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Prepared by: Bekir Bediz Solution:

Room: B-175 Phone: 210 5256
E-mail: Date: 07.11.2008 Stress concentrations should be considered for machine elements made
of brittle materials. Here the neck is critical for this reason.
“ STATIC DESIGN CRITERIA ” Fx = 500(cos 45D ) = 354 N
Fz = 600 + 500(cos 45D ) = 954 N
Question 1: A cast iron (brittle) structure is loaded as shown in the M x = 500(cos 45D )(0.2) − 600(0.2)
figure. The material is ASTM grade 40 and its tensile ultimate strength
and the compressive ultimate strength are Sut=293 MPa, Suc=965 MPa M x = −49.3 Nm
respectively. Find the safety factor using the following brittle failure M y = (600 + 500(cos 45D ))(0.2)
theories, Brittle-Coulomb-Mohr (internal friction) and Modified Mohr.
+ 500 sin( 45D )(0.5) = 367.5 Nm
T = 500(sin 45 D )(0.2) = 70.7 Nm

The maximum bending moment:

M = M x + M y = (−49.3) 2 + (367.5) 2 = 370.8 Nm
2 2

⎛M ⎞ ⎛ − 49.3 ⎞
θ = tan −1 ⎜ x ⎟ = tan −1 ⎜ ⎟ = −7.6
⎜M ⎟ ⎝ 367 .5 ⎠
⎝ y⎠
The transverse shear due to Fx at points A and B is negligible since they
are closer to x axis (recall transverse shear due to Fx is zero at outer and
inner fiber on x axis).

Certain fillets, notches, holes and grooves on the machine component

should be checked as critical sections because the stress concentrates
around these sections.

D 50 r 5
For = = 1.66 and = = 0.166 (From textbook )
d 30 d 30

K t .axial = 1.7 K ts.torsion = 1.28 K t .bending = 1.48

METU – ME 307 Machine Elements I – Fall 2008

At point A:
Stresses at the maximum tension (point A) and compression (point B)
204.1 + 0 ⎛ 204.1 − 0 ⎞

points on the critical section respectively; σ1,3 = ± ⎜ ⎟ + 17.07


2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
Mc F σ1 = 205.96 MPa σ 2 = 0 MPa σ 3 = −1.85 MPa
σ A = K t .bending − K t .axial z 2 (tension + compression)
πd 4
64 4 At point B:
Mc F
σ B = −K t .bending − K t .axial z 2 (compression + compression) − 209.9 + 0 ⎛ − 209.9 − 0 ⎞

πd 4
πd σ1,3 = ± ⎜ ⎟ + 17.07

2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
64 4
Tc σ1 = 1.38 MPa σ 2 = 0 MPa σ 3 = −211.28 MPa
τ o = K ts.torsion (for all points)
πd 4

At point A:
(370.8)10 5 (15) 1200
σ A = (1.48) − (1.7) = 204.1 MPa
π(30 )
π(30 2 )
64 4
At point B:
(370.8)10 5 (15) 1200
σ B = −(1.48) − (1.7) = −209.9 MPa
π(30 )
π(30 2 )
64 4
Shear Stress:
(70.7)10 3 (15)
τ o = (1.28) = 17.07 MPa
π(30 4 )
Recall in 2D stress analysis:

σx + σy ⎛ σx − σy

σ1,3 = ± ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + τ xy 2
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
METU – ME 307 Machine Elements I – Fall 2008
Brittle-Coulomb-Mohr Theory: S S S1 S3
σA σB 1 For point B: n = 1 = 3 =
− = 0 < σ A < S ut − S uc < σ B < 0 σ1 σ 3 1.38 211.28
S ut S uc n
205.96 − 1.85 1 Using similarity of triangles ABC and ADF, the following can be
For point A: − = ⇒ n = 1.42 written:
293 965 n
1.38 − 211.28 1
For point B: − = ⇒ n = 4.48 S ut S uc − S ut 293 965 − 293
293 965 n = ⇒ =
S1 S uc − S 3 S1 965 − S 3

Modified-Mohr Theory:
Solving these equations:
σ A = ut 0 ≤ σ A ≤ S ut − S ut ≤ σ B ≤ S ut
n S1 = 6.2 MPa S3 = 950.7 MPa (= −950.7 MPa )
S ut 293
For point A: n= = = 1.42
σ1 (205.96) n=
6 .2
⇒ n = 4.49
σ1 1.38

S3 950.7
n= = ⇒ n = 4.49
σ 3 211.28

Question 2:

Figure shows a crank loaded by forces F1 = 1000 N and F2 = 1500 N.

As a result twisting and bending moments will occur in the 18 mm
diameter shaft. A cast iron (brittle) structure is used for the shaft AB.
The material is ASTM grade 40 and its tensile ultimate strength and the
compressive ultimate strength are Sut=293 MPa, Suc=965 MPa
respectively. Find the safety factor using the following brittle failure
theories: Brittle Coulomb-Mohr Theory (internal friction) and Modified
Mohr Theory.

