a quite environment for her to do her homework,
without the distraction of a TV, stereo or siblings.
• Make sure that she has enough time to complete her
homework and that she isn't too involved in extracurricular
activities or an afterschool job.
• For children with below average intelligence, learning
disabilities or ADHD, be an advocate for your child by
making sure that the school is providing the proper education
modifications to help her succeed.

• Avoid creating a power struggle over homework and school

performance. If there is already a power struggle and your
child's grades are worsening as she is becoming more defiant
about school work, you can try and withdraw yourself from
the conflict by making your child responsible for her
performance. Make time available for her to do her
schoolwork by limiting television or video game use. You
may also want to provide incentives or rewards for improved
school performance and removing other privileges, such as
phone or car use, until her grades improve.

School Strategies
There are many classroom modifications that can be put in place to
help improve school performance, memory and attention, impulse
control, organization, and self esteem. You should discuss
implementing these techniques with your children's teachers.

• Improving memory and attention span:

o Seat the child in an area with the least amount of
distractions, near the teacher if possible. Consider
using a study carrel, especially for independent work
and keep her work area uncluttered.
o Make instructions clear and unambiguous.
o Keep oral instructions brief and repeat them at least
o Consider providing written instructions and directions
to supplement oral instructions.
o Use visual aids.
o Break up instructions, assignments and homework
into small steps.
o Improve reading comprehension by teaching her to
underline key words or topics with a highlighter.
o Improve listening comprehension by teaching her to
take notes of key concepts.
o Provide special signals or cues to remind her to get
back on task.
• Improving organizational skills:
o Establish a daily checklist of assignments.
o Keep a special notebook in which she can record
homework assignments, project or report due dates,
and test schedules.
• Improving productivity:
o Divide work sheets and assignments into sections.
o Reduce the amount of homework and written
classwork, especially repetitive assignments such as
math problems and spelling words that she can do
o Vary the type of activities that she is doing.
o Vary the way that material is presented.
o Provide one on one instruction or small groups to
introduce major concepts.
• Improving performance:
o Provide extra time to complete assignments and tests.
o Consider providing oral testing instead of or in
addition to written tests.
o Remind the student to slow down.
o Give extra weight to the content of an assignment
when grading, and do not take off points for poor
handwriting or minor spelling errors.
• Protecting self esteem:
o Avoid humiliating children who perform poorly in
front of the other children.
o Give positive feedback when she stays on task, pays
attention or works hard at an assignment.
o Find things that she has special interest or strength in
and encourage her to do these activities.
• Improving behavior and impulse control:
o Provide special signals or cues when she is beginning
to misbehave.
o Give clear expectations of what behaviors are
expected in the classroom.
o Be consistent in your expectations and in the
consequences for misbehavior.


Problems facing the development of vocational

education research
Posted:2009-6-26 17:06:00 Browse:15049 Times

Abstract: Vocational education is facing unprecedented

opportunities for development. Vocational education, but
there are many difficulties and problems, we must analyze
the reasons to seriously deal with, it is imperative to
accelerate the development of vocational education.
Key words: vocational education; strategic position;
issues; accelerate the development of

Premier Wen Jiabao at the November 7, 2005 the State

Council held a national conference on vocational education:
'Vocational education is a modern national education
system, an important part in the implementation of
technology and education strategy and this strategy has a
special importance. ''Eleventh Five-year 'period, the central
government will invest 100 billion for the development of
vocational education. By 2010, enrollment in secondary
vocational schools will try to reach more than 8 million, with
roughly the same size of high school enrollment. The
development of vocational education, has become China's
strategic choice. Vocational education is facing a rare
historical opportunity for development, but also facing tough
challenges. How to deal with the development of vocational
education, many problems existing in the process has
become an important issue and priorities.
The research project of the secondary vocational
schools, including secondary, technical schools, vocational
high schools and adult secondary.

