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Chapter Should Patients with Acute Spinal

1 Cord Injuries Receive Steroids?


The annual incidence of spinal cord injuries (SCIs) and with “evidence suggesting harmful side effects”
is estimated between 11.5 and 53.4 per 1 million that is more consistent than any suggestion of clinical
people,1–8 and prevalence is estimated at around benefit in the case of methylprednisolone. Tirilazad
700 SCI cases per 1 million people in the United and naloxone have also been studied in humans but
States.9 These injuries are characterized by high without any evidence of efficacy to warrant inclusion
mortality and morbidity rates. In those individuals in the guidelines.
who survive to arrive at an acute care institution, This chapter attempts to critically review the evi-
mortality rates range between 4.4% and 16.7%.3,5,8 dence for use of methylprednisolone and other
These survivors typically experience prolonged hos- corticosteroids in the treatment of human SCI. The
pitalization in acute care hospitals and rehabilitation discussion focuses on human studies; a wealth of
centers.8,10 Patients are typically young (mean and animal studies that preceded the study of these
median ages ranging in the late 20s and early 30s) medications in humans is beyond the scope of this
and male (80–85% of patients).8 Approximately 45% chapter.
of patients experience a complete neurologic injury
with no detectable neurologic function below the
level of the lesion.11 Fifty-five percent of patients are METHYLPREDNISOLONE AND OTHER CORTICOSTEROIDS
injured between C1 and C7-T1.8 Hospital admissions IN SPINAL CORD INJURY
of a week or longer are necessary for approximately
10% of patients with SCI every year because of com- Steroids in various forms have been used in the treat-
plications including pressure sores, autonomic dys- ment of SCI for many years. Historically, the rationale
reflexia, pneumonia, atelectasis, deep venous throm- for the use of corticosteroids in the management of
bosis, and renal calculi.12–14 Spasticity and pain also neural trauma extended from their use in decreasing
add significantly to neurologic disability in 25% edema in the management of brain tumors. In addi-
of patients.12 Long-term reduced life expectancy is tion, their anti-inflammatory effect was thought to be
largely accounted for by pneumonia, pulmonary em- beneficial to the secondary injury pathophysiology of
boli, and septicemia. Furthermore, the financial bur- SCI. Studies in dogs supported these hypotheses and
den of managing these injuries both to the individual demonstrated a modest improvement in neurologic
and to society is enormous. The estimated cost to outcome with steroid treatment and a modified anti-
the United States for care of all patients with SCI in inflammatory response.16 Subsequently, other animal
1990 was $4 billion.8 studies have provided support for improved neuro-
Accordingly, therapies that limit the extent of neu- logic recovery after SCI in animal models when meth-
rologic dysfunction after SCI (neuroprotection) or that ylprednisolone is administered and have provided
improve recovery of function (neuroregeneration and evidence for inhibition of lipid peroxidation, protec-
neuroaugmentation) would have a huge impact on tion of energy metabolism, reduced post-traumatic
this patient population. Significant research interest in ischemia, maintenance of neurofilament structure,
these strategies has identified many potential thera- and decreased post-traumatic ionic shifts.17
peutic targets in animal models. Of these, several have The role of steroids in human SCI management be-
been applied to high-quality human investigations. came more rigorously considered after publication of
Unfortunately, none has been proved effective in hu- the Second National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study
mans. The American Association of Neurological Sur- (NASCIS II). Unfortunately, the initial enthusiasm for
geons and Congress of Neurological Surgeons Joint an apparent positive effect of methylprednisolone in
Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral SCI demonstrated by NASCIS II has not stood up to
Nerves’ 2002 Guidelines for the Management of Acute the extensive scrutiny that ensued.18–21 However, de-
Cervical Spine and Spinal Cord Injury15 specifically rec- spite significant criticism, this medication continues
ognizes methylprednisolone and GM-1 ganglioside as to be prescribed by many physicians, and a 2002
options for treatment in patients with acute SCI. How- study suggests that most practitioners prescribe it
ever, these options were qualified “without demon- because of peer pressure or fear of litigation, rather
strated clinical benefit” in the case of GM-1 ganglioside than a firm belief that it is indeed efficacious.22

8 Spinal Topics

The first NASCIS study compared low- (100 mg/ related stratifications. For example, in NASCIS II, the
day ! 10 days) and high-dose (1000 mg/day ! incompletely injured placebo group when separated
10 days) methylprednisolone, and did not include a into "8- and #8-hour gr-oups differs in recovery, with
placebo group.23 It failed to demonstrate a differ- the latter group showing improved recovery compa-
ence between the doses tested. The high-dose group rable with the "8-hour incompletely injured methyl-
exhibited an increased risk for complications. That prednisolone group.17 This implies that these patients
study was followed by a randomized, controlled could be treated with placebo beyond 8 hours and a
trial comparing a 24-hour protocol (30 mg/kg meth- similar result to treatment with methylprednisolone
ylprednisolone bolus followed by 5.4 mg/hg/hr until initiated within 8 hours can be expected. Finally, an-
24 hours) with placebo in NASCIS II.24,25 The dose other common criticism of the NASCIS studies has
selected in NASCIS II was greater than that of the been the lack of outcomes assessing functional recov-
original study because of further animal work that ery meaningful to the patient’s expected activities.
suggested a therapeutic threshold of 30 mg/kg.25 In addition to the NASCIS studies, Otani and col-
NASCIS II concluded that improved neurologic re- leagues28 published a prospective, randomized trial
covery was seen when the methylprednisolone investigating the NASCIS II methylprednisolone dos-
treatment protocol was initiated within 8 hours ing protocol. The investigators were not blinded to
of injury. That study was then followed by NASCIS treatment, and the control group was allowed to re-
III, which compared patients randomized to the ceive alternate steroids at the physicians’ discre-
24-hour NASCIS II protocol with those randomized tion. Of 158 patients entered, 117 were analyzed. The
to a 48-hour protocol (5.4 mg/kg/hr methylpredniso- primary outcome measures (American Spinal Injury
lone after the 30-mg/kg bolus).26,27 That study con- Association [ASIA] motor and sensory scores) were
cluded that patients for whom therapy was initiated not different between treatment groups. Post hoc
within 3 hours did not gain any benefit from extend- analyses suggested that more patients improved on
ing treatment to 48 hours, whereas those for whom the NASCIS II steroid regimen compared with control
therapy was initiated between 3 and 8 hours did patients. However, for a greater number of steroid-
benefit further. No benefit has been shown if ther- treated patients to improve, the fewer control pa-
apy is initiated beyond 8 hours in NASCIS II. tients who also improved must have demonstrated a
Both the NASCIS II and NASCIS III trials were well larger magnitude of recovery (because overall ASIA
designed and executed. However, closer scrutiny motor and sensory scores were no different between
demonstrates that the primary analyses of methyl- groups). Thus, such post hoc analyses become dif-
prednisolone treatment effect were negative in both ficult to interpret in the face of a negative overall
studies. The stated conclusions were based on post effect.
hoc analyses that suggested minor treatment effects A retrospective study with concurrent case controls
on motor scores at 1 year and when therapy was also suggested a benefit with corticosteroid adminis-
initiated in the 8- and 3- to 8-hour windows identified tration.29 This study investigated the use of dexametha-
in NASCIS II and III, respectively (statistical probabil- sone initiated within 24 hours of injury with the specific
ity was slightly greater than 0.05 for 1-year motor dose left to the discretion of the attending physicians.
scores in the NASCIS III 48-hour steroid group). None Length of follow-up was not specified, and a new but
of the sensory scores was different between treat- unvalidated neurologic grading system was used for
ment groups in either study. outcome assessment. This study reports that the per-
Several concerns have arisen regarding the post centage of patients who improved was significantly
hoc analyses of NASCIS II and III. The left-sided motor greater in the steroid-treated group. However, there
scores were not published but reported “similar” to was a much greater mortality rate within the control
right-sided scores. Thus, half the available data were group, suggesting a selection bias to more severely in-
excluded. The statistical analyses failed to correct for jured patients in the control arm. The magnitude of the
multiple statistical comparisons, and it is unclear mortality rate is also a concern and suggests that the
whether the repeated-measures design was consid- study population may not be representative and that
ered. More than 65 methylprednisolone-related t tests the results are not generalizable.
were performed in NASCIS II, and more than 100 A randomized, controlled trial designed to examine
t tests in NASCIS III. There was, therefore, a high likeli- the potential therapeutic benefit of nimodipine (a
hood of type I error (erroneously detecting a statisti- calcium channel antagonist) included an NASCIS II
cal difference that does not exist) through random methylprednisolone regimen and a placebo group.30,31
chance. The rationale for an 8-hour subanalysis This study, which included approximately 25 patients
(NASCIC II) is unclear. It has been claimed that this in each group, failed to show any difference between
subgroup was selected based on median time to any of four groups (placebo, nimodipine, methylpred-
treatment. However, by definition, 50% of patients nisolone, methylprednisolone and nimodipine) using
should have initiated treatment before the median ASIA scores and ASIA grade outcomes. However, this
time of treatment initiation. In fact, only 38% of pa- study was remarkable for an increase in infectious
tients (183/487) were included in this post hoc analy- complications in the methylprednisolone group.
sis. The justification for the 3- and 8-hour windows in Most recently, the data from the five randomized
NASCIS III is similarly obscure. Other observations trials of methylprednisolone (NASCIS, NASCIS II,
raise concern about imposing these artificial time- NASCIS III, Otani and colleagues,28 and Pointillart
Should Patients with Acute Spinal Cord Injuries Receive Steroids? 9

and coworkers31) were subject to a meta-analysis after Significant Head Injury (CRASH) trial investi-
and concluded that high-dose methylprednisolone gated the use of a corticosteroid regimen similar to
given within 8 hours of acute SCI is safe and mod- that used in NASCIS II in the setting of closed head
estly effective. This article estimated a treatment injury.35 It demonstrated increased mortality with
effect of 4.1 motor score points (from ASIA score) steroid use in that population. One must certainly
over placebo treatment (using the NASCIS II 24-hour recognize the possibly of an increased mortality risk
protocol). The findings and limitations of the indi- in patients with SCI as well. However, it must also be
vidual articles included in this review are discussed noted that Sauerland and colleagues36 performed a
earlier in this chapter (Table 1–1). large meta-analysis review of approximately 2500 pa-
It must also be recognized that corticosteroid ad- tients treated with preoperative high-dose steroids
ministration comes with increased risk for several (#15 mg/kg methylprednisolone) and found no evi-
potential adverse events including pneumonia, sep- dence of increased risk for gastrointestinal bleeding,
sis, and steroid-induced myopathy, all of which may wound complications, pulmonary complications, or
negatively impact outcome in patients with SCI, po- death. They suggest that some reports that claim in-
tentially overshadowing any unproven beneficial ef- creased complication rates with high-dose steroid
fect.32 Galandiuk and colleagues33 demonstrate that use were subject to selection bias.
patients with SCI treated with corticosteroids exhib-
ited a greater rate of pneumonia (79% vs. 50% with
placebo treatment) and required a longer hospital CONCLUSIONS
stay (44.4 vs. 27.7 days with placebo treatment).
Matsumoto and coauthors34 specifically investigated In summary, although well-designed and executed
the complication rate in patients treated with the studies have been performed, they have failed to
NASCIS II protocol compared with placebo in a small demonstrate convincingly a beneficial effect of meth-
randomized trial. They found a nonstatistically sig- ylprednisolone or other corticosteroids in the man-
nificant trend to greater complication rates with ste- agement of SCI. Post hoc analyses have been used to
roid treatment overall, but a significant difference in argue a small effect on motor function in three ran-
respiratory and gastrointestinal complications. The domized trials. However, all of these analyses contain
majority of these complications were pneumonia and significant flaws rendering conclusions of efficacy
gastric ulcer, respectively. NASCIS II did not find dubious. These observations have led two national
an increased complication rate with steroid treat- organizations to publish guidelines recommending
ment, but NASCIS III reported a greater rate of sepsis methylprednisolone administration as a treatment
and pulmonary complications particularly with the option rather than as a standard of care or recom-
48-hour infusion. The Corticosteroid Randomization mended treatment (Table 1–2).15,37

TABLE 1–1. Human Clinical Trials in Spinal Cord Injury Investigating Methylprednisolone and Other Corticosteroids

Bracken et al.23 (NASCIS I) 1984 Prospective, randomized, Methylprednisolone Negative

double blind
Bracken et al. 24,25
(NASCIS II) 1990, 1992 Prospective, randomized, Methylprednisolone Positive
double blind
Bracken et al.26,27 (NASCIS III) 1997, 1998 Prospective, randomized, Methylprednisolone Positive
double blind
Otani et al. 28
1994 Prospective, randomized, no Methylprednisolone Positive
Pointillart et al.31 2000 Prospective, randomized, Methylprednisolone Negative
Kiwerski 29
1993 Retrospective, concurrent Dexamethasone Positive

TABLE 1–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. Corticosteroids are a treatment option A 23–25, 28, 30, 31

in the management of acute spinal cord
injury without proven benefit.
2. Corticosteroids used in the setting of A 23, 26, 30, 31, 33, 34
acute spinal cord injury increase com-

*Although data are available from level 1 publications, this item was not the main focus of these articles and the studies were not necessarily powered to
address this issue.
10 Spinal Topics

REFERENCES systematic review from a clinical perspective. Spinal Cord

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Should Patients Undergoing
Chapter Decompression for a Grade 1
2 Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Also Have an Instrumented Fusion?

dermatomal pattern, is often unilateral, and more fre-
Degenerative spondylolisthesis, spondylolisthesis with quently involves the nerve root traversing the level of
an intact neural arch, typically affects patients older the spondylolisthesis. A degenerative spondylolisthe-
than 40 years. The disorder is three times more com- sis at L4-L5 produces compression in the lateral re-
mon in people of African descent, and is four to six cess, which can produce an L5 radiculopathy, mani-
times more common in female than male individuals.1 fested by sensory changes in the lateral thigh, lateral
The cause of degenerative spondylolisthesis is thought calf, and dorsum of foot, as well as extensor hallucis
to derive from a combination of degenerative disc dis- longus motor weakness. A degenerative spondylolis-
ease and facet arthritis in the presence of ligamentous thesis will also anatomically narrow the neural fora-
laxity. Degenerative spondylolisthesis most commonly men at the level of the slip, thereby compressing the
affects the L4-L5 level. The natural history of degenera- exiting nerve root. As such, a degenerative spondylo-
tive spondylolisthesis was reviewed in Matsunaga and listhesis at L4-L5 can also produce an L4 radiculopa-
colleagues’2 study, which followed a group of 40 pa- thy. This is manifested by sensory changes in the an-
tients over an average of 8.25 years (Level of Evidence terior thigh and knee extending to the anterior leg and
4). This study demonstrates that the conditions of tibialis anterior motor weakness. Neurogenic claudi-
only 10% of patients deteriorated clinically and were a cation involves weakness, paresthesias, or pain that
subset of a group of patients who did not demonstrate typically extends from the thighs into the legs in a
progression of the spondylolisthesis. In this study, nondermatomal distribution and is secondary to cen-
progression of the slip was found in 30% of patients, all tral stenosis. The symptoms of neurogenic claudica-
of whom were asymptomatic. A majority of these of tion increase with ambulation or standing because of
patients exhibited some improvement in their clinical decreased spinal canal cross-sectional area in lumbar
symptoms over time. In Matsunaga and colleagues’3 extension leading to nerve root compression.6 The
long-term follow-up study, progressive slip was found symptoms of neurogenic claudication are improved
in 34% of 145 nonsurgically managed patients at a with lumbar flexion, which increases the canal cross-
minimum of 10 years (Level of Evidence 4). At the sectional area.7 Neurogenic claudication may be bilat-
beginning of the study, 75% of patients were neurologi- eral or unilateral with pain typically being the pre-
cally normal and remained so at final follow-up. Pa- dominant symptom. Foraminal, lateral recess, and
tients with neurologic symptoms comprised 34% of central stenosis leading to radicular pain or neuro-
the patient population, and 84% of this group experi- genic claudication in the setting of spinal stenosis are
enced neurologic deterioration with a resultant poor exacerbated by concomitant degenerative spondylo-
outcome.3 Several studies have demonstrated a lack listhesis, which contributes to the compressive effect.
of correlation between spondylolisthesis progression Physical examination of patients with a degenerative
and clinical deterioration.4,5 spondylolisthesis often de-monstrates normal or hy-
The clinical presentation of symptomatic degenera- permobility of the lumbar spine. This has been sug-
tive spondylolisthesis is similar to spinal stenosis and gested to be secondary to general ligamentous laxity
includes axial back pain, leg pain, or both. The axial thought to predispose these patients to degenerative
component of degenerative spondylolisthesis involves spondylolisthesis.
increasing back pain with extension, which distin- The diagnosis of degenerative spondylolisthesis
guishes it from degenerative disc pain that involves is confirmed with a radiographic examination of the
increasing pain with flexion. The leg pain caused by lumbar spine that includes a standing lateral radio-
degenerative spondylolisthesis may exhibit a radicu- graph.8 A standing lateral radiograph will demon-
lar component or a neurogenic claudication compo- strate the presence of a spondylolisthesis that is not
nent, or both. The radicular component exhibits a detected in 15% of patients with supine films alone.

12 Spinal Topics

Flexion/extension films of the lumbar spine may and progress toward an aerobic regimen to maintain
demonstrate dynamic instability at the level of the patient’s weight within ideal parameters (Level
spondylolisthesis. Computed tomography (CT), with of Evidence 5). Epidural steroid injections can also
or without myelography, has traditionally been used be used in the treatment of degenerative spondylolis-
to further evaluate degenerative spondylolisthesis thesis with the goal of relieving leg pain (Level of
associated with spinal stenosis. CT gives excellent Evidence 5). After all conservative measures have
detail of the source of compression and the osseous failed an adequate trial, operative intervention may
pathology. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has be considered if the patient continues to experience
been used to further evaluate the source of nerve a significant reduction in quality of life.
root compression including disc pathology, facet The classic surgical indications as described by
joint synovial cysts, and ligamentum flavum hyper- Herkowitz and Kurz13 for degenerative spondylolis-
trophy. An MRI scan may fail to demonstrate a de- thesis are persistent or recurrent leg pain despite a
generative spondylolisthesis that may be reduced minimum of 3 months of conservative treatment, pro-
with the patient supine. The “Open Facet Sign” on gressive neurologic deficit, significant reduction in
MRI involves increased T2 signal in the facet joints the quality of life, and confirmatory imaging studies
that are subluxed open. The “Open Facet Sign” may concordant with the clinical findings14 (Level of Evi-
indicate instability in the absence of a visible spon- dence 5). The options for surgical intervention in-
dylolisthesis, and ideally the MRI would have been clude decompression alone, decompression and pos-
preceded by a standing lateral radiograph of the terolateral fusion with or without instrumentation, or
lumbar spine. More recently, the upright MRI has anterior or posterior interbody fusion. The focus of
been developed to further identify soft-tissue pa- this chapter is to review the literature and evidence
thology with the patient in the standing position. available to answer the question, “Should patients
Spondylolisthesis is typically measured in millime- undergoing decompression for a grade 1 degenera-
ters from the posterior inferior corner of the cepha- tive spondylolisthesis also have an instrumented
lad vertebra to the posterior superior corner of fusion?”
the caudal vertebra.9 The Meyerding classification
of spondylolisthesis provides a simple quantifica-
tion system for the degree of spondylolisthesis. The EVIDENCE
Meyerding classification of spondylolisthesis descri-
bes the percentage of forward translation of the A meta-analysis of the role of decompression without
cephalad vertebral body relative to the end plate of fusion for the treatment of degenerative spondylolis-
the caudal vertebrae. A grade 1 slip is 0% to 25%, a thesis reviewed 11 articles published from 1970 to
grade 2 slip is 26% to 50%, a grade 3 slip is 51% 1993.15 The studies reviewed included a nonrandom-
to 75%, a grade 4 slip is 76% to 100%, and a grade ized retrospective study, two randomized prospec-
5 slip is greater than 100%.10 Although the Meyerd- tive studies, and eight nonrandomized, retrospec-
ing classification system was traditionally used to tive, and uncontrolled studies16 (Level of Evidence
describe isthmic spondylolisthesis, it can also be 4). This study included 216 patients and found that
applied to degenerative spondylolistheses. As such, 69% had a satisfactory result, 31% had an unsatisfac-
translation secondary to degenerative spondylolis- tory result, and 31% had progression of the spondy-
thesis can be objectively quantified on a standing lolisthesis. This meta-analysis reviewed the literature
lateral lumbar radiograph. Unfortunately, the radio- regarding decompression without fusion only. An-
graphic differentiation between normal motion and other retrospective study reviewed surgeon-reported
symptomatic instability is more problematic. Clini- outcomes of decompression without fusion for de-
cally significant radiographic instability of the lum- generative spondylolisthesis. This study examined a
bar spine is difficult to distinguish from the refer- group of 290 patients with an average age of 67 years
ence range of translation seen between motion and suggested similar results.17 This study was lim-
segments in the lumbar spine.11,12 The importance of ited to patients with a stable spondylolisthesis that
identifying clinically significant instability on an up- was defined as a slip with less than 4-mm translation
right radiograph secondary to degenerative spondy- and less than 12 degrees of angulation on flexion-
lolis-thesis is essential to selecting the appropriate extension lateral lumbar radiographs. The average
treatment. follow-up was 10 years with 69% of patients having
excellent results, 13% with good results, 12% with
fair results, and 6% with poor results. It was con-
TREATMENT cluded in this group of elderly patients with a stable
degenerative spondylolisthesis that a decompres-
The initial conservative management for symptom- sion without fusion was a successful procedure with
atic degenerative spondylolisthesis with associated an 82% rate of excellent or good results (Level of
low back and/or leg pain is limited rest, nonsteroidal Evidence 4).
anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy Another retrospective study reviewed a group
(Level of Evidence 5). Physical therapy should in- of 49 elderly patients with an average age of 68
volve flexion-based exercises and back strengthening, years with symptomatic degenerative spondylolis-
Should Patients Undergoing Decompression for a Grade 1 Degenerative Spondylolisthesis Also Have an Instrumented Fusion? 13

theses who underwent decompression without fu- The role of fusion in patients with a degenerative
sion (Level of Evidence 4). These patients all had spondylolisthesis was investigated by Lombardi
stable slips on flexion-extension radiographs and and colleagues22a, who completed a study that in-
were followed for an average of 3.7 years. Clinical volved 47 patients who underwent decompression
instability is defined as the loss of the ability of the with or without fusion (Level of Evidence 3). These
spine under physiologic loads to maintain relation- results showed that the patients who underwent a
ships between vertebrae in such a way that there is radical decompression faired poorly, and those who
neither initial nor subsequent damage to the spinal received a fusion fared the best. The poor results
cord or nerve roots; in addition, there is no devel- with decompression without fusion were attributed
opment of incapacitating deformity or severe pain.18 to the progression of the spondylolisthesis or per-
Gross clinical instability should be suspected when- sistent instability, or both, at the level of the spon-
ever there is 4.5 mm of translation or 22 degrees of dylolisthesis. Another smaller study that supported
relative sagittal plane angulation on lateral radio- the addition of fusions to decompressive proce-
graphs.19 This study reported 73.5% excellent or dures for degenerative spondylolisthesis found that
good results with 10% of patients eventually need- in patients who underwent decompression alone,
ing an instrumented fusion. The previously refer- 45% had good results and 55% had fair or poor re-
enced studies recommend that, in older patients sults in a group of 11 patients. This was compared
with stable spondylolistheses, decompression with- with the finding of 63% good results with an ar-
out fusion avoids the significant potential morbid- throdesis and decompression in a group of eight
ity and mortality related to a fusion procedure in patients.23
this age group.14,20–22 A multicenter historical cohort study of 2684 pa-
The role of noninstrumented fusion in the treat- tients with degenerative spondylolisthesis reviewed
ment of degenerative spondylolisthesis with instabil- spinal fusion using pedicle screw instrumentation and
ity is generally accepted as beneficial. A meta-analy- found solid arthrodesis in 89% of patients who under-
sis reviewing the results of noninstrumented fusions went instrumented fusion and only 70% of patients
for degenerative spondylolisthesis included a total of without instrumentation24 (Level of Evidence 3). The
six publications.15 This study found a satisfactory clinical outcomes for the instrumented fusion group
clinical outcome in 90% of patients undergoing de- were also better relative to the noninstrumented fu-
compression with a noninstrumented fusion, and sion group in this study. A recent comprehensive lit-
86% of patients achieved arthrodesis. The fusion rate erature review of lumbar and lumbosacral fusions
varied significantly between the studies from 30% to from 1979 to 2000 reported a trend in increasing in-
100%. When this group of patients who underwent strumented fusions.25
decompression and fusion were compared with the A prospective randomized study compared nonin-
group of patients who underwent decompression strumented, semirigid, and rigid instrumented fu-
alone, they had statistically significantly better clini- sions in 124 patients at 1 year after surgery.26 A sub-
cal outcomes (Level of Evidence 3). set of 56 patients was treated for degenerative
Herkowitz and Kurz13 performed a prospective and spondylolisthesis, and this group achieved a radio-
randomized study that compared decompression graphic fusion rate of 65% for the noninstrumented
alone with decompression with noninstrumented fu- group, 50% for the semirigid instrumentation group,
sion in patients with L3-L4 and L4-L5 degenerative and 86% for the rigid instrumentation group. This
spondylolisthesis and associated stenosis. This study study demonstrated a trend toward better clinical
demonstrated a statistically significant difference be- outcomes in the group that underwent instrumented
tween 44% satisfactory outcomes in the decompres- fusions that achieved 95% good results compared
sion group compared with 96% satisfactory outcomes with 89% for the semirigid instrumentation group
in the decompression and fusion group. The propor- and 71% of the noninstrumented group (Level of Evi-
tion of excellent outcomes was also significantly dence 2). A retrospective review of 30 patients under-
greater at 44% for the decompression and arthrodesis going decompression and instrumented fusion for
group compared with 8% for the decompression alone degenerative spondylolisthesis used both radio-
group (P ! 0.0001). This result was independent of the graphic evaluation of arthrodesis and clinical out-
variables of age, sex, preoperative disc height, extent comes as measured by the Short Form-36 (SF-36) and
of decompression, or success of achieving a solid ar- patient questionnaire.27 This study demonstrated
throdesis. In fact, 36% of the arthrodesis group experi- that both the rate of fusion and the rate of patient
enced development of a pseudoarthrosis, but all of satisfaction was 93% despite a 43% complication rate
these patients had an excellent or good result. In the (Level of Evidence 5).
group of patients who underwent decompression A prospective and randomized study divided a
alone, there was a significant increase (P ! 0.02) in the group of patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis
progression of spondylolisthesis. This randomized, into those who received no fusion, noninstrumented
prospective study demonstrated better clinical out- posterolateral fusion, and instrumented posterolat-
comes in patients who underwent in situ fusions for eral fusion.28 This study demonstrated significantly
degenerative spondylolisthesis with concomitant ste- improved fusion rates, functional outcomes, and sagit-
nosis (Level of Evidence 1). tal alignment in the instrumented posterolateral
14 Spinal Topics

fusion group relative to the other groups. This study RECOMMENDATIONS

also showed that slip progression correlated with a
poorer outcome in a subgroup of 10 patients who un- First and foremost, an adequate trial of nonsteroi-
derwent decompression with noninstrumented fu- dal anti-inflammatory medications, physical ther-
sion. The functional outcome was improved in only apy, and epidural steroid injections is indicated
30% of patients, and 70% had a progression in their before surgical intervention (Level of Evidence 5).
spondylolisthesis that correlated with a poorer out- The symptoms caused by degenerative spondylo-
come (Level of Evidence 1). Another study that exam- listhesis are multifactorial and are related to the
ined posterolateral fusion for unstable spondylolis- degree and location of associated stenosis and
thesis demonstrated that instrumentation significantly instability. The stenosis is addressed with
improved the functional outcomes if a decompression decompression, which should be thorough and
was performed29 (Level of Evidence 3). Other com- decompress all clinically symptomatic stenotic
parisons between the instrumented and noninstru- areas. The exiting and/or traversing nerve roots
mented groups, including fusion rates, did not show affected by foraminal or lateral recess stenosis, or
significant differences. A meta-analysis of the litera- both, should be thoroughly decompressed. The
ture on degenerative spondylolisthesis found that of pars interarticularis must be undercut to open up
patients who underwent decompression without ar- the foramen and adequately decompress the exit-
throdesis, 69% had a satisfactory outcome.3 Progres- ing nerve root. The facet must be undercut to the
sion of the spondylolisthesis was noted in the major- pedicle to adequately decompress the traversing
ity of patients in this study. The addition of arthrodesis nerve root. Resection of the pars, more than 50%
increased the satisfactory outcome to 90%, with 86% of each facet joint, or an entire facet increases the
achieving a solid fusion. This meta-analysis also re- risk for iatrogenic instability. Central stenosis
ported a strong trend with increasing fusion rates with addressed with multilevel bilateral laminectomies
instrumentation that did not affect clinical outcomes increases the risk for iatrogenic instability.
(Level of Evidence 3). The majority of more recent literature supports
A prospective and randomized study of 68 patients decompression with arthrodesis for the treat-
with degenerative spondylolisthesis and stenosis ment of degenerative spondylolisthesis
compared decompression and noninstrumented ar- secondary to improved clinical outcomes with
throdesis with decompression and segmental trans- successful arthrodesis (grade B). Furthermore,
pedicular instrumented arthrodesis. At an average the literature demonstrates that arthrodesis
follow-up of 2 years, there was a significantly greater augmentation with transpedicular instrumenta-
fusion rate of 83% in the instrumented group com- tion increases the rate of successful fusion
pared with the noninstrumented group, which had a (grade A). As such, instrumented arthrodesis for
fusion rate of 45%.30 Despite the increased fusion rate degenerative spondylolisthesis leads to improved
in the instrumented fusion group relative to the non- clinical outcomes (grade B). The use of instru-
instrumented group, there was no significant differ- mentation to augment the arthrodesis should be
ence in clinical outcomes with 86% compared with tailored to the extent of the decompression and
76% good/excellent outcomes, respectively, at the the amount of preoperative instability. In the
2-year time point. Interestingly, a comparison of out- presence of gross instability on preoperative
comes at an average follow-up of 7 years and flexion-extension radiographs and in the pres-
8 months for 47 patients from both the noninstru- ence of an aggressive decompression with the
mented and instrumented fusion groups demon- associated risks for iatrogenic instability, the
strated a significant difference in clinical outcome.31 immediate stability afforded by an instrumented
With this longer follow-up, these two groups of pa- fusion warrants its increased morbidity, time, and
tients exhibited excellent and good clinical outcomes expense (grade B). Furthermore, young and
in 86% of patients who experienced development of active patient populations with instability and
a solid arthrodesis, but in only 56% of those who ex- good bone stock are more appropriate surgical
perienced development of a pseudoarthrosis. The candidates for instrumented fusions than are
group of patients who had a solid arthrodesis was older and sedentary populations with stable
reported to have significantly less back pain and a degenerative spondylolistheses and poor bone
better functional outcome relative to the group of stock. In conclusion, the question “Should
patients who had a pseudoarthrosis. A clear benefit patients undergoing decompression for a grade 1
was demonstrated regarding the effects of achieving degenerative spondylolisthesis also have an
a solid arthrodesis after decompression for degen- instrumented fusion?” can be answered from the
erative spondylolisthesis. As such, it was inferred available literature. It can be concluded that
that because instrumented fusions result in a greater because instrumentation increases arthrodesis
rate of arthrodesis and because arthrodesis results rates and achieving arthrodesis improves long-
in improved long-term clinical outcomes, instru- term clinical outcomes, instrumented fusions in
mented fusions produce better long-term clinical certain patient populations should also improve
outcomes in the treatment of degenerative spondylo- long-term clinical outcomes in the surgical man-
listhesis (Level of Evidence 2). agement of degenerative spondylolisthesis.32–34
Should Patients Undergoing Decompression for a Grade 1 Degenerative Spondylolisthesis Also Have an Instrumented Fusion? 15

Summary of Recommendations

1. Decompression for degenerative sponylolisthesis has better outcomes when performed with A 13
2. Rates of fusion are increased with instrumentation A 30
3. Decompression for degenerative sponylolisthesis has better outcomes when performed with B 28, 31
instrumented fusions in certain patient populations

REFERENCES 19. Neumann P, Nordwal A, Osvalder A: Traumatic instability of

the lumbar spine: A dynamic in vitro study of flexion
1. Rosenberg NJ: Degenerative spondylolisthesis. Predisposing distraction injury. Spine 20:1111–1121, 1995.
factors. J Bone Joint Surg Am 57:467–474, 1975. 20. Oldridge N, Yuan Z, Stoll J, Rimm A: Lumbar spine surgery
2. Matsunaga S, Sakou T, Morizono Y, et al: Natural history of and mortality among medicare beneficiaries, 1986. Am J
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course of the slippage. Spine 15:1204–1210, 1990. 21. Deyo R, Ciol M, Cherkin D, et al: Lumbar spinal fusion: A cohort
3. Matsunaga S, Ijiri K, Hayashi K: Nonsurgically managed pa- study of complications, reoperations, and resource use in the
tients with degenerative spondylolisthesis: A 10- to 18-year medicare population. Spine 18:1463–1470, 1993.
follow-up study. J Neurosurgery 93(2 suppl):194–198, 2000. 22. Deyo R, Cherkin D, Loeser J, et al: Morbidity and mortality in
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stenosis: Diagnostic value of the history and physical 1985.
examination. Arthritis Rheum 38:1236–1241, 1995. 24. Yuan HA, Garfin SR, Dickman CA, et al: A historical cohort
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canal and intervertebral foramen association with flexion- spinal fusions. Spine 19(20 suppl):2279–2296, 1994.
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imaging studies in diagnostic degenerative lumbar spondylo- techniques on fusion rate and clinical outcome. Spine
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9. O’Brien MF, Kuklo TR, Blanke KM, Lenke LG: Spinal Deformity 26. Zdeblick T: A prospective randomized study of lumbar fusion.
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Sofamore Danek USA, Inc., 2004. 27. Nork SE, Serena SH, Workman KL, et al: Patient outcomes af-
10. Meyerding HW: Spondylolisthesis. J Bone Joint Surg ter decompression and instrumented posterior spinal fusion
13:39–48,1931. for degenerative spondylolisthesis. Spine 24:561–569, 1999.
11. Hayes MA, Howard TC, Gruel CR, et al: Roentgenographic 28. Bridwell K, Sedgewick T, O’Brien M, et al: The role of fusion
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13. Herkowitz HN, Kurz LT: Degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis fusion rates in posterolateral lumbar spinal fusion: A prospec-
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18. White AA III, Panjabi MM: Clinical Biomechanics of the Spine, listhesis. Spine 29:173–174, 2004.
2nd ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 1990.
Chapter What
Vertebral is the Augmentation:
Best Treatment

13 JWhat Is the

and Kyphoplasty?
of Vertebroplasty


Osteoporosis is a disorder characterized by decre- The “kyphoplasty” technique was developed later
ased bone density, disruption of trabecular architec- in 1997; it is a minimally invasive technique that helps
ture, and increased susceptibility to fractures. There restore vertebral body height before cement augmen-
are approximately 700,000 vertebral body compres- tation.8 It involves inserting inflatable bone tamps,
sion fractures (VCFs) occur in the United States each through percutaneously placed cannulas, into the
year.1 Approximately 70,000 of those result in hospi- vertebral body under fluoroscopic guidance. Once
talization, with an average hospital stay per patient of inflated, the bone tamps push up on the end plates,
8 days.2 The lifetime risk for a clinically evident verte- helping to reduce the loss of vertebral body height
bral fracture among postmenopausal white women while creating a cavity for the bone cement.
older than 50 years has been estimated at about 16%, The traditional indications for vertebral augmenta-
whereas the lifetime risk in white men is about 5%.3 tion are progressive collapse of a vertebral body and
Clinical evidence shows that, if untreated, up to 20% intractable pain. Either a transpedicular or extrape-
of patients with a prior VCF are likely to have an ad- dicular approach is used to reach the vertebral body.
ditional VCF within the same year.4 The diagnosis of a Contraindications to vertebral augmentation are sys-
single osteoporotic VCF increases the risk for subse- temic pathology such as sepsis, prolonged bleeding
quent fractures by a factor of 5. Patient population times, or cardiopulmonary pathology, which would
studies suggest an increased mortality rate in pa- preclude the safe completion of the procedure. Other
tients with osteoporotic VCFs that correlates with the relative contraindications include patients present-
number of fractured vertebrae.1 A benign natural his- ing with neurological signs or symptoms, nonosteo-
tory has long been assumed for osteoporotic VCFs, lytic infiltrative spinal metastases, vertebral height
but up to 30% of those who are symptomatic and seek collapse of more than 60%, burst fractures, or verte-
treatment do not respond adequately to nonsurgical bral bodies with deficient posterior cortices9,10
treatment.5,6 (Tables 3–1 and 3–2).


Currently, vertebral augmentation can be performed A review of Ovid and PubMed conducted in April 2007
using either a vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty tech- using the search terms “kyphoplasty,” “vertebroplasty,”
nique. They are both used in the treatment of osteo- and “outcomes” revealed 722 vertebroplasty-related
porotic vertebral fractures, and these methods articles and 250 kyphoplasty-related articles. Of that
should not be considered mutually exclusive. They group, 152 articles included both techniques. Most
are both minimally invasive procedures used in the balloon kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty studies are
treatment of symptomatic osteoporotic VCFs. The grade 4, single-center, and single-arm studies of a pro-
objective of any vertebral augmentation technique is spective or retrospective nature.
to restore strength and stiffness to the fractured ver- Several reports with higher levels of evidence have
tebral body with the injection of cement. been published. However, no blinded randomized tri-
Historically, “percutaneous vertebroplasty” was als have compared either technique against medical
conceived in France in 1984 to reduce pain from management. One was a multicenter prospective
symptomatic vertebral hemangiomas.7 A cervical study of kyphoplasty.11 Two were concurrently con-
vertebra was injected with acrylic cement during trolled prospective studies comparing kyphoplasty
open surgery to strengthen the vertebral body. An with nonsurgical management.12,13 There were two
analgesic effect was noted, and indications for the concurrently controlled prospective studies,14,15 and
technique expanded to include both neoplastic dis- one nonconcurrently controlled study comparing ver-
ease and osteoporotic compression fractures through tebroplasty with nonsurgical management.16 Several
a percutaneous insertion of cannulas into the verte- studies compared kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty.
bral body, through which cement was injected. However, most were nonconcurrent comparisons,17–19

Vertebral Augmentation: The Literature in Support of Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty 17

TABLE 3–1. Efficacy of Kyphoplasty in Reducing Pain in Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fracture

Majd et al.31 222 360 89 Retrospective/B

Grafe et al.13 40 73 77.5 !1.8 Prospective/B
Garfin et al.12 100 136 90 !4.5 Prospective/A
Khanna et al.32 314 875 ODI (!12.6) Prospective/B
Theodorou et al.44 15 24 100 Retrospective/B
Wong et al.45 85 143 94 Retrospective/B
Wilhelm et al.46 34 56 !4.3 Prospective/B
Phillips et al.47 29 61 95.6 !8 Prospective/B
Crandall et al.48 47 86 93.5 !3 Prospective/B
Berlemann et al.49 24 27 95 Prospective/B
Hillmeier et al.50 102 102 99 !6.9 Retrospective/B
Gaitanis et al.51 47 49 95.5 Prospective/B
Total 1059 1992

ODI, Oswestry Disability Index.

TABLE 3–2. Efficacy of Vertebroplasty in Reducing Pain in Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures

Jensen et al.52 29 47 90 Retrospective/B

Martin et al.53 9 77.7 Retrospective/B
Cortet et al.54 16 20 88 !6 Prospective/B
Cyteval et al.55 20 23 90 Prospective/B
O’Brien et al.56 6 6 83 Retrospective/B
Barr et al.57 38 70 95 Retrospective/B
Grados et al.58 25 34 96 !4.3 Retrospective/B
Heini et al.59 17 45 100 !4.3 Prospective/B
Maynard et al.60 27 35 93 !7.4 Retrospective/B
Amar et al.61 97 258 63 Retrospective/B
Moreland et al.62 35 53 89 Retrospective/B
Kaufmann et al.63 75 122 !7.5 Retrospective/B
McGraw et al.64 100 156 97 !6.9 Prospective/B
Peh et al.65 37 48 97 Retrospective/B
Kallmes et al.66 41 63 !8 Retrospective/B
Zoarski et al.67 30 54 96 Prospective/B
Gaughen et al.68 48 84 95 !7.6 Retrospective/B
Nakano et al.69 16 17 100 !7.7 Retrospective/B
Ryu et al.70 159 347 87 Retrospective/B
Perez-Higueras et al.71 13 27 92 !8 Prospective/B
Evans et al.72 245 554 !5 Retrospective/B
Jang et al.73 16 16 88 !4.7 Retrospective/B
Diamond et al.74 55 71 96 Prospective/B
Peh et al.75 18 19 77 Retrospective/B
Gangi et al.76 187 289 78 Retrospective/B
Brown et al.77 90 186 86 Retrospective/B
Chen et al.78 70 87 86 !4.4 Retrospective/B
Winking et al.79 38 66 92 !5.2 Prospective/B
Legroux-Gerot et al.80 16 21 75 !3.5 Prospective/B
Alvarez et al.81 101 151 !4.5 Prospective/B

and two were unclear.20,21 Several meta-analyses com- treatment of VCFs, and to examine the prognostic
pared kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty,22–24 and there factors that predict outcome. They found Level III
were also several meta-analyses of only kyphoplasty evidence to support both balloon kyphoplasty and
or only vertebroplasty.25–28 vertebroplasty as effective therapies in the manage-
ment of patients with symptomatic osteoporotic
VCFs refractory to conventional medical therapy.
SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF VERTEBRAL AUGMENTATION However, balloon kyphoplasty appeared to offer a
OUTCOMES better adverse event profile.
In a follow-up study, the authors concluded that in
Taylor et al23 performed a systematic review and direct comparison with conventional medical man-
metaregression to compare the efficacy and safety agement, patients undergoing kyphoplasty experi-
of balloon kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty for the enced superior improvements in pain, functionality,
18 Spinal Topics

vertebral height, and kyphotic angle at least up to fractures and survival at 2 years. Outcomes in
3 years after the procedure. Reductions in pain with patients treated with vertebroplasty showed greater
kyphoplasty appeared to be greatest in patients with reduction in visual analogue pain scores, faster re-
newer fractures. The authors concluded that balloon turn to normal function, and lower rates of hospi-
kyphoplasty appeared to be more effective than talization when compared with those treated con-
medical management of osteoporotic VCFs and as servatively (P " 0.001 for the comparison of all
least as effective as vertebroplasty.26 variables at 24 hours). Lower pain scores persisted
Hulme22 conducted a systematic review of 69 in the group treated with vertebroplasty at 6 weeks
studies in the literature. The objective of the (P " 0.001), but no differences between the two
review was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of groups were evident at 12 and 24 months. In the
vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty using the data group treated with vertebroplasty, compared with
presented in published clinical studies, with respect the control group, the rates of new vertebral frac-
to patient pain relief, restoration of mobility and tures and death showed no significant difference.
vertebral body height, complication rate, and inci- The authors concluded that the analgesic benefit of
dence of new adjacent vertebral fractures. A large percutaneous vertebroplasty and the low complica-
proportion of subjects had some pain relief, includ- tion rates suggest that cement augmentation is a
ing 87% with vertebroplasty and 92% with kypho- useful therapy for acute painful osteoporotic verte-
plasty. Vertebral height restoration was possible bral fractures.14
using kyphoplasty (average, 6.6 degrees) and for a Alvarez and colleagues15 performed a prospective
subset of patients using vertebroplasty (average, study consisting of 101 consecutive patients who
6.6 degrees). Cement leaks occurred for 41% and underwent vertebroplasty and 27 patients who re-
9% of treated vertebrae for vertebroplasty and ky- fused operative treatment and were managed con-
phoplasty, respectively. New fractures of adjacent servatively. Patients who elected for vertebroplasty
vertebrae occurred for both procedures at rates as a treatment of their fractures had significantly
that are greater than the general osteoporotic pop- more pain and functional impairment before the pro-
ulation but approximately equivalent to the general cedure than the patients in the conservative group
osteoporotic population that had a previous verte- (P " 0.001). Vertebroplasty demonstrated a rapid
bral fracture. The authors concluded that the prob- and significant relief of pain and improved the qual-
lem with stating definitively that vertebroplasty ity of life.15
and kyphoplasty are safe and effective procedures Majd and researchers30 prospectively followed 222
was the lack of comparative, blinded, randomized, osteoporotic patients with 360 VCFs who were treated
clinical trials.22 with kyphoplasty. Immediate pain relief was reported
In a review of cumulative data from 1279 vertebral by 89% of patients at the first follow-up visit. One
bodies treated with kyphoplasty and 2729 vertebral patient experienced postoperative pain as a result of
bodies treated with vertebroplasty, Hadjipavlou and radiculopathy related to leakage into the foramen.
researchers30 found that the mean good to excellent Sixty-nine percent of fractures exhibited restoration
pain response was reported by 90% of patients of lost vertebral height. Twelve percent (30/254) of
treated with vertebroplasty and 95.6% of patients the patients required additional kyphoplasty proce-
treated with kyphoplasty. Vertebroplasty was associ- dures to treat 36 symptomatic, new adjacent and re-
ated with a 29% rate of cement leakage compared mote fractures.30
with 8.4% for kyphoplasty. The rate of epidural leak- Studies comparing kyphoplasty with conventional
age was 10.7% with vertebroplasty and 1.2% for medical treatment found that kyphoplasty consis-
kyphoplasty. The series included VCF secondary to tently improved pain and physical function, with
osteoporosis and tumor.29 results sustained at 12 months.12 In addition, the
authors found that there were significantly fewer
patients with new vertebral fractures of the thoracic
DOES VERTEBRAL AUGMENTATION IMPROVE OUTCOME and lumbar spine, after 12 months, in the kypho-
IN PATIENTS WITH VERTEBRAL COMPRESSION plasty group than in the group treated medically.
FRACTURES? Another benefit of the kyphoplasty technique is the
restoration of mobility. Garfin and investigators11
In a prospective, nonrandomized, “intention-to- demonstrated that elderly patients with VCFs had
treat” study, Diamond and investigators14 treated rapid, significant, and sustained improvements in
126 consecutive patients (39 men and 87 women; back pain, back function, and quality of life after bal-
ages 51–95 years) with acute osteoporotic vertebral loon kyphoplasty.
fractures. Eighty-eight patients were treated by per- Khanna and colleagues31 prospectively followed
cutaneous vertebroplasty and 38 by conservative 155 patients with VCFs secondary to osteoporosis
therapy. The primary outcome measure was change and 56 patients with malignant osteolysis for a
in the patients’ pain score and level of function at mean 55.0 weeks after kyphoplasty. The average
24 hours, 6 weeks, 6 to 12 months, and 24 months Owestry Disability Index score decreased by 12.6
after therapy. Secondary outcome measures were points (P " 0.001) in the overall group, by 11.8
occurrence of new clinical or radiological vertebral points (P " 0.001) at short-term follow-up, and by
Vertebral Augmentation: The Literature in Support of Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty 19

8.6 points (P " 0.001) at long-term follow-up. All kyphoplasty enhanced the height reduction by an
Health Survey Short Form-36 subscores except for amount equal to or greater than 4.5-fold over the
general health and role-emotional showed statisti- positioning maneuver alone and accounted for more
cally significant improvement from baseline values than 80% of the ultimate reduction. The authors con-
at the same time points. No statistically significant cluded that if height restoration is the goal, kypho-
difference was found for functional outcome in the plasty is clearly superior in most cases to the posi-
osteoporosis and multiple myeloma subgroups.31 tioning maneuver alone.37
Voggenreiter has demonstrated that placement
of the patient in the prone position displayed a
DOES VERTEBRAL AUGMENTATION RESTORE significant spontaneous reduction in deformity of
VERTEBRAL HEIGHT AND SAGITTAL ALIGNMENT? 6.5 degrees ± 4.1 degrees Cobb angle. Inflation of
the inflatable bone tamp demonstrated a further
In a study of vertebroplasty, Jang and coworkers32 reduction of the fracture and a significant improve-
report that the mean anterior vertebral height, as ment of the Cobb angle of 3.4 degrees compared
measured on the standing flexion radiographs before with baseline prone position. After deflation and
operation, improved from 14.8 mm to 21.8 mm with removal of the inflatable bone tamp and placement
extension of the spine in a series of patients with of the cement, no significant loss of fracture reduc-
single fractures. After vertebroplasty, the mean ante- tion was seen. Postoperative measurement of the
rior height was 19.8 mm, suggesting that consider- Cobb angle by means of standing radiographs dem-
able height restoration can be achieved by postural onstrated a 3.1-degree loss of reduction compared
extension and then be preserved by vertebroplasty. with the intraoperative measurement in prone posi-
Some reports suggest that the age of the fracture is a tion after cement application.38
major determinant in achieving an optimal reduc-
tion,33,34 whereas others demonstrate that significant
correction can be achieved even in fractures older DOES VERTEBRAL AUGMENTATION PREDISPOSE
than 3 months.33,35 In a study of kyphoplasty, Cran- TO FURTHER VERTEBRAL COMPRESSION FRACTURES?
dall and coauthors33 reported failure of significant
correction in 20% of chronic fractures compared Painful osteoporotic compression fractures can be
with 8% of acute fractures.33 effectively treated with methylmethacrylate verte-
Pradhan and colleagues36 examined the effects of bral augmentation, but the effect of intervention on
single-level and multilevel kyphoplasty procedures the generation of future remote and adjacent frac-
on local and overall sagittal alignment of the spine. tures remains a topic of debate. A VCF causes a local
The authors found that the majority of kyphosis cor- kyphotic deformity. This deformity moves the cen-
rection is limited to the vertebral body treated. The ter of gravity forward, resulting in an increased for-
majority of height gained after kyphoplasty occurs in ward bending moment. This increases the load on
the midbody. Higher correction over longer spans of the adjacent vertebrae and predisposes it to frac-
the spine can be achieved with multilevel kypho- ture. Silverman et al4 showed that, if untreated, up to
plasty procedures, in proportion to the number of 20% of patients with a prior VCF are likely to have an
levels addressed. The authors felt that it would be additional VCF within the same year. The authors
unrealistic to expect a one- or two-level kyphoplasty also reported that 58% of women with one or more
to significantly improve the overall sagittal alignment fractures had adjacent fractures.39 The rates of new
of the spine. fracture after cement augmentation procedures are
Shindle and coworkers37 prospectively followed not comparable among patients treated with verte-
25 consecutive patients with a total of 43 osteopo- broplasty (0–52%), kyphoplasty (5.8–36.8%), and
rotic VCFs to evaluate the effect of postural changes conservative approaches (19.2–58%), because of the
and balloon inflation on vertebral fracture reduction. poor scientific design of the studies. Most are retro-
Their findings support the concept that many VCFs spective or nonrandomized prospective reports29
can be moved with positioning. However, balloon (Table 3–3).

TABLE 3–3. Literature Regarding Possible Predisposition of Vertebral Augmentation to Further Vertebral Compression Fractures

Lin et al.40 38 96 36% Vertebroplasty Retrospective/B

Grafe et al.12 40 73 17.5% Kyphoplasty Prospective/B
Pflugmacher et al.42 42 67 21% Kyphoplasty Prospective/B
Harrop et al.43 115 225 22.6% Kyphoplasty Retrospective/B
20 Spinal Topics

Lin and colleagues40 treated 38 patients with ver- tures (eight vertebrae) were treated again with
tebroplasty and found that 14 patients developed balloon kyphoplasty.
new fractures during the follow-up period. Seventy- Harrop and colleagues43 treated 225 vertebral
one percent of patients with secondary fractures bodies in 115 patients using the kyphoplasty tech-
had intradiscal leakage of cement. In their study, nique, and patients were followed prospectively.
vertebral bodies adjacent to a disc with leakage of Of those, 26 patients developed 34 subsequent com-
cement had a 58% chance of developing a new frac- pression fractures. The mean follow-up was 11
ture compared with 12% of vertebral bodies adja- months (range, 3–33 months). The incidence of sub-
cent to a disc without leakage. The authors con- sequent fracture per procedure per kyphoplasty
cluded that leakage of cement into the disc, by was 15.1% (34 of 225). The overall incidence rate
impeding the flexibility, may increase the risk for a per patient was 22.6% (26 of 115). Seventeen of
secondary fracture in an adjacent vertebral body.40 the 26 (65%) patients with subsequent fracture
Trout and coworkers44 performed a retrospective had secondary steroid-induced osteoporosis, while
review of 86 patients treated with vertebroplasty to only 9 of the 26 (35%) had primary osteoporosis.
identify those who developed adjacent segment Therefore, the incidence of postkyphoplasty verte-
fractures.41 They found that 186 incident fractures bral compression fractures in patients with primary
developed in these 86 patients. Seventy-seven osteoporosis was 11.25% (9 of 80), and the inci-
(41%) of these incident fractures occurred adjacent dence in patients with steroid-induced osteoporosis
to treated vertebrae. was 48.6% (17 of 35). This increased fracture rate in
Reduction of the kyphotic deformity with kypho- the steroid-dependent patients was significantly
plasty may potentially decrease the risk for new greater than in patients with primary osteoporosis
fractures. Two prospective, nonrandomized studies (P " 0.0001), together with a significantly greater
compared kyphoplasty with conservative treatment. proportion of adjacent fractures (12 of 19 taking
Grafe and coworkers12,13 found that at 12-month steroids; P # 0.0009) and remote fractures (7 of 9
follow up, 50% of patients who had been treated taking steroids; P # 0.027) compared with the
conservatively developed secondary fractures, com- patients with primary osteoporosis.43
pared with 17.5% of patients who had undergone
kyphoplasty.12,13 Komp and coauthors12,13 report that
at 6-month follow-up examination, the incidence of
new fractures in 17 conservatively treated patients
was 65%, compared with 37% in 19 patients treated
by kyphoplasty.13,14 However, these were not ran- RECOMMENDATIONS
domized studies. As the population ages and osteoporosis
Pflugmacher and researchers42 conducted a becomes more prevalent, the incidence of
2-year prospective follow-up to evaluate the inci- symptomatic vertebral compression fractures
dence of adjacent vertebral fractures in patients will increase. For those with severe pain or pro-
treated with balloon kyphoplasty. It did not include gressive collapse, early vertebral augmentation,
comparison or control groups. The authors re- either kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty, affords
ported an annualized refracture rate of 10%.42 In excellent early pain relief, early return to
8 patients (21.6%; 5 female and 3 male patients), an function, and some restoration of local sagittal
adjacent fracture occurred in 11 vertebrae (18.3%) alignment. Recent 2-year follow-up data suggest
within 3 weeks to 22 months of follow-up (after that the benefits of the procedure persist
22 months, no adjacent fracture occurred). In three with time. Table 3–4 provides a summary of
patients, the adjacent fractures were asymptom- recommendations
atic. Five patients with symptomatic adjacent frac-

TABLE 3–4. Summary of Recommendations


1. Patients with osteoporotic compression fractures should undergo vertebral B

augmentation to improve physical function and reduce pain.
2. Patients with osteoporotic compression fractures should undergo vertebral augmen- B
tation to correct kyphotic deformity.
3. Kyphoplasty is less prone than vertebroplasty to cause adjacent-level compression B
fractures by more effectively restoring the overall spinal balance.
4. Kyphoplasty is less prone than vertebroplasty to cause cement extravasation. B
Vertebral Augmentation: The Literature in Support of Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty 21

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Chapter What Is the Ideal Surgical
Treatment for an Adult Patient
4 with a Lytic Spondylolisthesis?

Lytic spondylolisthesis is a condition where many When comparing treatment options, it is critical
treatment alternatives have been developed. It can be that similar pathologic lesions are being compared.
argued that where several treatment choices are de- Spinal level involved and degree of slip are clinical
scribed, then none can be entirely satisfactory; alterna- features that are important in categorization. L5-S1
tively, all may be satisfactory with little differentiation accounts for 82% of the occurrences of lytic spon-
between them aside from surgeon preference. If the lat- dylolisthesis; L4-L5 level is involved in 11% of cases.
ter is the case, then factors such as operative morbidity In contrast with the L5-S1 isthmic lesion, the L4-L5
and cost should enter into the equation for the ideal level is more prone to be unstable and subject to
treatment. This chapter reviews the current literature further slip progression in adulthood. Sagittal rota-
in evaluation of these treatment options with a view of tion, shear translation, and axial rotation are all
identifying the ideal treatment for this condition. greater at the L4-L5 level with a pars defect.7 This
can accelerate disc degeneration, further compro-
mise mechanical stability, and lead to greater and
NATURAL HISTORY AND CLASSIFICATION earlier onset symptoms compared with the L5-S1
level.3 The L5-S1 level has greater inherent stability,
Lytic spondylolisthesis initially must be defined and and hence a lower rate of slip progression and
classified. The focus of this review is on lytic spondy- symptoms.
lolisthesis in the adult patient. It should be estab- Degree of slip (anterior displacement of L5 on S1)
lished, however, that the lytic lesion (defect in the is categorized on a scale I to V. Sagittal rotation
pars interarticularis) develops in childhood. The le- or slip angle describes the rotational relation be-
sion is not present at birth but has been noted in tween L5 and the sacrum. Higher slip angles com-
children as young as 4 months. The pathologic lesion monly create increased lumbosacral kyphosis and
occurs from 5.5 to 7 years of age and during increased are generally associated with higher degree slips.
activity from ages 11 to 16.1 The prevalence of a lysis Generally, the spectrum of developmental lytic spon-
is estimated to be 4.4% at age 6 and increases to 6% in dylolisthesis is divided into low and high grades.
adulthood.2 In skeletally immature individuals, the Low grade encompasses no slip (spondylolysis
tendency of lumbosacral slip progression is most alone) to less than 50% (grades I and II). High grade
likely to occur in adolescents younger than 15 years. is a slip greater than 50% (grades III, IV, V). High- and
The majority of skeletally mature individuals with a low-grade slips, although manifestations of the same
mild lumbosacral slip are asymptomatic, and slippage pathology, require different treatment strategies.
after adulthood is uncommon. In a long-term follow-up Evaluation of these needs to be independent.
study, Osterman and colleagues3 note that 90% of the
slip had occurred by the time the patient was first
seen, and when evaluating long-term outcomes, it was HIGH-GRADE SPONDYLOLISTHESIS
difficult to prove the connection between the radio-
graphic findings and pain. High-grade spondylolisthesis is more commonly
Most adolescents and young adults with spondylo- treated in the adolescent population when the symp-
lytic spondylolisthesis have no radicular symptoms. toms develop. Few adults are seen with symptomatic
When symptoms do occur, it is due to irritation of severe slips, which were untreated at a younger age.
the exiting nerve root (L5 in a L5-S1 spondylolisthe- Most studies in adults that include both high- and
sis). This develops generally after two to three de- low-grade spondylolisthesis report no difference in
cades and is secondary to disc degeneration with the outcomes; however, the numbers of high-grade
facet arthropathy leading to lateral recess and fo- slips included are small.8,9
raminal stenosis. This compounds the compression Most authors suggest posterior fusion to include L4
of the L5 nerve root caused by the fibrocartilaginous to S1. Numerous approaches to fusion are reported;
material formed at the edges of the pars defect4–6 however, low cohort numbers and no comparative
(Fig. 4–1). study groups are available for critical evaluation of

24 Spinal Topics

Surgery vs. Conservative Management

In a randomized, controlled study comparing opera-
tive versus conservative management, fusion with or
without instrumentation compared with an exercise
program demonstrated superior clinical outcomes at
2 years. At a longer term, 9-year follow-up, some of
the shorter term improvement was lost; however,
Lateral zone
patients with fusion still classified their global out-
come as better than patients receiving conservative

Surgical Techniques
Direct Pars Repair. Direct pars repair is not typically rec-
ommended in the adult. In considering this treatment,
regardless of the technique chosen, prerequisites are
a spondylolysis with no slip, no neurologic symp-
toms, and a normal magnetic resonance imaging scan
at the level of the defect. Degenerative disc disease is
A the more likely pain generator leading to persistent
pain despite a solid pars repair. No Level I, II, or III
studies have compared this with nonoperative treat-
Pars defect ment for back pain. Insufficient evidence is available
to suggest that any procedural variation is superior
Osteophyte to the next.
Decompression Alone. Decompression alone is not typi-
cally recommended for spondylolytic spondylolis-
thesis. Gill13 initially described removal of the L5
S1 lamina and pars fibrocartilage to decompress the L5
nerve roots. This “Gill laminectomy” without fusion
is not recommended by most authors because of the
B concern for destabilization, increased slippage, and
FIGURE 4–1. A, Axial view of vertebrae with bilateral pars worsening of back pain. This sentiment is well estab-
defect with fibrocartilage creating lateral zone stenosis. lished through numerous case series.
B, L5-S1 lateral view demonstrating secondary degenera- One case series has reported good results in a se-
tive changes causing compression of the L5 nerve root at lect group of patients using a more limited decom-
the subarticular and extraforaminal zones. pression without fusion. When there is minimal back
pain and unilateral L5 symptoms and grade 1 spon-
dylolisthesis are present, Weiner and McCulloch14
these various techniques. In summary of the de- describe using a unilateral microsurgical approach
scribed techniques, these include in situ posterior to the lateral zone for decompression of the subar-
fusion with instrumentation, transvertebral screws ticular, foraminal, and extraforaminal structures. As
(S1 pedicle screw transgressing the S1 superior end shown in Figure 4–1, the pathoanatomic lesion and
plate to the L5 body), fibular dowels for L5/S1 inter- compression are lateral. The central portion of the
body fusion with L4-S1 instrumentation, titanium canal is expanded. The fibrocartilaginous mass as-
cages from either an anterior or posterior approach sociated with the pars lesion, facet hypertrophy, and
for interbody L5/S1 fusion, iliac screw supplementa- far lateral impingement can all be addressed from
tion, and L5 vertebrectomy. Good clinical outcomes this approach.14 These authors do note that, in the
and fusion rates are described by the advocates of majority of cases of spondylolytic spondylolisthesis,
each; however, all studies are class Level IV and V fusion is indicated; however, in this subgroup of pa-
evidence. The role of reduction has inconsistent data tients, a role exists for this therapeutic option.
to support or refute this, although the risk for neuro- The decision to perform a decompression in addi-
logic injury is greater with reductions compared with tion to fusion should take into account the presence
fusions in situ.10 of neurologic symptoms. In a randomized, controlled
trial in patients with minimal or no neurologic symp-
toms, decompression (Gill’s procedure) in addition
LOW-GRADE SPONDYLOLISTHESIS to posterolateral fusion was compared with a pos-
terolateral fusion alone. The decompression group
Greater number and more comprehensive studies are had a greater rate of pseudarthrosis and unsatis-
available for low-grade slips in the adult population. factory clinical outcomes regardless of the use of
What Is the Ideal Surgical Treatment for an Adult Patient with a Lytic Spondylolisthesis? 25

instrumentation.15 A wide decompression may exac- managing this pathology.24,25

erbate the instability and impede fusion rate. In a prospective comparative study, Swan and
Posterolateral Intertransverse Fusion with or without Instru- colleagues26 compare posterolateral instrumented
mentation. Comparing posterolateral intertransverse fusion/decompression with posterolateral instru-
fusion with and without instrumentation has been mented fusion/decompression with ALIF. Clinical
evaluated in four randomly controlled trials. In two and radiologic outcomes at 2 years were superior
of these studies, the entire cohort contained pa- in the combined anteroposterior group compared
tients with a low-grade spondylolytic spondylolis- with posterior-alone surgery (Level II evidence).
thesis16,17; in the other two studies, spondylolytic Spruit and coworkers27 and Wang and coauthors28
spondylolisthesis was a subgroup within the study in two separate case series also describe good
cohort.18,19 All studies were consistent in their fi nd- clinical outcomes with ALIF in addition to postero-
ings in that there were no significant differences lateral fusion, decompression, and instrumenta-
between the two groups with respect to functional tion. Although these latter studies were method-
outcomes and fusion rate. ologically poor (Level IV), they report radiologic
Interbody Fusion. The addition of an interbody fusion outcomes with excellent maintenance of slip reduc-
from either a posterior approach (PLIF), trans- tion at 2- to 3-year follow-up. Together, these stud-
foraminal approach (TLIF), or anterior approach ies give evidence in support of the use of anterior
(ALIF) allows for circumferential stability and a interbody support (ALIF) in addition to posterior
biologically superior environment for fusion. The instrumented fusion and decompression.
biologic advantage of a PLIF/ALIF/TLIF over a pos-
terolateral fusion is due to the construct being
placed under compression along the weight-bearing
axis and near the center of rotation. This allows
for a blood supply from the adjacent vertebral
bodies to the bone graft within the cage. Madan
and Boeree,20 La Rosa and coworkers,21 and Suk Currently, no Level I evidence exists to provide
and researchers22 have performed retrospective support for any one treatment option over an-
comparative studies comparing posterolateral fu- other. For low-grade slips, stability of the L5-S1
sion with instrumentation with or without the ad- level by way of instrumentation and fusion ad-
dition of PLIF. The correction of subluxation, disc dresses the dynamic component of this disorder.
height, and foraminal area were maintained better Interbody fusion has been shown to provide
in the PLIF group. However, this did not result in better maintenance of reduction and foraminal
any clinical or functional advantage over the pos- height. Better clinical outcomes with Level II
terolateral fusion/instrumentation group without evidence have been shown using a combined
PLIF.20 Madan and Boeree21 found that the group anterior (ALIF) and posterior approach. With
with posterolateral fusion/instrumentation had posterior-only surgery (PLIF), the current litera-
better clinical outcomes than the PLIF group; how- ture is limited to Level III evidence. These have
ever, the latter was more predictable in maintain- not necessarily shown better clinical
ing correction and achieving union.21 Suk and re- outcomes compared with posterolateral fusion/
searchers22 found the PLIF condition to have more instrumentation alone, but again have shown
patients rating their clinical outcome as excellent better radiologic outcomes. It would seem that
compared with the posterolateral fusion/instru- the advantages of anterior column support and
mentation group.22 circumferential fusion should be equally apparent
A recent study (Level III) describes the use of by PLIF as with ALIF, but without the need for
transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion for anterior a secondary surgery in the latter. Better
column support. Lauber and investigators23 pro- methodologic studies are certainly needed.
spectively evaluated TLIF in 20 patients who also It is expected that treatment options will
underwent a Gill laminectomy and posterolateral continue to evolve as newer implants and
fusion with instrumentation. They found improve- minimally invasive techniques continue to de-
ment in Oswestry Disability Index from a mean score velop. A recent trend is toward TLIF whereby
of 20 to 11 at 2-year follow-up. The results were interbody fusion with centering of the implant
maintained at 4 years. This was not a comparative can be achieved from one side. This may have
study; however, TLIF was shown to be a viable treat- the potential to allow unilateral approaches for
ment alternative, and further study with the more the necessary decompression, and provide ante-
established PLIF is needed in comparing anterior rior and posterior column support. Given the
column support/fusion techniques.23 current and developing techniques, only
Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion. There is a lack of evi- through prospective randomized trials will the
dence to support ALIF alone as a treatment alterna- optimal surgical treatment be established.
tive. Direct decompression of the nerve roots is not Table 4–1 provides a summary of
possible with this approach. It is suggested by recommendations for the treatment of lytic
these authors however (Level IV evidence), that spondylolisthesis.
the provision of stability alone may be adequate in
26 Spinal Topics

TABLE 4–1. Summary of Recommendations


1. Surgery is superior to conservative care in A 11, 12

symptomatic patients for both low- and high-
grade slips.
2. The addition of posterior instrumentation does B 16–19
not improve the efficacy of posterolateral fusion
3. Anterior column support by way of anterior B 26–28
lumbar interbody fusion has been shown to
provide superior clinical and radiologic results
than posterolateral fusion/decompression with
instrumentation alone.
4. Anterior column support by posterior lumbar C 20–22
interbody fusion in addition to posterolateral
fusion/decompression and instrumentation has
demonstrated inconclusive results.
5. Anterior column support by transforaminal B 23
lumbar interbody fusion in addition to postero-
lateral fusion/decompression has demonstrated
good outcomes.
6. Decompression alone by way of the “Gill proce- B 13–15
dure” is not supported. In a select group of
patients (no back pain, unilateral leg symptoms,
and grade I slip), a unilateral microsurgical
approach to the lateral zone for decompression
has yielded good results.

REFERENCES 14. Weiner BK, McCulloch JA: Microdecompression without

fusion for radiculopathy associated with lytic
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Surg Am 44-A:539–560, 1962. 15. Carragee EJ: Single-level posterolateral arthrodesis, with or
2. Fredrickson BE, Baker D, et al: The natural history of without posterior decompression, for the treatment of
spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis. J Bone Joint Surg Am isthmic spondylolisthesis in adults. A prospective,
66:699–707, 1984. randomized study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 79:1175–1180, 1997.
3. Osterman K, Schlenzka D, et al: Isthmic spondylolisthesis in 16. McGuire RA, Amundson GM: The use of primary internal
symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects, epidemiology, and fixation in spondylolisthesis. Spine 18:1662–1672, 1993.
natural history with special reference to disk abnormality and 17. Moller H, Hedlund R: Instrumented and noninstrumented
mode of treatment. Clin Orthop Relat Res (297):65–70, 1993. posterolateral fusion in adult spondylolisthesis—a prospec-
4. Floman Y: Progression of lumbosacral isthmic spondylolis- tive randomized study: Part 2. Spine 25:1716–1721, 2000.
thesis in adults. Spine 25:342–347, 2000. 18. France JC, Yaszemski MJ, Lauerman WC, et al: A randomized
5. Seitsalo S, Osterman K, et al: Progression of spondylolisthe- prospective study of posterolateral lumbar fusion outcomes
sis in children and adolescents. A long-term follow-up of with and without pedicle screw instrumentsation. Spine
272 patients. Spine 16:417–421, 1991. 24:553–560, 1999.
6. Virta L, Osterman K: Radiographic correlations in adult 19. Thomsen K, Christensen FB, Eiskjaer SP, et al: The effect of
symptomatic spondylolisthesis: A long-term follow-up study. pedicle screw instrumentation on functional outcome and
J Spinal Disord 7:41–48, 1994. fusion rates in posterolateral lumbar spinal fusion: A prospec-
7. Grobler LJ, Novotny JE, Wilder DG, et al: L4-5 isthmic tive randomized clinical study. Spine 22:2813–2822.
spondylolisthesis. A biomechanical analysis comparing 20. Madan S, Boeree NR: Outcome of posterior lumbar interbody
stability in L4-5 and L5-S1 isthmic spondylolisthesis. Spine fusion versus posterolateral fusion for spondylolytic
19:222–227, 1994. spondylolisthesis. Spine 27:1536–1542, 2002.
8. Hanley E, Levy JA: Surgical treatment of isthmic lumbosacral 21. La Rosa G, Conti A, et al: Pedicle screw fixation for isthmic
spondylolisthesis. Analysis of variables influencing results. spondylolisthesis: Does posterior lumbar interbody fusion
Spine 14:48–50, 1989. improve outcome over posterolateral fusion? J Neurosurg
9. Johnson LP, Nasca RJ, Dunham WK: Surgical treatment of 99(2 suppl):143–150, 2003.
isthmic spondylolisthesis. Spine 13:93–97, 1988. 22. Suk SI, Lee CK, et al: Adding posterior lumbar interbody fusion
10. Hu S, Bradford DS, Transfeldt E: Reduction of high-grade to pedicle screw fixation and posterolateral fusion after
spondylolisthesis using Edwards instrumentation. Spine decompression in spondylolytic spondylolisthesis. Spine
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11. Ekman PH, Moller H, Hedlund R: The long-term effect of 23. Lauber S, Schulte TL, et al: Clinical and radiologic 2-4-year
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randomized controlled study. Spine 5:36–44, 2005. degenerative and isthmic spondylolisthesis grades 1 and 2.
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spondylolisthesis treated by excision of the loose lamina 25. Ishihara H, Osada R, et al: Minimum 10-year follow-up
with decompression of the nerve roots without spinal fusion. study of anterior lumbar interbody fusion for isthmic
Clin Orthop Relat Res (182):215–219, 1984. spondylolisthesis. J Spinal Disord 14:91–99, 2001.
What Is the Ideal Surgical Treatment for an Adult Patient with a Lytic Spondylolisthesis? 27

26. Swan J, Hurwitz E, Malek F, et al: Surgical treatment for interbody fusion in symptomatic low-grade adult isthmic
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27. Spruit M, Van Jonbergen JPW, et al: A concise follow-up of a J Spinal Disord 9:83–88, 1996.
previous report: Posterior reduction and anterior lumbar
Chapter What is Is the BestOptimal Treatment

15 Jfor Degenerative



Although it is unclear which factors account for pa- ogy that is spondylogenic has variable presentations,
tients who become significantly symptomatic from and certain individuals may have primarily radiculo-
lumbar spinal stenosis, treatment for this condition is pathic or sciatica-like symptomatology relating to
a common component of any spinal clinical practice. structural spinal stenosis without the more classic
In deciding on the optimal treatment for degenerative description of a claudicant pattern. Symptoms can be
lumbar spinal stenosis, one must first define the en- unilateral or bilateral. Therefore, the comparison of a
tity that requires treatment. Strictly speaking, spinal heterogeneous population of patients is a confounder
stenosis relates to the anatomic structural narrowing to the review of literature.
of the neural elements of the lumbar spinal canal.
Some individuals are born with a morphologically
narrowed canal in relation to the general population, OPTIONS
and the term congenital lumbar spinal stenosis is used.
Acquired lumbar spinal stenosis most commonly Acquired degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis is a
occurs because of degenerative changes with aging in chronic condition currently without a cure for its
the presence or absence of a congenitally small canal. underlying pathogenesis. As eluded to in the intro-
It may be associated with other structural degenera- duction, a potential myriad of presenting clinical
tive features that include spondylolisthesis. The term symptoms exists. As such, a variety of options is
neurogenic claudication (or pseudoclaudication) re- available for treatment. Because the constellation of
lates to the constellation of symptoms of activity- symptoms and symptom severity varies consider-
related leg pain that is relieved with rest and is spon- ably from patient to patient and over time in a par-
dylogenic in origin because of structural spinal ticular patient, treatment needs to be individualized.
stenosis. Although the exact cause and pathophysiol- The goals of treatment are to relieve pain and to
ogy of the symptoms remain evasive and poorly de- improve physical functioning and activity, thereby
lineated, multiple factors have been implicated in its positively impacting patient quality of life. This
pathogenesis. In the era of modern generation imag- chapter focuses on predominantly Journal of Bone
ing techniques, structural degenerative changes in- and Joint Surgery combined volumes (JBJS) Level I
cluding spinal stenosis is prevalent in the general and II evidence, and potential therapeutic options
population and in individuals with minimal low back discussed utilize the JBJS Grades of Recommenda-
or low-related symptomatology.1 One must first care- tions. In general, the strength of evidence in litera-
fully delineate the patients with symptoms before ture for the potential therapies that will be discussed
deciding on what may be the optimal treatment for is fair or insufficient (grade B or I, respectively) at
their conditions. The degenerative process of the best. It is clear that additional research and study
lumbar spine (i.e., spondylosis) with or without ana- is warranted to fully endorse some of the available
tomic structural evidence for spinal stenosis can in therapies. With a heterogeneous condition such as
itself be a pain generator of back pain in certain indi- spinal stenosis, treatment effects are likely specific
viduals, and not all individuals with spinal stenosis to patient subgroups. Degenerative lumbar spondy-
experience development of neurogenic claudication. lolisthesis with associated lumbar stenosis is dis-
The correlation between structural stenosis and the cussed elsewhere in this textbook and will not for-
presence and severity of claudicant symptoms is mally form part of this chapter’s specific review.
poor; therefore, the clinical evaluation of a patient is
paramount. Many studies reporting results relating to
spinal stenosis often use the term interchangeably Nonsurgical Treatment (Grade I)
with neurogenic claudication. Unfortunately, the clin-
ical presentation of symptomatic lumbar spinal ste- A relative paucity of randomized clinical trials in the
nosis is variable, and many studies group these pa- support of many of the commonly practiced and re-
tients with other patients with low-back–associated ported nonsurgical therapies in lumbar spinal stenosis
symptoms, for example, patients with chronic me- exists. As such, available recommendations are primar-
chanical low back pain. In addition, leg symptomatol- ily based on expert opinion rather than on evidence.

What is the Optimal Treatment for Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? 29

Education (Grade I). Many professionals in the practice symptoms without producing significant adverse
of medicine consider patient education to be para- effects.6 The investigators observed primarily an
mount in the success of any recommended therapy. analgesic effect with some positive effect on walking
Recent spinal literature has focused on a variety of distance, although the authors note that the treat-
both nonsurgical and surgical therapies. Although ment effect was poor in those patients with marked
some randomized trials evaluate the effect of educa- limitation in walking distance caused by neurogenic
tional programs as a therapeutic adjunct in the surgi- claudication. Podichetty and coauthors7 random-
cal treatment of patients undergoing lumbar disc ized 55 patients with clinical lumbar canal stenosis
decompression surgery, other trials applying educa- and pseudoclaudication and pain visual analog scale
tional strategies have grouped heterogeneous popu- (VAS) index of greater than or equal to 6 to either
lations of patients.2,3 A relative paucity in recent placebo or intranasal calcitonin for 6 weeks followed
Level I and II literature evaluating the effects of edu- by an open-label 6-week extension during which all
cational therapy or programs specifically in the treat- patients received active drug. Calcitonin was admin-
ment of lumbar spinal stenosis exists. Deyo and in- istered by nasal spray (400 IU daily) at twice the
vestigators4 evaluated the effect of an interactive clinical dose typically used for postmenopausal
video program in the decision-making process for women with osteoporosis. The overall study drop-
patients considering surgical treatment for their lum- out rate was 22% for reasons relating to study proto-
bar spinal conditions. This prospective, randomized col deviations, adverse event reporting, or with-
clinical trial at two centers enrolled a heterogeneous drawal because of lack of perceived efficacy. Rash,
population of patients (171 patients with herniated erythema, and burning of the face and neck regions
discs, 110 patients with lumbar spinal stenosis, 112 severe enough to cause withdrawal from treatment
with other diseases). The authors observed a greater occurred in two patients in the experimental group.
rate of surgery in the video group (39% video and At 6 weeks, there was no difference between the two
booklet vs. 29% booklet alone). However, this was groups in change in pain VAS when compared with
not statistically significant (P ! 0.34), and the au- baseline. No difference existed between groups in
thors indicated that the study was underpowered for time from the onset of walking to the onset of pain.
their subgroup proportional comparisons in the pa- Patients in both treatment groups reported improve-
tients with lumbar spinal stenosis (power analysis ments to their overall walking distance. However, no
post hoc ! 12%). The study did not observe a sig- difference was present between the study groups.
nificant effect of the video program on symptomatic There also did not appear to be a significant effect
and functional results at 3 months and 1 year. In ad- on patient-reported functional outcome measures.
dition, there did not appear to be a significant effect The authors conclude that nasal calcitonin is not
on patient satisfaction with care or their satisfaction superior to placebo, and they suggest that the drug
with the decision-making process comparing the two does not appear to have a role in the nonoperative
randomized groups. Overall study follow-up rate was treatment of lumbar canal stenosis. The study au-
88% at 1 year. Compliance in the video program and thors evaluated efficacy primarily at 6 weeks. The
booklet group was 97% for the video portion and 84% open-label phase during the subsequent 6 weeks
for the booklet portion, respectively, and 97% in the suggested a trend toward improvement in patients
booklet alone group. In a follow-up study evaluating treated with salmon calcitonin during the second
the knowledge gain as assessed by a pretreatment phase of the trial, particularly in pain scores and
and post-treatment knowledge test, the combination 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) results.
of the interactive video with booklet produced The authors note that it is possible that the benefi-
greater knowledge gains than the book alone group cial effects of nasal calcitonin could require a longer
in the subgroup of patients with the least knowledge preload of drug, and that efficacy may be achieved
at baseline.5 using a different treatment schedule. In addition, the
Medications (Grade I). A wide gamut of oral medications authors also indicate that the mean walking distance
is available for the potential treatment of symptom- of patients in their study was in the more limited
atic lumbar spinal stenosis. These include, among range where efficacy was also not demonstrated in
others, nonsteroidal agents, analgesics (narcotic the similar subpopulation of the study that Eskola
and non-narcotic), and antineuritics (tricyclic anti- and colleagues6 reported.
depressants, anticonvulsants). Although there are One of the more recent randomized studies specifi-
many randomized studies of various medications for cally focusing on lumbar spinal stenosis patients
lower back disorders and low back pain, few have evaluated the use of gabapentin, which has been used
specifically focused on patients with stenosis. Of the in the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain. Yaksi
few studies that have focused specifically on pa- and coworkers9 randomized 55 patients with lumbar
tients with lumbar stenosis, a couple of randomized spinal stenosis and intermittent neurogenic claudica-
studies on the evaluation of calcitonin treatment tion into 2 groups. Both randomized groups received
have been reported.6–8 Eskola and colleagues6 per- physical therapy exercises, lumbosacral corset using
formed a randomized, placebo-controlled, double- a steel reinforced bracing design, and pharmacologic
blind, crossover study in 40 patients with lumbar treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
spinal stenosis with 1-year follow-up demonstrating The treatment group received in addition oral gaba-
that calcitonin had beneficial effects on patients’ pentin administered at a dosage of 900 mg/day and
30 Spinal Topics

increased weekly in increments of 300 mg up to a to- Therapeutic Injections (Grade I)

tal maximal dosage of 2400 mg/day. Patients who ex-
perienced side effects (drowsiness and dizziness) A variety of anesthetics, corticosteroids, or opioids
were prescribed bed rest and increased oral fluid in- can be injected into various anatomic locations in the
take. Study end points to 4 months included objective lumbar spine. Conflicting results have been reported
assessments of walking distance, VAS scores, and in the literature on their use in spinal stenosis to al-
proportional methods analysis of motor and sensory low for recommendation for or against intervention.
deficits within each group and at the end of treat- In Fukusaki and coauthors’ study,14 53 patients with
ment. At follow-up, both groups demonstrated im- neurogenic claudication of less than 20 m were ran-
provement, with the gabapentin treatment group domized to either epidural injection with 8 mL saline
showing significantly better walking distance and im- (n ! 16), epidural block with 8 mL of 1% mepivacaine
provements in pain scores and recovery of sensory (n ! 18), or epidural block with 8 mL of 1% mepiva-
deficit. Limitations of the study include the length of caine and 40 mg methylprednisolone (n ! 19). There
follow-up and the potential confounder of the pla- did not appear to be a significant advantage of epidu-
cebo effect (Level II). ral steroid injection as compared with epidural block
Therapeutic Exercises (Grade I). Many randomized, con- with a local anesthetic alone. The study had a relative
trolled trials evaluating therapeutic or rehabilita- short follow-up to 3 months. Primary study outcome
tive exercise programs in lumbar spinal disorders was walking distance in meters to intractable leg pain
have often used a heterogenous population of pa- as quantified by an independent reviewer. By 1 week,
tients with chronic low back pain. A small number patients in the epidural block with or without steroid
of patients evaluated represent patients with spinal groups demonstrated greater walking distances when
stenosis for which the severity and extent of neuro- compared with patients in the saline group. At 1- and
logic leg symptomatology relative to back pain 3-month follow-up, patients in the epidural block with
is poorly characterized. In addition, studies com- or without steroids group had a greater improvement
paring therapeutic exercise with surgery have pri- in walking distance compared with before injection.
marily evaluated fusion surgery as compared with With the sample size, a statistically significant effect
nonsurgical treatment in the management of me- comparing the three randomized groups in walking
chanical low back pain in lumbar spondylosis.10–12 distances after 1 or 3 months of follow-up did not ex-
In lumbar spinal stenosis, some authors have pro- ist. Cuckler and colleagues’15 randomized study on
posed programs that use lumbar flexion exercises 73 patients with lumbar radicular pain syndromes
with the avoidance of extension exercises because caused by either disc herniation or lumbar stenosis
of the spinal canal and neuroforaminal narrowing did not demonstrate a significant effect of 7 mL meth-
produced by lumbar extension. General aerobic ylprednisolone acetate and procaine over 7 mL phys-
conditioning and aqua therapy have also been ad- iologic saline solution and procaine in the treatment
vised in the treatment of these patients. However, of patients observed for an average of 20 months.
limited evidence is available that actually guides Wilson-MacDonald and coworkers’16 study random-
the recommendation of one program over another ized and compared epidural steroid injection with
or evaluates the benefit of such programs over nat- intramuscular injection with local anesthetic with
ural history alone. In one study by Whitman and steroid and observed better improvement in short-
colleagues,13 the authors performed a multicenter, term pain relief in the epidural group; however, the
randomized, controlled trial on 58 patients with long-term benefits or need for subsequent surgery
lumbar spinal stenosis. Patients were randomized was no different over the long term between groups.
to one of two 6-week physical therapy programs. The study evaluated 93 randomized patients for a
One program consisted of manual therapy, lumbar minimum of 2 years. All patients evaluated in the
exercises, and body weight supported treadmill study were considered potential candidates for surgi-
walking, whereas the other program consisted of cal treatment. Ng and colleagues17 evaluated 86 ran-
ultrasound, lumbar flexion exercises, and treadmill domized patients with unilateral radicular symptoms
walking. Patient-perceived recovery was the pri- who received either bupivacaine with methylpred-
mary outcome with secondary measures including nisolone injection (n ! 43) or bupivacaine alone (n !
Oswestry Disability Index, a numeric pain rating, 43). At 3-month follow-up, both groups demonstrated
satisfaction, and the results of the treadmill test. improvement. However, there did not appear to be an
Patients in both randomized groups demonstrated added benefit to the use of corticosteroids in pain se-
improvements to measured outcome parameters. verity, claudicant walking distance, or patient-derived
Perceived recovery was greater for the program functional outcome.
consisting of manual therapy, treadmill walking, and
exercise (perceived recovery 2.6; confidence inter-
val, 1.8–7.8). Considerations to the study results Surgical Treatment (B)
was follow-up to 1 year and that a subset of patients
in each group received additional treatment during The abundance of Level I and II evidence relating to
the study period consisting of epidural steroid in- surgery in lumbar spinal stenosis is more focused on
jection, surgery, medications, and/or additional variations in surgical techniques than on evaluating
specialty physician consultations (Level II). the specific efficacy of surgical versus nonsurgical
What is the Optimal Treatment for Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? 31

strategies. With the realization that there really is a ment received at 10 years. The study limitations in-
lack of grade A or consistent grade B evidence for clude its observational and nonrandomized design,
many nonsurgical therapies that are commonly prac- although baseline differences among treatment groups
ticed, the mainstay of lumbar spinal stenosis surgery were considered and adjusted for in the analysis. Sur-
can be more broadly categorized into surgical decom- gery in their Maine Lumbar Spine study consisted
pressive techniques with or without adjuvant spondy- predominantly but not exclusively of decompressive
lodesis or spinal fusion. The surgical principles in- nonfusion surgery, and the authors were not able to
volve decompression of compressive elements in provide substantive clinical details for why subse-
lumbar canal stenosis (overgrown bony facets, liga- quent surgeries were required in certain patients and
mentous hypertrophy, disc herniations/extrusions) what type of procedure was subsequently required.
with or without adjuvant fusion of grossly degenerate Herno and investigators22 performed a matched-
levels or those levels with instability. Instability in the pair study of surgically and nonsurgically treated
context of lumbar spinal stenosis in association with patients with lumbar spinal stenosis (Level III). A to-
degenerative spondylolisthesis is discussed elsewhere tal of 496 patients who underwent surgery between
in this textbook and is not included in this chapter 1974 and 1987, and 57 patients treated conserva-
(Chapter 4). The results of surgical intervention are tively between 1980 and 1987 were evaluated at an
generally positive in the relief of neurogenic claudi- average of 4 years after recommended treatment.
cant symptomatology and patient-related quality of Sex, age, myelographic findings, major symptom, and
life, although its effect on objective physical parame- duration of symptoms were matched. At follow-up,
ters of function in the literature has been more vari- subjective disability was assessed by Oswestry ques-
able. The notion that surgery for lumbar stenosis is tionnaire, and functional status was evaluated by
typically more successful in the relief of claudicant clinical examination. No statistical difference was
symptomatology versus the relief of mechanical low found in outcome between the matched-pair groups,
back pain is generally accepted (Levels IV/V). How- although male patients who underwent surgery fared
ever, there is a lack of large randomized trials compar- better when compared with male patients who un-
ing surgery with nonsurgical therapy in a homoge- derwent conservative treatment. Functional status
neous population with symptomatic lumbar spinal was good in both treatment groups and for both sex
stenosis. The most recent Cochrane review of pub- groups.
lished randomized clinical trials for the surgical treat- In Amundsen and colleagues’ study,23 a prospective
ment of degenerative lumbar stenosis has included a cohort of 100 patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal
review of heterogeneous studies, with seven relating stenosis was provided surgical or conservative treat-
to spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, and nerve com- ment and followed for 10 years (Level II). Nineteen pa-
pression.18 In reviewing those Class I and II studies tients with what was considered to be severe symp-
that specifically compare surgical with nonsurgical toms were treated with surgery, 50 patients with
treatment in lumbar stenosis, several reports relate to moderate symptoms were treated nonoperatively, and
the long-term results from the Maine Lumbar Spine 31 patients were randomized to either conservative
Study. These studies have compared a prospective (n ! 18) or surgical (n ! 13) treatment. Patients with
cohort of patients treated a priori with either surgery an unsatisfactory result from conservative treatment
or nonsurgical therapy19–21 (Level II). In the most re- were offered delayed surgery at a median of 3.5 months.
cent report of 148 eligible consenting patients who The results of patients randomized to surgery were
were initially enrolled, 105 were alive after 10 years.21 better than for patients randomized to conservative
Among surviving patients, long-term follow-up of be- treatment. The treatment results of delayed surgery
tween 8 and 10 years was available for 97 of 123 (79%) were similar to that of the initial group. Clinically sig-
patients. As anticipated, patients undergoing surgery nificant deterioration of symptoms during the final
had worse baseline symptoms and functional status 6 years of the study period was not observed. Patients
than those initially treated without surgery. Outcomes with significant multilevel pathology did not respond
at 1 and 4 years favored those patients who under- as well as those with primarily single-level pathology.
went initial surgery. After 8 to10 years, there was no Limitations of the study included a relatively small
difference comparing treatment groups in the percent- number of patients randomized and the lack of patient-
age of patients who reported that their back pain was derived functional outcome measures.
improved (53% vs. 50%, surgical vs. nonsurgical; P ! In a more recent study that randomized 94 patients
0.8), improvements in predominant symptom of either into surgical and nonsurgical groups, Malmivaara
back or leg pain (54% vs. 42%; P ! 0.3), and satisfac- and investigators24 performed a multicenter prospec-
tion with their current status (55% vs. 49%; P ! 0.5). tive study evaluating outcome based primarily on
Leg pain relief and greater back-related functional sta- assessment of functional disability using the Oswes-
tus continued to favor those initially treated surgi- try Disability Index. Inclusion criteria included back
cally. By 10 years, 23% of surgical patients had under- pain with radiation to buttocks or lower limbs, fa-
gone at least a second lumbar spine operation, and tigue or loss of sensation in the lower limbs aggra-
those patients who required additional surgeries vated by walking, persistent pain without progressive
faired worse when compared with those patients who neurologic dysfunction, imaging consistent with lum-
continued with their initial treatment. No difference bar stenosis (midsagittal diameter "10 mm2 or cross-
was reported in outcomes accordant to actual treat- sectional dural area "75 mm2), and symptoms and
32 Spinal Topics

signs for longer than 6 months. In the 50 patients thors observed that a greater than 50% reduction in
randomized to surgery, surgery consisted of decom- cross-sectional area or preoperative MRI was more
pressive laminectomy of the stenotic segment(s), likely to have a successful surgical outcome as quanti-
and in 10 patients, adjuvant transpedicular fusion fied by Weiner and Fraser’s neurogenic claudication
was performed. The nonsurgical group was followed outcome score when compared with those individuals
by a physiatrist who assessed the need for individu- with less than 50% reduction in cross-sectional area.26
alized treatment that included medications such as Less consistent evidence has been reported in larger
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories or active/passive prospective cohort, noncontrolled, surgical series re-
physiotherapy programs. Baseline low back or lower garding radiographic severity and surgical outcome;
limb pain scores, Oswestry Disability Index scores, although with larger series, one may anticipate a more
or walking ability was not significantly different com- heterogeneous population of study patients as it per-
paring the two randomized groups, although there tains to the number of involved lumbar motion seg-
was a greater proportion of female patients and pa- ments, and variation in type and extent of lumbar sur-
tients with good perceived health randomized to the gery performed.27,28
surgical group. At 2-year follow-up, patients in both For surgery beyond lumbar spinal decompression,
randomized groups reported improvements to their there does not appear to be significant evidence to
condition. In the 44 patients randomized to the non- support or refute the use of adjuvant lumbar fusion
operative group, 4 patients required surgery by 2 in patients undergoing surgery for stenosis in the ab-
years because of persistent symptoms. The authors sence of spondylolisthesis or significant segmental
observed at 2-year follow-up that those patients who instability. In Grob and coauthors’29 study, 45 patients
underwent initial decompressive surgery reported were randomized to 1 of 3 treatment groups accordant
greater improvement regarding leg pain, back pain, to the day that patients were admitted to the hospital.
and overall disability when compared with the non- The average study follow-up was 28 months, and sur-
surgical group. Limitations to the study include the gery was performed by a single surgeon. Fifteen pa-
length of follow-up and varying surgery type being tients received lumbar decompressive laminotomy
performed in the surgical arm. The most recent study and medial facetectomy, 15 patients received decom-
by Weinstein et al.24a described a randomized study of pression followed by arthrodesis of the most stenotic
surgical versus nonsurgical therapy for lumbar spinal segment, and 15 patients received decompression fol-
stenosis. Surgical candidates with at least 12 weeks of lowed by arthrodesis of all decompressed spinal lev-
symptoms and spinal stenosis without spondylolis- els. Patients in all groups reported improvements in
thesis were randomized to decompressive surgery or pain and walking distance after surgery. The authors
nonsurgical care. The primary outcomes were bodily did not observe significant differences in the results
pain and physical function on the Medical Outcomes among the three groups with regard to the relief of
Study 36-item SF36 and modified Oswestry Disability pain, although the study was limited by sample size
Index at 6 weeks through 2 years. Of the 289 patients and also lacked validated patient-derived functional
enrolled in the randomized cohort and 365 patients outcome measures. In the prospective multicenter
enrolled in the observational cohort, there was sig- observational study by Katz and colleagues,28 the au-
nificant cross-over with 67% of patients randomized thors reviewed 272 patients who underwent lumbar
to surgery receiving surgery and 43% of patients ran- surgery (Level II). The authors acknowledge limita-
domized to nonsurgical care also undergoing surgery tions of this nonrandomized study in terms of the
by the study 2 year follow-up. The intention-to-treat number of participating surgeons and a modest sam-
analysis of the randomized cohort favored surgery ple size. With this caveat, the authors indicated that
on the SF-36 scale for bodily pain with a mean change the individual surgeon was a more accurate correlate
from baseline of 7.8 points (95% confidence interval, of the decision to perform arthrodesis versus clinical
1.5 to 14.1). The as-treated analysis, adjusted for po- parameters such as spondylolisthesis, that noninstru-
tential confounders, demonstrated a significant ad- mented lumbar fusion resulted in greater relief of back
vantage for surgery by 3 months for all primary out- pain, and that the costs relating to adjunctive instru-
comes that remained significant at 2 years. mentation in lumbar fusion were not an insignificant
In a study on the radiographic severity in lumbar consideration.
spinal stenosis, Hurri and colleagues25 reviewed More recent surgical strategies have included the
12-year data on 75 patients with myelographic changes application of less invasive surgical decompressive
diagnostic for stenosis. The authors observed that the techniques, dynamic stabilization techniques as an al-
severity of stenosis radiographically predicted disabil- ternative to lumbar instrumented fusion, and mini-
ity after adjusting for the effects of age, sex, therapy mally invasive techniques utilizing the concept of af-
regimen, and body mass index. Surgical and nonsurgi- fording indirect lumbar spinal decompression. Many of
cal therapy was not a significant correlate with later these studies are limited in sample size, heterogeneity
disability as quantified by Oswestry Disability Index. of the study population of interest, and lack long-term
Using more recent radiographic imaging, Weiner and data. Newer, less invasive surgical strategies have in-
investigators26 prospectively evaluated 27 consecutive volved modifications to conventional laminectomy
patients undergoing isolated surgical decompression and partial facetectomy to balance the degree and ex-
at L4-5 for lumbar canal stenosis. Using magnetic reso- tent of bony and soft-tissue dissection/resection nec-
nance imaging (MRI) evaluation of stenosis, the au- essary to achieve adequate restoration of spinal canal
What is the Optimal Treatment for Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? 33

space.30–32 Several equivalency randomized trials have ponent favored the treatment group. The control group
corroborated in the short term that, in the correct consisted of an epidural steroid injection after enroll-
surgical hands, patient outcomes appear to be favor- ment. Fifty-nine percent of control patients received
able when compared with conventional laminec- more than one injection over the study period. Control
tomy.31,32 In Cho and colleagues’31 study, split-spinous patients were also prescribed medications and physio-
process laminotomy and discectomy were compared therapy as necessary. Limitations of this study in-
with conventional laminectomy (30 patients), with or cluded the lack of comparison with conventional surgi-
without discectomy in 70 patients randomized and fol- cal treatment, lack of consistency in the nonsurgical
lowed prospectively. The follow-up ranged from 10 to treatment arm, and the study length of follow-up. In
18 months, with a mean of 15.1 months for the split- their study, Kondrashov and colleagues34 reviewed a
spinous process group and 14.8 months for the con- subset of patients who participated in the FDA clinical
ventional laminectomy group. There was a shorter trial on X STOP and identified 18 patients whose sub-
mean postoperative duration until ambulation without sequent analysis at 4 years suggested that surgical
assistance, a reduction in mean duration of hospital outcomes were stable as measured by the Oswestry
stay, a lower mean creatine phosphokinase-muscular– Disability Index. Clearly, longer term follow-up with a
type isoenzyme level, and a lower VAS score for back larger sample size and validation by independent in-
pain at 1-year follow-up for the split-spinous process vestigators is warranted before consideration of its
group. Operative time and surgical blood loss, how- use over currently reported strategies. Finally, newer
ever, were greater for this group. The authors conclude strategies have also included surgical dynamic stabili-
that although the split-spinous process method re- zation utilizing newer implants/devices as a potential
quired more operative time than laminectomy, earlier alternative to lumbar fusion.35 Literature on its use has
mobilization and shortened length of stay with reduc- focused primarily on comparisons with conventional
tion in pain and satisfactory neurologic and functional techniques of instrumented surgical fusion. The theo-
outcomes with the method was an attractive consider- retical consideration of dynamic stabilization may
ation in the context of surgical procedures aimed to have merit as an alternative to lumbar fusion. How-
address structural lumbar stenosis. In Thome and col- ever, larger randomized series evaluating such tech-
leagues’32 study, 120 consecutive patients with 207 nology have coupled the application of these implants/
levels of lumbar stenosis (without instability or disc devices to lumbar fusion. Given the lack of high-level
herniation) underwent randomization to bilateral lami- evidence with consistent funding to support the use of
notomy, unilateral laminotomy, or laminectomy. Pa- fusion strategies in general as an adjunct to decom-
tients were managed for 1 year with visual analogue pression in lumbar spinal stenosis, future studies eval-
pain and functional outcome measures (Roland-Morris uating dynamic stabilization require appropriate com-
Scale and SF-36). Complications were lowest in the bi- parison with surgical decompression without fusion
lateral laminotomy group, and the authors observed and nonsurgical control subjects. Insufficient evidence
the bilateral laminotomy group to have favorable out- exists to support or refute the potential application of
comes when compared with either laminectomy or many newer surgical strategies in the treatment of
unilateral laminotomy groups.32 In addition, there have lumbar spinal stenosis, and additional studies are re-
been short- to intermediate-term randomized studies quired before providing an evidence-based opinion in
comparing minimally invasive strategies using indirect recommendation(s).
lumbar decompressive techniques/devices for patients
with stenosis when compared with nonsurgical treat-
ment. In their study, Zucherman and coauthors33 re-
viewed the 2-year results of patients randomized to RECOMMENDATIONS
either surgical treatment using the X STOP device or to
nonsurgical treatment. The rationale of the device is to In summary, the strength of evidence according
increase the interspinous process distance to indi- to the JBJS grades of recommendation is insuffi-
rectly decompress the spinal canal positioning the cient (I) or fair (B) at best for many options that
lumbar spine into a relatively more flexed position are available to treat patients with symptomatic
(minimizing the extent of lumbar extension over the lumbar spinal stenosis. Many studies have
motion segment), which is analogous to the physical evaluated these patients in the broader context
therapeutic posturing techniques (e.g., William’s flex- of patients with chronic low back pain. In gen-
ion program) that may transiently improve patient eral, a lack of good evidence (JBJS grade A)
symptoms relating to lumbar stenosis. One hundred exists as it pertains to Level I studies with
patients were evaluated in the surgical arm and 91 consistent findings that would guide
in the control group. The primary measure was the evidenced-based recommendations for
Zurich Claudication questionnaire (ZCQ). At 2 years, intervention (Table 5–1). Despite anticipated
experimental patients improved by 45.4% over the awareness and improvements to evidence-based
mean baseline symptom severity score when com- practice and study design with an increase in
pared with 7.4% in the control group. There was Level I studies being reported, much of the
greater satisfaction in the treatment group (73.1%) current treatment of symptomatic lumbar spinal
when compared with the control group (35.9%). Ob- stenosis is based on expert opinion and medical
served differences in the ZCQ physical function com-
Continued on page 36
34 Spinal Topics

TABLE 5–1. Review of Level I/II Evidence in the Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Education Interactive video Deyo (2000)4 RCT No significant effect of video program on patient satisfaction 2 I
with care or with decision-making process comparing patients
randomized to educational video and booklet or to booklet
Medication Nasal Eskola (1992)6 RCT Beneficial effect on primarily pain symptoms without adverse side 2 I
calcitonin effects
Epidural Podichetty RCT No significant benefit short-term pain or walking distance 2
steroids (2004)7
Cuckler (1985)15 RCT No significant effect on lumbar radicular pain caused by disc 2
herniation or lumbar stenosis
Wilson-MacDonald RCT Better short-term pain relief with epidural steroids, but no 1
(2005)16 significant difference at 2 years
Fukusaki (1998)14 RCT No significant benefit in walking distances at early term follow-up 2
to 3 months
Ng (2005)17 RCT No added benefit of steroids at 3 months in pain severity, walking 2
distance, or patient functional outcome
Methylcoba Waikakul (2000)8 RCT No difference in randomized to control groups in pain 2
lamin improvement or neurologic signs except neurogenic
claudication distance, which was better in the experimental
group in follow-up to 2 years
Gabapentin Yaksi (2007)9 RCT Gabapentin improves walking distance in the short term
(4 months)
Therapeutic Whitman (2006)13 RCT of two Perceived recovery was greater for the program with manual 2 I
exercise physical therapy, treadmill walking, and exercises
Surgery Lumbar spinal Atlas (1996, 2000, Prospective Surgery consisted of decompression in all, with or without fusion 2 B
decompression 2005)19–21 observational (noninstrumented); early outcomes at 1–4 years favored
study patients undergoing initial surgery versus nonoperative
treatment,; however, no difference in outcomes accordant to
actual treatment received at 10 years

TABLE 5–1. Review of Level I/II Evidence in the Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis—cont’d
Malmivaara RCT Surgery consisting of decompression (single or multilevel) with 1
(2007)24 or without fusion (instrumented); at 2 years, patient undergoing
initial decompressive surgery reported greater improvement
regarding leg pain, back pain, and overall disability when
compared with nonsurgical group
Grob (1995)29 RCT Assessed fusion in conjunction with decompression for stenosis in 2
the absence of spondylolisthesis or significant segmental
instability; no significant benefit to additional fusion
Zucherman RCT Surgical treatment with X STOP compared with nonsurgical arm; 2
(2005)33 greater satisfaction and physical function observed in the
surgical arm
Amundsen Prospective Off the smaller cohort randomized in the study, the surgical group 2
(2000)23 cohort with demonstrated greater improvement than the nonsurgical group;
one group study lacks functional outcome measures and reports categoric
(n ! 31) surgeon and patient rating of surgical outcomes; follow-up to
randomized 10 years
Mariconda Prospective Single-level or multilevel unilateral laminectomy was compared 2
(2002)30 comparative with conservative therapy; better early improvements in
study functional and clinical status observed in the surgical group
Thome (2005)32 Randomized Unilateral laminotomy, bilateral laminotomy, and laminectomy 2
comparison compared in the treatment of lumbar stenosis in patients
of various followed for 1 year; patient satisfaction observed to be greater
surgical in the bilateral laminotomy group; this group observed to have
techniques shorter length of stay and less complications; however, opera-
tive time and blood loss greater in the nonlaminectomy groups

Weinstein (2008)24a RCT Intent to treat and as-treated analysis demonstrated a significant
advantage to decompressive surgery when compared to nonsur-
gical treatment for symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis

JBJS ! Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery combined volumes; RCT ! randomized, controlled trial.
What is the Optimal Treatment for Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? 35
36 Spinal Topics

RECOMMENDATIONS—cont’d studies to make a strong recommendation of

surgery over nonsurgical therapies. It would
consensus. Appropriate control arms with
appear, however, that surgery can be of signifi-
consistent and comparable inclusion criteria are
cant benefit in certain patient subpopulations
required to further strengthen existing literature
that require ongoing characterization. As such,
in this area. Understandably, some of the diffi-
fair evidence (JBJS grade B) in the role of surgery
culty in characterizing this condition and ensur-
in the treatment of persistently symptomatic lum-
ing consistency in a homogenous population of
bar stenosis exists. Patients should be
study has been described in the introduction. It
appropriately informed that the results of
highlights what many of us encounter in the
surgery if required at a later stage are not
management of patients with symptomatic lum-
convincingly lessened if a nonsurgical approach
bar spinal stenosis—a chronic condition with a
is initially chosen. Of the surgical treatment
heterogeneous presentation that changes over
options, insufficient evidence exists to recom-
time. With this consideration in mind, several
mend many of the available options beyond a
themes are available on review of current litera-
decompressive posterior lumbar procedure. The
ture. Symptomatic patients can often be managed
historical standard of care has been a lumbar
through nonsurgical approaches, although
laminectomy with or without partial facetectomy.
insufficient evidence is available to support one
This consideration also needs to be weighed in
specific type of approach over another. It would
the context of patients who elect to choose the
make inherent sense that patient education is
surgical route because there is an appreciable
paramount and additional Level I/II studies may
risk for requiring an additional lumbar procedure
further guide strategies that will optimize inform-
over time for their condition, and the results of
ing patients of the appropriate knowledge
subsequent lumbar surgical procedures are not
necessary to understand their conditions and
as successful as index procedures. Although the
treatment options. Many commonly used oral
structural severity of the stenosis may relate to
medications have not been convincingly proved
success of surgery, it is also cautioned that the
effective specifically in the treatment of lumbar
severity of stenosis radiographically is not a
stenosis, although some renewed interest in
good correlate to patient symptom severity or
antineuritic medications such as gabapentin
perceived function. Rapid, progressive neurologic
warrant further validation and longer term study
deterioration appears uncommon with any of the
in patients with symptomatic claudication from
available therapies. The optimal timing for
spinal stenosis. There is insufficient evidence to
surgical intervention in the context among pa-
substantiate therapeutic exercises over other
tient symptom severity, structural stenosis
alternatives in the management of patient-related
severity, and self-perceived quality of life and
symptoms apart from the possibly related
physical function warrants additional study. In
general health benefits of aerobic conditioning on
conclusion, until stronger evidence is available
the cardiovascular system. Epidural steroids are
for recommending therapeutic intervention in
mixed in their results in the literature. The
symptomatic lumbar stenosis, treatment for this
natural history of the condition would appear to
condition needs to be individualized. Currently,
be favorable, and nonsurgical therapy in many
insufficient evidence exists to recommend an
patients is not necessarily associated with
optimal treatment regimen for a patient with
significant clinical deterioration over time. There
symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis.
is a lack of sufficient good evidence and Level I

Summary of Recommendations

1. There is limited evidence on educational programs directed towards lumbar 1/I 4

spinal stenosis patients
2. There is conflicting evidence on the potential efficacy of medications such as 1/I 2,7,14,15,16,17
nasal calcitonin and epidural steroids for the treatment of spinal stenosis.
3. There may be some potential benefit of gabapentin in improving walking 1/B 9
distance in the short term
4. There is limited evidence on the efficacy of therapeutic exercise in the treat- 2/I 13
ment of symptomatic spinal stenosis
5. In patients who have failed nonsurgical treatment, decompressive surgery can 1/B 19-21,23, 24,24a,
improve patient symptoms with some evidence that surgery may be associated 29, 30,32,33
with better outcomes in the early term when compared to additional nonsurgi-
cal treatment in this patient subpopulation. Longer term efficacy studies, how-
ever, are warranted.
What is the Optimal Treatment for Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? 37

REFERENCES 19. Atlas SJ, Deyo RA, Keller RB, et al: The Maine Lumbar Spine
Study, Part III. 1-year outcomes of surgical and nonsurgical
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tive investigation. J Bone Joint Surg Am 72:403–408, 1990. 20. Atlas SJ, Keller RB, Robson D, et al: Surgical and nonsurgi-
2. Selkowitz DM, Kulig K, Poppert EM, et al: The immediate and cal management of lumbar spinal stenosis: Four-year
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single-level lumbar microdiscectomy: a randomized controlled 21. Atlas SJ, Keller RB, Wu YA, et al: Long-term outcomes of sur-
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vice to patients with back pain can have a positive effect. A 30:936–943, 2005.
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program. Spine 26:206–212, 2001. erative treatment for lumbar spinal stenosis? A randomized
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follow-up. Calcif Tissue Int 50:400–403, 1992. 358:818–24, 2008.
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Chapter What Is is the Optimal
Best Treatment

16 Jfor Thoracolumbar

Despite injury prevention initiatives and safer auto- anterior surgery alone, posterior surgery alone, or a
mobile designs, the incidence of thoracolumbar high- combination of both. The posterior surgical fixation
energy trauma remains significant.1 Burst fractures of options include hook or wire constructs,7,15,16 short-
the thoracolumbar spine account for approximately segment pedicle screw fixation at one level above
45% of all thoracolumbar trauma cases, and half and one below the fractured vertebra,3,4,6,7,17 and long-
of these patients remain neurologically intact after segment fixation, characteristically two or three seg-
injury.2 The 1990s and 2000s have brought significant ments of fixation above and below the fracture.7,18,19
technologic advancements, specifically the wide- When the anterior column of the spine is surgically
spread use of pedicle screw fixation in the thoracic reconstructed, the vertebral body and discs may be
spine,3–7 the design of stiffer and more rigid instru- approached indirectly through transpedicular bone3,7,20
mentation,3,8,9 the ability to reconstruct the anterior or cement augmentation,21,22 or by an indirect postero-
spinal column with expandable cages10 and biologics,11 lateral approach. A direct anterior approach facilitates
and less invasive spinal surgical approaches.12 The vertebral body resection, decompression of the ante-
treatment of thoracolumbar trauma, however, and rior spinal canal, anterior reconstruction of the verte-
specifically that of burst fractures, continues to be bra, and also anterior fixation with either plates or
one of the most controversial areas in spine trauma screw-rod constructs.23,24 Prosthetic devices (fixed and
care despite the high incidence of these injuries and expanding cages), as well as autograft and allograft,
extensive published research. are the most commonly used anterior vertebral recon-
A well-formulated question provides the founda- struction options.10,23–28
tion for a good systematic review, and this review
investigates the variety of treatment options avail-
able for thoracolumbar burst fractures and tries to
produce guidelines as to which treatment is most ef- EVIDENCE
fective in producing predictable and safe outcomes Operative versus Nonoperative Treatment
for various types of injuries.
Five Level II studies directly compare operative with
nonoperative care for thoracolumbar burst fractures
OPTIONS (Table 6–1).2,29–32 All of these studies include thoraco-
lumbar burst fractures with normal neurology. Some
It is important to define the population discussed of the fractures included would be described as un-
here. Patients with burst fractures between T10-L2 stable with significant kyphosis and some degree of
inclusive, with or without neurologic deficit, who are posterior ligamentous disruption, though most would
a minimum age of 16 years are included. The term be described as stable.
burst fracture refers to a fracture of the vertebral Wood and colleagues31 recruited 53 patients, 27 of
body with fracture lines that extend into the poste- whom were randomized to the nonoperative treat-
rior vertebral body wall and result in a separation or ment arm, which contained two forms of nonopera-
widening of the pedicles.13 Burst fractures may be tive treatment, either a postural reduction and cast
associated with varying degrees of disruption to the or a hyperextension custom-molded jacket TLSO
posterior vertebral elements, specifically the facet worn for 12 to 16 weeks. Twenty-six patients were
and laminar complex and the posterior ligamentous treated by a variety of surgical techniques, either a
complex.14 posterior screw/hook construct and fusion spanning
Essentially, two major decisions need to be made by between two to five levels or an anterior vertebrec-
the treating physician: First, and more fundamentally, tomy, rib strut graft, and instrumentation. Patients’
should the patient be treated with or without surgery? outcome evaluation included the Medical Outcomes
Second, if surgery is to be selected, what approach and Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36),
technique should be used? Nonoperative care may in- modified Roland Morris Disability Scale (RMDS)
volve the use of a thoracolumbar sacral orthosis score, Oswestry Questionnaire, visual analogue pain
(TLSO), body cast, hyperextension brace, or no ortho- scale (VAS), and a radiographic evaluation. The
sis at all, whereas operative treatment may involve study does have significant limitations, including a

What Is the Optimal Treatment for Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures? 39

TABLE 6–1. Thoracolumbar Fractures: Articles Comparing Operative and Nonoperative Treatment
First Author (Year of Level of Evidence of
Publication) Description Primary Question Topic and Conclusions

Siebenga (2006)30 Prospective randomized trial of II 34 patients randomized to

posterior short-segment brace or posterior short-
fixation vs. brace treatment for segment instrumentation.
burst fractures with normal Improved pain, disability,
neurology and return to work in the
surgically treated patients.
Shen (2001)29 Prospective (not fully random- II 80 patients, 33 treated with
ized) trial comparing short- posterior short-segment fix-
segment posterior fixation vs. ation and 47 treated with
hyperextension bracing brace. Operatively treated
group had less pain and
improved function at 3 and
6 months, but the difference
was not sustained to longer
term follow-up.
Wood (2003)31 Prospective randomized trial II 47 patients randomized to an-
comparing various surgical terior fixation, posterior fix-
fixation techniques to TLSO ation, or TLSO bracing. Im-
bracing proved pain and function in
the nonoperatively treated
Thomas (2006)32 Qualitative systematic review II Careful review of the literature
could not identify evidence
of superiority of operative
vs. nonoperative treatment
for burst fractures without
neurologic injury.
Domenicucci (1996)2 Prospective comparative study of II 31 patients followed prospec-
posterior instrumentation vs. tively; 20 patients treated
nonoperative treatment with reduction and casting,
and 11 patients with poste-
rior fixation.
Rechtine (1999)34 Retrospective comparative study III 235 patients with unstable
fractures, half treated with
6 weeks of bedrest and half
with surgical fixation. Over-
all complication rates were
Knight (1993)33 Retrospective comparative study III 22 patients for whom posterior
and anterior fixation com-
pared with brace treatment.

TLSO ! thoracolumbar sacral orthosis.

lack of standardization, multiple treatment options, treatment of both the operative and nonoperative
outcome measures reported at varying intervals, groups. By randomizing 34 patients to brace treat-
lack of a priori determination of a primary outcome, ment and posterior short-segment fixation, Siebenga
no power calculations, and multiple comparisons and investigators30 showed a significant difference in
without statistical adjustment. pain (72 vs. 87 mm; P ! 0.033), Rolland Morris Dis-
A statistically significant difference between op- ability scores (8.9 vs. 3.1; P ! 0.030), and return to
erative and nonoperative treatment was observed work (38% vs. 85%; P ! 0.018), each in favor of op-
favoring nonoperative treatment, for physical func- erative treatment. The methodology and uniformity
tion (P ! 0.002) and role physical (P ! 0.003). Wood of treatment applied to each group make this a
and colleagues31 report an average Roland Disabil- strong study, whereas the lack of an a priori power
ity score of 8.2 for the operative group and 3.9 for calculation and an a priori description of a primary
the nonoperative group (P ! 0.02). These authors outcome prevent it from attaining Level I evidence
also used the Oswestry questionnaire, reporting an status.
average score of 20.75 and 10.66 for the surgical Shen and coauthors29 attempted to randomize pa-
and nonsurgical groups, respectively. For both the tients to receive short-segment posterior instrumen-
Roland and Oswestry instruments, a lower score tation and fusion or nonoperative care using a hyper-
signifies better function. extension brace. Because of recruitment difficulties,
In contradistinction with Wood and colleagues’31 some patients were not randomized, and as such, this
study, Siebenga and investigators30 included a homo- study should be considered a prospective cohort
geneously defined cohort and carefully standardized study. Outcomes were measured by an independent
40 Spinal Topics

assessor at 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months. Also using Wood and colleagues,28 in an article that appears
a VAS, at 2-year follow-up, Shen and coauthors29 note to be a subset of a previously reported randomized
the VAS to be 1.5 and 1.8 for the nonoperative and trial,31 randomly assigned 43 patients to either ante-
operative cohorts, respectively. For the 3- and rior partial vertebrectomy and Kaneda or Isola in-
6-month follow-up, Shen and coauthors29 show im- strumentation or posterior Isola rod-hook stabiliza-
proved pain in the surgically compared with the tion. Unfortunately, the use of posterior rod-hook
brace-treated patients. The authors note a better Gre- constructs is likely inferior to the more commonly
enough low back outcome score in the surgically used pedicle screw-rod systems currently used; thus,
treated group for up to 6 months, but this effect was the high rate (11/18) of implant-related complica-
not observed with longer follow-up. tions in the posterior surgery group is not that sur-
The systematic review by Thomas and investiga- prising. The generally good clinical outcomes in the
tors32 was performed before the study by Siebenga anterior surgery group and the low complication rate
and colleagues,30 and concludes that there was no make this a potentially reasonable option in the neu-
evidence of superiority of operative over nonopera- rologically intact thoracolumbar burst fracture that
tive treatment for neurologically intact thoracolum- requires surgical treatment.
bar burst fractures. The final of the five Level II studies Esses and coauthors’41 study strongly favors short-
is a prospective comparative study by Domenicucci segment posterior fixation over an anterior fixation
and coworkers,2 which has multiple methodologic system (Kostuik–Harrington device) that tended to
flaws, and although it favors surgery for patients with fail as frequently as the posterior short-segment fix-
increased radiographic deformity (kyphosis over ator and required a greater degree of complexity and
20 degrees), issues of power and bias are significant. risk for its insertion.
Two Level III studies compare operative and non- Two Level III systematic reviews5,7 compare various
operative care (see Table 6–1).33,34 Rechtine and surgical approaches and techniques. Though suffer-
colleagues’34 article is thought provoking in that it ing from a lack of high-quality studies in his system-
brings to mind the issues of costs of care, as well as atic review, Dickman and coworkers5 confidently state
patient preference, and shows that even in severely that segmental pedicle screw fixation of thoracolum-
injured individuals, satisfactory outcomes may be bar fractures has a higher fusion rate than do rod-
obtained with or without surgery, however, with dif- screw constructs or anterior fixation devices. Verlaan
ferent treatment approaches, resource implications, and investigators7 in a meta-analysis of 132 articles
costs, and risk. divided treatment into 5 categories, including poste-
In addition, a number of Level IV studies show rior long- and short-segment instrumentation, a mix-
satisfactory outcomes with nonoperative treat- ture of short- and long-segment instrumentation, ante-
ment of a variety of these thoracolumbar frac- rior alone, and combined anterior and posterior
tures.33,35–40 An example of one of these is an article fixation. Verlaan and investigators7 conclude that none
by Mumford and coauthors,40 who reviewed 41 of of the five techniques reliably maintains alignment,
47 patients treated with a variable period of bed and there is no compelling evidence of the superiority
rest (range, 7–68 days) followed by a custom-made of one of these techniques over another.
TLSO for an average of 12 weeks. Inclusion criteria Been and Bouma,42 in a retrospective, comparative
included burst fractures between T11-L5, and the study of short-segment posterior fixation, with and
data for each individual patient were reported. For without concomitant anterior strut grafting, reported
patients treated without surgery, Mumford and a 21% instrumentation failure rate with the posterior
coauthors40 found that 50% of patients had little to short-segment instrumentation, reduced to 4% when
no pain at final follow-up, as measured on a Likert an anterior strut graft is added. In another retrospec-
Scale. tive comparative study, Danisa and coauthors43 com-
In summary, strong evidence has been reported to pared anterior alone (16 patients), posterior alone
support satisfactory outcomes with both operative (27 patients), and combined anterior and posterior
and nonoperative treatment. Two Level II studies29,30 (6 patients); even with significant selection bias,
suggest improved outcomes with operative treat- there was no significant difference in kyphosis, pain,
ment, one of which shows improved outcomes only return to work, or neurologic recovery among the
at 3 and 6 months, and not sustained out to longer three groups. Danisa and coauthors43 recommend
follow-up.29 Wood and colleagues’31 study has signifi- posterior fixation as the least complex procedure.
cant enough methodologic defects to make its con- Briem and colleagues44 performed a Level III matched-
clusions nebulous. pairs analysis comparing posterior instrumentation
alone with combined posterior and anterior fixation.
Although the combined anterior and posterior proce-
Choice of Operative Approach dure maintained sagittal alignment more effectively
than posterior alone, there was no difference in SF-36
Specifically looking at the decision to operate from between the two groups. The SF-36 likely lacks the
an anterior approach alone, posterior alone, or com- sensitivity to detect change that a disease-specific
bined anterior and posterior approaches, two Level outcome measure would have. Finally, Aligizakis and
II studies28,41 and six Level III studies5,7,35,42–44 address investigators,45 in a parallel study of several cohorts,
this as their primary question (Table 6–2). attempted to use the load sharing classification to
What Is the Optimal Treatment for Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures? 41

TABLE 6–2. Thoracolumbar Fractures: Articles Comparing Operative Approaches (Anterior and Posterior)
First Author (Year of Level of Evidence of
Publication) Description Primary Question Topic and Conclusions

Wood (2005)28 Prospective randomized II 38 patients randomized to

study of anterior vs. posterior hook-rod con-
posterior fusion struct and anterior
decompression fusion.
High failure rate with
posterior hook rods.
Esses (1990)41 Prospective randomized II 40 patients comparing ante-
study rior and posterior fixation.
Posterior thought to be as
effective as anterior.
Verlaan (2004)7 Qualitative systematic III 132 articles were included,
review of Class III and and surgical treatment was
IV studies divided into five categories.
No single technique main-
tained kyphosis correction.
Overall low complication
Dickman (1994)5 Qualitative systematic III 58 articles included in a sys-
review of Class III and tematic review demonstrat-
IV studies ing that pedicle screw fixa-
tion was superior to hook
rod and had a high fusion
Danisa (1995)43 Retrospective comparative III 49 patients, 16 anterior alone,
study 27 posterior alone, six com-
bined anterior and poste-
rior. No difference between
Been (1999)42 Retrospective comparative III 46 patients comparing com-
study bined anterior and poste-
rior with posterior short
segment. Posterior short
segment had a 21% failure
Briem (2004)44 Retrospective comparative III 10 patients treated with pos-
study terior fixation alone were
matched to 10 patients
treated with combined
anterior and posterior.
Improved radiographic
outcomes in the combined
anterior/posterior patients,
but no difference in 36-Item
Short Form Health Survey
Aligizakis (2003)45 Prospective comparative III 30 patients: 21 treated with
study posterior short segment,
three anterior Kaneda, six
posterior and anterior com-

guide the choice of surgical approach and technique. Choice of Operative Technique
This study45 reports good outcomes of several se-
lected cohorts where the addition of an anterior ap- Andress and colleagues4 report on 50 patients treated
proach is based on the numeric score of the load with short-segment pedicle screw instrumentation
sharing classification. Aligizakis and investigators45 that was routinely removed 9 to 15 months after
treated simple burst fractures with posterior alone surgery (Table 6–3). The mean 46-month follow-up
short-segment instrumentation (21 patients), whereas included a radiographic evaluation, preinjury (as-
“complete” burst fractures (three patients with sig- signed retrospectively after fracture) and postinjury
nificant vertebral body comminution) were treated Hanover score, and a seven-point clinical assessment
with anterior alone Kaneda devices and burst frac- scale. Sanderson and coworkers46 evaluated a cohort
tures with posterior element distraction (six patients of 28 patients who were treated between 1990 and
with flexion/distraction injuries) were treated with 1993, using pedicle screw instrumentation two levels
posterior instrumentation and an anterior load-bear- above and below without fusion, followed by routine
ing strut graft.45 hardware removal 6 to 12 months after surgery. Surgi-
42 Spinal Topics

TABLE 6-3. Thoracolumbar Fractures: Articles Describing Operative Techniques

First Author (Year of Level of Evidence of Primary
Publication) Description Question Topic and Conclusions

Alanay (2001)3 Prospective randomized study II 20 patients randomized to

of posterior fixation with or posterior short-segment fix-
without bone grafting ation with and without
transpedicular grafting. No
difference in outcome.
Cho (2003)21 Prospective randomized study II 70 patients assigned to poste-
of posterior fixation with or rior short-segment fixation
without cement with (20) and without
(50) transpedicular cement
injection. Better mainte-
nance of alignment and pain
control with cement.
Andress (2002)4 Retrospective case series IV 50 patients treated with poste-
rior short-segment fixation
and grafting.
Sanderson (1999)46 Retrospective case series IV 28 patients with posterior
short-segment fixation
without bone grafting.

cal indications were listed as kyphosis greater than AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY

20 degrees and/or greater than 50% loss of anterior
vertebral height. In these and other reports of short- Based on the literature reviewed earlier, it is remark-
segment posterior fixation, the failure rate of the able how our efforts to stratify patients with thoraco-
posterior instrumentation has been variously re- lumbar burst fractures into subgroups and tailor their
ported as 14%,46 17%,8 21%,42 22%,21 50%,47 and 53%.17 treatment remain unclear and ineffective. Most stud-
Despite the popularity and relative surgical simplicity ies treat the 20-year-old laborer in the same way that
of this technique, the predictable high mechanical they treat the 70-year-old adult who falls in the bath.
failure rate clearly makes it difficult to accept this Similarly, classification systems are only now becom-
procedure as the optimal treatment option. ing available that guide treatment to some degree.14
Several attempts have been made to minimize the The principal areas where we believe attention should
collapse of the vertebral body and resultant instru- be directed are as follows:
ment failure, one of these being the addition of 1. What are the costs of operative and nonopera-
transpedicular intracorporeal grafting,48 and this is tive treatment, and what is the temporal profile
the focus of one Level II study20 and is prominent in and eventual extent of functional recovery with
a Level III sys-tematic review.7 Alanay and cowork- either treatment?
ers20 randomized 20 consecutive patients to short- 2. What are the variables that would stratify
segment pedicle instrumentation with or without patients with thoracolumbar burst fractures
transpedicular intracorporeal grafting. The tech- into a group that should be selected for opera-
nique of transpedicular intracorporeal grafting did tive as opposed to what appears to be the
not influence the collapse of the fractured vertebra, vast majority that do well with nonoperative
and this finding was confirmed by Verlaan and in- treatment?
vestigators7 in a systematic review of a number of 3. In patients whom physicians believe require
articles. The technique of transpedicular intracor- surgery, precisely what criteria can be used reli-
poreal bone grafting can be described confidently ably to select either anterior surgery alone or
as ineffective. the addition of anterior structural support to
In a novel modification of the short-segment poste- reinforce posterior instrumentation?
rior fixation technique, several authors have proposed 4. What is the impact of neurologic impairment on
transpedicular intracorporeal injection of cements.21,22 the choice of treatment and surgical technique,
In a particularly interesting, prospective, comparative timing, and approach?
Level II study, Cho and colleagues21 compare posterior From individual studies and from several meta-
short-segment fixation with and without intracorpo- analyses, it appears that the rates of serious compli-
real cement injection. The cement injection was shown cation for even the most extensive surgical treat-
to maintain vertebral height and kyphosis correction, ments are relatively low. Documented neurologic
whereas a 22% instrumentation failure rate occurred in deterioration after baseline assessment, regardless
the group without cement injection. The long-term of treatment, is extremely rare,8,23,42,43,49–54 although
significance of cement in a vertebral body of a young one study does report this problem.13 Further care-
patient is unknown; thus, this technique must remain ful consideration of complication rates and patterns
experimental. is required.
What Is the Optimal Treatment for Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures? 43

Fair evidence exists to recommend nonoperative treat- Burst fractures of the thoracolumbar junction are
ment as an option for the majority of thoracolumbar commonly treated surgically despite the fact that
burst fractures as long as they do not appear to have the available evidence to justify the additional
neurologic impairment, significant posterior element risks of surgery is minimal. A strong need for
disruption, or a significant deformity (kyphosis over properly designed and conducted clinical trials
25–30 degrees, although this is debatable). Level II and exists. Given the use of multiple-outcome instru-
III studies have consistently shown satisfactory clini- ments in different studies, it is difficult, if not im-
cal outcomes with nonoperative treatment in this pa- possible, to compare or combine results between
tient population, and no one has been able to conclu- studies, and thus facilitate a meta-analysis.
sively link the degree of eventual deformity to the For the majority of thoracolumbar burst frac-
quality of clinical outcome. It appears as if it is the tures without neurologic deficit, particularly those
achievement of “stability” or healing and not necessar- where the initial segmental kyphosis is less than 25
ily the alignment of the spine that determines a good or 30 degrees, we would recommend nonsurgical
clinical outcome. treatment in a TLSO, cast, or other orthosis
Superimposed on the earlier fairly consistent and (Jewett). Some intriguing data suggest that poten-
weighty body of literature, there are several recent tially the outcomes of posterior surgical stabiliza-
studies that provide fair evidence that, although non- tion for these injuries may reduce pain and improve
operative outcomes appear to be satisfactory, the function. However, these studies require confirma-
surgical treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures tion through carefully performed prospective stud-
may improve pain relief, function, and return to ies of larger patient populations before nonsurgical
work. The small sample sizes in studies such as Cho treatment recommendations can be justified. It is
and colleagues,21 Siebenga and investigators,30 and certainly possible that surgery is the treatment of
Shen and coauthors29 require further study and veri- choice for burst fractures at the thoracolumbar
fication before operative treatment can be strongly junction without neurologic deficit. Surgery theoret-
considered. Furthermore, the fairly consistent re- ically may result in earlier mobilization, and hospi-
ports of instrumentation-related failure with the most tal discharge, less initial pain, and faster return to
common surgical technique, namely, short-segment work, an issue of considerable economic relevance.
posterior fixation, makes the authors uneasy in rec- When the segmental kyphosis is on the order of
ommending the abandonment of nonoperative treat- 25 or 30 degrees, either because of the degree of
ment in pursuit of the improved outcomes promised anterior vertebral body comminution or posterior
by an operative treatment that has such a high me- ligamentous complex incompetence, then surgical
chanical failure rate. treatment is the preferred treatment option, al-
Satisfactory clinical results have been consistently though nonoperative treatment remains an option.
achieved with acceptable complication rates using The studies by Siebenga and investigators30 and
several operative approaches and techniques. The Shen and coauthors29 are both well done and sug-
criteria on which one selects anterior vertebrectomy gest improved outcomes with surgery. Therefore,
graft and plate (or rod) stabilization, posterior short- there is likely a place for surgery and experience.
or long-segment fixation, or a combination of anterior Widespread practice would support that surgery
and posterior fixation are not clearly defined. Several would be reserved for higher degrees of kyphosis
statements can be made based on what are fairly con- and posterior ligament injuries (Level V).
sist findings in Level III and IV clinical studies. Poste- In the presence of neurologic injury, it is wide-
rior instrumentation with pedicle screws provides spread practice in North America to treat these in-
better fixation than hook constructs.5 Longer segment juries surgically, either simply stabilizing the frac-
instrumentation (two motion segments above and ture with posterior instrumentation or adding a
two below the fractured vertebra) will reduce the risk concomitant decompression. Because of the lack
for instrument failure at the bone-screw interface or of convincing data to favor one surgical approach
within the instrumentation itself.15,47 Short-segment over another, and the reported high failure rate of
posterior fixation and, to some degree, most operative short-segment posterior instrumentation, the au-
treatment techniques will fail to maintain the opera- thors use posterior instrumentation utilizing pedi-
tively achieved alignment and will drift into kyphosis cle screws at two segments above and two below
approximately 10 degrees greater than that achieved as the most reliable and lowest risk surgical proce-
at surgery.7 Kyphosis does not appear to be related to dure. Posterior stabilization may be followed by
clinical outcome, at least not when it is less than 25 to reimaging (computed tomography or MRI) to as-
30 degrees.7,55 sess the degree of spinal canal occlusion (in the
Finally, some techniques have been shown not to case of neurologic deficit) and vertebral comminu-
be associated with satisfactory results, and these in- tion, and the surgeon can use clinical judgment, as
clude the transpedicular injection of bone20 or OP-1,11 well as guidance from the load sharing classifica-
anterior fixation utilizing the Slot–Zielke divice,23 and tion,45 in deciding when to perform an additional
anterior grafting using bovine bone.27 anterior corpectomy and strut grafting.
44 Spinal Topics

Summary of Recommendations

1. Stable burst fractures with a kyphotic angle less than 25° can be safely and B 31,32
effectively treated with bracing, casting, or an orthosis
2. Posterior short segment surgical stabilization of stable burst fractures with B 21,29,30
kyphotic angles less than 25° may reduce pain, improve function, and
accelerate return to work
3. Posterior instrumentation with rod-screw constructs provides better fixation B 5
than rod-hook constructs
4. Longer segment posterior fixation reduces the risk of instrumentation failure B 15,47
5. Most fixation techniques, particularly posterior short segment fixation, tend B 7
to develop some degree of progressive kyphosis following surgery
6. Transpedicular bone grafting is not effective at preventing the progressive B 7,55
kyphosis after surgery

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Chapter What
Is Neuromonitoring
is the Best TreatmentBeneficial

17 JDuring
AND JOHN M.Surgery?

Neurologic injury may follow even technically pre- Somatosensory-Evoked Potentials

cise spinal surgery. Because neurologic complica-
tions after spinal surgery are potentially devastat- Early attempts at monitoring relied solely on recording
ing, the development of preventative strategies, SSEPs. Reports of false-negative outcomes when using
including intraoperative neurophysiologic monitor- only SSEP monitoring illustrated the need for multimo-
ing, is of significant clinical relevance and great dality monitoring.6–8 SSEPs remain the standard tech-
importance for enhancing patient safety.1 Intraop- nique for intraoperative monitoring. Newer techniques
erative neurophysiologic monitoring is a method such as EMG and MEP have been developed and are
used to physiologically monitor the integrity of used as an adjunct to SSEP monitoring.
neural structures and to avoid surgical insults by
enabling real-time response and action by the sur-
gical team. Motor-Evoked Potentials
The ideal intraoperative monitoring modality
should be highly sensitive and specific to spinal Because of the well-reported limitations of SSEP
cord or nerve root injury and should also be “user monitoring, the recording of MEPs has been advo-
friendly.” Currently, no such modality exists that cated. Myogenic transcranial MEP offers the advan-
fulfils all of these criteria. Somatosensory-evoked tage of assessing the entire length of the corticospi-
potential (SSEP) monitoring remains the standard nal tract from the cortex to the distal extremity
test for intraoperative monitoring despite its subop- beyond the neuromuscular junction. The most sig-
timal sensitivity to detect all types of neural injury.2 nificant issue when recording MEPs is the anesthetic
Despite the advances that have occurred in intraop- regimen: total intravenous anesthetic without neuro-
erative spinal monitoring since the late 1990s, uni- muscular blockade needs to be utilized to provide
versal acceptance as to the benefit of intraoperative the optimal environment for recording MEPs. This
monitoring has not yet occurred. requires experience on the part of the surgical and
anesthetic teams. For example, surgical exposure
may be somewhat more challenging and the depth of
MONITORING OPTIONS anesthesia may require closer vigilance.

Numerous neurophysiologic monitoring methods

are now available including continuous free running Electromyography
electromyography (EMG), evoked EMG, compound
muscle action potentials, rectal and urinary sphinc- Spontaneous electromyographic recordings provide
ter EMG, motor-evoked potentials (MEPs), SSEPs, real-time data that are sensitive to surgical manipula-
and most recently, spinal cord mapping.1,3–5 None of tion or compression.2 Myotomes are selected for re-
these tests individually provides a global assess- cording based on the operative level and the nerve
ment of cord and root function. However, when roots most at risk. Burst or train activity is consid-
multiple modalities are monitored, each one adds ered significant and is thought to represent ongoing
selective information that allows the surgical team compression or stretch. Spontaneous EMG is sensi-
to assess neural function with enhanced precision. tive but not specific.9 As well as recording spontane-
Each of these electrophysiologic approaches has ous electromyographic activity, a number of other
advantages and disadvantages. Hence, the decision applications have used electromyographic record-
regarding the optimal choice of approaches to mon- ings to determine the proximity of nerve roots. Di-
itor needs to be individually tailored for each sur- rect nerve root testing with EMG recording aids in
gery depending on what level of the spine is under- the dissection of nerve roots off intradural tumors
going surgery and what aspect of neural function is especially in the conus region. Triggered EMG has
most at risk. been used to aid in placement of pedicle screws.

Is Neuromonitoring Beneficial during Spinal Surgery? 47

EVIDENCE FOR MONITORING had loss of amplitude of MEPs, of which 10 had com-
plete reversal of the loss after prompt intraoperative
Although the evidence for monitoring continues to intervention and the remaining 2 had a new postop-
evolve, there has been a vast increase in the body of erative deficit. The sensitivity and specificity for
evidence in the published literature that supports MEPs was 100% in their series, whereas SSEP had
many aspects of current monitoring practices. Sev- only a sensitivity of 25%, although it was 100% spe-
eral authors have reported the results of good-quality cific. The authors conclude that transcranial MEPs
studies that demonstrate a benefit when intraopera- appeared to be superior to conventional SSEPs for
tive monitoring is performed during spinal surgery. identifying evolving motor tract injury during cervi-
Relevant articles from the published literature were cal spine surgery.
assigned a level of evidence as per the Journal of Bone Difficulties in obtaining and maintaining MEP re-
and Joint Surgery (JBJS) guidelines.10 For the pur- sponses with transcranial stimulation has led some
poses of this review, only articles of Level II evidence authors to propose direct spinal cord stimulation to
were available and are discussed. obtain neurogenic MEPs in certain pathologies.16
Komanetsky and colleagues17 compared two meth-
ods of stimulation when obtaining neurogenic MEPs.
Evidence for Somatosensory-Evoked Potentials They prospectively compared spinous process stim-
ulation with percutaneous stimulation in obtaining
Most of the earlier literature predominantly evalu- neurogenic MEPs in 184 patients. Both methods
ated the role of SSEPs alone in spinal surgery. As far were found to be sensitive to neurologic deficit.
back as 1982, Grundy and colleagues11 reported a When responses were obtained, the percutaneous
study showing that a wake-up test was not neces- method was found to be sufficiently reliable to obvi-
sary provided SSEPs were monitored and stable. ate the need for the spinous process method.
The authors prospectively studied the effects of Numerous studies have addressed the difficulties
moderate hypotension on 24 patients undergoing in obtaining reliable predictors for postoperative C5
spinal fusion with Harrington rod instrumentation. palsy.18 Tanaka and colleagues18 evaluated the useful-
Five of the 24 patients had alterations in their SSEPs ness of transcranial MEPs for prediction of the occur-
and required an intraoperative wake-up test, all of rence of postoperative C5 palsy after cervical lami-
which had normal results. noplasty. They prospectively evaluated 62 consecutive
Epstein and coworkers12 evaluated the role of patients, three of which developed postoperative
SSEPs in cervical surgery by comparing the out- transient C5 palsy. No critical decrease in amplitude
comes of patients who were monitored and operated occurred in any of the 62 patients. Because of this,
on over a 3-year period (1989–1991) with those who the authors conclude that postoperative C5 palsy
were not monitored and had been operated on be- after cervical laminoplasty was not associated with
tween 1985 and 1989. No instances of quadriplegia in an intraoperative injury (Table 7–1).
the 100 patients who were monitored versus eight in
the 218 who were not monitored were reported. The
authors conclude that the reduction of neurologic Evidence for Electromyography
deficit was attributed in part to early SSEP detection
of vascular or mechanical compromise and to the There are fewer Level I or II evidence articles in the
immediate alteration of anesthetic or surgical tech- literature that validate the use of intraoperative EMG
nique in response to SSEP changes. Kombos and co- monitoring in spinal surgery. Dimopoulos and investi-
workers13 report similar findings in a prospective gators19 conducted a prospective randomized trial to
evaluation of the impact of SSEP monitoring during correlate the findings of intraoperative EMG with im-
anterior cervical surgery. In a prospective study of mediate postoperative pain in patients undergoing
100 patients, they deduce that SSEP monitoring was lumbar microdiscectomy (Level II). They found no cor-
easy to perform and helped to increase the safety relation between intraoperative electromyographic
during anterior cervical surgery. Monitoring of both findings and postoperative pain.
cortical and subcortical sites for SSEP responses has Krassioukov and coauthors20 examined the neuro-
been shown to increase the reliability of SSEPs dur- logic outcomes of 61 patients, most of whom were
ing spinal surgery.14 treated for spinal/spinal cord tumours (61%) or adult
tethered cord syndrome (25%). Patients underwent
multimodal neurophysiologic monitoring with EMG
Evidence for Motor-Evoked Potentials monitoring of the lower-limb muscles, external anal
sphincter (EAS), external urethral sphincter (EUS), and
Concerns over false-negative results when using lower-limb SSEPs. Spontaneous electromyographic ac-
SSEPs alone have led to the proposal of alternative tivity was observed in the lower-extremity muscles
strategies, with either monitoring of MEPs alone or and/or EAS and EUS in 51 cases (84%). In addition to
used in combination with other modalities.6 Hilibrand spontaneously recorded electromyographic activity,
and investigators15 analyzed the data of 427 patients electrically evoked EMG activity was also used as an
who underwent anterior or posterior cervical spine intraoperative adjunct. The presence of electrically
surgery over a 2-year period. Twelve of their patients evoked EMG activity in structures encountered during
48 Spinal Topics

TABLE 7–1. Evidence for Intraoperative Monitoring


1982 Deliberate hypoten- Grundy et al.11 2 24 Patients subjected to

sion for spinal fu- spinal fusion need
sion: prospective not be awakened
randomized study provided SSEPs are
with evoked poten- monitored and
tial monitoring stable.
1993 Evaluation of Epstein et al.12 2 100 Monitoring with
intraoperative SSEPs reduced the
somatosensory- postoperative neu-
evoked potential rologic deficit in
monitoring during patients undergo-
100 cervical ing cervical
operations surgery.
1997 Comparison of the ef- Langeron et al.23 2 20 Both ketamine and
fects of ketamine- fentanyl allowed re-
midazolam with liable cortical
those of SSEPs to be
fentanyl-midazolam obtained.
on cortical
evoked potentials
during major spine
1998 Neurogenic motor- Komanetsky 2 184 Both spinous
evoked potentials: et al.17 process–elicited
A prospective com- NMEPs and
parison of stimula- percutaneous-
tion methods in elicited NMEP are
spinal deformity sensitive to neuro-
surgery logic deficit.
1999 Comparative study of Laureau et al.24 2 30 Use of either propofol
propofol and mid- or midazolam in
azolam effects on scoliosis surgery is
somatosensory appropriate. Preop-
evoked potentials erative small-
during surgical amplitude SSEPs
treatment of may favor propofol.
2000 Low-dose propofol as Kawaguchi et al.25 2 58 With pulse-train stim-
a supplement to ulation, low-dose
ketamine-based propofol can be
anesthesia during used as a supple-
intraoperative ment to ketamine-
monitoring of based anesthesia
motor-evoked during monitoring
potentials of myogenic MEPs.
2001 Remifentanil- and Samra et al.26 2 41 Remifentanil infusion
fentanyl-based anes- offers quicker re-
thesia for intraoper- covery from anes-
ative monitoring of thesia and less
somatosensory- variability in SSEP
evoked potentials morphology.
2002 Effect of sevoflurane/ Ku et al.27 2 20 Sevoflurane produces
nitrous oxide a faster decrease
versus propofol and recovery of
anaesthesia on SSEP amplitude, as
somatosensory- well as a better
evoked potential conscious state on
monitoring of the emergence than
spinal cord during propofol.
surgery to correct
2002 Combined monitoring Pelosi et al.21 2 97 Combined monitoring
of motor and with SSEP and MEP
somatosensory- is superior to
evoked potentials single-modality
in orthopaedic monitoring.
spinal surgery
Is Neuromonitoring Beneficial during Spinal Surgery? 49

TABLE 7–1. Evidence for Intraoperative Monitoring—cont’d


2003 Impact of Kombos et al.13 2 100 Intraoperative SSEP

somatosensory- monitoring is easy
evoked potential to perform and
monitoring on helps to increase
cervical surgery safety during ante-
rior cervical
2004 The effects of propo- Clapcich et al.29 2 12 Propofol better pre-
fol, small-dose iso- serves cortical
flurane, and nitrous SSEP amplitude.
oxide on cortical
evoked potential
and bispectral in-
dex monitoring in
adolescents under-
going spinal fusion
2004 The effects of isoflu- Chen28 2 35 Isoflurane inhibited
rane and propofol intraoperative
on intraoperative monitoring more
neurophysiological than propofol.
monitoring during
spinal surgery
2004 Does intraoperative Dimopoulos 2 112 No correlation be-
electromyographic et al.19 tween intraopera-
monitoring in lum- tive electromyo-
bar microdiscec- graphic findings
tomy correlate with and postoperative
postoperative pain? pain.
2004 Real-time continuous Gunnarsson et al.9 2 213 In thoracolumbar
intraoperative elec- spine surgery, EMG
tromyographic and has a high sensitiv-
somatosensory- ity but low specific-
evoked potential ity. In contrast,
recordings in spinal SSEPs have a low
surgery: correlation sensitivity but high
of clinical and elec- specificity.
trophysiologic find-
ings in a prospec-
tive, consecutive
series of 213 cases
2004 Multimodality intra- Krassioukov 2 61 Combined SSEP and
operative monitor- et al.20 EMG and anal/
ing during complex urethral sphincter
lumbosacral proce- monitoring is opti-
dures: indications, mal for complex
techniques, and procedures involv-
long-term follow-up ing the conus
review of 61 con- medullaris and
secutive cases cauda equina.
These modalities
influence microsur-
gical decision mak-
ing and reduce the
risk for periopera-
tive complications.
2004 Comparison of trans- Hilibrand et al.15 2 427 Transcranial electric
cranial electric MEP appears to be
motor and superior to conven-
somatosensory- tional SSEP for
evoked potential identifying evolving
monitoring during injury during cervi-
cervical spine cal spine surgery.
50 Spinal Topics

TABLE 7–1. Evidence for Intraoperative Monitoring—cont’d

2005 Effects of isoflurane Liu et al.30
2 60 Propofol causes less
and propofol suppression of cor-
on cortical tical SSEPs, with
somatosensory- better preservation
evoked potentials of amplitude, and
during comparable less variability at
depth of anaesthe- an equivalent depth
sia as guided by of anesthesia.
bispectral index
2005 Combined He et al.14 2 104 Monitoring of both
application of two cortical and sub-
somatosensory- cortical SSEPs dur-
evoked potential ing spinal surgery
techniques at vari- can increase the
ous recording reliability.
points for monitor-
ing the onset of
stretch spinal injury
during rhachial or-
2006 Intraoperative motor- Lo et al.31 2 20 Both desflurane and
evoked potential total intravenous
monitoring in anesthetic regi-
scoliosis surgery: mens allow suc-
comparison of cessful intraopera-
desflurane/nitrous tive monitoring.
oxide with propofol Abductor hallucis
total intravenous is the preferred
anesthetic muscle with a des-
regimens flurane anesthetic.
2006 Multimodality intraop- Paradiso et al.1 2 44 The combined re-
erative neurophysi- cording of SSEPs in
ologic monitoring concert with con-
findings during sur- tinuous and evoked
gery for adult teth- EMGs may provide
ered cord syn- a useful adjunct
drome: analysis of a to complex micro-
series of 44 patients surgery for adult
with long-term tethered cord
follow-up syndrome.
2006 Postoperative seg- Tanaka et al.18 2 62 The development of
mental C5 palsy af- postoperative C5
ter cervical lamino- palsy after cervical
plasty may occur laminoplasty is not
without intraopera- associated with in-
tive nerve injury: a traoperative injury.
prospective study
with transcranial
electric motor-
evoked potentials
2007 Somatosensory- and Costa et al.22 2 52 Combined MEP and
motor-evoked po- SSEP monitoring re-
tential monitoring liable to detect and
during spine and prevent injury.
spinal cord surgery

EMG ! electromyography; MEP ! motor-evoked potential; NMEP ! neurogenic motor-evoked potential; SSEP ! somatosensory-evoked potential.

microdissection altered the plan of treatment in Multimodality Monitoring

24 cases (42%).
Similar findings were reported by Paradiso and col- To overcome the limitations of individual monitor-
leagues,1 who examined the use of intraoperative ing modalities, many teams have explored the value
monitoring in tethered cord syndrome. Posterior of multimodal monitoring to obtain a more robust
tibial nerve SSEPs were found to have high specific- real-time assessment of intraoperative neural func-
ity, but low sensitivity, for predicting new neurologic tion. Pelosi and researchers21 investigated the com-
deficits. In contrast, continuous EMG showed high bined monitoring of MEPs and SSEPs in 126 spinal
sensitivity and low specificity. Evoked EMG accu- operations. Combined monitoring was successfully
rately identified functional neural tissue. achieved in 104 operations; it was possible only to
Is Neuromonitoring Beneficial during Spinal Surgery? 51

monitor a single modality in 18 patients (16 SSEPs, patient’s SSEP responses in all four limbs deterio-
2 MEPs). No response to either modality could rated (see Fig. 7–2B). A diagnosis of a presumptive
be recorded in two patients. The authors report cord injury was made and treatment was instituted
that combined monitoring was superior to single- with blood pressure elevation and administration of
modality techniques both for increasing the num- steroids. The patient’s SSEP traces in his upper
ber of patients in whom satisfactory monitoring limbs began to recover toward the end of the case.
could be achieved and for improving the sensitivity Postoperative imaging showed new high signal
and predictivity of monitoring. changes in the spinal cord (Fig. 7–1B and D). Imme-
Gunnarsson and coauthors9 correlate the clinical diately after surgery, the patient was quadriparetic,
and electrophysiologic findings in a prospective, con- legs worse than arms, but his deficit had improved
secutive series of 213 patients. Intraoperative electro- substantially by the time of discharge. The immedi-
myographic activation had a sensitivity of 100% and a ate diagnosis and institution of treatment poten-
specificity of 23.7% for the detection of a new postop- tially prevented a complete injury and a suboptimal
erative neurologic deficit. SSEPs had a sensitivity of clinical outcome for this patient.
28.6% and specificity of 94.7%. The authors conclude
that combined intraoperative neurophysiologic moni-
toring with EMG and SSEP is helpful for predicting Anesthetic Regimen for Monitoring
and possibly preventing neurologic injury during tho-
racolumbar spine surgery. Some of the best evidence available in the intraop-
Costa and colleagues’22 prospective observa- erative monitoring literature pertains to the optimal
tional study reports on the use of combined multi- anesthetic regimen to use. In 1997, a randomized trial
modal monitoring in a cohort of patients undergo- of 20 patients was undertaken to compare the effects
ing a variety of spinal procedures. Combined SSEP of ketamine with those of fentanyl (both combined
and MEP monitoring was successfully obtained in with midazolam) on cortical SSEP monitoring during
38 of 52 patients (73%), whereas MEPs from at least major spinal surgery.23 Cortical SSEP latencies were
1 target muscle were obtained in 12 patients (23%); not significantly affected in either group. The authors
both SSEPs and MEPs were absent in 2 patients conclude that both ketamine and fentanyl allowed
(3.8%). Significant intraoperative changes occurred the recording of reliable cortical SSEPs, but a longer
in one or both modalities in five patients, two of delay for voluntary postoperative motor assessment
which were transient, whereas three had persistent was observed in the ketamine group (Level II).
changes associated with new deficits or worsening Laureau and colleagues24 report a prospective,
of the preexisting neurologic disability. The authors randomized trial comparing the effects of propofol
suggested that intraoperative combined monitor- and midazolam in 2 groups of 15 patients undergoing
ing is a safe, reliable, and sensitive method to de- surgery for idiopathic scoliosis. The amplitude of the
tect and reduce neurologic injury to the spinal cortical SSEP responses decreased after induction in
cord. However, there was no comparative group both groups; in the midazolam-treated group, the
that did not use neuromonitoring. amplitudes were smaller. The most significant finding
After comparing transcranial MEPs and SSEP mon- in the study was that both propofol and midazolam
itoring in a large cohort of patients who underwent seemed to be acceptable hypnotic agents for total
cervical spine surgery, Hilibrand and investigators15 intravenous anesthesia during intraoperative moni-
highlight the fact that, although SSEPs were specific, toring in the surgical treatment of scoliosis. This
they remain relatively insensitive. In addition, they study has limitations in that it is difficult to correlate
highlight the need for multimodal monitoring in cer- postoperative neurologic deficits and intraoperative
vical spine surgery. monitoring data because no SSEP changes occurred
and also because cortical SSEPs were recorded only
unilaterally (Level II).
Case Example The effects of low-dose propofol as a supplement to
ketamine-based anesthesia during intraoperative mo-
A 64-year-old man with known ankylosing spondyli- nitoring of MEPs has been reported by Kawaguchi and
tis presented with a 6-month history of progressive coauthors.25 Intraoperative monitoring of MEPs was
gait difficulties and impairment of upper-limb fine performed in 58 patients who underwent elective spi-
motor function. His clinical examination confirmed nal surgery. Anesthesia was maintained with nitrous
that he had cervical myelopathy. Preoperative im- oxide-fentanyl-ketamine with or without low-dose pro-
aging (Fig. 7–1A and C) showed that he had marked pofol. The authors found that low-dose propofol could
cord compression on the T2-weighted magnetic be effectively used as a supplement to ketamine-based
resonance imaging. He was electively booked for anesthesia during intraoperative monitoring of myo-
surgery where he underwent a multilevel cervical genic MEPs as long as a train of pulses was used for
laminectomy and instrumented fusion. During the transcranial stimulation. Addition of propofol signi-
decompression stage of the operation, the surgeon ficantly reduced the ketamine-induced psychedelic
was alerted that the patient had developed sponta- effects.
neous electromyographic train activity in an upper- In 2001, Samra and colleagues’26 study was pub-
limb muscle (see Fig. 7–2A). Shortly after this, the lished comparing remifentanil- and fentanyl-based
52 Spinal Topics


FIGURE 7–1. Preoperative

and postoperative T2 mag-
netic resonance imaging
(MRI) and lateral C-spine
radiographs. Preoperative
T2 MRI (A) showing marked
cord compression and
(B) postoperative T2 MRI
showing new high-signal
change in the cord sub-
stance. C, D, Preoperative
C D and postoperative plain
lateral radiographs.

