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3 Important Brain Systems for Movement: *They are derived from the same cell/same cellular
1. Cerebral cortex – execution of movement *Separated by an internal capsule anteriorly.
2. Cerebellum – coordinates the motor activity
3. Basal Ganglia – plans the movement; tells the Lenticular nucleus – separated from the thalamus
cerebral cortex to execute the movement (biggest part of the diencephalon) by the internal capsule
1. Putamen
Basal Ganglia 2. Globus pallidus

 Influence the descending motor system Corpus Striatum (Dorsal Striatum)

 Planning of movement 1. Caudate nucleus
 “Ganglia”: groups of neurons located outside the 2. Lenticular nucleus
CNS (*a misnomer)
 X/S of the Brain Globus Pallidus (Paleostriatum)
- Folding of neural tube forms the cortex with the 1. Globus pallidus external (GPe)
gray matter outside 2. Globus pallidus internal (GPi)
- Peripheral gray: neurons
- Central white: myelin (oligodendrocytes) that cover Substantia nigra
the axons 1. Substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc): dorsal;
- Subcortical Gray Substance: Basal Ganglia and part dopamine  execution of movement; lacking in
of the diencephalon (Dorsal Thalamus) Parkinson’s Disease
 Lesions of the Basal Ganglia: - Nigrostriatal Pathway: connection with the striatum
- Hyperkinesia (Increase in movement): 2. Substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr): ventral
Huntington’s Disease
- Hypokinesis: Parkinson’s Disease (Bradykinesia – Basal Ganglia and Related Structures (X/S) – Lateral
slow movement)  w/ involuntary movement of to Medial
the extremities (tremors) and muscle rigidity  Insula (most lateral gray substance): a brain lobe; not
 Emotional control (connection w/ Limbic system), seen from a dorsolateral view because it is covered by
cognition, and eye movement (connection w/ the temporal lobe and the lower part of the fronto-
geniculate body – relay for vision parietal cortex; viewed by opening the Sylvian fissure
 Extreme capsule (white substance): made up of
Components of the Basal Ganglia: myelinated fiber tracts
o Caudate nucleus: located at the base of the lateral  Claustrum (very thin gray substance)
ventricle (*Ventricle: cavity in the brain that contains  External capsule (white matter substance)
CSF)  Putamen
o Putamen  External medullary lamina (white substance):
o Globus Pallidus: medial to putamen separates the putamen from the GPe
1. External globus pallidus  External segment of the globus pallidus
2. Internal globus pallidus  Internal medullary lamina (white substance):
separates the GPe and GPi
Outside the Striatum:  Internal segment of the globus pallidus
o Subthalamic nucleus: part of the ventral thalamus  Internal capsule (big white substance): contains
o Substantia nigra: located in the midbrain descending fiber tracts from the cerebral cortex
- Ventral portion: Caudate nucleus
Limbic and basal ganglia circuit: link to the limbic  Dorsal thalamus: dorsal portion of the internal
system for emotions capsule
o Nucleus accumbens: at the ventral part of the striatum
o Ventral pallidum  3rd Ventricle: cavity in the midline that contains CSF
 Wall of the thalamus
Striatum (Neostriatum)  Lateral Ventricle: w/ the Foramen of Monro
1. Caudate nucleus  Caudate Nucleus: at the base of the lateral ventricle
2. Putamen

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Blood Supply of the Basal Ganglia and Related Intrinsic Nuclei of the Basal Ganglia
Structures  Part of the nuclei of the basal ganglia
 Supplied by the anterior and middle cerebral arteries  For emotion and eye movement

1. Striatum and Globus Pallidus: Lenticular Branch of 1. Subthalamic nucleus

the Middle Cerebral Artery 2. Substantia nigra pars compacta
- Penetrate deep into the brain 3. Globus pallidus external
- Lacunar Infarct = stroke 4. Ventral tegmental area of the brainstem
- Rupture due to hypertension = basal ganglia
hemorrhage Limbic Areas for Emotion (VentralStriatal System)
2. Medial Globus Pallidus: Anterior Choroidal Artery o Nucleus Accumbens
(branch of the Internal Carotid Artery) - Located in the ventral thalamus
- Supplies the GPi o Ventral striatum
3. Head of the Caudate and anterior portions of the o Ventral pallidum
Lentiform Nucleus: Recurrent Artery of Heubner o Ventral tegmental area of the brainstem (VTA)
(branch of Anterior Cerebral Artery)

 Common site of compromise  bleeding or MAJOR INPUTS OF THE BASAL GANGLIA

obstruction/infarction  stroke
(Direct Pathway) Cortex, Brainstem (SNc), Thalamus
Stimulus of the Basal Ganglia (Raphe Nucleus)  Striatum  Neurons of the Striatum
 Caudate Nucleus and the Putamen (Striatum)
- Input nuclei of the basal ganglia Neurons in the Striatum:
- Receive sensory information from the cerebral 1. Medium Spiny Neurons
cortex, spinal cord, cerebellum - Projectional neurons
 Globus pallidus internal and Substantia nigra pars - Project outside
reticulata - Majority (95%) of striatal neurons
- Output nuclei of the basal ganglia - Secrete inhibitory neurotransmitters
 Nucleus accumbens (located in the Ventral Striatum –  Inhibitory neurotransmitter = GABA
ventral diencephalon/thalamus)  Co-transmitters of GABA (Direct Pathway):
- Connection with the limbic system Substance P and Dynorphin (DYN)  bind with
dopamine D1 receptors  (+) adenylyl cyclase,
increase cAMP activity  projected to GPi and
Direct Basal Ganglia Pathway SNr (Two Output Nuclei of BG) = enhanced
excitatory cortical input
Cortex  Striatum  GPinternal  Ventral Thalamus  Co-transmitters of GABA (Indirect Pathway):
and Ventrolateral Thalamus (sensory relay)  Cortex Enkephalin (ENK)  bind with dopamine D2
 Pathway that facilitates movement receptors  coupled to G1 proteins that inhibit
 adenylyl cyclase and cAMP  projected to the
Indirect Basal Ganglia Pathway 2. Aspiny Neurons
- Stay inside
Caudate Nucleus  GPexternal  Subthalamic Nucleus - Interneurons
 GPinternal  Thalamus  Cortex - Secrete excitatory neurotransmitters
 Inhibits movement  Excitatory Neurotransmitter = Acetylcholine
 Driven by cortical inputs  neurotransmitter
 There is normally a balance between the direct from the cortex is excitatory = Glutamate
pathway and the indirect pathway.
 Inhibition of Direct Pathway = slowness of movement Input to Medium Spiny Neurons of the Striatum:
 Increase activity of Direct Pathway = hyperkinesia Glutaminergic - Corticostriatal Pathway - excitatory
Dopaminergic - Nigrostriatal Pathway – excitatory
 Ventroanterior and Ventrolateral = part of the

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CIRCUITS D1 Receptors
1. Striatum receives info from SNc (Dopamine)
 All transmitters produced by the striatum are 2. LOW DOPAMINE in Parkinson’s  decreased
inhibitory  GABA stimulation of the striatum
 All transmitters produced outside the striatum are 3. Less stimulation to Globus pallidus – less inhibition of
excitatory  Glutamate GABA
4. Globus pallidus becomes tonically active because of
DIRECT PATHWAY: less inhibition
- Facilitates movement 5. Diminished stimulation of Thalamus
1. Cortex (via Glutamate)  stimulates Striatum
2. Striatum (via GABA)  stimulates GPi D2 Receptors
3. GPi (via GABA)  stimulates subthalamus and Increased inhibition of the globus pallidus  less
ventrolateral thalamus inhibition, increased excitatory activity of the thalamus 
4. Subthalamus and ventrolateral thalamus (via inhibits the globus pallidus = NO/LESS MOVEMENT
Glutamate)  stimulate the cortex  cortex is excited
and movement is executed
INDIRECT PATHWAY:  Degeneration of the striatum (caudate nucleus and
- Inhibits movement putamen)
 Increased glutamate and acetylcholine
1. Cortex (via Glutamate)  stimulates Striatum
2. Striatum (via GABA)  stimulates GPe *Less inhibitory  increased stimulation of globus
3. GPe (via GABA)  stimulates Subthalamic nucleus pallidus internal  less inhibition of movement 
(part of the ventral thalamus increased movement
4. Subthalamic nucleus (via Glutamate)  stimulate GPi *Increased stimulation of subthalamic nucleus 
5. GPi (via GABA)  inhibits the cortex diminished inhibition  increased movement

Mechanism of Disinhibition = inhibitory that is inhibited (SEE POWERPOINT PICS)

becomes excitatory
a. Striatum
b. Globus pallidus
c. Ventral Thalamus
d. Cortex
Striatum at rest (no stimulation from cortex)  Globus
pallidus (inhibitory) is tonically active: fires in the
thalamus  inhibition of the Thalamus = no execution of

Mechanism of Disinhibition:
Striatum is stimulated by Glutamate (outside the cortex)
= excited  Striatum is inhibitory to Globus pallidus =
transient inhibition  inhibition of the inhibitory (GABA
inhibits the Globus pallidus)  becomes excitatory =
 Happens in patients with Hyperkinesia.

