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Tittle: The Effect Of Audio-Visual And Visual Media As Educational Method In Improving The
Level Of Knowledge About Hiv/Aids On The Students At Smp Negeri 30 Makassar

Author :
 Name : Yusran Ady Fitrah
 NIM : C11111107
 Faculty : Faculty of Medicine
 University : Hasanuddin University
 Advisor Dr.dr. Sri Ramadhant, M.kes
 Institusional : Public Health
 Office address : Perintis Kemerdekaan st./081355690220/-
 Total Co-Author : 3 persons

 Name : Andi Ahwal Rauf

 NIM : C11110119

 Name : Iin Tammasse

 NIM : C11114043

 Name : Giordano Bandi Lolok

 NIM : C11114109

Makassar, 24 March 2016

Advisor, Author

Dr.dr.Sri Ramadhany, M.kes Yusran Ady Fitrah


Yusran Ady Fitrah1 , Ahwal Rauf1, , Iin Tammasse1, Giordano Bandi Lolok1
1Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University
Background: HIV / AIDS is a problem that threatens Indonesia and many countries
around the world. According to WHO, in 2013 there are around 35 million people
living with HIV/AIDS in worldwide. An increase of 17 percent compared to 2001,
there are around 29.8 million people with HIV/AIDS. Data shows that the number of
people living with HIV/AIDS continues to increase. Adolescence is a susceptible
group infected with HIV virus. Therefore, information and education toward this
group are very important. The knowledge of adolescence of HIV/AIDS will vary
depending on their environment. The better access to get the information can be
conducive in improving the knowledge of students about HIV/AIDS. The study
aimed to obtain information on the effect of audiovisual and visual media as
educational method in improving the level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS of students
at SMPN 30 Makassar.
Methodology: This study is a quasi-experimental method. The population in this
study were all students of SMPN 30 Makassar, with total sample of 292 students.
Result: The average mean score before is 22,26 and rose to 34,06 after the students
received the counseling with audiovisual media. The average mean of students before
received counseling with visual media of 21.55 and the score rose to 31.51 after
counseling. On average, the respondent knowledge with audiovisual media is 186.17
while the respondent of visual media is 114.83.
Conclusion:It can be concluded that, based on the statistic analysis, the audiovisual
media is more effective than visual media in improving the level of knowledge about
Keywords: Knowledge, adolescent, HIV / AIDS

HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a virus that attacks the human immune
system and then cause AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). AIDS is
defined as a collection of symptoms or diseases caused by decreased immunity due to
HIV infection. AIDS itself is the final stage of HIV.1
HIV / AIDS is a problem that threatens Indonesia and many countries around the
world. According to WHO data, in 2013 the worldwide there are 35 million people
living with HIV / AIDS. Compared with the 2001 sufferers around 29.8 million
people, an increase of 17 percent. Data from these states that the number of people
living with HIV / AIDS continues to peningkatan.2
In Indonesia, HIV AIDS was first discovered in the province of Bali in 1987. Until
now, HIV AIDS has spread in 386 districts / cities in all provinces in Indonesia.
Various prevention efforts already made by the government in collaboration with
various institutions in the country and outside negeri.3
HIV / AIDS is now on all segments of society, both high-risk groups and the general
public. Groups of people at high risk are injecting drug users (Injecting Drug Use),
the people who do promiscuity (sexual intercourse with mitraseksual) eg WPS
(female sex workers), from the WPS can be transmitted to its customers further
customers WPS they can pass on to his wife or partner. Men who have sex with each
other or male sex men (MSM) .Narapidana and street children, recipients of blood
transfusions, organ donor recipients and health care personnel are also becoming
vulnerable groups infected HIV.1
Given this adult AIDS disease was recorded as the biggest threat to the various
segments of society, especially the youth, then the light on adolescents and youth is
the main solution to combat the spread of this deadly disease among the youth. The
sooner a diagnosis of AIDS, the treatment process even sooner. In addition, the age of
the patient will become longer and the possibility of transmission of this deadly virus
can be prevented unto another. AIDS reduction and prevention could be achieved
through information, education and awareness sector mass publik.4
Adolescents and youth are particularly vulnerable groups infected with the HIV virus.
This is due to teenagers are very sensitive, especially when the age of consent,
indifferent and experience are low so easy to do dangerous things. Therefore,
information and education to this group is very penting.4
Healthy education would be more effective if it is supported by tools such as
educational media. Media education can represent what is less capable spoken by
informers, either through words or certain sentence, even abstractness material can be
concreted the presence of visual media and audio-visual media. One of concrete
media for health education materials is the audio-visual media aids (AVA) in the
form of impressions video.Video containing motion pictures and sound elements can
be delivered through the medium of video compact disc (VCD) .video and VCD can
be used as a medium for studying objects and the mechanism of action in a particular
topic. Information through the media leaflet is part of the visual medium of education
is an attempt to help individuals, groups or communities in improving the knowledge
(behavior) it to achieve health optimal.12
This research aims to determine the effect of educational method uses audiovisual
and visual media on the level of knowledge about HIV / AIDS at a junior high
student in one school in Makassar.


