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Prophylaxis of Ophthalmia neonatorum - A nationwide survey of the current

practice in Austria

Article  in  Wiener klinische Wochenschrift · April 2002

Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Ojan Assadian Afshin Assadian

University of Huddersfield Wiener Krankenanstaltenverbund


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I Original Article I wie n e r kli11i sc 11 e

wo c hen s c h ri f t
the middle european journal
of medicine
Wien Klin Wochenschr (2002) 114/5-6: 194-199
Printed in Austria
0 Springer-Verlag 2002

Prophylaxis of Ophthalmia neonatorum - A nationwide survey

of the current practice in Austria
Ojan Assadian', Afshin Assadian', Christoph Aspöck', Daniela Hahn', and Walter Koller'
I Division of Hospital Hygiene. Institute of Hygiene of the University of Vienna Medical School, and
* Department of Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Wilhelminenspital, Vienna. Austria

Prophylaxe der Ophthalmia neonatorum Spektrum - substances were Tetracycline, Povidone-lodine, Neomy-
der eingesetzten Substanzen und aktuelle cin and Chloramphenicol. The reported overall-obsewa-
Handhabung in Österreich tion of chemical conjunctivitis after application of a pro-
Zusammenfassung. Hintergrund: Ziel der österreich- phylactic agent was 42.3% (59133), typically after the
weit durchgeführten Studie war es, Praxis sowie eingesetz- use of Silver nitrate, Erythromycin or Tetracycline. The
te Substanzen zur Prophylaxe der Ophthalmia neonatorum agent was determined by pediatricians (29%), in accord-
zu analysieren. Fragebögen wurden an 107 Krankenhäu- ance to governmental decree (15%), by hospital policy
ser und 490 Hebammen verschickt. 91,6% der Kranken- (12%), effectiveness against Chlamydia and- Gonococci
häuser und 7,6% der Hebammen haben geantwortet. (9%), by pharmacists (3%) and ophthalmologists (3%).
Ergebnis: Insgesamt kommen in &erreich 7 Sub- 18% did not give any reason for the choice of agent.
stanzen mit folgender Häufigkeit zur Anwendung: Ery- Conclusion: The rationale for prophylaxis and the
thromycin 41,8%; Gentamicin 21,3%; Silbernitrat 19,7%; substances used in Austria show heterogeneity. Seven
Tetracyclin 9%; PVP-Jod 4,9%; Neomycin 2,5%; Chlor- prophylactic agents are used, two antiseptics and five
amphenicol 1 ,l%. antibiotics. 25% of the routine applicants are using sub-
Schlussfolgerung: Wir beobachten ein heterogenes stances (Gentamicin, Neomycin or Chloramphenicol) for
Spektrum von sieben Substanzen zur Prophylaxe. Da- which no evidence based efficacy for prophylaxis of Oph-
runter wurden zwei Antiseptika und fünf Antibiotika an- thalmia neonatorum has been demonstrated through clin-
gegeben. 71. Y der Anwender setzen dabei Substanzen ical trials. However, 83.5% of the maternity units do not
ein, die auch in internationalen Empfehlungen für diese Want changes in their current routine, unless there is a
Indikation genannt werden (Erythromycin, Silbernitrat und nation-wide agreement for Ophthalmia neonatorum
Tetracyclin). prophylaxis.
83,5% der Krankenhäuser Österreichs wollen ihr der- Key words: Ophthalmia neonatorum, Crede's pro-
zeit eingesetztes Regime nicht ändern, solange es keine phylaxis, neonatal conjunctivitis, antibiotic prophylaxis,
einheitliche österreichweit gültige Richtlinie gibt, obwohl chemical conjunctivitis, bacterial conjunctivitis, question-
43,6% von ihnen regelmäßig eine chemisch induzierte naire, prophylactic agents.
Konjunktivitis bei Neugeborenen beobachten
Schlüsselwörter: Ophthalmia neonatorum, Crede- Introduction
sche Prophylaxe, Neugeborenenkonjunktivitis, Antibioti- In 1881 the gynecologist Carl Sigmund Franz CredC
kaprophylaxe, chemisch induzierte Konjunktivitis, bakte- (1 8 19-1 892) introduced the use of 2% Silver nitrate solu-
rielle Konjunktivitis, Fragebogenstudie, Prophylaktika. tion as a prophylactic agent against ophthalmia gonor-
rhoica neonatorum. After Observation of frequent eye-
Summary. The aim of this study was to analyze the imtations, this was changed to a 1% Silver nitrate solu-
current practice of Ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis in tion. This Change of regimen reduced the yearly incidence
Austria. Questionnaires were sent to 107 hospitals with of neonatal conjunctivitis from 13.6% to 0.5% [ I , 21.
obstetric units, as well as to 490 registered community Since 1928 Austrian law has regulated the routine use of
midwives, together looking after a yearly total of approx- Ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis. Austrian midwives
imately 70,000births. The Overall return of the hospitals have been obliged to execute the prophylaxis in two steps:
and midwives was 91.6% and 7.6%, respectively. First, mechanical cleansing of the eye-lids before the in-
Results: Ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis is be- fant Opens them for the first time and second, instillation
ing applied by 93.8% of all respondents (hospitals 96.9%, of one 1% Silver nitrate drop into each conjunctival sac.
and community midwives 82.3%). The three most fre- Due to the extended knowledge of other possible patho-
quently applied substances were Erythromycin (41.8%), gens such as Chlamydia trachomatis, S taphylococci,
Gentamicin (21.3%) and Silver nitrate (19.7%). Other gramnegative bacteria and viruses as well as the avail-
Assadian et al., Prophylaxis of Ophthalmia neonatorum in Austria 195

