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Inflammatory Mediator Response as a

Potential Risk Marker for Periodontal
Diseases in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
Mellitus Patients
Giovanni E. Salvi,*' Behnaz Yaida* John G. Collins* Bettye H. Jones* Franees
W. Smith,* Roland R. Arnold,* and Steven Offenbacher*

The gingival crevicular fluid (GGF) and monocytic secretion of Prostaglandin E2

(PGE2) and interleukin lß (IL-lß) were measured in a group of 39 insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus (IDDM) patients and 64 systemically healthy individuals. Diabetics
were divided into Group A (gingivitis or mild periodontal disease) and Group (mod-
erate or severe periodontal disease). Diabetics had significantly higher GCF levels of
both PGE2 and IL-lß as compared to non-diabetic controls who were matched with
regard to periodontal disease severity (P < 0.00001 and 0.0005, respectively).

Within the diabetic population, the GCF levels of these inflammatory mediators were
almost 2-fold higher in Group as compared to Group A (P 0.01, =

respectively for GCF-PGE2 and IL-lß). Furthermore, diabetics as a group had a sig-

nificantly higher monocytic PGE2 and IL-lß production in response to various con-
centrations of both Escherichia coli and Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide
(LPS) as compared to non-diabetic patients with adult Periodontitis ( 0.0001). LPS

dose-response curves demonstrated that monocytes from Group diabetics produced

approximately 3 times more PGE2 than Group A monocytes; however, there was no
significant difference in monocytic IL-lß secretion within the IDDM patients. The
levels of GCF or monocytic mediators did not correlate with age, race, or glycosylated
hemoglobin (HbA,c) levels. Our data suggest that the high GCF and monocytic se-
cretion of PGE2 and IL-lß in IDDM patients may be a consequence of a systemic
response trait and that the presence of Gram-negative infections such as periodontal
diseases may interact synergistically to yield high local levels of these mediators and
a more severe periodontal condition. J Periodontol 1997;68:127-135.

Key Words: Gingival crevicular fluid/analysis; diabetes mellitus; Prostaglandin E2;

interleukin lß.

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is generally ceptible to severe periodontal disease due to metabolic
associated with an increased risk for bacterial infections and host response imbalances that result in impaired
including oral infections such as periodontal diseases.1-2 wound healing, microangiopathy, and diminished salivary
Periodontal diseases are widespread anaerobic Gram-neg- flow.6-8 More recently, defects in neutrophil Chemotaxis,
ative infections that lead to the destruction of the bone phagocytosis, and bacterial killing which have been re-
and connective tissues supporting the teeth.3 Epidemio- ported in diabetics910 have been cited as possible mech-
logie studies by Haber et al.4 and Grossi et al.5 have un- anisms for the increased severity of periodontal disease
equivocally established diabetes as a risk factor for Per- associated with IDDM. Neutrophils serve an important
iodontitis with an attributable risk odds ratio of 2.1 to 3.0. protective function in the periodontium and defects in
Traditionally, diabetics have been considered more sus- neutrophil function dramatically increase the risk for se-
vere and early-onset forms of Periodontitis.1112
Recent reviews13"15 have provided additional insights
*University of North Carolina, Dental Research Center, Department of
Periodontics, Chapel Hill, NC. into the pathophysiological consequences of chronic hy-
'University of Berne, School of Dental Medicine, Berne, Switzerland. perglycemia. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
J Periodontol