 Substantia nigra pars compacta is degenerated = low
 Dopamine stimulates D1 and D2 receptors
- D1 receptors  excitatory
- D2 receptors  inhibitory

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 Between the telencephalon (cerebral cortex) and 2. Lateral Geniculate Body

brainstem - Receives visual input from the retina via the optic
 Main processing center for information destined to tract
reach the cerebral cortex from all ascending sensory - Projects to the primary visual cortex on the medial
pathways; all sensory information passes through the surface of the occipital lobe
thalamus before it enters the cerebral cortex (except
those related to olfaction  goes directly to the uncus Internal Medullary Lamina:
of the temporal lobe) - Myelinated fibers; extends into the substance of the
 Relay for ascending sensory information thalamus
 Relations/Boundaries: - Forms partitions or boundaries that divide the
 Superiorly – floor of lateral ventricle, corpus thalamus into its principal cell groups/compartments
callosum (medial aspect of the hemisphere), fornix
 Laterally – internal capsule  Cingulate gyrus = emotions (Limbic System)
 Anteriorly – Foramen of Monro (cavity between the
lateral ventricle and the 3rd ventricle) Principal Thalamic Cell Groups:
 Caudally – tegmentum of the midbrain 1. Anterior Thalamic Nuclei
- Receive dense limbic-related projections from:
4 Principal Divisions of the Diencephalon  Mammillary nuclei/Mammillary Body
1. Dorsal Thalamus or Thalamus (Mammillothalamic Tract)
2. Hypothalamus  Medial Temporal Lobe (Hippocampus) via the
3. Epithalamus fornix
4. Ventral Thalamus or Subthalamus  Both are for emotions
- Output of this nucleus is primarily directed to the
cingulate gyrus through the anterior limb of the
DORSAL THALAMUS OR THALAMUS internal capsule  hippocampus  mammillary
 Largest of the 4 principal subdivisions of the body  back to anterior thalamic nuclei  cingulate
diencephalon gyrus (Papez Circuit)
 Project sensory info to nearly all areas of the cerebral - Important synaptic station in the Papez circuit
cortex which is related to emotion and memory acquisition
 Thalamic Relay – sends all sensory info 2. Medial Thalamic Nuclei
- Dorsomedial Nucleus
 Lesions: crude sensory information; touch is interpreted
- Parvocellular (caudal) and Magnocellular
as severe pain (Thalamic Infarct)
(Rostral) Nuclei
 Participate in a widely diverse array of functions  Linked to parts of the frontal and temporal lobes
including motor, sensory, and limbic systems and to the amygdaloid complex (for emotion via
 Receives a variety of ascending inputs and projects: limbic system)
- Thalamocortical Fibers  thalamus to cortex; to - Paralaminar Subdivision
various cortical areas or gyri  Receive input from the frontal lobe and substantia
 Receives reciprocal connections: nigra
- Corticothalamic Fibers  cortex to thalamus May play a role in the control of eye movement
(Cortical targets to which it sends projections) 3. Lateral Thalamic Nuclei
 “Functional Gateway to the Cerebral Cortex” - Dorsal Tier:
 Separated from the basal ganglia by the internal capsule a. Lateral Dorsal and Lateral Posterior Nuclei
(white); Oblong-shaped structure  Connection is formed with the cingulate gyrus
and parietal lobe (respectively)
Medial and Lateral Geniculate Bodies: relay; at the b. Pulvinar Nucleus (Pulvinar)
base of the pulvinar nucleus  Anterior, Medial, Lateral, and Inferior
1. Medial Geniculate Body Subdivisions
- Receives ascending auditory input via the brachium  The Inferior division receives input from the
of the inferior colliculus superior colliculus and projects to the visual
- Projects to the primary auditory cortex in the association cortex
temporal lobe

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 Pulvinar projects to areas of the temporal, Thalamic Reticular Nucleus:
parietal, and frontal lobes that are especially - Situated w/in the external medullary lamina and
concerned with visual function and eye between this lamina and the internal capsule
movements - Lateral to the thalamus
- Ventral Tier: *VA and VL are motor-related nuclei - Project medially into the nuclei of the dorsal thalamus
(Basal Ganglia) or to other parts of the reticular nucleus, but not into
a. Ventral Anterior Nucleus (VA) the cerebral cortex
 Receives input from the medial segment of the - Afferents are received from the cortex and from nuclei
globus pallidus and receives afferents from the of the dorsal thalamus (Thalamocortical and
reticular portion of the substantia nigra Corticothalamic axons)
 Efferent projections are diffuse and appear to - Modulate or gate the responses of thalamic neurons to
include selected parts of the frontal lobe incoming cerebral cortical input
b. Ventral Lateral Nucleus (VL) - Consciousness/Wakefulness
 Receives information from the cerebellum   Lesion: drowsiness
to pre-motor cortex
 Pars Oralis Summary of Thalamic Organization:
- Receives a dense projection from the internal  VL (Motor) – from GPi; to precentral gyrus and
segment of the ipsilateral globus pallidus anterior paracentral gyrus
- Some of these afferents enter the caudal  VPL (Sensory for the Body) – postcentral gyrus and
subdivision posterior paracentral gyrus
 Pars Medialis  VPM (Sensory for the Face) – postcentral gyrus
 Pars Caudalis  MGB (Auditory) – transverse temporal gyrus
- Receives its main input from the  LGB (Vision) – cortex on the calcarine sulcus
contralateral cerebellar nuclei  Anterior nucleus projects primarily to the cingulate
c. Ventral Posterior Nucleus gyrus and functions in the broad area of behavior
 Ventral Posterolateral Nuclei (VPL)  Relay Nuclei (MGB, LGB, VPL, VPM, VL, VA,
- Somesthetic information from the body
Anterior Thalamic Nuclei)
(Spinothalamic Tract: pain and temperature; - Receives input predominantly from a single source
and dorsal column of spinal cord/Medial
 Association Nuclei (Dorsomedial, Lateral Dorsal,
Lemniscus: conscious proprioception)
Lateral Posterior, Nuclei of the Pulvinar Complex)
projected to the cerebral cortex
- Receives input from a number of different structures
 Ventral Posteromedial Nuclei (VPM)
or cortical regions and usually sends its output to
- Convey somatosensory information from the
more than one of the association areas of the cerebral
head (trigeminal nerve) to the cerebral cortex
– sensation of the face
 All relay nuclei and association nuclei are specific
4. Intralaminar Nuclei
- Embedded within the internal medullary lamina nuclei of the dorsal thalamus.
- Projections to the neostriatum and to other thalamic
nuclei, along with diffuse projections to the cerebral Internal Capsule: V-shaped
cortex - Consists mostly of axons that reciprocally link the
thalamus and cerebral cortex
- Centromedian: projects to the neostriatum and to
motor areas of the cerebral cortex - Descending axons from the cerebral cortex
- Contains cortical efferent fibers that project to the:
- Parafascicular Nuclei: projects to rostral and lateral
areas of the frontal lobe  Brainstem – corticorubral, corticoreticular,
- Other intralaminar nuclei: receive input from corticonuclear-corticobulbar
ascending pain pathways and project to the  Spinal cord – corticospinal
somatosensory and parietal cortex - Anterior limb (between the caudate and lenticular
nucleus), genu, posterior limb (between the dorsal
5. Midline Nuclei
- Medial to the intralaminar nuclei thalamus and lenticular nucleus), and retrolenticular
- Paratenial Nucleus
 Inputs are poorly defined
 Efferent fibers reach the amygdaloid complex and
the anterior cingulate cortex  role in the limbic HYPOTHALAMUS
system  Connected primarily to portions of the forebrain,
brainstem, and spinal cord