ability of different antimicrobial agents, the decree was hospital-questionnaires, only 97 could be evaluated since one
modified in 1970. From then on midwives could either use Hospital had recently closed down the maternity-unit. Three of
1% Silver nitrate or any substance recommended by the the questionnaires sent to community midwives returned with
public health authorities for prophylaxis of Ophthalmia the postal remark “receiver unknown”, one midwife responded
neonatorum. In 1990 Austrian health authorities recom- from Switzerland. where routine application of CredC’s prophy-
mended 1% Silver nitrate Solution, 1% Tetracycline oint- laxis was discontinued ten years ago. Thirty-three of the miid-
ment, 0.5% Oxytetracycline-hydrochloride ointment with wife-questionnaires were evaluated, making a total of 96.3%
Polymyxin-B-Sulfate or 1% Erythromycin ointment for ( 130/135) evaluable questionnaires.
prophylaxis [3]. The last Change in the legal Situation of
Ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis took place in 1998. Results
Midwives were now allowed to use prophylactic medica- Routine application of Ophthalmia neonatorum
tion without a doctor’s prescription if the application of prophylaxis in Austria
the substance used was in accordance with good medical Ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis is being rdutine-
practice in addition to being recommended by the public ly administered by 96.9% (94197) of responding matemity
health authorities. However, the use of prophylaxis and units and by 84.9% (28133) of responding community
the suitability of prophylactic agents have continued to be midwives. Two hospitals only applied prophylaxis after
challenged during the last decade [MI.The aim of our vaginal births or premature rupture of membranes. In one
’nation-wide survey was to elicit the present Situation and hospital, Ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis is only
practice of Ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis for the applied after informed consent of the parents regarding
first time after 71 years of use in Austria. Also, we wanted advantages and side effects. Five community midwives
to know which substances were in use, the mode and did not apply any prophylaxis unless the parents explicitly
timing of application and if any desire for an unequivocal wished so.
guideline for the prevention of Ophthalmia neonatorum
exists. Reasons behind the choice of prophylactic agent
Methods In 28.7% (35/122), pediatricians determined the
agent, 14.8% (18/122) were following recommendations
An anonymous questionnaire was sent to 107 hospitals according to previous govemmental decrees, 12.3% (15/
with obstetric units and to all 490 registered community mid-
122) executed hospital policy. Good experience with the
wives in Austria, together looking after a yearly total of ap-
proximately 70,000 births. We inquired about the routine of agent in the past determined the choice in 9.0% (1 11122).
Ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis and the agents used, the 4.9% (6/122) Chose the agent because of specific effec-
reason for selecting agents, details about the modalities of tiveness against Chlamydia and gonococci and 4.1% (51
administration and the frequent Observation of complications. 122) claimed effectiveness against Chlamydia infection to
particularly chemical conjunctivitis (e.g. postprophylactic eye explain their decision. Hospital pharmacists determined
irritation). Chemical conjunctivitis was defined as eye dis- the choice in 3.3% (4/122) and ophthalmologists in 2.5%
Charge lasting no longer than 24 hours after application of a (3/122). One answer was illegible, one claimed tradition
prophylactic agent [7]. The total numbers of post prophylactic to be the reason for applying the prophylactic agent and
eye irritations were not enquired. We concentrated on the ques- one argued with hygiene requirements. 18% (221122) of
tion. whether health professionals using Ophthalmia neonato- the respondents gave no reason for the choice of agent.
rum prophylaxis observed adverse effects, and if so. to which
substances. Analysis of the data was performed with SPSS 9.0 Substnnces used for propliylnris of Ophthalrriia
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, 111.). Two-tailed p-values were calculated neonatorum in Austria
by applying Chi-Square test or Fisher’s exact Test, where ap-
propriate. Mantel-Haenszel weighted Odds ratio (OR) together Seven different substances are used by hospitals and
with Comtield 95% Confidence intervals (CI) were computed. community midwives for prophylaxis of Ophthalmia
91.6% (98/107) of the Hospitals and 7.6% (371490) of the neonatorum. Substances and their use are listed in detail in
community midwives retumed the questionnaire. Of the 98 Table 1. Altogether, the three most commonly used sub-