arenon-enzymatically glycated proteins and lipids which as markers of periodontal disease severity and can reflect
can form spontaneously in healthy individuals. However, periodontal disease activity.3031 Hypothetically, the pres-
a chronically elevated glucose level leads to accelerated ence of the M0+ trait in an IDDM patient may result in
AGE formation and accumulation, especially in vessel excessively elevated GCF levels of PGE2 and IL-lß and
walls. Both monocytes and endothelial cells possess spe- increased disease severity. To test this hypothesis we ex-
cific receptors for AGEs called RAGEs16 which upon ac- amined the levels of crevicular fluid inflammatory me-
tivation upregulate cytokine expression and induce oxi- diators and the monocytic secretion of these mediators to
dative stress.17 This would lead to an enhanced inflam- identify potential phenotypic patterns for Periodontitis
matory responsiveness trait and may therefore be a pos- susceptibility within a group of IDDM patients with and
sible candidate mechanism to explain why diabetics have without severe periodontal disease. IDDM patients, with
a more severe expression of periodontal disease. or without severe Periodontitis, have been matched on the
Another potential complication of hyperglycemia re- basis of glycosylated hemoglobin levels to control for the
sults from the glycation of collagen.1819 This may lead to effect of metabolic abnormalities on the expression of
an increased thickness of the basement membrane due to periodontal disease severity. Both gingival crevicular flu-
the glycation of type IV collagen and resultant poor per- id levels and monocytic secretion of PGE2 and IL-lß are
fusion enhancing oxidative stress and reducing metabolic elevated 2- to 3-fold in diabetics, relative to non-diabetic
waste removal within the tissues. Glycation of the con- Periodontitis controls. Thus, our data suggest that diabetic
stitutive type I collagen in gingiva, periodontal ligament, patients have exaggerated inflammatory responses as
and bone also results in increased collagen cross-linking compared to systemically healthy individuals. Further-
which serves to reduce solubility and metabolic turnover. more, within the diabetic population, severe Periodontitis
Thus, diabetes-associated alterations in connective tissue was associated with a 2-fold increase in these inflamma-
metabolism may contribute to the severity of periodontal tory mediator responses, as compared to the HbA,c
disease expression.20 matched patients without severe periodontal disease.
An altered monocyte cytokine secretory phenotype has
been suggested to be common in IDDM patients.21 Mono- MATERIALS AND METHODS
cytes isolated from certain diabetic patients have been
reported to express an exaggerated inflammatory response Patient Selection and Clinical Assessment
to a given bacterial challenge, as evidenced by the ex- Patients were volunteers selected from the School of Den-
cessive production of inflammatory mediators such as tistry and Memorial Hospitals and associated clinics from
PGE2, IL-lß, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. All di-
response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS).22-24 This monocytic abetic patients were insulin-dependent. Patients were ex-
2- to 3-fold increase in mediator secretion as a response cluded if they had a history of antibiotic therapy within
to Gram-negative LPS (a M0+ trait) has been suggested the preceding 6 months or non-steroidal anti-inflamma-
to be regulated by genes in the HLA-DR region.24 The tory drug therapy within the preceding 3 months. Patients
extensive polymorphism in the HLA-D region results in with other systemic conditions which are known to mod-
genetically distinct interindividual differences in antigen- ify periodontal disease expression, such as pregnancy or
Crohn 's disease, were excluded. The blood values of gly-
specific immune responsiveness and in cytokine re-
sponses,25 which has been suggested to lead to differential cosylated hemoglobin were obtained from the diabetolo-
susceptibility to autoimmune disorders including rheu- gist within 3 months of the clinical examination and sam-
matoid arthritis and IDDM. The diabetic susceptibility ple collection. Unfortunately, information regarding onset
genes are currently believed to map in or around the HLA- and duration of diabetes mellitus was not obtained. Thir-
DR3I4 and, more recently, the HLA-DQ region.26-27 These ty-nine IDDM patients participated in the study; 43 non-
associations lead to the suggestion that the LPS and im- diabetic patients with various degrees of adult Periodon-
mune response genes in the HLA-DR region that control titis and 21 periodontally healthy individuals served as
monocyte inflammatory responses to bacterial challenge controls. Informed consent was obtained from all sub-
may be linked to diabetes susceptibility genes. Logically, jects. All 103 patients received a full-mouth periodontal
one might expect that IDDM patients with periodontal examination including assessment of bleeding on probing
disease may have a more severe disease expression, if the (BOP) and probing depth. Clinical attachment level
M0+ trait is present. For example, genetic polymorphisms (CAL) measurements using the cemento-enamel junction
associated with TNF-a hypersécrétion have been dem- (CEJ) as a reference point were obtained for Periodontitis
onstrated to predispose children affected with cerebral patients. Probing measurements were performed at 6 sites
malaria to lethal outcomes28 and to increase morbidity in per tooth using a computer-interfaced controlled force (25
patients affected with mucocutaneous leishmaniasis.29 g) probe.* Bleeding on probing was expressed as the per-
There is growing evidence that increased levels of
PGE2 and IL-lß in the gingival crevicular fluid can serve *Florida Probe Corporation, Gainesville, FL.
Volume 68