Time L UL Cspine

UL muscle 6
200 µV


UL muscle 0 13:45

200 µV 13:59
UL muscle 7
200 µV

FIGURE 7–2. Multimodality intraoperative recordings of electromyographic (EMG) and somatosensory-evoked potential
(SSEP) responses. Intraoperative electromyography showing the run of spontaneous EMG activity before the SSEP dete-
rioration (A). The patient’s SSEP tracing is shown at various time points. At 14.56 (arrow), the patient had complete loss
of his SSEP responses. Treatment was instituted immediately, and by 15.11, there had begun to be some recovery of the
SSEP response.
Is Neuromonitoring Beneficial during Spinal Surgery? 53

anesthesia for intraoperative monitoring of SSEPs tromyographic changes also poses a limitation in
with special attention to the speed of recovery from evaluating the literature for this neurophysiologic
the anesthetic. They studied 41 patients who were modality.
randomized into 2 groups to receive either remifent- With the advancement and development of new
anil- or fentanyl-based anesthesia. The authors report anesthetic agents, the question as to which anes-
that both remifentanil and fentanyl infusion allowed thetic regimen is optimal for intraoperative monitor-
satisfactory monitoring of SSEPs. Remifentanil infu- ing is likely to be asked many times in the future. The
sion offers the advantage of quicker recovery from answering of such a question in the presence of
anesthesia and less variability of SSEP morphology. clinical equipoise could potentially be deciphered by
Ku and coworkers27 have reported the effect of performing a prospective, randomized, blinded, con-
sevoflurane/nitrous oxide versus propofol anesthe- trolled trial (PRCT).
sia on SSEP monitoring during scoliosis surgery. What is much more challenging, however, is to try
They randomized 20 patients into 2 groups to receive and establish a similar level of evidence to support
either sevoflurane or propofol. Changes in anesthetic the use of intraoperative neurophysiologic monitor-
concentrations produced little effect on the latency ing. The difficulty is that trials on this subject do
of SSEP, but the effect on the variability of amplitude not lend themselves well to the PRCT type model.
was significant. The authors conclude that sevoflu- Devising any such outcome study, which would in-
rane produced a faster decrease and recovery of clude blinding the surgeon, would be ethically unac-
SSEP amplitude, as well as a better conscious state ceptable to those who routinely use intraoperative
on waking, than did propofol (Level II). monitoring.
A number of studies have compared the effects of It appears likely, therefore, that the answers of
propofol versus isoflurane on monitoring SSEPs and future questions on whom should be monitored and
MEPs intraoperatively.28–30 Clapcich and investiga- how they should be monitored will more likely
tors29 randomized 12 patients into 4 groups receiving come from well-documented, nonrandomized, pro-
either variable doses of isoflurane-nitrous oxide com- spectively collected studies on large series of pa-
binations or a propofol combination. Chen28 random- tients rather than other types of study design.
ized a group of 35 patients into 2 groups to receive
either an isoflurane or a propofol infusion. Liu and
coauthors30 reported a randomized trial of 60 pa- Which Spinal Patients Should Be Monitored?
tients who were randomized to receive similar types
of infusions. All of the groups reported that both pro- Currently, no universal agreement exists as to
pofol and isoflurane decreased SSEP amplitude while which patients should undergo intraoperative mon-
the anesthetic took effect. Propofol caused less sup- itoring during spinal surgery. The published litera-
pression of the cortical SSEP responses with better ture would indicate that patients with a preexisting
preservation of SSEP amplitude. Chen28 reports that cord deficit have a greater risk for having a major
MEPs were recordable in all patients receiving propo- neurophysiologic alert and are at greater risk for an
fol, but in only 50% of patients receiving isoflurane28 intraoperative injury.2,32,33 Given that these patients
(Level II). appear to be at greater risk, it would seem prudent
In 2006, Lo and coauthors’31 study was published to monitor them.
comparing a desflurane-nitrous oxide combination MEPs are reliable in predicting clinical motor
with propofol total intravenous anesthetic regimen. outcome, and their use has altered the surgical ap-
They prospectively randomized 20 patients under- proach; for example, gross total resections of in-
going scoliosis correction surgery into 2 groups. tramedullary tumors are more readily attempted
Reproducible MEP responses were always obtained as long as MEP data indicate the intact functional
throughout the procedure. The authors conclude integrity of the corticospinal tract.34
that both desflurane and total intravenous anes- The applicability and effectiveness of intraopera-
thetic with propofol allow successful monitoring. tive monitoring increase with its use and familiarity.
They suggest using abductor hallucis muscle for Therefore, we recommend that it be used for all
recording MEPs when using desflurane (Level II). spine surgery cases where neurologic compromise is
a potential risk. The most effective application of
these techniques requires a team-based approach
involving the surgical, anesthetic, and monitoring
Limitations of Current Evidence
All of the articles discussed in the previous section What Modalities Are Optimal to Monitor?
are deemed Level II evidence. No Level I evidence
exists to support the use of intraoperative monitor- Which set of tests is optimal to monitor needs to be
ing. Moreover, many of the class II studies are limited individually tailored for each surgery. The choice of
by relatively small sample sizes. The lack of validated what modalities to use is dependent on the prefer-
quantitative methods to assess intraoperative elec- ence of the surgeon, the nature and localization of
54 Spinal Topics

the pathology involved, and the technical feasibility

TABLE 7–2. Recommendations for Intraoperative Spinal
of the modality in the specific context. A good way to
select which tests to use is to choose a combination
of modalities most specific to the neural tissue at risk STATEMENT LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/GRADE
during the procedure—MEPs for anterior cord, SSEPs OF RECOMMENDATION
for posterior cord, and EMGs for roots at risk, re-
1. SSEPs should not be recorded B
spectively. in isolation because of their
The combined electrophysiologic exploration of low sensitivity.
motor and sensory potentials has proved to be the 2. Spontaneous EMG monitoring B
most useful tool for monitoring patients during spi- is optimal for lesions involving
the conus or cauda equina.
nal surgery. Combined MEPs and SSEPs (as well as 3. Evoked EMG is beneficial when B
EMG) provide independent and complementary in- operating on conus or cauda
formation, and improve spinal cord monitoring. Good equina lesions to identify
practices such as being consistent in its use and functional neural elements.
keeping a good and constant communication be- 4. MEPs have a greater accuracy B
than SSEPs and therefore
tween the monitoring and surgical team are key for should be used in high-risk
its success. cases.

Graded as per Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS) guidelines35: grade
B ! fair evidence, Level II or III studies with consistent findings.
EMG ! electromyography; MEP ! motor-evoked potential; SSEP !
RECOMMENDATIONS somatosensory-evoked potential.

All current electrophysiologic approaches have

limitations. Currently, no all-encompassing test REFERENCES
exists that can adequately monitor all facets of
neural function during spinal surgery. The ap- 1. Paradiso G, Lee GY, Sarjeant R, et al: Multimodality intraopera-
tive neurophysiologic monitoring findings during surgery for
proach in our unit has been to combine highly adult tethered cord syndrome: Analysis of a series of 44 pa-
specific, though relatively insensitive, tients with long-term follow-up. Spine 31:2095–2102, 2006.
electrophysiologic modalities (e.g., SSEPs with 2. Padberg AM, Thuet ED: Intraoperative electrophysiologic
highly sensitive but less specific techniques) (e.g., monitoring: Considerations for complex spinal surgery.
free-running spontaneous EMG activity).1,9,20 Neurosurg Clin N Am 17:205–226, 2006.
3. Kothbauer KF, Novak K: Intraoperative monitoring for teth-
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cases—for example, for patients with a preexisting 4. Quinones-Hinojosa A, Gulati M, Lyon R, et al: Spinal cord
cord deficit or those undergoing surgery for mapping as an adjunct for resection of intramedullary
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to each patient depending on the underlying intraoperative evaluation of thoracic pedicle screw placement.
pathology and location. Importantly, the success- Spine 28:595–601, 2003.
ful application of intraoperative monitoring 6. Wiedemayer H, Sandalcioglu IE, Armbruster W, et al: False
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658 consecutive neurosurgical cases and review of published
communication among the neurophysiologist, reports. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 75:280–286, 2004.
surgeon, and anesthetist. It is our position that 7. Ben-David B, Haller G, Taylor P: Anterior spinal fusion com-
multimodal monitoring enables the most compre- plicated by paraplegia. A case report of a false-negative
hensive assessment of neural function during somatosensory-evoked potential. Spine 12:536–539, 1987.
8. Lesser RP, Raudzens P, Luders H, et al: Postoperative neuro-
spinal surgery and provides useful feedback to logical deficits may occur despite unchanged intraoperative
the surgical team, resulting in enhanced patient somatosensory evoked potentials. Ann Neurol 19:22–25, 1986.
safety and reduced risk for perioperative 9. Gunnarsson T, Krassioukov AV, Sarjeant R, et al: Real-time con-
neurologic complications. tinuous intraoperative electromyographic and somatosensory
Based on our expert opinion, attention to such evoked potential recordings in spinal surgery: Correlation of
clinical and electrophysiologic findings in a prospective, con-
quantitative intraoperative monitoring data may secutive series of 213 cases. Spine 29:677–684, 2004.
help to minimize postoperative motor deficits by 10. Wright JG, Swiontkowski MF, Heckman JD: Introducing levels
avoiding or correcting excessive spinal cord of evidence to the journal. J Bone Joint Surg Am 85:1–3, 2003.
manipulation, intraoperative hypotension to the 11. Grundy BL, Nash CL Jr, Brown RH: Deliberate hypotension
for spinal fusion: Prospective randomized study with evoked
spinal cord, and modifying surgical technique potential monitoring. Can Anaesth Soc J 29:452–462, 1982.
during tumor resection (Level V). We also 12. Epstein NE, Danto J, Nardi D: Evaluation of intraoperative
advocate the use of free-running and evoked somatosensory-evoked potential monitoring during
EMGs when operating in the cervical or lumbar 100 cervical operations. Spine 18:737–747, 1993.
areas. Table 7–2 provides recommendations for 13. Kombos T, Suess O, Da SC, et al: Impact of somatosensory
evoked potential monitoring on cervical surgery. J Clin
intraoperative spinal monitoring (graded as per Neurophysiol 20:122–128, 2003.
JBJS guidelines35: grade B ! fair evidence, Level 14. He JM, Tang Y: Combined application of two somatosensory
II or III studies with consistent findings). evoked potential techniques at various recording points for
monitoring the onset of stretch spinal injury during rhachial
orthomorphia. Zhongguo Linchuang Kangfu 9:164–165, 2005.
Is Neuromonitoring Beneficial during Spinal Surgery? 55

15. Hilibrand AS, Schwartz DM, Sethuraman V, et al: Comparison intraoperative monitoring of motor-evoked potentials. Spine
of transcranial electric motor and somatosensory evoked 25:974–979, 2000.
potential monitoring during cervical spine surgery. J Bone 26. Samra SK, Dy EA, Welch KB, et al: Remifentanil- and
Joint Surg Am 86:1248–1253, 2004. fentanyl-based anesthesia for intraoperative monitoring of
16. Accadbled F, Henry P, de Gauzy JS, et al: Spinal cord somatosensory evoked potentials. Anesth Analg 92:1510–
monitoring in scoliosis surgery using an epidural electrode. 1515, 2001.
Results of a prospective, consecutive series of 191 cases. 27. Ku AS, Hu Y, Irwin MG, et al: Effect of sevoflurane/nitrous
Spine 31:2614–2623, 2006. oxide versus propofol anaesthesia on somatosensory
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motor evoked potentials: A prospective comparison of surgery to correct scoliosis. Br J Anaesth 88:502–507, 2002.
stimulation methods in spinal deformity surgery. J Spinal 28. Chen Z: The effects of isoflurane and propofol on intraopera-
Disord 11:21–28, 1998. tive neurophysiological monitoring during spinal surgery.
18. Tanaka N, Nakanishi K, Fujiwara Y, et al: Postoperative J Clin Monit Comput 18:303–308, 2004.
segmental C5 palsy after cervical laminoplasty may occur 29. Clapcich AJ, Emerson RG, Roye DP Jr, et al: The effects of
without intraoperative nerve injury: A prospective study propofol, small-dose isoflurane, and nitrous oxide on cortical
with transcranial electric motor-evoked potentials. Spine somatosensory evoked potential and bispectral index
31:3013–3017, 2006. monitoring in adolescents undergoing spinal fusion.
19. Dimopoulos VG, Feltes CH, Fountas KN, et al: Does intraop- Anesth Analg 99:1334–1340, 2004.
erative electromyographic monitoring in lumbar microdis- 30. Liu EH, Wong HK, Chia CP, et al: Effects of isoflurane and
cectomy correlate with postoperative pain? South Med J propofol on cortical somatosensory evoked potentials
97:724–728, 2004. during comparable depth of anaesthesia as guided by
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cord surgery. Spinal Cord 45:86–91, 2007. 33. Lee JY, Hilibrand AS, Lim MR, et al: Characterization of
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effects of ketamine-midazolam with those of fentanyl- surgery. Spine 31:1916–1922, 2006.
midazolam on cortical somatosensory evoked potentials 34. Sala F, Palandri G, Basso E, et al: Motor evoked potential mon-
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as a supplement to ketamine-based anesthesia during
Chapter What is Is the BestOptimal Treatment
Method of

18 JManaging

OHN M. FLYNN with Cervical

Cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) is the most symptomatic patients. Few direct comparisons of con-
common cause of spinal cord dysfunction in the el- servative and operative treatment in patients with
derly and the most common cause of nontraumatic myelopathy exist even in the recent literature. A non-
spastic paraparesis and quadriparesis.1 Although randomized cohort study comparing medical and sur-
CSM is a common disorder, the treatment of CSM re- gical treatment in 43 patients, 23 of whom were treated
mains controversial in terms of “surgery or conserva- without surgery, reported significant worsening of
tive management,” “surgical indication and timing of their ability to perform activities of daily living, with
surgery,” “surgical approach,” and “type of surgery.” worsening of neurologic symptoms.12 In contrast, 20
This chapter reviews and discusses evidence-based surgically treated patients had a significant improve-
literature on the optimal management of CSM. ment in functional status and overall pain with im-
provement also observed in neurologic symptoms. Al-
though this study demonstrates that the results of
SURGERY VERSUS CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT: surgical treatment are better than those of conserva-
TIMING OF SURGERY tive management, it lacks randomization and had sig-
nificant treatment selection bias. In the 2002 Cochrane
Knowledge of the natural history of CSM is critical in review on the role of surgery for cervical myelopathy,13
decision making for treatment of CSM. However, few one small study reports 49 patients with mild or mod-
studies and no Level I evidence studies are available. erate myelopathy who were randomized to surgery
Early studies on the course of CSM suggest that most versus conservative treatment. Although age and sex
patients with myelopathy experience progressive neu- ratios were similar between the two groups, the con-
rological worsening, most commonly with episodic servative group had slightly better modified Japanese
deterioration.2–4 In contrast, another long-term study Orthopaedic Association (mJOA) scores, suggesting a
of myelopathic patients by Lees and Turner5 shows possible bias in treatment allocation. At 6 months,
that a long period of nonprogression was the rule and mJOA scores and gait scores were better in the conser-
progressive deterioration was the exception. A small vatively treated group. But no differences were re-
cohort study of 24 patients, treated by collar immobi- ported at 2 years. In addition, a subgroup with severe
lization and followed for a mean duration of 6.5 years, disability improved after surgical intervention.13 A
found that the conditions of approximately one third more recent 3-year, prospective, randomized study of
of patients improved, one third deteriorated, and one 68 patients with mild-to-moderate nonprogressive CSM
third were stable.6 Similar results were confirmed by did not demonstrate a significant difference in out-
Nurick.7 In the majority of CSM cases, there is an initial comes (mJOA score and self-evaluation) between sur-
phase of deterioration, followed by a stable period gically and nonsurgically treated patients.14 In addi-
lasting a number of years, during which the degree of tion, timed 10-m walk in the nonsurgical group was
disability does not change significantly for those mildly significantly better than that in the surgical group. The
affected. In general, older patients and those with mo- authors conclude that their results could mean that
tor deficits are more likely to experience development the conservative approach can treat CSM with a de-
of progressive deterioration. As a result, Nurick7 states gree of success similar to that of surgery for at least 3
that surgery should be reserved for those with pro- years, supporting rather than proving the “wait and
gressive disability and those older than 60 years. Pa- see” strategy.14 This study failed to prove that surgical
tients with milder disease may have a better progno- intervention has any advantage over conservative
sis.8 However, some authors state that patients treated management. However, the poor specificity of the
conservatively show progressive neurologic deteriora- mJOA scoring scale, the small number of randomized
tion.9,10 In addition, patients with CSM may be at in- patients, and relatively short follow-up period for this
creased risk for spinal cord injury after minor trauma,11 disorder (3 years) may account for the apparent lack
which supports early intervention for even mildly of any lasting beneficial effect of surgery on the na-

What Is the Optimal Method of Managing a Patient with Cervical Myelopathy? 57

tural history of cervical myelopathy. In addition, the restore lordosis, and stabilize the spine to prevent ad-
potential risk for spinal cord injury after minor trauma, ditional degeneration at the affected level. Surgery for
which is impossible to quantify, should be considered CSM has been performed by anterior, posterior, and
when conservative management is selected. combined approaches; each has unique advantages
Kadanka and colleagues’15 more recent study of a and disadvantages. The decision of which surgical ap-
subclass analysis demonstrated that the patients with proach to use is based on multiple factors, including
a good outcome in the surgically treated group had a the source of spinal cord compression, the number of
more serious clinical picture (expressed in mJOA vertebral segments involved in the disease process,
score and slower walk). They conclude that surgery is cervical alignment, the magnitude of coexisting neck
more suitable for patients who are clinically worse pain, patient comorbidities, and the surgeon’s familiar-
and have a spinal canal transverse area of less than ity with various techniques. Therefore, the selection of
70 mm2.15 Once moderate signs and symptoms de- surgical approach remains controversial, especially in
velop, patients are less likely to improve on their own patients with multilevel degenerative disease.
and would likely benefit from surgical intervention.16 In general, primarily ventral pathology causing cord
One crucial question is what group of patients will compression, particularly if it is focal rather than con-
experience development of CSM and clinically pro- tiguous over multiple levels (Fig. 8–1), is best treated
gress. Bednarik and investigators17 conducted a pro- via an anterior approach.20 An anterior approach pro-
spective cohort study of clinically asymptomatic cervi- vides for direct visualization and removal of the offend-
cal cord compression cases (66 cases). Patients were ing pathologic lesion without manipulation of the cord.
managed to determine which patients experienced When a neutral or kyphotic cervical sagittal alignment
development of clinical signs of cervical myelopathy. is present, anterior procedures may also serve to re-
During a median 4-year follow-up period, clinical signs store physiologic lordosis. Restoration of lordosis al-
of myelopathy were detected in 13 patients (19.7%). lows for shifting of the cord dorsally to diminish the
These signs were also associated with symptomatic effect of anterior compression. After anterior decom-
cervical radiculopathy, electromyographic evidence of pression, spinal column stability is restored through
an anterior horn lesion, and abnormal somatosensory- segmental arthrodesis, which may have the added
evoked potentials. benefit of eliminating painful motion from the spondy-
Little information is available on nonoperative lotic motion segment.21 In contrast, if the compression
treatment of cervical myelopathy. Cervical collars is posterior and related primarily to facet hypertrophy
have been recommended for symptomatic relief but or buckling ligamentum flavum, posterior decompres-
have no effect on long-term outcomes, including neu- sion should be considered.9 However, the optimal sur-
rologic progression. Although a recent study demon- gical approach for the treatment of cervical myelopa-
strated the effectiveness of “rigorous” conservative thy resulting from stenosis at three or more levels
management including 3- or 4-hour cervical traction, remains controversial. In addition to the earlier discus-
cervical orthosis, drug therapy, and exercise ther- sion, some other principles can assist in the selection
apy,18 manipulation and traction are generally con-
sidered to be contraindicated because of the poten-
tial for aggravation of neurologic symptoms.2

1. Once moderate signs and symptoms develop,
patients are less likely to improve on their
own and would likely benefit from surgical
intervention (grade C recommendation).
2. Manipulation and traction are not recom-
mended because of the potential risk for
aggravation of neurologic symptoms (grade C


Selection of the appropriate surgical approach is based
on a complete understanding of the factors responsi-
ble for the cord dysfunction. Because abnormal radio-
graphic findings are common even in asymptomatic
patients,17,19 clinicians need to be careful to correlate
the patient’s complaints, physical examination, and FIGURE 8–1. Sagittal T2-weighted magnetic resonance imag-
imaging results to discern the precise diagnosis. The ing scan shows a large herniated cervical disc at C6-C7
purpose of surgery is to decompress neural elements, causing spinal cord compression.
58 Spinal Topics

of the appropriate approach, although an element of

the surgeon’s preference will also be involved.22 An
anterior arthrodesis of three or more motion segments
is associated with a greater incidence of nonunion and
graft-related problems than one- or two-level proce-
dures.23–25 A posterior procedure, including laminec-
tomy with or without fusion or laminoplasty, can
achieve an indirect decompression and may be an ex-
cellent alternative to anterior decompression if the
spine is lordotic21 (Fig. 8–2). If the spine is kyphotic,
however, a posterior approach may be contraindicated
because the spinal cord cannot displace dorsally from
the anterior compressive structures, and a ventral ap-
proach is indicated. If the patient’s spine is straight,
either procedure can be used.10
Other considerations include patient’s age and
overall medical condition. Anterior surgery is more
prolonged, and patients with multiple levels will be
more likely to have dysphagia and voice problems
after surgery; therefore, posterior surgery may be
preferable if the alignment is not kyphotic for an
older or a high medical risk patient.22
Although the optimal selection of surgical approach FIGURE 8–3. Sagittal T2-weighted magnetic resonance
for CSM involving three or more motion segments in imaging scan shows multilevel degenerative disease with
the presence of a lordotic sagittal alignment remains spondylotic changes at C3-C4 and from C5 to C7 causing
controversial (Fig. 8–3), few comparative studies are spinal cord compression.
available. In 1985, one study compared the results
of laminectomy versus corpectomy and anterior cer- perineural adhesions.27–36 In Japan, relatively poor
vical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) for the treatment outcomes associated with cervical laminectomy led
of multilevel CSM, and demonstrated that multilevel to the evolution of laminoplasty, which remarkably
corpectomy has a significantly greater rate of recov- reduced the sequelae after laminectomy.37–40 A radio-
ery and decreased late neurologic deterioration com- graphic analysis of cervical alignment after laminec-
pared with laminectomy.26 These results disfavor tomy and laminoplasty in humans demonstrated that
laminectomy mainly because of the well-known se- segmental kyphosis was present in 33% of laminec-
quelae, such as segmental instability, kyphosis, and tomy patients and 6% of laminoplasty patients at an
average of 6 years after surgery.41 A later study com-
pared the results of laminoplasty with subtotal cor-
pectomy42 and reported that there were no significant
differences in either the maximum JOA recovery rate
or the final recovery rate for the two procedures.
However, a notable difference was the overall inci-
dence rate of complications (29% for corpectomy and
7% for laminoplasty). A similar retrospective study43
showed that both procedures had similar rates of
maintained neurologic improvement, and the disad-
vantages noted for the two procedures were pseudar-
throsis (26%) and asymptomatic adjacent segment
degeneration in a majority of patients after corpec-
tomy, and decreased range of motion and axial dis-
comfort (40%) after laminoplasty. A more recent pro-
spective cohort study demonstrated that patients
undergoing both procedures enjoyed a similar degree
of subjective and objective neurologic improvement,
but the incidence of complications was significantly
greater for patients in the corpectomy cohort, espe-
cially persistent dysphagia and dysphonia.44 The au-
thors conclude that laminoplasty may be the pre-
ferred method of treatment for multilevel cervical
myelopathy in the absence of preoperative kyphosis.
FIGURE 8–2. Sagittal T2-weighted magnetic resonance imag- Another interesting observation of this study was
ing scan demonstrates multilevel degenerative disease with that the laminoplasty cohort tended to require less
spondylotic changes spanning from C2 to T1 resulting in pain medication at final follow-up than did the multi-
spinal canal stenosis. level corpectomy cohort.44
What Is the Optimal Method of Managing a Patient with Cervical Myelopathy? 59

Surgical indications of the combined approach to corpectomy. In general, if compressive lesions are
CSM are limited. A combined anterior and posterior present at the level of the disc only, either a single-
approach may be considered for the following patients: level or a multilevel ventral discectomy should be
(1) those with both anterior and posterior compres- performed. However, if the lesion is behind the verte-
sion, which is difficult to treat with a single approach; bral body, a corpectomy should be performed.
(2) those with a loss of lordosis (either straightening or The advantage of performing a multilevel ACDF in-
kyphosis) in addition to multilevel (three or more disc stead of a single-level or multilevel corpectomy and
spaces) severe anterior compression from an osteocar- fusion is that with the multilevel discectomy, postde-
tilaginous spur or ossification of posterior longitudinal compression segmental fixation can be achieved by
ligament (OPLL)45,46; or (3) those with severe osteopo- placing screws into the intervening vertebral bodies. It
rosis, diabetes, or heavy nicotine use who have a poor is easier to restore sagittal balance after a multilevel
rate of spinal fusion with ventral surgery alone.46 Some ventral cervical discectomy as opposed to a cervical
studies demonstrate that a single-stage combined pro- corpectomy by using this strategy.53 However, the dis-
cedure maximizes the decompression and reduces the advantage of multilevel ACDFs is that the incidence of
graft-related surgical complications, as well as reducing nonunion increases with the number of levels being
perioperative complications when compared with fused, although the rate of neurologic improvement
staged combined procedures.45–47 remains high for multilevel ACDFs.54 The recently re-
ported fusion rate for a one-level ACDF using autograft
iliac crest without plating (two graft–host sites) was
RECOMMENDATIONS 96%.49 This decreased to a 75% fusion rate when a two-
level ACDF was performed and to a 56% fusion rate
1. Primarily focal ventral pathology causing cord with a three-level ACDF (six graft–host fusion sites).55
compression is best treated via an anterior Corpectomy is an alternate option to improve the
approach (grade C recommendation). fusion rate after multilevel anterior decompression.
2. If compression is posterior and related primarily Only two points must fuse in a corpectomy, as com-
to facet hypertrophy or buckling ligamentum pared with multiple surfaces that must fuse with mul-
flavum, posterior decompression should be tilevel ACDFs. The additional advantage of a single-
considered (grade C recommendation). level or multilevel cervical corpectomy is the ability
3. The optimal surgical approach for the treat- to decompress lesions behind the vertebral bodies.46
ment of cervical myelopathy resulting from The studies that compared the fusion rate after multi-
stenosis at three or more levels remains level ACDF and corpectomy reported the nonunion
controversial. If the spine is lordotic or straight, rate in corpectomy was 7% to 10% compared with 34%
either an anterior or posterior approach can be to 36% for patients undergoing multilevel ACDFs.23,25
used; however, if the spine is kyphotic, the Based on these factors, corpectomy may be consid-
posterior approach may be contraindicated ered preferable to multilevel ACDF, especially in
(grade C recommendation). higher-risk patients, such as smokers, patients with
4. The combined procedure may be used for diabetes, or revision cases.21
treatment of patients with severe multilevel The disadvantage of a cervical corpectomy is dis-
anterior compression with a kyphotic spine lodgement of the graft, which often requires revision.
(grade C recommendation). Some reports have documented that the early strut
5. Laminoplasty remarkably reduced the se- dislocation rate was 8.7% to 21%.56–58 Various plate de-
quelae after laminectomy, such as segmental signs, including static plates, buttress plates, and more
instability, kyphosis, and perineural adhesions recently, dynamic plates, have been introduced to pre-
(grade C recommendation). vent anterior strut graft dislodgement and to decrease
6. Laminoplasty may be preferable for multilevel the rate of nonunion after corpectomy.59–61 However,
cervical myelopathy in the absence of preoper- early experience with static plating with multilevel
ative kyphosis (grade C recommendation). corpectomies has shown that such plates might in-
crease the incidence of strut graft dislodgement.24
Early designs of ventral cervical plates were not dy-
ANTERIOR APPROACH namic and shielded the bone graft from load bearing.
Consequently, these designs did not exploit Wolff’s
Anterior decompression and fusion has been widely law, in which bone heals better when subjected to
applied to the treatment of cervical stenosis result- some loading stress to achieve subsequent fusion.46
ing from herniated discs, spondylosis, or OPLL. When Anterior cervical buttress plates were designed to pre-
the pathology occurs at the level of the interverte- vent graft dislodgement whereas allowing for physio-
bral disc, ACDF provides sufficient access to the logic patterns of force application through the anterior
stenotic focus. Clinical studies have demonstrated column. However, failure at the implant–host bone in-
that successful arthrodesis can be achieved in 92% terface and subsequent strut graft dislodgement were
to 96% of patients after single-level ACDF with satis- observed after multilevel corpectomy.62 Some studies
factory clinical results.21,48–50 Selection of surgical have suggested additional posterior fusion to increase
procedure (multilevel discectomy vs. cervical cor- the rate of fusion and decrease the incidence of graft-
pectomy) in multilevel pathology is controversial.51,52 and implant-related complication.46,63 A new genera-
Few studies directly compare multilevel ACDFs and tion of dynamic anterior plates has been developed to
60 Spinal Topics

avoid the failures of static and buttress plates. These tion, improved clinical outcomes, and reduced rate
new plates resolved the stress-shielding problem by of secondary surgeries.75,76,79
providing variable-angle screws, which allow for rota-
tional pivoting at the screw–plate interface or inter-
locking sliding plates, which allow a certain degree of RECOMMENDATIONS
settling. As a result of this rotational pivoting or set- 1. Corpectomy may be preferable to multilevel
tling, these plates allow for increased loads to be ACDF, especially in higher-risk patients such
placed on the disc space, thereby exploiting Wolff’s as smokers, patients with diabetes, or revision
law to achieve fusion across the disc space or the cor- cases (grade C recommendation).
pectomy defect.64 However, no randomized clinical 2. The role of plates in multilevel anterior decom-
trials or even large matched-cohort studies are avail- pression procedure still remains inconclusive
able to compare plated versus nonplated cervical (grade I recommendation).
corpectomy models. The role of these plates in a mul- 3. Autograft is superior to allograft in terms of
tilevel anterior decompression procedure remains in- fusion rate, duration to fuse, and graft collapse
conclusive. (grade B recommendation).
Autograft iliac crest has been widely used for ante- 4. ACDF with a titanium cage is superior to auto-
rior cervical surgery with an excellent fusion rate. graft in terms of lower risk for complications,
However, reported patient morbidity rate with auto- less requirement for graft harvest, and better
graft iliac crest was greater than 20%, mainly because clinical outcome of radiculopathy (grade A
of donor site complications, including pain, hernia, recommendation).
and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve injury.65,66 In addi- 5. Cervical arthroplasty maintains physiologic
tion, limited bone stock and curved shape of the iliac segmental motion, improves clinical outcomes,
crest are issues when replacing more than two levels and reduces rate of secondary surgeries com-
with a corpectomy. Allograft is an alternative option to pared with ACDF (grade C recommendation).
avoid these complicating factors of autograft. How-
ever, fusion rates with allograft are generally not as
high as autograft. Multiple studies have compared the
use of autograft and allograft, which have revealed that POSTERIOR APPROACH
autograft is superior to allograft in terms of fusion
rate,50,67–69 time to fuse,50 and graft collapse.50,67,69 The The posterior approach has been most commonly
introduction of the ventral cervical plate has made the used for the management of cervical myelopathy in-
use of allograft more appealing. Ventral cervical plates volving three or more levels. The advantages of the
have decreased subsidence and improved fusion posterior approach are to avoid the technical prob-
rates,55,70 which now approach the fusion rate of auto- lems encountered with anterior cervical approach re-
graft in ACDF procedures.71 sulting from obesity, a short neck, barrel chest, ante-
Titanium cages are another option for graft. They rior soft-tissue pathologic lesions, and a previous
are readily available, there is no limitation in supply anterior surgery, as well as to avoid the potential for
(unlike allograft and autograft), they avoid donor-site injury to the esophagus, trachea, and laryngeal
morbidity (unlike autograft), and they avoid the risk nerves.21 Disadvantages of the posterior approach in-
for infection from a donor cadaver (unlike allograft). clude iatrogenic cord or root trauma,80 nerve root
When combined with ventral plate fixation, titanium dysfunction (especially C5 nerve root),30,40,81–84 late
cages perform well biomechanically in resisting flex- neurologic deterioration associated with kyphotic de-
ion, extension, and lateral bending.72 Recent prospec- formity,26,85 and axial symptoms, such as neck pain,
tive, randomized studies comparing ACDF with auto- stiffness, fatigue, or shoulder discomfort.86
graft versus titanium cages have demonstrated that Historically, laminectomy has been regarded as the
ACDF with titanium cage had a lower risk for compli- standard posterior procedure for the treatment of mul-
cations, less requirement for graft harvest,73 and bet- tilevel CSM with satisfactory results in a high percent-
ter clinical outcome of radiculopathy74 compared with age of patients.34,35,41,87 However, significant problems
autograft. Fusion rate,73 subsidence, and flexion defor- were associated with postlaminectomy segmental in-
mity74 are not different between the two groups. stability and kyphosis secondary to iatrogenic destabi-
Cervical arthroplasty has recently become an- lization of the cervical spine. Also, development of a
other alternative option for treatment of cervical scar membrane around the dura can cause neurologic
degenerative disc disease (DDD). Cervical disc ar- worsening in a subset of patients.34,35,41,87 Some studies
throplasty has the potential of maintaining anatomi- have shown that resection of greater than 50% of the
cal disc space height, normal segmental lordosis, facet joint significantly compromises facet strength88
and physiologic motion patterns after surgery. These and results in segmental hypermobility,50 whereas bio-
characteristics may reduce or delay the onset of mechanically, as little as a 25% facetectomy affects
DDD at adjacent cervical spinal motion segments stability after multilevel laminectomy.89 Another bio-
after anterior cervical decompressive surgery,75–78 mechanical study demonstrated that 36% of load trans-
although conclusive evidence has yet to be shown. mission was through the anterior (vertebral bodies)
Compared with ACDF, prospective, randomized, columns, whereas 64% was through the posterior col-
clinical trials have demonstrated that cervical disc umns.90 Therefore, the posterior neural arch is respon-
arthroplasty maintained physiologic segmental mo- sible for most of the load transmission in the cervical
What Is the Optimal Method of Managing a Patient with Cervical Myelopathy? 61

spine, and significant loss of integrity of this posterior phosis has resulted in less vertebral canal enlarge-
arch-facet complex can result in instability, causing the ment and functional recovery than those patients with
weight-bearing axis to shift anteriorly.91 Kyphosis pro- a lordotic alignment. Additional factors associated
gresses subsequent to this loss of sagittal balance, with inferior outcomes are cord atrophy, long dura-
which places the cervical musculature at a mechanical tion of symptoms, advanced age, severe cord com-
disadvantage, requiring constant contractions to main- pression, and radiculopathy.110,111 Laminoplasty is not
tain upright head posture. This progression causes considered a fusion procedure. However, most pa-
most of the weight to be borne by the discs and ante- tients experience a significant loss of subaxial motion
rior vertebral bodies, which may lead to further degen- after the procedure and some do go on to fusion.112
eration and spondylosis.92,93 Few prospective comparative studies between the
The addition of posterior cervical fusion with in- procedures available exist. A study comparing laminec-
strumentation is an option that attempts to avoid the tomy and laminoplasty has demonstrated that patients
development of a postlaminectomy kyphotic defor- with both procedures improved in gait, strength, sensa-
mity.93–96 Fusion also allows for a more extensive lami- tion, pain, and degree of myelopathy. However, lamino-
nectomy and foraminotomy without jeopardizing sta- plasty was associated with fewer late complications.113
bility. Recently, lateral mass fixation, involving fixation Another matched cohort study of laminoplasty and
of a small plate or rod to the lateral masses with laminectomy with fusion demonstrated that lamino-
screws, has been widely applied.57,97–101 These devices plasty was favorable because of less procedural com-
provide superb flexural stability and resist torsion plications, although patients in both groups showed no
and extension significantly better than spinous pro- statistical difference in improvement of strength, dex-
cess wiring.102 The enhanced stability can decrease or terity, sensation, pain, and gait.103 The high complica-
eliminate the need for a postoperative orthosis. Disad- tion rate (9/13 patients) in the laminectomy fusion
vantages of these procedures include nonunion, hard- group, included instrumentation failure, nonunion, and
ware failure, adjacent segment degeneration, high development of myelopathy. In contrast, the lamino-
cost, and potential injury to the nerve root and verte- plasty group had no complications. This may be biased
bral artery.103,104 because of the surgeon’s procedural familiarity with
Laminoplasty, which was developed in Japan in the laminoplasty, rather than laminectomy with fusion.
late 1970s39 with numerous modification since that
time,38,105–108 is another valid option to avoid the devel-
opment of a postlaminectomy kyphosis. This proce- RECOMMENDATIONS
dure, by leaving the dorsal stabilizing structures in
situ, is thought to mitigate the development of kypho- Laminoplasty or laminectomy with instrumented
sis and, with subsequent bone fusion, to stabilize the posterior cervical fusion is recommended to avoid
cervical spine with an improved outcome.109 However, the development of a postlaminectomy kyphotic de-
laminoplasty performed on patients with cervical ky- formity (grade C recommendation).

Summary of Recommendations

1. Once moderate signs and symptoms develop, patients would likely benefit from Grade C 16
surgical intervention.
2. Manipulation and traction are not recommended because of the potential risk for Grade C 2
aggravation of neurologic symptoms.
3. Primarily focal ventral pathology causing cord compression is best treated via an Grade C 20
anterior approach.
4. If compression is posterior and related primarily to facet hypertrophy or buckling Grade C 9
ligamentum flavum, posterior decompression should be considered.
5. The optimal surgical approach for the treatment of cervical myelopathy resulting from Grade C 10
stenosis at three or more levels remains controversial. If the spine is lordotic or
straight, either anterior or posterior approach can be used; however, if the spine is
kyphotic, the posterior approach may be contraindicated.
6. The combined procedure may be used for treatment of patients with severe multilevel Grade C 45-47
anterior compression with a kyphotic spine.
7. Laminoplasty remarkably reduced the sequelae after laminectomy. Grade C 37-40
8. Laminoplasty may be preferable for multilevel cervical myelopathy in the absence of Grade C 44
preoperative kyphosis.
9. Corpectomy may be preferable to multilevel ACDF, especially in higher-risk patients Grade C 21
such as smokers, patients with diabetes, or revision cases.
10. The role of plates in multilevel anterior decompression procedure remains inconclusive. Grade I
11. Autograft is superior to allograft in terms of fusion rate, duration to fuse and graft collapse. Grade B 50, 67-69
12. ACDF with a titanium cage is superior to autograft in terms of lower risk for complica- Grade A 73,74
tions, less requirement for graft harvest, and better clinical outcome of radiculopathy.
13. Cervical arthroplasty maintains physiologic segmental motion, improves clinical Grade C 75,76,79
outcomes, and reduces rate of secondary surgeries compared with ACDF.
14. Laminoplasty or laminectomy with instrumented posterior cervical fusion is Grade C 38, 93-96,
recommended to avoid the development of a postlaminectomy kyphotic deformity. 105-108
62 Spinal Topics

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plasty versus laminectomy and fusion for multilevel cervical 112. Edwards CC, Heller JG, Silcox DH: “T-saw” laminoplasty for
myelopathy: An independent matched cohort analysis. the management of cervical spondylotic myelopathy: Clini-
Spine 26:1330–1336, 2001. cal and radiographic outcome. Spine 25:1788–1794, 2000.
104. Wellman BJ, Follett KA, Traynelis VC: Complications of pos- 113. Kaminsky SB, Clark CR, Traynelis VC: Operative treatment
terior articular mass plate fixation of the subaxial cervical of cervical spondylotic myelopathy and radiculopathy. A
spine in 43 consecutive patients. Spine 23:193–200, 1998. comparison of laminectomy and laminoplasty at five year
105. Hirabayashi K, Watanabe K, Wakano K, et al: Expansive open- average follow-up. Iowa Orthop J 24:95–105, 2004.
door laminoplasty for cervical spinal stenotic myelopathy.
Spine 8:693–699, 1983.
Chapter Do Bone Morphogenetic Proteins

9 Improve Spinal Fusion?



Lumbar spinal fusion is a common surgical treatment From our systematic review (Table 9-1), we identi-
for many degenerative, traumatic, deformity, and fied 75 articles, of which 14 were considered poten-
destructive conditions of the lumbar spine. It has tially relevant from abstract review. One additional
been shown to improve outcomes in disabling condi- published randomized, controlled trial (RCT) was
tions such as spinal stenosis, degenerative and isth- identified from a manual bibliography search; how-
mic spondylolisthesis, and degenerative disc disease ever, abstract review excluded it based on inade-
(DDD).1 With advances in diagnostic tools, fusion quate length of follow-up.14 Hand searches of major
techniques, subspecialty training, raised patient and meeting proceedings identified an additional RCT;
physician awareness, and better understanding of however, this study has not yet been submitted for
the causes and consequences of these disorders, as publication. The 14 potentially relevant trials were
well as their management, there has been a dramatic retrieved in full for data abstraction.15–28 The base-
increase in overall rates of spinal fusion.2 Spinal fu- line characteristics of these trials are presented in
sion surgery can be technically demanding, surgical Table 9–2. Once all data were abstracted, the trials
costs are high, and complications can be significant.3 were then reviewed in an unblinded fashion. It be-
Population-based reoperation rates after spinal fu- came apparent that many of them included the
sion in the early 1990s were 10% to 20%.4,5 Nonunion same randomized patients presented in different
of the spine is a common reason for pain and reop- publications.
eration after spinal fusion.6 Harvesting iliac crest au- We attempted to consolidate the trials that in-
tograft for spinal fusion is another common cause cluded the same patients to avoid over-reporting and
of persistent pain and reduced functional outcome to obtain mutually exclusive trials. Two trials in-
after lumbar spinal fusion surgery.7–9 cluded patients with DDD who underwent anterior
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), first iden- lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) with tapered cylindri-
tified by Urist in 1965,10 consist of protein compo- cal cages randomized to BMP-2 or autograft.17,19 One
nents of bone matrix that can be extracted to in- trial included 45 patients at 1 center, whereas the
duce the differentiation of osteoprogenitor cells larger of the two reported on 279 patients at 16 inves-
into bone-producing osteogenic cells, thus stimu- tigational sites. Because follow-up was similar in both
lating the production of new bone.11 Further re- trials and the smaller trial reported only radiographic
search has been able to identify many different outcomes, we decided to include only the larger of
BMPs, of which BMP-2, BMP-6, and BMP-7 appear to the two trials.17
have the most important roles.12 Three trials included patients with DDD who un-
Earlier preclinical and clinical studies demon- derwent ALIF using threaded cortical allografts ran-
strated that BMPs increase fusion rates. In a compre- domized to BMP-2 or autograft.18,20,21 The smallest
hensive review, Sandhu suggests that recombinant trial reported a pilot series that was reanalyzed in
BMPs can be used as substitutes for autograft, and the two other larger studies. Of the larger studies,
that in some circumstances, their efficacy for induc- only one of them reported radiographic outcomes
ing fusion is superior.13 and focused on the healing patterns, whereas the
The rationale for BMPs in spinal fusion surgery other reported both clinical and radiographic out-
is to avoid the complications of autogenous iliac comes for the entire cohort. Thus, we included only
crest bone graft harvesting, to reduce the risks for the larger trial with both clinical and radiographic
nonunion and reoperations, and to improve func- outcomes.20
tional outcomes for patients. The main objective of Two trials of patients with degenerative spondy-
this systematic review was to determine whether lolisthesis who underwent posterolateral noninstr-
BMPs improve spinal fusion. In particular, do BMPs umented fusion randomized to BMP-7 or autograft
reduce the risk for nonunion and improve clinical were identified.27,28 One was a longer follow-up (to
outcomes for patients undergoing lumbar spinal 24 months) of the same cohort and, therefore, the
fusion? one only included for analysis.28 Finally, two trials

66 Spinal Topics

TABLE 9–1. MEDLINE and EMBASE Search Strategies

KEYWORD MEDLINE (1950–2007 WEEK 11) EMBASE (1980–2007 WEEK 11)

Clinical trials Clinical trials/ or clinical trials, phase i/ or Randomized controlled trial/ or ((controlled study/
clinical trials, phase ii/ or clinical trials, or comparative study/) and (clinical trial/ or phase
phase iii/ or clinical trials, phase iv/ or 1 clinical trial/ or phase 2 clinical trial/ or phase
controlled clinical trials/ or randomized 3 clinical trial/ or phase 4 clinical trial/ or major
controlled trials/ or multicenter studies/ or clinical study/ or prospective study/)) or
cross-over studies/ or double-blind method/ “systematic review”/ or randomization/ or double
or meta-analysis/ or random allocation/ or blind procedure/ or single blind procedure/ or triple
single-blind method/ or systematic review$. blind procedure/ or ((singl$ or doubl$ or tripl$) adj
ti,ab. or ((singl$ or doubl$ or tripl$) adj (mask$ or blind$)).ti,ab. or (blind$ or random$).
(mask$ or blind$)).ti,ab. or (blind$ or ti,ab.
Spinal fusion Spinal Fusion/ or spondylosyndesis.ti,ab. or Exp spine fusion/
spondylodesis.ti,ab. or (spin$ adj2 fusion$).
Bone morphoge- Exp Bone Morphogenetic Proteins/ or bone Bone Morphogenetic Protein/ or bone morphogenetic
netic protein morphogenetic or bone or Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2/
morphogenic protein or bone derived growth or bone morphogenetic protein or Bone or or osteogenic protein. Morphogenetic Protein 6/ or bone morphogenetic
mp protein or Bone Morphogenetic Protein 9/
or bone morphogenetic protein or or
bone derived growth or osteogenic or bone morphogenetic protein$.ti,ab.

TABLE 9–2. Baseline Characteristics of Primary Trials


Boden et al. (2000)15 DDD IB ALIF BMP-2 C, R 24 Y

Burkus et al. (2002)18 DDD IB ALIF BMP-2 C, R 24 N
Boden et al. (2002)16 DDD PL PS BMP-2 C, R 12–24 Y
Johnsson et al. (2002)25 IS PL None BMP-7 R 12 Y
Burkus et al. (2002)17 DDD IB ALIF BMP-2 C, R 24 Y
Burkus et al. (2003)19 DDD IB ALIF BMP-2 R 24 N
Vaccaro et al. (2004)27 DS PL None BMP-7 C, R 12 N
Haid et al. (2004)24 DDD IB PLIF BMP-2 C, R 24 Y
Burkus et al. (2005)20 DDD IB ALIF BMP-2 C, R 24 Y
Glassman et al. (2005)23 DDD PL PS BMP-2 R 12 N
Vaccaro et al. (2005)28 DS PL None BMP-7 C, R 24 Y
Burkus et al. (2006)21 DDD IB ALIF BMP-2 R 24 N
Kanayama et al. DS PL PS BMP-7 C, R, S 12 Y
Dimar et al. (2006)22 DDD PL PS BMP-2 C, R 24 Y

ALIF ! anterior lumbar interbody fusion cage; BMP ! bone morphogenetic protein; C ! clinical outcome; DDD ! degenerative disc disease; DS ! degener-
ative spondylolisthesis; IB ! interbody fusion; IS ! isthmic spondylolisthesis; PL ! posterolateral fusion; PLIF ! posterior lumbar interbody fusion cages;
PS ! pedicle screws; R ! radiographic outcome; S ! surgical exploration for fusion.

of patients with DDD who underwent posterolateral and coworkers, 200225) indicated that randomization
fusion with pedicle screw fixation randomized to was blind to patient and surgeon; however, only until
BMP-2 or autograft were identified.22,23 The smaller the time of surgery. Also, the method of randomization
of the two reported only radiographic results for was not discussed to ensure allocation concealment.
a single institution of a multicenter trial with The other eight trials had unclear or no discussion of
12-month follow-up. The larger trial that included randomization methods.
clinical and radiographic outcomes at 24 months Six of the nine trials had over 24-month follow-up
for two of the investigating centers was retained for data, and three trials had at least 12-month follow-up
analysis.22 In all cases of trials that were eliminated, data. Four trials had near-complete follow-up with
information abstracted was used to complete miss- minimal dropouts. One trial (Vaccaro and coauthors,
ing information for those retained. Therefore, our 200528) had incomplete 24-month follow-up data but
results are reported in detail for the nine “mutually imputed the missing values with 36-month data. One
exclusive” trials.15–17,20,22,24–26,28 trial (Haid and colleagues, 200424) had unclear ac-
Overall, descriptions of randomization methods counting of the final numbers of patients analyzed, al-
were poor. Only one of the nine trials (Burkus and col- though the discrepancy was relatively small. Two trials
leagues, 200520) described an adequate method of (Burkus and colleagues, 200217; Burkus and colleagues,
randomization of subjects. One other trial (Johnsson 200520) failed to perform intention-to-treat analyses
Do Bone Morphogenetic Proteins Improve Spinal Fusion? 67

and had removed patients who underwent reopera- EVIDENCE

tions from subsequent analyses. One other trial (Dimar
and investigators, 200622) had a follow-up rate of less A summary of our findings is shown in Table 9–3. The
than 67% without a proper account of the dropouts. evidence is presented for three main clinical applica-
Patients and investigators were not blinded to tions. The first is BMP-2 in interbody fusion for
treatment in any of the trials at the time of out- patients with DDD (four trials). The second applica-
come assessment. Radiologists and orthopedic tion is the use of BMP-2 in posterolateral fusion for
surgeons who assessed radiographic fusion were patients with DDD (two trials), and the final is the use
blinded in seven of the trials. Two trials (Johnsson of BMP-7 in posterolateral fusion for patients with
and coworkers, 200225; Kanayama and colleagues, spondylolisthesis (three trials).
200626) did not mention whether the radiologists
were blinded to treatment assignment at the time
of their assessment. Interbody Fusion Using Bone Morphogenetic
Eight of the trials provided validated patient-oriented Protein-2 in Degenerative Disc Disease
clinical outcome measures (ODI, 36-Item Short Form
Health Survey [SF-36]). Six trials reported both out- Boden and coauthors (2000)15 investigated the effi-
come measures, and two of them (Burkus and col- cacy of recombinant human BMP-2 (rhBMP-2) versus
leagues, 200217; Kanayama and colleagues, 200626) re- iliac crest autograft in patients with DDD who under-
ported only one (Oswestry Disability Index [ODI]). One went ALIF using tapered cylindrical threaded fusion
trial (Johnsson and coworkers, 200225) had no vali- cages. Fourteen patients were randomized in a 3:1
dated patient-oriented clinical outcome measure. Seven ratio (intervention/control ratio). Eleven patients
of the nine trials reported on adverse surgical events, who were randomized to the intervention received
and eight of the nine trials reported on the need for 1.5 mg/mL rhBMP-2 on an absorbable collagen sponge
reoperation. giving a total dose of 1.3 or 2.6 mL depending on the
Four of the nine trials evaluated interbody fusion, cage size. The three control patients received iliac
all using BMP-2 in patients with DDD, and five evalu- crest autograft bone.
ated posterolateral fusions with both BMP-2 and No statistically significant differences were found
BMP-7 in patients with varying diagnoses. Of the in- for clinical or radiographic outcomes. Mean improve-
terbody fusions, three utilized an anterior approach ment in ODI was found to be greater in rhBMP-2 pa-
with two trials of metal ALIF cages and one using an tients at 24 months (25 points) compared with control
allograft dowel. The fourth interbody fusion trial in- subjects (15 points). Clinical success (defined as 15%
vestigated posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) improvement in preoperative ODI score) improved
as a stand-alone construct. more rapidly in rhBMP-2 patients than control pa-
Of the five posterolateral fusions, two trials used tients, and at 24 months, 10 of 11 rhBMP-2 patients
BMP-2 for patients with DDD in instrumented fusions. (91%) had clinical success compared with 2 of 3 con-
The other three trials all used BMP-7. One was in trol patients (67%). Radiographic evidence of fusion,
noninstrumented fusions in patients with isthmic by plain radiography and computed tomography (CT),
spondylolisthesis. Two trials evaluated BMP-7 in pos- also increased more rapidly in rhBMP-2 patients than
terolateral fusions in patients with degenerative control patients and at 24 months. All 11 rhBMP-2 pa-
spondylolisthesis, one noninstrumented and one in- tients and 2 of the 3 control patients were considered
strumented. Commercial funding sources and/or fused. The one patient who had not fused underwent
conflicts of interest were reported for all of the trials. posterior instrumented fusion at 18 months after the
Commercial funding solely designated to research index procedure. No adverse events were found.
and education was reported in only one of the trials In a large multicenter trial, Burkus and colleagues
(Kanayama and colleagues, 200626). (2002)17 compared rhBMP-2 with iliac crest autograft

TABLE 9–3. Summary of Results


Interbody BMP-2 DDD ALIF 0 " 3

BMP-2 DDD PLIF† 0 0 1
Posterolateral BMP-2 DDD PS/ 0 " 2
BMP-7 IS None 0 0 1
BMP-7 DS None 0 0 1
BMP-7 DS PS 0 0 1

*0 ! no significant benefit; " ! some significant benefit.

†Stand-alone PLIF.
ALIF ! anterior lumbar interbody fusion; BMP ! bone morphogenetic protein; DDD ! degenerative disc disease;
DS ! degenerative spondylolisthesis; IS ! isthmic spondylolisthesis; PLIF ! posterior lumbar interbody fusion;
PS ! pedicle screw and rod.
68 Spinal Topics

in patients with single-level DDD who underwent ALIF receive 1.5 mg/mL rhBMP-2 on a collagen sponge for
using tapered interbody cages. Two hundred and total doses between 4 and 8 mg, and 33 patients
seventy-nine patients were enrolled in the study. The to iliac crest autograft as control. Follow-up at the
143 patients who were randomized to receive rhBMP- 24-month period was 85% of rhBMP-2 patients from
2 were given 1.5 mg/mL on an absorbable collagen enrollment and 91% of control patients.
sponge for a total dose ranging from 4.2 to 8.4 mg No statistically significant differences were found
depending on the size of the cage used. The 136 con- between the rhBMP-2 and control groups with respect
trol patients received autograft. Intention-to-treat to ODI or SF-36. However, mean improvements and
analyses were not performed. percentage of patients with a 15-point improvement in
No significant differences in outcomes were de- preoperative ODI were greater in the rhBMP-2 group.
tected. Mean improvement in ODI was similar be- Fusion rates at 24 months were 92.3% of rhBMP-2 pa-
tween both groups. There was a 15% improvement tients and 77.8% for control patients. New bone forma-
from the preoperative ODI in 103 of 122 BMP pa- tion extending into the spinal canal or neuroforamina
tients (84.4%) and 89 of 108 controls (82.4%). Ra- was found in 28 patients (24 rhBMP-2 patients and
diographic fusion was reported in 120 of 127 BMP 4 control patients), although no correlation was found
patients (94.5%) and 102 of 115 controls (88.7%). At between ectopic bone formation and the development
24 months, 32% of controls still reported discom- of leg pain. Six patients in each group underwent reop-
fort at the graft site. Eleven rhBMP-2 patients (7%) erations. In each group, three patients were at the
underwent reoperations—two had implant remov- same level as the index procedure and three were at
als for displacement and nine had supplemental different levels.
fixation, seven for presumed pseudarthrosis and
two for persistent pain. Fourteen control patients
(10%) underwent supplemental fixation, 12 for pre- Posterolateral Fusion Using Bone Morphogenetic
sumed pseudarthrosis and two for persistent pain. Protein-2 in Degenerative Disc Disease
Burkus and colleagues (2005)20 report on the results
of a two-part multicenter trial evaluating rhBMP-2 ver- Boden and coauthors (2002)16 assessed the outcome
sus iliac crest autograft in another series of patients of rhBMP-2 in patients with DDD undergoing instru-
with single-level DDD who underwent ALIF using mented and noninstrumented posterior fusion.
threaded cortical allograft bone dowels. A total of 131 Twenty-seven patients were enrolled at six investiga-
patients were enrolled at 13 sites (46 patients in the tional centers. Eleven patients were randomized to
pilot phase and 85 in the pivotal phase). Seventy-nine receive a total dose of 40 mg rhBMP-2 (concentra-
patients randomized to rhBMP-2 received 1.5 mg/mL tion, 2.0 mg/mL) on a 60% hydroxyapatite/40% trical-
rhBMP-2 on an absorbable collagen sponge giving a cium phosphate (HA/TCP) granule carrier with ped-
total dose between 8.4 and 12 mg depending on the icle screw and rod instrumentation. Nine patients
size of dowels. The 52 control patients received auto- were randomized to receive the same rhBMP-2 with
graft. Intention-to-treat analysis was not performed carrier and no internal fixation, and five additional
because patients who underwent secondary surgery patients were randomized to iliac crest autograft
were removed from subsequent analyses. and pedicle screw fixation. Follow-up was to a mini-
Mean improvement in preoperative ODI was signifi- mum of 12 months but up to 24 months for some
cantly greater for rhBMP-2 patients at 3- and 6-month patients.
follow-up (P # 0.03). At 24 months, mean ODI im- At the final follow-up, the mean ODI improvement
provement averaged 33.4 points for the rhBMP-2 was greatest in the rhBMP-2 only group (28.7 points;
group and 27.0 points for control patients (P # 0.12). P # 0.001) compared with rhBMP-2 with instrumenta-
Physical Component score (PCS) of the SF-36 im- tion and the control group. The rhBMP-2 only group
proved 15.7 points for the rhBMP-2 group compared also had significantly greater SF-36 PCS and Bodily
with 11.6 points in control patients at 24 months. Ab- Pain scores at early follow-up. At final follow-up, the
solute PCSs were significantly better in rhBMP-2 mean SF-36 Pain Index Subscale for the rhBMP-2 only
patients than control patients at all postoperative group (67.9) was better (P # 0.049) than rhBMP-2 with
time points including 24 months (P # 0.015). Radio- instrumentation (39.3) and control patients (38.0).
graphic fusion was reported in 98.5% of rhBMP-2 pa- Radiographic fusion was 100% in both rhBMP-2 groups,
tients at 24 months compared with 76.1% of control both significantly greater than the 40% (2/5) observed
patients (P # 0.001). Supplemental fixation was re- in the control group (P # 0.02 and 0.03). Two patients
quired in two rhBMP-2 patients (3%) and eight control in the rhBMP-2 with instrumentation underwent reop-
patients (15%). eration, one for revision decompression and another
Haid and colleagues (2004)24 report the results of for evacuation of epidural hematoma, and subse-
multicenter trial evaluating rhBMP-2 versus autograft quently decompression at another level. Two patients
in patients with DDD undergoing PLIF via a posterior in the rhBMP-2 only group underwent reoperation,
approach. A total of 67 patients were enrolled in this one for revision fusion with an anterior approach and
14-center trial. The trial suspended enrollment pre- one had a postoperative superficial hematoma that
maturely because of concerns about ectopic bone was evacuated.
formation posterior to the cages in investigational Dimar and investigators (2006)22 also compared
patients. Thirty-four patients were randomized to rhBMP-2 with autograft in patients with DDD
Do Bone Morphogenetic Proteins Improve Spinal Fusion? 69

undergoing posterior pedicle screw and rod instru- tients (85%) had a 20% improvement in preoperative
mented fusions. From this multicenter randomized ODI compared with 7 of 11 control patients (64%).
trial, 150 patients were enrolled but only 98 of them The mean improvement in SF-36 PCS was 17.4 points
(65%) were available for review at 2 years after sur- compared with a decline of 1.1 points in the control
gery. Of the 98 patients, 53 received a total dose of group at 24 months. Radiographic fusion, evaluated
40 mg rhBMP-2 (concentration, 2.0 mg/mL) combined by plain radiography for the presence of bilateral
with a bovine collagen and an HA/TCP compression- bridging bone and absence of instability, was ob-
resistant matrix, and 45 patients received autograft served in 11 of 20 OP-1 patients (55%) and in 4 of 10
bone from the iliac crest. At 2 years follow-up, the control patients (40%). Radiographic fusion, based
mean improvement in ODI for the rhBMP-2 group was entirely on the presence of bridging bone alone, was
24.5 points compared with 21.4 points in the control observed in 15 of 20 OP-1 patients (75%) and 8 of 10
group. The mean improvement in SF-36 PCS score control patients (80%). No patients underwent reop-
was 8.6 and 10.7 points for the rhBMP-2 and control eration at the latest reported follow-up time.
groups, respectively. No clinical improvements were Kanayama and colleagues (2006)26 also evaluated
significantly different for the two groups. Radio- the use of OP-1 in patients with degenerative spon-
graphic fusion, based on plain radiographs and CT, dylolisthesis (no more than 25% slip). These pa-
was observed in 48 of 53 rhBMP-2 patients (90.6%) tients underwent pedicle screw instrumentation and
and 33 of the 45 control patients (73.3%). This differ- posterolateral fusion. Twenty patients were enrolled
ence was found to be significant at the P # 0.05 level. in this study, and 10 were randomized to receive
Three control patients underwent reoperation for 3.5 mg OP-1, type I bovine collage, and carboxymeth-
revision of malpositioned screws. No reoperations ylcellulose per side (total dose, 7 mg). The other
were reported for the rhBMP-2 group. 10 patients randomized to control treatment re-
ceived 5 g HA/TCP mixed with locally harvested au-
tograft bone for each side of the fusion. Clinical and
Posterolateral Fusion Using Bone Morphogenetic radiographic assessments were made at 12 months,
Protein-7 in Spondylolisthesis and surgical exploration for fusion and hardware
removal was planned when radiographic fusion cri-
Johnsson and coworkers (2002)25 evaluated the use of teria were met.
recombinant human BMP-7, also termed osteogenic The authors found no significant differences in
protein-1 (OP-1) in patients with isthmic low-grade ODI or change from preoperative scores between
spondylolisthesis (no more than 50% vertebral slip) the two groups. Radiographic fusion, by plain ra-
undergoing noninstrumented posterolateral fusion. diographs and CT, was found in seven of nine OP-1
This trial of 20 patients primarily evaluated outcomes patients. Because of the HA/TCP in control pa-
by radiostereometric analysis. The only clinical as- tients, radiographic evidence of bridging bone was
sessment was subjective back pain; however, the difficult; however, 9 of 10 control patients were
investigators assessed plain radiographic evidence found to have no instability (the other radiographic
of fusion. Ten patients were randomized to receive criterion for fusion) and, therefore, underwent sur-
3.5 mg rhOP-1 reconstituted with a bone collagen car- gical exploration and hardware removal. Solid ar-
rier into a paste for each side of the fusion (total dose, throdesis was achieved in four of seven OP-1 pa-
7 mg). Ten other patients received iliac crest autograft tients and seven of nine control patients. Histologic
through the initial incision. At 12-month follow-up, fu- assessment of the fusion mass demonstrated viable
sion (bilateral bridging bone) was observed in 6 of bone in six of the seven OP-1 patients and all nine
10 rhOP-1 patients and 8 of 10 control patients. Radio- control patients.
stereometric analysis did not show any significant
differences between the groups.
Vaccaro and coauthors (2005)28 compared OP-1 SUMMARY
with autograft in a series of patients with degenera-
tive spondylolisthesis (no more than 50% slip) un- From our analysis, neither BMP-2 nor BMP-7 have any
dergoing decompression and noninstrumented pos- significant long-term clinical benefit over iliac crest
terolateral fusion. This multicenter trial enrolled autograft as assessed by validated clinical outcome
36 patients at five centers and randomized them in a measures. Small but significant increases in fusion
2:1 ratio (OP-1/control ratio) such that 24 received rates have been shown for BMP-2 both for interbody
OP-1 and 12 received iliac crest autograft. OP-1 pa- and posterolateral fusions. In contrast, BMP-7 has not
tients were given 3.5 mg rhOP-1 with 1 g bovine bone shown significantly improved fusion rates compared
collagen and 200 mg carboxymethylcellulose on each with autograft bone.
side of the fusion (total dose, 7 mg). The radiographic fusion benefit of BMP-2 without a
Four patients (three OP-1 and one control patient) concomitant clinical benefit illustrates the well-
discontinued the study before the 24-month follow- known concept of discrepancy between physician-
up. Four additional patients (three OP-1 and one based outcome measures (fusion) and patient-based
control patient) had incomplete 24-month data; how- measures. It would be reassuring to see correspond-
ever, their 36-month data were used in the final ing results from both of these outcomes. However,
analyses. The authors found that 17 of 20 OP-1 pa- this is not the case. The question then arises, how do
70 Spinal Topics

we resolve differences between patient-based and RECOMMENDATIONS

physician-based outcomes?
The clinical benefit of a definite fusion mass is con- Our recommendations are summarized in
troversial. Randomized trials of spinal fusions with Table 9–4. All of the RCTs were found to be of
and without instrumentation found increased rates of lesser quality (Level II) with regard to adequacy
fusion but no differences in clinical improvement.29,30 of random allocation, how patients were
However, in a study of patients who had noninstru- accounted for, and blinding to intervention.
mented fusions, clinical outcomes were superior at Interbody fusion was assessed in four trials
longer term follow-up for those with solid fusions that all evaluated the use of BMP-2. Fair evidence
compared with those who experienced development (grade B) exists that no significant clinical im-
of pseudarthroses.31 Potentially, clinical benefit may provement beyond 6 postoperative months can
not have been realized by the current BMP studies be attributed to the use of BMP-2 in interbody
because of short follow-up periods. Negative clinical fusions compared with iliac crest autograft.
outcomes associated with pseudarthroses may not There is also fair evidence (grade B) that a
become evident for many years. significant increase in the rate of radiographic
No definitive evidence of clinical superiority was fusion can be attributed to the use of BMP-2 in
demonstrated in the use of BMPs compared with au- interbody fusions over iliac crest autograft.
tograft. Some of the smaller studies reported clinical Posterolateral fusion was assessed in five trials.
superiority, particularly at the earlier follow-up inter- In two trials using BMP-2 in patients with DDD
vals. However, these results were not realized in with and without spinal instrumentation, we
larger multicenter studies. This may be a reflection of found fair evidence (grade B) to conclude that no
increased variability in patients and patient-selection significant clinical improvement can be attributed
factors. to the use of BMP-2 in posterolateral fusion com-
Consequently, BMPs may only offer an avenue for pared with iliac crest autograft. There is also fair
eliminating sources of morbidity (i.e., iliac crest evidence (grade B) that a significant increase in
bone graft) and improving the reliability of achiev- the rate of radiographic fusion can be attributed
ing fusion without statistically improving clinical to the use of BMP-2 over autograft.
outcomes. Obviating the need to harvest iliac crest From three trials assessing BMP-7 in postero-
autograft, whereas still maintaining a comparable or lateral fusion in patients with spondylolisthesis,
improved rate of fusion, would have tremendous there is fair evidence (grade B) that no significant
benefits on its own regarding donor-site pain and clinical improvement and no increase in fusion
other potential complications such as donor-site rate can be attributed to the use of BMP-7 in
fracture, infection, and nerve injury. Under these posterolateral fusion compared with iliac crest
circumstances of outcome equivalency, the use of autograft bone.
BMP may still have important and beneficial practi-
cal uses.
From an economic consideration, with a safety creases in fusion success to achieve similar cost
profile free from adverse events, and a price lower neutrality.
than the cost-equivalent of donor-site morbidity, Furthermore, in patients considered high risk for
the use of BMPs may be justifiable. Economic evalu- nonunion (heavy smokers, revision surgery, rheuma-
ation performed from the payer’s perspective (i.e., toid arthritis, other medical comorbidities, etc.),
not accounting for health-related quality of life or marginal increases in fusion rates of BMP over auto-
lost productivity) has suggested that with obviat- graft, even in the absence of clinical improvements,
ing donor-site complications and considering other may justify its use.33
cost offsets, a 3.6% increase in fusion success rate
with a $3000 price for BMP would be all that is
required to achieve cost neutrality over iliac crest Conflict of Interest
autograft.32 The authors also suggest that economic
analyses accounting from a societal perspective Y. Raja Rampersaud is a consultant for Medtronic-
(i.e., accounting for health-related quality of life Sofamor Danek (Surgical Navigation Technologies
and lost productivity) would require smaller in- and Minimal Access Surgical Technologies).

TABLE 9–4. Summary of Recommendations


Interbody using rhBMP-2 0 " B

Posterolateral using rhBMP-2 0 " B
Posterolateral using BMP-7 (OP-1) 0 0 B

BMP ! bone morphogenetic protein; OP-1 ! osteogenic protein-1; rhBMP-2 ! recombinant human BMP-2.
Do Bone Morphogenetic Proteins Improve Spinal Fusion? 71

REFERENCES radiographic outcomes in anterior lumbar spinal surgery. J

Bone Joint Surg Am 87:1205–1212, 2005.
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Chapter What Is the Best Surgical Procedure

10 for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome?


The second most common site of nerve compression the importance of patient-oriented measures in out-
in the upper extremity is the ulnar nerve in the region comes research in cubital tunnel syndrome.
of the cubital tunnel. Until recently, the surgical man-
agement of cubital tunnel syndrome was represented
in the literature by numerous case series with the OPTIONS
authors reporting experience with a specific surgical
procedure. Clinical research related to cubital tunnel The surgical options for cubital tunnel syndrome in-
syndrome answered many important questions about clude three main decisions with some variation. The
this disorder and its care; however, until recently, nerve can be decompressed and left in its normal
there has been only low-quality evidence supporting anatomic position. This can be performed with a
one type of surgical procedure over others. standard open approach or through a minimal inci-
In 1989, Dellon1 advocated a staging system for ulnar sion method. The epicondyle can be removed in
nerve compression at the elbow. He reviewed the lit- conjunction with release. The nerve can be trans-
erature and concluded that severity of compression, a posed anterior to the epicondyle into a subcutane-
characteristic he used to divide the syndrome into ous, an intramuscular, or a submuscular position.
three stages, was an important prognostic factor and
should be used to guide surgical management. Parallel
to the staging of carpal tunnel syndrome, he divided Simple Release
cubital tunnel syndrome into “mild,” “moderate,” and
“severe” stages. Although it remains unknown whether The value of simple release of the ulnar nerve is that
the stage of compression is an important guide for it is technically simple to perform and, if successful,
choice of surgery, if the prognosis of surgical care is causes the least morbidity for the patient. The sur-
related to the severity of compression, then this infor- gery is of short duration and the postoperative care
mation would be useful in randomized trials to define is simplified requiring no prolonged immobilization.
the population and ensure balance of treatment This procedure leaves the nerve in its anatomic posi-
groups. tion, and therefore reduces the chance of inducing
For measurement of the results of cubital tunnel secondary compression by changing the anatomic
surgery, Kleinman and Bishop2 have devised a grading course of the nerve. The concern with the procedure
system. The domains include “satisfaction,” “improve- is that the nerve is left in a position behind the elbow
ment,” “severity of residual symptoms,” “work status,” where it can continue to undergo traction with full
“leisure activity,” “strength,” and “sensibility.” elbow flexion. Another potential problem is created
This has been used widely since its introduction, because the nerve is released from its tethers within
and although it requires some measurement by a its anatomic bed. Theoretically, this increases the
trained person, it is recommended for anyone per- potential for subluxation of the nerve with flexion of
forming clinical research in cubital tunnel syndrome. the elbow. A variation of simple release is to use
As a disorder causing symptoms and functional minimal incisions and some type of “endoscopic” vi-
problems in the hand, in clinical research, some sualization of the procedure. Nathan and colleagues4
patient-oriented method of evaluation of the results report 89% good or excellent immediate postopera-
of treatment should be used. The use of electrodiag- tive relief of symptoms using simple decompression
nostic testing to measure the outcome of cubital of the nerve in 164 nerves in 131 patients. At an aver-
tunnel surgery may be misleading. It has been re- age follow-up period of 4.3 years, 79% of patients still
ported that electrodiagnostic testing may not be reported good or excellent relief.
accurate after anterior transposition.3 In addition,
in other forms of nerve compression, electrodiag-
nostic tests may not return to normal despite good Epicondylectomy
clinical results after surgery. The importance of
these measurement issues in the use of electrical The nerve is released as in a simple release and a
testing to evaluate the results of cubital tunnel sur- portion of the medial epicondyle is removed to per-
gery has not been explored. These concerns add to form medial epicondylectomy. This procedure also

76 Upper Extremity Topics

leaves the nerve in its anatomic position. By combin- Dellon1 found that in mild compression, the litera-
ing a simple release with epicondylectomy, theoreti- ture supported nonsurgical management with an ex-
cally, when the elbow flexes, the nerve will not snap pectation of 50% of patients achieving excellent re-
over the medial epicondyle. A minimal degree of epi- sults and almost 100% of patients achieving excellent
condylar excision appears to be as effective as a results with any of the five common surgical proce-
partial epicondylectomy.5 dures. For moderate compression, he noted that the
literature suggested the anterior submuscular tech-
nique yielded the most excellent results with the
Subcutaneous Transposition least recurrence, and for severe compression, the
intramuscular technique yielded the fewest excellent
Subcutaneous transposition places the nerve anterior results and the most recurrence.
to the axis of flexion of the elbow joint, preventing ten- A meta-analysis of 30 clinical studies from 1945
sion of the nerve by elbow flexion. The theoretic ad- to 1995 compared patients having nonsurgical man-
vantage of this procedure is that the nerve is moved agement, simple decompression, medial epicondy-
out of the site of compromise into a tension-free envi- lectomy, subcutaneous, submuscular transposition.
ronment. Compared with the submuscular transposi- Although it appears that none of the studies was a
tion, the subcutaneous transposition should have a randomized trial, the authors tried to collect infor-
shorter recovery time. Potential problems with the mation from each patient in each study where pos-
procedure include introducing a new site of compres- sible. The report provides a list of publications
sion such as the medial intermuscular septum or fas- evaluating each procedure and is useful to provide
cial septae in the flexor origin. One variation of the historical context to the surgery for cubital tunnel
procedure is to create a fascial sling for the nerve to syndrome. Patients were categorized by preopera-
prevent it from subluxing back behind the elbow. This tive staging of severity. Outcomes were scored
sling can also create a site of compression. In thin as “total relief,” “improvement,” “no change,” and
people, the nerve may not have much coverage in the “worse.” In minimum stage compression, total relief
subcutaneous plane and may be sensitive. was experienced by 92% having medial epicondylec-
tomy. The remaining groups were small; however, it
was noted only 9% of 22 patients had complete relief
Intramuscular and Submuscular Transposition after subcutaneous transfer. In moderate stage com-
pression, submuscular transposition yielded 80%
For intramuscular and submuscular transposition, complete relief, and in severe stage compression, all
the nerve is removed from its anatomic location and the procedures faired poorly with simple decom-
placed within2 or deep to the flexor pronator muscle pression providing 26% complete relief and no sig-
origin. In this procedure, the nerve is placed anterior nificant differences except medial epicondylectomy,
to the elbow and is placed within a protective envi- which had the lowest satisfaction rate at 38% and
ronment. The surgeon may introduce additional sites had no patients with complete relief. In this system-
of compression, and the patient must have a period atic review, more than 450 patients were analyzed
of postoperative immobilization to allow the flexor with severe compression.8
origin to heal. One variation is to perform lengthening Recently, randomized trials have been used to
of the flexor pronator origin to loosen this structure compare some of the surgical procedures used for
over the nerve. In Dellon’s6 report of submuscular cubital tunnel syndrome. In 2005, Bartels and co-
transposition on 121 patients and 161 extremities us- workers9 used a randomized trial to compare the
ing the musculofascial lengthening technique, 88% of outcome of simple decompression versus anterior
patients had an excellent or good result with a 7.5% subcutaneous transposition.
failure rate. In Pasque and Rayan’s7 study, 84% of pa- First, the authors used a survey of neurosurgeons
tients had good or excellent grades after submuscu- in the Netherlands to determine the most commonly
lar transposition with a Z lengthening. performed procedures. From a single center, 152 pa-
tients were randomized by a computer-generated
randomization list to simple release or anterior sub-
EVIDENCE cutaneous transposition. Inclusion criteria included
duration of symptoms greater than 3 months, clinical
In an attempt to compare all these procedures, and electrical criteria, and failure of nonsurgical man-
Dellon1 compiled the literature on each procedure. agement. Exclusion criteria included diabetes, arthri-
In his article, he reviewed the previous 90 years tis of the elbow, and previous surgery on the symp-
of literature and concluded, “This study demon- tomatic side, among other factors listed in the article.
strates that despite more than 50 reported series The exact surgical methods used were not detailed in
of patients treated for ulnar nerve compression at the article; however, the tendency of the ulnar nerve
the elbow, a collective experience with more than to sublux was noted and found to have no influence
2000 patients, there are at present no statistically on the result. Preoperative severity of compression
significant guidelines based on prospective ran- was recorded. The authors found no influence of the
domized studies for choosing one operative tech- preoperative grade, the extent of muscle weakness,
nique over another.”1 or the duration of symptoms on the probability of
What Is the Best Surgical Procedure for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome? 77

improvement, although the analysis of this was not Biggs and Curtis11 compared “ulnar neurolysis”
presented. In addition to neurologic grade noted ear- with submuscular transposition in a randomized,
lier, outcomes were measured using the SF-36 and a controlled trial. In this study, 44 patients were strati-
Dutch version of the McGill Pain Questionnaire. The fied and randomized. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
authors state the results of both instruments improve were documented, and the procedures are described
with time with no statistical difference at any follow- in the article. Using the Louisiana State University
up interval. No further statistical detail or data from Medical Center system, the authors note neurologic
either instrument are reported. A total of 147 partici- improvement in 61% of the neurolysis group and 67%
pants were included in the analysis. The results were of the transposition group. In medium- and high-
reported as excellent and good in 65% of simple de- grade compression, there was no statistically signifi-
compression and 70% of anterior subcutaneous trans- cant difference in the groups, with 82% improving in
position. The complication rate was lower in the the neurolysis group and 68% in the transposition
simple decompression patients at 9.6% compared group. Although the numbers are small, the simple
with 31.1% in anterior subcutaneous transposition. decompression group had better results in this more
Eighteen of 152 patients were deemed to have unsuc- severe degree of compression. Three of 21 patients
cessful surgical results. experienced development of wound infection after
One concern with the methods used in that article transposition, and 0 of 23 after neurolysis. The sur-
is that the surgeon who performed the surgery also gery and the postsurgical evaluations were per-
evaluated the results. To mitigate this problem, a formed by the lead author, so the study could not be
blinded neurologist randomly selected 30 patients at considered blinded with regard to measurement of
one postoperative visit for evaluation with a reported the results of surgery (Level II).
reliability greater than 97% for history and physical Gervasio and coworkers12 compared simple decom-
examination. According to the results, the difference pression versus anterior submuscular decompression
in complications between groups was primarily due in severe cubital tunnel syndrome. Patients were “ran-
to increased loss of sensibility around the scar in the domized” based on their hospital reservation number,
anterior transposition group. The overall clinical re- and one of two surgeons was assigned depending on
sults favored the anterior transposition group to a the procedure. All patients had severe cubital tunnel
minor degree that could be accounted for by chance. syndrome, termed Dellon 3, or severe compression.
The study had sufficient power to discover a differ- Exclusion criteria are presented in the article. Surgical
ence of 25%, if present. procedures are described. The postoperative evalua-
This study is a randomized trial of reasonable size. tions were performed by a blinded neurologist using
The evidence would have been more powerful if the the Bishop rating system (see earlier). The results
outcomes were evaluated by a person blinded to the showed that both groups improved to a similar degree
treatment. The “cure rate” favors anterior transposi- with no significant differences in electrical or clinical
tion at 62% compared with 49%; however, this is not improvement. Eighty percent of patients had a good
statistically significant. More powerful statistical tests to excellent outcome with simple decompression, and
could have been used and the reporting of the results 82.9% has a good or excellent outcome with submus-
could have been clearer (Level I). cular transposition. Simple decompression yielded
In another study, Nabhan and coauthors10 report 54.3% excellent, 25.7% good, and 20% fair results,
on a randomized trial of simple decompression whereas anterior submuscular transposition gave
compared with subcutaneous transposition of the 51.4% excellent, 31.4% good, and 17.1% fair results
ulnar nerve. Sixty-six patients were included and (Level II).
randomized using a sealed envelope method. Pa- Once again, the two trials failed to show any im-
tients with previous elbow trauma were excluded. provement afforded by transposition of the nerve
Outcomes were measured by a sensory scale, intrin- into the submuscular location over simple decom-
sic motor strength, pain, and nerve conduction ve- pression of the nerve. This was specifically found in
locity. The surgical procedures are described. After severe compression in the trial that Gervasio and
a 6- to 9-month follow-up, there were no significant coworkers12 reported. Although that study was not
differences between the two groups. The article truly randomized, a large proportion of patients with
does not report how many patients experienced severe compression had good or excellent results
complete relief of symptoms and how many failures after simple decompression.
occurred in each group (Level II). In a randomized trial of medial epicondylectomy
Both of these randomized trials failed to show any versus anterior transposition in a population of
benefit of transposition of the nerve over simple re- 47 patients, Geutjens and investigators13 found no
lease. In Bartels and coworkers’9 report, neither the difference in the results with regard to two-point dis-
preoperative severity of compression nor the ten- crimination recovery or muscle power. A larger pro-
dency of the nerve to sublux over the epicondyle had portion of patients was the same or worse after
an effect on the outcome. The Nabhan and coauthors’10 anterior transposition, and fewer transposition pa-
findings are consistent with those of Bartels and co- tients would have the procedure again. Patients were
workers,9 putting into question the need for transposi- randomized using sealed envelopes and had one of
tion of the nerve in patients without trauma or elbow the two procedures performed by one of two sur-
pathology. geons. Both surgeons performed both procedures.
78 Upper Extremity Topics

Postoperative evaluation was blinded. The statistical systematic review of previous studies, the degree
methods are not elaborated in the article (Level II). of compression did not appear to influence the
A nonrandomized comparative study of 56 patients results.
comparing minimal medial epicondylectomy and an- Carefully crafted large cohort studies should be a
terior subcutaneous transposition similarly found good method to identify the probability of events,
that the two procedures produced similar results.14 such as complications, better than randomized tri-
The medial epicondylectomy yielded 41% excellent, als, the size of which are planned to measure effi-
45% good, 9% fair, and 5% poor results, whereas the cacy rather than complications. When the research
subcutaneous transfer had 41% excellent, 38% good, design carefully seeks out complications and con-
18% fair, and 3% poor. tinuing symptoms, their prevalence will be greater
Both studies show no improvement in the results than when they are evaluated in a later review of
for transposition of the nerve compared with epicon- medical records or after general questioning. Differ-
dylectomy. Although each of these studies has some ences in patient populations and ascertainment of
methodologic concerns, they are consistent in their results and complications can easily affect the re-
results, showing more involved surgery does not porting of results of surgery, which is one of the
produce superior results. Transposition does not ap- reasons randomized trials and cohort studies are
pear to add any benefit to a simple release or epicon- preferred to case series especially when analyzed
dylectomy, but it does increase the morbidity of the through review of medical records.
surgery. It is notable for surgeons to remember that At this point, I believe it is not possible to deter-
these studies excluded patients with trauma and an- mine whether the reported randomized trials by
atomic causes of compression at the medial elbow. surgeons other than hand surgeons have a lower ef-
ficacy or a greater complication rate that would
cause concern regarding the surgical technique or
Areas of Uncertainty that would justify a belief that the results do not ap-
ply to fellowship trained hand surgeons, plastic
Specialty Training. The surgeons performing the surgery surgeons, or orthopedic surgeons. Rather than take
in these randomized trials are predominantly neuro- a xenophobic view, these randomized trials should
surgeons. Does this reduce their generalizability be viewed as the best evidence available to guide
to other specialty trained surgeons such as ortho- surgical management.
pedic, plastic, hand, and other peripheral nerve
First, the reader should look to the description of Size of Studies
the patient population. The reader will have to deter-
mine whether the patients treated are similar to All studies reviewed were small trials, increasing the
those patients they might see. The results in these possibility that chance could play a role in the re-
trials must be interpreted with caution because it is sults. The largest study with Level I evidence9 com-
likely that the referral filter for a patient to see a neu- paring simple release with subcutaneous transfer had
rosurgeon is different for a surgeon of a different enough power to detect a 25% or greater difference in
specialty. It is known in other disciplines that patient the results. Those authors found a 13% difference in
populations referred to different specialty physicians those patients “cured,” favoring transposition. Biggs
who provide care for the “same condition” can be and Curtis’s11 study, when evaluating the more severe
fundamentally different. Whether these differences cases, found the reverse, favoring simple decompres-
exist in cubital tunnel syndrome and whether prog- sion, although the numbers are small. With small
nostically important variations persist to induce studies, the impact of methodologic problems or
some difference in the efficacy of one surgical proce- chance can sway the results of a trial. For example, in
dure or another is conjectural at this time. at least two of the trials, the measurement of the re-
Efficacy and Complication Rates of the Procedures. Do the results sults was not blinded; in one trial, the allocation was
of these trials suggest these procedures, the efficacy, not truly randomized; and in all the trials, the surgery
and the complication rates would be typical for other was performed by a limited number of surgeons.
surgeons? Our attention is drawn to the cure rate that Nevertheless, these trials are the best evidence
may be lower and the complication rate including in- available to help a surgeon choose between the sur-
fections that may be higher in these randomized tri- gical alternatives for cubital tunnel syndrome. The
als than reported in large cohorts performed by other direction of the results of these studies is consistent.
surgeons. For example, the importance of cutaneous No randomized trial has favored more involved sur-
nerves crossing the incision in cubital tunnel surgery gery over lesser procedures.
has been pointed out in the literature.15 The compli-
cations of subcutaneous transfer reported by Bartels
and coworkers9 could have been reduced by in- CONCLUSIONS
creased attention to this detail.
Similarly, the proportion of patients achieving Based on this review, I believe good to fair evidence
complete relief of symptoms reported by Bartels exists (grade B, that is, consistent Level I and II evi-
and coworkers9 seems low, and in contrast with the dence) to support simple decompression for cubital
What Is the Best Surgical Procedure for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome? 79

5. Amako M, Nemoto K, Kawaguchi M, et al: Comparison be-

Summary of Recommendations tween partial and minimal medial epicondylectomy combined
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/GRADE with decompression for the treatment of cubital tunnel
STATEMENT OF RECOMMENDATIONS syndrome. J Hand Surg [Am] 25:1043–1050, 2000.
6. Dellon AL, Coert JH: Results of the musculofascial lengthening
Simple decompression is as B technique for submuscular transposition of the ulnar nerve at
efficacious as transposi- the elbow. J Bone Joint Surg Am 86-A(suppl 1):169–179, 2004.
tion of the ulnar nerve in 7. Pasque CB, Rayan GM: Anterior submuscular transposition of
cubital tunnel syndrome the ulnar nerve for cubital tunnel syndrome. J Hand Surg [Br]
20:447–453, 1995.
8. Mowlavi A, Andrews K, Lille S, et al: The management of cubital
tunnel syndrome: A meta-analysis of clinical studies. Plast Re-
tunnel syndrome over transposition of the nerve. constr Surg 106:327–334, 2000.
9. Bartels RHMA, Verhagen WIM, van der Wilt GJ, et al: Prospec-
This evidence is limited to patients in whom the cu- tive randomized controlled study comparing simple decom-
bital tunnel syndrome is not secondary to trauma or pression versus anterior subcutaneous transposition for idio-
an anatomic cause at the elbow. The evidence is pathic neuropathy of the ulnar nerve at the elbow: Part 1.
strongest for use by neurosurgeons to guide their Neurosurgery 56:522–530, 2005.
decision making. I believe evidence exists against 10. Nabhan A, Ahlhelm F, Kelm J, et al: Simple decompression or
subcutaneous anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve for
transposition of the ulnar nerve, during cubital tun- cubital tunnel syndrome. J Hand Surg [Br] 30:521–524, 2005.
nel surgery. Also, I believe no evidence is available to 11. Biggs M, Curtis JA: Randomized, prospective study compar-
differentiate between simple decompression and me- ing ulnar neurolysis in situ with submuscular transposition.
dial epicondylectomy in cubital tunnel surgery. Neurosurgery 58:296–304, 2006.
12. Gervasio O, Gambardella G, Zaccone C, Branca D: Simple de-
compression versus anterior submuscular transposition of
the ulnar nerve in severe cubital tunnel syndrome: A pro-
spective randomized study. Neurosurgery 56:108–117, 2005.
REFERENCES 13. Geutjens GG, Langstaff RJ, Smith NJ, et al: Medial epicondy-
lectomy or ulnar-nerve transposition for ulnar neuropathy at
1. Dellon AL: Review of treatment results for ulnar nerve en- the elbow? J Bone Joint Surg Br 78:777–779, 1996.
trapment at the elbow. J Hand Surg [Am] 14:688–700, 1989. 14. Baek GH, Kwon BC, Chung MS: Comparative study between
2. Kleinman WB, Bishop AT: Anterior intramuscular transposition minimal medial epicondylectomy and anterior subcutaneous
of the ulnar nerve. J Hand Surg [Am] 14:972–979, 1989. transposition of the ulnar nerve for cubital tunnel syndrome.
3. Dellon AL, Schlegel RW, Mackinnon SE: Validity of nerve conduc- J Shoulder Elbow Surg 15:609–613, 2006.
tion velocity studies after anterior transposition of the ulnar 15. Lowe JB 3rd, Maggi SP, Mackinnon SE: The position of cross-
nerve. J Hand Surg [Am] 12:700–703, 1987. ing branches of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
4. Nathan PA, Keniston RC, Meadows KD: Outcome study of ulnar during cubital tunnel surgery in humans. Plast Reconstr Surg
nerve compression at the elbow treated with simple decom- 114:692–696, 2004.
pression and an early programme of physical therapy. J Hand
Surg [Br] 20;5:628–637.
Chapter What is Is the Best Treatment for


OHN M. FLYNN of the Distal

The optimal treatment for displaced distal radius EVIDENCE (LEVEL I AND II EVIDENCE)
fractures is unclear. Despite a literature filled with
hundreds of studies examining biomechanics, treat- Handoll and Madhok1,2 performed a systematic
ment outcomes, and techniques, level I evidence is review of the distal radius fracture literature before
limited and does not provide an unambiguous an- 2000. Significant methodologic deficiencies abounded:
swer. Many “prospective randomized” studies before Most series had a small number of patients, alloca-
2000 have significant methodologic errors. Yet, more tion concealment was deficient in 42 of 44 studies,
recent studies utilizing stringent blinding and more and a majority of outcomes were reported using a
reproducible evaluation methods may offer some in- modified Gartland and Werley scheme, a nonvali-
sight into choosing a treatment method. dated surgeon-generated outcome measure. Despite
these deficiencies, their systematic review suggests
that external fixation and percutaneous pinning have
OPTIONS better radiographic outcomes and may have im-
proved functional outcomes compared with closed
Numerous historical methods can be used to treat reduction and casting.
distal radius fractures; however, general categories Studies after 2000 with improved methodology
are: (1) closed reduction and casting, (2) percuta- confirm results of previous studies. In a level I study,
neous pinning and casting, (3) external fixation, Kreder and colleagues3 compared spanning external
and (4) plate fixation. Subgroups exist within these fixation to closed reduction and casting in distal
general categories. External fixation may be bridg- radius fractures without joint incongruity and found
ing or nonbridging, uniplanar or multiplanar, and trends toward improved 36-Item Short Form Health
possibly augmented with percutaneous pins. Plate Survey (SF-36) bodily pain scores and Musculoskeletal
fixation may use an enormous variety of plate Functional Assessment (MFA) scores at 2 years;
designs, approaches, and screw design and config- however, these trends did not reach statistical sig-
urations. As one can imagine, this heterogeneity in nificance. Radiologic outcomes also showed a trend
treatment options is problematic when trying to that approached significance that favored external
design a study to evaluate treatment methods, as fixation. Comparisons of percutaneous pinning to
well as drawing conclusions from the various pub- closed reduction using validated outcomes also
lished studies. found that radiographic parameters were signifi-
Each treatment modality offers its own advantages cantly improved with pinning; however, there was
and disadvantages. Closed reduction and casting no difference in the SF-36 score.4 Harley and col-
avoids the general risks of surgery but requires rou- leagues’5 level I study also examined outcomes of
tine follow-up and rehabilitation after bony healing. augmented external fixation versus percutaneous
Percutaneous pinning offers treatment with minimal pinning at 1 year. Although validated and functional
soft-tissue disruption but introduces risks for pin- outcomes were similar, external fixation demon-
tract infection. External fixation offers improved strated better articular congruity on radiographic
structural support than percutaneous pinning; how- follow-up.
ever, problems of patient acceptance and pin-tract External fixation has also been compared with
infection remain. Finally, open reduction and plate internal fixation. When comparing dorsal pi plating
fixation allows direct manipulation and fixation of with external fixation in a level II study, Grewal and in-
fracture fragments but requires soft-tissue disrup- vestigators6 found no significant difference in Disabili-
tion and risks late hardware problems. ties in Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) or SF-36
It is unclear how each purported risk and benefit scores; however, the pi plate group had significantly
affects the overall outcome of each surgical tech- weaker grip strengths and greater number of complica-
nique. Prospective, randomized, controlled trials of- tions, especially tendonitis and the need for hardware
fer a global insight as to how much the cumulative removal. Kreder and colleagues7 in a multicenter level
risk and benefits differ between treatments. I study found that although MFA and SF-36 scores were

What Is the Best Treatment for Displaced Fractures of the Distal Radius? 81

similar at 2 years between both external fixation with ferent forms of fragment-specific fixation methods
indirect reduction and percutaneous pinning and open have been used successfully as documented in level
reduction, internal fixation was statistically equivalent, IV case series.17,18
internal fixation yielded a better SF-36 bodily pain Despite this explosion of different types of plates
subscore, but external fixation yielded better grip and plating techniques, limited evidence has com-
strengths at the 6-month period. pared these different techniques. In Ruch and Papa-
Although many studies have confirmed previous donikolakis’s19 level III case–control series, no
conclusions, some newer studies have brought these difference existed in the DASH between volar non-
conclusions under question. In a 1998 level II study, locking plating versus dorsal nonlocking plating. In
McQueen8 found that nonbridging external fixation Koshimune and colleagues’20 level II study, there
yielded better radiographic results, grip strength, was no clear advantage of volar locked versus volar
and flexion than bridging external fixation. However, nonlocked plating when evaluating radiographic
Atroshi and colleagues9 found that in a level I study, parameters of palmar inclination, radial tilt, and
although radiographic outcomes were improved in radial length as final outcome.
patients treated with nonbridging fixators, DASH
scores were statistically equivalent.
Trials have also examined adjunctive bone graft Rehabilitation
substitutes. In a level II randomized, controlled trial
by Sanchez-Sotelo and coauthors,10 Norian-treated Handoll and Madhok21 also performed a systematic
wrists had better functional outcomes compared review of literature examining optimal methods for
with wrists treated with closed reduction and cast- rehabilitation after surgical fixation of distal radius
ing. In the regression analysis, treatment without fracture. Despite the 15 trials that were able to be
Norian increased the probability of a poor functional included in the review, the authors conclude that no
result by 12 and increased the probability of mal- specific guidelines can be made regarding rehabilita-
union by 11. Cassidy and colleagues11 compared tion after distal radius fracture.
Norian SRS-treated wrists with external fixation in a
level I study and found better subjective outcomes at
6 weeks; however, no significant clinical differences Progression to Arthrosis
were observed at 1 year.
With regard to external fixation, Werber and re- Previous studies have documented a statistical asso-
searchers’12 level II study demonstrated that use of a ciation with intra-articular step-off with radiographic
five-pin external fixator with one pin supporting the arthrosis.22 Kreder and investigators’3 level I study
radial articular fragment yielded better radiographic from 2006 demonstrated that patients with a residual
and functional outcomes than a standard four-pin step-off were 10 times more likely to experience devel-
fixator. Egol and coworkers’13 level I study demon- opment of radiographic arthrosis. Patients with a
strated no significant difference in the incidence of step-off greater than 2 mm were eight times more
pin-site infection regardless of pin-site care using dry likely to develop radiographic arthrosis than patients
dressings, peroxide pin-site care, or chlorhexidine with a step-off less than 2 mm. Despite these dramatic
impregnated discs. numbers, the clinical impact of this radiographic ar-
Current level I and II evidence suggests that exter- throsis is unclear. A level II prospective, randomized
nal fixation yields better radiographic results and trial by Young and coworkers’23 with 7-year follow-up
trends toward improved validated outcomes than of 85 patients from the United Kingdom demonstrated
closed reduction and casting. Internal fixation and radiographic arthrosis in 20 patients, but clinically
external fixation result in similar validated outcomes significant arthrosis in only one patient. Goldfarb et al.
after 1 or 2 years. By induction, open reduction and demonstrated that radiographic arthrosis was pres-
internal fixation may lead to better outcomes than ent in 13 of 16 wrists at fifteen years after distal radius
closed reduction and casting; however, a prospec- fracture, however clinical function was quite good
tive, randomized, controlled study demonstrating despite the radiographic appearance.24a Long-term
this result is currently lacking. studies will be necessary to elucidate the incidence of
clinically significant radiocarpal arthrosis after distal
radius fracture, and it is likely that only a large cohort
of patients will be able to distinguish whether one in-
AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY (LEVEL II AND III EVIDENCE) tervention is better than another in preventing clinical
Plating Techniques arthrosis.

A number of new plating techniques have become

popular since the late 1990s. Volar fixed-angle plat- CASE SERIES FOR FURTHER STUDY (LEVEL IV AND V
ing was introduced with the pi plate in the late EVIDENCE)
1980s,14 but now has undergone a renaissance.
Orbay and Fernandez15,16 have popularized this con- A number of authors have reported case series of
cept, and fixed-angle volar plating is now again in different methods of plate fixation using various out-
widespread use. Low-profile dorsal plating and dif- come measures ranging from Gartland and Werley
82 Upper Extremity Topics

functional scores to DASH and SF-36 scores.15–17,24–26

the radius has utility; however, it is unclear
This recent rash of case reports on plating reflect a
whether this is superior to external fixation with
growing worldwide trend favoring plate fixation; sub-
K-wire augmentation. Pin care using dry sterile
sequently, they should be examined critically.
dressing is sufficient, and peroxide or
Case series involving volar-fixed angle plating
chlorhexidine augmentation does not confer a
demonstrated success in the potentially osteopenic
demonstrable benefit.
elderly population16 and also demonstrated DASH
and Gartland and Werley scores comparable with Grade B Recommendations, Fair Evidence
previous series using other techniques.26 Harness
and colleagues27 reported on a cohort of seven The type of fixation used in open-reduction, inter-
patients whose volar plating construct lost fixation. nal fixation does not yield a significant difference in
Careful review of this cohort found that the stand- outcome. It has been suggested that intra-articular
ard volar implants used did not adequately support step-off is associated with radiographic arthrosis;
the ulnar volar margin of the lunate facet. Dorsal however, this finding is not as clearly defined in
plating series report minimal problems with exten- the current literature. Because of this association,
sor tendon irritation at 18 months with rare plate it is reasonable to try to minimize articular step-off
removal.17,25 DASH and Gartland and Werley scores with treatment. No evidence exists demonstrating
were also similar to other functional outcomes a superior method of rehabilitation after open-
studies. reduction, internal fixation at this time.
Grade C Recommendations, Poor Evidence
RECOMMENDATIONS When compared with validated outcomes from
level I studies, case series suggest new volar and
Application of Evidence dorsal plating techniques can provide compara-
Grade A Recommendations, Good Evidence ble outcomes. No evidence currently exists to
suggest superiority of newer fixed-angle plates or
High-quality evidence suggests that external fixa- low-profile dorsal plating.
tion augmented with Kirschner wires and open Loss of lunate facet fixation can compromise
reduction with plate fixation have similar vali- the overall result. As such, surgeons should be
dated outcomes at 1 to 2 years. It is reasonable particularly wary of distal fractures of the inter-
to utilize either treatment modality for displaced mediate column. Extensor tenosynovitis contin-
distal radius fractures. Current evidence suggests ues to be a complication with both volar and
better radiographic outcomes with open reduc- dorsal plating. No level I evidence shows that
tion, internal fixation, or augmented external these complications occur at a lower rate than
fixation when compared with other less invasive with other plating methods; however, in case
measures. Utilization of closed reduction and series compared with historical controls, the
casting or percutaneous pinning and casting are incidence may be lower. It is reasonable to
acceptable alternatives if the risks of surgery are utilize newer plate technologies whereas paying
prohibitive or patients are willing to accept a close attention to noted potential complica-
lesser radiographic result. tions. Table 11–1 provides a summary of recom-
With regard to external fixation, the utilization mendations for treatment of displaced fractures
of a fifth pin to support the articular surface of of the distal radius.

TABLE 11–1. Recommendations for Treatment of Displaced Distal Radius Fractures


1. Augmented bridging external fixation yields better radiographic re- I A 3, 5

sults than closed reduction and casting or percutaneous pinning;
however, validated outcomes have not been demonstrated to be dif-
2. Augmented bridging external fixation and internal fixation yield simi- I, II A 6, 7
lar validated outcomes.
3. Pin care using dry sterile dressings are comparable with chlorhexi- I A 13
dine or peroxide pin care.
4. Volar locked plating and nonlocked volar plating do not demon- II B 20
strate differences in outcome.
5. Locked volar plating and dorsal plating have been used in small IV C 17, 25, 26
cohorts with acceptable validated outcomes.
6. It is unclear whether bridging or nonbridging external fixation yields I, II I 8, 9
superior results in direct comparison.
What Is the Best Treatment for Displaced Fractures of the Distal Radius? 83

REFERENCES 14. Ring D, Jupiter JB, Brennwald J, et al: Prospective multicenter

trial of a plate for dorsal fixation of distal radius fractures.
1. Handoll HH, Madhok R: Surgical interventions for treating J Hand Surg [Am] 22:777–784, 1997.
distal radial fractures in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 15. Orbay, JL, Fernandez DL: Volar fixation for dorsally displaced
(3):CD003209, 2003. fractures of the distal radius: A preliminary report. J Hand
2. Handoll HH, Madhok R: Surgical interventions for treating Surg [Am] 27:205–215, 2002.
distal radial fractures in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 16. Orbay JL, Fernandez DL: Volar fixed-angle plate fixation for
(3):CD003209, 2001. unstable distal radius fractures in the elderly patient. J Hand
3. Kreder HJ, Agel J, McKee MD, et al: A randomized, controlled Surg [Am] 29:96–102, 2004.
trial of distal radius fractures with metaphyseal displacement 17. Simic PM, Robison J, Gardner MJ, et al: Treatment of distal
but without joint incongruity: Closed reduction and casting ver- radius fractures with a low-profile dorsal plating system: An
sus closed reduction, spanning external fixation, and optional outcomes assessment. J Hand Surg [Am] 31:382–386, 2006.
percutaneous K-wires. J Orthop Trauma 20:115–121, 2006. 18. Benson LS, Minihane KP, Stern LD, et al: The outcome of
4. Azzopardi T, Ehrendorfer S, Coulton T, et al: Unstable extra- intra-articular distal radius fractures treated with fragment-
articular fractures of the distal radius. J Bone Joint Surg Br specific fixation. J Hand Surg [Am] 31:1333–1339, 2006.
87:837–840, 2005. 19. Ruch DS, Papadonikolakis A: Volar versus dorsal plating in
5. Harley BJ, Scharfenberger A, Beaupre LA, et al: Augmented the management of intra-articular distal radius fractures.
external fixation versus percutaneous pinning and casting J Hand Surg [Am] 31:9–16, 2006.
for unstable fractures of the distal radius—A prospective 20. Koshimune M, Kamano M, Takamatsu K, et al: A randomized
randomized trial. J Hand Surg [Am] 29:815–824, 2004. comparison of locking and non-locking palmar plating for
6. Grewal R, Perey B, Wilmink M et al: A randomized prospec- unstable Colles’ fractures in the elderly. J Hand Surg [Br]
tive study on the treatment of intra-articular distal radius 30:499–503, 2005.
fractures: Open reduction and internal fixation with dorsal 21. Handoll HH, Madhok R, Howe TE: Rehabilitation for distal
plating versus mini open reduction, percutaneous fixation, radial fractures in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 3:
and external fixation. J Hand Surg [Am] 30:764–772, 2005. CD003324, 2006.
7. Kreder HJ, Hanel DP, Agel J, et al: Indirect reduction and 22. Knirk, JL, Jupiter JB: Intra-articular fractures of the distal end
percutaneous fixation versus open reduction and internal of the radius in young adults. J Bone Joint Surg Am 68:
fixation for displaced intra-articular fractures of the distal 647–659, 1986.
radius. J Bone Joint Surg Br 87:829–836, 2005. 23. Young CF, Nanu AM, Checketts RG: Seven-year outcome
8. McQueen MM: Redisplaced unstable fractures of the distal following Colles’ type distal radial fracture. A comparison of
radius: A randomized, prospective study of bridging versus two treatment methods. J Hand Surg [Br] 28:422–426, 2003.
non-bridging external fixation. J Bone Joint Surg Br 80: 24. Rozental TD, Beredjiklian PK, Bozentka DJ: Functional out-
665–669, 1998. come and complications following two types of dorsal plating
9. Atroshi I, Brogren E, Larsson G-U, et al: Wrist-bridging versus for unstable fractures of the distal part of the radius. J Bone
non-bridging external fixation for displaced distal radius frac- Joint Surg Am 85:1956–1960, 2003.
tures: A randomized assessor-blind clinical trial of 38 patients 24a.Goldfarb CA, Rudzki JR, Catalano LW, Hughes M, Borrelli J Jr.
followed for 1 year. Acta Orthop 77:445–453, 2006. Fifteen-year outcome of displaced intra-articular fractures of
10. Sanchez-Sotelo J, Munuera L, Madero R: Treatment of frac- the distal radius. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2006 Apr; 31(4):633–639.
tures of the distal radius with a remodellable bone cement: 25. Kamath AF, Zurakowski D, Day CS: Low-profile dorsal plating
A prospective randomized study using Norian SRS. J Bone for dorsally angulated distal radius fractures: An outcomes
Joint Surg Br 82:856–863, 2000. study. J Hand Surg [Am] 31:1061–1067, 2006.
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compared with conventional fixation in distal radial frac- complications after volar plating for dorsally displaced,
tures. J Bone Joint Surg Am 85:2127–2136, 2003. unstable fractures of the distal radius. J Hand Surg [Am]
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13. Egol KA, Paksima N, Puopolo S, et al: Treatment of external the radius. J Bone Joint Surg Am 86:1900–1908, 2004.
fixation pins about the wrist: A prospective, randomized trial.
J Bone Joint Surg Am 88:349–354, 2006.
Chapter What is Is the Best Treatment

JTreatment forM.Early

Osteoarthritis of the Wrist?



Garcia-Elias and colleagues3 reported on 21 patients
Although scaphotrapeziotrapezoid (STT) arthritis with a mean follow-up of 29 months. Patients were
may be associated with chronic scapholunate injury immobilized for 2 to 3 weeks in a short arm splint. The
and rotary subluxation of the scaphoid, it is also a preoperative visual analog scale (VAS) pain score was
relatively common site of focal arthritis, particularly 7.5, and the postoperative score was 0.6, with 13
in older women. The two most common surgical having no pain. Grip improved from 57% of the contra-
treatments for this problem are STT arthrodesis or lateral side preoperatively to 83% of the contralateral
distal scaphoid excision. side after surgery. Wrist flexion averaged 57 degrees
and wrist extension averaged 61 degrees. The radiolu-
nate angle increased from 9 degrees before surgery to
Evidence 17 degrees after surgery.

No randomized trials have compared STT arthrodesis

with distal scaphoid excision (Level I). No prospective
comparative studies (Level II) or retrospective com- RECOMMENDATIONS
parative studies (Level III) exist either. What is avail- In conclusion, a paucity of clinical data exists with
able to make a treatment decision is a collection of which to make informed treatment decisions for
case series with few patients in each. Most of the re- primary STT arthritis. There is some intuitive
ports on STT arthrodesis combine results from pa- attraction to the simplicity, low complication rate,
tients who had a fusion for scapholunate instability or and early return to function of a distal scaphoid
other problems with patients who had the fusion for excision. However, cause for concern also exists
primary STT arthritis. This amalgamation of reported with this procedure because the longer term
data also makes interpretation of outcome difficult. impact of an increased dorsal intercalated seg-
In his monumental review of 800 triscaphe fusions, ment instability carpal position that appears to
Dr. Watson1 does identify 98 patients whose arthrode- develop after distal scaphoid excision is unknown.
sis was for primary STT arthritis. The case series re- Therefore, for primary STT arthritis, we believe it
view states that 62% of the patients were examined in is not appropriate to make a recommendation for
the office and the others had data pulled from chart treatment. Surgeons must take into account their
reviews. The mean follow-up was 3.4 years. Patients experience base, the age of the patient, and other
were immobilized for 3 weeks in a long arm cast, fol- variables to decide on the best course of action.
lowed by 3 weeks in a short arm cast. Pain was graded
by the patients as mild, moderate, or severe. The flex-
ion extension arc was 85% and 80%, respectively, of the
contralateral side. Grip strength was 77% of the other SCAPHOLUNATE ADVANCED COLLAPSE AND SCAPHOID
side. The results with regard to pain were not broken NON-UNION ADVANCED COLLAPSE
out independently for STT arthritis versus other indi-
cations for STT fusion. The rate of nonunion across all Scapholunate advanced collapse (SLAC) wrist is the
indications for STT arthrodesis was only 4%. most common post-traumatic form of arthritis in the
In a review of eight patients with STT arthritis, wrist and follows a predictable progression of arthro-
Srinivasan and Matthews2 found four were pain free, sis. Scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC)
three had pain with certain activities, and one had wrist follows the same pattern of arthrosis, although
constant pain. The flexion extension arc averaged it is less common. As evidenced by the numerous
115 degrees compared with 124 degrees on the unin- treatments proposed for these forms of arthritis, the
jured side. One of the eight had a nonunion. Follow- best surgical option remains a source of considerable
up averaged 4 years. debate.
Only one case series describes results of distal The two most common surgical options for
scaphoid excision specifically for STT arthritis.3 chronic SLAC and SNAC wrist are either a proximal

What Is the Best Surgical Treatment for Early Degenerative Osteoarthritis of the Wrist? 85

row carpectomy (PRC) or a four-corner (Capitate– However, five of the patients with four-corner fusion
Lunate–Hamate–Triquetrum) fusion. Proponents of required revision surgery, whereas none of the pa-
PRC point to its technical simplicity, decreased time tients with PRC required revision.
for immobilization, and lack of nonunion risk. Pro- Tomaino and researchers’6 retrospective review
ponents of four-corner fusion highlight the mainte- examined 15 patients with PRC and 9 patients with
nance of physiologic carpal height and a congruent arthrodesis at an average of 5.5 years. Mean postopera-
radiolunate joint, which may theoretically allow a tive pain and grip scores were comparable. PRC pre-
more durable articulation. served a greater arc of motion, 77 versus 52 degrees for
arthrodesis. Three patients with PRC treatment were
unsatisfied, and one went on to a wrist fusion.
Evidence Krakauer and coauthors’ retrospective review7
compares results of mostly stage II PRC patients with
No randomized trials have compared PRC with a four- mostly stage III four-corner patients and is therefore
corner fusion (Level I). No prospective comparative not believed to be helpful in providing a valid com-
studies exist (Level II). Four retrospective comparative parison of the two procedures.
studies (Level III) have been reported, only one of
which has a methodology that would minimize patient
selection bias and the results of which might therefore RECOMMENDATIONS
be valid.4–7
The highest quality study, by Cohen and Kozin4 in Sufficient data are not available with which to
2001, retrospectively examined 2 cohorts of 19 patients make a recommendation of either a four-corner
at different institutions, which performed exclusively fusion or PRC for stage II SLAC or SNAC wrist.
either PRC or four-corner fusions. Importantly, there A multicenter, long-term, randomized trial would
were no preoperative differences with regard to age, clearly be helpful and most likely achievable. The
sex, stage of arthritis, or preoperative pain or function. fact that four-corner fusion has been used since
All patients were stage II, except one four-corner the 1980s and PRC for many years more, and that
patient who was stage III. The most significant limita- a Level III comparison is the best available in the
tion is that the follow-up averaged 19 months for the orthopedic literature are perhaps characteristic
PRC group and 28 months for the four-corner group. of the overall quality of the orthopedic literature.
Typically, these procedures are performed on patients This should be a wake-up call or a source of
with the hope of decades of postoperative functional- embarrassment for the orthopedic community,
ity, thus any conclusion based on 2 years of follow-up is or both.
limited. Nevertheless, it avoids the selection bias in In the absence of better clinical trial data, there
other comparative studies where patients had one or are some patient specific factors that may tip the
the other procedure based on surgeon preference. scales one way or the other. The lack of long-term
The authors found no statistical difference in range arthritic changes in a four-corner fusion and the
of motion, grip strength, pain relief, or patient satisfac- presence of some arthritic progression in a PRC
tion. A power analysis was not included in the study. perhaps because of noncongruent articulations,
The flexion-extension arc was 81 degrees in PRC and even if asymptomatic, may suggest a four-corner
80 degrees in four-corner fusion. Grip strength was fusion would be preferable for a young patient.
71% for PRC versus 79% for four-corner fusion. VAS That being said, the definition of what constitutes
pain scores at follow-up were 1.4 for PRC and 1.2 for a “young” patient is up for debate and should
four-corner fusion. Five of the PRC patients and four really be based on the patient’s physiologic rather
of the four-corner patients took nonsteroidal anti- than absolute chronologic age. On the other end
inflammatory drugs or analgesics for wrist pain at final of the spectrum, an older patient, lower demand
follow-up. Three patients in each group changed jobs patient, or smoker may be better suited for a PRC.
or retired because of wrist pain and function. In patients who have poor quality bone stock, a
One nonunion patient was in the arthrodesis cohort, PRC may be favored because of the fixation
which had a successful repeat arthrodesis. One patient requirements in a four-corner fusion.
with PRC had persistent pain and went on to a total
wrist fusion. Radiographic analysis of the arthrodesis
group demonstrated no evidence of progression of OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE DISTAL RADIOULNAR JOINT
arthritic changes at the radiolunate articulation.
Although three patients in the PRC group showed nar- Osteoarthritic changes at the distal radioulnar joint
rowing or sclerosis at the radiocapitate articulation, (DRUJ) are a challenging surgical dilemma. Our
these findings did not correlate with pain or function. understanding of the anatomy and biomechanics of
Wyrick and coworkers’5 retrospective review of 17 the joint and the related surgical options have
patients with four-corner and 10 patients with PRC increased substantially over the past two decades. In
treatment with a 27-month mean follow-up showed this analysis, we are focusing specifically on osteoar-
better grip strength, range of motion, and pain relief thritis of the DRUJ and not ulnocarpal impingement
with a PRC.5 There were three nonunions in the ar- or other causes of ulnar-sided wrist pain and arthro-
throdesis group, only one of which was symptomatic. sis. The most common surgical techniques have
86 Upper Extremity Topics

been complete distal resection (Darrach), hemire- tioned by telephone, 5 had no pain, 3 had mild pain,
section (with or without soft tissue interposition), 2 had moderate pain, and 1 had severe pain. Revi-
Sauve–Kapandji (SK), or prosthetic replacement. sions for radioulnar impingement were performed
on three patients.
Van Schoonhoven and coworkers10 evaluated 36
Evidence patients with matched hemiresection with interposi-
tion for post-traumatic osteoarthritis of the DRUJ
No randomized trials have compared the surgical with an average follow-up of 34 months. Preoperative
treatments for osteoarthritis of the DRUJ (Level I). pain scores measured 7.8, whereas postoperative
No prospective comparative studies exist (Level II). scores were 3.9. Grip strength improved from 40% to
One retrospective comparative study exists (Level 64% of the uninjured side. In 21 patients, radioulnar
III), which has serious methodologic flaws, as well as impingement was observed and required revision in
numerous case series (Level IV) with which to evalu- 5 patients.
ate these procedures. Lamey and Fernandez11 report on 18 patients with
Minami and colleagues8 retrospectively compare post-traumatic osteoarthritic changes of the DRUJ
the results of 20 Darrach resections with 25 SK and treated with a modified SK procedure. Follow-up aver-
16 hemiresections for DRUJ osteoarthritis. The aged 4 years. Supination improved dramatically from
follow-up was impressively a minimum of 5 years and 16 degrees before surgery to 76 degrees after surgery,
a mean of 8 of 11 years. The authors originally and pronation improved from 42 to 81 degrees. Grip
performed Darrach resections on all patients with strength went from 36% of the unaffected side to 73%
symptomatic DRUJ osteoarthritis. Later, they per- of the unaffected side. Fifteen patients reported no
formed SK procedures if the triangular fibrocartilage pain in the area of the DRUJ, and three reported mild
complex (TFCC) could not be reconstructed or there pain with rotation. Eleven patients had repeat opera-
was positive ulnar variance of greater than 5 mm. If tions, primarily for removal of hardware. The ulnar
the TFCC was intact or reconstructible, a hemiresec- stump was reported as stable in 16 patients.
tion with interposition (e.g., Bowers) was performed. The use of ulnar head prosthesis for salvage of failed
Unfortunately, the Darrach resection group was older distal ulnar resections has been reported. Results of
(68 versus 53 SK or 60 hemiresections), and 75% ulnar head prosthetics for salvage or primary indica-
were arthritic changes caused by prior distal radius tions has been promising. For example, Schecker and
trauma, whereas only about 25% of the SK and Severo12 reported on 23 patients, but with a mean
hemiresection group conditions were due to second- follow-up of only 15 months. All 23 patients were
ary osteoarthritis and 75% were due to primary or reported to be free of pain with a normal pronation/
idiopathic osteoarthritis. No ordinal preoperative supination arc. Eight of the 13 patients who were out of
pain scoring is available with which to compare post- work because of DRUJ disability returned to work.
operative pain results. These points make any com- Implant longevity, given the short follow-up of most of
parison of postoperative pain, grip, or range of mo- these case series on prosthetic options, continues to
tion questionable. Of note, 40% of patients who had be a concern.
undergone Darrach resections had no postoperative
pain, 20% had slight pain, 25% had moderate pain,
and 15% had severe pain. Grip strength decreased in RECOMMENDATIONS
65% of patients with a Darrach resection. Persistent pain or stump instability continues to
Watson and Gabuzda9 reviewed results from plague most proposed treatments for DRUJ arthri-
32 patients with matched hemiresection without in- tis. If the newer generation of ulnar head prosthetic
terposition for post-traumatic osteoarthritis of the replacements demonstrates durable results with
DRUJ. Two patients in the series had Madelung’s time, they may be a preferred solution for some
deformity, and three had previously undergone a patients. The data to support any of these pros-
Darrach procedure. Twenty-one were examined per- thetics in general or to support the preferential use
sonally and 11 by telephone. Follow-up averaged of one prosthesis over another certainly does not
51 months. Of the 21 patients examined, 6 experi- exist yet. Table 12–1 provides a summary of
enced residual pain at the DRUJ. Of the 11 ques- recommendations.

TABLE 12–1. Summary of Recommendations


STT arthritis I Insufficient evidence exists to allow a recommendation for or against STT arthrodesis versus distal
scaphoid excision for the treatment of primary STT arthritis.
SLAC/SNAC I Insufficient evidence exist to suggest a PRC or a four-corner arthrodesis as the preferable treatment
for stage II arthritic changes in a SLAC or SNAC wrist.
DRUJ arthritis I Insufficient evidence exists to suggest a preferred treatment for osteoarthritis of the DRUJ.

DRUJ, distal radioulnar joint; PRC, proximal row carpectomy; SLAC, scapholunate advanced collapse; SNAC, scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse; STT,
What Is the Best Surgical Treatment for Early Degenerative Osteoarthritis of the Wrist? 87

REFERENCES 7. Krakauer JD, Bishop AT, Cooney WP: Surgical treatment of

scapholunate advanced collapse. J Hand Surg [Am]
1. Watson KH, Wollstein R, Joseph E, et al: Scaphotrapeziotrape- 19:751–759, 1994.
zoid arthrodesis: A follow-up study. J Hand Surg [Am] 8. Minami A, Iwasaki N, Ishikawa J, et al: Treatments of osteoar-
28:397–404, 2003. thritis of the distal radioulnar joint: Long-term results of
2. Srinivasan VB, Matthews JP: Results of scaphotrapeziotrape- three procedures. Hand Surg 10:243–248, 2005.
ziod fusion for isolated idiopathic arthritis. J Hand Surg 9. Watson KW, Gabuzda GM: Matched distal ulna resection for
[Br] 21:378–380, 1996. posttraumatic disorders of the distal radioulnar joint. J Hand
3. Garcia-Elias M, Lluch AL, Farreres A, et al: Resection of the Surg [Am] 17:724–730, 1992.
distal scaphoid for scaphotrapeziotrapezoid osteoarthritis. 10. Van Schoonhoven J, Kall S, Schober F, et al: The Hemiresection-
J Hand Surg [Br] 24:448–452, 1999. interposition arthroplasty as a salvage procedure for the ar-
4. Cohen MS, Kozin SH: Degenerative arthritis of the wrist: Proxi- throtically destroyed distal radioulnar joint. Handchir
mal row carpectomy versus scaphoid excision and four-corner 35:175–180, 2003.
arthrodesis. J Hand Surg [Am] 26:94–104, 2001. 11. Lamey DM, Fernandez DL: Results of the modified Sauve-
5. Wyrick JD, Stern PJ, Kiefhaber TR: Motion-preserving proce- Kapandji procedure in the treatment of chronic posttrau-
dures in the treatment of scapholunate advanced collapse matic derangement of the distal radioulnar joint. J Bone
wrist: Proximal row carpectomy versus four-corner arthrodesis. Joint Surg Am 80:1758–1769, 1998.
J Hand Surg [Am] 20:965–970, 1995. 12. Schecker LR, Severo A: Ulnar shortening for the treatment of
6. Tomaino MW, Miller RJ, Cole I, Burton R: Scapholunate ad- early post-traumatic osteoarthritis at the distal radioulnar
vanced collapse wrist: Proximal row carpectomy or limited joint. J Hand Surg 26:41–44, 2001.
wrist arthrodesis with scaphoid excision. J Hand Surg [Am]
19:134–142, 199.
Chapter What is Is the Best Treatment for

JAcute Injuries

AND JOHN M.of the Scapholunate


The scapholunate (SL) ligament is the fibrous struc- with cartilage loss resulting in scapholunate ad-
ture that links the scaphoid and lunate bones of the vanced collapse (SLAC) wrist.1 The rationale for
wrist. It is composed of a thick and strong dorsal por- treatment of acute SL injuries is to prevent the pro-
tion, a more pliable anterior portion, and finally an gression to a SLAC wrist.
intervening membranous segment. It is the dorsal
portion that plays the most important role for carpal
Injury to the ligament usually occurs as a result of
a fall on an outstretched hand resulting in wrist hy- Acute injuries to the SL ligament are either predy-
perextension, ulnar deviation, and midcarpal supina- namic or dynamic. Predynamic injuries may not al-
tion. Although the ligament can be injured in isola- ways present acutely because the ligament is still
tion, and the diagnosis missed, it can also be injured intact and the time to diagnosis can be delayed. In
with fractures of the distal radius or scaphoid, which acute predynamic cases, treatment is directed to-
should raise clinical suspicion just as in perilunate ward giving the stretched ligaments time to heal. The
dislocations. options indicated in the literature for management
Diagnosis of scapholunate dissociation (SLD) can are either percutaneous fixation or arthroscopically
usually be made on physical and radiologic examina- guided fixation of the SL joint.
tions. Physical examination usually demonstrates Dynamic SL injuries can present a spectrum of in-
localized tenderness and a positive scaphoid shift jury patterns to the ligament and have a variety of
test. If there is a complete tear, radiologic findings treatment. The ligament injury can be midsubstance,
may include an increased SL joint space and a “ring” avulsed with or without bone. The quality of the liga-
sign where the scaphoid has an overlying ring or ment available for repair is also variable. The avail-
circle projection caused by its volar flexion defor- able options for treatment are closed reduction and
mity. Other tools that aid in the diagnosis are cinera- cast immobilization, open reduction internal fixation
diography, arthroscopy, and arthrography. and repair of the dorsal SL ligament, dorsal ra-
An acute injury to the SL ligament alters the link- dioscaphoid capsulodesis, and other forms of acute
age between the two bones resulting in a dissociative reconstruction.
carpal instability, also known as an SLD. This can
present clinically in a variety of stages depending on
the severity of the original injury and the delay to
clinical diagnosis. There is no consensus for the no- EVIDENCE
menclature for the various patterns of severity of SL Predynamic Injuries
injuries. Predynamic SLD is a partial injury where the
ligament remains intact. Symptoms arise from the For acute predynamic SL injuries, this is primarily a
associated increase motion, but there is no instabil- diagnosis based on findings at the time of arthros-
ity. Dynamic SLD is a complete disruption of the liga- copy, and consistent symptoms and physical exami-
ment when it is still repairable. No cartilage damage nation. No series in the literature have examined
exists, and secondary stabilizers are intact. No per- treatment of these patients conservatively either by
manent malalignment and demonstration of the ra- observation alone or by casting. The evidence for
diographic gap between the scaphoid exists, and the percutaneous fixation for these injuries is limited to
lunate may require special maneuvers. The third management review articles and book chapters.2–4
manifestation is static reducible SLD. Secondary sta- The evidence for arthroscopically guided fixation
bilizers have become deficient. The radiographic for acute incomplete injuries is also lacking. Studies
appearance is quite apparent, but the deformity can for chronic symptoms and arthroscopic management
still be reduced. Eventually, the insufficiency results of various types of wrist injuries have been reported;
in static fixed SLD where it cannot be reduced. Fi- however, there are no acute injury case series.5–8
nally, there is progression to degenerative arthritis Whipple9 reported a non–peer-reviewed article on

What Is the Best Treatment for Acute Injuries of the Scapholunate Ligament? 89

arthroscopically guided pin fixation in a series of alone because the ligament was only attenuated. Pa-
40 patients. In a subgroup of these 40 patients, with tients did well at an average 33-month follow-up with
less than a 3-mm gap and less than 3 months of symp- regard to grip strength, pain, and satisfaction. It is not
toms, 83% experienced symptom relief. However, the possible to determine the outcomes for the patients
size of this subgroup and the severity of SL injury are with acute injuries.
not identified, and neither is the time from injury. Wyrick and coworkers20 have reported on their
Hirsh and colleagues10 have reported on arthroscopic experience with 24 patients treated on average
electrothermal shrinkage for SL laxity in 10 patients, 3 months after injury (range, 3 days to 16 months).
of which there were 2 that were less than 6 weeks Follow-up was available for 17 patients at an average
after injury. The outcomes for these two patients are of 30 months; 13 had repair of the ligament and cap-
unclear. sulodesis, and 4 had only a ligament repair. No pa-
tient was pain free, and four required further surgery.
It is not possible to determine results in relation to
Dynamic Injuries time from injury.
In a study examining ligament repair and capsu-
Cast Immobilization. Two case reports of successful man- lodesis, Minami and coauthors21 report on 17 patients
agement of an SLD associated with a distal radius with wrist ligament injuries; however, only 6 had an
fracture (DRF) managed by closed reduction and cast- isolated SLD, and only 4 could be considered acute or
ing have been reported.11,12 However, Tang and co- subacute (15–45 days). These four patients did have
workers,13 in a series of 20 patients with DRF and SLD, reported good outcomes.
found at 1 year that 100% had clinical signs and posi- Other studies in the literature that examine out-
tive radiographs. Eight patients underwent surgery at comes of soft-tissue stabilization for chronic SLD,
1 year. Laulan and Bismuth,14 in a radiographic study similar to Lavernia and colleagues’19 study, have re-
of DRF in 29 patients with an SL injury treated by cast- ported favorable results using similar surgical tech-
ing alone, found at 1 year that progressive carpal col- niques.22–25 However, these do not include acute
lapse occurred in 61% of patients. management, and the spectrum of injury severity is
K-Wire Fixation. Treatment by temporary K-wire fixation variable. The different outcomes in the studies pro-
alone has been reported by Peicha and coauthors15 in mote a favorable outcome for patients.
11 patients. These all had concomitant intra-articular
DRF. The 11 patients had a spectrum of SL injuries in-
cluding 2 cartilage injuries, 7 partial ligament tears, OTHER TYPES OF RECONSTRUCTION
and 2 complete ligament tears. They had follow-up on
6 patients, but the results are not published in relation Other forms of reconstruction have been described
to the type of injury. The study was updated in 1999 for the chronic state; however, their use in acute
with a total of 12 patients. The number of cartilage in- repair is quite limited.26–28 A bone-retinaculum-bone
juries had changed to one, and there were two com- flap taken from the dorsal distal radius has been re-
plete and nine partial SL injuries. Seven patients were ported in 19 cases, 2 of which were acute injuries.23
available for follow-up. Results are not provided for the For these two patients at a minimum follow-up at
injury groups except for three scales where the com- 24 months, one had no pain and the other had pain
plete injuries score are worse. with heavy activity. Further specific results were
K-wire fixation for SLD has been reported in a se- unavailable.
ries of 27 cases.16 In this series, the recurrence SL A periosteal flap from the iliac crest has also been
instability was found in 15 cases. The authors did not used acutely. Lutz and colleagues28 describe its re-
recommend this treatment for all cases but rather construction in 11 cases at an average of 15 months
treatment to be tailored to severity of presentation. after trauma, 3 of which they describe as subacute,
Ligament Repair with or without Capsulodesis. Ligament repair less than 6 weeks.24 It is not possible to determine
in acute cases has been reported using a Mitek the specific results for the acute group. Six of 11 were
anchor.17 There were 12 cases; however, only 2 were rated excellent to good results.
isolated SLDs, with the other being more complex
perilunate injuries. It is not possible to determine the
outcome of these two patients.
Ligament repair has been reported in children. Alt RECOMMENDATIONS
and coauthors18 describe ligament repair in three
children at approximately 10 weeks. Successful, pain- Predynamic
free, full-function outcomes were reported at about No strong evidence exists in the literature for the
28 months after surgery. treatment of any kind in the predynamic injury
Many articles reference Lavernia and colleagues’19 subgroup of patients. There is also no clear un-
study. In this series of 24 cases, there were 24 patients derstanding of the natural history of this condi-
treated with records for 21. The average time from tion if left untreated. Therefore, no specific rec-
injury to surgery was 17 months, so most of these ommendation for treatment of patients diagnosed
records were not acute. Four had only a ligament re- with this specific injury currently can be offered.
pair, 14 repair and capsulodesis, and 3 a capsulodesis
90 Upper Extremity Topics

7. Weiss AP, Sachar K, Glowacki KA: Arthroscopic debridement

Dynamic alone for intercarpal ligament tears. J Hand Surg [Am] 22:
344–349, 1997.
For patients with dynamic injuries, it would 8. Earp BE, Waters PM, Wyzykowski RJ: Arthroscopic treatment
appear from my understanding of the natural of partial scapholunate ligament tears in children with
history of this condition that no treatment will chronic wrist pain. J Bone Joint Surg Am 88:2448–2455, 2006.
lead to progressive collapse over time, and this is 9. Whipple TL: The role of arthroscopy in the treatment of
scapholunate instability. Hand Clin 11:37–40, 1995.
unacceptable. The available case series indicate 10. Hirsh L, Sodha S, Bozentka D, et al: Arthroscopic electrother-
that cast immobilization alone does not alter the mal collagen shrinkage for symptomatic laxity of the scapho-
natural history. K-wire fixation series are limited, lunate interosseous ligament. J Hand Surg [Br] 30:643–647,
and this treatment does not appear to be of 2005.
11. King RJ: Scapholunate diastasis associated with a Barton
benefit because recurrence is more than likely. fracture treated by manipulation, or Terry-Thomas and the
The case series of more aggressive forms of wine waiter. J R Soc Med 76:421–423, 1983.
surgical intervention for acute SLD do not pro- 12. Bell MJ: Perilunar dislocation of the carpus and an associ-
vide a clear picture of the outcomes. The time to ated Colles’ fracture. Hand 15:262–266, 1983.
treatment, severity of injury, and the form of 13. Tang JB, Shi D, Gu YQ, Zhang QG: Can cast immobilization
successfully treat scapholunate dissociation associated with
intervention are all variable and make distal radius fractures? J Hand Surg [Am] 21:583–590, 1996.
interpretation difficult. However, it would appear 14. Laulan J, Bismuth JP: Intracarpal ligamentous lesions associ-
that, on average, patients who had some form of ated with fractures of the distal radius: Outcome at one year.
surgical reconstruction/repair, capsulodesis and A prospective study of 95 cases. Acta Orthop Belg 65:
418–423, 1999.
ligament repair being most common, were more 15. Peicha G, Seibert FJ, Fellinger M, et al: Lesions of the scaph-
likely to have a better outcome than cast olunate ligaments in acute wrist trauma—arthroscopic diag-
immobilization or K-wire fixation alone. No clear nosis and minimally invasive treatment. Knee Surg Sports
evidence supports one form of surgical repair/ Traumatol Arthrosc 5:176–183, 1997.
reconstruction. Therefore, for patients with acute 16. Schadel-Hopfner M, Bohringer G, Gotzen L: Results after mini-
mally invasive therapy of acute scapholunate dissociation.
dynamic injuries, the recommendation would be Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 32:333–338, 2000.
that they undergo repair/reconstruction. Table 17. Bickert B, Sauerbier M, Germann G: Scapholunate ligament
13–1 provides a summary of recommendations repair using the Mitek bone anchor. J Hand Surg [Br] 25:
for the treatment of SLD. 188–192, 2000.
18. Alt V, Gasnier J, Sicre G: Injuries of the scapholunate ligament
in children. J Ped Orthop 13:326–329, 2004.
19. Lavernia CJ, Cohen MS, Taleisnik J: Treatment of scapholu-
nate dissociation by ligamentous repair and capsulodesis. J
Hand Surg [Am] 17:354–359, 1992.
20. Wyrick JD, Youse BD, Kiefhaber TR: Scapholunate ligament
TABLE 13–1. Summary of Recommendations repair and capsulodesis for the treatment of static scapholu-
STATEMENT LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/GRADE nate dissociation. J Hand Surg [Br] 23:776–780, 1998.
OF RECOMMENDATION 21. Minami A, Kato H, Iwasaki N: Treatment of scapholunate dis-
sociation: Ligamentous repair associated with modified dor-
Adults with acute dynamic scaph- C sal capsulodesis. Hand Surg 8:1–6, 2003.
olunate dissociation should 22. Pomerance J: Outcome after repair of the scapholunate inter-
have ligament repair/reconstruc- osseous ligament and dorsal capsulodesis for dynamic
tion. There is no evidence to scapholunate instability due to trauma. J Hand Surg [Am]
support a specific technique of 31:1380–1386, 2006.
ligament repair/reconstruction. 23. Shih J-T, Lee H-M, Hou Y-T, et al: Dorsal capsulodesis and liga-
mentoplasty for chronic pre-dynamic and dynamic scapholu-
nate dissociation. Hand Surg 8:173–178, 2003.
24. Muermans S, De Smet L, Van Ransbeeck H: Blatt dorsal cap-
sulodesis for scapholunate instability. Acta Orthop Belg
REFERENCES 65:434–439, 1999.
25. Saffar P, Sokolow C, Duclos L: Soft tissue stabilization in the
1. Garcia-Elias M, Geissler WB: Carpal instability. In Green DP, management of chronic scapholunate instability without os-
Pederson WC, Hotchkiss RN, Wolfe SW (eds): Green’s Opera- teoarthritis. A 15-year series. Acta Orthop Belg 65:424–433,
tive Hand Surgery. Philadelphia, Elsevier Churchill Living- 1999.
stone, 2005, p 555. 26. Garcia-Elias M, Lluch AL, Stanley JK: Three-ligament tenode-
2. Linscheid RL: Scapholunate ligamentous instabilities (dissoci- sis for the treatment of scapholunate dissociation: Indica-
ations, subdislocations, dislocations). Ann Chir Main tions and surgical technique. J Hand Surg [Am] 31:125–134,
3:323–330, 1984. 2006.
3. O’Brien ET: Acute fractures and dislocations of the carpus. 27. Weiss AP: Scapholunate ligament reconstruction using a bone-
Orthop Clin North Am 15:237–258, 1984. retinaculum-bone autograft. J Hand Surg [Am] 23:205–215,
4. Taleisnik J: Scapholunate dissociation. In Strickland JW, 1998.
Steichen JB (eds): Difficult Problems in Hand Surgery. 28. Lutz M, Kralinger F, Goldhahn J, et al: Dorsal scapholunate
St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1982, pp 341–348. ligament reconstruction using a periosteal flap of the iliac
5. Ruch DS, Poehling GG: Arthroscopic management of partial crest. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 124:197–202, 2004.
scapholunate and lunotriquetral injuries of the wrist. J Hand
Surg [Am] 21:412–417, 1996.
6. Westkaemper JG, Mitsianis G, Giannakopoulas PN: Wrist
arthroscopy for the treatment of ligament and triangular
fibrocartilage complex injuries. Arthroscopy 14:479–483,
What Is the Best Method
of Rehabilitation after Flexor
Chapter Tendon Repair in Zone II: Passive
Mobilization or Early Active
14 Motion? What Is the Best Suture
Configuration for Repair of Flexor
Tendon Lacerations?

Restoration of satisfactory digital function after in the tendon, (2) secure suture knots, (3) smooth
flexor tendon laceration and repair continues to be juncture of tendon ends, (4) minimal gapping at the
one of the most difficult problems in hand surgery. repair site, (5) minimal interference with tendon vas-
Early efforts to improve the performance of flexor cularity, and (6) sufficient strength throughout heal-
tendon repairs are largely based on individual anec- ing to permit the application of early motion stress to
dotal experience, historical precedence, and clinical the tendon.2 To satisfy these characteristics and
experimentation with little or no scientific support. therefore permit earlier active tendon mobilization,
Methods to repair flexor tendons have undergone a various suture techniques have been described that
notable evolution since the 1950s. Early primary re- reportedly provide increased strength. Initial repair-
pair of flexor tendons in zone II, once called “no site strength is roughly proportional to the intrinsic
man’s land,” has replaced tendon grafting as the properties of the type of suture used, the number of
standard of care. Rehabilitation after repair of flexor suture strands traversing the repair site, and the
tendon injuries has also evolved from complete im- number of grasping loops incorporated into the re-
mobilization to early passive motion and now early pair. Currently, hand surgeons agree that flexor ten-
active motion. Nonetheless, the optimal treatment of don repairs should include a grasping or locking su-
a flexor tendon laceration in zone II remains an unre- ture within the tendon, the “core” suture, and a
solved challenge for hand surgeons to define.1 The continuous circumferential or “epitendinous” suture
basic tenet of current and historical investigative ef- around the laceration site (Level IV). Addition of an
forts has been to improve the strength of tendon re- epitendinous finishing suture has been shown to be
pair to allow for earlier motion, thereby preventing of benefit in providing added tensile strength and gap
adhesion formation. Recent studies have contributed resistance, as well as preventing triggering from un-
to a better understanding of the biology of flexor even suture lines (Level IV).
tendon injuries, improved methods of tendon repair,
a greater emphasis on flexor sheath and pulley man-
agement, and the development of early controlled CORE SUTURE CONFIGURATION
motion rehabilitation protocols leading to better
clinical results.2 The purpose of this chapter is to Early reports of active motion of tendons repaired
provide a concise review of Level I and II studies on with conventional two-strand repair documented
flexor tendon injury repair techniques and postop- rupture rates of up to 10%. Traditional two-strand
erative rehabilitation protocols. suture methods are not sufficiently strong to consis-
tently allow for early active digital motion. For this
reason, several multistrand tendon suture techniques
TENDON REPAIR CONSIDERATIONS have been described. These techniques include the
Kessler, Tajima, Savage, Lee, Tsuge, Tang, Sandow,
During early phases of tendon healing, repair site and cruciate repair of Wolfe.3–8 Recent in vitro stud-
strength is primarily dependent on the strength of the ies have evaluated the biomechanical properties of
suture repair method. Strickland2 describes six prin- various suture methods for flexor tendon repair
ciples of an ideal repair: (1) easy placement of sutures in the canine model. Increased ultimate strength of

92 Upper Extremity Topics

repair was reported for the multistrand and multiple- TABLE 14–1. Forces That Occur in Finger Flexor Tendons
grasping methods of Lee (38 N), Savage (53 N), and
an eight-strand technique.9 In vivo analysis demon- TYPE KILOGRAMS FORCE NEWTONS
strated significant increases in strength for multi-
strand repair methods compared with traditional Passive mobilization of wrist 0.6 5.9
Passive mobilization of fingers 0.9 8.9
two-strand repairs at both 3 and 6 weeks in canine Unresisted active mobilization 0.4 3.9
models. Reported ultimate strength values for an of wrist
eight-strand repair was 52.6 and 70.9 N at 3 and Unresisted active mobilization 3.5 34.4
6 weeks, respectively.10 Ex vivo and in vivo studies in of fingers
Grasp (flexor digitorum 6.4 62.9
human and canine models suggest that core suture profundus)
configurations with the greatest tensile strength are Tip pinch 12.0 117.5
those in which there are multiple sites of tendon su-
ture interaction. The addition of a circumferential Data from Schuind F, Garcia-Elias M, Cooney WP 3rd, An KN: Flexor tendon
forces: In vivo measurements. J Hand Surg [Am] 17:291–298, 1992.
suture may increase the strength of core repairs by
10% to 50%, reduce gapping between tendon ends,
and smooth the repair site.11 Other variables shown
to have a positive effect on the repair strength in- Urbaniak and coauthors19 report an average tension in
clude a dorsovolar location of the core suture, add- a human profundus tendon to be 14.7 N and found that
ing locking or grasping stitches, and increasing the tensile strength of tendon repairs decreases to ap-
cross-sectional area of tendon that is grasped or proximately one fifth of its initial strength at 1 week.
locked by the redirecting loop of suture.12 Ex vivo Taking into account increased resistance from edema
human model studies have demonstrated that greater after surgery and a decrease in suture strength during
strength is achieved with more dorsal rather than the initial weeks after repair, Urbaniak and coauthors19
volar placement of the core suture within the ten- and Savage20 therefore suggest that initial repair
don.13–15 Positioning the redirecting loop of the core strength equal or exceed five times the average ten-
suture to “lock” rather than “grasp” the tendon sion, 73.5 N, to withstand gentle or moderate active
stumps and increasing the number of suture locks or finger motion. To this end, numerous published inves-
grasps further provides greater tensile strength of tigations base treatment recommendations on Urba-
the repair site.16,17 niak19 and Schuind’s18 reported in vivo force values.
Schuind and colleagues18 report forces across flexor Tang and coworkers21 demonstrate in a human ca-
tendons of 0.9 kilogram force (kgf; 8.9 N) and 3.5 kgf daver study that four newly developed suture meth-
(34.4 N) for passive and active digital motion, respec- ods (Fig. 14–1), the Tang, Silfverskiöld, Robertson,
tively, in an in vivo study of patients undergoing carpal and cruciate, were biomechanically superior to the
tunnel surgery (Table 14–1). These values increased modified Kessler suture method when subjected to
significantly to 12 kgf (117.5 N) with fingertip pinch. mechanical loads using the Instron tensile machine.

Tang Cruciate

Robertson Running

FIGURE 14-1. Schematic illustra-

tion of tendon suture techniques.
(Adapted from Tang JB, Gu YT,
Rice K, et al: Evaluation of four
methods of flexor tendon repair
for postoperative active mobiliza-
tion. Plast Reconstr Surg 107:
Modified kessler Cross-stitch 742–749, 2001, by permission.)
Flexor Tendon Repair and Rehabilitation in Zone II 93

TABLE 14–2. Gap Formation Force, Ultimate Strength, and Energy to Failure of Repaired Tendons
(Mean ± Standard Deviation)

Tang 43.0 ± 3.5 53.6 ± 4.7 5.0 ± 0.4 0.30 ± 0.06

Cruciate 37.4 ± 3.8 46.3 ± 3.8 4.5 ± 0.3 0.26 ± 0.04
Robertson 25.0 ± 2.8 41.6 ± 3.9 3.1 ± 0.3 0.16 ± 0.03
Silfverskiöld 32.3 ± 4.7 41.0 ± 3.8 3.8 ± 0.3 0.19 ± 0.03
Kessler 21.2 ± 4.0 24.7 ± 3.0 3.1 ± 0.3 0.90 ± 0.02

Data from Tang JB, Gu YT, Rice K, et al: Evaluation of four methods of flexor tendon repair for postoperative ac-
tive mobilization. Plast Reconstr Surg 107:742–749, 2001.

The Tang method possessed the greatest ultimate Savage and the Tang or Lim methods. Tendons re-
strength (53.6 N), 2-mm gap formation force (43.0 N), paired with the modified Savage method failed pre-
energy to failure, and capacity to resist tendon defor- dominantly by suture breakage, which suggests that
mation among the five tested techniques. The cruci- this repair may be strengthened by a larger caliber
ate method showed statistically higher tensile suture, whereas tendons repaired with the Tang and
strength and energy to failure compared with the Lim methods failed mostly by suture pullout. The
Robertson, Silfverskiöld, and modified Kessler meth- results of this study demonstrate that repair strength
ods. The gap formation force, ultimate strength, elas- significantly varies with different configurations of
tic modulus, and energy to failure were lowest for the six-strand repairs, and that location, number of lock-
modified Kessler method (Table 14–2). ing junctions, and orientation of core sutures play an
Labana and investigators22 similarly evaluated the important role in repair strength despite an equal
biomechanical properties of three types of repairs— number of strands crossing the repair site.
the standard Kessler–Tajima, double-loop (four- Although in vitro studies can provide basic bio-
strand) modified Tsuge, and triple-loop (six-strand) mechanical data concerning specific repair tech-
modified Tsuge—in a human cadaver study. After niques, it is impossible to reproduce in vitro the in
subjecting the various repairs to mechanical testing vivo physiologic environment in which repaired hu-
using the Instron machine, the authors showed that man tendons heal. The weakness of in vitro studies
the six-strand Tsuge suture was significantly stron- is that actual healing does not take place, and me-
ger than both repairs, and that the four-strand Tsuge chanical testing in tendons without prior trauma
was significantly stronger than the Kessler–Tajima may not accurately account for increases in work of
suture in terms of force to failure and initial gapping. flexion from postsurgical edema, stiffness, and ad-
Supramid 4–0 was used for core stitches in the modi- hesion formation. Until recently, most in vitro stud-
fied Tsuge repairs and braided 4–0 nylon in the ies used a simple linear testing model to evaluate
Kessler–Tajima repairs. 6–0 Prolene was used for tensile strength in terms of extra-anatomic longitu-
epitenon repair in all cases. Labana and investiga- dinally applied loads. Komanduri and colleagues14
tors22 conclude that an ultimate tensile strength of 64 propose using a dynamic “curvilinear” human ca-
N for the six-strand modified Tsuge repair and 48 N daver model to test the strength of tendon repairs
for the four-strand modified Tsuge repair exceeds to more accurately simulate repair strength in vivo
the forces measured by Schuind and colleagues18 and account for biomechanical factors such as an-
and, therefore, should withstand early range-of- gulation at the repair site, differential loading, and
motion rehabilitation protocols (Table 14–3). frictional interference.
Xie and researchers23 compared the biomechani- Komanduri and colleagues14 show that dorsal ten-
cal properties of three six-strand tendon repair tech- don repairs using Kessler or Bunnell core suture
niques with different configurations of core sutures:
the modified Savage (Sandow’s method), Tang, and
TABLE 14–3. Mean Force at Failure and Force to Initial Gapping
Lim (Fig. 14–2; Table 14–4). 4–0 Ethilon was used in
for Three Repairs
the modified Savage repairs and 4–0 Supramid in the
Tang and Lim repairs in addition to a 6–0 Ethilon run- REPAIR TYPE MEAN ULTIMATE FORCE MEAN INITIAL GAPPING
ning peripheral suture in all cases. Statistically, ulti- TO FAILURE (SD), N (SD), N
mate strength of the modified Savage (57.8 N) and
Kessler–Tajima 31.8 (8.8) 29.6 (9.2)
Tang (60.2 N) methods were similar and significantly Four-strand Tsuge 48.4 (10.7) 40.7 (12.3)
higher than that of the Lim method (51.3 N). Gap Six-strand Tsuge 64.2 (11.0) 56.1 (9.7)
formation force was also greater in the Tang method
compared with the modified Savage and Lim meth- SD, standard deviation.
Data from Labana N, Messer T, Lautenschlager E, et al: A biomechanical
ods. In addition, results indicate a significant differ- analysis of the modified Tsuge suture technique for repair of flexor tendon
ence between mode of failure between the modified lacerations. J Hand Surg [Br] 26:297–300, 2001.
94 Upper Extremity Topics


FIGURE 14–2. Schematic illustration of the configurations of tendon sutures and cross-sectional location of the strands
in (A) modified Savage (Sandow), (B) Tang, and (C) Lim methods. (Adapted from Xie RG, Zhang S, Tang JB, Chen F:
Biomechanical studies of 3 different 6-strand flexor tendon repair techniques. J Hand Surg [Am] 27:621–627, 2002,
with permission of Elsevier.)

techniques were stronger than the standard volar re- 6–0 nylon for epitenon repair. Stein and colleagues15
pair.14 Suture material was limited to 4–0 nylon core demonstrate statistically significant increases in dor-
sutures and 6–0 nylon circumferential sutures. In all sal versus volar grasping strength with Kessler and
cases with and without epitenon repair, dorsally Robertson repairs. No differences were found with
placed sutures provided significantly more tensile the locking Strickland and modified Becker repairs.
strength than palmarly placed sutures (Table 14–5). The four-strand techniques (Robertson and modified
Historically, concern has existed that crossing or Becker) were also significantly stronger than the
cruciate sutures may not be as desirable as linear two-strand techniques (Kessler and Strickland).
suture techniques because they may interfere with Wasserman and coworkers24 further demonstrated
the blood supply of the tendon. In addition, the the modified Becker repair to be significantly stron-
blood supply to the tendon is located in the dorsal ger and tougher than the modified Kessler repair
portion of the tendon, which happens to be the whereas allowing equally efficient glide in a dynamic
stronger part of the tendon to anchor sutures. Be- human cadaveric model (Table 14–6).
cause tendon nutrition is predominantly synovial, Based on in vivo clinical and experimental studies
the effect compromising the blood supply by suture in canine and human models, four-strand (or higher)
is theoretical and has not been evaluated experimen- core suture techniques supplemented by a running
tally or clinically. Expanding on Komanduri’s work epitendinous suture are recommended to achieve
and using the same curvilinear model, Stein and col- sufficient repair-site tensile strength to allow for
leagues15 tested newer suture techniques: the Strick- postoperative passive motion rehabilitation without
land, Robertson, and modified Becker. All core significant risk for gap formation at the repair site.
sutures were performed with 4–0 Ethibond and Other variables shown that increase the tensile
strength of the repair site include more dorsal place-
ment of the core suture and increased number of
TABLE 14–4. Characteristics in Locking Junctions with the locks or grasps.
Tendon and Orientations of Core Sutures in Three Six-Strand
Repair Techniques
CHARACTERISTICS TANG LIM MODIFIED SAVAGE SAVAGE* Choice of suture material is an important factor in
flexor tendon repair, which is reflected in efforts to
Locking Junctions
determine the best tendon suture material. Few stud-
Total number of 6 4 6 12
locking loops
ies have investigated the range of suture materials
Strands related to 2 2 or 4 2 2 available to the surgeon.25 Monofilament stainless
each loop steel sutures have the greatest tensile strength but
Locking loops in 1 1 1 2 are difficult to use, tend to pull through the tendon,
each strand† and may weaken by kinking.26 The rate of material
Orientation of Strands‡ absorption and strength reduction of absorbable su-
Longitudinal 6 4 0 0 tures in tendon repair often preclude their use in
Oblique 0 2 6 6 clinical settings.27,28 Most surgeons use nonresorb-
Transverse 0 0 0 0
able 3–0 or 4–0 braided polyester sutures because
Relation of Strands to Tensile Loads
they have been found to be nearly as strong as stain-
Parallel to tension 6 4 0 0 less steel in comparable sizes and have much easier
Angular to tension 0 2 6 6
handling properties.19
*Savage method is listed here for comparison. Hatanaka and Manske29 demonstrated a strength

Indicates number of locking in each tendon stump. advantage of larger core sutures in a linear distrac-

Orientation listed is in respect to the longitudinal axis of the tendon.
Data from Xie RG, Zhang S, Tang JB, Chen F: Biomechanical studies of 3
tion model. Taras and investigators30 similarly
different 6-strand flexor tendon repair techniques. J Hand Surg [Am] showed that larger caliber sutures significantly in-
27:621–627, 2002. crease repair strength. In a cadaveric study using an
Flexor Tendon Repair and Rehabilitation in Zone II 95

TABLE 14–5. Tensile Strength Data


Bunnell 11.790 # 0.690 21.310 # 1.300* 21.280 # 3.740*

Kessler 15.090 # 0.850 23.940 # 1.380* 16.980 # 0.310
Kessler epitenon 17.860 # 1.980 30.120 # 1.510* 21.570 # 1.440*
Epitenon Circumferential suture 5.790 # 1.760 Not done

*Statistically significant.
SEM, standard error of the mean.
Data from Komanduri M, Phillips CS, Mass DP: Tensile strength of flexor tendon repairs in a dynamic
cadaver model. J Hand Surg [Am] 21:605–611, 1996.