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 Control of visceromotor (autonomic) functions,  Increased: sympathetic activity, aggressive behavior,
limbic system (emotions), and endocrine systems hunger, temperature (cutaneous vasoconstriction and
(Pituitary gland) shivering)
 The hypothalamus and pituitary form the link between
the neural and endocrine systems (Hypothalamic- Rostromedial Hypothalamus:
Pituitary Axis)  Activation (Stimulation) – behavioral manifestations
 Participates in: associated with contentment
- Homeostatic mechanism controlling hunger, thirst,  Increased: parasympathetic activity, passive behavior,
sexual desire, sleep-wake cycles, etc. satiety
- Endocrine control via pituitary gland  Decreased: temperature (cutaneous vasodilation and
- Autonomic control sweating)
- Limbic mechanism
Other Hypothalamic Functions:
Pituitary Gland: connected to the hypothalamus via the A. Medial Preoptic Areas
infundibulum o Sexually dismorphic brain nucleus
A. Anterior Pituitary (Adenohypophysis) o Larger in males
- Release of hormones controlled by the hypothalamus o Neurosecretory neurons (GnRH or LHRH)
through the vascular portal system o Role in temperature regulation, activating Heat-
B. Posterior Pituitary (Neurohypophysis) Loss Mechanisms (vasodilation, sweating, panting)
- Does not contain glandular cells o Lesion: Hyperthermia or Hyperpyrexia
- Secretes oxytocin and vasopression B. Anterior Nucleus
o Located immediately caudal to the preoptic area
Hypothalamic Nuclei: (Rostral to Caudal) o Many of its neurons are involved in the
1. Preoptic maintenance of body temperature
2. Supraoptic o Participates in a wide range of visceral and somatic
3. Tuberal functions
4. Mammillary C. Supraoptic Nucleus
o Oxytocin – uterine contraction and ejection of milk
Hypothalamic Zones: (Medial to Lateral) by myoepithelial cells of the mammary glands
1. Periventricular Zone o Vasopressin (ADH) – promotes reabsorption of
- Periventricular Nucleus water by the collecting tubules of the kidneys
2. Medial Zone D. Paraventricular Nucleus
- Preoptic Area o Magnocellular neurons – oxytocin and ADH
- Anterior (Supraoptic) region o Parvocellular neurons – thyrotropin-releasing
- Middle (Tuberal) region hormone, corticotropin-releasing hormones,
- Posterior mammillary region dopamine, somatostatin
3. Lateral Zone E. Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
- Lateral preoptic nucleus o Biologic clock – may mediate circadian rhythms
- Lateral hypothalamic nucleus (hormonal fluctuations that are secondary to light-
dark cycle)
F. Arcuate Nucleus
Regional Functions of the Hypothalamus: o Neurosecretory cells (releasing hypothalamic
 Caudolateral Areas hormones)
- Lateral hypothalamic zone o Contains cells that secrete more than one releasing
- Mammillary region hormone
 Rostromedial Areas o Stress  corticotropin, prolactin, and growth
- Supraoptic region hormone levels in plasma increase (Hypothalamic-
- Most of the tuberal region Pituitary-Adrenal)
G. Ventromedial Nucleus
Caudolateral Hypothalamus: o Considered a “satiety center”
 Activation (Stimulation) – behavioral manifestation o Lesion produces weight gain
generally associated with anxiety H. Dorsomedial Nucleus
o Stimulation produces unusually aggressive
behavior – “Sham Rage” (*can also be elicited by

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stimulation of other hypothalamic and  Zona Incerta
extrahypothalamic areas) - Contains output neurons that project to a variety of
I. Posterior Hypothalamic Nucleus locations (cerebral cortex, superior colliculus,
o Merges imperceptively with midbrain pretectal region, basilar pons)
periaqueductal gray - Afferent projections arise from the motor cortex and
o Associated with emotional, cardiovascular, and as collaterals from the medial lemniscus
analgesic functions attributed to the periaqueductal

 Dorsal wall of the posterior part of the 3rd Ventricle
beneath the splenium of the corpus callosum
 Functionally related to the limbic system
 Main Structure – Pineal Gland (circuit for controlling
circadian rhythms, sleep-wake cycle)
 Other structures: habenular nuclei, posterior
 Pineal Gland
- Consists of richly vascularized connective tissue
containing glial cells and pinealocytes but no true
- The production of melatonin by pinealocytes is
rhythmic and calibrated to the 24-hour cycle of photic
input to the retina (Circadian Rhythm)
 Habenular Nuclei
- Anterior to the pineal gland
- Habenulointerpeduncular Tract (Fasciculus
 Stria Medullaris Thalami
- Conveys input to habenular nuclei
- Habenular Commissure – connects the habenular
regions of the two sides

 Smallest subdivision of the diencephalon
 Area at the mesencephalodiencephalic junction
 Linked to the basal nuclei of the forebrain and functions
 Includes the subthalamic nucleus (part of the basal
ganglia circuit)
 Lesion – Hemiballismus: involuntary movements (1
side of the body)
 Often compromised in accidents and trauma
 Subthalamic Nucleus (Motor Activity)
- Receives input from motor areas of the cerebral cortex
- Projects to the substantia nigra
- Reciprocally connected with the globus pallidus
- Hemiballismus
 Prerubral Area (Field H of Forel)

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(BLACKBOARD)  Behind the Postero-Lateral Fissure: Flocculo-

 “small-brain” nodulare lobe (“Archicerebellum”)
 Has 3 surfaces:
1. Superior Surface – separated from the occipital lobe Spinocerebellar Fibers - unconscious proprioception
of the cerebrum by the Tentorium cerebelli (a fold Dorsal Spinocerebellar tract nucleus: at Rexed Lamina
of meninges)  separates supratentorial structures VI  dorsal nucleus of Clarke  from the lower
(cerebral cortex) and the infratentorial structures extremities (Thoracic region)  enter the cerebellum
(cerebellum and brainstem) via the ICP
 Clinical Significance: check for corticospinal Cuneocerebellar Tracts  accessory cuneate nucleus
tracts and spinothalamic tracts (long tracts) found  for the upper extremities (Cervical region)
in the brainstem; check for cranial nerves; check Anterior Spinocerebellar Tract: no dorsal nucleus of
the cerebellum Clarke; w/ an upper limb component called the
 Cranial nerves I and II are not true cranial nerves. accessory spinocerebellar tract  enter the cerebellum
- Cranial Nerve I: telencephalically-derived; an via the SCP
outpouching From the spinal cord, enter the cerebellum via the
- Cranial Nerve II: diencephalically-derived; an Restiform body  enter the cerebellum anteriorly
2. Inferior Surface  Neuron #1 of all sensory fibers = dorsal root ganglion
3. Medial Surface *Neuron #2 of pain and temperature – Dorsal Horn
 Must be connected to the brainstem *Neuron #2 of conscious proprioception (position,
- Connections via the long tracts: *Long Tract signs vibration, two-point tactile) – nucleus gracilis and
a. Corticospinal (Motor) nucleus cuneatus
b. Spinothalamic (Sensory)
c. Cerebellar Tracts  PEDUNCLES
 Peduncles connect the cerebellum to the brainstem. DIVISIONS OF THE CEREBELLUM
1. Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle aka Restiform Body  Nodular Divisions
- Cerebellum to the medulla  Medial Zone: Vermis (Vermia) = Vestibulo-cerebellar
- Very near to the IV ventricle, near the vestibular Intermediate Zone
nucleus = Juxtarestiform Body Lateral Zone: Cerebrocerebellar = Pontocerebellar
- Restiform body + Juxtarestiform body = ICP Nodules at the Flocculonodular lobe
2. Middle Cerebellar Peduncle aka Brachium Pontis
- Cerebellum to the pons Vermis
3. Superior Cerebellar Peduncle aka Brachium o Vestibulo-cerebellar
Conjunctivum o Fibers enter the medial zone
- Cerebellum to the midbrain o Vestibular Nuclei (VIII)
 Can be separated from the brainstem by cutting through o Nystagmus
the peduncles. o Vertigo
 Horizontal Cut through the Midbrain: o Truncal ataxia  Vermian Syndrome; includes
- Superior surface of the cerebellum is visible spinocerebellar tracts from the lower extremities
- Roughly in the location of the tentorium cerebelli o Drunken gait, loss of balance