Vocational education, the problems and difficulties

facing the development of

Currently, vocational education is still the weak link in

the cause of education, in particular, it is difficult to meet the
economic and social development of skilled human
resources needs.
Uneven development of vocational education, vocational
education development imbalances are reflected in the
career development gap between urban and rural areas too.
Urban development of vocational education is better, city-run
vocational school had a '85' period of glory, the impact of
vocational big landslide is relatively small. To Guilin, for
example, city-run vocational schools in all kinds of 21, as-run
secondary school, technical functions of the government
departments and industries are run by the original
enrollment is included in the national joint entrance
examination is planned, and input and enrollment will be
guaranteed, secondary Cancel comprehensive high school
entrance examination and later to do, so better foundation.
Directly under the education sector by 2002 there were five
staff, one is a national key school, one is a regional focus on
school; In addition to the nation's key vocational school, the
remaining four are tied to do with the junior high school, so
school funding and teachers also have guaranteed. In 2005,
set up Guilin post-school vocational education centers,
vocational education is on the floor. At present 4 national key
vocational school all city schools, nine regional vocational
school has five key urban schools. In the city's vocational
school teachers, college or above 57%, 78% in urban
vocational school teachers; 'Double-qualified' teachers
account for 21% of all vocational school teachers, 82% in
urban areas. The development of vocational education in
rural areas is limping. Its development is characterized by
congenitally slow, 'two high' enrollment after the big slide.
First, rural vocational school are basically the original '57'
farmers turn to do in junior high or weak, and most schools
away from the town, poor infrastructure, low levels of
teachers, has been in recruitment difficulties in the
development of the state difficult. Second, the rural
vocational school infrastructure projects are in the '85'
completed during the past decade, funding for education in
rural areas is mainly used for clean-up 'universal compulsory
education' debt and popular experimental investment in
education, a heavier financial burden on the county level, to
greatly increased investments in vocational education can
only be satisfied with some of the growth of wages, inability
to improve school conditions, the per capita expenditure on
education vocational school students in rural areas than in
cities in less than 60%. Thus, most schools have not meet
school requirements. Again, in 1999 led to Puggaard college
enrollment over the development of vocational school
enrollment facing unprecedented difficulties, which
worsened to rural vocational education, there has been a
slippery slope and even survival. By 2002, a decrease of rural
vocational school 32.6%; in the number of students
decreased 17.6%. Guilin 12 eligible schools to evaluate the
vocational school in the autonomous region in the 5 does not
meet the passing grade, two vocational school ceases
operation, a vocational school has been sold to the
purposes, and four regional-level focus on school conditions
and the urban area vocational school Qualified there is great
compared to the distance.
Into a serious shortage of serious waste of resources
'Vocational Education Act' and the development of
vocational education in national regulations in many policy
measures have not been well implemented. Such as the State
provides that 'city surcharge for education arrangements for
vocational education in the proportion of not less than 15%
of compulsory education has become popular in the area of
not less than 20%'. However, the actual situation is far from
fulfilled. As cities across the country from 2001 to 2003
surcharge for education funding for vocational education of
the total appropriation is less than 10%, less than the
statutory ratio. In recent years, Guilin, Finance Shi Benji was
basically a 20% surcharge for education for secondary
vocational education, while the county has jurisdiction over
12 counties do not have a place. In addition, the company
1.5% of total wages of vocational training provision would
also not guaranteed. Vocational Education costs are
generally the same scale as regular high school 2 ~ 3 times,
but financial realities are far lower than general education
investment. Since 1996, all levels of government budget to
increase funding for secondary vocational education, the
proportion of declining, the Health budget public funds were
also lower than the growth rate of high school. Guilin Shi