Table 1. Substances used for prophylaxis of Ophthalmia neonatorum in Austria

~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~

Substance * Total Hospitals Community midwives OR 958CI P

n % n % n %

Eryt hromyci n 51 41.8 38 40.4 13 46.4 0.78 0.3 1-2.01 0.57

Gentamicin 26 21.3 20 21.3 6 21.4 . 0.99 0.33-3.40 0.99
Silver nitrate 24 19.7 23 24.5 1 3.6 8.75 1.27-373.42 0.015*
Tetracycline I1 9.0 6 6.4 5 17.9 ’ 0.31 0.07-1.44 0.12
Povidone-Iodine 6 4.9 4 4.3 2 7.1 0.58 0.08-6.76 0.62
Neomycin 3 2.5 2 2.1 1 3.6 0.59 0.03-35.90 0.55
Chloramphenicol 1 0.8 1 1.1 0 0.0 - - 1.oo
196 Assadian et al., Prophylaxis of Ophthalmia neonatorum in Austria

stances for Ophthalmia neonatorum proph'ylaxis in Austria Desire for charige of the current practice:
are Erythromycin (41.8%; 51/122), Gentamicin (21.3%; (only hospitals with rorrtine application included)
?6/122) and Silver nitrate ( 1 9.7%; 24/122). Hospitals 43.6% (41194) of hospitals stated, that they do not
used, in decreasing Order, Erythromycin, Silver nitrate and wish to Change their current practice, unless unequivocal
Gentamicin, whereas community midwives used Erythro- nation-wide guidelines are released.
mycin, Gentamicin and Tetracycline.
Observation of cheriiical conjunctivitis @er the Even after 115 years of use, Ophthalmia neonatorum
roirtine application of prophylactic cigents prophylaxis is not obsolete and an important issue in
43.6% (41/94) of the hospitals reported frequent ob- maintaining public health. Countries having discontinued
servation of chemical conjunctivitis after the instillation the practice of Ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis like
of prophylactic agents as did fifty percent (14/28) of the Sweden and Denmark experience a rise in the incidence of
community midwives. Details are shown in Table 2. Ophthalmia neonatorum due to gonococci [8, 91. Interest-
Chemical conjunctivitis was observed most frequently ingly, although prophylaxis is not administered routinely
with Silver nitrate (OR 4.95, 95% CI 1.67-16.42, in the UK a decreasing incidence of Ophthalmia neonato-
p = 0.001), whereas Gentamicin was the best-tolerated rum has been reported. On the other hand, in the USA and
substance (0.22, 95%CI 0.06-0.66, p = 0.003). Canada a rise in the incidence of Ophthalmia neonatorum
bas been observed, even though the respective health
authorities recommend prophylaxis of Ophthalmia neona-
Timing and mode of application of prophylaxis torum. Austrian authorities believe in prophylaxis, since
Asked about the timing of prophylaxis, 55.4% (72 prevention, especially in pediatric patients, is preferable to
130) answered that application occurs within 1 to 30 treatment of a manifest disease. The German-Austrian
minutes after birth (64 Hospitals and 8 community mid- Society for Perinatal Medicine also recommends the fur-
wives). 40.88 (53/130) stated that prophylaxis is applied ther use of Ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis [ 101.
between 30 minutes and 2 hours post partum (32 hospitals The onset of Ophthalmia neonatorum Symptoms usu-
and 21 community midwives). One hospital and 4 mid- ally develops days after discharge from hospital. It de-
wives (3.8%; 9130) did not comment on this question. pends on the causative pathogen and ranges from 2 up to
73.1 % (95430) stated that medication is simply instilled 14 days post partum. Conjunctivitis presenting after 2 to 4
(72 hospitals and 23 community midwife). 23.1% (301 days post partum is usually due to an infection caused by
130) reported that they first cleaned the eyes of the new- Neisseria gonorrhoeae, after 5 to 7 days due to Herpes
bom mechanically (24 hospitals and 6 community mid- Simplex Virus and after 5 up to 14 days due to Chfamydia
wives). 3.8% (5/130) used other modes of application trachomatis [ 11).
(1 hospital and 4 community midwives) without any fur- The most severe form of Ophthalmia neonatorum is
ther specification. caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It may result in blind-