cent of sites which bled after probing. Probing depth and with PBS. Adherent monocytes were removed with
clinical attachment level measurements were expressed as 0.01M EDTA-PBS, pH 7.4 at 4°C, and replated at 108
mean mm per site averaging all sites (6/tooth) over all cells/ml. Aliquots of supplemented RPMI containing var-
teeth. ious concentrations of Porphyromonas gingivalis A 7436
(P. gingivalis) LPS (0, 0.003, 0.03, 0.3, and 3.0 pg/ml)
Measurement of Gingival Crevicular Fluid, PGE2, or Escherichia coli LPS (0, 0.03, 0.3, 3.0 µg/ml) were
and IL-lß Levels added to each culture well. After overnight stimulation
Crevicular fluid samples were collected from all patients (12 to 18 hours), the supernatants were collected and fro-
using paper strips8 at 8 sites per patient, two in each quad- zen at 80°C until analysis. Representative cell cultures
rant. The interdental areas between the two most posterior

were assayed for total DNA content of remaining adher-

teeth in each quadrant were selected for sampling. GCF ent cells using the fluorescent DAPI technique described
collection and determination of GCF-PGE2 concentrations by Brunk et al.33 There were no significant differences in
were performed by radioimmunoassay as described pre- cell number or final plating density among patient groups
viously.32 GCF strips were placed at the entrance of the or culturing conditions (CV 12 to 15%). For this rea-

pocket until visibly moistened. The volume of each paper son, mediator levels are expressed as final concentrations
strip was determined using a calibrated Periotron 6000.11 within the culture media.
Each strip was eluted and independently analyzed for
PGE2 or IL-lß and. expressed as a GCF concentration. LPS Preparation
P. gingivalis LPS was isolated using a hot phenol/water
IL-lß levels in GCF were determined by enzyme extraction method followed by CsCl isopycnic density
linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) as per manufac-
turer's instructions.11 The amount of IL-lß was determined gradient centrifugation using methods described by Kas-
by interpolation from standard curve plotting log IL-lß per.34 Briefly, bacteria grown in Schaedler's broth for 48
versus cumulative normal proportion bound. As with the
hours were washed and resuspended in PBS (approxi-
PGE2 determinations, the mean GCF-IL-lß concentration mately 2 ml in 15 ml Pyrex centrifuge tubes). The sus-
for each patient represents the average of 4 sites. pension was heated to 68°C in a water bath and an equal
volume of 90% aqueous solution of phenol added. This
Monocyte Isolation and Culturing suspension was vortexed every 2 to 3 minutes for 15 min-
utes replacing the suspension in the 68°C water bath be-
Peripheral blood monocytes were isolated, cultured and
stimulated with LPS using methods described by M0lvig tween mixings. After the last mixing, the phenol-water
et al.25 Approximately 40 ml of whole blood was obtained suspension was chilled on ice, then centrifuged at 4°C at
from each patient by standard venipuncture in heparinized 1,000 X g for 10 minutes to separate the phenol and water
tubes. Peripheral blood monocytes were isolated from a phases. The aqueous phase containing the LPS was care-
single donor by layering one ml of cold Ficoll-hypaque* fully transferred to another tube. The extraction procedure
was repeated 2 more times and the aqueous phase from
polysucrose (5.7 g/dl) and sodium diatrizoate (9.0 g/dl)
onto 3 ml of resolving media 8% (w/v) Ficoll 400, 5.65% each extraction pooled and dialyzed against distilled wa-
(w/v) sodium diatrizoate and 11.3% (w/v) meglumine dia- ter to remove the phenol. The extracted LPS and capsule
trizoate** in 15 ml centrifuge tubes. Five ml of whole material were further purified on CsCl isopycnic density
blood was gently layered over the Ficoll-hypaque** and gradients. CsCl (2.8 g) was added to 4.8 ml aqueous sam-
centrifuged at 300 X g for 30 minutes. Platelets and ples containing LPS. Gradients were established by ultra-
mononuclear cells were collected with a sterile Pasteur centrifugation (20,000 X g at 4°C for 48 hours). Fractions
pipette and washed twice with PBS by centrifugation at (200 µ each) were collected from the bottom of the gra-
300 X g for 10 minutes to remove non-adherent platelets. dient and the density of each fraction determined by re-
The cell pellet was resuspended at a final concentration fractive index. The LPS containing fractions were iden-
of 10 X 106 cells/ml in RPMI 1640 supplemented with tified by the limulus amoebocyte lysate reaction. Hot phe-
10% pooled AB serum** and 1% penicillin/streptomycin. nol/water extracted E. coli LPS was purchased** and add-
ed directly to media to final concentrations without further
Monocytes were allowed to adhere to 24-well culture
plates (0.5 ml/well) for 2 to 3 hours at 37°C and 5% C02. purification.
Non-adherent cells were removed with 2 gentle washings Measurement of Monocytic Secretion of PGE2 and
§Periotron ProFlow, Inc., Amityville, NY. PGE2 concentrations in cell supernatants were assayed as
"Periopaper, ProFlow, Inc. described previously by radioimmunoassay32 following
'Cistron Biotechnology, Pinebrook, NJ.
Histopaque 1077, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO. purification by organic solvent extraction and reverse
**Mono-poly Resolving Media, Flow Labs, Irvine, CA. phase preparative chromatography.§§ IL-lß concentrations
'Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO.
«Serotype 0127:B8, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO. 5§Sep-pak, Millipore Corp., Milford, MA.
J Periodontol