TABLE 14–6. Mean Strength, Toughness, and Efficiency of Glide of Two Repairs

Mean strength of repair (newtons ± SEM) 79 ± 3 64 ± 4 !0.01

as defined by peak load sustained
before rupture
Mean toughness of repairs (joules ± SEM) 0.092 ± 0.002 0.078 ± 0.003 !0.01
as defined by energy absorbed to
rupture (integral of force
displacement curve)
Mean efficiency of glide (percentage ± SEM) 32 ± 6 33 ± 4 "0.9
as defined by intact tendon work to “full
fist” divided by repaired tendon work to
“full fist”

SEM, standard error of the mean.

Data from Wassermann RJ, Howard R, Markee B, et al: Optimization of the MGH repair using an algorithm for
tenorrhaphy evaluation. Plast Reconstr Surg 99:1688–1694, 1997.

anatomic curvilinear model, Alavanja and coau- flexor tendon surgery because of difficulty with han-
thors31 compared the mechanical properties of a dling and knot-tying. Su and coworkers32 compared
four-strand locked cruciate repair technique using the biomechanical characteristics of the single-
2–0, 3–0, and 4–0 braided polyester sutures. This strand multifilament stainless-steel Teno Fix device
study demonstrates that increasing suture caliber (Ortheon Medical, Columbus, OH) designed for
from 4–0 to 2–0 significantly increases maximum ten- flexor tendon repair with a four-strand locked cruci-
sile strength but also results in an increased work of ate (3–0 or 4–0 braided polyester) suture repair using
flexion and gliding resistance that may preclude its a linear model (Table 14–8). The Teno Fix is a knot-
use in the clinical setting (Table 14–7). Gapping was less anchoring device composed of two intratendi-
not affected by suture caliber, and no significant dif- nous stainless steel anchors that adjoins transected
ference between 3–0 or 4–0 braided polyester su- tendon ends with a single multifilament 2–0 stainless-
tures was shown in terms of strength or gliding func- steel suture (Fig. 14–3).33 The device was developed
tion. Repairs using 3–0 and 4–0 sutures in this study to take advantage of stainless-steel suture strength
provided sufficient mechanical strength to withstand whereas avoiding difficulties with handling and knot-
unrestricted finger flexion according to Schuind18 tying. The 2-mm gapping force was significantly
and Urbaniak.19 greater for the Teno Fix and 3–0 repairs compared
Stainless-steel sutures have been shown to have with 4–0 repairs. No statistically significant differ-
increased tensile strength but are not widely used in ence in peak force or energy absorbed at peak force

TABLE 14–7. Maximum Tensile Load and Mean Change of Work of Flexion
2–0 3–0 4–0

Maximum tensile load 80 ± 12 N 74 ± 18 N 66 ± 12 N

Mean change of work of flexion 1.83 2.04 1.86

Data from Alavanja G, Dailey E, Mass DP: Repair of zone II flexor digitorum profundus lacerations using varying
suture sizes: A comparative biomechanical study. J Hand Surg [Am] 30:448–454, 2005.
96 Upper Extremity Topics

TABLE 14–8. Review of In Vitro Studies on Gapping and Ultimate Strength of Repair Techniques

Modified Kessler Stein et al.15 4–0 braided polyester, 28.9 N 23.6 N (2 mm)
(two-strand) 6–0 nylon epitendinous
McLarney et al. 6
4–0 braided polyester, 28 N 22 N (2 mm)
6–0 polypropylene epitendinous
Tang et al.21 3–0 nylon, 5–0 nylon epitendinous 28.2 N 23.4 N (2 mm)
Modified Becker (four- strand) Stein et al.15 4–0 braided polyester, 40.7 N 48.8 N (2 mm)
6–0 nylon epitendinous
Cruciate McLarney et al.6 4–0 braided polyester, 56 N 44 N (2 mm)
(four-strand) 6–0 polypropylene epitendinous
Tang et al.21 3–0 nylon, 5–0 nylon epitendinous 46.3 N 37.4 N (2 mm)
Su et al.32 4–0 braided polyester, 70 N 46.5 N (2 mm)
5–0 polypropylene epitendinous
3–0 braided polyester, 73.8 N 53.8 N (2 mm)
5–0 polypropylene epitendinous
Alavanja et al. 31
4–0 braided polyester, 66 N Not reported
6–0 Dermalon epitendinous
3–0 braided polyester, 74 N Not reported
6–0 Dermalon epitendinous
2–0 braided polyester, 80 N Not reported
6–0 Dermalon epitendinous
Savage Savage20 4–0 braided polyester, 67.2 N 58.9 N (2.7 mm)
(six-strand) no epitendinous
Sandow (six-strand) Xie et al. 23
4–0 Ethilon, 6–0 Ethilon 57.8 N 37.4 N (2 mm)
Tang Tang et al.21 3 $ 4–0 looped nylon, 6–0 nylon 53.6 N 43 N (2 mm)
(six-strand) epitendinous
Xie et al. 23
4–0 Supramid, 6–0 Ethilon 60.2 N 44.5 (2 mm)
Teno fix Su et al.34 5–0 polypropylene epitendinous 66.7 N 54.5 N (2 mm)

Data from Su BW, Solomons M, Barrow A, et al: A device for zone-II flexor tendon repair. Surgical technique. J Bone Joint Surg Am 88(Suppl 1 pt 1):37–49,

was found among the three different repair tech- None of the Teno Fix repairs ruptured compared with
niques. This study also confirmed that addition of a 18% (9/51) of tendons repaired with the cruciate
circumferential epitendinous suture using 5–0 mono- technique. Five of the nine ruptures were attributed
filament polypropylene to the Teno Fix repair in- to resistive motion against medical advice in non-
creased the 2-mm gapping force by 40% and peak compliant patients. No differences were reported
force by 48%. To further evaluate the clinical effec- between the two groups for range of motion, DASH
tiveness of the Teno Fix, Su and coworkers34 con- (disability of the arm, shoulder, and hand) score,
ducted a blinded, randomized clinical trial compar- pinch and grip strength, pain, or swelling. The au-
ing its use with four-strand cruciate repairs using a thors conclude that the Teno Fix is safe and effective
single 4–0 or 3–0 polypropylene suture (depending for flexor tendon repair if tendon size and exposure
on tendon size) with 6–0 nylon epitendinous repair.34 are sufficient.

Distal Proximal
Stop Anchor-coil 2–0 multifilament An adjunct to the mechanical approach of strong su-
bead complex stainless steel suture
ture techniques is to minimize adhesion formation by
various mechanical and pharmacologic agents includ-
5 mm 0.3 mm ing laser therapy, cytotoxics such as 5-fluorouracil,
2.2 mm
hyaluronidase (a lubricant), and most recently, Adcon-
10 mm 10 mm T/N (Gliatech Inc., Cleveland, OH). Adcon is a biore-
sorbable gel composed of porcine gelatin and proteo-
glycan ester in phosphate-buffered saline that is
applied directly before wound closure. The effective-
FIGURE 14–3. Schematic diagram of the Teno Fix device.
(From Su BW, Solomons M, Barrow A, et al: ness of Adcon as a physical barrier has been shown in
A device for zone-II flexor tendon repair. Surgical animal studies for surgery on tendons and nerves.
technique. J Bone Joint Surg Am 88(suppl 1 pt 1):37–49, Several prospective, randomized, clinical trials have
2006. Reprinted with permission from the Journal of Bone been published on the use of Adcon in flexor tendon
and Joint Surgery.) repairs.
Flexor Tendon Repair and Rehabilitation in Zone II 97

Mentzel and researchers35 compared the functional plied to flexor tendon repairs are beneficial in provid-
results 12 weeks after flexor tendon repair surgery ing more rapid recovery of tensile strength, fewer
with and without the use of Adcon-T/N. No significant adhesions, improved tendon excursion, and minimal
difference was found with regard to total active mo- repair-site deformation in canine models.38 Gelber-
tion and total extension lag between treated and un- man and coworkers38 demonstrate an increase in
treated patients. Golash and investigators36 also tendon strength with passive motion at 12 weeks to
showed in a prospective, double-blinded, random- within 50% of control, whereas a tendon completely
ized, controlled, clinical trial that Adcon-T/N had no immobilized had a strength equivalent to 20% of con-
statistically significant effect on total active motion at trol. Tendon motion studies also show that immobili-
3, 6, and 12 months. However, the time taken to zation results in 20% of normal excursion, whereas
achieve final range of motion was significantly shorter immediate mobilization produces up to 95% of nor-
in treated patients (10 vs. 14 weeks; P % 0.02). The mal tendon gliding. Motion clearly provides a stimu-
authors suggest that Adcon-T/N may therefore limit lus for tendon healing.
adhesion formation in the early stages of healing. Lister and colleagues39 were among the first to
Greater rates of late rupture were observed in patients report remarkable clinical results using active
treated with Adcon-T/N (33% compared with 20% at a extension-passive flexion mobilization with the aid
mean of 4 weeks compared with 2 weeks; P % 0.016), of a dynamic traction splint (Level IV). Two basic
resulting in early conclusion of the study because of passive motion programs serve as the basis for
potential inhibitory effects of Adcon-T/N on tendon other passive motion protocols: the Kleinert method
healing. In a similar double-blind, randomized, clinical and the Duran method40 (Level IV). An effective post-
study, Liew and coauthors37 report a rupture rate operative program requires full range of passive
of 25% in patients with tendon repairs treated with flexion of both the distal and proximal interphalan-
Adcon-T/N at an average of 33 days compared with a geal joints. Both the Kleinert and Duran methods
control group rupture rate of 26% at an average of 23 accomplish this goal when performed properly.
days. At 6-month follow-up examination, patients in Tables 14–9 and 14–10 outline the basic Kleinert and
the group treated with Adcon-T/N regained signifi- Duran protocols, respectively, that have been
cantly more motion at the proximal interphalangeal adapted and modified by hand surgeons.41
joint (87% vs. 68%; P % 0.005), but not distal interpha- The timing, duration, and progression of rehabili-
langeal joint motion, hand grip, or pinch strength. tation, as well as optimal frequency of finger motion
Based on these results from early clinical studies, the after flexor tendon repair, also have not been clearly
benefit of using Adcon, as well as other mechanical established. Rehabilitation can begin anytime within
barriers, in flexor tendon repairs remains unproven 1 week after repair. Many surgeons report initiation
and, therefore, has not gained acceptance in clinical of rehabilitation as immediate or starting the day af-
practice (grade B). ter surgery. In a randomized clinical study, Adolfsson
and researchers42 investigated the effect of a short-
ened postoperative mobilization program after flexor
POSTOPERATIVE REHABILITATION tendon repair. All tendons were repaired with a
modified 4–0 Maxon Kessler suture and running cir-
Postoperative rehabilitation protocols have evolved cumferential 6–0 Prolene suture. Patients were im-
alongside advancement in flexor tendon repair tech- mobilized in a dorsal plaster splint with the wrist in
niques. Rehabilitation after flexor tendon repair must 30 degrees and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints in
achieve a balance between protection of the repair 70 degrees of flexion. During the first 4 weeks, a pas-
from disrupting forces and prevention of adhesions. sive flexion-active extension protocol described by
Studies have shown that early controlled forces ap- Karlander42a was instituted followed by active flexion

TABLE 14–9. Kleinert Program

0–3 DAYS 0–4 WEEKS 4–6 WEEKS 6–8 WEEKS

• Dorsal protective splint applied • Hourly active extension to • Dorsal protective splint discontinued, • Progressive
with wrist and MCP joints in limits of splints, followed sometimes replaced with wrist cuff resistive
flexion and IP joints in full by flexion with elastic and elastic traction exercises
extension; elastic traction from traction only • Night protective splint to prevent begin
fingernail, through palmar • Wound and scar management flexion contracture
pulley, to volar forearm and education • Active wrist and gentle active fisting
• Velcro strap to allow night initiated unless signs of minimal
release of elastic traction, adhesions
splinting IPs in full extension • At 6 weeks, blocking exercises begin

IP, proximal interphalangeal; MCP, metacarpophalangeal.

Data from Vucekovich K, Gallardo G, Fiala K: Rehabilitation after flexor tendon repair, reconstruction, and tenolysis. Hand Clin 21:257–265, 2005.
98 Upper Extremity Topics

TABLE 14–10. Duran Program

0–3 DAYS 0–4.5 WEEKS 4.4–5.5 WEEKS 5.5 WEEKS 7.5 WEEKS

• Dorsal protective • Hourly exercises within • Splint replaced by • Wrist cuff • Light resistive
splint applied with the splint wrist cuff with elastic discontinued exercises with putty
wrist in 20-degree • 10 repetitions with PIP flexion traction from • Blocking and fisting • Splinting to correct
flexion, MCP joints in and MCP flexion fingernail to cuff exercises initiated any joint or extrinsic
!50-degree flexion, • 10 repetitions passive • Continue active flexor tightness
IP joints full extension PIP extension with MCP extension/passive
and DIP joint flexion flexion

DIP, distal interphalangeal; IP, interphalangeal; MCP, metacarpophalangeal; PIP, proximal interphalangeal.
Data from Vucekovich K, Gallardo G, Fiala K: Rehabilitation after flexor tendon repair, reconstruction, and tenolysis. Hand Clin 21:257–265, 2005.

and extension without load for an additional 2 weeks. RECOMMENDATIONS

After the 6th week, patients were randomized to re-
ceive gradually increasing load and unrestricted ac- Based on the summary recommendations of
tivity at either 8 or 10 weeks. No significant dif- evidence (Table 14–12), we recommend a four-
ferences were observed between the two groups in strand (or higher) core repair supplemented by
terms of functional results (Louisville, Tsuge, and a running epitendinous suture. We prefer a 3–0
Buck–Gramko), rupture rates, grip strength, or sub- (or 4–0 in smaller tendons) braided polyester
jective assessments at 6 months. The authors con- core suture with Teflon coating and a 6–0 running
clude that a postoperative mobilization program af- Nylon epitendinous suture. We use a modified
ter flexor tendon repair in zone II of the hand can be Savage technique as described by Sandow and
reduced to 8 weeks using the described regimen McMahon49 for repair of flexor tendons. The lat-
without significantly increasing risk for rupture or est modification uses a four-strand, single cross
poorer functional results. core suture reinforced with a cross-stitch epiten-
In a prospective, randomized, clinical study, dinous suture (Fig. 14–4).50,51 This repair method
Gelberman and coworkers43 compared a traditional is technically easier and possesses gapping and
early passive motion protocol with a continuous pas- strength characteristics as the original Savage
sive motion protocol. All tendons were repaired with technique strong enough to allow protected early
a Kessler 4–0 braided suture and 6–0 nylon epitenon active motion. After surgery, we recommend a
suture. After surgery, dorsal plaster splints were modified Duran passive motion and place and
applied with the wrist in 30-degree flexion, and MCP hold rehabilitation protocol (Table 14–13).
joints in 70-degree flexion. Patients were randomized
into two treatments groups: (1) passive-motion reha-
bilitation using a continuous motion device for the
first 4 weeks followed by combination active-motion
rehabilitation alternating with continuous motion for May, and others have also introduced protocols that
a mean interval of 75 hours/week, and (2) controlled incorporate early active motion exercises (performed
intermittent passive motion for the first 4 weeks fol- only under therapy super vision for the first few
lowed by alternating active-motion and controlled- weeks) whereas using a Kleinert-type dorsal blocking
passive motion for a mean interval of controlled pas- splint.46
sive motion of 4 hours/week. Range of motion, both Despite the various active and passive motion
total active and mean active motion, as measured by protocols described in the literature, the optimal
the Strickland and Glogovac criteria showed a statis- rehabilitation program after flexor tendon repair is
tically significant difference between groups in favor yet to be determined. Kneafsey et al47 reports no
of continuous motion. significant differences between controlled passive
More recently, early active motion protocols have flexion with active extension (modified Kleinert) and
been developed in response to experimental and controlled passive mobilization (modified Duran) in
clinical studies that demonstrate beneficial effects of terms of active range of motion, power grip, pinch
early active motion. Early controlled active mobiliza- grip, and maximum finger pressure. In a Cochrane
tion after flexor tendon repair may actually improve review, Thien and coworkers48 conclude that there is
differential gliding between the flexor digitorum pro- insufficient evidence from randomized, controlled
fundus (FDP) and flexor digitorum superficialis FDS clinical trials to define the best mobilization strategy
tendons, and therefore reduce finger flexion contrac- after flexor tendon repair.48 The authors suggest that
tures.44 Strickland introduced an early active motion rehabilitation protocols using some early active mo-
protocol for a four-strand repair with an epitendi- bilization should be used with multiple strand su-
nous suture (Table 14–11).45 Evans, Silfverskiöld, ture methods in compliant patients.
TABLE 14–11. Strickland (Indiana Hand Center) Early Active Motion Program

• Dorsal blocking splint with • Duran passive motion • Dorsal blocking splint • Active IP flexion with • Blocking exercises • Progressive • Unrestricted
wrist in 20-degree flexion, performed 15 times removed during exercise but MCP extension begin if active tip resistive use of hand
MCP joints in 50-degree flexion every 2 hours continued for protection followed by full to distal palmar exercises
• Tenodesis splint allowing • Tenodesis exercises • Tenodesis exercises continue digital extension crease is more initiated
30-degree wrist extension and within hinged splint • Instruction to avoid simulta- than 3 cm
full wrist flexion, maintaining 15 times every 2 hours neous wrist and finger • Passive extension
MCP joints in 50-degree flexion extension can begin at
(a single hinge splint with a 7 weeks
detachable extension block can
also be used)

IP, proximal interphalangeal; MCP, metacarpophalangeal.

Data from Vucekovich K, Gallardo G, Fiala K: Rehabilitation after flexor tendon repair, reconstruction, and tenolysis. Hand Clin 21:257–265, 2005.
Flexor Tendon Repair and Rehabilitation in Zone II
100 Upper Extremity Topics

TABLE 14–12. Summary of Recommendations


1. Flexor tendon repairs should be performed using a 4-strand or greater Level III/Grade B 3-11, 14, 21,
core stitch technique. 22, 25
2. Flexor tendon repairs should include a horizontal mattress or running- Level III/Grade B 11, 14
lock peripheral circumferential epitendinous suture.
3. Flexor tendon repairs should be performed using a 4-0 or higher caliber Level III/Grade B 25-31
nonresorbable suture.
4. Postoperative rehabilitation protocols should employ early protected pas- Level II/Grade B 39-48
sive motion or active motion.

Data from Hunter J, Macklin E, Callahan A: Rehabilitation of the Hand. St Louis, CV Mosby, 1995. Diagnosis & Treatment Manual for Physicians and Therapies,
4th ed. The Hand Rehabilitation Center of Indiana, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2001.






FIGURE 14–4. Four-strand modified Sandow technique. A, The first central core stitch exits the tendon centrally
approximately 1 cm from the cut tendon end. B, The first cross-stitch exits in line with the first central core stitch ap-
proximately 1.1 to 1.2 cm from the cut tendon end. C, The first peripheral core stitch enters the tendon approximately 1
cm from the cut tendon end. D, The first opposite end peripheral core stitch. E, The first opposite end cross-stitch.
Cross-stitches are always directed perpendicular to core sutures and exit 1 to 2 mm distal to the preceding throw. F, The
first opposite end central core stitch. G, The second central core stitch. H, The second cross-stitch. I, The second
peripheral core stitch. J, The second opposite end peripheral core stitch. K, The second opposite end cross-stitch. L,
The second opposite end central core stitch. M, Repaired tendon. N, Repaired tendon. (Reproduced from Bernstein MA,
Taras JS: Flexor tendon suture: A description of two core suture techniques and the Silfverskiold epitendinous suture.
Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg 7:119–129, 2003, by permission.)
Flexor Tendon Repair and Rehabilitation in Zone II 101

TABLE 14–13. University of California Davis Hand Flexor Tendon Zone II Protocol52,53
Treatment Protocol
I. Surgery to 10 days after surgery:
• Patient is placed in a custom-fabricated dorsal extension block splint with the wrist in 0–30-degree flexion, the metacarpo-
phalangeal joints (MPS) in 40–70 degrees of flexion, and the IP joints in neutral (full extension, with the exception of FDP in
slight flexion at the DIP joint). The surgical dressing is removed, and a light compressive surgical dressing is used to redress
the incision after it has been cleaned with sterile saline.
• The splint is to be worn all the time until 4 to 6 weeks after surgery.
• Digital nerve repairs may require positioning the PIP joint initially in 30 degrees of flexion and gradually increasing extension
from 3 to 6 weeks.
• On the first day after surgery, begin gentle passive flexion and active extension of each digit within the confines of the dress-
ing and splint as follows:
1. The DIP is flexed to at least 60-degree flexion and allowed to actively extend in the splint, 5–10 times/session.
2. The PIP is flexed to at least 60 degrees flexion and allowed to actively extend in the splint, 5–10 times/session.
3. Both IP joints are flexed together and allowed to actively extend in the splint, 5–10 times/session.
4. These exercises are performed 5 times/day, or every 2 hours.
• If patient is reliable, instructions are given to perform at home.
• Edema control of digits from Coban or finger tube gauze can be started.
• Active/passive range of motion A/PROM of uninvolved digits and joints can be started if there is not a direct effect on
repaired structures, including the shoulder, elbows, and forearm.
II. 10 days to 3 weeks after surgery:
• Patient continues on the same program of passive flexion and active extension in the splint.
• Patient wears splint at all times.
• 48 hours after suture removal, can begin scar massage and scar gel at night.
• 2-week tenodesis to neutral only.
III. 3–6 weeks after surgery:
• Splint can be changed to wrist neutral, if appropriate.
• At 3 weeks, patient continues the passive flexion program as before, followed by place and hold in composite flexion.
• Between 3 and 31⁄2 weeks, pulsed ultrasound can be started.
• At 31⁄2 weeks after surgery, patient can begin blocking exercises within the confines of the splint. Patient is taught to actively
flex the PIP and DIP joints as far as he/she can, hold, and repeat 10 times. Each joint is exercised individually. Patient per-
forms these exercises at each involved joint 10 times every 1–2 hours.
• Between 31⁄2 and 4 weeks, active composite finger flexion with the wrist in neutral can be initiated.
• At 4 weeks after surgery, protected tenodesis of simultaneous wrist flexion and finger extension, alternating with simultane-
ous wrist extension and finger flexion, can be started in therapy.
• Neuromuscular electrostimulation can be added.
• At 41⁄2 weeks after surgery, exercises can include:
1. Gentle active composite flexion with wrist flexion and gentle finger extension with wrist extension.
2. Composite fist with wrist extension and flexion.
• At 5 weeks after surgery, protected active differential tendon gliding exercises (hook fist, straight fist, and then full fist),
with the wrist being blocked at 10 degrees of flexion, are performed by the patient 10 times in therapy. If appropriate,
patient can begin weaning out of splint to do tenodesis, 41⁄2-week exercises, and tendon gliding exercises.
• Patient is seen two to three times per week in hand therapy.
IV. 6–8 weeks after surgery:
• Splint can be discontinued.
• Patient continues with the exercise program as before.
• Blocking exercises may be initiated to the PIP joint and separately to the DIP joint, with the exception of the small finger.
• Gentle passive extension exercises are initiated.
• Can begin static volar extension pan splinting at night if needed.
• Dynamic extension splinting may be initiated if PIP flexion contracture develops.
• Patient is seen two to three times per week in hand therapy.
V. 8 weeks after surgery to discharge:
• Resistive exercise can begin with putty for 5 minutes, three to four times a day, and with hand grippers or hand weights.
• Patient continues to perform the same exercise program until normal range of motion is present.
• Patient may need to wear static or dynamic splints to increase passive flexion or extension.
• Patient is free for all daily activity except for sports or heavy work.
• Patient is following monthly or as needed hand therapy.
• At 12 weeks after surgery, there are no restrictions.

DIP, distal interphalangeal; FDP, flexor digitorum profundus; IP, interphalangeal; MCP, metacarpophalangeal; PIP, proximal interphalangeal.
102 Upper Extremity Topics

REFERENCES 25. Lawrence TM, Davis TR: A biomechanical analysis of suture

materials and their influence on a four-strand flexor tendon
1. Strickland JW: Development of flexor tendon surgery: repair. J Hand Surg [Am] 30:836–841, 2005.
Twenty-five years of progress. J Hand Surg [Am] 25:214–235, 26. Nystrom B, Holmlund D: Separation of sutured tendon ends
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Chapter What is Is the Best Treatment
1 Jof Digital

Stenosing tenosynovitis, or trigger finger, was first de- determined. For injection therapy, decisions include
scribed by Notta in 1850.1 It is one of the most common which steroid preparation to use, what volume and
hand conditions in adults treated by primary care pro- location to inject, how many injections to give, and at
viders, orthopedic and plastic surgeons, and hand what time intervals repeat injections should be given.
surgeons, affecting a reported 2.6% of the general Although division of the A1 pulley is the widely ac-
population.2 The affected digit “triggers” or locks dur- cepted surgical procedure, the surgeon has a choice
ing active flexion, which is often associated with pain. between open versus percutaneous technique. Ide-
In severe cases, the digit can become fixed in flexion or ally, systematic review of the published evidence
extension, leading to joint contracture. Despite its should allow development of a treatment algorithm
common occurrence, no clear consensus exists re- that can be followed reliably to achieve the safest,
garding the management of trigger fingers. Nonsurgical most effective results with the greatest level of patient
treatment has generally been advocated as the initial satisfaction, whereas keeping costs at a minimum. In
therapy, with either splinting of the affected digit or an effort toward reaching this goal, discussion in this
steroid injection into the flexor tendon sheath. Surgery chapter is limited to those comparative studies that
traditionally has been reserved for those who do not provide the highest levels of evidence (Levels I-III)
respond to conservative therapy, with open division of identified after systematic review of the published lit-
the A1 pulley as the definitive treatment. In recent erature. Higher quality clinical studies are more likely
years, percutaneous release of the A1 pulley has gained to provide convincing evidence for influencing medi-
popularity as an alternative surgical technique. Splint- cal treatment decisions.
ing and steroid injection are easily performed in the
office, are relatively safe and inexpensive, and require
no post-treatment activity restrictions for the patient. EVIDENCE
However, prolonged splinting regimens may be re-
quired, and persistent symptoms and recurrence are Few controlled studies comparing splinting with ste-
more likely to occur, especially if symptoms are long- roid injection have been published. In their prospec-
standing.3,4 Surgery usually provides permanent relief tive study, Patel and Bassini4 compared 50 consecutive
but is often more costly, involving potential time away patients who were treated with metacarpophalangeal
from work and a risk for surgical complications. Sys- (MP) joint splinting with 50 patients who were treated
temic diseases such as amyloidosis, mucopolysacchari- with intrasheath injection of betamethasone (Level of
doses, diabetes mellitus, and rheumatoid arthritis have Evidence II). Severity of triggering was graded, and
been associated with digital triggering.5 The most com- patients with minimal pain, “uneven” movements that
mon of these is diabetes mellitus, in which the inci- did not interfere with hand function, or who were
dence rate of trigger finger is 4% to 10%.6 Studies have symptom free at the end of the 1-year study period
suggested that conservative therapy is less effective in were considered successfully treated. One fourth of
these patients, but complications such as infection the injection group required a single repeat injection
and delayed wound healing may be special surgical 2 weeks after the initial injection. Success was achieved
concerns. in 66% of the splinted group and 84% of the injected
group. Symptoms recurred in 12% of the splinted
patients during the 1-year follow-up period; none re-
OPTIONS curred in the injection group. Patients with symptoms
for longer than 6 months before treatment, multiple
Symptomatic patients may first present to primary digital involvement, or triggering at time of presen-
care providers, who must decide which patients are tation faired the worst. The authors comment that
unlikely to respond to conservative therapy and refer splinting was the least effective for trigger thumbs, and
them to a surgeon. For the remaining patients, options that more than 6 weeks of splinting was necessary to
include activity modifications, oral anti-inflammatory achieve success in one third of the patients.4
agents, splinting, and steroid injection.5 For splinting Although splinting is painless and noninvasive, it
regimens, the choice of joint for immobilization in the interferes with normal hand use, prolonged treat-
affected digit and length of treatment need to be ment may be necessary, and success relies directly

What Is the Best Management of Digital Triggering? 105

on patient compliance. If a single steroid injection three injections at 3-week intervals were allowed,
can provide comparable or better success rates, with 12% of the patients with diabetes requiring
then it might be preferred over splinting, despite the three injections, whereas only 3% of the patients
discomfort associated with injection. Controlled pro- without diabetes did. Overall, 59% were treated suc-
spective trials have compared a single injection of cessfully with steroid injection, but the response rate
steroid into the flexor tendon sheath with placebo was significantly lower in patients with diabetes
injection of local anesthetic.7,8 In separate studies (49%) than in those without (76%). Insulin depen-
by Murphy and colleagues7 and Lambert and co- dence and duration of symptoms before treatment
workers8 (Level II), a single intrasheath injection of did not affect the results. Long-term follow-up be-
betamethasone or methylprednisolone, respectively, yond 9 weeks was not provided. Likewise, retrospec-
cured 64% and 60% of the patients. Both studies tive review of 66 patients treated for trigger finger by
were properly blinded, with the intervention and Nimigan and coauthors12 (Level III) showed 52% re-
evaluations for each patient performed by different sponse rate to up to three steroid injections, with
clinicians. Although the results were statistically significantly lower response in patients with diabetes
significant, it is interesting to note that placebo injec- (26%) than in those without diabetes (57%).12 Again,
tion was effective in 20% and 16% of patients in the duration of symptoms and insulin dependence did
two studies. No recurrences were reported within not affect the results. Nearly all of the patients who
the relatively short (one8 and four7 months) follow- underwent surgery either after did not respond to
up periods. injection therapy or because of personal preference
Initial published results in the 1950s for cortico- were successfully treated (97%), although 36% expe-
steroid injection in the treatment of trigger fingers rienced complications. Patients with diabetes did
demonstrated short-term efficacy,9,10 with more lasting not have greater complication rates, and stiffness
results achieved after the development of longer act- was the most common postoperative problem. In
ing corticosteroid preparations.10,11 Choice of steroid contrast, Griggs and colleagues14 (Level III) found
is usually based on physician preference, and no good patients with insulin-dependent diabetes less likely
comparison studies of steroid preparations have been to respond to steroid injection (44%) compared with
done. Betamethasone, methylprednisolone, and triam- patients with non–insulin-dependent diabetes (71%)
cinolone are common choices. Injection volume and in their retrospective review. Steroid injection was
concentration of steroid have also varied widely among successful in only 50% of 121 digits in the 54 patients
studies, with essentially all studies advocating injec- in their study. The study designs for these studies on
tion into the flexor tendon sheath just distal to the A1 steroid injection in patients with diabetes are sum-
pulley. An interesting controlled prospective study by marized in Table 15–2.
Taras and researchers10 (Level II) explored this recom- Reported efficacy for surgical release of the A1 pul-
mendation by comparing intrasheath with subcutane- ley in the treatment of trigger finger has been gener-
ous injection. The steroid was mixed with radio-opaque ally excellent. However, complications resulting from
contrast dye. After their assigned injections, the actual steroid injection are rarely reported, whereas surgical
location of each injection was verified radiographi- complication rates in large controlled studies have
cally. Symptom resolution was achieved in 71% of the ranged from 0%15 to as high as 36%.12 Kraemer and
subcutaneous group and 52% of the intrasheath group coworkers’16 and Benson and Ptaszek’s15 retrospec-
after 27-month average follow-up. Overall, 62% of the tive reviews (Level III) showed comparable success
patients were treated successfully. Only 30% of the rates for steroid injection and surgery, but power
attempted injections into the tendon sheath were com- analysis was not mentioned. Treatment outcomes
pletely accurate. Recalculation of the results based were 63% success after injection and 77% success
on true location of steroid delivery had the following after surgery in Kraemer and coworkers’16 study.16
outcome: intrasheath, mixed, or subcutaneous showed In Benson and Ptaszek’s15 study, injection achieved
no change in success rates. Although the results sug- 97% success, and all surgery patients responded
gest that subcutaneous injection was as effective well.15 Sixty percent to 67% of the conservatively man-
as intrasheath injection, the study lacked adequate aged patients required only a single injection.15,16
power (! " 0.92). The study designs for these studies Seven percent of one surgery group experienced com-
on efficacy of steroid injection are summarized in plications, which were usually persistent stiffness.16 In
Table 15–1. the other study, none of the surgery patients had com-
Although the physiologic explanation for greater plications.15 Despite excellent results from open surgi-
incidence of trigger finger in patients with diabetes cal release, both authors discussed the “costs” to the
mellitus is unclear, it is usually reported as 4% to patient associated with surgery, including operative
10%, with some reports as high as 23%.12 Steroid in- charges, time spent for the procedure, subsequent
jections have been believed to be less effective in the time off work, and the potential additional cost with a
treatment of diabetic trigger fingers. Stahl and inves- complication. However, a calculation of costs must
tigators13 prospectively compared the efficacy of also take into account patient preferences. Interest-
steroid injections for trigger finger in 60 patients with ingly, in Benson and Ptaszek’s15 study, 73% of the
diabetes with 60 nondiabetic control patients, patients completed a follow-up satisfaction question-
matched for age, sex, digit involvement, occupation, naire, in which the majority of patients recalled the
and available follow-up (Level II). A maximum of pain during injection to be equal to or more severe
106 Upper Extremity Topics

TABLE 15–1. Study Designs: Comparative Studies of Steroid Injection

Patel and Bassini Journal of Hand 1992 Splint NR 50 60 (NR) None Prospective cohort No No
Surgery (Am)
Steroid 50 61 (NR)
Lambert et al.8 Journal of Hand 1992 Steroid 20 20 54 (22–56) RA, IDDM, eczema, infection, Prospective cohort NR Yes
Surgery (Br) injection within 3 months
Placebo 21 21 54 (30–76)
Murphy et al.7 Journal of Hand 1995 Steroid 14 14 54 (NR) RA, IDDM, previous tendon laceration Prospective cohort Yes Yes
Surgery (Am) or trigger finger injection
Placebo 10 10 62 (NR)
Taras et al.10 Journal of Hand 1998 Subcutaneous 48 55 60 (NR) Symptoms #6 months, DM, Prospective cohort Yes No
Surgery (Am) injection connective tissue disease
Intrasheath 47 52 62 (NR)

NR, not reported; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; IDDM, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; DM, diabetes mellitus.
TABLE 15–2. Study Designs: Comparative Studies of Steroid Injection in Patients with Diabetes
Stahl et al. Journal of Diabetes 1997 Diabetic 60 130 54 (19–70) Lost to follow-up Prospective cohort No No
and its Complications
Nondiabetic 60 72 57 (24–81)
Nimigan et al.12 American Journal of 2006 Diabetic 26 26 61 (NR) None Retrospective cohort No No
Physical Medicine and
Nondiabetic 40 70
Griggs et al.14 Journal of Hand 1995 IDDM 37 93 50 (20–70) None Retrospective cohort No No
NIDDM 17 28

NR " not reported; IDDM " insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; NIDDM " non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
What Is the Best Management of Digital Triggering? 107
108 Upper Extremity Topics

than pain with surgery, and planned to choose disease process remains unclear. No standardized
surgery sooner for future trigger digits.15 None of grading system is currently in use, making direct
the surveyed patients experienced surgical compli- comparison of patient groups difficult. In their cost
cations; their preferences might have differed if they analysis of conservative and surgical treatments,
had. Despite better results with surgery, both authors Benson and Ptaszek15 explore pain as a potential
recommend that steroid injection remain the first- factor in their patients’ personal preferences. If pain
line treatment, with surgery reserved for nonre- is, indeed, an influential factor, then studies that do
sponders.15,16 not take it into account may not have homogeneous
Percutaneous release of the A1 pulley using a fine patient groups for risk-benefit analysis. These limi-
tenotome was first described in 1958 by Lorthioir.17 tations of the diagnostic criteria also affect the
In consideration of potential additional time and measurement of treatment success. Fleisch and co-
costs associated with open release for trigger fin- authors20 address this in their systematic literature
gers, Eastwood and colleagues18 introduced percuta- review of steroid injections for the treatment of trig-
neous release using a large-gauge hypodermic needle ger finger. They propose the use of a classification
as on office procedure. The complications most fre- system for diagnosis, visual analog pain scale, and
quently reported after open release have been stiff- measured active digital motion to improve the as-
ness, scar sensitivity or pain, and wound infection or sessment of treatment efficacy.
delayed healing. Presumably, needle percutaneous
release would avoid painful scar and wound healing
problems. However, cadaveric studies have raised Treatment Protocols
the question of increased risks for incomplete pulley
release, digital nerve injury, and flexor tendon injury. No uniformity of treatment protocols exists, espe-
In 2001, Gilberts and researchers19 (Level II) prospec- cially in the conservative management of stenosing
tively compared open and percutaneous needle re- tenosynovitis. Some authors advocate splinting of
lease in the treatment of 100 trigger digits. Although the MP joint alone,4 but each of the interphalangeal
the authors report random assignment to treatment joints have also been splinted in clinical practice,
groups, their methodology describes only the use of presumably with reasonable results. Similarly, the
“sealed envelopes.” Nearly all of the patients in both reviewed studies on steroid injection used various
groups experienced symptom relief. A power analy- concentrations of a wide variety of long-acting agents
sis was not reported. No recurrences, nerve deficits, (triamcinolone,15 methylprednisolone,8,13 betametha-
or tendon problems occurred in the 4-month follow- sone4,7,10,12,14,15). Some studies did not report the
up period. Because both techniques were performed concentration or amount of drug injected, and the
in an outpatient surgery facility, direct comparison of majority did not report the volume of injection ad-
operating times was possible as an indirect measure ministered, all of which may affect the result. No
of cost. Operating time, duration of postoperative consensus exists regarding the duration of treatment
pain, return to work, and time to regain full motion for splinting or steroid injection, or the maximum
were significantly shorter in the percutaneous re- number or intervals for injections, which makes the
lease group. One of the patients treated with open determination of treatment success or failure nearly
release required repeat surgery for “scar formation,” impossible. Follow-up periods in the reviewed stud-
and one patient in each group experienced develop- ies varied from 1 month8 to 27 months.14 Studies with
ment of a minor hematoma. Table 15–3 summarizes shorter follow-up periods may have falsely increased
the study designs of the reviewed studies for open success rates and vice versa, because the natural
and percutaneous surgical treatment of trigger finger. history of trigger finger after various treatment meth-
Finally, Table 15–4 lists the results and levels of evi- ods remains undefined.
dence for all of the comparative studies reviewed in
this chapter.
In the two studies that directly compared steroid
AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY injection with surgery (open technique), the authors
Diagnosis recommend that steroid injection remain the first
line of treatment, despite achieving high rates of suc-
The diagnosis of trigger finger is believed to be cess in their surgical groups.15,16 They based this
straightforward by most clinicians. However, a spec- recommendation on the “cost” associated with
trum of clinical presentations is recognized. In two of surgery. Cost is always difficult to estimate and gen-
the reviewed articles, the authors use grading sys- eralize for analyses because charges may differ from
tems to describe the various symptoms in their pa- actual costs, and time spent, as well as time lost
tients, ranging from uneven motion only, painless (e.g., from work), need to be considered. In addition,
triggering, to painful locked digits with palpable ten- the potential additional costs associated with a pos-
don nodules.4,7 Whether these variations represent sible complication are often taken into account in the
different levels of severity, different pathophysiol- analysis. The costs of an intervention can vary based
ogy, or simply alternative presentations of a common on the setting in which it is performed. Thus, the
TABLE 15–3. Study Designs: Comparative Studies of Surgery

Kraemer et al.16 Southern Medical 1990 Injection 129 164 60 (NR) Previous hand Retrospective No No
Journal injury or open cohort
tendon injury
Surgery 89 89 61 (NR)
Benson and Ptaszek15 Journal of Hand 1997 Injection 102 75 61 (33–96) None Retrospective No No
Surgery (Am) cohort
Surgery 34
Gilberts et al.19 Journal of Hand 2001 Open release 46 60 (24–81) Inflammation or Prospective Yes No
Surgery (Am) prior surgery cohort
of the digit
Percutaneous release 54 62 (24–88)

NR " not reported.

What Is the Best Management of Digital Triggering? 109
110 Upper Extremity Topics

TABLE 15–4. Results and Levels of Evidence: Comparative Studies in the Treatment of Trigger Finger

Patel and Splint vs. #13 100% 66% 84% 18 NR NR 2

Bassini4 injection
Lambert et al.8 Steroid vs. 1 95% 60% 15% 45 0.05* NR 2
Murphy et al.7 Steroid vs. 4 100% 64% 20% 44 0.05* 2
Taras et al.10 SQ injection vs. 27 100% 71% 52% 19 Not No 2
intrasheath significant
Stahl et al.13 DM vs. non-DM #2.25 92% 49% 76% 27 0.0001* 2
Nimigan et al.12 DM vs. non-DM 23 NR 26% 57% 31 0.04† 3
Griggs et al.14 IDDM vs. NIDDM 27 100% 44% 71% 27 0.02‡ 3
Kraemer et al.16 Injection vs. 4 100% 63% 77% 14 0.42* NR 3
Benson and Injection vs. 18 73% 97% 100% 3 NR NR 3
Ptaszek15 surgery
Gilberts et al.19 Open vs. 3 100% 98% 100% 2 Not NR 2
percutaneous significant

NR " not reported; SQ " subcutaneous; DM " diabetes mellitus; IDDM " insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; NIDDM " non–insulin-dependent diabetes
Chi-square test.

Forward exact test.

Fisher’s exact test.

cost of a percutaneous A1 pulley release might bias. The studies had relatively small groups, but
change drastically if the procedure is performed in a steroid injection was significantly more effective
hospital outpatient facility instead of a surgeon’s of- than lidocaine placebo in both. Of note, both
fice. For this reason, recommendations based on studies excluded patients with insulin-dependent
“cost” need to be considered in the context of the diabetes mellitus. The study comparing subcu-
particular setting and may not translate outside of taneous with intrasheath steroid injection was
that setting. novel, but unfortunately had insufficient power
to support the alternative recommendation that
subcutaneous injection is sufficient for treating
RECOMMENDATIONS trigger finger.10 The authors report their ! value
as 0.08; recalculation shows the study power is
Although activity modification and oral nonste- actually 0.08 (8% power), with a ! value of 0.92.
roidal anti-inflammatory medications are used Patients with diabetes mellitus had significantly
for the treatment of trigger finger, this discussion poorer response to steroid injection than
remains limited to the more widely utilized treat- patients without diabetes, although follow-up
ments of splinting, steroid injection, and surgery. evaluation was not blinded in any of the reviewed
Published case series abound for each of these studies.12,13 Longer duration of symptoms did not
modalities, but only controlled studies were cho- adversely affect response to steroid injection.
sen for this chapter to try to present the stron- Although neither study showed any difference
gest evidence available. Unfortunately, the result- between patients with insulin-dependent and
ing body of literature is quite small. The only non–insulin-dependent diabetes, a single small,
controlled study on splinting prospectively com- retrospective study comparing these two
pared it with steroid injection but failed to report populations showed that patients with insulin-
any statistical analysis.4 The method of assign- dependent diabetes fared worse.14 The evidence
ment to the steroid injection group was not delin- is fair in support of steroid injection in the treat-
eated, and clinical evaluations were not blinded. ment of trigger finger, with fair evidence that it
Thus, the body of evidence is insufficient to allow is less effective in patients with diabetes mellitus,
any recommendation for or against splinting as who may be more likely to require surgical man-
an effective treatment for trigger finger. agement. No contraindication to its use in insulin-
For steroid injection, the literature is stronger, dependent patients has been found, but evidence
with two prospective, triple-blinded, placebo- regarding its efficacy is conflicted.
controlled studies available.7,8 However, the ran- The two retrospective studies comparing ste-
domization process was not reported in one8 and roid injection with open A1 pulley release showed
was based on odd/even date for the other,7 both no significant difference between the two treat-
of which may be sources of potential selection ments,15,16 but power analyses were not performed
What Is the Best Management of Digital Triggering? 111

RECOMMENDATIONS—cont’d TABLE 15–5. Summary of Recommendations for Treatment

of Trigger Finger
to rule out the possibility of type II error. Lack of
randomization and blinding make selection and ARTICLES AND GRADE OF
ascertainment bias potential confounders as well. RECOMMENDATIONS LEVELS OF EVIDENCE RECOMMENDATION
No complications were associated with steroid
Splinting is effective in the 2 B
injection, but 7% of the open surgical release pa- treatment of trigger
tients experienced minor complications.16 A single finger.
prospective, randomized, controlled study com- A single intrasheath 2, 2 B
paring percutaneous needle release with open steroid injection is
effective in the treat-
A1 pulley release showed equal efficacy with no ment of trigger finger.
major complications in either group.19 However, Subcutaneous steroid 2 B
the randomization process was not clearly defined injection at the A1 pul-
and assessment was not blinded. Fair evidence ley is as effective as
exists to support the effectiveness of surgery in intrasheath injection.
Patients with diabetes with 3, 3 B
the treatment of trigger finger, but insufficient evi- trigger finger are less
dence to recommend it over steroid injection. The likely to respond to
body of evidence is too small to make any recom- steroid injection and
mendations regarding percutaneous versus open should be treated
surgical techniques. Patients with insulin- 3 B
Based on currently published evidence, the dependent diabetes with
following treatment algorithm is proposed by this trigger finger should not
author (Level V): splinting may be tried first for be treated with steroid
the treatment of stenosing tenosynovitis of the injection.
A series of steroid injec- 3, 3 B
finger. Its effectiveness is dependent on the level tions is as effective as
of patient compliance. It is less likely to be and less risky than sur-
effective for trigger thumb. Successful treatment gery for trigger finger.
is defined as pain-free resolution of symptoms Percutaneous A1 pulley 2 B
release is as effective as
with full active motion. If splinting fails, steroid and less morbid than
injection is likely to be effective, regardless of the open pulley release.
duration of symptoms prior to presentation. A
maximum of three intrasheath injections of a long
acting corticosteroid is given every 3 weeks as
necessary. In patients with diabetes mellitus, only
one steroid injection is recommended, followed REFERENCES
by surgery if no response. If injection fails, open
surgical release of the A1 pulley is recommended. 1. Notta A: Recherches sur une affection particulier des gaines
tendineuses de la main. Arch Gen Med 24:142, 1850.
Percutaneous needle release may be performed, 2. Strom L: Trigger finger in diabetes. J Med Soc N J 74:951–954,
based on surgeon experience, because a learning 1977.
curve exists. The most common complication 3. Rhoades CE, Gelberman RH, Manjarris JF: Stenosing tenosy-
after surgery is stiffness. The major treatment novitis of the fingers and thumb. Clin Orthop 190:236–238,
recommendations are presented in summary form 4. Patel MR, Bassini L: Trigger fingers and thumb: When to
in Table 15–5, with their accompanying grades of splint, inject, or operate. J Hand Surg [Am] 17:110–113,
recommendation. 1992.
Clearly, a great need exists for well-designed 5. Ryzewicz M, Wolf JM: Trigger digits: Principles, management,
clinical trials even to improve the management of and complications. J Hand Surg [Am] 31:135–146, 2006.
6. Lapidus PW, Guidotti EP: Stenosing tenovaginitis of the wrist
a common condition such as trigger finger. As a and fingers. Clin Orthop 83:87–90, 1972.
common condition that is treated by a wide vari- 7. Murphy D, Failla JM, Koniuch MP: Steroid versus placebo
ety of clinicians, the potential to conduct large, injection for trigger finger. J Hand Surg [Am] 628–631, 1995.
prospective, controlled studies with properly ran- 8. Lambert MA, Morton RJ, Sloan JP: Controlled study of the
use of local steroid injection in the treatment of trigger finger
domized treatment groups is good. Standardiza- and thumb. J Hand Surg [Br] 17:69–70, 1992.
tion of symptoms and clinical findings, possibly 9. Howard LD, Pratt DR, Bunnell S: The use of compound F
with a universal grading system, would improve (hydrocortisone) in operative and non-operative conditions
validity. Long-term follow-up studies with each of the hand. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 35:994–1002, 1953.
treatment modality would be useful to better de- 10. Taras JS, Raphael JS, Pan WT, et al: Corticosteroid injections
for trigger digits: Is intrasheath injection necessary? J Hand
fine treatment successes or failures. Double or Surg [Am] 23:717–722, 1998.
even triple blinding could be readily achieved, to 11. Quinnell RC: Conservative management of trigger finger.
minimize bias as a confounding factor. Careful at- Practitioner 244:187–190, 1980.
tention to study design is the key to improving 12. Nimigan AS, Ross DC, Gan BS, et al: Steroid injection in the
management of trigger fingers. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 85:
the body of available evidence. 36–43, 2006.
13. Stahl S, Kanter Y, Karnielli E: Outcome of trigger finger treat-
ment in diabetes. J Diabetes Complications 11:287–290, 1997.
112 Upper Extremity Topics

14. Griggs SM, Weiss APC, Lane LB, et al: Treatment of trigger 18. Eastwood DM, Gupta KJ, Johnson DP: Percutaneous release
finger in patients with diabetes mellitus. J Hand Surg [Am] of the trigger finger: An office procedure. J Hand Surg [Am]
20:787–789, 1995. 17:114–117, 1992.
15. Benson LS, Ptaszek AJ: Injection versus surgery in the treat- 19. Gilberts ECAM, Beekman WH, Stevens HJPD, et al: Prospec-
ment of trigger finger. J Hand Surg [Am] 22:138–144, 1997. tive randomized trial of open versus percutaneous surgery
16. Kraemer BA, Young L, Arfken C: Stenosing flexor tenosyno- for trigger digits. J Hand Surg [Am] 26:497–500, 2001.
vitis. South Med J 83:806–811, 1990. 20. Fleisch SB, Spindler KP, Lee DH: Corticosteroid injections in
17. Lorthioir J: Surgical treatment of trigger finger by a subcu- the treatment of trigger finger: A level I and II systematic
taneous method. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 40:793–795, 1985. review. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 15:166–171, 2007.
Chapter What is Is the BestEvidence Treatment
for a

Chapter JCause-and-Effect

Between Occupational Hand

16 Use and Symptoms of Carpal
Tunnel Syndrome?

Because the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is been made to determine the length of exposure time
in most cases still unknown, a number of explanatory for a given occupational stressor needed to cause
theories have been proposed, one of which has been disease. Regarding case definition, studies of CTS and
occupational hand use. The possible association be- occupational exposure have used different case defi-
tween occupational hand use and CTS has been mainly nitions ranging from self- reported symptoms only to
based on the common belief that the pathophysiologic combination of symptoms, physical examination,
mechanism in CTS is increased pressure in the carpal and nerve conduction measurements. The use of dif-
tunnel. It has been suggested that certain hand or wrist ferent diagnostic criteria inevitably leads to different
activities or postures needed to perform occupational conclusions, and such studies cannot be considered
tasks may cause increased carpal tunnel pressure, to involve the same disease (i.e., numbness and tin-
which may lead to CTS. The hand and wrist activities gling in the hand reported through a questionnaire is
and postures often linked to CTS have been mainly re- not the same entity as CTS diagnosed by a physician
petitive movements, force (or combinations of these based on history and abnormal nerve conduction
two factors), and excessive flexion and extension.1 The measurements). Demonstrating an association be-
relationship between CTS and work has been argued tween occupation and symptoms cannot be inter-
for a long time2; an early review concludes that “expo- preted as an association with CTS.
sure to physical work load factors, such as repetitive It is helpful to review the reported prevalence and
and forceful gripping, was probably a major risk factor incidence rates of CTS in the general population to
for CTS in several types of worker populations.”3 The interpret the results reported in the literature re-
issue, however, has been debated intensely.4,5 garding the relationship between work and CTS. Us-
Determining the possible association between cer- ing diagnostic criteria including nerve conduction
tain occupations or occupational activities and CTS measurements, researchers have reported the prev-
involves two essential aspects: measuring exposure alence rates of CTS among women in general popula-
and establishing the diagnosis (often called CTS case tion studies to range from 3% to 6% and among men
definition). These two aspects have not been man- from 0.6% to 2.1%.6–8 Based on symptoms and nerve
aged in a standardized fashion in the literature. With conduction measurements, annual incidence rates
regard to exposure, the methods of measuring occu- of up to 0.5% among women and 0.1% among men
pational activities have mainly been self-report or have been reported.9 If it is assumed that a certain
expert judgment, with few studies using objective occupation does not increase the risk for CTS, the
measures of hand posture or force (such as measur- prevalence of CTS in a random sample of workers
ing number of cycles in a repetition, force exerted, or from that occupation would likely be lower than that
wrist angles). Other studies have used job titles to in an age- and sex-matched random general popula-
compare occupations, implying that they differ in tion sample because the latter would include former
their impact on the upper extremity. However, vari- workers who are sick, disabled, or retired.
ous work activities may differ even within the same
categories, such as the amount of force or repetitive-
ness used in different activities classified as “low STUDY DESIGNS AND BIASES
force” or “high repetitive,” respectively. Besides, dif-
ferent types of work usually described as repetitive To evaluate the strength of the evidence derived
(e.g., computer work and packaging or assembling) from the published studies that investigated the as-
are not similar. Hence, definition of high force versus sociation between CTS and occupation, you must
low force and high repetition versus low repetition recognize the different types of study design and
may not be consistent. In addition, no attempts have biases related to each study design.

114 Upper Extremity Topics

Randomized Studies the persons are asked specifically about hand symp-
toms and about activities that involve the hands at
Randomized studies investigating whether occupa- the same time. If workers with CTS report more expo-
tional hand use is associated with clinical CTS sure than workers without CTS because their report-
would probably be difficult to perform given the ing is influenced by the presence of disease and their
nature of the research question and the large sam- belief that their symptoms are related to their occu-
ples needed; to my knowledge, no such studies pation, this may result in a false-positive association.
have been performed. This type of bias should be considered in studies
that show a positive association, especially when
exposure is based on self-report. Case–control stud-
Prospective Cohort Studies ies that rely on subjects’ recollection of occupational
exposure also are subject to reporting bias.
Workers without CTS are enrolled and followed
over a period during which occupational exposure
is measured, and then the incidence of CTS is de- Misclassification
termined and compared between the exposed and
the nonexposed persons (results usually shown as The magnitude of misclassification can be minimized
relative risks and their confidence intervals). The with a more specific case definition that includes
advantage of the prospective cohort study is that neurophysiologic examination and with objective
exposure is measured before the onset of disease, measures of exposure.
allowing determination of a causal relationship.
A problem may be attrition of the sample during
follow-up and the need for large samples that can Selection Bias
generate an adequate number of CTS cases to allow
firm conclusions. If there is a true causal relationship between a cer-
tain occupation and CTS that leads affected workers
to leave that occupation, then a cross-sectional sam-
Case–Control Studies ple would mainly include persons without CTS
(healthy worker effect). This bias may underestimate
Workers who are CTS cases are identified through a true association between a certain occupation and
various methods and compared with control sub- CTS. Studies that use only healthy asymptomatic
jects (persons without CTS), ideally from the same persons as control subjects carry the risk for overes-
population, regarding previous exposure (results timation of the association because control subjects
usually shown as odds ratios and their confidence should be as similar to the cases as possible except
intervals). Problems associated with these studies for the occupational exposure.
include difficulties in obtaining representative sam-
ples of cases and controls, and accurate measure-
ment of past occupational exposure. Confounders
It is well established that a number of factors such as
Cross-sectional Studies age, sex, and body mass index are related to CTS.6,8,10,11
If the exposed workers are older or have a greater pro-
A sample from a general or occupational population portion of overweight persons than the nonexposed
is examined to identify CTS cases and measure oc- workers, finding a greater prevalence of CTS may be
cupational exposure at the same time, and the prev- related to these factors rather than to occupation.
alence of CTS is compared between different occu- These factors need to be accounted for when compar-
pations or between groups performing different ing the prevalence of CTS in different occupational
occupational hand activities (results usually shown groups. Few studies have addressed nonoccupational
as odds or prevalence ratios and their confidence hand use, but the importance of this factor is uncer-
intervals). The problems with these studies include tain. Other medical conditions, such as inflammatory
difficulties in obtaining a representative sample and joint disease and diabetes, may also confound the as-
in accurately measuring exposure. Moreover, cross- sociation between CTS and occupation, but because of
sectional studies cannot provide direct evidence for the relatively low prevalence of these conditions in oc-
a causal relationship. cupational groups, their impact may not be large.


When exposure measurement and search for CTS The evidence regarding the association between
cases are done at the same time, persons with hand CTS and occupational hand use should be based on
symptoms, including those with CTS, may report ex- appropriate epidemiologic studies in which partici-
posure differently than persons without hand symp- pants were selected from populations of exposed
toms. The risk for reporting bias would be greater if and nonexposed persons (different occupations or
What Is the Evidence for a Cause-and-Effect Linkage between Occupational Hand Use and Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? 115

occupational activities), and the presence of CTS Questionnaires inquiring about symptoms would
determined with reasonable accuracy. A review of have low specificity, and although interviews can
the studies generated by the literature search confirm the presence and location of the reported
showed several common problems that may affect symptoms, an interview performed for the purpose
the conclusions and subsequently the evidence de- of establishing a CTS diagnosis based on symptoms
rived from them. Inclusion and exclusion criteria alone may need to be conducted by an examiner
were used to select appropriate studies for evalua- who can judge whether the symptoms are related to
tion of the evidence. CTS or other disorder, or are nonspecific. Results
based on reported symptoms alone are thus not ap-
propriate as evidence of the association between
Inclusion Criteria work and CTS. However, the combination of symp-
toms and abnormal nerve conduction will substan-
Study Design. Although it is recognized that, in general, tially improve the specificity and would be reason-
strong evidence would be based on Level I and II ably reliable as a diagnostic procedure. In a general
studies, the majority of the studies concerning the population study, the prevalence of symptoms was
association between CTS and occupational hand use 14%, whereas with symptoms and abnormal nerve
were Level III case–control or cross-sectional studies conduction, the prevalence rate was down to 5%.8 A
with few Level II prospective cohort studies and no similar pattern has been reported in occupational
Level I randomized studies. It was therefore believed populations.13 This suggests that the degree of mis-
appropriate to include Level III studies, but to take classification is substantially lower if a combination
this fact into consideration when judging the strength of symptoms and nerve conduction measurement is
of the overall evidence. used in case definition for occupational studies
than symptoms alone. The use of this case defini-
tion may still imply two problematic situations.
Selection of Participants First, a proportion of CTS cases with normal (i.e.,
false-negative) nerve conduction testing results
All studies that sampled participants from worker would be excluded; this situation, which may occur
populations or general populations were considered. in up to 20% of subjects,8,14 is expected to affect
However, a number of studies selected participants both the exposed and nonexposed groups equally
from workers compensation or similar databases, a and, therefore, may affect the precision but not the
method subject to selection bias. size of the estimated association. Second, a propor-
tion of persons with nonspecific numbness/tingling
but with false-positive nerve conduction testing re-
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Case Definition sults would be included as CTS cases. In the pres-
ence of reporting bias (symptomatic persons re-
Many studies used self-reported symptoms, physi- porting higher exposure), this situation may
cal findings (usually Tinel’s sign and Phalen’s test), overestimate the association, but probably to a
or both without nerve conduction measurement. small degree. Although relatively high rates of ab-
Symptoms were usually self-reported either through normal nerve conduction testing results (15–20%)
questionnaire or interview often done by research have been reported in general population samples7,8
assistants rather than by physicians experienced in and among asymptomatic workers,13,15 the combina-
the diagnosis of CTS. In addition, studies differed in tion of symptoms and nerve conduction measure-
their definition of symptoms required for the diag- ments still constitutes the most accurate diagnostic
nosis with regard to location, severity, and fre- method available in CTS. Any case definition will
quency. The issue of CTS case definition was con- lead to misclassification of a proportion of cases,
sidered to be essential for the purpose of this but in epidemiologic studies, the use of nerve con-
report. A case definition based entirely on symp- duction measurements combined with self-reported
toms would probably lead to substantial misclassi- symptoms substantially reduces the degree of mis-
fication. The prevalence of symptoms (numbness or classification.16 Similarly, studies that used a case
tingling) in the hands is relatively high, and only a definition based only on positive Tinel’s sign and
proportion of these symptomatic persons actually Phalen’s test cannot be considered to provide ade-
have CTS.8,12 Although there may be some evidence quate evidence because of the limitations of these
supporting the common clinical practice that pa- tests in the diagnosis.17
tients judged by the treating physician to have char-
acteristic CTS symptoms may not need electrophys-
iologic confirmation, nerve conduction tests will Exclusion Criteria
increase the probability of a correct diagnosis in all
types of settings. The severity of CTS in epidemio- Several studies that assessed the relationship be-
logic studies is expected to be lower than that in tween CTS and occupational hand use could not be
clinical settings, and because nerve conduction considered in evaluating the evidence because of
measurement results are more likely to be normal in one or more of the following reasons:
mild than in severe CTS, this makes the diagnostic 1. Cases were identified through workers’ compen-
procedure in epidemiologic studies more difficult. sation or other insurance claims databases. This
116 Upper Extremity Topics

selection method is subject to high risk for bias technical assistants and machine technicians with a
that may substantially affect the conclusions. 1-year follow-up period; response rate was 73% at
2. No control/referent group was included. baseline and 82% at follow-up. Symptoms and expo-
3. CTS cases were diagnosed based on self-reported sure (mouse and keyboard use) were self-reported
symptoms only, physical signs only, or nerve con- using a questionnaire and interview, but the case
duction measurements without symptoms. Stud- definition was based on symptoms only. The authors
ies with CTS case definition that did not include report an association between mouse use for more
both symptoms and nerve conduction measure- than 20 hours/week and risk for symptoms, but no
ments were not considered in the evidence; how- statistically significant association with keyboard use,
ever, studies with less specific case definitions and conclude that “computer use does not pose a
but with large populations are described here. severe occupational hazard for developing symptoms
4. CTS cases were workers with occupations that of CTS.”32 The association between computer work
mainly involved use of handheld vibratory tools. and CTS has also been investigated in studies with
In these workers, symptoms may have been re- adequate case definition. Gerr and colleagues33 fol-
lated, at least in part, to vibration-induced neu- lowed 582 persons newly hired into jobs requiring at
ropathy rather than compression neuropathy. Be- least 15 hours per week of computer use for up to
cause of the difficulty in accurately differentiating 3 years, finding a low incidence of electrophysiologi-
CTS from hand-arm vibration syndrome, frequent cally confirmed CTS (3 cases). Stevens and research-
use of vibratory tools is a significant confounder ers34 examined 256 employees described as frequent
when other occupational factors are assessed. computer users at a medical facility, finding only
5. Important confounders (age and sex) were not 9 persons with electrophysiologically confirmed CTS
accounted for. and concluding that the prevalence was similar
The studies retrieved through the literature search to that reported in general population studies. The
concerning occupational hand use and CTS (published overall evidence from a number of studies suggests
through January 2007) were examined for relevance that computer work is not associated with greater
and whether they met the inclusion and exclusion cri- risk for CTS.
teria. Eligible studies were then classified according to In a relatively large case–control study from France,
the level of evidence and data regarding the popula- Leclerc and coworkers35 compared 1210 workers in
tions studied, the exposure and the findings (preva- repetitive work (assembly line, clothing and shoe in-
lence, odds ratios, or relative risks) were recorded. dustry, and food industry) from 53 different compa-
The studies were grouped according to occupational nies with a control group of 337 workers. Exposure
activity and occupational title. was measured partly by self-report and partly as-
sessed by occupational physicians, but the case
definition demanded only positive Tinel’s sign or
RESULTS Phalen’s test (symptoms were not part of the crite-
ria). The authors conclude that “CTS was associated
The review showed that most of the relevant studies with several factors including repetitive work, espe-
had been included in two previous reviews, the most cially packaging.”35 Using the same case definition,
recent of which examined the literature published the authors performed a longitudinal study of
through 2004.18,19 Several of the studies that have as- 598 workers (assembly, clothing, food, packaging,
sessed the relationship between CTS and occupa- cashiers) who were re-examined after 3 years, and
tional activities (Table 16–1) or occupational title reported an association between CTS and forceful
(Table 16–2), using an adequate case definition (symp- movements.36 In a large cross-sectional study from
toms and nerve conduction measurement),8,20–31 have France, Melchior and colleagues37 examined a ran-
shown an association between CTS and either certain dom sample of 2656 workers for a variety of upper
occupational activities (hand force, excessive wrist limb musculoskeletal disorders including CTS, which
flexion/extension, or repetitive wrist motion) or cer- was diagnosed based on symptoms and signs only.
tain occupations, with relative risks or odds ratios of The authors report a greater risk for “CTS” in manual
up to 9.0 shown. However, some associations were compared with nonmanual workers, which after ad-
inconsistent. In a number of “negative” studies that justing for age, obesity, and medical conditions was
failed to show a statistically significant association, statistically significant among women (prevalence
the lower limit of the 95% confidence interval for the ratio, 2.1; 95% confidence interval, 1.2–3.7) but not
odds ratio was just less than 1.0, suggesting a small among men (prevalence ratio, 1.4; 95% confidence
sample size. interval, 0.7–2.8).
In a longitudinal study, Nathan and investigators38
examined a cohort of 471 workers from 4 industries in
Studies with Less Specific Case Definitions Oregon, at baseline and after 11 and 17 years; the case
definition changed from only abnormal nerve conduc-
In a longitudinal cohort study from Denmark, Andersen tion at baseline to what was described as “research-
and coworkers32 investigated the relationship be- defined CTS” requiring symptoms (at least twice per
tween computer work and CTS in a sample of 9480 month) and abnormal nerve conduction or previous
TABLE 16–1. Studies of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Occupational Activities Using a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Case Definition of Symptoms and Abnormal Nerve Conduction Measurement Results
(Unless Specified)

Atroshi et al. (1999)8 1422 active workers in Excessive force with hand 3.2 (1.6–6.3) Age, sex, BMI, medical Cross-sectional, population based;
random general popula- (!1 hr/day) conditions exposure, self-reported (general
tion sample Excessively flexed or 2.6 (1.2–5.3) health questionnaire); CTS prev-
extended wrist alence rate of 2.6%
(!1 hr/day)
de Krom et al. (1990)20 156 CTS cases (28 from Flexed wrist, 20–40 hr/wk 8.7 (3.1–24.1) Age, sex, BMI, medical Mixture of cross-sectional and
random general popula- Extended wrist, 20–40 hr/wk 5.4 (1.1–27.4) conditions case–control study, cases
tion sample, 128 from drawn from two different
hospital); 473 control populations; exposure,
subjects from general self-reported (interview)
Gell et al. (2005)21 432 industrial and clerical Threshold limit value for 1.6 (0.9–2.9) Age, sex, BMI, symptoms, Longitudinal; participation rate
workers followed an av- peak force-hand activity (new-onset and nerve conduction 51% of original sample; expo-
erage of 5.4 years level " 3 (highest of 3 CTS) at baseline sure measured at baseline using
categories; derived from job activity level rating; average
rating of force and repe- annual incidence rate of 1.2%
tition level, each 0–10
Latko et al. (1999)22 336 workers from 3 manu- Repetition: 1.2 (0.98–1.5) Age, sex, wrist ratio Cross-sectional; exposure mea-
facturing companies One-unit increase sured with observational rating
(0–10 scale) method; CTS prevalence rate of
High vs. low repetition 3.1 (0.89–10.9) 5.6%
(3 levels)
Roquelaure et al. 65 CTS cases identified Hand force !1 kg 9.0 (2.4–33.4) Age, sex Small study; case definition was
(1997)23 from occupational (#10 times/hr) symptoms and nerve conduc-
health records for Short elemental cycle 8.8 (1.8–44.4) tion or previous CTS surgery;
plants manufacturing ($10 seconds) exposure measured with
TV sets, shoes, and No job rotation 6.3 (2.1–19.3) direct observation
automobile breaks;
65 age-, sex-, and
plant-matched referents
Thomsen et al. (2002)24 731 employees at a bank Repetitive work (10-hour 1.8 (1.1–3.2) Age, sex, BMI Cross-sectional and follow-up; de-
and 2 postal centers increase/wk of repetitive tailed exposure measurement;
(389 repetitive non- nonforceful work) no CTS cases among control
forceful, 73 forceful non- Forceful work (10-hour 1.4 (0.9–2.3) subjects (nonrepetitive non-
repetitive, 28 forceful increase/wk of forceful forceful work); follow-up part
repetitive, 219 nonforce- nonrepetitive work) yielded few CTS cases
ful nonrepetitive)
Werner et al. (2005)25 189 automobile assembly Elbow posture rating 8.1 (1.5–44.2) Sex, BMI, baseline median Longitudinal; only 279 of more
workers without CTS (1-point increase on neuropathy, diabetes than 1700 workers participated;
followed over 1 year 1–10 scale) exposure measured using job
Hand repetition level, peak Not significant activity level rating; of the
hand force, and wrist (new-onset 20 new cases, only 10 had
flexion/extension CTS) documented electrodiagnostic

Confidence interval (CI) for relative risk (RR) or odds ratio (OR) that does not include 1.0 indicates statistical significance.
BMI 5 body mass index; CTS 5 carpal tunnel syndrome.
Adapted from Palmer KT, Harris EC, Coggon D: Carpal tunnel syndrome and its relation to occupation: A systematic literature review. Occup Med (Lond) 57:57–66, 2007 by permission of Oxford University Press.
What Is the Evidence for a Cause-and-Effect Linkage between Occupational Hand Use and Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? 117
TABLE 16–2. Studies of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Job Title Using a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Case Definition of Symptoms and Abnormal Nerve Conduction Measurement Results (Unless Specified)
118 Upper Extremity Topics


Atroshi et al. (1999)8 710 active blue-collar workers/712 2.1 (1.1–4.2) Age, sex, BMI Population-based employment data
active white collar workers through general health question-
Barnhart et al. (1991)26 106 ski-manufacturing workers in 1.6 (0.8–3.2) Age, sex Case definition: electrophysiology %
repetitive jobs/67 nonrepetitive positive Phalen’s test or Tinel’s sign
jobs and/or ever having had hand pain or
Bonfiglioli et al. (2007)27 71 full-time cashiers, 155 part-time Cashiers vs. office workers: Age, BMI, other High participation rate; significant as-
cashiers/98 office workers Part-time: 1.06 (0.35–3.2) sociation with symptoms but not
All female subjects from 4 big Full-time: 1.8 (0.52–6.3) with CTS (prevalence; full-time ca-
supermarket stores shiers 9.9%, part-time cashiers 7.1%,
office workers 8.2%)
Frost et al. (1998)28 743 slaughterhouse workers/398 All: 4.0 (1.7–9.3) Age, sex, BMI, smoking, Case definition: symptoms and nerve
control subjects (299 from Nondeboning: 3.1 (1.3–8.0) medical conditions conduction or previous surgery for
chemical factory) Deboning: 4.9 (2.0–11.8) CTS; exposure described as high
Kutluhan et al. (2001)29 70 women carpet workers from 3.8 (1.05–14.1) (CTS in 30% of Age, medical conditions Small study with risk for bias in
3 workshops in Turkey/30 workers and 10% of control selection of cases (no data about
healthy housewives subjects) participation rate) and control
subjects (selection method not
Osorio et al. (1994)30 56 supermarket workers (bakery 6.7 (0.8–52.9) Age, sex Small study
icers, meat cutters, and
cashiers) working #20 hr/wk/
low-exposure group (others)
Rosecrance et al. (2002)31 Apprentice construction workers Sheet metal workers: 2.0 (0.8–5.0) Age, BMI High participation rate; prevalence
from a U.S. trades union (136 Engineers: 1.0 (0.5–2.2) Plumbers/ rate of CTS 8.3% among women and
sheet metal workers, 486 oper- pipe fitters: 1.2 (0.5–2.0) 8.2% among men
ating engineers, 330 plumbers/
pipe fitters)/163 apprentice

Confidence interval (CI) for relative risk (RR) or odds ratio (OR) that does not include 1.0 indicates statistical significance.
BMI " body mass index; CTS " carpal tunnel syndrome.
Adapted from Palmer KT, Harris EC, Coggon D: Carpal tunnel syndrome and its relation to occupation: A systematic literature review. Occup Med (Lond) 57:57–66, 2007 by permission of Oxford University Press.
What Is the Evidence for a Cause-and-Effect Linkage between Occupational Hand Use and Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? 119

CTS surgery at the final follow-up.38–40 The baseline creased carpal canal pressure cannot be regarded as
work exposure was used despite possible work change direct evidence that work with such positions will
over time, and large attrition of the sample occurred cause CTS. Similarly, studies have examined median
with 54% and 35% participation rates at the two follow- nerve conduction or morphology in the carpal tunnel
up examinations, respectively. The authors consis- in certain occupational groups. The results of such
tently report no association between CTS and occupa- experimental studies provide plausibility to the hy-
tional repetition or force. The significant risk for bias pothesis, but not evidence, that specific work activi-
limits the contribution of these studies to the overall ties may lead to CTS.
evidence. In a case–control study Nordstrom and coau-
thors41 identify 206 “newly diagnosed” CTS cases from
clinic database in the Marshfield area in Wisconsin CONCLUSIONS
(physician-made diagnosis not requiring nerve con-
duction testing) and compare them with 211 randomly To prove a causal relationship between occupa-
sampled residents with no CTS diagnosis; information tional hand use and CTS, study investigators ideally
on risk factors was obtained through telephone inter- would include an adequately large number of per-
views and from medical records.41 After adjustment for sons who have no symptoms of CTS at baseline,
age, sex, body mass index, and other medical condi- examine them clinically and neurophysiologically
tions, the occupational risk factors that showed statis- and follow them for an appropriate period, define
tically significant associations with “CTS” were fre- and measure exposure with a reliable and valid
quent (!6 vs. 0 hours) use of power tools/machinery method, and re-examine the persons at follow-up
and bending/twisting of hands/wrists, with odds ratios clinically and neurophysiologically to determine the
(95% confidence interval) of 3.3 (1.1–9.8) and 2.1 incidence of CTS in the exposed and nonexposed
(1.0–4.5), respectively. groups. Most studies in the review were case–con-
In a case–control study from Canada, Rossignol trol or cross-sectional and had various limitations
and colleagues42 used Montreal’s surgery database that affected the strength of the conclusions de-
of 1 year to identify 969 first-surgery CTS cases and rived from them regarding the association between
conducted telephone interviews of a sample of 238 occupational hand use and CTS. The few longitudi-
cases to obtain occupational history (94% reported nal studies found typically were too small to yield
having electrodiagnostic tests but no data on re- adequate number of cases for strong conclusions
sults). The authors conclude that among manual regarding cause-and-effect relation. Dose–response
workers, “55% of surgical CTS in women and 76% in associations have not been adequately demons-
men was attributable to work,” and that increased trated. Despite the limitations in the current litera-
risk for surgical CTS was found in seven occupa- ture, fairly consistent epidemiologic evidence has
tional groups. The study adjusted for age and sex been reported of an association between certain
but not for other confounders, and the use of sur- work activities or certain occupations and CTS.
gery database and telephone interview of a sample However, the evidence does not permit firm conclu-
to obtain occupational history may have introduced sions about the exact nature of the cause, whether
selection and reporting bias. In a frequently cited it is force, posture, repetitiveness, or a combination
cross-sectional study, Silverstein and investigators43 of these factors. A fair amount of evidence exists to
examined 652 workers in 39 jobs from 7 industries support that occupations in which some or all of
in the United States, using good exposure measure- these factors are predominant (compared with
ment (including observation and video analysis) to other types of occupations) seem to be associated
classify jobs into 4 groups (high/low force/repeti- with a greater risk for CTS. Table 16–3 provides a
tion), but the case definition was based only on summary of recommendations.
symptoms and physical signs. After adjustment for
several potential confounders, the odds ratio of
“CTS” in the high-force, high-repetition group com-
pared with the low-force, low-repetition group was
15.5 (95% confidence interval, 1.7–142).
TABLE 16–3. Summary of Recommendations
Experimental Studies
Several experimental studies have explored the hy- Force (exertion of high force with B
the hand)
pothesis that working with certain wrist positions or Repetitiveness (highly repetitive B
force exertion may have potentially harmful effects wrist motion)
on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. A number Posture (prolonged extreme wrist B
of studies have measured carpal tunnel pressures in flexion or extension)
different wrist or hand positions or activities.44–47
Based on evidence from studies that involve one or more of these occupa-
However, findings that wrist flexion and extension or tional activities, as well as studies that involve specific occupations in
certain finger positions or force levels lead to in- which one of these activities would be dominant.
120 Upper Extremity Topics

REFERENCES 24. Thomsen JF, Hansson GA, Mikkelsen S, et al: Carpal tunnel
syndrome in repetitive work: A follow-up study. Am J Ind Med
1. Keyserling WM, Stetson DS, Silverstein BA, et al: A checklist 42:344–353, 2002.
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extremity cumulative trauma disorders. Ergonomics syndrome among automobile assembly workers and assess-
36:807–831, 1993. ment of risk factors. J Occup Environ Med 47:1044–1050, 2005.
2. Armstrong TJ, Chaffin DB: Carpal tunnel syndrome and se- 26. Barnhart S, Demers PA, Miller M, et al: Carpal tunnel syn-
lected personal attributes. J Occup Med 21:481–486, 1979. drome among ski manufacturing workers. Scand J Work Envi-
3. Hagberg M, Morgenstern H, Kelsh M: Impact of occupations ron Health 17:46–52, 1991.
and job tasks on the prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome. 27. Bonfiglioli R, Mattioli S, Fiorentini C, et al: Relationship be-
Scand J Work Environ Health 18:337–345, 1992. tween repetitive work and the prevalence of carpal tunnel
4. Szabo RM, King KJ: Repetitive stress injury: Diagnosis or self- syndrome in part-time and full-time female supermarket
fulfilling prophecy? J Bone Joint Surg Am 82:1314–1322, 2000. cashiers: A quasi-experimental study. Int Arch Occup Environ
5. Amadio PC: Repetitive stress injury. J Bone Joint Surg Am Health 80:248–253, 2007.
83:136–137, 2001. 28. Frost P, Andersen JH, Nielsen VK: Occurrence of carpal tun-
6. de Krom MC, Knipschild PG, Kester AD, et al: Carpal tunnel nel syndrome among slaughterhouse workers. Scand J Work
syndrome: Prevalence in the general population. J Clin Epide- Environ Health 24:285–292, 1998.
miol 45:373–376, 1992. 29. Kutluhan S, Akhan G, Demirci S, et al: Carpal tunnel syn-
7. Ferry S, Pritchard T, Keenan J, et al: Estimating the preva- drome in carpet workers. Int Arch Occup Environ Health
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population. Br J Rheumatol 37:630–635, 1998. 30. Osorio AM, Ames RG, Jones J, et al: Carpal tunnel syndrome
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incidence in a general population. Neurology 58:289–294, 32. Andersen JH, Thomsen JF, Overgaard E, et al: Computer use
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between body mass index and the diagnosis of carpal tunnel 33. Gerr F, Marcus M, Ensor C, et al: A prospective study of com-
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21. Gell N, Werner RA, Franzblau A, et al: A longitudinal study of tients with carpal tunnel syndrome and normal patients. J
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workers. Scand J Work Environ Health 23:364–369, 1997. pressing task. J Orthop Res 16:112–115, 1998.
Chapter What Are the Best Diagnostic Tests
for Complex Regional Pain
17 Syndrome?

atrophy of affected muscles may be noted. In some
The French physician Claude Bernard (1813–1878) cases, the specific stages of CRPS may be difficult to
first described the condition now called complex re- identify clinically because they may blend into one
gional pain syndrome (CRPS).1 His student, Silas Weir another in a more continuous spectrum of manifesta-
Mitchell, attributed it to autonomic instability and tions. In one study, 13% of patients with acute CRPS
proposed the term causalgia for this diagnosis.2 Since had cold affected areas.2 In some patients, the warm
then, a variety of other names has also been used to phase has been noted to persist for as long as 8 to
describe this condition, including algodystrophy, 12 years after the initial diagnosis of CRPS.4 Overall,
sympathalgia, post-traumatic spreading neuralgia, this staging system is widely accepted in literature.1
and reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Although reflex
sympathetic dystrophy was the widely accepted diag-
nostic term for a long time, the role of the sympa- COMPLEX REGIONAL PAIN SYNDROME: CLINICAL
thetic nervous system in the pathophysiology of this DIAGNOSIS
syndrome has not been confirmed. Therefore, in a
consensus workshop of the International Association The IASP has suggested diagnostic criteria on multiple
for the Study of Pain (IASP) in 1995, it was recom- occasions,5 and these have been helpful in organizing
mended that the condition known as reflex sympa- the thought process in diagnosing CRPS. However,
thetic dystrophy be called complex regional pain multiple studies have found that the IASP criteria have
syndrome (CRPS). satisfactory sensitivity, but have poor specificity lead-
ing to a risk for overdiagnosis.6–8 Because clinical
symptoms can lead to overdiagnosis, in suspicious
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Causative Factors cases, more advanced tests that have better specific-
and Natural Progression ity may be administered to reduce false positives of
clinical diagnosis. The clinical diagnosis criteria were
CRPS is divided into two subtypes, I and II, on the revised in 2003, and the new standard that has better
basis of an association with peripheral nerve pathol- specificity1 is described in Table 17–1. Clinical diagno-
ogy.3 CRPS I includes cases in whom no associated sis has grade B level evidence (Table 17–2).
nerve pathology exists and in whom CRPS develops
after a noxious event.3 For example, the reported in-
cidence of CRPS I after various fractures is 1% to 2% CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: SPECIFIC SYMPTOMS
(7–35% after Colles’ fractures).4 CRPS II includes AND DIAGNOSTIC METHODS
cases in which there are known nerve pathology, and
it mostly affects large nerves such as the median or The clinical symptoms of CRPS fall into four broad
sciatic nerves.3 For example, the reported incidence categories: (1) sensory, (2) vasomotor, (3) sudomotor,
of CRPS II after peripheral nerve injuries is 2% to 5%; (4) motor/trophic. The most common findings in each
10% to 26% of CRPS cases are idiopathic.4 category and common techniques to diagnose these
CRPS may progress through three stages.1 Stage 1 symptoms are presented in the following sections.
(acute) is a warm phase, and it is characterized by
pain, sensory abnormalities, vasomotor dysfunction,
edema, and sudomotor disturbances. Stage II (dystro- Sensory Changes
phic) may be warm or cold, and it is characterized by
worsening of stage I symptoms. In addition, motor Pain is the most frequently encountered symptom in
and trophic (hair and nail growth) changes are first CRPS; 81% of CRPS patients suffer severe pain.1 The
noted in stage II. Stage III (atrophic) is a cold phase in nature of pain is often described as burning or sting-
which pain and sensory disturbances decrease, but ing, which typically starts at the distal end of an ex-
motor and trophic abnormalities worsen. In addition, tremity and propagates proximally.9

122 Upper Extremity Topics

TABLE 17–1. Criteria for Clinical Diagnosis of Complex Regional be done using a handheld vibrator (TVR model, HV-13
Pain Syndrome D; Heiwa Electronic Industrial, Osaka, Japan).12

1. Continuing pain, which is disproportionate to any inciting

2. Patient must report at least three of the following Vasomotor Changes
a. Sensory: reports of hyperesthesia Bilateral asymmetry in color, temperature, or both is
b. Vasomotor: reports of temperature asymmetry and/or a common symptom in CRPS; 87% of CRPS patients
skin color changes and/or skin color asymmetry have asymmetry in color, and 79% have asymmetry
c. Sudomotor/Edema: reports of edema and/or sweating
changes and/or sweating asymmetry
in temperature.1 Classically, the affected area is
d. Motor/Trophic: reports of decreased range of motion warmer, redder, and edematous (80% of patients)
and/or motor dysfunction (weakness, tremor, dystonia) compared with the unaffected area in early-stage
and/or trophic changes (hair, nail, skin) CRPS.1 In 54% of patients, the affected area changes
3. Physician must verify at least two of the following signs: from hyperthermic to hypothermic presentation with
a. Sensory: evidence of hyperalgesia (to pinprick) and/or
allodynia (to light touch) progression of disease.9
b. Vasomotor: evidence of temperature asymmetry and/or In severe cases of CRPS, temperature asymmetry
skin color changes and/or asymmetry may be diagnosed by touching the affected and unaf-
c. Sudomotor/Edema: evidence of edema and/or sweating fected areas. In some cases, the temperature asym-
changes and/or sweating asymmetry
d. Motor/Trophic: evidence of decreased range of motion
metry is subtle and its diagnosis may require more
and/or motor dysfunction (weakness, tremor, dystonia, sophisticated equipments. Simple infrared thermom-
neglect) and/or trophic changes (hair, nail, skin) eters have been used for this purpose, and their
sensitivity and specificity varies from 70% to 90% in
Adapted from Harden RN, Bruehl SP: Diagnosis of complex regional pain
syndrome: Signs, symptoms, and new empirically derived diagnostic
literature.14 In addition, more advanced computer-
criteria. Clin J Pain 22:415–419, 2006. ized thermography devices are available.13–15 For ex-
ample, TIP 50 imaging unit (Bales Scientific, Walnut
Creek, CA) can be used to measure the average tem-
Hyperesthesia and allodynia are reported in 65% of perature of the affected region and its contralateral
CRPS patients,1 and they do not follow sensory nerve normal region. The sensitivity, specificity, positive
distribution patterns.9 This can be used to distin- predictive value, and negative predictive value of
guish CRPS from nerve pathologies, which are lim- computerized thermography depend on the cutoff
ited to the affected nerve’s distribution. Mechanical asymmetry value (how different the temperature
allodynia can be tested by light touch or brushing between affected and unaffected regions has to be
over the affected area. Temperature allodynia may before stating that the asymmetry is clinically signifi-
be assessed with warm and cold test tubes of water. cant). For example, if we choose a high cutoff value
In addition, quantitative sensory testing, which is a (e.g., difference of 1°C instead of 0.5°C), there would
computerized measure of temperature and vibrations be fewer false positives, but we will not detect more
sense,10 can be used for objective assessment of al- patients with CRPS. One study reported that a tem-
lodynia.11–13 Quantitative thermal testing may be done perature asymmetry of 0.6°C is most optimal to bal-
using a Marstock thermostimulator (Thermotest ance sensitivity and specificity, but if specificity is
equipment; Somedic AB, Stockholm, Sweden).12 This more important, then a higher cutoff (0.8°C ) may be
equipment has an electrode that is placed on the pa- used.15 Another study found thermography to have a
tient’s skin. Patients have control over cooling or sensitivity of 93%, specificity of 98%, positive predic-
heating the electrode, and they are asked to raise/ tive value (PPV) of 90%, and negative predictive
lower temperature until it induces pain. The thermal value (NPV) of 94%.16
thresholds of the affected and unaffected region are
measured and compared with each other to look for
allodynia. Similarly, quantitative vibration testing can Sudomotor Changes
Sudomotor changes, most notably increased sweat-
TABLE 17–2. Grades of Recommendation for Diagnostic Tests ing on the affected side, is correlated with CRPS, and
this sweating asymmetry is more pronounced on ex-
ertion.9 In severe cases, asymmetry in sweating can
Clinical diagnostic criteria B
be assessed with touch or sight. In moderate cases,
Radiograph B dragging a smooth tool on skin can be used to ap-
Magnetic resonance imaging B proximate sweating. In addition, the following more
Bone scanning B advanced tests are available:
Sympathetic skin response B 1. Resting Sweat Output test (RST): RST equip-
*A ! good evidence (Level I studies with consistent finding) for or against
ment quantitatively measures sweating. It has
recommending intervention; B ! fair evidence (Level II or III studies with a capsule attached to patients’ skin over the
consistent findings) for or against recommending intervention; C ! poor- affected and contralateral unaffected regions.
quality evidence (Level IV or V with consistent findings) for or against rec-
ommending intervention; I ! there is insufficient or conflicting evidence Nitrogen flows through the capsule, and an
not allowing a recommendation for or against intervention. evaporative water-loss unit measures heat con-
What Are the Best Diagnostic Tests for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome? 123

ductance of the nitrogen flowing in and flowing (85–98%), PPV (67–95%), and NPV (61–100%).21 The
out of the capsule. The difference in heat con- diagnostic accuracy is influenced by the following
ductance gives a quantitative measure of factors: stage of the disease, age of the patient, na-
sweating rate. This test has a high specificity ture of inciting event, and location of the disease.
(94%),14 which serves to detect false positives SSR test, which measures changes in skin conduc-
that are prevalent in clinical diagnosis. tance in response to electrical stimulation, may be
2. Quantitative Sudomotor Axon Reflex Test useful to diagnose CRPS. The electrical stimulation is
(QSART): In this test, acetylcholine is applied delivered using electrodes, and skin conductance is
on the affected and contralateral unaffected measured using electromyography. SSR is increased
skin, and it is forced into the skin by local ap- in the affected region of patients with early-stage
plication of a 2-mA current. The sweat response CRPS.22–25 One study found that SSR was less than
is then measured using equipment similar to normal in the affected region of patients with late-
that described for RST. The combination of RST stage CRPS.26 Therefore, it may be possible to differ-
and QSART achieves a specificity of 98%.14 entiate stages of CRPS using SSR. No definitive data
are available on the sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and
Motor/Trophic Changes
Motor changes are common in CRPS patients; 80% of COMPLEX REGIONAL PAIN SYNDROME: A DIAGNOSTIC
CRPS patients report decreased range of motion, 75% SCHEME
report muscle weakness in the involved area, and
20% of patients suffer tremors.1 Trophic changes in- To understand the use of diagnostic acumen in CRPS,
clude brittle nails (24% of patients)1 and increased most clinicians, regardless of training background,
hair growth (21% of patients).1 Motor and trophic will benefit from a refresher discussion on the use of
changes have to be assessed by clinical observation. diagnostic tests. In the uncertainties of medicine, di-
agnostic tests are used to establish the presence of a
particular disease. These diagnostic tests vary in
COMPLEX REGIONAL PAIN SYNDROME: complexity, cost, and invasiveness. Typically, the
ADDITIONAL TESTS best test is often referred to as the gold standard test,
or more appropriately should be termed the reference
The current literature reports imaging, nuclear medi- standard test because gold is no longer used as a
cine, and sympathetic skin response (SSR) tests, currency standard. However, the reference standard
which have grade B evidence (see Table 17–2) that test cannot be used in all circumstances because it
can complement the clinical diagnosis of CRPS. The may be difficult to administer, time consuming, or
imaging techniques that may assist in the diagnosis prohibitively expensive. Therefore, more practical
of CRPS are plain x-ray films and magnetic resonance alternative tests are used first. The robustness of
imaging (MRI). Radiographs are useful in the diagno- these alternative tests is judged against the reference
sis of CRPS I after a fracture because the bone standard. The problem with more practical alterna-
changes extend beyond the original fracture site in tive tests is that they have more false positives and
early stages,17 and diffuse osteoporosis with severe false negatives. False-positive result is when the test
patchy demineralization may appear in later stages.18 identifies an individual as having the disease, but that
In fact, the amount of bone loss in CRPS over a few individual does not have the disease according to the
months is tantamount to bone loss over 10 years of reference standard. False-negative result is when the
uncomplicated osteoporosis.17 One study reported test identifies an individual as not having the disease,
radiographs to have a sensitivity of 36%, specificity but that individual actually has the disease according
of 94%, NPV of 86%, and PPV of 58% in diagnosing to the reference standard. The following concepts
CRPS.18 The signs of CRPS observed on MRI are skin are important to critically evaluate diagnostic tests:
thickening/enhancement and joint effusion.18–20 One (1) sensitivity, (2) specificity, (3) PPV, and (4) NPV.
study found MRI to have a specificity of 98% and sen- 1. Sensitivity
sitivity of 14% in diagnosing CPRS I, 16 weeks after • The percentage of true positive results that
initial trauma.18 The literature recommends that be- a diagnostic test identifies as positive.
cause imaging studies have low sensitivity, they can- • High sensitivity reduces false-negative results.
not be used as screening tests, but their high speci- 2. Specificity
ficity makes them valuable as second-line tests in • The percentage of true negative results that
patients who are suspected of having CRPS after a diagnostic test identifies as negative.
clinical observation. • High specificity reduces false-positive results.
In the bone scanning test, a tracer is administered 3. PPV
to the patient, and bone imaging is done. CRPS ex- • The probability that a positive test result in-
tremities are correlated with increased uptake of dicates a true positive result.
tracer and accelerated blood flow to the affected 4. NPV
limb.18 The diagnostic parameters of this test in litera- • The probability that a negative test result in-
ture are as follows: sensitivity (54–100%), specificity dicates a true negative result.
124 Upper Extremity Topics

The difficulty in diagnosing CRPS is, in part, because physiology of this disease. Given these limitations,
there is no widely accepted reference standard test clinical observation is the accepted standard and is
for this condition. In its absence, clinical observation used as a screening test when CRPS is suspected. It
of symptoms serves as the standard. It has high sensi- is important to differentiate CRPS from disorders
tivity, as we described earlier, and is useful as a that may resemble it, because in many cases, the
screening test when CRPS is suspected. Unfortunately, diagnosis of CRPS may be based on exclusion.
clinical diagnosis lacks in specificity, which results in Other tests such as imaging, nuclear, and SSR tests
a relatively high number of false-positive results. This may be useful as second-line tests to reduce over-
is because the symptoms used to diagnose CRPS may diagnosis.
be seen in a variety of other illnesses. Therefore, the Table 17–3 provides a summary of recommenda-
first thing to do after a positive clinical diagnosis is to tions for the treatment of CRPS.
confirm that this is CRPS and not another disease.
The diagnosis of CRPS may, in many cases, be a diag-
nosis of exclusion. Rheumatologic, orthopedic, neuro-
logic, and vascular disorders can resemble the clinical
TABLE 17–3. Summary of Recommendations
features of CRPS, and it is important to differentiate
among these alternative diagnoses. Unlike most rheu- LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/GRADE
matic disorders, CRPS is not usually associated with STATEMENT OF RECOMMENDATION REFERENCES
increased sedimentation rates or specific antigen-
Clinical diagnostic B 1,9
antibody complexes.4 Orthopedic disorders such as criteria
osteoporosis, bone bruise, stress fracture, and delayed X-ray B 17,18
fracture healing may also resemble CRPS,9 but they MRI B 18–20
may be distinguished from it by radiography and bone Bone scanning B 21
Sympathetic skin B 22–26
scanning. Neurological disorders such as postherpetic response
neuralgia, plexopathy, and entrapment neuropathy
may also resemble CRPS symptoms.9 However, associ-
ated venous thrombosis seen in CRPS4 does not occur
in neurologic disorders. Vascular disorders, such as
chronic arterial insufficiency and Raynaud’s disease, REFERENCES
may also resemble CRPS. The former can be differenti- 1. Harden RN, Bruehl SP: Diagnosis of complex regional pain
ated from CRPS because in arterial insufficiency, pulses syndrome: Signs, symptoms, and new empirically derived
are absent, but they are present in CRPS. Raynaud’s diagnostic criteria. Clin J Pain 22:415–419, 2006.
disease is exacerbated by cold, whereas CRPS symp- 2. Lau FH, Chung KC: Silas Weir Mitchell, MD: The physician
who discovered causalgia. J Hand Surg [Am] 29:181–187,
toms are exacerbated by exercise.4 Therefore, cold and 2004.
exercise stress tests can be used to distinguish be- 3. Stanton-Hicks M, Janig W, Hassenbusch S, et al: Reflex sympa-
tween Raynaud’s disease and CRPS. CRPS symptoms thetic dystrophy: Changing concepts and taxonomy. Pain
may also be mistaken for infection. But with CRPS, 63:127–133, 1995.
there is no fever and no change in serology.4 If CRPS is 4. Veldman PH, Reynen HM, Arntz IE, Goris RJ: Signs and symp-
toms of reflex sympathetic dystrophy: Prospective study of
still suspected after the aforementioned differential di- 829 patients. Lancet 342:1012–1016, 1993.
agnosis, then the probability that the positive result is 5. IASP: Classification of chronic pain. Descriptions of chronic
a true positive can be further clarified by administering pain syndromes and definitions of pain terms. Prepared by
advanced tests that have better specificity. the International Association for the Study of Pain, Subcom-
mittee on Taxonomy. Pain Suppl 3:S1–S226, 1986.
We have discussed the advanced tests that can 6. Bruehl S, Harden RN, Galer BS, et al: External validation of
confirm the diagnosis of CRPS. For confirmation of IASP diagnostic criteria for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
sensory dysfunction, quantitative sensory testing and proposed research diagnostic criteria. International As-
may be used. For confirming temperature asymmetry, sociation for the Study of Pain. Pain 81:147–154, 1999.
computerized thermography may be used because it 7. Galer BS, Bruehl S, Harden RN: IASP diagnostic criteria for
complex regional pain syndrome: A preliminary empirical
has a high specificity (98%). For confirming sudomo- validation study. International Association for the Study of
tor changes, the combination of RST and QSART may Pain. Clin J Pain 14:48–54, 1998.
be used because it has a high specificity (98%). Fur- 8. Harden RN, Bruehl S, Galer BS, et al: Complex regional pain
thermore, positive clinical diagnosis may be followed syndrome: Are the IASP diagnostic criteria valid and suffi-
ciently comprehensive? Pain 83:211–219, 1999.
up with x-ray scanning, MRI, bone scanning, or SSR. 9. Vacariu G: Complex regional pain syndrome. Disabil Rehabil
These tests have high specificities and will reduce the 24:435–442, 2002.
number of false-positive results. If CRPS is confirmed 10. Chong PS, Cros DP: Technology literature review: Quantita-
after these advanced tests, then there is a relatively tive sensory testing. Muscle Nerve 29:734–747, 2004.
high probability that the diagnosis is correct. 11. Fowler CJ, Carroll MB, Burns D, et al: A portable system for
measuring cutaneous thresholds for warming and cooling.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 50:1211–1215, 1987.
12. Wahren LK, Torebjork E, Nystrom B: Quantitative sensory
testing before and after regional guanethidine block in pa-
COMPLEX REGIONAL PAIN SYNDROME: SUMMARY tients with neuralgia in the hand. Pain 46:23–30, 1991.
13. Gulevich SJ, Conwell TD, Lane J, et al: Stress infrared tele-
Difficulties with the diagnosis of CRPS are partly thermography is useful in the diagnosis of complex regional
due to the lack of a reference standard test and to pain syndrome, type I (formerly reflex sympathetic dystro-
our incomplete understanding of the exact patho- phy). Clin J Pain 13:50–59, 1997.
What Are the Best Diagnostic Tests for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome? 125

14. Chelimsky TC, Low PA, Naessens JM, et al: Value of auto- 20. Intenzo CM, Kim SM, Capuzzi DM: The role of nuclear medi-
nomic testing in reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Mayo Clin cine in the evaluation of complex regional pain syndrome
Proc 70:1029–1040, 1995. type I. Clin Nucl Med 30:400–407, 2005.
15. Bruehl S, Lubenow TR, Nath H, Ivankovich O: Validation of 21. Fournier RS, Holder LE: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy: Diag-
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Auton Res 5:205–210, 1995.
Chapter What Is the Optimal Treatment of

18 Displaced Midshaft Clavicle Fractures?


Clavicle fractures most commonly occur in young ac-

tive individuals as a result of a direct blow to the OPTIONS
shoulder that produces axial compression of the Nonoperative Treatment
bone. They account for approximately 2.6% of all frac-
tures and are seen in most fracture clinics in large For centuries, attempts have been made to obtain
numbers. The most common type of injury is a frac- and maintain “closed reduction” of displaced cla-
ture that occurs in the middle third (or midshaft) of vicular fractures, and literally hundreds of casts,
the clavicle; this accounts for approximately 80% of splints, slings, and wraps have been described.
all clavicle fractures and is the focus of this chapter. Unfortunately, currently, no convincing evidence
Proximal and distal third fractures are distinctly dif- exists that any significant improvement can be made
ferent entities with widely disparate mechanisms of to the original position of the fracture. The “figure-
injury, treatment methods, and prognoses; they are of-eight” bandage has been popular in North America
not discussed in this chapter. Even when significantly for many years, but no convincing clinical evidence
displaced, midshaft clavicle fractures traditionally is available that a closed reduction of a displaced
have been treated without surgery. This treatment clavicle fracture can be maintained by this device.
strategy was based on early reports suggesting that The other popular nonoperative method is simple
clavicular nonunion was extremely rare after nonop- sling immobilization, followed by early motion. An-
erative treatment, with an incidence rate of 0.1% to dersen and colleagues15 performed a randomized,
1.0%.1–3 Similarly, clavicular malunion was described clinical trial comparing a sling versus a figure-of-
as being of radiographic interest only with no clinical eight bandage for displaced clavicular shaft frac-
significance.1–3 tures. The study revealed no functional or radio-
However, recent studies that are restricted to com- graphic difference between the two groups at final
pletely displaced midshaft fractures in adults (the follow-up, and in general, patients favored the sling.
focus of this chapter), that use patient-oriented out- Because no significant difference exists between the
come measures, and that have improved follow-up two groups, both forms of nonoperative treatment
dispute this generally accepted orthopedic dogma.4–8 are amalgamated as “nonoperative treatment” for
Nonunion rates between 11% and 21% have been re- the purposes of this chapter.
ported, which are exponentially greater than de-
scribed previously. Also, a significant proportion of
patients with healed fractures but ongoing symptom- Operative Treatment
atology have been described: It would appear that
clavicular malunion is a distinct clinical entity with Currently, two basic operative techniques exist for
characteristic clinical and radiographic features.9,10 the fixation of displaced midshaft fractures of the
A variety of potential explanations has been pro- clavicle. Arguably, the most popular method is open
posed to explain this change, including survival of reduction and plate fixation. This technique has
critically injured trauma patients with more severe been well described, has a proven track record, and
fracture patterns, increased patient expectations, with modern implants, surgical techniques, and soft-
more complete follow-up (including patient-oriented tissue handling, has a high success rate and low
outcome measures), and eliminating children (with complication rate.12–14 For example, Smith and col-
their inherently good prognosis) from studies.4–11 leagues16 report union in 30 of 30 cases treated in
Sufficient evidence now exists to conclude that the this manner in a prospective trial. The disadvan-
results of closed treatment are much inferior to what tages of this technique include the prominence of
has been reported previously. Because there are nu- the plate and potential wound complications from
merous recent studies that support the safety and ef- the soft-tissue dissection required. However, with
ficacy of primary operative fixation for completely newly available precontoured plates (as opposed to
displaced midshaft clavicle fractures,12–14 a discussion the straight plates used previously), this has be-
of the advantages and disadvantages of operative ver- come less of a problem. Some authors recommend
sus nonoperative treatment is warranted to augment the use of anterior-inferior placement of the plate as
what heretofore would have been a short chapter. a means of decreasing local irritation (as well as

Optimal Treatment of Displaced Midshaft Clavicle Fractures? 127

avoiding neurovascular structures while drilling).17 methods (i.e., cerclage wires or short, weak plates).1–3
For the purposes of this chapter, open reduction and Thus, not surprisingly, operative failure rates were
plating are considered as a single group (whether high and fixation was avoided. More recent articles
superior or anterior-inferior). with improved techniques have conclusively proved
The second method that is discussed is intramedul- that properly performed, primary operative repair of
lary pinning of the clavicle. Although it is intrinsically displaced midshaft clavicle fractures is a safe, reliable
difficult to perform intramedullary fixation of a curved technique with a low complication rate. Collinge and
bone with a straight intramedullary device, it is pos- coworkers17 report union in 39 of 42 cases treated
sible. The advantages of this technique include mini- with anterior/inferior plating, whereas Poigenfurst
mal soft-tissue dissection at the fracture site, less and coauthors12 report similarly favorable results in
soft-tissue prominence of the hardware, and in some 122 consecutive cases treated with superior plating. A
applications of this technique, the ability to remove summary of the results of operative fixation is given in
the hardware relatively early through a small inci- the following section.
sion.18–23 Chuang and coauthors23 report success in
30 of 31 midshaft clavicle fractures treated with closed
reduction and an intramedullary screw technique. Comparative Studies
Disadvantages of this technique, common to any un-
locked intramedullary device, include difficulty in Despite the high numbers of clavicle fractures seen
controlling shortening and rotation, especially in com- in clinical practice, a paucity of high-quality com-
minuted fractures. This led to a high rate of loss of parative studies is available for review. One of the
reduction in one prospective, randomized study.22 few randomized clinical trials reported was recently
completed by the Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma
Society (COTS). They randomized 132 patients with
completely displaced fractures of the midshaft clavi-
EVIDENCE cle to nonoperative (sling) versus operative (open-
Nonoperative Treatment reduction and plate-fixation) treatment.24 Follow-up
of 111 patients at a year after injury revealed signifi-
Whereas prior reports had described generally fa- cantly improved Constant and DASH scores in the
vorable results after nonoperative care of displaced operative group (Figs. 18–1 and 18–2). Also, there
midshaft fractures of the clavicle, Hill, McGuire, and were fewer nonunions (2/62 vs. 7/49; P ! 0.042) and
Crosby’s7 landmark study published in 1997 reported symptomatic malunions (0/62 vs. 9/49; P ! 0.001)
a high degree of residual patient dissatisfaction. For in the operative group. There were complications
the first time in this setting, they used a patient-
based outcome tool and found that 31% of patients
were dissatisfied with their outcomes, and noted a
nonunion rate of 15%. Conversely, Nordqvist and 95
coworkers8 describe good results after long-term
follow-up of 225 clavicle fractures, with 185 good, 90
39 fair, and only 1 poor result. However, in the sub-
Constant score

category of displaced, comminuted fractures (the 85

topic of the article), 27% of patients rated their
shoulder as “fair,” which in the rating scale used,
roughly corresponds to the dissatisfied group (31%) 75
in Hill’s study. Another Scandinavian study by Nowak Operative
and investigators6 (the 2002 Neer Award article) 70
found that 46% of 208 patients treated without
surgery still had shoulder sequelae at 9- to 10-year 65
follow-up. They found that comminution and dis- 60
placement correlated with poor outcome. These and 0 12 24 36 48 60
other nonoperative studies were summarized in a
recent meta-analysis (see Comparative Studies sec- Weeks
tion later in this chapter). FIGURE 18–1. Acute displaced mid-shaft fractures of the
clavicle. Graphical analysis of mean Constant Shoulder
Scores in the operative plate fixation group versus non-
operative group at 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 24 weeks, and
Operative Treatment 52 weeks follow-up. Values are statistically improved
for the operative group at each time point (p"0.01 for
Initial reports regarding operative fixation of displaced all). (Adapted from Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Soiciety.
clavicular fractures were plagued by selection bias Nonoperative Treatment compared with plate fixation of
(only the worst, comminuted, open fractures received displaced midshaft clavicle fractures. A multicenter, ran-
surgery), poor soft-tissue handling, lack of antibiotic domized clinical trial. J Bone Joint Surg(A) 89:1–10, 2007.
coverage (with correspondingly high infection rates), Reprinted with permission of the Journal of Bone and Joint
and especially inadequate or suboptimal fixation Surgery.)
128 Upper Extremity Topics

50 successful in expert hands, it is not as consistently reli-

45 able in general as compression plate fixation. This may
relate to technique (it is a demanding procedure),
Operative patient selection (not ideal for comminuted fractures),
35 Conservative or other unrecognized factors.
30 A recent meta-analysis was performed of available

25 data from articles on midshaft clavicle fractures pub-

lished between 1975 and 2005. Concentrating on data
20 regarding displaced fractures, a nonunion rate of
15 15.1% was found after nonoperative care.14 The non-
10 union rate for plating was 2.2% and for intramedul-
lary pinning was 2%. Thus, for displaced midshaft
clavicular fractures, plating provided a relative risk
0 reduction of 86% (95% CI, 71–93%) for nonunion com-
0 12 24 36 48 60 pared with nonoperative care.
FIGURE 18–2. Acute displaced mid-shaft fractures of the
clavicle. Graphical analysis of mean DASH scores in the
operative plate fixation group versus non-operative
groups at 6-, 12-, 24-, and 52-week follow-up. The DASH is Sling versus Figure-of-Eight Bandage
a disability score where a “perfect” extremity would typi-
cally score 0 (mean values for a “normal” population are Although traditionally favored as a means of obtain-
in the 4–8 range). Values are worse in the nonoperative ing and maintaining a closed reduction of a displaced
group at each time point (6 week P " 0.01, 12 week P ! clavicle fracture, the figure-of-eight bandage was
0.04, 24 week P ! 0.05, 52 week P " 0.01). (Adapted from
Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Soiciety. Nonoperative
found to be equivalent to a simple sling in terms of
Treatment compared with plate fixation of displaced mid- position of fracture healing in a randomized, prospec-
shaft clavicle fractures. A multicenter, randomized clinical tive trial that Andersen and colleagues15 conducted.
trial. J Bone Joint Surg(A) 89:1–10, 2007. Reprinted with per- In addition, patients preferred the sling (2/27 dissatis-
mission of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.) fied with sling vs. 9/34 dissatisfied with figure-of-eight
bandage; P ! 0.09).
specific to the operative group (hardware removal,
five cases; infection, three cases), but these usually
responded to a single repeat operative procedure. Prediction of Unsatisfactory Outcome
Similar findings were reported by Smith and col- with Nonoperative Care
leagues,16 who, in a prospective randomized trial,
found that open reduction and plate fixation resulted It is clear that many patients with displaced mid-
in union of 30 of 30 cases, whereas the nonoperative shaft fractures of the clavicle will have good results
group had 12 nonunions in 35 cases (P ! 0.001). with simple nonoperative care; however, it is clear
These authors conclude that plate fixation was safe, that a substantial portion will not.7–9 A goal of mod-
effective, and superior to nonoperative care for pre- ern research in this field is to attempt to elicit prog-
venting nonunion. However, they did note a 30% rate nostic factors that will identify individuals with an
of hardware removal; this study took place before intrinsically poor outcome and then concentrate
precontoured plates were readily available. surgical resources on this group. Robinson and co-
Only one randomized prospective trial compares authors4 report a prospective, observational co-
nonoperative care with intramedullary fixation of dis- hort study of a consecutive series of 868 patients
placed clavicle fractures. These data were presented in with clavicle fractures, 581 of whom had a midshaft
2005 and noted that although shoulder outcome scores diaphyseal fracture. They found a significantly
were similar at 1 year (93 for operative vs. 98 for non- greater nonunion rate (21%) in displaced commi-
operative), complications were significantly greater in nuted midshaft fractures. A letter to the editor on
the operative group.22 This included nonunion, refrac- this article by Brinker and coworkers5 analyzing
ture, infection, and pin prominence. However, almost the data suggests a nonunion rate varying between
half the patients in the operative group lost some of 20% and 33% for displaced comminuted fractures in
the original reduction, indicating fixation was subopti- males. Hill and colleagues’7 study of 52 displaced
mal. A similar study, retrospective in nature, compared midshaft clavicle fractures revealed 8 nonunions
nonoperative (figure-of-eight bandage) versus opera- and 16 patients who described dissatisfaction with
tive (intramedullary pin fixation) treatment.21 Again, their outcome based on patient-oriented measures:
although there were no significant differences in shoul- They conclude that displacement of the fracture
der scores (85 for nonoperative vs. 83 for operative) at fragments by greater than 2 cm was associated
final follow-up, there were more complications in the with an unsatisfactory result. Nowak and investiga-
operative group including 8 infections, 3 refractures, tors6 describe sequelae in 46% of patients treated
2 hardware failures, and 2 nonunions (14/40 patients, without surgery 9 to 10 years after injury, and
35%). It would appear that although this technique is found that no bony contact (displacement), com-
Optimal Treatment of Displaced Midshaft Clavicle Fractures? 129

minution, and increasing age were risk factors for a

poor outcome.
Factors Associated with Poor Outcome after Nonoperative
Care of Displaced Midshaft Clavicle Fractures
Grade A evidence has been reported from
Cosmesis population-based, prospective, observational
studies, randomized prospective trials, and
Although it has not traditionally been a focus of retrospective reviews that increasing fracture
the orthopedic surgeon, it is well recognized that displacement (especially greater than 2 cm of
cosmesis is important to patients. An obvious and shortening), comminution/increasing number of
unsightly scar on the anterior aspect of the shoul- fracture fragments, and advancing age are associ-
der has been considered a deterrent to operative ated with poor outcome (nonunion, symptomatic
treatment of clavicular fractures. However, the sig- malunion) after nonoperative care of displaced
nificant shoulder asymmetry (with the typical de- midshaft fractures of the clavicle.4,7,9,10,14,16,24
pressed, medially translated, anteriorly rotated,
“ptotic” position) that can result after a displaced Plate Fixation versus Intramedullary Nailing
fracture of the clavicle can be problematic for the
modern body-image conscious patient. Several No specific recommendation can be made
studies have addressed this question. The COTS regarding plate fixation versus intramedullary
study examined specifically the question of cosme- nailing for displaced midshaft clavicle fractures.
sis, and patients were asked the question, “Are you Currently, there is no direct comparative study
satisfied with the appearance of your shoulder?” published examining the outcome of plating
More patients in the operative group answered versus intramedullary nailing of displaced
“yes” to this question than in the nonoperative clavicular fractures. However, although two sepa-
group (52/62 vs. 26/49; P ! 0.001).24 Nowak and in- rate randomized trials show clear advantages of
vestigators’6 study of long-term follow-up of nonop- open reduction with internal fixation with plating
erative care revealed 27% of patients who were over nonoperative care,16,24 similar studies
unhappy with the appearance of their shoulder. examining the effect of intramedullary nailing
Smith’s study16 reports that 44% of the patients provide contradictory results.20–22 Currently, it is
in the nonoperative group “had complaints about unclear whether the theoretic advantages of in-
the cosmetic appearance of their shoulder at final tramedullary nailing will outweigh the difficulties
follow-up.” In this predominantly young popula- in maintaining length and rotation (critical
tion, nonoperative care can produce an unappeal- elements of the reduction) of the fracture. One
unpublished retrospective review with small
numbers (17 patients per group) suggests
some superiority of intramedullary pinning over
RECOMMENDATIONS plate fixation or nonoperative care in this
It is important to remember that the following setting.20
recommendations pertain to a specific subgroup
of clavicle fractures: completely displaced frac- Plating versus Nonoperative Care of Displaced Midshaft
tures of the midshaft in healthy, active individuals Fractures of the Clavicle
between 16 and 60 years of age. This comprised Level B evidence (one published randomized,
66 of 242 (27%) clavicle fractures in Hill’s study.7 clinical trial; one presented randomized, clinical
trial; one literature meta-analysis) exists that pri-
Sling versus Figure of Eight mary plate fixation results in a significant risk re-
Grade B evidence (single randomized trial) exists duction for nonunion and symptomatic malunion
that a sling is as effective as a figure of eight in compared with nonoperative treatment.14,16,24
immobilizing fractures of the clavicle, and it is Also, as would be expected, patients return to
favored by patients.15 their preoperative level of function more quickly.
However, there is a significant reoperation rate,
Position of Plate for Open Reduction with Internal Fixation mainly for hardware removal.
Grade C evidence (retrospective reviews and
nonrandomized comparative study) exists that ing “ptotic,” droopy shoulder that can be of greater
anterior-inferior plate placement is associated cosmetic concern than a scar.
with a lower rate of symptomatic hardware
compared with traditional straight plates used
superiorly.14,17 However, no comparison with SUMMARY
superior precontoured plates has been reported
in the literature, and the technique of anterior- Completely displaced midshaft fractures in healthy,
inferior plating is one that has a significant active individuals comprise approximately 25% of
learning curve. all clavicle fractures. A reasonable amount of evi-
dence supports the use of a sling for those patients
130 Upper Extremity Topics

in whom nonoperative treatment is chosen. Suffi- union and symptomatic malunion rate significantly
cient evidence exists from high-quality prospective and results in more rapid return of upper extremity
studies that certain risk factors (such as displace- function than nonoperative treatment. Optimal
ment or shortening of more than 2 cm or fracture plate position (superior vs. anterior/inferior), or
comminution) portend a poor prognosis, and con- whether intramedullary pinning is as effective as
sideration should be given, in the appropriate pa- plate fixation, remains unclear. Table 18–1 provides
tient, to operative treatment. Primary plate fixation a summary of recommendations for the treatment
of displaced clavicle fractures reduces the non- of displaced midshaft clavicle fractures.

TABLE 18–1. A Meta-Analysis of Nonoperative Treatment, Intramedullary Pinning, and Plate Fixation for Displaced Midshaft Fractures of the
Clavicle (Published 1975–2005)

Nonoperative (n ! 159) 15.1 0 0 0

Plating (n ! 460) 2.2 4.6 2.4 2.2
Intramedullary pinning (n ! 152) 2.0 6.6 0 3.9

Data from Zlowodzki M, Zelle BA, Cole PA, et al: Treatment of mid-shaft clavicle fractures: Systemic review of 2144 fractures. J Orthop Trauma
19:504–508, 2005.

TABLE 18–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. Young, active patients with completely displaced midshaft B 14,16,24

fractures of the clavicle will have superior results with pri-
mary fracture fixation.
2. Anterior-inferior plating may reduce the risk for symptomatic C 17
hardware compared with superior plating.
3. There is no difference in outcome between a regular sling and B 15
a figure-of-eight bandage when nonoperative treatment is se-
4. There is no difference in outcome between plating and intra- I 10,12,14,18–21,23
medullary nailing of displaced midshaft clavicle fractures.
5. Factors associated with poor outcome after nonoperative A 4–7,9,14,16
treatment of displaced midshaft clavicle fractures include
shortening and increasing fracture comminution.

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treatment. J Orthop Trauma 12:572–576, 1998. clavicle. Proceedings from the 16th Annual Open Meeting
Optimal Treatment of Displaced Midshaft Clavicle Fractures? 131

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Chapter What Is is the Best Surgical
1 Jfor Cuff
AND JOHNArthropathy?

HISTORICAL OVERVIEW The dynamic action of muscle forces including

those of the rotator cuff, together with other capsu-
Cuff tear arthropathy (CTA) is the term Neer1,2 originally loligamentous restraints, stabilize the humeral head
proposed to describe a form of shoulder arthritis in through the concavity compression mechanism. As
association with long-standing rotator cuff deficiency. explained by Matsen and coauthors9 and in the bio-
It is distinct clinically and radiographically from other mechanical analysis of De Wilde and coworkers,10 a
forms of shoulder arthropathy in which joint destruc- loss of any of the normal osseous, capsuloligamen-
tion coexists with cuff deficiency such as rheumatoid tous, or muscular constraints leads to glenohumeral
arthritis or osteoarthritis with traumatically acquired instability. Superior instability results from loss of
cuff tear. The causative factor was first attributed to a the compression of the rotator cuff and spacer effect
crystal-mediated synovitis (the Milwaukee shoulder),3,4 of the normal supraspinatus. Upward displacement
and it is still recognized that there is a correlation be- of the humerus slackens the deltoid, making it less
tween large rotator cuff tears and high levels of cal- effective in humeral elevation and weakness, or even
cium phosphate crystals in synovial fluid.5 It is now pseudoparalysis is the result. The coracoacromial
generally agreed that this unique pattern of joint de- arch is then the only remaining barrier to further
struction occurs because of, not simply in association upward migration. When this barrier has been com-
with, rotator cuff deficiency. Mechanical and nutri- promised by frictional wear or aggressive surgical
tional factors associated with progressive upward hu- acromioplasty, anterosuperior escape of the humeral
meral head migration from loss of cuff integrity are its head occurs, further compounding pseudoparalysis.
causes. This combination of pain, glenohumeral joint
destruction, and a nonfunctioning rotator cuff present
treatment challenges that stand apart from other forms CLINICAL PRESENTATION
of shoulder arthropathy.
CTA is the end stage of a continuum which begins
with a simple cuff tear. The incidence of CTA is esti-
PATHOMECHANICS mated to be anywhere from 4% to 20% of cuff tears.11,12
Patients with CTA typically present with pain and
An understanding of shoulder biomechanics is nec- weakness of the shoulder and glenohumeral joint
essary to appreciate surgical treatment options. The destruction on radiographs. Jensen and investiga-
fact that shoulder muscles function as force couples tors13 collected clinical data on 104 cases from
in the coronal plane was first appreciated by Inman 10 different published reports and found the major-
and colleagues6 and expanded subsequently by ity were elderly women (average age, 77.5 years),
Burkhart,7 who described a transverse force couple and almost 50% had bilateral involvement. Neer and
as well. Applying this theory to explain why full researchers2 describe the findings in 26 cases averag-
shoulder elevation is still possible in some shoulders ing 69 years of which 75% were women. No history of
with massive cuff tears and not in others, Burkhart8 trauma was reported in 75%. The shoulders typically
identified three groups of fulcrum kinematics. De- were swollen (Fig. 19–2), muscles were atrophic, and
spite major cuff tearing, transverse and coronal force the long head of biceps ruptured. Passive motion
couples may remain intact and the fulcrum is stable; was limited to an average of 90-degree elevation and
the humeral head is contained within the glenoid 20-degree external rotation. Only 2 of 26 were able to
socket, and full elevation is possible. When force actively elevate greater than 90 degrees. Positive lag
couples are destroyed by cuff tearing, the humeral signs for cuff deficiency14 are frequently seen. These
head rises out of the socket on attempted arm eleva- include the lift-off test for subscapularis,15,16 the ex-
tion; that is, the fulcrum is unstable, and so-called ternal rotation lag sign for supraspinatus and infra-
pseudoparalysis of elevation results. In some cases, spinatus, and the drop sign for infraspinatus. In the
the humeral head may restabilize in a superiorly sub- presence of a normal deltoid, the drop-arm sign is
luxated position under an intact coracoacromial indicative of a massive posterosuperior cuff tear
arch, the so-called captured fulcrum, again allowing with loss of the ability to create a stable fulcrum. The
arm elevation (Fig. 19–1). term pseudoparalysis17 is also used when active

What Is the Best Surgical Treatment for Cuff Tear Arthropathy? 133

phases in a continuum that eventually leads to the

joint destruction characteristic of true CTA.18 Chronic
wear of the superiorly displaced humeral head
sculpts the undersurface of the coracoacromial arch
and glenoid, termed acetabularization. Rounding off
of the tuberosities leads to femoralization of the hu-
merus (Fig. 19–3). In advanced cases, there may be
collapse of the humeral head.2
Seebauer19 has proposed a classification of CTA
(Fig. 19–4) that combines radiographic features
with an appreciation of the altered fulcrum me-
chanics that Burkhart8 described. The four distinct
groups are distinguished by the degree of superior
migration from the center of rotation and the
amount of instability at the center of rotation. In
the most advanced category, IIB, the humeral head
has escaped superiorly, removing any remaining
FIGURE 19–1. Swollen shoulder of an elderly woman with fulcrum stability.
cuff tear arthropathy.

It is important to identify other forms of destructive
arthopathy that resemble CTA but may require differ-
ent treatment. Advanced rheumatoid arthritis of the
shoulder often includes major cuff deficiency but
typically is polyarticular in distribution. Osteoarthri-
tis with incidental cuff tear lacks the characteristic
component of vertical instability. Neuropathic ar-
thropathy or Charcot shoulder presents radiographi-
cally with significant joint destruction but not of the
coracoacromial arch.

Medical management of CTA is based on specific
needs and symptoms. When pain is minor and func-
tion remains good, mild analgesics and a gentle main-
tenance exercise program may be all that is neces-
sary. Intra-articular steroid injections may give
short-term relief, but repeated use is to be discour-
aged for fear of iatrogenic infection.

Quantifying Treatment Results in Cuff Tear

FIGURE 19–2. Radiograph of a shoulder with advanced Arthropathy
cuff tear arthropathy.
Many grading systems have become popular for clini-
cal assessment of shoulder outcomes. Neer and re-
searchers20 recognized the need for a “limited goals”
category in the case of patients with poorly function-
shoulder elevation is less than 90 degrees in the ing cuff musculature. This acknowledges that a result
presence of free anterior elevation with an intact can still be considered successful if there is good pain
deltoid. relief and “useful” shoulder function even if the rigid
criteria of success in those with intact cuff muscles
are not met. Here, a result is considered successful if
RADIOGRAPHIC FEATURES no significant pain is felt, the patient is pleased with
the procedure, the patient remains independent for
Radiographic indicators of major cuff deficiency such activities of daily living, and the patient has at least
as acromiohumeral narrowing and superior migra- 90 degrees of arm elevation and 20-degree external
tion of the humeral head represent the earliest rotation.
134 Upper Extremity Topics



o o


o ! Center of rotation
S ! Subscapularis
D ! Deltoid
I ! Infraspinatus
RC ! Rotator cuff
FIGURE 19–3. Force couples of the shoulder.

Type IA- Type IB- Type IIA- Type IIB-

Centered Centered Decentered Decentered
stable medialized limited stable unstable


• Intact anterior • Intact anterior • Compromised • Incompetent

restraints restraints anterior restraints anterior structures
- Force couple - Compromised
intact/compensated force couple

• Minimal superior • Minimal superior • Superior translation • Anterior superior

migration migration escape

• Dynamic joint • Compromised dyna- • Insufficient dynamic • Absent dynamic

stabilization mic joint stabilization joint stabilization joint stabilization

• Acetabularization • Medial erosion of the • Minimum stabilization • No stabilization by

of CA arch and glenoid, acetabulariz- by CA arch, erosion CA arch–deficient
femoralization of ation of CA arch and and extensive anterior structures
humeral head femoralization of acetabularization of
humeral head CA arch and femora-
lization of humeral
FIGURE 19–4. Seebauer’s radiographic and biomechanical classification of cuff tear ar-

Surgical Management
Arthrodesis. Glenohumeral arthrodesis has the poten-
Arthroscopic Debridement. Arthroscopic irrigation to re- tial to stabilize the glenohumeral joint and relieve pain
move activated enzymes and crystals offers only but at the cost of reduced motion and function. How-
limited short-term relief21 (Level IV). Any surgical vi- ever, most patients with CTA are unsuitable for ar-
olation of the coracoacromial arch, if still intact, is to throdesis because they are older, intolerant of pro-
be vigorously discouraged for fear of further destabi- longed immobilization, and frequently have bilateral
lizing the humeral head.13 disease.2 Furthermore, osteoporosis in these typically
What Is the Best Surgical Treatment for Cuff Tear Arthropathy? 135

elderly women presents problems with internal fixa- cause of the vertical orientation of the component
tion. Arthrodesis is best reserved for younger high- and the potential for excessive polyethylene wear.35
demand patients disabled by an irreparable cuff tear, Hemiarthroplasty. The difficulties encountered with
often with a nonfunctioning deltoid, and who require prosthetic designs that attempt to control the al-
a strong stable shoulder girdle22 (Level V). It may also tered biomechanics of major cuff deficiency have led
have a place in other instances of massive irreparable many to return to simple nonconstrained hemire-
cuff tear with deltoid dysfunction. placement as the preferred procedure. Table 19–1
Unconstrained Shoulder Replacement. Shoulder prostheses summarizes the published results. In the studies by
with no built-in constraint rely on an intact and func- Arntz and colleagues and Visotsky and coworkers,19
tioning rotator cuff to stabilize the humeral head close attention was paid to the issue of superior hu-
within the socket. Although it is agreed that small meral escape (grade IIB in Seebauer’s classification),
cuff tears, regardless of whether they are repaired, and hemiarthroplasty was avoided in those cases. In
have no effect on the outcome of total shoulder ar- Sanchez-Sotelo and coauthors’51 study, postopera-
throplasty23 (Level III); the same is not true for cases tive anterosuperior instability occurred in seven of
of major cuff deficiency. Franklin and coauthors24 re- the eight cases that had had prior acromioplasty and
port a direct association between superior migration resection of the coracoacromial arch. Although these
of the humeral component and a deficient rotator studies show that symptoms can be improved by
cuff (Level IV). They called the eccentric superior hemiarthroplasty, it is clear that these results fall far
loading of the glenoid component the “rocking horse” short of what can be achieved by replacement ar-
phenomenon that leads to loosening and superior throplasty in other diagnoses, for example, total
tilt. Therefore, unconstrained prostheses are not rec- shoulder replacement for osteoarthritis, for both
ommended for cuff tear arthroplasty. pain relief and arm elevation. The biomechanical
Semiconstrained Shoulder Replacement. Semiconstrained gle- computer analysis of De Wilde and coworkers10
noid components have also been used to give resistance shows why simple hemiarthroplasty cannot be ex-
to ascent of the humeral head in cuff deficient shoul- pected to solve the problem of weak arm elevation if
ders. Neer and researchers2 experimented with 200% the rotator cuff is not working and the humeral head
and 600% glenoid components for CTA in 11 cases fol- is superiorly subluxated (Seebauer grade IIA), even if
lowed for an average of 30 months, but they soon aban- humeral escape had not yet occurred (Fig. 19–5).
doned such designs because of the greater risk for fail- Simple hemiarthroplasty in these cases does not re-
ure and the difficulty of closing residual cuff defects25 store normal biomechanics, though it may relieve
(Level IV). Amstutz and colleagues26 and Gristina and some pain.
investigators27 have described the use of hooded gle- Constrained Shoulder Replacement. Prosthetic arthroplasty
noid components for use with nonconstrained systems with a constrained prosthesis has been used to treat all
but reported only short-term results (Level IV). It has forms of shoulder arthropathy including cuff-deficient
been shown by finite element analysis28 that the supe- shoulders with arthritis. The fixed fulcrum mechanics
rior constraints of the component intending to prevent of the Stanmore and Michael Reese prostheses used for
humeral head ascent increase stresses and may cause many types of glenohumeral arthritis would appear to
earlier loosening than with unconstrained designs. compensate for absence of functioning cuff but have
Bipolar Shoulder Replacement. Bipolar hemiarthroplasty resulted in high rates of mechanical failure and loosen-
was introduced by Swanson and coworkers29 for the ing of the glenoid component.36–39 Table 19–2 summa-
treatment of advanced glenohumeral arthritis associ- rizes the published results. Neer40 abandoned his work
ated with superior migration of the humeral head in fixed fulcrum designs as early as 1974, concluding
and loss of rotator cuff function. It uses a larger diam- that the poor quality of scapular bone precludes ade-
eter mobile shell around the head in an attempt to quate fixation of the glenoid component in a con-
gain several advantages: increased mobility because strained prosthesis (Level IV).
of the lateralization of the center of rotation and the Reverse Ball and Socket Replacement. A number of prosthe-
increase in the muscle lever arm; increased stability ses were introduced based on a reverse ball and
of the prosthetic shoulder; and reduced glenoid and socket concept to address the disappointing results
acromial wear in contact with the prosthetic head.30 reported earlier. Most remained essentially experi-
Few published31–33 and unpublished studies34 exist mental. The Kessel (Fig. 19–6) and the early Gram-
that detail results but in general these indicate that mont prosthesis featured a center of rotation well
even if pain relief is achieved, function remains low lateral to the glenoid surface, resulting in excessive
after the procedure (Level IV). Noting the better re- torque or shear forces on the glenoid component
sults reported with simple hemiarthroplasty particu- and early loosening (Table 19–3). Recognizing this
larly about mobility, Duranthon and investigators33 weakness, Grammont modified his original design
conclude that the deltoid lever arm was being in- with two important innovations (Fig. 19–7): The gle-
creased at the expense of overstretching capsular noid component diameter was enlarged, but the size
and residual cuff tissues, and that it was better to use of the sphere was reduced from two-thirds to half,
a head size closer to normal anatomy. In addition to thereby placing the center of rotation at the glenoid
this overstuffing effect, concerns have been raised surface, and thus decreasing shear forces; the large
regarding rupture of the subscapularis tendon be- diameter allows for a greater arc of motion before
136 Upper Extremity Topics

TABLE 19–1. Reported Results of Hemiarthroplasty for Cuff Tear Arthropathy


Arntz Case IV 18 71 3 (2–10) 2.4 0.9 66 (44–90) 112 (70–160) Not reported Hemiarthroplasty
et al. (1993) series (54–84) (all were at done only if
least “somewhat coracoacromial arch
better”) functionally intact
Williams and Case IV 21 72 4 (2–7) 2.8 0.7 70 (0–155) 120 (15–160) 76% Postoperative
Rockwood series (59–80) radiographs not
(1996) analyzed
Filed Case IV 16 74 3 (2–5) 2.4 0.8 60 (40–80) 100 (80–130) 63% 3 had humeral escape
et al. (1997) series (62–83) after surgery
Zuckerman Case IV 15 73 2 (1–5) 3 0.9 69 (20–140) 86 (45–140) Not reported Radiographs not
et al. (2000) series (65–81) (86% were analyzed for superior
“satisfied”) subluxation
Sanchez- Case IV 33 69 5 (2–11) 2.5 1.3 72 (30–150) 91 (40–165) 67% Superior subluxation
Sotelo series (50–87) after surgery was
et al. (2001) severe in 25/33
Visotsky Case IV 60 70 2.7 2.8 0.6 56 116 89% Surgery not done if
et al. (2004) series (5–89) (minimum, 2 yr) coracoacromial arch
not intact (all were
Seebauer grades IA, IB,
and IIA)
What Is the Best Surgical Treatment for Cuff Tear Arthropathy? 137

45 mm " 21mm


Moment (Nm)
10 FIGURE 19–7. Photograph showing components of the
Grammont reverse ball and socket prosthesis. From left to
5 right: the humeral stem and metaphysic, the polyethylene
0 humeral; concavity insert, the glenosphere and the meta-
0 50 100 150
glene (Delta III; DePuy Orthopaedics Inc., Warsaw IN).

Angle (degrees)

Arm weight
A feature unique to this prosthesis is bone loss
Normal shoulder
believed to be caused by abutment of the adducted
deltoid moment humeral prosthesis against the scapular neck.
Global® HSP Termed scapular notching, it is seen in more than 50%
deltoid moment of cases.41 This contact is a direct consequence of
the absence of a prosthetic neck to the glenosphere
FIGURE 19–5. In a global hemiarthroplasty (DePuy Ortho- and the horizontal orientation of the humeral cup,
paedics Inc., Warsaw, IN) superiorly subluxated because
of major cuff deficiency, the deltoid moment becomes less
which are the biomechanical solutions to avoid ex-
than the arm weight moment, resulting in no active ab- cessive forces on the glenoid component and im-
duction greater than 51 degrees. prove the power of the deltoid. The degree of notch-
ing can be classified42 as grade 1 if confined to the
scapular pillar, grade 2 when it is in contact with the
lower screw, grade 3 when it is over the lower screw,
impingement occurs. The humeral component has a and grade 4 when it extends into the baseplate
small cup almost vertically oriented that covers less (Fig. 19–9). In a study using cadaveric shoulders,
than half of the glenosphere, effectively lengthening Nyffeler and investigators43 showed that placing
or tensioning the deltoid (Fig. 19–8). This modified the glenoid component 2 to 4 mm lower than origi-
design offers several important biomechanical ad- nally recommended significantly improves adduction
vantages41 (Table 19–4). Although restoration of ac- and may reduce the risk for notching. Simovitch and
tive elevation more than 90 degrees is achieved, ac- colleagues44 were able predict scapular notching by
tive external rotation is often limited, particularly radiographic measurement of glenosphere place-
when the teres minor is not functioning. Internal ro- ment and scapular neck angle. They correlated notch-
tation is also rarely restored because of the design ing with significantly poorer outcomes in terms of
limitations of the prosthesis. Constant score, strength, and active flexion. Other
causes for concern are polyethylene wear, prosthetic
instability related to improper tensioning, and com-
ponent disassociation.23
Clinical experience with the reverse ball and socket
in the treatment of CTA has been impressive, with
most patients achieving excellent pain relief and re-
gaining elevation above horizontal. Some of the more
recent reports are presented in Table 19–5. Sirveaux
and researchers’42 multicenter study does not spec-
ify inclusion criteria, so presumably the procedure
was offered to all comers with painful CTA and none
was offered hemiarthroplasty because of being
younger, having a stabilized humeral head, or still
being capable of active elevation of more than
90 degrees. The reoperation rate was 5.0% (glenoid
FIGURE 19–6. Radiograph of a Kessel prosthesis showing loosening, infection, and component disassociation).
reverse ball and socket design with center of rotation well Survivorship in this series (based on reoperation for
lateral to glenoid surface, creating high torque and shear component failure or significant pain) was 88% at
forces at the glenoid component-bone interface. 5 years and 29% at 7 years, which is a high rate of
TABLE 19–2. Published Series for Constrained Ball and Socket Prostheses for All Diagnoses
138 Upper Extremity Topics


Stanmore Case series IV 16 57 (27–82) 3 (2–4) 2.6 0.3 57 104 N/A Reoperation in
(Coughlin et al., (most were very 3 cases (19%)
197936) satisfied)
Michael Reese Case series IV 43 55 (27–75) 4–6 2.5 0.4 N/A N/A N/A Reoperation in
(Post et al., 198039) 15 cases (35%)
Stanmore Case series IV 50 57 (31–81) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Prosthesis
(Lettin et al., removed in
198237) 9 cases (18%)
McNab-English Case series IV 13 62 (46–81) 3 (1–5) N/A N/A 57 84 N/A Major compli-
(McElwain and cations in
English, 1987) 7 cases (50%)

TABLE 19–3. Published Series for Reverse Ball and Socket Prostheses: Early Designs

Kessel (Bayley and Case IV 31 64 (38–84) 3 yr N/A N/A N/A N/A 76% good or Removed in
Kessel, 1982) series (6 mo to 7 yr) No pain in 85% very good 4 cases (12%)
Kessel (Brostrom et al., Case IV 22 54 (35–74) 7 (5–9) yr 3 1 90 105 N/A 6/22 cases (27%)
1992) (results reported series had revision or
only for unrevised removal of
cases) prosthesis
Grammont (Grammont Case IV 8 70 6 mo N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A Large glenoid
et al., 1987) series #60 degrees component
(initial design) in 3 cases (two thirds of
a sphere) prone
to loosening
What Is the Best Surgical Treatment for Cuff Tear Arthropathy? 139


FIGURE 19–9. Classification of bone defects of the scapu-

lar neck.
FIGURE 19–8. Diagram of a Grammont reverse prosthesis.
The center of rotation (C) lies on the surface of the gle-
noid, protecting it from excessive shearing forces, and the
humerus is lowered. L, lever arc of the force vector (F) of the surpaspinatus and infraspinatus at least
and the deltoid ($).23 Goutallier47 grade 2). Substantial pain relief and im-
proved function were achieved in all cases. Improve-
failure. Those with an intact teres minor had better ment was similar in all groups. Complications (in-
Constant scores. Scapular notching was noted in 64% cluding haematomas) occurred in 50% of cases but
of cases. In cases with more advanced notching, the affected the outcome in only 10%. Component loos-
Constant score was also adversely affected. ening or disassociation occurred in 9% of cases. Re-
Boileau45 presented the results of 45 Grammont operation occurred in 33% overall but was 38% when
prostheses, 21 of which were for CTA. In the whole there was a prior prosthesis and 40% when there was
group, the reoperation rate was 22% and the incidence a prior nonprosthetic operation.
rate of major complications was 31%. Results for CTA Frankle and colleagues48 used a reverse ball and
were better and were met with fewer complications. socket prosthesis of their own design (Reverse Shoul-
Again, the importance of an intact teres minor was der Prosthesis; Encore Medical, Austin, TX) to treat
stressed. Scapular notching was seen in 68% of cases. 60 cases of CTA with good results. In their brief re-
Werner and coauthors46 reviewed the results of port, they note a 17% complication rate and a reop-
58 patients using the Grammont prosthesis. All had eration rate of 12%. They did not mention scapular
severe pain and pseudoparalysis (active elevation notching possibly because the center of rotation is
#90 degrees). In all cases, the rotator cuff was con- more lateralized.
sidered irreparable (chronic pseudoparalysis, acro- Guery and researchers49 studied survivorship of
miohumeral interval #7 mm, and fatty infiltration the Grammont prosthesis (Delta III) in 80 cases
mostly for CTA. Using the end points of prosthetic
revision and loosening, the survival rates were 91%
and 84%, respectively, at 120 months for CTA, which
TABLE 19–4. Biomechanical Advantage of Reverse Ball they found significantly better than for other diagno-
and Socket Prosthesis ses. However, the survival rate was only 58% at 120
months using the end point of a Constant score less
1. Large ball offers greater potential arc of motion and more than 30.
stability than a small ball.
2. Small lateral offset (no neck) places center of rotation
In summary, several authors9,49,50 have expressed
directly in contact with the glenoid surface and reduces caution regarding the use of a reverse ball and socket
torque at point of fixation of glenoid component. prosthesis in regard to complications and long-term
3. Medializing center of rotation recruits more of deltoid survivorship. Currently, it should be reserved for the
fibers for elevation or abduction. treatment of disabling CTA and exclusively in patients
4. Lowering humerus increases tension on deltoid.
older than 70 years with low functional demands.
140 Upper Extremity Topics

TABLE 19–5. Published Series for Reverse Ball and Socket Prostheses: Latest Design (Cuff Tear Arthropathy)

Sirveaux Case series IV 80 73 (60–86) 3.7 (2–8.1) 2.5 0.3 73 138 23 66 5%

et al. (2004)42*
(multicenter study)
Boileau Case series IV 21 77 (67–86) 3.3 (2–6) N/A 0.5 53 123 18 66 5%
et al. (2006)45*†
Werner Case series IV 58 68 (44–84) 3.2 (minimum, 2) 2 0.9 42 100 29 64 33%
et al. (2005)44*
Frankle Case series IV 60 71 2.8 (minimum, 2) 1.9 0.7 55 105 N/A N/A 12%
et al. (2006)48‡

*Delta III prosthesis (DePuy Orthopaedics Inc., Warsaw, IN).

RSP prosthesis (Encore Medical, Austin, TX).

Twenty-one cases of cuff tear arthropathy extracted from a total of 45.
What Is the Best Surgical Treatment for Cuff Tear Arthropathy? 141

RECOMMENDATIONS superior deficiency, the pectoralis major is

To begin with, it must be recognized that most transferred, and for the more common
of the available evidence on which to base treat- posterosuperior deficiencies, the latissimus
ment decisions is only Level IV. With this in mind, dorsi (grade C)
however, rational and reasonable choices can 3. Humeral head replacement: in a painful
still be made. The selection of the best surgical shoulder when the force couple fulcrum is sta-
treatment for CTA begins with a thorough clinical ble (Seebauer grades IA, IB, and IIA) (grade C)
assessment including history, physical, and imag- 4. Reverse shoulder prosthesis: in a painful shoul-
ing (plain radiographs and magnetic resonance der when the patient is elderly (% 70 years), has
imaging [MRI] in most cases). Not all cases of low functional demands, and there is chronic
advanced cuff disease will have arthritis because pseudoparalysis; if the teres minor in nonfunc-
the disease represents a continuum. Thorough tional, latissimus dorsi transfer to restore
assessment will establish the diagnosis and rule external rotation may be considered (grade C)
out other causes of joint destruction, particularly 5. Glenohumeral arthrodesis: in a younger high-
infection. The patient’s fitness, age, and func- demand patient who has a painful arthritic
tional expectations (high or low demand) must shoulder with pseudoparalysis and requires
be determined. Details of previous surgery a stable shoulder girdle for function; in these
are important. Physical examination should instances, the deltoid will usually be nonfunc-
categorize the status of shoulder muscle force tional (grade C)
couples (active total elevation above or below Selection of the correct prosthesis is impor-
90 degrees). Up-to-date radiographs should be tant. In hemiarthroplasty, overstuffing the joint
examined for the presence of acromiohumeral with a large prosthesis must be avoided so that
narrowing, superior humeral subluxation, and undue tension is not placed on soft tissues and
superior humeral head escape (deficient cora- residual cuff tendons. With the reverse arthro-
coacromial arch). An attempt to categorize the plasty, care should be taken to select a prosthe-
status of superior stability (stable or unstable sis that does not lateralize the center of rotation
fulcrum) should be made by assessing for pseu- past the glenoid surface. The advantages of a lat-
doparalysis and from inspection of plain radio- eralized center of rotation are greatly outweighed
graphs (see Fig. 19–4). An MRI scan will reveal by real risk for early loosening.
residual intact cuff, especially inferior subscapu- In all cases of prosthetic replacement, patients
laris (which should be carefully preserved in any must be followed at regular intervals afterward.
surgery) and teres minor (which will determine With humeral head replacement, continued
external rotation after surgery). The appropriate superior migration of the prosthesis has been
care can be selected with this information. The observed.51 With reverse shoulder replacement,
stage of the cuff disease may then be determined there are serious concerns regarding late
(Table 19–6). complications such as loosening and component
The decision for surgery takes place after med- disassociation. Table 19–7 provides a summary of
ical care has failed. Four options must be evalu- recommendations for the surgical treatment of
ated depending on circumstances: rotator cuff disease.
1. Rotator cuff repair: should always be consid-
ered, especially in younger, more active pa-
tients for whom there is no arthropathy and
TABLE 19–7. Summary of Recommendations
the rotator cuff is judged to be reparable
(grade C) LEVEL OF
2. Tendon transfer: if there is no arthropathy and EVIDENCE/GRADE OF
the cuff is deemed irreparable (acromiohum-
eral interval #7 mm; chronic pseudoparalysis; Reparable rotator Repair torn C
fat infiltration Goutallier grade 2 on MRI in cuff tear without cuff
surpaspinatus and infraspinatus). For antero- arthropathy
Irreparable cuff Tendon C
without transfer
Cuff tear arthrop- Humeral head C
TABLE 19–6. Key Features in Cuff Tear Arthropathy Assessment athy with stable replacement
History Degree of pain fulcrum
Functional expectations: ADL only vs. ADL plus Cuff tear arthrop- Reverse C
sport and work athy with unsta- shoulder
Physical Active total elevation: % 90 degrees ble fulcrum prosthesis
(force couples into intact) vs. #90 degrees elderly, low
(force couples not intact) demand
Imaging Head centered Cuff tear arthrop- Glenohumeral C
Head superiorly subluxated but CA arch intact athy with un- arthrodesis
Head superior escape, CA arch incompetent stable fulcrum
young, high
ADL, activities of daily living; CA, coracoacromial.
142 Upper Extremity Topics

REFERENCES 26. Amstutz HC, Thomas BJ, Kabo JM, et al: The Dana total
shoulder arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am 70:1174–1182,
1. Neer CSI, Cruess RL, Sledge CB, Wilde AH: Total glenohu- 1988.
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Chapter What is Is the Best Treatment

1 Chapter Jfor Complex


Fractures? What Are the Main


20 Determinants of Outcome after


Proximal humerus fractures account for 4% to 5% of of 67 who had four-part proximal humerus frac-
all fractures.1 The majority of proximal humerus frac- tures. The author found a significant reduction in
tures (approximately 80%) are minimally displaced pain, improved range of motion and strength, and
and can be treated with a sling and early mobiliza- greater ability to perform activities of daily living
tion.2 Two-part fractures are most often treated with in patients treated with hemiarthroplasty. Criti-
some form of osteosynthesis. Frequently, attempts to cisms of this limited study include its variable
preserve the proximal humerus are also made in and relatively short follow-up period, unclear
young, active patients with good bone quality who method of randomization, and poorly defined out-
have three-part and valgus-impacted four-part frac- come measurements.15
tures (level V). Osteosynthesis is usually considered In 1997, Hoellen and colleagues13 compared hemiar-
preferable to hemiarthroplasty in young patients throplasty with open reduction and tension band
(level V) because of concerns about glenoid wear wiring in a randomized, controlled trial of 30 patients,
and implant longevity.3–5 older than 65 years, with 4-part fractures. One-year
Certain complex proximal humerus fractures, how- follow-up was available for only 18 of the 30 patients.
ever, are either not amenable to fixation or are at Results in the two groups were comparable with re-
significant risk for humeral head osteonecrosis, mak- spect to pain, function, and ability to perform activi-
ing osteosynthesis a less desirable option. These ties of daily living. The most significant difference
include widely displaced four-part fractures and frac- between the two groups was that none of the patients
ture dislocations, head-splitting fractures with greater in the arthroplasty group required reoperation, were
than 40% articular surface involvement, anatomic five patients in the fixation group required further
neck fractures, and selected three-part fractures in surgery for wire displacement (four patients) or failed
patients with osteopenia and nondisplaced commi- fixation (one patient).
nution that precludes secure internal fixation.6 In Two years after the study by Hoellen and col-
these cases where the risk for fixation failure is high, leagues,13 Holbein and coworkers14 published a
humeral head replacement is generally accepted as follow-up report. This subsequent study included
the best option. Support for this philosophy comes 39 patients with both 3- and 4-part fractures with up
from the fact that primary hemiarthroplasties are to 2-year follow-up. One-year data were available
technically easier and have been consistently shown for 31 patients with 2-year follow-up for 24 patients.
in retrospective comparative series to have better The results of this study were similar to those that
outcomes than secondary hemiarthroplasties per- Hoellen and colleagues13 reported. The authors
formed for failed internal fixation or nonoperative found no significant difference in patients with three-
treatment.7–11 or four-part fractures treated with either tension
The literature on prosthetic treatment of complex band wiring or arthroplasty. At 2-year follow-up,
proximal humerus fractures is sparse. Only three level however, nine patients in the fixation group required
I or II studies currently exist: one compares hemiar- further surgery compared with none in the hemiar-
throplasty with nonoperative treatment,12 whereas throplasty group. It is difficult to make any sound
the other two compare hemiarthroplasty with tension conclusions from these studies because of the short
band wiring.13,14 follow-up period and significant dropout rate. The
In 1984, Stableforth12 conducted a prospective, generalizability of these findings to younger patients
randomized, nonblinded comparison of uncemented is also unclear.
hemiarthroplasty and nonoperative treatment. His In 2003, Handoll and coworkers15 conducted a
study included 32 patients with an average age Cochrane review on the treatment of proximal hu-

What Is the Best Treatment for Complex Proximal Humerus Fractures? What Are the Main Determinants of Outcome after Arthroplasty? 145

merus fractures in adults. Based on their analysis, in age. Neither fracture severity nor the presence
they were unable to provide any treatment recom- of humeral head subluxation/dislocation affected
mendation. Both Bondi and coauthors16 and Bhandari 1-year outcomes.
and investigators,17 after systematic evidence-based
reviews on proximal humerus fractures, also found
insufficient evidence from randomized trials to deter- OPERATIVE AND POSTOPERATIVE FACTORS
mine optimal treatment. They conclude that until
valid evidence exists, the management of proximal The most important operative factor that influ-
humerus fractures will be based on surgeon prefer- ences outcome after hemiarthroplasty for complex
ence, ability, and experience. Although evidence-based proximal humerus fractures is the ability to achieve
support for arthroplasty in the treatment of complex anatomic reduction and union of the tuberosities,
proximal humerus fractures is lacking, some evidence particularly the greater tuberosity. Achieving union
exists that arthroplasty can optimize patient outcomes of the tuberosities is dependent on proper posi-
once the decision to treat has been made. tioning of the prosthesis and secure anatomic
fixation of the tuberosities. These two factors are
intimately related because it is virtually impossible
RESULTS AFTER HUMERAL HEAD REPLACEMENT to attain secure, anatomic tuberosity fixation if
the prosthesis is not implanted in the correct
Reliable pain relief, patient satisfaction, and reason- position.
able implant longevity have been consistently demon- Robinson and investigators19 also evaluated fac-
strated in multiple retrospective reviews of patients tors that affect outcome at 6 weeks after surgery.
who underwent hemiarthroplasty for complex proxi- They found that the factors assessed at 6 weeks
mal humerus fractures. Good-to-excellent pain relief after surgery (which were mostly related to surgery)
has been reported in 73% to 97% of patients; overall, provided a more precise prediction of 1-year out-
more than 80% of patients expressed satisfaction with come than the patient-based factors assessed before
their treatment, and prosthesis survival at 10 years surgery. The need for early reoperation, significant
ranges from 83% to 94%.18 displacement of the prosthetic head from the
Functional outcomes, however, have been much central axis of the glenoid (radiographically), and
more unpredictable. Even within individual studies, radiographic evidence of retraction of one or more
outcomes vary widely from patient to patient. Less of the tuberosities were all predictive of worse out-
desirable functional outcomes are most often be- comes. The authors emphasize the importance of an
cause of limited shoulder motion, decreased muscle intact, functioning rotator cuff because many of the
power, and inability to perform activities of daily reoperations were due to displacement of the tuber-
living. The challenge for surgeons is to identify me- osities, and subluxation was attributed to an incom-
thods of maximizing outcomes through meticulous petent rotator cuff. Advanced patient age and the
patient selection, optimal surgical techniques, and presence of a persistent neurologic deficit were also
appropriate postoperative treatment. With this in shown to significantly predict poorer Constant
mind, several authors have explored the preopera- scores at 1 year.
tive, surgical, and postoperative factors that appear Boileau and colleagues,20 in a prospective, multi-
to influence outcome. center, prognostic, level II study, attempted to deter-
mine the clinical and radiographic parameters that
contribute to unsatisfactory results in some patients.
PREOPERATIVE FACTORS Using regression tests for correlation, they demon-
strate that final outcomes were directly related to
Robinson and investigators19 performed a level II tuberosity osteosynthesis. The factors associated
observational cohort study of 163 patients with with failure of tuberosity osteosynthesis were malpo-
complex humerus fractures treated with hemiar- sitioning of the greater tuberosity, poor initial posi-
throplasty. Of the 163 patients, 25 died or were lost tion of the prosthesis, and age older than 75 in
to follow-up within the first postoperative year. The women.
remaining 138 patients with an average age of Tuberosity malpositioning and/or migration, which
68.5 years were evaluated with Constant scores. Us- was found in 50% of patients based on final follow-up
ing a univariate linear regression model, the authors radiographs or computed tomographic (CT) scans,
assessed the factors immediately after injury and at was the most significant factor associated with poor
6 weeks after surgery; these factors were predictive outcomes. Malpositioning of the greater tuberosity
of the Constant score at 1 year. was defined as greater than 5 mm superior or 10 mm
Preoperative factors including advanced patient inferior to the superior aspect of the humeral head,
age, presence of a neurologic deficit, tobacco usage, or as posterior placement such that the greater
and alcohol consumption were found to be signifi- tuberosity was not visible on the postoperative
cantly predictive of lower 1-year outcome scores. anteroposterior radiograph in external or neutral
The age of the patient was the most significant of rotation but could be seen on the internal rotation,
these factors, with the modified Constant score axillary, scapular lateral, or CT views. Malpositioning
decreasing by eight points for every 10-year increase of the prosthesis also significantly correlated with
146 Upper Extremity Topics

both tuberosity malpositioning and significantly templating of the opposite side, restoration of the
worse functional results. Prosthesis malpositioning medial calcar, reapproximation of the fracture frag-
was defined as greater than 10 mm cephalad, 15 mm ments, or referencing based on the tension of the
caudal, or retroversion of greater than 40 degrees. long head of the biceps to restore humeral height. All
The negative influence of age on outcome was also of these tools are at the surgeon’s disposal and can
confirmed. These authors found that women older be helpful when utilized.
than 75 years had a significantly greater failure rate Attaining secure, anatomic tuberosity fixation
of tuberosity osteosynthesis and subsequently worse starts with anatomic positioning of the prosthesis
outcomes than the other patients in their study. using the tools just described. Correct positioning of
This was most likely due to a greater degree of the prosthesis makes anatomic positioning of the
osteopenia and, therefore, less secure fixation of the tuberosities much easier and reduces stress on the
tuberosities. repair. Nonanatomic positioning of the greater tu-
berosity in a cadaveric model has been shown to
significantly impair external rotation kinematics and
SURGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS increase torque requirements by eightfold.28 When
the tuberosities are anatomically placed, Frankel
Although patient-related factors are often out of the and coworkers29 have shown that supplementation
surgeon’s control, the literature does provide some of the tuberosity repair with a circumferential
guidance on avoiding prosthesis malpositioning and medial cerclage incorporated into the prosthesis
attaining secure tuberosity fixation. Reestablishment reduces strain on the greater tuberosity by more
of the patient’s natural retroversion is difficult in the than 100%.
setting of a proximal humerus fracture. Some authors
have suggested using the bicipital groove as a refer-
ence point.21–23 By placing the lateral fin of the prosthe- CONCLUSIONS
sis a standard distance from the posterior edge of the
bicipital groove, a predictable degree of retroversion Currently, because of a lack of randomized, con-
can be attained. Several authors, however, have noted trolled trials, no recommendations can be made on
wide variations in the degree of humeral retroversion the optimal treatment of three- and four-part proxi-
among different patients.24–26 Use of a standard version mal humerus fractures. However, recommendations
may therefore result in significant malpositioning of can be made for optimizing outcomes once the deci-
the humeral stem.24–26 sion to treat with arthroplasty has been made.
Kontakis and researchers,26 in a study using Younger patients without neurologic deficits who do
45 cadaveric specimens, showed that humeral head not smoke or consume alcohol tend to have better
retroversion varies between !6.3 (i.e., anteversion) outcomes. Patients treated with early primary ar-
and 41.7 degrees. They found that placing the hu- throplasty also have consistently better outcomes
meral prosthesis with the lateral fin at the posterior than patients who have secondary arthroplasty
aspect of the bicipital groove, as commonly sug- after failure of nonoperative or operative treatment.
gested, often resulted in excessive retroversion The most important factors for optimizing patient
when compared with the patient’s natural version. outcomes appear to be surgically related. Proper
In some cases, this could lead to overtensioning of prosthesis positioning and secure anatomic tuberos-
the greater tuberosity and ultimately failure of fixa- ity fixation lead to more reliable tuberosity osteo-
tion when the arm is rotated internally. Using CT synthesis and improved outcome scores. Table 20–1
scans of cadaveric proximal humeri, they were able provides a summary of recommendations for the
to estimate the natural version and measure the dis- treatment of humerus fractures.
tance that the posterior fin of the prosthesis should
be placed from the posterior aspect of the bicipital
groove. They were able to use this method on six of
TABLE 20–1. Summary of Recommendations
their patients by obtaining CT scans of the opposite
shoulder before surgery. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/GRADE
Murachovsky and coauthors27 in another cadav-
eric study found that the pectoralis major tendon is 1. No treatment recommendations I
a helpful landmark for restoring correct humeral can be made at this point.
height. After dissection of 40 shoulders, they found 2. Early treatment with hemiarthro- C
the distance from the upper border of the pectoralis plastyresults in better outcomes
major tendon insertion on the humerus to the top of than delayed treatment.
3. Proper prosthesis positioning and B
the humeral head was 5.6 " 0.5 cm with a confidence anatomic, stable tuberosity
level of 95%. In addition, they found no correlation fixation lead to better outcomes.
between the size of the patient and this measure-
ment. In cases where severe comminution of the B # fair evidence (level II or III studies with consistent findings) for or
against recommending intervention;
proximal humerus makes estimation of the appropri- C # poor-quality evidence (level IV or V with consistent findings) for or
ate humeral height difficult, this method may be against recommending intervention; I # insufficient or conflicting evidence
useful. Other authors have suggested preoperative not allowing a recommendation for or against intervention.
What Is the Best Treatment for Complex Proximal Humerus Fractures? What Are the Main Determinants of Outcome after Arthroplasty? 147

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Chapter What Are the Best Diagnostic

21 Criteria for Lateral Epicondylitis?


Lateral epicondylitis is a common entity that affects because -itis implies inflammation. Nirschl11 rather
up to 1% to 3% of the population. Historically, it has described it as “tendinosis” or “angiofibroblastic hy-
been termed writer’s cramp,1 rider’s sprain,2 and finally, perplasia,” reflecting the degenerative changes based
the more familiar tennis elbow3; but in fact, only 5% to on histopathologic diagnosis. A review of histologic,
10% of affected individuals actually play tennis. It is immunohistochemical, and electron microscopy
more frequent in sports and occupations that require suggests that the condition is degenerative12,13 with
repetitive actions of the hand and wrist, and can ac- increased fibroblasts, vascular hyperplasia, proteo-
count for up to 50% of elbow injuries in athletes using glycans and glycosaminoglycans, and disorganized
overhead arm motions in their sport. The incidence is and immature collagen. This is in keeping with cur-
approximately 4 to 7 cases per 1000 patients, with a rent thinking about tendon pathology in general.14,15
peak occurrence in patients aged 35 to 54 years. Simi- Many names have been proposed for this
lar symptoms can occur on the medial side of the condition—tennis elbow, radial or lateral epicondylala-
elbow, but lateral elbow pain is more predominant gia,16 extensor tendinopathy, or epicondylitis lateralis
with a 4:1 to 7:1 ratio. Symptoms last, on average, from humeri. The primary argument against lateral epicon-
6 months to 2 years, with 89% of patients recovering dylalgia (algia means “pain”) is that lateral elbow pain
within 1 year. Risk factors include overuse, repetitive can also result from PIN entrapment (radial tunnel
movements, training errors, misalignments, flexibility syndrome) and from compression of the nerves of the
problems, aging, poor circulation, strength deficits or cervical spine; therefore, this is probably too general a
muscle imbalance, and psychological factors.4,5 More term for diagnosis. The term extensor tendinopathy is
than 40 treatment options are described, with little not inclusive enough because often more than the
scientific rationale for most of them.6–8 Systematic lit- wrist extensor tendons are involved (ECRB and some-
erature reviews have identified substantive problems times the supinator muscle). Some authors17 have sug-
including the lack of proper randomized, controlled gested that it is most appropriately termed lateral
clinical trials, poor-quality studies, and vague inclu- elbow tendinopathy, a painful overuse tendon condi-
sion criteria. No doubt contributing to the problem tion in the area of lateral epicondyle. For purposes of
is the lack of evidence-based diagnostic criteria and consistency in the remainder of this review, however,
outcome measures. the term lateral epicondylitis is used.