Benji budget is doing better, but all vocational school
students living costs 360 yuan, but also with the S & P
498 yuan a big gap between high. Most schools less than half
of government funding the rest-run enterprises rely on
admission fees and income generation to resolve. A serious
shortage of investment led to the slow pace of school
conditions improve. At present, the majority of vocational
schools, especially in rural vocational schools test
equipment, Training equipment, with a low rate, and the
modern workplace demands differ greatly affected by
funding and space constraints, vocational school is also a
lack of strength-building training base. Vocational education,
poor investment policies are implemented, a serious impact
on the sustainable development of vocational education.
According to Education Department statistics, secondary
vocational education, 14,000 of all types of schools, but can
achieve the basic conditions for vocational education in
schools less than half of the school. A direct consequence of
inadequate investment led to two: First, tuition is too high,
blocking some of the poor students; 2 a serious constraint
on the students hands-on level and to improve the quality of
education, so as to professional competence-based
vocational and technical education and training goals
difficult to achieve.
Inadequate investment in the policy, while vocational
resources, but there is a huge waste of stealth. As the
Government has poor co-ordination of vocational education
'fragmentation' of the management system makes the limited
public education resources, and has not been optimized
allocation, not only redundant construction, repeat the
phenomenon of a serious school, there is also the loss of
vocational education and the waste of resources. If the state-
owned enterprise reform process, the neglect of the
economic attributes of vocational education, vocational
schools have been stripped as a non-productive resources;
township of adult technical schools in achieving the 'two
basics' objectives, however, has not become the agriculture,
forestry and animal husbandry and aquaculture, etc. Applied
Science and Technology training in the main front. This has
led to many years of accumulated put up with hardships, and
few resources, or idle-run vocational education with the loss
of distressing. Another market allocation of resources from
the private vocational education is also with great discretion
in what professional direction on a boom in the previous
heat. Low level of repetition, not only to disperse human and
financial resources, new students, a waste of social
resources for education and result in higher cost of
education. These directly affect the healthy development of
vocational education.
Highlight the problem of teachers currently teaching the
overall quality and skills of personnel training objectives for
the teacher's request was wider, with an impact on improving
the quality of vocational education, one of the main factors.
The first full-time teachers, teacher qualifications,
particularly in rural areas compliance is not enough. 2005
full-time teachers in secondary vocational schools
nationwide academic pass rate of 65%, significantly lower
than regular high school teacher education passing rate of
75.7%. Lower in rural areas, such as vocational school
teachers in rural areas, Guilin academic pass rate of only
27%. The second is 'dual-qualified' teachers lack a relatively
low proportion. A considerable part of the teachers are OK
Poor education reform, and specialized courses teaching the
lack of industry background, the lack of experience in
engineering practice, resulting in 'specialized courses
teachers are not professionals'. Meanwhile, the high
proportion of non-professional teachers. At present,
secondary vocational education accounted for 50% of
professional teachers, 'Double-qualified' teachers account
for the proportion of full-time teachers, 20% of rural
vocational school 'Double-qualified' teachers account for
less than full-time teachers, 10%. Guilin Lingchuan County
vocational school specialized courses such as teachers
account for 40% of all teachers 'Double-qualified' teachers,
only 5%. Focus on vocational school like this, not to mention
the general rural vocational school. 'Double-qualified'
teacher shortage problem can be employed part-time
teaching experts in industries and enterprises, but
enterprises and vocational school by the constraints of
existing regulatory mechanisms, meant to be a professional
teacher of the main building of the contingent of part-time
teachers seriously lagging behind. 2005 National Vocational
school teachers to employ only about 10% of the total
number of teachers. Guilin advanced technical schools to
ensure the quality of education to employ 30% of the