Table 1A. Characteristics of the Systemically Healthy Subjects Table IB. Characteristics of Diabetic Patient Population (Diabetics
(Patients are divided based upon the severity of their periodontal are divided based upon the severity of their periodontal disease.
disease. Periodontally healthy subjects display no clinical or radio- Group A represents individuals with gingivitis or early Periodontitis;
graphic evidence of periodontal disease. AAP Type I and II group Group includes diabetics with moderate to severe periodontal dis-
represents individuals with gingivitis or early Periodontitis; AAP ease.) .

Type III and IV group includes patients with moderate to severe

periodontal disease. The normal HbAlc level for systemically healthy Group A Group
subjects ranges from 5.0 to 7.5%.) (AAP Type (AAP Type
III) III-IV) Total
AAP Case Type 10 29 39
III III-IV Age (mean ± SEM) 37.7 ± 5.2 52.6 ± 2.6 48.8 ± 2.5
Age (range) 22-75 35-81 22-81
21 22 21
20.4 ± 0.05 50.2 ± 4.3 HbAIC
Age (mean ± SEM) 34.4 ± 4.5
(mean ± SEM) 9.92 ± 1.0 10.69 ± 0.36 10.49 ± 0.37
Age (range) 20-21 23-67 33-73 Caucasian/African-
Caucasian/African- 16/13 23/16
American 7/3
American 21/0 16/6 12/9 Female/male 8/2 17/12 25/14
Female/male 12/9 18/4 7/14
Probing depths
Probing depth (mean ± SEM) 2.71 ±0.11 3.33 ±0.11 3.17 ± 0.09
(mean ± SEM) 2.53 ± 0.14 3.31 ± 0.21
(mean ± SEM) 2.58 ± 0.10 4.27 ± 0.20 3.83 ± 0.19
% sites BOP 21.9 33.2 30.3 ± 2.95
in supernatants were determined by ELISA using rhlL-
lß as standard.1111 PGE2 and IL-lß concentrations in mono-
cyte supernatants were assayed in duplicate at each LPS A patients were diagnosed as having gingivitis and early
concentration. periodontal disease (AAP classification types I and II).
Group patients had moderate to severe periodontal dis-
Data Analysis ease (AAP classification types III and IV). AAP types I
Gingival crevicular fluid mediator levels were pooled to and II as well as types III and IV were pooled to form
form a patient mean and monocyte mediator values groups A and respectively, since the differences in the
pooled at each LPS concentration for each patient. Patient GCF-PGE2 and GCF-IL-lß levels between types I and II
values were pooled to form group means using a pooled and between types III and IV were very small and not
estimate of standard error correcting for non-equal vari- statistically significant. The mean age of the entire IDDM
ance. Differences in group means were tested using Mann
population was 48.8 years; however, the mean age of
Whitney U test or non-paired r-test for GCF mediator Group patients was significantly greater than that of
levels, mean age, HbAlc levels, and the clinical measure- Group A patients (52.6 ± 2.6 vs. 37.7 ± 5.2 years) at
ments. An alpha level of less than 0.05 was considered =
0.01. This is not surprising since the positive relation-
statistically significant. In all instances, the patient was ship between increasing severity of periodontal disease
the unit of observation, not the number of sites. Differ- and age is well established. However, age was not sig-
ences between groups in proportion to race or gender
nificantly associated with any of the other outcome vari-
were determined using the Fisher exact test. Differences ables. There were more Caucasians and more females in
in dose-response curves were determined using repeated this sample IDDM population. However, this difference
measures 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). If sig- in proportions is not statistically different between groups
nificant dose or group effects were seen by repeated mea- (Fisher exact test). Comparing mild periodontal disease
sures ANOVA, then non-paired i-test or the Mann Whit- to more severe forms, Group A to Group patients, there
ney U test was used to test for differences among groups is no significant difference in the mean HbA,c between
at specific doses. Since age was significantly different be- the 2 groups. As can be seen, most patients had relatively
tween diabetics and non-diabetics, we used age-adjusted high HbA,c levels, reflecting moderate to poor control.
mediator levels for statistical testing. Gender or race ad- Comparing Group A to Group B, there is no significant
justments were not performed since these were quite sim- difference in mean percent of sites which exhibit bleeding
ilar between comparison groups. on probing. As expected, there is a significant difference

