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25 mind-blowing ways society is about to completely change

Our society is changing so fast that in many cases most of us are unable to follow along and get easily confused by all the
violent, rapid transformations taking place that challenge us to change our way of doing and thinking about everyday
things. Many of these new ways and technologies are supposed to make our lives easier and our work more efficient, but
in some cases the results are exactly the opposite. One way or another the world will inevitably continue to morph and
with it we will have to change too. Here are 25 truly ambitious ideas about the decades ahead that promise to make the
twenty-first century more interesting than any other in human history.

There will be more cell phones than human beings
Silicon India reported last year that the number of active cell phones would reach 7.3 billion by 2014 and thus there would
be more cell phones than humans. The estimation came pretty close but as far as we know at the time of writing this list
cell phone totals are estimated to be about 6.9 billion. However, it’s a safe bet that by the end of 2015 the prediction will
be 100 percent correct. Keep in mind that according to the same source there are far more cell phones in India than

People will be fluent in every language
Well, the title of this one might be a little misleading but right now as you’re reading this article DARPA and Google are
racing to perfect instant translation. Sooner than most of us might think, your cell phone will allow you to “understand” and
“speak” Chinese and Greek without even knowing the language.

Privacy will be harder to maintain
Already, many women in the US are hiring private detectives to check up on their boyfriends, and getting the information is
becoming easier thanks to databanks packed with information about people’s personal finances, purchases, employment,
medical problems, and more. In the near future and with the evolution of social media, it will be a really hard mission for
someone to have secrets.

Our clothes will clean themselves
Engineers in China have developed a titanium dioxide coating that helps cotton shed stains and eliminate odor-producing
bacteria. So ten years from now when you want to clean your favorite T-shirt after a wild night of partying, all you will need
to do is step into the sun. Yeah . . . no more wasting time or tons of quarters at the Laundromat on top of all that expensive

There will be no more national debts
Simply put, there will come a point when across the globe the younger generations will no longer accept living under
tyranny and will refuse to pay the debt that the older generations created. Countries like Greece, Spain, and Italy were the
first to shed the sins of their “fathers” and the way things look at the moment this won’t have a happy ending for the banks.
To sum it up, the current and previous generations have been loading too much debt onto the next generations and these
young folks will just give them the middle finger at some point.

Airplanes of the future will be windowless
A British aerospace firm recently released images of its windowless plane concept in which display screens show the
environment outside the plane as well as films and video conferencing. As you can see the flying experience will be an
even more amazing one for those who love flying and a true nightmare for those who swallow a few Xanax before they
board a plane.

The USA won’t lead the world anymore . . .
Even nowadays the USA is not leading the world politically, technologically, and militarily and that’s not a secret anymore.
If we compare the current geopolitical scene with that of the ‘80s, ‘90s, and early ‘00s when America was the sole
superpower, especially after the collapse of the USSR, we will easily see that countries like China, Russia, Germany, and
Japan, are going head to head with the US in major fields such as science, technology, politics, and military power.
However, economically and culturally the US is still ahead of Europe and Asia mainly thanks to the film and other media
. . . China most likely will
According to American economists and analysts, by the early 2050s China will have a population three and a half times
bigger than that of the United States. The Chinese economy will be nearly two and a half times larger than the American,
and Chinese per capita production and consumption will be more than 70 percent of their US equivalents. To make a long
story short, China will be the undisputed economic and cultural driving force of the world and the US might not even be
second but third behind Russia.

Energy will cost way more than it does now
According to many experts the energy of the future will be about 30 percent more expensive than current fossil-based
energy, and the worst part is that we will use more energy to maintain our high-tech society, so we will need a lot more
energy, equivalent to tons of oil per person per year after the 2040s.

Cybersex will most likely become a global trend
Our current sexual freedom will be nothing compared to the one our descendants will experience thirty to forty years from
now. Cybersex, for example, will be one of the most profitable forms of our future sexual freedom and it’s very possible
that the younger generations won’t compete over who has the best smartphone but instead the best cybersex device.

Russia will become a global food superpower
When experts talk about the coming food security crisis, the date they fixate upon is 2030. By then, our population total will
be nudging 9 billion and we will need to be producing 50 percent more food than we are now. As climate change lays
waste to the productive fields of southern Europe, north Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, and most parts of the US,
more water-efficient strains of corn, wheat, and barley will be pressed into service; likewise, to the north, Russia will
become a global food superpower as the same climate change opens up the once frozen and massive Siberian prairie to
food production.

The world’s population will experience a dramatic growth
he current world population of 7.2 billion is projected to increase by 1 billion over the next twelve years and reach 9.6
billion by 2050, according to a United Nations report launched in 2013, which points out that growth will be mainly in
developing countries, with more than half of it in Africa. Nigeria will become the third most populous country behind India
and China.