Table 2. Observation of chemical conjunctivitis (CC) according to substance. stratified by hospitals and comrnunity midwives

Hospitals Community midwives

CCpos. CC neg. OR 95%CI P CC POS. CC neg. OR 95%CI P
Erythromycin 18 20 1.29 0.69-2.41 0.55 7 6 1.33 0.24-7.56 0.14
Gentamicin 3 17 0.17 0.03-0.66 0.004* 2 4 0.42 0.03-3.73 0.36
Silver nitrate 17 6 5.55 1.76-19.15 0.0008* 1 0 - - 1.oo
Tetracycline 2 4 0.63 0.054.67 0.63 2 3 0.61 0.046.54 1.00
PVP-Iodine 1 3 0.42 0.001-5.46 0.69 1 1 1.00 0.01-84.46 1.00
Neomycin 0 1 0.00 0.00-50.41 1.00 1 ' 0 - - 1.00
Chloramph. 0 1 0.00 0.00-50.41 1.00 0 0 - - I .oo
* Total
~~ ~~~

CCpos. CC neg. OR 958CI P

Erythromycin 25 26 1.33 0.60-2.88 0.46
Gentamicin 5 11 0.22 0.06-0.66 0.003*
Silver nitrate 18 6 4.95 1.67-16.42 0.001*
Tetracycline 4 7 0.67 0.14-2.83 0.75
PVP-Iodine 2 4 0.59 0.05-4.35 0.69
Neom ycin 1 2 0.60 0.01-1 1.90 1 .OO
Chloramph. 0 1 0.00 0.00-47.51 1.00