METU – ME 307 Machine Elements I – Fall 2008

The bending and torsion created at section A is,
M = F1.(120 + 24).10−3 = 72 Nm
24 mm F2 = −1000 N
F1 T = 500.(0.096) = 48 Nm
3 mm R 3 mm D Hole
30 mm The transverse shear due to F1 at points A1 and A2 is negligible since
27 mm D C 12 mm D they are closer to x axis(recall transverse shear due to F1 is zero at outer
A and inner fibers on the y-axis)
6 mm
B For
D 27
r 3
= 1.5 and = = 0.167 , the stress concentration factors
d 18 d 18
z F2
100 mm 96 mm K t ,bending = 1.5
x K ts ,torsion = 1.3
120 mm
K t ,axial = 1.6
18 mm D
Thus stresses at point A can be calculated as;
Solution: There are two critical parts for the shaft AB. The first one is
section passing through point A where the bending moment is M bending .c F2
maximum and the second one is at the section where there is stress σ A = K t ,bending . 4
− K t ,axial = 182.3MPa(tension + compression)
d d2
concentration area due to the 3mm hole. Thus, π π
x 64 4
a) Section A z M bending .c F
σ A2 = − K t ,bending . 4
+ K t ,axial 2 2 = −194.9 MPa (compression + compression)
F2 d d
π π
T 64 4
A2 M A1 y
F1 T .c
τ = Kts ,torsion . = 54.5MPa

S e c t io n a t p o in t A

METU – ME 307 Machine Elements I – Fall 2008

Hence, the principal stresses can be found as, 197.4 −14 1
For point A1: − = ⇒ n = 1.45
293 965 n
σx +σ y ⎛ σ x −σ y ⎞
14.2 −209.1 1
σ 1,3 = For point A2: − = ⇒ n = 3.77
± ⎜ ⎟ +τ
293 965 n
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠

a.1) At point A1 Modified-Mohr Theory:

σ 1 = 197.4MPa S ut
σ2 = 0 σA = 0 ≤ σ A ≤ S ut − S ut ≤ σ B ≤ S ut
σ 3 = −15MPa
σ3 σ3
a.2) At point A2 197.4 Sut σ1 14.2 Sut σ1
-14 S1
σ 1 = 14.2MPa
σ2 = 0
σ 3 = −209.1MPa
-Sut -Sut
Brittle-Coulomb-Mohr Theory:
σA σB 1
− = 0 < σ A < S ut − S uc < σ B < 0
S ut S uc n S3
14.2 197.4 Sut σ1
Suc Suc
Point A1 Point A2

-209.1 Sut
For point A1: n= =
= 1.48
σ 1 197.4
S S S1 S
Suc For point A2: n= 1 = 3 = 3
σ1 σ 3 14.2 209.1

METU – ME 307 Machine Elements I – Fall 2008

The bending and torsion created at section A is,
Using similarity of triangles, the following can be written:
M = F1.(20 + 24).10−3 = 22 Nm
S ut S uc − S ut 293 965 − 293 F2 = −1000 N
= ⇒ =
S1 S uc − S 3 S1 965 − S3
T = F1.(0.096) = 48 Nm

d 3 d 3
Solving these equations: For = = 0.167 and = = 0.167 , the stress concentration
D 18 w 18
S1 = 56.7 MPa S3 = 835 MPa (= −835 MPa) factors are,

S1 56.7 K t ,bending = 3.1 (In order to be on the safe side the larger value is taken)
n= = ⇒ n = 3.99 K ts ,torsion = 2.1
σ1 14.2
K t ,axial = 2.55 (Can be obtained from other sources or be taken roughly
S3 835 for bar in tension or simple compression with transverse hole)
n= = ⇒ n = 3.99
σ 3 209.1
Thus stresses at point D can be calculated as;
b) Section D x
M bending .c F2
z σ H = Kt ,bending . 4
− Kt ,axial= 70.7MPa(tension + compression)
D D2
π π
64 4
M .c F
T σ H2 = −Kt ,bending . bending4 + Kt ,axial 2 2 = −90.7MPa(compression + compression)
H2 M y π π
F1 H1 64 4
τ = Kts,torsion . 3 = 151.4MPa
π D d.D2

16 6
Hence, the principal stresses can be found as,

σx +σ y ⎛ σ x −σ y ⎞
Section at point D
σ 1,3 = ± ⎜ ⎟ +τ

2 ⎝ 2 ⎠

METU – ME 307 Machine Elements I – Fall 2008

190.8 −120.1 1
b.1) At point H1
For point H1: − = ⇒ n = 1.29
293 965 n
112.7 −203.4 1
σ 1 = 190.8MPa For point H2: − = ⇒ n = 1.68
293 965 n
σ2 = 0
σ 3 = −120.1MPa
Modified-Mohr Theory:
b.2) At point H2
S ut
σA = 0 ≤ σ A ≤ S ut − S ut ≤ σ B ≤ S ut
σ 1 = 112.7 MPa n
σ2 = 0
σ3 σ3
σ 3 = −203.4 MPa 190.8 Sut σ1 112.7 S1 Sut σ1

Brittle-Coulomb-Mohr Theory:
σA σB 1
− = 0 < σ A < S ut − S uc < σ B < 0
S ut S uc n -203.4
-Sut -Sut
σ3 S3
112.7 Sut σ1
Suc Suc
Point H1 Point H2

For point H1: n= =
= 1.54
σ 1 190.8
S S S1 S3
Suc For point H2: n= 1 = 3 =
σ1 σ 3 112.7 203.4

METU – ME 307 Machine Elements I – Fall 2008


Using similarity of triangles, the following can be written:

S ut S uc − S ut 293 965 − 293

= ⇒ =
S1 S uc − S 3 S1 965 − S 3

Solving these equations:

S1 = 235.5 MPa S3 = 425 MPa (= −425 MPa )

S1 235.5
n= = ⇒ n = 2.09
σ1 112.7

S3 425
n= = ⇒ n = 2.09
σ3 203.4

METU – ME 307 Machine Elements I – Fall 2008

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