(P < 0.05) in the clinical attachment level and probing

RESULTS depths between the 2 groups, with those in the severe
Tables 1A and IB summarize the biographical data as Periodontitis group having more attachment loss.
well as the periodontal disease status of the 64 systemi-
cally healthy control subjects and the 39 diabetic patients, GCF Mediators
respectively. Diabetics were divided into two groups (A The PGE2 and IL-lß levels present within the GCF
and B) on the basis of periodontal disease severity. Group are shown in Table 2. Patients are grouped into 5 cate-

gories based upon systemic and periodontal health. Non-

"Cistron Biotechnology, Pinebrook, NJ. diabetic patients free of periodontal disease have the low-
Volume 68

Table 2. GCF-PGE2 and IL-lß Levels Compared Between Non-Diabetic and IDDM Patients (Dia-
betics have significantly higher levels of both mediators relative to non-diabetics. Within the diabetic
group, there are significantly higher levels of GCF-IL-lß in Group patients compared to Group A.
Non-diabetics with periodontal disease also had significantly higher GCF-PGE2 and IL-lß levels com-
pared to periodontally healthy non-diabetics.)
Periodontal Mean GCF-PGE, Mean GCF-IL-lß
Diagnosis ng/ml ng/ml
Systemically healthy
Health 21 20.5 ± 7.6 16.5 ± 9.3
I/II (gingivitis/mild Periodontitis) 22 43.3 ± 8.1 114.3 ±49.3
III/IV (moderate/severe Periodontitis) 21 42.9 ± 11.9 261.2 ± 70.9
Total I-IV Periodontitis patients 43 43.1 ± 7.05 186.0 ± 43.8
I/II (Group A) gingivitis/mild Periodontitis) 9 183.2 ± 76.0 451.2 ± 57.8
III/IV (Group B) (moderate/severe Periodontitis) 25 319.1 ± 62.2 788.0 ± 85.8
Total I-IV Periodontitis patients 34 283.2 ± 9.7 698.9 ± 68.5

400 •IDDM Group A (AAP Type l-ll)