Intermediate Zone
Horizontal Cut through the Midbrain: (see drawing) o w/ truncal and limb problems
 Primary Fissure: conspicuous fissure on the superior Lateral Zone
surface of the cerebellum o Pontocerebellar
 Postero-Lateral Fissure: separates the cerebellum o Fibers from the brachium pontis enter the lateral zone
from the flocculo-nodular lobe o Ipsilateral dysmetria or Ipsilateral Limb ataxia
 Structures in front of the Primary Fissure: Anterior o “Fast-Pointing” test
Lobe (“Paleocerebellum”)
 Structure behind the Primary Fissure: Posterior
Lobe (“Neocerebellum”)

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Cerebellar Lobules Granular Layer
 With ridges in between them = called Cerebellar Folia  Granule Cells: must be in contact w/ the Purkinje cell
 In the vermis: numbered I to IX (X is in the dendrites; widespread and large; axons enter the
flocculonodular lobe) cerebellum and run parallel to the folia = aka Parallel
 In the intermediate zone: HI to HIX (HX in the Fibers
flocculonodular lobe)  Axons enter the molecular layer in association w/ the
 Before the primary fissure (in front): I to V Purkinje cell dendrites  a critical connection because
 After the primary fissure (behind): VI to IX it tells us that the granule cells have an indirect
 Important Lobules: connection w/ the Purkinje cells
1. I – Lingula  Granule cells form a glomerulus
2. IX – Uvula  To form a Glomerulus:
3. HIX – Tonsils  near the medulla; may herniate and - Mossy Fiber (central): in association w/ the granule
push the medulla cell
- Golgi Cell (axon)
- Granule Cell (dendrite)  parallel fibers as axons
 3 Layered Cortex and go into the molecular layer and synapse with the
1. Molecular Layer Purkinje cell dendrites = critical synapse (1:200,000)
2. Purkinje Layer
3. Granular Layer Mossy Fibers:
 Folia - Come from the Granular Layer, become Parallel Fibers
 Deep Cerebellar Nuclei as they reach the Molecular Layer
- From the spinal cord (Spinocerebellar)
- From the reticular formation
DEEP CEREBELLAR NUCLEI - Aminergic input aka Multi-Layered Input:
1. Dentate Nucleus – in lateral zone Noradrenergic  from Nucleus Ceruleus;
2. Embolliform Nucleus – in intermediate zone Serotonergic  from raphe nuclei in the reticular
3. Globosus Nucleus – in intermediate zone formation; Histaminergic  from the hypothalamus
4. Fastiguus Nucleus – in medial zone (tubero-mammillary)
- From the cerebral cortex (Motor Cortex, Visual
“(Outside) Don’t eat greasy food.” Cortex, Cingulate gyrus  descend and look for the
pontine nuclei  Corticopontine Fibers)
*Medial 3/5 of the Midbrain: Corticospinal and
CEREBELLAR CORTEX Corticobulbar Fibers
(one folia of the cerebellum) *Laterally: Corticopontine fibers  pontine nuclei 
3 Layers: pontocerebellar fibers enter the cerebellum = MOSSY
1. Molecular Layer (most external) FIBERS
2. Purkinje Cell Layer – large cells
3. Granular Layer  Form the glomerulus
 Mossy fibers and parallel fibers indirectly influence
Purkinje Cell Layer the Purkinje cells.
 Most important EFFERENT LIMB (axons) of the  Parallel fibers make important connections w/ the
cerebellum dendrites of the Purkinje Cell.
 Send axons into the deep cerebellar nuclei (Dentate,
Embolliform, Globosus, Fastiguus – according the the Direct Influence to the Purkinje Cell: Climbing Fibers
zone of location of the nuclei) - Originate only from the Inferior Olives (opposite) 
i.e. Into the vermis – to the Fastiguus nucleus Olivocerebellar Tract  enters the cerebellum via the
Into the lateral zone – to the Dentate nucleus Juxtarestiform body
 INHIBITORY  GABAergic - Go directly to the Purkinje cells
 Dendrites are located in the molecular layer


 Contains the dendrites that go to the Purkinje cell layer  Stellate Cells: superficial
 Basket Cells: straddles between the Purkinje cells and
the molecular layer; form basket-like structures;

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influence the Purkinje cells; they are INHIBITORY  Anatomical Divisions of the Cerebellum: Anterior
GABAergic Lobe, Posterior Lobe, Flocculonodular Lobe
 Brush Cells: in the Purkinje cell layer only choose the
mossy fibers that enter the Fastiguus nucleus (midline – Somatotopic Organization (Homonculus): Vermis,
Vestibulo-cerebellar) Spinocerebellum, Cerebrocerebellum, Flocculus,
 Spinocerebellum and Vestibulocerebellum: for Nodulus
posture and balance because they have input from the Vermian Lesion: Truncal Ataxia
spinal cord and vestibular nuclei
 Ipsilateral Ataxia – “Double Decussation”  Cerebellar Hemisphere Lesion: Ipsilateral Limb
Lateral Zone, Dentate Nucleus Ataxia
1. Corticopontine fibers (Sensory motor fibers from
the cerebral cortex) go down and pass through lateral Cerebellar Peduncle Lesion: clinical manifestations are
1/5 of the midbrain referable to limb ataxia plus brainstem manifestation
2. Go to the pontine nuclei (cranial nerve deficits, long sensory tract signs)
4. Enter the MCP Cerebellar Tonsillar Herniation: due to increased
5. Reenter the midbrain through the SCP  relay intracranial pressure; compression of the medulla w/
nucleus: red nucleus respiratory arrest
6. Goes into the ventral anterior and ventral lateral
nucleus of the thalamus Chiari Malformation: downward displacement of the
7. Enter the pre-motor cortex and motor cortex cerebellum into the foramen magnum w/ resulting
8. Exit as the corticospinal tract (medial 3/5 of the obstructive hydrocephalus
midbrain) that DECUSSATES at the caudal medulla
and into the spinal cord
1. Molecular Layer
(POWERPOINT)  Basket Cells (near the Purkinje cell layer)
 Stellate Cells (superficial)
2 Major Functions: 2. Purkinje Layer – axons go out and may be:
1. Coordinates skilled voluntary movements  Corticonuclear  going to the deep cerebellar
2. Controls equilibrium, posture, and muscle tone nuclei
 Corticovestibular  going out to the vestibular
 Monitor or modulator of motor activity originating in nucleus
the brain centers  Dendrites are in the molecular layer
 Regulates muscle tone, posture and equilibrium  Climbing Fibers (from the Inferior Olivary
 Automatic excitation of antagonist muscles at the end Nucleus) = directly influence the Purkinje cells
of movement, with simultaneous inhibition of agonist  Mossy Fibers (from the Granule Cell layer,) =
muscles that initiated the movement indirectly influence the Purkinje cells
3. Granular Layer
Location:  Granule dendrioles
 In the posterior cranial fossa of the skull  Golgi Cells
 Dorsal to the brainstem
 Infratentorial
2 Major Parts of the Cerebellum (In General) 1. Purkinje Cells
1. Vermis 2. Stellate Cells
2. Hemisphere 3. Basket Cells
4. Granule Cells
Effect of Compression of the 4th Ventricle by 5. Golgi Cells
Cerebellar Mass Lesions or Edema:
- Obstructive hydrocephalus Unipolar Brush Cells:
- Increased intracranial pressure  Within the granular layer of the vermis and
flocculonodular lobe