professional teachers, but for schools the economy
overwhelmed. Vocational Schools in rural areas simply can
not afford professional teachers dare. Due to lack of 'Double-
qualified' teachers, students, greatly affected the quality of
skills training. Three additional difficulties for teachers. As
the vocational school teachers, welfare benefits are generally
lower than S & P high, the dilemma of teaching without
a sense of accomplishment, not only failed to attract foreign
outstanding teachers, but also capable of causing some of
the key teachers focus on the flow of high or switch to S
& P was admitted to authorities. Vocational Teachers
graduates currently little market prospects of professional
disciplines are vacancies of teachers, general teachers
hygienic and could not do. At the same time, the school is
not part of the supernumerary teachers are streaming out of
professional need to open a new teacher, compounded by
restrictions cited do not come prepared. Guilin advanced
technical schools, such as by setting a quota for teachers,
students in 1000 were 100, now more than 3,000 the number
of students, the preparation has not changed, scheduling of
teachers, only 80 people. How can such a situation to adapt
to the development needs of vocational education. Fourth,
teacher training system lags behind. Vocational and
technical upgrading with each passing day, the professional
teacher's knowledge need to be replaced. However, a serious
shortage of training funds, teacher training hard to
institutionalize, leading to an updated teacher's knowledge
structure, and professional skills improvement of the overall
quality of the optimization has been greatly affected and can
not meet market requirements. It also contributed to the
weakness of teachers is an important factor.
Biogenic not be ignored experts: China, advanced
technical talent shortage has become a bottleneck for the
further development of China's manufacturing industry. Why
such a large gap in skilled workers? One important reason is
this: Vocational lack of students. In recent years, secondary
vocational education to people left a deep impression on the
school enrollment difficult. Especially those that foundation
is weak, remote location, not only to recruitment difficulties
in rural vocational school, new school after a serious loss.
One side of the hot job market, one side of the podium
vocational school enrollment. Test the students enrolled in
secondary vocational school of the very small. To Guilin, for
example, in 2004 there are nearly 5 million people took part in
the exam, only 600 people registered for the secondary
vocational schools. Some counties post Poor education,
high school enrollment segment than a serious disorders
such as the ratio of 1:0.18 the state. In 2005 the city's high
school vocational students account for nearly Duan & P
1.5:1, but roughly the same distance from both the
requirements of the country is still very far.
Admissions are merely difficult, in essence, the problem
is that many schools lack of professional characteristics,
vocational school, vocational skills training level is not high,
the quality and skills of graduates can not meet the market
demand for talent. The moment a number of vocational
school regardless of their own conditions, blindly follow the
trend of opening of popular specialties can not guarantee the
quality of education. Such as the number of vocational
school were located on the current sought-NC, mold, auto
repair professional. But there are a few schools can afford to
buy more than one million units of CNC machine tools and
equipment automotive repair shop? No Training conditions,
how can we train highly skilled personnel. Some vocational
school to avoid short-long Yang, professional set up similar,
not competitive, but also lost their original characteristics.
Type of school to go a big way, such as art classes in
engineering, information technology, specialty, it is trifles.
Vocational school losing its professional features, quality of
education is not high, the lack of a strong social impact of
how to attract students? Many rural parents felt that reading
of vocational school is a waste of money is proof. Private
Vocational Schools in recent years, rapid development, but it
does not mean that a higher level schools, as private
investors more of a vocational school by the market rather
than the law of education to school. Part of the private
vocational school or even the use of false propaganda,
'intermediary' for paid admission, bribery and other means
and the high-quality vocational school admissions
competition for new students, bringing enrollment to the
level it difficult to eliminate the negative effects of intensified
recruitment difficulties. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for
free download
Cause Analysis

