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Name: Rosa Vera-Topete     Date: Week 9 10/8  

Writing Review & CGI LP 

CGI Word Problem (20 minutes):   

​ WBAT to solve join resolve unknown (JSU) problems using any strategy. 

KIPPsters today for our CGI warm-up we are going to review how to answer our 
problems with a complete sentence. This is something that we learned during 
Writers Workshop. I want you to think for a second, “Hmmm, how do I write a 
complete sentence?” (have students turn and talk/ Stem: A complete sentence 
Discuss with students the elements of a complete sentence. Review the anchor 
chart together. 

In mathematics we write our answers using complete sentences just like the ones 
we learned about in Writers Workshop. We can use information from our word 
problems to help us write a complete sentence.  
*** Model how to use the question- students should only be watching at this point.*** 
Display sample CGI word problem: 
Matthew from Michigan bought a sweater that was _______ dollars. He bought 
a skateboard too. Matthew used _______ dollars that day. How much money did 
Matthew pay for the skateboard? 
(18, 34)  (58, 82) 
1. Underline the question 
a. How much money did Matthew pay for the skateboard? 
2. Use the same words to create your sentence stem 
a. Matthew paid ___________dollars for the skateboard. 
3. Add the example to your anchor chart. 
a. Show students the parts of a complete sentence on your example. 

Guided Practice: 
“Okay KIPPsters now we are going to practice together. Here is your CGI problem 
for today. Go ahead and read it in your head first.” 
Display CGI problem of the day: 
Ella from Notre Dame bought new shoes that were _______ dollars. She bought 
a shirt too. Ella used _______ dollars that day. How much money did Ella pay for 
the shirt? 
(18, 34)  (58, 82) 
“Now let’s read the problem together.”  
“You have one minute to think about how you will use the information to write a 
complete sentence. (Provide silent think time. Think out loud: “Hmm what can I use 
to write my complete sentence?”) As we work on our sentence together make sure 
to follow along on your whiteboards.” 
● What can I do first to help me create a sentence starter? 
○ Underline the question. 
● After I underline the question what can I do? 
○ Use the same words to start your answer. 
● Do I have all of the elements of a complete sentence? 
○ Capital, noun, verb, punctuation 
Complete sentence: Ella paid ____ dollars for the shirt. 
CGI Discussion (proceed as usual): 
Now we are going to complete our CGI activity like we do every day. Make sure to 
provide a complete sentence for your answer. 
KIPPsters, I want you to look at the word problem of the day and read it to 
yourself silently. As you read, I want you to really pay close attention to the words 
and numbers in the word problem. You are going to be like detectives! Ask 
yourself, what is the word problem asking me to do? Ready? Go! Now let’s read the 
word problem out loud together.   
Ella from Notre Dame bought new shoes that were _______ dollars. She bought 
a shirt too. Ella used _______ dollars that day. How much money did Ella pay for 
the shirt? 
(18, 34)  (58, 82) 
“Hmm, what do I know about this word problem? I want you to TPS with a neighbor 
what the problem is telling you.” 
● Have students restate what is happening in the problem. Students should 
TPS and then share out.  
○ Who is the problem about? 
■ Ella from ND 
○ What is did Ella Do? 
■ Bought shoes and a shirt 
○ Do we know how much the shoes were? 
■ Yes, $18 
○ Do we know how much the shirt was? 
■ Not yet 
○ Is this problem asking you to find a part or a whole? 
■ A part 
○ What are some strategies that can help you solve this problem? 
Note​: Make sure to annotate the problem as you go along. (if students don’t 
remember refer back to the CUBES anchor chart.) 
● “What should I circle in this problem?  
● “What should I underline in this problem?” 
● “What are some keywords that I can but a box around? 
● Ask: What are some strategies we can use? 
Number line  
Place Value Chart 
Addition Sentence 
-------------Independent work--------------- 
● Send students to their desk with their word problem packet 
● Circulate room and tell 2-3 students if you can share their work with the 
Pick one beautiful mistake 
Pick two correct answers that used different strategies 
● Bring class back together and discuss. 
CFU: What strategies did they use? How did they solve the problem? Why 
is this a beautiful mistake? What did they need to know/understand about 
the problem? Why? 

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