Cyriax9 in 1936 recognized that the origin of extensor Lateral epicondylitis is characterized by a corrobo-
carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) was the primary site of rating history of injury and is a localized tenderness
injury. Other muscles involved are the extensor carpi in the area where the common wrist extensors (es-
radialis longus, extensor carpi ulnaris extensor digi- pecially ECRB) attach to the lateral epicondyle of
torum communis (in at least 50% of cases) and the humerus.18 Functional use, such as gripping
the supinator muscle (Fig. 21–1). The condition also or lifting heavy objects, exacerbates symptoms. Dif-
requires detailed evaluation and consideration to ferential diagnoses include radial nerve entrapment
exclude neuropathy, such as radial tunnel syndrome, (or rarely, lateral antebrachial cutaneous neuropa-
posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) compression, or thy), elbow joint disease (osteochondral desiccans,
both.10 The radial nerve can be entrapped at several intra-articular loose bodies, osteoarthrosis), partial
sites (Fig. 21–2): by fibrous bands in front of the or complete tear of the tendon, and extrinsic causes
radial head, by the recurrent radial vessels (leash of (cervical dysfunction and nerve root compression).19
Henry), at the arcade of Frohse (proximal thickened Infrequently seen are degeneration or stenosis of
edge of superficial head of supinator muscle), and at the orbicular ligament, chronic impingement of the
the tendinous margin of the ECRB. redundant synovial fold between the humerus and
In chronic cases of lateral epicondylitis, it has radial head, traumatic periostitis of the lateral epi-
been shown that there are little to no inflammatory condyle, and chondromalacia of the radial head and
cells, hence the term tendonitis is inappropriate capitellum.

What Are the Best Diagnostic Criteria for Lateral Epicondylitis? 149

attachment Common


FIGURE 21–1. Anatomy of the lateral
ECU elbow. (Adapted with permission from
Bishai SK, Plancher KD: The basic
science of lateral epicondylosis: Update
for the future. Tech Orthop 21:250–255,

Clinical examination should include visual inspec-

tion of the elbow for alignment (varus or valgus
angulation), muscle bulk, and obvious bruising or
swelling; however, none of these is diagnostic. Elbow
range of motion is sometimes decreased; one study
Radial n.
found a decrease of 10% in supination and 15% in
pronation in 25 patients with chronic unilateral epi-
condylosis.20 Previous cortisone injections may leave
residual skin discoloration or lack of pigmentation.
Neurovascular examination of the distal extremity is
also necessary.
The diagnosis of lateral epicondylitis is substanti-
ated by tenderness over the ECRB or common exten-
sor origin. The therapist or physician should be able
to reproduce the typical pain by the following meth-
ods: (1) digital palpation on the facet of the lateral
Superficial epicondyle, (2) resisted wrist extension (Fig. 21–3) or
Ext. carpi branch resisted middle-finger extension with the elbow in
radialis radial n. extension (Fig. 21–4), or (3) having the patient grip
brevis m.
an object. In addition to pain, patients almost always
Radial have decreased function. In radial tunnel syndrome21
recurrent a.
(which may coexist with lateral epicondylitis in up to
Arcade of 5% of cases), the pain is more diffuse and localized
Frohse to the extensor mass, 3 to 4 cm distal to the lateral
Post epicondyle. It may be provoked with supinator stress
interosseous n. testing or resisted extension of the middle finger.
Weakness of the distal muscle groups innervated by
Supinator the PIN may also be present.
Other tests have been described,22,23 including
Cozen’s test (with the elbow flexed and the forearm
pronated, the patient is asked to make a fist and radi-
ally deviate and extend the wrist against resistance)
FIGURE 21–2. Anatomy of the radial tunnel. (Fig. 21–5). Mill’s test (Fig. 21–6) refers to pain (on
resisted wrist extension) with the elbow extended
and wrist flexed and pronated with radial deviation.24
Coonrad and Hooper24 have also described the “cof-
fee cup test,” where picking up a cup of coffee is
painful. Another useful clinical tool is the “chair test”
150 Upper Extremity Topics

FIGURE 21–3. Resisted wrist extension.

FIGURE 21–5. Cozen’s test for lateral epicondylitis.

FIGURE 21–6. Mill’s test for lateral epicondylitis.

eral epicondylosis. Other researchers27 used an ex-

tensor grip test (where pain on resisted wrist exten-
sion was diminished by the examiner gripping the
patients arm just below the elbow with an estimated
10–N pressure) to prospectively predict which pa-
tients would respond best to bracing. The validity
(specifically the sensitivity and specificity) of the
majority of these clinical tests has not yet been de-
termined. This area is ripe for research, with a sig-
FIGURE 21–4. Resisted extension of the middle finger. nificant need for well-designed studies,28 such as re-
cently published for diagnosis of carpal tunnel
(Fig. 21–7), where the patient is asked to pick up a syndrome.29 Tests can also be validated against tis-
chair with the elbow extended and the wrist ulnarly sue observations of pathology or imaging studies.
deviated with the hand in palmar flexion.25 One
group studied a standardized and calibrated system
to simulate the chair pick-up.26 They demonstrated OUTCOME MEASURES
excellent reliability (inter-rater intraclass correlation
coefficients [ICCs] ranging from 0.80–0.93 and intra- A variety of specific outcome measures has been used
rater ICCs ranging from 0.9–0.97) and reproducibility to assess the effects of therapy. None is specifically
of results. Measurements in a group of 16 patients diagnostic, and they are mainly used to quantify the
with MRI-confirmed diagnosis suggested that this severity of elbow injury and to monitor effectiveness
test could be valid for monitoring patients with lat- of rehabilitation protocols. In some cases, they can
What Are the Best Diagnostic Criteria for Lateral Epicondylitis? 151



Sensitivity (TP rate)




0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0%
1-Specificity (FP rate)
FIGURE 21–8. Sensitivity/specificity of a test of difference
in grip strength to distinguish an extremity with lateral
epicondylitis from a pain-free extremity. (Adapted from
Dorf ER, Chhabra AB, Golish SR, et al: Effect of elbow
position on grip strength in the evaluation of lateral
epicondylitis. J Hand Surg [Am] 32A:882–886, 2007 with
permission of Elsevier.)

FIGURE 21–7. The “chair test.”

help distinguish a patient population with the disease studies, grip strength in both elbow extension and
from healthy control subjects. Measures of pain in- flexion significantly improved after surgery and cor-
clude pain threshold test (dolorimeter), size of pain related with a good clinical outcome.
drawing, and visual analogue scales (VASs), but only Forearm muscle imbalance or shoulder muscle
pressure pain is associated with pain on palpation, pathology may also be important in the development
grip strength, and manual tests.30 Both maximal grip of tennis elbow. It has been suggested that there is
strength and pain free grip strength have been a greater fatigability of wrist extensors compared
utilized,31 and the latter has been shown to be moder- with wrist flexors.37 Alizadehkhaiyat and coworkers38
ately reliable.32,33 Assessment of mean and maximal actually developed an extension/flexion dynamome-
grip strength is done with an instrument such as a ter type instrument to measure this (Fig. 21–9), but
Jamar hydraulic hand dynamometer, with the elbow no other systematic studies have been done on this
in 90 degrees of flexion and the elbow fully extended wrist-forearm-shoulder segment. Isokinetic dyna-
in front of patient. An average of multiple measure- mometer measurements have shown peak torque at
ments is recommended, and from multiple sessions a radial velocity of 90 degrees/sec, and work in wrist
rather than from increasing the repetitions in a single flexion reduced by 17% in lateral epicondylitis and
test session. Dorf and colleagues34 examined the sen- 13% in medial epicondylitis.
sitivity and specificity of grip strength in these Another study looked at strength with a device
positions in a population of 81 patients with lateral called the Marcy Wedge-Pro (MWP), commonly used by
epicondylitis. In 41 patients, the affected side only was tennis players for training,39 to quantitatively assess
tested, whereas 40 had bilateral measurements done. ability to perform wrist extension exercises. The MWP
The affected extremity was 29% stronger in flexion results were compared with clinical measures and
than in extension. The authors suggest that loss of found to accurately identify patients who responded
grip strength between flexion and extension in a single to treatment (P ! 0.05). Another group40 explored the
extremity should be considered as a test to distin- clinical utility of a middle digit isokinetic eccentric
guish an extremity with lateral epicondylitis from a strength dynamometer for evaluating the effects of
pain-free extremity. With a 5% decrease in grip strength lateral epicondylitis therapy. Eccentric isokinetic tor-
between flexion and extension, the sensitivity was que, work power, and angle at peak torque of the third
83% and specificity 80%; with a 10% decrease, sensitiv- finger were tested in 2 groups of patients: one without
ity was 78% and specificity 90% (Fig. 21–8). DeSmet physician-diagnosed lateral epicondylitis (13 male and
and colleagues35,36 had similar findings: a statistically 14 female patients) and the other with lateral epicon-
significant mean grip strength loss of 43% from flexion dylitis (13 male and 14 female patients). Test-retest
to extension for the pathologic side in 55 consecutive correlation values ranged from 0.83 to 0.45, and analy-
patients with lateral epicondylitis compared with a sis of variance showed a significant difference in all
less than 2% difference for the control side. In their variables between the two subject groups.
152 Upper Extremity Topics

FIGURE 21–9. Wrist-hand dynamometer. (Reprinted from Alizadehkhaiyat O, Fisher AC, Kemp GJ, Frostick SP: Strength
and fatiguability of selected muscles in upper limb: Assessing muscle imbalance relevant to tennis elbow. J Electromyogr
Kinesiol 17:428–436, 2007, with permission of Elsevier.)

It has subsequently been renamed the Patient-Rated
Electromyography is used mainly for diagnosis of ra- Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE).44 Recently, it has
dial tunnel syndrome, but it is not often positive. Roles been utilized concurrently with an outcome therapy
and Maudsley10 note a delay in motor conduction ve- study in 78 patients who play tennis and have MRI-
locity in “some cases,” but normal electrophysiologic confirmed lateral elbow tendinopathy.45 Detailed and
findings do not exclude the entrapment diagnosis. favorable assessment of internal consistency, con-
Bauer and Murray41 used surface electromyography struct validity, reproducibility, and sensitivity to
and demonstrated significantly earlier, longer, and change led these authors to suggest that the PRTEE
greater activation of the wrist extensor muscles in a should become the standard primary outcome mea-
group suffering from lateral tennis elbow versus sure in research on tennis elbow.
healthy control subjects. This type of work may lead
to some insight into the pathogenesis of this chronic
condition and suggest therapies. DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING
Diagnostic imaging of the elbow may include radio-
PATIENT-RATED QUESTIONNAIRES graphic evaluation, diagnostic ultrasound, computed
tomography (CT) arthrogram, MRI, and/or bone scan.
Traditional pain and disability questionnaires, such The cost benefit of such studies should be consid-
as the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand ered in the diagnosis of lateral epicondylitis.
(DASH) questionnaire, and VAS are used in outcome
studies, but they are nonspecific. A Patient-Rated
Forearm Evaluation Questionnaire has been devel- PLAIN RADIOGRAPHS
oped, using 5 items to assess pain and 10 items to
assess function during the previous week.42 This has Although sometimes useful to exclude other pathol-
been shown to have high reliability, but only fair cor- ogy, plain radiographs are not diagnostic for this con-
relation with pain-free grip strength. Further refine- dition, and thus are not necessary as an initial step in
ments have confirmed the reliability and reproduc- evaluation. In a consecutive series of 294 radiographs
ibility, and have validated that it is at least as sensitive (standard anteroposterior, lateral, and radiocapitellar
to change as other commonly used outcome scales.43 views in patients with lateral epicondylitis), 16% had
What Are the Best Diagnostic Criteria for Lateral Epicondylitis? 153

findings present, most commonly faint calcification

along the lateral epicondyle in 20 patients (7%)
(Fig. 21–10). However, management was altered by
only 2 of the sets of films.46

Diagnostic ultrasound is a noninvasive imaging mo-
dality that uses sound waves in the frequency range
of more than 20,000 Hz. Better resolutions are att-
ained with higher frequencies of scanning, but at the
expense of less depth of field. This technique is best
for assessment of tendon integrity. Additional pas-
sive or resisted dynamic imaging can further evalu-
ate function and continuity of the tendon, as well as FIGURE 21–11. Ultrasound images of patient with lateral
visualize any gaps.47 Disadvantages of diagnostic ul- epicondylitis. Note focal thickening and hypoechoic
trasound include the fact that it is very much opera- region at the common extensor origin (CEO) onto the
tor dependent, and it is also limited by the resolution lateral epicondyle. Lateral: long axis view. CEO, and
of the equipment. Printed images are only a snapshot lateral epicondyle.
of the dynamic process of evaluation, and thus can-
not be used in isolation.48
On ultrasound, tendon degeneration is visualized
as irregularities of fibrillar appearance, with thicken- detected earlier with ultrasound than with MRI. Cal-
ing, focal hypoechoic areas, calcification, and some- cification is also noted earlier with ultrasound than
times cortical irregularity or spur formation of the with MRI. The addition of color Doppler permits visu-
epicondyle (Fig. 21–11). In tendons with a synovial alization of neovascularization (Fig. 21–12), which is
sheath, widening of the sheath can be seen, as well thought to be a source of the pain in such tendinopa-
as increased fluid within it. Tendon ruptures appear thies (growth factors, pain fibers, etc.). It also pro-
as fragmented contiguous fibrils. It has been sug- vides a method by which these pathologic neoves-
gested that intrinsic changes in the tendon can be sels can be treated with various sclerosing agents
such as polidocanal or glycerol.
Some studies of clinical correlation have been
performed. Maffulli and investigators49 were able to
identify six different entities: enthesopathy, tendon-
itis, peritendinitis, bursitis, intramuscular lesions,
and mixed lesions, and suggested a possible prog-
nostic value in patients with tennis elbow. They
were able to confirm the clinical diagnosis of lateral
epicondylitis by sonographic abnormalities in 93%
of their patients. Connell and coworkers50 studied

FIGURE 21–10. “Gun-sight oblique view” radiograph showing FIGURE 21–12. Color Doppler ultrasound image showing
punctuate calcifications by lateral epicondyle. (Courtesy inflammation and increased blood flow at the common
DeLee and Drez.) extensor origin (CEO). Lateral: long axis view.
154 Upper Extremity Topics

75 patients, with a 95% confirmation rate (4 tendons TABLE 21–2. Diagnostic Values per Entity, Injured Arm
were normal). The most common finding was a hy-
poechoic area in 64% of these images. Another LIKELIHOOD
group,51 in a well-designed study, documented hy-
perechogenicity, swelling, calcification, bursitis, en- Hypoechoic 0.67 0.81 0.78 0.71 3.52
thesopathy, and tendinosis in 75% of patients with area
an injured extremity. Positive and negative predic- Swelling 0.61 0.84 0.80 0.69 3.81
Enthesopathy 0.65 0.86 0.82 0.71 4.64
tive values are shown in Tables 21–1 and 21–2. How- Tendinosis 0.19 0.95 0.79 0.46 3.80
ever, no significant predictive values of sonographic Any entity 0.75 0.81 0.80 0.23 3.95
abnormalities were found for either success rate of
treatment or mean decrease in pain. NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.
Data from Levin D, Nazarian LN, Miller TT, et al: Lateral epicondylitis of
The most thorough study so far52 retrospectively re- the elbow: US findings. Radiology 237:230–234, 2005.
viewed images of 20 elbows in 10 asymptomatic volun-
teers (6 men, 4 women; age range, 22–38 years; mean,
29.6 years) compared with 37 elbows in 22 patients included outward bowing of the common tendon,
with symptoms of lateral epicondylitis (10 men, presence of hypoechoic fluid subadjacent to the
12 women; age range, 30–59 years; mean, 46 years). A common tendon, thickening, decreased echogenicity,
total of 57 images were randomly selected and inter- and ill-defined margins of the common tendon. Sensi-
preted by 3 individual readers for 1 or more of 8 ultra- tivity for detecting epicondylitis ranged from 64% to
sound findings. Intrareader variability was assessed at 82% for sonography and from 90% to 100% for MRI.
two separate sessions. Sensitivity varied from 72% to Specificity ranged from 67% to 100% for sonography
88%, and specificity from 36% to 48.5%. The odds ratio and from 83% to 100% for MRI. The authors conclude
was significant (P ! 0.05%) for calcification of common that sonography is as specific but not as sensitive as
extensor tendon, tendon thickening, adjacent bone MRI for evaluating epicondylitis. Used as an initial
irregularity, focal hyoechoic regions, and diffuse heter- imaging tool, sonography may be adequate for diag-
ogeneity, but not significant for linear intrasubstance nosing this condition in many patients, thus allowing
tears and peritendinous fluid. MRI to be reserved for patients with symptoms
Using another method called spatial compound- whose sonographic findings are normal.
sonography, sonographic information is obtained from
several different angles and combined to produce a
single image. In one study of 34 patients,53 real-time MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING
spatial compound sonography (with a 12-5-MHz multi-
frequency linear array transducer) significantly im- MRI gives excellent detail and soft-tissue contrast.
proved definition of soft-tissue planes, reduced speckle Coronal and axial fast short-T1 inversion recovery
and other noise, and improved image detail when and fat-suppressed T2-weighted images are good for
compared with conventional high-resolution sonogra- interstitial fluid and edema in and around tendon
phy (P ! 0.0001 for all evaluated parameters). Never- and bone, whereas T1-weighted or proton density–
theless, this technique is not routinely used. weighted images illustrate anatomic structures and
Finally, Miller and coworkers54 used ultrasound to fat planes.55,56 Tendinosis can be seen with or without
examine 11 patients with tennis elbow and a normal superimposed partial- or full-thickness tearing, as well
contralateral elbow. In 10 of these patients, as well as as chondromalacia, synovitis, osteophytic spurring,
in 6 asymptomatic volunteers, they were able to or loose bodies. Pathologic features suggesting lateral
compare MRIs. Sonographic features of epicondylitis epicondylitis include thickening and high-intensity
signal in tendon, as well as dystrophic calcification on
gradient-echo techniques (Figs. 21–13 through 21–15).
Bone marrow edema of the lateral epicondyle, anco-
neus muscle edema, and fluid within the radial head
TABLE 21–1. Diagnostic Values of Sonographic Findings bursa may also be visualized.57 MRI is also useful in
in Lateral Epicondylitis differential diagnosis of the less common radial tunnel
INJURED SIDE (N # 57) NONINJURED SIDE (N # 57) syndrome, through demonstration of denervation
edema or atrophy within muscles innervated by the
FINDING N % N % PIN, and mass effects along the course of the nerve.58
Hypoechoic area 38 67 11 19 A reasonable correlation of MRI findings with the
Hyperechoic area 3 5 0 0 stages of tendinosis also exists59 (Table 21–3). Al-
Swelling 35 61 16 16 though most imaging is currently performed on high-
Calcifications 3 5 0 0
Bursitis 1 2 0 0
field whole-body scanners ("1.0 Tesla), there is also
Enthesopathy 37 65 14 14 increasing interest in low (!0.5 Tesla) and medium
Tendinosis 11 19 5 5 (0.5–1.0 Tesla) field strengths, available with smaller,
Any entity 43 75 19 19 less expensive scanners, which can be installed in
No entity 14 25 81 91 physicians’ offices.60 Patients can then be scanned in
Data from Levin D, Nazarian LN, Miller TT, et al: Lateral epicondylitis of sitting or recumbent positions, making this test much
the elbow: US findings. Radiology 237:230–234, 2005. more practical and accessible.
What Are the Best Diagnostic Criteria for Lateral Epicondylitis? 155

FIGURE 21–13. Magnetic resonance

imaging findings in lateral epicondylitis.
(From Saliman JD, Beaulieu CF, McAdas
TR: Ligament and tendon injury to the
elbow: Clinical surgical and imaging
features. Top Magn Reson Imaging
17:327–336, 2006, 2006, reprinted with
A B permission.)

FIGURE 21–14. Magnetic resonance

imaging findings in lateral epicondylitis.
(Reprinted from Banks KP, Ly JZ, Beall
DP, et al: Overuse injuries of the upper
extremity in the competitive athlete:
Magnetic resonance imaging findings
associated with repetitive trauma. Curr
A B Probl Diagn Radiol 34:127–142, 2005,
with permission of Elsevier.)

FIGURE 21–15. Magnetic resonance

imaging findings in lateral epicondylitis.
(Reprinted with permission From
Fritz RC, Breidahl WH: Radiographic
and special studies: Recent advances in
A B imaging of the elbow. Clin Sports Med
23:567–580, 2004 .)
156 Upper Extremity Topics

TABLE 21–3. Correlation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings with Pathologic Stages of Lateral Epicondylitis
Stage 1 Temporary irritation (possible T1 and T2 increased sig- Usually the origin of the
chemical inflammation) nal extensor carpi radialis brevis
Stage 2 Permanent tendinosis—less than T2—increased signal Corresponds with area of mucoid de-
50% of tendon cross section generation and neovascularization
Stage 3 Permanent tendinosis—greater T2—increased signal Corresponds with area of signifi-
than 50% of tendon cross cant disruption of collagen fibers
section and tear of tendon
Stage 4 Partial or total rupture of tendon T2—increased signal Disruption of the tendon and

Data from Bishai SK, Plancher KD: The basic science of lateral epicondylosis: Update for the future. Tech Orthop 21:250–255, 2006.

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29. Graham B, Regehr G, Naglie G, Wrist JG: Development and musculoskeletal diagnostic ultrasound: Examination of the
validation of diagnostic criteria for carpal tunnel syndrome. upper limbs. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 86:310–321, 2007.
J Hand Surg [Am] 31A:919e1–919e7, 2006. 48. Allen GM, Wilson DJ: Ultrasound in sports medicine—a
30. Pienimäki T, Tarvainen T, Siira P, et al: Associations between critical evaluation. Eur J Radiol 62:79–85, 2007.
pain, grip strength and manual tests in the treatment evalua- 49. Maffulli N, Regine R, Carrillo F, et al: Tennis elbow: An
tion of chronic tennis elbow. Clin J Pain 18:164–170, 2002. ultrasonographic study in tennis players. Br J Sports Med
31. Smidt N, van der Windt DA, Assendelft WJ, et al: Interob- 24:151–155, 1990.
server reproducibility of the assessment of severity of 50. Connell D, Burke P, Coombes P, et al: Sonographic examination
complaints, grip strength, and pressure pain threshold in of lateral epicondylitis. AJR Am J Roentgenol 176:777–782, 2001.
patients with lateral epicondylitis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 51. Struijs PAAA, Spruyt M, Assendelft WJJ, van Dijk CN: The
83:1145–1150, 2002. predictive value of diagnostic sonography for the effective-
32. Stratford PW, Norman GR, McIntosh JM: Generalizability of ness of conservative treatment of tennis elbow. AJR Am
grip strength measurements in patients with tennis elbow. J Roentgenol 185:1113–1118, 2005.
Phys Ther 68:276–281, 1989. 52. Levin D, Nazarian LN, Miller TT, et al: Lateral epicondylitis
33. Hamilton A, Balnave R, Adams R: Grip strength testing of the elbow: US findings. Radiology 237:230–234, 2005.
reliability. J Hand Ther 7:163–170, 1994. 53. Lin DC, Nazarian LN, O’Kane PL, et al: Advantages of real-time
34. Dorf ER, Chhabra AB, Golish SR, et al: Effect of elbow spatial compound sonography of the musculoskeletal system
position on grip strength in the evaluation of lateral versus conventional sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol
epicondylitis. J Hand Surg [Am] 32A:882–886, 2007. 179:1629–1631, 2002.
35. DeSmet L, Fabry G: Grip strength in patients with tennis 54. Miller TT, Shapiro MA, Schultz E, Kalish PE: Comparison
elbow. Influence of elbow position. Acta Orthop Belg 62: of sonography and MRI for diagnosing epicondylitis. J Clin
26–29, 1996. Ultrasound 30:193–202, 2002.
36. DeSmet L, Van Ransbeeck H, Fabry G: Grip strength in tennis 55. Saliman JD, Beaulieu CF, McAdas TR: Ligament and tendon
elbow: Long-term results of operative treatment. Acta Orthop injury to the elbow: Clinical surgical and imaging features.
Belg 64:167–169, 1998. Top Magn Reson Imaging 17:327–336, 2006.
37. Hagg GM, Milerad E: Forearm extensor and flexor muscle 56. Kijowski R, Tuite M, Sanford M: Magnetic resonance imaging
exertion during simulated gripping work—an electromyo- of the elbow. Part II: Abnormalities of the ligaments, tendons,
graphic study. Clin Biomech 12:39–43, 1997. and nerves. Skelet Radiol 34:1–18, 2004.
38. Alizadehkhaiyat O, Fisher AC, Kemp GJ, Frostick SP: Strength 57. Tuitje MJ, Kijowski R: Sport-related injuries of the elbow: An
and fatiguability of selected muscles in upper limb: Assessing approach to MRI interpretation. Clin Sports Med 25:387–408,
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Kinesiol 17:428–436, 2007. 58. Ferdinand BD, Rosenberg ZS, Schweitzer ME: MR imaging
39. Smith RW, Mani R, Cawley MID, et al: Assessment of tennis features of radial tunnel syndrome: Initial experience.
elbow using the Marcy Wedge-Pro. Br J Sports Med 27: Radiology 240:161–168, 2006.
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40. Pearson D, Gehlsen GM, Wilson JK, et al: An objective mea- of lateral epicondylitis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 61:832–839,
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Kinesiol 9:245–252, 1999. Clin Sports Med 25:591–606, 2005.
Chapter What is Are the theBest
Treatment for

Chapter JSurgery, and
JOHN M. FLYNN Is the Best

22 Surgical Treatment for Chronic

Lateral Epicondylitis?

Lateral epicondylitis (LE), or tennis elbow, was first Although ultrasonography and magnetic resonance
described in the 1880s1 by Major as a condition caus- imaging have reported sensitivities of 64% to 82%
ing elbow pain in lawn tennis players. Clinically, this and 90% to 100%, respectively, and specificities of
entity is characterized by lateral-sided elbow pain 67% to 100% and 83% to 100%, respectively, they are
with activities of daily living, such as turning knobs not traditionally ordered.6
and opening jars. Sufferers of LE may also notice a Although up to 40% of tennis players will experi-
weakness in their grip strength or difficulty carrying ence tennis elbow at some point,7 LE is more often
objects in their hands. seen in workplaces that involve repetitive or forceful
Differential diagnoses of LE include C5-6 radiculo- activities of the forearm, wrist, or hand.8 In a
pathy, posterolateral instability, posterior interosseus 31-month study, Kurppa9 found the annual incidence
nerve (PIN) entrapment, osteochondritis dissecans, rate in a meat-processing factory housing 377 em-
and radiocapitellar osteoarthritis. Proper history tak- ployees to be 1% for those working in nonstrenuous
ing must include inquiry into previous acute trauma jobs and 7% to 11% for those working in strenuous
such as a dislocation, paresthesia and neck pain, and jobs. In the general population, Shiri and colleagues8
catching and locking, in addition to standard questions found the incidence rate of LE to be 1.3% in people
on symptom chronology, alleviating and aggravating aged 30 to 64 years, with a peak incidence in the
factors, previous treatments, and review of systems. 45- to 54-year age group in a Finnish study involving
On physical examination, LE causes pain on palpa- 4,783 subjects. Men and women were affected
tion 5 to 10 mm anterior to the lateral epicondyle. Pain equally.
is elicited with resisted wrist dorsiflexion, resisted The precise pathophysiology of LE remains incom-
supination, and resisted middle finger extension. pletely understood, but the most commonly accepted
Physical examination must distinguish between LE mechanism appears to be microscopic tearing of the
and the main differential diagnoses. A cervical exami- ECRB muscle caused by repetitive trauma.10,11 In up
nation including nerve root examinations must be to one third of patients, the extensor digitorum com-
done especially if the history is suggestive of cervical munis (EDC) is also involved. This trauma causes
pathology. Palpation must be thorough, systematic, growth of reparative tissue known as angiofibroblastic
and include palpating the radiocapitellar joint for os- hyperplasia or angiofibroblastic tendinosis.11,12 Histo-
teoarthritis and the capitellum for osteochondritis logic studies confirm that LE is a misnomer because
dissecans. PIN entrapment tenderness is typically no inflammatory cells are seen at the time of surgical
more distal than in LE. Range of motion and stability of intervention. A more representative term would be
the elbow must be tested, including the lateral pivot lateral epicondylar tendinosis.
shift test for posterolateral rotatory instability.2-4
A thorough history and physical examination are
usually all that is required for the diagnosis, but ra- OPTIONS
diographs may help to rule out other abnormalities
when the diagnosis is doubtful or when history and Many conservative treatments have been advocated
physical examination suggest coexisting pathologies. for LE, including acupuncture, topical and oral nonste-
In a review of 294 radiographs of patients diagnosed roidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticoste-
with LE, Pomerance5 found only 16% of patients had roid injections, physiotherapy, bracing, extracorporeal
positive findings, with the most common abnormal- shock wave therapy (ESWT), and more recently, botu-
ity, being faint calcific deposits along the extensor linum toxin injections. Level I and II evidence found on
carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) occurring in 7% . In only MEDLINE and EMBASE searches on each modality are
two cases (0.7%) did radiographs change manage- presented in this chapter, and where possible, conclu-
ment plans. sions are drawn.

What Are the Indications for Surgery, and What Is the Best Surgical Treatment for Chronic Lateral Epicondylitis? 159

Although conservative treatment is said to be 129 patients, found a significant difference in pain
successful in more than 90% of cases,14 various op- reduction (1.4/10 less pain) but not in grip strength
erations have been described to treat recalcitrant or function in the diclofenac group. The diclofenac
LE. These operations fall into three broad cate- group, however, had a greater incidence rate of
gories: open release, percutaneous release, and abdominal pain (30% vs. 9%) and diarrhea (39% vs.
arthroscopic release. The best data available on 20%) than the placebo group. Hay and investiga-
these interventions based on MEDLINE and EMBASE tors,23 examining naproxen use in a study involving
searches are also presented. 111 randomized patients, however, found no signi-
ficant difference in improvement in pain after
1 month and 1 year. Side effects were not mentioned
EVIDENCE in the study.
Acupuncture In conclusion, good evidence (grade A) exists that
topical NSAIDs have a role in short-term pain relief.
Three studies reviewed acupuncture therapy. In a Oral NSAIDs have conflicting (grade I) evidence sup-
randomized, controlled, double-blind study involv- porting their use and are associated with more side
ing 45 patients, Fink and coauthors15 noticed a effects. Further studies are needed.
significant improvement in maximum grip strength,
pain, and function based on the disability of the arm,
shoulder, and hand (DASH) form at 2 weeks in the Corticosteroid Injections
true acupuncture versus sham acupuncture. At
2 months, however, this benefit was no longer seen. Three randomized studies were found on corticoste-
In a single blinded, randomized, controlled trial roid injections. Two of these studies involve a control
involving 48 patients, Molsberger and Hille16 found group in which avoidance of aggravating activities is
acupuncture pain relief superior and longer lasting the only treatment, and they give us the best avail-
(20.2 vs. 1.4 hours average) than sham acupuncture. able data on the natural history of LE.
Davidson and coworkers17 compared acupuncture Altay and coauthors,24 in a prospective, random-
with ultrasound in a study enrolling 16 patients and ized trial involving 120 patients, compared injecting
found significant improvement in both treatments triamcinolone with lidocaine to lidocaine alone using
over baseline in DASH scores, pain, and pain-free grip the peppering technique (injecting 40–50 times
strength but found no significant difference between through the same skin entry point) and found no dif-
the two modalities at 1 month. In conclusion, not ferences in the two groups at 2 months in the number
enough evidence exists to support acupuncture of excellent results defined as complete pain relief,
definitively, but studies suggest (grade B) it may completely satisfied and devoid of pain on resisted
have a role in the short term (!6 weeks) only. wrist dorsiflexion (93% in the triamcinolone arm vs.
95% in the control group). Results were not changed
at 6 months or 1 year.
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medication Smidt and researchers25 compared physiotherapy
with corticosteroid injection with a wait-and-see
Three randomized, controlled trials on topical NSAIDs approach in a randomized, controlled trial involving
versus placebo were done, and meta-analyses were 185 patients. Exclusion criteria included physio-
conducted by Green and researchers.18 The trials therapy treatment or injections for the elbow com-
(Burnham et al., 1998,19 Burton 1988,20 and Jenoure plaint in the last 6 months. Corticosteroid injections
et al., 199721) had a combined population of 130 sub- consisted of 1 mL triamcinolone (10 mg/mL) and
jects and assessed the effect of topical NSAIDs (2 1 mL 2% lidocaine injected into all painful areas
trials used diclofenac, 1 trial used difflam) on pain. until resisted dorsiflexion was no longer painful. A
The pooled weighted mean difference (WMD) was maximum of 3 injections over a 6-week period were
"1.88 (95% confidence interval [CI], "2.54 to "1.21) allowed. Fifty-eight percent (58%) used one
in the short term (1–3 weeks). That is, those in the injection, 27% used two, and 15% used three. The
topical NSAID group had 1.88 of 10 points less pain physiotherapy consisted of nine treatments of
on a visual analogue scale (VAS) at the end of the pulsed ultrasound, deep friction massage, and a
trial than those using placebo.18 home exercise program over 6 weeks. The wait-
No clinically significant differences were found be- and-see group was educated on the disease and how
tween topical NSAIDs and placebo in the effect on to avoid provoking pain. All groups were told to
strength, tenderness, range of motion, or physician’s avoid aggravating activities, discouraged from using
opinion regarding effect. Side effects were reviewed other forms of treatment but allowed pain medica-
in two of the three trials, and no significant differ- tion (naproxen [Naprosyn] and paracetamol). Pa-
ences were found. tients kept a diary of other forms of treatments
Two trials examined oral NSAIDs versus placebo used, but activity level was not recorded. Success
with contradictory results. Labelle and Guibert,22 was defined as pain completely resolved or much
examining diclofenac daily use for 1 month plus cast improved. The researchers also reviewed patient
immobilization versus immobilization and placebo self-rated general improvement, severity of the
in a double-blinded, randomized study involving main complaint, pain, elbow disability, and patient
160 Upper Extremity Topics

satisfaction. Severity of elbow complaint, grip consisted of eight sessions of elbow manipulations
strength, and pressure pain threshold were assessed and exercises over a 6-week period. All patients
by a research physiotherapist. were given an information booklet outlining the dis-
As shown in Figure 22–1, at 6 weeks, corticosteroids ease process and providing practical advice on self-
had significantly greater success rate (92%) than both management and ergonomics. A diary recording any
physiotherapy (47%) and wait-and-see (32%) ap- other forms of treatment was kept. Analgesics were
proaches, but this was no longer true at 3 months. The allowed, but other treatment modalities were dis-
corticosteroid injection group had a greater relapse couraged. Primary end points were global im-
rate (defined as no longer completely resolved or provement scale where completely resolved or much
much improved) at 72% than the physiotherapy and improved were deemed successful, pain-free grip
wait-and- see groups (at 8% and 9%, respectively). At strength as a percentage of normal side, and asses-
1 year, the injection group had a lower success rate sor’s rating of severity. As shown in Figure 22–2, at
(69%) than both the physiotherapy (91%) and the 6 weeks, corticosteroid injections were significantly
wait-and-see (83%) groups. better in all 3 end points, having 78% success rate
In the follow-up period (week 7 to 1 year), 76% of compared with 65% in the physiotherapy group and
the wait-and-see group used no other forms of treat- 27% in the wait-and-see group. At 3 months, however,
ment compared with 57% in the corticosteroids this was reversed, with the injection group having
group and 19% in the physiotherapy group. In the only 45% success as opposed to 76% success with
wait-and-see group, 20% used pain medication. In the physiotherapy or 59% with the wait-and-see approach.
corticosteroids group, 21% used physiotherapy, 34% This relation was maintained at 1 year, with the corti-
used more injections, and 27% used pain medication. costeroid group having less success (68%) compared
In the physiotherapy group, 66% used more physio- with the physiotherapy group at 94% success and the
therapy. In 38 of the 42 patients who used more phys- wait-and-see group at 90% success.
iotherapy, the duration of the extra physiotherapy Area under the curve analysis demonstrated a
was less than 6 weeks. significant advantage in favor of physiotherapy over
Bisset and colleagues26 also compared corticoste- injection for all primary outcome measures and over
roid injections to physiotherapy to a wait-and-see wait and see for pain-free grip (mean difference
approach in a single-blinded, randomized, controlled [MD], 534; 99% CI, 3–1065) and assessor-rated sever-
trial involving 198 participants with follow-up of ity (MD, 447; 99% CI, 137–758). It also demonstrated
1 year. Participants had symptoms of LE for more a significant advantage for wait and see over injec-
than 6 weeks. Exclusion criteria included any treat- tion for global improvement (MD, "8.3; 99% CI, "15.0
ment for LE by any health practitioner in the last to "1.5) and assessor-rated severity ("337; 99% CI,
6 months. The corticosteroid injection group received "642 to "32).26
1 mL triamcinolone (10 mg/mL) and 1 mL of 1% lido- The physiotherapy group had the most patients
caine to painful elbow points. A second injection was who used no other forms of treatment (79%), fol-
allowed at 2 weeks if needed. Eighty-six percent re- lowed by the corticosteroid group (51%) and the
ceived one injection, whereas 12% received two and wait-and-see group (45%).
1.5% (one patient) received three. Physiotherapy In conclusion, although there is good evidence
(grade A) supporting corticosteroid injection in the
short term, there is also good evidence that cortico-
steroid injections are less successful than wait and
see in the long term (grade A).
Success rate (%)

Two studies (see Corticosteroid Injections earlier
in chapter) reviewed physiotherapy versus a wait-
and-see approach25,26 and had conflicting results.
Wait-and-see (n # 59) Smidt and researchers25 found nine treatments of
20 Corticosteroid injection (n # 62) pulsed ultrasound, deep friction massage, and a
Physiotherapy (n # 64)
home exercise program over 6 weeks to be better
0 than wait and see over the short and long term but
0 3 6 12 26 52 not by a significant amount. Wait and see also had
Weeks more patients not use any other forms of treat-
FIGURE 22–1. Success rates of three treatment regiment. ment (79%) than the physiotherapy group (19%). If
(Adapted from Smidt N, van der Windt DA, Assendelft one excludes physiotherapy done within 6 weeks
WJ, Deville WL, Korthals-de Bos IB, Bouter LM. Corticos- of the end of the treatment period, however, both
teroid injections, physiotherapy, or a wait-and-see pol- groups have similar percentages of patients not
icy for lateral epicondylitis: a randomised controlled using any other forms of treatments (85% in the
trial. Lancet 23;359[9307]:657-662, 2002 with permission physiotherapy group and 83% in the wait-and-see
of Elsevier.) group).
What Are the Indications for Surgery, and What Is the Best Surgical Treatment for Chronic Lateral Epicondylitis? 161

70 * 2000
Assessor severity (/100) 60
* *

Area under curve

50 ††§
40 1200
30 †§ 800
0 0
0 3 6 12 26 52
Time (weeks)

Wait and see

Corticosteroid injection
FIGURE 22–2. Primary outcome
* measure: mean assessor’s rating
120 3000
§ * of severity (visual analog scale),
mean pain-free grip (PFG—

Area under curve

100 2400
unaffected* 100)
PFG (affected/

††§ affected/unaffected expressed as

80 ¶ 1800 a percentage), and percentage
60 1200 success. Significant differences
between study arms at 6 and
40 600 12 weeks: †corticosteroid
injection versus wait-and-see
20 0 approach; ‡physiotherapy
0 3 6 12 26 52 versus wait-and-see approach;
Time (weeks) §corticosteroid injection versus
physiotherapy; ¶significant dif-
Wait and see ference between corticosteroid
Corticosteroid injection and wait-and-see approach on
Physiotherapy per protocol analysis. Bar
graphs represent mean
100 * * 50 (99% confidence interval) area
†† under curve (trapezium
Area under curve

80 40
method24) analysis of assessor
Success (%)

60 30 severity, PFG, and global

improvement. *Significant
40 20 differences between groups
20 10 (P ! 0.01). Adapted from
Bisset L, Beller E, Jull G, Brooks
0 0 P, Darnell R, Vicenzino B. Mobili-
0 3 6 12 26 52 sation with movement and
exercise, corticosteroid injec-
Time (weeks)
tion, or wait and see for tennis
Wait and see elbow: randomised trial. BMJ
Corticosteroid injection 333(7575):939, 2006 with permis-
sion of the BMJ Publishing

Bisset and colleagues26 found eight sessions of el- history of LE to date. In both studies, more than 80%
bow manipulations combined with an exercise pro- of patients had symptoms that were much improved
gram for 6 weeks was favorable over wait and see at or completely resolved by 6 months with little or no
6 weeks in terms of the number of patients with com- treatment beyond activity modification and patient
plaints completely resolved or much improved, pain- education.
free grip strength and assessor-rated severity but no
longer at 1 year. Furthermore, more of the patients in
the physiotherapy group used no other forms of treat- Brace
ment (79%) versus 45% in the wait-and-see group.
Evidence is contradictory on the benefits of phys- Studies on braces are limited by small numbers,
iotherapy in LE preventing a clear conclusion. Phys- short follow-up, and heterogeneity of the braces
iotherapy may help but benefits when found are mod- studied. Conclusions on the role braces play are hard
est at best (grade I). to make based on these data.
Smidt and researchers’25 and Bisset and colleagues’26 Faes and investigators27 compared a dynamic exten-
studies give the closest approximation of the natural sor brace (Carp-x; Somas, St-Anthonis, Netherlands)
162 Upper Extremity Topics

with no brace in a randomized, controlled trial involv- Data from 6 trials could be pooled, and based on
ing 63 patients and found significant differences favor- these data, most of the evidence supports the con-
ing the brace group in pain, pain-free maximum grip clusion that ESWT is no more effective than placebo
strength, and function of the arm at 12 and 24 weeks. for lateral elbow pain. For example, pooled analysis
In that article, graphs are presented but no numbers of 3 trials (446 participants)34,38,39 showed that ESWT
are given. is no more effective than placebo with respect to
Jensen and coworkers28 compared an off-the-shelf pain at rest at 4 to 6 weeks after the final treatment
orthotic (Rehband) with corticosteroid injections in (WMD pain out of 100 # "9.42 [95% CI, "20.70 to
30 randomized patients over a period of 6 weeks and 1.86]); pooled analysis of three trials (455 partici-
found no significant differences between the groups pants)35–38 (Pettrone, 2005) showed that ESWT is no
in pain, maximum grip strength, dumbbell test, func- more effective than placebo at 12 weeks after the
tion VAS, or global improvement.29 Similarly, Erturk final treatment with respect to pain provoked by re-
and colleagues30 compared an epicondylitis bandage sisted wrist extension (Thomsen test) (WMD pain
with a steroid injection in 36 randomized patients out of 100 # "9.04 [95% CI, "19.37 to 1.28]) and grip
and found no significant difference at 3 weeks in pain strength (SMD [standardized mean difference], 0.05
on resisted wrist extension and no difference in [95% CI, "0.13 to 0.24]).
maximum grip strength. Haker and Lundeberg,31 in a Pooled analyses combining results of other trials
study involving 61 patients, compared an elbow failed to demonstrate statistically significant benefits
strap and a wrist splint with corticosteroid injections for ESWT over placebo across a range of outcomes
looking at global function and pain-free grip strength, including mean pain with resisted middle-finger ex-
and found improved global function with the injec- tension or resisted wrist extension at 6 weeks after
tion group at 2 weeks but no difference in pain-free completion of treatment, night pain at 3 to 4 weeks
grip strength. No differences were found between the after completion of treatment, or failure of treatment
groups at 6 months or at 1 year. defined by a Roles and Maudsley score of 4 at
Dwars and researchers32 compared the Epitrain or- 6 weeks and 12 months after completion of treat-
thosis with physiotherapy (unspecified) looking at ment.38,39,41 Based on these studies and their pool-
pain and global function in a randomized study involv- ing,37 good evidence (grade A) exists to refute the
ing 84 patients, and found no significant differences. use of ESWT for treating LE.
Struijs and colleagues33 compared an elbow strap
brace (Epipoint) to physiotherapy (pulsed ultrasound,
friction massage, and strengthening and stretching Botulinum (Botox) Injection
exercises) to the Epipoint brace plus physiotherapy in
a randomized trial involving 180 patients looking at Four randomized, controlled trials were found on
9 outcomes (global function, severity of the patient’s botulinum (Botox) injections. Three studies com-
complaints, severity of the patient’s main complaint, pared Botox with saline injection and one compared
modified pain-free function questionnaire [PFFQ], in- Botox with surgical release. Two of the three studies
convenience during daily activities, pain-free grip comparing Botox with placebo support Botox,
strength, maximal grip strength, pressure pain, and whereas the third refutes it. In all three studies,
satisfaction). Over the short term (6 weeks), combina- Botox injection results in significant weakness in a
tion therapy was superior over bracing alone in sever- significant amount.
ity of complaints (MD, 11/100; 95% CI, 6–18), PFFQ Wong and colleagues42 compared Botox A injec-
(MD, 9; 95% CI, 2–15), and satisfaction (MD, 11; 95% CI, tion (1 cm distal to the epicondyle) with normal
3–19), but not in the other 6 outcomes measured. Com- saline injection in a randomized, double-blinded,
bination treatment offered little or no benefit over controlled study involving 60 patients with symp-
physical therapy alone. Physical therapy and bracing toms of LE for at least 3 months looking at pain VAS
also fared similarly. Over the mid term (26 weeks) and and grip strength. Exclusion criteria included
long term (1 year), all three groups scored similarly having received any corticosteroid injection. Signi-
with no significant differences in any of the 9 outcomes ficant differences in improvement in pain between
measured. the groups of 24.4 mm at 4 weeks and 19.3 mm at
Bracing may help in LE but there is insufficient data 12 weeks favoring Botox were found. Significant grip
to promote or refute it’s use. strength improvement was present in both groups
but not significantly different between the groups.
Mild paresis of the fingers occurred in 4 (13%)
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy patients in the botulinum group at 4 weeks. One
patient’s (3%) symptoms persisted until week 12,
Nine randomized, controlled trials were found com- whereas none of the patients receiving placebo had
paring ESWT against placebo with conflicting results. the same complaint. At 4 weeks, 10 patients (33%)
Three studies34–36 favored ESWT over placebo, in the botulinum group and 6 patients (20%) in the
whereas four trials38–41 showed no advantage to placebo group experienced weak finger extension
ESWT. When available data from the trials were on the same side as the injection site. At 12 weeks,
pooled by Buchbinder and coauthors,37 however, 2 patients in the Botox group (7%) and 1 patient
most benefits observed in the positive trials were no (3%) in the placebo group still reported weak finger
longer statistically significant. extension.
What Are the Indications for Surgery, and What Is the Best Surgical Treatment for Chronic Lateral Epicondylitis? 163

Placzek and coauthors43 studied Botox injection the beneficial effect that the Botox-induced rest
(0.6 mL 3–4cm distal to epicondyle tender region) provides.
versus placebo (normal saline injection) in a ran- Overall, it appears that Botox injection has better
domized, controlled, double-blinded clinical trial results than placebo (grade B) but at the cost of
involving 130 patients with follow-up at 2, 6, 12, and sometimes bothersome weakness that can last up to
18 weeks, and found modest improvements with the 3 months.
Botox group. Continuous pain VAS in the last
48 hours was significantly better for Botox than for
placebo at 6 and 18 weeks, but not at 2 and
12 weeks. The MD was 1.14 (out of 10) at 6 weeks Surgery
and 0.86 at 18 weeks. Maximum pain VAS in the last
48 hours, however, was not significantly better be- Open Surgery. Table 22–1 outlines the results of vari-
tween the groups at any time point. Global assess- ous studies on surgical lateral release for LE.
ment rated by the physician and global assessment Nirschl and Pettrone46 described a technique in
as rated by the patient, where 4 was substantially 1979 where the interval between ECRL and EDC is
better, 3 was slightly better, 2 was unchanged, 1 was utilized through a 2.5-cm skin incision to expose and
slightly worse, and 0 was substantially worse, were resect the diseased ECRB tendon. In this technique,
significantly better from 6 weeks onward for the the joint is not routinely inspected, any diseased EDC
Botox group. The MDs in patient global assessment is also resected, and one to two holes are drilled in
are 0.56, 0.31, and 0.55 at 6, 12, and 18 weeks, re- the exposed lateral humeral condyle to enhance
spectively. At 18 weeks, the greatest mean scores bleeding and healing. With this technique, Nirschl
for both groups were 3.31 for the Botox group and and Pettrone46 achieved 75% excellent results and
2.76 for the placebo group. As a side effect, the 10% good results in 88 elbows. There was an
Botox group experienced significant decrease in improvement rate of 97.7% and 85% returned to full
third finger extension strength compared with the activities.
control group starting at 2 weeks. By 12 weeks, the Verhaar and researchers47 in a prospective study
strength was back to preinjection levels, and by reported somewhat worse results, with 76% of their
18 weeks, the difference between the groups was 63 cases having no or slight pain at 1 year after sur-
no longer significant. Wrist extension and grip gery. At 1 year, there were 32% excellent results, 37%
strength was not significantly different between the good results, 19% fair results, and 11% poor results.
groups. At 5 years, there were 32 excellent results (56%),
Keizer and coworkers44 compared Botox injection 19 good results (33%), 4 fair results (7%), and 2 poor
into ECRB muscle with surgical extensor release as results (4%).
described by Hohmann in a randomized prospective Rosenberg and Henderson48 reported on open lat-
study involving 40 patients and follow-up at 3, 6, 12, eral releases in 19 patients, with 95% achieving pain
and 24 months. At 1 year, the number of patients relief and strength gain, on average, 3 and 4 months
with good to excellent results were similar; namely, after surgery, respectively.
65% in the Botox group and 75% in the operative Khashaba49 questioned the need for drilling the
group. lateral condyle in a randomized, single-blinded trial
Hayton and coauthors45 had different results, involving 23 elbows where the lateral epicondyle was
however, comparing Botox A injections (2 mL 5 cm drilled in half of the cases and no drilling was per-
distal to tender region of epicondyle) with normal formed in the other half looking at subjective pain
saline injections in 40 patients in a double-blinded and objective wrist extension strength at 3 and
study. Inclusion criteria included symptoms for 6 months. Despite this article’s results being cited in
at least 6 months and having received at least one many other publications50,51 and the article being a
corticosteroid injection. At 3 months, there were no single-blinded randomized trial, the article’s presen-
significant differences found in pain VAS, Short tation makes it difficult to know whether the findings
Form 12 (SF-12) scores, or grip strength. Two of are backed by rigorous method. Inclusion and exclu-
18 patients in the Botox group experienced third sion criteria are not clearly defined. No mention is
finger extension weakness that interfered with their made of the comparability of the two arms before
quality of life. surgery (age, duration of symptoms, number of cor-
Several reasons may explain the different results ticosteroid injection, etc.). No P values, no standard
obtained in Hayton and coauthors’45 study from deviations, and no confidence intervals are indi-
Wong and colleagues’42 and Placzek and coauthors’43 cated. Postoperative pain is compared with remem-
studies. First, at 40 patients (vs. 60 and 130), per- bered preoperative pain at 3 and 6 months instead of
haps Hayton and coauthors’45 study lacks the neces- pain documented before surgery. The only numbers
sary power to detect a significant benefit to the mentioned are the average increase in power at
Botox injection. Second, all patients in Hayton and 6 months (3 months not indicated), and these are
coauthors’45 study had received corticosteroid 5.2 kg in the drilled group versus 6.5 kg in the non-
injections, whereas only some in Placzek and coau- drilled group. Average decrease in pain (3 and
thors’43 and none in Wong and colleagues’42 study 6 months combined and averaged) was 4.6 of 10 in
had received any. Perhaps the tendon degeneration the drilled group versus 6.8 of 10 in the nondrilled
that may occur with corticosteroid injection blunts group.
164 Upper Extremity Topics

TABLE 22–1. Outcomes of Open, Percutaneous and Arthroscopic Lateral Release Surgeries
Nirschl and 88 Open release Case series (Level 4) 75% excellent
Pettrone46 10% good
Verhaar et al.47 63 Open release Case series (Level 4) 32% excellent
37% good at 1 year
Rosenberg and 19 Open release Case series (Level 4) 95% pain relief/strength
Henderson48 at 3, 4 months
Grundberg and 32 Percutaneous release Case series (Level 4) 90% good or excellent
Dobson53 at 9 weeks
Kaleli et al.54 26 Percutaneous release Case series (Level 4) 92% excellent results
at 8 weeks
Savoie55 21 Percutaneous release Case series (Level 4) Andrews–Carson score
166 → 198/200
Dunkow et al.56 47 Open vs. percutane- Randomized Open: 25% pleased Open: 5 weeks
ous release prospective 67% satisfied Percutaneous:
comparative Percutaneous: 61% pleased 2 weeks
(Level 2) 39% satisfied
Percutaneous significantly
better DASH than open
Baker et al.61 42 Arthroscopic release Case series (Level 4) 100% better/much better
Owens et al.62 16 Arthroscopic release Case series (Level 4) 83% much better 6 days (0–28)
Rubenthaler 10 open vs. 20 Open vs. Retrospective Morrey score not
et al.64 arthroscopic arthroscopic comparative significantly different
(Level 3) between groups
Peart et al.65 54 open vs. 33 Open vs. Retrospective Open: 69% good/excellent Arthroscopic
arthroscopic arthroscopic comparison Arthroscopic: 72% good earlier at
(Level 3) excellent work
Szabo et al.66 38 open vs. 41 Open vs. Retrospective Pain visual analogue scale,
arthroscopic vs. arthroscopic vs. comparison Andrews–Carson score,
23 percutaneous percutaneous (Level 3) complications, recurrence
no different

Data from Smidt N, van der Windt DA, Assendelft WJ, Deville WL, Korthals-de Bos IB, Bouter LM. Corticosteroid injections, physiotherapy, or a wait-and-see
policy for lateral epicondylitis: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 23;359(9307):657-662, 2002.

Percutaneous Lateral Release. In 1933, Hohmann52 described 198 out of 200. A high Andrews–Carson score indi-
epicondylar stripping done percutaneously for LE cates good function.
with good success. More recently, Grundberg and One advantage of a percutaneous release over
Dobson53 reported on results from percutaneous the open release is lower morbidity. Dunkow and
common extensor release in 32 elbows that had been colleagues56 conducted a randomized trial compar-
having symptoms for, on average, 18 months. Ninety ing an open release with a percutaneous release in
percent (90%) had excellent or good results, with the 47 elbows of patients with unsuccessful results after
pain relieved, on average, 9 weeks after operation. 1 year of conservative treatment and found the
Grip strength improved from an average of 60% of the percutaneous release group returned to work at an
opposite side to 90% after operation. Kaleli and inves- average of 2 weeks after surgery, 3 weeks earlier than
tigators54 investigated 26 patients with symptoms of the open group (P # 0.001). Furthermore, the de-
LE for an average of 8.9 months before having a percu- crease in DASH score after surgery showing im-
taneous extensor release and found excellent results proved function was significantly larger in the percu-
in 92% of cases, with pain relief coming, on average, taneous release group. In addition, 50% of patients
8 weeks after surgery. were pleased with procedure in the percutaneous
In the percutaneous release described by Savoie,55 group versus 25% in the open group.
a #11 blade knife is introduced 2 to 3 mm anterior to One disadvantage of the percutaneous release
the epicondyle with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees. compared with the open release may be inability to
The blade inserted parallel to the long axis of resect all the degenerative pathology. Organ and
the humerus is then pivoted so that its tip reaches coworkers57 reviewed 35 cases of failed lateral re-
the more superior aspect of the ECRB proximally. leases with the distribution of the most recent tech-
Distally, the blade tip stops short of the articular niques as follows: 19 slide and release procedures, 6
margin of the humerus. The surgeon’s thumb is kept slide and release procedures with partial resection of
on the posterolateral aspect of the radiocapitellar the annular ligament (Bosworth), 7 unknown surgical
joint to protect the radial collateral ligament. A interventions, 2 primary radial nerve decompres-
small rasp is then used to excoriate the epicondyle sions, and 1 Nirschl procedure. In 27 elbows, the
in the area to stimulate a healing response. Using pathologic changes in the ECRB tendon had not been
this technique, Savoie55 had an average increase of previously addressed at all, and in 7 elbows, the
32 in Andrews–Carson scores in 21 percutaneous damaged tissue had not been completely excised.
releases after surgery, obtaining an average score of Salvage surgery included excision of pathologic
What Are the Indications for Surgery, and What Is the Best Surgical Treatment for Chronic Lateral Epicondylitis? 165

tissue in the ECRB tendon origin combined with exci- ers65 retrospectively compared 54 open lateral
sion of excessive scar tissue and repair of the exten- releases with 33 arthroscopic ones and found no
sor aponeurosis when necessary. Based on a 40-point significant differences in outcomes. Sixty-nine (69%)
functional rating scale proposed here, 83% of the el- of open cases and 72% of arthroscopic cases had
bows (29/35) had good or excellent results at an av- good or excellent outcomes. Notably, patients
erage follow-up of 64 months (range, 17 months to treated with arthroscopic release returned to work
17 years). earlier than patients treated with open release, and
Arthroscopic Lateral Release. In 1995, Grifka and collea- required less postoperative therapy.
gues58 described an arthroscopic method of doing Szabo and coauthors66 retrospectively reviewed
a Hohman lateral release for recalcitrant tennis 38 open lateral release cases, 41 arthroscopic cases,
elbow. Kuklo and researchers59 conducted a cadav- and 23 percutaneous cases. The groups were
eric study using 10 specimens to study the safety matched for age, sex, dominance, conservative mea-
of the lateral arthroscopic release. He found the sures used, cortisone injections, and preoperative
radial nerve to be in close proximity to the proxi- pain VAS scores, but the percutaneous cases had a
mal lateral portal (average, 5.4 mm), but failed to better preoperative Andrews–Carson score at 164.6
find instability in the elbow after intervention. (vs. 160.2 for open and 158.9 for arthroscopic) and a
Smith and investigators60 confirmed the efficacy of shorter duration of conservative care (6.6 months
the arthroscopic procedure using seven cadavers. for percutaneous vs. 15.3 for open cases and 12.9 for
They note that the ECRB and EDC origin was arthroscopic cases). Possibly confounding the inter-
resected a mean of 100% and 90%, respectively. pretation of the data, however, more than one
Elbow stability was maintained when resection did procedure was performed in many cases. In the ar-
not extend posteriorly to an intra-articular line throscopic release group, 44% had intra-articular
bisecting the radial head. Arthroscopy also allows pathology addressed at the time of arthroscopy,
for a faster recovery than open releases in theory. consisting of 14 plicae, 2 loose bodies, and 2 pos-
Furthermore, intra-articular pathology can be ad- terolateral ligamentous repairs. Twenty-two (22%)
dressed concomitantly. arthroscopic cases also had extra-articular proce-
Baker and coauthors61 published their results in dures performed, consisting of 5 posterior interosse-
42 arthroscopic releases. Patients had, on average, ous nerve releases, 2 carpal tunnel releases, and
14 months of symptoms prior to the release and 2 open posterolateral ligamentous reconstructions.
were followed for an average of 2.8 years after the Approximately 21.1% of the open group had other
procedure. The average pain at rest after surgery procedures performed consisting of three shoulder
was 0.9 out of 10, pain with daily activity was 1.4, arthroscopies, two ulnohumeral arthroplasties, two
and pain with sport was 1.9. Of the 39 elbows in the posterior interosseous nerve releases, and one car-
37 patients who were available for follow-up, 37 pal tunnel release. It is noted that when these proce-
were rated “better” or “much better.” Patients re- dures and their possible influence on the postop-
turned to work in an average of 2.2 weeks. Grip erative Andrews–Carson score were examined, no
strength averaged 96% of the strength of the unaf- difference was found, but no data is given. Neverthe-
fected limb. Notably, there was a 69% rate of associ- less, Szabo and coauthors66 found that postopera-
ated intra-articular pathologies found at the time of tive pain VASs, Andrews–Carson scores, number
arthroscopy. Owens and colleagues,62 in a case se- of complications, failures, and recurrences were
ries of 16 arthroscopic ECRB releases in patients not significantly different for the 3 groups. The
with symptoms lasting for an average of 31.7 months, Andrews–Carson score was 195.3, 195.4, and 193
found 83% of cases to be much better, with an aver- for open, arthroscopic, and percutaneous groups,
age pain with activities of daily living of 1.58 out of respectively.
10 and an average return to unrestricted work in A need exists for better studies on surgical inter-
6 days (range, 0–28 days). ventions. Only the study by Keizer and coworkers,44
Cohen et al. (unpublished data; however, work which prospectively compared Botox injections
is incorrectly cited as published in Cohen and with a Hohmann open release, has prospectively
colleagues63) compared open with arthroscopic re- compared surgery with a conservative measure.
leases in a study involving 30 patients. They con- Only one study conducted by Dunkow and col-
clude that there were no differences between the leagues56 has compared one surgical technique
two procedures regarding outcomes, return of with another in a randomized prospective manner.
strength, and postoperative symptoms. However, It is thus difficult to make conclusive statements
the arthroscopic group returned to sports and work about the value of surgical interventions over cer-
much sooner, at 35 versus 66 days after the open tain less invasive conservative measures or the
surgery. Rubenthaler and investigators64 compared value of one technique over another. The evidence
retrospectively open lateral Hohmann releases suggests, however, that all three techniques—open,
(10 cases) with arthroscopic (20 cases) Hohmann percutaneous, and arthroscopic releases—are ef-
lateral releases and found similar results in the fective in treating recalcitrant LE. It would also
2 groups. The score of Morrey showed an average seem percutaneous and arthroscopic releases lead
scoring of 93.2 for the endoscopic group and 87.5 to a quicker return to activities after surgery than
for the open group (P $ 0.05). Peart and cowork- do open surgeries.
166 Upper Extremity Topics

LE is usually a self-limiting disease. More than 80% Botox injections have evidence supporting their
of patients have symptoms that are completely re- use for the short to long term but at the cost of
solved or much better by 6 months with little sometimes bothersome weakness that may last up
treatment when aggravating activities are avoided to 3 months.
for 6 weeks and the patient is educated. Failure of conservative treatment for more than
We disfavor the use of corticosteroid injections 6 months warrants surgical intervention. Earlier
because patients appear to benefit short term only surgical intervention may be warranted if symp-
to relapse and have a worse outcome than wait toms are incapacitating. Although open, percu-
and see in the medium to long term. ESWT taneous, and arthroscopic lateral releases are
is also not recommended because no beneficial ef- acceptable options, we favor arthroscopic release.
fect has been shown. Physiotherapy, bracing, and Arthroscopic release allows inspection and treat-
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication may be ment of joint pathology, leads to good pain relief
useful, but the evidence is contradictory, incom- and strength gain, and returns the patients quicker
plete, or both. Topical NSAIDs and acupuncture to work. Table 22–2 provides a summary of recom-
have evidence for their use in the short term. mendations for the treatment of LE.

TABLE 22–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. LE responds well to education and avoidance of aggra- A 25,26

vating activities with 80% of patients having symptoms
completely resolved or much better by 6 months.
2. Corticosteroid injections may be useful diagnostically A 24-26
but are disfavored as a therapeutic intervention.
3. ESWT is not recommended. A 34-41
4. Acupuncture is not recommended. A 15-18
5. Though perhaps useful, no conclusions can be made I 27-33
on bracing.
6. No conclusions can be made on oral NSAIDs. I 22,23
7. Topical NSAIDs have benefit in the short term. (1-3wks). A 19-21
Further studies are need for beyond 3wks.
8. Physiotherapy may be modestly beneficial but evi- I 25,26
dence is contradictory.
9. Botox injection is recommended only if the patient ac- I 42-45
cepts possibly acquiring significant weakness for mod-
est symptom relief.
10. Lateral release done open, percutaneously, or ar- C 46-48, 53-56, 61,62,64-66
throscopically is indicated in symptomatic LE persist-
ing beyond 6 months.
11. Results of all 3 techniques are similar but percutane- B 56,64,65,66
ous56 and arthroscopic release65 may return patients to
work earlier than open.

9. Kurppa K, Viikari-Juntura E, Kuosma E, et al: Incidence of
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Chapter What Is the Optimal Rehabilitative
Approach to Post-Traumatic Elbow
23 Stiffness?

CHALLENGES IN IMPLEMENTING EVIDENCE-BASED 6. Like orthopedic surgery research, the majority

PRACTICE IN THIS CASE of studies are of low quality (see the following
Evidence-based practice dictates that we use best The net result of these problems is that there is dif-
available evidence when making clinical decisions. In ficulty locating sufficient high-quality evidence to make
this regard, the question posed in this chapter pre- comprehensive specific recommendations for rehabili-
sents a number of challenges: tation of post-traumatic elbow stiffness. This became
1. Rehabilitation is an area of clinical practice, evident in the first attempts at searching the literature,
not a specific intervention. Studies are de- where few relevant studies could be identified using
signed to answer whether specific approaches the classic approaches to searching the literature.
within rehabilitation are effective, and not to Despite these challenges, evidence-based practice
answer the broad question posed above. does provide guidance on how to proceed when spe-
2. Rehabilitation programs are multimodal. cific high-quality evidence is lacking. One approach is
Studies that evaluate isolated components of to include lower levels of evidence; thus, this chapter
rehabilitation must necessarily detect the includes any studies that addressed rehabilitation of
isolated smaller effect sizes that contribute the stiff elbow (Levels I–IV) and then separately lists
to the overall rehabilitation program, and thus peer-reviewed published expert opinions. A second
would require extremely large sample sizes approach used was the extrapolation of results from
to be fully powered. Ideally, studies should be studies that were similar to the specific problem of
designed to compare the treatment of interest interest. For this reason, this chapter includes a sys-
with one that is substantially different in tematic review that addressed rehabilitation of stiff-
philosophy or intensity (ideally a placebo), but ness after trauma to other upper extremity joints. In
standards of practice, ethics, and professional this case an ESB approach required multiple literature
beliefs often restrict this approach. searches and an understanding of the clinical issues
3. Unlike surgery, which happens at a single point to find appropriate and useful evidence.
in time, recovery and rehabilitation occurs over
time. Goals, interventions, and effectiveness of
rehabilitation can vary at different time points, OPTIONS
complicating the comparison across different
studies. For example, in the acute rehabilitation To be clear about what is being administered in any
phase, the focus of rehabilitation for a stiff joint mobility intervention, one has to be able to de-
elbow would be restoration of joint mobility, scribe the active ingredient of the intervention (in a
whereas later the focus might be strengthening, way that others could replicate it). This is not charac-
functional endurance, retraining, and work teristic of how interventions are described in the lit-
accommodation. (Joint mobility is the focus of erature. I proposed a classification system by which
this clinical question, with interventions sub- the nature of specific rehabilitative interventions de-
grouped into joint mobility interventions, signed for joint mobility may be understood. It is im-
adjunctive interventions, and functional portant to define the composition and intensity of the
interventions.) intervention using consistent terminology to under-
4. Classification and definition of the various stand or replicate any given intervention. The compo-
techniques/options involved in rehabilitation sition of the intervention is defined by who delivers
have not been agreed on. the active ingredient (patient, therapist, mobilization
5. Description of the various techniques involved device, constraint device) and what type of mobiliza-
in rehabilitation in most studies is insufficient tion is performed (defined by activation mode, arc of
to fully understand what has been done. (I have movement, and end range time). Intensity is defined by
attempted to deal with item 4 by creating spe- the force applied, the number of repetitions per ses-
cific definitions but was limited by item 5.) sion, and the number of sessions per day.

What Is the Optimal Rehabilitative Approach to Post-Traumatic Elbow Stiffness? 169

DEFINING THE COMPOSITION AND INTENSITY OF JOINT Conversely, these can be described as:
MOBILITY INTERVENTIONS (FIGURE 1) • low load where the joint is held at the end of
range with minimal mobilizing force (intended
A. Composition of Intervention to grow tissue extensibility)
1. Control • moderate deforming load where a tolerable
a. Patient: patient delivers the stimulus load is applied to move the segment and
b. Therapist: the therapist delivers the stimulus lengthen tissue to improve extensibility
c. Device: • thrust where force is intended to disrupt tissue
• Mobilization device: A device whose purpose is adhesions/blocks.
to directly mobilize specific impaired joints. It Number of repetitions per application or set
is applied to patient, usually under direction Number of sets or applications per day
of the health professional (includes dynamic Figure 1 describes some common mobilization inter-
and static splints, as well as CPM). ventions using their common names and categories:
• Constraint device: A device whose purpose is active, passive, and manipulation. These fall on a con-
to immobilize specific unimpaired joints, and tinuum of increasingly intense mobility interventions.
thereby indirectly mobilize impaired joints; The common names are associated with the more
supplied to the patient usually under direction specific terminology defined below to define the differ-
of health professional (includes blocking ent delivery/control methods (patient, therapist, mo-
splints and casting of unaffected joints). bilization device).
2. Type of movement (activation mode, arc of
movement, end range time)
• Active: active muscle contraction is used to
produce movement The second group of rehabilitation intervention used
• Passive: passive force is used to produce to manage joint mobility must be considered adjunc-
movement tive. These are interventions that support the main
• Combined activation: combination of active goal—that is, joint mobility by facilitating the mobili-
and passive movement zation intervention. Interventions that are designed
b. Arc of movement to control pain or promote tissue extensibility as a
• Physiologic: The body segment is moved prerequisite to improving joint mobility are the most
throughout a defined range that is consistent common that would fit in this category.
with the normal movement of the joint; this is The final groups of interventions are considered to be
sometimes referred to as range of motion functional. These are interventions designed to restore
(ROM) exercise because patients or through a function. They may or may not improve joint stiffness but
ROM (can be active or passive); but to avoid are implemented with the goal of restoring the patient to
confusion, this chapter uses the more specific maximum function and quality of life. Examples include
term physiologic motion; note blocking of motion strengthening programs, work hardening, adaptive de-
refers to a restriction on the full physiologic arc vices, education, or functional splinting. Given our ques-
of motion. tion, these issues are not addressed in this chapter.
• Accessory: The body segment is moved to
produce the accessory joint “play” movement
that occurs during normal physiologic motion; DEFINING AN ANSWERABLE QUESTION
this is sometimes referred to a “joint mobiliza-
tion,” but as the latter terms encompass other Given the earlier discussion, our specific evidence-
techniques, the more specific term accessory based practice question is: What evidence exists to
motion is used here. support or refute the use of mobilization or adjunc-
• End range: The body segment is maintained at tive interventions to mitigate elbow stiffness in pa-
the end of the available range of the joint. tients after joint trauma or surgery?
• Manipulation: The body segment is thrust
beyond is available end range of the joint.
c. End range time Finding the Evidence
• Intermittent: The joint is maintained at its
end range time for a variable amount of time We used several typical database searches (Table 23–1).
and then released and returned in cyclic The classic PICO approach had to be modified due to
fashion. paucity of evidence.
• Sustained: The joint is maintained at its end
range time for a sustained amount of time (often
based/progressed according to tolerance). Appraising and Extracting the Evidence
B. Intensity of intervention
1. Force applied Systematic Reviews. Michlovitz and colleagues1 conducted
Ideally, force applied and specific end range time an SR on conservative interventions to improve
should be described, particularly for splinting mobility after upper extremity musculoskeletal trauma.
170 Upper Extremity Topics


Movement Patient Therapist
Beyond end N/a (except by Joint manipulation N/a
range motion accident) Under anesthesia *device is monitored
Joint manipulation by a person
Passive end Self-assisted Joint mobilization Passive end-range
range Accessory joint with movement mobilizing device- FIGURE 23–1. Physiological
mobilization mobilization (self- static progressive
mobilization) Accessory joint force (static
movement: the body segment is
moved throughout a defined
Intensity of intervention

Mobilization (joint progressive splints)

Self-assisted mobilization) range that is consistent with the
Physiological end- Passive end-range normal movement of the joint.
range hold (stretch) Physiological stretch mobilizing device- Accessory movement: the body
(stretch) dynamic force segment is moved to produce
(dynamic splints) the accessory joint “play” move-
Passive Self-assisted Passive physiological Passive physiologic ment that occurs during normal
physiological physiological (passive ROM) movement device physiologic motion; End range:
mobilization (passive ROM) (continuous passive the body segment is maintained
ROM = CPM) at the end of the available range
Active (ROM) Active physiological Muscle activation Constrained of the joint. The intensity of in-
mobilization (ROM) training (includes adjacent joint tervention should be defined by
PNF, muscle energy motion devices the Force applied, and duration
and others) (constrained (including the number of repeti-
movement therapy, tions or time/application or set
casting motion to and the number of sets or appli-
mobilize stiffness; cations/day).
blocking splints)
* Device is monitored by a person.

Medline, CINAHL, PEDRO, PubMed, and Cochrane were were studied and divided into 2 groups. Physical
searched. Two reviewers performed abstract selection therapy consisting of active and passive ROM ex-
and critical appraisal (n ! 26 studies; 24-item critical ercises was started 14 days after surgery for the
appraisal and level of evidence). The primary outcome first group and 3 days after surgery for the second
considered was ROM measurement. Overall, the quan- group. Fifty-two percent of the patients in the de-
tity and quality of evidence were moderate to low. Level layed motion group sustained flexion contractures
IIb, III, and IV evidence supported the use of joint mobi- of more than 5 degrees compared with only 4% of
lization, a supervised exercise program, and splinting. the patients in the early motion group. Patient
No studies found examined techniques of physical starting exercise earlier returned to work in half
agent or electrotherapeutic modalities. The authors the time. A second smaller trial in 45 consecutive
conclude that future studies are needed to delineate procedures patients were randomized to rehabili-
selection of appropriate candidates for these tech- tation at an average of 3 days after surgery or an
niques and effective dosage. average of 14 days after surgery. Flexion contrac-
Evidence of Mobilizations ture of more than 5 degrees was observed in 5% of
Active Mobilization the early mobilization group compared with 52%
1. Level III evidence exists that active motion alone of the late mobilization group (P " 0.001). On av-
is effective after closed reduction of elbow erage, patients in the early mobilization group re-
dislocation. Twenty consecutive patients from a turned to work twice as early as those in the late
naval academy with closed posterior elbow mobilization group and did not experience any ad-
dislocations were treated prospectively on a verse effects on their grip strength or other hand
rapid motion, functional regimen. Final ROM functions.3
averaged 24 to 139 degrees. All patients 3. Level II evidence exists that splinting for more
attained final extension within 5 degrees of the than 3 weeks is detrimental to achieving ROM
contralateral side; within an average of 19 days after elbow dislocation. In 45 patients with a
after reduction of the dislocation. Arm circumfer- simple elbow dislocation/closed reduction
ence returned to normal at an average of (61 months after injury), the overall results were
6.5 days.2 good or excellent with regard to pain and func-
2. Two Level II evidence reports indicate that early tion. The most common finding was a loss of ter-
active ROM is more effective than late ROM after minal extension (9% had a lack of extension up to
cubital tunnel decompression and medial epicon- 30 degrees). Better results were observed in
dylectomy. Warwick compared early versus ROM those immobilized either less than 2 weeks or for
exercises after cubital tunnel release and medial 2 to 3 weeks as compared with those who were
epicondylectomy. Fifty-seven consecutive cases immobilized more than 3 weeks.4
What Is the Optimal Rehabilitative Approach to Post-Traumatic Elbow Stiffness? 171

TABLE 23–1. Search Strategies were Modified to Find Evidence on Elbow Rehabilitation

Expert search strategy MEDLINE: clinical trials/ or clinical trials, phase i/ or clinical tri- 97 0 0
als, phase ii/ or clinical trials, phase iii/ or clinical trials, phase
iv/ or controlled clinical trials/ or randomized controlled trials/
or multicenter studies/ or cross-over studies/ or double-blind
method/ or meta-analysis/ or random allocation/ or single-
blind method/ or systematic review$.ti,ab. or ((singl$ or
doubl$ or tripl$) adj (mask$ or blind$)).ti,ab. or (blind$ or
EMBASE: randomized controlled trial/ or (controlled study/ or
comparative study/) and (clinical trial/ or phase 1 clinical trial/
or phase 2 clinical trial/ or phase 3 clinical trial/ or phase 4
clinical trial/ or major clinical study/ or prospective study/)) or
“systematic review”/ or randomization/ or double blind
procedure/ or single blind procedure/ or triple blind
procedure/ or ((singl$ or doubl$ or tripl$) adj (mask$ or
blind$)).ti,ab. or (blind$ or random$).ti,ab.
To identify the Level III and beyond evidence, again the same
terms were used except they were paired with the following
methodology-related terms to weed out the appropriate types
of studies:
MEDLINE: case-control studies/ or retrospective studies/ or com-
parative study/ or case or exp treatment outcome/
or exp Cohort Studies/
EMBASE: case control study/ or retrospective study/ or compara-
tive study/ or case or treatment outcome/ or exp
treatment failure/ or cohort analysis/
All of the above searches were restricted to human and English
language articles only. The number of results from the Level I
and Level II evidence search are below:
MEDLINE: 13 identified
EMBASE: 6 identified
PICO specific Elbow AND stiffness AND rehabilitation 42 6 4
PICO broad MEDLINE: (elbow/ or elbow joint/ or (elbow$ adj3 stiff$).ti,ab.) and 97 0 0
(physical therapy modalities/ or rehabilitation/ or rehab$.ti,ab.)
EMBASE: Joint Stiffness/ and (ELBOW/ or ELBOW INJURY/)
Expanded population
Expanded database CINAHL Elbow/ or elbow injuries/ or elbow fracture and physical 45 0 0
Personal database Searched hard files and personal database using elbow and 108 12 4
and files search (stiffness OR range of motion)

*With evidence-based medicine approach (Levels I–IV specific or Level 1 extrapolated).

Mobilization Splinting ious elbow and/or wrist fractures leading to losses

1. Level 3 evidence has been found that static pro- of forearm supination significantly increased their
gressive stretch splinting for 1 to 3 months is ef- passive ROM from 34.0 degrees at the initial visit
fective in patients who had limited success with to 82.3 degrees at discharge, and active range of
other treatment modalities including serial cast- motion from 27.0 to 72.3 degrees. Surface electro-
ing, dynamic splinting, physical therapy, and/or myography (EMG) confirmed the passive nature
surgery; results were an average of 31 degrees or of the splint: Average supinator EMG activity was
69% improvement. All patients expressed satis- 7.9 mV at rest, 7.8 mV in the splint, and 68.0 mV
faction, with no complications and no deteriora- with maximal isometric contraction.8
tion in ROM at the 1-year follow-up evaluation.5 4. Level II evidence exists that CPM is an effective
2. Multiple Level III or IV studies support that low- adjunct to surgery in treating elbow stiffness sec-
load prolonged stretch orthoses can reduce elbow ondary to heterotopic periarticular ossifications.
joint contractures. In one study (17 patients; 12 Heterotopic ossificans was surgically excised in
with elbow contracture), secondary neurologic and 16 elbows of 14 patients with traumatic brain in-
orthopedic pathologies improved; elbow results jury, an average of 18.9 months after the end of
were not summarized separately6 in another7. coma. During the follow-up period, all the elbows
3. Level IV evidence has been reported that a dy- showed improvement in ROM, and the arc of
namic supination splint that does not cross the flexion averaged 95 degrees in the surgery group,
humeroulnar and humeroradial joints is effective versus 116 degrees in the surgery/CPM group. Au-
in increasing ROM. Eleven subjects treated for var- thors attribute their better outcomes compared
172 Upper Extremity Topics

with those obtained by previous investigators to • Splinting is more effective when combined with
be due to the prolonged application of continu- intensive therapy.11,14
ous passive motion after surgery.9 • Traditional treatment during the day and night
Evidence of Adjunctive Interventions. Level II evidence exists and use of CPM is effective.14
that cryotherapy is effective in managing muscle stiff- • CPM is used when fractures/ligament repairs are
ness and pain related to a bout of damage-inducing stable.14
eccentric exercise (8 sets of 5 maximal reciprocal con- • Ultrasound is less useful for improving tissue
tractions at 0.58 rad # sec$1) of the elbow flexors on extensibility at the elbow (vs. hot packs or whirl-
an isokinetic dynamometer (n ! 15 female subjects). pool) because of the size and depth of tissue.14
Subjects in the cryotherapy group immersed their ex- • EMG biofeedback is useful for re-educating ago-
ercised arm in cold water (15°C) for 15 minutes imme- nist muscles or to reduce antagonist activity that
diately after eccentric exercise and then every 12 contributes to joint stiffness.14
hours for 15 minutes for a total of seven sessions. Re- • Injury-specific guidelines (Level V)14
laxed elbow angle was greater and creatine kinase ac- Fracture distal humerus
tivity lower for the cryotherapy group than the control ■ Early ROM begins on day 1 (if triceps sparing

group on days 2 and 3 after the eccentric exercise.10 extension is allowed).

Level V (Expert Recommendations) ■ Home programs should consist of elevation/

A variety of Level V recommendations were extracted ice, active-assisted flexion, gravity-assisted

from review articles. extension, active pronation/supination, main-
• Nonoperative management of stiffness should be tained exercise shoulder/wrist and hand.
considered for up to 6 months (after contrac- ■ Once callus forms, passive ROM and mobili-

ture).11–13 Note: Evidence has been found that even zation splinting are added.
prolonged contractures benefit from splinting. Radial head fractures
• More recent contractures are more likely to re- ■ elbow extension and flexion should be per-

spond to nonoperative management.12 formed in pronation (supination increases

• Ice and inflammatory medication are useful ad- the radiocapitellar load).
juncts.12,13 ■ Forearm rotation should be performed with

• Overly aggressive physical therapy may increase elbow flexed to 90 degrees.

pain, stiffness, and swelling, and possibly lead to ■ Fractures with open reduction with internal

HO.13 fixation without ligament injury are posi-

• Night splinting should be used in the direction of tioned in a collar and cuff for day use and an
greatest limitation.12 elbow extension splint at night.
• Splinting for 20 hours of wear alternating direc- ■ If the lateral collateral ligament is deficient,

tions with intermittent exercise is effective.12 the elbow is splinted in 90-degree flexion and
• Staging of intervention should include cryother- forearm pronation during the day.
apy, gentle passive and active ROM exercise dur- ■ Early active flexion/extension with the elbow

ing inflammatory stage; thermal modalities and greater than 90 degrees is started on day 1.
activities of daily living are added during fibro- ■ Strengthening can start at 8 weeks, progress-

blastic stage; in the remodeling stage, all modali- ing from pronation to supination.
ties and strengthening exercises are indicated.14 Coronoid fractures
• Low-load passive exercise progressed to active, ■ Early active ROM within a stable arc is indi-

then end-range exercise/stretch.14 cated.

• Exercise of 5 to 10 repetitions every 2 to 3 hours ■ Extension should be blocked by a splints for

is progressed to 15 to 20 repetitions every hour last 40 to 60 degrees (block reduced 10 de-

based on tissue response.14 grees/week); for total use of 4 to 6 weeks.
• Forearm/pronation exercise should be performed at ■ Passive extension/mobilizations delayed until

90 degrees of elbow flexion to protect ligaments.14 fracture is healed.

• Joint mobilization (increased from lesser grades ■ Pronation/supinations performed at 90

to end range mobilizations) are effective when degrees out of splint.

combined with splinting.14 ■ Early contracture control is needed—serial

• Splinting for mobilization should be avoided for extension splinting starts at 4 weeks.
3 to 6 weeks after injury.14 ■ Strengthening delayed until 8 to 10 weeks.

• The static progressive flexion cuff, serial static Elbow dislocations

extension splint, static progressive turnbuckle ■ Initially, patients are splinted in a posterior

splints for flexion/extension, and either a static elbow splint holding the joint at 90 degrees
progressive or dynamic splint for pronation/ for 5 to 7 days.
supination are affective mobilizing splint ■ If stable, elbow ROM in an unrestricted range

choices.14 is initiated; if stability is a concern, extension

• Splinting can start with 1–2 hours, 3–4 times/day protection is indicated.
in the fibroblastic phase combined with night and ■ Passive elbow flexion stretches are avoided

splinting.14 for 6 weeks.

What Is the Optimal Rehabilitative Approach to Post-Traumatic Elbow Stiffness? 173

AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY • Dynamic and progressive static splinting are

effective in reducing joint contracture.
The following issues have not been resolved in rela- • CPM may assist in resolving selected types of
tion to optimal rehabilitation of post-trauma elbow joint stiffness.
stiffness: • Cold can reduce acute symptoms of exercise-
• The optimal choice and timing for physical agent induced swelling and pain.
or electrotherapeutic modalities • Multiple interventions are more effective than
• Factors that indicate prognosis or need for isolated interventions.
specific interventions • Specific injuries and surgical approaches will
• Optimal type or dosage of active exercise (and impose specific challenges, restrictions, and
condition specific restrictions) indications.
• Optimal type or dosage of splinting The preponderance of evidence supports a role for
• Optimal type or dosage of joint mobilization a progressive rehabilitation program, although the
specifics of an optimal rehabilitation program cannot
be defined on the basis of current exercise. Further
research and consensus exercise around condition-
SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS specific restrictions and more consistent use of out-
come measures would benefit the field. Table 23–2
Fair evidence exists to suggest the following conclu- provides a summary or recommendations for the
sions: treatment of post-traumatic elbow stiffness.
• Supervised active exercise is effective in reduc-
ing elbow joint stiffness.
• Early motion is more effective than later ACKNOWLEDGMENT
• Joint mobilization is effective in reducing joint J.C.M. was funded by a New Investigator Award,
contractures. Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

TABLE 23–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. Joint mobilization, supervised exercise and splinting are effective in improving A 1

mobility of upper extremity joints.
2. Earlier active motion is effective in reducing joint contracture and work lost time in B 2,3
patients with elbow dislocation or cubital tunnel surgery
3. Immobilization for longer than three weeks following simple elbow dislocation B 4
results in loss of extension range of motion
4. Static progressive end range mobilization splinting improves motion in resistant B 5
elbow contracture
5. Prolonged low load end range splinting can reduce elbow joint contracture in a C 6,7
spectrum elbow pathologies.
6. Continuous passive motion is effective in improving the arc of motion attained B 9
following surgery for heterotopic ossification
7. Cryotherapy immediately following maximal eccentric elbow flexion exercise B 10
reduces delayed (2-3 day) muscle stiffness and pain experience

REFERENCES 5. Bonutti PM, Windau JE, Ables BA, Miller BG: Static progres-
sive stretch to reestablish elbow range of motion. Clin Or-
1. Michlovitz SL, Harris BA, Watkins MP: Therapy interventions thop Relat Res (303):128–134, 1994.
for improving joint range of motion: A systematic review. J 6. Nuismer BA, Ekes AM, Holm MB: The use of low-load pro-
Hand Ther 17:118–131, 2004. longed stretch devices in rehabilitation programs in the Pa-
2. Ross G, McDevitt ER, Chronister R, Ove PN: Treatment of sim- cific northwest. Am J Occup Ther 51:538–543, 1997.
ple elbow dislocation using an immediate motion protocol. 7. Green DP, McCoy H: Turnbuckle orthotic correction of elbow
Am J Sports Med 27:308–311, 1999. flexion contractures after acute injuires. J Bone Joint Surg Am
3. Seradge H: Cubital tunnel release and medial epicondylec- 61:1092–1095, 2007.
tomy: Effect of timing of mobilization. J Hand Surg [Am] 8. Lee MJ, LaStayo PC, von Kersburg AE: A supination splint
22:863–866, 1997. worn distal to the elbow: A radiographic, electromyographic,
4. Schippinger G, Seibert FJ, Steinbock J, Kucharczyk M: Man- and retrospective report. J Hand Ther 16:190–198, 2003.
agement of simple elbow dislocations. Does the period of im- 9. Ippolito E, Formisano R, Caterini R, et al: Resection of elbow
mobilization affect the eventual results? Langenbecks Arch ossification and continuous passive motion in postcomatose
Surg 384:294–297, 1999. patients. J Hand Surg [Am] 24:546–553, 1999.
174 Upper Extremity Topics

10. Eston R, Peters D: Effects of cold water immersion on the 12. King GJ, Faber KJ: Posttraumatic elbow stiffness. Orthop Clin
symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage. J Sports Sci North Am 31:129–143, 2000.
17:231–238, 1999. 13. Morrey BF: The posttraumatic stiff elbow. Clin Orthop Relat
11. Issack PS, Egol KA: Posttraumatic contracture of the elbow: Res (431):26–35, 2005.
Current management issues. Bull Hosp Jt Dis 63(3-4):129–136, 14. Chinchalkar SJ, Szekeres M: Rehabilitation of elbow trauma.
2006. Hand Clin 20:363–374, 2004.
Chapter Can We Prevent Children’s

24 Fractures?

Injury is currently one of the leading causes of bur- for a lifetime requires interventions in childhood
den of disease, accounting for 9% of worldwide and adolescence.4 Whether these same interven-
morbidity and mortality combined in 1998. Injury is tions will reduce childhood or adolescent fractures
expected to account for a much greater share—14% is unclear. A transient osteoporosis of adolescence
of global morbidity and mortality by 2020.1,2 The coinciding with peak height growth velocity has
expected increase is attributable both to increased been hypothesized, and it may increase fracture
motorization leading to a greater burden of road incidence at this time.
traffic crashes, and to the demographic and epide- Randomized, controlled trial (level I) evidence
miologic transition whereby diseases of poverty demonstrates that oral calcium supplementation in-
(malnutrition, infections) become replaced by those creases the bone mineral density (BMD) of female
of affluence (trauma, diabetes, heart disease, can- children during the pubertal growth spurt; however,
cer) as global wealth increases and population at 7 years of follow-up, there was no difference in total
growth rates slow.3 body BMD and distal radius BMD.5 A randomized,
Many fields of medicine (e.g., cardiology) consider controlled trial combining exercise intervention and
the scientific understanding of prevention of disease calcium supplementation in 16- and 18-year-old girls
as implicit in clinical practice. The prevention of frac- found a significant increase in BMD (at 1 year) with
tures, both at the individual and at the population calcium supplementation, but no additional effect
level, is an important aim toward which orthopedic from a weightbearing exercise program prescribed to
surgeons have much to contribute. Injury prevention individuals.6 A prospective, nonrandomized study
is in itself a broad scientific field as exemplified by the from Sweden (level II evidence) used a school-based
scope and depth of articles presented in a leading jour- exercise program and showed that classes of girls
nal, Injury Prevention. Fractures are a common feature given daily physical exercises had improved BMD and
of many injury events from the high- (e.g., road traffic) bone width compared with classes doing physical
to the low-energy (sports, falls) mechanisms. It is not exercise once per week.7
the purpose of this chapter to review the general evi- An increased risk for forearm fractures from re-
dence supporting the statement that most injury duced BMD has been established prospectively for
events among children are, in fact, preventable. Rather, girls using a cohort design (level II evidence)8 and
this chapter focuses on clinical aspects of the preven- retrospectively for boys using a case–control design
tion of fractures in the population pediatric orthope- (level III evidence).9 In both of these studies, an in-
dists treat as patients specifically. The relationship creased body mass index was also found to be an
between bone health and fractures among healthy independent predictor of increased fracture risk.
children and among children with medical comorbidi- In summary, among healthy children, it is possible
ties is considered. Evidence about the prevention of to increase the BMD over the short term by adding
refractures in clinical practice is examined. calcium to the diet and perhaps by implementing
group exercise programs. Children with lower BMD
are at increased risk for forearm fractures. Interven-
BONE HEALTH AND FRACTURES AMONG HEALTHY tion trials with fracture outcomes (rather than bone
CHILDREN density outcomes) have not yet been done among
Increasing longevity puts more of the population at
risk for osteoporotic fractures in old age. Ensuring
attainment of the greatest possible peak bone mass
in childhood and adolescence is an obvious but dif- BONE HEALTH AND FRACTURES AMONG CHILDREN
ficult to implement step at a societal level. Attain- WITH COMORBIDITIES
ment and maintenance of bone mass relies on ade- Osteogenesis Imperfecta
quate dietary calcium, availability of vitamin D,
weightbearing exercise, and hormonal milieu. Peak Osteogenesis imperfecta is a group of related condi-
bone mass is attained by early adulthood and de- tions in which defects in collagen production lead to
clines thereafter; therefore improving bone health bony fragility and fractures. Bone turnover is high,

178 Pediatric Topics

particularly during the growing years. Bisphospho- Steroid Treatment

nates decrease osteoclastic resorption of bone, lead-
ing to increased bone mass and bone strength. Two Steroid-induced osteoporosis is a well-described
randomized, controlled trials (level I evidence) sup- consequence of chronic steroid use, which is indi-
port treating patients with osteogenesis imperfecta cated in many pediatric medical conditions. A retro-
with oral bisphosphonates. One trial randomized spective cohort study (level III evidence) found that
34 children to either oral olpadronate (10 mg/m2 daily) inhaled steroid use (for asthma) of 800 !g/day or
or placebo, in addition to calcium and vitamin D for more significantly decreased lumbar spine BMD. The
all patients. A 2-year parallel arm design was used. effect was more pronounced if oral steroids were
Olpadronate-treated patients had a 31% reduction in also used. Only 76 patients were analyzed, and frac-
long-bone fracture risk. Increases in BMD and bone ture outcomes were not reported.20
mineral content were statistically significantly greater Among patients with renal transplant taking
among olpadronate-treated patients. No difference was chronic oral steroid, one randomized trial (level I
found in overall quality of life.10 A second trial random- evidence) has shown significant increase in BMD
ized 17 children to oral alendronate or placebo in a with oral vitamin D treatment or with nasal calcito-
blinded crossover study and showed increases in nin treatment, but no significant effect of alendronate
BMD, increases in quality of life in the domains of pain, alone.21 Using alendronate without supplementing
analgesic use, and well-being, as well as decreases in calcium and vitamin D is an unusual choice, and the
the number of fractures during the time of alendronate negative result regarding alendronate from this trial
treatment.11 is therefore suspect.
Earlier studies regarding bisphosphonates for Another study grouped children receiving chronic
Osteogenesis imperfecta were case series (level IV oral steroids who had suffered fractures and com-
evidence) that documented increased bone min- pared them with those receiving steroids who did
eral densities, decreased serum markers of bone not have fractures. Those who had had fractures
turnover, and decreased numbers of fractures after were treated with intravenous pamidronate plus ste-
treatment with intravenous pamidronate.12–15 roid, and those who had not continued on steroid
alone. All children in both groups were prescribed
calcium and vitamin D. After pamidronate treatment,
Cerebral Palsy/Neuromuscular Conditions there was significant improvement in lumbar spine
BMD, compared with significant loss among the ste-
Patients with cerebral palsy are at risk for osteopo- roid alone group. This comparative cohort study can
rosis and fractures. Decreased weightbearing stimu- be considered level of evidence III because only one
lus and altered vitamin D metabolism, related to of the arms was gathered prospectively.22
lack of sun exposure and to anticonvulsant medica-
tion, have been postulated as mechanisms. A ran-
domized, controlled trial (level I evidence) of
increasing the time of the standing program for non- PREVENTION OF REFRACTURES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE
ambulant children with cerebral palsy demonstrated Forearm Fractures
an increase in vertebral but not tibial BMD with in-
creased standing. Only 26 patients were random- A case series (level IV evidence) published in 1996
ized, no effect on fractures was noted (perhaps be- described 28 forearm refractures of which 25 had
cause of small numbers), and the clinical significance known causes. Twenty-one (84%) of them were re-
of the vertebral BMD differences was unclear.16 A lated to incomplete consolidation of the tensile side
causative study using a case–control design (level of a diaphyseal greenstick fracture.23 The article did
III evidence) compared 20 patients with fractures not include data on patients without refractures, so
with 20 age-matched control subjects from a popu- no firm conclusions can be drawn about preventing
lation of children and young adults with spastic this event.
quadriplegia in residential care.17 Anticonvulsant A subsequent article published in 1999 used a retro-
therapy was strongly associated with both the oc- spective case–control design to analyze 768 primary
currence of fractures and abnormally high serum forearm fractures in children of which 38 (4.9%) had
alkaline phosphatase, indicating high bone turn- refractures.24 All primary fractures included were
over. Radiographic signs of rickets were present in treated under general anesthesia by closed or open
many of the fracture patients. After administration means. The strongest predictor of refracture risk was
of vitamin D and calcium, the radiographic findings the location of the fracture, with 14.7% of diaphyseal
and the high serum alkaline phosphatase normal- fractures suffering a refracture, compared with 2.7% of
ized (level IV evidence, case series), although there metaphyseal radius fractures, 1.5% of metaphyseal
was not adequate follow-up to determine subse- both bones fractures, and 0% of physeal fractures (P "
quent fracture risk. Two level IV studies support the 0.001). The second most important predictor was the
use of oral18 or intravenous19 bisphosphonate in duration of cast immobilization, with a refracture rate
nonambulant patients with cerebral palsy by docu- of 6% among fractures immobilized 6 weeks or less, 4%
menting increased BMD and decreased fracture among fractures immobilized 4 to 6 weeks, and 1%
incidence during treatment. among those immobilized over 6 weeks. The median
Can We Prevent Children’s Fractures? 179

time to fracture after cast removal was 8 weeks, with only randomized trial comparing external fixators to
most refractures happening within 16 weeks of cast casts found a 4% refracture rate with external fix-
removal. Based on this level III evidence, one can rec- ators and 0% with casts, a difference that was not
ommend 6 weeks of cast immobilization for diaphyseal statistically significant given the numbers involved
fractures and activity restriction for 16 weeks after (level of evidence I).25
cast removal.24 A retrospective comparative study of 66 femoral
fractures treated with external fixation found 8 refrac-
tures (12%) and found that the risk for refracture was
Femur Fractures 33% if fewer than 3 cortices had bridging callus at the
time of fixator removal compared with 4% if 3 or
External fixation of femur fractures may present a 4 cortices demonstrated bridging callus.26 According
greater risk for refracture than other treatment to this level III evidence, the recommendation would
methods because the stiff frame may delay consoli- be to leave external fixators in place until three or
dation and then is removed abruptly. The true risk four cortices show bridging callus, to minimize the
for refracture is not known and may be no greater risk for refracture with this technique. Table 24–1
with external fixation than with other means. The provides a summary of recommendations.

TABLE 24–1. Summary of Recommendations


Weightbearing exercise and dietary calcium supplementation improve bone mass in female A 5, 6
Forearm fracture risk is greater during childhood among girls and boys with lower bone B 8, 9
mineral density.
Oral bisphosphonates reduce fracture risk and increase quality of life in patients with severe A 10, 11
osteogenesis imperfecta.
Intravenous bisphosphonates increase bone mineral density and decrease fractures in C 12–15
patients with severe osteogenesis imperfecta.
Inhaled steroids of more than 800 !g/day decrease bone mineral density in growing children. B 20
Bisphosphonate plus calcium and vitamin D substantially improves bone mineral density B 22
among patients taking chronic oral steroids.
Forearm refractures in children are strongly associated with cast removal before 6 weeks. B 24
Femoral refractures after external fixator removal are uncommon if three or four cortices have A,B 25, 26
bridging callus at the time of fixator removal and more common if two or fewer cortices
have bridging callus.

REFERENCES 9. Goulding A, Jones IE, Taylor RW, et al: Bone mineral density
and body composition in boys with distal forearm fractures:
1. Murray C, Lopez A: Alternative projections of mortality and A dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry study. J Pediatr
disability by cause 1990-2020: Global Burden of Disease Study. 139:509–515, 2001.
Lancet 349:1498–1504, 1997. 10. Sakkers R, Kok D, Engelbert R, et al: Skeletal effects and
2. Krug EG, Sharma GK, Lozano R: The global burden of injuries. functional outcome with olpadronate in children with
Am J Public Health 90:523–526, 2000. osteogenesis imperfecta: A 2-year randomised
3. Beveridge M, Howard A: The burden of orthopaedic disease in placebo-controlled study. Lancet 363:1427–1431, 2004.
developing countries. J Bone Joint Surg Am 86-A:1819–1822, 11. Seikaly MG, Kopanati S, Salhab N, et al: Impact of alendronate
2004. on quality of life in children with osteogenesis imperfecta.
4. Osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis, and therapy. NIH Consensus J Pediatr Orthop 25:786–791, 2005.
Statement. 17:1–45, 2000 12. Grissom LE, Kecskemethy HH, Bachrach SJ, et al: Bone
5. Matkovic V, Goel PK, Badenhop-Stevens NE, et al: Calcium densitometry in pediatric patients treated with pamidronate.
supplementation and bone mineral density in females from Pediatr Radiol 35:511–517, 2005.
childhood to young adulthood: A randomized controlled trial. 13. DiMeglio LA, Ford L, McClintock C, Peacock M: Intravenous
Am J Clin Nutr 81:175–188, 2005. pamidronate treatment of children under 36 months of age
6. Stear SJ, Prentice A, Jones SC, Cole TJ: Effect of a calcium and with osteogenesis imperfecta. Bone 35:1038–1045, 2004.
exercise intervention on the bone mineral status of 16–18-y-old 14. Lee YS, Low SL, Lim LA, Loke KY: Cyclic pamidronate
adolescent girls. Am J Clin Nutr 77:985–992, 2003. infusion improves bone mineralisation and reduces
7. Valdimarsson O, Linden C, Johnell O, et al: Daily physical fracture incidence in osteogenesis imperfecta. Eur J Pediatr
education in the school curriculum in prepubertal girls during 160:641–644, 2001.
1 year is followed by an increase in bone mineral accrual and 15. Glorieux FH, Bishop NJ, Plotkin H, et al: Cyclic administration
bone width—data from the prospective controlled Malmo of pamidronate in children with severe osteogenesis
pediatric osteoporosis prevention study. Calcif Tissue Int imperfecta. N Engl J Med 339:947, 1998.
78:65–71, 2006. 16. Caulton JM, Ward KA, Alsop CW, et al: A randomised
8. Goulding A, Jones IE, Taylor RW, et al: More broken bones: controlled trial of standing programme on bone mineral
A 4-year double cohort study of young girls with and without density in non-ambulant children with cerebral palsy.
distal forearm fractures. J Bone Miner Res 15:2011–2018, 2000. Arch Dis Child 89:131–135, 2004.
180 Pediatric Topics

17. Bischof F, Basu D, Pettifor JM: Pathological long-bone fractures children and adolescents. Pediatr Transplant 8:357–361,
in residents with cerebral palsy in a long-term care facility in 2004.
South Africa. Dev Med Child Neurol 44:119–122, 2002. 22. Acott PD, Wong JA, Lang BA, Crocker JFS: Pamidronate
18. Sholas MG, Tann B, Gaebler-Spira D: Oral bisphosphonates to treatment of pediatric fracture patients on chronic steroid
treat disuse osteopenia in children with disabilities: A case therapy. Pediatr Nephrol 20:368–373, 2005.
series. J Pediatr Orthop 25:326–331, 2005. 23. Schwarz N, Pienaar S, Schwarz AF, et al: Refracture of the
19. Plotkin H, Coughlin S, Kreikemeier R, et al: Low doses of forearm in children. J Bone Joint Surg Br 78:740–744, 1996.
pamidronate to treat osteopenia in children with severe 24. Bould M, Bannister GC: Refractures of the radius and ulna in
cerebral palsy: A pilot study. Dev Med Child Neurol children. Injury 30:583–586, 1999.
48:709–712, 2006. 25. Wright JG, Wang EE, Owen JL, et al: Treatments for paediatric
20. Harris M, Hauser S, Nguyen TV, et al: Bone mineral density femoral fractures: A randomised trial. Lancet 365:1153–1158,
in prepubertal asthmatics receiving corticosteroid treatment. 2005.
J Paediatr Child Health 37:67–71, 2001. 26. Skaggs DL, Leet AI, Money MD, et al: Secondary fractures
21. El-Husseini AA, El-Agroudy AE, El-Sayed MF, et al: Treatment associated with external fixation in pediatric femur fractures.
of osteopenia and osteoporosis in renal transplant J Pediatr Orthop 19:582–586, 1999.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

25 for Wrist Fractures?


Pediatric wrist fractures may be classified based on treated with splints to assess home management
the level of injury and the degree of soft-tissue dam- versus standard hospital follow-up. Forty patients
age (Table 25–1). The level of injury may be physeal who had their splints removed at home were com-
or metaphyseal. Physeal injuries may be further sub- pared with 47 patients treated by removal of the cast
divided into Salter–Harris type I and II injuries. The in the orthopedic clinic. Results were similar be-
literature demonstrates that the majority of physeal tween the groups, but both groups, if given the
injuries at the wrist are Salter–Harris type II.1 choice, would prefer removal of the splint at home.
Metaphyseal fractures may be subdivided into torus Several authors believe there is no evidence that
(buckle fractures), greenstick, and complete frac- further follow-up is needed after splint removal.4,6
tures. Complete fractures may be angulated, trans- Several articles report cost savings with these
lated, or completely displaced with shortening. Most minor injuries, because of fewer clinic and physician
wrist fractures in the pediatric age group are closed visits, fewer radiographs, and a reduction in family’s
injuries. Open fractures, which indicate a greater time lost from school and work.4,6–8
degree of soft-tissue damage, may increase the risk In summary, this evidence-based literature demon-
for complications including loss of reduction, infec- strates that buckle fractures of the distal radius can
tion, and growth arrest. be managed with application of a splint in the emer-
An extensive review of recent English-speaking or- gency ward, followed by one orthopedic clinic visit
thopedic literature from 1997–2007 was undertaken to confirm the diagnosis. Support of the injured limb
to identify areas of uncertainty and to determine the with a removable splint should continue for approxi-
best evidence available to justify the current treat- mately 3 weeks, followed by removal of the splint in
ment of wrist fractures in the pediatric age group. the home setting and initiation of self-administered
This search identified five articles that reach evi- range-of-motion exercises. Parental education in the
dence level I or II (Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery emergency department and clinic, with a written de-
combined volumes [JBJS] Levels of Evidence for Pri- scription of expected course of management, results
mary Research Question).2,3 Three of these five arti- in uniformly good outcomes and high levels of patient
cles concern management of torus fractures of the satisfaction.
distal radius.4–6 Eleven more articles reached levels of
evidence III and IV.
Displaced Fractures
Torus Fractures After achievement of adequate analgesia, a closed re-
duction and immobilization of the wrist and forearm in
By definition, torus fractures are incomplete frac- a well-molded, short-arm plaster of Paris or fiberglass
tures with a failure of the cortex on the compression cast is the accepted treatment and standard of care for
side of the bone. The convex (or tension side) cortex displaced fractures.10,11 Analgesia in the emergency
remains intact. These are stable injuries, and five ar- department may be in the form of intravenous regional
ticles support a minimalist approach to management anesthesia (Bier block) or intravenous sedation with
of these injuries.4–9 narcotics and benzodiazepines. Numerous case report
Three randomized clinical trials addressed the studies in the orthopaedic literature (levels of evi-
subject of torus fractures. Davidson and colleagues4 dence IV and V) confirm the safety and efficacy of
randomized 201 patients to treatment with a cast various techniques for regional or general pain control
versus a removable “Futura-type” wrist splint for during fracture manipulation.12
3 weeks with no difference in outcome as measured
by a mail-in questionnaire. Plint and coauthors5
found similar results using a validated outcome Displacement Limits Postreduction
tool—the Activities Scales for Kids performance ver-
sion (ASKp). This study reported better functioning Limits on what is considered an acceptable reduc-
in the splint group, with less interference with bath- tion vary with the bone involved, the direction of
ing. Symons and coworkers6 reviewed 87 patients displacement, and patient age. Remodeling after

182 Pediatric Topics

TABLE 25–1. Classification of Pediatric Wrist Fractures would be required to more definitively address the
limits of acceptable displacement (amount and
Physeal fractures plane of deformity) that are consistent with good
Salter–Harris type 1 clinical outcomes, and how these limits are modi-
Salter–Harris type 2 fied by the age of the patient.
Metaphyseal fractures
Complete Cast Treatment after Fracture Reduction
Partial displacement
Complete displacement Immobilization in a short-arm cast will prevent loss
Open fractures of reduction as long as cast molding is adequate.
Three articles confirm the cast index (the ratio of
the cast dimension, at the level of the fracture, on
the anteroposterior vs. lateral radiograph) as a pre-
dictor of loss of reduction.10,11,15 Webb and investi-
malunited wrist and distal forearm fractures in chil- gators10 demonstrate a direct correlation between
dren is common and often dramatic. Price and higher cast indices (indicative of poor cast mold-
researchers10 have previously demonstrated the ing) and loss of reduction. This study also demon-
remodeling potential in malunited forearm frac- strates that a well-molded short-arm cast is just as
tures in childhood. Only six of their patients had effective at maintaining reduction as long-arm casts
distal third fractures, but they believed that “distal for fractures in the wrist and distal third of the fore-
fractures have a more favorable prognosis” than arm. Short-arm casting also resulted in fewer lost
diaphyseal injuries.13 Do and colleagues14 demon- school days and reduced need for assistance with
strated in 34 pediatric metaphyseal wrist fractures activities of daily living.10 Bhatia and researchers1
that all healed within an average of 6 weeks and demonstrated a further reduction in redisplace-
completely remodeled within an average of ment rates by improvement in casting technique.
7.5 months. They recommend that angulation in
either plane (coronal or sagittal) of less than
15 degrees, and shortening of less than 1 cm, are Indications for Open Reduction or Internal Fixation
acceptable limits and consistent with a normal
functional outcome. They also demonstrated a sig- Indications for open reduction of pediatric wrist frac-
nificant cost saving (50%) compared with the pa- tures include failure to achieve or maintain an ade-
tients who were managed with formal reduction quate closed reduction. For fractures with significant
and casting. Zimmermann and coauthors15 have instability, which may not be held reduced with exter-
shown equal remodeling potential for dorsal and nal cast immobilization, smooth pin fixation is indi-
volar displaced wrist fractures. cated.19 Although these principles are generally ac-
The literature defining acceptable limits for dis- cepted in the orthopedic texts and literature, the
placement after reduction is, in the majority, level III levels of supporting evidence in the literature are
(case–control study)14–16 or IV (case series).17,18 No generally no higher than level III or IV. One random-
randomized clinical trials (levels of evidence I and ized clinical trial (level of evidence I) compared cast
II) address this question, although most practicing immobilization with percutaneous pin fixation for
pediatric orthopedic surgeons are inclined to pediatric distal radius fractures. This was a small
accept up to 15 degrees of angulation in the sagittal study (34 patients) that found a similar short-term
plane and slightly less deformity in the coronal complication rate with both methods of treatment,
plane. Translation, especially in the coronal plane, but the complications were different: patients with
with encroachment on the interosseus space is less casts had a high rate of loss of reduction (39%),
likely to be accepted. Age of the patient is also an whereas the pinned patients developed pin tract
important parameter in determining limits of malre- problems (38%). At long-term follow-up, there were
duction, recognizing the greater remodeling poten- no differences in results between the treatment
tial of the younger child. A randomized clinical trial groups.20

TABLE 25–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. There is good evidence supporting a minimalist approach to the management I, A 3

of torus fractures. II
2. There is good evidence that short-arm casts are adequate after closed reduction I, A 4, 5
of distal third radius fractures providing the cast index is less than 0.8.
3. There is poor evidence concerning how much displacement may be compatible IV, C 8, 9 1, 14, 15
with adequate radiographic and functional outcome.
What Is the Best Treatment for Wrist Fractures? 183

Open Fractures 7. Meier R, Prommersberger K-J, van Griensven M, Lanz U:

Surgical correction of deformities of the distal radius due to
Grade 1 open wrist fractures are managed with con- fractures in pediatric patients. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg
124:1–9, 2004.
scious sedation, slight enlargement of the wound 8. Solan MC, Rees R, Daly K: Current management of torus
with adequate irrigation in the emergency depart- fractures of the distal radius. Injury 33:503–505, 2002.
ment, followed by closed reduction and casting. A 9. Van Bosse HJP, Patel RJ, Thacker M, Sala DA: Minimalistic
short course of antibiotics and early inspection of the approach to treating wrist torus fractures. J Pediatr Orthop
25:495–500, 2005.
wound result in low complication rates. Grade 2 and 10. Webb GR, Galpin RD, Armstrong DG: Comparison of short
3 open injuries with a greater degree of soft-tissue and long arm plaster casts for displaced fractures in the
injury should be débrided in the operating room, with distal third of the forearm in children. J Bone Joint Surg Am
consideration given to delayed closure to reduce the 88:9–17, 2006.
risk for deep infection. Again, levels of supporting 11. Bohm ER, Bubbar V, Yong Hing KY, Dzus A: Above and
below-the-elbow plaster casts for distal forearm fractures in
evidence in the literature, for management of open children. A randomized clinical trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am
fractures, are levels III to IV.16 Many years of clinical 88:1–8, 2006.
experience, and low complication rates in the level IV 12. Colizza WA, Said E: Intravenous regional anesthesia in the
series, which do exist, support continuation of these treatment of forearm and wrist fractures and dislocations in
children. Can J Surg 36:225–228, 1993.
management protocols. Table 25–2 provides a sum- 13. Price CT, Scott DS, Kurzner ME, Flynn JC: Malunited fore-
mary of recommendations for the treatment of wrist arm fractures in children. J Paediatr Orthop 10:705–712,
fractures. 1990.
14. Do TT, Strub WM, Foad SL, et al: Reduction versus remodeling
in pediatric distal forearm fractures: A preliminary cost
REFERENCES analysis. J Pediatr Orthop Part B 12:109–115, 2003.
15. Zimmermann R, Gschwentner M, Pechlaner S, Gabl M:
1. Bhatia M, Housden PH: Re-displacement of paediatric Remodeling capacity and functional outcome of palmarly
forearm fractures: Role of plaster moulding and padding versus dorsally displaced pediatric radius fractures in the
[erratum appears in Injury. 2006 Aug;37(8):801]. Injury distal one-third. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 124:42–48, 2004.
37:259–268, 2006. 16. Luhmann SJ, Schootman M, Schoenecker PL, et al:
2. Bhandari M, Swiontkowski MF, Einhorn TA, et al: Interobserver Complications and outcomes of open pediatric forearm
agreement in the application of levels of evidence to scientific fractures. J Pediatr Orthop 24:1–6, 2004.
papers. J Bone Joint Surg Am 86:1717–1720, 2004. 17. Cannata G, De Maio F, Mancini F, Ippolito E: Physeal fractures
3. Wright JG, Swiontkowski MF, Heckman JD: Introducing of the distal radius and ulna: Long-term prognosis. J Orthop
levels of evidence to the journal. J Bone Joint Surg Am Trauma 17:172–180, 2003.
85:1–3, 2003. 18. Kiely PD, Kiely PJ, Stephens MM, Dowling FE: Atypical distal
4. Davidson JS, Brown DJ, Barnes SN, Bruce CE: Simple treatment radial fractures in children. J Pediatr Orthop B 13:202–205,
for torus fractures of the distal radius. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2004.
83:1173–1175, 2001. 19. Choi KY, Chan WS, Lam TP, Cheng JC: Percutaneous
5. Plint AC, Perry JJ, Correll R, et al: A randomized, controlled Kirschner-wire pinning for severely displaced distal radial
trial of removable splinting versus casting for wrist buckle fractures in children. A report of 157 cases. J Bone Joint Surg
fractures in children. Pediatrics 117:691–697, 2006. Br 77:797–801, 1995.
6. Symons S, Rowsell M, Bhowal B, Dias JJ: Hospital versus 20. Miller B, Taylor B, Widmann R, et al: Cast immobilization
home management of children with buckle fractures of the versus percutaneous pin fixation of displaced distal radius
distal radius. A prospective, randomised trial. J Bone Joint fractures in children: A prospective, randomized study.
Surg Br 83:556–560, 2001. J Pediatr Orthop 25:490–494, 2005.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

26 for Forearm Fractures?


Fractures of the radius and ulna account for more radius or ulna buckle fractures were treated with ei-
than 40% of fractures treated in the United States. ther a short-arm plaster cast or a molded plaster
Forearm fractures are most common in the pediatric backslab/splint. Parents and patients were asked to
age group.1 Because radius and ulna fractures are so fill out an activities questionnaire at weekly intervals
common, orthopedic practitioners are comfortable for 4 weeks and to attend a follow-up visit at 3 weeks.
managing this type of injury. Skeletally immature pa- Children who were treated with splints had an easier
tients have the potential to remodel bone; therefore, time with writing and bathing, and had an earlier re-
children generally have good outcomes after forearm turn to activities. No complications occurred in either
fractures. Even when bony remodeling is incomplete, group; however, five children in the cast group re-
children rarely have functional limitations as a result quired replacement of their casts.4 West and investiga-
of these injuries. Price and colleagues2 managed pa- tors5 performed a similar study in children with distal
tients with malunion after forearm fractures and radius buckle fractures. They randomized 39 patients
showed that 92% had an excellent or good result and to treatment with a soft bandage or a cast. Investiga-
none had a poor result. Although most orthopedists tors instructed patients in the former group to wean
are well-versed in conventional algorithms for man- out of the bandage when they felt comfortable doing
aging forearm fractures in children, recent studies so. Bandaged patients regained wrist flexion and ex-
have addressed some outstanding clinical questions tension more quickly. No complications were reported
regarding the subtleties of caring for these injuries. in either treatment group.5


Buckle fractures of the distal radius are common in For many types of forearm fractures, casts offer the
children. Traditionally, this type of fracture has been best protection from refracture and malunion. When
treated with a period of immobilization in a short- treating patients with a buckle fracture, a physician’s
arm cast. True buckle fractures are not at risk for primary goal must be to protect the child from fur-
displacement, and many practitioners choose to put ther injury. However, casts are not without risk and
patients in a removable splint rather than in a cast. inconvenience. Risks of casting include skin break-
Several recent studies have compared casting and down and loss of motion. The studies presented
splinting in terms of patient comfort and satisfaction, earlier indicate that patients with buckle fractures
risk for complications, and cost. These studies all il- may have improved comfort and ability to perform
lustrate that children with buckle fractures have ex- activities of daily living when treated with a splint. In
cellent outcomes regardless of whether they are addition, it may be possible to save time and costs
treated with a splint or with a cast. and avoid radiation exposure by forgoing the follow-
Davidson and coworkers3 surveyed specialists in up visits in patients with forearm buckle fractures.
England and found that 78% of emergency department
doctors treated patients with distal radius buckle frac-
tures with molded plaster splints. Orthopedic consul- CAST TYPE AND POSITION
tants/specialists tended to use casts. In addition, they
randomized 201 patients with buckle fractures to Many casting methods have been used to maintain
treatment with a premade wrist splint or a short-arm the position of pediatric forearm fractures. Investiga-
plaster cast. All fractures were well-healed 3 weeks tors have attempted to determine whether factors
after injury without radiographic evidence of defor- such as cast molding, forearm and elbow position,
mity. The follow-up rate was lower for patients who and extension of cast above the elbow influence the
were splinted. A cost-benefit analysis showed that rate of fracture reangulation and thus outcome.
splint treatment was approximately half as expensive Cast index is the ratio of cast width on lateral radio-
as cast treatment (assuming the splinted patients are graph to the width on anteroposterior (AP) radio-
not seen in follow-up).3 In a randomized, controlled graph. Chess and researchers6 have identified 0.7 as
study by Plint and coworkers,4 patients with distal the optimal cast index based on measurements of the

What Is the Best Treatment for Forearm Fractures? 185

pediatric forearm. This group performed a retrospec- affords any advantage in distal fractures. Two well-
tive analysis of 558 distal third forearm fractures re- constructed studies show that a below-the-elbow cast
quiring closed reduction; patients were immobilized may be sufficient to prevent recurrence of angulation
in short-arm casts. All of the patients with significant in children with displaced distal forearm fractures. In
angulation had “poor cast molding”; unfortunately, both of these studies, cast molding was optimal with
this phrase was not clearly defined, nor did the exam- cast indices averaging close to 0.7. This information
iners describe the criteria for remanipulation.6 Bhatia may not apply to midshaft or proximal forearm frac-
and Housden7 reviewed 144 charts retrospectively tures where little data exist to prove that short-arm
and followed 34 children prospectively. All patients casts are equivalent to the time-tested results from
had forearm fractures requiring closed reduction. standard long-arm casting in these injuries. Casting
They measured cast index and defined a padding in- with the elbow in extension may increase fracture
dex (ratio of padding diameter on lateral radiograph stability. A well-randomized, prospective study is
to interosseous space on AP radiograph). The authors needed to examine this further.
looked for redisplacement 1 to 2 weeks after injury
and defined this as angulation of greater than 20 de-
grees and/or translation greater than 50%. The mean SEDATION
padding index for the group with redisplacement was
0.42 compared with 0.11 for the group without redis- Physicians have used many different techniques and
placement. The redisplacement group mean cast in- medications to provide anesthesia for reducing fore-
dex was 0.87; the mean cast index for patients without arm fractures in children. In the emergency depart-
redisplacement was 0.71. Both sets of findings were ment setting, anesthetic regimens must provide safe
statistically significant with P values less than 0.005.7 and effective analgesia and anxiolysis without a pro-
Boyer and researchers8 conducted a prospective longed recovery time. Parents and patients often
trial randomizing 100 patients with distal third forearm prefer deep sedation to local anesthesia because
fractures to be casted with the forearm in pronation, they feel more comfortable with the idea that they
supination, or neutral position. One patient casted in will be completely unaware of the fracture reduction
supination and one casted in pronation had significant or will have amnesia for the event. However, recent
loss of reduction. In their study, cast index did not cor- studies have shown that regional anesthesia meth-
relate with residual angulation at follow-up. Bochang ods such as hematoma and nerve blocks can be ef-
and coworkers9 managed one group of children with fective in children. These methods offer the advan-
forearm fractures treated with the elbow in extension tage of quicker recovery times and decreased
and compared them with a group at another center monitoring.
treated with flexed-elbow casting. In the flexed-elbow Luhmann and researchers14 randomly assigned
group, the rate of redisplacement was 17.6%. None of 102 children who required closed reduction of fore-
the children in the extended-elbow group had signifi- arm fractures to receive either nitrous oxide (NO)
cant angulation on repeat radiographic examination. and hematoma block or intravenous ketamine and
Other investigators who had looked at extended elbow midazolam. Videotapes of the fracture reduction
casting in small retrospective studies also found low were reviewed by an investigator and scored using a
rates of redisplacement.10,11 behavioral checklist. Both groups had low scores in-
Two prospective, controlled trials have compared dicating good pain control, but pain scores were sig-
long- and short-arm plaster casts for the treatment of nificantly lower for the group that received NO and a
distal forearm fractures. Bohm and investigators12 ran- hematoma block (P ! 0.02). Recovery time was less
domized 102 skeletally immature children with dis- for children in the NO group. Children who received
placed distal third forearm fractures randomized to be ketamine and midazolam had a greater rate of night-
placed in a long- or a short-arm cast. Casts were well mares, hallucinations, and ataxia; otherwise, compli-
molded with an average cast index of 0.71. There was cation rates and side effects were similar.14 In Evans
actually a greater rate of need for remanipulation in and colleagues’15 randomized, prospective study,
patients treated with long-arm cast; this difference was children treated with NO had similar pain scores dur-
not statistically significant. Webb and researchers13 ing fracture reduction as children who were given an
had similar finding when they randomized 127 children intramuscular injection of meperidine and prometha-
with displaced distal third forearm fractures to be zine; the patients treated with NO were significantly
placed in short- versus long-arm casts. They found no more likely to report they would choose the same
difference in angulation or displacement at follow-up. agent again for anesthesia. Gregory and Sullivan16
Patients with long arm casts reported more difficulty in compared NO sedation with Bier block and found no
performing activities of daily living. significant difference in pain scores. In their study,
one Bier block failed because of accidental deflation
of the blood pressure cuff.
Conclusions Axillary nerve block is another alternative to deep
sedation. Kriwanek and coauthors’17 compared pain
Proper molding of a plaster cast appears to decrease control in children receiving an axillary block and
the need for future fracture manipulation, and it does those treated with intravenous ketamine for forearm
not appear that casting in supination or pronation fracture reduction. Both groups of patients were
186 Pediatric Topics

given midazolam in this study. Examiners did not retrospectively analyzed data from 285 patients with
detect a significant difference in behavior scores be- forearm fractures. None of the 205 patients treated
tween the two groups. However, two patients in the with closed reduction and casting experienced de-
axillary block required supplemental anesthesia, and velopment of compartment syndrome. However, 6 of
patient satisfaction was lower for this method. the 80 patients (7.5%) treated with intramedullary
Davidson and coworkers18 compared prilocaine fixation experienced development of compartment
and lidocaine as intravenous agents for Bier block in syndrome; none of these patients had a high-velocity
279 patients undergoing forearm fracture reduction. mechanism of injury. The increase in compartment
They found that 90% of patients who received lido- syndrome rates for patients managed surgically was
caine had no or minimal pain as opposed to 78% in significant with a P value less than 0.001. Increased
the prilocaine group. time in the operating room for fracture fixation was
associated with a greater rate of compartment syn-
drome (P ! 0.01).27 Kapoor and colleagues28 looked
Conclusions retrospectively at 50 children who underwent flexible
intramedullary nailing of forearm fractures. Two pa-
Many safe and effective protocols have been devel- tients in their series developed compartment syn-
oped for delivering anesthesia to children undergoing drome; both of these patients had a high-energy
fracture reduction. The availability of different types mechanism of injury.
of specialists and individual hospital policies regard- In two retrospective comparative studies, inves-
ing sedation techniques often influence how analge- tigators compared elastic stable intramedullary
sia is provided to children. The various studies pre- nailing with Kirschner wire fixation in children with
sented highlight advantages and disadvantages of diaphyseal forearm fractures. No significant differ-
several types of anesthetic agents. Comparing anes- ences in complication rates were found, as would
thetic regimens is problematic because pain is sub- be expected in both of these intramedullary meth-
jective, and thus difficult to measure. Nonetheless, ods of fixation. In Majed and Bacos’ study,29 all pa-
these studies demonstrate that regional anesthesia is tients had excellent functional outcomes. Calder
a viable alternative to deep sedation. One major ad- and coauthors30 found a clinically evident limita-
vantage to regional blocks is that they can be used in tion in forearm rotation in 11% of their patients;
children who have recently eaten, obviating the need however, they did not quantify range-of-motion
to wait until a patient has been nil per os (nothing by measurements in their records.
mouth) for a sufficient length of time. Retrospective comparative studies have also been
used to examine the difference in outcomes between
patients who undergo intramedullary fixation versus
FIXATION OF FRACTURES plate fixation of their forearm fractures. Fernandez
and researchers31 reviewed records of 45 patients
Most pediatric forearm fractures are treated with who underwent elastic stable intramedullary nailing
casting with or without prior closed manipulation. of their middle-third and transitional zone forearm
Skeletally immature patients have the capacity to fractures, and compared the results with those of
significantly remodel bone at the site of fractures. A 19 patients who had plate fixation of their fractures.
certain degree of angular deformity and displace- No significant difference in complication rates was
ment are acceptable because of the known potential found between the two groups. However, patients
for bony remodeling. Jones and Weiner19 retrospec- with plate fixation had longer hospital stays, longer
tively evaluated 730 children with forearm fractures time under anesthesia, and worse cosmetic results.
and found that only 12 patients required fixation, in- Similarly, Van der Reis and colleagues32 compared re-
dicating that the treatment of this type of fracture is sults from the charts of 23 patients who had Rush rod
usually nonsurgical. However, a subset of pediatric fixation of their diaphyseal both-bone forearm frac-
forearm fractures exists that are either irreducible or tures with those of 18 patients whose fractures were
susceptible to redisplacement after reduction. These fixed with plates. No significant difference was found
fractures will require some type of fixation. Because in complication rates or functional outcomes. The
children rarely require intervention beyond closed authors did note that two patients in the intramuscu-
reduction of their forearm fractures, there are no lar fixation group had mild rotational deformities; this
large, randomized trials comparing the various meth- type of deformity did not occur in any patients in the
ods of fixation. plate fixation group.32
Several authors have published case series that
illustrate that intramedullary fixation of forearm
fractures generally yields excellent results. In these Conclusions
studies, complication rates, including neuropraxias,
superficial and deep infections, refracture, lost re- Closed reduction and casting continues to be the
duction, and persistent angulation, range from 8% to mainstay of treatment for pediatric forearm frac-
28%.20–26 In two recent articles, authors have re- tures. In cases where closed manipulation fails to
ported compartment syndrome as a complication maintain fracture fragments in an adequate align-
of intramedullary fixation. Yuan and investigators27 ment, internal fixation must be considered. Both
What Is the Best Treatment for Forearm Fractures? 187

TABLE 26–1. Summary of Recommendations


1. Buckle fractures can be safely treated with either removable splints or short-arm casts. A 3–5
2. Well-molded casts decrease rate of fracture reangulation in displaced forearm fractures. B 7
3. Well-molded short-arm casts are equivalent to long-arm casts in maintaining reduction A 12, 13
of displaced distal forearm fractures.
4. Casting with the elbow in extension is superior to casting in flexion for maintaining B 9–11
reduction in patients with displaced forearm fractures.
5. Intramedullary fixation and plate fixation have similar acceptable complication rates. B 31, 32
Anesthesia times and scarring are minimized with intramedullary fixation.
6. Regional anesthesia offers comparable analgesia with systemic, deep sedation. B 14–16

intramedullary and plate fixation can be performed 16. Gregory PR, Sullivan JA: Nitrous oxide compared with intra-
safely. Intramedullary fixation offers the advantages venous regional anesthesia in pediatric forearm fracture
manipulation. 16:187–191, 1996.
of shorter time under anesthesia and better cos- 17. Kriwanek KL, Wan J, Beaty JH, Pershad J: Axillary block for
metic results. Currently, a large prospective study analgesia during manipulation of forearm fractures in the
comparing the two methods has not been con- pediatric emergency department: A prospective randomized
ducted. Table 26–1 provides a summary of recom- comparative trial. J Pediatr Orthop 26:737–740, 2006.
mendations for the treatment of forearm fractures. 18. Davidson AJ, Eyres RL, Cole WG: A comparison of prilocaine
and lidocaine for intravenous regional anaesthesia for fore-
arm fracture reduction in children. Paediatr Anaesth 12:1
46–150, 2002.
REFERENCES 19. Jones K, Weiner DS: The management of forearm fractures
in children: A plea for conservatism. J Pediatr Orthop 19:
1. Chung KC, Spilson SV: The frequency and epidemiology of 811–815, 1999.
hand and forearm fractures in the United States. J Hand Surg 20. Flynn JM, Waters PM: Single-bone fixation of both-bone
[Am] 26:908–915, 2001. forearm fractures. J Pediatr Orthop 16:655–659, 1996.
2. Price CT, Scott DS, Kurzner ME, Flynn JC: Malunited forearm 21. Qidwai SA: Treatment of diaphyseal forearm fractures in
fractures in children. J Pediatr Orthop 10:705–712, 1990. children by intramedullary Kirschner wires. J Trauma 50:
3. Davidson JS, et al: Simple treatment for torus fractures of the 303–307, 2001.
distal radius. J Bone Joint Surg Br 83:1173–1175, 2001. 22. Shoemaker SD, et al: Intramedullary Kirschner wire fixation
4. Plint AC, et al: A randomized, controlled trial of removable of open or unstable forearm fractures in children. J Pediatr
splinting versus casting for wrist buckle fractures in children. Orthop 19:329–337, 1999.
Pediatrics 117:691–697, 2006. 23. Yung PS, et al: Percutaneous transphyseal intramedullary
5. West S, et al: Buckle fractures of the distal radius are safely Kirschner wire pinning: A safe and effective procedure for
treated in a soft bandage: A randomized prospective trial of treatment of displaced diaphyseal forearm fracture in
bandage versus plaster cast. J Pediatr Orthop 25:322–325, 2005. children. J Pediatr Orthop 24:7–12, 2004.
6. Chess DG, et al: Short arm plaster cast for distal pediatric 24. Cullen MC, et al: Complications of intramedullary fixation of
forearm fractures. J Pediatr Orthop 14:211–213, 1994. pediatric forearm fractures. J Pediatr Orthop 18:14–21, 1998.
7. Bhatia M, Housden PH: Re-displacement of paediatric fore- 25. Kucukkaya M, et al: The application of open intramedullary
arm fractures: Role of plaster moulding and padding. Injury fixation in the treatment of pediatric radial and ulnar shaft
37:259–268, 2006. fractures. J Orthop Trauma 16:340–344, 2002.
8. Boyer BA, et al: Position of immobilization for pediatric fore- 26. Lascombes P, et al: Elastic stable intramedullary nailing in
arm fractures. J Pediatr Orthop 22:185–187, 2002. forearm shaft fractures in children: 85 cases. J Pediatr Orthop
9. Bochang C, Jie Y, Zhigang W, et al: Immobilisation of forearm 10:167–171, 1990.
fractures in children. Extended versus flexed elbow. J Bone 27. Yuan PS, Pring ME, Gaynor TP, et al: Compartment syndrome
Joint Surg Br 87:994–996, 2005. following intramedullary fixation of pediatric forearm
10. Shaer JA, Smith B, Turco VJ: Mid-third forearm fractures in chil- fractures. J Pediatr Orthop 24:370–375, 2004.
dren: An unorthodox treatment. Am J Orthop 28:60–63, 1999. 28. Kapoor V, Theruvil B, Edwards SE, et al: Flexible intramedul-
11. Walker JL, Rang M: Forearm fractures in children. Cast treatment lary nailing of displaced diaphyseal forearm fractures in
with the elbow extended. J Bone Joint Surg Br 73:299–301, 1991. children. Injury 36:1221–1225, 2005.
12. Bohm ER, Bubbar V, Yong Hing K, Dzus A: Above and below- 29. Majed A, Baco AM: Nancy nail versus intramedullary-wire
the-elbow plaster casts for distal forearm fractures in chil- fixation of paediatric forearm fractures. J Pediatr Orthop B
dren. A randomized controlled trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am 16:129–132, 2007.
88:1–8, 2006. 30. Calder PR, Achan P, Barry M: Diaphyseal forearm fractures
13. Webb GR, Galpin RD, Armstrong DG: Comparison of short in children treated with intramedullary fixation: Outcome of
and long arm plaster casts for displaced fractures in the K-wire versus elastic stable intramedullary nail. Injury
distal third of the forearm in children. J Bone Joint Surg Am 34:278–282, 2003.
88:9–17, 2006. 31. Fernandez FF, et al: Unstable diaphyseal fractures of both
14. Luhmann JD, et al: A randomized comparison of nitrous ox- bones of the forearm in children: Plate fixation versus intra-
ide plus hematoma block versus ketamine plus midazolam medullary nailing. Injury 36:1210–1216, 2005.
for emergency department forearm fracture reduction in chil- 32. Van der Reis WL, et al: Intramedullary nailing versus plate
dren. Pediatrics 118:e1078–e1086, 2006. fixation for unstable forearm fractures in children. J Pediatr
15. Evans JK, et al: Analgesia for the reduction of fractures in Orthop 18:9–13, 1998.
children: A comparison of nitrous oxide with intramuscular
sedation. J Pediatr Orthop 15:73–77, 1995.
Chapter How Should We Treat Elbow

27 Fractures in Children?

Fractures of the child’s elbow are a touchstone of

pediatric orthopedics, and often the heaviest con- SUPRACONDYLAR FRACTURES: ACUTE TREATMENT
tributor to operative emergency lists. The relatively Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning
low level of evidence in the literature belies a rela-
tively large clinical load, a high level of comfort, and Level III evidence has been instrumental in defining
confidence among pediatric orthopedic surgeons, closed reduction and percutaneous pinning as the
and fulfilled high expectations of good results from current treatment for displaced supracondylar frac-
patients. Many principles and tenets of pediatric tures. The first such comparative study, in 1979 by
orthopedic practice have not been tested or proved Prietto,2 retrospectively compared 27 patients treated
scientifically, and many never will be. For example, with Dunlop’s traction (at one hospital) with 20 pa-
the common practice of closed reduction and pin- tients treated with closed reduction and percutane-
ning for displaced supracondylar fractures is based ous pin fixation. Clinical “gunstock” varus malunion
on Level III evidence1; yet, there is little expectation occurred in 9 of 27 patients treated with traction
that Level I or II evidence comparing pinning with (33%) and 1 of 20 patients with percutaneous pinning
flexion strapping or casting is desirable or forth- (5%). Mean hospital stay was 17 days for the traction
coming, the latter treatment methods having been group and 3 for the pinned group. Complications
largely abandoned. Is there a problem with this? were low, and functional results were good in each
Perhaps there is. group.
Pediatric orthopedic surgeons view the world A much larger retrospective comparative study
from their own perspective. In urban centers in (Level III evidence) was published in 1988.1 A total of
North America, a high likelihood exists that many 325 patients with displaced extension supracondy-
children will have access to a pediatric orthopedic lar fractures were treated by 1 of 4 methods, and 230
surgeon for the primary care of selected fractures, returned for late review. Treatments compared were
including many operative elbow traumas. Outside closed reduction and casting (130), closed reduction
this setting, primary fracture care is undertaken by and percutaneous K-wire fixation (78), traction (15),
general orthopedic surgeons. Childhood fractures or open reduction and internal fixation (7). Among
are so common that appropriate care of the injured 130 patients initially treated with a flexion cast, 29
child, globally speaking, must not rely on the pedi- had the treatment discontinued because of problems
atric orthopedic surgeon. The decisions to be made with forearm circulation; 14 had varus malunion, of
in the care of children’s fractures should be able to whom 8 had osteotomies, 6 had loss of motion, and
be made by any trained surgeon with access to the 1 experienced development of a Volkmann’s isch-
literature. emic contracture. Among 78 patients treated with
This chapter considers the English language lit- K wires primarily plus 18 converted from casting to
erature describing management of fractures around K-wire fixation, there were 3 varus malunions, of
the child’s elbow. It does not adhere strictly to a whom 1 had an osteotomy, 2 had loss of motion, and
“level of evidence” hierarchy because I believe no patients had ischemia of muscle, although several
that a large, carefully done, retrospective study had an initially absent radial pulse with an otherwise
can be deservedly more influential in practice well-perfused hand. Pin placement was crossed me-
than a small randomized trial with methodologic dial and lateral pins in 47, and 2 lateral pins in
problems—not that either represents the ideal. 49 patients. No pin-related nerve complications with
Specifically, I have intended to comment on all ran- either placement were reported, and there were two
domized or prospective (Level I or II) evidence re- superficial pin infections. About 78% of patients in
lated to the topic, have selectively included retro- the pinning group had both the carrying angle and
spective comparative (Level III) or case series range of motion within five degrees of the contralat-
(Level IV) evidence where I believe it makes an eral side at final follow-up; this was true of only 51%
important contribution, and have ignored large of the patients in the group treated with casts. The
volumes of Level III zand IV evidence, which I do series was neither randomized nor prospective, and
not use in my practice. only 230 of 325 potential patients returned for a late

Elbow Fractures in Children 189

review. Among those reviewed, the outcomes were small relative to the expected outcome rate, and be-
much better and the complication rates lower in the cause one of the studies had a high complication rate
closed reduction and percutaneous pinning group, inconsistent with the rest of the literature.
and this remains the best available evidence sup- One Level III retrospective study used a case–control
porting this practice. In summary, a large, well-done, design to analyze anatomic details of the medial pin
retrospective cohort study (Level III evidence) sup- placement comparing 18 patients with ulnar nerve in-
ports closed reduction and percutaneous pinning of jury with 72 patients without injury.10 The medial pin
all displaced supracondylar fractures over closed was inserted with much more anterior to posterior an-
reduction and plaster immobilization. gulation (12.1 ± 11.7 degrees) in the group with ulnar
nerve injuries compared with the group without (1.6 ±
11.0 degrees). Although this article gives some guid-
Crossed Pins or Lateral Entry Pins ance on how to place a medial pin, the authors mention
in the discussion that they have abandoned routine use
A large retrospective series (Level III evidence) was of the medial pin in favor of lateral entry pinning, which
published in 20013 comparing the results of lateral pins was not discussed.
versus crossed pins in 345 displaced extension-type A final Level III retrospective study used a case–
supracondylar fractures. The configuration of the pins control design comparing 8 fractures that lost fixa-
did not affect the maintenance of reduction. Fracture tion with 271 that remained well reduced.11 In each
displacement was noted on 4% (4/103) of radiographs case with lost fixation, a technical error of initial pin
where lateral pins were used, 3% (4/120) where crossed placement was (retrospectively) identified: single
pins were applied without hyperflexion, and 2% (1/58) pins in the distal fragment, lack of bicortical pur-
where crossed pins were applied with hyperflexion. chase, and lack of 2 mm separation of pins at the
Ulnar nerve injury was not seen in the 125 patients in fracture site.
whom only lateral pins were used. The use of a medial Although a larger Level I study could be suggested,
pin was associated with ulnar nerve injury in 4% (6) of a practical interpretation of the current literature is
149 patients in whom the pin was applied without hy- that lateral pinning is preferred (based on Level III
perflexion of the elbow and in 15% (11) of 71 in whom and IV evidence and one good but small Level I
the medial pin was applied with the elbow hyperflexed. study) because the loss of reduction is low in large,
Because the maintenance of reduction was equal with prospective, consecutive and retrospective, compar-
lateral or crossed pins, but the ulnar nerve injury rate ative series, and because we may value prevention of
was greater with crossed pins, the authors conclude iatrogenic nerve injuries more highly than reduction
that lateral pins alone provide adequate fixation. Two of a low malunion rate.
smaller Level III comparative studies had reached this
conclusion previously.4,5 A subsequent prospective
Level IV study6 reports on 124 consecutive unselected Open Reduction versus Closed Reduction
displaced supracondylar fractures with no loss of re-
duction and no nerve injuries using lateral entry pins Open reduction has been used selectively for closed
only, 2 pins for more stable, and 3 pins for less stable supracondylar fractures that are “irreducible” and are
fracture patterns. mentioned in many series, but with no standard defini-
Two Level I studies (prospective, randomized tri- tion of “irreducible” or indeed of an acceptable reduc-
als) have since been performed addressing the ques- tion, it is difficult to judge what is being compared. One
tion of lateral pins versus crossed pins.7,8 Both trials article12 compares a policy of primary open reduction
were small. The first trial, with good methodologic of 44 consecutive patients with a policy of closed re-
quality, found no differences in minor loss of reduc- duction and pinning in 55 subsequent patients treated
tion (1/24 crossed, 6/28 lateral), ulnar nerve injury at the same institution (Level III evidence). Although
(none), or major loss of reduction (none).7 The sec- the open reduction group was observed longer (35 vs.
ond trial, with less complete description of the meth- 21 months), more patients in the open reduction group
odologic issues, had 5 ulnar nerve injuries among were stiff at final follow-up examination (38%) than in
34 patients with crossed pins, and 2 ulnar nerve and the closed reduction group (20%), defining stiffness as
1 radial nerve injuries among 32 patients with lateral 10 degrees or more loss of motion compared with the
entry pins.8 Although these are Level I studies, which other side. No differences were reported in infections
remove selection bias, the small number of patients (three open, two closed) or ulnar nerve lesions (two
does not allow a precise estimation of the rate of rare open, two closed). The authors conclude that closed
events such as nerve injuries or loss of reduction. A reduction with percutaneous pinning is preferable to a
systematic review pooling all data from previously routine policy of open reduction.
published case and comparative series reports an
iatrogenic nerve injury rate of 1.9% for lateral entry
pins and 3.5% for crossed pins (among 1909 patients), Flexion Supracondylar Fractures
and a loss of reduction rate of 0.7% for lateral entry
pins and 0% for crossed pins (among 1455 patients).9 Flexion supracondylar fractures are much less com-
Evidence from the Level I studies alone is insufficient mon than extension-type injuries and have been
to decide about treatment because the series are thought to be less stable and more difficult to reduce
190 Pediatric Topics

because the posterior periosteum is torn at the frac- good outcome in another, and the fate of repaired
ture site with a flexion injury. A retrospective com- vessels (restenosis) described in the third series, on
parative cohort (Level III) from a single center found balance, allows a conclusion that currently the pulsel-
the rate of flexion injuries to be 3%, and reported ess, pink hand should be treated by observation, with
31% open reductions for flexion injuries compared vascular interventions reserved for cold, white hands.
with 10% for extension injuries and 19% preoperative This conclusion is based on Level IV evidence.
ulnar nerve symptoms for flexion injuries compared
with 3% for extension injuries.13
Timing of Treatment

Pulseless Hand Several retrospective cohort studies (Level III evi-

dence) have compared early (!8 hours after presen-
Two case series from 1996 drew opposite conclu- tation) versus late ("8 hours after presentation)
sions from similar clinical material regarding the treatment of closed supracondylar fractures without
pulseless pink hand. The first was a case series of vascular compromise. The first of these was pub-
seven patients with a pulseless arm, all of whom had lished in 200117 and showed no difference in compli-
a “seemingly viable” hand after closed reduction and cations, no compartment syndromes in either group,
pinning, were treated by arterial exploration with and equal low rates of conversion to open reduction,
vein grafting3 or microdissection vessel mobiliza- pin infections, and iatrogenic nerve injuries among
tion,4 and did well at follow-up.14 The authors of this 52 patients treated at less than 8 hours compared
first study recommend routine arterial exploration with 146 patients treated at more than 8 hours. The
and repair for a pulseless but viable hand. recommendation from the article was that treatment
A larger case series of 22 children with a supracon- of closed supracondylar fractures without vascular
dylar fracture and an absent radial pulse on admis- compromise could be delayed beyond 8 hours with-
sion included 15 with a well-perfused hand after out compromising patient outcome. Similar findings
closed reduction and K-wire fixation, of whom 5 had and conclusions came from subsequent Level III stud-
no radial pulse. All patients with a well-perfused hand ies18,19 showing no differences in position at healing
were treated with observation, including the five either. A single Level III study drew the opposite
without a pulse, and none had any clinical circulatory conclusion comparing 126 patients treated less than
problems at follow-up examination. Seven patients 8 hours after presentation who had an 11.2% open
who had a cold white hand after closed reduction of reduction rate, with 45 patients treated more than
the fracture underwent arterial exploration with or 8 hours after presentation who had a 33% open reduc-
without repair. The authors conclude that routine tion rate.20 The overall open reduction rate in the
exploration of the brachial artery is unnecessary in latter article is much greater than that suggested in
the circumstance of a pink, perfused hand with an the general literature; without well-defined criteria
absent radial pulse after closed treatment of a supra- for performing an open reduction, it is an imperfect
condylar fracture.15 measure of outcome. In summary, the balance of the
One year later, a case series of 13 patients with Level III evidence suggests that patients with closed
pulseless, pink hands treated by closed with or with- fractures without vascular compromise have equiva-
out open10 reductions and various vascular treat- lent outcomes whether the surgery is performed
ments including vein patch angioplasty4 was pub- immediately or is delayed beyond 8 hours after
lished and included more information on the fate of presentation.
the vessel using follow-up magnetic resonance angi-
ography. Late magnetic resonance angiograms ob-
tained on 10 patients showed occlusion or restenosis Physical Therapy
at the brachial artery in 5 patients, including 2 of
3 who had had a successful vein patch. Collateral A randomized study with blinded outcome assess-
flow was excellent in all arms with brachial artery ment (Level I) compared 22 patients treated with
compromise on magnetic resonance angiography, all physiotherapy (30 minutes 3 times per week, passive
patients had a palpable radial pulse on follow-up ex- stretching plus active exercises) with 21 patients not
amination, and no patient had claudication or cold receiving physiotherapy. There was about 10 degrees
intolerance. Based on this experience, the authors more flexion-extension range at 12 and 18 weeks in
recommend close observation instead of immediate the physiotherapy group, but no difference at 1 year.
invasive treatment for pink, viable hands without a The authors conclude that postoperative physical
radial pulse after reduction because regardless of therapy is unnecessary for routine care.21
repairing the vessel in the short term, arms were reli-
ant on collateral circulation over the long term any-
way, and none had poor clinically results.16 VARUS MALUNIONS OF SUPRACONDYLAR FRACTURES
The pulseless, pink hand is rare enough that case
series (Level IV) evidence is all that is present in the The most common late complication of supracondy-
literature. Although routine exploration had a good lar fractures treated surgically is varus malunion, also
outcome in one series, observation had an equally known as “gunstock” deformity for its characteristic
Elbow Fractures in Children 191

appearance. The deformity occurs readily in un- more sensitive than a plain anteroposterior radio-
treated fractures because the narrow fracture surface graph at detecting displacement in 30 of 54 pa-
seen on the lateral means instability with any rota- tients.24 Both sonography and magnetic resonance
tion, and the tendency is for the distal fragment to imaging (MRI) have been suggested as adjuncts to
internally rotate, then tip into varus. A variety of os- plain radiographs, particularly where plain radio-
teotomies has been described to treat the cosmetic graphs show minimal or no displacement. In this
deformity of a supracondylar fracture healed in varus, circumstance, a fracture with an intact articular
and two comparative studies describe the results of cartilage hinge might be treated with immobiliza-
these osteotomies. tion, whereas a complete fracture might be treated
The first study describes itself as a randomized with percutaneous pinning. High-resolution sonog-
trial,22 but patients were treated with one of two raphy showed intact cartilage hinge in four of six
osteotomies in alternation, so true randomization patients, none of whom had subsequent displace-
did not occur and the study is best categorized as ment on plain radiographs after nonoperative man-
Level II evidence. Treatments compared were the agement, and showed fracture through the joint
French technique and a dome osteotomy. The cartilage in two of six children with confirmation
French technique used a lateral closing wedge oste- by MRI or intraoperative findings.25 A larger study
otomy with an intact medial hinge that was closed used MRI on 16 patients, 12 of whom had plain ra-
by tightening a wire around unicortical screws diograph displacement of less than 3 mm. Of those
above and below the osteotomy. The dome osteot- 12 patients, 10 had intact joint cartilage on MRI, and
omy was complete and was stabilized temporarily none displaced; 2 had broken joint cartilage, and
with an external fixator, then definitively with 1 displaced. The authors conclude that MRI was
crossed Kirschner wires. Both osteotomies ade- useful in identifying stable fracture patterns with
quately corrected the carrying angle and had simi- intact joint cartilage.26 Similar use of the MRI had
lar cosmetic results. Complications were greater in been reported previously.27 In conclusion, Level II
the dome group. Elbow stiffness was seen in 2 of evidence exists that internal oblique radiographs
13 patients with the French osteotomy and 5 of 12 are more sensitive at detecting displacement than
with the dome. Correction was reported as inade- anteroposterior radiographs. For undisplaced frac-
quate in 2 of 13 patients with the French osteotomy tures, Level IV evidence has been reported that MRI
and 1 of 12 with the dome. The dome group also had is useful in confirming an intact joint cartilage, in
one infection, one nerve palsy, and one vascular which case the fracture would not be expected to
complication. The authors report that the dome displace with immobilization alone.
osteotomy was more technically difficult and had a
greater complication rate, and recommended use of
the French technique. Undisplaced or Minimally Displaced Fractures
A prior Level III study had compared the French
technique with fixation with Kirschner wires or a A retrospective, comparative series (Level III evi-
plaster cast and had reported better cosmetic re- dence) describes 30 fractures with initial displace-
sults and fewer complications with the French tech- ment of less than 2 mm, of which 17 were treated in
nique,23 although numbers were small in all groups. a long arm cast and 13 were treated with closed or
In summary, Level II and III evidence supports the open K-wire stabilization.28 Of 17 treated in a cast,
use of the French technique of supracondylar oste- 5 displaced, 4 of these required later surgery, and
otomy to treat varus malunion. at final follow-up, there were 2 nonunions and
2 malunions. Of the 13 patients treated operatively,
2 lost reduction and had malunions; there were no
A larger case series (Level IV) reported on 95 frac-
Acute treatment of lateral condyle fractures is based tures treated without surgery for initial displacements
on the fact that this fracture can go on to nonunion if less than 2 mm; 93 healed with plaster immobilization,
left untreated; however, this is rare for children’s and 2 displaced and were treated with open K-wires
fractures. A chronic nonunion of the lateral humeral and healed.29
epicondyle can lead to progressive valgus deformity It is difficult to reconcile a larger case series with
of the elbow and a delayed-onset (many years) ulnar almost uniformly good outcome from immobilization
nerve palsy. of minimally displaced fractures and a smaller retro-
spective comparative study with better results after
operative stabilization of minimally displaced frac-
Diagnosis of Displacement tures. The treatment articles did not use MRI to diag-
nose the potentially stable fractures as suggested in
The degree of fracture displacement is considered the diagnostic literature; perhaps subsequent arti-
important in the treatment of lateral condyle frac- cles that base treatment decisions on more sophisti-
tures but can be difficult to judge on plain radio- cated diagnostic techniques will allow differentiation
graphs. A prospective cohort (Level II evidence) of the potentially unstable fracture and will resolve
showed that the internal oblique radiograph was the controversy.
192 Pediatric Topics

Displaced Fractures nonunion, the functional results suggest that nonop-

erative management was recommended for medial
The retrospective comparative series described ear- epicondyle fractures displaced 5 to 15 mm. Excision
lier (Level III evidence)28 included 67 displaced frac- of the fragment should be avoided because results
tures, of which 10 were treated without surgery despite are poor.32
an initial displacement of 2 mm or more. These 10 frac- A second retrospective comparative study (Level
tures had been initially deemed undisplaced or mini- III evidence) reviewed 43 children 2 to 5 years after
mally displaced by the treating surgeons but were re- open23 or closed20 management of displaced medial
classified as displaced more than 2 mm on review. Of epicondyle fractures and also concluded that closed
these 10, 4 displaced farther and 2 were treated with management was preferred. Bony union was seen in
surgery; at healing, 5 healed adequately, 3 were non- 87% of those treated surgically and 55% of those
unions, and 2 were malunited. By comparison, among treated closed, but 39% of those treated surgically
the other 57 displaced fractures initially treated with had ongoing symptoms (pain, stiffness) at the elbow
surgery, 4 displaced, 1 was revised, and 5 malunions at medium-term follow-up compared with 5% of those
and no nonunions occurred. treated without surgery.33
A retrospective comparison of the clinical and ra- In summary, the comparative series show better
diographic outcomes after open reduction compared results for those patients treated without surgery,
12 displaced fractures with anatomic position after but the evidence is only Level III (retrospective), and
treatment with 10 with 2 to 6 mm of residual displace- given the strong possibility of selection bias (i.e.,
ment.30 Among 10 patients with residual displace- operations performed more often for patients in a
ment, 9 experienced development of a radiographic poorer prognostic group to begin with), it is entirely
“fishtail” deformity indicating growth disturbance in possible, though unproven, that there is a group of
the central physis, and 2 had marked restriction of patients who may benefit from open management.
flexion/extension. Among 12 with anatomic reduc-
tion, there were no radiographic deformities seen and
A larger case series (Level IV evidence) showed
1 nonunion among 104 displaced lateral condyle Radial neck fractures best exemplify the pervasive
fractures treated with open reduction and 3 weeks selection bias in operative versus nonoperative ret-
of K-wire immobilization,31 suggesting that this time rospective cohorts. In 1978, a retrospective cohort
period is adequate for healing of operatively stabi- (Level III evidence) observed 43 children with radial
lized fractures. Although the evidence is of lower neck fractures for 8 years (range, 1–18 years).34
quality, a consistent recommendation for accurate Among 23 patients treated without surgery, 19 had a
reduction and K-wire immobilization of displaced “good” outcome, and among 14 treated with surgery,
lateral condyle fractures can be made. only 5 had a “good” outcome. However, among those
treated without surgery, only 1 had an initial dis-
placement greater than 60 degrees, whereas among
MEDIAL EPICONDYLE FRACTURES: ACUTE TREATMENT 14 treated with surgery, 7 had an initial displacement
greater than 60 degrees.34 Such a cohort allows us to
Controversy exists regarding whether medial epicon- recommend nonoperative treatment for less severe
dyle fractures require operative reduction and stabi- fractures but does not help with treatment decisions
lization, or whether they can be treated closed. Most on more severe fractures because we do not know
authors consider a medial epicondyle irreducibly whether to ascribe the bad outcomes to the severity
trapped within the joint as a definite indication for of the fracture or to the operative intervention.
open reduction. Beyond that, disagreement exists A later retrospective cohort study (Level III evi-
regarding what degree of displacement (if any) war- dence) reported on 100 patients treated by immobili-
rants open reduction and internal fixation. zation, closed reduction, or open reduction, and
A long-term comparative series (level III evidence) again found a disappointingly large number of pain-
compared three treatments: closed treatment, open ful, stiff elbows among those treated with open re-
reduction and internal fixation, and primary exci- ductions compared with better results with closed
sion of the epicondyle. Follow-up periods averaged reduction or no reduction.35 Again, this cohort can
33 years (30–61 years). Among 19 patients treated only suggest how to treat the less severe fractures
with long arm casting, 17 had a nonunion radio- because the poor results in the more severe frac-
graphically. All had stable elbows to valgus stress tures may be related to the severity of the injury or
testing, and two had minor symptoms related to the to the operation itself.
elbow. Among 17 patients treated with open reduc- Avoiding open dissection of this fracture avoids
tion and internal fixation, all had radiographic union, both capsular stiffness and potential damage to the
all were stable, and three had minor symptoms. blood supply of the radial head; thus, recent litera-
Among six patients treated with excision of the epi- ture has focused on operative reduction and fixa-
condylar fragment, four had constant pain, ulnar tion techniques for severely displaced fractures
paraesthesias, and an unstable elbow. The authors that avoid incisions and capsular dissections where
conclude that despite a high rate of radiographic possible.
Elbow Fractures in Children 193

TABLE 27–1. Summary of Recommendations


Supracondylar Fractures
Closed reduction and lateral entry percutaneous pinning is acceptable initial treatment for A 7
displaced supracondylar fractures.
Closed reduction and lateral entry percutaneous pinning is the preferred initial treatment B, C 1, 3–6
for displaced supracondylar fractures.
A viable, pulseless hand after closed reduction and percutaneous pinning can be treated by C 15, 16
observation rather than routine arterial exploration.
Surgical treatment of closed supracondylar fractures without vascular compromise may be B 17–19
delayed 8 hours or more after presentation without increasing complications.
Varus malunion after supracondylar fracture is best treated with the French osteotomy. B 22, 23
Lateral Condyle Fractures
Cast treatment or percutaneous pinning can be used for undisplaced lateral condyle B, C 28, 29
Accurate open reduction and pinning is the preferred treatment for displaced lateral condyle B, C 28, 30, 31
Medial Epicondyle Fractures
Displaced medial epicondyle fractures treated operatively have a greater rate of fracture B (probable 32, 33
union and a greater rate of pain, stiffness, or other symptoms compared with those selection bias)
treated without surgery.
Radial Neck Fractures
Radial neck fractures treated by no reduction or closed reduction have less pain, stiffness, B (probable 34, 35
and complications than those treated by open reductions. selection bias)
Most displaced radial neck fractures can be successfully reduced by percutaneous K-wire C 36
Displaced radial neck fractures that can be reduced by closed or percutaneous techniques C 37, 38
can be stabilized by intramedullary titanium nails with good outcomes.