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 Receive mossy fiber rosettes (glomerulus) via their DORSAL SPINOCEREBELLAR TRACT
dendrioles o Enter the cerebellum via the ICP
- w/c are excitatory to the cell type in these cortical o Inform the cerebellum of limb position and movement
neurons (posture)
o After processing in the cerebellum and their
connections with the motor cortex, they influence
CEREBELLAR NUCLEI movement of the extremities and muscle tone
1. Fastigial (most medial)
3. Emboliform o Enters the cerebellum via the SCP
4. Dentate (most lateral) o Cells in the spinal cord that give rise to this tract receive
 Globose and Emboliform: Interposed Nucleus  primary sensory inputs and descending reticulospinal
straddles the vermis and the cerebellar hemispheres and corticospinal fibers
- Have important connections w/ the red nucleus  o In connection w/ the reticular formation
descend as the rubrospinal tract that decussates at the o Provide afferent signals and feedback to the cerebellum
ventro-tegmental decussation and enters the spinal regarding motor circuits in the spinal cord
o Enter via the Juxtarestiform body (part of the ICP)
FUNCTIONAL ZONES OF THE CEREBELLUM o Fibers enter deep cerebellar nuclei  enter as mossy
 Vermal fibers  nearer to the midline (because Vestibular) 
 Paravermal (Intermediate) Nodulus and Vermis
 Lateral o Convey information concerning the position of the head
and body in space, as well as information useful in
o Spinocerebellum (Paleocerebellum - Anterior orienting the eyes during movement (Nystagmus,
Lobe): regulation of muscle tone, coordination of dizziness)
skilled voluntary movement
- Has vermian components and intermediate CEREBROCEREBELLAR PATHWAY
components o Via the middle cerebellar peduncle
- Has vermian connections and intermediate o Come from the fronto-parietal-temporal lobes of the
connections (Interposed Nucleus) cerebral cortex
o Cerebrocerebellum (Pontocerebellum - Lateral - Lateral 1/5 (Turck’s Bundle): Temporopontine
Zone): planning and modulation of voluntary activity, Fibers
storage of procedural memories; in connection with - Medial 1/5 (Arnold’s Bundle): Frontopontine Fibers
the cerebral cortex o Enter the pons (ipsilaterally)  pontine nuclei  cross
o Vestibulocerebellum: maintenance of balance, to the opposite side  cerebellar hemisphere  lateral
control of eye movement zone  to the Dentate nucleus  re-enter the midbrain
via the SCP  decussation
o In planning movement, sensory and motor
CEREBELLAR INPUTS Corticopontine projections provide the spinocerebellar
 From spinal cord (Spinocerebellar Tracts – and pontocerebellar via Pontocerebellar connections w/
Unconscious Proprioception) feed forward information about an intended movement
1. Dorsal Spinocerebellar Tract o This plan can be evaluated in relation to current activity
2. Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract and correction formulated and relayed back to the motor
 From lower brainstem cortex via the thalamus
1. Olivopontocerebellar (from the Inferior Olives) 
2. Reticulocerebellar o Coming from the inferior olives  decussate  enter
3. Vestibulocerebellar the cerebellum via the Restiform body  enter the
 From cerebral cortex cerebellar cortex and directly go to the Purkinje cell
1. Corticopontocerebellar Tract layer as Climbing Fibers (direct pathway)

o Coming from the reticular formation

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 Ipsilateral – Double Decussation that send axons to the molecular layer as Parallel fibers
= Corticopontine fibers enter the pons  pontine  parallel fibers form connections w/ the dendrites of
nuclei  enter the cerebellar cortex via the MCP  the Purkinje cells
choose the dentate nucleus (lateral zone)  exit the
cerebellar nucleus via the SCP  decussate at the
decussation of the SCP (midbrain)  go up to the MULTILAYERED FIBERS (Monoaminergic or
ventrolateral/ventral-anterior nucleus of the thalamus Peptide-Containing)
 cerebral cortex  corticospinal tract goes down   Derived from:
decussates at the level of the medulla - Locus ceruleus (Noradrenergic)
*Dentato-Rubro-Thalamic Tract - Raphe nuclei (Serotonergic)
- Hypothalamus (some are Histaminergic – from
tubero-mammillary nucleus))
CEREBELLAR CIRCUITS  Terminate in molecular and granular layers
1. Mossy Fibers  Modulate output of cerebellar cortex:
 Formed by efferent axons from: a. Decrease the spontaneous discharge rate of Purkinje
- Pontine nuclei cells
- Spinal cord b. Alter the responsiveness of Purkinje cells to
- Vestibular nuclei excitation by climbing fibers and mossy fiber-granule
- Reticular formation cell projection
 Form connection with the granule cells at the
 Indirectly influence the Purkinje cells by sending CEREBELLAR OUTPUT FROM CEREBELLAR
their axons via parallel fibers to the molecular layer NUCLEI (PPT PICS)
where they synapse w/ the dendrites of the Purkinje o Flocculonodular lobe, lateral vestibular nucleus,
cells vestibulospinal tract = for axial and proximal muscles
 Go to the granule cell layer o Corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts = distal limbs
 Synapse with granule cell dendrites
 Excitatory
 Neurotransmitter = Glutamate TRACTS
2. Climbing Fibers  Corticospinal and Rubrospinal: flexors of the
 Formed by afferent axons from the inferior olivary extremities
nucleus  Vestibulospinal and Reticulospinal: extensors of the
 Directly influence the Purkinje cells extremities
 Go directly to the Purkinje cell layer
 Synapse directly w/ Purkinje cell dendrites
 Excitatory Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle
 Neurotransmitter = Aspartate  2 Divisions:
- Restiform Body
 Both fibers are excitatory. - Juxtarestiform Body
 Excitatory Inputs from:  Mostly AFFERENT
- Granule cells (Parallel Fibers) - Inferior olive
- Mossy fibers - Spinal cord (Dorsal Spinocerebellar)
- Climbing fibers
 Some efferent
- Aminergic fibers
 Inhibitory Inputs from (Interneurons):
Middle Cerebellar Peduncle
- Purkinje cells
- Stellate and Basket Cells  Most massive
- Golgi Cells  ONLY AFFERENT fibers to the cerebellum
 Purkinje cells going out are inhibitory. Everything  Majority from the pontine nuclei
else is excitatory.

o Mossy fibers (come from many places)  enter the Superior Cerebellar Peduncle
granule cell layer  form a connection in the  Main pathway for EFFERENT CEREBELLAR
glomerulus  connect w/ the granule cell dendrites FIBERS to brainstem, red nucleus, ventral-anterior and
ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus

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 Some afferent fibers – spinal cord (Ventral Blood Supply
Spinocerebellar)  Superior Surface: Superior Cerebellar Artery

Parts of the Nervous System Tested in Neurological FUNCTIONAL REGIONS OF THE CEREBELLUM
Examination Motor Pathways
Region Function
o Mental status Influenced
o Cranial nerves Lateral Motor planning Lateral
o Motor Hemispheres for extremities corticospinal tract
o Coordination Lateral
Intermediate Distal limb corticospinal
o Reflexes coordination tract, rubrospinal
o Sensory tract
Cerebellar Examination corticospinal
o Stance and gait tract,
Proximal limb
o Finger to nose test and heel to shin test reticulospinal
Vermis and trunk
o Alternating movements (Alternate Pronation- coordination
Supination Test) vestibulospinal
o Rebound tract, tectospinal
o Tongue movement tract
o Eye movement Balance and Medial
vestibulo-ocular longitudinal
reflexes fasciculus
 Heel to Shin Test = patient cannot run heel down leg
evenly; fragmented movements
 Finger to Nose Test = dysmetria
(See Table in PPT)