This research is a quasi experimental method, which is a method to obtain data from
the questionnaire level of knowledge of students about HIV / AIDS before and after
education at SMPN 30 Makassar.
This study was conducted in 30 SMP Negeri Makassar with research time is August
3, 2015 until August 15, 2015. The population in this study were all students of
SMPN 30 Makassar by the number 1080murid are still registered at the time of the
The data collected in this study is data where respondents are SMP Negeri 30
Makassar students who had been willing to be sampel. Data of each sample is
inserted into the excel program and then analyzed using SPSS. To Compared level of
knowledge before and after the educational use T test paired with alternative test
Wilcoxon signed rank test, while to compare the level of knowledge in the group
video and leaflets used unpaired t test with the alternative test Wilcoxon rank sum test
with a confidence level of p <0.05.

Table 1 Distribution of Respondents' Gender in SMP Negeri 30 Makassar 2015
N %
Man 128 42.67%
Woman 172 57.33%
Total 300 100%
Based on the results of a survey of 300 respondents teenage students SMPNegeri 30
Makassar, there are 128 men and 172 women who were willing to participate in the

Table 2 Age Distribution of Respondents in SMP Negeri 30 Makassar 2015

N %
13-14 years 198 66%
15-16 years 102 34%
Total 300 100%

Based on the results of a survey of 300 respondents teenage students SMPNegeri 30

Makassar, there were 198 people aged 13-14 years and 102 people aged 15-16 years
who are willing to participate in research.

Table 3 Distribution of Resources on HIV / AIDS that is accessible to respondents in

SMP Negeri 30 Makassar 2015
Information N %
≥2 244 81.33
1 56 18.67
0 0 0
Total 300 100%
Based on the results of a survey of 300 respondents adolescent students of SMP
Negeri 30 Makassar, there are 244 people who received> 2 resources and 56 people
who got the first source of information.

Table 4 Distribution of respondents in the pretest of Knowledge About HIV / AIDS

Knowledge Audiovisual Visual
Media Media

Total % Total %
Good 31 21 21 14
Less 119 79 129 86
150 100 150 100

The above table shows the group's knowledge audiovisual media and visual media
before given education a lot less knowledgeable about HIV / AIDS.

Table 5 Distribution of respondents in the posttest Knowledge About HIV / AIDS

Knowledge Audiovisual Visual
Media Media
Jumlah % Jumlah %
Good 146 97 145 96
Less 4 3 5 4
150 100 150 100

The above table shows the group's knowledge audiovisual media and visual media
after being given education a lot of good knowledge about HIV / AIDS.

Table 6 Test Results Change Knowledge Level of Respondents Group Media

Audiovisual Before and After Education
Average Z p Ket.
Pretest 22,26 - 0.000 Ho
Posttest 34,12 10.637 rejected

From the above table discovered that the average before the extension of 22.26 and
rose to 34.06 after the respondent receive counseling with audiovisual media. There
was an average of 11.86, so the statistical test results obtained Z = -10 673, p = 0.000.
the conclusion is no change in the level of knowledge of audiovisual media group
between before and after receiving counseling about HIV aids.

Table 7 Results of Testing Level Change Respondents Knowledge Visual Media

Group Before and After Education
Average Z P Ket.
Pre 21,55 - 0.000 Ho
visual 10.636 rejected
Post 31,51

Data from the above table known to the average before the extension of 21.55 and
rose to 31.51 after the respondent receive counseling with visual media. There was an
average of 9.96, so the statistical test results obtained Z = -10 636, p = 0.000. the
conclusion is no change in the level of knowledge of visual media group between
before and after receiving counseling about HIV aids.