* Significant difference in Observation of chemicd conjunctivitis

Assadian et al., Prophylaxis of Ophthalmia neonatorum in Austria 197

ness by penetration of the Cornea in a very short time. other pathogens causing Ophthalmia neonatorum like
Gonococcal Ophthalmia neonatorum has a dramatic clin- Herpes Simplex Virus and Staphylococcus aureus were
ical presentation, though it is a treatable condition when mentioned. In these guidelines it was stated, that none of
diagnosed promptly. Presently, the incidence of gonococ- the above substances Cover the whole spectrum of possible
cal infections is falling in many industrialized countries. causat ive pat hogens.
Nevertheless, an increase of non-gonococcal Ophthalmia In the UK, the North Thames (East) Regional Audit
neonatorum can be observed with an incidence of up to does not recommend the use of prophylaxis against Oph-
22% in industrial countries [12]. thalmia neonatorum, and no prophylaxis is suggested be-
According to the Centers for Disease Control and cause of the following reasons: ocular prophylaxis with
Prevention, the most commonly isolated pathogen causing Silver nitrate, Erythromycin or Tetracycline eye ointment
Ophthalmia neonatorum is Chlamydia trnchomatis. It in- mask parental infection. Extra-ocular sites are not treated
duces a symptomatic conjunctivitis after five to fourteen and prophylactic substances are not necessarily effective
days post partum. At that time, most newboms and their in preventing both 'gonococcal and chlamydial Ophthal-
mothers are already discharged from hospital care and are mia neonatorum [24]. Furthermore, facilities for early
no longer under close medical Observation. Chlarnydia diagnosis and management are available.
trachomatis may impair Vision as a result of comeal and The foundation of the above guidelines is the fact,
conjunctival scaring, vascularisation [ 131 and formation that Ophthalmia neonatorum is still a health issue. How-
. of pseudo-membranes [ 14). However, this complication ever, there has been a shift in the spectrum of the causa-
results only, if the Patient is frequently re-infected [15- tive pathogens. As the CDC and the Canadian STD Guide-
171, which usually does not occur in industrialized coun- lines explicitly mention, the prevalence of chlamydial
tries. Therefore, this clinical presentation is most com- infection is on the rise, whereas the numbers of gonococ-
monly Seen in developing countries. Without recurrent cal infections are falling. However, Silver nitrate is highly
infections with Chlarnydia trachomatis, the Symptoms active against Neisseria gonorrhoeae but much less effec-
subside within one to three weeks, making chlamydial tive against Chlamydia trachomatis and viruses [25-271.
Ophthalmia neonatorum a usually self-limiting infection. It is also the substance with the highest potential for
Other pathogens, less frequently causing Ophthalmia chemical conjunctivitis. In our survey, 75% of the re-
neonatorum are Staphylococci, S treptococci, Pseudomon- spondents using Silver nitrate observed chemical conjunc-
ades, other gram-negative organisms and Herpes viruses. tivitis. If not applied in single use Containers, the solvent
The latter are not as frequently observed as are gonococci will evaporate with time increasing the concentration of
or chlamydia, and most of them do not lead to severe Silver nitrate. This will lead to higher numbers of eye
complications. imtations. To our knowledge, there are no reports of
resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to Silver nitrate. Tet-
Properties of an ideal substance for Ophthalrnia racycline is active against Neisseria gonorrhoeae and
neonatorum prophylaxis Chlaniydia trachomntis. It also Covers Streptococci,
Haemophilus influenzae, Pseudomonas spp. and Staphylo-
The ideal substance for Ophthalmia neonatorum cocci. However, resistances are reported [28-301, making
prophylaxis should be active against all relevant bacterial this substance no longer a suitable first line agent for the
and viral pathogens. To avoid a decrease of bonding in the empirical prevention of Ophthalmia neonatorum. 36% of
first days of life, it should not induce chemical conjuncti- the respondents using Tetracycline observed chemical
vitis. Additionally, the substance should be inexpensive. conjunctivitis. Erythromycin is highly potent against
Bacterial contamination of eye drop bottles ranges from Chlamydia trachomatis, but less effective against gono-
12.98 to 27% [18, 191, showing signifrcant differences cocci than Tetracycline or Silver nitrate. In our survey, it
between in-hospital and outpatient use. Hence, to avoid was reported to less frequently cause chemical conjuncti-
potential Cross-infections by contaminated eye drop bot- vitis (49% vs. 75%) than Silver nitrate but more frequent-
tles or ointment vehicle [20], disposable Containers should ly than Tetracycline (49% vs. 36%). It is expensive and
be used. ineffective against viruses. Finally, the use of antimicrobi-
al substances like Erythromycin and Tetracycline cannot
International guidelines and recommended prevent conjunctival infection with pathogens resistant to
Substances these substances [31, 321. Each of the above named sub-
Our study revealed a variety of substances and prac- stances fulfill only some aspects of the desired Profile for
tices used for prophylaxis against Ophthalmia neonatorum an ideal agent for prophylaxis against Ophthalmia neo-
in Austria. In 1990, Austrian health authorities recom- natorum and no single topical agent is effective to ideally
mended the use of Silver nitrate, Erythromycin, Tetra- prevent ocular complications of both Neisseria gonor-
cycline or Oxytetracycline-hydrochlorid ointment in com- rhoeae and Chlaniydia trachomatis.
bination with Polymyxin-B-Sulfate for the mandatory Even though only briefly mentioned in the CDC
prophylaxis against Ophthalmia neonatorum. In 1998, the Guideline, Povidone-Iodine has advantages compared to
CDC recommended the use of Silver nitrate, Erythro- Erythromycin, Tetracycline and Silver nitrate. It has a
mycin or Tetracycline [2 11. Other substances mentioned broader antimicrobial espectrum as well as effectiveness
as prophylactic agents wem Bacitracin and Povidone- against viruses including herpes Simplex Virus 11 [331.
Iodine. The Canadian STD Guidelines of 1992 [22] did Besides its antibacterial and antiviral capacity, there are
recommend the use of Silver nitrate, Erythromycin or no reports of resistance, which is explained by the chem-
Tetracycline. In the 1998 Canadian STD Guidelines [23], ical mechanism of action due to oxidizing effects of free
198 Assadian et al.. Prophylaxis of Ophthalmia neonatorum in Ausiria