Clinical Manifestation of Cerebellar Disease

o Hypotonia
o Ataxia
 Intention tremor
 Dysmetria
 Dysdiadochokinesia
 Decomposition of movement
 Rebound
 Speech disturbance – scanning dysarthria
 Nystagmus

General Principles of Cerebellar Syndrome

1. Ipsilateral signs with lateralized lesions
- Double decussation of efferent cerebellar pathways
- i.e. Right hemisphere lesion – right limb ataxia
2. All deficits are motor
- Are superimposed on normal motor movements (no
paralysis)  incoordination
- No loss of sensory perception
3. Gradual but definite recovery in time
- If disturbances are due to non-progressive pathology
4. Somatotopy of deficits
- Laterally-placed lesions = limbs are affected
- Medially-placed lesions = trunk is affected
5. Severity of deficits
- Considerably increased if lesions involve the SCP or
deep cerebellar nuclei

MARIA KORINA A. DAKIS (2015-2016) 13


Triune Brain: Types of Cortex

Neocortex (Neomammalian/Primate Brain) – rational or 1. Isocortex (Neocortex): 6 classic layers of cells
thinking brain (Homogenetic)
Limbic Brain (Old Mammalian/Mammalian Brain) – - In humans, overshadowed allocortex
emotional or feeling brain - Deals with motor and sensory controls
Reptilian Brain – instinctual or dinosaur brain 2. Allocortex (Heterogenetic): 3 layered
- Primitive, phylogenetically older; receives
Phylogenetically, Supratentorial Level: influences (olfactory cortex)
1. The older “inner tube”: limbic lobe, amygdala, basal - Dominant in lower animals (rats)
forebrain, olfactory structures, hypothalamus, and a. Archicortex: hippocampal formation (memory)
thalamic nuclei b. Palleocortex: entorhinal; primary olfactory
 Functions – Internal regulation
Emotion CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES: 3 layers of tissue
Motivation surrounding the ventricles
2. The newer “outer tube”: neocortex (not present in  Innermost Core – Ventricles (*3rd Ventricle at the
other forms of animals), basal ganglia, thalamic nuclei midline)
connections 1. Basal Ganglia – adjacent ventricles/near the thalamus;
 Functions – Higher cognition gray matter
Language 2. White matter – intermingled axons (surrounds the
Motor programming basal ganglia); connects nervous system structures
Sensory processing (visual, 3. Cerebral Cortex – outermost layer; contains neurons
somatosensory, auditory) migrated to this location
a. Limbic cortex: most primitive cerebral hemisphere;
 The diencephalon and telencephalon are supratentorial vegetative functions (eating/procreating);
(tentorium cerebelli separates the occipital lobe and interconnected structures (medial)
the cerebellum). b. Paralimbic: connects limbic and neocortex
 The brain is 2% of the total body weight w/ 150 mL of c. Neocortex: layer of neurons; outer surface of
CSF. cerebral hemisphere
 Large number of infoldings in the brain, more surface  Mostly gray – neuronal cell bodies
area, more spaces for the neurons – greater functions.
 Telencephalon becomes bigger, diencephalon General Topography
becomes found in the inner part (in the inner core of  80% of the brain
the cerebrum) and is enveloped by the telencephalon.  Enormously developed in man
 Convolutions (result of overexpansion) – no pattern;
Development of the Mature Nervous System: limited by the skull
1. Determination  Ridges: Gyri (*Latin word gyrare – twist) – 2/3 of the
- Cells in ectoderm (neuron precursor) cortex is buried
- Neural induction - Gyri: going out
2. Proliferation - Sulci: deeper inner part
- Cell division  Fissures: deeper than sulci (usually reaches the walls of
3. Migration ventricles)
- After final division (migrate to final destination)  Massive folds: temporal lobe (*thumb); fronto-parietal
- Directed by radial glial cells (*fist); lateral fissure
4. Maturation
- Final location (established connections thru Landmarks
dendrites/axons)  Central sulcus of Rolando = starts at the midline and
- Myelination (completed at 2 years old) goes anteriorly, but does not reach the lateral fissure
 Lateral fissure (Sylvian) = separates the temporal lobe
from the frontal and parietal lobes
 Parieto-occipital sulcus/fissure

MARIA KORINA A. DAKIS (2015-2016) 14

 Pre-occipital notch = Posteriorly: Occipital Lobe;
Anteriorly: Parietal and Temporal Lobe
 Corpus callosum = medially located


Central sulcus of Rolando Precentral gyrus
Precentral sulcus Superior Frontal gyrus
Superior Frontal sulcus Middle Frontal gyrus
FRONTAL LOBE Inferior Frontal sulcus Inferior Frontal gyrus
(41% of brain volume) Lateral Fissure (Ant. Ramus) Pars orbitalis
Lateral Fissure (Asc. Ramus) Pars triangularis (Broca’s)
Olfactory sulcus Gyrus rectus
Orbital sulcus Orbital gyrus
Lateral fissure (Post. Ramus) Superior Temporal gyrus
Superior Temporal sulcus Middle Temporal gyrus
Middle Temporal sulcus Inferior Temporal gyrus
(22% of brain volume)
Inferior Temporal sulcus Fusiform (Occipitotemporal) gyrus
Collateral sulcus Transverse Temporal Gyrus (Heschl)
Calcarine sulcus Lingual gyrus
Parieto-occipital sulcus Cuneus
(18% of brain volume)
Lunate sulcus
Postcentral sulcus Postcentral gyrus
Intraparietal sulcus Supramarginal gyrus
Marginal sulcus or ramus Angular gyrus
(19% of blood volume)
Paracentral lobule

3-1-2-5 Postcentral gyrus Somatosensory (General Sense)
7 Anterior Parietal area Sensory association
4 Precentral gyrus Motor
6 Posterior Frontal gyrus Motor organization
8 Superior Frontal gyrus Major part of Frontal Eye Field
17 Occipital pole, calcarine fissure Visual
18 – 19 Surround 17 Visual association, automatic eye motor
Superior Temporal gyrus, floor lateral
41 Auditory
42 Surrounds 41 Auditory association
Inferior Frontal gyrus, Pars Triangularis
44 Motor speech, LEFT
(Broca’s Area)
23-24 Gyrus cinguli Erotic experience
9-10-45 Anterior Frontal lobe Planning
4 & 6: medial Superior Frontal gyrus, sulcus cinguli Supplementary motor

 2 cm deep (still not a fissure)

FRONTAL LOBE  Begins at the upper margin, 1 cm behind the midpoint
 Zigzag course – Upper Genu: Occipital
 Important; constant  Constant genu (landmark)
 Divides frontal (motor) and parietal (sensory)  Slopes down 68o, midsagittal line