Table 8 the difference in effectiveness between audiovisual media with visual media
in changing the level of knowledge
Average t-count P Ket.
Audiovisual 186.17 -7.169 0.000 Ho
Media rejected
Visual Media 114.83

Table 8 shows the average of respondents' knowledge with audiovisual media

amounted to 186.17 while the respondents visual media at 114.83. There is a
difference of 1.65 points, so that the statistical test obtained by value t count = 2.963,
p = 0.000. Statistically knowledge based on the results concluded that the use of
audiovisual media is more effective than visual media in changing the level of
knowledge about HIV / AIDS.

Characteristics of Respondents
Based on the research results many respondents age at age 13 and 14 years old. This
is due to the age of the respondents in that age a lot of class IX. Gender of
respondents by the research results of many women, but the gender of respondents is
more influenced by the way of sampling that is by quota sampling so that the
researchers did not assess a sample search based on gender.
Knowledge about HIV / AIDS
Based on the results of the study respondents in the pretest group audiovisual media,
known to most knowledge on the category of less than 79% and at most respondents
visual group in the category of less than 86%.

There were changes in the respondents 'knowledge after the respondent receives
education. The increase respondents' knowledge can be seen from increase average
knowledge value or category. before do counseling respondents audiovisual media
groups who have a good knowledge of as many as 31 respondents and increased to
146 respondents. The same thing happened to respondents using visual media that
previously there were 21 respondents with good knowledge to 145 respondents.

Increased knowledge of the respondents reflect increased knowledge influenced by

the media which help make it easier for respondents to recall the material provided.
Research Nurhidayat (2012) who were investigating the improvement of students'
knowledge about the hygiene of teeth and mouth using the media concluded that
indispensable media as a tool in improving the ability to remember the students such
as picture and sound so that the child more quickly understand the information given
on the media flip chart and in the form of power point.

Indications of increased knowledge of responder known after the event videos on

HIV / AIDS. Notoatmodjo (2007) stated that the video is an educational tool that
aims to convey the message of health by stimulating the senses of sight and hearing.

Their information with a model of motion can increase the willingness of respondents
to pay attention to what information is presented in the video show that it can
improve the knowledge of the respondent.

In the Leflet media group also increased the knowledge that is from 21:55 into
31.51.The increased knowledge of these respondents where respondents can read
over and over again so that it can speed up the memory of respondents on HIV /
AIDS. Results of Suiraoka & Supariasa (2012) says that the advantages of visual
media is that it can be stored longer, goals can adjust and learn independently, users
can see the contents when relaxed, a wider range of targets, can help other media, and
content can be reprinted.
Media Effectiveness Against Audiovisual and Media Visual Sciences and the
respondents' attitudes about HIV / AIDS
Based on the results of research knowledge change difference between respondents
who use audiovisual media and visual media showing the value obtained respondents
audiovisual media is greater than respondents with visual media. This reflects the
absorption of information more effectively by using the senses of vision and hearing
in a video than just using the sense of sight just in the form of leaflets. Sulastri
research results (2012) who were investigating the use of video media can increase
knowledge of the changes in the mother of young women in breast self-examination

In the visual media groups also note any changes knowledge. Any change
respondents' knowledge where respondents can read many times. The main easily
understood knowledge to make the change. But compared with the video media in the
results of this study which was less effective with a limited image capable served in
the leaflet and no visualization of the motion to make the respondents who use leaflet
has a value below of respondents with video media.

Sulistyorini (2010) say that at least knowledge using leaflets media because it can not
provide in-depth information about a case and can only be used by people who have
the sense of sight is normal and healthy. This proven effectiveness research entitled
Methods Lectures and Leaflets In Knowledge Improvement Teens About Sex Free in
SMA Ngrayun with the results of the posttest average lecture method is higher by
2.08 compared with 1.40 for the method leaflet.

Another study showed that Khumaidah (2011) titled The Effectiveness of Using the
Media Teaching Method Discussion Leaflet type in Improving Learning Outcomes
Subject Matter Biology Human Digestive System in Class XI SMA Sultan Fatah
Wedung Demak. Based on these results it can be concluded that the use of methods
of discussion with media types of leaflets effective teaching to improve learning
outcomes biology subject matter in the human digestive system in class XI SMA
Sultan Fatah Wedung Demak.

Based on the results of research and discussion dipaparan can be concluded that the
audiovisual media is more effective than visual media in changing the level of
knowledge about HIV / AIDS.
To health workers for more health education to the community involving adolescents
with greater frequency to the Institution.and also educational institution as a health
educator and resource for people who have or have suffered from HIV / AIDS. So
that can develop a broader knowledge and in-depth study HIV / AIDS.

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