Mass unemployment will be a worldwide problem
Today many developed countries are finding that a growing number of workers remain unemployed for years and don’t
know what to do about it. The constant technological evolution and the transformation of the once analog world to a digital
one means that many jobs once done by humans are now done by intelligent machines and the problem is expected to
become insurmountable as the years go by as we continue to be an AI-oriented world.

Soldiers will use exoskeletons to enhance battlefield performance
If you’re a fan of Ironman then you will get really excited to know that by 2040 there will be a bunch of soldiers (mainly
from the US and Russia) who will look just like your favorite superhero. We don’t know if this is exactly good news since
we really hate anything related to war, but modern technologies seem to favor and back up this project with passion.

Space travel will become as affordable as a round-the-world plane ticket
Within thirty years from now NASA and the European Space Agency promise to make space travel a reality for millions
around the world since it will cost as much as a round-the-world plane ticket costs today. Sorry to ruin it for you folks but
have any of you checked out how much a round-the-world plane ticket is? It really ain’t that cheap.

Contact lenses will offer us Robocop vision.
According to Popular Mechanics when miniaturization reaches its full potential, achieving superhuman eyesight will be as
simple as placing a soft lens on your eye. Early prototypes feature wireless LEDs. But circuits and antennas can also be
grafted onto flexible polymer, enabling zooming, night vision, and visible data fields. As you understand anti-doping testing
in sports like shooting and golf will have a new meaning.

A global culture will be forced on all the people
According to many thinkers and sociologists there’s a great danger that our continual anti-racism might transform into a
racist fascist social movement itself. A respectable amount of people who are self-defined as “anti-racist” are trying more
and more to force their views on others that the solution to prejudice, violence, and racism is one global culture, religion,
race, and so on. The question is, though, if all this were to happen wouldn’t the beauty of diversity disappear?
We will defeat the most fatal diseases of the 20th century
Medical and scientific circles guarantee us that in twenty or thirty years people will look back on the 1980s and 1990s and
say, “Wow, people really died from cancer and AIDS back then?” I know it might sound unbelievable to our generation but
wasn’t that the case with once-fatal diseases such as the plague (Black Death), syphilis, rabies, and cholera?

The economy in most parts of the world will be cash-free
Cash has been the “king” of trade and economy for many, many years but all this is about to change dramatically in the
next couple of decades. Why? Mainly for security reasons since many stores, governments, and banks have been tired of
being robbed by armed thieves and tax dodgers ripping them off repeatedly. In case you think that we’re being paranoid
about it, just keep in mind that FedEx has already not accepted cash at most of its air freight locations for at least a

The climate problem will finally start hurting us
We have been hearing for years now how Mother Nature will exact revenge for all the evil we have caused to the
environment since the Industrial Revolution, but in all honesty we haven’t seen any major effect yet in our lives. However,
all this will change drastically in the near future since the average global temperature will go from plus 0.8°C in 2012
(relative to preindustrial times) to plus 2.0°C in 2052, and a maximum of plus 2.8°C in 2080. Trust us when we say that
won’t be a pleasant shift at all.

Organ donation will be a thing of the past . . .
With the amazing benefits of cloning and the wide horizons it opens for the future most scientists agree that the mass
creation of human organs such as hearts, livers, and lungs is just a matter of time. This pretty much means that future
generations will look back at people who donate their organs today and think of them as heroes. Yep, the future
Bravehearts and King Leonidases will be today’s organ donators.

However, we will feel less healthy than today
Life expectancy is rising about three months each year, but in the future humans will feel more fragile than in the past and
less healthy, partly because of their lifestyle. Most jobs thirty years from now will mainly require that we use our minds
quite a bit more and a lot less physical movement in most professions that will require a human body. Conditions such as
obesity and depression will literally become the future’s plagues.

Chips will be implanted in our bodies
All right, this might sound like a scenario straight out of a sci-fi film but it is believed that by 2080 and mostly in high-tech
countries, a chip will be implanted in parts of our bodies that will serve as a combination of credit card, passport, driver’s
license, personal diary, and so on. Thus people will not have to worry about losing their credit cards while traveling and we
will all be part robot, well kind of. Cool . . . in a very sick way.

People will live much longer than they do now
Biologists assure us that the first person who will live over 150 years—and it will be historically recorded and not just a
myth—was born in 2014. How can they be so sure? They claim that there will be revolutionary inventions and
advancements related to human cells within the next fifteen to twenty years. Let’s hope it’s all true and not just hot air.
The world might not be a better place after all
Regardless of all the medical, scientific, technological, and biological advancements that will take place in the next few
decades, no one can guarantee us that our world will be less violent, less racist, less sexist, and thus a more humane or
better place to live. Morals, ethics, and mercy have nothing to do with social development. It’s all about human nature, isn’t

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