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 Almost reaches the lateral fissure but does not - Rostral border: imaginary line (Central sulcus to
Functions (Gyri) of the Frontal Lobe - Caudal border: marginal sulcus
 Post-central gyrus and Post Paracentral gyrus:
1. Pre-Central/Paracentral gyrus Primary Somatosensory Cortex
o Represented by the homonculus 3. Intraparietal sulcus – contains superior parietal lobule
o Primary somatomotor (contralateral), BA 4 4. Superior Parietal gyrus (precuneus)  medial surface
o Parts of the body that need more discrete/fine 5. Inferior Parietal gyrus
movements, take up a bigger part  hand, face, a. Angular gyrus (BA 39): caudal end of Superior
mouth, tongue Temporal sulcus)
o From Lateral Fissure: “Homonculus” b. Supramarginal gyrus: crescent-shaped ridge (caudal
 Face: 1/3 end of lateral fissure, BA 40)
 Hand and upper extremities: middle third  Derived from the end of the lateral and superior
(emphasis on the hand) temporal sulcus.
 Trunk: medial third
 Hip: over the edge Functions (Gyri) of the Parietal Lobe
 Lower extremities and foot: anterior paracentral 1. Primary Somatosensory (BA 3, 1, 2)
gyrus o Similar to precentral gyrus
o Face: Lateral third
2. Frontal Eye Field: depth of precentral sulcus UE: Middle third
o controls the conjugate movement of the eyes and Hip, trunk, thigh: Medial third
help eyes focus on targets Leg foot, genitalia: Post paracentral lobule
o Conjugate deviation of the eye away from the o Somesthetic (appreciation, interpretation) sensation
stimulus o Damage: altered sensation (pain, thermal,
o Extends between BA’s 6 and 8 proprioception)
o Evidence: primarily BA 6  CNs 3, 4, 6
o Voluntary eye movement 2. Angular (BA 39) and Supramarginal (BA 40)
o Lesions: LEFT
- Irritative  away from lesion (conjugate) o WERNICKE’S AREA
- Destructive  toward lesion o Comprehension of spoken language
o For reception and understanding of what is heard
3. Language: Inferior Frontal Gyrus (LEFT): o Located close to the Transverse gyrus of Heschl
BROCA’S AREA o Lesion: receptive problem
o Especially Pars Opercularis (BA 44) (receptive/sensory/Wernicke’s aphasia)
o Expressive communication
o Lesion: non-fluent; expressive aphasia (Broca’s
Aphasia (*stroke) TEMPORAL LOBE
o Ascending Ramus divides the Inferior Frontal gyrus  Massive fold; lateral fissure and collateral sulcus in
into 3 parts: between
1. Pars Orbitalis (more anterior – nearer to the 1. Superior Temporal sulcus
orbits) - Ends in angular gyrus
2. Pars Triangularis: triangle-shaped 2. Superior Temporal gyrus
3. Pars Opercularis: coming from the operculum - Transverse Gyrus of Heschl (BA 41, 42) =
 LEFT CEREBRAL HEMISPHERE is dominant in primary auditory cortex
most right handed individuals and 80% of left handed Found at the inner part of the Lateral Fissure
individuals. 3. Middle Temporal sulcus
 Only 1 hemisphere is dominant, even if ambidextrous. - Middle temporal gyrus
4. Collateral sulcus
- Occipito-temporal gyrus
1. Post-central sulcus/Parieto-occipital notch Temporal Lobe Functions
2. Post-central gyrus 1. Primary Auditory Center
- Extends to the medial surface; BA 3, 1, 2 - Interpretes sound; localizes sound in space
- Continuous w/ posterior paracentral gyrus - Lesion: unable to discriminate (not deaf)

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2. Other functions are related to limbic system and A. Short Association: adjacent gyri
hippocampus (emotion and memory) B. Long Association: distant areas
1. Cingulum
2. Uncinate fasciculus
OCCIPITAL LOBE  Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area are connected via
 Caudal hemisphere; occipital gyri (irregular) long association fibers (Temporal-Parietal to Frontal)
 Lateral surface: small; Important structures are found = Arcuate Fasciculus
1. Parieto-occipital sulcus Commissural Fibers
- In the medial surface, separates cuneus (occipital)  Interconnect corresponding structures between 2
from precuneus (parietal) hemispheres
2. Occipital sulcus (Superior occipital gyrus and Inferior A. Corpus callosum
occipital gyrus)  Largest; superior to diencephalon
3. Calcarine sulcus  Forms the roof of lateral ventricles
- Important landmark (medial)  Parts (Rostro-caudal): rostrum, genu, body,
- Separates cuneus (above) from lingual gyrus (below) splenium
4. Primary Visual Cortex (BA 17) a. Genu: rostrally interconnects frontal lobes
- Gyri that directly border calcarine sulcus (minor forceps)
- Function: discriminate visual images b. Splenium: caudally interconnects occipital lobes
- Lesion: one side  homonymous hemianopsia (loss (major forceps)
of contralateral half of the visual field) B. Anterior Commissure
 Caudal to rostrum (frontal/temporal lobes)
C. Hippocampal Commissure
Insular Lobe  Inferior to splenium (hippocampus)
 Oval cortex deep inside the lateral fissure; central D. Posterior Commissure
sulcus (insula)  Connects caudal diencephalon
 Gyri longus (1 set); Gyri brevis (1 set)  Crosses the base of the pineal gland (posterior to
 Continuous w/ frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes cerebral aqueduct)
 Function: unclear; receives nociceptive (pain) and E. Habenular Commissure
visceromotor inputs  Connects the caudal diencephalon (Habenular
nuclei, near the pineal gland)
Limbic Lobe
 Medial ring of cortex; appears as a circle/limbus Projection Fibers
 Has a unique function: memory, learning, behavior  Interconnects distal areas:
 Parts: - Corticopetal (outside telencephalon/cerebral cortex)
- Subcallosal - Corticofugal (downstream, from cerebral cortex to
- Cingulate targets)
- Isthmus  Large bundles: Internal Capsule  all fibers pass
- Parahippocampus through here
- Uncus  3 Parts of the Internal Capsule:
a. Anterior Limb: between caudate and lenticular
nuclei; fibers from the thalamus, frontal lobe, BG
WHITE MATTER OF CEREBRAL HEMISPHERE b. Posterior Limb: between dorsal thalamus and
 Homogenous mass; below the cortex, enveloping the lenticular nuclei; corticospinal fibers and other fibers
corpus striatum and ventricles from the thalamus going to the other parts of the brain
 Function: pathways for information to and from the c. Genu: intersection; level of interventricular foramen;
cortex (gray matter) corticobulbar fibers
 3 Types of Fibers:
1. Association Fibers
2. Commissural Fibers Internal Capsule
3. Projection Fibers 1. Anterior Limb (Frontal Part)
- From thalamus to frontal lobe
Association Fibers - Lentiform nucleus
 Interconnect areas within the hemisphere - Medial fifth of cerebral peduncle

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2. Genu (knee or flexure)
- From motor (corticobulbar)
3. Posterior Limb (Occipital Part)
- Anterior portion: CST
- Posterior portion: sensory from thalamus, optic
- Middle of cerebral peduncle

Corona Radiata
 “radiating crown”
 Caused by the funneling of fibers into the internal
 Fibers (capsule) flare out; distal to the basal ganglia
 Converging corticofugal, diverging corticopetal


I. Plexiform (Molecular Layer)
- few small cells and numerous dendrites and axons
- interwoven
- parallel to surface
II. III. Small Medium Pyramidal Cells
- Conical/pear-shaped tips directed toward
IV. Granular Layer (Stellate)
- Well-demarcated
- Small compact, multipolar granule cells
- Chief Receptive Center (incoming impulses)
V. Pyramidal Cells (Large Giant Cells, Betz)
- biggest in precentral gyrus
- Chief Discharge Center (efferent impulses)
VI. Spindles (Fusiform)
- Long axis perpendicular to surface; contribute to


 Centers: integration, interpretation, dissemination of
impulses (sensory/motor)
1. Primary Motor Area: Frontal
- Precentral Gyrus (BA 4)
2. Primary Somatosensory Area: Parietal
- Postcentral Gyrus (BA 3, 1, 2)
3. Primary Visual Area: Occipital
- Bounded by calcarine sulcus (BA 17)
4. Primary Auditory Area: Temporal
- Transverse Gyrus of Heschl (BA 41, 42)

 Brodmann’s Classification: according to function

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 About 50% of intracranial problems are vascular in  MCA: ICA to its termination
origin  Supplies more parts
 Brain: 2-3% of body weight; 15% of cardiac output;  It is divided into 4 segments:
20% of oxygen; 25% of glucose - M1: medial portion of the Sylvian cistern
 Blood Supply: Internal Carotid Artery and - M2: insular part
Vertebral Artery - M3: opercular part
 Anterior Circulation: - M4: cortical branches
 From the Internal Carotid system  M1 is the largest and supplies most of the structures
 Supplies 80% of the brain  Supplies most of the convex surface (lateral part) of
 Posterior Circulation: the brain
 From the Vertebral (Vertebro-Basilar) system  Deep tissue: basal ganglia, putamen, parts of the globus
 Supplies 20% of the brain pallidus, caudate nucleus, and internal capsule