In 1992, a case series (Level IV evidence) of 36 con- reduction and pinning as the main treatment for su-
secutive fractures displaced more than 30 degrees pracondylar fractures, or open reduction and pin-
reported 33 successful reductions using a percutane- ning as the main treatment for displaced lateral con-
ous K-wire technique, of which 31 had full motion at dyle fractures. The current state of the literature,
follow-up examination.36 No internal fixation was however, does not allow us to confidently assert
used to maintain the reduction. Subsequent case se- whether pinning or cast treatment is better for undis-
ries combining closed or percutaneous reduction placed lateral condyle fractures, which are common.
with stabilization by a flexible intramedullary nail In addition, displaced medial epicondyle fractures
introduced through the distal radial metaphysic have may be treated open or closed depending on the
reported similarly good results.37,38 The consensus in trade-off between radiographic union and residual
the recent literature indicates that closed or percuta- symptoms. The literature regarding treatment of ra-
neous reduction techniques, perhaps supplemented dial neck fractures is fraught with bias. However, it is
by intramedullary fixation, generally gives good re- fairly clear that avoiding open operations is likely to
sults where it is possible. The bias in the recent litera- lead to better patient outcomes. More recent litera-
ture is that the cases are selected and reported ture arms us with percutaneous reduction and fixa-
based on the success of the technique; therefore, al- tion techniques that have good results when they
though we may be whittling away at the group of can be applied successfully. Little in the literature
potential bad outcomes with perhaps a more sophis- addresses the preferred treatment of pediatric elbow
ticated set of tools, we still have little information trauma in settings devoid of c-arms and Kirschner
about the results of all badly displaced fractures, in- wires, even though such settings are the reality of
cluding those (if any) that cannot be reduced by the most of the children in the world.
means described. Furthermore, the case series de-
scribed earlier cannot inform us when, if ever, intra-
medullary fixation is required to supplement closed
or percutaneous reduction. REFERENCES
1. Pirone AM, Graham HK, Krajbich JI: Management of displaced
extension-type supracondylar fractures of the humerus in
children. J Bone Joint Surg Am 70:641–650, 1988.
SUMMARY 2. Prietto CA: Supracondylar fractures of the humerus. A compar-
ative study of Dunlop’s traction versus percutaneous pinning.
Table 27–1 summarizes the literature on elbow frac- J Bone Joint Surg Am 61:425–428, 1979.
tures around common clinical presentations or ques- 3. Skaggs DL, Hale JM, Bassett J, et al: Operative treatment of
tions. Little controversy exists surrounding closed supracondylar fractures of the humerus in children.
194 Pediatric Topics

The consequences of pin placement. J Bone Joint Surg Am 20. Walmsley PJ, Kelly MB, Robb JE, et al: Delay increases the
83-A:735–740, 2001. need for open reduction of type-III supracondylar fractures of
4. France J, Strong M: Deformity and function in supracondylar the humerus. J Bone Joint Surg Br 88:528–530, 2006.
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5. Topping RE, Blanco JS, Davis TJ: Clinical evaluation of 22. Kumar K, Sharma R, Maffulli N: Correction of cubitus varus by
crossed-pin versus lateral-pin fixation in displaced supracon- French or dome osteotomy: A comparative study. J Trauma
dylar humerus fractures. J Pediatr Orthop 15:435–439, 1995. 49:717–721, 2000.
6. Skaggs DL, Cluck MW, Mostofi A, et al: Lateral-entry pin fixa- 23. Bellemore MC, Barrett IR, Middleton RW, et al: Supracondylar
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pared with medial and lateral entry pin fixation for completely graphs for diagnosis of nondisplaced or minimally displaced
displaced supracondylar humeral fractures in children. A ran- lateral condylar fractures of the humerus in children. J Bone
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9. Brauer CA, Lee BM, Bae DS, et al: A systematic review of me- 26. Horn BD, Herman MJ, Crisci K, et al: Fractures of the lateral
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Orthop 25:45–50, 2005.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

28 for Femoral Fractures?


Pediatric femoral shaft fractures are among the most infants who present with femoral fractures of exces-
common injuries treated by the orthopedic surgeon. sive shortening or angulation.7 A Pavlik harness fa-
These fractures represent 1.6% of all bony injuries in cilitates skin care but does not offer the pain relief of
children,1–3 with the majority healing without any full immobilization in a spica cast.
long-term sequelae. A review of recent literature il- For children 6 months to 4 years of age, immediate
lustrates that abuse and falls represent the most (or early) spica casting is the method of choice for
common mechanisms of injury for femoral fractures femoral fractures with less than 2 cm of initial short-
in children 4 years of age and younger. In children ening. Children in this age group with greater than
older than 11 years, the femoral shaft is much stron- 2 cm of initial shortening may require 3 to 10 days of
ger, so fracture is more often caused by high-energy skeletal traction followed by spica casting.7 In rare
injuries, such as motor vehicle accidents or gunshot cases, external fixation and flexible intramedullary
wounds.2,4–6 nailing (FIN) are used in this age group.
Initial evaluation includes a comprehensive his- For children 4 to 11 years old, many treatment meth-
tory and physical examination evaluating for the ods can be used, based on the surgeons’ preference,
presence of swelling, instability, and/or tenderness. fracture type, and family’s wishes. Treatment options
Imaging begins with anteroposterior and lateral ra- include early spica casting, skeletal traction followed
diographs of the entire femur, as well as views of the by spica casting, FIN, plate fixation, solid antegrade
hip and knee. Rarely, a bone scan or magnetic reso- nailing, and external fixation.7 The optimal treatment
nance imaging is valuable, such as in the diagnosis of for femur fractures in this 4- to 11-year-old age group is
stress fractures.7 based on the nature of the injury, the character of the
fracture, the skeletal maturity, the patient’s weight, and
the experience and skill of the surgeon with a given
OVERVIEW treatment method.
Children 11 years of age to skeletal maturity re-
Femoral fractures are often separated into three quire maximum fixation strength whereas avoiding
broad categories according to the geographic loca- avascular necrosis or growth arrest. Treatment op-
tion of the fracture, which include proximal femur tions include FIN, plating, locked intramedullary
fractures, femoral shaft fractures, and supracondy- nails, and external fixation.7 Rigid, locked intramed-
lar femur fractures. The character of the fracture ullary nailing utilizes a trochanteric starting point
can also be classified based on its appearance: and is popular particularly in those children who are
(1) transverse, spiral, or oblique; (2) comminuted or closer to skeletal maturity. Submuscular plating is
noncomminuted; and (3) open or closed.7 The na- becoming increasingly popular for this age group.
ture of the injury, the character of the fracture, the Traction followed by spica casting, which was a stan-
child’s age, and the amount of soft-tissue involve- dard treatment in the 1990s, is rarely used for this
ment are important factors that ultimately influence age group today (Fig. 28–1).8
treatment options.
Treatment options may be divided into traction/
casting versus operative fixation management with EVIDENCE
the decision ultimately based on the child’s age, Six Months to 4 Years
weight, and fracture stability. Closed reduction and
casting is the treatment of choice in younger chil- Several studies have shown that both the Pavlik
dren, whereas fixation is used for older patients harness (younger than 6 months) and spica casting
(Table 28–1). (6 months to 4 years of age) are acceptable treatment
In infants (birth to 6 months old), a stable proxi- options (Table 28–2). A retrospective study (Level III
mal or midshaft femoral fracture can be treated with evidence) of 40 patients by Podeszwa and colleagues9
a simple splint or Pavlik harness. An infant with an compared application of the Pavlik harness versus
unstable femoral fracture may need a Pavlik harness spica casting for the treatment of children younger
with a splint around the thigh to provide extra sup- than 1 year. No difference was found in radiographic
port. Immediate spica casting may be required in outcomes, but approximately one third of all spica

196 Pediatric Topics

TABLE 28–1. Treatment Options for Pediatric Femoral Shaft TABLE 28–2. Table of Recommendations
Fractures GRADE OF

Younger than 6 months Pavlik harness Podeszwa et al.9 III B

Immediate spica casting Buckley10 III B
6 months to 4 years Immediate spica casting Allen et al.11 IV C
Skeletal traction followed by Wright12 II B
spica casting Bar-On et al.13 II B
4–11 years Skeletal traction followed by Barlas et al.14 III B
spica casting Caird et al.15 IV C
11 years to maturity Flexible intramedullary Ward et al.16 IV C
nailing Caglar et al.17 III B
Plating Sink et al.18 IV B
External fixation Kanlic et al.19 III B
Flexible intramedullary Buechsenschuetz et al.20 II B
nailing Flynn et al.21 II B
Plating Wright et al.22 I A
Locked intramedullary nailing Coyte et al.23 III B
External fixation Carey et al.24 III B
Aronson et al.25 IV C
Davis et al.26 IV C
Domb et al.27 II B
patients experienced development of a skin compli- Leet et al.28 III B
cation. The authors conclude that all children younger Moroz et al.29 III B
than 1 year with a femoral shaft fracture should
be considered for treatment with a Pavlik harness.9
Buckley10 reports the current trends in the treatment (level IV evidence case series, but with uniform out-
of femoral shaft fractures in children and adolescents. come).11 In a study comparing spica casting and skel-
By analyzing healthcare costs and the desire for early etal traction, Wright12 shows that early application of
discharge, he concludes that immediate hip spica a hip spica cast had lower costs and malunion rates
casting remains the optimum method of treatment for than traction (Level II evidence).
most children 4 years and younger (Level III evi-
dence). Allen and colleagues11 likewise recommend
immediate spica casting for femoral shaft fractures Four to 11 Years
in infants and children. They reviewed 55 femoral
shaft fractures in children treated by closed reduc- Femur fracture treatment for the 4- to 11-year-old age
tion and immediate application of a double hip spica group has been the most frequently studied cohort.
cast, and showed satisfactory results in all cases Bar-On and researchers13 prospectively reviewed ex-

High energy
Unstable pattern External fixation or plating
Multiple trauma
or head injury
Fracture stability and associated injuries

spica Rigid intramedullary
casting nail (trochanteric entry;
Flexible nailing depends on status of physis)
(Ender or titanium
elastic nails)

Pavlik harness


Low energy
Stable pattern
5 10 15
Age (yrs)
FIGURE 28–1. Treatment options for pediatric femoral fractures based on type of injury and patient age. (Adapted from
Flynn JM, Schwend RM: Management of pediatric femoral shaft fractures. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 12:347–359, 2004 with
permission of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.)
What Is the Best Treatment for Femoral Fractures? 197

ternal fixation versus FIN for the femoral shaft in better option than the traditional traction and casting
19 children aged 5.2 to 13.2 years with 20 fractures of for patients with femoral fractures (Level II).20 Flynn
the femoral shaft (Level II evidence). The FIN group and investigators21 have compared titanium elastic
showed much more callous formation, and the time nailing with traction and a spica cast. By prospec-
to full weight bearing, full range of movement, and tively following 83 patients, the results illustrate that
return to school were all shorter. Bar-On and re- children treated with titanium elastic nailing had
searchers13 conclude, “External fixation should be shorter hospitalization, walked with support sooner,
reserved for open or severely comminuted frac- walked independently sooner, and returned to school
tures.” Barlas and Beg14 similarly reviewed external earlier. These differences were significant (P ! 0.0001)
fixation and FIN in 40 children between 5.4 and 14.1 (Level II).
years of age. They also found an earlier return to External fixation has also been compared with
function in the FIN group with minimal complications casting. Wright and coauthors22 performed a multi-
(Level III evidence). Their recommendations further center prospective study comparing malunion rates
support the efficacy of FIN over external fixation for after external fixation and after early hip spica cast
patients in this age group.14 application. Their results illustrated that the rate of
Other techniques in the 4- to 11-year-old age group malunion was significantly greater in the spica group
including plating have also been evaluated. Caird than in the external fixator group 2 years after frac-
and coauthors15 reviewed open compression plating ture (Level I). Coyte and investigators,23 however,
and found 100% union rate in 60 children younger saw a greater expected total cost for patients and
than 16 years with minimal complications (Level IV). their families treated with external fixation as com-
Ward and coauthors16 likewise reviewed 25 children pared with those who were treated with an early hip
6 to 16 years old treated with plate fixation, and spica cast (Level III). Fifty percent of this difference
found 23 of 25 fractures to heal in 11 weeks, on aver- was attributable to the longer inpatient stays for pa-
age, with leg length discrepancy not being a clinical tients treated with an external fixation device.
problem (Level IV). Their indications for using this Other studies have focused on a single technique
technique include a severe head injury or associated separately. Carey and Galpin24 conclude that FIN
polytrauma. Caglar and colleagues17 compare com- seems to be a safe and effective method of treatment
pression plating and FIN in pediatric femoral shaft of femoral fractures for patients between 6 and
fractures. Their results illustrate that FIN provided a 12 years of age (Level IV). Aronson and Tursky,25
high union rate with a shorter operation time when however, examined external fixation and found prom-
compared with the patients treated with compres- ising results with this technique. Most patients re-
sion plating (Level III). turned to school by 4 weeks, and all had full knee
Sink and coworkers18 report the results of 27 pa- motion 6 weeks after fixator removal (Level IV).
tients treated with submuscular bridge plating for Davis and colleagues26 also conclude in their small
unstable femoral fractures (Level IV). No intraop- cohort (n " 14) that external fixation is an effective
erative or postoperative complications resulted. means of treating isolated femoral fractures in the
No instrumentation failure or loss of reduction was pediatric population (Level IV). A major disadvan-
seen, whereas early callus was seen by 6 to 8 weeks tage of external fixation is stress-shielding and re-
and stable bony union by 12 weeks in all patients. fracture. Domb and researchers27 hypothesize that
Sink and coworkers18 conclude, “Submuscular plat- the use of axial dynamization may improve the speed
ing is a reasonable option for operative stabiliza- and strength of callus formation. Looking at dynam-
tion of communited and unstable pediatric femoral ization versus static external fixation in 52 patients,
fractures.” Kanlic and researchers19 similarly repor- the author provide results that there was no differ-
ted the advantages of submuscular bridge plating. ence in healing or frequency of complications for
All 51 patients with an average age of 10 years had dynamic versus static external fixation techniques
fractures united with excellent clinical results (Level II) (Tables 28–3 and 28–4).
(Level IV). Kanlic and researchers19 conclude, “This
technique offers the advantage of adequate stabil-
ity for early functional treatment and predictable Areas of Uncertainty
healing with maintenance of length and alignment
for all pediatric femoral shaft fractures.” Age Group: 4 to 11 Years of Age. When treating a patient in
Other groups have compared nonoperative versus the 4 to 11 year age group, it is important to con-
operative management techniques. Buechsenschuetz sider the many available treatment options. FIN
and coworkers20 have examined traction and casting offers predictably excellent results in stable frac-
versus elastic stable intramedullary nailing. Cost anal- tures with ease and safety of implantation and re-
yses and a comparison of clinical/functional parame- moval. Trochanteric entry locked nailing and sub-
ters were done. No difference existed between the two muscular plating has gained some popularity,
groups for standard clinical/functional criteria. Elastic especially for length-unstable fractures. External
stable intramedullary nailing was associated with a fixation, and rarely traction and casting, still have
lower overall cost than traction and casting. The au- their place in this age group.
thors found that a lower cost and comparable clinical Larger and Older Children. Leet and coauthors28 illus-
outcome make elastic stable intramedullary nailing a trate that obese children have an increased rate of
198 Pediatric Topics

TABLE 28–3. Review of the Literature


Podeszwa et al.9 III 39 !1 year Pavlik harness vs. Pavlik harness

spica cast # Spica Cast for
all children
! 1 year of age
Buckley10 III N/A N/A Traction, spica cast, Each child must be
traction and spica individualized re-
casting, cast brace, garding treatment
ex fix, plate fix,
flexible IM rod, rigid
IM rod
Allen et al.11 IV 55 3 weeks Immediate spica cast Immediate spica
to 14 years cast # traction
Wright12 II N/A * All treatment methods Spica cast #
were reviewed traction
Bar-On et al.13 II 20 5.2–13.2 Ex fix vs. FIN FIN: fractures of
femoral shaft that
require surgery
Ex fix: open or se-
verely commu-
nited fractures
Barlas et al.14 III 40 5.4–14.1 FIN vs. ex fix FIN: fractures of
femoral shaft
which require
Ex fix: open or
severely commu-
nited fractures
Caird et al.15 IV 60 !16 years Compression plating Compression
Ward et al.16 IV 25 6–16 Compression plating Plate fix
Caglar et al.17 III 40 6–12 Compression plating FIN # plate fix
vs. FIN
Sink et al.18 IV 27 4–15 Submuscular bridge Submuscular bridge
plating plating for unsta-
ble pediatric fem-
oral fractures
Kanlic et al.19 III 51 3.8–15.5 Submuscular bridge Submuscular bridge
plating plating
Buechsenschuetz et al.20 II 71 * Traction and spica ESIN # traction and
casting vs. ESIN spica casting
Flynn et al.21 II 84 6–16 TEN vs. traction and TEN
spica cast
Wright et al.22 I 108 4–10 Ex fix vs. spica cast Higher rates of mal-
union in Spica
Cast# Ex Fix
Coyte et al.23 III * Ex fix vs. spica Ex fix: greater
treatment costs # spica
Carey et al.24 III 27 6–12 FIN FIN
Aronson et al.25 IV 44 2.5–17.8 Ex fix Ex fix
Davis et al.26 IV 15 3–13 Ex fix Ex fix
Domb et al.27 II 53 6–11 Dynamic vs. static Static ex fix
ex fix Dynamic ex fix:
no significant
effect on time to
Leet et al.28 III 104 6–14 Ex fix, IM rodding Parents of obese
children need
to be aware of
greater risk for
Moroz et al.29 III 234 3–18 TEN TEN
Weight of child
" important
factor in treat-
ment choice

*All children with femur fractures.

ESIN, elastic stable IM nailing; ex fix, external fixation; FIN, flexible intramedullary nailing; IM, intramedullary; plate fix, plate fixation; TEN, titanium elastic
What Is the Best Treatment for Femoral Fractures? 199

TABLE 28–4. Summary of Recommendations


1. Children younger than 1 year with a femoral shaft fracture should be considered III/B 9
for treatment with a Pavlik harness.
2. Immediate hip spica casting remains the optimum method of treatment for most III/B 10
children 4 years and younger.
3. Immediate spica casting for femoral shaft fractures is recommended in infants and IV/C 11
4. Early application of a hip spica cast has lower costs and malunion rates than II/B 12
5. External fixation should be reserved for open or severely comminuted fractures. II/B 13
6. Flexible intramedullary nailing is recommended over external fixation for pediatric III/B 14
7. Open compression plating is recommended for children younger than 16 years. IV/C 15
8. Plate fixation is recommended for children between 6 and 16 years old. IV/C 16
9. Flexible intramedullary nailing may have a high union rate with a shorter opera- III/B 17
tion time when compared with compression plating.
10. Submuscular plating is a reasonable option for operative stabilization of commu- IV/C 18
nited and unstable pediatric femoral fractures.
11. Submuscular plating offers the advantage of adequate stability for early functional III/B 19
12. Lower cost and comparable clinical outcome makes elastic stable intramedullary II/B 20
nailing a better option than the traditional traction and casting for patients with
femoral fractures.
13. Children treated with titanium elastic nailing have shorter hospitalization, walk II/B 21
with support sooner, walk independently sooner, and return to school earlier.
14. Early application of hip spica results in significantly greater rates of malunion I/A 22
2 years after the fracture as compared with external fixation for patients between
4 and 10 years of age.
15. There is a greater expected total cost for patients and their families treated with III/B 23
external fixation as compared with those who were treated with an early hip spica
16. Flexible intramedullary nailing seems to be a safe and effective method of III/B 24
treatment of femoral fractures for patients between 6 and 12 years of age.
17. External fixation is recommended to treat pediatric patients with femoral fractures. IV/C 25
18. External fixation is an effective means of treating isolated femoral fractures in the IV/C 26
pediatric population.
19. No difference exists in healing or frequency of complications for dynamic vs. static II/B 27
external fixation techniques.
20. Obese children have an increased rate of complications after surgical treatment of III/B 28
femoral shaft fractures as compared with children of normal body weight.
21. In patients treated with titanium elastic nailing, heavier children have a poorer III/B 29

complications after surgical treatment of femoral
shaft fractures as compared with children of nor- Currently, no guidelines from the American Academy
mal body weight. Moroz and colleagues29 have con- of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), Pediatric Ortho-
ducted a multicenter study between 1996 and 2003 paedic Society of North America (POSNA), or Ortho-
of 234 femur fractures treated by titanium elastic paedic Trauma Association (OTA) for treatment of
nailing. Although the outcome was excellent in the pediatric femur fractures have been published.
majority of the patients, 150 of 234 (65%) heavier
children were more likely to have a poor outcome.
In fact, a poor outcome was five times more likely
in children who weighed more than 49 kg (Level II). RECOMMENDATIONS
Both studies illustrate that the child’s weight is an In children 4 years or younger, early spica casting
important criteria in choosing an appropriate treat- yields satisfactory results, with low rates of mal-
ment option. union, shortening, and skin problems. There are
Removing Surgical Implants. Much debate remains about no surgical incisions, no risk for infection, and no
whether it is necessary to remove elastic nails, solid implants to remove. For this reason, spica casting
nails, or plates after the fracture has healed. No remains the standard of care for this age group.
strong evidence exists on either side; therefore, this The Pavlik harness remains an option for infants.
decision is currently based on the patient’s and
family’s wishes, as well as the surgeon’s preference. Continued
200 Pediatric Topics

spica casting for femur fractures in infants. J Pediatr Orthop

RECOMMENDATIONS—CONT’D 24:460–462, 2004.
10. Buckley SL: Current trends in the treatment of femoral shaft
For children 4 to 11 years old, length-stable fractures in children and adolescents. Clin Orthop Relat Res
fractures are best managed with elastic nailing in (338):60–73, 1997.
most cases. Some surgeons prefer submuscular 11. Allen BL Jr, Schoch EP 3rd, Emery FE: Immediate spica cast
plating for this group. Submuscular plates offer system for femoral shaft fractures in infants and children.
more stability, but the implants are harder to re- South Med J 71:18–22, 1978.
12. Wright JG: The treatment of femoral shaft fractures in chil-
move. For length-unstable fractures, submuscular dren: A systematic overview and critical appraisal of the lit-
plating and external fixation (depending on the erature. Can J Surg 43:180–189, 2000.
surgeon’s preference and experience) are proba- 13. Bar-On E, Sagiv S, Porat S: External fixation or flexible intra-
bly the best options in most cases. Elastic nailing medullary nailing for femoral shaft fractures in children.
A prospective, randomised study. J Bone Joint Surg Br 79:
can be used for length unstable fractures, espe- 975–978, 1997.
cially in smaller, younger patients, but supple- 14. Barlas K, Beg H: Flexible intramedullary nailing versus exter-
mentary cast immobilization may be necessary nal fixation of paediatric femoral fractures. Acta Orthop Belg
for a short period, and the risk for malunion is 72:159–163, 2006.
somewhat greater. Solid antegrade nailing can 15. Caird MS, Mueller KA, Puryear A, Farley FA: Compression
plating of pediatric femoral shaft fractures. J Pediatr Orthop
also be used in this group and is usually reserved 23:448–452, 2003.
for the older, heavier children. 16. Ward WT, Levy J, Kaye A: Compression plating for child and
For children and adolescents in the 11-year-old adolescent femur fractures. J Pediatr Orthop 12:626–632, 1992.
to skeletal maturity age group, solid antegrade 17. Caglar O, Aksoy MC, Yazici M, Surat A: Comparison of com-
pression plate and flexible intramedullary nail fixation in
nailing through the greater trochanteric and sub- pediatric femoral shaft fractures. J Pediatr Orthop B 15:
muscular plating may be the best option for most 210–214, 2006.
cases. Elastic nailing can be used in this age 18. Sink EL, Hedequist D, Morgan SJ, Hresko T: Results and tech-
group with caution, particularly if the fracture is nique of unstable pediatric femoral fractures treated with sub-
a length stable transverse fracture in a relatively muscular bridge plating. J Pediatr Orthop 26:177–181, 2006.
19. Kanlic EM, Anglen JO, Smith DG, et al: Advantages of submus-
small patient in this age group. External fixation cular bridge plating for complex pediatric femur fractures.
is rarely used, except in some fractures at the Clin Orthop Relat Res 426:244–251, 2004.
junction of the distal diaphysis and metaphysis. 20. Buechsenschuetz KE, Mehlman CT, Shaw KJ, et al: Femoral
Skeletally mature adolescents are treated with shaft fractures in children: Traction and casting versus elas-
tic stable intramedullary nailing. J Trauma 53:914–921, 2002.
solid antegrade or retrograde interlocking nails. 21. Flynn JM, Luedtke LM, Ganley TJ, et al: Comparison of tita-
nium elastic nails with traction and a spica cast to treat
femoral fractures in children. J Bone Joint Surg Am 86-A:
770–777, 2004.
REFERENCES 22. Wright JG, Wang EE, Owen JL, et al: Treatments for paediatric
femoral fractures: A randomised trial. Lancet 365:1153–1158,
1. Fry K, Hoffer MM, Brink J: Femoral shaft fractures in brain- 2005.
injured children. J Trauma 16:371–373, 1976. 23. Coyte PC, Bronskill SE, Hirji ZZ, et al: Economic evaluation of
2. Hedlund R, Lindgren U: The incidence of femoral shaft frac- 2 treatments for pediatric femoral shaft fractures. Clin Or-
tures in children and adolescents. J Pediatr Orthop 6:47–50, thop Relat Res (336):205–215, 1997.
1986. 24. Carey TP, Galpin RD: Flexible intramedullary nail fixation of pe-
3. Landin LA: Fracture patterns in children. Analysis of 8,682 diatric femoral fractures. Clin Orthop Relat Res 332:110–118,
fractures with special reference to incidence, etiology and 1996.
secular changes in a Swedish urban population 1950–1979. 25. Aronson J, Tursky EA: External fixation of femur fractures in
Acta Orthop Scand Suppl 202:1–109, 1983. children. J Pediatr Orthop 12:157–163, 1992.
4. Blakemore LC, Loder RT, Hensinger RN: Role of intentional 26. Davis TJ, Topping RE, Blanco JS: External fixation of pediatric
abuse in children 1 to 5 years old with isolated femoral shaft femoral fractures. Clin Orthop Relat Res (318):191–198, 1995.
fractures. J Pediatr Orthop 16:585–588, 1996. 27. Domb BG, Sponseller PD, Ain M, Miller NH: Comparison of
5. Daly KE, Calvert PT: Accidental femoral fracture in infants. In- dynamic versus static external fixation for pediatric femur
jury 22:337–338, 1991. fractures. J Pediatr Orthop 22:428–430, 2002.
6. Loder RT: Pediatric polytrauma: Orthopaedic care and hospi- 28. Leet AI, Pichard CP, Ain MC: Surgical treatment of femoral
tal course. J Orthop Trauma 1:48–54, 1987. fractures in obese children: Does excessive body weight in-
7. Beaty J, Kasser J: Rockwood and WIlkins’ Fractures in Chil- crease the rate of complications? J Bone Joint Surg Am
dren, 6th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006. 87:2609–2613, 2005.
8. Flynn JM, Schwend RM: Management of pediatric femoral 29. Moroz LA, Launay F, Kocher MS, et al: Titanium elastic nailing
shaft fractures. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 12:347–359, 2004. of fractures of the femur in children. Predictors of complica-
9. Podeszwa DA, Mooney JF 3rd, Cramer KE, Mendelow MJ: tions and poor outcome. J Bone Joint Surg Br 88:1361–1366,
Comparison of Pavlik harness application and immediate 2006.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

29 for Growth Plate Injuries?


A growth plate is a disc of cartilage that is organized how long review should continue; most experts are of
into a physiologic pattern that, as it matures, is re- the opinion (Level V evidence) that a parallel Harris
sponsible for longitudinal growth of long bones. The line4 at some distance from the growth plate at 6 to
cause of growth plate injuries may be acute or 12 months is a sign that normal growth has resumed.
chronic. An injury is most commonly caused by
trauma. Less frequent causes include infection, ther-
mal injury, effects of metabolic abnormalities, tu- Factors That Affect Treatment.
mors, or neuromuscular conditions, and there are
iatrogenic causes such as exposure to irradiation or Experts agree that the most important factors that af-
LASER.1 fect decisions for treatment of growth plate fractures
Treatment of growth plate injuries may be consid- include: (1) the age of the child (and the growth poten-
ered in the following situations: (1) the treatment of an tial of the bone), (2) the fracture pattern (i.e., the
acute fracture involving a growth plate, (2) the treat- direction of fracture relative to the growth plate), and
ment of a chronic growth plate injury, and (3) the (3) the site of the growth plate affected.
treatment of the injured growth plate. Age of the Child. It is self-evident that a child’s age has
a correlation with the amount of growth remaining
and, therefore, the amount of potential growth dis-
WHAT IS THE BEST TREATMENT OF A GROWTH PLATE turbance that may be caused by a partial or com-
INJURY CAUSED BY A FRACTURE? plete growth arrest.
Epidemiologic Studies Pattern of the Fracture. There have been many classifica-
tion systems proposed based on the pattern of the
In a study of 2650 long-bone fractures in children fracture. These include the systems of Salter and
younger than 16 years, 30% involved the growth Harris, Ogden, and Peterson. The most widely known
plate.2 A population-based study was performed as- is that of Salter and Harris.5 Evidence for the best treat-
sessing 951 physeal fractures over a 10-year period ment of each type of fracture is summarized in the
in Minnesota.3 The following bones were involved in following sections. In general, this evidence is not
decreasing frequency: finger phalanges (37%), distal based on comparative studies but on received wisdom
radius (18%), distal tibia (11%), distal fibula (7%), (Level V evidence) and case series (Level IV).
metacarpals, toe phalanges, distal humerus, distal Best Treatment for a Salter–Harris Type I or II Growth Plate Fracture.
ulna, proximal humerus, distal femur, metatarsals With a transverse fracture through the hypertrophic
proximal tibia, and proximal radius fibula. In these zone (Type I), the germinal layer usually is not
and other studies, male individuals were affected primarily involved, although there may be some
twice as often as female individuals. Female individu- microfracture that extends into the germinal zone,6
als were most commonly injured at a younger age and significant growth disturbance is uncommon, un-
(11–12 years compared with 12–14 years in boys). less there is associated injury to the blood supply.5
When all types of growth plate fractures are consid- In the more common, type II fracture, which runs
ered, the rate of growth disturbance is approximately through the growth plate with a triangular fragment
30%. Some sites are more prone than others; how- of metaphysis (Thurston–Holland fragment), there is
ever, only 2% of such fractures result in a significant usually an intact periosteal hinge5 that can aid closed
functional disturbance. reduction.
In laboratory rats after a type I or II fracture, a brief
growth arrest is noted. However, the growth plate
How Should These Injuries Be Followed Up? appears normal after 25 days other than a thickened
hypertrophic zone.7
For all of these fractures, it is generally agreed that Specific treatment depends on the site of the frac-
they should be re-examined with radiographs in the tures. There are no high-level studies that compare
short term to ensure reduction has been maintained, open with closed treatment or use of fixation. The
and in the longer term to ensure that growth arrest accepted wisdom is that reduction should be gentle
has not occurred. No evidence is available to indicate to avoid scraping the growth plate on bone fragment

202 Pediatric Topics

or damaging the germinal layers during manipula- plasia and subluxation of the hip. Bucholz and col-
tion.1,5,8 It is generally agreed that closed reduction leagues12 found nine patients with triradiate growth
and casting is successful; however, that it may plate injury (Level IV evidence). Shearing (SH type I
be necessary to use internal fixation after open or or II) injury seems to have a favorable prognosis.
closed reduction if it is unstable.8 In some circum- However, a crushing SH type V growth plate injury
stances, the periosteum may become interposed has a poor prognosis, with premature closure. Prog-
into the fracture and block satisfactory or anatomic nosis is dependent on the age of the patient at the
reduction requiring exploration.9 time of injury and on the extent of chondro-osseous
Best Treatment for Salter–Harris Type III or IV Growth Plate Fractures. In disruption.
both type III and IV fractures, the fracture includes a DISTAL FEMUR FRACTURES. Fractures of the distal femoral
growth plate injury with a disruption in the articular growth plate account for approximately 5% of growth
surface of the joint. Although a type III fracture runs plate injuries. From case reports, it is apparent that
through the epiphysis and a type IV runs through the damage to the neurovascular structures in the popli-
metaphysis and epiphysis, they may both result in teal fossa may occur when displacement occurs in
malalignment of the layer zones of the growth plate the saggital plane and should be sought for and
and lead to development of a bony bridge. treated.
No randomized studies have compared open with Approximately 50% of distal femur growth plate
closed treatment or use of fixation. According to fractures are associated with growth disturbance,
Bright,9 anatomic alignment of the growth plate and even the type I or II fractures (Level IV evidence, case
articular surface is important and requires anatomic series).13,14
reduction and internal fixation. There are case re- Expert advice is that closed reduction should also
ports of nondisplaced fragments becoming displaced be attempted for all minimally to moderately dis-
if fixation is not used. placed Salter–Harris type I and II fractures.15 How-
No studies have compared methods of fixation. It is ever, a study of 10 distal femoral physeal fractures
generally accepted that nonthreaded wires should be found that 7 displaced, and the authors suggest that
used in the epiphysis or metaphysis that run parallel internal fixation should be used.16 Fractures with
to the growth plate.8 Alternatively, screw fixation paral- greater displacement, especially those with a hyper-
lel to the growth plate can be used. If stable anatomic extension pattern, are associated with an increased
fixation cannot be attained with transverse pins, it is risk for redisplacement; therefore, percutaneous fixa-
also accepted that oblique nonthreaded wires across tion is recommended.17
the growth plate may be used.8 There have been case- Salter–Harris type II fractures can be stabilized by
series reports (Level IV evidence) of the use of biode- fixation across the Thurston Holland metaphyseal
gradable rods, Polylactide-glycolide polymer,10 across spike if it is large. Percutaneous screws are preferred
the growth plates without disturbance of growth. for fixation if they can be inserted without crossing
Best Treatment of Salter–Harris Type V and “VI” Fractures. Compres- the physis. If metaphyseal stability cannot be ob-
sion or crush injuries to the growth plate (type V) are tained, Salter–Harris type I and II fractures can be
rarely diagnosed acutely. Some debate exists in the fixed with one or two smooth Steinmann pins from
literature whether this mechanism exists. Although the epiphysis to the metaphysis. If the pins are left
several reports have demonstrated that growth plate outside of the skin, they can cause irritation and may
compression injuries occur, they usually result in a even lead to infection septic arthritis.15 Salter–Harris
complete arrest (rather than partial growth arrest that type III and IV fractures can be fixed with intraepiph-
is indicated in the Salter–Harris article).1 The average yseal screws.14
time until diagnosis of this type of injury is 17 months. Proximal Tibia Fractures. Fractures of the proximal tibia
Although not included in the original Salter–Harris growth plate are among the most uncommon but
classification, a type “VI” fracture is included in have the greatest rate of serious complications. Dis-
Rang’s book.11 He reports that Kessel suggested placement of the fracture can result in significant
an additional type of growth plate injury, that is, an problems related to popliteal artery disruption in 5%
injury to the periosteum or perichondrial ring result- to 7% of cases18,19 or common peroneal nerve injury,
ing in a bony bridge. It is suggested that this may and these should be looked for. In these retrospec-
lead to angular deformity from a bone bridge. Few tive series (Level IV evidence), it is also noted that
cases series have reported this injury type. there may be a growth arrest that does not correlate
Because these fractures are not usually diagnosed well with fracture pattern, and close follow-up should
acutely, there is no specific treatment recommenda- be made to detect angular or leg-length deformity.
tion at the time of injury. If a Salter–Harris type V or Expert advice is that fractures that can be reduced
“VI” growth plate injury does result, further treatment by closed methods can usually be held in alignment
may be necessary to prevent or correct deformity. with a long leg cast. If the fracture is displaced, the
Site of Growth Plate Injury. Some growth plates are more cast should be bivalved and the patient should be
susceptible to injury than others. Some particular observed overnight for vascular complications. The
sites warrant separate discussion. circulation should be carefully assessed, and an in-
Acetabular Triradiate Cartilage Fractures. Injury to the acetab- traoperative arteriogram should be made when the
ular triradiate growth plate cartilage is rare, but it vascular supply is compromised, and compartment
may be associated with progressive acetabular dys- syndrome should be ruled out clinically.15
What is the Best Treatment for Growth Plate Injuries? 203

Salter–Harris type III pattern of injury is rare in the BEST TREATMENT OF A CHRONIC GROWTH PLATE INJURY
proximal part of the tibia (except as a pattern of tib-
ial tubercle avulsion), which has been attributed to In addition to the acute physeal injuries sustained
the shape of the epiphysis. Unstable fractures of any through sports,28 there is an increasing body of evi-
pattern and all displaced type IV fractures should be dence demonstrating that growth plate injuries can
reduced and stabilized with internal fixation such as occur by repetitive physical loading required in
smooth Steinmann pins. sports. A recent systematic review found that most
Distal Tibia Fractures. Fractures of the distal end of the reports were case reports or case series.29
tibia in children often involve the growth plate. They This injury appears to be related to mineralization
may result in partial growth arrest, angulation, leg- of the hypertrophic zone because of altered me-
length difference, or joint incongruity.20 taphyseal perfusion.30 The hypertrophic zone con-
Salter–Harris I and II fractures can usually be treated tinues to get wider, as shown experimentally by
with closed reduction. A series of 56 type II fractures Jaramillo et al31 in rabbits with similar magnetic
treated in casts resulted in no deformity or premature resonance imaging findings seen in competitive gym-
physeal closure21 (Level IV evidence). Acceptable nasts. This is usually temporary,30 but it may lead to
alignment of displaced fractures in children with at permanent changes, with either a partial or com-
least 2 years of growth remaining consists of no more plete growth plate disturbance.
than 15 degrees of plantar tilt, 10 degrees of valgus, This is best known in conditions such as “little
and no varus. In children with less than 2 years of league shoulder”; there are many reports of stress
growth remaining, the amount of acceptable angula- changes in the proximal humeral physis of baseball
tion is reduced to 5 degrees in all planes (Level V pitchers’ throwing arms.29 Although this tends to
evidence, expert opinion).22 improve with rest, there is one report of premature
General agreement exists that type III and IV frac- physeal closure.32 Similar reports of physeal widen-
tures require surgical intervention.15,23 In a retrospec- ing in association with other sports, and even piano
tive series, it was concluded that major deformity can playing, in the upper and lower limbs of growing ath-
be avoided with aggressive follow-up and early correc- letes can be found in the literature.29
tive treatment.20 Open or arthroscopic visualization of Recommendations for managing these problems
the joint surface has been recommended to confirm primarily relate to prevention. These include the ed-
reduction, and stabilization with 3.5- or 4.0-mm can- ucation of coaches, altering the training regimens for
nulated screws assessing the screw placement care- children, especially during rapid growth, and referral
fully in two planes.15 to a physician in the case of significant pain around
Treatment recommendation for Tillaux fractures a joint. If rested, there is evidence that the process is
(SH III of the anterolateral portion of the distal tibial reversible.
epiphysis) is directed to reducing and holding the frag-
ment with less than 2 mm displacement, and this is
best judged with computed tomography.15 Closed re- BEST TREATMENT FOR AN INJURED GROWTH PLATE
duction, open reduction, and a percutaneous method
have been described.24 An injured or disrupted growth plate may lead to pre-
Treatment recommendations for Triplane fractures mature fusion of part or all of the growth plate, with a
(complex Salter–Harris type IV fractures in three bone “bar” across the area that should be made of the
planes) include radiographic and computed tomo- specialized arrangement of growth cartilage. There is
graphic evaluation initially. An articular step-off of consequent tethering that may lead to partial (angular)
more than 2 mm or a fracture gap of more than 2 to or complete (longitudinal) growth disturbance at the
4 mm is an indication for open reduction.15 This is growth plate.33 This bar may be visible on a conven-
based on a study that showed that more than 2 mm tional radiograph, but multiplanar imaging such as
articular displacement leads to poorer long-term computed tomography or magnetic resonance can be
results according to a follow-up study by Ertl et al.25 helpful in localizing the lesion.
An open exploration and fixation is usually neces- Different forms of treatment have been described
sary to achieve reduction.15 for growth plate arrest. The best treatment depends
Distal Radius and Ulna. The growth plate of the distal on the following factors: the location of the growth
radius is the most frequently injured, usually with a plate; the amount of growth remaining at that growth
SH type I or II pattern. Three quarters of the growth plate; whether complete arrest has been maintained;
of the forearm occurs at the distal growth plates, or if partial, the proportion of the growth plate that
with good potential for remodeling, but also poten- is involved and the circumstances of the child.1 No
tial for a significant mismatch if one of these paired high-level evidence has compared outcomes of dif-
bones has an arrest. Significant growth disturbance ferent treatments for these relatively rare events,
occurs in 7% of distal radius fractures.26 This is im- and management recommendations are based on
portant as a study of 30 patients who had surgical Level V evidence (expert opinion).
management of distal radial growth arrest that was For complete arrest, treatment is directed to the
found to improve pain and range of motion in symp- management of length inequality. Management op-
tomatic patients and prevent symptoms in asymp- tions include no intervention, compensatory ortho-
tomatic patients.27 ses (shoe lift), epiphyseodesis or shortening of the
204 Pediatric Topics

TABLE 29–1. Summary of Recommendations


Most Salter–Harris type I and II fractures may be adequately treated by closed IV 21

manipulation and stabilization in a cast.
Open reduction and fixation is better than closed manipulation for most IV 15, 20, 25
Salter–Harris type III and IV fractures.
Salter–Harris type V fractures exist. V 5
Chronic repetitive injury can result in physeal arrest that can be prevented by rest. IV 29
Growth plate fractures with higher Salter–Harris grades have a greater risk for IV, V 1, 5
partial or complete growth arrest.
Approximately 50% of distal femur growth plate fractures are associated with IV 13, 14
growth disturbance, even the type I or II fractures.
Physeal bridge resection with interposition material is an effective way of treating IV 9, 33–42
partial growth arrest.

contralateral or companion bone, ipsilateral bone Physeal Distraction

lengthening, or a combination.1
For partial growth arrest, treatment is directed to Hemichondrodiastasis, closed gradual distraction
managing the length inequality and angulation. Treat- of the growth plate, to correct angular deformity
ment options include a combination of the following: has been described.43,44 This technique in a group of
no intervention; compensatory orthoses (shoe lift); 35 patients worked best in post-traumatic deformi-
epiphyseodesis of the remaining bone, or contralateral ties when the bony bridge occupied less than 30%
or companion bone; correction of the angulation by of the plate. It was used toward the end of growth
acute (osteotomy) or gradual correction (distraction (or earlier in the case of progressive deformity of
osteogenesis); excision of the bar and interposition of more than 20 degrees).
an inert material; and distraction of the growth plate Recent experimental studies have explored the
and bar (in children nearing maturity).1 use of autogenous chondrocytes to fill the defect.45,46
However there are still some problems to overcome.
Principally, it is difficult to find suitable donor sites
Resection of a Bone Bridge other than apophyses, and apophyseal cartilage may
lack the growth potential of epiphyseal cartilage.
To prevent arrest of growth after physeal injury, These experimental studies are preclinical and do
investigators have performed bone bar resection not receive level of evidence grades.
and used various interposition materials: fat,33,34
muscle,35 polymeric silicone,36–39 bone wax,40 and
bone cement.41 These studies are Level IV evidence SUMMARY
(case series); regarding the results of treatment, no
study shows the superiority of one material over The evidence for the best treatment of growth plate
the others. injuries is based mainly on epidemiologic studies,
Experts agree that resection is indicated if less than retrospective reviews, animal model experiments, and
30% to 50% of growth plate is involved1 (Level of Evi- expert opinion. Table 29–1 provides a summary of
dence V). Younger children tend to have a better recommendations for the treatment of growth plate
prognosis. Less than 2 years of remaining growth is a injuries.
relative contraindication for bone bridge resection. It
has also been noted that central bars are more ame-
nable to resection than peripheral, which is probably
related to the adjacent periosteal stripping in periph- REFERENCES
eral lesions. Ischemic or septic-related bone bars
have a poorer prognosis (Level of Evidence V). 1. Peterson HA: Physeal injuries and growth arrest. In Beaty JH,
Kasser JR (eds): Rockwood and Wilkins’ Fractures in Children,
In one study, 28 skeletally immature patients 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001,
underwent 29 primary physeal bridge resections. pp 91–138.
Of 22 resections followed for 2 years, there were 2. Mann DC, Rajmaira S: Distribution of physeal and nonphyseal
11 excellent, 5 good, 2 fair, and 4 poor results. Over- fractures in 2,650 long-bone fractures in children aged
all mean growth was 83%, with 98% in the excellent 0-16 years. J Pediatr Orthop 10:713–716, 1990.
3. Peterson HA, Madhok R, Benson JT, et al: Physeal fractures
group and 96% in the good group. The authors con- part 1 epidemiology in Olmsted county Minnesota, 1979-88.
clude that physeal bridge resection is an effective J Pediatr Orthop 41:423–430, 1994.
method of treating partial physeal growth arrest 4. Harris HA: Lines of arrested growth in the long bones in
(Level IV evidence). Results with fat compare favor- childhood: The correlation of histological and radiographic
appearance in clinical and experimental conditions. Br J
ably with results of other interposition materials Radiol 4:561–588, 1931.
without the disadvantages of local reaction and 5. Salter RB, Harris WR: Injuries involving the epiphyseal plate.
implant removal.42 J Bone Joint Surg Am 45-A:587–622, 1963.
What is the Best Treatment for Growth Plate Injuries? 205

6. Ogden JA: Injury to the growth mechanism of the immature premature, post-traumatic epiphyseal closure. Clin Orthop
skeleton. Skeletal Radiol 6:237–253, 1981. (185):90–96, 1984.
7. Gomes LS, Valpon JB, Gonclaves RP: Traumatic separation of 27. Waters PM, Bae DS, Montgomery KD: Surgical management
epiphyses; an experimental study in rats. Clin Orthop Relat of post traumatic distal radial growth arrest in adolescents.
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12. Bucholz RW, Ezaki M, Ogden JA: Injury to the acetabular 32. Carson WG, Gasser SI: Little leaguer’s shoulder: A report of
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13. Eid AM, Hafez MA: Traumatic injury of the distal femoral phy- partial closure of an epiphyseal plate caused by trauma or
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14. Riseborough EJ, Barrett IR, Shapiro F: Growth disturbances 34. Österman K: Operative elimination of partial premature
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tures of the lower extremity. J Bone Joint Surg Am 84: ous interpositional materials in the prevention of transphy-
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epiphysis. Characteristics and surgical treatment of J Pediatr Orthop 18:155–160, 1998.
Chapter How Do You Best Diagnose Septic

30 Arthritis of the Hip?


The initial presentation of a child with an acutely irri- increased intra-articular pressure, can result in rapid
table hip can pose a diagnostic challenge to the ortho- and irreversible hyaline cartilage degradation in as
pedic surgeon, pediatrician, emergency department little as 6 hours. If unrecognized or left untreated,
physician, or primary care physician. After ruling out this process can result in joint destruction with sub-
the more apparent radiographic abnormalities of sequent severe deformity and devastating lifelong
Legg–Perthes disease, slipped capital femoral epiphy- disability. Joint infections can ultimately lead to dis-
sis, and fracture, the differential diagnosis commonly seminated infection, systemic bacterial sepsis, mul-
involves septic arthritis versus transient synovitis. tiorgan failure, and death. However, if recognized
The differentiation between septic arthritis and and treated in a timely fashion with surgical drain-
transient synovitis of the hip in children is essential age and appropriate antimicrobial therapy, a good
because the two clinical entities have quite differ- outcome with minimal sequelae can be expected.
ent treatments and potential for negative sequelae. Poor outcomes are most closely associated with
Septic arthritis is treated with operative drainage delay in diagnosis. Other factors related to poor
and antibiotics, whereas transient synovitis is usu- outcome include patient age younger than 6 months,
ally self-limited and treated symptomatically.1–7 prematurity, Staphylococcus species infection, and
Complications of septic arthritis include osteone- concomitant osteomyelitis.
crosis, growth arrest, and sepsis, whereas transient Septic arthritis may occur as a result of hematog-
synovitis usually has a benign clinical course.8–15 In enous seeding, local spread from a contiguous in-
addition, the early, accurate diagnosis of septic ar- fection, or primary seeding of a joint secondary to
thritis is essential because poor outcomes after surgery or trauma. In the hip, shoulder, ankle, and
septic hip in children have been associated with elbow (90% of cases), septic arthritis often devel-
delay in diagnosis.16–20 ops after metaphyseal osteomyelitis with subperi-
The differentiation of septic arthritis and transient osteal erosion, abscess formation, and subsequent
synovitis of the hip in children can be difficult be- joint communication (because of the intra-articular
cause both often have similar presentations: an location of the metaphyses in these joints). Prema-
atraumatic, acutely irritable hip in a child with pro- ture and immunocompromised children are at
gressive symptoms and signs of fever, limp or refusal greater risk. The most commonly identified caus-
to bear weight, limited motion, joint effusion, and ative organisms are Staphylococcus aureus, group
abnormal laboratory evaluation. Empirically, clini- A streptococci, Streptococcus pneumococcus, other
cians have used various clinical, laboratory, and ra- gram-negative organisms (may be seen in special
diographic variables to distinguish between septic hosts or after trauma-klebsiellae, salmonellae,
arthritis and transient synovitis. kingellae), and Neisseria gonorrhea.22 Before the
This chapter overviews the diagnostic accuracy of advent of an effective vaccine, Haemophilus influen-
clinical, laboratory, and radiographic variables in the zae type B was responsible for up to 40% of cases
diagnosis of septic arthritis of the hip in children, but has largely disappeared because of successful
and provides recommendations based on best avail- immunization programs.23,24 In the neonate, group
able evidence. B !-hemolytic streptococcus and gram-negative ba-
cilli are common causative agents in addition to
S. aureus. Gram-negative infections are common
OVERVIEW among intravenous (IV) drug abusers. Mycobacte-
Septic Arthritis ria and fungi must be considered in patients with
chronic infection.
Septic arthritis of the hip in a child constitutes a
surgical emergency. Prompt recognition, diagnosis,
and treatment of this entity are essential. Bacterial Diagnosis
infection of the joint space results in an inflamma-
tory effusion consisting of up to 90% polymorpho- Children with septic arthritis will often have a history
nuclear cells (PMNs).21 The release of proteolytic of recent upper respiratory or local soft-tissue infec-
enzymes by PMNs and bacteria, in conjunction with tion, as well a recent course of antibiotics. A high level

How Do You Best Diagnose Septic Arthritis of the Hip? 207

of suspicion is important when evaluating premature group B streptococci and gram-negative bacilli) and
and immunocompromised infants. Septic arthritis is adolescents (to cover gonococcus). In children who are
more commonly seen in boys and is most common in allergic to penicillin, clindamycin can be used. Ceftriax-
children younger than 2 years. Patients may report one should be considered for coverage of gonococcal
pain, stiffness, and malaise, but such a history is often or Lyme arthritis. The antimicrobial regimen is ad-
impossible to ascertain from small children or infants. justed according to culture speciation; if another organ-
Fever, limp, inability or refusal to weight bear, limited ism is identified as the causative agent, an infectious
and painful range of motion (secondary to capsular disease consultation should be sought. IV antibiotics
stretching), erythema, warmth, tenderness, and swell- are continued for 72 hours. If the child shows evidence
ing are common physical findings. The child may of clinical improvement (afebrile, decreased localized
complain of anterior hip, groin, thigh, or knee pain. swelling, decreased/no pain, increased range of mo-
The child may lie with the hip in external rotation, ad- tion) and lyme titers are negative, conversion to oral
duction, and mild flexion to maximize joint volume antibiotics can be considered. The criteria for oral anti-
and decrease capsular stretch. Physical examination biotics include diagnosis within 4 days of the onset of
of the infant can be challenging and may only demon- symptoms, no concurrent osteomyelitis, and an ability
strate limited or a lack of active motion in the affected to tolerate and be rigorously compliant with taking oral
extremity (pseudoparalysis). antibiotics. Patients treated with cefazolin may be
Laboratory tests that are frequently ordered in given cephalexin 100 mg/kg/day divided in 4 daily
cases of suspected septic arthritis of the hip include doses (maximum dose, 4 g/day), and those treated with
C-reactive protein (CRP) level, erythrocyte sedimen- ceftriaxone can receive cefixime 8 mg/kg/day every 12
tation rate (ESR), complete blood cell count (CBC) to 24 hours (maximum dose, 400 mg/day) for 21 days.
with differential, blood cultures, and throat culture/ The median duration of IV antibiotics is 5 to 15 days,
rapid strep test. Lyme titers are often added in en- and the total duration of antibiotics has been 4 to 6
demic areas. Plain radiographs of the hip or pelvis weeks in uncomplicated cases.
are routinely ordered. Ultrasound may be useful to
detect joint effusion. Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) may be useful to detect associated osteomyeli- EVIDENCE
tis. The definitive diagnosis of septic arthritis is Imaging
made by joint aspiration and analysis of joint fluid.
Joint fluid white blood cell (WBC) count and cultures Ultrasonography has been demonstrated good ac-
establish the diagnosis. Organisms can be detected curacy in detecting an effusion associated with sep-
on joint fluid Gram stain or culture. Cases with nega- tic arthritis of the hip in children. Zamzam25 retro-
tive cultures but increased joint fluid WBC counts spectively studied 81 children with septic arthritis
(" 50,000/mm3) are considered to be presumed sep- and 73 children with transient synovitis, finding sen-
tic arthritis or culture-negative septic arthritis. sitivity of 86.4% and specificity of 89.7%. Dörr and
colleagues26 also found ultrasound to be useful in
detecting effusion in 204 acutely irritable hips. In ad-
Treatment dition, they found certain characteristics, such as
synovial hypertrophy and capsular thickening, to
Poor outcome is most closely associated with delay in be helpful in differentiation between septic arthritis
diagnosis with subsequent delay in treatment. Once and transient synovitis. In a prospective analysis of
septic arthritis is diagnosed, prompt treatment with 500 children with a painful hip or limp, Miralles and
adequate surgical drainage and empiric IV antimicro- researchers27 found ultrasonography to be useful in
bial therapy is cardinal. Ideally, synovial and blood the detection of effusion. In addition, these authors
cultures are obtained before treatment to increase the showed that transient synovitis had resolution of the
likelihood of identifying an organism. Open surgical ir- effusion at repeat ultrasound 2 weeks later.
rigation and debridement to remove the microorgan- MRI has been shown to be useful in detecting asso-
isms, host and bacterial enzymes, and particulate ciated osteomyelitis but may also be useful in differen-
debris is indicated for most patients. However, arthros- tiating septic arthritis from transient synovitis. In a
copy has been used successfully in the shoulder, elbow, retrospective case series of 49 children with transient
knee, and ankle, but it has not been widely utilizedin synovitis and 18 children with septic arthritis, Yang
the hip. Empiric IV antimicrobial therapy should be and investigators28 found that patients with transient
initiated as soon as cultures are obtained. Empiric cov- synovitis were more likely to have contralateral effu-
erage must include an anti-staphylococcal agent, either sion and absence of signal intensity in the surround-
a !-lactamase–resistant penicillin or a first-generation ing soft tissue and bone marrow.
cephalosporin. Cefazolin is chosen as the drug for
initial empiric therapy because it is effective against
S. aureus, group A streptococcus, and S. pneumococcus, Laboratory Tests
which should account for nearly all of the organisms
among normal hosts with acute hematogenous osteo- Clinicians have empirically utilized different labora-
myelitis. Gram-negative coverage is indicated in tory variables to help distinguish between septic ar-
the neonate (causative organisms may also include thritis and transient synovitis. Bennett and Namnyak29
208 Pediatric Topics

emphasize leukocyte count in children older than vitis cases. Kunnamo and coworkers32 reviewed 278
3 years. Morrey and coauthors20 and Klein and resear- children younger than 16 years with various arthriti-
chers21 accent increased ESR. Chen and colleagues30 des, including transient synovitis, juvenile arthritis,
found both leukocytosis and increased ESR to be com- septic arthritis, serum sickness, enteroarthritis, and
mon. However, because these retrospective case series Schonlein–Henoch purpura. They found the patients
of children with septic arthritis did not have a com- with septic arthritis (n % 18) to differ significantly
parison group of children with transient synovitis, they (P $ 0.05) from the other patients with respect to
were unable to identify differences between the groups CRP level, temperature " 38.5°C, and serum WBC
and were unable to determine the diagnostic perfor- count " 12 (# 1000/mm3).20 Levine and colleagues33
mance of assorted variables. emphasize the value of CRP in the diagnosis of septic
On comparing children with septic arthritis and arthritis of the hip. In a retrospective review of 133
transient synovitis in retrospective case series, poor children with an irritable joint, CRP level had better
diagnostic utility has been found for various screen- predictive ability than ESR. In particular, if the CRP
ing clinical, laboratory, and radiographic data be- level was less than 1.0 mg/dL, the probability that
cause of substantial overlap between the two groups. the patient did not have septic arthritis was 87%.
Molteni22 retrospectively reviewed 97 patients with
so-called nonspecific arthritis and 37 patients with
septic arthritis of various joints including the hip, Prediction Rules
knee, ankle elbow, and wrist. Diagnoses were estab-
lished presumptively, with joint fluid analysis of 12 Prediction rules based on presenting variables have
of 97 patients with nonspecific arthritis and of 32 of been developed to differentiate septic arthritis from
37 patients with septic arthritis. Fifty percent of the transient synovitis of the hip. Kocher and reviewers34
patients with septic arthritis had negative cultures retrospectively analyzed 82 children with septic ar-
and joint fluid WBC count varied from 5 to 385 # thritis and 86 children with transient synovitis of the
1000/mm3. Without statistically comparing the two hip treated at Children’s Hospital Boston from 1979
groups, Molteni22 describes the clinical and labora- to 1996. Diagnoses of true septic arthritis, presumed
tory findings in each (septic arthritis vs. nonspecific septic arthritis, and transient synovitis were made
arthritis): age (5.8 vs. 6.0 years), male sex (22/37 vs. based on joint fluid WBC, blood and joint fluid cul-
49/97), temperature " 101°F (82% vs. 38%), serum tures, and clinical course. Using multivariate analy-
WBC count (7.23 vs. 6.3 # 1000/mm3), and ESR (50 vs. sis, they identified four independent predictors of
35 mm/hr). Because of the similarities in values septic arthritis (history of fever, non–weight bearing,
and the extent of overlap, he concludes that reliable ESR & 40 mm/hr, and serum WBC " 12,000/mm3). The
data were not found to distinguish the two different predicted probability of septic arthritis was calcu-
joint processes. Del Beccaro and colleagues31 also lated for all 16 combinations of these 4 predictors
found that overlap between screening variables im- (Table 30–1) and was summarized as 0.2% for 0 pre-
peded the differentiation of septic arthritis and tran- dictor, 3.0% for 1 predictor, 40.0% for 2 predictors,
sient synovitis of the hip in children. They compare 93.1% for 3 predictors, and 99.6% for 4 predictors
94 children with transient synovitis (defined retro- (Table 30–2). This prediction rule demonstrated ex-
spectively via clinical course) with 38 patients with cellent diagnostic performance with an area under
septic arthritis (defined as pyarthrosis). In the tran- the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of
sient synovitis group, 21 of 94 patients had joint fluid 0.96 (Fig. 30–1).
analysis, and in the septic arthritis group, 28 of These authors then validated this prediction rule
38 patients had joint fluid cell counts. They found in a new series of patients.35 They prospectively ana-
significant (P $ 0.05) univariate differences between lyzed 51 children with septic arthritis of the hip and
the two groups with respect to the following factors 103 children with transient synovitis of the hip
(septic arthritis vs. transient synovitis): temperature treated at Children’s Hospital Boston from 1997 to
(38.1°C vs. 37.2°C), ESR (44 vs. 19 mm/hr), PMN (7.8 2002. Using the same diagnostic parameters and
vs. 6.3 # 1000/mm3), and bands (903 vs. 295/mm3). Of similar analysis, they identified the same four multi-
note, with the numbers available for study, serum variate predictors of septic arthritis (history of fever,
WBC count could not be shown to differ significantly non–weight bearing, ESR & 40mm/hr, and serum WBC
(P " 0.05) (13.2 vs 11.2 # 1000/mm3). Although ESR " 12,000/mm3). The predicted probability of septic
was significantly (P $ 0.05) different between the two arthritis demonstrated similar but not identical val-
groups, the substantial amount of overlap made it a ues (see Table 30–1) and was summarized as 2.0% for
poor discriminator. The range of ESR for the septic one predictor, 9.5% for one predictor, 35.0% for 2
hip group was 6 to 90 mm/hr (with 24% of patients predictors, 72.8% for 3 predictors, and 93.0% for
with ESR $ 20 mm/hr), and the range for the synovi- 4 predictors (see Table 30–2). The diagnostic accu-
tis group was 1 to 125 mm/hr (with 28% of patients racy showed diminished but still good performance
with ESR " 20 mm/hr). By combining ESR " 20 mm/hr with an area under the ROC curve of 0.86.
with temperature " 37.5°C, they were able to identify Jung and colleagues36 performed a similar study to
97% of the septic arthritis cases; however, those establish a prediction rule for the differentiation of
parameters also included 47% of the transient syno- septic arthritis and transient synovitis of the hip
How Do You Best Diagnose Septic Arthritis of the Hip? 209

TABLE 30–1. Probability of Septic Arthritis Algorithm


Yes Yes Yes Yes 99.8% 91.8%

Yes Yes Yes No 97.3% 83.3%
Yes Yes No Yes 95.2% 71.7%
Yes Yes No No 57.8% 38.0%
Yes No Yes Yes 95.5% 65.7%
Yes No Yes No 62.2% 31.7%
Yes No No Yes 44.8% 30.0%
Yes No No No 5.3% 9.4%
No Yes Yes Yes 93.0% 72.2%
No Yes Yes No 48.0% 38.6%
No Yes No Yes 33.8% 36.8%
No Yes No No 3.4% 12.3%
No No Yes Yes 35.3% 30.5%
No No Yes No 3.7% 9.6%
No No No Yes 2.1% 9.0%
No No No No 1 in 700 2.3%

ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; WBC, white blood cell.

Data from Kocher MS, Zurakowski D, Kasser JR: Differentiating between septic arthritis and transient synovitis of the hip in children: An evidence-based
clinical prediction algorithm. J Bone Joint Surg Am 81-A:1662–1670, 1999; and Kocher MS, Mandiga R, Zurakowski D, et al: Validation of a clinical prediction
rule for the differentiation of septic arthritis and transient synovitis of the hip in children. J Bone Joint Surg Am 86-A:1629–1635, 2004.

TABLE 30–2. Probability of Septic Arthritis


0 19 (22.1%) 0 (0%) $ 0.2% 2.0%

1 47 (54.7%) 1 (1.2%) 3.0% 9.5%
2 16 (18.6%) 12 (14.6%) 40.0% 35.0%
3 4 (4.7%) 44 (53.7%) 93.1% 72.8%
4 0 (0%) 25 (30.5%) 99.6% 93.0%

*Predictors are history of fever, non–weight bearing, erythrocyte sedimentation rate ' 40 (mm/hr), and serum white blood cell count " 12 (# 1000/mm3).
Data from Kocher MS, Zurakowski D, Kasser JR: Differentiating between septic arthritis and transient synovitis of the hip in children: An evidence-based
clinical prediction algorithm. J Bone Joint Surg Am 81-A:1662–1670, 1999; and Kocher MS, Mandiga R, Zurakowski D, et al: Validation of a clinical prediction
rule for the differentiation of septic arthritis and transient synovitis of the hip in children. J Bone Joint Surg Am 86-A:1629–1635, 2004.

(Fig. 30–2). In a retrospective series of 97 children fever, serum WBC " 12,000/mm3, and prior health-
with transient synovitis of the hip and 27 children care visit. Two of the four predictors from the algo-
with septic arthritis of the hip, they identified five rithm of Kocher and reviewers34 were not predictive
independent multivariate predictors of septic arthri- in their model: ESR and non–weight bearing. The
tis: temperature " 37°C, ESR " 20 mm/hr, CRP level area under the ROC curve for their model was
" 1.0 mg/dL, serum WBC count " 11,000/mm3, and 77.1%, and the area under the ROC curve for the
" 2 mm joint space difference on radiographs. Four algorithm of Kocher and reviewers34 in their popula-
of these five predictors were similar to those of tion was 79.9%.
Kocher and reviewers.34 They developed an algo- Caird and researchers38 also developed a predic-
rithm based on the 32 combinations of the 5 predic- tion rule for the differentiation of children with septic
tors. The area under the ROC curve for their predic- arthritis versus transient synovitis of the hip. In a
tion rule was 0.986 (Table 30–3). This prediction rule prospective study of 53 children who underwent aspi-
has not been validated in a new patient population. ration for an acutely irritable hip over a 4-year period
Luhmann and coworkers37 developed a new clini- at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, they identified
cal prediction rule and analyzed the performance of 5 predictors of septic arthritis: fever " 38.5°C, CRP
the prediction rule of Kocher and reviewers34 in a level " 2.0 mg/L, ESR " 40 mm/hr, refusal to bear
retrospective series of 47 septic hips and 118 tran- weight, and serum WBC " 12,000/mm3. The four pre-
sient synovitis hips at St. Louis Children’s Hospital dictors from the algorithm of Kocher and reviewers34
from 1992 to 2000. Their multivariate model identi- were predictive in this model, and CRP level showed
fied three predictors of septic arthritis: history of enhanced diagnostic performance over ESR. The
210 Pediatric Topics

1.0 1.00
True positive ratio (sensitivity)
0.8 .75

0.6 Original study
Validation study
Area under the curve = 0.986

0.0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.00 .25 .50 .75 1.00
False-positive (1 − specificity) 1 − specificity
FIGURE 30–1. Receiver-operating characteristic curves for FIGURE 30–2. Receiver-operating characteristic curve for
the clinical prediction rule of Kocher and coworkers34,35 in clinical prediction rule of Jung and colleagues.36 (Data
the original patient population (area under curve % 0.96) from Jung ST, Rowe SM, Moon ES, et al: Significance of lab-
and the new patient population (area under curve % 0.86). oratory and radiologic findings for differentiating between
(Data from Kocher MS, Zurakowski D, Kasser JR: Differenti- septic arthritis and transient synovitis of the hip.
ating between septic arthritis and transient synovitis of J Pediatr Orthop 23:368–372, 2003.)
the hip in children: An evidence-based clinical prediction
algorithm. J Bone Joint Surg Am 81-A:1662–1670, 1999; and
Kocher MS, Mandiga R, Zurakowski D, et al: Validation of a
clinical prediction rule for the differentiation of septic
arthritis and transient synovitis of the hip in children.
J Bone Joint Surg Am 86-A:1629–1635, 2004.)

TABLE 30–3. Probability of Septic Arthritis

TEMPERATURE " 37°C ESR " 20 mm/hr CRP LEVEL " 1.0 mg/dL WBC COUNT " 11,000 cells/mL SPACE DISTANCE "2 mm SEPTIC ARTHRITIS (%)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 99.1

Yes Yes Yes Yes No 97.3
Yes Yes Yes No Yes 84.8
Yes Yes Yes No No 65.5
Yes Yes No Yes Yes 90.9
Yes Yes No Yes No 77.2
Yes Yes No No Yes 34.5
Yes Yes No No No 15.2
Yes No Yes Yes Yes 85.9
Yes No Yes Yes No 67.4
Yes No Yes No Yes 24.3
Yes No Yes No No 9.9
Yes No No Yes Yes 36.5
Yes No No Yes No 16.4
Yes No No No Yes 2.9
Yes No No No No 1.0
No Yes Yes Yes Yes 90.1
No Yes Yes Yes No 75.6
No Yes Yes No Yes 32.5
No Yes Yes No No 14.1
No Yes No Yes Yes 46.2
No Yes No Yes No 22.7
No Yes No No Yes 4.3
No Yes No No No 1.5
No No Yes Yes Yes 34.4
No No Yes Yes No 15.2
No No Yes No Yes 2.7
No No Yes No No 0.9
No No No Yes Yes 4.7
No No No Yes No 1.7
No No No No Yes 0.3
No No No No No 0.1

ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP, C-reactive protein; WBC, white blood cell.
Data from Jung ST, Rowe SM, Moon ES, et al: Significance of laboratory and radiologic findings for differentiating between septic arthritis and transient sy-
novitis of the hip. J Pediatr Orthop 23:368–372, 2003.
How Do You Best Diagnose Septic Arthritis of the Hip? 211

TABLE 30–4. Probability of Septic Arthritis

Predicted Probability of Septic Arthritis (%)
0 1 (3) 3 (21) 16.9 0.2
1 3 (9) 6 (43) 36.7 3
2 3 (9) 2 (14) 62.4 40
3 9 (26) 2 (14) 82.6 93.1
4 15 (44) 1 (7) 93.1 99.6
5 3 (9) 0 97.5

Data from Caird MS, Flynn JM, Leung YL, et al: Factors distinguishing septic arthritis from transient synovitis of the hip in children. A prospective study.
J Bone Joint Surg Am 88:1251–1257, 2006.

probability of septic arthritis was 16.9% for 0 predic- control study of the performance of this algorithm, the
tors, 36.7% for 1 predictor, 62.4% for 2 predictors, authors found that CPG patients had significantly
82.6% for 3 predictors, 93.1% for 4 predictors, and greater rates of obtaining initial and follow-up CRP
97.5% for 5 predictors (Table 30–4). tests (93% vs. 13% and 70% vs. 7%), lower use of initial
bone scan (13% vs. 40%), lower rates of presumptive
drainage (13% vs. 47%), greater compliance with rec-
Clinical Practice Guidelines ommended antibiotic therapy (93% vs. 7%), faster
change to oral antibiotics (3.9 vs. 6.9 days), and
Kocher and coworkers39 developed a clinical practice shorter hospital course (4.8 vs. 8.3 days). No signifi-
guideline (CPG) for the diagnosis and management of cant differences were found for outcome variables of
patients with septic arthritis of the hip (Fig. 30–3). The readmission, recurrent infection, recurrent drainage,
diagnostic arm of the algorithm included laboratory development of osteomyelitis, septic osteonecrosis, or
analysis of CRP level, ESR, CBC count with differential, limitation of motion. They conclude that patients on
Lyme titer, blood culture, throat culture, and antistrep- the septic arthritis CPG had less variation of process
tolysin O titer (ALSO). The imaging arm of the algo- and improved efficiency of care, without a significant
rithm included radiographs and ultrasound. In a case– difference in outcome.

The diagnosis of septic arthritis of the hip can be guide further management. For example, patients
vexing. The differentiation between septic arthritis with extremely high risk for septic arthritis may be
and transient synovitis is important because the best managed with aspiration in the operating
clinical entities have vastly different treatment and room given the high probability of needing
prognosis. Furthermore, delay in diagnosis of sep- surgical drainage. Patients with extremely low risk
tic arthritis is a risk factor for poor outcome. for septic arthritis may be managed with observa-
Certain presenting variables can be useful in the tion in the correct clinical context. Patients with
diagnosis of septic arthritis. Based on intermediate risk should undergo arthrocentesis to
history, a history of fever and of non–weight bear- establish the diagnosis.
ing have been identified as predictors of septic ar- Ultimately, there are no laboratory tests, imaging
thritis. Based on laboratory tests, increased serum modalities, or prediction rules that are pathogno-
WBC count, ESR, and CRP level are predictive of monic for the diagnosis of septic arthritis. Clinical
septic arthritis. In particular, CRP level has greater prediction rules are not designed to replace clinical
diagnostic value than ESR. Based on imaging, ultra- judgment. Because the risks of missing the
sonography can identify an effusion and can help diagnosis of septic arthritis of the hip are so conse-
guide arthrocentesis (Table 30–5). quential, there should be a low threshold for joint
Clinical prediction rules can be useful for aspiration to establish the diagnosis and surgical
stratifying the risk for septic arthritis. This may drainage for definitive treatment.
212 Pediatric Topics


Patient between 6 months and • Solitary joint pain
18 years of age with suspicion • Limited ROM
of septic arthritis (refer to Signs/ • Limping, inability to bear weight (LE)
symptoms and Exclusion criteria) • Fever

Exclusion criteria:
• Major co-existing disease
• Post-operative infection1
• Chronic joint infection1
• Perforating injuries1
• Psoriasis2
• Polyarthritis2
PE consistent with septic arthritis No
(including absence of specific rashes, PATIENT OFF CPG;
such as psoriasis, erythema migrans)? consult rheumatology or ID

Labs (Annotation A):
• CBC with differential
• +/– Lyme titer
• Blood culture
• Throat culture/rapid strep
• Radiographs
• Consider U/S for joint effusion,
especially if hip is involved

5 6
Lab/imaging findings No PATIENT OFF CPG;
suggestive of septic arthritis? treat as clinically indicated

Aspiration–send for cell count and
gram stain (Annotation B):
• Orthopaedics consult
• If involved joint other than hip,
aspiration by ordering service
• If hip involved, radiology aspirates
via U/S guidance

Go to
page 2

1Consult ID
2Consult rheumatology
FIGURE 30–3. Clinical practice guideline for septic arthritis. (Adapted from Kocher MS, Mandiga R, Murphy J, et al: A
clinical practice guideline for septic arthritis in children: Efficacy on process and outcome for septic arthritis of the hip.
J Bone Joint Surg Am 85-A:994–999, 2003, with permission of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.)
How Do You Best Diagnose Septic Arthritis of the Hip? 213

8 10
Aspiration results: <25,000 WBC–
>50,000 WBC No Aspiration results: No Probable synovitis:
or 25,000 to 50,000 WBC? • Consider rheumatology consult
positive gram stain? • PATIENT OFF CPG

Yes Yes
11 12
Septic arthritis: Possible septic arthritis:
• If hip, shoulder, or knee, to OR • Obtain rheumatology consult
for I and D; if other joint involved, • Go to box 11 if clinical
Orthopaedics may consider OR suspicion
• IV abx per CPG orders x 72h:
• IV cefazolin
• If adolescent, consider ceftriaxone
for coverage of gonoccocal arthritis
• If PCN allergy, IV clindamycin
• Initiate PT prn on hospital day 2


• Verify antibiotic dose is correct
Is patient showing clinical improvement • If bacteria not sensitive to
No antibiotics, obtain ID consult
(afebrile, decreased localized swelling,
decreased/no pain, increased ROM) • If synovial WBC rising, consider
after 72h of IV abx? surgical drainage (if drainage
indicated, send cultures and
Yes pathology)
Does patient meet criteria 16
for PO antibiotics? PATIENT OFF CPG;
• Diagnosis within 4 days of continue IV antibiotics and
onset of symptoms treat as clinically indicated
• No concurrent osteomyelitis
• Able to tolerate PO’s

• If patient on:
• IV cefazolin, switch to PO
cephalexin 100 mg/kg/DAY in 4
daily doses x 21 days (max dose:
4 g/DAY)
• IV ceftriaxone, switch to PO
cefixime 8 mg/kg/DAY Q 12-24h
(max dose: 400 mg/DAY)
• If pt not on IV cefazolin or
ceftriaxone, consult ID re: PO
abx selection

18 19
Was patient able to tolerate
PO antibiotics? treat as clinically indicated

Yes 21
No Continue inpatient care
Does patient meet
until patient meets
discharge criteria?
discharge criteria
22 Discharge criteria:
• Patient showing clinical improvement x 72h
Discharge home: (afebrile, decreased localized swelling, increased
• If patient unable to ambulate, obtain PT ROM, decreased/no pain)
• Arrange follow-up 1 week after discharge • Patient tolerating PO abx
• Caregiver able to administer PO abx as ordered
214 Pediatric Topics

TABLE 30–5. Review of the Literature: Clinical Prediction Rules


Kocher et al. IV Retrospective 82 86 1. History of fever Area under ROC

(1999)34 curve: 0.96
2. Non–weight bearing
3. ESR ' 40 mm/hr
4. WBC " 12,000/mm3
Kocher et al. II Prospective 51 103 1. History of fever Area under ROC
(2004)35 curve: 0.86
2. Non–weight bearing
3. ESR ' 40 mm/hr
4. WBC " 12,000/mm3
Jung et al. IV Retrospective 27 97 1. Temperature " 37°C Area under ROC
(2003)36 curve: 0.986
2. ESR " 20 mm/hr
3. CRP level " 1.0 mg/dL
4. WBC " 11,000/mm3
5. " 2 mm joint space
widening on radiographs
Luhmann et al. IV Retrospective 47 118 1. History of fever Area under ROC
(2004)37 curve: 0.771
2. WBC count " 12,000/mm3
3. Prior healthcare visit
Caird et al. II Prospective 34 14 1. Temperature " 38.5°C
2. CRP level " 2.0 mg/L
3. ESR " 40 mm/hr
4. Refusal to bear weight
5. Serum WBC count
" 12,000/mm3.

ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; WBC, white blood cell; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; CRP, C-reactive protein.

TABLE 30–6. Summary of Recommendations


1. Poor outcomes have been associated with delay in diagnosis of septic ar- B 16-20
thritis of the hip in children.
2. Widespread use of the vaccine for Haemophilus influenza type B has sub- B 23, 24
stantially reduced the incidence of septic arthritis from this pathogen.
3. Ultrasonography accurately identifies hip effusion in children. B 27
4. MRI can differentiate septic arthritis from transient synovitis of the hip in B 28
5. CRP level <1.0 mg/dL is suggestive of transient synovitis. B 33
6. Predictors that differentiate septic arthritis from transient synovitis include B 34, 35
history of fever, non–weight bearing, ESR >40 mm/hr, and serum WBC
7. Predictors that differentiate septic arthritis from transient synovitis include B 36
temperature >37°C, ESR >20 mm/hr, CRP level >1.0 mg/dL, serum WBC
count >11,000/mm3, and >2 mm joint space difference on radiographs.
8. Predictors that differentiate septic arthritis from transient synovitis include B 37
history of fever, serum WBC >12,000/mm3, and prior healthcare visit.
9. Predictors that differentiate septic arthritis from transient synovitis include B 38
fever >38.5°C, CRP level >2.0 mg/L, ESR >40 mm/hr, refusal to bear weight,
and serum WBC >12,000/mm3.
10. A clinical practice guideline (CPG) for management of children with septic B 39
arthritis of the hip can result in less variation of process and improved
efficiency of care, without a significant difference in outcome.
How Do You Best Diagnose Septic Arthritis of the Hip? 215

REFERENCES 23. Howard AW, Viskontas D, Sabbagh C: Reduction in osteomy-

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1. Adams JA: Transient synovitis of the hip in children. J Bone type B vaccination. J Pediatr Orthop 19:705–709, 1999.
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2. Dan M: Septic arthritis in young infants: Clinical and microbi- septic arthritis in children by Haemophilus influenzae type-b
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3. Edwards EG: Transient synovitis of the hip joint in children. 25. Zamzam MM: The role of ultrasound in differentiating septic
JAMA 148:30–36, 1952. arthritis from transient synovitis of the hip in children. J
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joint disease in children. Clin Pediatr 17:19–23, 1978. Am 85-A:994–999, 2003.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment for

31 Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries

in Skeletally Immature Individuals?

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury in a growing descriptions, it was generally believed that chil-
child is being diagnosed with some degree of fre- dren did not tear the ACL with the exception of the
quency, probably because of increased skill in diag- pediatric equivalent, namely, the tibial eminence
nostic ability including specialized imaging studies fracture.20–23 With that background, it is important
such as magnetic resonance imaging.1–7 The true in- for the physician to have a high index of suspicion
cidence of ACL injury in the skeletally immature in a child presenting with a presumed hemarthrosis
athlete is unknown. In a series of 1000 consecutive (swollen knee) after a knee injury.
ACL injuries treated at the Cleveland Clinic, 5 pa- In a number of series of knee injuries in the pediat-
tients were younger than 12 years.8 ric population, the incidence rate of ACL disruption
From insurance claim data in the United States for has been reported to be as low as 10% and as high as
youth soccer leagues, the overall incidence rate is 65% in series with the number of patients ranging
about 0.01% with 550 claims for ACL injury out of from 35 to 138 patients.24–28
6 million children and youths who were insured A physical examination in this clinical setting
during the time period.9 Girls have been noted to be should include a careful examination for ACL insuffi-
2 to 9 times more likely to sustain this injury than ciency. The examination should consist of a careful
boys.10 and gentle Lachman test for anteroposterior instabil-
ity with the knee at 20 to 30 degrees of flexion, an
anterior drawer test at 90 degrees if the patient’s
NATURAL HISTORY OF ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT pain and tense effusion will allow, and finally, a gentle
INJURY IN CHILDREN examination for a positive pivot shift.
Again, a high index of suspicion is necessary.
In adults, chronic ACL insufficiency leads to intra- Except in the incidence of tibial or femoral bony
articular damage. Meniscal tears and chondral dam- avulsion, there is no need for urgent surgical re-
age occur in individuals who continue to participate construction (Level of Evidence V). The patient
in sports and recreational activities without the ben- can be instructed to ice the knee, start active
efit of a stable knee.11–13 What is the evidence? A range-of-motion exercises and strengthening, and
number of Level II and III studies confirm the same be re-evaluated in 2 to 3 weeks when the physical
dismal prognosis in children with open physes; examination will be more reliable and easier to
namely, if the ACL is left untreated, the patient has a perform because the patient will be more comfort-
markedly increased risk for development of menis- able and the majority of the hemarthrosis will be
cal tears and chondral damage leading to eventual resorbed.
Level III studies by Graf and colleagues,4 McCarroll
and coworkers,5 and Angel and Hall1 all report on the DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING
high incidence of meniscal tears and the inability to
resume preinjury activity levels. Level II studies by All patients with a significant knee injury and pre-
Aichroth and investigators,14 Pressman and research- senting with an effusion (hemarthrosis) should have
ers,18 and Kannus and Jarvinen19 have confirmed the plain radiographs of the knee to rule out tibial emi-
results of these earlier studies. nence fracture or other bony avulsions and osteo-
chondral fractures.
The decision to order magnetic resonance imaging
MAKING THE DIAGNOSIS still remains somewhat controversial. However, in
2007, it is recommended for patients with suspected
Since the early 1990s, the orthopedic literature has ACL tears to be evaluated for meniscal tear and
discussed in depth the possibility of an ACL disrup- osteochondral lesions (such as a fracture or a “bone
tion in the growing child. Before these detailed bruise”) (Fig. 32–1) (Level of Evidence V).

What Is the Best Treatment for ACL Injuries in Skeletally Immature Individuals? 217

FIGURE 31–1. A, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of a skeletally immature adolescent with disruption of anterior cruci-
ate ligament (ACL) tear. Note disruption of anterior cruciate ligament (white arrows) and open physes. B, Same patient.
Note peripheral separation of lateral meniscus, an injury commonly seen in patients with ACL disruption.

willing to alter their active lifestyle and give up

TREATMENT change-of-direction sports.
Special Considerations in the Growing Child
Children with open growth plates may present chal- Operative Treatment
lenges to the treating orthopedic surgeon familiar
with reconstruction techniques used in adults. Most Given the unique anatomic aspects of the growing
ACL reconstructions in adults use autograft tendon child, nontraditional surgical methods have been
(hamstring or patellar tendon) to replace the torn used in an attempt to prevent knee instability whereas
ACL. The surgical technique involves a central drill at the same time preventing or reducing the risk for
hole in the proximal tibia and another in the distal growth disturbance.
femur to place the tendon graft to closely resemble These surgical methods can be divided into the
the anatomic location of the normal ACL. Utilizing following categories:
this surgical technique in a growing child may result 1. Extra-articular surgical reconstructions
in a growth arrest or altered growth in either the 2. Physis-sparing surgical reconstructions includ-
proximal tibia or the distal femur. Growth distur- ing graft fixation in the epiphysis
bances using conventional surgical techniques have 3. Partial physeal-sparing reconstructions
been reported in both animal models29–31 and clinical 4. Transphyseal reconstructions
series of reconstructions in pediatric patients.32–34 Extra-articular Surgical Reconstruction. Extra-articular surgi-
cal reconstruction was popular in adults in the
1970s. Unfortunately, the location of the graft in a
Is There a Place for Nonoperative Treatment? nonanatomic location was unsuccessful in control-
ling anterior translation of the tibia on the femur.
A number of commercially available knee orthoses Nevertheless, these extra-articular reconstructions
are available that theoretically prevent the knee insta- have been proposed as a “temporizing” procedure in
bility seen in patients with chronic ACL insufficiency. the skeletally immature patient2,4,5 (Level of Evi-
Unfortunately, no evidence has been presented to dence IV). No evidence suggests that they will act
show they prevent the dreaded consequences of fur- any more efficiently than reported previously.
ther meniscal damage and chondral change despite Physis-Sparing Reconstructions. In an attempt to avoid
the claims of rendering the knee more stable16–18 crossing the physis with the graft, a number of grafts
(Level of Evidence IV). Also, few growing children are have been used with variations on a theme. The graft
218 Pediatric Topics

avoids the proximal tibial physis by using a drill hole

in the proximal epiphysis only.35–37 In addition, the
distal femoral physis is avoided by placing the graft
in an “over-the-top” position through the posterior
capsule35,37 or by a drill hole into the epiphysis only36
(Fig. 31–2). Only Level III and IV studies have docu-
mented the efficacy of these surgical treatments,
with the longest follow-up being 5 years.35,36,38–43
A variation of the combined intra-articular and extra-
articular reconstruction popularized by McIntosh and
Darby has been proposed by Kocher37 in prepubescent
skeletally immature children and adolescents to pro-
vide knee stability whereas at the same time avoiding
the dreaded iatrogenic complication of growth distur-
bance seen with drill holes through either the proximal
tibial or the distal femoral physis, or both (Level of Evi-
dence IV) (Fig. 31–3).
In their Level IV study, 44 skeletally immature
children (Tanner stage I or II) underwent the com-
bined intra-articular and extra-articular reconstruc-
FIGURE 31–2. Physis-sparing technique of anterior cruci- tion using iliotibial band. The factors evaluated
ate ligament reconstruction utilizing autogenous patellar
tendon as the graft. The graft remains attached distally to were functional outcome, graft survival, and radio-
the tibia and is passed through a notch in the proximal graphic outcome with special emphasis on any
tibial epiphysis beneath the intermeniscal ligament to an growth disturbance. Follow-up period ranged from
intra-articular position, and subsequently is passed 2.0 to 15.1 years with a mean of 5.3 years. No growth
through the posterior capsule to an “over-the-top” posi- disturbances were noted after the surgery as mea-
tion on the distal femur above the distal femoral physis. sured clinically and radiographically. Functional



FIGURE 31–3. Physeal-sparing, com-

bined intra-articular and extra-articular
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) recon-
struction. A, Autogenous iliotibial band
graft is harvested keeping it attached
distally to Gerdy’s tubercle. B, The graft
is brought to an “over-the-top” position
and then into the joint through the pos-
terior capsule. C, From the knee joint,
the graft is brought under the inter-
meniscal ligament anteriorly. D, The
graft is sutured to the periosteum using
C D interrupted mattress sutures.
What Is the Best Treatment for ACL Injuries in Skeletally Immature Individuals? 219

Medial view Anteroposterior view total of 24 patients) underwent repeat meniscal sur-
gery, either repair or partial resection.
Partial Physeal-Sparing Techniques. Partial physeal-sparing
techniques use a small, central, and vertical drill
hole through the proximal tibial physis and place-
ment of the graft through the posterior capsule to an
“over-the-top” position on the distal femur. Level IV
studies indicate this technique renders the knee sta-
ble with little or no further meniscal damage, and no
alteration of growth in either the distal femur or
proximal tibia42,44,45 (Fig. 31–4).
Transphyseal Reconstructions. Transphyseal reconstructions
use a 6- to 8-mm drill hole in the proximal tibia and
distal femur. The drill holes are placed in as vertical
orientation as possible to minimize the cross-sectional
damage to the physes. The graft is placed in the same
anatomic location as the native ACL (Figs. 31–5 and
Gracilis/semi- 31–6). A number of authors have concluded that trans-
tendinosus physeal reconstructions are safe with no disruption of
longitudinal growth (Fig. 31–7).
However, there are reports of growth disturbance
utilizing a transphyseal reconstruction in children
FIGURE 31–4. Partial physeal-sparing anterior cruciate lig- with open physes.34 Level II and III studies have docu-
ament (ACL) reconstruction. Hamstring tendons (semiten- mented that this reconstruction offers the benefits of
dinosus and gracilis) are harvested and fed through a 6- to long-term knee stability.5,46 In most cases, it should
8-mm vertical drill hole in the proximal tibia, then out be reserved for the adolescent at or near the end of
through the posterior capsule to an “over-the-top” posi- growth. Figure 31–8 presents an algorithm for treat-
tion on the distal femur. The graft is fixed to the distal fe- ment of ACL tears in children.
mur with staples or sutures.

outcome was excellent with subjective knee scores
of 96.7 ! 6.7 (range, 74–100) using the Lysholm Postoperative therapy is important to the success of
knee score. Examination for stability of the knee the surgery and is recommended for all patients.
revealed normal Lachman test results in 23 patients Patients are kept toe touch weight bearing for up to
and near-normal results in 18 patients, whereas 6 weeks in the prepubescent patients and up to 2 to
pivot shift examination was normal in 31 patients 3 weeks in older adolescents.
and near normal in 11 patients. Four patients who Therapy consists of the use of a removable brace,
had undergone concurrent meniscal repair at the although there is no evidence to suggest the outcome
time of the ligamentous reconstruction (out of a is any better, but it tends to restrict overzealous

Medial view Anteroposterior view



FIGURE 31–5. Diagram of transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction used in older adolescents and
adults. Free hamstring tendons are used, and the fixation devices should not encroach on either physis if the physis is
still open.
220 Pediatric Topics

FIGURE 31–6. A, Anteroposterior radio-

graph of skeletally immature child after
transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament
(ACL) reconstruction using autogenous
hamstring tendons. Note vertical orien-
tation of drill holes in proximal tibia
and distal femur. B, Lateral radiograph
A B of same patient.

FIGURE 31–7. A, Axial magnetic resonance image (MRI) of knee after transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) re-
construction. Note small, centrally placed drill hole in proximal tibia (white arrow). B, Lateral MRI of same patient
showing graft filling tibial tunnel. Note Park–Harris growth arrest lines (white arrows) on distal femur proximal to
physis indicating continued growth.
What Is the Best Treatment for ACL Injuries in Skeletally Immature Individuals? 221


Anterior cruciate
ligament tear
in child

rehabilitation and bracing
Modification of activities

No Symptoms

Skeletal Prepubescent Skeletal age Skeletal age

maturity child "13 ≥13
"14 ≥14

Accommodation Transphyseal
reconstruction Combined Partial transphyseal Transphyseal
of lifestyle
intra-articular Small central drill reconstruction
and extra-articular hole in proximal tibial
physeal sparing physis to over-the-top
reconstruction position on femur
(fixation away from
FIGURE 31–8. Algorithm for treatment of anterior cruciate ligament tears in children.

patients from too much activity (Level of Evidence V). prioceptive training. At 3 months, jogging and sports-
The therapist works with the patient to decrease specific exercises are permitted with change of direc-
swelling, increase range of motion, and increase tion, cutting activities, and expected return to sports
strength with closed chain exercises followed by pro- 6 months after the surgery.

it proximally. Arthroscopy is performed, and the
Based on a number of Level III and IV studies, graft is passed in a retrograde fashion from an
the following recommendations can be made. For “over-the-top” position through the posterior
the young child with an ACL disruption and 3 to capsule and intercondylar notch, underneath the
4 years or more of growth remaining, a trial of intermeniscal ligament to a second incision on
bracing and activity modification is warranted the proximal tibia. It is sutured to the periosteum
until the child is older or until such time as the distally to the proximal tibial physis after a small
treatment is deemed a failure. notch is placed in the proximal tibial epiphysis.37
In younger children with 3 or more years of The graft is first fixed on the femoral side at the
growth remaining, there are 2 options. In prepu- insertion of the lateral intermuscular septum to
bescent patients, a physeal-sparing technique the lateral femoral condyle with the knee flexed
should be used. Although not exactly replicating 90 degrees. It is then fixed under tension to the
the anatomic location of the native ACL, studies periosteum of the proximal tibia with the knee
suggest the efficacy of this treatment in control- flexed 20 degrees.
ling instability and preventing further intra- In adolescent patients with approximately
articular damage whereas at the same time not 2 years of growth remaining, partial transphyseal
disrupting growth at either the distal femur or reconstructions are recommended. A small
proximal tibia35–43 (grade C). (6–8-mm) drill hole is placed in the proximal tibia
A strip of iliotibial band about 2 to 3 cm wide in a more vertical orientation than is performed
and 15 cm long is harvested, keeping the strip at- in skeletally mature individuals. Hamstring ten-
tached distally to Gerdy’s tubercle and detaching dons (semitendinosus and gracilis) are used and
222 Pediatric Topics

RECOMMENDATIONS—CONT’D screw. The drill hole needs to be placed in a

are passed through the tibial tunnel and through more vertical orientation than is used in adults to
the intercondylar notch and posterior capsule allow the insertion of the interference screw with-
of the knee joint to an “over-the-top” position on out damaging the proximal tibial physis.
the distal femur. A number of different fixation In the adolescent near skeletal maturity, the
techniques have been used including staples transphyseal method of reconstruction is safe
and screws and washers for the distal femur and provides a stable knee. If the adolescent has
fixation.42,44,45 1 year or less of growth remaining, it is recom-
The fixation devices should be used at a dis- mended to perform a transphyseal reconstruc-
tance of 1.5 to 2.0 cm from the physis. The ham- tion of the ACL using autograft hamstring tendon,
string tendons can be left attached on the proxi- autograft bone-patellar tendon-bone, or allograft
mal tibia and fed up the tunnel or detached and tendon (Achilles).5,46 The recommendations are
fixed in the tibial tunnel with a bioabsorbable summarized in the algorithm in Figure 31–8 and
in Table 31–1.

TABLE 31–1. Levels of Evidence for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Skeletally Immature Individuals
1. Untreated anterior cruciate ligament injuries in children lead to meniscal B 1, 4, 5
tears and chondral damage. B 14, 18, 19
2. Knee braces do not alter the long-term natural history. B 16, 18
B 17
3. Extra-articular anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction does not correct B 2, 4, 5
the clinical problem of knee instability.
4. Physis-sparing reconstructions can offer the advantage of stabilizing the C 35–43
knee without the risk for growth arrest at the proximal tibia or distal femur.
5. Partial physeal-sparing techniques appear to offer knee stability without C 42, 44, 45
the risk for growth arrest.
6. Transphyseal ligamentous reconstructions offer long-term stability but B 5, 46
some risk for growth disturbance. They should be reserved for the B 34
adolescent near the end of growth.

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plications of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in skeletally Am J Sports Med 28:168–175, 2000.
Chapter What Is the Optimal Treatment for

32 Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis?


Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is an adoles- dislocation of the hip with transphyseal callus re-
cent hip disorder in which there is a displacement of moval, reduction, and fixation.47–51
the capital femoral epiphysis from the metaphysis The treatment of a patient with unstable SCFE is
through the physis. Most cases are “idiopathic,” al- quite controversial. Treatment options include inter-
though they may also occur from a known endocrine nal fixation with or without reduction and joint de-
disorder,1–3 renal failure osteodystrophy,4 or previous compression, epiphysiodesis, and open reduction
radiation therapy.3,5,6 This chapter is limited to the with corrective osteotomy through the physis and
idiopathic SCFE. SCFEs are classified both by their internal fixation. Considerable discussion has oc-
clinical nature and magnitude. The traditional clini- curred regarding the timing (emergent or urgent re-
cal classification was acute, chronic, and acute on duction vs. elective) of the reduction, the magnitude
chronic,7–11 and it was based on the patient’s history, of reduction (incidental reduction [improvement in
physical examination, and roentgenograms. An acute the SCFE that occurs with positioning the patient on
SCFE case is defined as those with symptoms for less the operating table] vs. a complete reduction), the
than 3 weeks with an abrupt displacement through role of joint decompression, and the number of inter-
the proximal physis in which there was a preexisting nal fixation devices.
epiphyseolysis.7 Chronic SCFE cases account for 85%
of all slips12 and present with more than 3 weeks of
groin, thigh, and knee pain, often for months to years. LEVELS OF EVIDENCE
These patients often have a history of exacerbations
and remissions of the pain and limp. Acute-on-chronic The treatment of SCFE has been one of gradual evo-
SCFEs are those with chronic symptoms initially and lution over time. The available studies (Table 32–1)
the subsequent development of acute symptoms. A are, at best, Level III; no randomized, controlled
newer, more clinically useful classification is depen- studies and few prospective comparative studies
dent on physeal stability, which imparts a prognosis involve SCFE. For this reason, I review the few Level
to the hip regarding subsequent avascular necrosis III and the most appropriate Level IV series, com-
(AVN).13 A stable SCFE is defined as one where the pare and contrast them regarding long-term out-
child is able to ambulate, with or without crutches. comes and complications, synthesize the data, and
An unstable SCFE is defined as one where the child propose as best as possible the optimal treatment
cannot ambulate, with or without crutches. Unstable of SCFE.
SCFE cases have a much greater incidence rate of As a background to considering the various differ-
AVN, up to 50% in some series, compared with stable ent treatments for SCFE, it is first necessary to un-
SCFEs (nearly 0%).13 derstand the long-term natural history of the un-
treated SCFE and the long-term outcomes from SCFEs
treated many years ago. The two major concerns in
OPTIONS the untreated individual with SCFE are the risk for
further progression and the risk for degenerative
Once a diagnosis of SCFE is made, treatment is indi- joint disease in adult life. Few long-term studies of
cated to prevent slip progression14–16 and to avoid patients with SCFE and even fewer untreated indi-
complications, especially AVN and chondrolysis. vidual are included in these series.11,22,52–56 Ordeberg
Multiple treatment options are available, each having and researchers57 studied a series of patients with
specific advantages and disadvantages. These op- SCFE without primary treatment 20 to 40 years after
tions are divided into those for patients with stable diagnosis. Few patients had restrictions in working
SCFE and those for patients with unstable SCFE. capacity or social life. However, there was a risk for
Treatment options for a stable SCFE include: (1) in slip progression as long as the physis remained
situ stabilization with a single screw8,9,17–21 or multiple open.58 Carney and coauthors22 reported on 35 pa-
pins17,22–25; (2) epiphyseodesis25–30; (3) open reduction tients with SCFE who were initially observed; in 6
with corrective osteotomy through the physis and in- hips (17%), gradual progression occurred, with 5
ternal fixation18,22,30–39; (4) basilar neck osteotomy40–42; becoming severe. An additional 11 patients had an
(5) intertrochanteric osteotomy24,42–46; and (6) surgical acute episode superimposed on the chronic SCFE;

What Is the Optimal Treatment for Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis? 225

TABLE 32–1. Levels of Evidence in Studies of Idiopathic Slipped all progressed to severe displacement and required
Capital Femoral Epiphysis surgical stabilization.
Howorth59 (Level V evidence) states that SCFE is
LEVEL likely the most frequent cause of degenerative joint
STUDY DESIGN OF EVIDENCE GRADE disease of the hip in middle life, and a common source
Stable SCFE of pain and disability. This is not necessarily sup-
ported by other studies. The number of patients with
Multiple Treatment Methods known SCFE is low (average 5%) in reviewing large
Aronson and Loder RR III B series of patients with degenerative joint disease.60–62
Carlioz et al. (1984)18 RR III B
The severity of deformity in the untreated SCFE is
Carney et al. (1991)22 RR III B known to correlate with the long-term prognosis re-
Diab et al. (2004)35 RR III B garding degenerative joint disease.22,52,54,56,63,64 Oram54
Dreghorn et al. (1987)23 RR III B reports on 22 patients with untreated SCFEs; patients
El-Mowafi et al. (2005)42 RR III B with moderate SCFEs retained good function for years,
Jerre et al. (1996)38 RR III B whereas patients with severe SCFEs experienced de-
Parsch et al. (1999)24 RR III B
Szypryt et al. (1987)30 RR III B velopment of degenerative joint disease within 15
Zahrawi et al. (1983)25 RR III B years. Jerre63,64 and Ross and colleagues56 report in-
Single Central Screw Fixation creasingly poor results with longer follow-up periods;
Aronson and Carlson PS with RR IV C many patients responded well early on but experi-
(1992)8 enced development of increasing symptoms and de-
Herman et al. (1996)19 RR IV C creasing function with increasing age. Carney and
Kenny et al. (2003)20 RR IV C Weinstein52 studied the natural history of the un-
Koval et al. (1989)21 RR IV C
Ward et al. (1992)9 PS with RR IV C
treated, chronic SCFE in 31 hips at an average follow-
up period of 41 years. The average Iowa Hip Rating
Multipin Fixation was 92 in the 17 patients with mild SCFE, 87 in the 11
Aronson et al. (1992)17 RR IV C patients with moderate SCFE, and 75 in the 3 patients
Physeal/Cuneiform Osteotomy with severe SCFE. Although a patient with a mild SCFE
Barros et al. (2000)34 RR IV C appears to have a favorable prognosis, patients with
Broughton RR IV C moderate and severe SCFE have a high incidence of
et al. (1988)95 degenerative joint disease. Poor results, however, can
DeRosa et al. (1996)31 RR IV C occasionally be seen even with minimal SCFEs.11,22,52,56
Dunn et al. (1978)36 RR IV C
Fish (1994)33 RR IV C
In summary, the natural history of chronic (stable)
Fron et al. (2000)37 RR IV C SCFE is favorable provided that displacement is mild
Nishiyama RR IV C and remains so. Thus, all treatments should stabilize
et al. (1989)39 the SCFE and prevent complications.
Velasco et al. (1998)32 RR IV C What are the long-term historical results of treat-
Basilar Neck Osteotomy ment? Wilson and coworkers65 reviewed 300 hips
Abraham et al. (1993)96 RR IV C treated between 1936 and 1960. Good results were
Kramer et al. (1976)41 RR IV C seen in 81% of those treated with in situ fixation
Intertrochanteric Osteotomy and in 60% of those with deformity correction.
Ireland and Newman RR IV C
Hall53 reviewed 138 patients; excellent results were
(1978)97 seen in 80% of those treated with multiple pin fixa-
Kartenbender et al. RR IV C tion; realignment with osteotomy of the femoral
(2000)46 neck resulted in a 38% AVN rate with 36% poor
Parsch et al. (1999)24 RR IV C results. Ordeberg and researchers66 reviewed 44
Rao et al. (1984)98 RR IV C
Salvati et al. (1980)99 RR IV C patients with untreated SCFE followed for more
Schai et al. (1996)44 RR IV C than 30 years. Symptomatic treatment or fixation in
Southwick (1967)43 RR IV C situ gave excellent results, with only 2% needing a
Spica Cast Treatment secondary reconstructive procedure. Closed reduc-
Betz et al. (1990)100 RR IV C
tion or spica cast treatment had a combined rate of
Meier et al. (1992)101 RR IV C AVN and chondrolysis of 13%, with 35% needing a
reconstructive procedure; femoral neck osteotomy
resulted in a combined rate of AVN and chondroly-
Adamczyk et al. (2003)29 RR IV C sis of 30%, with 15% needing a reconstructive pro-
Rao et al. (1996)27 RR IV C
Schmidt et al. (1996)28 RR IV C cedure.57 Carney and coauthors22 report on 155
hips at a mean follow-up of 41 years. Poorer results
PS, prospective series; RR, retrospective review; SCFE, slipped capital fem- were associated with more severe slips and realign-
oral epiphysis.
ment; chondrolysis (16%) and AVN (12%) were
more common with increasing slip severity. All
these long-term studies support the use of in situ
fixation as the treatment of choice for SCFE regard-
less of slip severity. Realignment was associated
226 Pediatric Topics

with significant complications and poorer results. It wick types of osteotomies, the rate of AVN and
must be remembered, however, that the surgical chondrolysis is 2.5% (5/198) and 4.9% (7/142) for
fixation techniques and imaging modalities used in the flexion osteotomy and 0% (0/112) and 15.2%
these historical series are much different from (17/112) for the Southwick osteotomy. Although the
those currently used. rate of chondrolysis is lower for the flexion osteot-
omy, there is an increase in the rate of AVN with the
flexion osteotomy.
Stable Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis In conclusion, when reviewing all the evidence and
published series to date, it is clear that the optimal
The incidence rates of AVN range from 0% to 10%, treatment for the stable, idiopathic SCFE is single
of chondrolysis from 0.8% to 16%, and slip progres- central screw fixation (Figs. 32–1 and 32–2).
sion from 0.5% to 5.7% (Tables 32–2, 32–3, and
32–4). The lowest rates of AVN, chondrolysis, and
slip progression in aggregate are those treated with Unstable Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
a single central screw (see Table 32–4). The advan-
tages of single-screw fixation for a patient with a The treatment for the unstable SCFE is controversial
stable SCFE include a high success rate, a low inci- as shown by survey studies of both North American70
dence rate of further slippage, and a low incidence and European71 pediatric orthopedic surgeons. An
rate of complications.8,67,68 urgent/emergent treatment was favored by 88% of
Epiphysiodesis attempted to avoid the complica- North American and European surgeons; a manipula-
tions associated with internal fixation (unrecog- tive reduction was favored by 32% of European and
nized pin protrusion, damage to the lateral epiphy- 12% of North American surgeons, whereas more North
seal vessels, and hardware failure); however, the American surgeons (84%) favored an incidental reduc-
fixation provided by the bone graft was less secure tion. Single-screw fixation was recommended by 57%
than that with internal fixation, having a 5.7% inci- of North American surgeons and 79% of European
dence rate of slip progression. As a result of this surgeons, with double-screw fixation being recom-
higher slip progression rate and other disadvan- mended by 40% of North American and only 18% of
tages (blood loss, large scar, long anesthesia time, European surgeons. Capsular decompression was rec-
neck and subtrochanteric fracture), epiphysiodesis ommended by 29% of the European and 35% of the
is no longer the first choice of treatment for North American surgeons. This Level V evidence
an SCFE. clearly indicates that the best treatment for an unsta-
Osteotomies are used in an attempt to correct the ble SCFE is not yet known.
deformity associated with SCFE. The overall inci- In the initial study that described the unstable
dence rate of both chondrolysis and AVN in SCFE, the risk for AVN was 47%.13 It was 88% in those
350 cases of physeal/cuneiform osteotomy com- when operative stabilization occurred less than 48
piled from the literature was 10%. Because of this hours after the onset of symptoms versus 32% in
high risk for AVN and subsequent poor results in those more than 48 hours. However, the cause-and-
most series, a physeal cuneiform osteotomy is not effect relation between the timing of operative stabi-
recommended in the treatment of SCFE. A compen- lization and the development of AVN could not be
sating base-of-neck osteotomy is an attempt to determined.
maintain the advantages of a physeal osteotomy Several authors have attempted to answer these
(deformity correction) but with a lower risk for questions (Table 32–6). Some72–74 believe that reduc-
AVN. Indeed, the incidence rate of AVN is less with tion reduces the incidence of AVN, others75,76 believe
basilar neck osteotomies compared with the cunei- that reduction has no influence on the development
form osteotomy (10% vs. 1%). The intertrochanteric of AVN, and a few77 believe that reduction increases
osteotomy is an attempt to improve hip motion, the incidence of AVN. Peterson and colleagues,73 in 91
obtain some correction of the deformity (albeit a patients with unstable SCFEs at an average follow-up
compensatory correction), and completely avoid period of 44 months, note that the incidence rate of
AVN. The compiled results demonstrate that AVN AVN was 7% when a closed reduction was performed
still occurs with a 2.2% incidence rate and also less than 24 hours from presentation and 20% when
carries a significant risk for chondrolysis (11.9%). performed more than 24 hours from presentation.
The results of intertrochanteric osteotomy using The authors believe that the acute displacement of
the Southwick technique are much poorer than the femoral epiphysis compromises the blood flow,
those of in situ single-screw fixation.43,44,69 The sim- which may be restored by a timely reduction of the
pler Imhäuser flexion intertrochanteric osteot- SCFE. Gordon and coworkers72 support this concept,
omy24,45,46 has replaced the Southwick osteotomy. with no cases of AVN in 10 patients with unstable
Because it is not a valgus, limb-lengthening osteot- SCFE treated within 24 hours by reduction, arthrot-
omy, the increase in joint pressure created by the omy, and double-screw fixation. Maeda and research-
traditional Southwick osteotomy, a likely cause ers,78 using angiography, demonstrated restoration
of chondrolysis, is avoided. When comparing the of blood supply to the epiphysis after reduction of
results (Table 32–5) between the flexion and South- an unstable SCFE. Phillips and coauthors74 reviewed
What Is the Optimal Treatment for Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis? 227

14 patients with unstable SCFE, and noted no compli- even if the bilaterality incidence rate is 60%, then
cation in those who were treated with early reduction 40% of children with SCFE will have unnecessary
and stabilization. By contrast, Tokmakova and co- surgery if prophylactic fixation is performed on all
workers77 reviewed 36 patients with unstable SCFEs children with idiopathic SCFE. Prophylactic fixation
and noted a 58% AVN incidence rate. Their multiple is recommended by some researchers,85–87 whereas
logistic regression analysis showed that a complete close observation is recommended by others.88,89
or partial reduction of an unstable SCFE increased the Therefore, what is the level of evidence regarding
chances of AVN; they thus recommend in situ fixation prophylactic fixation?
with a single central screw as the treatment for the First, is prophylactic fixation safe? Few series
unstable SCFE. Kalogrianitis and investigators79 rec- report the results of prophylactic fixation86,87,90–92
ommend that the reduction be performed within 24 (Table 32–7). The combined number of hips treated
hours, and that after that the epiphysis is much more prophylactically in these 5 studies is 305. No AVN or
susceptible to AVN and thus to defer definitive treat- chondrolysis was found, although in some cases,
ment until at least 1 week has passed. the epiphysis grew off the fixation (7.3% in the 3
Several studies address the number of screws series in which it was recorded accurately87,90,91).
that should be used in the patient with unstable Thus, it seems relatively clear that with today’s
SCFE, but nearly all are in vitro animal models and methods of single central screw fixation, prophylac-
different than the clinical situation. Karol and re- tic fixation can be performed with a low incidence
searchers80 and Kibiloski and colleagues81 com- of complications.
pared single- and double-screw fixation in a calf Considering this relative safety, it then becomes
model, testing in both a single load to failure and necessary to determine when prophylactic fixa-
the effects of physiologic shear loading. Double- tion should be performed in child with a unilateral
screw fixation did not double the strength com- stable, idiopathic SCFE. A POSNA membership sur-
pared with single-screw fixation for either a single vey (Level V evidence) recommends prophylactic
load to failure or simulated walking. Both articles fixation of the opposite hip70 in only 12.2% of
recommend protected weight bearing in the post- cases. Two recent studies using decision analysis
operative period for the unstable SCFE regardless models have been performed to assist in this di-
of whether 1 or 2 screws are used. Again, in an im- lemma, but they have come to differing conclu-
mature bovine model, Kishan and coworkers82 eval- sions. Schultz and investigators84 developed a
uated one and two screws in varying degrees of model with probabilities for the occurrence of a
configuration at physiologically relevant loads, and contralateral SCFE. They conclude that prophylac-
they found no significant differences among three tic fixation of the contralateral hip was beneficial
different screw configurations, but that double- to the long-term outcome of the hip, but cautioned
screw constructs were 66% stiffer and 66% stronger that the clinician use sound clinical judgment with
than single-screw constructs. In an immature por- respect to the age, sex, and endocrine status of the
cine model, Snyder and coauthors83 studied tor- patient, including the preferences of the patient
sional strength after removal of the perichondrium and family, before recommending prophylactic fix-
at the physeal level (analogous to the situation, the ation of the contralateral hip. Kocher and cowork-
unstable SCFE where the perichondrium at the phy- ers93 similarly used a decision analysis model with
seal level has been compromised). Two-screw fixa- probabilities for the occurrence of a contralateral
tion after removal of the perichondrium provided SCFE and reached the conclusion that when the
43% of the stiffness and 74% of the strength of the probability of a contralateral SCFE is greater than
intact physis in torsion. 27% or in cases where reliable follow-up is not fea-
Thus, any recommendation for the treatment of sible, then prophylactic fixation of the contralat-
the unstable SCFE is at best Level IV evidence and eral hip is favored. The difference between these
mostly Level V. Keeping this in mind, this author’s studies is how the probabilities of a contralateral
current management strategy for the unstable SCFE SCFE were determined. Schultz and investigators84
is immediate admission, urgent gentle reposition- used values from the literature for various inci-
ing under a general anesthetic and fluoroscopic dences and probabilities of events (e.g., AVN,
guidance, double-screw fixation, joint decompres- chondrolysis, severity of SCFE, etc.). Kocher and
sion, and protected weight bearing for 6 to 12 coworkers93 used a questionnaire to determine
weeks. Because of the rarity of the unstable SCFE, a patient preferences in a group of children without
prospective study of different treatment methods SCFE; the questionnaire posed scenarios for differ-
is needed. ent outcomes and asked the patients to rate pre-
ferences regarding prophylactic fixation in that
framework. Unfortunately, these decision analysis
Prophylactic Treatment of the Opposite Hip models have not yet answered this controversial
question: What are the exact indications for pro-
The risk for a contralateral SCFE developing in a phylactic treatment? Table 32–8 provides a sum-
patient with unilateral SCFE is reported to be 2335 mary of recommendations for the treatment of
times greater than the risk for an initial SCFE,84 yet SCFE.
228 Pediatric Topics

TABLE 32–2. Treatment Outcomes in Stable, Idiopathic Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

Multiple Treatment Methods

Aronson and Loder III MPF—54 — MPF—54 MPF—4.0 MPF—74 MPF—2 (4) MPF—3(6) 0 (0) NA
(1992)94 SCS—43 SCS—43 SCS—3.3 SCS—91 SCS—0 SCS—0 2 (5)

Carlioz et al. (1984)18 III 59 20/18/21 4.4 85 0 NA NA

SCS—33 SCS—33 SCS—91 PO—3 (8)
PO—26 PO—26 PO—77 SCS—0

Carney et al. (1991)22 III 37 Moderate/severe MPF—11 41 NA 1 (9) 1 (9) 0 0

Moderate/severe PO—12 3 (25) 6 (50) 0 0
Moderate/severe ITO—14 1 (7) 5 (36) 0 0
Diab et al. (2004)35 III 26 0/0/26 NA NA NA
ITOF—15 ITOF—15 ITOF—6.33 PO—2 (18) PO—0
PO—11 PO—11 PO—4.17 ITOF—1 (7) ITOF—1 (7)

Dreghorn et al. III 97 cases, — MPF—66 2.1 NA 0 2 (3) 0 1 (1.5)

(1987)23 number stable CRIF—32 2 (10) 0 0 0
not known PO/ITO—8 2 (18) 0 0 —
El-Mowafi et al. III 35 3.5 NA NA
(2005)42 BNO—15 0/5/10 BNO—15 BNO—87 BNO—1 (7) BNO—1 (7)
ITOS—20 0/12/8 ITOS—20 ITOS—90 ITOS—0 ITOS—5 (25)
Jerre et al. (1996) III 33 All moderate or ITO, PO NA NA
22 PO severe PO—33.5 PO—41 PO—5 (23) 1 (5)
11 ITO ITO—36.1 ITO—36 ITO—1 (9) 1 (9)
Parsch et al. (1999)24 III 84 34/0/0 MPF All > 8 97% 0 0 NA NA
Szypryt et al. (1987)30 III 51 5 NA NA
PO—22 PO—all severe PO—22 PO—77 PO—4 (18) PO—0
EPI—29 EPI—0/12/18 EPI—29 EPI—59 EPI—2 (7) EPI—3 (10)
Zahrawi et al. (1983)25 III 94 Average 22-degree slip MPF—61 MPF—7.3 MPF—92 0 MPF—2 (3) MPF—2 (3) NA
Average 30-degree slip EPI—33 EPI—6.6 EPI—72 0 EPI—1 (3) EPI—0 NA
Single Central Screw Fixation
Aronson and Carlson IV 50 38/7/5 SCS 3.0 94 0 0 1 (2) 0
Herman et al. (1996)19 IV 10 0/0/10 SCS 2.6 — 0 1 (10) NA NA
Kenny et al. (2003)20 IV 35 SCS 2 94 0 1 (3) 0 0
Koval et al. (1989)21 IV 67 — SCS 2.9 — 0 0 0 1 (1.5)
Ward et al. (1992)9 IV 51 16/26/9 SCS 2.7 NA 0 0 0 3 (5.8)
Multiple Pin Fixation
Aronson et al. (1992)17 IV 80 49/20/11 MPF 3.3 70 3 4 0 0
Physeal/Cuneiform Osteotomy
Barros et al. (2000)34 IV 20 0/0/20 PO 5.8 75 3 (15) 2 (10) 1 (5) NA
Broughton et al. IV 70 PO 12.92 71 3 (5) 6 (9) NA NA
DeRosa et al. (1996)31 IV 27 0/0/27 PO 8.5 70 4 (15) 8 (30) 2 (7) 0
Dunn et al. (1978)36 IV 40 0/0/40 PO 8.83 75 1 (3) 3 (8) NA NA
Fish (1994)33 IV 50 0/23/27 PO 12.8 98 0 1 (2) NA NA
Fron et al. (2000)37 IV 50 0/0/50 PO 4.5 82 6 (12) 3 (6) NA NA
Nishiyama et al. IV 18 0/0/18 PO 10.25 78 1 (6) 1 (6) NA NA
Velasco et al. (1998)32 IV 22 2/4/14 PO 22.4 41 4 (18) 5 (23) NA NA
Basilar Neck Osteotomy
Abraham et al. IV 36 0/14/22 BNO 9 90 0 3 (8) NA NA
Kramer et al. (1976)41 IV 56 All !40 degrees BN 2–11 79 0 1 (2) NA NA
Intertrochanteric Osteotomy
Ireland and Newman IV 35 0/0/35 ITOS 7.5 60 0 4 (11) † †
Kartenbender et al. IV 39 0/0/39 ITOF 23.4 67 2 (5) 3 (8) † †
Parsch et al. (1999)24 IV 47 + 49 = 96 0/80/16 ITOF All !8 70 1 (1) 3 (3) † †
Rao et al. (1984)98 IV 29 0/12/17 ITOS 7.5 79 0 2 (6) † †
Salvati et al. (1980)99 IV 24 0/7/17 ITO 4.3 67 1 (4) 7 (29) † †
Schai et al. (1996)44 IV 51 0/67/0 ITOF 24.1 55 1 (2) NA † †
Southwick (1967)43 IV 28 0/14/14 ITOS 8 75 0 6 (21) † †
Spica Cast Treatment
Betz et al. (1990)100 IV 32 23/5/4 SC 4.1 — 0 4 (13) 1 (3) †
Meier et al. (1992)101 IV 13 6/5/2 SC 4.1 — — 6 (46) 3 (23) †
Adamczyk et al. IV 273 NA EPI All !1 year NA 4 (1.5) 0 17 (6%) †
Rao et al. (1996)27 IV 46 18/20/8 EPI 2.9 NA 3 (7) 2 (4) 0 †
Schmidt et al. (1996)28 IV 33 29/4/0 EPI 3.6 91% 0 0 3 (9) †

In several of the studies, the data were extracted from the original manuscript and analyzed as best as possible allowing for insufficient data or data not given.
*Satisfactory is defined as excellent/very good and good; fair and poor are considered unsatisfactory.
†Does not apply to this particular treatment method.
AVN, avascular necrosis; BNO, basilar neck osteotomy; CRIF, closed reduction internal fixation; EPI, epiphysiodesis; ITOS, intertrochanteric osteotomy (Southwick type); ITOF, intertrochanteric osteotomy (flexion
Imhaüser type); M/M/S, mild, moderate, severe; MPF, multipin fixation; NA, data not available in the study; PO, physeal osteotomy; PS, prospective series; RR, retrospective review; SC, spica cast; SCFE, slipped
capital femoral epiphysis; SCS, single central screw.
What Is the Optimal Treatment for Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis? 229
230 Pediatric Topics

TABLE 32–3. Compiled Results of Outcomes for Different Methods of Treatment in Stable Idiopathic Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

Multipin Fixation

Aronson et al. (1992)17 80 3 4 0 0

Carney et al. (1991)22 11 1 1 0 0
Dreghorn et al. (1987)23 66 0 2 0 1
Parsch et al. (1999)24 84 0 0 NA NA
Zahrawi et al. (1983)25 61 0 2 2 NA
Total (%) 302 4/302 9/302 2/218 1/157
(1.3) (3) (0.9) (0.6)
Single Central Screw
Aronson and Carlson (1992)8 50 0 0 1 0
Carlioz et al. (1984)18 33 0 0 NA NA
Herman et al. (1996)19 10 0 1 NA NA
Kenny et al. (2003)20 35 0 1 0 0
Koval et al. (1989)21 67 0 0 0 1
Ward et al. (1992)9 51 0 0 0 3
Total (%) 246 0/246 2/246 1/203 4/203
(0) (0.8) (0.5) (2)
Intertrochanteric Osteotomy
Carney et al. (1991)22 14 1 5 * *
Diab et al. (2004)35 15 1 1 * *
El-Mowafi et al. (2005)42 20 0 5 * *
Ireland and Newman (1978)97 35 0 4 * *
Jerre et al. (1996)38 11 1 1 * *
Kartenbender et al. (2000)46 39 2 3 * *
Parsch et al. (1999)24 96 1 3 * *
Rao et al. (1984)98 29 0 2 * *
Salvati et al. (1980)99 24 1 7 * *
Schai et al. (1996)44 51 1 NA * *
Southwick (1967)43 28 0 6 * *
Total (%) 362 8/362 37/311
(2.2) (11.9)
Barros et al. (2000)34 20 3 2 * *
Carlioz et al. (1984)18 26 0 3 * *
Carney et al. (1991)22 12 3 6 * *
DeRosa et al. (1996)31 27 4 8 * *
Diab et al. (2004)35 11 2 0 * *
Dunn et al. (1978)36 70 3 6 * *
Fish (1994)33 50 0 1 * *
Fron et al. (2000)37 50 6 3 * *
Jerre et al. (1996)38 22 5 1 * *
Nishiyama et al. (1989)39 18 1 1 * *
Szypryt et al. (1987)30 22 4 0 * *
Velasco et al. (1998)32 22 4 5 * *
Total (%) 350 35/350 36/350
(10.0) (10.3)
Basilar Neck
Abraham et al. (1993)96 36 0 3 * *
El-Mowafi et al. (2005)42 15 1 1 * *
Kramer et al. (1976)41 56 0 1 * *
Total (%) 107 1/107 5/107
(1.0) (4.7)
Spica Cast
Betz et al. (1990)100 32 0 4 1 *
Meier et al. (1992)101 13 6 3 NA *
Total (%) 45 6/45 7/45 1/32
(13) (16) (3)
What Is the Optimal Treatment for Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis? 231

TABLE 32–3. Compiled Results of Outcomes for Different Methods of Treatment in Stable Idiopathic Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis—cont’d

Adamczyk et al. (2003)29 273 4 0 17 *
Rao et al. (1996)27 46 3 2 0 *
Schmidt et al. (1996)28 33 0 0 3 *
Szypryt et al. (1987)30 29 2 3 NA *
Zahrawi et al. (1983)25 33 0 1 NA *
Total 414 7/414 6/414 20/352
(1.7) (1.5) (5.7)

*Does not apply to this particular treatment method.

AVN, avascular necrosis; NA, data not available in the study.

TABLE 32–4. Summary of Literature Results in the Treatment of Stable, Idiopathic Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Single central screw 246 0 0.8 0.5 1.0
Multipin fixation 302 1.3 3 0.9 0.6
Physeal/Cuneiform osteotomy 350 10.0 10.3 * *
Basilar neck osteotomy 107 1.0 4.7 * *
Intertrochanteric osteotomy 362 2.2 11.9 * *
Spica cast 45 13 16 3 *
Epiphysiodesis 414 1.5 1.5 5.7 *

*Does not apply to this particular treatment method.

AVN, avascular necrosis.

TABLE 32–5. Comparisons between the Flexion and Southwick

Types of Intertrochanteric Osteotomies in the Treatment
of Stable, Idiopathic Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

Flexion Osteotomy
Diab et al. (2004)35 7 1 1
Kartenbender et al. (2000)46 39 2 3
Parsch et al. (1999)24 96 1 3
Schai et al. (1996)44 56 1 NA
5/198 7/142
Total (%) 198 (2.5) (4.9)
Southwick Osteotomy
El-Mowafi et al. (2005)42 20 0 5
Ireland and Newman (1978)97 35 0 4
Rao et al. (1984)98 29 0 2
Southwick (1967)43 28 0 6
Total 112 0 17/112
FIGURE 32–1. The incidence of cumulative complications
(15.2) for various treatment methods in idiopathic, stable
slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), as derived from
multiple series in the literature. BNO, basilar neck osteot-
AVN, avascular necrosis; NA, data not available in the study.
omy; EPI, epiphysiodesis; ITO, intertrochanteric osteot-
omy; MPF, in situ multipin fixation; PHYO, physeal/
cuneiform osteotomy; SCS, in situ single central screw
fixation; SPICA, spica cast.
232 Pediatric Topics


FIGURE 32–2. The anteroposterior (AP) (A) and frog-lateral (B) radiographs of a child with a right slipped capital femo-
ral epiphysis (SCFE). Treatment was provided by a single central screw in the center of the epiphysis and perpendicular
to the physis in both the AP (C) and frog-lateral (D) positions.

TABLE 32–6. Treatment Outcomes for Prophylactic Fixation of the Opposite Hip in Children with Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

Single Central Screw Fixation

Dewnany and Radford IV C 65 6.5 0 0 0
Kumm et al. (1996)91 IV C 34 5.4 0 0 10 (29)
MacLean and Reddy IV C 17 NA 0 0 NA
Multipin Fixation
Emery et al. (1990)92 IV C 95 NA 0 0 29% of pins
Multiple Kirschner-Wire Fixation
Seller et al. (2001)87 IV C 94 All !1 year 0 0 4 (4)

AVN, avascular necrosis; NA, data not available in the study.

What Is the Optimal Treatment for Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis? 233

TABLE 32–7. Treatment Outcomes for Prophylactic Fixation of the Opposite Hip in Children with Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

Single Central Screw Fixation

Dewnany and Radford (2005)90 IV C 65 6.5 0 0 0
Kumm et al. (1996)91 IV C 34 5.4 0 0 10 (29)
MacLean and Reddy (2006)86 IV C 17 NA 0 0 NA
Multipin Fixation
Emery et al. (1990)92 IV C 95 NA 0 0 29% of pins
Multiple Kirschner-Wire Fixation
Seller et al. (2001)87 IV C 94 All !1 yr 0 0 4 (4)

AVN, avascular necrosis; NA, data not available in the study.

TABLE 32–8. Summary of Recommendations


1. Stable SCFEs are initially best treated B, C 8, 9, 17-25, 27-34, 36-39, 41-44, 46,
with single central screw fixation. 97-101
2. If an intertrochaneric osteotomy is C 24, 34, 43-44, 97-98
selected for secondary reorientation
of a SCFE, the flexion type rather than
the Southwick type should be used.
3. The ideal type of treatment for an un- C, I 70-83
stable SCFE is very controversial, but
the treatment strategy recommended
for the average orthopaedic surgeon
is urgent gentle repositioning, double
screw fixation, joint decompression,
and protected weightbearing.

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epiphysis in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands: Re- 86. MacLean JGB, Reddy SK: The contralateral slip. An avoid-
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Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery and the Wekrgroep Kinder slipped upper femoral epiphysis. J Bone Joint Surg Br
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73. Peterson MD, Weiner DS, Green NE, et al: Acute slipped capi- tive on prophylactic pinning in patients with unilateral
tal femoral epiphysis: The value and safety of urgent manipu- slipped capital femoral epiphysis. J Pediatr Orthop 20:745–
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tion and stabilisation of the acute, unstable slipped upper patients primarily treated for unilateral slipped upper femo-
femoral epiphysis. J Bone Joint Surg Br 83-B:1046–1049, 2001. ral epiphysis. J Bone Joint Surg Br 76-B:563–567, 1994.
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76. Rattey T, Piehl F, Wright JG: Acute slipped capital femoral 91. Kumm DA, Schmidt J, Eisenburger S-H, et al: Prophylactic dy-
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Chapter What
Best Treatment
is the Bestfor Treatment

1 JIdiopathic

Current Systematic Reviews Tell Us?

What Do

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a struc- patient. However, this is not necessarily the case.
tural, lateral, rotated curvature of the spine of at Curves continue to progress to the point where only
least 10 degrees (using the Cobb measurement surgery can correct the deformity, and prevent fu-
method) arising in otherwise normal children at or ture progression and possible pulmonary compro-
around puberty. The diagnosis is one of exclusion, mise; patients continue to report dissatisfaction
made only when other causes of scoliosis, such as with daily bracing and exercise regimens, and as
vertebral malformation, neuromuscular disorder, adults, many face back pain, alterations in body im-
and syndromic conditions have been ruled out. age, and pulmonary impairment. Therefore, in light
Curvatures less than 10 degrees are viewed as a of these shortcomings, it is imperative that clini-
variation of normal because they have little poten- cians and patients have access to evidence concern-
tial for progression. ing the effectiveness and side effects of these treat-
When defined as at least a 10-degree angle, epide- ments, so they can knowledgeably make decisions
miologic studies estimate that 1% to 3% of the at-risk based on their own personal risk/benefit ratios. Sys-
population (children aged 10–16 years) will have tematic reviews, the explicit combination of findings
some degree of curvature, with most curves requir- from multiple studies, can provide the reliable and
ing no intervention.1,2 accurate conclusions about effectiveness that pa-
Treatment of any condition is an attempt to allevi- tients should receive to make informed decisions.
ate current problematic signs and symptoms, and to This chapter summarizes the existing systematic
ultimately alter long-term natural history. Most pa- reviews of nonoperative treatments for AIS and dis-
tients with AIS do not initially seek treatment be- cusses the practical implications of the findings.
cause of symptoms, but rather because of the finding
of trunk asymmetry noted during screening or inci-
dentally during well-child examinations. Most sub- SUMMARY OF REVIEWS
jects have no complaints and will continue to do well
throughout their lives. Therefore, the treatment of We conducted a search of the Cochrane, Medline,
AIS during adolescence is mainly an attempt to pre- DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects),
vent future problems. and ACP Journal Club databases for meta-analyses
Despite the fact that idiopathic scoliosis has been and systematic reviews of AIS treatment. After ex-
studied and treated for many centuries, the lack of cluding articles concerning operative treatments, the
knowledge concerning the etiopathogenesis of the search yielded six studies. The major objectives of
condition has limited clinicians’ ability to prevent these studies included effectiveness of mass screen-
the disease. They are therefore left to interventions ing, exercises, bracing, observation, and electrical
aimed at secondary prevention, where the goal is to stimulation. All but one were quantitative reviews
avoid the negative side effects of the established that attempted to combine outcome rates across
disease. And although operative interventions have studies. Table 33–1 summarizes the studies that were
become safer and more effective at restoring normal included in each of the reviews.
anatomy since the 1950s, one could argue that few, if
any, advances have been made in nonoperative
treatment. Roach3 reports that as early as 400 BC, Effectiveness of Nonsurgical Treatment
Hippocrates recognized the condition and used a for Idiopathic Scoliosis
system of intermittently applied forces to apply dis-
traction and lateral pressure to reduce the deformity The first systematic review of nonoperative treatment
(Fig. 33–1, A). The Milwaukee brace and, more re- for AIS was conducted by an Italian group and pub-
cently, thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO) use lished in 1991.4 This study was conducted to gather
these same principles to effect curve reduction (see evidence for or against routine screening for AIS, as-
Figs. 33–1, B and C). This lack of advancement would suming that early detection must be justified by early,
be acceptable if clinicians were certain that the effective treatment. Thus, the question: Are available
interventions actually demonstrated the ability to nonoperative treatments effective in changing the
achieve anatomic and quality-of-life goals of the natural history of the condition?

Best Treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis 237

FIGURE 33–1. Orthoses to treat scoliosis. A, An early scoliosis orthosis case. B, A Milwaukee orthosis case. C, A Rosenberger
thoracolumbosacral orthosis case. (A: From Roach JW: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Nonsurgical treatment. In Weinstein
SL (ed): The Pediatric Spine. New York, Raven Press, 1994, pp 498, 503, by permission; B, C: Courtesy Stuart L. Weinstein, MD.)

TABLE 33–1. Characteristics of Primary Studies Included in the Reviews


Focarile et al.4 Difference in out- Observation 7 7–16 years !5, "50 Not specified Prognostic:
come between Bracing 17 "50 II, III, IV
treated and un- and LESS Therapeutic:
treated patients, III, IV
between mild
and severe
curves, and be-
tween different
U.S. Preventive Link between Observation Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Services Task screening and Bracing, LESS,
Force5,6 treatment and and surgery
health outcomes
Rowe et al.10 Effect of treatment, Observation 20 Juvenile, ? Until treatment Therapeutic:
maturity, and cri- Bracing immature, completion II, III, IV
terion for failure and LESS mature
on effectiveness
of nonoperative
Negrini et al.14 Effectiveness Physical 11 4–49 years 4–114 4 weeks to Therapeutic:
of physical exercises 7 years II, III, IV
Lenssinck et al.15 Effectiveness of Observation 13 "18 "60 0–24 months Therapeutic:
brace and other Bracing and II, III
nonoperative LESS
Dolan and Surgery rates after Observation 18 8–15 20–45 Until skeletal Therapeutic:
Weinstein16 bracing and and bracing maturity III, IV

LESS, lateral electrical surface stimulation.

238 Pediatric Topics

The authors conducted a literature search of the small-to-moderate-sized curves can decrease the
Medline database, searching for English-language risk for failure relative to observation or LESS. How-
articles published between 1975 and 1987. Keywords ever, when considering curve progression itself,
included “therapy,” “scoliosis,” “random allocation,” this systematic review draws a range of conclu-
“natural history,” “prevention,” “control,” “occur- sions, including that treatments to prevent curve
rence,” “mass screening,” “child,” “adolescent,” and progression (bracing and LESS) do not work, and
“follow-up studies.” The search yielded 111 articles the essentially opposite conclusion that treatments
that were reviewed by 2 of the authors. Studies were do work, but the literature cannot prove their effec-
combined into natural history and therapy studies. tiveness. This review alone, therefore, could not
Criteria for including natural history studies were provide evidence to make any decision in practice.
few; they required a radiograph at the beginning and
end of treatment, criteria for progression, and the
number of patients who progressed. Thus, seven Screening for Idiopathic Scoliosis in Adolescents:
studies were included in the final review. The ther- U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
apy studies included those with patients whose
curves were less than 50 degrees at treatment initia- The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)
tion, and 17 articles were included in the final re- released their recommendations for screening in
view. The authors calculated the percentage of pa- 19965 and updated them in 2004.6 In 1996, they stated,
tients who progressed more than 5 degrees or did “There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or
not respond favorably (finished treatment with a against routine screening of asymptomatic adoles-
curve greater than 45 degrees or went on to surgery) cents for idiopathic scoliosis”6 partly because of the
and then derived a 95% confidence interval (CI) lack of convincing evidence that nonoperative treat-
around the proportion for the individual natural his- ment of curves detected early results in better health
tory and treatment studies. In addition, pooled rates outcomes. In 2004, the USPSTF re-examined their
were developed by calculating the direct standard- recommendation in light of research published be-
ized ratio and 95% CI. tween 1994 and 2002, and attempted to answer sev-
The seven natural history studies included curves eral questions including: Is there new evidence that
greater than 5 degrees in patients between the ages of early treatments lead to better health outcomes if
7 and 16, with Risser signs ranging from 0 to 5. The applied at an early stage?
authors note that the studies were heterogeneous in The USPSTF used a search of electronic databases
terms of the rates and note that study design was a for a wide variety of studies, including randomized
factor: The percentage of patients with progressive controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, systematic
curves was lower in the prospective studies (7%) than reviews, well-designed observational studies, editori-
in the retrospective studies (25%). Overall, the range als, and commentaries. They used the search terms
of progression was from 5% to 56%, with a pooled pro- “scoliosis,” “idiopathic scoliosis,” “treatment,” and
portion of 15% (95% CI, 3–27%). The 17 therapy studies “population-based screening.” The search was lim-
included 11 studies of bracing; the rest concerned lat- ited to adolescents and the English language. Their
eral electrical surface stimulation (LESS), posture search found 120 studies, of which 16 were pertinent
training, and exercise. They found an overlap in the CIs to the study questions. Of these 16, only 1 study was
for LESS (17.5–39.5%) and bracing (13.3–45.5%), al- an RCT. They provided no description of the meth-
though they note these studies were heterogenous in ods they used to analyze the evidence, although bal-
terms of the study end points, and that they also dif- ance sheets and expert consensus were used to form
fered according to study design. When failure was the recommendations.
the outcome, the failure rate of treatment among The RCT compared studies of the effects of exer-
curves less than 30 degrees at initiation of bracing was cise alone, exercise and bracing combined, and exer-
lower (4%) than for those curves greater than 30 cise and electrical stimulation combined.7 The sub-
degrees (24%). jects were between 6 and 16 years old, with curves
Overall, this review makes 2 conclusions. First, ranging from 15 to 45 degrees. After 12 weeks of treat-
curves less than 30 degrees had a better prognosis, ment, overall improvement was found for all three
regardless of whether they were treated, than those groups, and no significant difference was found be-
greater than 30 degrees, indicating the usefulness of tween the different combinations of treatments. The
early detection and treatment. Second, unlike the USPSTF also evaluated the results of two cohort
case of failure, the proportion of progressive curves studies. One was a long-term retrospective study of
was not different between the treated and untreated patients treated with bracing or surgery, or both,
groups. To explain this second finding, the authors compared with an age-matched, population-based
postulate that 3 conditions may exist: (1) available control group.8 The follow-up occurred an average of
treatments do not work; (2) treatments cannot stop 22 to 23 years after completion of treatment. Both
progression, but they can slow it until maturity; or patient groups responded well in terms of curve pro-
(3) treatments do work, but they could not demon- gression, and no difference in degenerative spine
strate their effectiveness because of the heteroge- changes was found between the braced and surgical
neity of the treated and untreated groups. For the group, although both groups had more degenerative
clinician, this review indicates that bracing of disc changes than the control group. The USPSTF
Best Treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis 239

also considered a multinational, controlled study These were 13 studies of bracing, 6 of LESS, and
of bracing, observation, and electrical stimulation.9 only 1 of observation. Juvenile (age, "9 years), im-
Treatment was considered successful if the curve mature (age, 10–13 years), and mature patients
progressed less than 6 degrees by the time the sub- (age, !13 years) were included. Braces included
jects were 16 years of age. A highly significant effect the Charleston, Milwaukee, and generic TLSOs. All
favored bracing over the other 2 treatments. One study designs were included. Nineteen articles
meta-analysis was available to the USPSTF.10 The were rejected because they included only nonra-
analysis (more fully described later in this chapter) diographic outcomes, or the data were insufficient
included only observational studies, of which only regarding treatment, follow-up, or completion
1 included a control group. The definition of failure rates. They performed a traditional meta-analysis,
was 3 to 10 degrees of progression. Overall, the pri- including categoric and regression analyses of the
mary authors conclude that bracing for 23 or more study findings, which were weighted according to
hours per day is the superior treatment for AIS to sample size to give more impact to findings from
prevent curve progression. larger numbers of patients.
Given these new studies, the 2004 USPSTF sum- Three variables were sufficiently described in all
mary5 states they could find no new evidence con- studies and were included in the meta-analysis as
cerning the effectiveness of screening. They also re- predictor and outcome variables: level of maturity,
port that conclusions about treatments are limited by definition of progression, and type of treatment. The
the mixed quality of treatment outcomes studies, in- authors note that the quality scores of the studies
cluding inadequate adjustment for confounding fac- increased over time, but that there was no correla-
tors, and the lack of health outcomes data. The evi- tion between the year of publication and the effect
dence was rated as fair, defined as “sufficient to size found in each study. They did not report the cor-
determine effects on health outcomes, but the strength relation between quality score and effect size. Sev-
of the evidence is limited by the number, quality or eral problems were found within the individual stud-
consistency of the individual studies, generalizability ies. In some studies, the criteria for failure were
to routine practice or indirect nature of the evidence unspecified. In others, failure ranged from an in-
on health outcomes.”5 Their recommendation carries crease of 3 to 10 degrees in curve severity. They note
a grade of D, recommending against routine screening that if the typical measurement error is 5 degrees,
of asymptomatic patients because of at least fair evi- there is a high likelihood that patients were misclas-
dence that screening is ineffective or that harms out- sified as failed. In addition, there was insufficient in-
weigh the benefits. This conclusion represents the formation concerning the curve type (location of the
current (U.S.) consensus not to screen routinely for apex) in the studies.
scoliosis in schools, and thus informs public health Rowe and coworkers10 found that the unweighted
practice. The question regarding the effectiveness of rate of success in the bracing studies ranged from
brace treatment in clinical practice is secondary, al- 57%11 to 100%,12,13 and the weighted mean rate of suc-
though crucial, because screening cannot be justified cess was 92%. For the LESS studies, unweighted suc-
unless early, effective treatment is available. Recent cess rates ranged from 22% to 64%, and the weighted
evidence suggesting that bracing might be effective9,10 mean rate was 39%. In the one study of observation,
was incorporated into the review. Evidence for the the rate of success was 49%. The definition of out-
clinical effectiveness of brace treatment was not com- come was found to influence the results: When de-
pelling enough to support screening to brace early. fined as less than 6 degrees, the success rate was
Again, insufficient evidence is provided in this review 68%, almost identical as the success rate when de-
to inform the clinical decision on whether to brace. fined as progression of less than 10 degrees (67%).
However, in the 5 bracing studies where success/
failure was undefined, the success rate was 97%. This
Meta-analysis of the Efficacy of Nonoperative indicates that the results of the studies where the
Treatments for Idiopathic Scoliosis outcome was not defined inflated the success rate
when weighted and averaged over studies.
Rowe and coworkers,10 as charged by the Prevalence The authors also found curves were less likely to
and Natural History Committee of the Scoliosis Re- progress the more mature the patient was at the
search Association, used meta-analysis to determine beginning of treatment, and that wearing the brace
whether bracing substantially reduces the number of for 23 hours/day was significantly more successful
curves that progress to the degree where surgical than 16- or 8-hour (Charleston brace) regimens.
intervention is warranted. They were interested in Overall, they conclude that the results of this meta-
the nonoperative options of observation, bracing, analysis support the efficacy of bracing compared
and LESS. with LESS and observation only. This review was an
The authors began not with a search of elec- attempt to answer a direct clinical question about
tronic databases, but with the bibliography of a whether to brace and comes to a conclusion sup-
major textbook of operative pediatric orthopedics. porting bracing. Strengths of the review include the
Three reviewers identified and included 20 studies, quantitative pooling of data from different studies.
including an unpublished prospective, controlled Limitations include the search methodology (begin-
series and an unpublished doctoral dissertation. ning with a textbook) being nonstandard, the source
240 Pediatric Topics

articles being of low and variable quality, and hence treatment. None included a blinded outcomes as-
more difficult to pool, and the failure to account for sessment, and only one study attempted to control
publication bias. In addition, the pooling of natural for important sources of confounding. The articles
history data from one source of patients with treat- included several methods of exercise to control
ment data from other cities at other times is inextric- curve progression via mobilization, posture control,
ably biased. Applying this review to clinical practice strengthening, balance, and autocorrection.
would mean bracing immature patients with small The authors found that the poor quality of the
curves, but on evidence with sufficient documented studies made it impossible to draw any valid conclu-
limitations and potential biases that it would not sions on the effectiveness of physical exercises in
meet methodologic standards for prescribing a drug AIS, but that overall, the results of the studies tend
treatment, for example. to favor physical exercises: The degree of curvature
in the PE groups seems to reduce or remain stable
regardless of the baseline Cobb angle, whereas the
Physical Exercises as a Treatment for Adolescent results in the various control groups (who started
Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Systematic Review13 with smaller Cobb angles) were worse. In terms of
practice, the authors believe that the option of PE
The objective of a review by an Italian group was to should be presented to patients so they can make a
assess the effectiveness of physical exercises for AIS decision in light of their own preferences, but that
in terms of delaying or preventing the need for brac- further research is required before any definitive
ing and in keeping the curve less than 30 degrees conclusions can be made. Applying this review to
(mild scoliosis).13 Figure 33–2 shows a patient with clinical practice, we found that any support for
scoliosis performing a postural exercise to avoid
compression in the concave side of the curve.
Articles were found via a search of multiple elec- physical therapy modalities is currently based on
tronic databases and via hand-searching of multiple studies of low quality.
non–English-language journals. No language restric-
tions were set. The group searched for articles in-
cluding patients with AIS, treated solely by physical Effect of Bracing and Other Conservative
exercises, with a control group. The Cobb angle was Interventions in the Treatment of Idiopathic Scoliosis
designated as the outcome of interest. All study in Adolescents: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials
designs were included. The full text of 27 articles
was reviewed, and the final analysis included 11 ar- Lenssinck and coauthors’15 review from a group of
ticles. The authors rated the internal validity of each physical therapists in the Netherlands begins by stat-
study, noting that overall the quality was poor. Five ing that there is a consensus about surgical treatment
of the studies were uncontrolled (had no control for the small group of patients with curves exceeding
group, or no pretherapy and post-therapy compari- 45 degrees, but that there is currently no systematic
sons). Of the six controlled studies, three were pro- review of the effectiveness of conservative (i.e., non-
spective, but of these, two included only historical operative) care for AIS. They also deemed Rowe
control. Of the four with a concurrent control group, and coworkers’10 study as invalid because it does
only one specified how patients were allocated to not meet the criteria for reviews set down by the

FIGURE 33–2. Physical exercises.