iodine on functional groups of amino acids, nucleotides HO, et al (1 988) Prophylaxis of gonococcal and chlamy-
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proper application into the eye of the newbom. mic solution and chem'ical conjunctivitis. Pediatrics 56/3:
Good clinical results were published with Povidone- 368-373
Iodine at a concentration of 2.5% [25]. Ijowever, the issue 8. Gadeberg OV, Bollerup AC, Kolmos HJ, Larsen SO, Lind
of concentrations still needs to be evaluated in further I (1991) Neonatal conjunctivitis after the abolition of com-
clinical trails, since newest in vitro studies suggest, that pulsory CredC prophylaxis. Ugeskr Laeger 153: 284-288
9. Berglund T, Fredlund H, Ramstedt K (1999) Reemergence
1.25% Povidone-Iodine is a suficient concentration for . of gononhoea in Sweden. Sex Transm Dis 26/73 39S391
this indication [35]. To avoid potential transmission of 10. von Stockhausen HB, Albrecht K (1997) Leitlinien zur
infection via contamination of the Container, we recom- Betreuung des gesunden Neugeborenen im Kreißsaal und
mend a disposable Container, containing 0.5 ml of 2.5% während des Wochenbettes der Mutter. Frauenarzt 38:
Povidone-Iodine. In October 2000, a national consensus 227-230
meeting under participation of pediatricians, gynecolo- 11. Grehn F (1990) Entzündliche Erkrankungen des Vorderab-
gists, ophthalmologists and clinical microbiologists was Schnittes. In: Lund OE, Waubke TN (Hrsg) Früherkennung
held. It was agreed that after cleaning the newboms eye- und Prophylaxe in der Augenheilkunde, Bd 123. Enke,
lids mechanically, prophylaxis of Ophthalmia neonatorum Stuttgart
should be camed out using 2.5% Povidone-Iodine taken
.1.2. Bell TA, Grayton JT, Krohn MA, Krnmal RA (1993) Eye
from a disposable sterile Container. The result of this prophylaxis Study Group. Randomized trial of Silver ni-
consensus meeting was accepted by Austrian health trate, erythromycin and no eye prophylaxis for the preven-
authorities E361 in November 2000. tion of conjunctivitis among newboms not at risk for gono-
coccal ophthalmitis. Pediatrics 92: 755-760
Conclusion 13. Mordhorst CH, Dawson C (1971) Sequelae of neonatal
inclusion and associated disease in parents. Am J Ophtal-
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mended in international guidelines (Erythromycin, Silver 15. Taylor HR, Johnson SL, Schachter J, Caldwell HD, Pren-
nitrate and Tetracycline). Thirty hospitals and midwives dergast RA (1987) Pathogenesis of trachoma: the Stimulus
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Betaisodona@Nr.: 3

Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift (2002) 114/5-6:171-172 - Editorial: Prof. Dr. Axel Kramer,
Institut für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität Greifswald
Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift (2002) 114/5-6:194-1999- Original Article: Ojan
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Hygieneinstitut Wien, Gynäkologische Abteilung Wilhelminenspital Wien.

Neue Aspekte zur Prophylaxe der Ophtalmia

neonatorum (Crede prophylaxis)
Nach derzeitigem Stand der Wissenschaft ist PVP-Jod 1,25% als isoosmolarische
Lösung das Antiseptikum der Wahl für die Credesche Prophylaxe. PVP-Jod ist die
beste Alternative zu Silbernitrat, weil es ein breites Keimspektrum abdeckt und
besser verträglich ist.

Empfohlene Rezeptur:
- Povidone iodine
(Low molecular with a K-value of 4 8 ) 0.125 g
- sodium Chloride 0.08 g
- disodium hydrogen Phosphate X 12 H200.025 g
- water for injection ad 10 g

H:\Literaturverservice\BetaisodonaLiteratwBeta-03 CredCsche Prophylaxe.doc

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