(A) the concept and understanding of issues affecting

the root causes of vocational education
Behind the concept of the impact of 'learning talents
were Shi' the traditional concept of reading this is the
guiding ideology and impetus for school, secondary school
entrance examination and enrollment canceled without the
support of the personnel system (state packet distribution,
cadre status), the emphasis on general education education,
vocational skills despise the idea of education dominate the
students, parents and society as a whole. Survey shows that
more than 70% of urban parents felt that reading can be done
& Poor's white-collar university entrance examination,
treatment is high and graduates of vocational schools only
when the blue-collar, low social status. Parents generally
agreed that rural students are either graduating from middle
school to go to work early to make money, or save every
dollar to send their children reading & Poor's University
entrance 'hop farm gate'. It was under the influence of this
concept, skills, education has been seriously neglected. 2004
Guilin ongoing examination reforms, the overall quality and
performance of students is divided into A, B, C, D, E a few
grades, D and above, in order to enroll in S & P high,
last and other vocational school students to read. This
seems to be in terms of policy to bring the concept to be
verified. In addition, some students who are willing to
acquire certain skills, but also compelled by the concept of
high pressure sitting & P suppressed the development
of his personality. In fact, a large number of future enrollment
of high school entrance exam and health, they can not get
university also delayed the acquisition of vocational skills,
which society and individuals is enormous waste of
Cognitive bias in 1999, the central authorities to develop
higher education and senior high school education, to
expand domestic demand and stimulate economic growth.
However, local policies and investment only to the S & P
high-sided, as a high school education, secondary vocational
education has not been a corresponding development,
leading to a serious imbalance in the structure of education.
In the survey we can see that many places do greatly
expanded high school, in essence, is the county normal
school vocational education also have changed to S & P
high; financial difficulties, although some counties, but you
can come up with tens of millions of engaging in a
demonstration school and county vocational school they are
in the state to fend for themselves. Guilin's 12 counties as a
model high school vocational school with the focus on the
teaching conditions varied widely. In 2000, various types of
secondary vocational schools, a considerable number of
students enrolled in 1994 only to the level of vocational
school enrollment that year with the high proportion of S
& P dropped to historic lows. Understanding of bias led
to biased assessment of educational achievement. This
stage, a county judge the level and quality of education,
mainly in college entrance examination in the on-line rate,
acceptance rate. This is bound to force the secondary
towards this goal. In addition, the mainstream media for
vocational education and skill-based talent promotion
fatigue, vocational school and training institutions does not
care about their own publicity. This directly affects the whole
society's emphasis on vocational education.
(B) the high cost impact of vocational education
students to choose vocational education
Current tuition fees are rather high and vocational
schools, secondary vocational school fees higher than
ordinary high-school tuition fees higher than ordinary
undergraduate, while the secondary and vocational jobs are
no longer entitled to any preferential treatment. In this
context, how can parents and students choose vocational
school? Universal high-school education, the main task in
the rural segment, while the low-income farmers certainly
would not choose the high tuition fees in secondary
vocational school. To Guilin, for example, high school tuition
fees for 800 ~ 1600 yuan / year, while the Secondary
Vocational Schools 1800 ~ 2300 yuan / year, to master a skill
training cost will be a thousand dollars. The city's per capita
income of farmers 3,000 yuan or so, the burden of a
vocational school, a year spent about 5,000 yuan, which
many rural families, this is quite laborious. Light from the
cost of education to consider, the peasants would not
choose to vocational schools. New labor force in rural areas
is a major force in the modern enterprise in urgent need of
formal vocational education, while the high tuition fees have
been very often need to learn vocational skills and the
children of farmers especially the poor children of the gate
refused. At present, 40% failed to further their studies of rural
junior high and high school students go to work without
vocational training and vocational education, high school
fees charged are not unrelated. The current vocational
education with the 'training costs are high, the employment
rate of return is not high' characteristics, if the policy design
also features 'low-input, high-fee' approach, in general high
schools to provide more education opportunities of the time,
vocational school enrollment difficulties are inevitable.
Vocational education has become ineffective macro-control,
market regulation failure areas.
(C) the vocational qualification certificate system,
employment, poor access to the system is implemented
affect the popularity of vocational education
On the one hand, although the 'Labor Law' and
'Vocational Education Act' clearly provides for academic
qualification, training certificates and vocational qualification
certificate system, first training, after the job. However, the
vast majority of these policies and administrative regulations
are more abstract, the lack of maneuverability, mandatory.
The other hand, the implementation of employment permit
system is also limited in some types of work within the
framework of technology, the lack of a cover all occupations,
the employment of operable access to laws and regulations
as part of its support. Therefore, the intensity and scope of
law enforcement is not enough, employment, access system
is not being implemented effectively. Employers tend to
recruit qualified personnel only education, recruitment of
non-vocational education and training of low-quality labor is
widespread, especially private enterprises, joint-stock
enterprises recruit a large number of junior high school
students into the factory workers, which not only take up
vocational school and training institutions graduates
employment opportunities, but also great risks for the safety
in production. And the popularity of vocational education
and development of an immeasurable impact. In its research,
vocational school and training institutions to reflect this
point most strongly. In their view, if the whole community will
strictly enforce the employment permit system is not difficult
to a vocational school enrollment.