A, Sitting as usual. B, Sitting in a
relaxed but straightened position or
prevent compression on the concave
side of the curve. (From Weiss HR,
Weiss G, Petermann F: Incidence of
curvature progression in idiopathic
scoliosis patients treated with scoli-
osis in-patient rehabilitation (SIR):
An age- and sex-matched controlled
study. Pediatr Rehabil 6:23–30, 2003,
reprinted with permission of the
A B publisher (Taylor & Francis Ltd,
Best Treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis 241

Cochrane Collaboration. Therefore, the aim of their Surgical Rates after Observation and Bracing
study was to evaluate the effectiveness of nonopera- for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: An Evidence-Based
tive care using the Cochrane criteria. Review
The authors used the Cochrane, PubMed, CINAHL,
and PEDro databases from inception to 2003 to Dolan and Weinstein’s16 review derived a pooled rate
search for randomized trials and controlled clinical of the prevalence of surgery in untreated and braced
trials, using the keywords pertaining to bracing, patients, and attempted to evaluate the effect of cer-
exercises, AIS, and treatment. Three authors inde- tain known risk factors for curve progression on sur-
pendently conducted the search and examined all gical rates. The authors attempted to mimic current
abstracts. The following criteria were used to select indications for bracing by limiting the study to pa-
studies: (1) RCT or CCT (controlled clinical trial) tients with curves between 20 and 45 degrees, and
(including an intervention and 1 or more nonran- age between 8 and 15, and a Risser sign of 0, 1, or 2.
domized control groups), (2) AIS, (3) age younger Follow-up to skeletal maturity was also mandatory.
than 18 years, and (4) conservative intervention Interventions included observation, TLSOs, and bend-
(no drug or surgery studies). No language restric- ing (nighttime) braces. Studies were limited to those
tions were set. Two reviewers rated the quality reporting rates of surgery, recommended surgery or
of the studies and extracted the data. A total of curves progressing to greater than 50 degrees.
437 articles were found, and 13 studies were included The authors used electronic databases (Medline,
(3 RCTs and 10 CCTs). Cochrane, Web of Science, Clinical Evidence) and the
Quality scores (theoretically ranging from 0–9 bibliography of all reviewed articles, and limited the
points) varied between 0 and 5. The studies covered search to English language and children 0 to 18 years
a wide range of interventions, including bracing, of age. Search terms included “AIS,” “natural his-
LESS, exercises, and behavioral treatment; many stud- tory,” “bracing,” “observation,” and “orthotics.” Only
ies included a combination of most frequently brac- one reviewer selected the studies and extracted the
ing and another intervention. Different braces were data, although the extraction was repeated to im-
compared in 5 studies. Treatment duration ranged prove reliability. Analysis consisted of pooling the
from 8 days to 8 years, but was often not specified. number of surgeries across all studies and dividing
Follow-up period ranged from none to 24 months. The by the number of subjects across all studies; there-
effect of therapy was most often measured using the fore, the unit of analysis was the individual patient
Cobb angle, but other studies evaluated pulmonary and not the study. Ninety-five percent CIs were calcu-
function, torso overhang, curve rotation, and loads lated for all rates.
on instrumented pads in the brace. Six studies re- Of 152 studies reviewed, only 18 met the inclusion
ported surgery rates. Low power was an issue for the criteria. In total, 15 studies reviewed bracing and 3
majority of studies; in 9 studies, 1 or more of the reviewed observation. Minor exceptions were made
groups included less than 25 patients. to the criteria to include 2 observation and five brac-
No statistical pooling was done because of the ing studies. All studies were Level III comparison
heterogeneity of the studies with regard to inter- studies or Level IV case series. The sample size of
ventions, populations, and treatment duration. the individual studies ranges from 15 to 319 (median
Overall, no statistical differences between groups sample size, 78). Surgical indications included pro-
within studies were found, but using a brace tended gression, a curve greater than 45 degrees, or a curve
to result in the most frequent reduction of the greater than 50 degrees. Some studies took other
curve. Lenssinck and coauthors’15 cite only 1 study characteristics into consideration, such as com-
with a statistically significant difference, Nachem- plaints of pain, deformity, and the wishes of the pa-
son and Peterson,9 but conclude that this study was tient and family. The surgical rates in the observation
of low quality, and that the treatment assignment studies ranged from 13%17,18 to 38%19 (pooled esti-
was not random. They also found no differences mate, 22%; 95% CI, 16–29%). This rate was compara-
among braces or between bracing and LESS. They ble with that found for the bracing studies, where
then conclude that the effectiveness of bracing and rates ranged from 1%13 to 43%,20 for a pooled rate of
exercises is promising but not yet established. This 23% (95% CI, 20–24%). The authors state that com-
review may again frustrate the practitioner by con- paring the surgery rates for observation and bracing
cluding that insufficient evidence has been reported shows no clear advantage to either approach, and
in the literature to guide selection of either bracing that the practice of bracing patients with these char-
or physical therapy treatment. The review at- acteristics to avoid surgery is supported by inconsis-
tempted to uphold higher methodologic review tent or inconclusive studies. This review asks a
standards rather than to draw a “pragmatic” conclu- clearly defined question: Does bracing decrease the
sion. It underlines the current seeming paradox in surgical rate? Selecting only articles that contribute
systematic reviews—the higher the quality of the directly to that question (and therefore excluding
review itself, the lower the grade of recommenda- many studies using radiographic progression as an
tion it tends to make. This paradox exists in fields end point), the answer to the question is that bracing
such as children’s orthopedics where RCTs are the does not decrease the rate of surgery among patients
exception rather than the norm in assessing the with AIS with Risser signs of 0 to 2. Pooling Level III
results of treatment. and IV studies gives a larger sample but does not
242 Pediatric Topics

increase the level of evidence. Therefore, this study and be comprehensive. The sources should be
could be interpreted as weak evidence supporting named (e.g., Medline, Embase), and the years cov-
not using a brace in clinical practice or as additional ered by the search should be specified. In addition,
evidence that the realistic conclusion to be drawn the search must be comprehensive, demonstrated
from the current literature is one of equipoise—that by a listing of keywords used in the search (OQAQ
is, we simply do not know enough or have enough items 1 and 2). All the reviews in this chapter
evidence to decide whether to use a brace. searched electronic databases, except for Rowe and
coworkers,10 which included only articles from a
textbook bibliography. Rowe and coworkers10 also
METHODOLOGIC CONSIDERATIONS included Nachemson and Peterson’s9 manuscript
(before its peer review and publication) and an un-
Just as individual studies can be biased or otherwise published doctoral thesis,22 but it did not explicitly
flawed, so can systematic reviews. First, the ques- give the authors’ reasons for doing so. Notably, both
tion asked by a review needs to be defined precisely of these articles had a relatively high rate of success
so that only the appropriate primary studies will be and large sample size. The criteria for including and
included. Of the systematic reviews summarized excluding primary studies should be explicit; in ad-
here, all were designed to answer questions of ef- dition, more than one reviewer should decide inde-
fectiveness, but the USPSTF5,6 searched broadly to pendently which papers meet these criteria, and a
collect information about screening and subsequent consensus should be reached, to eliminate bias in
treatment, whereas Dolan and Weinstein’s16 review selecting the materials (OQAQ items 3 and 4). In ad-
specifically examined two treatment approaches and dition to finding all pertinent articles, reviewers
one outcome. The quality of a systematic review should also make an effort to assess the validity of
should be assessed as stringently as primary stud- the primary articles. The criteria for validity (i.e.,
ies. Table 33–2 summarizes the reviews in terms of scoring system or level of evidence based on re-
the Oxman and Guyatt Overview Quality Assess- search design) should be mentioned and incorpo-
ment Questionnaire (OQAQ) to access the scientific rated into decisions either concerning which papers
quality of the materials and methods leading up to to include or when analyzing the studies that are
the conclusions.21 First, the search methods used to cited (OQAQ items 5 and 6). All authors note meth-
find the primary studies should be stated explicitly odologic problems with the articles they include;

TABLE 33–2. Characteristics of the Reviews Using the Oxman and Guyatt Overview Quality Assessment Questionnaire System 21

1. Were the search methods used to # # # # # #

find evidence stated?
2. Was the search for evidence reason- # # $ # # #
ably comprehensive?
3. Were the criteria for deciding which # # O # # #
studies to include in the overview
4. Was bias in the selection of studies # # $ o # $
5. Were the criteria used for assessing # O o # # #
the validity of the included studies
6. Was the validity of all studies re- # O o # # #
ferred to in the text assessed using
appropriate criteria?
7. Were the methods used to combine # # # NA # #
the findings of the relevant studies
8. Were the findings of the relevant # # # NA # #
studies combined appropriately rel-
ative to the primary question the
overview addresses?
9. Were the conclusions made by the # # # # # #
authors(s) supported by the data
and/or analysis reported in the
Oxman and Guyatt Index 7 5 3 5 7 5

, yes; $, no; O, can’t tell from review.
Best Treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis 243

only Lenssinck and coauthors15 limited their review IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE
to controlled studies. Rowe and coworkers10 rated
each study according to a list of quality indicators. Clinicians looking to these studies for an answer to
The methods used to combine the findings of the the question, “What is the best treatment for scolio-
study should be stated and appropriate relative to sis?” could be rightfully frustrated. After many years
the primary question (OQAQ items 7 and 8). None of of treating this condition, the research literature, both
the pooled results was weighted according to qual- primary studies and systematic reviews, still lacks a
ity scores. Rowe and coworkers10 weighted their clear consensus concerning the effectiveness of brac-
success rates according to sample size. The point ing, LESS, and exercises. In making a decision about
estimate from a larger study is more precise than treatment, the first step should be to clarify the goals
that from a smaller study; however, weighting by of the patient, convey the pertinent findings together
sample size does not ensure that studies with the with the quality of the evidence behind the findings,
most evidence for internal validity are given more discuss the possible side effects, and then to let the
impact than others. In addition, sensitivity analysis patient make the decision based on a personal risk/
or some other method of evaluating the sensitivity benefit ratio. Table 33–3 provides a guide to clinicians
of the pooled results to certain characteristics of the who wish to impart information from these reviews to
studies should be included. For example, Focarile their patients.
and researchers4 found that retrospective studies Preventing curve progression is a different goal
(or those where the patients were selected for study) from preventing surgery. Curve progression can occur
had greater rates of progression than prospective without reaching the threshold (generally, 45–50 de-
studies. Dolan and Weinstein16 note that including grees) where there is a high risk for continued pro-
results of one study almost doubled the pooled sur- gression and of developing an unacceptable deformity
gical rate from the observational studies. Lastly, the that can be treated only by instrumentation and fu-
numeric result and the conclusions must be inter- sion. Therefore, if the patient’s goal is to prevent even
preted with common sense and the context of the a few degrees of progression, the clinician could relate
question being asked (OQAQ item 9). The reviewer the following information: No high-quality evidence
must decide how the result should influence the has demonstrated an advantage of bracing over ob-
care of an individual patient.21 All of the reviews ex- servation or any other nonoperative treatment to
cept for the USPSTF5,6 and Rowe and coworkers10 prevent progression. However, one low-quality sys-
acknowledge that their results do not support or tematic review10 suggests that bracing may be advan-
deny the effectiveness of the treatments they re- tageous, but only if the brace is worn for 23 hours/day.
viewed. The USPSTF5,6 recommends against screen- The adverse effects of bracing include skin irritation
ing after they balanced the potential benefits and and some risk for psychosocial problems such as self-
potential harms of both screening and early treat- consciousness; however, these problems are extre-
ment. Rowe and coworkers10 recommend full-time mely variable, and some patients have no problems
bracing relative to part-time bracing, LESS, or obser- with the treatment at all.
vation, on the basis of statistical pooling of the data. If the patient is comfortable with the risk for some
And although, statistically, bracing does appear to curve progression but is more concerned with prevent-
be relatively effective, the authors did not take the ing progression to the point of surgery, then the follow-
poor quality of the studies into account, and they ing information could be given: Only two systematic
did not acknowledge the questionable reliability of reviews in the literature examine the rate of surgery
the success and failure rates in the sole study re- after bracing and observation. One was of high quality,4
flecting the outcomes of observation. They addition- and the other was of adequate quality.16 The higher
ally included multiple studies of bracing where the quality study suggests that bracing significantly de-
criteria for success were not explicitly defined, de- creases the risk for surgery when started early, that is,
spite the fact that these rates were acknowledged to when the curve is less than 30 degrees, compared with
be among the greatest reviewed. The criteria for starting for a more severe curve. The study of lesser
failure were based on Cobb angle progression rather quality found the same advantage to bracing early, but
than on surgical rate. Based on the OQAQ criteria overall did not find any difference in surgical rates, for
and Oxman and Guyatt’s suggested scoring and in- any curve size, between bracing and observation. Brac-
terpretation of overall scientific quality21 (OQAQ ing has been associated with some adverse effects.
item 10), scores for these reviews ranged from 310 to Observation is a difficult choice, especially when the
7.4,15 A score of 1 to 4 points indicates extensive impulse is to seek active treatment. Patients who watch
flaws, 5 or 6 points indicates minor flaws, and 7 and wait may feel remorse if surgery is advised, be-
points indicates minimal flaws. Based on this sys- cause of their decision not to treat.
tem, Rowe and coworkers’10 review is extensively
flawed, and its recommendations should be ques-
tioned. Focarile and researchers’4 and Lenssinck and DISCUSSION
coauthors’15 reviews were the highest quality in this
series, and as such, their recommendations should Systematic reviews represent the best sources of
be considered the most valid and informative con- quantitative information for making evidence-based
cerning treatment decisions. choices in medicine. Also, they are especially needed
244 Pediatric Topics

TABLE 33–3. Major Findings of Reviews

Overview Quality 7 5 3 5 7 5
Finding with curve No advantage Inconclusive Bracing more effec- Inconclusive Inconclusive Not studied
progression as to bracing effect of tive than LESS or effect of effect of
outcome over LESS or bracing observation exercises bracing,
observation Not specified Bracing 23 hours is LESS, and
more effective exercises
than "23 hours
No difference be-
tween "23 hour
bracing, LESS,
and observation
Finding with sur- Bracing when Not specified Not studied Not studied Not studied No difference
gery (or proxy) curve is "30 between brac-
as outcome results in ing and obser-
fewer surger- vation for any
ies than in curve size
curves !30 Bracing when
degrees curve is
"30 results
in fewer
than in curves
!30 degrees
LESS, lateral electrical surface stimulation.

in an area such as AIS for several reasons. The sam- children with “schooliosis.” Observation can be dif-
ple size available to any one researcher is generally ficult for families who want to actively treat the
too small to make a definitive statement about ef- condition, even if the risk of surgery is not definitely
fectiveness, especially when subgroup analysis is decreased. Braces are expensive, both in terms of
necessary to evaluate outcomes according to risk money and psychosocial costs to the family. In
factors such as curve size, maturity, and curve loca- some cases, patients perceive the brace to be more
tion. The practice of bracing around the world is deforming than the anatomy they are trying to cor-
anything but standardized; multiple types of braces rect. Currently, the USPSTF review5,6 continues to
are used in North America alone, as well as the dif- find insufficient evidence that early diagnosis pro-
ferent types used in Europe. In addition, some coun- duces net benefit, and thus does not recommend
tries such as Germany, Spain, and Italy23,24 tend to routine school screening for scoliosis, in part be-
begin treatment with exercises, followed by a combi- cause the lack of evidence for the effectiveness of
nation of exercises and bracing if the curve pro- early clinical treatment.
gresses. This variability in practice requires large, Regarding clinical treatment, insufficient evidence
multinational efforts with clearly specified treat- exists to support physical therapy as an effective mo-
ment regimens to discern the relative merits of each dality when curve progression is the desired out-
treatment program. The reviews in this chapter come.14,15 Bracing is more complicated. One meta-
illustrate the disparate findings in the primary litera- analysis10 concludes that bracing is effective (92%
ture. For example, the range of surgical rates after “success” rate with bracing, 49% “success” rate with
bracing in the Dolan and Weinstein16 review was control) by pooling patient data from Level II, III, and
1% to 43%; not included in their review were two IV studies of varying quality. This conclusion was
recent articles, one with a surgical rate of 0%25 to based on either Cobb angle progression or unspeci-
76%.26 But perhaps the most compelling reason for fied criteria for failure. The review itself was done in a
systematic reviews in this population is the costs to manner quite differently from that currently accepted.
the healthcare system and to families. Two additional meta-analyses5,16 with strict search
Mass screening for AIS diverts resources from and inclusion criteria have failed to support bracing.
other public health programs at the same time that In the case of the Dolan and Weinstein16 review, the
it creates unnecessary costs through referral of question was, What is the surgical rate with (23%) and
Best Treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis 245

without (22%) bracing? This well-defined outcome limited by the availability and quality of published
was addressed only in level III and IV studies. In the clinical evidence. Where level III and IV studies pre-
case of the Lennsinck and coauthors’15 review, the ap- dominate, systematic reviews may produce results
plication of quality criteria to the included studies that contradict each other or that are inconclusive, or
limited the ability of the reviewers to draw any firm both. Such is the state of knowledge regarding brac-
conclusions about the effectiveness of bracing. For ing: The balance of published evidence neither sup-
the clinician, the lesson is that a single meta-analysis ports nor prohibits using a brace to treat scoliosis in
does not conclusively answer a clinical question. the growing child. Table 33–4 provides a summary of
Meta-analyses differ in quality and detail, and all are recommendations.

TABLE 33–4. Summary of Recommendations


1. Bracing does notreduce the incidence of surgery I 4, 16

among growing adolescents with curves 25 to 40
degrees relative to observation.
2. Bracing when the curve is "30 degrees may result in I 4, 16
fewer surgeries than when the curve is !30 degrees.
3. Bracing may reduce the incidence of curve progression I 10
among adolescents.
4. Conservative treatment (bracing, LESS and/or exercise) I 4-6, 15
may notreduce the incidence of curve progression
among adolescents.
5. Physical exercises may stop or reduce curve progres- I 13
sion among adolescents.

11. Green NE: Part-time bracing of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
1. Parent S, Newton PO, Wenger DR: Adolescent idiopathic J Bone Joint Surg Am 68:738–742, 1986.
scoliosis: Etiology, anatomy, natural history, and bracing. 12. Edmonsson AS, Morris JT: Follow-up study of Milwaukee
Instr Course Lect 54:529–536, 2005. brace treatment in patients with idiopathic scoliosis. Clin
2. Shindle MK, Khanna AJ, Bhatnagar R, et al: Adolescent idio- Orthop Relat Res 58–61, 1977.
pathic scoliosis: Modern management guidelines. J Surg 13. Ylikoski M, Peltonen J, Poussa M: Biological factors and
Orthop Adv 15:43–52, 2006. predictability of bracing in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
3. Roach JW: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Nonsurgical treat- J Pediatr Orthop 9:680–683, 1989.
ment. In Weinstein SL (ed): The Pediatric Spine. New York: 14. Negrini S, Antonini G, Carabalona R, et al: Physical exercises
Raven Press, 1994, pp 497–510. as a treatment for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. A system-
4. Focarile FA, Bonaldi A, Giarolo MA, et al: Effectiveness of non- atic review. Pediatr Rehabil 6:227–235, 2003.
surgical treatment for idiopathic scoliosis. Overview of avail- 15. Lenssinck ML, Frijlink AC, Berger MY, et al: Effect of bracing
able evidence. Spine 16:395–401, 1991. and other conservative interventions in the treatment of
5. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: Screening for Idiopathic idiopathic scoliosis in adolescents: A systematic review of
Scoliosis in Adolescents: Recommendation Statement clinical trials. Phys Ther 85:1329–1339, 2005.
[Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality], June 2004. 16. Dolan LA, Weinstein SL: Surgical rates after observation and
Available at: bracing for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: An evidence-
scoliors.htm. Accessed July 3, 2008. based review. Spine 32:S91–S100, 2007.
6. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: Screening for adolescent 17. Goldberg CJ, Dowling FE, Hall JE, et al: A statistical compari-
idiopathic scoliosis. Review article. JAMA 269:2667-2672, son between natural history of idiopathic scoliosis and brace
1993. treatment in skeletally immature adolescent girls. Spine
7. el-Sayyad M, Conine TA: Effect of exercise, bracing and 18:902–908, 1993.
electrical surface stimulation on idiopathic scoliosis: 18. Goldberg CJ, Moore DP, Fogarty EE, et al: Adolescent idiopathic
A preliminary study. Int J Rehab Res 17:70–74, 1994. scoliosis: The effect of brace treatment on the incidence of sur-
8. Danielsson AJ, Nachemson AL: Radiologic findings and curve gery. Spine 26:42–47, 2001.
progression 22 years after treatment for adolescent idio- 19. Fernandez-Feliberti R, Flynn J, Ramirez N, et al: Effectiveness
pathic scoliosis: Comparison of brace and surgical treatment of TLSO bracing in the conservative treatment of idiopathic
with matching control group of straight individuals. Spine scoliosis. J Pediatr Orthop 15:176–181, 1995.
26:515–525, 2001. 20. Little DG, Song KM, Katz D, et al: Relationship of peak height
9. Nachemson AL, Peterson LE: Effectiveness of treatment with velocity to other maturity indicators in idiopathic scoliosis in
a brace in girls who have adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. girls. J Bone Joint Surg Am 82:685–693, 2000.
A prospective, controlled study based on data from the 21. Bhandari M, Morrow F, Kulkarni A, Tornetta P: Meta-analyese
Brace Study of the Scoliosis Research Society. J Bone Joint in orthopaedic surgery. A systematic review of their method-
Surg Am 77:815–822, 1995. ologies. J Bone Joint Surg Am 83:15–24, 2001.
10. Rowe DE, Bernstein SM, Riddick MF, et al: A meta-analysis of 22. Styblo K: Conservative Treatment of Juvenile and Adolescent
the efficacy of non-operative treatments for idiopathic Idiopathic Scoliosis. Leiden, The Netherlands, Rijksuniversit-
scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 79:664–674, 1997. eit te Leiden, 1991.
246 Pediatric Topics

23. Negrini S, Aulisa L, Ferraro C, et al: Italian guidelines on reha- cent idiopathic scoliosis: A follow-up mean of 16 years after
bilitation treatment of adolescents with scoliosis or other maturity. Spine 32:2198–2207, 2007.
spinal deformities. Eura Medicophys 41:183–201, 2005. 26. Janicki JA, Poe-Kochert C, Armstrong DG, et al: A comparison
24. Weiss HR, Negrini S, Rigo M, et al: Indications for conserva- of the thoracolumbosacral orthoses and providence orthosis
tive management of scoliosis (guidelines). Scoliosis 1:5, 2006. in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: Results
25. Danielsson AJ, Hasserius R, Ohlin A, et al: A prospective using the new SRS inclusion and assessment criteria for brac-
study of brace treatment versus observation alone in adoles- ing studies. J Pediatr Orthop 27:369–374, 2007.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

34 for Ambulatory Cerebral Palsy?


WHAT IS CEREBRAL PALSY? NEW DEFINITION international standard for categorizing individu-
AND CLASSIFICATION als based on the severity of their motor disabil-
ity.4 The GMFCS has been shown to be reliable
Cerebral palsy (CP) constitutes one of the most com- and valid,5 and its prognostic utility has been
mon causes of chronic childhood disability, with established in a prospective, longitudinal,
rates estimated between 2 and 2.5 per 1000 live population-based cohort study of 657 children
births.1 This chapter discusses the evidence for in- (Level I evidence).6 Children in GMFCSS level I
terventions for ambulant children with CP. Any dis- can perform all the activities of their age-
cussion about the effectiveness of interventions in matched peers, albeit with some difficulties
CP must first consider what CP and its associated with their speed, balance, and coordination. In
pathophysiology are, and take into account the het- level II, children have similar functional abilities
erogeneity and natural history of CP to put defini- on flat and familiar surfaces, but they require
tions of “effectiveness” into perspective. support on uneven surfaces or when climbing
An international multidisciplinary collaborative ef- stairs. Children in level III are also independent
fort to arrive at a consensus definition and classifica- walkers but require an assist device such as a
tion system for CP was begun in 2004.2 This culmi- crutch or a walker, and they may use wheel-
nated in the Report on the Definition and Classification chairs for longer distances. Children in levels IV
of Cerebral Palsy, which states that the term “CP de- and V are nonambulatory. In level IV, they may
scribes a group of permanent disorders of the devel- bear weight for transfers and use a walker for
opment of movement and posture, causing activity exercise purposes, whereas in level V, children
limitation, that are attributed to non-progressive dis- cannot achieve any functional weight bearing
turbances that occurred in the developing fetal or and are usually totally dependent on caregivers.
infant brain. The motor disorders are often accompa- The GMFCS provides an excellent basis for
nied by disturbances of sensation, perception, cogni- stratification of patients in outcome evaluations.
tion, communication and behaviour, by epilepsy, and 2. Accompanying impairments: Accompanying
by secondary musculoskeletal problems.”3 The ro- impairments may have a greater impact on the
bustness (reliability and validity) of this definition is functional abilities of the individual than the
yet to be established, and it is not the only one in primary motor abnormality (e.g., seizure
current use, but this report based on collective ex- disorders, hearing and visual problems,
pert opinion, represents the best effort to date to cognitive and attention deficits, emotional
standardize the definition, inclusion/exclusion crite- and behavioral issues, and secondary
ria, and the characteristics used currently for de- musculoskeletal problems).
scribing children with CP. 3. Anatomic distribution (limb, truncal, and bulbar
In this report, the international group also pro- involvement) and neuroimaging findings.
posed a new classification system3 because the tradi- 4. Cause and timing, to the extent that this is
tional classifications of CP based on the movement determinable, since these are likely to
disorder (spastic, ataxic, or dyskinetic) and/or topo- influence the presentation and natural history.
graphic distribution (hemiplegia, diplegia, and quad- The new classification was developed by interna-
riplegia) alone were not reproducible, not reliably tional expert opinion, and its overall reliability and
prognostic, or adequately descriptive of the hetero- validity is yet to be established.
geneous population of children with CP. The new
classification is based on 4 dimensions:
1a. Nature and typology of the motor disorder: PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
They are based on the dominant type of tone
and movement abnormality (spastic, ataxic, The hallmark of CP is abnormal muscle tone, of
dystonic, athetoid). which spasticity is the most common type, accompa-
1b. Functional motor abilities: The Gross Motor nied by loss of selective motor control, muscle weak-
Functional Classification System (GMFCS) is a ness, and impaired balance.7 Muscles grow in re-
five-level ordinal system that has become the sponse to the stimulus of stretch derived from normal

248 Pediatric Topics

physical activity. Hypertonia and limited use of mus- GOALS OF TREATMENT AND OUTCOMES TO CONSIDER
cles because of developmental delay result in dy-
namic (velocity-dependent) muscle contractures, The goals of treatment of ambulatory children with
which become static joint contractures over time as CP are to preserve or improve present and future gait
the tight muscles fail to grow proportionately with efficiency and physical function, and secondarily to
their skeletal attachments (Level V evidence from improve the appearance of gait.16 The treatment prin-
animal studies).8 These abnormal forces on the grow- ciples to accomplish these goals are: (1) prevention
ing skeleton lead to secondary bony deformities and of joint contractures and skeletal deformities by
joint instability, and related lever arm dysfunction.9 muscle stretching, spasticity reduction, and muscle
In children with ambulatory potential, the interac- strengthening; and (2) correction of significant con-
tion of joint contractures, muscle weakness, bony tractures and bony deformities when these have al-
deformities, and joint instability at multiple levels ready occurred. Evaluating the effectiveness of inter-
affect the quality and efficiency of gait and other as- ventions to achieve these goals requires defining the
pects of their physical function. This understanding outcomes of interest and the longevity of these out-
of the pathophysiology of CP is based on Level IV comes.17,18
and V evidence. The American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and De-
velopmental Medicine (AACPDM) advocates the use
of a two-part conceptual framework to evaluate the
IMPLICATIONS OF NATURAL HISTORY OF CEREBRAL effectiveness of interventions.19,20 The framework an-
PALSY ON OUTCOMES EVALUATION alyzes and categorizes treatment outcomes accord-
ing to the components of the International Classifica-
Based on a prospective longitudinal cohort study of tion of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF),21 and
657 children, Level I evidence has been reported judges the strength of the evidence according to the
that shows that gross motor function improves in study design and rigor in the conduct of the study.
children up to the age of 6 or 7 years, albeit with The ICF model has two parts, each with two compo-
different trajectories for each GMFCS level, but it nents (Table 34–1).
remains stable after motor development is com- A common, but often untested assumption is that
plete.6 “Improvements” after any interventions in treatment at one level (e.g., body structure and func-
younger children must therefore be placed in the tion: knee flexion contracture) may positively affect
context of expected improvements in gross motor another level (e.g., activity and participation: by per-
function before the age of 7 years. In contrast, al- mitting independent walking over longer distances).
though the primary central nervous system pathol- Similarly, interventions do not always have simple
ogy is static, the secondary musculoskeletal pathol- effects on a single dimension. For example, powered
ogy and its consequences are known to deteriorate mobility may increase activities by providing an alter-
over time in older children. Bell and colleagues10 native means of efficient locomotion, which may also
report deterioration in passive range of motion, and increase participation by allowing a student to be in-
spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters on gait dependent and move around the school faster and
analyses an average of 4.5 years apart in a group of with less effort, but may have negative effects in the
28 ambulatory children with CP who had not under- body structure and function such as increased knee
gone any surgery during this interval.10 Johnson flexion contractures.22 A multicenter cross-sectional
and coworkers11 found similar rates of deterioration study found at best a fair correlation between mea-
in gait over a 32-month period in 18 ambulatory sures of spasticity or range of motion (body structure
children (4–18 years old) regardless of age or his- and function) and measures of gross motor function
tory of prior surgery. Despite their small sample or physical function.23
sizes, both these longitudinal case series (Level IV
evidence) suggest that effectiveness of surgical in-
terventions for this population must be interpreted INTERVENTION STRATEGIES FOR AMBULATORY
in the context of natural deterioration of gait with CEREBRAL PALSY
growth. Consequently, preintervention versus pos-
tintervention comparisons in uncontrolled case se- A number of complementary strategies are used
ries may underestimate the outcomes of these in- sequentially or in combination, including physical
terventions in the short term.12 However, short-term therapy, orthotics (braces), and serial casting to
outcomes are also less meaningful because the simulate the stretch that would normally be de-
growing child is at risk for recurrent deformity and rived from usual physical activity, to stimulate
gradual loss of mobility over the long term, because muscle growth. These strategies are often accom-
the primary central nervous system pathology re- panied by measures to reduce muscle tone by
mains unaffected by the intervention. Mobility in pharmacologic (botulinum toxin type A [BTX-A],
adulthood may also deteriorate over time (Level IV phenol) or neurosurgical methods (selective dor-
evidence).13–15 These issues have implications both sal rhizotomy [SDR], intrathecal baclofen). These
on the optimal age at which the surgical interven- are believed to facilitate the stretch from therapy
tions should be performed and the timing of out- and serial casting, and to improve tolerance of
come assessments. brace wear, which, in turn, may prevent or delay
What Is the Best Treatment for Ambulatory Cerebral Palsy? 249

TABLE 34–1. International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Model


Part I: Functioning & Disability

1. Body Structure & Body Function (negative term ! Body structure: anatomic parts of the body such as organs, limbs, and their
impairment) components (e.g., periventricular leukomalacia in premature infant’s
brain, torsional deformity)
Body function: physiologic functions of body systems including psychologi-
cal functions (e.g., range of motion, muscle strength)
2. Activity & Participation (negative terms ! Activity: execution of a task or action by an individual (e.g., walking difficul-
activity limitation; participation restriction) ties such as balance, endurance or fatigue, climbing stairs)
Participation: involvement in a life situation (e.g., limited sports participa-
tion, interference with social interaction)
Part II: Contextual Factors
1. Environmental Factors (facilitators or barriers) Make up the physical, social, and attitudinal environment in which people
live and conduct their lives; factors are external to the affected individu-
als, and facilitate or restrict full participation in society
Facilitator: examples include ramp for wheelchair access and assisted-living
Barriers: examples include exclusion from employment, limited access to
medical equipment/health insurance, and limited wheelchair access to
public facilities
2. Personal Factors Background of an individual’s life and living and comprise features of the
individual that are not part of a health condition (e.g., sex, race, age, and
other health conditions)

the onset of static contractures and bony deformi- other small double-blind RCT, 39 patients were ran-
ties.24,25 The musculoskeletal changes, collectively domized to receive BTX-A alone, placebo injection
referred to as “lever arm disease” are best ad- plus casting, or BTX-A plus casting. The BTX-A in-
dressed with orthopedic surgery.9 jection group did not show any significant change,
The remainder of this chapter reviews the evi- whereas the two groups that were casted with pla-
dence for the effectiveness of these strategies in the cebo injection or BTX-A showed significant but
management of ambulant children with CP. equivalent improvements in spasticity reduction,
passive range of motion, and ankle kinematics at 12
EVIDENCE FOR EFFECTIVENESS OF SPASTICITY In summary, BTX-A injections are superior to pla-
REDUCTION METHODS cebo injections in reducing calf muscle spasticity and
Botulinum Toxin A increasing ankle dorsiflexion in the short term, but
show only equivalent efficacy in the short term when
A systematic review published in the Cochrane da- compared with serial casting, with mixed evidence re-
tabase in 2000 could not find sufficient evidence to garding the combination of serial casting plus BTX-A.
support or refute the use of BTX-A in the treatment Limited evidence exists in the literature to support the
of lower-limb spasticity in children with CP.26 Sys- widely held belief that the reduction in spasticity
tematic reviews of more recent randomized trials brought on by BTX-A potentiates the effect of therapy
(Level 1 evidence) confirm that injection of BTX-A interventions to reduce the mechanical aspects of the
compared with placebo27–30 does reduce calf (equi- hypertonicity,24 and even less evidence that these ef-
nus) spasticity, increase ankle dorsiflexion, and im- fects translate into measurable functional benefits in
prove gait pattern in the short term.31,32 When com- terms of activities and participation.
pared with serial casting, two small randomized In a systematic review to evaluate the evidence for
clinical trials (RCTs) with only 10 patients in each the effectiveness of therapy (including serial cast-
arm (Level II evidence) showed that BTX-A injec- ing) after BTX-A injections, Lannin and colleagues37
tions were as efficacious as serial casting in the found only two studies with control groups that
management of dynamic equinus.33,34 The BTX-A compared BTX-A alone with botulinum toxin plus
group had a more sustained response than casting, some form of therapy. In a small prospective series
although median time to reintervention was similar of 25 children (Level IV evidence), Boyd and cowork-
in both groups.33 This evidence was contradicted by ers38 found that a short period of casting improves
a subsequent small RCT of 23 patients randomized passive range of motion and ankle kinetics, whereas
to receive either serial casting alone or serial cast- Desloovere and coauthors39 found that it makes no
ing with BTX-A, which showed equivalent reduction difference if such casting is provided immediately
in spasticity and increased dorsiflexion at 3 months before or after BTX-A injections in a small random-
in both groups, but more sustained benefits in the ized trial of 34 children (Level II evidence). In a mul-
cast alone group at 12 months.35 However, in an- ticenter clinical trial in the Netherlands, 46 children
250 Pediatric Topics

were randomized to receive multilevel BTX-A fol- need for or amount of subsequent orthopedic sur-
lowed by comprehensive rehabilitation or just usual gery,47–49 and the long-term effects and benefits of
physiotherapy (PT). The BTX-A plus comprehensive SDR have yet to be elucidated.
rehabilitation group experienced significantly greater
improvements in the gross motor function measure
(GMFM) outcome measure at 24 weeks (3.5 points EVIDENCE FOR MULTILEVEL ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY
better than usual physical therapy group). This ef-
fect, although clinically significant, is modest at Established musculoskeletal problems are thought to
best, and this study cannot separate the relative be best addressed with simultaneous (single-event)
contributions of BTX-A from those of the cointerven- multilevel orthopedic surgery (SEMLS) including ten-
tion of comprehensive rehabilitation to the improved don lengthening or transfers and corrective osteoto-
outcome.40 mies based on small uncontrolled case series50,51 and
Although a retrospective cohort study of 424 pa- expert opinion (Level IV and V evidence). Addressing
tients (Level III evidence) concluded that a program all deformities simultaneously avoids the “birthday
of serial multilevel Botox injections might delay the syndrome” of staged isolated procedures16 and limits
need for, and reduce the frequency of, orthopedic the interventions to one hospitalization and one pe-
surgery,41 this evidence is undermined by the un- riod of rehabilitation (Level V evidence). However, to
known comparability of the treatment cohorts at date, no comparative studies have tested the superi-
baseline, the different periods that the cohorts were ority of this approach, leaving room for some debate.
treated, and the possibility of bias by indication. Fur- Some surgeons recommend (Level V evidence) early
thermore, the long-term effects or benefits of BTX-A surgical interventions during childhood development
in terms of improved muscle growth, mobility, and with the expectation that this will enhance function
function remain unknown.42 and allow further improvement of motor skills, with
further surgery as needed when the child is older.52
This approach also uses multilevel procedures as
Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy needed and has been referred to as Staged Multilevel
Interventions in the Lower Extremity (SMILE). There
Three published randomized trials have evaluated is some weak Level IV evidence from small case series
the efficacy of selective dorsal rhizotomy followed that children with spastic diplegia who underwent
by physiotherapy (SDR " PT) compared with PT staged orthopedic procedures had unpredictable re-
alone.43–45 All 3 trials showed that SDR " PT consis- sults.53 In contrast, there is little evidence that the
tently reduced spasticity, but only in the Toronto single-event multilevel surgery performed at the opti-
(n ! 24) and Vancouver (n ! 30) trials was there a mal (older) age eliminates the need for additional
significantly greater improvement in function as surgery in the future.
measured by the GMFM in the SDR " PT groups at
1 year. In the Seattle trial (n ! 38), there was no
demonstrable difference in functional outcomes Outcomes of Multilevel Orthopedic Surgery
(GMFM) between the 2 groups either at 12 or 24 Compared with Natural History
months, with both groups demonstrating equiva-
lent functional gains. A possible explanation may be Only 1 retrospective cohort study (Level III evidence)
that patients in the PT group in the Seattle trial re- compares the short-term outcomes in a small group
ceived an intensive and prolonged course of PT, far of ambulatory children with spastic diplegia treated
more than their counterparts in the other two trials, with multilevel surgery (n ! 12) with those of a con-
and the rhizotomies performed in Seattle involved trol group of comparable children (n ! 12) who were
transaction of significantly fewer rootlets than at recommended but did not undergo similar types of
the other 2 locations, which could also explain the multilevel surgery.12 Effects of treatment were de-
smaller gains demonstrated by the SDR " PT groups rived from change in gait analyses between the base-
in the Seattle trial. A meta-analysis of these 3 ran- line assessment and 12 months later. Gait of children
domized trials (Level 1 evidence) confirmed that for in the control group deteriorated between analyses,
children between 4 and 8 years of age with spastic whereas for the treatment group, parents’ perceived
CP, SDR " PT does produce a clinically significant walking distance and reliance on assist devices im-
reduction in spasticity at 12 months and a statisti- proved. Whether these benefits were a consequence
cally significant but relatively small functional ad- of the multilevel surgery or the intensive postopera-
vantage of 4 percentage points on the GMFM when tive PT (or both) that the operated patients received
compared with PT alone.46 In the multivariate analy- is unknowable from this study, and whether these
sis, a positive association was found between the benefits will last over the long term remains a con-
percentage of rootlets transected and the magni- cern in light of some Level IV evidence from longitu-
tude of functional improvement. Despite the effec- dinal case series that mobility will deteriorate in
tiveness of SDR in the short term, the question re- growing children even after surgery.11 Few published
mains whether these small benefits are worth the studies evaluate the long-term effects of multilevel
time, effort, and expense involved. Only limited evi- orthopedic surgery at skeletal maturity, let alone
dence (Levels III and IV) exists that SDR reduces the into adulthood.18
What Is the Best Treatment for Ambulatory Cerebral Palsy? 251

Outcomes of Multilevel Orthopedic Surgery either distally or proximally,75–77 and supramalleolar

Compared with Other Interventions derotational osteotomies of the tibia and fibula.78
The quality of evidence in support of these specific
In a prospective cohort study of ambulant children interventions to improve gait in ambulatory children
with spastic diplegia who underwent either SDR or with CP is weak and based almost entirely on uncon-
multilevel orthopedic surgery as their initial surgical trolled case series (Level IV evidence). This is equally
procedure, children who underwent SDR (n ! 16) dem- true of studies evaluating the efficacy of multilevel or-
onstrated improvements in 3 of 5 dimensions, as well thopedic surgery as a whole. These studies are typi-
as the total score of the GMFM, but more than 60% of cally small, retrospective, uncontrolled case series
these patients experienced a reduction in gait velocity. looking at preintervention and postintervention com-
Those who underwent orthopedic surgery (n ! 14) parisons that demonstrate some improvements in the
had more predictable improvements in spatiotempo- short term in outcomes limited to the level of body
ral gait parameters, although their improvements in structures and body functions, such as range of mo-
the GMFM was limited to only 1 dimension (walking, tion, spatiotemporal gait parameters, and kinematic or
running, and jumping) and the total score.54 This study kinetic improvements on gait analysis.18,59,79–81 The
comprised 2 separate treatment cohorts studied pro- clinical significance of these findings is less clear, with
spectively that had the same preoperative and postop- only a few case series (Level IV evidence) reporting
erative measures, allowing for the comparison at about benefits in some functional outcomes at the level of
12 months after surgery, rather than a randomized activities and participation.80–84
(or nonrandomized trial) of similar patients (Level II A few retrospective, case–control or cohort stud-
evidence). In another prospective cohort study of chil- ies (Level III evidence) compare different surgical
dren with spastic diplegia with a mean age of 73 techniques, but few prospective clinical trials com-
months, 18 children who underwent SDR were com- pare the effectiveness of these procedures. In a
pared with 7 who underwent orthopedic surgery (Level case–control study, rectus femoris transfer (n ! 98)
II evidence). Significant improvements were seen in has been reported to be superior to distal rectus re-
passive range of motion, muscle tone, gait kinematics, lease (n ! 31), especially for children with less than
and oxygen cost in both groups 2 years after surgery.48 80% knee range of motion.63 One case–control study
In both of these studies, the unknown comparability of showed little difference in functional outcomes or
the groups at baseline and the different indications for complication rates between proximal (n ! 27) and
choosing SDR or orthopedic surgery bias any infer- distal femoral (n ! 51) derotational osteotomies.77 In
ences. Furthermore, the 2 interventions should be a prospective cohort study of 28 patients with spas-
seen as complementary because they address differ- tic diplegia and intoed gait, there was no difference
ent facets of the problem (spasticity in the case of SDR in the gait outcomes between the proximal and distal
and fixed contractures, and/or bony deformities in the femoral derotational osteotomies, but the distal oste-
case of multilevel orthopedic surgery), rather than as otomies were reportedly faster with significantly
competing alternatives to manage the ambulant child lower blood loss (Level II evidence).76
with spastic CP. In a systematic review of different interventions to
improve gait, these interventions did have a statisti-
cally significant effect on the spatiotemporal param-
Evidence for Specific Orthopedic Procedures eters of gait.85 This was true for specific orthopedic
and Techniques procedures as well, when the analysis was stratified
based on the type of intervention. However, the au-
The most common soft-tissue procedures include in- thors were unable to make any clinical recommenda-
tramuscular lengthening of the psoas over the pelvic tions about relative efficacy of different interven-
brim,55–57 fractional lengthening of the medial ham- tions. The majority of the individual studies included
strings,50,55,58–61 transfer of the rectus femoris for a stiff were Level III or IV studies with sample sizes smaller
knee gait,62–66 and recession of the gastrocnemius.67,68 than necessary to detect the effect sizes they found
Open lengthening of the hip adductors, iliopsoas te- from the meta-analysis. Nearly every study failed to
notomy, lengthening of the lateral hamstrings,61 and categorize patients by (and therefore adjust for) se-
tendo-Achilles lengthening69 are rarely required and verity, age, or type of CP, and did not take into ac-
may lead to overcorrection and weakness, especially count the effect of cointerventions that are inevitable
in bilateral involvement.70 Significant equinovalgus/ in multilevel surgery and are likely to have an impact
planovalgus deformities of the feet can be corrected on the outcomes.
with calcaneal lengthening,71 sometimes combined
with subtalar arthrodesis to prevent recurrence.
Equinovarus deformities can be managed with split EVIDENCE FOR USE OF GAIT ANALYSIS FOR SURGICAL
tibialis posterior tendon transfers for flexible deformi- DECISION MAKING BEFORE MULTILEVEL ORTHOPEDIC
ties72 and split tibialis anterior tendon transfer com- SURGERY
bined with intramuscular lengthening of the tibialis
posterior and tendo-Achilles for stiffer deformities in Little consensus exists about the indications or choice
older children.73,74 Severe torsional deformities can be of which procedures to perform during multilevel
addressed with derotational osteotomies of the femur surgery.86,87 For ambulatory patients, gait analysis has
252 Pediatric Topics

been recommended to guide surgical decision mak- over a 5-year period.95 Eight of these 23 children un-
ing, but it remains an area of much controversy derwent surgery based on the visual analysis alone
among pediatric orthopedic surgeons.88–90 The basic rather than the recommendations based on gait anal-
premise of gait analysis is that gait data generated in ysis. The authors provide no information as to why
a motion laboratory provide insight beyond what is these 8 patients underwent operations different
derivable from observational analysis alone, and that from what was recommended or whether their sur-
it has the potential to influence or alter treatment geons had had access to the gait studies. The out-
decisions for at least some patients whose outcomes comes of these 8 children were compared with those
presumably would have been worse had they had of the 15 children who were treated according to the
surgery based on decisions made by observational recommendations based on preoperative gait analy-
analysis alone. sis. Of the 7 children who reportedly did not im-
prove based on the postoperative gait analysis data
as the outcome measure, 5 of these 7 children
Does Gait Analysis Alter Decision Making? belonged to the control group that received treat-
ment based on clinical (visual) analysis alone. Thir-
Level IV evidence has been reported that gait analy- teen of 15 children showed improved gait outcomes
sis alters surgical decision making for patients with in the gait analysis group compared with only 3 of 8
CP. In 3 separate case series, treatment recommenda- in the control group. The authors conclude that gait
tions based on observation of gait changed with the analysis was responsible for the difference in out-
addition of gait analysis data in 52%, 93%, and 40% of comes between the 2 groups. However, the small
the cases.91–93 However, in all 3 studies, the investiga- numbers of patients, the absence of information on
tors were not blinded to their decisions based on the comparability of the 2 groups at baseline, the
observation alone. We also do not know whether short follow-up, and the absence of any functional
these decisions would have been consistent if re- outcomes undermine any conclusions regarding the
tested at a later time (reproducibility). In the Hart- necessity for, or the benefits of, preoperative gait
ford study, all patients reportedly underwent treat- analysis.
ment based on the gait analysis recommendations; Other retrospective case series (Level IV studies)
therefore, in the absence of control subjects, we do of children with ambulatory CP undergoing multi-
not know whether implementing these recommenda- level orthopedic surgery, in which patients under-
tions did, indeed, result in different, let alone better, went preoperative and postoperative gait analyses,
outcomes.91 The authors conclude that because in have documented postoperative improvement in
their series gait analysis data led to an overall reduc- outcomes.59,82,96 However, in the absence of any con-
tion in the number of procedures recommended, this trol subjects, it is not possible to conclude with any
would be associated with a reduction in cost of sur- confidence that these improvements are attribut-
gery. However, we do not know whether the treat- able to the use of gait analysis either.
ment decisions based on gait analysis were the ones Molenaers and coauthors41 suggest that gait analy-
that were, in fact, carried out. Furthermore, conclu- sis delays the first orthopedic procedures in children
sions regarding potential cost reductions are some- with CP based on a retrospective review of 424 chil-
what speculative because a valid health economic dren with ambulatory CP treated at one center from
evaluation was not performed. The 2 other studies 1985 to 2001. Three historical cohorts were compared
also demonstrated that decisions were altered by the (Level III evidence): group 1 (1985–1989), group 2
addition of gait analysis data, but once again with (1996–1997), and group 3 (2000–2001). These groups
little evidence that these altered decisions were ei- were separated by the introduction of gait analysis in
ther reproducible or better than the original deci- 1990 and the addition of BTX-A in the early treatment
sions made by observation alone.92,93 of these children in 1996. Children in group 1 who did
not have the benefit of gait analysis or botulinum
toxin underwent surgery significantly earlier than
Does the Use of Gait Analysis for Surgical those in group 2 who had the benefit of gait analysis.
Decision Making Result in Better Functional Outcomes There was also a significant decrease in the frequency
after Multilevel Orthopedic Surgery? of surgery for groups 3 and 2 compared with group 1.
The authors acknowledge the limitations of such a
A systematic review of the literature on the use of gait study and are careful to qualify their conclusions.
analysis in children with walking disorders reported The association between the introduction of gait
that there was little published evidence that out- analysis and the delay of surgery could be attribut-
comes of surgery based on gait analysis are any bet- able to change in philosophy with the times rather
ter than outcomes of surgery based on observational than the introduction of gait analysis. Furthermore,
analysis alone.94 One case–control study (Level III delay of surgery is at best a proxy for, and not neces-
evidence) attempts to answer this question. Lee and sarily representative of, improved outcomes.
colleagues95 retrospectively selected 23 patients with Chang and researchers97 evaluated retrospec-
ambulatory CP who had complete preoperative and tively 20 children with ambulatory CP who were
postoperative gait analysis available out of 100 pa- recommended orthopedic surgery treatment after
tients who had been evaluated in their gait laboratory undergoing gait analysis. For reasons not explained,
What Is the Best Treatment for Ambulatory Cerebral Palsy? 253

10 children did not follow through with these rec- by the institution at which the interpretation was per-
ommendations and underwent unspecified alterna- formed.102 However, the authors did not report the
tive nonoperative treatments, whereas the other 10 inter-rater reliability at the institutional level, which
completed the surgical procedures recommended. would have provided some support to the latter con-
The surgical group experienced “a higher percent- clusion.
age” of positive (44%) gait outcomes compared with Variability was present in the kinematic data gener-
the group who did not follow the gait analysis-based ated in 4 different motion laboratories that tested the
surgical recommendations (26%). The authors con- same 11 patients.100 Although the clinical significance
clude that “gait performance can be significantly of some of this variability has been challenged, the
improved when gait analysis is used to determine treatment recommendations generated from these
the appropriate surgical intervention.”97 However, data were widely different across the 4 centers for 9
little information is available about the comparabil- of the 11 patients. Perhaps such variability might not
ity of the 2 groups at baseline other than the simi- have been demonstrated had the patients been tested
larity of the surgical recommendations based on in other gait centers, as was implied in the accompa-
gait analysis. The “outcomes” are based on desired nying editorial,103 but evidence to support this con-
or expected changes in the gait kinematics. This tention remains elusive.
definition is unsatisfactory because all changes are In the presence of significant variability, the data
arbitrarily treated as equal. We also have no knowl- cannot be used with confidence to influence decision
edge of how these changes relate to the outcome of making. Variability in the interpretation of gait data
real interest, which is physical function. The only reflects the prevailing uncertainty (or controversies)
conclusion is that, in this series, patients treated about the causes and/or significance of specific find-
with surgery responded better based on the au- ings, and will be resolved only with ongoing clinical
thors’ definition of gait outcomes than patients research and experience using gait analysis.104 Simi-
treated by nonoperative methods (Level III). The larly, variability in treatment recommendations based
actual contribution of gait analysis to these out- on the same gait data also reflects differences of
comes is speculative. For gait analysis to be effec- opinion about best strategies to deal with specific
tive in this role, it needs to be shown to alter deci- problems, which, in turn, can be definitively resolved
sion making in a reproducible or consistent way.90 only with comparative clinical trials. Neither the
variability in interpretation nor the variability in sur-
gical recommendations is the fault of gait analysis
Effect of Variability in Gait Analysis per se, but as long as such significant variability
exists, the recommendation that gait analysis is es-
Many sources of variability stem from gait analysis, sential for preoperative decision making before mul-
including patients themselves,98,99 and between gait tilevel orthopedic surgery is currently not supported
laboratories100 because of variation in equipment, by the literature.90 Consequently, there is wide varia-
marker placement, and lack of standardization. After tion across North America in the rates of utilization
implementation of a standardized protocol in gait of gait analysis for surgical decision making in the
laboratories in the Shriner’s system in North America, management of children with ambulatory CP.105 It is
there was only a moderate decrease in the variability not clear whether there is corresponding variation in
across the 12 sites, which the authors conclude must functional outcomes of children receiving multilevel
be improved on before the data between laboratories orthopedic surgery in different centers in North
can be considered comparable.101 These technical America, and if so, whether these differences are at-
problems are likely to be solved with technical solu- tributable to the use of gait analysis or other factors,
tions, which will not, however, address the issue such as surgical skill and experience, or the quality
of variability of interpretation and treatment recom- of the postoperative rehabilitation.

Reproducibility of Gait Analysis Interpretation
and Surgical Recommendations A paucity of high-level evidence exists of the efficacy
of orthopedic procedures used for children with CP.
When the same gait analysis data were examined by Moreover, the methodologic rigor of these studies
gait analysis experts from 6 different institutions in the even within their level of study design is low. A lack of
United States, there was only slight-to-moderate agree- consensus has been shown on the indications for
ment in the list of problems (Kappa values: 0.14–0.46) these specific procedures. Although there is some
generated by the experts.102 Agreement about specific evidence (mostly Level IV) that multilevel orthopedic
surgical recommendations was similarly poor, except surgery may benefit the gait of ambulatory children
for hamstring lengthening (Kappa value: 0.64). The with CP in the short term, especially when compared
authors conclude that, although gait analysis data are with the natural history (Level III evidence), there is
themselves objective, there is subjectivity in interpre- less evidence that these short-term benefits translate
tation even among recognized experts, with diagnoses into any meaningful improvements in the dimensions
and treatment recommendations seemingly influenced of activities and participation, or that these benefits
254 Pediatric Topics

TABLE 34–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. BTX-A is superior to placebo in reducing calf spasticity A 27–32

and improving ankle dorsiflexion in the short term.
2. BTX-A is equivalent to serial casting in reducing calf spas- A, B 32–34
ticity and improving ankle dorsiflexion in the short term.
3. Botox injection plus serial casting increases passive I 35, 36, 38
range of motion more than serial casting alone.
4. Serial multilevel BTX-A delays the need for and reduces B 41
the frequency or orthopedic surgery.
5. SDR plus PT is more effective than PT alone in reducing A 46
lower extremity spasticity in children with spastic 43–45
diplegia between 4 and 8 years of age.

6. SDR plus PT has a significant but small functional bene- A 46

fit over PT alone in children with spastic diplegia be- 43–45
tween 4 and 8 years of age.
7. SEMLS preserves (or improves) gait outcomes when B 12
compared with natural history and SDR.
8. SEMLS is superior to staged orthopedic procedures. I
9. Orthopedic surgery in children with ambulatory CP C 80, 82–84
results in short-term functional gains in the domains
of activities and participation.
10. Orthopedic procedures result in benefits at the body C 18, 59, 79–81
structure and body function domains in the short term.
11. Gait analysis alters decision making. C 91–93
12. Gait analysis for surgical decision improves functional I 94, 95, 97
outcomes after multilevel orthopedic surgery.

BTX-A, botulinum toxin type A; CP, cerebral palsy; PT, physiotherapy; SDR, selective dorsal rhizotomy; SEMLS, single-event multilevel orthopedic surgery.

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Chapter What is Is the Best Treatment

1 Jfor Developmental

of the Hip?

The majority of high-quality research into develop- specificity). Clearly, factors such as the age of the pa-
mental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) has focused on the tient and the experience of the examiner influence test
neonatal period and early infancy. It was the introduc- performance. Therefore, the accuracy of these tests
tion of hip ultrasound in the early 1980s that led to a cannot be quantified by one single number. Limited
paradigm shift in the diagnosis and management of hip abduction is another potential but unreliable clini-
DDH in this age group. Ultrasound allowed visualiza- cal sign for DDH. In a sample of Dutch infants aged 3
tion of hip morphology in newborns and added fur- to 10 months, the finding of unilateral limitation of
ther information to the physical examination of the abduction had an overall sensitivity for the diagnosis
hip. The main question posed by the introduction of of DDH of 69%, a specificity of 54%, a positive predic-
ultrasound was whether better outcomes can be tive value of 43%, and a negative predictive value of
achieved by utilizing ultrasound as opposed to relying 78%; 46% of infants without DDH exhibited definite
on clinical tests alone. Many questions followed: If ul- limited abduction.4
trasound is utilized, at what age should it be done? In addition to the clinical examination, ultra-
Should all infants receive the test or only those with sound can be used to evaluate the neonatal hip.
remarkable findings on physical examination? Which The result of the ultrasound test may be consistent
abnormal sonographic findings warrant immediate with the clinical findings, or it may be inconsistent
treatment, which warrant repeat scanning, and which and provide additional information. For instance,
hips can be discharged from any further follow-up? an Ortolani-positive hip will show dislocation on
Although hip ultrasound has the potential to con- ultrasound (findings are consistent). However, a
tribute valuable information in hips with unclear clinically stable and unremarkable hip may reveal a
findings on physical examination, its accuracy has shallow acetabulum and reduced femoral head cov-
never been well established from basic principles erage on ultrasound, which is an abnormal sono-
and remains unclear.1 As a result, not only physical graphic finding. The management of such hips re-
examination but also ultrasound testing leaves much mains highly controversial because the significance
room for debate and uncertainty in the diagnosis and of some sonographic findings is unclear.
management of DDH.2,3 Abnormalities of the neonatal hip can be grouped
Uncertainty exists as to which forms of neonatal into clinical abnormalities (instability of the hip, dis-
DDH warrant treatment and which will improve spon- locatability of the hip, limited unilateral abduction of
taneously; how long can we wait for a hip to improve the hip) and by sonographic abnormalities (sono-
on its own, and when is it justified to initiate costly graphic instability, reduced femoral head coverage,
treatment that includes serious risks, as well as bur- shallow acetabulum). No standardized diagnostic
den to affected families. Randomized, controlled tri- criteria have been established, however, with which
als have been performed to answer some of these these abnormalities can be distinguished from forms
questions (Table 35–1). They were mainly driven by of DDH that will not resolve spontaneously.3
a desire to determine whether ultrasound can im- Because abnormalities of the hip present at birth
prove health outcomes in neonates with DDH. This are modulated by ongoing growth and because reso-
chapter focuses on those areas of DDH studied by lution of less severe abnormalities (Barlow-positive
randomized, controlled trials. hips) was reported in up to 95% of patients,5,6 a rele-
vant question is up to which age treatment can be
delayed without altering outcomes.
The neonate with DDH may reveal remarkable findings NEONATAL HIP INSTABILITY
on clinical examination. Although the majority of the
hips with a positive Barlow or Ortolani test reveal Gardiner and Dunn6 performed a randomized clini-
some form of DDH (high sensitivity), these tests cal trial to address this question.6 Abduction splint-
are not positive in all patients with DDH (imperfect ing was delayed until the age of 10 to 14 days, or

What Is the Best Treatment for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip? 259

TABLE 35-1. Research Questions of Randomized Clinical Trials on Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in the Neonate

Rosendahl et al. (1994)5 II Does general (all newborns) or No. The absolute number General ultrasound
selective (with risk factors for of late DDH was greatest screening increased
DDH or hips showing positive in those not offered ul- the number of ultra-
findings on clinical examina- trasound and lowest in sound follow-ups for
tion) ultrasound screening those who had general hips that were clini-
provide more appropriate ultrasound screening, cally unremarkable.
criteria for treatment of DDH, but these differences Of these, 97% showed
hence reducing the preva- were not statistically spontaneous resolu-
lence of late DDH compared significant. tion, but because of
with clinical screening alone? clinicians’ uncertainty,
scanning was per-
formed repeatedly un-
til resolution was doc-
Gardiner and Dunn (1990)6 II In neonates with clinical hip Yes. Sonographic and ra- Dislocatable hips at
instability (positive Barlow diographic outcomes birth may be safely
test), does delaying abduction and clinical findings at monitored sonograph-
splinting for 2 weeks allow for 1 year were similar be- ically for 2 weeks be-
spontaneous resolution of tween those treated im- fore determining the
neonatal hip instability? mediately and those need for treatment
who were observed for without altering the
2 weeks and splinted outcome at 1 year.
when necessary
thereafter (29%).
Elbourne et al. (2002)7 II In neonates with clinical hip in- Yes. Ultrasound testing re- Ultrasound should be
stability, can an ultrasound duced rates of abduc- used in the manage-
examination (in addition to tion splinting in new- ment of those neo-
the clinical examination) re- borns with neonatal hip nates with clinical hip
duce the likelihood of babies instability significantly instability.
to be splinted without dou- and is not associated
bling of the risk for late treat- with an increase in ab-
ment compared with clinical normal hip development
examination alone? by 2 years.
Wood et al. (2000)8 II Do 0- to 6-week-old newborns No. Acetabular morphol- Do not recommend
who present with clinically ogy improved regardless splintage for stable
and sonographically stable of abduction treatment but dysplastic hips
hips but show sonographic and was not different be- within the first 6
dysplasia benefit from abduc- tween groups at 4 to 6 or weeks. Recommend
tion splinting compared with 12 months, respectively. follow-up at 3 months
no treatment? and beyond by both
ultrasound and radi-
ography to avoid
treating nonsignificant
acetabular dysplasia.
Holen et al. (2002)10 II Is ultrasound screening of all ne- No. The rates of late- Universal ultrasound
onates superior to ultrasound presenting cases of DDH screening is not supe-
screening of those with risk were similar in both rior over selected
factors (family history, insta- groups. screening if clinical
bility of hip, foot deformities, screening is of high
breech position) for DDH? quality.

DDH, developmental dysplasia of the hip; LOE, level of evidence.

commenced immediately in neonates (!2 days old) ings of this trial suggest that ultrasound can re-
with dislocatable hips (positive Barlow test). All in- duce the number of neonates with unstable hips
fants in the “delay group” were monitored by means treated with splinting by as much as 70%. The au-
of ultrasound at the age of 2 weeks and were treated thors conclude that dislocatable hips at birth may
thereafter if hips had not improved. Treatment be- be safely watched sonographically for 2 weeks be-
came necessary in 29% of all infants. The trial re- fore determining the need for treatment without
vealed similar outcomes for those who received altering the outcome.
immediate treatment at the age of 2 days or younger, Of interest, the authors distinguished between
and for those who received delayed treatment (if it hips that were dislocatable (positive Barlow test)
was still indicated because the hip did not resolve and those dislocated at birth (positive Ortolani test).
spontaneously) at the age of 2 weeks. The latter was not part of their trial because com-
Outcomes included sonographic and radiograph- mon practice is that such hips warrant immediate
ic parameters at 6 and 12 months of age. The find- treatment.
260 Pediatric Topics

Based on the findings of this trial,6 the U.K. Col- and ultrasound examination should be treated. In-
laborative Hip Trial group7 wanted to establish fants who had either remarkable hips on physical
whether it was safe not to splint hips that were examination or who were considered at risk for DDH
clinically suspect but seemed normal on ultrasound received ultrasound scanning at the age of 2 to
surveillance. Their concern was that such a regimen 6 weeks. Approximately 13.6% were found to have
might increase the numbers of children requiring stable ("2 mm displacement of the femoral head
late treatment for DDH. The primary outcome of the from the floor of the acetabulum) but sonographi-
trial was radiographic hip appearance at the age of cally dysplastic ("40% femoral head cover) hips.
2 years. Eligible were infants 0 to 6 weeks old who These infants were randomly allocated to either
had been diagnosed with neonatal hip instability by splinting or observation alone. All patients were
a senior physician. managed 6 and 12 weeks later by ultrasound. Radio-
The experimental intervention was ultrasound of graphic outcomes were determined at the age of 3
the hip at the age of 2 weeks or older; if ultrasound to 4 months, and in some at the age of 12 months.
showed significant displacement or instability, splint- Neither sonographic nor radiographic outcome pa-
ing was initiated. The nonexperimental intervention rameters were significantly different between groups.
was treatment based on clinical examination alone. The sample size of this study was small with a statis-
In the latter group, it was at the treating clinicians’ tical power of less than 80%.
discretion to splint hips early (as soon as they were Based on results of retrospective studies, Graf and
seen for assessment at 0–6 weeks of life), or to moni- coauthors9 believe that treatment of sonographic
tor hips clinically up to 8 weeks of age. If by the age dysplastic hips (Graf types IIc and D) must be initi-
of 8 weeks the hip was still of concern on clinical ated within the first 4 to 6 weeks of life; however, re-
evaluation, splinting was initiated. sults from prospective studies suggest that such hips
This randomized trial clearly showed that the use do well without treatment as long as they are stable.5
of ultrasound for the diagnosis and treatment of DDH Because the outcome of untreated Graf types IIc and
significantly reduced the number of abduction splint- D hips has never been established in well-designed
ing. Fewer children in the ultrasound group received comparative studies, the significance of such sono-
treatment in the first 2 years of life. In contrast, graphic findings remains unclear, especially in the
splinting was done much earlier when the diagnosis long term. Sonographic monitoring of such hips
was based on clinical examination alone—81% had seems to be sensible.
splints fitted within the first 2 weeks. This trial also
demonstrated that the total mean costs per used re-
sources were similar in both groups. SCREENING
How can these results be compared with those of
Gardiner and Dunn’s trial?6 Gardiner and Dunn stud- There is agreement that the hips of all newborns
ied babies with dislocatable hips on clinical examina- should be screened for DDH by physical examination
tion (positive Barlow test) and randomized them into performed by a trained healthcare professional. Rec-
early treatment or ultrasound and observation for ognizing that a proportion of newborns with an unre-
2 weeks. Also, the U.K. Collaborative Hip Trial group7 markable physical examination still might be affected
included such patients—that is, infants who presented by DDH, research has been performed to determine
with the same remarkable findings on clinical exami- whether the addition of ultrasound as a screening
nation warranting immediate treatment. If this partic- tool can lead to better outcomes. Two large studies
ular stratum is considered for comparison, the rela- were performed about hip ultrasound screening.
tive risk (i.e., the risk of an outcome among patients Rosendahl and coworkers5 managed 11,925 Norwe-
receiving an intervention, in comparison with patients gian newborns who underwent physical examination
not receiving the intervention of interest) to receive within the first 2 days of life. Newborns were assigned
any form of treatment during the trial period was 30% to one of three groups by convenience: general ultra-
for the ultrasound group. That is, the rate of receiving sound screening, selective ultrasound screening of
any form of treatment in the ultrasound group was newborns found to be at high risk for DDH, and no
one third of that in the nonultrasound group. This ef- ultrasound screening (allocation to the no-screening
fect was similar to Gardiner and Dunn’s trial.6 group if the sonographer was absent). The high-risk
group included infants with hip dislocation, dislocat-
able hip, breech position, or family history of DDH
SONOGRAPHIC DYSPLASIA IN CLINICALLY STABLE HIPS (first- or second-degree relatives). Serial clinical ex-
aminations were performed in the first 2 years of life,
Another controversial issue is the sonographically supplemented by ultrasound tests for those in the
“shallow” acetabulum. This hip is unremarkable on ultrasound groups. All high-risk infants were referred
clinical examination, stable on dynamic ultrasound, for radiographs of the hips at 4 to 5 months of age.
but reveals reduced femoral head coverage and/or Ultrasound screening was performed within the first
a shallow acetabulum (alpha angle "50 degrees in 2 days of delivery; modified Graf criteria (including
neonates). hip morphology and hip stability) were applied.
Wood and colleagues8 investigated whether sono- Ortolani- or Barlow-positive hips were treated im-
graphically shallow hips that were stable on clinical mediately with abduction splints, as were hips that
What Is the Best Treatment for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip? 261

were dislocated on ultrasound (Graf type III). The 13% of infants required an operative procedure later
primary outcome of the trial was DDH discovered on to treat DDH. Of interest, 13% of these hips were
after the first month of life. There were 24 such cases, judged to be normal on ultrasound screening.11 These
and they were classified by means of radiography in findings show that ultrasound screening may have the
dysplasia, subluxation, and dislocation. The median potential to reduce the number of late-presenting
age of late-presenting cases was 4.5 months. The to- cases of DDH or the need for surgical treatment but
tal number was almost similar in the nonultrasound will not eliminate them.
(n # 10) and selective ultrasound groups (n # 9), but
lower in the universal ultrasound group (n # 5). The
rates of late dislocations or subluxation were 0.3, 0.7, EXISTING GUIDELINES
and 1.3 per 1000 live births, respectively. These dif-
ferences were not significant, however. Three infants The American Academy of Pediatrics12 recommend,
(nonscreening and selective screening groups) re- based on a model-driven approach with a compre-
quired surgery for dislocated hips. hensive synthesis of the evidence base, clinical
Treatment in general was significantly more often screening for DDH by a trained health professional
conducted in the universal ultrasound group than for all newborns. Ultrasound is not recommended
in the other 2 groups (3.4% vs. 2.0% and 1.8%). Uni- except for girls born in the breech position. These
versal ultrasound screening identified 130 cases per infants should undergo either hip ultrasound at the
1000 clinically healthy infants as having abnormali- age of 6 weeks or radiographs at 4 months because
ties requiring sonographic monitoring. Of these, of the significantly high risk for DDH (absolute risk,
97% showed spontaneous resolution by 3 months of 70–120/1000). Hips remarkable in the postnatal ex-
age, but each infant had 3 to 5 ultrasound tests be- amination can be watched for 2 weeks or should be
fore being declared to have normal hips. referred to an orthopedic specialist, but no abduc-
Although no late presentations of DDH were ob- tion splinting is recommended at that stage.
served after universal ultrasound screening, statisti- The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force13 recom-
cally, there was no difference among the 3 screening mends against routine screening for DDH. The task
regimens, and ultrasound, therefore, was not supe- force argues that the natural history of DDH is poorly
rior to physical examination by well-trained person- defined, and there is lack of evidence that screening
nel. However, like others studies,6,8 the results of this would improve health outcomes, although there is
study suggest that the need for clinical follow-up can evidence that interventions have the potential to
be minimized by the reassuring findings of a normal cause harm such as avascular necrosis of the hip.
ultrasound test. The Canadian Task Force for Preventative Health
Holen and researchers10 investigated whether uni- Care14 recommend serial physical examination by a
versal ultrasound screening is superior to selective trained clinician in the periodic health examinations.
ultrasound screening. After a physical examination Also, this guideline does not recommend ultrasound
by an experienced single pediatrician, a newborn’s as a screening tool, not even in infants at high risk
risk factors for DDH were established. These included such as girls born in the breech position. The author
any form of instability of the hip (positive or uncer- argues that selective screening is ineffective in re-
tain Barlow test), positive family history, breech posi- ducing the operating rates because most newborns
tion, and foot deformities. Infants were randomized have no risk factors.
into 2 groups. One group received both physical and The U.K. National Screening Committee recom-
ultrasound examinations. Infants in the second group mends ultrasound to be used in the management of
received ultrasound only if they had a risk factor. infants with clinical hip instability.15 Population
DDH detected after the first month of life was the pri- screening programmes using ultrasound in all new-
mary outcome, and it was measured by sonographic borns have been implemented in some Mid-European
and radiographic criteria, respectively. In the univer- countries where ultrasound is performed within the
sal ultrasound group, 1 case (0.13/1000 live births) first 6 weeks of life.
was found, and 5 were found in the selected ultra-
sound group (0.65/1000 live births). The relative risk
for late detected DDH in the universal screening RECOMMENDATIONS
group was 0.21 (95% confidence interval, 0.03–1.45).
The treatment of late-presenting DDH ($6 month
This study clearly showed that universal ultrasound
of age) in general is more complex and prolonged
screening is not superior over selected screening if
compared with treatment initiated earlier on.
clinical screening is of high quality.
Clinicians therefore should aim for an early
The authors raised the question whether ultrasound
diagnosis of DDH, ideally within the first 6 weeks.
could have the potential to eradicate late-presenting
Good evidence exists for the management of
cases of DDH because there was only 1 such case
the dislocatable hip of the neonate. Treatment of
in their universal ultrasound screening group. Univer-
such hips can be safely delayed until the age of 2
sal ultrasound screening was established in 1996 in
to 3 weeks without altering the final outcome. In
Germany, and all newborns have been screened by
fact, a large proportion of such hips will stabilize
means of ultrasound before the sixth week of life. De-
spite a population screening rate of more than 95%, Continued
262 Pediatric Topics

RECOMMENDATIONS—CONT’D definitions used to define sonographic dysplasia

spontaneously within this period. Based on cur- in previous studies, and because of the inconsis-
rent evidence, treatment should be initiated if the tency with which these criteria were applied, no
hip is not improving beyond the age of 2 weeks. general recommendations can be made on how
If a hip is dislocated but reducible (Ortolani to treat this particular subgroup. However, the
positive) in the neonatal period, abduction way these abnormalities are detected seems to
splinting by means of a reduction device such the influence the likelihood for abduction splinting. If
Pavlik harness should be commenced at any age. these abnormalities were detected by means of
Although never proved to be effective in a ran- screening, treatment was significantly more likely
domized trial, this strategy was part of all ran- to be initiated. However, if they were detected
domized trials in DDH; early reduction of a because of an unclear physical examination,
dislocated hip seems sensible. It is generally ultrasound monitoring reduced the number
accepted that such treatment must be monitored splinted at the expense of repeat ultrasound
by means of ultrasound every other week to scanning.
ensure that femoral head position and acetabular Sufficient evidence does not exist to support
dysplasia are improving. In the child beyond the general ultrasound screening. Two trials demon-
neonatal period, the process of reduction will strated that general ultrasound is not superior to
take longer, and documentation of sonographic selective ultrasound. If the physical examination
improvement is even more important. Various is performed by well-trained and experienced
harnesses are available, but none has proven its personnel, ultrasound should be utilized for hips
relative efficacy in well-designed comparative that show unclear findings on clinical examina-
studies. Avascular necrosis of the proximal tion because it will reduce the number of splint-
femoral epiphysis is a potential but rare ing. Girls born in the breech position have a sig-
complication of harness treatment ("1% in nificantly greater absolute risk (up to 12 times
observational studies), and the benefits of a greater) for severe forms of DDH. Ultrasound
reduced hip outweigh this risk. screening of this subgroup within the first 6
The best management of hips that are Ortolani weeks seems plausible. Table 35–2 provides a
and Barlow negative but sonographically abnor- summary of recommendations for the treatment
mal remains obscure. Because of the variety of of DDH.

TABLE 35–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. Treatment of dislocatable hips in neonates can be delayed until the age of 2 weeks B
under ultrasound surveillance without altering outcomes.
2. Treatment of dislocated hips in neonates (positive Ortolani test) should be initiated C
immediately and not be delayed.
3. Sonographically stable ("2 mm displacement of the femoral head from the floor of B
the acetabulum) but sonographically dysplastic ("40% femoral head cover) hips do
not warrant abduction treatment when diagnosed at the age of 2 to 6 weeks.
4. Hips that are stable on clinical examination (negative Ortolani and Barlow tests) but I
sonographically dysplastic with Graf alpha angles of 43 to 50 degrees should receive
immediate abduction splinting to avoid residual acetabular dysplasia.
5. Hips that are unremarkable on clinical examination but reveal sonographic B
dysplasia of the acetabulum without sonographic instability do not warrant abduc-
tion splinting because they will improve within the first 3 months of life in up to
97% of infants.

REFERENCES on treatment rate and prevalence of late cases. Pediatrics

94:47, 1994.
1. Roposch A, Moreau NM, Uleryk E, et al: Developmental dys- 6. Gardiner HM, Dunn PM: Controlled trial of immediate splint-
plasia of the hip: Quality of reporting of diagnostic accuracy ing versus ultrasonographic surveillance in congenitally dis-
for US. Radiology 241:854, 2006. locatable hips. Lancet 336:1553, 1990.
2. Woolacott NF, Puhan MA, Steurer J, et al: Ultrasonography in 7. Elbourne D, Dezateux C, Arthur R, et al: Ultrasonography in
screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip in new- the diagnosis and management of developmental hip dyspla-
borns: Systematic review. BMJ 330:1413, 2005. sia (UK Hip Trial): Clinical and economic results of a multi-
3. Roposch A, Wright JG: Increased diagnostic information and centre randomised controlled trial. Lancet 360:2009, 2002.
understanding disease: Uncertainty in the diagnosis of devel- 8. Wood MK, Conboy V, Benson MK: Does early treatment by
opmental hip dysplasia. Radiology 242:355, 2007. abduction splintage improve the development of dysplastic
4. Castelein RM, Korte J: Limited hip abduction in the infant. but stable neonatal hips? J Pediatr Orthop 20:302, 2000.
J Pediatr Orthop 21:668, 2001. 9. Graf R. Ultrasound measurements of the newborn hip—
5. Rosendahl K, Markestad T, Lie RT: Ultrasound screening for comparison of two methods in 657 newborns. Acta Orthop
developmental dysplasia of the hip in the neonate: The effect Scand 69:550, 1998.
What Is the Best Treatment for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip? 263

10. Holen KJ, Tegnander A, Bredland T, et al: Universal or selec- 13. Screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip: Recom-
tive screening of the neonatal hip using ultrasound? A pro- mendation statement. US Preventative Services Task Force.
spective, randomised trial of 15,529 newborn infants. J Bone Paediatrics 117:898, 2006.
Joint Surg Br 84:886, 2002. 14. Patel H: Preventive health care, 2001 update: Screening and
11. von Kries R, Ihme N, Oberle D, et al: Effect of ultrasound management of developmental dysplasia of the hip in new-
screening on the rate of first operative procedures for devel- borns. CMAJ 164:1669, 2001.
opmental hip dysplasia in Germany. Lancet 362:1883, 2003. 15. Elliman DA, Dezateux C, Bedford HE: Newborn and childhood
12. Lehmann HP, Hinton R, Morello P, et al: Developmental dys- screening programmes: Criteria, evidence, and current policy.
plasia of the hip practice guideline: Technical report. Com- Arch Dis Child 87:6, 2002.
mittee on Quality Improvement, and Subcommittee on Devel-
opmental Dysplasia of the Hip. Pediatrics 105:E57, 2000.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

36 for Idiopathic Clubfoot?


The best treatment for idiopathic clubfoot is the sim- deformity correction. A useful rating scale would
plest, safest, least expensive, and most rapid method need to predict recurrence risk or long-term out-
to correct the clubfoot deformity, maintain correc- come. No such rating scale exists. Therefore, we do
tion, and allow lifelong normal foot function. Clearly, not have a common starting point for comparing
several potential questions need to be addressed. For treatment techniques that is validated, and there
example, the treatment that most rapidly corrects may never be one. This is particularly important be-
deformity may result in painful feet long term. The cause many case series are a mixture of techniques
safest technique for initial correction may be less ef- based on the treating physician’s view of the severity
fective than other techniques. Clarifying the ques- of the deformity. Thus, many case series describe a
tions to be answered is critical to evaluating the qual- treatment given to a selected group of patients with
ity of evidence available. clubfoot from a cohort that is not defined. Third, re-
This chapter addresses the following questions: currence of deformity, as opposed to failure of com-
(1) What treatment best obtains initial correction in plete correction, is ill-defined. Generally, recurrence
idiopathic clubfoot? (2) What treatment best main- is in the eye of the beholding physician. Proxy mea-
tains correction? (3) What treatment gives the best sures, such as repeat surgery or need for further
long-term foot function? Treatment techniques for casting, are crude measures of recurrence. Fourth,
severe recurrent deformities from failed treatment outcome studies of sufficient length and quality to
such a triple arthrodesis and Ilizarov approaches are answer the question “What treatment method gives
not addressed. the best lifelong foot function?” are rare. A true com-
Few investigations of “high-level” evidence address parative study of different methods that met Level I
these questions. There are several reasons for this. or II standards would require funding and commit-
First, true randomized studies of very different treat- ment at a level that such studies have not and may
ment methods have not been performed and will not never be performed. One confounding factor that oc-
be performed for ethical reasons. No orthopedic sur- curs commonly in all surgical fields is that the surgi-
geons are agnostic with respect to the best treatment cal procedure is constantly “tweaked” so that long-
for clubfoot. Minor variations within a treatment ap- term studies are rarely strictly comparable with the
proach are much more likely to be randomized. Sec- present “best” surgical treatment.
ond, the severity of clubfeet appears to vary in ways Despite these problems, data do exist that suggest
that are difficult to quantitate. This inability to clas- best treatments. Case series studies of similar pa-
sify feet results in stratification of individuals within tients treated by different treatments because of a
a cohort of clubfoot patients who are treated in dif- change in practice of a single or group of practitio-
ferent ways based on nonquantifiable distinctions of ners can be compared. Outcome studies utilizing
their treating physicians, resulting in selection bias validated outcome instruments of case series are
for a particular treatment. One practitioner’s “mild” beginning to be performed, and such studies can be
deformity may be another practitioner’s “moderate” compared. Multiple case series of a specific tech-
deformity. If these practitioners choose treatment nique can be compared with multiple case series
with manipulation or posteromedial release (PMR) using a different technique.
based on the “severity” of deformity, the results of The data used to attempt to answer the questions
their treatment regimens will not be comparable. come from an Embase and Medline search for Level I
Rating scales of severity at birth have not been and II evidence studies written in the English lan-
shown to identify difficulty with initial correction, guage from 1950 to 2007. Almost no relevant studies
maintenance of correction, or long-term function for were found. Using the same research strategy from
different treatment techniques. That a particular 2000 to 2007, a few Level III evidence studies and
scale can predict success with a particular treatment several Level II studies, not initially identified, were
technique has been shown, but this result cannot be found. Because of the paucity of information, the
generalized a priori to other techniques.1 When a same databases were searched for Level IV evidence
technique, such as the Ponseti method, results in studies from 2000 to 2007, of which there were 77
near-universal early correction, there is no value of identified. These case series studies were supple-
rating scales for predicting the likelihood of initial mented with earlier case series studies that the

What Is the Best Treatment for Idiopathic Clubfoot? 265

author believes were most informative. The analysis compared their first 27 patients treated by the
does not meet the standard of a systematic review. Ponseti method with 27 patients matched from their
The quantity of case series studies before 2000 and database who had been treated by a variety of ma-
in non–English language publications that would nipulative techniques by the authors or referring
need to be surveyed for a systematic review was be- physicians. Their major outcome variable was need
yond the scope of this project but may be a worth- for PMR in the first year of life because of failure to
while undertaking. I will attempt to give an accurate correct the deformity. Only 1 foot required PMR
appraisal of the quality of evidence, but it should be (97%) correction with the Ponseti technique com-
noted that the quality of evidence is not what would pared with only 2 feet corrected without PMR
be desired or expected for such a relatively common in the historical control group, which had a 6%
disorder. success rate. Segev and coworkers4 compared 61
clubfeet treated by a modification of the Kite and
Lovell method and managed an average of 55 months
WHAT TREATMENT BEST OBTAINS INITIAL with their initial 48 feet treated with the Ponseti
CORRECTION IN IDIOPATHIC CLUBFOOT? method that were managed for an average of 29
months with a 16-month minimum. The feet treated
The question of what treatment best obtains initial by the Kite and Lovell method required surgical cor-
correction in idiopathic clubfoot asks what nonopera- rection in 56% of the feet. Of the feet treated by
tive (or largely nonoperative technique if percutane- the Ponseti method, 3 (6%) required surgical cor-
ous tendo Achilles lengthening [TAL] is included) rection.
treatment is most effective is correcting clubfoot de- Aurell and researchers5 in Sweden report a center
formities. Neonatal surgical correction by major liga- randomized study of clubfeet treated by 2 different
ment release has not succeeded in giving lasting cor- techniques. A consecutive series of children with
rection and has been abandoned. Many idiosyncratic clubfoot was treated by the Ponseti method at 1 hos-
techniques for manipulating and immobilizing club- pital (9 feet) and by the Copenhagen method at an-
feet exist. In much of the literature, the question is not other hospital (19 feet). The Copenhagen method
addressed because the studies are of surgical treat- involves manipulation by a physiotherapist 4 to 5
ments. The authors simply state that feet uncorrected times per week with correction maintained by a
conservatively had their surgical treatment. When plexidur splint for 1 month, followed by 1 or 2 times
stated, the number of feet that were conservatively per week manipulation in the second week. At 2
corrected varies from 5% to 60% in most studies, but months of age, a pediatric orthopedic surgeon de-
specific treatment techniques are rarely specified. cided whether further treatment was needed. All
The most prominent published techniques are those 9 feet treated by the Ponseti technique required only
of Kite and Denis Browne from the 1930s, Ponseti from a percutaneous TAL. Of the 19 feet treated by the
the 1960s, and Dimeglio and Bensahel from the 1990s. Copenhagen method, 12 required PMR (63%) and 1
The Kite method was by far the most common tech- required a posterior release (5%).
nique used in the United States until the recent popu- Many case series studies address the effective-
larity of the Ponseti method. ness of the Ponseti method for early correction.
Sud and colleagues2 compared rates of initial correc- Changulani and researchers6 report their initial ex-
tion and relapse comparing the Ponseti and Kite meth- perience in the United Kingdom using the Ponseti
ods in a prospective, randomized study with outcome method in 100 feet in 66 children. Ninety-six of 100
assessment by a surgeon who was blinded to the treat- feet were fully corrected with 85 requiring percuta-
ment. The clinic in which the children were treated neous tenotomy. Colburn and Williams7 report com-
had used the Kite method for 15 years and the Ponseti plete initial correction of 54 of 57 feet (95%) of the
method for 1 year before beginning the study. Fifty- first babies they treated by Ponseti method in San
three patients with 81 feet were enrolled, and 8 were Francisco. Goksan and coauthors8 report on 134 feet
lost to follow-up and excluded from analysis. Thirty-six with 97% follow-up to mean age of 46 months with a
feet treated by the Ponseti method and 31 feet treated minimum of 2 years after initial casting in Turkey.
by the Kite method were followed for an average of Only 4 patients required PMR. Lehman and col-
26 months. The Ponseti method had a 91.7% initial cor- leagues9 in New York reported successful correction
rection rate compared with 66.7% by the Kite tech- in 92% of the first 45 feet treated by the Ponseti
nique. Ponseti method feet had a 21.1% relapse rate method. Tindall and coworkers10 report initial cor-
over the course of the study compared with a 38.1% rection of 98 of 100 in Malawi by nonphysician or-
relapse rate for the Kite method. The mean number of thopedic paraprofessionals. Shack and Eastwood11
casts was statistically significantly less for the Ponseti report initial correction of 39 of 40 children in a
method (6.2, Ponseti method; 10.7, Kite method), and physiotherapist-delivered Ponseti program in the
the mean time to correction was significantly shorter United Kingdom. Morcuende and colleagues12 report
for the Ponseti method (49.2 days, Ponseti method; initial correction in 98% of 256 feet treated by
91.2 days, Kite method). Dr. Ponseti and others at the University of Iowa.
Three other studies address the question of A number of case series reports have been pub-
early correction by comparing different methods. lished of the French or Montpellier method of physio-
Herzenberg, Radler, and Bor3 in Maryland and Israel therapy correction of clubfoot. Physiotherapy was
266 Pediatric Topics

developed and refined by Masse, Bensehal, Dimeglio, varus, adductus, and cavus. Operatively treated feet
Metaizeau, and others. The technique has been pub- may relapse in a similar way but may also lose correc-
lished in English, but several case series in French are tion into foot positions such as severe planovalgus,
not included here. Dimeglio reported on three groups severe cavus from dorsal dislocation of the navicular,
of feet during the evolution of the treatment in 1996. dorsal bunion development, and any combination of
The best group consisted of 52 clubfeet. Forty per- relapse and overcorrection of the initial deformities.
cent were corrected without surgery; 35% required In general, recurrent deformity requiring further treat-
PMR or PMRL; and 25% required posterior release. ment is reported to compromise results. One long-
Van Campenhout and investigators13 evaluated their term report of the Ponseti method suggests that re-
results of physiotherapy and continuous passive mo- lapse of a certain type, at a certain age, can be
tion machine in 64 babies with 100 feet. The authors managed in a way (anterior tibial tendon transfer to
included only infants presenting at younger than the third cuneiform) that does not compromise long-
3 months whose family strictly adhered to the proto- term foot function.17 Nonetheless, most relapses in
col. With a minimum follow-up of 18 months and a corrected clubfoot treated nonoperatively occur in
mean follow-up of 3.2 years, 75 (75%) of the feet re- the first 5 years of life. The surgical literature, which
quired surgery. Richards and coauthors14 report on is largely short- to medium-term follow-up studies
142 feet in 98 babies treated by the French method.14 (2–8 years), also suggests that recurrent deformity or
With an average follow-up of 35 months, 20% required overcorrection tends to occur during the rapid grow-
PMR and 29% required posterior release. Souchet and ing period of the foot.
colleagues15 report what appears to be a largely per- For the purposes of this section, I define “need
sonal series of Bensahel of 350 clubfeet followed to for further surgery after initial correction” as a sur-
skeletal maturity. Twenty-three percent required sur- rogate for relapse in reports of surgically treated
gical treatment at a mean age of 1 year. Stromqvist feet. Investigations of feet treated surgically in in-
and coworkers16 report on 75 feet treated by a strict fancy almost never report using manipulation and
physiotherapy and bracing regimen, and managed for casting to treat recurrent deformity. Therefore, only
an average of 8 years. Sixty-seven (89%) of the feet further surgery indicates a change in foot morphol-
underwent posterior release (PR) (two thirds) or ogy that the investigator thought required treat-
PMR (one third) between 2 and 5 months of age.16 ment. Adherents of the Ponseti method will treat
Twenty-five feet (33%) required a second operation at relapse at an early stage with repeat casting, and at
a mean of 4 years, and 4 feet had a third operation. a later age with an anterior tibial transfer under
most circumstances. This is not considered a fail-
ure based on current long-term follow-up data and,
Summary therefore, is discussed somewhat differently than a
recurrence requiring further surgery. Note that
Reasonably strong evidence exists that the Ponseti some feet may require further treatment because of
method is the best treatment to obtain initial correc- symptoms, without incurring new deformity. There-
tion in idiopathic clubfoot. Although high-level evi- fore, need for further surgery is not a distinct end
dence studies are few, they are entirely consistent in point but is the best available surrogate.
supporting the Ponseti method as the most effective The literature I use to address this question is
and rapid technique. Case series are persuasive be- largely case series studies with follow-up periods
cause all show a more than 90% initial correction shorter than skeletal maturity for most patients.
rate, which is greater than that reported in any re- Most of these studies purport to be “outcome” stud-
port for other methods. Furthermore, most series ies. Most of these studies use unvalidated, idiosyn-
report the authors’ early experience, and results cratic rating scales that mix symptoms, physical
would be expected to improve with experience. That finding, and radiographic findings in arbitrary ways
the results have been replicated in many parts of the to develop “excellent/good/fair/and poor” ratings.
world by medical practitioners of varying levels of The only value of these studies is for assessing early
training, all support the conclusion that the Ponseti complication rates such as relapse. These are not
method is the “best” method for initial correction of considered in the last section on long-term outcome.
idiopathic clubfoot. Bad results can be identified at any age, but I will not
consider a study to address long-term foot function
until the cohort studied is at least mostly skeletally
WHAT TREATMENT BEST MAINTAINS CORRECTION? mature. Another weakness of many of these studies
is that comparisons of different treatment methods
Relapse of deformity that requires treatment in club- were done based on a change in practice so that the
foot is in the “eye of the beholder.” No technical cut- follow-up lengths are markedly different between the
off exists to say when a correction is inadequate ver- treatment groups. Finally, the reporting of basic data
sus when a recurrence of deformity has developed. such as age at operation, length of follow-up, rate of
Therefore, relapse rates are likely to vary between follow-up, and rate of reoperation are often absent or
different investigators. Nonoperatively treated club- unclear in the published manuscripts. Some interpre-
feet that lose correction will relapse into a clubfoot tation is occasionally necessary, which certainly re-
deformity with varying amounts of recurrent equinus, duces accurate assessment of the data reported.
What Is the Best Treatment for Idiopathic Clubfoot? 267

A number of Level III evidence studies comparing Thompson and colleagues24a fashioned three
different surgical treatment techniques demonstrate groups from a population of 244 clubfeet of which
the problem of markedly different follow-up periods 73% were managed for less than 10 years and 27%
between different techniques that were utilized at had longer than a 10-year follow-up period. The
various times at single institutions. group treated with a limited or à la carte release (112
Tschopp and colleagues reported on 18 feet treated feet) required further surgery in 74% of feet and re-
by PMR managed for an average of 98 months and casting in 8%. A second group was defined as having
compared them with 17 feet undergoing complete sub- had a failed incomplete release and had undergone a
talar release with an average follow-up of 39 months.18 complete PMR (39 feet). Ten percent of this group
Four feet needed further surgery in the PMR group, had subsequent surgery, and 28% were recasted. A
and one foot needed further surgery in the subtalar group of 93 feet treated primarily by PMR had a 9%
release group. reoperation rate and an 11% recasting rate.
Centel and investigators19 compared 17 feet treated Case series studies with short-term results that
by PMR and managed for 5 years with 46 feet treated shed light on recurrence rates are common but are
by subtalar release and managed for 2 years. The subject to all the biases inherent in such studies.
PMR group had a 19% reoperation rate, and the sub- Fourteen representative studies are summarized
talar release group had an 11% reoperation rate. Cen- with respect to recurrence of deformity requiring
tel and investigators19 also reported on 20 patients surgical treatment. Surgical treatment in these 14
who presented with only residual equinus who were reports were variously described as “Turco proce-
treated by posterior release alone and who were man- dure,” “modified Turco,” “soft tissue release,” “se-
aged for 4 years and had a 29% reoperation rate. lected soft tissue release,” “a la carte,” “complete
Nimityongskul and researchers20 compared 16 feet subtalar release,” “Simon release,” “McKay release,”
treated by Turco PMR and managed for an average of “early posterior release,” “Goldner release,” and
8.5 years with 12 feet treated by McKay/Simons cir- “staged plantar medial followed by postero lateral
cumferential release managed for less than 4 years release.” Follow-up ranged from 2 to 16 years with
on average. Six of 16 PMR feet (37.5%) required fur- an average follow-up period of 8 years. Number of
ther surgery, whereas no complete subtalar release feet reported ranged from 16 to 271 with an average
feet needed further surgery during this short follow- of 91 feet. Further surgery rates ranged from 0% to
up. The authors’ anticipated 55% of the PMR group 68% with an average of 24%. These articles are by
and 17% of the complete subtalar release group no means exhaustive of the case series published
would require further surgery. on short-term results of clubfoot, but they are rep-
Pavlovcic and Pecak21 compared the results of pos- resentative of the English language articles includ-
terior release in 96 feet (chosen for this treatment ing the work of Turco and McKay.25–38
because of mild deformity) with PMR in 75 feet (cho- The method of physiotherapy is difficult to assess
sen for this treatment because of severe deformity). in this section because of the high rate of failed initial
Both groups were managed for slightly more than 12 correction. However, the percentage of feet requiring
years on average. Sixty-eight percent of the PR feet extensive release surgery using this method is be-
required further surgery, and 42% of the PMR feet tween 25% and 89% as reported earlier (see What
underwent further surgery. Treatment Best Obtains Initial Correction in Idio-
A single study compared 30 feet treated by PMR pathic Clubfoot? section).
with 30 feet treated by PMR and an anterior tibial Relapse in the Ponseti method requires a some-
tendon lengthening.22 Follow-up was 11 and 9 years what different assessment. Few Ponseti method–
for the respective groups. Eight of 30 (27%) of the treated feet undergo surgery at an early age (ex-
PMR-treated feet, and 2 of 30 (7%) of the feet with cluding percutaneous tenotomy), and relapses are
PMR plus anterior tibial tendon lengthening required treated by repeat manipulation and casting until
further surgery. Seventeen percent of all feet re- the child is mature enough for an anterior tibial
quired further surgery. tendon transfer to the third cuneiform to be per-
Simons23 report on 21 feet treated by PMR and lat- formed. Morcuende and colleagues12 reviewed 256
eral release with 25 feet treated with a complete sub- feet treated at the University of Iowa between 1991
talar release. A short follow-up of 3 years revealed and 2001 with an average follow-up of 26 months
that 4 feet (9% of the entire group) required further (6–96 months). Seventeen patients suffered a re-
surgery. Two feet had PMR and 2 had complete subta- lapse (11% of feet). Four feet (2.5%) required PR or
lar release. Furthermore, Simons23 describe, major PMR, and four feet required anterior tibial transfer
complications that may require further surgery in an to the third cuneiform. The authors found that 2 of
additional 24 patients (52%). 140 patients (!1%) whose parents reported com-
Otremski and coworkers24 compared 30 feet treated pliance with the bracing regimen relapsed, whereas
by PMR with an 8- to 14-year follow-up with 22 feet 15 of 17 patients whose parents were not compliant
treated by a modified PMR with a 5-year average fol- relapsed (89%).
low-up period. Five patients treated by PMR and 1 Dobbs and researchers39 evaluated recurrence risk
patient treated by modified PMR had further surgery in 51 consecutive infants with 86 idiopathic clubfeet
at last follow-up examination (12% of the entire managed for an average of 27 months (24–35 months).
group). They report complete initial correction. Twenty-seven
268 Pediatric Topics

feet relapsed, and all relapses were treated success- and so on cannot be extrapolated without data. For
fully by manipulation and recasting. All of the re- example, Krauspe and colleagues41 used the McKay
lapsed feet occurred in families who were noncompli- rating system (a nonvalidated, multidomain, idiosyn-
ant with brace wear. Compliance was related to cratic measuring scheme) to assess the outcomes of
relapse with an odds ratio of 183 (P ! 0.00001). 104 feet in 64 patients treated by the Scheel tech-
Haft and coworkers40 report on 73 feet in 51 infants nique (a PR with PMR as needed with a traction su-
treated in New Zealand with a mean follow-up period ture on the calcaneus). The results deteriorated
of 35 months (24–65 months). They report a 41% re- markedly from less than 10 to 10 to 20 years to
lapse rate with only 51% brace compliance. Relapses greater than 20 years (Table 36–1).
were minor in 18% of patients and required only TAL Long-term results of clubfoot treatment are gener-
or anterior tibial tendon transfer, or both. Relapses ally a confused mix of ages, procedures, and evalua-
were major in 24% of patients and required PR or tions. A classic and typical report is the 1964 report
PMR. Noncompliance with brace treatment conferred by Wynne-Davies.42 She reports on 84 patients with
a five times increased risk for relapse. 121 feet (88% follow up) who had completed treat-
ment. Completion of treatment was arbitrarily defined
as older than 10 years. Ninety-three feet belonged to
Summary patients 10 to 21 years of age, and 28 feet belonged to
patients 22 to 35 years of age. Twenty-eight feet had
What can be concluded with regard to the ques- closed treatment only; 51 feet had PMR, anterior ten-
tion, What treatment best maintains clubfoot cor- don transfer laterally, or both; and 24 feet had ar-
rection? Very little from an evidence basis. The throdesis, of which 10 had had a prior soft-tissue
studies are generally of poor design, and confound- procedure. Patient-centered outcomes consisted of
ing factors are multiple and often invisible in the the following copied directly from the article:
articles. Virtually all studies that compare a less Occupation—Few of the patients limited their activities
with a more aggressive surgical procedure (PR vs. on account of deformed feet [Table 36–2].42
PMR; à la carte vs. PMR, PMR vs. complete subtalar Symptoms—These were few. The commonest com-
release) found a lower reoperation rate with the plaint, only elicited by direct questioning, was of cal-
more aggressive procedure. The more aggressive losities on the lateral border of the foot (in one-quarter
procedure was due to a change in practice and, of the patients). Occasional pain and “tiring easily” was
therefore, had a shorter follow-up period. The wide noted in only fifteen out of eighty-four patients. Al-
range of recurrence requiring treatment in the early though there were many stiff feet, only seven patients
PR, PMR, and complete subtalar release series may had noticed any difficulty in walking on rough ground.
depend on details of surgical technique, follow-up Unfortunately, much of the literature of the ensu-
protocol, variability in defining a recurrence length ing 40 years is no more informative than this early
of follow-up period, and a host of other factors. attempt at an outcome study.
Relapse after Ponseti method correction appears Only one investigation has been published that re-
to be dependent on compliance with the postcor- ports outcomes in skeletally mature clubfoot patients
rection brace protocol. Compliance with bracing
could reasonably be expected to vary by popula-
tion, physician, culture, among other factors. Com- TABLE 36–1. Deterioration of Surgical Clubfoot Results
parison of relapse rate between Ponseti method with Advancing Age
and joint invasive surgical techniques is not possi-
ble given the available data. GRADE (%)
2 3 4 5 6
10–20 8 13 42 12 25
Multiple reports of “long-term” follow-up of clubfoot "20 5 34 28 33
exist. Few of these studies report on a cohort whose
members are all skeletally mature much less middle
aged or elderly and, therefore, can scarcely be called TABLE 36–2. Activities (N # 84)
long term. The mean life span in most of the devel-
oped world is the late 70s. These studies are only PATIENTS (N)
long term from the perspective of an orthopedic ACTIVITIES MALE FEMALE TOTAL
surgeon’s career, which is not an appropriate deter-
minant of length of follow-up. Data from long-term Still at school 26 13 39
follow-up studies of Legg–Calve–Perthes disease Sedentary occupation 2 7 9
should be cautionary. Most patients responded well Standing or heavy work 31 3 34
Mental defectives 2 — 2
until the middle of the sixth decade of life, at which Total 61 23 84
time disabling arthritis requiring THR became com- Played active games 54 24 75
mon. “Good” functional results in the teens, 20s, 30s,
What Is the Best Treatment for Idiopathic Clubfoot? 269

evaluated by a validated outcomes instrument. Dobbs BOX 36–1

and coworkers43 report on 73 feet in 45 patients
treated by posterior and plantar release in 13 feet % of Cohort
(average follow-up, 31 years; range, 30–32 years) and Excellent Good Poor Age (years) Evaluated
Turco-type PMR in 60 feet (average follow-up, 28
Control subjects 63% 22% 15% 21–50 —
years; range, 25–29 years). They were able to find 73% Cooper/Dietz17 62% 16% 22% 34 average 36
of eligible patients. Using the health survey Short Dobbs et al.43 4% 22% 73% 31 average 73
Form-36 (SF-36) for evaluation of health-related qual-
ity of life, this cohort scored nearly 2 standard devia-
tions less than the average on the physical function-
ing scale and average on the mental functioning scale. 1 of several outcome measures. This rating scheme
No study has been reported with which to compare is not validated but combines reasonable elements
this validated outcome result, but the physical func- of outcomes that are arbitrarily weighted and scored.
tioning level was similar to cohorts of patients with Excellent was defined as 90 to 100 points, good as 80
chronic heart failure, awaiting coronary bypass sur- to 89, fair as 70 to 79, and poor as less than 70. The
gery, and suffering cervical radiculopathy. The au- rating scheme is presented in Table 36–3. Tables 36–4
thors of this study used other outcome measures as and 36–5 summarize long-term follow-up articles.
well that, although not validated, have been used in What can be concluded from the available data?
other long-term follow-up studies of patients with The single study using validated outcome mea-
clubfoot. sures and follow-up past skeletal maturity showed
Cooper and Dietz17 reviewed 45 patients with poor results for PMR. The single study using a con-
71 clubfeet who were treated under the supervision trol group of nonclubfoot subjects for comparison
of Dr. Ponseti at an average age of 34 years (range, sho-wed equal quality of foot function between
25–42 years). Only 36% of the eligible cohort was Ponseti method–treated patients and control sub-
evaluated. The authors of this study administered jects who were without congenital foot deformity.
a questionnaire to a control group of 97 patients of Comparison of these 2 studies, each with 30-year
similar age (21–50 years old) and sex to the club- average follow-up, shows superior results for the
foot cohort who were screened only for the ab- Ponseti method over the PMR method that Dobbs
sence of a congenital foot abnormality. The ques- described. The long-term Ponseti method studies
tionnaire began as follows: are flawed by a relatively small percentage of eli-
1. My foot (feet) gible patients being evaluated.
a. is never painful Ippolito and researchers’45 PMR cohort scored sta-
b. occasionally causes mild pain tistically significantly more poorly on the Laaveg and
c. is painful after strenuous activities only Ponseti scale than did their Ponseti with PR
d. is painful in routine day to day activities cohort. A detail that may be important is that Ippoli-
e. is painful in routine walking to’s PR was an ankle capsulotomy alone. Most of the
f. is painful at rest or at night other descriptions of PR that are reported here
2. In my daily living, my foot (feet) (Hutchins et al38 and Haasbeek and Wright46) include
a. does not limit my activities a posterior subtalar joint and ligament release as
b. occasionally limits my activities well. The devil may be in the details—the more joints
c. limits me in strenuous activities opened, the worse the results. In contrast, there was
d. limits me in routine day to day activities no significant difference between Haasbeek and
e. limits me in routine walking Wright’s PMR and PR group. Haasbeek and Wright’s
After reviewing the responses of the first 34 con- PMR group had significant numbers of skeletally im-
trol participants’ responses to these questions, the mature subjects, as did Hutchins’s group and Laaveg
authors defined the following groups: and Ponseti’s group.
Excellent # a foot that does not limit activities of
daily living and is never painful or occasionally
causes mild pain Summary
Good # a foot that occasionally limits activities
of daily living or strenuous activities or is It is difficult to extrapolate firm conclusions from
painful after strenuous activities. such a limited number of long-term follow-up studies.
Poor # a foot that limits daily activities or What available evidence suggests is that joint release
routine walking, or is painful in daily activities, surgery and Ponseti treatment give comparable re-
walking, or at night sults when evaluating patients whose average age is
The outcome as defined earlier was not different in the teenage years and the evaluation instrument is
between the control and Ponseti-treated patients the Laaveg and Ponseti scale. The only 2 studies
with clubfoot. Dobbs and coworkers43 administered that compare patients who are all skeletally mature
these questions and compared them with quite dif- with average ages in the 30s strongly support the su-
ferent results (Box 36–1). periority of the Ponseti method over surgical release.
Several studies have used the Laaveg and Ponseti Nonetheless, these are only 2 articles. The weight of
functional rating system for clubfoot as their only or evidence suggests that long-term results are better
270 Pediatric Topics

TABLE 36-3. Functional Rating System for Club Foot44


Satisfaction (20 points)

I am
a. very satisfied with the end result 20
b. satisfied with the end result 16
c. neither satisfied nor unsatisfied with the end result 12
d. unsatisfied with the end result 8
e. very unsatisfied with the end result 4
Function (20 points)
In my daily living, my clubfoot
a. does not limit my activities 20
b. occasionally limits my strenuous activities 16
c. usually limits me in strenuous activities 12
d. limits me occasionally in routine activities 8
e. limits me in walking 4
Pain (30 points)
My clubfoot
a. is never painful 30
b. occasionally causes mild pain during strenuous activities 24
c. usually is painful after strenuous activities only 18
d. is occasionally painful during routine activities 12
e. is painful during walking 6
Position of heel when standing (10 points)
Heel varus, 0 degrees or some heel valgus 10
Heel varus, 1–5 degrees 5
Heel varus, 6–10 degrees 3
Heel varus, greater than 10 degrees 0
Passive motion (10 points)
Dorsiflexion 1 point per 5 degrees (up to 5 points)
Total varus-valgus motion of heel 1 point per 10 degrees (up to 3 points)
Total anterior inversion-eversion of foot 1 point per 25 degrees (up to 2 points)
Gait (10 points)
Normal 6
Can toe-walk 2
Can heel-walk 2
Limp $2
No heel-strike $2
Abnormal toe-off $2

TABLE 36–4. Characteristics of Long Term Follow-up Studies Using Laaveg-Ponseti Rating Scale

Laaveg and Ponseti (1980)44 Ponseti method 70/104 18.5 (10–27) 56

Dobbs et al. (2006)43 PMR 45/73 30 (25–32) 73
Ippolito et al. (2003)45 PMR 32/47 25 (24–28) 78
Ippolito et al. (2003)45 Ponseti/PR 32/49 19 (17–22) 84
Hutchins et al. (1985)38 Early PR 170/252 16.4 (8–31) 70
Haasbeek and Wright (1997)46 PMR 29/44 16 (13–20) 85
Haasbeek and Wright (1997)46 PR 30/46 28 (25–30) 77

PMR, posteromedial release; PR, posterior release.

What Is the Best Treatment for Idiopathic Clubfoot? 271

TABLE 36–5. Laaveg-Ponseti Rating Scale Outcomes for Long term Follow-up Studies

Laaveg and Ponseti (1980)44 Ponseti method 54 20 14 12 87.5

Dobbs et al. (2006)43 PMR 0 33 20 47 65
Ippolito et al. (2003)45 PMR 4 38 23 34 75
Ippolito et al. (2003)45 Ponseti with early PR 37 41 12 10 85
Hutchins et al. (1985)38 Early PR 17 39 24 19
Haasbeek and Wright (1997)46 PMR 85
Haasbeek and Wright (1997)46 PR 81

PMR, posteromedial release; PR, posterior release.

TABLE 36–6. Summary of Recommendations


1. The Ponseti method is the best currently described casting treatment for rapidly and A 2
safely obtaining correction of idiopathic clubfoot. B 3–5
C 6–12
2. Relapse after Ponseti casting is associated with lack of compliance with bracing. B 12, 39, 40
3. Relapse after complete subtalar release is less likely than after posteromedial release. B 18–24
4. Ponseti-treated clubfeet have similar functional outcomes to normal feet at average of B 17
34 years of follow-up.
5. Ponseti treated clubfeet have better long-term (30 years) functional outcomes that B 45
clubfeet treated by posteromedial release. C 43, 44

5. Aurell Y, Andriesse H, Johansson A, Jonsson K: Ultrasound

the fewer joints are surgically invaded, but the stren- assessment of early clubfoot treatment: A comparison of the
gth of the evidence is poor. Ponseti method and a modified Copenhagen method. J Pedi-
atr Orthop B 14:347–357, 2005.
6. Changulani M, Garg NK, Rajagopal Ts, et al: Treatment of idio-
pathic clubfoot using the Ponseti method. Initial experience.
CONCLUSIONS J Bone Joint Surg Br 88:1385–1387, 2006.
7. Colburn M, Williams M: Evaluation of the treatment of idio-
The Ponseti method is the best treatment for rapidly pathic clubfoot by using the Ponseti method. J Foot Ankle
and safely obtaining correction of idiopathic club- Surg 42:259–267, 2003.
foot. Whether recurrence is more common with 8. Goksan SB, Bursali A, Bilgili F, et al: Ponseti technique for
the correction of idiopathic clubfeet presenting up to 1 year
Ponseti method or various surgical methods is un- of age. A preliminary study in children with untreated or
clear from the literature. Treatment of recurrence by complex deformities. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 126:15–21,
the Ponseti method is less invasive through either 2006.
recasting or anterior tibial tendon transfer as com- 9. Lehman WB, Mohaideen A, Madan S, et al: A method for the
early evaluation of the Ponseti (Iowa) technique for the treat-
pared with repeated joint releases, osteotomies, and ment of idiopathic clubfoot. J Pediatr Orthop B 12:133–140,
arthrodeses. 2003.
The long-term evidence is extremely thin but sup- 10. Tindall AJ, Steinlechner CWB, Lavy CBD, et al: Results of ma-
ports Ponseti method over joint release surgery for nipulation of idiopathic clubfoot deformity in Malawi by or-
the correction of clubfoot. Table 36–6 provides a thopaedic clinical officers using the Ponseti method: A realis-
tic alternative for the developing world? J Pediatr Orthop
summary of recommendations for the treatment of 25:627–629, 2005.
idiopathic clubfoot. 11. Shack N, Eastwood DM: Early results of a physiotherapist-
delivered Ponseti service for the management of idiopathic
congenital talipes equinovarus foot deformity. J Bone Joint
REFERENCES Surg Br 88:1085–1089, 2006.
12. Morcuende JA, Dolan LA, Dietz FR, Ponseti IV: Radical re-
1. Bensahel H, Csukonyi Z, Desgrippes Y, Chaumien JP: Surgery duction in the rate of extensive corrective surgery for
in residual clubfoot: One-stage medioposterior release clubfoot using the Ponseti method. Pediatrics 113:376–380,
“a la carte.” J Pediatr Orthop 7:145–148, 1987. 2004.
2. Sud A, Tiwari A, Sharma D, Kapoor S: Ponseti’s vs. Kite’s 13. Van Campenhout A, Molenaers G, Moens P, Fabry G: Does
Method in the Treatment of Clubfoot: A Prospective Random- functional treatment of idiopathic clubfoot reduce the indica-
ized Study. International Orthopaedics (SICOT) 32:15–21, tion for surgery? Call for a widely accepted rating system.
2007. J Pediatr Orthop B 10:315–318, 2001.
3. Herzenberg JE, Radler C, Bor N: Ponseti versus traditional 14. Richards BS, Johnston CE, Wilson H: Nonoperative clubfoot
methods of casting for idiopathic clubfoot. J Pediatr Orthop treatment using the French physical therapy method. J Pedi-
22:517–521, 2002. atr Orthop 25:98–102, 2005.
4. Segev E, Keret D, Lokiec F, et al: Early experience with 15. Souchet P, Bensahel H, Themar-Noel C, et al: Functional treat-
Ponseti method for the treatment of congenital idiopathic ment of clubfoot: A new series of 350 idiopathic clubfeet with
clubfoot. Israel Medical Assoc J 7:307–310, 2005. long-term followup. J Pediatr Orthop B 13:189–196, 2004.
272 Pediatric Topics

16. Stromqvist B, Johnsson R, Jonsson K, Sunden G: Early inten- 31. Blakeslee TJ, DeValentine SJ: Management of the resistant
sive treatment of clubfoot: 75 feet followed for 6-11 years. idiopathic clubfoot: The Kaiser experience from 1980-1990.
Acta Orthop Scand 63:183–188, 1992. J Foot Ankle Surg 34:167–176, 1995.
17. Cooper DM, Dietz FR: Treatment of idiopathic clubfoot: 32. Esser RD: The medial sagittal approach in the treatment of
A thirty-year follow-up. J Bone Joint Surg Am 77:1477–1489, the congenital clubfoot. Clin Orthop 302:156–163, 1994.
1995. 33. Dewaele J, Zachee B, De Vleeschauwer P, Fabry G: Treatment
18. Tschopp O, Rombouts JJ, Rossillon R: Comparison of pos- of the idiopathic clubfoot: Critical evaluation of different types
teromedial and subtalar release in surgical treatment of resis- of treatment programs. J Pediatr Orthop B 3:89–95, 1994.
tant clubfoot. Orthopedics 25:527–529, 2002. 34. Templeton PA, Flowers MJ, Latz KH, et al: Factors predicting
19. Centel T, Bagatur AE, Out T, Aksu T: Comparison of the the outcome of the primary clubfoot surgery. Can J Surg
soft-tissue methods in idiopathic clubfoot. J Pediatr Orthop 49:123–127, 2006.
20:648–651, 2000. 35. Uglow MG, Clarke NM: The functional outcome of staged
20. Nimityongskul P, Anderson LD, Herbert DE: Surgical treat- surgery for the correction of talipes equinovarus. J Pediatr
ment of clubfoot: A comparison of two techniques. Foot Orthop 20:517–523, 2000.
Ankle 13:116–124, 1992. 36. Singh BI, Vaishnavi AJ: Modified Turco procedure for treat-
21. Pavlovcic V, Pecak F: Surgical treatment of clubfoot: The sig- ment of idiopathic clubfoot. Clin Orthop 438:209–214, 2005.
nificance of talocalcaneonavicular malposition correction. 37. Sobel E, Giorgini RJ, Michel R, Cohen SI: The natural history
J Pediatr Orthop B 8:1–4, 1999. and longitudinal study of the surgically corrected clubfoot.
22. Wicart PR, Barthes X, Ghanem I, Seringe R: Clubfoot postero- J Foot Ankle Surg 39:305–320, 2000.
medial release: Advantages of tibialis anterior tendon length- 38. Hutchins PM, Foster BK, Paterson DC, Cole EA: Long-term
ening. J Pediatr Orthop 22:526–532, 2002. results of early surgical release in club feet. J Bone Joint Surg
23. Simons GW: Complete subtalar release in club feet: Part II— Br 67:791–798, 1985.
Comparison with less extensive procedures. J Bone Joint 39. Dobbs MB, Rudzki JR, Purcell DB, et al: Factors predictive of
Surg Am 67:1056–1065, 1985. outcome after use of the Ponseti method for the treatment of
24. Otremski I, Salama R, Khermosh O, Wientroub S: An analysis idiopathic clubfeet. J Bone Joint Surg Am 86:22–27, 2004.
of the results of a modified one-stage posteromedial release 40. Haft GF, Walker CG, Crawford HA: Early clubfoot recurrence
(Turco Operation) for the treatment of clubfoot. J Pediatr Or- after use of the Ponseti method in a New Zealand population.
thop 7:149–151, 1987. J Bone Joint Surg Am 89:487–493, 2007.
24a. Thompson GH, Richardson AB, Westin WW: Surgical manage- 41. Krauspe R, Vispo Seara JL, Lohr JF: Long-term results after
ment of resistant congenital talipes equinovarus deformities. surgery for congenital clubfoot. J Foot Ankle Surg 2:77–82,
J Bone Joint Surg Am 64:652–665, 1982. 1996.
25. Turko VJ: Resistant congenital club foot—one stage postero- 42. Wynne-Davies R: Talipes Equinovarus—a review of eighty-
medial release with internal fixation. J Bone Joint Surg Am four cases after completion of treatment. J Bone Joint Surg
61:805–813, 1979. Br 46:464–476, 1964.
26. McKay DW: New concept of and approach to clubfoot treat- 43. Dobbs MB, Nunley R, Schoenecker PL: Long-term follow-up
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3:141–148, 1983. release. J Bone Joint Surg Am 88:986–996, 2006.
27. Moses W, Allen BL Jr, Pugh LI, Stasikelis PJ: Predictive value 44. Laaveg SJ, Ponseti IV: Long-term results of treatment of con-
of intraoperative clubfoot radiographs on revision rates. genital clubfoot. J Bone Joint Surg Am 62:23–30, 1980.
J Pediatr Orthop 20:529–532, 2000. 45. Ippolito E, Farsetti P, Caterini R, Tudisco C: Long-term com-
28. Lau JHK, Meyer LC, Lau HC: Results of surgical treatment of parative results in patients with congenital clubfoot treated
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29. Levin MN, Kuo KN, Harris GF, Matesi DV: Posteromedial 1286–1294, 2003.
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wide subtalar release. J Pediatr Orthop 20:473–476, 1990.
Chapter What Is the Optimal Treatment for

37 Hip and Spine in Myelomeningocele?


SPINE gery. In addition, seven patients lost the ability to

Should Children with Myelomeningocele ambulate with or without assistive devices after
and Scoliosis Undergo Spinal Surgery? surgery. These authors did note three patients who
gained better sitting balance. They also found
In children with myelomeningocele, scoliosis is a no significant difference in the ability to manage
common and complicated problem. Most of the ADL from before to after surgery. Of note, the au-
published literature on this topic addresses the thors found no significant difference in the postop-
technical correction of spinal deformities. Perhaps erative changes with regard to motor skills, ambu-
more important, however, are the functional conse- lation, and ADL between the different levels of
quences of such a serious surgery in this patient dysraphism (Level IV).
population. A study by Mazur and researchers4 examined the
Studies have clearly shown the ability to achieve effect of spinal fusion on sitting balance and ambu-
significant reduction of the scoliotic curvature with latory ability in 49 patients. They grouped results
surgical treatment in patients with myelomenin- according to whether patients underwent staged
gocele.1–3 Progressive, untreated scoliosis often re- anterior and posterior fusion, posterior fusion
sults in loss of truncal stability, which may endanger alone, or anterior fusion alone. They found im-
sitting balance. Thus, the main goals of surgical inter- proved sitting balance in 70% of patients after an-
vention should be prevention of progressive spinal terior and posterior fusions, 67% after posterior
deformity and improvement of sitting balance.1,4 only, and 28% after anterior only. The authors also
It is important to note that a corresponding im- report an adverse effect on ambulation in 67% of
provement in ambulation, motor skills, and activi- patients with combined fusions, 27% of posterior-
ties of daily living (ADL) has not been demonstrated only fusions, and 57% of anterior-only fusions. No
in the literature. In fact, studies evaluating ambula- patients in this study showed improvement in am-
tory ability after spinal fusion have suggested am- bulatory status after surgery. The authors also
bulation may be more difficult after surgery.1,2,4 note little change in ability to perform ADL after
Multiple studies have also shown no significant dif- surgery (Level III).
ference in the ability to perform ADL after surgical In a study by Wai and investigators,3 80 children
intervention. 1,2,4 with myelomeningocele were assessed to determine
the relation of spinal deformity to physical function
and self-perception. They found no significant rela-
Evidence tion between spinal deformity and overall physical
function or self-perception. The only aspect of spi-
One study by Schoenmakers and colleagues1 as- nal deformity that showed an effect on one aspect
sessed 10 children with myelomeningocele who un- of physical function was coronal imbalance on sit-
derwent spinal surgery. They found that ambulation ting. The authors conclude that simple interven-
became more difficult for three of the four patients tions such as chair modifications should be ex-
who had been able to ambulate before surgery. They plored as a means to improve coronal balance and
also note no long-term effects on ability to perform sitting function (Level IV).
ADL after surgery (Level IV). It is important to keep in mind that the presence
Another study by Müller and coworkers2 exam- of infrapelvic pelvic obliquity can also contribute to
ined the influence of surgical treatment for scolio- the overall imbalance seen in patients with myelo-
sis on both ambulation and motor skills. This study meningocele with scoliosis. As an example, this
included 14 patients from different levels of dysra- could result from the combination of a unilateral hip
phism. They found that in the eight patients with adduction contracture with a contralateral hip ab-
preoperative hip flexion contractures, averaging duction contracture. Patients should be assessed
15.2 degrees, there was a significant increase after for infrapelvic obliquity, and if present, this should
surgery to 38.4 degrees. No patients experienced be addressed at the same time as correction of any
improvement in hip flexion contracture after sur- spinal deformity.

274 Pediatric Topics

TABLE 37–1. Grade of Recommendation for the Spine ing walking more difficult.4 This is especially true in
patients with myelomeningocele accustomed to am-
GRADE RECOMMENDATION bulating with a swinging gait. In addition, extension
of fusion to the sacrum with the resulting loss of lum-
C Children with myelomeningocele and scoliosis bosacral mobility can adversely affect ability to per-
should have surgery if the aim is to improve
sitting balance. form wheelchair transfer.7 Another potential compli-
C Children with myelomeningocele and scoliosis cation associated with fusion to the sacrum is the
should not have surgery if the aim is to improve development of ischial pressure sores. Various stud-
ambulatory ability. ies have reported on this complication with a fre-
C Children with myelomeningocele and scoliosis
should not have surgery if the aim is to improve
quency varying from 3%5 to 33%.8
motor skills. Wild and coworkers7 performed a prospective
C Children with myelomeningocele and scoliosis study on 11 patients with myelomeningocele who
should not have surgery if the aim is to improve underwent two-stage anterior and posterior fusion
ability to perform activities of daily living. without fixation to the sacrum to evaluate their func-
tional outcome. With an average of 4 years 11 months
of follow-up, they found that pelvic obliquity sponta-
neously corrected when scoliosis was adequately
treated with instrumented fusion not including the
sacrum. In their study, the achieved correction re-
RECOMMENDATIONS mained stable at follow-up. The authors believe that
The current literature shows that surgical sparing the lumbosacral segment from primary fu-
correction of scoliosis in the myelomeningocele sion offered the patients better freedom of mobility.
population may be accompanied by impairment They also state that these patients were spared the
in functional status. It should be mentioned that risk for complications associated with lumbosacral
the true underlying cause of loss of function has fixation including hardware failure, loss of correc-
not been defined. Many patients with myelome- tion, pressure sores, high infection rate, and high
ningocele who do not undergo spinal surgery pseudoarthrosis rate (Level IV).
also demonstrate a decrease in ambulatory
ability over time.
It is imperative for surgeons to counsel Should the Technique Used for Fusion Involve
patients and their families before surgery that Anterior Surgery Only, Posterior Surgery Only,
although surgical treatment of scoliosis can or Combined Staged Procedures?
reliably reduce spinal curvature, the functional
consequences may be severe. The goals of Multiple different surgical techniques have been used
surgery should be clearly understood by all to treat children with myelomeningocele and spinal
parties. In patients who are functionally limited deformity who are deemed appropriate candidates
to sitting before surgery, surgery may actually for operative treatment. These techniques typically
improve sitting balance. But ambulating patients fall within three broad categories: single-stage ante-
should understand that surgery may result in rior fusion, single-stage posterior fusion, and two-
decreased ambulatory ability and motor skills stage anterior and posterior fusion. Multiple studies
and no change in ADL (SeeTable 37–1, Grade C). exist with the goal of determining which of these
techniques provides the best results whereas mini-
mizing risk for complications.
In a classic study, Osebold and investigators8 ex-
In Children Who Undergo Surgery, Should Fusion amined a group of 40 patients with myelomeningo-
Extend to the Sacrum? cele treated with either posterior fusion alone, ante-
rior fusion alone, or combined anterior and posterior
In patients with spinal deformity and pelvic obliquity, fusion. They found a high rate of pseudoarthrosis
the procedure of choice typically involves combined (46%) with posterior fusion alone and a loss of initial
anterior and posterior surgery with fusion extending correction for an average final correction of scoliosis
to the sacrum to achieve better curve correction and of only 12 degrees. In contrast, when anterior fusion
a lower pseudoarthrosis rate.5 Indications for exten- with instrumentation was used in combination with
sion of fusion to the sacrum include progressive sco- instrumented posterior fusion, they report an aver-
liosis with lumbar spine involvement, neuromuscular age final correction of 45 degrees with a decrease in
scoliosis, pelvic obliquity greater than 15 degrees, the pseudoarthrosis rate to 23% (Level III).
poor sitting balance, and posterior lumbar and sacral Banta5 also reports on a series of 50 children
dysraphism.6 treated with combined anterior and posterior fusion.
Including the sacrum in fusion results in better He notes correction of scoliosis from an average of
correction of pelvic obliquity and improves sitting 73 degrees to average of 34 degrees, with a pseudo-
balance. However, it is important to note that fusion arthrosis rate of only 12%. He concludes that com-
of the spine to the pelvis creates a rigid trunk, mak- bining anterior fusion with posterior fusion leads to
What Is the Optimal Treatment for Hip and Spine in Myelomeningocele? 275

increased correction of both spinal deformity and In summary, many authors have reported on the
pelvic obliquity whereas also contributing significant challenges, complications, and poor results associ-
strength to the fusion mass (Level IV). ated with techniques of anterior fusion alone and
Ward and colleagues9 performed a retrospective posterior fusion alone.8,9 The current literature widely
review of 38 patients with myelomeningocele who supports the use of staged combined anterior and
underwent surgical correction of scoliosis with at posterior fusion to adequately treat patients with
least 2 years of follow-up. Patients were treated with myelomeningocele with scoliosis and achieve the
either one-stage anterior fusion, one-stage posterior highest rates of fusion (Grade C). Only in carefully
fusion, or two-stage anterior and posterior fusion. selected patients should the option of anterior-only
The determination of success or failure was made on fusion be considered. However, in the appropriate
the basis of radiographic results only, assessing ra- population, anterior-only fusion can provide the ad-
diographic fusion, lack of curve progression, or both. vantage of preserving motion segments and main-
The authors report a 50% failure rate with anterior or taining the ability to perform ADL with a lower rate
posterior fusion alone, compared with only an 8% of infection.11,12
failure rate with two-stage procedures (Level III).
Banit and coauthors10 report on a series of 50 pa-
tients with myelomeningocele treated with posterior- HIP
only spinal fusion for scoliosis. The authors examined Does Hip Surgery in Patients with Myelomeningocele
whether the use of modern segmental instrumenta- Provide Improved Functional Results?
tion systems could obviate the need for two-stage
procedures. Using historical controls, they found an Transfer of iliopsoas is a technique that has been
equivalent degree of correction of scoliosis, truncal used in patients with myelomeningocele to maintain
decompensation, and pelvic obliquity in their study reduction of paralytic hip dislocations. Numerous
group. They also report a pseudoarthrosis incidence studies exist reporting on the results of iliopsoas
rate of 16% in their study group. The authors con- tendon transfer; however, many of these studies clas-
clude that using segmental instrumentation decreases sify success or failure on the basis of radiologic re-
the pseudoarthrosis rate compared with that re- sults only. Critical review of the literature is neces-
ported with nonsegmental instrumentation. However, sary to determine the functional implications of hip
regardless of the instrumentation used, they did not surgery in the myelomeningocele population. Con-
believe posterior-only techniques could match the cerns exist regarding whether stable hip reduction
fusion rates obtained with combined anterior and leads to restricted range of motion and pathologic
posterior surgery (Level IV). fractures, which would compromise the functional
In another study, Basobas and coworkers11 as- result.13
sessed the results of selective anterior fusion with
instrumentation for the treatment of neuromuscular
scoliosis in 21 patients. The authors propose that Evidence
certain carefully selected patients may benefit from
preservation of motion segments whereas still achiev- Sherk and Ames13 reviewed a series of 36 patients with
ing good curve correction. They report an average myelomeningocele with an average follow-up of 7 years
curve correction of 60.3 degrees with correction of who underwent iliopsoas transfers with open reduc-
pelvic obliquity from an average of 15.1 to 3.2 de- tion and capsular plication for dislocated hips. They
grees. Of note, they also found no change in the am- found that 47% maintained reduction of the hip, but
bulatory status of any patient. They had only one 17.6% of those patients demonstrated loss of hip mo-
patient (4.7%) with pseudoarthrosis. The authors tion and difficulty with sitting. In all patients, the trans-
conclude that anterior fusion alone is a valuable alter- ferred muscle did not function as a strong abductor. In
native to posterior fusion alone or combined anterior their series, 11% experienced a worsening of their neu-
and posterior techniques based on their demon- rologic deficit. They also report a high rate of patho-
strated success with curve correction and low com- logic fractures after surgery that they related to disuse
plication rate. However, they did not comment on osteoporosis. The authors conclude that other factors,
selection criteria for patients to be treated appropri- such as level of spinal lesion, lower extremity align-
ately with anterior fusion alone (Level IV). ment, and presence of scoliosis and pelvic obliquity,
In contrast, Sponseller and coauthors12 report on a were more important in determining function rather
series of 14 patients treated with anterior fusion alone than maintenance of hip reduction (Level IV).
for myelomeningocele scoliosis to define appropriate In another study, Duffy and investigators14 exam-
selection criteria. They conclude that anterior-only fu- ined gait patterns in 28 children with myelomeningo-
sion may offer significant advantages including less cele using three-dimensional gait analysis to deter-
extensive surgery with lower infection rate than poste- mine whether ambulation was improved by tendon
rior fusion. However, they advocated this technique transfers. All of the patients who had undergone pos-
only in patients with thoracolumbar curves less than terolateral iliopsoas tendon transfer had concentri-
75 degrees, compensatory curves less than 40 degrees, cally reduced hips at the time of the study. They
no increased kyphosis, and no syrinx (Level IV). found no significant difference in range of pelvic
276 Pediatric Topics

obliquity in those patients who had iliopsoas trans-

population.14,15 Treatment goals should include a
fer as compared with those who had not. They also
level pelvis and free motion of the hips rather
reported worse pelvic rotation and significantly
than radiographic reduction of the hip.15
worse range of hip abduction/adduction in those
Especially in high dislocations and older
who had undergone psoas transfer. The authors con-
children, the only recommended surgical treat-
clude that gait was not improved by posterolateral
ment is contracture release.15,17
iliopsoas transfer (Level III).
One important consideration that is not
Feiwell and colleagues15 reviewed a series of 76 pa-
addressed in any existing studies is how to treat
tients with myelomeningocele to compare the func-
the rare patient with sacral level myelomeningo-
tional results in those who had undergone surgical
cele and a dislocated hip who walks without
treatment to reduce the hip with those who had not
support. These patients may demonstrate an
had surgical treatment. They found that the presence
increased lurch caused by the loss of a fulcrum
of a concentric reduction did not lead to improved hip
as a result of the hip dislocation and
range of motion or ability to ambulate. They also did
consequently may benefit from surgical
not find a decrease in need for bracing or decrease in
reduction. Further studies are necessary to
pain with a stable reduction of the hip. Rather, the
examine this issue. Table 37–2 provides a
authors did report a high rate of complications in the
summary of recommendations.
surgically treated group including loss of motion (29%)
and pathologic fractures (17%). They conclude that
the most important factor in determining ability to
walk is level of neural involvement and not the status TABLE 37–2. Grade of Recommendation for the Hip
of the hip (Level III).
In a retrospective, comparative review, Sherk and STATEMENT OF RECOMMENDATION
coworkers16 compared 30 patients with no surgical
treatment of hip dislocation with 11 patients who had 1. Children with myelomeningo- B
surgical treatment. In agreement with the previously cele and bilateral hip disloca-
reported studies, they found the ability to walk was tions should not have surgical
reduction of the dislocated hips.
independent of hip reduction and instead depended 2. Children with myelomeningo- B
on neurologic level. In the surgically treated group, cele and unilateral hip disloca-
four patients (36%) had worsened ambulatory capac- tion should not have surgical
ity as a result of surgical complications. Of note, the reduction of the dislocated hip.
authors report that patients in the group treated 3. Children with myelomeningocele B
and hip contractures associated
without surgery had no difficulty in sitting with either with a dislocation should have
unilateral or bilateral dislocated hips (Level III). surgical treatment of the
Gabrieli and researchers17 report on a series of contractures only.
20 patients with low lumbar myelomeningocele 4. Children with sacral level I
myelomeningocele and a hip
who walked with crutches that underwent three- dislocation who walk without
dimensional gait analysis to determine the influ- support may benefit from
ence of unilateral hip dislocation on gait. They re- surgical reduction of the hip.
port the walking speed of patients with dislocated
hips was 60% of normal, a value that corresponds
to the walking speed in low-lumbar patients with- REFERENCES
out hip dislocation observed in previous studies
from the same center. The authors also note that 1. Schoenmakers MAGC, Gulmans VAM, Gooskens RHJM, et al:
gait symmetry corresponded to either absence of Spinal fusion in children with spina bifida: Influence on ambu-
hip contractures or bilateral symmetric contrac- lation level and functional abilities. Eur Spine J 14:415–422,
tures. They found no relation between gait symme- 2. Müller EB, Nordwall A, von Wendt L: Influence of surgical
try and hip dislocation, and conclude that there is treatment of scoliosis in children with spina bifida on ambu-
no indication for surgical relocation of the unilater- lation and motoric skills. Acta Paediatr 81:173–176, 1992.
ally unstable hip. Rather, they recommend correct- 3. Wai EK, Young NL, Feldman BM, et al: The relationship be-
tween function, self-perception, and spinal deformity.
ing unilateral soft-tissue contractures to restore J Pediatr Orthop 25:64–69, 2005.
gait symmetry (Level IV). 4. Mazur J, Menelaus MB, Dickens DRV, et al: Efficacy of surgical
management for scoliosis in myelomeningocele: Correction
of deformity and alteration of functional status. J Pediatr
RECOMMENDATIONS Orthop 6:568–575, 1986.
5. Banta JV: Combined anterior and posterior fusion for spinal
In conclusion, the available literature supports deformity in myelomeningocele. Spine 15:946–952, 1990.
level of neural deficit as the most important 6. Widmann RF, Hresko MT, Hall JE: Lumbosacral fusion in
children and adolescents using the modified sacral bar tech-
predictor of ambulatory ability Grade B (See nique. Clin Orthop 364:85–91, 1999.
Table 37–2).13,15–18 Many authors agree that 7. Wild A, Haak H, Kumar M, et al: Is sacral instrumentation
extensive surgery to reduce hip dislocations is mandatory to address pelvic obliquity in neuromuscular
not indicated in the myelomeningocele thoracolumbar scoliosis due to myelomeningocele? Spine 26:
E325–E329, 2001.
What Is the Optimal Treatment for Hip and Spine in Myelomeningocele? 277

8. Osebold WR, Mayfield JK, Winter RB, et al: Surgical treatment 14. Duffy CM, Hill AE, Cosgrove AP, et al: Three-dimensional
of paralytic scoliosis associated with myelomeningocele. gait analysis in spina bifida. J Pediatr Orthop 16:786–791,
J Bone Joint Surg Am 64:841–856, 1982. 1996.
9. Ward WT, Wenger DR, Roach JW: Surgical correction of myelo- 15. Feiwell E, Sakai D, Blatt T: The effect of hip reduction on
meningocele scoliosis: A critical appraisal of various spinal in- function in patients with myelomeningocele. J Bone Joint
strumentation systems. J Pediatr Orthop 9:262–268, 1989. Surg Am 60:169–173, 1978.
10. Banit DM, Iwinski HJ, Talwalkar V, et al: Posterior spinal 16. Sherk HH, Uppal GS, Lane G, et al: Treatment versus non-
fusion in paralytic scoliosis and myelomeningocele. J Pediatr treatment of hip dislocations in ambulatory patients with
Orthop 21:117–125, 2001. myelomeningocele. Dev Med Child Neur 33:491–494, 1991.
11. Basobas L, Mardjetko S, Hammerberg K, et al: Selective 17. Gabrieli APT, Vankoski SJ, Dias LS, et al: Gait analysis in
anterior fusion and instrumentation for the treatment of low lumbar myelomeningocele patients with unilateral hip
neuromuscular scoliosis. Spine 28:S245–S248, 2003. dislocation or subluxation. J Pediatr Orthop 23:330–334,
12. Sponseller PD, Young AT, Sarwark JF, et al: Anterior only 2003.
fusion for scoliosis in patients with myelomeningocele. Clin 18. Feiwell E: Surgery of the hip in myelomeningocele as related
Orthop 364:117–124, 1999. to adult goals. Clin Orthop 148:87–93, 1980.
13. Sherk HH, Ames MD: Functional results of iliopsoas transfer in
myelomeningocele hip dislocations. Clin Orthop 137:181–186,
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment of

38 Malignant Bone Tumors in Children?


which has demonstrated robust superiority over
The two most common primary tumors of bone are another in improving survival. A recent large trial
osteosarcoma (OS) and Ewing’s sarcoma (ES) with an involving 677 patients demonstrated a 6-year event-
incidence of 4.8 cases/million and 2.9 cases/million, free survival rate of 64% with the use of these agents;
respectively, in people younger than 20 years.1 ES is survival did not improve with the addition of ifos-
part of a family of small, round, blue cell tumors famide.3 Although it is widely used, the role of
whose exact cell of origin remains unknown. The methotrexate in OS remains uncertain4 and is cur-
mainstay of therapy includes multiagent cytotoxic rently under investigation4a (Table 38–1).
chemotherapy and effective local control with sur-
gery and/or radiation. The following section focuses
on the medical therapy of localized OS. Improvement Does Tailoring Postsurgical Chemotherapy According
in the survival of patients with OS has been elusive to the Degree of Tumor Response Improve Survival?
since the therapeutic breakthroughs of the late 1970s
to early 1980s, despite the efforts of large multina- One advantage to neoadjuvant (pre-operative) che-
tional cooperative groups. motherapy is the opportunity provided for assess-
ment of the tumor’s response to the drugs being ad-
ministered. Histologic assessment of the tumor after
CHEMOTHERAPY IN OSTEOSARCOMA resection is most commonly described as per the
Huvos system. A major distinction is drawn between
It is clear that with surgery alone, 80% of patients with tumors in which there are fewer than 10% residual
malignant bone tumors will develop pulmonary metas- viable cells and those with more than 10%.9 The de-
tases.2 Therefore, the treatment of OS has evolved to gree of histologic response to chemotherapy is of
include systemic chemotherapy in addition to surgical prognostic relevance with “responders” (patients
resection. OS is relatively resistant to radiotherapy, so !90% necrosis) having significantly better outcome
this particular modality is not used with curative in- than “nonresponders” (patients "90% necrosis). It is
tent. With current chemotherapy regimens, event-free less clear whether changing the therapeutic regimen
survival remains at approximately 70% at 5 years. in patients with poor response will improve survival.
Multiple fundamental issues regarding the treat- Unfortunately, all studies that have attempted to ad-
ment of OS remain incompletely resolved: dress this question have been single-arm case series.
1. Which drugs are most effective? None of these studies demonstrated the ability to
2. Should postsurgical chemotherapy be tailored salvage patients who had a poor response by an al-
to percentage necrosis at the time of resection? teration in postoperative therapy.10–13 Currently, an
3. What are the relative merits of intra-arterial international study is under way to address this
versus intravenous chemotherapy? question in a randomized fashion.13a
4. Should patients be treated with chemotherapy
before or after surgery?
Since the late 1980s, many centers have conducted Is Intra-Arterial or Intravenous Chemotherapy
trials to attempt to answer the above questions. Better?
However, many studies are uncontrolled case series
that document the outcomes of a given treatment Some investigators have advocated the use of intra-
according to an institutional protocol. arterial cisplatin or adriamycin to increase the local
response rate that was found to be predictive of sur-
vival. Although many centers have attempted intra-
Which Drugs Are Most Effective? arterial chemotherapy in OS, only a few randomized
studies exist. Histologic response at the time of
It is generally accepted that cisplatin, adriamycin, surgery improved from 43%–46% good response to
ifosfamide, and methotrexate are active against OS. 64%–77% with intravenous cisplatin compared with
Various combinations of chemotherapy have been intra-arterial administration, respectively.14–16 How-
tested in randomized, controlled trials, none of ever, there was no difference in survival.

What Is the Best Treatment of Malignant Bone Tumors in Children? 279

TABLE 38–1. Randomized, Controlled Trials (Excluding Intra-arterial Chemotherapy)


Winkler et al., 19845 COSS-80 158 M, A, P M, A/BCD 2.5-year rate: 68% NS

Krailo et al., 19876* CCG 166 M, A LD M, A 4-year rate: 38% NS
Bramwell et al., 19924 EOI 198 A, P M, A, P (8) (1) 5-year rate: 57% 0.02†
(2) 5-year rate: 41%
Souhami et al., 19977 EOI 407 Preoperative A, P M, A 5-year rate: 44% NS
Postoperative A, P M, A, P
Meyers et al., 19988 T12 73 M, A, P/BCD M, A, P (1) 5-year rate: 78% NS
(2) 5-year rate: 73%
Meyers et al., 20083 677 M, A, P MAI-MAIP (1) 6-year rate: 64% NS
(2) 6-year rate: 58%

A, adriamycin; BCD, bleomycin/cyclophosphamide/actinomycin-D; EFS, event-free survival; I, ifosfamide; LD, low dose; M, methotrexate; MAI, methotrexate
/adriamycin/ifosfamide; MAIP, methotrexate/adriamycin/ifosfamide/cisplatinum; NS, not significant; P, cisplatin.
*Adjuvant chemotherapy only.
†No difference in overall survival.

Should Patients Be Treated with Chemotherapy performed biopsy as judged retrospectively by ex-
before or after Surgery? perts revealed the latter result in about a 10% inci-
dence rate of otherwise unnecessary functional or
Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy, which is the current anatomic loss.18
standard in the treatment of OS, initially evolved in Limb Salvage Surgery. To investigate oncologic outcomes
order to allow time for the construction of endopros- from the late 1970s through the 1980s when limb
thetic devices. The rationale for the administration of salvage surgery was supplanting amputation for lo-
neo-adjuvant chemotherapy includes the early treat- cal control of bone sarcoma, researchers performed
ment of micrometastatic disease, optimization of the retrospective comparative studies. Survival is equiv-
opportunity for limb salvage procedures, and the alent between amputation and limb salvage cohorts
ability to gauge tumor response to therapy. The im- of patients with OS.19,20
pact of timing of surgery was recently evaluated.17 No Surgical Margins. The incidence of local recurrence
difference was found in survival between patients after limb salvage procedures of the distal femur is
randomized to immediate surgery or neoadjuvant greater than that after above-knee amputation. Local
chemotherapy. recurrence is less likely with more proximal levels of
amputation.19,21,22 These findings imply that the mag-
nitude of a negative surgical margin is related to the
LOCAL CONTROL ability to obtain local control but cannot specify
what constitutes an adequate margin. Contradictory
The current basic principles for the surgical manage- findings regarding rates of local recurrence after limb
ment of malignant pediatric musculoskeletal tumors salvage or amputation have also been published,23
were developed approximately 25 to 30 years ago suggesting that surgical selection bias influences the
when limb salvage surgery became commonly feasible. outcome in these retrospective comparisons.
The primary basis for these principles included case It takes great care to plan the distal resection
series, anecdotes, and expert opinion. These princi- margin of a malignant metaphyseal bone tumor in a
ples are not disputed in the main, so few comparative skeletally immature individual. Preservation of the
studies challenge them directly. Techniques developed epiphysis, and therefore the native adjacent joint,
in this manner include safe biopsy principles and the would likely be a functionally optimal and durable
necessity for wide en bloc resection. Here, we consider option. However, it is often difficult to be certain of
only those issues relating to local control for which the distal extent of the tumor. It has been shown that
there is at least Level III evidence and where the study the accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in
population at least substantially involves skeletally im- detecting involvement of the epiphysis by tumor is
mature patients. Comparative studies in musculoskel- 90.3% using histology of the same tumors as a refer-
etal tumor surgery are primarily focused on recon- ence. Importantly, there are no false-negative results
struction of defects after en bloc resection. by computed tomography or MRI.24 The surgical mar-
gin is therefore likely to safely correlate with preop-
erative MRI findings.
General Issues
Biopsy. What constitutes a safe biopsy is taught by Surgical Complications
experts, and there is no prospective study to confirm
the validity of expert opinion and anecdotal evidence Two comparative studies highlight the importance
in this regard. Nonetheless, a comparison of outcomes of primary wound healing in the setting of limb-
in patients who underwent appropriately or poorly sparing procedures. Risk factors for developing
280 Pediatric Topics

infection of an orthopedic implant were assessed

in a retrospective comparative fashion.25 The over- SPECIFIC RECONSTRUCTIVE OPTIONS
all implant infection incidence rate was 21%, and Upper Extremity
multivariate analysis revealed that the only modifi-
able risk factor in those who experienced develop- Reconstructive options after extra-articular resec-
ment of implant infections compared with those tion of the shoulder together with the abductor
who did not was local wound infection. Those who mechanism include suspension arthroplasty with a
experienced implant infection were more likely to spacer (metal or bone graft) and allograft intercalary
undergo amputation and had poorer functional fusion of the remaining native scapula to the native
outcomes. A prospective comparison of patients distal humerus. In a retrospective comparison of pa-
who did and did not receive primary muscle flap tients who underwent one of these two types of re-
coverage of a structural allograft reconstruction construction, it was shown that physician-adminis-
revealed that those in the former group were less tered functional outcome measures (Musculoskeletal
likely to undergo reoperation for bone-related com- Tumor Society) are superior in those with a fusion.34
plications.26 There are, of course, other factors to consider when
Nonunion of a structural allograft that is used to choosing such a reconstruction, such as patient pref-
reconstruct skeletal defects after resection of a sar- erence, the relative incidence of complications, and
coma is another limb-threatening complication. In a the planned strategy to manage anticipated limb-
retrospective comparison of a large number of pa- length discrepancy in young children.
tients, it was found that those who underwent chemo-
therapy were more likely to develop allograft non-
union than those who did not.27 Of course, this risk Lower Extremity
factor is not readily modifiable, but it highlights the
anticipated difficult course for limb salvage recon- When the articular surface of the distal femur or
structions. Other retrospective comparisons have proximal tibia needs to be resected, the reconstruc-
shown that locking plates improve the union rate of tive options include replacement of the joint with
host-allograft junctions compared with ordinary a mega-endoprosthesis, an allograft-endoprosthetic
plates,28 and that intramedullary cement can decrease composite, or an osteoarticular allograft; ablation of
the incidence of allograft fractures.29 In a comparison the joint by above-knee amputation or by rotation-
of reconstructions that used allograft alone versus al- plasty; or arthrodesis of the joint. The use of an inter-
lograft-vascularized fibular composites, it was shown calary allograft to perform an arthrodesis of the knee
that complication rates were comparable.30 The pres- as a limb-sparing reconstruction is associated with a
ence of a vascularized fibula, however, hastened the greater rate of complications compared with allograft
time to union. use in other settings.27,35 Osteoarticular allografts were
found to be less predictably successful than endo-
prostheses in a mixed-age population,36 and allograft-
Surgery versus Radiotherapy for Ewing’s Sarcoma endoprosthetic composites are less predictably suc-
cessful than mega-endoprostheses in adults.37
Radiotherapy and surgery have been used individu- Many pediatric cases are frequently amenable to
ally or combined for the local control of ES. Multi- what are likely the most reasonable two options: endo-
ple retrospective comparisons of these 2 modali- prosthetic replacement or rotationplasty. The decision
ties have been performed as part of large cooperative to undertake one or the other is often individualized
group studies. In these studies, the treating physi- and is largely made by the patient and their family
cians chose the modality for local control. Most based on the anticipated relative functionality, appear-
studies demonstrate superior local control after ance, durability, and risk for complications. Retrospec-
surgery alone or when surgery and radiation are tive comparisons38–40 have shown that the functional
combined compared with radiotherapy alone,31 outcome and quality of life after rotationplasty is com-
whereas others show equivalent results.31,32 How- parable with that of endoprosthetic reconstruction
ever, some of these findings may reflect bias in the both with regard to physician-administered (Musculo-
selection of radiation for larger tumors. Intrale- skeletal Tumor Society) and patient-derived (Toronto
sional debulking surgery combined with radiother- Extremity Salvage Score, Short Form 36, European Or-
apy results in local recurrence rates similar to local ganization for Research and Treatment of Cancer)
treatment with radiotherapy alone.31 The additional scores. The outcome of both of these reconstructive
risks posed by the use of radiotherapy, such as options score modestly greater than that of above-
development of a second malignant neoplasm,33 knee amputation. In general, outcome scores are bet-
need to be considered when making decisions to ter with limb salvage compared with amputation, ex-
undertake local control. A comparison of large, pro- cept when the amputation is below the knee.41 Internal
spective studies reveals that if radiotherapy is hemipelvectomy for pelvic tumors is also advanta-
used, survival is better when it is administered ear- geous over hind-quarter amputation.41 No reconstruc-
lier in the course of chemotherapy as opposed to tion of the pelvis after resection is associated with
later.31 lower complication rates and at least comparable func-
What Is the Best Treatment of Malignant Bone Tumors in Children? 281

tion compared with reconstruction of pelvic defects in • Limb salvage surgery does not compromise
children.42,43 survival compared with amputation
Expandable endoprostheses bear mention because (Level III).19,20
of their increasing popularity. Multiple case series in- • Wide negative margins are required to avoid
volving various generations of these implants seem to local recurrence (Level III).19,21,22
document a relatively high rate of complications such • Soft-tissue coverage is important to minimize
as implant fracture,44 which are not common in adult complications (Level III).25,26
series. No comparisons have been made yet to bio- • Physician-assessed shoulder function is
logical reconstruction or to reconstruction with a better with an arthrodesis compared
nonexpandable endoprosthesis combined with an al- with a suspension reconstruction
ternative approach for the management of limb-length (Level III).34
discrepancy from which to draw conclusions. • Rotationplasty and endoprosthetic recon-
struction are functionally favorable
SUMMARY compared with above-knee amputation
(Level III)38–41
• Poorly performed biopsy increases the Table 38–2 provides a summary of recommenda-
incidence of unnecessary functional and tions for treatment of malignant bone tumors in
anatomic loss (Level III).18 children.

TABLE 38–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. Chemotherapy is essential to reduce development A 2

of metastatic disease in OS.
2. Cisplatin and adriamycin are essential drugs in OS. A 3
3. Intra-arterial chemotherapy does not improve sur- B 14–16
vival compared with intravenous chemotherapy.
4. Poorly performed biopsy increases the incidence B 18
of unnecessary functional and anatomic loss.
5. Limb salvage surgery does not compromise B 19,20
survival compared with amputation.
6. Wide negative margins are required to avoid local B 19,21,22
7. Soft-tissue coverage is important to minimize B 25,26
8. Physician-assessed should function is better with B 34
an arthrodesis compared with a suspension recon-
9. Rotationplasty and endoprosthetic reconstruction B 38–41
are functionally favorable compared with above-
kneed amputation.

REFERENCES 4a. De Camargo B, Van den Berg H, Van Dalen EC: Methotrexate
for high-grade osteosarcoma in children and young adults.
1. Gurney JG, Bulterys M: Malignant bone tumors. Cancer Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2, 2008. CD 006325
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Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

39 for Simple Bone Cysts?


