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Activity Sheet
Answer the following questions in the space provided.

1) What are the three major steps in information flow?

First, having the computer receiving info by using input.
Second, computer processing using CPU.
Third, having the computer outputting.

2) CPU is an acronym. What does it stand for?

Central Processing Unit

3) Explain briefly the role of the input unit.

It takes in all the information we type in and send it to the CPU for the
computer to process

4) Explain briefly the role of the CPU.

It processes and solve all the information that we used it to solve, then the
answer get sent to the output unit.

5) Explain briefly the role of the output unit.

Its shows us the answer that the CPU has come up with.

6) Explain briefly the role of the memory unit.

While a computer is running a program, the instruction for that program have
to be stored in memory which the processor can access.
7) What is software?

Software is a thing that people can’t touch, it is that set of instructions that
controls the hard ware.

8) What is hardware?
Hardware is the things that people can touch. For example: keyboard, monitor,
processor, …

IPO Examples and Chart

The following chart is called an IPO chart. There are a few examples on the
chart. Complete the chart below and add 7 examples of your own.

Input Processing Output

5, 10 addition 15
5, 10 multiplication 50
5, 10 subtraction -5
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 addition 55
25 Square root 5
6,4,3 multiplication 72
10, 14, 99 maximum 99
10, 14, 99 Minimum 10
60, 12 Division 5
2 Square 4
2 Cube 8
4 Square 16
1,2 Addition 3
1,2 multiplication 2
2,3 multiplication 6
2,4 multiplication 8
2,5 multiplication 10
2,6 multiplication 12

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