est GCF-PGE2 and GCF-IL-lß levels at 20.5 and 16.5
ng/ml, respectively. Systemically healthy individuals with [
IDDM Group (AAP Type lll-IV)
Non-diabetic Adult Periodontitis
gingivitis/mild Periodontitis show a significant elevation
in both mediators relative to healthy patients free of peri- 300
odontal infection. There is a 2.1 fold elevation in GCF-
PGE2 (20.5 vs. 43.3 ng/ml at < 0.05) and a dramatic o
6.9 fold increase in GCF-IL-lß at < 0.001. In non- . 200
diabetics, the GCF-PGE2 level in moderate/severe Perio- 4-«
dontitis patients is essentially the same as the gingivitis/ o
c 100
mild Periodontitis group. However, the GCF-IL-lß levels o
are elevated in this more severe form of periodontal dis-
ease in non-diabetics (261.2 ± 70.9 ng/ml vs. 114.3 ±
49.3 ng/ml at < 0.05). In contrast, the IDDM patients
as a group display significantly elevated GCF levels of 0 ^ 0.001 ÖÖ1 oTÍ LO
both PGE2 and IL-lß. The elevation of GCF-PGE2 is 13.8 P. gingivalis LPS fag/ml)
fold over health and 6.6 fold over non-diabetic patients
with moderate to severe disease (P < 0.00001). The se- Figure 1. Monocyte PGE2 responses to increasing concentrations o/P.
gingivalis LPS shown in both groups of diabetics and non-diabetics with
verity of periodontal disease comparing the IDDM pa- adult Periodontitis. The PGE2 response is significantly lower in non-
tients to the moderate/severe Periodontitis non-diabetic diabetic patients relative to both groups of diabetics regardless of their
group was not significantly different (data not shown). periodontal status. There is a significant difference in the monocytic
However, as one examines the difference in GCF-PGE2 PGE, secretion between Group A and diabetics.
and IL-lß levels between Group A and Group IDDM
patients, there is a statistically significant increase in both for Group patients (P 0.01). The Group elevation

PGE2 and IL-lß levels in Group patients. Comparing in GCF-IL-lß relative to Group A is also statistically sig-
the Group A patients to the non-diabetic periodontal dis- nificant at 0.006. It is interesting to note that the

ease matched group, there is a significant 4.2 fold ele- IL-lß/PGE2 ratio is 2.4 for both Group A and Group
vation in GCF-PGE2 (P 0.003) and 3.9 fold increase
patients. The data clearly suggest that IDDM results in a
in GCF-IL-lß ( 0.0005). Thus, the diabetic state is
= dramatic increase in the levels of both GCF-PGE2 and
associated with a 4-fold increase in the GCF inflamma- IL-lß, irrespective of periodontal status. Furthermore,
tory mediator level in patients with mild periodontal con- within the diabetic population there is a significant 1.75
ditions. The increase in Group IDDM patients relative fold increase in both of these GCF inflammatory media-
to the non-diabetic, periodontally-diseased matched pa- tors in patients with more severe periodontal disease.
tients is substantially greater. In IDDM patients there is a
7.4 fold increase in GCF-PGE2 levels and a 3.0 fold in- Monocyte Data
crease in GCF-IL-lß, relative to non-diabetic, periodon- Figures 1 and 2 show the mean monocytic PGE2 and
tally-diseased matched individuals at 0.0002 and
IL-lß production and the standard error at each LPS con-
< 0.0001, respectively. As one compares the GCF-PGE2 centration in response to various concentrations of P. gin-
levels between Group A (183.2 ng/ml) and Group givalis LPS. Figure 1 illustrates the mean dose-response
(319.1 ng/ml), the GCF-PGE2 level is significantly higher curves for Group A, Group and non-diabetic moderate
J Periodontol

value, but produce approximately 3-fold more PGE2 than

monocytes from Group A patients. The diabetic state ap-
pears to be associated with enhanced secretion of

monocytic PGE2 compared as non-diabetic

to adult Per-
iodontitis patients. Within the IDDM patients there is a
3-fold elevation in monocytic PGE2 release in Group
patients as compared to Group A patients who have mild-
er periodontal disease (Table IB). This suggests that there
is heterogeneity in the monocytic response within the
IDDM patient population which is independent of the lev-
el of metabolic control.
As illustrated in Figure 2, the monocytic release of
0 /
0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 IL-lß in IDDM patients is significantly elevated through-
out the LPS dose-response relative to the non-diabetic
P. gingivalis LPS (jig/ml)
patients. However, in contrast to the monocytic PGE2 re-
Figure 2. Monocyte IL-lß responses to increasing concentrations / . sponse, there is no significant difference in the IL-lß se-
gingivalis LPS shown for both groups of diabetics and non-diabetics cretion as a function of LPS concentration, comparing
with adult Periodontitis. The IL-lß response is significantly higher in
diabetics relative to non-diabetics. There is no significant difference in Group A to Group patients. At zero LPS the basal se-
IL-lß secretion as a function of LPS concentration, comparing Group cretion of IL-lß is similar for Group A and Group
A to Group patients.
monocytes. At the lowest LPS dosage (0.003 µg/ml)
monocytes from Group patients appear to secrete great-
to severe Periodontitis patients which serve as a Group er amounts of IL-lß, but this difference is lost at con-
control. Dose responses were completed for 39 IDDM centrations above 0.03 µg/ml. Although there is a ten-
patients and 21 non-diabetic adult Periodontitis patients. dency for Group monocytes to secrete more IL-lß at
Figure 1 shows the monocyte release of PGE2 in response various LPS concentrations, this difference was not sta-
to P. gingivalis LPS pooling all patients within each
tistically significant.
group at each LPS concentration. At zero LPS concentra- Monocytic dose-responses were also obtained using E.
tion the basal secretion of PGE2 is significantly higher coli LPS for a subset of 19 IDDM patients. The PGE2
comparing either the pooled diabetic group (98.5 ± 1.94 and IL-lß levels at various LPS concentrations appear in
ng/ml, data not shown) or Group (104.0 ng/ml) to the Table 3. The differences between Group A and Group
non-diabetic group (57.2 ng/ml) at 0.0001. There is