Simple bone cysts (SBCs) are benign bone tumors sign.36–38 This small fleck of bone fractures and settles
with a thin, cystlike lining and a fluid-filled cavity.1,2 in the cystic content. Fracture initiates a healing
They occur most commonly in the metaphyses of response and may cause opacification and septation
long bones in skeletally immature patients, although with the cyst.39 Once the aggressive phase of fracture
they have been reported in almost every bone of the healing passes, however, the cyst, which appears to
skeleton.3 The proximal humerus and femur are the be healing, may again become more radiolucent and
most common locations, with 50% to 80% humeral at risk for future fracture. Garceau and Gregory,40 in
and 20% to 30% femoral in several large studies.4–6 1954, reported 15% cyst healing after fracture, but
Many cysts heal near skeletal maturity, thereby ex- the true natural history of cyst healing has not been
plaining the rarity in adults, but several large series reported because of frequent and varied interven-
have patients in their 40s and 50s.4,7,8 Male-to-female tions and treatments. Lesions are reported to recur
ratios are varied, but two to three times greater in up to 4 years after initial healing.41 A natural history
male than female individuals in most large series.4–6,9 study was attempted by Neer and researchers16 but
SBCs are one of the most common bone tumors abandoned because of frequent fractures. Fractures
in children, representing 3% of all bone lesion biop- may result in limb shortening and angular deformity.
sies.10–12 Many more lesions, however, have classic Physeal involvement may also cause the limb length
radiographic appearance and are never biopsied. inequality and angular deformity. Perceived risk for
The lesions, although characteristically metaphyseal fracture prevents many children from participation
and central, may rarely cross the physis.13–16 Most in physical activities until cyst resolution. This can
SBCs are centrally located and thought to originate be disruptive to childhood for extended periods and
from or near a physis. Various theories of cyst origin limit activities.11,12
include physeal aberrations, venous obstruction, Bone cysts were first recognized by Virchow in 1891
and synovial entrapment, or “local disturbance of and delineated more clearly in a case series by Blood-
bone growth and development.”2,7,17–20 SBCs were good in 1910.42 Since these early times, numerous and
also called unicameral or solitary cysts. Although nor- various treatments have been proposed and com-
mally solitary, multiple concomitant cysts have been bined. This chapter references more than 130 articles
reported.21 Monolocular, or unicameral, is the com- with greater than 20 treatment variations. The fact
mon initial presentation, but fracture or treatment that so many variations and combinations of treat-
commonly results in septation and multiloculation. ment for one bone lesion exists suggests the failure of
Rarely, SBC presents with more extensive ossifica- any single current treatment for complete and perma-
tion, confusing the diagnosis.22,23 Extension into the nent healing. Most articles are Level IV evidence and
diaphysis is commonly reported and may represent represent either single-center or multicenter case ex-
a large active lesion that extends from the physis to periences with a single treatment. A few articles are
mid-diaphysis, or a small latent diaphyseal cyst that comparison studies of two treatments and represent
has grown away from the physis.24,25 Cysts are radio- Level III evidence, but only one Level I evidence article
lucent because of the fluid content, which is serous is currently available. Another difficulty related to
in nature but has some unique properties such as evaluation of cyst treatment is there is no universal
greater prostaglandin levels.18,26–30 This fluid under system for defining a healed cyst. Neer proposed a
pressure could cause the endosteal erosion and classification that has been modified by many, but no
bone expansion that is characteristic of these le- study has outlined definitively what constitutes a
sions.31 This expansion may also be due to bone healed cyst5,8,11,43–49 (Table 39–1). Most practitioners
weakness and the body’s attempt to preserve strength agree that even if a small cyst is present, as long as it
by increasing bone diameter.32,33 Cysts that occupy does not pose a significant fracture risk and is not in-
greater then 85% of the bone diameter are associated creasing in size, then observation is reasonable.4 Re-
with increased risk for fracture.34 This is supported cent studies, however, have suggested that plain ra-
by the fact that healing cysts tend to “tubulate”, or diographs may be an inadequate measure of fracture
narrow, and fragile cysts at risk for fracture are more risk and suggest computed tomographic (CT) scan as
expanded.35 Fracture in this weakened bone is com- an alternative measure of fracture risk.32 Magnetic
mon and may produce the classic “fallen-fragment” resonance imaging (MRI) study is also promising for

284 Pediatric Topics

TABLE 39–1. Summary of Criteria for Healing

Graham (1951)43 • Trabeculae traversing cyst cavity: “Obliteration of cyst”

• Obliteration of cyst
Neer et al. (new) (1966)4 Proposed classification:
• Excellent ! complete obliteration
• Residual defect ! one or more static, cystlike residual with good bone
strength suggested by the appearance of the roentgenogram
• Reoperation ! subsequent operation required by recurrence
• True recurrence ! cavity reappears, enlarges causing expansion
and thinning of cortex
Incomplete obliteration of the cyst after operation appears to be of little
clinical significance, provided there is good bone strength
Spence et al. (new) (1969)44 • Healed ! complete obliteration
• Recurrence ! any residual cystic defect
Baker (1970)45 • Healed: 2 categories
• Incomplete healing: 3 categories
• Recurrence
Capanna et al. (modification of Neer Criteria) (1982)8 • Healed: cyst completely filled with bone and cortical margins thickened
• Healed with residual: cyst consolidated with bone and the cortical
margins thickened, but still small residual areas of osteolysis within
• Recurrence: cyst initially consolidated; however, large areas of osteoly-
sis and cortical thinning subsequently returned
• No response: no evidence of response to treatments
(3 and 4 are considered failures)
Chigara et al. (1983)17 • Good
• Fair
• Poor
Oppenheim and Galleno (1984)11 • Healed ! complete obliteration or "1 cm radiolucent
• Improved ! 1–3-cm area of radiolucency, nonprogressive cortical
• Incomplete obliteration ! nonprogressive radiolucent areas greater
than 3 cm or thin cortical rim
• Recurrence ! reappearance of cystic area in prior obliterated/healed
cyst, progressive cortical thinning
Lokiec et al. (1996)114 Features of healing:
Weintroub (1989)104 a. Consolidation
b. Narrowing
c. Decreased expansion
d. Cortical thickening
Hashemi-Nejad and Cole (modification of Neer criteria; • Grade 1: cyst clearly visible
Reverse of Neer) (1997)47 • Grade 2: cyst visible, but multilocular and opaque
• Grade 3: sclerosis around or within a partially visible cyst
• Grade 4: complete healing with obliteration of the cyst
Grade 1–2 ! unsatisfactory healing
Grade 3–4 ! satisfactory healing
Killian (modification of Neer criteria) (1998)48 • I: Complete ! completely filled in with new bone, obliterating cyst
• II: Incomplete ! new bone, increased cortical width, small area of
osteolysis 1–3 cm in diameter
• III: Recurrence = cortical thinning or cyst #3 cm
• IV: No response
Yandow et al. (1998)49 Substantial healing
Partial healing
Failure to respond
• Enlargement
• Expansion
• Cortical thinning
Chang et al. (2002)6 Healed: cyst filled by formation of new bone with or without small static,
radiolucent area(s) less than 1 cm in size
Healing with defect: static, radiolucent area(s) less than 50% of the diame-
ter of bone with enough cortical thickness to prevent fracture
Persistent cyst: radiolucent areas greater than 50% of diameter of the
bone and with a thin cortical rim; no increase in cyst size; continued re-
striction of activity or repeated treatment is required
Recurrent cyst: cyst reappeared in a previously obliterated area or a
residual radiolucent area has increased in size
Wright (modification of Neer and Cole criteria) (2008)56 Not healed:
Grade 1: cyst clearly visible
Grade 2: cyst visible, but multilocular and opaque
Grade 3: sclerosis around or within a partially visible cyst
Grade 4: complete healing with obliteration of cyst

Definition of healing: One of the single greatest difficulties in comparison of treatments and natural history is the definition of healing of simple bone cysts.
What Is the Best Treatment for Simple Bone Cysts? 285

assessing the load-carrying capacity of bones with Patient Age and Sex
osteolytic lesions.50 With poor outcome tools used for
measurement of SBC healing, the comparison of treat- Cysts are uniformly reported in all series reviewed to
ment is arbitrary and difficult. Without having an ac- occur more frequently in male than female individu-
curate comparison of cysts before treatment, stratifi- als. The most common male-to-female ratio is 3:1.9,44
cation for randomization is also arbitrary. Cysts are The only exception is 1 smaller series by Dorman121 in
known to begin healing and then recur more than 2 to 2005 with a 1:1 ratio. The variation in number of male
4 years after healing.41,51 This may represent reactiva- and female patients may affect the healing rates, as
tion of a smaller remaining cystic area or recurrence Spence suggested in his large multicenter series re-
of a completely healed or resected cyst.52 Capanna view of 177 cases. Cysts occur in all age groups. Origi-
and coauthors8 described 12 of 90 patients treated nally, patients younger than 10 years were considered
with steroid injection whose cysts recurred after ini- to have more active cysts.31 Capanna and coauthors,8
tial consolidation. Most studies have less than 2-year in 1982, found less recurrence of cysts after steroid
minimum follow-up and, therefore, show early prom- treatment in patients 0 to 5 years of age and poorer
ise for cyst healing, but later extensive follow-up dem- healing in those older than 6. Spence and coworkers5
onstrates recurrence or persistence, or both, of these confirm in his large review the adverse effect of
lesions.4,6,41 Few articles evaluate the angular defor- younger age on healing. Spence and coworkers also
mity and limb-length inequality that results from report that female patients had healed cysts in 77%
cysts.53–55 Some of this may be because of the pres- of cases, whereas only 48% of male patients had
ence of the cyst near the physis, and others may rep- healed cysts in his review (P " 0.001).44 Case series by
resent physeal damage secondary to treatment. Few Chigira46, Garceau40, Neer4, and Capanna8 include pa-
studies evaluate whether patients have persistent tients with cysts at older than 50 years. The overall
pain or functional difficulties; however, one recent lower frequency of this lesion in adulthood in many
study does attempt to incorporate functional out- articles, however, helps us to understand that physeal
comes using the Activity Scale for Kids (ASK) and pain closure and skeletal maturity does, in some unknown
assessment using the OUCHER scale in a randomized way, promote cyst healing.61 This is important be-
prospective study of two treatments.49,56 cause many of the reviewed articles vary in average
age from 6.9 to 17.3 years.62,63 This variation of age
may be the cause of variations in healing rates.
Many factors related to the location of the cyst and Proximity to Physis
its host have been proposed to affect the rate of heal-
ing.57,58 Most of the series that discuss cyst treatment Cysts were categorized as active and latent originally
qualify the results by separating these various fac- by Jaffe and Lichtenstein7 in 1942, based on proximity
tors, which are discussed later. This, however, does to the physis. Lesions less than 1 cm from the physis
not separate the treatment groups before initiation are considered active. Variation of healing response of
of treatment and, therefore, does not provide equiva- active verses latent cysts exists in numerous reported
lent groups for study purposes. More randomized series since that time.40,45,64 Neer, however, in a large
prospective trials will be needed to clarify factors series of 175 cases, found no difference in healing of
that may affect healing and then to compare head- active verses latent cysts.4 Spence, in contrast, showed
to-head the various treatments. healing in 35% of active cysts and 67% of latent cysts.5
The data are inconsistent regarding whether location
of cyst affects healing. Many articles even fail to evalu-
Lesion Size ate this before treatment.65,66 No trials of similar treat-
ment in randomized groups of active verses latent
Cysts can vary from less than 1 cm2 on two orthogonal cysts have been reported to clearly compare location
views to large complex lesions extending from physis as a unique factor related to healing.
to mid-diaphysis, or more than 50% the length of the Cyst Fluid and Venous Outflow. An early study of cyst fluid
bone.49 Cyst index based on size and geography of the was conducted by Cohen in 1960.18 It was found to be
lesion was described by Kaelin and McEwen60 as a either serous or bloody, but no correlation to healing
predictor for fracture risk, but a recent article suggests was made. Needle perforation and measurement of
poor reliability for this technique as a predictor of manometric pressure was elucidated by Neer and
fracture.59 Others have demonstrated that larger cyst coworkers4 in 1966. Active cysts had pressures of
areas correlate with poorer healing.8,56 Capanna and 30 cm of H2O and pulsated with Valsalva maneuver.
coauthors8 defined small cysts as less than 24 cm2. Enneking,31 using this technique, also performed cys-
Spence and coworkers,44 in 1969, in a large multicenter tograms with injections of radiopaque contrast mate-
review, showed 80% healing of small lesions, 49% of rial attempting to correlate active lesions with rapid
medium lesions, and 53% of large cysts. This makes outflow of contrast into the venous circulation, and
excellent sense because larger lesions theoretically puddling and slow outflow with latent cysts. These
have been present for a longer time and may be recal- are Level IV, observational, and Level V expert opin-
citrant to the body’s attempts at healing. ion articles. Draining or venting the cystic cavity is
286 Pediatric Topics

described in various articles with K-wires, cannu- Capanna and coauthors describe an interesting
lated screws, and intramedullary rods, and these ar- phenomenon not studied by others since his articles
ticles are reported and level of evidence reviewed in in 1982.8 Recurrences occurred at varying rates based
this summary separately. on healing patterns:
1. If cyst consolidation was complete but further
compartmentalization occurred with bony
Bone Location septae, 28.5% of cysts recurred.
2. If cyst consolidation was incomplete and areas
SBCs are reported in almost every bone; however, of osteolysis persisted, the recurrence rate
jaw lesions have a different histologic appearance was 54%.
and may be a separate entity. For the purposes of 3. If cyst consolidation was complete but a rim
this chapter, these are not included. Greater than of osteolysis persisted at the periphery, the
90% of cysts occur in long bones. The calcaneus rep- recurrence rate was 100%.
resents an unusual location, and treatment series for Future randomized, prospective study must take
this bone are reported separately in this chapter. the high risk for late recurrence into consideration. A
The proximal humerus is the most common location. minimum follow-up period of 2 years after final treat-
In 195 cases reviewed by Mirra,10 44% were proximal ment of fracture is recommended. Longer follow-up
humerus, and the second most common condition time until complete skeletal maturity would add
was proximal femur with 26% of cases. Hands are a value to any cyst treatment or natural history study.
rare location for SBCs. Neer’s series4 showed the
femur as the most common location for cyst in adult-
hood, but fractures of adult cyst were also rarer. TRANSFORMATION OF SIMPLE BONE CYSTS
Healing rates for treatment of femoral cysts may be
higher because of the weight-bearing status of the Six cases of malignant conversion of SBC to sarcoma
bone initiating a healing response because of added have been reported, but 5 are unproved because of
load. This weight-bearing bone, however, makes this lack of biopsy confirmation of the SBC before trans-
location more at risk for fracture. Angular deformi- formation, and therefore a lesser level of certainty.74
ties are reported in numerous studies and may lead There is 1 report of malignant transformation to
to the benefit of intramedullary devices for load chondrosarcoma from a biopsy-proved SBC.75 This
sharing or external support during healing.65,67 Loca- biopsy confirmation of SBC, and later biopsy confir-
tion also refers to the location of the cyst within the mation of sarcoma, is valuable for the understanding
bone. Metaphysis is the most common initial presen- that malignant conversion is a true risk, but not for
tation. Although called simple cysts, their geography estimating its incidence, which must be low. SBC can
and variability is extensive. Cross-sectional imaging transform into another benign lesion, aneurysmal
(MRI and CT scan) is adding to a more detailed bone cyst (ABC).76,77 ABC may represent a spectrum
understanding of these lesions.68,69 of the same disease as SBC, as Neer and coauthors
discussed in 1973.78–81 Separation of the two may be
difficult even with cross-sectional imaging. Biopsy
Length of Follow-Up may be indicated for definitive diagnosis.13,82,83 Rec-
ognition of this possibility is important because ABC
Another of the significant difficulties in comparing does not respond to many forms of treatment pro-
healing rates of various treatments is the length posed for SBC.84 Injections of steroids into ABC were
of post-treatment follow-up. Follow-up varies from tried by Scaglietti and investigators85 and abandoned
6 months to 20 years in one series.70 Enneking31 because of poor healing in the original series of pa-
states that fracture or intervention to the cyst ini- tients in 1982.
tially stimulates an aggressive biologic fracture
healing response. This promotes early bone forma-
tion and opacification of the cyst and “healing.” HISTORICAL SUMMARY OF TREATMENT
Once this process becomes more quiescent, the tu- RECOMMENDATIONS AND LEVEL OF EVIDENCE
mor’s biology may again become more active and COMPARISON
cause “recurrence” or “visible reappearance” of the
lesion.71 Many series report recurrence more than Although variation of characteristics of the SBC exists,
2 years after treatment in lesions that initially variations of treatment recommended in the literature
“healed.”5,72 Docquier and Delloye73 had a recur- are also widely variable and difficult to compare.86
rence at 89 months (7.4 years) after treatment. There is only 1 Level I evidence article on the treat-
Therefore, uniform, longer length of follow-up may ment of SBC; the remaining reports, no matter how
ruin early positive results. Lokiec and Wientroub12 large, are either case series Level IV or, at best, retro-
report 100% healing with bone marrow injection in spective comparative Level III.6,9,11,66 Lokiec’s series114
his preliminary report, but follow-up in some pa- in 1996 is prospective but not comparative and may
tients was only 12 months. Neer’s report carries be considered Level II evidence regarding prognosis,
such long-term value because of his insistence of a but only Level IV evidence regarding selection of
minimum 2-year follow-up period. therapy because no comparison was made.
What Is the Best Treatment for Simple Bone Cysts? 287

Early Case Series (Level IV) 1969, reported a Level IV multicenter large series of
177 patients treated with freeze-dried allograft. Re-
The earliest articles were summaries of case descrip- currence or failure of healing, however, was 45%, and
tions by Bloodgood in 1910,42 Phemister20 and Gordon this technique was not popularized, likely because of
in 1926, James and colleagues41 in 1942, Graham43 in the high recurrence rate. Because of the recurrence
1951, and Garceau and Gregory40 in 1954. They focus seen with intralesional curettage and grafting with or
on the pathology of the lesion, and Garceau states a without bone, radical or subtotal resection of the
15% healing rate after fracture with observation alone. cysts were next historically recommended.
Blount61 reports in Fractures in Children that most
cysts heal during childhood. A natural history study
following fracture of cysts was further attempted by Radical or Subtotal Cyst Resection (Level IV)
Neer4 in 1966 but abandoned during the study because
of greater than 70% refracture in both humeral and Agerholm and Goodfellow96 described the technique
femoral locations. Active verses latent cysts were com- of subperiosteal diaphysectomy in 1965; the first
pared with little variation of refracture rate. These 20 case series was published in 1973 by Fahey and
case series are Level IV evidence, but they are impor- O’Brien,70 12 cases by Gartland and Cole62 in 1975, and
tant for historical significance. another series of 21 patients was published by McKay
and Nason98 in 1977.97 This technique was proposed
because of the recurrence rate of 21% to 50% with
Intralesional Curettage and Grafting (Level IV) intralesional curettage and grafting70 (Table I sum-
mary from Fahey and O’Brien’s70 article). Despite this
The largest group of articles in the literature on aggressive resection without grafting, McKay and
the treatment of SBC reports results for intralesional Nason98 had a 9% rate of recurrence. It would seem
curettage and grafting. Graft materials were initially that aggressively removing the entire cyst subperios-
autograft, but subsequent series have recommended teally could still result in later recurrences. It is impor-
allograft and a host of other nonbiologic materials, tant to understand that McKay’s recurrences occurred
which are discussed separately.87,88 In early studies greater than 1 year after initial treatment, and this
after curettage, the lining was removed; then the re- aggressive surgery was also complicated by postop-
sidual rim was treated with phenol or zinc chloride, erative fractures and limb shortening.98 These aggres-
followed by bone grafting. Curettage provided cyst sive procedures, with their complications and recur-
lining to pathology, and detailed descriptions of find- rences, were the spawning ground of percutaneous
ings by Geschickter and Copeland,90 Jaffe,89 and Jaffe injection techniques that would follow.
and Lichtenstein7 delineated the histologic findings
of simple cysts. Some are cases series Level IV and
others comparative and Level III. Neer and coworkers4 Percutaneous Injection with Steroid
showed no difference in those treated with or with- (Methylprednisolone Acetate)
out adjuvant chemicals; therefore, this step was
abandoned, but later series did advocate cryosur- A landmark article of innovative treatment appeared
gery to ablate the lining.91 Neer’s series was the larg- from Pisa, Italy, by Dr. Scaglietti and investigators99
est reported at that time and carefully outlined many in 1979. It provided Level IV evidence of a new
variables contributing to treatment results including treatment utilizing percutaneous injection of methyl-
location, age, and proximity to the physis. He also prednisolone acetate (MPA) into 72 cysts. The initial
proposed one of the first grading scales for cyst heal- article had up to six injections of MPA varying from
ing, which serves as the basis for most other authors. 40 to 200 mg. Follow-up period was a minimum of
Variations of this are still used today, and a variation 18 months; 60% of patients healed completely, and
was utilized in the current randomized, prospective 36% healed “more or less complete,” with only a
trial by Wright.4,8,47,56 The problems with intralesional 4% failure to heal rate. Campanacci and Capanna9
curettage and grafting are the need for a larger open from Rizzoli Institute in Bologna, Italy, reported re-
procedure, the necessity of harvesting bone graft sults in 90 patients treated similarly and followed a
and its risk, the risk for physeal damage with curet- minimum of 1 year (Level IV evidence) with 46 of
ting near the physis in active cysts, and universally, 90 patients (51%) healed, 26 of 90 (29%) healed with
the reports of recurrence despite initial heal- small residual cysts, 12 of 90 (13%) with recurrence,
ing.9,11,40,43,45,92–94 The complications of autograft har- and 6 of 90 (7%) had no response. They emphasize
vesting and the shortage of bone available to fill the that smaller cyst size ("24 cm2) and monoloculation
cyst led some authors to recommend allograft and positively affected the healing outcome (P ! 0.002
bone substitutes. Peltier and Jones,95 in 1978, re- and P " 0.001, respectively). Scaglietti and investiga-
ported a new technique of curettage followed by fill- tors reported final follow-up in 1982 and strongly
ing the lesion with sterile plaster of Paris(Ethicon). cautioned that “patients must be observed until ter-
Ninety-two percent of these patients healed, but 8% mination of their skeletal growth before evaluating
recurred and 12% (3/26) either had post-operative the final results of the injection treatment. Other-
drainage or infection. The technique did not spread wise, further extension of the cyst is possible.”85,100
widely into the literature. Spence and coworkers,44 in Subsequent Level III articles comparing steroid with
288 Pediatric Topics

intralesional curettage and grafting showed only 74% this study, or the failure to vent cysts into the medul-
healing with steroid and 54% healing with curettage lary canal in the recent study.
and grafting.11 Bovill et al,86 also with Level III stud- Mechanical Cyst Disruption with and without Fixation. Although
ies, compared steroid injection with open curettage the literature is full of exogenous materials that can
and grafting, and found similar levels of efficacy for promote cyst healing, many authors have outlined
both treatments, but less complications in the injec- that simple mechanical disruption of the cyst can pro-
tions group. Percutaneous injection offered the other mote fracture-like biologic response and healing of
advantage of a smaller intervention for residual or cysts.34,119,120 Chigira and colleagues,17 in a 1983 Level
recurrent cysts, but the disadvantage of chemical IV study, utilized Kirschner-wire disruption of the cyst
injection near the physis and reports of local and to decrease the pressure within the cyst, but their
systemic effects of the steroids and osseous necrosis 1986 review reported recurrence if the K-wire was re-
of the femoral head after injection.8,9,11,101–103 moved.46 Komiya and coauthors’27 1991 Level IV study
Bone Marrow Aspiration and Percutaneous Injection. Bone mar- recommends “trepanation” of cysts percutaneously
row transplant for malignancy and bone-marrow with a K-wire to promote healing. This article offers an
aspiration and injection to promote fracture healing evaluation of cyst fluid content and theory of its nega-
laid the groundwork for bone-marrow aspiration and tive effect on bone formation. Although the first re-
percutaneous injection into SBCs to promote heal- port of drainage of the cyst into the medullary canal
ing.104–110 In 1985, Burwell111 discussed the expanded was Ober’s122 in 1944, many subsequent articles offer
understanding of the biology of bone marrow as an drainage either intramedullary or cortically.65,121,123 A
important osteoinductive factor in bone graft incor- Level III comparative study by Tsuchiya66 in 2002 rec-
poration. Many subsequent articles furthered our ommends continuous cyst decompression after curet-
understanding of the osteoinductive power of bone tage by either a cannulated screw or a hydroxyapatite
marrow.106,109,112,113 The negative host effects of open cannulated pin, with 100% healing in the hydroxyapa-
bone graft harvesting added to the appeal of a less tite pin group. Follow-up, however, was 8 to 60 months
invasive technique of obtaining the osteogenic cells in this group. Similar ideas of mechanical disruption
by aspiration.92,94 A preliminary (Level of Evidence with intramedullary rodding and the added advantage
IV) prospective case series report by Lokiec and of fracture fixation and prophylaxis of possible future
coworkers114 of 10 patients with 100% healing of fracture were introduced by Catier and researchers124
SBCs treated by bone marrow injection was pub- in 1981 and further by Santori and investigators125 in
lished in 1996. This injection was combined with in- 1988. These ideas were even further popularized by
direct venting of the cyst using a custom curved Roposch and colleagues65 in 2000 and de Sanctis and
needle into the medullary canal.114 A similar injection Andreacchio126 in 2006. Healing occurred in all 32 pa-
of bone marrow into cysts, but obtained by small tients of this Level IV study, but 2 recurrences resulted
3-mL aliquot aspiration to potentiate osteoblast con- from nail removal. Roposch and colleagues65 empha-
centration and without venting into the medullary size in their review the tenacity and prevalence of cyst
canal, showed similar positive results to Lokiec and recurrence after treatment. Givon and coauthors,127 in
Weintroub’s initial reports, but 2 of 12 patients (17%) a technique article, utilizes a titanium elastic nail to
did not respond to marrow injection.49,81,105 Because indirectly open the cyst into the medullary canal but
of these reports, marrow injection became a popular removes the nail and fills the defect with a bone sub-
technique with minimal invasion to promote cyst stitute, Osteoset. Again, combinations of treatment
healing.115–117 Chang and coauthors,6 in a Level III obscure what actually is promoting cyst healing, and
review of 79 patients treated with bone marrow short follow-up negates the later recurrences seen
(14 patients) verses steroid (65 patients) injection, throughout cyst treatment history.
showed no superiority of 1 technique over the other Alternative Graft Materials for Treatment of Simple Bone
(P # 0.05). Docquier and Delloye73,118 reported a Cysts. Gazdag and colleagues88 wrote an excellent sum-
Level IV series of 17 cases with 76% healing rate, 12% mary of alternatives to autogenous bone grafting.
recurrence rate, and 12% failure of response rate. Many of the substitutes from hydroxyapatite cubes to
None of the bone marrow studies had uniform greater demineralized bone matrix, Ethibloc and bioactive
than 2-year follow-up until Wright’s56 study in 2007. glass (Norion), have been utilized to encourage heal-
Currently, this is the only Level I randomized, pro- ing in bone cysts.48,128–130 Demineralized bone matrix
spective, multicenter study that compares bone mar- and bone marrow were combined with trephination
row with steroid injection. Seventy-seven of 90 pa- in a percutaneous injection technique by Rougraff
tients completed 2-year follow-up. Radiologists, using and Kling87 reported in 2002. Twenty-three patients in
Cole’s modification of Neer’s criteria for healing, this Level IV evidence study were observed for 30 to
demonstrated only 42% healing with steroids and 81 months with 100% healing. In 2005, Kanellopoulos
23% healing with bone marrow (P ! 0.01). No cases and coworkers131 further amplified the technique
were vented into the medullary canal before injec- with the addition of intramedullary perforation of the
tion. The radiologists grading the healing were blind cyst and similar DBM and bone marrow injection. All
to treatment, and this is the first report of outside patients healed, but 2 required repeat procedures to
grading of the surgical outcome for cyst treatment. achieve this outcome. Follow-up period was 12 to 42
The great disparity to prior reports may be related to months, and Neer’s criteria were used for healing.
past evaluation bias, the longer length of follow-up in The historical return to calcium sulfate (Osteoset)
What Is the Best Treatment for Simple Bone Cysts? 289

but with a newer addition of venting into the medul- neus cysts. All of the articles are Level IV evidence
lary canal and indirect curettage, is reported in and are retrospective summaries of techniques used
Dormans and researchers’121 Level IV series. Twelve with outcomes of healing reported. This summary
of 28 patients were managed for at least 24 months. Level IV evidence article outlines their excellent result
Eleven of these achieved complete healing and 1 par- with continuous decompression of the cyst using tita-
tial healing. In contrast with Peltier and Jones’s95 nium cannulated screws and no curettage or grafting.
study in 1978 utilizing plaster of Paris, only 1 of Eight of nine healed completely with a minimum of
Dormans’s patients had a stitch abscess. A risk of 2-year follow-up. Patients healed with a residual cyst.
alternative graft material is the possibility of rapid This technique supports the theory that cyst fluid
venous outflow from some active cysts.31,132 Reports decompression facilitates and/or promotes healing in
have demonstrated central Doppler flow disturbances all cyst locations.
from marrow and steroids injected into cyst with
large venous outflow.49,83,132 Smaller particulate mate-
rials used as graft substitutes could also exit these SUMMARY
venous channels and pose a similar risk.
Clearly, numerous treatments and combinations of
treatment have been utilized for treatment of SBCs.
Calcaneal Bone Cysts The unique features of the host, such as age, sex,
and activity, have been reported to affect healing.
The calcaneus is the sixth most common location Tumor variables such as lesion size, proximity to the
for SBCs, which are relatively rare. In large series physis, and venous outflow are also reported to af-
reviewing SBCs, they represent a small percentage of fect response to treatment and healing. Surgical
overall cyst locations.22 Behavior of calcaneal cysts treatment variables of curettage, septation disrup-
related to fracture risk and treatment is somewhat tion, medullary or cortical venting, and fixation have
unique. Pogoda and researchers133 studied 50 cysts in been shown to affect healing. Graft materials, both
47 patients and found cysts reaching a critical size, biologic and nonbiologic, osteoinductive and con-
defined as a 100% intracalcaneal cross section in the ductive, are important factors. A standardized scale
coronal plane and at least 30% in the sagittal plane, for healing and clear risk for fracture must be deter-
are at risk for fracture. Calcaneal cysts tend to occur mined. Length of follow-up, ideally to skeletal matu-
in older patients and, because of the weight-bearing rity, is important in outcome success. Unless these
nature of the bone, when larger, cause pain with daily variables are controlled in a randomized, prospec-
activities.133 Radiologic assessment with plain films, tive study, the levels of evidence will remain as mul-
CT scans, and/or MRI offer a characteristic pattern tiple case series and be difficult, if not impossible, to
that aids with diagnosis. Radiographically, atypical compare. Level IV evidence supports injection or
cysts should undergo biopsy to prevent misdiagnosis venting techniques using a variety of specific proce-
and confusion with intraosseous lipomas, pseudo- dures as outlined earlier. The only Level I evidence
cysts, or cysts secondary to other osseous or chon- reports a greater healing rate with steroid injection
dral lesions.134 Intralesional curettage and bone graft- than with bone marrow injection, but fewer than
ing, either with allograft or autograft, has been the 50% of the cysts in either arm of the randomized
mainstay of treatment.134–136 Curettage and grafting, in trial healed. More randomized, prospective, multi-
several studies, has shown superior healing to steroid center studies are needed to guide treatment recom-
injection.137,138 Saraph’s117,134 articles include an excel- mendations for patients and families. Table 39–2
lent table providing a comprehensive overview of the provides a summary of recommendations for calca-
literature to date with methods of treatment for calca- neal SBC treatment.

TABLE 39-2. Summary of Recommendations for Calcaneal Simple Bone Cyst Treatment

1. Calcaneal SBC reaching a “critical size” is at risk for fracture. B 133

2. Intralesional curettage and bone grafting for treatment of B 136, 139, 140
calcaneal SBC is superior to observation.
C 135, 141–145
3. Alternative products to bone graft can promote healing of C 146, 147
calcaneal SBC.
4. Intralesional curettage and bone grafting is superior to B 137, 138
steroid injection for treatment of calcaneal SBC.
C 148
5. Multiple drilling and/or continuous decompression of C 134, 149
calcaneal SBC results in healing.

SBC, simple bone cyst.

290 Pediatric Topics

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110. Healey J, Zimmerman P, McDonnell J: Percutaneous bone 125. Santori F, Ghera S, Castelli V: Treatment of solitary bone
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of a bone graft. Clin Orthop Relat Res 125–141, 1985. nailing is the best treatment of unicameral bone cysts of the
112. Muschler G, Boehm C, Easley K: Aspiration to obtain long bones in children? Prospective long-term follow-up
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The influence of aspiration volume. J Bone Joint Surg Am 127. Givon U, Sher-Lurie N, Schindler A: Titanium elastic nail—A
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Chapter Legg–Calve–Perthes Disease:

40 How Should It Be Treated?


The necessity for evidenced-based investigation is details. The lateral pillar classification has had
nowhere better illustrated than in the case of the good interobserver reliability and has been
treatment of Legg–Calve–Perthes disease. In the shown to strongly correlate with outcome. The
United States, as well as around the world, an amaz- Stulberg classification of outcome has also
ing variety of treatment methods are used for this been shown to have reliable reproducibility
condition. These vary from long-term relief from when detailed descriptors are used.
weight bearing, to months and months of abduction
cast treatment, to combined femoral and pelvic sur-
gical procedures, to ignoring the disease altogether. STUDIES THAT REACH LEVEL I OR II
Even more striking is the degree with which orthope-
dists defend their chosen method. In 1993, Fulford, Lunn, and Macnicol’s2 comparison of
The literature reflects this unique situation. Most 2 groups of patients randomized by source of referral
studies have no control subjects and numbers too was published. The children treated at Royal Hospital
small for statistical validity. Different methods are for Sick Children were compared with those treated
used to determine severity and outcome, and until at the Princess Margaret Rose Orthopaedic hospital.
recently, few were subjected to validation by interob- The children at the first hospital were treated with an
server trials. It is abundantly clear that, in this in- ischial-bearing patten-ended caliper. Those at the
stance, Level I and II studies are needed. Although second hospital had a varus, derotational proximal
many believe that the pressure for evidence-based femoral osteotomy. This study can be considered a
knowledge is an academic exercise, I fully disagree, controlled, prospective study. The authors identified
for it is the confused parent seeking treatment for a no differences in outcome between the groups. Out-
child who will benefit from this discipline. Time and come in their study was found to correlate with femo-
again, orthopedists must dispel absurd treatment ral head shape at presentation and the age at onset.
measures that other physicians have presented to They note that of the heads with severe deformity at
the parent as an absolute necessity. the initial arthrogram, only 4 of 25 hips improved to
This chapter first reviews the investigations that have a good result, and all were younger than 5 years
reach Levels I, II, and III. It then briefly covers the at onset. Two of these patients were receiving brace
information from other recent studies that have use- therapy, and two had surgery. Compared with histori-
ful retrospective information. cal control subjects, the authors believe that both
Some years ago, I critically reviewed the literature methods are effective. Because of the wide variation
up to 1994.1 Although much has been written since in reporting of historical control subjects, I do not
that date, some principles of importance came out of believe that such comparisons are useful in this dis-
that review that apply specifically to Legg–Perthes order.
disease. Another difficulty is that the authors do not state
1. It is well known that the severity of the disor- what stage of disease was present when the patient
der is closely related to the age at onset. A first presented. Those who presented with severe
study that does not adequately control for age head deformity must have been beyond the stage of
at onset cannot reach useful conclusions. increased density. Others presenting before head
2. The severity of femoral head involvement has deformation had occurred may still go on to severe
been shown to be an even more important deformity, so this factor has questionable validity as
variable in outcome within all age groups up a predictor.
to 10 years of age at onset. Classification of Harrison and Bassett3 performed a double-blind
outcome and severity of disease must be trial of pulsed electromagnetic field treatment in pa-
standardized by interobserver trials based on tients also being treated with a non–weight-bearing
clear definitions. The Catterall classification Birmingham orthosis. This study shows no discern-
and the associated risk factors were widely ible effect of the electromagnetic field treatment. The
used in earlier works, but interobserver effectiveness of the orthosis was not elucidated by
studies failed to show agreement among this study because the study did not include a con-
observers, even when well-versed in the trol or comparative group.

294 Pediatric Topics

Herring and colleagues4 report on the results of a differences among no treatment, range-of-motion
long-term, controlled study performed by the Legg treatment, and brace treatment.
Perthes Study Group. Thirty-nine pediatric orthope- The strength of this study lies in the prospective
dists from North America and New Zealand agreed to comparison among many surgeons in many centers.
a “best-effort” study in lieu of randomization. In this Longitudinal follow-up to maturity adds to the
paradigm, each surgeon agreed to apply a single strength of the study, but the loss of follow-up of
treatment method to each patient who met the study some patients before maturity weakens it. Exclusion
criteria. The presumption of this type of study is that forms were required for patients not enrolled to help
so large a sample will likely override local selection reduce selection bias. A small number of hips (16)
factors and provide comparable treatment groups. were excluded because of protocol violation. A total
The treatment groups were no treatment, range of of 345 hips remained at final follow-up of 451 initially
motion treatment in which the patient did exercises enrolled.
once a day, Atlanta brace treatment, femoral varus In conclusion, the evidence produced by this study
osteotomy, and Salter innominate osteotomy. Within supports a treatment concept based on age at onset
each treatment group, except the no treatment group, and lateral pillar classification. Patients older than
Petrie casts could be used up to two times to over- 8 years classified as lateral pillar B or B/C border are
come hip stiffness. likely to benefit from femoral varus or Salter pelvic
Part one of the study provides detailed classifica- osteotomy compared with nonoperative treatment.
tions that were tested in interobserver and intrao- Because lateral pillar classification is not evident for
bserver trials that showed good reliability5. The 6 to 9 months after onset, an osteotomy may be justi-
classifications evaluated were the lateral pillar clas- fied on presentation for those children older than
sification in the early stages of disease and the 8 in the initial phase of disease. Those with lateral
Stulberg classification at skeletal maturity. The out- pillar C disease would not likely benefit, but these
comes were analyzed relative to age at onset and cases occur infrequently, representing only 13% of
severity of disease. Patients were managed to skel- hips with onset after age 8 in this study.
etal maturity and assessed independently by an One could also conclude from this study that
observer not involved in patient treatment. none of the nonoperative methods was effective in
This study came to the following conclusions: First, altering outcome. A trend appeared that was not
the lateral pillar classification was the strongest pre- statistically significant for patients undergoing
dictor of outcome. Those in lateral pillar groups A brace therapy to have more Stulberg I and II re-
and B were much more likely to have a favorable out- sults in patients 8.0 years or younger compared
come than those in lateral pillar group C. Those clas- with the nontreatment group. However, the small
sified as B/C border had an outcome intermediate number of patients in the nontreatment group (19)
between groups B and C. The second strongest factor limits the power of this study to answer this ques-
in outcome was age at onset. Those whose age at tion. It is also difficult to assess any nonoperative
onset was older than 8 years had a less favorable treatment when there is no objective monitoring
outcome than those 8 years and younger. An identical for compliance with the method, be it bracing or
effect was found when the outcome of those with range-of-motion exercise protocol. Not only should
onset at skeletal age of 6 years and younger was com- a study assess hours of brace wear, but ideally, it
pared with those with onset beyond skeletal age of 6. should monitor position of the femoral head within
(The mean delay of skeletal age in the boys was the acetabulum throughout the treatment period.
2 years.) This study monitored femoral head position at ini-
Treatment methods were also significantly related tiation of treatment, but subsequent monitoring
to outcome. In the entire cohort, the patients treated was incomplete.
surgically had better outcome compared with the
nonsurgical groups (P ! 0.02). The improved out-
come with surgery was found in the lateral pillar STUDIES WITH LESSER LEVELS OF EVIDENCE
groups B and B/C border, whose age at onset was Varus Osteotomy or Salter Osteotomy
greater than 8.0 years. In lateral pillar group B hips
with an age at onset of more than 8.0 years, 73% of the Aksoy and colleagues6 retrospectively compared
operated hips had a Stulberg I or II result compared 23 patients receiving therapy with 26 hips not treated
with 44% of the nonoperated hips (P ! 0.02). The with braces or surgery. The patients’ ages were
group B hips with onset at 8.0 years or younger had a similar. No difference in outcome was found between
favorable outcome profile, and there was no advan- the 2 groups, suggesting that brace treatment did
tage demonstrated for the surgical group. This is an not alter outcome. In this series, the braced group
important finding given that 63% of the hips in the had 30% lateral pillar C hips compared with 18% in
study were classified as group B. The group C hips, the nonbraced group. The authors found that the
the most severely involved, were not shown to benefit lateral pillar classification was useful in predicting
from surgical treatment overall or in either age group outcome. The small numbers of patients in this
when compared with the nonsurgical groups. No dif- study did not allow the authors to consider age at
ference in outcome was reported between the Salter onset in the analysis. These issues limit the strength
and varus osteotomy groups. Neither were there any of the conclusions.
Legg–Calve–Perthes Disease: The Evidence for Treatment 295

Aksoy and colleagues7 also evaluated the results of index and center-edge angles were improved. This
femoral varus osteotomy in 26 lateral pillar group C finding, which is a direct effect of acetabular augmen-
patients. Group C hips in patients older than 9 all had tation, appears in all studies of this operation. The
outcomes in Stulberg III, IV, and V categories. Six of clinical effectiveness of this change has not been
14 treated before age 9 had Stulberg II results. Their demonstrated.
conclusion was that this surgery did not improve Jacobs and colleagues14 report on 43 hips treated
results for hips with lateral pillar group C involve- with shelf acetabuloplasty. They show increased ac-
ment, especially if older than 9 when treated. etabular depth, but no comparative outcome data
Friedlander and Weiner8 reviewed 116 hips treated were presented.
with varus osteotomy without a control group. Kuwajima and colleagues15 compare the Salter pro-
They found that those patients with lateral pillar B cedure with and without acetabular augmentation.
involvement had Stulberg I and II results in 86% Acetabular depth was improved, but outcome was
when they were younger than 9 years at onset. similar between the 2 groups.
Those older than 9 years with lateral pillar class B
had Stulberg I and II results in 67% of cases. The
hips of patients older than 9 years with lateral pillar Studies of Valgus Osteotomy for Late Cases
C involvement had Stulberg II results in only 30% of with Hinge Abduction
cases. These results mirror those of Herring and
colleagues4 but with better results for the group C Bankes and colleagues16 found mixed results after
hips in patients older than 9. valgus, extension osteotomy for hips with hinge ab-
Grzegorzewski and colleagues9 retrospectively duction. Of 52 hips, 4 had total hip replacement and
compared hips among five treatment groups, which 1 had arthrodesis. Twelve had favorable remodeling.
included traction with abduction, Petrie casting, ab- Younger hips, those in earlier stages of the disease,
duction bracing, pelvic osteotomy, and femoral oste- and those with open triradiate cartilages had better
otomy. They found that lateral pillar C hips fared less outcomes. No control data were presented.
well than the others. They found no difference in Raney and colleagues17 also studied hips treated
outcome related to the treatment groups. They con- with valgus osteotomy for hinge abduction and pain.
clude that containment treatment was effective by Twenty-one of 31 hips had Iowa hip scores averaging
any of the methods studied. The lack of a control 93 points, but 10 failed to return for follow-up. No
group renders that conclusion unwarranted. comparative group was studied.
Ishida and colleagues10 reviewed results in 37 hips Yoo and colleagues18 varied the extension and val-
treated with Salter osteotomy without a control gus of their osteotomy depending on the morphol-
group. The younger patients fared better than the ogy of the involved hip. They report an improvement
older patients. Those patients older than 7 years at in the Iowa hip score from 66 before surgery to 92
onset had 3 Stulberg I or II, 10 Stulberg III, and 5 Stul- after surgery. No control data were presented.
berg IV results, but these were not stratified by lat-
eral pillar classification.
Kim and coworkers11 report on a large, multicenter OTHER STUDIES
study of patients in Japan. They compared 6 treat-
ment methods and found no difference in outcome Fabry and colleagues19 report 36 hips in patients
among the groups. The lateral pillar classification younger than 5 years at onset. They found that one
and age at onset were the most important predictors third of patients had a poor result, and that the lat-
of outcome. The overall outcome was similar to eral pillar classification was useful in predicting
other studies in the Western literature. outcome. Treatment methods were not related to
Rowe and colleagues20 studied the effect of cheilec-
Studies of Augmented Acetabuloplasty tomy in patients with Legg–Perthes disease over a
25-year follow-up. In this series, the extruded portion
Domzalski and colleagues demonstrated the occur- of the femoral head was excised in patients who had
rence of acetabular growth stimulation after a modi- collapse of the femoral head and hinge abduction.
fied shelf arthroplasty in a Level III study.12 These Patients were between 9 and 11 years of age at onset.
hips were compared with hips treated with varus os- Early results showed improvement in range of motion
teotomy. The authors hypothesize that the increase and a decrease in symptoms. The 25-year follow-up
in acetabular depth will prevent hip subluxation and showed 3 hips with poor results, 1 with fair results,
encourage acetabular growth. The stage of disease in and 1 with good outcome. All hips showed degenera-
which the operation was performed is not stated in tive changes radiographically and patients were mildly
the study. This study does not report or compare the symptomatic. This study is timely because femoral
Stulberg outcome between the 2 treatment groups. head reshaping procedures, usually done with surgi-
This omission leaves the clinical efficacy of this op- cal dislocation, are being done in a number of centers.
eration unproven. The absence of a control group makes conclusions
Bursal and Erkula13 reviewed 19 hips without a difficult. To the optimist, these hips responded better
control group and showed that acetabulum–head than they would have without treatment, whereas the
296 Pediatric Topics

TABLE 40–1. Summary of Recommendations for the Treatment of Legg–Calve–Perthes Disease


1. The lateral pillar classification (prognostic) and the Stulberg B 5

classification (outcome) have good interobserver reliability.
2. Radiographic outcome at maturity is better with younger age at B 2, 4
presentation and worse with increasing radiographic extent of B 6, 7, 9, 10
disease at presentation.
3. Operation (Salter innominate or femoral varus osteotomy) B 4
improved radiographic outcome compared with nonoperative
treatments in patients 8 years and older at presentation with
lateral column B or B/C hips.
4. Valgus osteotomy improved Iowa hip scores in patients with C 15–17
hinge abduction.
5. Hinge distraction prevented femoral head collapse compared B 20
with historical control subjects.

pessimist concludes that they are still facing progres- likely benefit. These groups combined represent only
sive degenerative arthropathy. 13% of hips presenting at age older than 8, and this
Maxwell and colleagues21 studied arthrodiastasis approach may be justified.
of the hip and compared the treated hips with a Unfortunately, these studies have not shown ben-
historical control group. The distraction treatment efit for lateral pillar C hips with either surgical proce-
was done in the early phase of disease, before any dure, or with any of the treatment methods studied.
collapse, in boys older than 8 and girls older than One Level III study suggests that early distraction
7 years. One of 15 treated hips showed collapse, with hinged external fixation may alter the likelihood
whereas 9 of 30 control hips collapsed. Pretreatment of the hip being classified as a lateral pillar C. A clear
classification for severity was not done, and final need now exists for Level I and II studies evaluating
outcome data were not available. Other studies of this and other innovative treatment methods for this
distraction treatment have focused on hips that have more severe form of the disease.
already had collapse with or without hinge abduc- Studies with lesser levels of evidence have sug-
tion. In these patients, the operation is considered as gested benefit from acetabular augmentation surgery
salvage for severe disease. in early stages of disease. In later stages, benefit has
been suggested for femoral valgus osteotomy and for
joint distraction. Cheilectomy may provide short-term
SUMMARY benefit, but long-term benefit is unproven. Table 40–1
provides a summary of recommendations.
Based on strong evidence, that being Level II stud-
ies, we can conclude that surgical treatment is best
for patients with Legg–Perthes disease in certain
specific instances. Patients with lateral pillar B and REFERENCES
B/C border involvement whose onset is after their 1. Herring JA: The treatment of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease.
eighth birthday are likely to benefit from femoral A critical review of the literature. J Bone Joint Surg Am
varus osteotomy or Salter innominate osteotomy. 76:448–458, 1994.
The surgery is best performed early in the course of 2. Fulford GE, Lunn PG, Macnicol MF: A prospective study of
nonoperative and operative management for Perthes’ disease.
the disease, either in the initial stage or in the early J Pediatr Orthop 13:281–285, 1993.
portion of the fragmentation stage. Studies to date 3. Harrison MH, Bassett CA: The results of a double-blind trial
have not shown benefit of surgery for children of pulsed electromagnetic frequency in the treatment of
younger than 8 at onset. The evidence is strong that Perthes’ disease. J Pediatr Orthop 17:264–265, 1997.
4. Herring JA, Kim HT, Browne R: Legg-Calve-Perthes disease.
without specific treatment, the lateral pillar B hips in Part II: Prospective multicenter study of the effect of treatment
the younger age group have a high likelihood of a on outcome. In: J Bone Joint Surg Am 86-A:2121–2134, 2004.
favorable outcome; for example, in one study, re- 5. Herring J, Kim H, Browne R: Legg–Calve–Perthes disease:
sults were 76% Stulberg I or II and only 3% Stulberg Part 1. Classification of radiographs with use of the modified
IV. This group represents about one third of a popu- lateral pillar and stulbereg classification. J Bone Joint Surg
Am 26:2103, 2004.
lation of children with Legg–Perthes disease older 6. Aksoy MC, Caglar O, Yazici M, Alpaslan AM: Comparison be-
than 6 years. tween braced and non-braced Legg-Calve-Perthes-disease
To perform surgery in the earliest stage of disease, patients: A radiological outcome study. J Pediatr Orthop B
surgeons may choose to perform these procedures 13:153–157, 2004.
7. Aksoy MC, Cankus MC, Alanay A, et al: Radiological outcome of
before being able to classify the severity of involve- proximal femoral varus osteotomy for the treatment of lateral
ment. If all children older than 8 were to be offered pillar group-C Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. J Pediatr Orthop B
surgical treatment, the group A and C hips would not 14:88–91, 2005.
Legg–Calve–Perthes Disease: The Evidence for Treatment 297

8. Friedlander JK, Weiner DS: Radiographic results of proximal acetabuloplasty in the treatment of patients with severe
femoral varus osteotomy in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. Analysis of 90 hips with special
J Pediatr Orthop 20:566–571, 2000. reference to roentgenographic sphericity and coverage of
9. Grzegorzewski A, Bowen J, Guille J, Glutting J: Treatment of the the femoral head. J Pediatr Orthop B 11:15–28, 2002.
collapsed femoral head by containment in Legg-Calve-Perthes 16. Bankes MJ, Catterall A, Hashemi-Nejad A: Valgus extension
disease. J Pediatr Orthop 23:15–19, 2003. osteotomy for ‘hinge abduction’ in Perthes’ disease. Results
10. Ishida A, Kuwajima SS, Laredo Filho J, Milani C: Salter innomi- at maturity and factors influencing the radiological outcome.
nate osteotomy in the treatment of severe Legg-Calve-Perthes J Bone Joint Surg Br 82:548–554, 2000.
disease: Clinical and radiographic results in 32 patients (37 17. Raney EM, Grogan DP, Hurley ME, Ogden JA: The role of
hips) at skeletal maturity. J Pediatr Orthop 24:257–264, 2004. proximal femoral valgus osteotomy in Legg-Calve-Perthes
11. Kim WC, Hiroshima K, Imaeda T: Multicenter study for Legg- disease. Orthopedics 25:513–517, 2002.
Calve-Perthes disease in Japan. J Orthop Sci 11:333–341, 2006. 18. Yoo WJ, Choi IH, Chung CY, et al: Valgus femoral osteotomy
12. Domzalski ME, Glutting J, Bowen JR, Littleton AG: Lateral for hinge abduction in Perthes’ disease. Decision-making and
acetabular growth stimulation following a labral support outcomes. J Bone Joint Surg Br 86:726–730, 2004.
procedure in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. J Bone Joint Surg 19. Fabry K, Fabry G, Moens P: Legg-Calve-Perthes disease in
Am 88:1458–1466, 2006. patients under 5 years of age does not always result in a
13. Bursal A, Erkula G: Lateral shelf acetabuloplasty in the treat- good outcome. Personal experience and meta-analysis of the
ment of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. J Pediatr Orthop B 13: literature. J Pediatr Orthop B 12:222–227, 2003.
150–152, 2004. 20 Rowe SM, Jung ST, Cheon SY, et al: Outcome of cheilectomy
14. Jacobs R, Moens P, Fabry G: Lateral shelf acetabuloplasty in in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease: Minimum 25-year follow-up of
the early stage of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease with special five patients. J Pediatr Orthop 26:204–210, 2006.
emphasis on the remaining growth of the acetabulum: A pre- 21. Maxwell SL, Lappin KJ, Kealey WD, et al: Arthrodiastasis in
liminary report. J Pediatr Orthop B 13:21–28, 2004. Perthes’ disease. Preliminary results. J Bone Joint Surg Br
15. Kuwajima SS, Crawford AH, Ishida A, et al: Comparison 86:244–250, 2004.
between Salter’s innominate osteotomy and augmented
What Is the Best Treatment for Hip
Displacement in Nonambulatory
41 Patients with Cerebral Palsy?

Hip displacement in cerebral palsy (CP) is a common method that allowed for rotation of the pelvis was the
problem, particularly in nonambulant patients.1 single-most important predictor of dislocation. A nor-
Depending on age and severity of involvement, the mal index at the age of 3 years would predict normal
incidence rate of hip displacement varies between development of the hips, provided that clinical exami-
10% and 70%.2 Lack of stimulation to the femoral nation remained normal and no scoliosis developed5
head and acetabulum by weight bearing, muscle (Level of Evidence 2).
spasticity, and asymmetrical posture may explain A similar finding was presented in a prospective,
the greater incidence of displacement in the nonam- population-based study of hip displacement in CP.4
bulant children. The displacement is gradual, and Migration percentage was thought, however, to be the
secondary changes occur on both sides of the joint. best guide to hip surveillance. The recommendation
The femoral head becomes oval-shaped, whereas was that all children with bilateral CP should undergo
acetabular dysplasia develops gradually with the a standardized position radiograph of their hips at the
formation of a grove-shaped deformity proximally. age of 30 months, to predict the risk for dislocation
The direction of the displacement is superoposterior (Level of Evidence 2).
in the majority of patients. Posterior acetabular de- A population-based study in southern Sweden
fects are more often seen in patients who progress to claimed that, with adequate screening and early inter-
subluxation, whereas global defects are more com- vention, the incidence of dislocation declined signifi-
mon in patients with fully dislocated hips.3 cantly, when compared with historical controls (Level
It has been recommended that the migration per- IV evidence).7 The screening was based on a register of
centage should be used to quantify the severity of the children with CP and, therefore, relied on its efficacy.
displacement,4 but the acetabular index has also Radiologic surveillance of children with hips at risk
been used.5 However, problems with the reliability was recommended by a retrospective (Level III evi-
of both measurements have been reported.1,6 Three- dence) study, which demonstrated a high incidence
dimensional imaging, particularly as part of preopera- of dislocation in Gross Motor Function Classification
tive planning may be appropriate in investigating the System (GMFCS) level IV and V patients.1 Similarly, a
direction of instability and acetabular deficiency.3 greater risk for dislocation was identified in quadri-
Indications for treatment of hip displacement in CP plegic children who were not walking by the age of
include pain during the displacement process and pre- 5 years, when compared with diplegic patients.8
vention of pain from secondary degenerative changes In conclusion, two of the studies4,5 suggest that a
in chronic, established displacement. Correction of radiograph of the hips should be taken around the
posture and improvement in the range of hip move- age of 2 to 3 years to assess the risk for hip disloca-
ment may facilitate better sitting, as well as easier care tion. The presence of an abnormal acetabular index
and hygiene. The indications for early screening and of more than 30 degrees or an abnormal migration
any preventative interventions are unclear. The role of percentage of more than 15% would indicate a sig-
soft-tissue surgery is also controversial. Finally, the nificant risk for dislocation. A normal radiograph at
choice of surgical procedure to treat displacement or this age would be reassuring, provided no changes
to salvage the painful, chronically dislocated hip re- occur on clinical examination of the hips over time.
mains controversial. These issues of controversy are There is consensus in these articles that nonambu-
discussed in this chapter. lant children (GMFCS levels IV and V) are at greater
risk and should be screened thoroughly (grade C).


IN CEREBRAL PALSY Natural History and Indications for Treatment
A retrospective review of the notes and radiographs of Hip displacement in CP is a slow process, which
462 patients with CP showed an overall dislocation allows secondary structural changes in the femo-
rate of 10%. Measurement of the acetabular index by a ral head and the acetabulum.9 It has been sug-

What Is the Best Treatment for Hip Displacement in Nonambulatory Patients with Cerebral Palsy? 299

gested that these secondary changes occur early Preventative surgery in a cohort of 22 children fol-
and, in some cases, before the evolution of hip in- lowed up prospectively for a minimum of 5 years
stability.10 showed that 39 hips remained enlocated, whereas
Pain, poor sitting balance, as well as prevention of 5 were subluxed. None of the hips that was radio-
windswept posture and the resulting pain have been graphically normal before surgery deteriorated in
suggested as indications for treatment of the dis- the follow-up period20 (Level of Evidence 4). The
placed hip in CP.11 Loss of mobility in ambulant chil- effectiveness of adductor tenotomy alone com-
dren, as well as decubitus ulceration and secondary pared with more extensive releases and obturator
deformity of the spine in the nonambulant ones, neurectomy remains a controversial issue.21,22 How-
have also been suggested as indications.12 However, ever, agreement exists that a preoperative migra-
a comparison between quadriplegic children with tion percentage of less than 40% would predict
scoliosis and hip displacement and children with successful outcome22–24 (Level of Evidence 2). It has
the same diagnosis and spinal deformity but no hip also been suggested that early surgery, before the
displacement showed no effect of the hip displace- age of 6 years, and postoperative bracing contrib-
ment on the progression of the spinal curvature ute to good results24,25 (Level of Evidence 4). Finally,
(Level III evidence). This was despite the greater in- nonsurgical postural control has also been claimed
cidence of pelvic obliquity in the group with hip to limit hip displacement.26 These studies are lim-
displacement.13 ited by the small numbers of patients assessed, the
Preventing dislocation, or reducing dislocated lack of control subjects, and their retrospective
hips, requires that the treated hip represent an im- design (Level IV evidence).
provement on the natural history of the untreated In a retrospective study of 65 children treated
hip. In 1990, Pritchett14 reported a cross-sectional within a well-defined surgical protocol and followed
study of 100 mature patients with total body in- up for a minimum of 8 years, it was found that pre-
volvement CP. Fifty had had hip surgery, and 50 had vention of dislocation was achieved in 67% of pa-
had no treatment. No differences were found in the tients. Migration percentage at 1 year after surgery
level or frequency of pain, the sitting ability, pelvic was a good predictor of outcome. Diplegic pattern
obliquity, scoliosis, or nursing care between the and the ability to walk were also positive prognostic
groups. Nursing care difficulties and the ability to factors.27 A similar study of 78 patients followed-up
sit did not depend on the status of the hip. The con- for a mean of 10 years showed a favorable outcome
clusion drawn was that the surgical treatment of in two thirds of the patients. Preoperative migration
already dislocated hips of patients with severe CP is percentage of less than 50% was associated with
not helpful (Level of Evidence III). a good result.28 However, a failure rate of 58% with
A similar cross-sectional study of 77 patients continuing or recurrent subluxation was found in
older than 21 years with total body involvement CP another retrospective study with 8 years of mean
attempted to correlate the radiographic status of follow-up29 (Level of Evidence 4).
the hip (dislocated, subluxed, arthritic) with clini- Iliopsoas transfer has also been suggested for the
cal symptoms of hip pain, seating difficulty, and treatment of hip instability. A study of 39 patients
contractures.15 Clinical symptoms were obtained over a mean of 8 years demonstrated that 45 of the
by caregiver interview and physical examination. 47 displaced hips remained enlocated. However, sit-
Hip status was determined by radiographs with ting ability had deteriorated in 50% of the patients.30
evaluators blinded to clinical status. The Ashworth Disappointing results of the same operation have
scale of knee muscle spasticity was strongly cor- also been reported31 (Level of Evidence 4).
related with hip pain, and with radiographic dislo- In a population-based study from Sweden, it was
cation and osteoarthritis. The overall incidence shown that the introduction of preventative mea-
rate of hip pain was low with only 18% definitely sures to treat spasticity or dystonia reduced the inci-
painful. The radiographic status of the hip (dislo- dence of hip dislocation, compared with historical
cated, subluxed, or osteoarthritic) was a poor pre- control subjects. Preventative measures included
dictor of which hips were painful. The authors selective dorsal rhizotomy, continuous intrathecal
conclude that surgical treatment of the hip be Baclofen infusion, botulinum toxin injections, and
based on the presence of pain or contractures, and nonsurgical treatment of contractures.7,32 A prospec-
not on the radiographic status of the hip. This tive, open-label case series has also demonstrated
study can be considered Level II evidence regard- that controlling spasticity with continuous intrathe-
ing prognosis because it did not directly address cal Baclofen infusion led to improvement or no dete-
the results of therapy. rioration of more than 90% of displaced hips within
the first 12 months from implantation of the baclofen
pump. The observed changes were not associated
PREVENTION OF HIP DISPLACEMENT with age or severity of involvement33 (Level of
AND THE ROLE OF SOFT-TISSUE SURGERY Evidence 4). A retrospective study of patients with
spastic diplegia before and after selective dorsal rhi-
It has been suggested that soft-tissue surgery zotomy showed that 93% of all hips were stable after
around the hips can result in long-term radio- surgery. However, the follow-up time was short, and
graphic stability in previously displaced hips.16–19 no control subjects were used.34
300 Pediatric Topics

An American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and tients (5 hips) treated by femoral varus rotational
Developmental Medicine evidence report concludes and Pemberton pelvic osteotomies showed redis-
that the published evidence on the effects of adduc- placement in 1 hip at 4 years of follow-up. All hips
tor surgery in CP should be “regarded as preliminary remained asymptomatic.40 Another study using a
at best.”35 The lack of long-term studies and com- similar surgical protocol showed improvement of
parison with control subjects was highlighted. The the migration index at 10 years of follow-up.41 A
need to study the reliability and validity of the radio- study of 21 patients (23 hips) treated with a variety
graphic methods was also discussed (grade I). of pelvic osteotomies showed that 4 hips had redis-
The existing literature suggests that soft-tissue placed at 6.1 years of follow-up.42
surgery may prevent hip displacement in young chil- A combination of femoral osteotomy with a triple
dren with bilateral CP. Low preoperative migration pelvic osteotomy to improve acetabular coverage has
index and young age may be associated with good also been suggested. The results were evaluated in 11
results. Approximately two thirds of patients main- ambulant patients with CP. All hips remained enlo-
tain hip stability at 8 to 10 years from surgery. The cated at follow-up, and the migration index improved
evidence supporting these interventions is generally significantly.43 Satisfactory results were also reported
of low quality (case series) and primarily reports ra- after shelf acetabuloplasty. Twenty hips in 17 patients
diographic rather than patient-related results. In light with CP were followed up for 41.5 months. Only 1
of the natural history studies showing that radio- failure, requiring reoperation, was reported.44
graphic results are not predictive of either pain or Dega’s transiliac osteotomy performed in isolation
function,14,15 the clinician is left uncertain whether or combined with open reduction led to satisfactory
“preventive” treatment is warranted by the current early results in 25 patients (30 hips). However, at
information available. 12 years of follow-up, 7 hips had displaced. The
authors conclude that the procedure should be per-
formed in combination with varus shortening derota-
BONE PROCEDURES FOR HIP DISPLACEMENT: tion femoral osteotomy.45 Several modifications of
CHOICE AND RESULTS the Dega procedure have been suggested in combi-
nation with femoral varus shortening derotation os-
Surgical correction of hip displacement in CP may teotomy to treat hip displacement in CP. The com-
include a combination of femoral and/or pelvic pro- mon principle of these procedures is based on leaving
cedures. The choice and combination of these proce- the medial cortex of the ilium intact and centering
dures and the results to be expected are discussed in the osteotomy on the center of the triradiate carti-
this chapter. Furthermore, whether to treat the con- lage. The claimed advantage of the procedure
tralateral hip is addressed. includes the reduction in volume of the acetabulum,
Femoral varus/derotation osteotomy was shown the provision of posterolateral cover by articular
to lead to improvement of hip displacement in cartilage, and the preservation of the medial wall of
20 patients (20 hips) with CP followed up for a mini- the ilium. Consistent satisfactory results in more
mum of 7 years. However, some degree of sublux- than 90% of patients at 5 to 10 years of follow-up
ation persisted in 4 hips and 1 remained dislo- were reported in retrospective series that examined
cated.36 A retrospective study of 65 patients treated clinical and radiographic outcomes.46–48
with 79 varus femoral osteotomies showed that Unilateral surgery to treat hip displacement in
72% of those were still stable at 5.2 years of follow- nonambulant patients with CP was shown to be as-
up. Age at surgery and degree of preoperative dis- sociated with progressive deformity and displace-
placement determined the postoperative results.15 ment of the contralateral nonoperated hip.49 A fur-
Another retrospective study of 99 patients (144 hips) ther study of 35 patients with CP treated for unilateral
showed good results in 43% of patients at 7.7 years of hip displacement and followed up for 4.2 years dem-
follow-up. Pain was still present in 8% of patients, onstrated dislocation in 10 contralateral hips and
and 8% of hips redislocated.37 Prolonged rehabilita- subluxation in a further 16 hips. The authors recom-
tion should be expected after femoral osteotomy, mend bilateral surgery for the majority of patients.15
and patients take a mean of 7 months to achieve Bilateral pelvic and femoral osteotomies were shown
preoperative functional level.38 to carry similar risk for postoperative complications
A retrospective review of 42 patients (58 hips) compared with unilateral pelvic and bilateral femoral
treated with open reduction, femoral osteotomy, operations. Postoperative anemia and respiratory
and a variety of acetabular osteotomies showed a problems were the most common early postopera-
redislocation rate of 11% at 5.9 years of follow-up tive complications observed.50
when a Pemberton or Salter osteotomy was used. Nonambulant patients with CP and particularly
This compared favorably with patients treated with those with reflux, absent gag reflex, and respiratory
a Chiari osteotomy.9 However, another study of problems are more at risk for perioperative compli-
11 patients (12 hips) treated by femoral and Chiari cations, particularly respiratory problems, and risk
osteotomies and soft-tissue releases, and followed for perioperative death. It has been suggested that
up for 14.1 years showed significant improvement in 25% of patients with CP undergoing hip osteotomies
radiographic parameters. Two hips showed early suffer at least 1 complication.51 Complications of
degenerative changes.39 A further study of 44 pa- bony hip reconstruction include heterotopic ossifica-
What Is the Best Treatment for Hip Displacement in Nonambulatory Patients with Cerebral Palsy? 301

tion (HO). In a study of 219 patients with CP who clusions on the optimal management of these pa-
underwent a combination of femoral and pelvic oste- tients.
otomies for hip displacement, HO was observed in In conclusion, comparing Level IV studies sug-
16%. However, only 2% were symptomatic. Spastic gests that combined femoral and pelvic osteotomies
quadriplegia was highly associated with HO, com- claim better results in the mid term compared with
pared with diplegia or hemiplegia.52 Another study femoral osteotomy in isolation. Level IV evidence
showed greater incidence rates of skin sores, instru- has been reported that hip stability and clinical im-
mentation failure, reoperation, and infection in pa- provement, including improved pain, hip mobility,
tients who were casted after surgery compared with and sitting balance, should be expected at 5 to 10
those who were not.53 Epiphyseal changes suggestive years of follow-up. The Dega osteotomy and its
of osteonecrosis were reported in 10% of patients modifications address posterolateral instability and
who underwent femoral osteotomy and 46% of those may carry advantages over conventional pelvic os-
who underwent a combination of pelvic and femoral teotomies performed for developmental hip dis-
osteotomy. The clinical significance of those radio- placement. Limited evidence exists that postopera-
graphic changes were unclear.54 tive cast immobilization is associated with a greater
The untreated established hip displacement in CP risk for complications. In the majority of children,
may progress to the development of secondary de- the contralateral hip should be treated if the goal is
generative changes and pain. This may, in turn, re- to prevent progressive deformity and displacement.
sult in further functional compromise and affect This additional treatment was shown not to signifi-
quality of life. However, severe and definite hip pain cantly increase perioperative risk compared with
is a relatively rare outcome among adults with CP staged surgery. A high risk rate for complications,
and correlates poorly with radiographic status of suggested at 25%, is expected from hip osteotomies
the hip.15 Furthermore, cross-sectional studies find in children with CP. Perioperative death, respiratory
little difference in pain or quality of life among to- problems, anemia, infection, failure of fixation, skin
tally involved adults regardless of whether the hips sores, HO, osteonecrosis, and recurrence have been
have been treated with surgery.14 Hip replacement reported. Salvage surgery for the untreated arthritic
surgery, excision/interposition arthroplasty with or hip displacement remains controversial.
without valgus femoral osteotomy, and hip arthrod- Deciding on the best treatment for the dislocated
esis have been suggested.55–57 However, the existing or at-risk hip in severe CP is difficult given the current
reports in the literature include small numbers of state of the literature. Most of the available material
patients, no control subjects, and limited follow-up. regarding treatment consists of uncontrolled case
Therefore, it is not possible to draw any useful con- series, and radiographic outcomes predominate over

TABLE 41–1. Summary of Recommendations



Nonambulant children with CP should be screened for hip displacement with a pelvic B 4
radiograph at the age of approximately 3 years. A normal radiograph at this age would
rule out hip pathology, provided no changes occur on clinical examination of the hips
over time.
Natural History
Hip displacement in CP is a slow process, which allows secondary changes to the femoral B 9, 11, 12
head and acetabulum to develop.
Hip dislocation does not increase the risk for progression of scoliosis. B 13
Hip pain, seating function, and contractures are unrelated to the radiographic status of B 14, 15
the hip (dislocated, subluxed, or osteoarthritic)
Soft-Tissue Surgery
Soft-tissue surgery prevents hip displacement at 8 to 10 years in approximately two C 27
thirds of young children with bilateral CP.
Low preoperative migration index and young age are associated with good results. B 22–25
Bony Surgery
Combined femoral and pelvic osteotomies lead to better results in the mid term, C 9, 42–44
compared with femoral osteotomy or soft-tissue surgery in isolation.
The Dega osteotomy and its modifications address posterolateral instability and carry C 45–48
advantages over conventional pelvic osteotomies performed for developmental hip
In the majority of children, the contralateral hip should be treated to prevent progressive C 15
deformity and displacement.
A high risk for complications is associated with this type of surgery. C 50, 51

CP, cerebral palsy.

302 Pediatric Topics

clinical ones. The only prognostic studies of high 20. Moreau M, Cook PC, Ashton B: Adductor and psoas release
quality14,15 suggest that, among adult patients, the for subluxation of the hip in children with spastic cerebral
palsy. J Pediatr Orthop 15:672–676, 1995.
radiographic status of the hip is a poor predictor of 21. Cobeljic G, Vukasinovic Z, Djoric I: Surgical prevention of
clinical outcome, the incidence of severe pain is low, paralytic dislocation of the hip in cerebral palsy. Int Orthop
and the clinical status of patients is no better among 18:313–316, 1994.
those with operated hips than those without. The 22. Cornell MS, Hatrick NC, Boyd R, et al: The hip in children
complication rates are high in all the reported series. with cerebral palsy. Predicting the outcome of soft tissue
surgery. Clin Orthop 340:165–171, 1997.
Some consensus exists in the Level IV literature 23. Cottalorda J, Gautheron V, Metton G, et al: Predicting the
regarding the particular techniques to soft-tissue outcome of adductor tenotomy. Int Orthop 22:374–379, 1998.
releases (for prevention) and open reductions with 24. Onimus M, Allamel G, Manzone P, Laurain JM: Prevention of
femoral and pelvic osteotomies (for treatment). How- hip dislocation in cerebral palsy by early psoas and adductors
tenotomies. J Pediatr Orthop 11:432–435, 1991.
ever, from the current literature, we cannot confi- 25. Houkom JA, Roach JW, Wenger DR, et al: Treatment of
dently conclude whether patients with severe CP acquired hip subluxation in cerebral palsy. J Pediatr Orthop
should have hip operations. Table 41–1 provides a 6:285–290, 1986.
summary of recommendations. 26. Pountney T, Green EM: Hip dislocation in cerebral palsy. BMJ
332:772–775, 2006.
27. Presedo A, Oh CW, Dabney KW, Miller F: Soft-tissue releases
to treat spastic hip subluxation in children with cerebral
palsy. J Bone Joint Surg Am 87A:832–841, 2005.
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Chapter Muscular Dystrophy:

42 How Should It Be Treated?


Improvements in healthcare have resulted in longevity awkward compensatory postures to maintain bal-
for patients with muscular dystrophies. Until a cure is ance and level vision, worsening their QOL signifi-
found, therapeutic and supportive care is essential in cantly. Level IV evidence suggests posterior inter-
preventing complications and improving the affected spinous cervical fusion in seven patients led to a
child’s quality of life (QOL). This chapter reviews the better sitting position, to easier nursing, and better
available evidence from a surgeon’s perspective to cosmesis.11 The mean angle between C2-C7 de-
guide in the management of this condition. creased from an average of 30 degrees before sur-
gery to an average of 19 degrees at 1-year of follow-
up. Clinically, these patients had more control over
STEROID THERAPY their head position after surgery.

Currently, corticosteroids are the only class of drug

that has been extensively studied in this condition. SHOULDER
In 1989, a large, multicenter, randomized, placebo-
controlled study in the United States showed an Orthopedic intervention for the shoulder is mainly
unequivocal improvement in muscle force with pred- confined to fascioscapulohumeral dystrophy. Surgi-
nisone in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy cal indications that have been described include in-
(DMD), and that a low-dose (0.75 mg/kg) daily regimen ability to abduct or elevate arms and loss of power
was as effective as the standard 1.5 mg/kg.1 The im- with inability to hold arm sustained in abduction and
provement in muscle force seemed to be fairly rapid, elevation. As the muscles stabilizing the scapula be-
within a matter of weeks, and followed by a plateau. come involved, the scapula starts to wing, leading to
However, the substantial side effects, particularly issues with cosmesis and problems with garment
weight gain, weighed heavily against the potential wear particularly in female patients.12 Surgery should
benefits, and the authors recommended further re- be performed only if the deltoid strength is 4/5 or
search regarding use of steroids as a long-term ther- better. Furthermore, although improvement in ap-
apy for muscular dystrophy. After the initial trial, an- pearance and diminution of pain and fatigue can be
other randomized study examined the use of alternate maintained over the long term, the gains in motion
dosing regimens, and duration of therapy was re- may be lost over time.
ported.2 Although many studies provided Level III and
IV evidence,3–8 they showed that use of a relatively
high dose of deflazacort resulted in long-term mainte- Scapulothoracic Fusion
nance of pulmonary function, and the age at which
boys became full-time wheelchair users increased by Copeland and colleagues12 reported Level IV evi-
several years over boys who did not take deflazacort. dence with average 16-year follow-up period (range,
Some debate remains as to the exact dosage regimen 14 months to 44 years) of scapulothoracic arthrode-
(daily vs. alternative schedules) of steroids to com- sis in patients aged 16 to 35 years. From the 13 initial
pare both efficacy and adverse effects.9,10 Long-term patients (20 fusions), 10 patients (14 shoulders) were
steroid effects on quality and length of life are not yet available for long-term follow-up. Complications in-
known. Nevertheless, current Level III and IV evidence cluded pleuritic pain (resolved spontaneously within
suggests that all boys with DMD should be given the 1 week), hemopneumothorax (requiring drainage),
opportunity to start these medications early in their rib and scapula fractures, screw pullout, and painful
disease course, well before they reach the stage of full- nonunion requiring revision surgery. These patients
time wheelchair use. had an average flexion of 123 degrees and an average
abduction of 103 degrees. All patients eventually
had improved function, activities of daily living, and
Diab and coauthors13 report their Level IV evi-
Neck hyperextension with progressive increase of dence of 11 scapulothoracic arthrodesis in 8 patients
lordosis associated with a limitation in flexion of with adolescent and infantile forms of fascioscapulo-
the cervical spine forces these patients to assume humeral muscular dystrophy. They fused the scapula

Muscular Dystrophy 305

to the thorax in 25 degrees of abduction using visual acuity or required surgical treatment), stress
16-gauge wires, a plate, or washers on the postero- fractures (3 patients treated with immobilization
medial scapular surface to prevent wire pullout and and/or rest), and weight gain (patients in the treat-
iliac crest autograft. In all cases, scapular winging ment group weighed a mean of 3.7 kg more than did
and shoulder fatigue and pain initially were elimi- those in the control group). Because the families
nated. Active abduction and forward flexion im- rather than the physician chose the treatment,
proved to an average of 145 and 144 degrees, respec- there may be an inherent selection bias because it
tively. At 6.3 years after surgery, seven shoulders is possible that the families who saw more physical
retained motion, whereas four lost motion because deterioration in their child decided against steroid
of progressive weakness of deltoid with no evidence treatment, resulting in the selection of a less se-
of failure of the arthrodesis. No short- or long-term verely affected treatment group. These patients
respiratory compromise was reported. were continued on steroid therapy even while the
patients were using the wheelchair full time. The
future of spines of these patients once skeletal ma-
Scapulopexy turity is reached is currently unclear and warrants
further study.
Scapulopexy has been proposed as an alternative to
theoretically avoid the problems of reduced respira-
tory function, and the shoulder can be mobilized al- Prediction of Spinal Deformity
most immediately after surgery, reducing the risk for
muscle atrophy and complications such as stress Several studies have shown that scoliosis develops
fractures and nonunion. Giannini and coworkers14 in almost all patients with DMD, with the exception
have reported their case series (Level 4 evidence) of those who have a stable, hyperextended spine.16–18
with 9 patients (18 shoulders). The scapula was re- The progression of spinal deformity leads to a dete-
positioned over the rib cage and fixed to the ribs rioration in pulmonary function in patients with
with metal wires. Arm abduction increased from an DMD. Yamashita and colleagues19 reported a case
average of 68 degrees before surgery to 96 degrees series (Level IV evidence) showing the correlation of
after surgery. Arm flexion increased from an average age at and value of the plateau of vital capacity (VC)
of 57 degrees before surgery to 116 degrees after with the severity of progression of spine deformity.
surgery. The position of the scapula obtained at the They show in a retrospective study of 36 patients
time of surgery was maintained, and the patients had that rapid and severe progression of spinal deformity
satisfactory cosmetic results at 9.9 years of follow- could be expected in patients whose VC plateau was
up. This technique does not require grafts and re- less than 1900 mL and in those in whom it occurred
duces postoperative complications such as pneumo- before age 14 years.
thorax or hemothorax. To further refine their criteria, Yamashita and col-
leagues20 published their results on a cohort of
11 patients (Level IV) using multiple discriminant
SPINE analysis on the basis of 4 predictors: (1) VC at age
Steroid Treatment and the Development of Scoliosis 10 years, (2) age at which ambulation ceased,
(3) curve pattern of spinal scoliosis, and (4) Cobb
Alman and researchers15 reported Level 2 evidence angles at age 10 years. In these 11 patients, multiple
showing that steroid treatment slows the progres- discriminant analysis correctly predicted the sever-
sion of scoliosis in male patients with DMD. This ity of the clinical course of 91.7% of patients with
was a nonrandomized, comparative study with 7- to DMD. VC at age 10 was found to be the strongest
10-year-old boys who were able to walk. Thirty pa- predictor among the variables. These patients could
tients were treated with deflazacort (treatment be identified earlier on as candidates for surgical
group), and 24 were not (control group). Patients intervention of spinal deformity.
were matched for age and pulmonary function at
baseline, and were managed for at least 5 years. A
curve of 20 degrees or greater developed during Surgical Management
the follow-up period in 16 (67%) of the 24 patients
in the control group, but in only 5 (17%) of the Spinal fusion surgery with instrumentation remains
30 patients in the treatment group. Fifteen of the the mainstay of treatment for patients with DMD with
24 patients in the control group underwent spine scoliosis. Cheuk and investigators21 reviewed the
surgery, at a mean age of 13 years, whereas only available evidence in the literature for spinal surgery
5 of the 30 patients in the treatment group under- in patients with DMD. They evaluated publications
went spine surgery, at a mean age of 15 years. from 1861 to January 2006, and because there were
Kaplan–Meier analysis demonstrated a significant no randomized or quasi-randomized clinical trials to
difference between the two groups with regard evaluate the effectiveness of scoliosis surgery in pa-
to development of scoliosis of 20 degrees or more tients with DMD, they were unable to make any
(P ! 0.001). Adverse effects with steroids included evidence-based recommendation for clinical prac-
cataract (10 patients, none of which interfered with tice. They recommend that patients should be
306 Pediatric Topics

informed about the uncertainty of benefits and estimated blood volume, mean percentage blood
potential risks of surgery for scoliosis. loss with and without TXA was 47% ± 28% versus
The potential advantages of spinal surgery described 112% ± 67% (P ! 0.001). This physiologic indicator
in the literature are to obtain and maintain sitting bal- shows that blood loss with TXA decreased by 58%
ance and correction of pelvic obliquity to preserve the compared with those patients not treated with TXA.
ability of the patient to be mobile in a wheelchair for TXA was also showed to significantly reduce intra-
the remainder of his life. In addition, cosmetic im- operative blood loss after accounting for surgical
provement, no need for orthopedic braces, easier time. Intraoperative homologous blood replacement
nursing care, and pain relief are other mentioned fac- by whole blood and packed red blood cells and au-
tors. Nevertheless, the effects of spinal surgery on re- tologous cell saver replacement are also signifi-
spiratory function and life expectancy are still contro- cantly reduced with TXA.
versial. Velasco and coauthors22 recommend posterior
spinal fusion for scoliosis in nonambulatory patients
with DMD earlier in the course of progression based on Distal Extent of Fusion
Level III evidence. They found that in 20 patients with
a minimum of 2 pulmonary function tests (PFTs) be- Most authors previously recommended fixation to
fore surgery and 2 after surgery, posterior spinal fusion the sacrum or pelvis for scoliosis in DMD to correct
for scoliosis in DMD slowed the rate of respiratory pelvic obliquity. However, this has been questioned
decline in percentage forced VC from 8% per year be- because the curve size and pelvic obliquity are small
fore surgery to 3.9% per year after surgery (p ! 0.0001). in early cases, and pelvic fixation has a greater com-
In an expanded group of 56 patients with DMD with plication rate. Mubarak and colleagues27 published
variable numbers of PFTs, the rate of decline also Level III evidence comparing pelvic versus lumbar
slowed after surgery from 4% per year to 1.75% per fixation for scoliosis in 22 wheelchair-mobilized pa-
year as determined by within-subjects mixed-model tients with DMD. They found that in small curves with
regression analysis (P ! 0.0001). minimal preoperative pelvic obliquity (15 degrees or
less), instrumentation and fusion to L5 was adequate
at the time of a 34-month follow-up. However, in a
Quality of Life later study, comparing pelvic and lumbar fixation in
48 cases of DMD, Alman and Kim28 disagreed (Level III
Mercado and coworkers23 report a systematic litera- evidence). Using Luque instrumentation and follow-
ture review pertaining to QOL in patients with neuro- ing Mubarak and colleagues’ criteria27 (fixation to L5
muscular scoliosis who underwent spinal fusion. The when Cobb angle ! 40 degrees and pelvic obliquity
need to operate early in the course of the deformity ! 10 degrees), they found progression of pelvic obliq-
frequently when curves are relatively mild, as well as uity in 32 of 38 cases in their lumbar fixation group
the change in the course of the disease caused by (with 2 cases requiring revision), but no progression
steroids, makes measuring the impact of scoliosis at all in 10 cases in the sacral fixation group. They
surgery on QOL in patients with muscular dystrophy recommend sacral fixation in general and especially
more complex. Based on self-report, the surgery may when the apex of the curve is below L1. They recog-
improve sitting ability, posture, simplify nursing care, nized, however, that sublaminar wire instrumentation
and improve self-esteem. The effect on the respira- in the lumbar spine could be responsible for the fail-
tory and cardiac function is unknown.24 The authors ure in the lumbar fixation group, and suggested that
conclude that given the large emotional family in- the use of screws or hooks into the lumbar spine may
vestment in surgery, and the uncontrolled nature of avoid this problem.
the surgical series, the evidence in support of Sengupta and coworkers29 report on their cohort
improving QOL of these patients is weak (grade C of 50 patients (Level III evidence) with DMD using
recommendation25). newer constructs with lumbar pedicle screws. They
divided their patients into two groups who were ob-
served for a minimum of 3 years. The first group
Intraoperative Blood Loss consisted of 31 patients with an average age of
14 years. This group underwent a spinal fusion that
Intraoperative blood loss is high in patients with extended to the pelvis. The average preoperative
DMD who are undergoing posterior spinal fusion for Cobb angle was 48 degrees, and the average preop-
scoliosis. Shapiro and coworkers26 have reported erative pelvic obliquity was 20 degrees. The second
their results of a cohort of 56 patients divided into group consisted of 19 patients with an average age at
2 groups: 1 group received tranexamic acid (TXA) surgery of 11.7 years. The patients in this group were
whereas the other did not (Level III evidence). The treated with thoracic sublaminar wires and lumbar
groups were comparable in relation to surgical tech- pedicle screws. The average preoperative Cobb angle
nique, age at surgery, number of levels fused, preop- was 19.8 degrees, and the average preoperative pel-
erative deformity, and surgical time. Blood loss with vic obliquity was 9 degrees. The authors document
TXA decreased by 42% compared with those not improved correction and maintenance of correction
treated with TXA. Accounting for patient weight and in the group that underwent fusion with pedicle
Muscular Dystrophy 307

screw fixation to L5. They acknowledge that the pre- possibility of a publication bias (only best results
operative deformity was greater in the patients who published), patient selection bias (only motivated
had fusion to the pelvis and conclude that lumbar families), and the absence of blinding with measure-
pedicle screw fixation that stops short of the pelvis ment bias leading to a positive influence on the re-
is adequate in patients who have minimal deformity sults. All reviewed studies described surgical Achilles
and pelvic obliquity. tenotomy. The scientific strength of the studies re-
viewed was poor. Results showed that the KAFO can
prolong assisted walking, but it is uncertain whether
HIP AND KNEE FLEXION CONTRACTURES it can prolong functional walking. The boys that ben-
efit most have a relatively low rate of deterioration,
Contractures and progressive weakness of the lower are capable of enduring an operation, and are well
extremities render walking increasingly difficult for motivated.
patients with DMD. Extensive rehabilitation and or-
thopedic measures, in addition to medical treatment,
have been directed toward prolongation of the abil- FOOT AND ANKLE
ity to walk. Manzur and coauthors30 reported a ran-
domized, controlled trial (Level II evidence) in 1992 Equinus and equinovarus deformity of the ankle are
to evaluate the role of early surgical treatment of serious problems associated with DMD. Hyde and col-
contractures in 20 boys with DMD. Their entry crite- leagues32 reported Level II evidence, a randomized,
ria were designed to recruit a cohort of boys with a prospective, multicenter trial, looking at passive
relatively uniform clinical severity, in the age range stretching techniques with or without the use of be-
of 4 to 6 years. These boys were divided into two low-knee night splints early in the course of the dis-
groups. The 10 boys in the surgical treatment group ease on the evolution of ankle equinus. Twenty-seven
had the operation within 1 month of randomization boys were evaluated and randomized using an incom-
by a single surgeon. Surgery was standardized and plete block design using age and muscle strength as
consisted of open release at the hip of sartorius, su- variables for stratification. The authors show that
perficial head of rectus femoris and tensor fascia boys who wore night splints in addition to performing
lata. A long incision was made along the lateral as- passive stretching of the TA benefited by an annual
pect of the thigh to expose the deep fascia, which delay of 23% in the development of contractures com-
was incised anterior to the lateral intermuscular sep- pared with those who did not.
tum, and a strip of fascia approximately 2 cm wide Main et al.33 published Level III evidence regarding
was removed. The tendo-Achilles (TA) was routinely serial casting of ankles in DMD to reduce TA contrac-
lengthened percutaneously. Hamstring tendons were tures and to allow fitting of KAFOs at the end of
released percutaneously if there were knee flexion functional walking. TA range and age at loss of stand-
contractures. They were discharged 4 to 6 days after ing with KAFOs were prospectively assessed in
surgery, walking without any orthotic support. No 9 patients who underwent serial casting before reha-
passive stretching or physiotherapy was prescribed. bilitation into KAFOs and compared with a group of
The second control group continued with routine 20 patients with DMD who had TA (group II) or TA
management including regular passive stretching of and ITB surgical resection (group III). Mean age at
TA, iliotibial bands (ITBs), and hip flexors. The loss of functional ability to walk and rehabilitation
stretching was performed daily by parents after dem- with KAFOs was 10.3 years (8.7–11.7 years) in
onstration by the physiotherapist and was kept un- group I, 9.3 years (7.7–12 years) in group II, and
der surveillance at each follow-up attendance. Re- 9.5 years (8.3–11.7 years) in group III. The authors
gression analysis showed no significant difference conclude that although further studies will be re-
between the two groups in any of the parameters quired to evaluate the effect of all these variables in
measured. No measurable difference was found be- a larger prospective, randomized cohort, the results
tween the surgical and control groups. Surgery was of this pilot study suggest that serial casting can be
effective in reducing the TA contractures in all of the considered in patients with DMD with moderate TA
boys who underwent surgery. However, freedom contractures and in whom there is no significant ITB
from the need for regular passive stretching was tightness. The results of this study have to be inter-
short-lived, and 7 of the 10 boys had recurrence of preted with caution because the number of patients
the TA contractures within 1 to 2 years after surgery. is too small. Furthermore, this was not a prospective
Based on these results, the authors did not recom- study, and the groups could not be randomized or
mend surgery as standard treatment. matched for age at intervention, use of steroids, and
Bakker and de Groot31 did a structured literature other relevant factors that may have contributed to
review on the effects of knee-ankle-foot orthosis the duration of ambulation in KAFOs.
(KAFO) for patients with DMD. They searched the Scher and Mubarak34 reported Level 3 evidence
literature from 1966 to 1997 based on their inclusion for the use of posterior tibial tendon transfer in
criteria. No RCT had been performed to determine patients with DMD with regard to foot deformity
the effectiveness of KAFO. Only four nonrandomized, and ambulation. Fifty-seven patients were divided
controlled studies were described. They suggest the into three treatment groups. Group I contained
308 Pediatric Topics

patients who had surgery to maintain or resume TABLE 42–1. Summary of Recommendations
ambulation. Group II included patients who had
stopped walking and did not have the potential to LEVEL OF
resume ambulation or had no desire to do so. They EVIDENCE/GRADE
had surgery to correct and maintain foot position. STATEMENT OF RECOMMENDATION REFERENCES
Group III (n " 25) patients did not have any sur-
gery. All 32 patients in groups I and II had posterior 1. Steroid treatment re- B 1, 2
sults in better main-
tibial tendon transfer and Achilles tendon length- tenance of muscle
ening as part of the procedure. The mean age at strength, improves
cessation of ambulation for those who had surgery pulmonary function,
was 11.2 years versus 10.3 years for those who did and delays boys
becoming full-time
not have surgery (P ! 0.005). Thirty-four available wheelchair users.
patients (20 in groups I and II, and 10 in group III) 2. Steroid treatment B 15
were assessed for outcomes and foot position. Of delays the develop-
the 24 patients who had lower extremity surgery, ment of scoliosis
23 (96%) were comfortable in any shoes or sneak- and need for spinal
ers versus 6 (60%) in the group who did not have 3. Surgical correction B 21–23
surgery. The authors indicate a positive role of of scoliosis results
foot surgery for these patients. in better sitting po-
In contrast, Leitch and coworkers35 presented their sition, correction of
pelvic obliquity, and
Level III evidence with 88 full-time wheelchair pa- easier nursing care
tients with DMD divided into 2 groups. The first group with no long-term
comprised 30 boys with DMD who had had foot sur- obvious benefits in
gery including an open or percutaneous TA lengthen- terms of respiratory
ing or tenotomy, and 26 of the 30 patients in this function, QOL, or
life expectancy.
group also had a tibialis posterior tendon transfer. 4. Early release of hip, B 30
The second group consisted of boys who did not knee, and ankle
have surgery. A self-report questionnaire was used to contractures have
assess difficulty with shoe wear, foot pain, foot hyper- not shown to bene-
fit by surgery in the
sensitivity, and cosmetic concerns with regard to the long term.
feet, and a foot examination was performed. No sig- 5. Night splints in B 32
nificant differences were found between patients who addition to passive
did and did not receive foot surgery with respect to stretching of TA are
shoe wear (P # 0.05), pain (P # 0.05), hypersensitiv- effective in control-
ling TA contractures.
ity (P # 0.05), or cosmesis (P # 0.05). Hindfoot mo-
tion was significantly better in patients who did not QOL, quality of life; TA, tendo-Achilles.
have surgery (P ! 0.05). Equinus contractures were
significantly worse in patients who did not have sur-
gery (P ! 0.05). The authors conclude that surgery
changes the position of the feet. However, all patients, REFERENCES
regardless of whether they had surgery, had minimal
1. Mendell JR, Moxley RT, Griggs RC, et al: Randomized,
concerns about their feet cosmesis, minimal difficulty double-blind six-month trial of prednisone in Duchenne’s
with shoe wear, and infrequent pain. They recom- muscular dystrophy. N Engl J Med 320:1592–1597, 1989.
mend that full-time wheelchair users with DMD do 2. Beenakker EA, Fock JM, Van Tol MJ, et al: Intermittent
well with or without surgery. Therefore, given the prednisone therapy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy:
greater risks for surgery in this population, foot sur- A randomized controlled trial. Arch Neurol 62:128–132, 2005.
3. Alman BA: Duchenne muscular dystrophy and steroids:
gery should be performed only in children with spe- Pharmacologic treatment in the absence of effective gene
cific foot problems that surgery can definitely ad- therapy. J Pediatr Orthop 25:554–556, 2005.
dress. The main caveat was that the patients were not 4. Biggar WD, Gingras M, Fehlings DL, et al: Deflazacort treatment
randomized, and preoperative data for all patients of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. J Pediatr 138:45–50, 2001.
5. Biggar WD, Harris VA, Eliasoph L, Alman B: Long-term bene-
were not available. Therefore, it is possible that pa- fits of deflazacort treatment for boys with Duchenne muscu-
tients who had more severe pain, concerns about the lar dystrophy in their second decade. Neuromuscul Disord
appearance of their feet, or difficulty with shoe wear 16:249–255, 2006.
may have been more likely to receive surgery. 6. Biggar WD, Politano L, Harris VA, et al: Deflazacort in Duchenne
Based on the current level of evidence available, muscular dystrophy: A comparison of two different protocols.
Neuromuscul Disord 14(8-9):476–482, 2004.
full-time wheelchair sitters can be advised that the 7. Carter GT, McDonald CM: Preserving function in Duchenne
frequency of poor outcome is low in patients who do dystrophy with long-term pulse prednisone therapy. Am
not receive surgery and that surgery can change the J Phys Med Rehabil 79:455–458, 2000.
shape of their feet, but the outcomes of treatment 8. Fenichel GM, Florence JM, Pestronk A, et al: Long-term benefit
from prednisone therapy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
appear to be roughly similar with or without surgery. Neurology 41:1874–1877, 1991.
Table 42–1 summarizes the current available evi- 9. Bushby K, Muntoni F, Urtizberea A, et al: Report on the 124th
dence for surgery in patients with DMD. ENMC International Workshop. Treatment of Duchenne
Muscular Dystrophy 309

muscular dystrophy; defining the gold standards of manage- 23. Mercado E, Alman B, Wright JG: Does spinal fusion influence
ment in the use of corticosteroids. 2-4 April 2004, Naarden, quality of life in neuromuscular scoliosis? Spine 32(19 suppl):
The Netherlands. Neuromuscul Disord 14(8-9):526–534, 2004. S120–S125, 2007.
10. Dubowitz V: Prednisone for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. 24. Andersson GB, Bridwell KH, Danielsson A, et al: Evidence-based
Lancet Neurol 4:264, 2005. medicine summary statement. Spine 32(19 suppl):S64–S65,
11. Giannini S, Faldini C, Pagkrati S, et al: Surgical treatment of 2007.
neck hyperextension in duchenne muscular dystrophy by 25. Wright JG, Einhorn TA, Heckman JD: Grades of
posterior interspinous fusion. Spine 31:1805–1809, 2006. recommendation. J Bone Joint Surg Am 87:1909–1910, 2005.
12. Copeland SA, Levy O, Warner GC, Dodenhoff RM: The shoul- 26. Shapiro F, Zurakowski D, Sethna NF: Tranexamic acid
der in patients with muscular dystrophy. Clin Orthop Relat diminishes intraoperative blood loss and transfusion in spinal
Res (368):80–91, 1999. fusions for duchenne muscular dystrophy scoliosis. Spine
13. Diab M, Darras BT, Shapiro F: Scapulothoracic fusion for 32:2278–2283, 2007.
facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. J Bone Joint Surg 27. Mubarak SJ, Morin WD, Leach J: Spinal fusion in Duchenne
Am 87:2267–2275, 2005. muscular dystrophy—fixation and fusion to the sacropelvis?
14. Giannini S, Ceccarelli F, Faldini C, et al: Scapulopexy of J Pediatr Orthop 13:752–757, 1993.
winged scapula secondary to facioscapulohumeral muscular 28. Alman BA, Kim HK: Pelvic obliquity after fusion of the spine
dystrophy. Clin Orthop Relat Res 449:288–294, 2006. in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. J Bone Joint Surg Br
15. Alman BA, Raza SN, Biggar WD: Steroid treatment and the 81:821–824, 1999.
development of scoliosis in males with duchenne muscular 29. Sengupta DK, Mehdian SH, McConnell JR, et al: Pelvic or lumbar
dystrophy. J Bone Joint Surg Am 86-A:519–524, 2004. fixation for the surgical management of scoliosis in duchenne
16. Wilkins KE, Gibson DA: The patterns of spinal deformity muscular dystrophy. Spine 27:2072–2079, 2002.
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gression of spinal deformity in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: ternative to surgery? Neuromuscular Disord 17(33):227–230,
A preliminary report. Spine 26:E223–E226, 2001. 2007.
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ishes the rate of respiratory decline. Spine 32:459–465, 2007. J Pediatr Orthop 25:95–97, 2005.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment for

43 Open Fractures?

A fracture is considered open if the bone or the patient’s immune status is uncertain or the last
fracture hematoma communicates with the outside booster was more than 10 years previous. The ad-
environment. These injuries often occur in conjunc- ministration of human tetanus immune globulin
tion with high-energy trauma. It is imperative not be will depend on the patient’s injury and immuniza-
distracted by the potentially gross injury and initi- tion status.
ate an Advanced Trauma Life Support protocol. Subsequent issues that must be considered in-
Stabilization of the patient can prevent secondary clude: timing of surgical intervention, the type and
injury from hypoxia, hypothermia, and reduced tis- duration of antibiotic treatment, what type of irri-
sue perfusion. The treatment of open fractures is a gation fluid should be used during debridement,
multifactorial and longitudinal endeavor. As with how the fracture should be stabilized, and when
most orthopaedic algorithms the evidence for each definitive soft tissue closure should be undertaken.
step of treatment has a differing level of supporting Open fractures are associated with a high rate of
literature. An exhaustive discussion of each ana- nonunion and infection. Ancillary techniques such
tomic location and grade of open fracture is neither as bone grafting and various forms of bone stimula-
practical nor supported in the literature. Most stud- tion have been tried to minimize the risk of non-
ies group all open fractures together or concentrate union. The purpose of this chapter is to review the
on tibia fractures when assessing different treat- evidence regarding these issues to help guide clini-
ment protocols. Tibias are among the most common cians and to outline areas where further study is
location of open fractures, as well as the ones required.
plagued with the highest rates of infection and non-
union. With this in mind most of the treatment rec-
ommendations for the tibia can be considered as EVIDENCE
worst-case scenario for other fractures regardless Timing of Surgical Intervention
of their location. Preservation of blood supply is of
paramount importance in the treatment of any frac- Open fractures have traditionally been considered
ture. This is what allows fracture healing and pre- orthopaedic emergencies, however, there is some
vents infection. evidence that operative treatment within six hours
of injury versus treatment after six hours has no
effect on ultimate infection rates.11 Definitive guide-
OPTIONS lines are not yet established for all open fractures.
It is known that the location and grade of injury has
After appropriate ATLS management of the patient, a significant bearing on complication rates.12 As the
the basic principles of open fracture management in- severity of the fracture increases so does the infec-
clude reduction of the fracture, application of a wound tion rate. With the tibial location of the open frac-
dressing and splinting of the involved extremity. ture the complication rate is highest. Current evi-
A careful neurological and vascular assessment dence with regards to delayed initial treatment is
should be completed and documented. A photo- Level II.
graph of the open injury prior to dressing and Quality radiographs are important to determine
splint application reduce repeated exposures of the the extent of injury and to plan both the temporary
open wound by multiple examiners leading to po- and definitive fracture management.
tential contamination, as a large number of infec-
tions are nosocomial.1 Rapid transportation to the
nearest trauma center may reduce the overall rate Type and Duration of Antibiotic Administration
of long term complications, especially in grade III B
open fractures requiring specialty care from ortho- Prophylactic antibiotics play a key role in the pre-
paedic and plastic surgeons.2 Tetanus status must vention of one of the most dreaded complications
be established early in the course of treatment. of open fractures; that of infection.3 It is well estab-
Tetanus toxoid should be administered if the lished that antibiotics reduce the risk of infection.4

314 Trauma Topics

Numerous studies have looked at antibiotic selec- piece, can lead to a fifty percent increase in infection
tion and duration. There is evidence that when rates.13 Fasciotomies may be required in open frac-
infection does become established the organism is tures.
usually one that is resistant to the original antibi- Throughout and following the surgical debride-
otic chosen.1,5 ment six to twelve litres of warm isotonic irrigation
Protocols for antibiotic selection are based upon should be run through the wound. The use of deter-
the grade of open fracture and the degree of con- gents such as castile soap as well as antibiotic solu-
tamination. Although the open fracture grading sys- tions such as bacitracin has been studied. One large
tem has poor interobserver reliability it still pro- Level I prospective study concluded that neither
vides guidelines for treatment.6 There are numerous fluid affected fracture healing or infection rates but
randomized control trials studying different antibi- the antibiotic solution cases had an increased rate
otic protocols and their conclusions are all very of wound healing problems.14 Lavage fluid should be
similar. The use of a broad spectrum antibiotic, such delivered by open gravity flow cystoscopy tubing or
as cefazolin, or the use of clindamycin or cloxacillin with low pressure pulsed lavage. High-pressure la-
has been proven to reduce infection rates in grade I vage has been shown to cause damage to bone.15
and grade II open fractures up to seven fold.7,8,9 There is at least one well-designed in-vitro study
In grade III fractures, additional coverage is needed showing increased effectiveness of 1% liquid soap in
for gram-negative organisms with an aminoglyco- removing adherent bacteria from bone and preser-
cide or fluoroquinolone.8 Gross contamination or vation of osteoblast activity when applied with
“farm injuries” necessitate the addition of clostidial low-pressure lavage.16
coverage and this usually means adding penicillin
or metronidazole. Once daily high dose gentamicin
(5-6 mg/kg) has been proven to be as effective as Fracture Stabilization
conventional divided dosing.10 In severe open
wounds the use of an antibiotic bead pouch has Stabilization of the fracture is the next step. Depend-
been shown to reduce infection rates.20,21 Gentami- ing on the grade and location of the injury different
cin beads are available commercially or tobramycin treatment methods are recommended. In general, un-
beads can be made by hand. Add 1.2 grams of pow- less a wound is highly contaminated and/or in the
dered tobramycin to each package of cement. Round tibia, definitive fixation can occur after the irrigation
beads of 5 to fifteen millimeters are formed, strung and debridement is completed with the fixation
on a wire, and placed in the open wound. The wound method of choice. The use of both reamed and un-
is sealed over with an adhesive, impermeable film reamed nails (level 1) has been proven safe in all
such as Opsite or Ioban until the second debride- grades of open tibia fractures.16,17,18 Although consid-
ment in 48 to 72 hours. ered quite safe and probably preferable in the upper
extremity, plate fixation is generally not recom-
mended in open tibia fractures.19 In some cases with
Irrigation Fluid during Debridement extensive contamination and soft tissue injury an
external fixator may be chosen for temporary or de-
Once the patient has been stabilized, the extremity finitive stabilization.
reduced and splinted, and antibiotics and tetanus
status addressed, definitive wound and possibly de-
finitive fracture management should occur. Timing of Definitive Wound Closure
With the patient under anaesthetic the extremity
is carefully exposed and a wound scrub is generally By convention most open wounds are dressed open
recommended to remove gross debris prior to prep- or loosely closed with repeat debridements com-
aration and draping of the fracture. Maintaining pleted every 48 hours until the wound is clean. Anti-
control of both sides of the fracture is imperative biotics coverage should continue for 24 hours after
throughout the process. A tourniquet is applied but definitive closure as greater than 24 hours imparts
used only if absolutely necessary (level V). One of no greater protection from infection.22
the most important steps in the optimization of out- A large prospective randomized study is currently
comes is a meticulous layer-by-layer debridement underway to look at primary closure of open frac-
of the open wound. An extensile exposure should be ture wounds. It appears that simple, low energy
used taking care to minimize further soft tissue in- grade one injuries in highly vascular areas may be
jury. Skin resection should be limited, knowing that safe to close primarily. At least one study has shown
questionable integument can be resected at the no difference in infection rates with wound closure
time of secondary debridement. Fat and fascia are at the initial debridement compared to delayed clo-
generally expendable and poorly vascular. Muscle sure.5 This does not however eliminate the risk of
viability is evaluated along the lines of consistency, infection with common organisms or a clostridial
contractility, color, and capillary perfusion (4 C’s). infection.
Bone ends are delivered into the wound and cleaned In the case of soft tissue loss or high-energy
and all non-viable bone is resected. Retained devas- gunshot wounds, early emergency treatment is ex-
cularized bone in the wound, even as a structural tremely important. In order to optimize patient
What Is the Best Treatment for Open Fractures? 315

outcomes rapid re-establishment of blood supply

treatment that begins more than 6 hours after the
and limb stabilization is mandatory. Vascular re-
initial injury. This means that the extremity needs
construction needs to take place in less than six
to be stabilized, antibiotic prophylaxis initiated,
hours if there is any hope of limb salvage. In some
and tetanus status verified upon initial
cases this means rapid transportation of a patient
presentation. Surgical debridement should be
to an appropriate trauma center. Immediate cover-
completed at the first opportunity. Higher energy
age with flaps has been used with success in some
injuries should be taken to the operating room
centers having microvascular surgeons available.
emergently to avoid secondary damage and to
Soft tissue coverage with local tissue, wound vacu-
ascertain the true degree of soft tissue injury.
ums, grafts, or flaps should be completed within
7 to 10 days to significantly reduce overall infec-
Type and Duration of Antibiotic Administration
tion rates.23
Grade 1 and 2 fractures should be given a
broad-spectrum antibiotic, such as cefazolin.
Additional Techniques to Promote Bone Healing An alternative is clindamycin, cloxacillin, or
vancomyacin if allergies exist. In grade III
Reconstruction of bony defects can take place as a fractures additional coverage is needed for
planned bone grafting at 6 weeks post injury or using gram-negative organisms with an aminoglycocide
a bone transport system such as an Ilizarov fixator or fluoroquinolone.8 Gross contamination or
early on. Bone grafting prior to six weeks can lead to “farm injuries” necessitate the addition of
resorption of the graft in the inflammatory wound clostidial coverage and this usually means adding
bed or an increased infection rate.24 penicillin or metronidazole we administer
At least 1 large, prospective, multi-centered trial antibiotics until 24 hours after definitive wound
has been completed to study the use of bone mor- closure.
phogenic protein in open fractures. A collagen sponge
was soaked with rhBMP-2 and placed in the open Type of Irrigation Fluid
fracture at the time of definitive closure. The conclu-
sion of this randomized trial was that the technique We irrigate with warmed normal saline but a
was safe and that both wound and fracture healing detergent solution would also be acceptable and
were accelerated.25 with further study may prove superior.
Another technology that has been tested in open
fractures is the use of Ultrasound to stimulate bone
healing. This is controversial as one study in closed
fractures revealed no difference in healing rates in
tibias.26 A second study in open tibia fractures con-
cluded accelerated fracture healing with the use of Fracture Stabilization
Once a wound has been debrided there are only
3 situations in which we would not proceed to im-
AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY mediate definitive fixation. If the patient is unstable,
there was gross contamination and questionable
Although open fractures are relatively common there tissue viability, or the fracture pattern is complex
are still some gray areas in terms of definitive guide- requiring prolonged surgery and a fresh surgical
lines. Areas for further evaluation include timing of team. In these situations a temporary spanning fix-
initial surgery, duration of antibiotics, type of irriga- ator is ideal.
tion fluid, and stimulants to bone healing such as
ultrasound or bone morphogenic proteins.
Timing of Closure
In general we feel that low energy injuries with no
contamination or non-viable tissue in highly vascular
areas such as the upper extremity can be safely
AUTHORS RECOMMENDATIONS closed at the first surgery. Anything beyond this re-
Timing of Surgery quires further evaluation and would be treated with a
second debridement and closure.
Open fractures in association with vascular Ancillary techniques to obtain bone healing: Cur-
injury require emergent management within rently we do not employ any ancillary techniques such
6 hours to repair the circulation, debride, and as ultrasound or bone-morphogenic proteins in the
stabilize the fracture. For the more common face of primary treatment of open fractures. On a rare
Grade 1 and 2 open fractures there is level occasion or with a particularly difficult case of non-
2 evidence to support definitive surgical union we may add 1 of the ancillary techniques to a
standard approach (Table 43–1).
316 Trauma Topics

TABLE 43–1. Summary of Recommendations


1. Adults with Grade 1 and 2 open fractures should be given a broad-spectrum antibiotic, such as cefazolin. Grade A
An alternative is clindamycin, cloxacillin, or vancomyacin if allergies exist. This should be started
immediately upon presentation and continued for 24 hours after definitive wound closure.
2. Adults with grade III fractures require additional coverage for gram-negative organisms with an Grade A
aminoglycocide or fluoroquinolone. (8). Gross contamination or “farm injuries” necessitate the
addition of clostidial coverage and this usually means adding penicillin or metronidazole.
3. Open fractures should be taken to the operating room emergently within 6 hours. Differentiation of Grade B
fracture grade and further study may allow for more refinement of this recommendation.
4. There is level II evidence to support the use of warmed saline or detergent for irrigation of open Grade B
fractures with volume being undefined but 3 to 6 litres being the minimum.
5. Adults with open fractures that have been adequately debrided should undergo immediate fracture Grade B
stabilization. Internal fixation is safe in all fracture types. The decision regarding the type of fracture
stabilization should be dictated in part by patient status. If the patient is unstable or the soft tissue
injury is not fully declared external fixation is more appropriate.
6. Adults with grade I and II open fractures should have immediate wound closure following adequate Grade B
7. Wounds requiring flaps or grafts should be covered within 7 days.
8. Adults with grade IIIA open fractures can safely be treated with immediate wound closure following Grade C
adequate debridement.
9. Immediate flap coverage for grade IIIB open fractures has been shown to be safe in some institutions. Grade C
10. Bone grafting should be carried out after 6 weeks. Grade C
11. Ultrasound may be beneficial to enhance early fracture healing.
12. Bone-morphogenic proteins at the time of wound closure may be beneficial.

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sure lavage of contaminated tibial fractures: An in vitro study
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domized prospective study. Ann Chir Gynaecol 87:224–228, 1998. of antibiotic beads and intravenous antibiotics in open frac-
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Chapter Mangled Extremity:

44 Are Scoring Systems Useful?


The decision to proceed with amputation or salvage development of scoring systems, surgical indica-
of a mangled extremity is one of the most challeng- tions for amputation were considered. Kirk,3 in
ing decisions in orthopedic trauma. Orthopedic 1943, noted indications for amputation included
trauma surgeons are highly skilled at exercising he- any injury or disease rendering limb salvage incom-
roic attempts at limb salvage. However, unsuccess- patible with function. Absolute and relative indica-
ful attempts at salvage are extremely costly and tions for amputation after open tibial fractures
carry with them high morbidity and prolonged reha- with vascular injury were described by Lange and
bilitation. Amputation, on the other hand, is com- colleagues4 in 1985. Absolute indications included
monly feared by patients. In an attempt to aid in the anatomically complete disruption of the posterior
decision-making process regarding the need for am- tibial nerve and a crush injury with a warm isch-
putation or salvage, a number of predictive indices emic time greater than 6 hours. Relative indications
have been proposed. All of these indices attempt to included serious associated polytrauma, severe ip-
identify limbs for which salvage or amputation would silateral foot trauma, and an anticipated protracted
be preferred. reconstructive course. The authors specify that
Advances in care of the traumatized patient in- their indications for primary amputation included
cluding microvascular surgery, nerve reconstruc- either of the absolute indications or two to three
tion, tissue transfer, and fracture management con- relative indications. Although never validated, this
tinue to expand the orthopedic trauma surgeon’s type of classification scheme illustrates several
ability to preserve limbs. However, prolonged, costly, crucial elements of decision making used by expe-
and morbid attempts at preservation may, indeed, rienced surgeons.
be worse than the results of early amputation. As
suggested by prominent experts in limb reconstruc-
tion,1 this may leave the patient “demoralized, divor- Mangled Extremity Syndrome Index
ced and destitute.”
Many considerations must be factored in when In 1985, Gregory and coworkers’5 severity grading
making the difficult decision regarding amputation system for multisystem extremity injury entitled
versus limb salvage. These include vascular status, “The Mangled Extremity Syndrome Index” (MESI)
infection risk, tissue devitalization, fracture instabil- was published. This scale uses a point score system
ity, social impact, physical healing potential, and including the degree of injury severity score to re-
probably psychological healing potential.2 flect polytrauma, skin injury, nerve injury, vascular
Predictive indices have been created to assist injury, bone injury, lag time to surgery and age in
with the decision-making process. These are pre- years, as well as preexisting disease and shock. In
dominately related to important physical findings retrospective work, 100% of patients with an MESI
that may be associated with the mangled extremity. of greater than 20 required amputation. However,
In many instances, promising results of initial retro- the patient mix was heterogeneous. Concerns sur-
spective reports regarding the utility of individual rounding the MESI include the complexity and the
scoring systems are not maintained under the ob- subjectivity of the scoring system. In Roessler and
jective scrutiny of higher levels of evidence. These coauthors’ retrospective study6 using this scoring
scoring systems, as well as the evidence support- system, the MESI predicted amputation incorrectly
ing and validating them, are considered in this in five patients and incorrectly predicted salvage in
chapter. four patients.
In a second study, Bonanni and colleagues7 note
that the sensitivity of the MESI to predict amputation
OPTIONS: SCORING SYSTEMS was low at only 6%; specificity was 90%. Both Bonanni
and colleagues7 and Roessler and coauthors6 note
Surgeons intuitively recognize that some limbs are that many variables included as part of the MESI
frankly beyond salvage, whereas in other cases, a were unavailable at the time of the initial assessment
reasonable possibility of limb salvage and restora- of the patient, making it impossible to apply this
tion of function exists. For centuries before the scoring system accurately.

318 Trauma Topics

Predictive Salvage Index specificity was 53%. In contrast with the good speci-
ficity reported by Robertson11 and Johansen and in-
The predictive salvage index (PSI) system was intro- vestigators,9 Bonanni and colleagues7 believe that
duced by Howe and researchers.8 Patients with com- the reduced complexity used in the MESS system re-
bined orthopedic and vascular injuries were studied. duces sensitivity.
Only patients with lower extremity injuries were McNamara and investigators12 applied the MESS
included. The PSI system is a simplified variation of system to 33 patients, all of whom had severe open
the MESI. Points are given for the level of arterial in- tibial fractures. The authors note a significant differ-
jury, the degree of bone injury, the degree of muscle ence between the mean MESS of the amputation
injury, and the interval from injury to the operating group compared with the salvage group. A score of
room. An initial retrospective analysis of the PSI was greater than 7 accurately predicted amputation. The
performed in 21 patients. All patients who achieved authors conclude that the MESS system was an ob-
salvage had a PSI ! 8. In contrast, seven of nine pa- jective and somewhat useful guide to assist in pre-
tients who required amputation scored 8 or greater. dicting the ultimate viability of the mangled lower
Conclusions from this retrospective study suggest extremity.
that the sensitivity of the PSI was 78% and specificity Slauterbeck and coauthors13 have considered ap-
was 100%. Bonanni and colleagues7 applied the PSI plication of the MESS to the upper extremity. Forty-
retrospectively to their data as well. They found that three patients with mangled upper extremities were
the PSI predicted amputation with a specificity of considered. All nine patients with a MESS of greater
70%, but sensitivity of only 33%. Roessler and coau- than 7 underwent amputation. Thirty-four patients
thors6 also found that the PSI predicted amputation with a MESS of less than 7 underwent successful sal-
for two patients who ultimately had their limb vage. The authors advocate the use of the MESS as an
salvaged and predicted salvage for five patients who aid to augment the surgeon’s clinical experience.
ultimately required amputation.

Limb Salvage Index

Mangled Extremity Severity Score
Russell and colleagues proposed14 the limb salvage
The mangled extremity severity score (MESS) may index (LSI). These authors retrospectively reviewed
be the most commonly applied and heavily re- 70 lower extremity injuries. The authors consider fac-
searched lower extremity scoring index. The MESS tors such as arterial injury, nature of arterial injury,
system was introduced by Johansen and investiga- nature of nerve injury, type of bone injury, type of skin
tors9 in 1990. Only five criteria are included in the injury, nature of the muscle injury, degree of deep vein
MESS: skeletal and soft-tissue injury, limb ischemia, injury, and warm ischemic time. Fifty-one patients with
shock, and age. The initial MESS analysis was based successful limb salvage had an LSI of less than 6, and
on a retrospective review of 26 mangled lower ex- 19 patients who underwent amputation had a LSI of
tremities. It was subsequently validated in a pro- greater than 6. Approximately 95% of amputated limbs
spective trial at a different trauma center involving included disruption of the sciatic, tibial, or perineal
26 patients.10 In both the original retrospective nerves.14 Bonanni and colleagues7 apply the LSI retro-
analysis and the prospective trial, a MESS score of spectively and conclude that it had a sensitivity of 61%
less than 7 predicted salvage with 100% accuracy. and a specificity of 43%. The authors believe that the
Advantages of the MESS system include simplicity degree of detail of the LSI required application to be
and a relatively more thorough validation com- done in the operating room, and that accurate scoring
pared with the PSI or MESI. However, it remains was difficult at the time of initial assessment.
subjective and includes, in particular, consider-
ation of contamination as a relevant issue sur-
rounding the degree of energy. Nerve Injury, Ischemia, Soft-Tissue Injury, Skeletal
MESS data retrospectively applied by Robertson11 Injury, Shock, and Age of Patient Scoring System
to 152 patients with open fractures that required
vascular or soft-tissue reconstruction were also con- The Nerve Injury, Ischemia, Soft-Tissue Injury, Skeletal
sidered. All patients with a MESS score of 7 or more Injury, Shock, and Age of Patient Score (NISSSA), a
eventually underwent amputation. Forty-three pa- modification of the MESS score, was introduced by
tients whose limbs were ultimately salvaged had a McNamara and investigators12 and includes nerve in-
score of less than 7. Sixty-five patients underwent jury, ischemia, soft-tissue injury and contamination,
delayed amputation. Of these, 16 had a MESS of skeletal injury, blood pressure, and age. This system
greater than 7 at the time of initial amputation. Based is a modification of the MESS system. The skeletal
on the results of this study, the authors conclude and soft-tissue components are separated, and nerve
that the MESS system had 100% specificity but lacked injury is added. The authors retrospectively compare
sensitivity. the MESS score with the NISSSA system and note an
Bonanni and colleagues7 applied the MESS system improvement in sensitivity and specificity. Concerns
to their patients and found that the sensitivity of the about the NISSSA system relate to its additional
scoring system to predict amputation was 22% and complexity compared with the MESS system.
Mangled Extremity 319

Current Evidence MESI scores greater 20 were salvaged in 91% of cases

(Level 1 evidence). These results agree with those of
The best current evidence related to the outcome of the LEAP study; that is, salvage can often be achieved
limb salvage or reconstruction is provided by the even in limbs with high mangled extremity scores.
Lower Extremity Assessment Project (LEAP) study. The evidence comparing outcome after limb salvage
LEAP considers civilian injuries in the U.S. popula- or amputation suggests that, overall, the results of the
tion exposed to severe lower extremity trauma. The two treatment strategies may be similar. In the end,
LEAP study is the largest study of its kind and in- outcomes are generally poor and comparable with se-
cludes patients managed up to 7 years. The LEAP rious chronic illness.15–17,21 In a recent study by Dagum
study was designed to compare functional outcome and coworkers,21 92% of patients preferred an attempt
in patients with limb-threatening injuries treated at salvage.
with either amputation or limb salvage. The authors
in particular note no difference in functional out-
come between patients who underwent limb salvage AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY
surgery or amputation, but note overall poor func-
tional outcomes in both groups.15–17 Scoring systems do, however, have significant intrinsic
The LEAP study provides grade 1 evidence and large utility. They are a useful ancillary tool to clinical judg-
patient numbers to use in comparing injury severity ment and provide a valuable teaching tool in discuss-
scores.18 A total of 556 patients with high-energy inju- ing the elements of the limb salvage decision-making
ries were prospectively evaluated. Sixty-three patients process. Many tools have been developed, reflect-
had immediate amputations and 86 had delayed ampu- ing the complexity and individuality of this critical
tations such that 407 patients were treated with defini- decision-making process. To date, the focus of all
tive limb salvage. The authors considered five injury scoring tools has been physical findings predictive of
severity scoring systems: The MESS, the LSI, the PSI, limb salvage. This oversimplifies what is ultimately a
the NISSSA Scale, and the Hanover Fracture Scale 97. In complex decision, which must include personal, psy-
all of the patient subgroups, low scores successfully chological, social, and institutional resources, as well
predicted a high potential for limb salvage. However, as the critical physical elements that the creators of
the converse was not true; a high score was unable to the scoring systems described have trained us to
predict amputation. The results suggest that use of recognize. Two different individuals with the same
these scores alone, in the absence of clinical judgment, injury may require different approaches depending on
was insufficient. The authors conclude that lower ex- their personality, social support system, educational
tremity scores at or above the amputation threshold and vocational situation, among other factors. This
should be used with caution in determining the fate of area requires much more study so that the treatment
a lower extremity with a high-energy injury. matches a particular individual’s needs rather than
The same group also considers whether an insen- being dictated entirely by the injury characteristics.
sate foot is an indicator for amputation.19 A subset of
55 patients from the larger LEAP group was found to
have an insensate extremity at the time of presenta-
tion. Twenty-six were treated with amputation, and RECOMMENDATIONS
29 with salvage. Overall, the patients treated with
limb salvage who presented with an insensate ex- In cases of limb-threatening trauma, the critical
tremity had no difference in functional outcomes at decision of salvage versus amputation is
12 or 24 months, compared with patients treated challenging to the surgeon and fraught with
with limb salvage who had sensation in the sole of concern for the patient. Careful judgment,
the foot. Furthermore, in the group of patients with experience, and a consideration of patient and
a lack of sensation, no difference was found when institutional resources are required. The exclusive
comparing patients with limb salvage with those use of mangled extremity scoring systems, in the
treated with amputation. The authors suggest that absence of clinical judgment, is not supported by
outcome in a patient with an insensate foot at the the literature.
time of presentation could not be predicted accu- Most of the best evidence comparing limb
rately. Surprisingly, more than 50% of the patients salvage with amputation is derived from the
who presented with an insensate foot who were LEAP studies. From these studies, it is
treated with primary limb reconstruction ultimately reasonable to make the following conclusions:
regained sensation. As a result, the authors deter- (1) limb-threatening injuries severely impair
mined that initial plantar sensation was not prog- functional outcome; (2) the outcome of
nostic of long-term plantar sensory status or func- amputation and limb salvage is generally
tional outcome (Level I evidence). equivalent between 1 and 5 years; (3) scoring
A recent prospective study from Egypt assessed the systems are a useful ancillary tool but do not
results of arterial reconstruction on 62 patients.20 replace clinical judgment; and (4) lack of plantar
Overall limb salvage rates were 93.5%. Salvage rates sensation does not predict a poor outcome after
were high even in the presence of high MESS and MESI salvage (Tables 44–1 and 44–2).
scores. Limbs with MESS scores greater than 7 and
320 Trauma Topics

TABLE 44–1. Summary of Recommendations


1. Adults with limb-threatening injuries can expect a severely impaired functional B

outcome regardless of whether limb salvage or amputation is undertaken.
2. In adults with limb-threatening injuries, lack of plantar sensation is NOT predictive A
of poor outcome after limb salvage.
3. In adults with limb-threatening injuries, scoring systems alone are insufficient to B
make a decision regarding limb salvage versus amputation.

TABLE 44–2. Mangled Extremity Scoring Systems

MESI ISS 1–3 "20 • 100% accuracy (Level IV; n # 17)5
Skin injury 1–3 • Sensitivity 6%, specificity 90% (Level II; n # 58)7
Nerve injury 1–3
Vascular injury 1–3
Bone injury 1–6
Age 0–3
Preexisting disease 1
Shock 2
PSI Arterial injury 1–3 8 • Sensitivity 78%, specificity 100% (Level IV; n # 21)8
Bone injury 1–3
Muscle injury 1–3 • Sensitivity 33%, specificity 70% (Level II; n # 58)7
Time from injury to surgery 0–4
MESS Injury (skeletal, soft tissue) 1–4 7 • Sensitivity/specificity 100% (Level IV; n # 26)9
Ischemia 1–3 • Sensitivity/specificity 100% (Level II; n # 26)10
Shock 0–2
Age 0–2 • Specificity 100% (Level IV; n # 152)11
• Sensitivity 22%, specificity 53% (Level II; n # 58)7
• Specificity 100% (Level IV; n # 33)12
LSI Arterial injury 0–2 6 • Sensitivity/specificity 100% (n # 70; Level IV)14
Nerve injury 0–2
Bone injury 0–2 • Sensitivity 61%, specificity 43% (Level II; n # 58)7
Skin injury 0–1
Muscle injury 0–1
Deep vein injury 0–1
Warm ischemia time 0–4
NISSSA Nerve injury 0–3 7
Ischemia 0–3
Soft-tissue contamination 0–3
Skeletal injury 0–3
Shock 0–2
Age 0–2

ISS, injury severity score; LSI, limb salvage index; MESI, mangled extremity syndrome index; MESS, mangled extremity severity score; NISSSA,
Nerve Injury, Ischemia, Soft-Tissue Injury, Skeletal Injury, Shock, and Age of Patient Score; PSI, predictive salvage index.

REFERENCES 8. Howe HR Jr, Poole GV Jr, Hansen ST Jr, et al: Salvage of lower
extremities following combined orthopaedic and vascular
1. Hansen ST Jr: The type-IIIC tibial fracture: Salvage or trauma: A predictive salvage index. Am Surg 53:205–208, 1987.
amputation. J Bone Joint Surg Am 69:799–800, 1987. 9. Johansen K, Daines M, Howey T, et al: Objective criteria
2. Cole P: Case controversy open tibial fracture: Amputation accurately predict amputation following lower extremity
versus limb salvage. J Orthop Trauma 21:67–69, 2007. trauma. J Trauma 30:568–573, 1990.
3. Kirk NT: Amputations. Clin Orthop 243:3–16, 1989. 10. Helfet DL, Howey T, Sanders R, et al: Limb salvage versus
4. Lange RH, Bach AW, Hansen ST Jr, et al: Open tibial fractures amputation: Preliminary results of the Mangled Extremity
with associated vascular injuries: Prognosis for limb salvage. Severity Score. Clin Orthop 256:80–86, 1990.
J Trauma 25:203–208, 1985. 11. Robertson, PA: Prediction of amputation after severe lower
5. Gregory RT, Gould RJ, Peclet M, et al: The mangled extremity limb trauma. J Bone Joint Surg Br 73:816–818, 1991.
syndrome (M.E.S.): A severity grading system for multisys- 12. McNamara MG, Heckman JD, Corley FG: Severe open fractures
tem injury of the extremity. J Trauma 25:1147–1150, 1985. of the lower extremity: A retrospective evaluation of the
6. Roessler MS, Wisner DH, Holcroft JW: The mangled extremity: Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS). J Orthop Trauma
When to amputate? Arch Surg 126:1243–1249, 1991. 8:81–87, 1994.
7. Bonanni F, Rhodes M, Lucke JF: The futility of predictive 13. Slauterbeck JR, Britton C, Moneim MS, et al: Mangled Extremity
scoring of mangled lower extremities. J Trauma 34:99–140, Severity Score: An accurate guide to treatment of the severely
1993. injured upper extremity. J Orthop Trauma 8:282–285, 1994.
Mangled Extremity 321

14. Russell WL, Sailors DM, Whittle TB, et al: Limb salvage 18. Bosse MJ, MacKenzie EJ, Kellam JF, et al: A prospective
versus traumatic amputation: A decision based on a evaluation of the clinical utility of lower extremity injury
seven-part predictive index. Ann Surg 213:473–481, 1991. severity scores. J Bone Joint Surg Am 83:3–14, 2001.
15. Bosse MJ, MacKenzie EJ, Kellam J, et al: An analysis of 19. Bosse MJ, McCarthy ML, Jones AL, et al; Lower Extremity
outcomes of reconstruction or amputation of leg threatening Assessment Project (LEAP) study group: The Insensate foot
injuries. N Engl J Med 347:1924–1931, 2002. following severe lower extremity trauma: An indication for
16. MacKenzie EJ, Bosse MJ, Castillo RC, et al: Functional amputation? J Bone Joint Surg Am 87:2601–2608, 2005.
outcomes following lower extremity amputation for trauma. 20. Elsharawy MA: Arterial reconstruction after mangled extremity:
J Bone Joint Surg Am 86:1636–1645, 2004. Injury severity scoring Systems are not predictive of limb
17. MacKenzie EJ, Bosse MJ, Pollak AN, et al: Disability persists salvage. Vascular 13:114–119, 2005.
long-term following severe lower limb trauma: Results of a 21. Dagum AB, Best AK, Schemitsch EH, et al: Salvage after
seven year follow-up. J Bone Joint Surg Am 87:1801–1809, severe lower-extremity trauma: Are the outcomes worth the
2005. means? Plast Reconstr Surg 103:1212–1220, 1999.
Chapter What Is the Appropriate Timing
of Prophylactic Stabilization
45 of Osseous Metastases?

Metastatic bone disease continues to challenge OPTIONS

even the most experienced orthopedic surgeon.
The increased survival rate of patients with carci- The treatment of metastatic bone disease involves
noma has led to an increasing population of pa- a multidisciplinary approach that includes ortho-
tients with osseous metastases. Bone is the third pedic surgery, radiation oncologists, and medical
most common site of metastasis after lung and oncologists. The indication for nonoperative man-
liver.1 In up to 25% of patients, metastatic bone dis- agement is controversial and is dependent on the
ease is the first presentation of carcinoma. Metasta- extent and location of metastatic involvement, as
sis to bone is common, with 50% of newly diag- well as patient factors. The goal is to identify those
nosed cancers eventually spreading to bone.2 The patients who are at high risk for progressing from
most common primary tumors that metastasize to an impending fracture to a pathologic fracture. The
bone are prostate (36%), breast (32%), and lung rationale for this approach relates to the improved
(14%).2 The most common sites for metastasis to results in those patients treated before fracture.
bone are vertebrae, pelvis, ribs, femur, and skull. In The purpose of this chapter is to help guide clini-
as many as 10% of patients with metastases, the cians regarding when to consider prophylactic fixa-
primary site is never found. Survival after diagno- tion of a metastatic lesion in bone based on the
sis of bone metastasis is related to the primary best available evidence.
bone tumor: breast, 34 months; prostate, 24 months;
cervix, 18 months; colorectal, 13 months; lung, less
than 12 months; and melanoma, 3 months.2 A varia- EVIDENCE
tion exists in survival related to types and grades
of primary tumor. Ward and colleagues4 compared the results of 97
Plain radiographs of the involved limb in at least impending fractures compared with 85 complete
two planes form the initial investigation. The meta- fractures. In the impending group, there was less
static lesion must destroy 30% to 50% of bone and blood loss (438 vs. 636 mL), shorter hospital stays
reach a size of 1 cm to be seen on plain radiographs. (7 vs. 11 days), greater likelihood of discharge home
The characteristic features seen include radiolu- as opposed to an extended care facility (79% vs.
cent (osteolytic) lesion, although the lesion can be 56%), and a greater likelihood of resuming support-
osteoblastic, radiodense, or mixed; minimal perios- free ambulation (35% vs. 12%).4
teal reaction; epicenter in the intramedullary canal; It has been recommended that femoral metastases
and intracortical/juxtacortical locations are rare. A can be treated without surgery if they are small (!2.5
bone scan demonstrates metastatic lesions on aver- cm), less than 50% of the diameter of the cortex, and
age 3 months before plain radiographs, and it can are in a low-risk location (i.e., not in the pertrochan-
detect a lesion as small as 2 mm. McNeil3 reviewed teric region of the femur)5,6 (Level V). Often, a CT scan
273 patients with known primaries and a positive of the affected area is valuable in determining the ex-
bone scan. He found that 55% had actual metasta- act size and location of the lesion. These recommenda-
ses, whereas the other 45% had other reasons: tions are controversial, serving only as guidelines, and
trauma in 25%, infection in 10%, and miscellaneous treatment should be individualized.
in 10% of patients. Overall, the diagnosis of meta- Fidler7 examined the concept of greater than 50%
static bone disease can be made in 66% of patients cortical diameter as a criterion for operative inter-
with a careful history and physical examination, vention (Level II). The fracture risk was low (2%)
chest radiograph, and computed tomography (CT) when the lesion size was less than 50% of the diame-
of the chest. An additional 13% can be diagnosed ter. The fracture risk was high (80%) when the lesion
with a CT scan of the abdomen. A biopsy of the skel- was greater than 75% of the diameter. Finally, when
etal lesion adds a further 8% and allows confirma- the lesion was 50% to 75% of the diameter, there was
tion in 28% of patients. a 61% incidence rate of fracture.

What Is the Appropriate Timing of Prophylactic Stabilization of Osseous Metastases? 323

Beals and coauthors8 reviewed 338 patients with Damron performed a critical evaluation of Mirels’s13
94 femoral metastases; 8 of 19 with a pathologic frac- criteria for impending pathologic fractures, which in-
ture had a lesion smaller than 2.5 cm on radiographs volved 53 medical participants of varying degrees of
(Level II). This was a false-negative rate of 42% for specialty and experience14 (Level II). The participants
the concept of 2.5 cm being a guideline. reviewed 12 actual clinical cases. The pooled odds
Finally, Keene and coworkers9 could not use the ratio favored Mirels’ criteria over clinical judgment
criteria to predict which pathologic fractures would regardless of experience level. Overall sensitivity was
occur in patients with metastatic breast carcinoma 91%, but the specificity was only 35%.
to the proximal femur (Level II). The ranges of sizes Van der Linden and coworkers,15 using the ran-
and percentages of the cortical involvement on plain domized Dutch bone metastasis study, followed 102
radiographs were the same for patients with and patients to identify lesional risk factors for fracture
without fractures. who were undergoing irradiation of femoral metasta-
Several biomechanical studies have been com- ses. The authors conclude that if the axial cortical
pleted to resolve the issue of pathologic fracture risk. involvement is greater than 30 mm, prophylactic sur-
Sprujit and researchers10 used finite element models gery should be performed (Level I).
from quantitative CT scans of cadaveric femora with
lesions created in the subtrochanteric region. The
model was able to successfully predict torsional fail- PREOPERATIVE EMBOLIZATION OF BONE METASTASES
ure in 82% of cases. Lee also developed a model using
quantitative CT combined with engineering beam Once the diagnosis of osseous metastasis is made, any
analysis to predict the load-carrying capacity of fe- suspicion of hypervascularity should be investigated
murs with metastatic defects.10a and treated. Most commonly, the primary tumor renal
Roth and colleagues11 used biomechanically based cell carcinoma, but other primaries such as broncho-
models to predict metastatic burst fracture risk. genic carcinoma can be associated with neovascular-
They examined 92 vertebrae with osteolytic spinal ization. Preoperative embolization (POE), used 48 to
metastases. Specific burst fracture risk was calcu- 72 hours before peripheral or spinal surgery, is a
lated incorporating load-bearing capacity (tumor method of reducing potential blood loss at the time of
volume, trabecular bone density, disc quality, and stabilization and can result in dramatic reduction of
pedicle involvement) and load-bearing requirement neovascularization16 (Level IV).
(pressure load, loading rate). The models were able Sun and Lang17 found that blood loss was signifi-
to predict fracture in patients at high risk and predict cantly less when POE resulted in obliteration of
stability in patients at low risk. more than 70% of the tumor stain (blush on angio-
Tschirhart and investigators12 were able to use gram). Roscoe and researchers,18 as well as Manke
parametric finite element modeling to determine the and coworkers,19 found that POE was an effective
effects of vertebral level, geometry, and metastatic way of significantly reducing blood loss before spi-
compromise to the cortical shell on the risk for burst nal stabilization for metastatic renal cell carcinoma18
fracture in the thoracic spine. Their findings demon- (Level IV).
strate that upper thoracic vertebrae are at greater risk
whereas kyphotic motion segments are at a lower risk
for burst fracture. In addition, transcortical lesions VENTING BEFORE PROPHYLACTIC
are at up to 30% less likely to lead to burst fracture. STABILIZATION OF FEMORAL METASTASES
Mirels13 has proposed a scoring system for diag- WITH AN INTRAMEDULLARY NAIL
nosing the risk for impending pathologic fracture.
This system objectively analyzes and combines four Most of the research regarding techniques to re-
radiographic and clinical risk factors (that score is duce marrow embolization during femoral manipu-
1–3 independently, then added) into a single score. lation is based on total hip arthroplasty. Heinrich
The variables include location (upper, lower ex- and coauthors,20 in 26 patients undergoing total hip
tremity, and pertrochanteric); nature of the lesion arthroplasty, used a 4.5-mm lateral cortical drill
(blastic, mixed, osteolytic); size of the lesion (!1/3, hole (“vent”) distal to the tip of the prosthesis. A
1/3 2/3, "2/3 of the diameter of the bone); and pain significant reduction in air and fat embolism, as
(mild, moderate, functional). Using the system in a well as no change in end-expiratory carbon diox-
retrospective review of 78 patients (Level II), Mirels13 ide, were observed in the vented group20 (Level III).
found that as the score increased to greater than 7, Martin and investigators21 found that proximal and
so did the risk for fracture. The actual occurrence of distal vents reduced intramedullary pressure by up
pathologic fracture was 5% with a score of 7 or less, to 90% in a cadaveric model. Roth and colleagues11
15% with a score of 8, and 33% with a score of 9 or used a cadaveric model to show a greater than 50%
greater. However, this means that two thirds of the reduction in intramedullary pressure with distal
patients will undergo stabilization that will not venting in a cadaveric model with proximal meta-
eventually sustain a pathologic fracture. Mirels13 static defects. The creation of a distal vent before
recommends that patients with scores of 8 or higher prophylactic stabilization for femoral metastases is
should be treated with prophylactic stabilization a safe, easy method of reducing marrow emboliza-
before irradiation. tion22 (Table 45–1).
324 Trauma Topics

TABLE 45–1. Summary of Literature Regarding Prophylactic Stabilization

II 97 impending fracture Blood loss (438 vs. 636 mL) Improved outcome in
Ward et al. (CORR,
85 complete fracture Shorter hospital stay (7 vs. impending cases after
11 days) stabilization
Discharge home (79% vs.
Support-free ambulation
(35% vs. 12%)
Fidler et al. (Acta II Examined the fracture risk Fracture risk: High risk for fracture if
Orth Scand, 1983) according to the size of 2% if lesion !50% diameter lesion greater than
lesion as a percentage of 61% if lesion 50–75% 50% of cortical
the cortical diameter 80% if lesion "75% diameter
Beals (Cancer, 1971) II 94 femoral metastases: 8/19 pathologic fractures The concept of size of
concept of lesion had lesions !2.5 cm lesion ("2.5 cm) is
"2.5 cm being at high (42% false-negative rate) not reliable in deci-
risk for fracture sion making for pro-
phylactic stabilization
Keene (CORR, 1986) II Size and percentage of The size and percentage of Could not predict which
lesion as a risk for lesions were similar in lesions will cause
pathologic fracture the fracture and fracture
nonfracture groups
Mirels (CORR, 1993) II Reviewed 78 patients to Risk for pathologic Patients with scores
develop a scoring fracture was 5% greater than 8 should
system based on 4 radio- with score #7, 15% with undergo prophylactic
graphic criteria (3 points score of 8, and 33% stabilization before
for each category): with score $9 irradiation
location of lesion, nature
of lesion,
lesion size, and presence
of pain
Damron (CORR, 1993) I Evaluation of Mirels’s Mirels’s criteria: The pooled odds ratio
criteria to predict sensitivity of 91% and favored Mirels’s
pathologic fracture risk specificity of 35% criteria regardless of
with 53 medical partici- medical experience
pants reviewing 12 cases
Van der Linden I 102 patients undergoing If the axial cortical
(Radiotherapy and irradiation from a involvement is
Oncology, 2003) prospective database to greater than 30 mm,
evaluate lesional risk prophylactic surgery
factors should be performed
Sprujit (Acta, 2006) N/A* Biomechanic study using Used finite element models The model was able to
11 matched pairs of from quantitative com- successfully predict
cadaveric femora puted tomographic torsional failure in
scans of cadaveric fem- 82% of cases
ora with lesions created
in the subtrochanteric

Tschirat et al. N/A* Parametric finite element Comparison of effects of Upper thoracic verte-
(J Biomechanics, modeling cortical shell compro- brae are at greater
2007) mise by comparing risk, whereas trans-
scenarios ranging from cortical lesions are
transcortical to up to 30% lower risk
contained defects for burst fracture

*Biomechanic study.

AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY/CONTROVERSY which the proximal femur is subjected and, therefore,

the high risk for fracture.24 The exact method of stabi-
General guidelines are difficult in this patient popula- lization is controversial. Lesions or fractures of the
tion as a result of many variables including the pri- femoral neck or head or intertrochanteric fractures
mary tumor, the location and size of the metastatic are usually managed with hemiarthroplasty. If any
lesion, the current medical status of the patient, and pathologic involvement of the acetabulum occurs,
the life expectancy of the patient. Determination of then a total hip arthroplasty is indicated. Rarely, le-
the optimal surgical candidate and the method of sions in the pertrochanteric region can be stabilized
stabilization remain controversial, especially in the with a hip screw and side-plate device augmented
setting of an impending pathologic fracture.23 with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement.
A low threshold exists for operative intervention of No studies have compared the use of intramedul-
impending pathologic fractures or lesions of the prox- lary nail to plate for stabilization. However, Yazawa
imal femur. This is related to the high stresses to and coworkers25 report a 23% failure rate in cases
What Is the Appropriate Timing of Prophylactic Stabilization of Osseous Metastases? 325

treated with compression screw and plate25 (Level IV). 6. Harrington KD: Impending pathologic fractures from
The potential complication of plate fixation is a stress metastatic malignancy: Evaluation and management.
Instr Course Lect 35:357–381, 1986.
riser at the end of the plate. For this reason, intramed- 7. Fidler M: Incidence of fracture through metastases in long
ullary nail fixation should be considered when possi- bones. Acta Orthop Scand 52:623–627, 1981.
ble to span the entire length of the femur. Most often 8. Beals RK, Lawton GD, Snell WE: Prophylactic internal fixation
a nail is utilized that allows screw fixation into the of the femur in metastatic breast cancer. Cancer 28:1350–1354,
femoral head.24 1971.
9. Keene JS, Sellinger DS, McBeath AA, et al: Metastatic breast
cancer in the femur. A search for the lesion at risk of fracture.
Clin Orthop (203):282–288, 1986.
RECOMMENDATIONS 10. Sprujit S, van der Linden JC, Dijkstra PD, et al: Prediction of
torsional failure in 22 cadaver femora with and without
When metastases involve the femoral diaphysis, simulated subtrochanteric metastatic defects: A CT scan
based finite element analysis. Acta Orthop 77:474–481, 2006.
lesions greater than 3 cm or more than 75% of the 10a.Lee T. Predicting failure load of the femur with simulated
cortical diameter should undergo stabilization. osteolytic defects using noninvasive imaging technique in a
Intramedullary stabilization is the optimal simplified load case. Ann Biomed Eng 35(4):642-650, 2007.
method. Distal femoral venting should be used in Epub 2007 Feb 8.
11. Roth SE, Mousavi P, Finkelstein J, et al: Metastatic burst
prophylactic intramedullary nailing. The proximal fracture risk prediction using biomechanically based
femur is subject to tremendous loads, both equations. Clin Orthop (419):83–90, 2004.
compressive and tensile, and for this reason, 12. Tschirhart CE, Finkelstein JA, Whyne CM: Biomechanics of
lesions are treated more aggressively with early vertebral, geometry, and transcortical tumours in the
stabilization independent of the size of the lesion. metastatic spine. J Biomech 40:46–54, 2007.
13. Mirels H: Metastatic disease in long bones: A proposed scoring
Preoperative embolization should be system for diagnosing impending pathologic fractures. Clin
undertaken 24 to 72 hours before stabilization of Orthop 415(suppl):S4–S13, 2003.
metastases associated with renal cell carcinoma or 14. Damron TA, Ward WG: Risk of pathologic fracture: Assessment.
other hypervascular tumors to reduce the risk for Clin Orthop 415S:S201–S207, 2003.
15. Van der Linden YM, Kroon HM, Dijkstra PD, et al: Simple
blood loss. Table 45–2 provides a summary of radiographic parameter predicts fracturing in metastatic
recommendations. femoral bone lesions: Results from a randomized trial.
Radiother Oncol 69:21–31, 2003.
16. Stephen DJG: Preoperative embolization of bone metastases.
Tech Orthop 19:49–52, 2004.
TABLE 45–2. Summary of Recommendations 17. Sun S, Lang EV: Bone metastases from renal cell carcinoma:
Preoperative embolization. J Vasc Interv Radiol 9:263–269,
GRADE OF 18. Roscoe MW, McBroom RJ, St. Louis, et al: Preoperative embo-
RECOMMENDATION RECOMMENDATION lization in the treatment of osseous metastases from renal
cell carcinoma. Clin Orthop 238:302–307, 1989.
1 A patient with known or suspected C 19. Manke C, Bretschneifer T, Lenhart M, et al: Spinal metastases
renal cell metastases (or any other from renal cell carcinoma: Effect of preoperative particle
hypervascular tumor) to bone should embolization on intraoperative blood loss. AJNR Am J
have preoperative embolization to de- Neuroradiol 22:997–1003, 2001.
crease blood loss 24 to 72 hours before 20. Heinrich H, Kremer P, Winter H, et al: Transesophageal
surgery. 2-dimensional echocardiography in hip endoprostheses.
2. Patients with a cortical long-bone le- B Anaesthesist 34:118–123, 1985.
sion that is greater than 3 cm or 50% 21. Martin R, Leighton RK, Petrie D, et al: Effect of proximal and
of the cortical diameter, or involves distal venting during intramedullary nailing. Clin Orthop
the pertrochanteric region should 332:80–89, 1996.
have prophylactic stabilization. 22. Stephen DJG: Venting the femoral canal. Tech Orthop 19:49–52,
3. During prophylactic stabilization, C 2004.
distal venting should be used to 23. Jacofsky DJ, Papagelopoulos PJ, Sim FH: Advances and chal-
reduce fat and tumor embolization. lenges in the surgical treatment of metastatic bone disease.
Clin Orthop 415(suppl):S14–S18, 2003.
24. Edwards SA, Pandit HG, Clarke HJ: The treatment of impending
and existing pathological femoral fractures using the long
gamma nail. Injury 32:229–306, 2001.
REFERENCES 25. Yazawa Y, Frassica FJ, Chao EY, et al: Metastatic bone disease.
A study of the surgical treatment of 166 pathologic humeral
1. Aaron AD: Treatment of metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pel- and femoral fractures. Clin Orthop Relat Res (251):213–219,
vis and extremities. J Bone Joint Surg Am 79-A:917–932, 1997. 1990.
2. Campanacci M: Bone and soft tissue tumors. New York, 26. Jung ST, Ghert MA, Harrelson JM, et al: Treatment of osseous
Springer-Verlag, 1999. metastases in patients with renal cell carcinoma. Clin Orthop
3. McNeil BJ: Value of bone scanning in neoplastic disease. (409):223–231, 2003.
Semin Nucl Med 14:277–286, 1984. 27. Roth SE, Rebello MM, Kreder HJ, et al: Pressurization of the
4. Ward WG, Holsenbeck S, Dorey FJ, et al: Metastatic disease of metastatic femur during prophylactic intramedullary nail fixa-
the femur: Surgical treatment. Clin Orthop 415(suppl):230–244, tion. J Trauma 57:333–339, 2004.
5. Harrington KD: New trends in the management of lower
extremity metastases. Clin Orthop (169):53–61, 1982.
Chapter What Is the Role of Splinting

46 for Comfort?