To speed up the development of vocational education


First of all, we must strengthen the Government's

leading role. First, people's congresses at all levels to
supervise at the same level without compromising the
government implement the 'Vocational Education Act', 'the
State Council on the decision to vigorously develop
vocational education' and 'Labor Law' and other laws and
regulations, in particular, is relevant policies should be put in
place, such as the 30 % of the urban education surcharge for
vocational education, 15 percent of enterprises extracting
education and training fees, the establishment of special
funds to support the development of vocational education
and so on. This is the fundamental guarantee to speed up the
development of vocational education. At the same time,
establish the concept of large vocational education to
strengthen government co-ordination efforts, configuration,
optimization and integration of vocational education
resources and to focus on improving vocational education,
technology, equipment and bases. Such as the city can focus
on building one or two combining production of multi-
disciplinary, paid the city open to all Vocational Training
Center or base, high-quality resource sharing. Promote the
school system and mechanism innovation, to foster brand-
oriented city of vocational integration of resources into full
play the leading role of the key schools to form all kinds of
urban vocational groups, so that vocational education to the
brand, large-scale, intensive direction. The weak radiation
and promotion of rural schools, the building of county-level
vocational education centers according to local conditions.
Support enterprise development and social forces to
participate in vocational education school policy to
encourage survival of the fittest to support private vocational
school to achieve the level of overall improvement of
vocational education
Secondly, the establishment of a rational structure,
quality standards, a sufficient number of 'Double-qualified'
teachers. This is the key to accelerating the development of
vocational education. For One is to strengthen the existing
'single-master' teacher training. Establish and improve
continuing education and regular education teacher training
system. Second, autonomy is to give vocational school
personnel. Deepening the reform of distribution system
within the school personnel, in accordance with the teaching
modules Shegang to post will pay, full employment,
competition for job openings, personnel agency. The
preparation of sector development needs of the schools on
the schools to prepare the implementation of dynamic
management. The preparation of the post rather than the
person so that schools can self-appointed 'Double-qualified'
teachers; Recruitment of senior technicians, technicians,
experts and engineers as well as a part-time teachers of
foreign technicians to establish a high level to keep up with
part-time professional teaching force. Third is to build
vocational school teacher training base. Full use of local
universities and teacher training orders for the building of
enterprise resource base, there are plans to train 'Double-
qualified' teachers. Introduction of vocational school
teachers in cities to rural areas teaching service system to
achieve outstanding teachers to share resources in urban
and rural areas. If the city provides access to senior title of
professional vocational school teachers and new recruits of
young teachers must be more than one year in the county
vocational school teaching and learning services.
Third, reduce the student share of the cost of education.
First, the role of government-led to three in place - financial
investment in place policies and measures in place, facilities
and equipment, base construction in place. 2 is to enhance
the vocational school and training institutions and
hematopoietic function, vocational school and training
institutions, combining production of the base, work-study
projects, practical training workshop business income
should be treated differently, to give policy support. Third,
standardize the recruitment market. The current cut-throat
competition vocational school enrollment continue to raise
the enrollment cost will be passed students, can increase the
enrollment counseling outreach efforts, and to consider
restoring the school entrance examination and self-
enrollment in grade combination. Fourth, establish and
improve mechanisms for vocational education to poor
students student. Actively build up the local Vocational
Education Development Fund to implement vocational
education to donate part of the tax relief policy, the
establishment of special funds, the Government low-income
urban families and children of poor households to receive
vocational education 'pay' and grant select school of
agriculture, forestry and other strenuous industry
professional students. Vocational school will be arranged
from income funds for scholarships, grants and fee
remission, and five is to organize students to participate in
work-study and work-study, combining engineering student,
as an important way to help the poor, so that poor students
'zero-fees' time vocational school .
Finally, as a link to the formation of mutually beneficial
cooperation in vocational education of professional bodies
to develop within the charter, the same level, with
professional (jobs) to implement 'a unified goal, and a unified
teaching plans, unified curriculum, standardized textbooks to
use, uniform examination standards, unified enrollment
employment services' and 'six-unification' of the school
system. This is to avoid the vocational school enrollment
between the vicious and disorderly competition and to
reduce enrollment costs, optimize new students, an effective
way to improve school quality. Reposted elsewhere in the
paper for free download

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