no difference in the basal secretion of PGE2 comparing

monocytic PGE2 and IL-lß responses closely parallel that
observed with P. gingivalis LPS. Group monocytes se-
the two IDDM groups. In the non-diabetic patients the
crete significantly more PGE2 and IL-lß, as compared to
dose response curve is relatively flat with an increase in
PGE2 secretion occurring as a sharp increase between 0.3 monocytes from Group A patients. As cited above, the
and 3.0 µg/ml P. gingivalis LPS. There is a statistically elevation in Group IL-lß secretion in response to P.
significant difference in the level of PGE2 released as a gingivalis LPS did not achieve statistical significance
function of LPS concentration among all three groups, as compared to Group A. However, using E. coli LPS, the
determined by repeated measures 2-way ANOVA. Mono- differences in IL-lß secretion were statistically significant
cytes from Group A patients show a significant increase between these two groups (P < 0.05). There were no
in PGE2 secretion at low dosages of LPS (0.003 µg/ml) significant differences in the potency of the two LPS
and reach a maximum secretion of 169.0 ng PGE2/ml. preparations, as both stimulated the secretion of similar
Group monocytes also have a similar half-maximum amounts of PGE2 and IL-lß in both groups of patients.

Table 3. Monocyte Dose-Responses to Various E. coli LPS Concentrations in a Subset of IDDM

Patients (n = 19) (ng/ml; mean ± SEM)

Group A Group B*
E. coli LPS
(AAP Type I II) (AAP Type III-IV)
tion ^g/ml) _

PGE, IL-lß PGE, IL-lß

0.0 51.0 ± 32.0 0.9 ± 0.27 65.0 ± 24.0 8.6 ± 3.7
0.03 93.0 ± 65.0 24.9 ± 14.8 278.0 ± 65.0 70.4 ± 13.7
0.3 179.0 ± 102.0 48.4 ± 7.4 223.0 ± 50.0 125.1 ± 42.2
3.0 128.0 ± 46.0 62.2 ± 7.9 314.0 + 72.0 104.6 ± 28.1

*Group patients secrete significantly more PGE2 and IL-lß compared to Group A patients (P < 0.05).
Volume 68

