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GFP can also indicate the presence of viruses and microorganisms. In molecular biology research, the
labeling of viral proteins makes GFP a useful transfection marker. Since GFP labels living cells, the
labeling of microorganisms may be particularly important in studying interactions between and within
populations, e.g., symbiosis and host–parasite interactions. GFP can also be used to monitor infectious
processes in plants and animals.

tracking target movements from one cellular compartment to another in live or fixed cells

Sometimes these fusion constructs are used to analyze a protein or promoter of interest.

Sometimes these fusion constructs are used to analyze a protein or promoter of interest. At other times
these fusions mark cells or cellular compartments so that biological phenomena can be examined or
manipulated., peroxisomes, and synaptic endings. Once organisms have been labeled, they.

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has become a valuable tool in biotechnology because it has unparalleled effectiveness as a real-time marker of
promoter activity and gene expression in vivo (1,2). The potential applications for GFP are diverse; they include tracking important transgenes
and monitoring their potential effect on the environment (3) and replacing the use of conventional antibiotic resistance markers in recovering
transgenic plants while still providing an effective selection tool (4–6). Public debate continues concerning the safety of geneticall

Why use this?

-easy to detect it fluorescent ‘s green under the uv light

-small protein so it less likely to hinder the protein of interest actual function

-without the additional of chemical example corian

-it only need oxygen

-not a photo toxic allowed development of live cell

As a reported gene

which indicates whether a certain gen is being expressed in a cell or organism population

-cells or cellular compartments like Nuclei, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria have
all been labeled using GFP so that biological phenomena can be examined or manipulated - can be
subjected to various conditions or they can be mutated to obtain mutants with altered or absent
-For example, we have used GFP-labeled neurons in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as the basis
of a screen for mutations that alter cell fate, cell migration, or neuronal outgrowth.
- cell division in root

Fluorescence microscopy

-use in gel electrophoresis to see the movement of DNA fragment

To studied understanding biological systems

More clearly to see the structure

-gen expression

To tracking and monitor the activity process in plant and animals


-to fight the feline immunodeficiciency virus(FIV) or hiv in humen

Inserting gpf in feline eggs to resist fiv in order marker the cell

-examine how to resistant gene develop with the cat

To detect the pollutions

_using the glowing zebra fish –

Is patented brand of genectically modified fluorescence zebrafish with bright red , graan and orange fluorescent colours though it was originally creuted to
show the presence of toxic in water

Fluorescent bright in natural white and uv light

-detect polluction by glowing in presence of toxic

As a pet by insert the gfp

Glowing fish

Bioluminescent coral sea anemone

Real time protein and activity

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