 M1 Segment:
INTERNAL CAROTID SYSTEM  ICA and the point where it branches at the
 Cervical part – lies along the cervical area ventromedial aspect of the insula (the limen
 Petrous part
 Branches serve the adjacent medial and rostral
 Cavernous part – near the cavernous sinus
aspects of the temporal lobe (via lenticulostriate
 Inferior hypophysial artery
arteries  penetrating arteries that supply the deep
 Meningeal artery
structures of the brain)
 Cerebral part – contains majority of the important
 Lenticulostriate arteries: supply the basal ganglia;
branches most commonly ruptured in patients w/
 Ophthalmic artery: exits through the eyes; occlusion: hypertension
monocular blindness  Bifurcates into superior and inferior trunks
 Posterior communicating artery: connects the  Aneurysm commonly arises from the bifurcation of
anterior circulation to the posterior circulation M1
 Anterior choroidal artery
 Superior hypophysial artery
 Middle and Anterior Cerebral arteries: terminal VERTEBROBASILAR SYSTEM
branches (termination of the ICA)
 Formed by the distal segments of the vertebral arteries
as they join to form the basilar artery (union of 2
Anterior Cerebral Artery
vertebral arteries)
 ACA: ICA to its termination at about the
 Primary source of supply to the brainstem
parietooccipital sulcus
 It is divided into 5 segments: Vertebral Artery
- A1: Precommunicating segment
 Passes through the transverse foramen
- A2: Infracallosal segment
 Divided into 4 segments:
- A3: Precallosal segment
- V1: subclavian artery to the transverse foramen of
- A4: Supracallosal segment
the C6 (entrance)
- A5: Postcallosal segment
- V2: transverse foramina of C6 – C2
 A1 and A2 are located basally
- V3: exit from C2 to atlantooccipital membrane
 A3 – A5 are located medially (passes through C1)
 Supplies the basal and medial aspects of the cerebral - V4: passes thru dura as it joins to form the basilar
hemispheres artery (intracranial)
 Extends to the anterior 2/3 of the parietal lobe
 Perforating branches supply the anterior caudate Basilar Artery
nucleus, parts of the internal capsule, putamen, and  Branches:
anterior hypothalamus 1. Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery (AICA)
 Lower 3rd of the basilar artery, passes thru CP
Middle Cerebral Artery cisterns
 Usually (70% of the time) larger than ACA

MARIA KORINA A. DAKIS (2015-2016) 19

 Serves the ventral and lateral surfaces of the - Infundibulum and tuber cinereum (associated w/
cerebellum, parts of the pons, portion of the pituitary gland)
choroid plexus - Mammillary bodies
 Gives rise to the labyrinthine artery - Hypothalamus
2. Pontine Arteries - Structures of the interpeduncular fossa
 Penetrate the pons immediately as paramedian
 Short circumferential branches VEINS AND VENOUS SINUSES OF THE BRAIN
 Long circumferential branches  The venous drainage of the brain exits the skull through
3. Superior Cerebellar Arteries one major vessel = Internal Jugular Vein
 Medial and Lateral Branches  The major venous sinuses: located w/in the dura
- Serve their respective regions of the superior - Superior sagittal sinus: forms the confluence of
surface of the cerebellum and its nuclei sinuses that drains into the transverse sinus 
sigmoid sinus  IJV
Posterior Cerebral Artery - Inferior sagittal sinus: medially located; drains into
 Bifurcation of the basilar artery in the interpeduncular the straight sinus
cistern - Straight sinus
 Branches to the midbrain and thalamus and to the  Cavernous Sinus – drainage of the emissary veins;
ventral and medial surfaces of the temporal and infected during infections of the skin  manifested as
occipital lobes as far as the level of the parietooccipital CNS infection
sulcus (*Parietooccipital Sulcus delineates the  Anastomotic veins: connect the superficial cerebral
structures supplied by the ACA and the PCA – veins and deep cerebral veins
*Parieto-Temporo-Occipital Area is supplied by the  Superficial Cerebral veins (Cortical veins)
PCA) - Carry blood from the outer 1-2 cm of the brain
 Segments: P1 to P4 surface to large drainage channels
- P1: between the basilar bifurcation and the PCom  Deep Cerebral veins (Central Veins)
artery - Drain blood from the inner regions of the brain
 Small perforating vessels and to quadrigeminal (hemispheric white matter, basal ganglia, corpus
and thalamoperforating arteries callosum, choroid plexus) and from a few cortical
- P2: between the PCom and the inferior temporal areas as well
 Medial and lateral posterior choroidal and Summary of Venous Drainage (PPT)
thalamogeniculate arteries as well as small
perforating branches to the midbrain
- P3: gives rise to its temporal branches NEUROVASCULAR SYNDROMES
- P4: parietooccipital and calcarine arteries Cerebrovascular disorders include cerebral infarcts (most
 Calcarine Artery serves the primary visual common) and cerebral hemorrhages.
Middle Cerebral Artery Syndrome
Differential Diagnosis: o Contralateral hemiplegia or hemiparesis affecting
 Difficulty walking but able to hold a pen = ACA primarily the face and upper extremity
 Upper extremity weaker than the lower = MCA o Contralateral sensory deficit, also more prominent in
the face and upper extremity
o Contralateral visual field
CIRCLE OF WILLIS o Contralateral conjugate gaze paralysis – involvement of
 aka Cerebral Arterial Circle the frontal eye field (BA 8)
 main cerebral circulation o Aphasia if the dominant (left) hemisphere is involved –
 ACA, MCA, Posterior Communicating, PCA Broca’s, Wernicke’s, or global variety
 Located basally (exudates usually settle here during o Inattention and neglect of the contralateral half of the
infections); coexists w/ the cranial nerves and brainstem body or space and denial of illness if the non-dominant
 Main point of bifurcation (sites of aneurysm) (right) hemisphere is involved
 Structures located inside this circle: o Spatial perception (right, non-dominant hemisphere)
- Optic chiasm and tracts - Constructional apraxia
- Topographagnosia

MARIA KORINA A. DAKIS (2015-2016) 20

- Dressing apraxia Intracranial Hemorrhage Syndromes
o Gerstmann Syndrome (left-sided parietal lesion) May result from:
- Agraphia o Spontaneous rupture of an arterial wall of longstanding
- Acalculia hypertension
- Agnosia (finger) o Rupture of a congenital saccular aneurysm
- Left-right disorientation o Rupture of an arteriovenous malformation
o Trauma
Anterior Cerebral Artery Syndrome o Bleeding disorder
Unilateral occlusion of the ACA is associated with: Hemorrhage may occur:
o Contralateral hemiplegia or hemiparesis affecting o Within the brain parenchyma = Intracerebral
primarily the lower extremity Hemorrhage
o Contralateral sensory deficit affecting primarily the o Into the ventricular system = Intraventricular
lower extremity Hemorrhage
o Transcortical motor aphasia (in between Broca’s and o Into meningeal spaces (subarachnoid, subdural,
Wernicke’s) when the left (dominant) hemisphere is epidural)
affected *Subarachnoid hemorrhage: most deadly
Bilateral occlusion of the ACA is associated with:
dementia-like symptoms
o Loss of initiative and spontaneity
o Profound apathy
o Memory and emotional disturbances
o Akinetic mutism
o Disturbance in gait and posture
o Grasp reflex
o Disorder of sphincter control (center for sphincter
control is in the medial aspect of the frontal lobe)

Internal Carotid Artery Syndrome

o A combination of the MCA and ACA syndromes to
which is added transient monocular blindness.

Posterior Cerebral Artery Syndrome

Unilateral occlusion of the PCAS is associated with:
o Contralateral hemianopia
o Visual and color agnosia
o Contralateral sensory loss of all modalities w/
concomitant pain (thalamic syndrome)
o Pure alexia w/o agraphia w/ a left-sided lesion

Vertebral-Basilar Artery Syndromes

Occlusion of the vertebral-basilar arterial system usually
results in brain stem infarcts.
o Bilateral long tract (motor and sensory) signs
o Crossed motor (weakness of the face on the left and
weakness of extremities on the right - brainstem
lesions) and sensory signs
o Cerebellar signs
o Cranial nerve signs
o Alteration in state of consciousness (stupor or coma)
o Disconjugate eye movements

MARIA KORINA A. DAKIS (2015-2016) 21

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