DISCUSSION tion, and overall history of metabolic control. Since there

Our data indicate that the levels of PGE2 and IL-lß in was a statistically significant difference in age between
GCF of IDDM patients are extraordinarily high. These Group A and diabetics, this may not exclude the pos-
levels exceed all previous reports of PGE2 and IL-lß in sibility that in Group patients there has been a longer
GCF of non-diabetic patients30 31 and when compared to exposure to a hyperglycémie state. This longer exposure
more aggressive forms of periodontal disease such as ear- may contribute to a prolonged AGE accumulation and to
ly-onset and refractory disease.35 The observation that a hyperresponsive monocytic phenotype. It appears likely
IDDM patients with relatively mild periodontal problems that chronic hyperglycemia would lead to an accelerated
had excessively high levels of inflammatory mediators AGE accumulation and upregulation of the monocyte
was unanticipated. These high levels have previously phenotype in diabetics as has been previously demonstrat-
been shown to be highly correlated with active progres- ed for IL-1 and TNFa by Vlassara et al.43
sive periodontal lesions in non-diabetic healthy individ- A new finding in this study is the observation that those
uals30 and were considered to be inconsistent with peri- IDDM patients with the highest inflammatory response
odontal health. This suggests that in the diabetic there were in Group patients who had more moderate/severe
must be compensatory anti-inflammatory and tissue pro- periodontal disease. We have previously reported a sim-
tective responses which are preventing rampant destruc- ilar, pattern in TNFa monocytic secretion in IDDM pa-
tion and can apparently maintain the patient in a stable, tients with or without severe periodontal diseases.36
albeit upregulated, state of equilibrium. The increase in Therefore, the exaggerated monocytic response may be a
collagen cross-links which occur in diabetics may render phenotypic marker for susceptibility to Gram-negative in-
the collagen less susceptible to proteolysis. However, the fections in diabetics. Although this trait has not been
inflammatory response with regard to IL-lß and PGE2 in characterized in the general population as increasing risk
the IDDM patients is exaggerated and may therefore be for diabetes, it may be a marker for susceptibility to
a possible explanation for the increased prevalence of se- Gram-negative infections such as periodontal disease. It
vere periodontal disease in this population. We have also appears likely that the high GCF levels of PGE2 and
recently reported an elevated monocytic secretion of IL-lß in the IDDM patients are a consequence of a sys-
TNFa in an IDDM population compared to a systemically temic monocytic response trait and that the presence of
healthy adult Periodontitis group.36 severe periodontal disease is associated with the more ex-
The underlying cause of this monocytic hypersecretory cessive expression of this trait. Other investigators have
inflammatory trait is presently unknown. However, the suggested that in IDDM patients pleomorphic variations
microbial flora would not seem to be a factor in this re- in the promoter region of TNFa and IL-lß genes can be
sponse, since the periodontal pathogens in the diabetic associated with low normal or hypersecretory monocytic
oral flora are not unique to the diabetics and are essen- phenotypes.23-44 This raises the question as to whether
tially equivalent to that found in non-diabetic adult Per- there is an underlying cytokine genotype which is asso-
iodontitis patients.37-38 None of the other variables mea- ciated with the M0+ trait and disease susceptibility.
sured in this study, such as HbAlc, age, or race was found Previous investigations regarding monocytic IL-lß se-
to be correlated with the amount of IL-lß or PGE2 se- cretion in IDDM patients have been equivocal. It appears
cretion in either diabetics or systemically healthy Perio- to be clearly elevated in newly diagnosed IDDM children,
dontitis subjects. but more variable in adults.24-45-46 However, none of these
Furthermore, there was also no significant correlation experiments has controlled for IL-lß gene polymorphism
between diabetic metabolic control (HbAlc) and the se- or the presence of periodontal infection. Thus, in the con-

verity of periodontal disease. This observation is in agree- text of our present experiments, these variables may fur-
ment with other studies which have failed to find a rela- ther explain the elevated IL-ß secretion seen in our IDDM
tionship between blood glucose levels and periodontal patient population. Similarly, elevated circulating levels
disease severity.39-41 Some of the previous reports have of interferon y (IFN- ) have been reported in IDDM pa-
observed more severe periodontal disease in the black tients.47-49 IFN--y can clearly upregulate monocytic PGE2
population;42 however, there were no significant differ- and IL-lß secretion in response to LPS. It is possible that
ences in any of the outcome variables when subjects were periodontal infection may upregulate IFN--y levels in
compared based upon race in this sample population of these patients and contribute to the exaggerated mono-
IDDM patients. Metabolic abnormalities may be an im- cytic and GCF inflammatory responses. Furthermore, el-
portant contributing factor to the observed hyperinflam- evated GCF levels of IL-la may, in part, be due to in-
matory monocytic trait (M0+). However, we did not see creased plasma levels of this cytokine as reported by Hus-
an association between the level of monocytic mediator sain et al.50 However, recent reports by Prabhu et al.51
secretion and degree of metabolic control as reflected by have failed to demonstrate significant elevations of plas-
the level of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAIC). Regretta- ma levels of several cytokines in adult Periodontitis pa-

bly, data were not collected with respect to onset, dura- tients.
J Periodontol

Further experiments on the relationships among the na- 18. Dyer D, Dunn J, Thorpe S, et al. Accumulation of Maillard reaction
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DE10519, and by the Swiss Society of Periodontology.
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