External immobilization is used in three situations: patient factors such as the ability to use crutches or to
the provisional (and sometimes the definitive) participate actively in range-of-motion exercises.
nonoperative treatment of unstable bone and soft-
tissue injuries, the treatment of stable bone and
soft-tissue injuries, and after surgical fracture or OPTIONS
soft-tissue stabilization.
Unstable injuries involve bone or soft-tissue dis- The treatment of unstable fractures and soft-tissue
continuity to the extent that the pieces move inde- injuries does involve provisional external immobiliza-
pendently with minimal force. Immobilizing unsta- tion or traction, which occasionally becomes the de-
ble limb injuries is a basic principle of emergency finitive treatment; however, the main point of debate
fracture management designed to decrease pain for these injuries is operative versus nonoperative
and to minimize additional soft-tissue damage and care because clearly some form of immobilization is
hemorrhage. Provisional immobilization of unstable required for controlling an unstable injury. This topic
injuries may be followed by surgical intervention or is addressed separately under the chapters relevant
definitive nonoperative treatment. External immobi- to a specific type of injury and is not considered fur-
lization such as casting for the definitive treatment ther here.
of unstable injuries usually requires that at least When a bone or soft-tissue injury is stable, treat-
one adjacent joint near the injury is immobilized ment options include either no immobilization or
to prevent displacement during healing. When the some form of static or dynamic immobilization. Does
decision is made to treat an unstable injury (e.g., a immobilization improve patient comfort and return
displaced tibia fracture) without surgery, the dele- to activities? Does immobilization reduce the risk for
terious effects of joint immobilization,1 such as a stable injury becoming unstable? How long should
muscle atrophy, weakness, and joint stiffness, are a stable injury be immobilized? The same questions
generally unavoidable. For unstable injuries, some of patient comfort and return to function apply to the
form of immobilization is mandatory. postoperative immobilization of joints adjacent to a
In the treatment of stable soft tissue or bone inju- surgically fixed bone or soft-tissue injury. Additional
ries such as sprains and undisplaced or impacted concerns include the following: Does immobilization
fractures, uncertainty exists regarding the role of rigid prevent complications related to the incision such as
versus dynamic immobilization or, indeed, whether wound dehiscence and infection? Is immobilization
any immobilization is necessary and for how long im- necessary to prevent deformity in some situations
mobilization should continue. The goal of treatment is (e.g., ankle fractures with a concern of possible equi-
to maximize patient function and to prevent a stable nus deformity)?
injury from becoming unstable because of reinjury or The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance
excessive loading. Thus, immobilization may be con- to the clinician with respect to the immobilization of
sidered for comfort and for protection. stable injuries and postoperative patients, and to
The goal of surgical fracture fixation is to provide highlight areas where further study would be helpful
absolute or relative stability that is biomechanically in strengthening the evidence base for treatment.
sufficient to allow the adjacent joints to be mobilized.
However, many clinicians routinely immobilize a limb,
including one or more joints, after surgery with the EVIDENCE
intention of minimizing pain and soft-tissue contrac-
tures caused by persistent painful joint positioning A number of randomized clinical trials of varying qual-
(e.g., ankle equinus), and promoting soft-tissue healing ity have been undertaken to address the issue of im-
by preventing shear stress across the incision. Given mobilization versus functional treatment for stable in-
the known deleterious effects of joint immobilization, juries and after open reduction and internal fixation of
especially when the articular surface is involved, the ankle fractures. Most of these studies have been sum-
need for postoperative immobilization has been ques- marized in meta-analyses (Table 46–1). Most studies
tioned. This debate is complicated by issues of weight have dealt with ankle injuries.2–10 Few studies have ad-
bearing or not, the type of fixation that was used, and dressed upper extremity injuries.11–13

TABLE 46–1. Summary of Evidence

Beynnon et al. I RCT 212 Acute ankle sprains • Wrap Return to normal Grade 1: wrap plus • 19% dropout
(2006)2 funded by (grades 1–3) • Stirrup brace walking and stair stirrup better rate
“aircast” • Wrap and brace climbing than either alone • Treatment
• Cast Grade 2: cast worst options varied
Grade 3: no differ- by grade:
ence Grade 1: wrap,
stirrup, both
Grade 2: wrap
! stirrup, cast
Grade 3:
stirrup, cast
de Vries et al. II Meta-analysis 70 Postoperative • Early mobilization Pain, function, Early mobilization • Both studies
(2006)3 (2 RCTs) chronic ankle in- • Cast return to work was better for re- from same
stability repair and sports, ROM turn to work and center differ-
sports ent patients

Nash et al. II Meta-analysis NA Stable fractures, soft- • Early mobilization Function, pain, Early mobilization • No difference
(2004)13 (49 RCTs) tissue injuries and • Cast swelling, return to better for all in complica-
postoperative pa- work and sport, results when tions
tients (upper and complications, weight-bearing • No loss of
lower extremities) cost status same in reduction in
both groups stable fractures
In one study, post
ankle ORIF; WBAT
in cast gave
better 6-week
ADL versus non–
weight bearing
with crutches10

What Is the Role of Splinting for Comfort? 327
328 Trauma Topics

TABLE 46–1. Summary of Evidence—cont’d

Kerkhoffs II Meta-analysis 2184 Acute lateral ankle • Early mobilization Return to work and Early mobilization • Many low-
et al. (21 RCTs) ligament rupture • Cast sport, satisfaction, better for all quality studies
(2002)6 (N " 2184) swelling and insta- outcomes among the
bility (stress films) 21 trials; when
excluded, no
noted across
Kerkhoffs I Meta-analysis 892 Acute lateral ankle • Taping Swelling, return to Semi-rigid support • Taping: most
et al. ( 9 RCTs) ligament rupture • Elastic wrap work and sport, faster return to complications
(2002)7 • Semirigid support function, compli- work and sport (skin)
cations versus wrap or
Lace-up support
best at reducing

Egol et al. I RCT 60 Postoperative ankle • Functional brace Ankle grading scale Function scores bet- • All non–weight
(2000)5 ORIF • Cast and SF-36 ter at all times for bearing for
functional brace 6–8 weeks
but only signifi- • No complica-
cant at 6 weeks tions in either
Dogra and II RCT 52 Postoperative ankle • 2 weeks free ! 3-month assessment 2 weeks of immedi- • Both groups
Rangan ORIF 4 weeks cast only; pain, ROM, ate mobility im- non–weight
(1999)4 • 6 weeks cast ankle score, gait proved gait as- bearing for
assessment sessment first 2 weeks

ADL, activities of daily living; ORIF, open reduction with internal fixation; RCT, randomized clinical trial; ROM, range of motion; SF-36, 36-Item Short Form Health Survey; WBAT, weight bearing as tolerated.
What Is the Role of Splinting for Comfort? 329

Ankle Sprain (relative risk [RR], 9.6; 95% CI, 6.3–12.9) than an elastic
bandage alone. Lace-up ankle supports were best at
Faster return to normal activities such as work and decreasing swelling, with elastic bandages the worst
sport with functional mobilization versus rigid immo- for swelling (RR, 5.5; 95% CI, 1.7–17.8). Taping led to
bilization has been the most consistent finding across the most skin irritations.
trials. An industry-sponsored randomized clinical trial2 Kerkhoff and colleagues’ systematic review6 (Level
(Level I) graded the degree of ankle sprain and then II) reports on early mobilization with “functional treat-
randomized grade 1 sprains to an elastic wrap, an an- ment” versus cast immobilization for ankle sprains.
kle stirrup brace, or a combination of both2 (Fig. 46–1). Functional treatment was defined as any treatment
Grade 2 sprains were randomized to the same groups that did not rigidly immobilize the ankle joint, but that
as grade 1 sprains or a cast, and grade 3 sprains were may involve elastic wraps, braces, or other support.
allocated to either a stirrup brace or cast. For grade 1 All patients were allowed weight bearing as tolerated.
sprains, the combination of an elastic wrap under an A second review compared the various forms of func-
ankle stirrup resulted in a return to normal walking tional treatment7 (Level I). Return to work was faster
and stair climbing that was roughly twice as fast as ei- (8.2 days; 95% CI, 6.3–10.2 days), as was return to
ther alone (4–6 vs. 10–12 weeks; P # 0.01). For grade 2 sport (4.9 days; 95% CI, 1.5–8.3 days). Patients were
sprains, the combination of elastic wrap beneath an also more likely to be satisfied with functional treat-
ankle stirrup brace was similar to a wrap alone or a ment (RR, 1.8; 95% CI, 1.1–3.1), and they suffered less
brace alone, with these functional treatments all re- swelling at 6 to 12 weeks of follow-up (RR, 1.7. 95% CI,
sulting in a significant decrease in the time to normal 1.2–2.6). Instability on stress films was less likely at
weight bearing and stair climbing versus cast immobi- follow-up after functional treatment (RR, 2.6; 95% CI,
lization (10–12 vs. 24–28 weeks; P # 0.01). There was 1.2–4.0). When only the highest quality studies were
no difference in return to these activities for grade 3 included, return to work remained significantly faster
sprains treated with either stirrup bracing or cast im- in functionally treated patients (12.9 days; 95% CI,
mobilization (18–21 weeks for both groups with grade 7.1–18.7 days).
3 sprains). When comparing the different types of func-
tional treatments, Kerkhoff and colleagues7 note that a
semirigid brace led to faster return to work (4.2 days; Ankle Instability Surgery
95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.4–6.1 days) and sport
de Vries and coauthors3 summarize the results of
two studies6,7 that compared functional treatment
versus immobilization after surgical repair for chronic
ankle instability. Patients experienced faster return
to work (1.8 days; 95% CI, 0.9–2.7 days) and earlier
return to sport (3 days; 95% CI, 2–4 days) with func-
tional treatment versus immobilization. Pain scores
and Tegner function score favored functional treat-
ment but did not reach significance.3

Ankle Fracture Fixation

The studies that address the issue of ankle fracture
fixation are difficult to summarize.4,5,10,13 Some immo-
bilize both groups for varying periods, and some al-
low weight bearing in the casted group but not the
functional treatment group, and still others exclude
patients with osteoporosis and questionable fixation
from randomization considering these patients ineli-
gible for potential functional treatment. Is early func-
tional treatment safe? None of the comparisons notes
an increased rate of wound problems or loss of fixa-
tion, but the study issues noted earlier demand that
this result be interpreted with caution. When similar
weight-bearing protocols were used in the functional
and the casted group after ankle fracture fixation,
there is a consistent finding of faster return to work
FIGURE 46–1. Combination of both elastic wrap and ankle and to function with early mobilization4,5,13 (Level II),
stirrup brace. (From Beynnon BD, et al: A prospective, with no difference in function noted across treatment
randomized clinical investigation of the treatment of first- groups by 3 months given the available sample sizes.
time ankle sprains. Am J Sports Med 34:1401–1412, 2006, Egol and researchers5 note better vitality and general
reprinted with permission of SAGE Publications.) health scores (36-item short form [SF-36]) at 6 weeks
330 Trauma Topics

with early functional treatment. These authors also cast immobilization in specific injuries, how a stable
note a significantly faster return to work in the func- fracture is defined, and what parameters render a
tional group (53.8 vs. 106.5 days; P " 0.007). nonoperative stable fracture or an injury treated
Weight bearing after ankle fixation improved pa- with surgery vulnerable.
tient satisfaction and allowed faster return to activi-
ties of daily living10,13 (Level II). Weight bearing was
accompanied by cast immobilization. A 2-week pe- RECOMMENDATIONS
riod of non–weight bearing associated with range-of- Patients generally benefit from being able to use
motion exercises followed by 4 weeks of weight bear- their limbs after injury for weight bearing. Early
ing in a cast gave similar results at 3 months as 6 mobility helps speed return to work and sports,
weeks of continuous cast immobilization, except that and there appears to be little danger that “stable”
the gait pattern was more symmetric in the early mo- injuries will become unstable if treated with
bilization group.4 mobilization and early function. Table 46–2
provides a summary of recommendations.

Other Injuries
Nash and coworkers13 summarize the evidence from TABLE 46–2. Summary of Recommendations
49 randomized clinical trials regarding immobiliza-
tion versus functional treatment for stable fractures GRADE OF
or soft-tissue injuries and for postoperative treat- RECOMMENDATION RECOMMENDATION
ment14 (Level II). Early functional treatment was not
associated with displacement of stable fractures and 1. Adult with lateral ankle ligament A
was not associated with increased wound problems. injury should be treated with WBAT
in a semirigid brace in preference to
Patients generally preferred early mobilization and a rigid cast and in preference to
experienced earlier return to work and sport, de- taping or an elastic wrap alone.
creased pain, swelling, and stiffness.13,14 2. Adult with surgical repair for chronic B
lateral ankle instability should be
treated with early mobilization.
3. Adults after ankle ORIF should be B
AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY treated with support that allows
early range of motion as opposed to
Uncertainty exists because of lack of research in- a rigid cast.
volving many specific injuries, protocols that in- 4. Adults after ankle ORIF: There is I
insufficient evidence to recommend
clude varying periods of immobilization and varying for or against immediate mobilization
rigidity of immobilization in both treatment arms, versus an initial period of a few days
protocols that are confounded by weight-bearing in a splint immediately after surgery.
status, and imprecise definitions of fracture stability 5. Adults after ankle ORIF: There is I
or fixation quality. insufficient evidence to recommend
for or against immediate weight
Most studies have addressed injuries of the ankle bearing after ankle ORIF (with or
joint and may not be generalizeable to other areas, without immobilization).
especially the upper extremity, which is generally 6. Adults and children with stable C
non–weight bearing. In many of the protocols dis- fractures and soft-tissue injuries can
be treated with early functional
cussed earlier, the so-called early functional treat- mobilization.
ment included a period of immobilization immedi-
ately after injury or surgery for up to 2 weeks, ORIF, open reduction with internal fixation; WBAT, weight bearing as
whereas some used a period of mobility followed by tolerated.
subsequent cast immobilization, potentially diluting
the effects of early mobility. Studies were also con-
founded by weight bearing; usually restricting the REFERENCES
“early function group” from weight bearing. This
1. Pathare NC, et al: Deficit in human muscle strength with cast
leads to confusing results regarding patient prefer- immobilization: Contribution of inorganic phosphate. Eur
ences, pain, and function, and it is difficult to know J Appl Physiol 98:71–78, 2006.
whether the outcome is due to early weight bearing 2. Beynnon BD, et al: A prospective, randomized clinical investi-
versus early range of movement. The ability to weight gation of the treatment of first-time ankle sprains. Am
J Sports Med 34:1401–1412, 2006.
bear seems to confer considerable functional bene- 3. de Vries JS, et al: Interventions for treating chronic ankle in-
fits and is preferred by patients, but there has been stability. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 4:CD004124, 2006.
insufficient evaluation of the safety and utility of 4. Dogra AS, Rangan A: Early mobiliation versus immobiliation
early weight bearing without rigid immobilization. of surgically treated ankle fractures. Prospective randomised
Cast immobilization has been used to “protect” control trial. Injury 30:417–419, 1999.
5. Egol KA, Dolan R, Koval KJ: Functional outcome of surgery
stable fractures from unexpected force such as a for fractures of the ankle. A prospective, randomised com-
fall; however, there is little work to guide the clini- parison of management in a cast or a functional brace.
cian as to what the risk for displacement is without J Bone Joint Surg Br 82:246–249, 2000.
What Is the Role of Splinting for Comfort? 331

6. Kerkhoffs GM, et al: Immobiliation and functional treatment A prospective randomised study. J Bone Joint Surg Br
for acute lateral ankle ligament injuries in adults. Cochrane 78:395–399, 1996.
Database Syst Rev 3:CD003762, 2002. 11. Plint AC, et al: A randomized, controlled trial of removable
7. Kerkhoffs GM, et al: Different functional treatment strategies splinting versus casting for wrist buckle fractures in children.
for acute lateral ankle ligament injuries in adults. Cochrane Pediatrics 117:691–697, 2006.
Database Syst Rev 3:CD002938, 2002. 12. Handoll HH, Pearce PK: Interventions for isolated diaphyseal
8. Margo K: The Air-Stirrup brace with elastic wrap improved fractures of the ulna in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2:
function in first incident grade 1 or 2 lateral ankle ligament CD000523, 2004.
sprain. Evid Based Med 12:48, 2007. 13. Nash CE, et al: Resting injured limbs delays recovery: A sys-
9. Swiontkowski MF, et al: Interobserver variation in the AO/OTA tematic review. J Fam Pract 53:706–712, 2004.
fracture classification system for pilon fractures: Is there a 14. Kreder HJ: Commentary: Review; early mobilisation is better
problem? J Orthop Trauma 11:467–470, 1997. than cast immobilisation for injured limbs. Evid Based Med
10. van Laarhoven CJ, Meeuwis JD, van der Werken C: Postoper- 10:118, 2000.
ative treatment of internally fixed ankle fractures:
Chapter What
Does the is the Type
Best ofTreatment

Jin Which

Outcomes in Orthopaedic Patients?


Although healthcare systems differ around the world, with fractures as a result of major trauma have been
there is currently nearly universal political and finan- reported.
cial pressure for change to create greater efficiencies No randomized, controlled trials have been identi-
in delivery while maintaining favorable patient out- fied, and it is unlikely that this will happen in the fu-
comes. Hospitals are an important part of the health- ture. All studies have been observational because this
care system, and the services and quality of care in is the most feasible design to address these ques-
different types of hospitals are currently the subject tions.1 Although this level of evidence may be consid-
of much debate.1,2 ered weak, a well-conducted observational study can
Hospitals can be broadly classified by their teach- contribute valuable information. Many studies are ret-
ing status (teaching or nonteaching), funding status rospective cohort studies, a relatively robust observa-
(for-profit or not for-profit), or ownership (public or tional design, not as subject to bias as some other
private),1,2 or in some jurisdictions, by their specialty study designs, and these have an important part to
services (orthopedic, cardiovascular, etc.).3 play in medical research.13 The main concern with co-
Evidence has been reported that the type of hospi- hort studies is residual confounding by unmeasured
tal in which a patient is treated can affect both his or variables related to the patients and the outcome. This
her outcome and healthcare costs.1,4 This is an impor- is problematic with the use of administrative data, be-
tant issue that could have a large impact on health cause usually only demographic information and some
policy decisions at the government and hospital measures of comorbidities are available for risk adjust-
levels. Unfortunately, a paucity of evidence exists in ment in the analyses.
the literature in general and in the orthopedic litera- Nearly all of the evidence available is based on
ture in particular to inform this debate. either clinical chart reviews or administrative data.2
Because administrative data are collected for billing,
rather than research purposes, problems with coding
EVIDENCE are an issue.14 These problems may differ among da-
tabases. Nevertheless, although those such as the
This chapter evaluates the evidence in the literature Health Care Financing Administration data, which has
around four questions: (1) Are outcomes better in been used in many U.S. studies,7,10,15 and the Canadian
teaching hospitals versus nonteaching hospitals? (2) Is Institutes of Health Information data, which has been
there a difference in outcomes between for-profit and used in many Canadian studies,11,16,17 have been
not-for-profit hospitals? (3) Is there a difference in out- validated,14,18 to some extent, this remains a problem
come between urban and rural hospitals? (4) How do inherent in all studies. The administrative data in the
we interpret the evidence for patients undergoing U.S. studies are mainly for Medicare patients,4,10 and
orthopedic procedures within the context of the first this could introduce some bias, if these patients are
three questions? older and sicker than the average patient. This is less
Several issues must be considered to resolve of a problem in countries with universal healthcare,
these questions, with the major one being the con- such as Canada, where administrative databases con-
siderable heterogeneity of studies with respect to tain information on all patients.
diseases and procedures, risk adjustment, types of Another challenge in evaluating the evidence is that
data, and settings.2,5 most of the studies that examine these issues have
Studies report outcomes for patients with a variety been done in the United States, where the hospital
of conditions; however, most studies are on cardio- system is more complex, compared with Canada, for
vascular disease, mainly congestive heart failure, example. In the United States, all teaching hospitals
acute myocardial infarction (AMI), or stroke.3,4,6–9 are not-for-profit; however, nonteaching hospitals can
Only five studies included patients undergoing or- be either for-profit or not-for-profit. Thus, the issue of
thopedic procedures, and these were in patients who whether teaching hospitals are different from non-
had received surgery for total joint replacement10 or teaching hospitals may be confounded by their fund-
hip fractures.4,7,11,12 No studies of outcome in patients ing status (for-profit or not for-profit). For example,

Does the Type of Hospital in which a Patient Is Treated Affect Outcomes in Orthopaedic Patients? 333

some studies have compared not-for-profit teaching that rural hospitals consistently provided below-
hospitals with not-for-profit nonteaching hospitals,11 average care, and patients treated there had a slightly
whereas others have compared not-for-profit teaching increased chance of dying compared with the aver-
hospitals with for-profit nonteaching hospitals.4 This age for all hospitals. Patients treated in larger urban
could lead to inconsistent conclusions. hospitals, including teaching hospitals, had a slightly
Two recent meta-analyses have attempted to re- smaller chance of dying.
solve the questions of whether outcomes are better Another study of patients with heart failure in
in teaching hospitals versus nonteaching hospitals2 Germany found that adherence to heart failure
and whether mortality rates differ between private guidelines was less in rural hospitals; however,
for-profit and private not-for-profit hospitals.1 there was no significant difference in mortality after
The first analysis identified 132 eligible studies that adjustment for age and sex.3
included 93 on mortality and 61 on other outcomes.2 A Canadian study11 found a trend to increased
Twenty-two of these assessed both. A wide range of mortality at 3, 6, and 12 months after hip fracture
patient groups were represented by these studies; surgery in rural hospitals compared with urban
most were patients with cardiovascular disease, and community hospitals; however, this did not reach
only two involved orthopedic patients. Most studies statistical significance. This study is discussed in
were done in U.S. hospitals. Ten studies were done in greater detail in the next section.
Canada, 9 in the United Kingdom, 4 in Norway, and In contrast, Glenn and Jijon19 found that risk-
12 in other countries. Using all adjusted mortality adjusted death rates for small hospitals with un-
data, the authors report a relative risk (RR) for teach- specialized services were similar between urban
ing hospitals of 0.96 (95% confidence interval [CI], and rural areas,19 leading the authors to conclude
0.93–1.00). Subgroup analyses involving data sources that small rural hospitals make appropriate deci-
(clinical or administrative) and location of study sions to transfer severely ill patients and provide
(United States or other) yielded no important differ- quality care for retained patients.
ences. The authors report some evidence that teach- Thus, the evidence examining urban/rural differ-
ing hospitals performed better for certain diagnoses ences is so sparse that it is difficult to evaluate. It
(breast cancer, cerebrovascular accidents, and mixed appears, however, that there is no strong suggestion
diagnoses). Because of the small numbers of studies, that major differences in outcomes exist.
no information could be calculated for orthopedic Some evidence does show that delay to surgery for
procedures. This was an extensive and thorough meta- fractures resulting from major trauma is related to a
analysis that suggests that differences between teach- poorer outcome.20–22 One study that took place in a
ing and nonteaching hospitals are minimal. rural trauma center found an incidence of delay to
The second meta-analysis by Devereaux and col- diagnosis of 3%, and that this was related to patient
leagues1 compares mortality rates between private outcome. Whether this accounts for some of the dif-
for-profit and private not-for-profit hospitals. Fifteen ferences observed between urban and rural institu-
studies were included in this analysis. In an attempt to tions remains to be determined.
remove hospital teaching status as a confounding
influence, they included results from for-profit non-
teaching and not-for-profit teaching hospitals when EVIDENCE IN ORTHOPEDIC PATIENTS
they were available. They also avoided adjusting for
variables under the control of hospital administrators A consistent theme in this chapter is the lack of
that could be influenced by a profit motive and affect evidence in orthopedic patients. The studies that
mortality, such as nursing staffing levels. Three of the have been reported are summarized in Table 47–1.
studies in their analysis included orthopedic patients One did not specify hospital type.12 Hip fractures
(hip fractures, lower extremity fractures, hip replace- were included in the sample of another study, but no
ment).7,10,15 One of the three included all patients in the subgroup analyses were presented.7
dataset but did not differentiate diagnoses in the analy- Yuan and coworkers10 studied the association be-
sis.15 They reported a RR for for-profit hospitals of tween hospital type and mortality and length of stay
1.020 (95% CI, 1.003–1.038). These results also suggest in 16.9 million Medicare beneficiaries in the United
minimal differences between private for-profit and States. Hospitals were categorized as for-profit, not-
private not-for-profit hospitals. for-profit, osteopathic, public, teaching not-for-profit,
The evidence for a difference between rural or and teaching public. They report results, adjusted for
urban hospitals is even more tenuous, because few comorbidities associated with mortality, for nonspec-
studies are reported in the literature. Keeler and co- ified lower extremity fractures and hip replacements
authors7 reviewed the medical records of 14,008 pa- separately. No differences among hospitals were
tients aged 65 years or older in 297 hospitals in the found for lower extremity fractures; however, they
United States and compared them with mortality report in the text that mortality rates for hip replace-
data from an administrative database. Patients had ment were greater at teaching not-for-profit hospitals
either congestive heart failure, cerebrovascular dis- than at for-profit, not-for-profit, and public hospitals.
ease, AMI, pneumonia, or hip fracture; however, sub- Unfortunately, the graphs presented indicate the
group analyses on each diagnosis were not reported. opposite; therefore, it is not possible to interpret
Their results, adjusted for comorbidities, showed their data.
TABLE 47–1. Effect of Hospital Type on Outcomes in Orthopedic Patients
Keeler et al., Retrospective HFx, CHF, MI, stroke, Teaching status 30-day mortality Comorbidities Higher quality of care and
United States Medical records pneumonia Urban vs. rural Quality of care decreased all-cause
HFCA data Profit vs. mortality in teaching and
334 Trauma Topics

non-profit larger urban vs. rural

No difference between
for-profit and
not-for-profit hospitals
Hannan et al.,12 Medical records, HFx 4 hospitals in Mortality need Comorbidities 1 Hospital—↑ mortality OR,
United States interviews (N ! 571) NY—unspecified for assistive 1.95 (1.04–3.57) ↑ mortal-
devices ity or ↑ devices OR,
2.59 (1.55–3.34)
Weller et al.,11 Cohort HFx Urban teaching, urban Mortality Charlson Lower HFx mortality, fewer
Canada Administrative nonteaching, rural Major Comorbidy Index complications in teaching
Ontario Health complications Age vs. nonteaching hospitals
Insurance Plan Sex Lower mortality in urban
Canadian Institute of vs. rural hospitals
Health Information
Hospital Discharge
Abstract data
Registered Persons data
(n ! 57,315 patients)
Taylor et al.,4 Administrative & Survey HFx, MI, stroke, CHF Teaching status (major, Mortality Comorbidities Major teaching lower
United States National Longterm Care minor, nonteaching) Cost Age, sex all-cause and HFx
Survey Financial status (profit/ SES mortality than for-profit
Medicare claims data non-profit) hospitals
(N ! 2674 patients)
(N ! 1378 hospitals)

Hartz et al.,15 Retrospective Cohort All patients Teaching status All-cause Illness severity Mortality higher in for-profit
United States Administrative Financial status mortality & public vs. private
HFCA data Public not-for-profit hospitals
(N ! 3100 hospitals) Private Mortality lower in private
teaching vs. private
nonteaching hospitals
Yuan et al.,10 Retrospective Cohort 10 common surgical Teaching status and 30-day mortality, Comorbidities Major teaching not-for-profit
United States HFCA data procedures included financial structure 6-month had decreased mortality
(N ! 16.9 million lower extremity Profit/non-profit mortality, LOS For each diagnosis increased
patients) fractures, hip LOS
(N ! 5127 hospitals) replacement
Shortell et al.,26 MEDPAR 16 procedures including Profit/not-for-profit Age, sex, LOS, No difference between
United States (N ! 214,839 patients) THR, TKR comorbidities profit/not-for-profit
Market penetration by
HMOs associated with
increased mortality
Five conditions associated
with effects of certificate
of need had greater
mortality rates

CHF, congestive heart failure; HCFA, Health Care Financing Administration; HFx, hip fractures; LOS, length of hospital stay; MEDPAR, Health Care Financing Administration’s Medical Provider Analysis and Review;
MI, myocardial infarction; SES, socioeconomic status; THR, total hip replacement; TKR, total knee replacement.
Does the Type of Hospital in which a Patient Is Treated Affect Outcomes in Orthopaedic Patients? 335

Two studies have examined mortality in hip frac- 95% of Canadian hospitals are private not-for-profit
ture patients, one in the United States4 and one in institutions.1 The difference in the strength of the
Canada.11 Both studies use administrative data. association observed in the U.S. data (OR, 0.54)4
Taylor and investigators4 used the National Long compared with the Canadian study (ORs ranging
Term Care Survey, which was representative of Medi- from 0.86–0.89) suggests that, although a profit mo-
care beneficiaries in the United States 65 years or tive may be the most important factor in explaining
older, linked to Medicare claims data, to study the rela- the increased mortality observed in for-profit hospi-
tion of hospital type to outcome in 3206 patients with tals, other hospital characteristics may also play a
hip fracture, stroke, coronary heart disease, or conges- role in patients with hip fracture.
tive heart failure. Hospitals were classified according It is interesting that the results for breast cancer
to teaching status (major or minor) and ownership us- and cerebrovascular accident in the meta-analysis by
ing the American Hospital Association’s annual hospi- Papanikolaou and colleagues2 were similar in magni-
tal survey. Comorbid conditions were assessed using tude and significance to those observed for hip fracture
the Hierarchical Coexisting Conditions DxCG model.24 (breast cancer: OR, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.78–0.93; cerebrovas-
In a survival analysis, which included controlling for cular accident: OR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.90–0.99), whereas
comorbidities, the mortality rate was noted to be those for heart disease outcomes other than stroke are
25% lower for patients treated at a teaching hospital similar to the overall ORs. Perhaps because the heart
than those treated at for-profit institutions (hazard disease studies predominate, they are masking rela-
ratio, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.62–0.91; P " 0.004). Interestingly, tions for other conditions.
this significant association appears to have been
driven by the inclusion of patients with hip fracture.
The hazard ratio of mortality after hip fracture at UNCERTAINTIES
major teaching hospitals was 0.54 (95% CI, 0.37–0.79).
Moreover, a gradient of decreasing risk was noted Although the evidence is not strong, there appears to a
through the categories of for-profit nonteaching hos- difference between teaching hospital status and out-
pitals, government, nonprofit, minor teaching and come in orthopedic patients, especially for some diag-
major teaching hospitals. The results for the cardio- noses, including hip fracture. It is possible that this
vascular disease diagnoses were much less striking may be even stronger for fractures as the result of a
(stroke: hazard ratio, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.64–1.24; P ! 0.49; major trauma because they need timely specialized
coronary heart disease: hazard ratio, 0.76; 95% CI, care. Perhaps treatment guidelines for common condi-
0.55–1.07; P ! 0.11; congestive heart failure: hazard tions such as myocardial infarction or congestive heart
ratio, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.64–1.41; P ! 0.81) and were failure have been more widely adopted across different
similar to results reported from the meta-analysis settings, minimizing differences among institutions.
reported by Papanikolaou and colleagues.2
In a Canadian study by Weller and coworkers,11
57,315 patients with hip fracture aged 50 years or GUIDELINES
older were identified from the Canadian Institute for
Health Information Discharge Abstracts Database. Insufficient evidence is available to inform health
The modified Charlson–Deyo index, a well-validated policy and system-wide decisions.
scale that can be calculated from administrative data,
was used to adjust for comorbidity.25 Hospitals were
classified as teaching or nonteaching. Nonteaching RECOMMENDATIONS
(community) hospitals were further classified as The decreased mortality rates after hip fracture
urban (located in communities with population surgery in teaching hospitals compared with
# 10,000) or rural (located in communities with popu- community hospitals has important implications.
lation $ 10,000). The cohort was linked to a registry An urgent need exists for research to understand
containing information on all deaths in Ontario. which factors associated with hospital teaching
Results showed, after adjustment for delay to sur- status lead to differences in outcome after
gery, sex, age, and comorbidities in a logistic regres- surgery in patients with hip fracture. Also, more
sion analysis, that teaching hospitals had lower mor- good quality studies should be done on a variety
tality compared with urban community hospitals. The of orthopedic conditions to establish the consis-
odds ratios (ORs) were as follows: in-hospital death, tency of literature. It is of significant concern that
0.89 (95% CI, 0.83–0.97); death within 3 months, 0.86 no information has been reported on patients
(95% CI, 0.81–0.91); death within 6 months, 0.86 (95% with major orthopedic trauma.
CI, 0.82–0.91), and at 1 year, 0.88 (95% CI, 0.83–0.92). More advanced statistical methods such as
Teaching hospitals in the United States are not- hierarchical modeling may help clarify some of
for-profit institutions and were compared with pri- the questions around clustering of certain types
vate for-profit hospitals in the U.S. study, suggesting of patients in particular hospitals and regions.
that a profit motive may explain the strong associa- The use of propensity scores would also help
tion observed in the patients with hip fracture. in the interpretation of the data. Table 47–2
Nevertheless, a profit motive cannot explain the provides a summary of recommendations.
outcomes observed in the Canadian study because
336 Trauma Topics

TABLE 47–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. Adults with fractures may have a lower mortality rate when treated in a teaching C
versus non-teaching hospital.
2. There is insufficient evidence to determine whether there is a difference in mortality I
between for profit and not for profit institutions.

14. Fisher ES, Whaley FS, Krushat WM, et al: The accuracy of
1. Devereaux PJ, Choi PTL, Lacchetti C, et al: A systematic review Medicare’s hospital claims data: Progress has been made, but
and meta-analysis of studies comparing mortality rates of problems remain. Am J Public Health 82:243–248, 1992.
private for-profit and private not-for-profit hospitals. 15. Hartz AJ, Krakauer H, Kuhn EM, et al: Hospital characteristics
Can Med Assoc J 166:1399–1406, 2002. and mortality rates. N Engl J Med 321:1720–1725, 1989.
2. Papanikolaou PN, Christidi GD, Ioannidis JP: Patient 16. Alter DA, Austin PC, Tu JV: Community factors, hospital charac-
outcomes with teaching versus nonteaching healthcare: teristics and inter-regional outcome variations following acute
A systematic review. PLoS Med 3:e341, 2006. myocardial infarction in Canada. Can J Cardiol 21:247–255, 2005.
3. Taubert G, Bergmeier C, Andresen H, et al: Clinical profile and 17. Alter DA, Tu JV, Austin PC, Naylor CD: Waiting times, revascular-
management of heart failure: Rural community hospital vs. ization modality, and outcomes after acute myocardial infarction
metropolitan heart center. Eur J Heart Fail 3:611–617, 2001. at hospitals with and without on-site revascularization facilities
4. Taylor DH, Whellan DJ, Sloan FA: Effects of admission to a in Canada. J Am Coll Cardiol 42:410–419, 2003.
teaching hospital on the cost and quality of care for medi- 18. Hawker GA, Coyte PC, Wright JG, et al: Accuracy of adminis-
care beneficiaries. N Engl J Med 340:293–299, 1999. trative data for assessing outcomes after knee replacement
5. Ayanian JZ, Weissman JS: Teaching hospitals and quality of surgery. J Clin Epidemiol 50:265–273, 1997.
care: A review of the literature. Milbank Q 80:569–593, v, 2002. 19. Glenn LL, Jijon CR: Risk-adjusted in-hospital death rates for
6. Allison JJ, Kiefe CI, Weissman NW, et al: Relationship of hos- peer hospitals in rural and urban regions. J Rural Health
pital teaching status with quality of care and mortality for 15:94–107, 1999.
Medicare patients with acute MI. JAMA 284:1256–1262, 2000. 20. Naique SB, Pearse M, Nanchahal J: Management of severe
7. Keeler EB, Rubenstein LV, Kahn KL, et al: Hospital charac- open tibial fractures: The need for combined orthopaedic
teristics and quality of care. JAMA 268:1709–1714, 1992. and plastic surgical treatment in specialist centres. J Bone
8. Polanczyk CA, Lane A, Coburn M, et al: Hospital outcomes in Joint Surg Br 88:351–357, 2006.
major teaching, minor teaching, and nonteaching hospitals in 21. Solan MC, Molloy S, Packham I, et al: Pelvic and acetabular
New York State. Am J Med 112:255–261, 2002. fractures in the United Kingdom: A continued public health
9. Rosenthal GE, Harper DL, Quinn LM, Cooper GS: Severity- emergency. Injury 35:16–22, 2004.
adjusted mortality and length of stay in teaching and 22. Bircher M, Giannoudis PV: Pelvic trauma management
nonteaching hospitals. Results of a regional study. within the UK: A reflection of a failing trauma service.
JAMA 278:485–490, 1997. Injury 35:2–6, 2004.
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hospital type and mortality and length of stay: A study of procedures in rural and urban Canada. Can J Rural Med
16.9 million hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries. Med Care 11:195–203, 2006.
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tive cohort studies. Soz Praventivmed 46:152–160, 2001. hospital inpatients. N Engl J Med 318:1100–1107, 1988.
Chapter How Does Surgeon and Hospital
Volume Affect Patient Outcome
48 after Traumatic Injury?

For many orthopedic conditions, a clear associa- nisms involved and providing support, education,
tion exists between patient outcome and the vol- and best practice advice to those with inferior
ume of similar cases treated by the hospital or results (regardless of whether that given provider
surgeon providing care in Canada,1–4 the United is low or high volume). The problem with simply
States,5–12 and other countries.13–15 After traumatic mandating a minimum volume for a provider is that
injury, patient factors such as age, comorbidity, there is no scientific evidence to support the exis-
and the severity of injury are by far the most tence of a threshold volume below which outcomes
important determinants of mortality, although pro- are likely to suffer.14,18 Furthermore, a given low-
vider volume and availability of appropriate re- volume provider might have excellent results, and
sources and care protocols do have an important a specific high-volume provider could have a high
influence on survival. For survivors of multisystem complication rate. Alternative strategies may in-
injuries, functional outcome is in large part deter- clude monitoring provider outcomes and following
mined by the residual impact of musculoskeletal up on significant variances (in a negative or posi-
and neurologic injuries. The experience and exper- tive direction) to learn from good results and to
tise of the hospital and the surgical team managing work to improve poor results. Regionalization for
such injuries may well have a profound impact on specific conditions to specialized high-volume “cen-
the risk for complications, the rate of return to ters of excellence” has been proposed for a number
maximal function, the cost of care, and the ultimate of conditions including trauma7 and total joint
functional outcome achieved. Provider experience arthroplasty.19 Regionalization allows for a critical
may affect not only the excellence of procedural mass of specialists with access to specialized
execution, but may be a factor at all stages of man- equipment, care protocols, and a variety of medical
agement, including preoperative decision making, and support staff available to support the care of
the availability of optimal implants, monitoring resource-intensive, specific conditions; but for co-
equipment and support staff, and the adherence mmon conditions that require no specialized staff
to optimized postoperative management protocols. or equipment, the inconvenience and expense of
Few studies have attempted to delineate the under- patient travel needs to be considered. If a volume–
lying mechanisms that might be driving the volume– outcome relation were demonstrated for a less
outcome relation.2 Although the mechanism may resource-intensive injury, an alternative strategy to
be that high-volume providers have developed ma- regionalization for such conditions might involve
ture systems of care and expertise from exposure linking low- and high-volume providers together to
to a high volume of cases, there is also some evi- share in preoperative surgical decision making,
dence that vulnerable populations in the United provide advice regarding the development of care
States with elective conditions such as total knee protocols for perioperative care, and to monitor
replacement are preferentially selecting or being the execution of surgery itself.
forced to select low-volume institutions.16 A similar The purpose of this chapter is to determine whether
finding was noted for patients with hip fracture.17 a volume–outcome relation exists for traumatic
orthopedic conditions, with the aim of assisting
clinicians and policy makers in developing strategies
OPTIONS to improve patient outcomes, and helping research-
ers to strengthen the evidence base used to refine
The demonstration of a systematic variation in these strategies.
patient outcome should be followed by strategies
to eliminate suboptimal results, thereby minimiz-
ing outcome variation near the high end of the EVIDENCE
scale. Strategies to achieve this fall into three
categories: (1) mandating minimum provider vol- Specialized hospitals and surgeons have specific
umes; (2) regionalizing care to specialized centers; qualifications and interest in the subject of their sub-
and (3) trying to understand the internal mecha- specialty area. They also tend to be high-volume

338 Trauma Topics

providers for the conditions of interest. Both special- surgeons. Unexpected survivors were twice as com-
ized trauma providers and total joint arthroplasty mon in the full-time trauma surgeon group (approxi-
centers have been studied. mately 8 vs. 4 unexpected survivors per 1000 pa-
tients). Although surgeon factors certainly played a
role in patient outcome, the largest driver of mortal-
Specialized Hospitals ity was the severity of injury. Patients with an ISS
greater than 15 were much less likely to survive re-
In a Level I prospective cohort study, MacKenzie gardless of surgeon specialization (OR, 36.8; 95% CI,
and colleagues7 compared patient outcomes for 20.7–65.6). Severe head injury was the factor with the
those treated in specialized trauma hospitals ver- second greatest OR for risk for death (15.9; 95% CI,
sus nontrauma hospitals. The most severely injured 10.1–25.2).
complex patients (with one or more system Abbre- In summary, outcomes are better for patients
viated Injury Scale scores of 5 or 6) were signifi- with complex traumatic injuries and arthroplasty-
cantly more likely to survive when treated in spe- related conditions when they are treated in specialized
cialized trauma centers (RR of hospital death, 0.70; centers by specialized surgeons. This effect is
95% confidence interval [CI], 0.51–0.96). Young reduced for less complex conditions.
trauma victims younger than 55 years also had a
lower in-hospital mortality rate when treated in spe-
cialized trauma centers (RR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.48–0.89). Provider Volume and Outcome
For older patients, the mortality rate was driven
largely by comorbidity and age with less noticeable Numerous studies have evaluated the relation
influence on risk for death for specialized versus between provider volume and outcome without nec-
nonspecialized trauma center care. These findings essarily evaluating the subspecialty qualifications of
are consistent with data from the United Kingdom. the providers in high- versus low-volume categories.
Freeman and coauthors13 (Level II) note that the Only the highest quality recent studies of interest are
relation between volume and outcome for trauma discussed here. Few studies have included specific
centers in the United Kingdom was significant only traumatic conditions, although trauma care in gen-
for patients with complex multiple traumatic inju- eral has been evaluated, and the bulk of evidence
ries; however, even the highest volume trauma hos- concerns arthroplasty outcomes.
pital studied had volumes of only 96 patients per Shah and researchers8 (Level II) analyzed Nation-
year, which is well below the volumes seen in many wide Inpatient Sample (NIS) data for patients who
North American centers.7,11,20 underwent hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck frac-
Specialized centers for total joint surgery have also ture. Volume quartiles were generated from the data,
been evaluated. Cram and coauthors19 (Level II) com- which included 173,508 patients. For hospitals, the
pared total joint replacement surgery in specialty and lowest quartile treated fewer than 20 patients com-
general hospitals using Medicare data from 1999 to pared with more than 61 for the highest quartile, and
2003, which included 51,788 total hip and 99,765 total for surgeons, the lowest quartile treated fewer than
knee replacements. The profile of patients treated at 4 patients compared with more than 11 for the high-
specialized centers differed from that of general hos- est quartile. Low-volume hospitals had a greater rate
pitals. Patients attending specialized centers tended of complications including pulmonary embolus, uri-
to be from wealthier neighborhoods and had fewer nary tract infection, and pneumonia, and a greater
comorbid conditions. After adjusting for patient co- rate of prolonged length of stay beyond 10 days (OR,
morbidity and hospital volume, the risk for adverse 1.56; 95% CI, 1.46–1.66). Low-volume surgeons had a
events was lower in specialty hospitals (odds ratio greater mortality rate (OR, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.03–1.34)
[OR], 0.64; 95% CI, 0.56–0.75) for primaries and much and a greater chance of prolonged (!10 days) length
lower for more complex revision operations (OR, of stay (OR, 1.37; 95% CI, 1.29–1.45).
0.49; 95% CI, 0.36–0.66). Marcin and Romano22 (Level II) were interested to
know whether volume changes over time within an
institution might affect outcome. They studied only
Specialized Surgeons patient mortality and readmission rates for patients
treated at designated trauma centers (Levels I-III).
Haut and coworkers21 (Level II) compared the out- The authors did not compare results by trauma level
come for patients treated in the same center (Johns designation. In contrast with other trauma studies
Hopkins) but by dedicated specialized trauma sur- that could not identify a significant association be-
geons versus nonspecialist surgeons. The institu- tween mortality and provider volume in elderly pa-
tional protocols were the same regardless of which tients,7 Marcin and Romano22 note lower mortality
surgeon was on call. Despite this, the authors note a rates for patients older than 64 years treated in high-
50% increase in mortality rates for patients treated volume centers (OR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.71–0.87). They
by nonspecialist surgeons in patients with severe in- also note that for every 10 patients added to a par-
juries (Injury Severity Scale [ISS] ! 15; OR of death, ticular institution’s monthly caseload, the odds of
1.45; 95% CI, 1.04–2.02) compared with specialized readmission for elderly patients older than 64 years
How Does Surgeon and Hospital Volume Affect Patient Outcome after Traumatic Injury? 339

increased (OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.01–1.21). The authors were found to have a strong positive volume out-
suggest that perhaps systems became overloaded, come relation compared with retrospective studies.23
resulting in greater readmissions. These findings are Nonetheless, a randomized clinical trial allocating
in contrast with work by Hamilton and coworkers4 patients to low- or high-volume providers is unlikely
(Level II), who found that, for hip fractures, chang- ever to be conducted, and high-quality recent cohort
ing hospital volume over time had no effect on out- studies have used innovative techniques to adjust
come. The authors suggest, therefore, that the ob- for differences in patient case-mix across high- and
served volume–outcome relation between high- and low-volume providers.7,21
low-volume institutions reflects differences in the The identification of a volume–outcome relation is
quality of care between high- and low-volume hospi- interesting, but much work needs to be done if
tals, and not volume fluctuations per se. patients are to benefit from these findings. Little in-
The main outcomes reported for provider volume– formation is available regarding the reasons for the
outcome relations have included mortality and other observed better outcomes in higher volume or spe-
complications, but there has been little information cialized centers.2 High-volume surgeons may be more
available regarding functional outcome. Katz and enthusiastic about a procedure and have different
investigators5 (Level I) recently note that patients indications24,25; however, there are no data available
undergoing total joint replacement surgery who were regarding how high- and low-volume providers make
treated by low-volume surgeons in low-volume hos- decisions regarding care, how the execution of sur-
pitals were twice as likely to have a poor functional gery might differ, and how postoperative protocols
outcome score at 2 years compared with patients of might affect patient outcome. This information is
high-volume surgeons in high-volume hospitals (OR necessary if we are to devise ways of using volume
of poor function, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.1–4.2). To the best outcome information to improve care by educating
of our knowledge, there are no reported studies of low-volume providers.
volume and functional outcome for patients with Although it is tempting to try and improve out-
traumatic injuries. comes by simply mandating minimum volumes for
In summary, patients with multiple traumatic inju- specific procedures, or by regionalizing care to high-
ries, hip fractures treated by hemiarthroplasty, and volume centers of excellence, the fact remains that
patients undergoing total joint replacement have there is no science to guide the setting of specific
fewer complications, and in the case of total joint volume targets. How many cases are required to
replacement surgery, experience better functional overcome the “learning curve”? And how many cases
outcomes when treated by high-volume hospital and need to be performed on an ongoing basis after this
surgeon providers. Contradictory evidence has been period? The literature is not conclusive in this re-
presented regarding the effect of temporal changes gard, with many studies using completely different
within a given institution as it relates to patient out- volume categories, and none to date having pro-
come. A positive relation would suggest that volume vided clear evidence that a specific threshold exists
per se drives the outcome, whereas the absence of a beyond which results improve or decline.
relation implies that volume is merely a surrogate for Clearly, much more work is needed to understand
identifying the quality of care rendered by a particu- the mechanisms that underlie volume–outcome rela-
lar provider, and that this quality is stable over time tions. Moreover, these mechanisms may differ for
(i.e., independent of minor within-provider volume specific conditions, and work needs to be extended
fluctuations). to include many other areas within orthopedics and
traumatology (Table 48–1).

Volume–outcome research has been criticized for
incomplete consideration of confounding factors.18 RECOMMENDATIONS
Patient profile differs between high- and low-volume
providers, making it difficult to adjust completely for Table 48–2 provides a summary of recommenda-
differences in patient characteristics.16,17 This may tions.
account for the fact that fewer prospective studies
340 Trauma Topics

TABLE 48–1. Summary of Evidence

Chowdhury et al. II Meta-analysis 9.9 million All surgical procedures Inconclusive* Complications *Hospital effect strong only in retrospective
(2007)23 including trauma and Mortality studies, not prospective.
orthopedics Surgeon volume and specialization are both
Shervin et al. II Meta-analysis NA Arthroplasty, spine Mortality Inconclusive See reference for procedures other than hip
(2007)6 general orthopedics Complications fracture.
and hip fractures
(only hip fractures
discussed here)
Clark et al. (2007)26 II Population cohort 95,867 Age " 65 with severe No relation Not studied Mortality was the only outcome studied.
(Medicare 1999) trauma Trauma vs. nontrauma hospital was not
Mackenzie et al. I Prospective cohort 18,198 Age 18–84 with 2 or Mortality (lower in Not studied Only high-volume trauma and nontrauma
(2006)7 more AIS " 3 trauma vs. nontrauma) centers included to allow case-mix
Only urban and suburban areas (rural
Marcin and II Population cohort 54,352 Age " 16 with ISS " 9 Mortality in age " 65 Not studied Only designated trauma centers (Levels
Romano (2004)22 (CA Discharge I-III) included, but outcomes by level were
Data 1995–1999) not compared.
Shah et al. (2005)8 II Population cohort 173,508 Age " 65 with PE, UTI, Mortality —
(NIS 1988-2000) hemiarthroplasty pneumonia Prolonged LOS
for femoral neck Prolonged LOS

AIS, Abbreviated Injury Scale; ISS, Injury Severity Scale; LOS, length of stay; NIS Nationwide Inpatient Sample; PE, pulmonary embolism; UTI, urinary tract infection.
How Does Surgeon and Hospital Volume Affect Patient Outcome after Traumatic Injury? 341

9. Vitale MA, et al: The contribution of hospital volume, payer

TABLE 48–2. Summary of Recommendations status, and other factors on the surgical outcomes of scolio-
LEVEL OF sis patients: A review of 3,606 cases in the state of California.
EVIDENCE /GRADE J Pediatr Orthop 25:393–399, 2005.
RECOMMENDATION OF RECOMMENDATION REFERENCES 10. Katz JN, et al: Association between hospital and surgeon
procedure volume and outcomes of total hip replacement
in the United States medicare population. J Bone Joint Surg
1. Patients with complex B 7, 13, 18,
Am 83:1622–1629, 2001.
trauma and with complex 20
11. Nathens AB, et al: The effect of organized systems of trauma
arthroplasty have better
care on motor vehicle crash mortality. JAMA 283:1990–1994,
outcomes when treated by
specialized surgeons in a
12. Kreder HJ, et al: Relationship between the volume of total
specialized center.
hip replacements performed by providers and the rates of
2. Conflicting evidence exists I 3, 4, 21
postoperative complications in the state of Washington.
as to whether volume rep-
J Bone Joint Surg Am 79:485–494, 1997.
resents a surrogate marker
13. Freeman J, Nicholl J, Turner J: Does size matter? The
for provider excellence or
relationship between volume and outcome in the care
whether volume per se
of major trauma. J Health Serv Res Policy 11:101–105, 2006.
may affect outcome.
14. Halm EA, Lee C, Chassin MR: Is volume related to outcome in
3. No scientific basis exists for B
health care? A systematic review and methodologic critique
recommending specific vol-
of the literature. Ann Intern Med 137:511–520, 2002.
ume targets for orthopedic
15. Davoli M, et al: [Volume and health outcomes: An overview
conditions at this time.
of systematic reviews]. Epidemiol Prev 29(suppl):3–63, 2005.
16. Losina E, et al: Neighborhoods matter: Use of hospitals with
worse outcomes following total knee replacement by patients
from vulnerable populations. Arch Intern Med 167:182–187,
17. Liu JH, et al: Disparities in the utilization of high-volume
REFERENCES hospitals for complex surgery. JAMA 296:1973–1980, 2006.
18. Clark CR, Heckman JD: Volume versus outcomes in
1. Kreder HJ, et al: Provider volume and other predictors of orthopaedic surgery: A proper perspective is paramount.
outcome after total knee arthroplasty: A population study J Bone Joint Surg Am 83:1619–1621, 2001.
in Ontario. Can J Surg 46:15–22, 2003. 19. Cram P, et al: A comparison of total hip and knee replacement
2. Liberman M, et al: The association between trauma system in specialty and general hospitals. J Bone Joint Surg Am
and trauma center components and outcome in a mature 89:1675–1684, 2007.
regionalized trauma system. Surgery 137:647–658, 2005. 20. Nathens AB, et al: Relationship between trauma center
3. Hamilton BH, Ho V: Does practice make perfect? Examining volume and outcomes. JAMA 285:1164–1171, 2001.
the relationship between hospital surgical volume and 21. Haut ER, et al: Injured patients have lower mortality when
outcomes for hip fracture patients in Quebec. Med Care treated by “full-time” trauma surgeons vs. surgeons who
36:892–903, 1998. cover trauma “part-time.” J Trauma 61:272–278, 2006.
4. Hamilton BH, Hamilton VH: Estimating surgical volume— 22. Marcin JP, Romano PS: Impact of between-hospital volume
outcome relationships applying survival models: Accounting and within-hospital volume on mortality and readmission
for frailty and hospital fixed effects. Health Econ 6:383–395, rates for trauma patients in California. Crit Care Med
1997. 32:1477–1483, 2004.
5. Katz JN, et al: Association of hospital and surgeon procedure 23. Chowdhury MM, Dagash H, Pierro A: A systematic review of
volume with patient-centered outcomes of total knee the impact of volume of surgery and specialization on patient
replacement in a population-based cohort of patients age outcome. Br J Surg 94:145–161, 2007.
65 years and older. Arthritis Rheum 56:568–574, 2007. 24. Dunn WR, et al: Variation in orthopaedic surgeons’ perceptions
6. Shervin N, Rubash HE, Katz JN: Orthopaedic procedure about the indications for rotator cuff surgery. J Bone Joint Surg
volume and patient outcomes: A systematic literature review. Am 87:1978–1984, 2005.
Clin Orthop Relat Res 457:35–41, 2007. 25. Marx RG, et al: Beliefs and attitudes of members of the
7. Mackenzie EJ, et al: A national evaluation of the effect of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons regarding the
trauma-center care on mortality. N Engl J Med 354:366–378, treatment of anterior cruciate ligament injury. Arthroscopy
2006. 19:762–770, 2003.
8. Shah SN, Wainess RM, Karunakar MA: Hemiarthroplasty 26. Clark DE, et al: Initial presentation of older injured patients to
for femoral neck fracture in the elderly surgeon and hospital high-volume hospitals is not associated with lower 30-day
volume-related outcomes. J Arthroplasty 20:503–508, 2005. mortality in Medicare data. Crit Care Med 35:1829–1836, 2007.
Chapter What
Are Bone is the Substitutes
Best TreatmentUseful

1 Chapter Jin the

ENNIFER Treatment
GOEBEL and Prevention of

49 Nonunions and in the Management

of Subchondral Voids?

Bone substitutes can be considered in two circum- These consist of various forms of ceramics such as
stances: (1) as an agent for the prevention and treat- tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite.4–7
ment of nonunions, and (2) as a “void filler” to main- Bone graft substitutes can be either osteoinduc-
tain joint or metaphyseal alignment, usually in a tive (inducing existing cells to make new bone) or
periarticular or intra-articular fracture. osteoconductive (acting as a scaffold along which
The prevention and treatment of nonunions existing cells can lay down new bone), or a combina-
remains a conundrum in orthopedic surgery. tion of the two. They may have a consistency similar
Despite the best treatment protocols and attention to cancellous bone or corticocancellous chips, or
to detail, nonunions still occur. The acute care of a they may harden into a solid structural mass.
fracture does not usually involve the use of bone The purpose of this chapter is to provide evidence-
graft or bone substitutes. However, the treatment based guidance to the reader regarding the use of bone
of nonunions involves consideration of a bone substitutes for the prevention and treatment of non-
substitute that induces (osteoinductive substance) unions and for the management of subchondral voids.
or facilitates (osteoconductive substance) bone
ingrowth, particularly if the nonunion is located in
the diaphysis. Evidence
Periarticular fractures are common injuries that
result from indirect coronal and/or direct axial com- Based on the method that Bajammal and colleagues8
pressive forces. The usual surgical guidelines for used for their recent meta-analysis, we primarily iden-
treating depressed articular fractures with joint insta- tified articles with the following features: (1) the target
bility include anatomic reduction, re-establishment of population was skeletally mature patients with a frac-
the long bone alignment, subchondral bone grafting ture of a bone of the appendicular skeleton; (2) the
to support the articular cartilage, and stable internal intervention was the use of calcium phosphate bone
fixation.1 In this situation, a substance that with- cement, calcium sulfate bone cement, or a recombi-
stands compressive forces and provides structural nant human bone morphogenetic protein (rhBMP)
support is of primary importance, with osteoinductive compared with alternative or no treatment in the man-
properties being secondary. agement of these fractures; (3) the outcome measure
was either functional (pain or impairment) or radio-
graphic (fracture healing or subsidence) outcome, or
OPTIONS infection rate; and (4) the study was a published or
unpublished randomized, controlled trial. We second-
Cancellous bone graft retrieved from an iliac crest arily also included other less rigorous studies in this
donor site has been the traditional substance of review because of the paucity of articles with Level I
choice used both to promote healing and to fill voids evidence.
and provide structural support. This procedure in-
volves making a separate incision over the crest to
obtain the graft, which can cause morbidity such as Osteoconductive Bone Graft Substitutes
pain, nerve injury, arterial injury, and infection.2,3 Al-
lograft bone can be used to avoid the morbidity as- Allograft Bone. Allograft bone harvested from living or
sociated with autograft harvesting; however, allograft deceased donors as cancellous, or corticocancellous
bone acts mainly as an osteoconductive substance, chips, has a wide application as an osteoconductive
and there is a risk for disease transmission. In recent filler for metaphyseal defects typically at the proxi-
years, new bone alternatives have become commer- mal and distal end of the tibia (Table 49–1). McKee
cially available to act as “substitute” bone graft. and coworkers9 report on a case series of six humeral

TABLE 49–1. Characteristics of Studies Included in the Meta-analysis

Chapman et al. 18, USA 345† (176, 169) N/R 37, 37 Multiple† types, Collagraft vs. AIBG Pain, ADL function Industry
(1997)15 18–70 years Fracture healing
Kopylov et al. 1, Sweden 40 (20, 20) 18, 18 69, 66 Distal radius, 50–80 years CR, Norian and cast Pain, ROM, grip strength Industry and
(1999)47,48 vs. CR and ExFix Radiographic parameters peer-reviewed
RSA measurement
Sanchez-Sotelo 1, Spain 110 (55, 55) 48, 49 65, 67 Distal radius, 50–85 years CR, Norian and cast Pain, ROM, grip strength No industry
et al. (2000)20 vs. CR and cast Radiographic parameters
Jeyam et al. 1, UK 18 (9, 9) 9, 9 71, 74 Distal radius, !60 years CR, BoneSource and cast ROM, grip strength Industry
(2002)49 vs. CR, K-wires and cast Radiographic parameters
Kopylov et al. 1, Sweden 20 (9, 11) 9, 11 65, 67 Distal radius, 50–80 years CR, Norian and cast Pain, ROM, grip strength Industry and
(2002)50 vs. retain original cast Radiographic parameters peer-reviewed
(no reduction)
Cassidy et al. 23, USA 323 (161,162) 129, 143 64, 64 Distal radius, "45 years CR, Norian and (cast or Pain, ROM, grip strength Industry
(2003)16 ExFix) vs. CR and Radiographic parameters
(cast or ExFix) Loss of reduction, SF-36
Both groups ± K-wires
Dickson et al. 3, USA 40† (21, 19) 7, 6 45, 40 Multiple types,† BoneSource vs. AIBG Pain, regain of function N/R
(2002)18 18–80 years Fracture healing
Loss of reduction
Mattsson and 1, Sweden 40 (20, 20) 18, 15 78, 78 Low-energy femoral neck CR, 2 screws and Norian RSA measurement Industry
Larsson (2003)51 vs. CR and 2 screws
Zimmermann et al. 1, Austria 52 (26, 26) 26, 26 63, 57 Distal radius, menopausal CR, Norian, K-wires and cast ROM, grip strength N/R
(2003)17 women vs. CR, K-wires and cast Radiographic parameters
Fracture healing, DASH
Mattsson and 1, Sweden 26 (14, 12) 12, 10 84, 82 Unstable trochanteric† DHS and Norian RSA measurement Industry
Larsson (2004)52 vs. DHS
Russell et al. 12, USA, 119† (82, 38) Overall 46 43, 43 Tibial plateau,† 16–77 years ORIF and #-BSM ROM Industry
(2004)1‡ Canada 1 bilateral vs. ORIF and AIBG Fracture healing
Loss of reduction
Larsson et al. 1, Sweden 26§ (13, 13) N/R 50, 52 Tibial plateau,† 18–60 years§ ORIF and Norian Pain, weight bearing Industry and
(2004)19‡ vs. ORIF and AIBG RSA measurement peer-reviewed
Lysholm knee score
Mattsson et al. 3, Sweden 112 (55, 57) 44, 47 81, 82 Unstable trochanteric† DHS and Norian Pain, ADL functions, Industry and
(2005)53 Age ! 65 years vs. DHS muscle strength, SF-36, peer-reviewed
radiographic parameters
Mattsson et al. 1, Sweden 118 (58, 60) 46, 49§ 77, 77§ Displaced femoral neck, CR, 2 screws and Norian Pain, ADL functions, Industry and
(2006)54 age ! 60 years vs. CR and 2 screws muscle strength, peer-reviewed
radiographic parameters
Reed et al. (2005)55 1, Canada 48 fractures 1, 1§ 36, 37§ Displaced calcaneal ORIF and #-BSM Radiographic parameters N/R
(21, 27)§ fractures, age ! 16 years vs. ORIF SF-36, LEM score

*Mean age in years (rounded to integer).


Author contact.
#-BSM, bioabsorbable calcium phosphate paste; ADL, activities of daily living; AIBG, autogenous iliac crest bone graft; CR, closed reduction; DASH, Disability of Arm Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire; DHS, dynamic hip
screw; ExFix, external fixation; K-wires, Kirschner wires; no. of patients (int, cont), number of patients in the intervention group and control group; LEM, lower extremity measure; N/R, not reported; ORIF, open reduction
and internal fixation; ROM, range of motion; RSA, radiostereometric analysis; SF-36, 36-Item Short Form Health Survey.
Data from Sohail S, Bajammal SS, Zlowodski M, Schmitz-Lelwicka AE, et al: The use of calcium phosphate bone cement in fracture treatment: A meta-analysis of randomized trials. J Bone Joint Surg Am 90:1186–1196, 2008.
344 Trauma Topics

nonunions treated with a combination of compres- significantly better in the #-BSM group (calcium
sion plate fixation and cortical onlay grafts. All six phosphate cement) as compared with autograft
nonunions had united at a median of 3.4 months. under a 1000-newton load. Russell and investiga-
Hornicek and coauthors10 report a series of nine hu- tors1 in a prospective, randomized, multicenter
meral nonunions treated in a similar fashion; union trial compared the treatment of subarticular bone
was achieved in all patients at an average of 2.9 defects in tibial plateau fractures with conventional
months. Haddad and researchers11 report on a retro- autogenous iliac bone graft (AIBG) with #-BSM. One
spective case series of 40 patients using cortical on- hundred nineteen acute closed tibial plateau frac-
lay strut grafts together with well-fixed prosthetic tures were prospectively enrolled, and randomiza-
femoral stems; 39 of the 40 patients united. Herrera tion occurred at surgery with a 2:1 ration of the #-
and investigators12 report on distal radial fractures BSM to autogenous bone graft. Russell and
treated with external fixation and internal fixation to- investigators1 found both a significant increase in
gether with cancellous bone grafts and concluded graft-related adverse effects on the AIBG group,
that allograft was a useful adjunct for treatment of and a statistically significantly greater rate of
unstable distal radial fractures. An article that pro- articular subsidence in the 3- to 12-month period
spectively compared autologous graft versus al- in the AIBG group (Fig. 49–2). Thus, Level I evi-
lograft, delivered at the Orthopaedic Trauma Associa- dence supports the use of bioabsorbable calcium
tion (OTA) in 2005, demonstrated that allograft was phosphate material, such as #-BSM, as the treat-
not equal to autograft. However, autograft did have ment of choice for subarticular defects in tibial
associated donor morbidity.13 No Level I evidence plateau fractures.
supports corticocancellous allografts in reconstruc- Three of these six studies in the meta-analysis by
tive trauma surgery, but Level II and IV evidence does Bajammal and colleagues8 report significantly
exist, as noted earlier. improved functional outcome scores with the use of
Calcium Phosphate Synthetic Substitutes. The calcium phos- calcium phosphate versus autograft, and in evaluat-
phate synthetic substitutes have been investigated ing them separately, Chapman and researchers15
as devices by the FDA and by industry over the last found a difference in functional repair in favor of the
8 years. Initial studies were done with critical de- calcium phosphate group. Cassidy and investiga-
fects in rats, sheep, and dogs. Subsequent biome- tors16 found significant greater scores representing
chanical studies suggested that bioabsorbable cal- better function in bodily pain, role physical, role
cium phosphate paste (#-BSM) in tibias was emotional, social function, and mental health sub-
stronger than cancellous bone graft used to repair domains of the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey
periarticular fractures14 (Fig. 49–1). Trenholm and (SF-36). Zimmermann and colleagues17 found signifi-
coworkers14 illustrate that the initial stiffness was cantly better DASH (disability of the arm, shoulder,
and hand) scores in distal radius fractures for the
calcium phosphate group. Six of the studies also
reported loss-of-reduction outcome, and calcium
phosphate significantly reduced the incidence of
loss of fracture reduction compared with con-
trols.1,15,16,18–20 Thus, loss of fracture alignment was
48% less likely when calcium phosphate was used.
2000 For every 17 patients treated with calcium
phosphate, one loss of fracture reduction could be
Load (N)



Empty Calcium Sulfate Synthetic Substitutes

Evidence for the use of calcium sulfate is extremely
poor. In a study done by Petruskevicius and co-
0 5 10 15
workers21 looking at OsteoSet (Wright Medical
Technology, Arlington, TN) on bone healing and
Displacement (mm)
tibial defect in humans, OsteoSet was compared
FIGURE 49–1. Higher compressive strength of calcium with no bone graft in the substitution of anterior
phosphate bone substitute in a biomechanical study of cruciate ligament repairs. Computed tomographic
tibial plateau fractures. α-BSM, subchondral defect filled scans of the defect were taken on the first day after
with calcium phosphate bone substitute; cancellous bone, the operation, at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months.
subchondral defect filled with cancellous bone chips;
empty, repair of fracture with no filling of subchondral
No difference was found in the amount of bone in
defect; solid, no defect in tibial plateau. Adapted from the defect in the OsteoSet and control groups, and
Bajammal SS, Zlowodski M, Schmitz-Lelwicka AE, et al.: indeed, in the control group (no bone graft or pel-
The use of calcium phosphate bone cement in fracture lets), the bone volume increased from 6 weeks to
treatment: a meta-analysis of randomized trials. Hamilton, 3 months. A study looking at the use of calcium
ON, McMaster University, 2007, unpublished. sulfate in nonunions, presented at the OTA in 2004,
Are Bone Substitutes Useful in the Treatment and Prevention of Nonunions and in the Management of Subchondral Voids? 345

FIGURE 49–2. Late collapse
of the tibial plateau after
fracture fixation using
autogenous iliac bone graft
(AIBG) to support the
articular surface. A, Initial
fixation of the Schatzker II
fracture. B, Three months
after surgery. C, Twelve
months after surgery.
D, Eighteen months after
surgery, articular surface
C has collapsed after hardware
removal at 1 year.

demonstrated no improvement in bone healing, an composite of Grafton DBM gel and autograft on the
increased infection rate, and increased wound other, suggesting the potential use of Grafton DBM
drainage.22 The authors’ conclusion was to suggest as a bone graft extender in spine fusions.25 Only
calcium sulfate should not be used in the treatment anecdotal information is available regarding similar
of nonunions. Despite excellent efforts, there is no applications in diaphyseal and metaphyseal bone
Level I or II evidence that the healing is enhanced, injuries.
and indeed, healing may be worse in periarticular
injuries or nonunions with the addition of calcium
sulfate. Osteoinductive Bone Graft Substitutes
With the increasing popularity of calcium sulfate,
there have been some cases of severe inflammatory Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein. The two most widely
response particularly in tumor cases. It has been studied osteoinductive bone substitutes are rhBMP-2
hypothesized that the rapid absorption of the and rhBMP-7. The use of bone morphogenetic pro-
calcium sulfate pellets into a calcium-rich fluid stimu- tein (BMP) to improve the healing of open tibial shaft
lates inflammation.23 fractures has been the focus of several prospective
clinical studies. Swiontkowski and investigators26
analyzed two prospective, clinical, randomized stud-
Demineralized Bone Matrix ies that recruited a total of 510 patients with open
tibial fractures. They were randomized to receive the
No studies have been reported in which the investi- control treatment, intramedullary nail fixation, and
gators carefully evaluated the osteoconductive routine soft-tissue management versus treatment
properties of allograft bone per se. Demineralized with an absorbable collagen sponge impregnated
bone matrix (DBM) is produced by acid extraction of with one of two concentrations of rhBMP-2. Fifty-nine
allograft that contains type I collagen, noncollage- trauma centers in 12 countries participated, and the
nous proteins, and osteoconductive growth factors. patients were followed for 12 months after surgery.
Tiedeman and coauthors24 report on an uncontrolled Two subgroups were analyzed: (1) 131 patients with
case series of 48 patients in whom DBM had been Gustilo–Anderson type IIIA or IIIB open tibial frac-
used in conjunction with bone marrow for the treat- tures not treated with internal fixation, and (2) 113
ment of skeletal injuries. Because there was no con- patients treated with reamed intramedullary nailing.
trol group, the role of DBM in the 30 patients who The first subgroup demonstrated significant improve-
had healing remains unknown. One prospective, ments in the rhBMP-2 group with fewer bone grafting
controlled study showed equivalent rates of spinal procedures and fewer patients requiring invasive
fusion between sides in patients who had been secondary interventions. The subgroup analysis of
treated with autograft on one side and a 2:1 ratio fractures treated with reamed, intramedullary nailing
346 Trauma Topics

demonstrated no significant difference between the coworkers29 and Healey and researchers30 were able
control and the rhBMP-2 groups. Both groups illus- to show low-level evidence of improvement with
trated a trend in reduction of the infection rate in bone marrow aspirate. Goel and coauthors31 report
those patients who received rhBMP-2. Therefore, the that they used bone marrow injections with the use
following conclusion can be reached: If intramedul- of local anesthesia for patients who are on waiting
lary nailing is not utilized, the addition of rhBMP-2 to lists for open repair of a nonunion. They used this
open tibial fractures can significantly reduce the fre- procedure in an attempt to provide a low-cost alter-
quency of bone grafting procedures and other sec- native and claimed success in 15 of 20 patients.
ondary interventions. There seems to be no improve- Hernigou and colleagues32 report on 60 patients with
ment in outcome when IM nailing is used. noninfected nonunions who had undergone bone
Govender and coauthors27 also presented evidence marrow aspiration of both iliac crests followed by
on a prospective, randomized, controlled, single-blind injection at the nonunion site. Results showed union
study with 450 patients presenting with open tibial in 53 of 60 patients with positive correlation be-
fractures. They were randomized to receive either tween the volume of mineralized callous at 4 months
intramedullary nail fixation and routine soft-tissue and the number and concentration of colony-form-
management or the same care plus rhBMP-2. A trend ing units. This study provided the best evidence
suggested better healing and faster bone growth in (Level III) for the use of autologous bone marrow. An
the rhBMP-2 group that did not reach statistical sig- article presented at the 2006 OTA annual meeting in
nificance, and the final nonunion rate was similar be- Phoenix demonstrated no benefit of autologous bone
tween the two groups. marrow in a randomized, controlled study.33 Cur-
McKee and coworkers28 evaluated rhBMP-7 (also rently, no level I or II evidence documents the effec-
known as OP-1) by randomizing 122 patients tiveness of bone marrow for the enhancement of
with 124 open tibial shaft fractures. All patients re- bone healing.
ceived an initial débridement plus open reduction Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma and Related Peripheral Blood
and internal fixation with a locked intramuscular Concentrations. Several strategies for platelet concen-
nail within 48 hours of injury. At the time of second- tration delivery have been developed on the basis
ary closure, the patients either received no addi- of the assumption that delivery of a concentrated
tional treatment, except for wound closure, or amount of platelets would contribute to the early
wound closure with the addition of OP-1. They were stages of bone repair, thus initiating a fracture
followed up for 1 year. The results did not demon- healing cascade.34,35 However, to date, indications
strate any difference in union rate. The number of are based only on longitudinal case series, multiple
nonunions was not decreased with the addition of case reports, and abstracts documenting the ef-
rhBMP-7. However, the amount of bone created was fects of platelet gels and concentrates.36 Therefore,
greater with the treatment group, and the time to at this time, the use of platelet-rich plasma and
healing was reduced, but the study was underpow- related peripheral blood concentrates seem to
ered and did not reach statistical significance. In function best as a physiologic carrier for other
addition to the trend to improve bone healing, graft materials.
there was also a corresponding improvement in
patient function, with 80% of the OP-1 group having
no pain or mild pain with activity at 12 months AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY
after injury compared with 65% of the control
group (P $ 0.04). If bone substitutes provide equivalent results to
Given the weaknesses of the studies noted ear- bone autograft, is the increased cost justified to
lier, there is still no Level I evidence that rhBMP in avoid the morbidity associated with autogenous
combination with the usual internal fixation will bone harvesting? Jones56 presents data to suggest
reduce the nonunion rate in these patients. The in- that in severe open tibia fractures the addition of
fection rate may be reduced in the patients treated BMP might be cost saving depending on the payor
with rhBMP. Further multicenter, randomized, pro- model; however, there are no prospective costing
spective studies are indicated because at this time data available to address this issue.
there is only Level II evidence that BMPs can be Autogenous iliac graft procurement requires a sec-
useful in areas other than spine fusion. It appears ond surgical procedure with loss of tissues from the
that when rigid internal fixation is not utilized at body, the induction of pain at a previously uninjured
the initial onset of these terrible grade IIIA and IIIB site, and presents the possibility of iatrogenic infec-
injuries, that the use of a BMP could help reduce tion.37,38 Younger and Chapman3 document the rela-
secondary procedures and seems to have a reduc- tive rates of major and minor complications after an
tion in the infection rate in these huge soft-tissue autogenous bone graft harvest procedure. Goulet and
injuries. coauthors39 report the functional disturbances from
Clinical Application of Autologous Bone Marrow. Bone marrow the harvest of autogenous iliac bone. Autogenous
aspirate has been utilized as another way of apply- graft is not a homogenous material; there are signifi-
ing connective tissue progenitors intraoperatively cant differences in the hosts, and this problem is ex-
to enhance bone growth and repair. Garg and acerbated in osteoporotic donors. Thus, osteoporotic
Are Bone Substitutes Useful in the Treatment and Prevention of Nonunions and in the Management of Subchondral Voids? 347

autograft is less useful; however, it is unknown TABLE 49–2. Summary of Recommendations

whether bone substitutes are as effective in the set-
ting of an elderly osteoporotic individual as they LEVEL OF
might be in a younger host with more active osteo- EVIDENCE /GRADE OF
progenitor cells that can respond to the potential os-
teoinductive properties of a substitute, or that can 1. Adults with open tibia fractures do B
populate the scaffold provided by an osteoconduc- not require bone grafting or bone
tive bone substitute. substitutes if nailing or internal fixa-
tion is used.
2. Adults with type III open tibia fractures B
where no internal fixation is used
Acknowledgments should be considered for treatment
with human bone morphogenetic pro-
We are grateful to Dr. Russell and his coauthors for tein to minimize the risk of requiring
proving the full unpublished manuscript of their secondary procedures.
3. Adults with established nonunions: The I
meeting abstract, and Drs. Bhandari and Bajammal use of bone substitutes may be similar
for providing the full unpublished manuscript for to autogenous bone graft but without
their meta-analysis. the morbidity associated with autograft
iliac crest harvesting but more evi-
dence is needed before a clear recom-
mendation can be made.
4. Adults with compressed articular sur- A
faces and a contained subchondral
void after reduction should be man-
RECOMMENDATIONS aged with a calcium phosphate bone
Prevention of Nonunion in Fresh Fractures substitute to minimize the risk for
joint collapse.
No evidence supports the use of bone substitutes
in addition to internal fixation as an agent or
device to reduce the occurrence of nonunions. REFERENCES
rhBMP may reduce the infection rate when used
in fresh open tibia fractures. Level II evidence 1. Russell TA, Leighton RK, Bucholz RW, et al: The gold
exists that if no internal fixation is utilized at standard in tibial plateau fractures? A prospective
multicenter randomized study of AIBG vs. alpha-BSM.
initial treatment, then the addition of rhBMP-2 Presented at the Orthopaedic Trauma Association Annual
may reduce the need for subsequent surgical Meeting; 2004 Oct 8–10; Hollywood, FL. J Bone Joint Surg
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2. De Long WG Jr, Einhorn TA, Koval K, et al: Bone grafts
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The treatment of nonunions is always difficult. 3. Younger EM, Chapman MW: Morbidity at bone graft donor
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97% union rate in diaphyseal nonunions by radius fractures. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 7:279–290, 1999.
following the usual protocol, as noted earlier, 5. Larsson S, Bauer TW: Use of injectable calcium phosphate
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Chapter Fracture Healing: How Strong
Is the Effect of Smoking
50 on Bone Healing?

The negative sequelae of cigarette smoking on the that local tissue oxygen tissue tension is of para-
musculoskeletal system and wound healing have mount importance.16 El-zawawy and coworkers17
become a popular topic of study.1–4 A variety of spe- show that the chondrogenic phase of tibial fracture
cialties and institutions (especially those responsible healing in a mouse model was delayed by exposure
for healthcare costs) have focused on smoking as a to nicotine. Similarly, Skott and coauthors18 studied
potentially remediable risk factor for negative out- the effect of tobacco extract on the healing of a
come after a variety of medical interventions. For closed femoral fracture model in the rat. They found
example, epidemiologic and experimental studies in that the rats given tobacco extract had a 20% to 26%
the plastic surgery literature identify nicotine as a decrease in the mechanical strength of the femur
deleterious constituent of cigarette smoke, leading 21 days after fracture. In a rabbit model, Raikin and
to increased rates of wound complications and pedi- colleagues19 conducted a study examining the effect
cle flap necrosis secondary to vasoconstriction and of administration of nicotine on the mechanical
microthrombus formation.5–7 strength of midshaft tibial osteotomies. They found
For years, orthopedic experts have anecdotally a nearly identical 26% decrease in mechanical
described the negative impact of cigarette smoking strength in the nicotine group with a corresponding
on the musculoskeletal system. More recently, this decrease in callous size. In summary, abundant
effect has been the subject of a number of reports: basic science evidence illustrates the negative
cigarette smoking leads to an increased incidence of effects of smoking in general and nicotine in partic-
pseudarthrosis after spinal fusion,8,9 increased time ular on fracture healing (Table 50–1).
to union in tibial fractures10–13 lower bone mineral
density,3 and poor outcome after treatment of chronic
osteomyelitis.11,14 In addition, clinical and experimen- Clinical Research
tal evidence suggests that cigarette smoking leads to
decreased mineralization and mechanical strength of Numerous clinical studies describe the effects of
regenerate bone during tibial lengthening.14–17 smoking on various aspects of fracture healing, regen-
The purpose of this chapter is to critically analyze erate bone formation, spinal fusion, arthrodeses, or
the evidence available in the literature on the effect osteotomy healing.3,5,10–14,20,21 Because of the nature of
of smoking on fracture healing, outline areas of un- the condition, it is not possible to randomize patients
certainty, and provide some recommendations for into smoking and nonsmoking groups; therefore, most
future care. Because it is not a topic that lends itself reports are Level III retrospective reviews, although
well to randomization, or even prospective studies, there are some studies with prospectively gathered
most of the evidence available is contained in basic information in a comparative study (Level II).11,12,14
science studies and relatively low-quality Level III However, even though it is of relatively low quality,
and IV retrospective clinical reviews. the clinical information that is available is over-
whelming in its description of the negative effects of
smoking on bone healing (Table 50–2).
EVIDENCE In the upper extremity, Chen and colleagues21
Basic Science Research describe a 30% nonunion rate with a mean time to
healing of 7.1 months in smokers versus a 0% non-
Regenerate bone is vulnerable to the vasoconstric- union rate and a mean healing time of 4.1 months
tive and hypoxic effects of cigarette smoke and in nonsmokers after ulnar shortening osteotomy.
nicotine.14–17 In a model of tibial lengthening in rab- Similarly, in a series of 64 patients, Little and col-
bits, Ueng and colleagues15 demonstrate decreased leagues22 found that smokers were 3.7 times more
production, maturation, and torsional strength of likely (P ! 0.005) than nonsmokers to have failure of
regenerate bone formation in subjects exposed to their scaphoid nonunion repair.
cigarette smoke. The same group demonstrated im- In the lower extremity, Hak and coauthors23 found
proved mechanical strength of regenerate bone in that all 8 smokers had a healed femoral nonunion
animals treated with hyperbaric oxygen, suggesting after exchange reamed femoral nailing versus only

350 Trauma Topics

TABLE 50–1. Basic Science Studies on the Effect of Smoking on Bone Healing

Daftari et al. (1994)9 Implanted cancellous bone cells Rabbits Exposure to nicotine delayed revascularization
of implanted cancellous bone cells
Ueng et al. (1997)15 Tibial lengthening Rabbits Decreased mechanical strength (P ! 0.01) in
group exposed to smoke
El-zawawy et al. (2006)17 Surgical tibial fracture Mouse Chondrogenic phase of fracture healing delayed
by exposure to smoke
Skott et al. (2006)18 Closed femoral fracture Rat 20% decrease in torque strength in tobacco
group at 3 weeks
Raikin et al. (1998)19 Midshaft tibial fracture Rabbit Nicotine-exposed tibia 26% weaker, as well as
greater nonunion rate

TABLE 50–2. Clinical Studies on the Effect of Smoking on Bone Healing


Chen et al. (2001)21 Retrospective comparative Patients who smoked took longer to heal III
study ulnar osteotomy (4.1 vs. 7.1 weeks)
Harvey et al. (2002)12 Retrospective review of Smoking increased time to union and II-III
prospective data complication rate in open tibial fractures
Castillo and the LEAP Study Prospective study Smokers less likely to unite open tibia II
Group (2005)11 fractures (P ! 0.01), much more likely
(3.7 times) to experience development
of osteomyelitis
Little et al. (2006)22 Retrospective cohort Smokers 3.7 times (P ! 0.005) more likely III
to have nonunion after scaphoid repair
McKee et al. (2003)14 Retrospective study of Smokers risk for poor outcome is 38% III
prospective data compared with nonsmokers (10%) after
Ilizarov reconstruction (P ! 0.003)
Adams et al. (2001)10 Retrospective comparative Smoking increased time to union (P " 0.05), III
study flap failure, and requirement for grafting
(26% vs. 18%) compared with nonsmokers
with open tibial shaft fractures
Cobb et al. (1994)20 Retrospective comparative Smokers had a 3.75 times greater rate of III
study nonunion after ankle arthrodesis
Hak et al. (2000)23 Case series 8/8 nonsmokers healed after femoral II
exchange nailing versus 10/15 smokers
Schmitz et al. (1999)13 Retrospective comparative Patients with fractured tibia who smoke III
study took 62% longer to achieve union
compared with nonsmokers

10 of 15 smokers. Folk, Starr, and Early5 found that and former smokers had increased rates of nonunion
smoking was a significant negative risk factor for (current smokers: 37%; P ! 0.01; former smokers:
wound complications in a series of 190 calcaneal frac- 32%; P ! 0.04) and osteomyelitis (current smokers:
tures treated with surgery (relative risk, 1.2; P ! 0.03). relative risk, 3.7; P ! 0.01; former smokers: relative
McKee and colleagues,14 in a series of 84 adult patients risk, 2.8; P ! 0.07) compared with patients who had
treated with Ilizarov reconstruction, found that smok- never smoked.10–14
ers had a 38% chance of a poor outcome versus
10% in nonsmokers (P ! 0.003). Significantly, all five
amputations in their series were in smokers. AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY
Perhaps the most closely studied aspect of ortho- Deleterious Physiologic Effects of Smoking
pedic trauma with respect to smoking is that of the as It Relates to Bone Healing
fracture that continues to plague orthopedic sur-
geons with poor outcomes, nonunion, infection, and Basic science research shows that nicotine has a
limb loss: the open tibia fracture. In retrospective vasoconstrictive effect that inhibits tissue differenti-
reviews, Harvey and investigators,12 Schmitz and ation and the angiogenic response necessary in the
researchers,13 and Adams, Keating, and Court-Brown10 early stages of fracture healing.9 Chronically, this
all describe consistently longer times to union, (reversible) effect can lead to accelerated athero-
greater complication rates, and greater rates of sec- sclerosis, arterial narrowing, platelet thrombi, and
ondary intervention in smokers. In a prospective irreversible ischemic changes. At the cellular level,
(Level II) report, the LEAP (Lower Extremity Assess- nicotine (among other components of cigarette
ment Project) Study group found that both current smoke) is a toxin that also interferes with osteoblast
Fracture Healing 351

function and alters skeletal metabolism.17–19 Nicotine A number of effective cessation programs are
has also been shown to have an immunosuppressive available including nicotine replacement therapy,
effect, which may explain the greater rates of infec- psychotropic medications, education and motiva-
tion and delayed union described in some series.4,11,14 tional counseling, and skills training.24,25 The reported
Used even in isolation, orally or parenterally, it still smoking cessation rates after intervention vary from
demonstrates this effect.18,19 What is unclear is the 20% to 60% at 1 year, with increased success rates in
point at which reversible changes become irrevers- programs utilizing a focus on immediate complica-
ible, the effects of one type of tobacco product tions. Moller and colleagues,26 in a randomized clini-
versus another, and why there appears to be consid- cal trial, described a prearthroplasty smoking cessa-
erable interpatient variability. tion program and were able to get the majority of
patients in the treatment group to stop or decrease
their cigarette consumption. They also showed a
Definition of “Smoker” significantly decreased postoperative complication
rate compared with control subjects (18% vs. 52%;
The definition of “smoker” in the majority of avail- P ! 0.001). Thus, the setting of an acute fracture may
able studies remains problematic.1,2 Because most be an ideal opportunity for positive intervention in a
studies of this nature are retrospective, there is patient’s life with a greater long-term significance
rarely an accurate history of the type of smoking than simple fracture union. Ideally, in the elective
material or the amount smoked. For most studies, a setting (i.e., before osteotomy or arthrodesis), smok-
smoker is typically defined as a patient who was ing should be considered a medical condition with a
actively smoking cigarettes during the treatment significant negative effect on outcome (not unlike
period. Conversely, nonsmokers are defined as diabetes) that can and should be “optimized” before
patients who were not actively smoking during the surgery. It is rare for an orthopedic surgeon to have
study period.10–14 The deficiencies of such a defini- the time or skill for this intervention; it requires a
tion are obvious: A person who smokes one or two multidisciplinary approach that typically involves
cigarettes a day is not equivalent to one who smokes the patient’s primary care physician.
two or three packs a day, yet both are included as
“smokers.” Also, the inclusion of patients who use
other tobacco products such as pipes, cigars, or Confounding Variables
chewing tobacco is not consistent: Because they are
usually excluded from the “smoking” group, their It can be stated with some certainty that smokers
inclusion as “nonsmokers” is problematic. As a result represent a unique group in society, in whom other
of poor quality retrospective data, no correlation can confounding variables usually exist. For example,
be established between quantity and duration of
smoking and treatment outcomes; it may well be that
such a relationship exists. RECOMMENDATIONS
Although the data available are of relatively
low quality (Level III and IV studies), currently,
Smoking Cessation cigarette smoking in a fracture or nonunion
patient should be considered a potentially reme-
Although there are some general data in the medical
diable risk factor for negative outcome (grade B
literature regarding when the medical risks associ-
evidence). Orthopedic patients should be
ated with smoking return to a nonsmoking baseline
questioned concerning smoking history and
level after cessation of smoking, there is little such
counseled regarding the potential effects on the
information with regards to fracture healing.11 Thus,
orthopedic prognosis in an effort to decrease or
the effect on bone healing in a heavy smoker who
cease their tobacco intake. Grade “A” evidence is
quits smoking 6 months before being included in a
available that smoking cessation programs using
study is unknown. As stated, most reports include
a variety of techniques can be routinely success-
only patients actively smoking as “smokers,” and
ful in ameliorating the effects of tobacco use.
this distinction may be artificial. Although active
In summary, grade B evidence exists that
smoking is probably the least favorable environ-
smoking has a consistent deleterious effect on
ment, the chronic negative effects of long-standing
bone healing (including fracture, osteotomy, and
smoking (i.e., vascular occlusion and ischemia) lin-
arthrodesis union rates and regenerate bone
ger long past the point of smoking cessation. One
formation). Grade A evidence exists that smoking
prospective study divided patients with open tibial
cessation programs have a success rate in the 50%
fractures into three groups: active smokers, former
range, and that success increases if there is a focus
smokers, and nonsmokers. They found that former
on an acute medical event (i.e., fracture or
smokers had risks of delayed union and infection
operation). Emerging prospective evidence reports
greater than nonsmokers but less than current
that smoking cessation may lower complication
smokers. This is the best evidence available that
rates after orthopedic procedures. Table 50–3
smoking cessation can decrease risk, although not
provides a summary of recommendations.
to that of nonsmoking control subjects.11
352 Trauma Topics

a prospective study at our institution found that 7. Nolan J, Jenkins RA, Schultz RC, et al: The acute effects of
45% of patients admitted with an open tibial fracture cigarette smoke exposure on experimental skin flaps.
Plast Reconstr Surg 75:544–549, 1985.
were smokers, compared with 19% of the general 8. Glassman SD, Anagnost SC, Parker A, et al: The effect of
Canadian population.1 Similarly, a study on the ef- cigarette smoking and smoking cessation on spinal fusion.
fects of smoking on Ilizarov reconstruction revealed Spine 25:2608–2615, 2000.
that alcoholism, drug addiction, and narcotic depen- 9. Daftari TK, Whitesides TE, Hellen JG, et al: Nicotine on the
dency were seen almost exclusively in the smoking revascularization of bone graft: An experimental study in
rabbits. Spine 19:904–911, 1994.
group.14 Therefore, even though a study may purport 10. Adams CI, Keating JF, Court-Brown CM: Cigarette smoking
to compare “smokers” versus “nonsmokers,” there and open tibial fractures. Injury 32:61–65, 2001.
are other variables (alcohol consumption, risk-taking 11. Castillo RC, Bosse MJ, MacKenzie Ej, Patterson BM; LEAP
behavior, drug dependency) that may be overrepre- Study Group. Impact of smoking on fracture healing and risk
of complications in limb-threatening open tibia fractures.
sented in the “smoker” group that can confound J Orthop Trauma 19:151–157, 2005.
results. 12. Harvey EJ, Agel J, Selznick HS, et al: Deleterious effect of
smoking on healing of open tibia-shaft fractures. Am J Orthop
31:518–521, 2002.
13. Schmitz M, Finnegan M, Champine J: The effect of smoking
TABLE 50–3. Summary of Recommendations on the clinical healing of tibial shaft fracture healing. Clin
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/GRADE Orthop Relat Res 365:184–200, 1999.
RECOMMENDATIONS OF RECOMMENDATION 14. McKee MD, Dipasquale D, Wild LM, et al: The effect of
smoking on clinical outcome and complication rates
following Ilizarov reconstruction. J Orthop Trauma
1. Adult smokers with an acute B
17:663–667, 2003.
fracture and those requiring
15. Ueng SWN, Lee M, Li AFY, et al: Effect of intermittent
osteotomy or arthrodesis
cigarette smoke inhalation on tibial lengthening:
should be advised that they are
Experimental study on rabbits. J Trauma Inj Infect Crit Care
twice as likely to acquire a bone
42:231–238, 1997.
infection and 1.6 times as likely
16. Ueng SWN, Lin SS, Wang CR, et al: Bone healing of tibial
to have a nonunion compared
lengthening is delayed by cigarette smoking: Study of bone
with a nonsmoker.
mineral density and torsional strength on rabbits. J Trauma
2. Adult smokers with an acute A
46:110–115, 1999.
fracture and those requiring
17. El-zawawy HB, Gill CS, Wright RW, Sandell LJ: Smoking delays
osteotomy or arthrodesis can
chondrogenesis in a mouse model of closed tibial fracture
successfully modify smoking
healing. J Orthop Res 249:2150–2158, 2006.
behavior with appropriate expert
18. Skott M, Andreassen TT, Ulrich-Vinther M, et al: Tobacco
multidisciplinary intervention.
extract but not nicotine impairs the mechanical strength of
3. Adult smokers with an acute C
fracture healing in rats. J Orthop Trauma 24:1472–1479, 2006.
fracture and those requiring
19. Raikin SM, Landsman JC, Alexander VA, et al: Effect of
osteotomy or arthrodesis should
nicotine on the rate and strength of long bone fracture
be advised to quit smoking
healing. Clin Orthop Relat Res (353):231–237, 1998.
to modify their risk for
20. Cobb TK, Gabrielsen TA, Campbell DC, et al: Cigarette
smoking and nonunion after ankle arthrodesis. Foot Ankle
15:64–67, 1994.
21. Chen F, Osterman AL, Mahony K: Smoking and bony union
after ulnar-shortening osteotomy. Am J Orthop 30:486–489,
22. Little CP, Burston BJ, Hopkinson-Woolley J, Burge P: Failure
1. Statistics Canada. Smoker’s Report 1999. Government of of surgery for scaphoid non-union is associated with
Canada Publication. Ottawa, Canada. smoking. J Hand Surg [B] 3193:252–255, 2006.
2. Gilpin EA, Pierce JP, Cavin S, et al: Estimates of population 23. Hak DJ, Lee SS, Goulet JA: Success of exchange reamed
smoking prevalence: Self vs proxy reports of smoking status. intramedullary nailing for femoral shaft nonunion or delayed
Am J Public Health 89:1576–1579, 1994. union. J Orthop Trauma 14:178–182, 2000.
3. Porter SE, Hanley EN Jr: The musculoskeletal effects of 24. Cinciripini PM, Lapitsky L, Seay S, et al: A placebo
smoking. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 9:9–17, 2001. controlled evaluation of the effects of busipirone on smoking
4. Sopori M: Effects of cigarette smoke on the immune system. cessation. J Clin Psychopharmacol 15:182–191, 1995.
Nat Rev Immunol 2:372–377, 2002. 25. Fiore MC, Smith SS, Jorenby DE, et al: The effectiveness of
5. Folk JW, Starr AJ, Early JS: Early wound complications of the nicotine patch for smoking cessation. J Am Med Assoc
operative treatment of calcaneal fractures: analysis of 74:1347–1352, 1995.
190 fractures. J Orthop Trauma 13:369–374, 1999. 26. Moller AM, Villebro N, Pedersen T, Tonnesen H: Effect of
6. Kaufman T, Eichenlaub EH, Levin M, et al: Tobacco smoking: preoperative smoking intervention on postoperative
Impairment of experimental flap survival. Ann Plast Surg complications: A randomized clinical trial. Lancet
13:468–472, 1984. 359:114–117, 2002.
Chapter What Is the Best Way to Prevent
Heterotopic Ossification after
51 Acetabular Fracture Fixation?

Heterotopic ossification is common after acetabular using three radiographs to grade the severity of het-
fracture surgery. Occurring in only approximately erotopic ossification, with the addition of the two
5% of conservatively treated patients,1 it has been re- standard oblique (Judet) pelvic radiographs, rather
ported in as many as 90% of patients after fracture fixa- than relying only on the anteroposterior view, accom-
tion, with severe involvement as high as 50% in some plishes this goal.11 Using this modified Brooker method
patient groups.2–4 An association with poor results has would be helpful both for individual patient prognosis
been reported in many case series.3,4 The specific and general scientific study. Unfortunately, it is the
cause of heterotopic ossification remains obscure, and standard Brooker technique that continues in general
numerous risk factors have been implicated. The most use. Therefore, the findings from any clinical research
noted risk factor is stripping of the gluteal muscles investigating heterotopic ossification after acetabular
from the external surface of the ilium.2–7 Therefore, the fracture fixation, no matter what its apparent “level
use of an extended surgical approach (i.e., extended of evidence” based on study design, may often be
iliofemoral, triradiate, or modification thereof) in par- diminished by the limitations inherent in the Brooker
ticular is thought to result in a high rate of heterotopic diagnostic criteria.
ossification.2,3,5–7 The ilioinguinal approach has been
associated with an extremely low rate of ectopic bone
formation.3,6 NATURAL HISTORY
The expressions “severe heterotopic ossification”
and “significant heterotopic ossification” are commonly As noted earlier, a relation exists between the sever-
used to describe the amount of heterotopic ossifica- ity of heterotopic ossification and limitation of hip
tion necessary to impair hip function. However, motion. In an analysis of any intervention to prevent
these terms have actually been defined in differing heterotopic ossification, it is important to know the
ways,2,5,8 possibly causing confusion in the literature. outcome expected without any prophylactic treat-
Most reports have used the Brooker classification9 ments. Substantial case series (Level IV evidence)
(Table 51–1), which relies solely on the anteroposte- data are available for both the standard Brooker
rior radiographic view of the hip, to grade the severity radiographic outcome measure and the hip motion
of heterotopic ossification and have defined Classes III (more than 20% loss) diagnostic criterion.
and IV as severe.2,5,7,8,10 Although this system is easy to In their series of 499 acetabulum fractures operated
use, its actual correlation to hip motion and function on without any prophylactic treatment and followed
is questionable.3,5,11,12 In fact, a study with Level II evi- for at least 1 year, Letournel and Judet3 found a
dence has shown that the Brooker classification over- 25% (123/499) overall prevalence of heterotopic ossifi-
estimates the functional importance of “severe cation, using the standard Brooker classification. There
heterotopic ossification.”11 Greater than 20% loss of were 4% (18/499) with Class I, 10% (50/499) with Class
total hip motion has been proposed as the deficit nec- II, 8% (39/499) with Class III, and 3% (16/499) with Class
essary to impair hip function (or the “gold standard”) IV ossification. Important distinctions were made
and heterotopic ossification causing this amount of among the different surgical approaches, which are
loss has been defined as “significant.”5,6,13 In the clini- thought to be related to differences in the relative
cal situation, however, there are many factors other extent of the stripping of the gluteal muscles from the
than the presence of heterotopic ossification that can external surface of the ilium: the more extensive the
adversely affect hip motion. Therefore, a simple radio- stripping, the greater the risk for heterotopic ossifica-
graphic classification that accurately correlates the tion. For the extended iliofemoral approach, there
presence of heterotopic ossification with this amount were 4% (1/26) with Class I, 23% (6/26) with Class II,
of impaired hip motion (absent of any other motion- 19% (5/26) with Class III, and 23% (6/26) with Class IV
limiting factors) should be useful in evaluating the ossification. For the Kocher–Langenbeck approach,
independent effect of heterotopic ossification on func- there were 4% (11/281) with Class I, 13% (37/281) with
tional hip motion in patients after acetabular fracture class II, 9% (25/281) with Class III, and 2% (6/281) with
fixation. Level II evidence research has shown that Class IV ossification. For the ilioinguinal approach,

354 Trauma Topics

TABLE 51–1. Radiographic Grading of Heterotopic Ossification EVIDENCE

Class I Islands of bone within the soft tissues about The NSAID indomethacin has been shown to decrease
the hip
Class II Bone spurs from the pelvis or proximal end the prevalence of heterotopic ossification in experi-
of the femur, leaving at least 1 cm between mental animals15–17 and in a number of Level III evi-
opposing bone surfaces dence clinical studies of patients with acetabular
Class III Bone spurs from the pelvis or proximal end fracture.7,8,10,18 Most of these clinical studies were
of the femur, leaving less than 1 cm between
opposing bone surfaces
retrospective in nature, having the attendant design
Class IV Apparent bony ankylosis of the hip limitations. More recently, there have been a number
of clinical reports with Level I and II evidence, pro-
From Brooker AF, Bowerman JW, Robinson RA, Riley LH Jr: Ectopic spectively evaluating the efficacy of indomethacin
ossification following total hip replacement: Incidence and a method of prophylaxis as compared with a nontreatment con-
classification. J Bone Joint Surg Am 55-A:1629–1632, 1973, by permission.
trol group.19–21 Unfortunately, the data from these
studies offer conflicting results. Therefore, critical
review of these studies is required, taking into con-
there were 1% (1/138) with Class I, 2% (3/138) with sideration the main important variable of the differing
Class II, 1% (2/138) with Class III, and 1% (1/138) with expected baseline prevalence of heterotopic ossifica-
Class IV ossification. Adding stripping of the gluteal tion depending on surgical approach, as well as an
muscles from the external surface of the ilium to the analysis of the statistical method.
standard ilioinguinal approach drastically changed the In a Level II study, Iotov21 evaluated the results of
outcome, resulting in 9% (1/11) with Class I, 9% (1/11) prophylaxis with indomethacin in 52 patients oper-
with Class II, 36% (4/11) with Class III, and 0% (0/11) ated for fractures of the acetabulum. Twenty-eight
with Class IV ossification. Therefore, the expectation received indomethacin prophylaxis, consisting of
is that without prophylaxis of any kind, “severe hetero- 25 mg three times per day given orally or per rectum
topic ossification,” defined as Class III or IV using for 30 days after surgery, and 24 composed a control
the standard Brooker technique, will occur in 42% of group. The grade of heterotopic ossification was
patients treated through the extended iliofemoral ap- assessed using the Brooker classification. The devel-
proach, 11% of patients treated through the Kocher– opment of heterotopic ossification was analyzed
Langenbeck approach, and 2% of patients treated depending on the type of surgical approach. The rate
through the ilioinguinal approach. of severe ossification was 0% in the indomethacin-
Matta6 reported on his series of 259 patients with treated group and 21% in the control group (P ! 0.01),
262 acetabular fractures followed for at least 2 years mainly after extensile posterior and posterior ap-
and operated on without any prophylactic treatment. proaches. One error in this study was including
Moderate (standard Brooker Class II) or severe het- in the control group the one patient who could
erotopic ossification (standard Brooker Class III or not tolerate indomethacin because of gastrointesti-
IV) that was associated with greater than 20% loss of nal symptoms. Ragnarsson and coworkers22 in an-
motion occurred in 9% (23/262) of fractures. This other level II study had similar findings in a group of
amount of heterotopic ossification was noted in 23 patients operated on through the triradiate surgi-
20% (12/59) of the extended iliofemoral approaches, cal approach. Of the 14 patients receiving indometh-
8% (9/112) of the Kocher–Langenbeck approaches, acin prophylaxis (25 mg three times each day for
and 2% (2/87) of the ilioinguinal approaches. 6 weeks), 10 had no heterotopic ossification, 2 had
Brooker Class I, and 2 had Brooker Class II. In
the control group, six had Brooker Class II, two
PREVENTION OPTIONS had Brooker Class III, and one had Brooker Class IV
(P ! 0.0001). These Level II findings are consistent
In a 1998 survey of 226 members of the Orthopaedic with those of the Level III studies.
Trauma Association, Morgan and colleagues14 report In contradistinction, Matta and Siebenrock19 report
that prophylaxis for heterotopic ossification was used a Level I evidence, randomized, prospective trial
by 88.3% of the respondents. The stated rationale(s) indicating that indomethacin was not effective. How-
for this preventative treatment included its effective- ever, this study was vastly underpowered to detect
ness (39%), perception to be the standard of care differences. This study included 107 consecutive pa-
(16%), and support in the literature (45%). More than tients. Patients with an even hospital number received
one type of prophylaxis was used by 36.5% of the re- 100 mg indomethacin by suppository at the end of the
spondents. Indomethacin was used by 78.6%, low-dose operation and then 25 mg by mouth or rectally three
irradiation by 46.5%, low-dose irradiation combined times a day for 6 weeks. Those with an odd hospital
with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) number received no prophylactic treatment. Patients
by 15.1%, and NSAIDs other than indomethacin by with all three surgical approaches (extended ilio-
3.1%. Therefore, there are three basic preventative femoral, Kocher–Langenbeck, and ilioinguinal) were
treatment options: NSAIDs, low-dose irradiation, and a included. The ilioinguinal group (with an expected
combination of these two. prevalence of only 2% for heterotopic ossification
What Is the Best Way to Prevent Heterotopic Ossification after Acetabular Fracture Fixation? 355

sufficient to cause impairment, whether by radio- because it may change the overall findings by
graphs alone or in combination with measurement revealing a significant difference in compliant versus
of joint motion) represented almost 50% (50/107) noncompliant patients. The sample size required to
of the patients. Thirty-seven patients were in the provide the desired 80% power to minimize the risk
Kocher–Langenbeck groups, and 20 were in the ex- for type II error at an alpha ! 0.05 is 80 per group for
tended iliofemoral groups. The authors themselves the Kocher–Langenbeck approach. This calculation
did a power analysis and found low power in their assumes that 11% is the expected baseline preva-
numbers for the motion impairment criteria (24%), lence with the Brooker classification and uses an
and discussed the large patient numbers they would 11% decrease to 0% (the maximum possible) to
have needed to find significant effects. A simple analy- define the comparative change of clinical interest.
sis will show the large sample sizes required in the With the standard drug study expectation of a
design of a randomized, prospective study to provide 5% comparative change of clinical interest from 11%
the desired 80% power to minimize the risk for type II to 6%, 490 per group would be required. Ninety
error at an alpha ! 0.05. Assuming that the compara- patients per group would be required to show a
tive change of clinical interest in this study would be 10% treatment difference. The authors recognized
a decrease from the expected 2% to 1% for the ilioin- the fact that their study was underpowered. How-
guinal approach, 8% to 3% for the Kocher–Langenbeck ever, they explained away the need to adequately
approach, and 20% to 10% for the extended iliofemo- power the study by stating that the clinical effect
ral approach, the sample sizes needed per group for size is small. If that is truly the case, if the impair-
the desired 80% power are approximately 2300, 325, ment from heterotopic ossification after acetabular
and 200, respectively. The small clinical effect size fracture fixation through the Kocher–Langenbeck
(2%) and limited drug treatment benefit for the ilioin- approach is minimal without any preventative treat-
guinal approach indicates that there is limited value in ment, then there was no point in doing this study
proceeding with a prospective trial requiring such based on the known natural history. In summary,
large patient numbers. In addition, although this was the authors did not add the minimally required 20 to
a Level I study, clearly there were not enough patients 30 patients per group or do the secondary analysis,
to answer the study question. and left the study question unanswered.
Karunakar and coauthors20 completed a Level I A consistent finding is that a certain number of
evidence study designed to compare the effect of patients will discontinue their prescribed course of
indomethacin with that of a placebo in reducing the indomethacin treatment.20,21 Patients discontinue the
incidence of heterotopic ossification in a prospec- drug either because of medication-related gastroin-
tive, randomized trial. A total of 121 patients with testinal symptoms or just failure to “follow the
fractures of the acetabulum treated using a Kocher– doctor’s orders.”
Langenbeck approach were randomized to receive Therefore, based on the available evidence, it
either indomethacin (once-a-day 75-mg sustained- appears that indomethacin does effectively decrease
release capsule) or a placebo once daily for 6 weeks. the prevalence of heterotopic ossification in acetabu-
The extent of heterotopic ossification was evaluated lar fracture patients as long as the patients actually
on plain radiographs 3 months after operation using take their medicine.
the standard Brooker classification. Fifty-nine pa-
tients were in the indomethacin group, and 62 were
in the placebo group. Significant heterotopic ossifica- Other Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
tion, defined as Brooker Class III to IV, occurred in
9 of 59 patients (15.2%) in the indomethacin group Experimental evidence exists to suggest that NSAIDs
and 12 of 62 (19.4%) receiving the placebo (P " 0.722). (including selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors) other
On this basis, the authors recommend against the than indomethacin have effects similar to indometha-
routine use of indomethacin for prophylaxis against cin in the prevention of heterotopic ossification.23–25
heterotopic ossification after isolated fractures of However, there are limited clinical studies in patients
the acetabulum treated using the Kocher–Langenbeck with total joint arthroplasty24,26,27 and essentially none
approach. Although this study appears to be well for patients with acetabular fracture. Because all
designed, it suffers from important deficiencies. NSAIDs potentially have the same effects as indometh-
Eighteen patients randomized to the indomethacin acin, uncontrolled use of NSAIDs other than indometh-
group did not complete their course of prophylactic acin by study patients represents an important con-
therapy. These patients were maintained in the founding variable investigators have not routinely
indomethacin treatment group for the statistical addressed.
analysis, which on the surface seems a confounding
variable. This approach is consistent with the “intent-
to-treat” analysis design. However, what is also re- Low-Dose Irradiation
quired, which was not provided by the authors, is a
secondary analysis of these noncompliant patients. Some Level III evidence supports using low-dose irra-
This secondary analysis is explanatory in nature, diation to prevent heterotopic ossification after ace-
comparing compliant with noncompliant patients tabular fracture fixation.2,28,29 In a retrospective study
within the treatment group. This analysis is critical of 37 patients treated with an extended or modified
356 Trauma Topics

extended surgical approach, Bosse and colleagues2 when early ossification was seen on preoperative ra-
used prophylactic radiation, delivering 1000 cGy in diographs. Childs and coworkers,29 in an uncontrolled
200-cGy increments, starting on the third postopera- Level III portion of their study, were unable to show a
tive day. They found a significant (P ! 0.01) difference significant difference between the 700-cGy single-dose
in severe (Brooker class III or IV) heterotopic ossifica- regimen and the combination of indomethacin and
tion between the no-treatment control group and the low-dose irradiation.
irradiation group. In 1996, Anglen and Moore28 showed
similar findings in patients treated with 800 cGy as
a single dose within 3 days of surgery. Childs and AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY
coworkers29 found a 700-cGy single-dose regimen to Effectiveness of Preventative Therapies
be effective.
From our review of the English-language literature, From the studies available to us for review, as de-
no Level I or II evidence studies compare low-dose scribed earlier, it is clear that there is a scarcity of Level
radiation therapy with a no-treatment control group I and II evidence in support of treatments aimed toward
for patients after acetabular fracture fixation. How- the prevention of heterotopic ossification after acetab-
ever, such evidence does exist comparing irradiation ular fracture fixation. It is apparent that indomethacin
with indomethacin.30,31 Moore, Goss, and Anglen30 does not completely eliminate heterotopic ossification.
compared indomethacin (25 mg, given three times However, Level II and III studies indicate that its use
daily for 6 weeks) with irradiation with 800 cGy deliv- does significantly decrease the occurrence of “clini-
ered within 3 days of operation.30 Plain radiographs cally important” ossification. Unfortunately, these stud-
were evaluated using Brooker classification. The in- ies are limited by their use of the Brooker classification
vestigators found no difference between the two treat- to define “clinically important.” The Level I studies that
ment methods. Once again, this study was grossly conclude that indomethacin is not effective suffer from
underpowered. The authors recognized this issue, a multitude of design flaws. A Level I or II, randomized,
stating that “for this approximate sample size and prospective study in patients with acetabular fracture
outcome effect, p " 0.05 with a power of 80% would fixation comparing low-dose irradiation with 700 cGy
require an outcome difference of 27% between the two delivered as a single dose within 3 days of surgery to a
groups.”30 In a follow-up to this study, Burd, Lowry, control no-treatment group is wanting. The Level III
and Anglen31 performed a comparable study in a studies in support of low-dose irradiation have the
larger group of patients with Level II evidence. Their limitations detailed earlier.
findings were similar.31 Although there are some is-
sues with how the statistical data were presented, the
methods appear adequate to support their findings Timing and Dosing of Preventative Therapies
of no difference between the indomethacin and irra-
diation treatment groups. These authors used the The standard prescription for indomethacin for ace-
intent-to-treat method. Therefore, 16 patients who tabular fracture patients is 75 mg/day delivered ei-
were randomized into either the indomethacin (8 pa- ther orally or per rectum as 25 mg in three divided
tients) or irradiation (8 patients) treatment groups, doses (TID), instituted within 24 hours of surgery and
but did not receive these treatments, were included. continued for 6 weeks after surgery. In a Level II
As has been discussed previously, these authors study, Iotov21 used the medication for only 30 days
appropriately included a secondary analysis of the with success. Evidence exists from other patient
16 patients who did not receive treatment. Interest- populations (notably, patients with total joint arthro-
ingly, all 16 had heterotopic ossification, which was plasty) that shorter treatment regimens can be used.
Class III or IV in 6 of them. In summary, based on the However, no data support this decrease for patients
available evidence, it appears that low-dose irradia- with acetabular fracture. Karunakar and coauthors,20
tion does decrease the prevalence of heterotopic in their Level I study detailed earlier, used once-a-day
ossification in patients with acetabular fracture. 75-mg sustained-release capsules without success in
preventing heterotopic ossification. Interestingly, this
study was one of the few not to show a significant ef-
Combination Indomethacin and Low-Dose Irradiation fect with indomethacin usage. Whether this dosing
method affected the outcome is not known. The “ef-
A theoretical basis exists for the use of combination fective preventative dose” of indomethacin is not
therapy. Experimental evidence indicates that radia- known. Missing one or two of the three prescribed
tion therapy and indomethacin decrease heterotopic 25-mg doses in the TID regimen may not cause the
ossification by different pathways.32 However, to the loss of clinical effectiveness, as opposed to failing to
best of our knowledge, there is only Level IV evidence take an entire day’s medication by missing the single
in support of using the combination of indomethacin once-a-day 75-mg sustained-release capsule.
and low-dose irradiation to prevent heterotopic ossifi- Currently, low-dose radiation therapy usually con-
cation after acetabular fracture fixation.33 In this series sists of 700 cGY delivered to the hip region as a single
that Moed and Letournel reported,33 the use of this dose within 72 hours after surgery. Evidence in support
regimen essentially eliminated postoperative hetero- of the various dosing regimens for patients with ace-
topic ossification and there was no progression, even tabular fracture is limited. Most of the reported Level I
What Is the Best Way to Prevent Heterotopic Ossification after Acetabular Fracture Fixation? 357

to III evidence studies in patients with acetabular frac- misoprostol, is preventative for NSAID-induced gas-
ture presented data based on using either 1000 cGy tric and duodenal mucosal lesions and symptoms but
in increments over a number of days or 800 cGy as a does not interfere with the antirheumatic activity of
single dose within 3 days of surgery. Childs and co- the administered NSAID.43,45 However, its use, or that
workers,29 in a study with Level II evidence, evaluated of any other gastroduodenal mucosal protective
the timing of postoperative irradiation using a 700-cGy agent, in patients with acetabular fracture receiving
single-dose regimen. They note no increase in hetero- indomethacin for heterotopic ossification prophylaxis
topic ossification with up to a 72-hour interval between has not been studied.
surgery and radiation therapy. The possibility of induced malignant disease is the
main concern with low-dose radiation therapy, al-
though genetic alterations in offspring may also be at
Complications issue. Radiation-induced malignancy is rare, and no
case of malignancy caused by low-dose irradiation
Experimental animal studies have also shown that for heterotopic ossification prophylaxis has been
indomethacin will decrease the formation of new reported.46,47 However, pelvic low-dose irradiation
bone,34,35 impair fracture healing,36,37 and inhibit the with limited fields in the range of 260 to 530 cGy has
remodeling of haversian bone.38 In the rabbit, indo- been given for metropathia haemorrhagica.48 Mortal-
methacin decreased the torsional strength of healing ity was greater more than 30 years after radiotherapy
bone.39 In an in vitro study, NSAIDs have been shown than between 5 and 29 years after radiotherapy in
to adversely affect human osteoblasts.40 However, this Level III epidemiologic study, suggesting that full
this effect on the osteoblasts is reversible after dis- risks for development of cancer may not be assessed
continuation of the drug.40 Clinical correlation had for more than 30 years. Low-dose irradiation for het-
been scarce,34 and no problems with fracture healing erotopic ossification prophylaxis has not been used
had been noted in many reported Level III evidence that long, and unfortunately, study has shown that
series of patients with acetabular fracture.7,8,10 How- patients with acetabular fracture often fail to return
ever, a more recent Level II study in patients with for even short-term follow-up.47 In one study of
acetabular fracture has shown that the use of indo- 25 patients with acetabular fracture fixation treated
methacin increases the risk for long-bone nonunion.41 with low-dose irradiation for heterotopic ossification
This potential complication is likely associated with prophylaxis, not a single patient returned for follow-
all NSAID use.40,42 As noted earlier, a certain number up beyond 5 years.47
of patients will discontinue their prescribed course of
indomethacin treatment either because of medication-
related gastrointestinal symptoms or just failure to Cost
“follow the doctor’s orders.”10,20,21,31 Several impor-
tant risk factors predisposing patients to NSAID- A substantial cost difference exists between indo-
induced gastrointestinal symptoms have been identi- methacin and low-dose irradiation prophylaxis. Burd
fied, including age, prednisone use, underlying severe and colleagues,31 in 2001, reported a radiation therapy
illness, and a history of NSAID-induced gastrointesti- cost of $2400 compared with $12 for a 6-week course
nal symptoms.43 Length of therapy is also thought to of indomethacin at their institution. However, the
be a factor with patients receiving short-term therapy costs will vary from institution to institution. In addi-
(less than 1 month) at less risk.44 Level I evidence sug- tion, costs for possible complication-related treat-
gests that the synthetic prostaglandin E1 analog, ments have yet to be considered in the equation.

Given the baseline prevalence of heterotopic present an intermediate risk. In view of the levels
ossification after acetabular fracture fixation of evidence gleaned from our review of the
without the use of prophylactic treatment re- literature, patients with acetabular fracture treated
ported by Letournel and Judet3 and Matta,6 one using these approaches involving stripping of the
may reasonably conclude that prophylaxis is not gluteal muscles from the external surface of the
necessary for some patient groups. Patients ilium are candidates for preventative treatment
treated using the ilioinguinal approach fit in this (Table 51–2). The potential adverse effects of
category. Patients treated using more extensive preventative treatments must be considered.
surgical approaches involving stripping of the Therefore, the question remains, which patients
gluteal muscles from the external surface of the il- are at sufficient risk for acquiring an amount of
ium (i.e., extended iliofemoral, triradiate, or modi- heterotopic ossification necessary to impair hip
fication thereof) present the opposite end of the function?
spectrum. Patients undergoing acetabular fracture We recommend preventative treatment for
fixation through the Kocher–Langenbeck approach heterotopic ossification after acetabular
358 Trauma Topics

fracture fixation using the extended iliofemoral tic irradiation in children, young adults, and
surgical approach or similar extensive surgical women of childbearing age.
approaches (see Table 51–2). However, care Preventative treatment for heterotopic ossification
should be taken regarding patient selection after acetabular fracture fixation using the
and method of prophylaxis. ilioinguinal surgical approach or similar limited
To minimize its side effects and maximize effective surgical approaches is not recommended.
drug delivery, physicians should prescribe We recommend preventative treatment with
indomethacin as 25 mg TID taken for no more indomethacin for heterotopic ossification after
than 30 days. The elderly, infirm, those taking acetabular fracture fixation through the
prednisone, and those with a history of NSAID- Kocher–Langenbeck surgical approach or simi-
induced gastrointestinal symptoms should be lar posterolateral surgical approaches. Despite
excluded. Patients with an associated long-bone the fact that there is conflicting evidence re-
fracture should be recognized as at increased risk garding this treatment (see Table 51–2), we
for impaired fracture healing. This factor should believe that with careful patient selection, the
be considered in the decision-making process. potential benefit outweighs the overall risk.
Low-dose irradiation with 700 cGy delivered as a However, this is not the case for low-dose
single dose within 72 hours of surgery should irradiation and we do not recommend its use.
be considered in patients who are not candi- In conclusion, routine prophylaxis against hetero-
dates for indomethacin use, patients who are topic ossification with indomethacin or low-dose
believed to be unreliable regarding taking their irradiation appears be a useful adjuvant therapy
medications, and patients with associated long- for selected patients undergoing acetabular frac-
bone fractures. However, we believe that the ture fixation. However, the overall balance of risks
unanswered long-term outcomes of low-dose and benefits continues to await assessment in a
irradiation should preclude routine prophylac- large-scale randomized trial.

TABLE 51–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. HO prophylaxis should be used for acetabular fracture fixation in all patients. I

2. HO prophylaxis should be used for patients operated on using the ilioinguinal approach. I
3. HO prophylaxis should be used for patients operated using the I
Kocher–Langenbeck approach.
4. HO prophylaxis should be used for patients operated on using extended approaches. B
5. Indomethacin is effective when given for at least 30 days after surgery in a 25-mg B
TID regimen.
6. Indomethacin is effective when given as a single daily 75-mg sustained-release dose I
or other regimens.
7. Indomethacin use is associated with impaired healing of long-bone fractures. B
8. Other NSAIDs have similar HO prophylaxis effects as indomethacin in patients with I
acetabular fracture.
9. Low-dose irradiation is effective when given as a single 700-cGy dose within 3 days B
of surgery.
10. Indomethacin and low-dose irradiation are equally effective. B
11. Adding indomethacin to low-dose irradiation improves the prophylactic effectiveness. I

HO, heterotopic ossification; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

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Chapter When Is It Safe to Resect
52 Heterotopic Ossification?


AND WHAT CAUSES IT? associated with HO, may be indications to consider
HO resection.
Heterotopic ossification (HO) is the development of As with many areas within orthopedic surgery, a
bone in areas in which it is not normally found. This full consideration of all of the clinical aspects of the
usually creates the most problems around joints, problem is required before considering surgical in-
where the presence of the excess ossification can tervention: Do the patient’s symptoms fit with the
lead to blocks to motion, irritation of the soft tissues, radiographic findings? Is the HO in a location where
and even bony ankylosis of the affected joints. Soft- it can be safely removed without undue risk for harm
tissue ossification in areas remote from joints will to the associated soft tissues, including critical neu-
often be asymptomatic but can cause local muscle rologic and vascular structures? Is the bone suffi-
and fascial irritation, and with this, symptoms of ciently mature to allow resection and not simply im-
pain and dysfunction. mediately re-form after it is removed? These are but
The formation of HO is associated with many differ- some of the questions that must be answered before
ing conditions. A direct cause-and-effect relation has embarking on this type of technically demanding
not been established; however, the most common as- surgery. The purpose of this chapter is to guide clini-
sociations are with burns, spinal cord injury, and cians regarding the optimal timing of surgical resec-
trauma. It is also a problem that can develop with elec- tion based on the best available evidence.
tive joint replacement arthroplasty, specifically total
hip and knee arthroplasty. Head injury in association
with traumatic fractures or dislocations will signifi- OPTIONS
cantly increase the chances of acquiring this problem.
HO that develops in patients with head injuries usually Preoperative radiographic assessment of the HO is
affects only areas of musculoskeletal injury, although critical in terms of the decision to operate and acts as
the trauma may be fairly minor. In burn victims and a guide through the surgical session. The use of plain
patients with spinal cord injury, HO may develop radiographs, oblique views, and tomograms are help-
around joints that have not had any specific injury to ful, but a computed tomographic (CT) scan is impor-
them, often being quite extensive and frequently caus- tant to fully assess the extent and pattern of the bone
ing ankylosis by bridging across normal joints. formation. A three-dimensional reconstruction is a
It is postulated that a circulatory factor, released major help to conceptualize the HO. On the CT scan,
from the brain, is the common factor in burn and a halo of inflammatory tissue around the bone mass
trauma victims that leads to the growth of the HO. may indicate continued activity of bone formation.
Much work is yet to be done to fully isolate this factor. Magnetic resonance imaging scanning may play a role
The factors seem to be subtypes of bone morphoge- in defining the location of adjacent critical neurovas-
netic protein (BMP), with BMP-1, -4, and -6 found in cular structures adjacent to a mass of HO.
pathologic specimens.1 A correlation exists between The timing of surgical HO resection is of critical
the severity of the head injury and the risk for develop- importance. There is a balance to be found between
ment of ectopic bone. The occurrence of autonomic the urge to intervene early, with the possibility that
dysregulation may predict the chance of development HO may simply re-form, versus delaying surgery,
of HO in patients with severe head injury.2 The role of which prolongs the patient’s symptoms of pain or
prostaglandin E2 has recently been suggested as a me- joint stiffness, or both, with the associated functional
diator in the differentiation of the progenitor cells.3 impairments that this will cause. Moreover, waiting
for a prolonged period can result in fixed contrac-
tures of the periarticular soft tissues, making restora-
CLINICAL PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED tion of movement after resection more difficult to
Classic teaching has been to wait until the HO tissue
The causative factor of pain associated with HO is is mature, until there is no further evidence of bone
unclear. Pain associated with neurologic or vascular formation before attempting to remove it, thus mini-
entrapment, or functionally restricting joint stiffness mizing the risk for HO re-formation. This traditional

When Is It Safe to Resect Heterotopic Ossification? 361

approach is based on the following theoretical con- well-defined trabeculations—have not proved to be
cept: If the bone has matured and is no longer in an reliable predictors of nonrecurrence of HO after sur-
active stage of formation, there will be less chance of gery10 (Level III).
it re-forming after the resection. Although reasonable Really only one study has been widely quoted
in theory, no Level I or II studies have evaluated this that looks at the level of bone maturity and at-
concept. More recently, individual surgeons are mov- tempts to correlate this to the risk for bone refor-
ing to earlier resection to reduce the time of disability mation after resection. In a small, retrospective re-
for the patient.4 view of 19 patients with spinal cord injuries, Garland
The traditional methods for assessing the maturity and Orwin10 found that 15 of 22 hips with a mature
of the HO are as follows: preoperative pattern of heterotopic bone had a re-
1. Radiographic appearance currence after resection. No evidence was reported
a. Maturity of bone, trabecular patterns that a mature pattern of bone was less associated
b. Lack of additional bone formation on serial with a recurrence than one that was less mature.
radiographs This is a Level III study.
2. Blood tests As such, there is a lack of literature at an adequate
a. A return of serum alkaline phosphatase (ALK) level relating interpretation of the maturity of bone
levels to normal on x-ray film to reoccurrence after resection. It may
3. Nuclear medicine bone scans be that areas of nonmature bone are obscured by
a. Progressively reduced new bone activity, overlying areas of mature bone. It may be that there
falling to a “cold scan” is no direct correlation between maturity and recur-
Classic orthopedic texts (Level V) recommend the rence after resection. Despite assumptions made in
following approach to HO resection: Wait at least 12 to the past that to prevent recurrence, bone must be
18 months after the HO has formed to guarantee that mature before resection, maturity and recurrence
the tissue is mature and will not reoccur. Look at the may be independent variables. No studies have been
quality of the bone on radiographs to look for the fea- published on interobserver and intraobserver reli-
tures of mature bone, density, trabecular patterns of ability in the assessment of bone maturity within HO.
bone, and cortical maturation. Always obtain a bone As such, we have no evidence to answer the question
scan of the area. The bone scan must be cold—that is, of what degree of bone maturity, as judged by radio-
showing no evidence of bone turnover or overt activ- graphic appearance, is sufficient to allow safe resec-
ity, thus assuring the surgeon that the tissue is mature tion with a low chance of reoccurrence.
and not likely to return once resected. In addition, the
serum ALK should be followed until it normalizes be-
fore removing the bone.5–7 Role of Alkaline Phosphatase in Assessing
The reasons for these positions are largely anec- the Maturity of the Heterotopic Ossification
dotal (Level V). No high level evidence exists to sup-
port any of the suggestions made in the classic litera- In situations in which there is the formation of large
ture. At best, the recommendations made are based amounts of HO, ALK levels may become abnormal
on the clinical experience of senior authors and approximately 2 weeks after injury. In the typical
clinical experts in the field. case of HO, the ALK levels reached approximately 3.5
Currently, many authors believe that waiting until times the normal value 10 weeks after the inciting
the radiographic appearance is reasonably mature trauma, before returning to normal at approximately
and then proceeding with the resection is the best ap- 18 weeks.11 Although it may seem a logical conclu-
proach. They are hoping to reduce the morbidity of sion that there is a direct correlation between the
the prolonged delay to surgery and the problems of level of ALK and the activity of the HO, this is not
joint immobility that may not be correctable after re- always the case. The levels of ALK may be entirely
section. Tsionos, Leclercq, and Rochet,8 from the Insti- normal with active HO.10,11 Alternatively, the levels
tut de la Main, Paris, France, advised early resection in may remain increased for years after formation, yet
burn patients at the elbow with a suggested reduction the tissue appears completely mature on radio-
of the period of morbidity for the patients (Level IV). graphs.12
Their mean time between the burn and operation was The level of evidence is fair (Level II) for an associa-
12 months, with the median being 9.5 months. This tion between increased ALK and the development of
chapter analyzes the literature according to levels of HO. In a prospective cohort analysis study by Tibone
evidence to attempt to answer the question posed: and coauthors,12 in which the authors gathered data
When is it safe to resect HO? on a series of patients with spinal cord injuries with
developing HO, a relation between increasing levels of
ALK and the development of HO was established. This
EVIDENCE study did not look at surgical resection or recurrence
Radiographic Appearance of Maturity of the lesions after resection. The authors also found
persistently increased levels of ALK in several pa-
The typical radiologic appearance of HO is circum- tients for years after the development of HO, indicat-
ferential ossification with a lucent center.9 X-ray indi- ing that, if the level of ALK was an important parame-
cators of maturity—lesions with distinct margins and ter for determining the maturity of the HO, it might be
362 Trauma Topics

thought that the HO might take many years to mature. Level of Neurologic Recovery
In some cases, it may never be mature.
Comparing the levels of ALK and the rates of recur- In a retrospective chart review of 25 adult patients
rence, Garland and Orwin,10 in their small retrospec- with brain injury, Garland and coworkers23 analyzed
tive series (Level III), found that serum ALK levels the extent of the brain injury and the degree of recov-
were normal in 9 of 13 hips that had a recurrence of ery of the involved limb after resection of the HO
bone formation after resection of the HO. Thus, little (Level III). The authors categorized the patients into
support exists for the routine use of serum ALK nor- Class I to V according to the cognitive and physical
malization as an indicator of the safety to proceed residua of the brain injury, with Class I being minimal
with resection of the HO. disability in both areas. In addition, the authors looked
at the bone scans, levels of ALK, radiographic evidence
of bone maturity before surgery, and use of postopera-
BONE SCANS tive preventive measures such as diphosphonate.
The findings of this study were that the single
Three-phase bone scans may be the most sensitive best predictor of a good surgical result with the low-
imaging modality for early detection of HO.10,11,13–19 est recurrence rate was a rating of Class I or II in
Specifically, flow studies and blood-pool images will terms of neurologic recovery of the affected limb. In
detect the beginnings of HO approximately 2.5 weeks contrast, the Class V group with severe ongoing
after injury, with findings on delayed scintigrams be- neurologic impairments had no improvement in
coming positive approximately 1 week later. Activity function and had high recurrence rates. The au-
on the delayed bone scans usually peaks a few thors found that normalized levels of ALK, mature
months after injury, after which the intensity of activ- radiographic appearance of the HO, or waiting more
ity on these scans progressively lessens, with a return than 18 months after injury before surgery were not
toward normal at 6 to 12 months. The scans will usu- consistent in predicting a good functional outcome
ally return to normal within 12 months, hence the or a low recurrence rate. Bone scans were not rou-
classic suggestions to wait the 1-year period before tinely available, and as such, no conclusions could
resecting the bone. Paradoxically, in some cases, ac- be drawn as to the predictive value of this test re-
tivity on the scan remains slightly increased even garding recurrence of the HO.
though the underlying HO has become mature.12 Moreover, the study concludes that an increased
Several authors report on the use of serial bone level of ALK, evidence of immature bone on radio-
scans to successfully monitor the metabolic activity graphs, and early surgery on Class V (poor neuro-
of HO and determine the appropriate time for surgi- logic recovery) patients were associated with high
cal resection, if needed, and to predict postoperative recurrence rates.
recurrence.14,15,20,21 The authors postulate that the level of neurologic
The studies evidence is summarized as follows: recovery may influence the success of surgery based
• Although there appears to be value in serial on the ability of the patient to use the limb effectively
bone scans to determine the level of maturity after surgery and to participate in the rehabilitation
of the HO, there is no correlation between process. In addition, recovery of the neurologic impair-
maturation on bone scan and nonrecurrence ment would reduce the levels of circulatory central
after resection. factors that would be active in causing a recurrence of
• Tanaka and coworkers21 recommend the the HO. This Level III study provides the strongest evi-
following protocol if one uses serial bone scans dence available relating the level of neurologic recov-
to help decide the timing of heterotopic bone ery and the success of resection of HO.
resection: The authors suggest obtaining a Garland13 has recommended different schedules
baseline quantitative bone scan as soon as for surgical intervention, depending on the cause of
possible after the onset of clinical symptoms of the condition underlying the HO: 6 months after di-
HO. This is done if the possibility of resecting rect traumatic musculoskeletal injury, 1 year after
the bone at some time in the future is being spinal cord injury, and 1.5 years after traumatic brain
considered. Obtain serial scans at between injury. This publication makes recommendations that
1- and 6-month intervals. More frequent serial the author describes as an estimate of timing without
scans improve the accuracy of the technique. substantive evidence.
• Serial quantitative bone scans that show a
sharply decreasing trend followed by a steady
state over a 2- to 3-month period are the most AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY
reliable scintigraphic parameter for determin-
ing whether HO has reached maturity. It is unclear whether what is required is a refinement
• This Level III evidence of maturity evidenced by of techniques to determine when the HO has ma-
decreasing bone scan activity does not indicate tured, or whether there are other, more important
that it is safe to surgically remove the HO factors that affect the likelihood of recurrence after
because recurrences occurred in the presence surgical resection apart from the maturity of the
of a cold or a maturing bone scan10,22 with bone mass. Little evidence is available to support
substantial frequency. the contention that radiographic assessment of HO
When Is It Safe to Resect Heterotopic Ossification? 363

maturity predicts the chance of reoccurrence after REFERENCES

resection surgery10 (Level III).
For several investigators,14,20,21 serial preoperative 1. Liu K, Tripp S, Layfield LJ: Heterotopic ossification: Review
of histologic findings and tissue distribution in a 10-year
bone scans that quantify the ratio of heterotopic to experience. Pathol Res Pract 203:633–640, 2007.
normal bone activity have successfully predicted 2. Hendricks HT, Geurts AC, van Ginneken BC, et al: Brain injury
postoperative nonrecurrence; a decreasing or stable severity and autonomic dysregulation accurately predict het-
scintigraphic activity ratio is considered the hall- erotopic ossification in patients with traumatic brain injury.
Clin Rehabil 21:545–553, 2007.
mark of mature HO. As HO becomes mature, there 3. Ho SSW, Stern PJ, Bruno LP, et al: Pharmacological inhibition
also is a significant decrease, often reaching a normal of prostaglandin E-2 in bone and its effect on pathological
level, in both flow study and blood-pool activity. new bone formation in a rat brain model. Trans Orthop Res
Other authors, again based on poor level evidence, Soc 13:536, 1988.
have found that even in the presence of a quiescent 4. Freebourn TM, Barber DB, Able AC: The treatment of imma-
ture heterotopic ossification in spinal cord injury with combi-
bone scan, a postresection reoccurrence of HO can nation surgery, radiation therapy and NSAID. Spinal Cord
occur (Level III).10,24 37:50–53, 1999.
Neurologic recovery of the affected limb seems to be 5. Canale ST: Campbell’s Operative Orthopedics, 10th ed.
an important factor in reducing the chance of recur- St. Louis, Mosby, 2003.
6. Bucholz RW, Heckman JD: Rockwood and Green’s Fractures
rence after resection of the HO (Level III).23 Although in Adults, 6th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
not specifically covered in this article, the use of ap- 2005.
propriate postoperative measures to reduce the 7. Weinstein SL, Buckwalter JA: Turek’s Orthopaedics: Principles
chances of recurrence, be this radiation treatment, use and Their Application, 6th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott
of anti-inflammatory drugs such as indomethacin or William & Wilkins, 2005.
8. Tsionos I, Leclercq C, Rochet JM: Heterotopic ossification of
cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors, or a combination of the the elbow in patients with burns: Results after early resec-
two, may well be more important than the above preop- tion. J Bone Joint Surg Br 86-B:396–403, 2004.
erative indices in achieving a successful outcome from 9. Helms CA: “Skeletal don’t touch” lesions. In Brant WE,
resection surgery. Helms CA (eds): Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology.
Baltimore, MD. Williams & Wilkins, 1994, pp 963–975.
Finally, atraumatic surgical technique should be im- 10. Garland DE, Orwin JF: Resection of heterotopic ossification in
portant in reducing the amount of additional soft-tissue patients with spinal cord injuries. Clin Orthop 242:169–176,
trauma to the local area, reducing the regional stimulus 1989.
to bone reformation. This surgery is technically de- 11. Orzel JA, Rudd TG: Heterotopic bone formation: Clinical,
manding and should be attempted only when the sur- laboratory and imaging correlation. J Nucl Med 26:125–132,
geon has excellent knowledge of the intricate local 12. Tibone J, Sakimura I, Nickel VL, Hsu JD: Heterotopic ossifica-
anatomy and can perform the surgery in an atraumatic tion around the hip in spinal cord-injured patients: A long-
fashion, respecting the soft tissues (Level V). term follow-up study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 60:769–775, 1978.
13. Garland DE: A clinical perspective on common forms of ac-
quired heterotopic ossification. Clin Orthop 263:13–29, 1991.
RECOMMENDATIONS 14. Rossier AB, Bussat P, Infante F, et al: Current facts on para-
osteoarthropathy (POA). Paraplegia 11:36–78, 1973.
Based on a critical review of the available 15. Freed JH, Hahn H, Menter R, Dillon T: The use of three-phase
literature with an assessment of the quality of the bone scan in the early diagnosis of heterotopic ossification
(HO) and in the evaluation of Didronel therapy. Paraplegia
studies, the assessment of when it is safe to 20:208–216, 1982.
resect HO remains difficult. Table 52–1 provides a 16. Tyler JL, Derbekyan V, Lisbona R: Early diagnosis of myositis
summary of recommendations for the treatment ossificans with Tc-99m diphosphonate imaging. Clin Nucl
of heterotopic ossification. Med 9:256–258, 1984.
17. Drane WE: Myositis ossificans and the three phase bone
scan. AJR Am J Roentgenol 142:179–180, 1984.
18. Szabo Z, Ritzl F, Chittima S, et al: Bone scintigraphy of myosi-
tis ossificans in apallic syndrome. Eur J Nucl Med 7:426–428,
TABLE 52–1. Summary of Recommendations 1982.
19. Suzuki Y, Hisada K, Takeda M: Demonstration of myositis os-
sificans by 99mTc pyrophosphate bone scanning. Radiology
111:663–664, 1974.
20. Muheim G, Donath A, Rossier AB: Serial scintigrams in the
course of ectopic bone formation in paraplegic patients. AJR
1. Adults awaiting surgical HO resection C Am J Roentgenol 118:865–869, 1973.
should delay surgery until plain radio- 21. Tanaka T, Rossier AB, Hussey RW, et al: Quantitative assess-
graphs and computed tomographic ment of para-osteo-arthropathy and its maturation on serial
scan demonstrate a mature bone ap- radionuclide bone images. Radiology 123:217–221, 1977.
pearance to minimize recurrence rates. 22. Stover SL, Niemann KM, Tulloss JR: Experience with surgical
2. Adults awaiting surgical HO resection C resection of heterotopic bone in spinal cord injury patients.
may have lower recurrence rates if they Clin Orthop 263:71–77, 1991.
wait until serial bone scans show that 23. Garland DE, Hanscom DA, Keenan MA, et al: Resection of
activity has reduced to a low level. heterotopic ossification in the adult with head trauma.
3. Adults awaiting surgical HO resection C J Bone Joint Surg Am 67:1261–1269, 1985.
should achieve a high level of neuro- 24. Garland DE: Surgical approaches for resection of heterotopic
logic recovery of the affected limb ossification in traumatic brain-injured adults. Clin Orthop
before the procedure is undertaken. Relat Res (263):59–70, 1991.
HO, heterotopic ossification.
Chapter Damage Control Trauma Care:

53 Does It Save Lives or Make No Difference?


Controversy still exists about the early definitive embolism rate were associated with early intramedul-
treatment of fractures in patients with multiple inju- lary nailing. In contrast, Pape and colleagues,7 in a
ries. Several authors in the 1980s supported the retrospective review, found that although early intra-
benefit of early intramedullary nailing of femoral medullary nailing of femoral shaft fractures in patients
shaft fractures.1–6 However, because of experimental without chest injuries had a reduced risk for morbid-
and retrospective studies in the 1990s, concerns ity, the rates of ARDS and mortality were increased in
were raised about primary intramedullary nailing of patients with associated severe chest injuries treated
the femur, sometimes referred to as early total care with reamed intramedullary nailing within 24 hours of
(ETC), especially in patients with associated chest injury when compared with those who had delayed
and head injuries.7–9 The concept of “damage control fracture fixation7 (Level of Evidence 3). Their sugges-
orthopedics” (DCO) was then developed in the large tion was to consider alternate forms of femur fracture
trauma centers. This technique involves primary fixation or delayed definitive fixation in patients with
external skeletal fixation of the femoral fracture severe chest injuries (Abbreviated Injury Scale [AIS]
followed in a few days by definitive intramedullary ! 2). This then led to the development of the DCO
nailing when the patient’s physiology has been com- concept. Other centers have advocated delayed defini-
pletely corrected. Several authors have advocated tive treatment in the more recent literature.10–13
delayed definitive treatment in the more recent Experimental Animal Studies. Parallel to the clinical stud-
literature.10–13 Since the 1990s, there has been an ies, several experimental animal studies investigated
ongoing debate about early versus delayed definitive the effect of reamed or unreamed nailing of the femur
fracture fixation in femoral shaft fractures in the set- and the tibia on the intramedullary pressure and the
ting of polytrauma and when treating femoral shaft rate of fat embolization.8,9,22–28 In addition, Duwelius
fractures in patients with multiple injuries regarding and researchers22 and Wolinsky and colleagues28
whether the reamed or the unreamed technique examined the effect of intramedullary nailing on
should be used. pulmonary function in normal and contused lungs.
Since the late 1980s, the assessment and treatment Most of the studies showed that intramedullary
of the patient with multiple injuries has markedly im- nailing of the femur increases the intramedullary
proved. The establishment of highly specialized trauma pressure.8,9,22–24 No difference was found if a reamed
centers for early intervention of life-threatening inju- or unreamed nailing procedure was used.22,23 Opening
ries, such as intrathoracic, intraabdominal, and intra- of the canal with an awl leads to the highest intramed-
cranial injuries, has led to greater survival rates in ullary pressure in studies by Heim and investigators24
these patients.14–17 and Duwelius and researchers.22 Marrow element ex-
In light of ongoing controversy since the 1990s with travasation and fat emboli are clearly associated with
regard to timing and type of definitive treatment of reamed and unreamed nailing of the femur.9,22–24,27,28
long bone fractures in patients with multiple injuries, Manning and coworkers25 showed greater rates of
the purpose of this review is to provide guidance to fat release in intact femurs compared with fractured
clinicians based on the best available evidence on femurs and concluded that the fracture is responsible
this topic. for the low incidence of pulmonary dysfunction in the
clinical field. Duwelius and researchers22 found mini-
mal pulmonary dysfunction in normal and contused
EVIDENCE lung in their sheep model with reamed or unreamed
Timing of Fracture Care in Patients with Multiple nailing of the femur. However, the reamed technique
Trauma Injuries had a greater rate of fat emboli in the histologic
analysis. Wolinsky and his group28 confirmed these
Initial Clinical and Basic Science Research. Several studies in the results in 1998 in their sheep model with a reamed
1980s and 1990s found that early definitive care (less nailing procedure.
than 24 hours) leads to a decrease of morbidity and No evidence has been provided from this basic
mortality.1–4,18–21 Most of the studies claimed that pre- physiology research that reamed intramedullary nail-
vention of adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), ing of the femur leads to greater pulmonary dysfunc-
reduction of inflammatory mediators, and lower fat tion than unreamed nailing. However, manipulation

Damage Control Trauma Care 365

of the medullary canal does have a negative effect on were the first to demonstrate in their study from
pulmonary physiology. 1993 that early reamed intramedullary nailing in pa-
Immunologic Response Studies. Another field of interest is tients with severe chest injuries (AIS ! 2) increased
the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) the risk for ARDS and death. In the same study, early
score of patients with multiple injuries related to the fixation without chest injury was associated with
time of treatment. Several studies since the early decreased morbidity.
1990s have shown that the inflammatory response Comparison between studies is difficult. One main
correlates with the severity of the injury, patient difficulty is the definition of the severity of chest
outcome, and mortality.29–36 However, only two stud- trauma. In most studies, an AIS score of greater than
ies have focused on the comparison of early versus 2 is considered to be a severe chest injury. In several
delayed fixation.32,35 Pape and colleagues35 show in studies, however, the AIS is either not mentioned or
their prospective, randomized, multicenter study is indicated as 2 or lower.1,19,38,44 Another difficulty is
with 35 patients from 2003 that certain interleukin the great variety of the ISSs in the studies. Most stud-
levels (IL-6 and IL-8) are significantly increased in the ies use an ISS of greater than 18 as a criterion for
primary intramedullary fixation group. Both groups inclusion.1,3,7,20,37,40 However, often the ISS was signifi-
were similar regarding age, injury severity score cantly different across studies and across the two
(ISS), AIS, and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). However, treatment groups.39
no difference was found in the IL-1 level and in the As mentioned previously and as shown in Table 53–1,
incidence of ARDS, sepsis, and multiorgan failure most studies showed either no difference or better
(Level of Evidence 2). outcome in the early definitive fixation group.
The second study that is from the same group, Bone and coauthors1 showed in their prospective,
reported by Harwood and colleagues32 in 2005, randomized clinical study from 1989 that the inci-
looked retrospectively at 174 patients and found a dence of pulmonary complications such as ARDS,
greater SIRS score in the early fixation group despite pneumonia, and fat embolism is greater when the
having significantly lower ISSs, and fewer head and fracture fixation is delayed (Level of Evidence 2).
chest injuries. They also had longer intensive care This study was a prospective, randomized, clinical
unit (ICU) stays, higher ARDS rates, and more multi- trial, but there were some limitations regarding the
organ failures. Although the authors’ conclusion that definition of the severity of the chest injury. In a
DCO does not add additional detrimental inflamma- retrospective review, similar results were presented
tory response to the patient seems clear, the study from this group37 in 1995 with a chest AIS greater
did not demonstrate that the greater SIRS score in than 3 (Level of Evidence 3).
the early definitive fixation group will lead to more Interestingly, regarding Pape and colleagues’7
complications (Level of Evidence III). study, Charash and colleagues40 arrived at an oppo-
No clinical evidence exists from these results that site conclusion using the same study design in their
high levels of interleukin or high SIRS scores lead to study with 138 patients. A complication rate of
a significantly greater rate of complications when 56% was observed in the patient group with delayed
timing of the fracture care is within 24 hours. definitive fracture fixation, and associated severe
Chest Injuries and Femur Fractures. The benefits of early chest injuries were compared with a rate of only 16%
definitive fracture fixation in patients with associ- in the early fixation group (Level of Evidence 3).
ated chest injuries have been demonstrated repeat- In the more recent literature, Handolin and re-
edly.1,4,18–21,37–43 In contrast, Pape and colleagues7 searchers41 and Weninger and colleagues43 compared

TABLE 53–1. Chest Injuries


Bone et al.1 Prospective 178 ETC II B

Pape et al.7 Retrospective 106 DCO III C
Charash et al.40 Retrospective 138 ETC III C
Bone et al.37 Retrospective 97 ETC III C
Reynolds et al.20 Retrospective 105 No difference IV C
Boulanger et al.19 Retrospective 149 No difference IV C
Bosse et al.18 Retrospective 453 No difference III C
Carlson et al.39 Retrospective 593 No difference IV C
Brundage et al.38 Retrospective 1362 ETC IV C
Nau et al.44 Retrospective 148 ETC IV C
Handolin et al.41 Retrospective 61 ETC III C
Weninger et al.43 Retrospective 152 ETC III C
COTS Prospective 109 Reamed II B

*A " good evidence (Level I studies with consistent finding) for or against recommending intervention; B " fair evidence (Level II or III studies with
consistent findings) for or against recommending intervention; C " poor quality evidence (Level IV or V with consistent findings) for or against
recommending intervention; I " there is insufficient or conflicting evidence not allowing a recommendation for or against intervention.
COTS, Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society.DCO, damage control orthopedics; ETC, early total care.
366 Trauma Topics

patients with severe chest injuries (AIS $ 3) and difficult to monitor these patients intraoperatively
femoral fractures treated with early intramedullary regarding fluid management, careful anesthesia man-
nailing with a group with severe chest injury but with- agement is mandatory to avoid potential detrimental
out long bone fractures (Level of Evidence 3). Both neurologic effects of fracture surgery.
studies found that intramedullary nailing of the femur Both early and delayed femur fracture fixation
did not add any additional risk for ARDS, multiorgan in polytrauma victims with head injury has been
failure syndrome, and mortality. The strength of supported (Table 53–2). Jaicks and investigators46
Weninger and colleagues’43 study is the equal distri- and Townsend and coworkers47 postulate that early
bution in the ISS (39.5 vs. 38.3), the chest AIS (4.2 vs. fracture fixation exposed the patient to an unaccept-
4.1), and the distribution of thoracic injuries. able risk for secondary brain damage.
The Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society45 Jaicks and investigators46 retrospectively reviewed
report on a prospective, randomized, clinical trial 33 patients with significant closed head injuries who
that compared the rates of ARDS in patients with were treated either with early (# 24 hours) or late
multiple trauma injuries who had their femur frac- fixation (!24 hours). He found that patients with
tures treated primarily with either a reamed or an early fixation received significantly more fluids in the
unreamed nail. The society found that there was no first 48 hours, had a greater rate of intraoperative
significant difference in the rate of ARDS (reamed, hypotension and hypoxia, and had an average dis-
4.8%; unreamed, 4.3%) or mortality between the two charge GCS that was lower compared with the
groups. The number of subjects was small and the delayed fixation group. In contrast, the neurologic
event rate was low, indicating that further study may complication rate, ICU stay, and hospital time was
be necessary (Level of Evidence 2). slightly higher in the delayed fixation group46 (Level
In summary, the literature is inconclusive regard- of Evidence 3).
ing the optimal timing and type of fixation for femoral Sixty-one patients with moderate-to-severe closed
shaft fractures in association with severe chest inju- head injuries in the retrospective review from
ries. It would appear from the early retrospective Townsend and coworkers47 received intramedul-
studies and from the Bone and coauthors’1 prospec- lary nailing of the femur in the first 2 hours, within
tive randomized trial that early (within 24 hours) 24 hours, or after 24 hours of admission to hospital.
femur fracture fixation is advantageous in terms Compared with fracture fixation after 24 hours, the
of morbidity and perhaps mortality. It is not clear authors note an eight-fold increased risk for be-
whether the primary fixation should be external skel- coming hypotensive during fracture fixation when
etal fixation (DCO) or definitive fixation (ETC). For treated within the first 2 hours. The risk for hypo-
patients treated with early definitive fixation, it would tension was twice as high when fracture fixation
appear from the Canadian prospective randomized occurred within 24 hours compared with treatment
trial that there is no advantage to the unreamed after 24 hours. The authors conclude that the risk
technique over the reamed technique for pulmonary for low intraoperative cerebral perfusion pressure
complication or mortality. remains important for at least 24 hours47 (Level of
Timing of Fracture Care in Patients with Multiple Trauma Injuries: Head Evidence 3).
Injuries. Patients with multiple injuries with associated In contrast with these studies, there are numerous
head trauma must be evaluated carefully regarding studies that not only shown no risk for early fracture
early fracture fixation. Early fracture fixation may ex- fixation,38,48–54 but also show benefit in patients with
pose the patient to additional hypotension, hypox- ancillary chest trauma.38,53 Hofman and Goris48 found
emia, increased intracranial pressure, and reduced a better neurologic outcome based on the Glasgow
intracranial perfusion, potentially exacerbating the Outcome Scale score and Brundage and colleagues38
existing brain injury. Furthermore, because it may be based on a greater GCS score in the early fixation

TABLE 53–2. Head Injuries


Kotwica et al.49 Retrospective 100 ETC III C

Hofman and Goris48 Retrospective 58 ETC III C
Poole et al.52 Retrospective 114 No difference III C
Jaicks et al.46 Retrospective 33 DCO III C
McKee et al.50 Retrospective 145 No difference III C
Starr et al.53 Retrospective 32 ETC III C
Velmahos et al.54 Retrospective 47 No difference III C
Townsend et al.47 Retrospective 61 DCO III C
Brundage et al.38 Retrospective 1362 ETC III C
Nau et al.51 Retrospective 175 ETC III C

DCO, damage control orthopedics; ETC, early total care.

Damage Control Trauma Care 367

group in their studies from 1991 and 2002, respec- possible to recruit patients with such severe injury
tively. None of the reviewed studies showed poorer for these trials.
neurologic outcome in the early fixation group. Early definitive fracture fixation of long bone frac-
Hofman and Goris48 showed a three-fold greater ture is the common standard in most trauma centers.
mortality rate, and also Kotwica and colleagues49 Chest injuries and head injuries are not contraindica-
and Riemer and coauthors55 demonstrate greater tions for ETC. It is our duty to optimize the clinical
rates of mortality in the delayed fixation group. Sev- assessment of these patients, and provide careful
eral authors present no difference in the mortality monitoring and appropriate resuscitation to reach
rate.38,50,51,54 the best possible outcome. DCO would appear to be
Velmahos and associates54 in their study from 1998 a safe alternative. In many situations, it may be the
showed in 47 patients no difference of intraoperative best option for the patient. An obvious example is the
hypotension and hypoxia in the early fixation group uncommon instance when the patient cannot be ad-
and found a trend to longer hospital and ICU stays equately resuscitated; no one has ever recommended
after delayed treatment (Level of Evidence III). Also, definitive fracture care in the setting of a patient who
Brundage and colleagues38 detected longer hospital is hypotensive, acidotic, hypothermic, hypoxic, or
stay and ICU length in the delayed fixation group, coagulopathic. In that setting, initial emergent exter-
where McKee and coworkers50 and Nau and col- nal skeletal fixation can be done quickly with minimal
leagues51 could not find a difference between the two additional blood loss and still fulfill the need to pro-
groups. vide early surgical stabilization of a femur fracture
Starr and colleagues53 found that delayed fixation with limited additional stress to the patient. Another
was a strong predictor of pulmonary complications situation where DCO is practiced is in institutions
in 32 patients with mild-to-severe head injuries. that do not have the personnel, facilities, or experi-
Pulmonary complications were 48 times more likely ence to manage complex polytrauma victims and,
in the delayed treatment group compared with therefore, DCO may provide some benefit if transfer
early fixation. For each point increment in the chest to an appropriate institution may take more than a
AIS and head/neck AIS, the risk for pulmonary few hours.
complications increased by 300% and 500%, respec-
tively. The authors report no difference in the
incidence of central nervous system complications
with early or delayed treatment (Level of Evidence 3). RECOMMENDATIONS
Poole and coauthors52 state that the neurologic From our perspective, treatment of femur
outcome is determined by the severity of the head fractures with early intramedullary nailing is a
injury, and that delayed fixation did not protect the safe procedure in patients with multiple injuries
injured brain. with associated severe thoracic or head trauma,
All studies about fracture fixation in patients with as long as these patients are adequately resusci-
head injury are retrospective and have only looked tated. If hemodynamic stability and oxygenation
at timing of fracture fixation. None has examined with adequate monitoring can be achieved, we
specifically the type of fracture fixation. It is there- recommend early (%24 hours) definitive fracture
fore not possible to derive a definitive conclusion care of long bone fracture with intramedullary
regarding the timing and type of long bone fracture nailing to simplify intensive care, reduce fracture
treatment in the context of severe head injury. It is pain, and provide early mobilization as soon as
more important in these patients to individualize possible.
clinical assessment and treatment to the patient’s If hemodynamic stability cannot be reached
condition with careful attention to intraoperative within the first hours of admission, temporary
monitoring and adequate resuscitation. Maintenance external fixation should be considered. The
of cerebral perfusion pressure greater than 70 mm possible restriction of organ function caused by
Hg is mandatory. any surgical intervention in the vulnerable phase
of hypovolemia and shock should always be
kept in mind. Patient populations, resuscitation
AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY protocols and teams, orthopedic expertise,
anaesthesia capabilities, and ICU resources vary
Tremendous work has been invested since the 1980s from institution to institution. All of these are
in the field of fracture care in patients with multiple important to consider when making the decision
injuries. Because of this research, treatment strate- about whether a polytrauma patient should have
gies for this delicate patient group were developed his or her femur treated with primary intramedul-
and have led to a large improvement in the clinical lary nailing or with the DCO protocol. It would
outcome of these patients. Many important ques- appear from the literature that both techniques
tions remain unanswered. are acceptable if the patient has been adequately
Previous authors postulate that only a large, pro- resuscitated. Table 53–3 provides a summary of
spective, randomized trial could be helpful. The recommendations.
question arises if such a study is ethical and if it is
368 Trauma Topics

TABLE 53–3. Summary of Recommendations


1. Adult with multiple traumatic injuries should undergo femur fracture stabilization B
within 24 hours.
2. Femoral stabilization with a reamed nail is as safe as an unreamed nail in adult B
patients with multiple trauma injuries.
3. The evidence is insufficient to make a definitive recommendation regarding whether I (indeterminate)
early femoral stabilization should follow the early total care (early nailing) or damage
control orthopedics (early external fixation and delayed nailing) model. Currently,
both appear to be safe, as long as the patient has been adequately resuscitated.

thoracic injury and a femoral fracture treated either with
1. Bone LB, Johnson KD, Weigelt J, Scheinberg R: Early versus intramedullary nailing with reaming or with a plate.
delayed stabilization of femoral fractures. A prospective A comparative study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 79:799–809, 1997.
randomized study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 71:336–340, 1989. 19. Boulanger BR, Stephen D, Brenneman FD: Thoracic trauma
2. Goris RJ, Gimbrere JS, van Niekerk JL, et al: Early osteosyn- and early intramedullary nailing of femur fractures: Are we
thesis and prophylactic mechanical ventilation in the doing harm? J Trauma 43:24–28, 1997.
multitrauma patient. J Trauma 22:895–903, 1982. 20. Reynolds MA, Richardson JD, Spain DA, et al: Is the timing of
3. Johnson KD, Cadambi A, Seibert GB: Incidence of adult fracture fixation important for the patient with multiple
respiratory distress syndrome in patients with multiple trauma? Ann Surg 222:470–481, 1995.
musculoskeletal injuries: Effect of early operative 21. Riska EB, von Bonsdorff H, Hakkinen S, et al: Prevention of
stabilization of fractures. J Trauma 25:375–384, 1985. fat embolism by early internal fixation of fractures in patients
4. Meek RN, Vivoda EE, Pirani S: Comparison of mortality of with multiple injuries. Injury 8:110–116, 1976.
patients with multiple injuries according to type of fracture 22. Duwelius PJ, Huckfeldt R, Mullins RJ, et al: The effects of
treatment—a retrospective age- and injury-matched series. femoral intramedullary reaming on pulmonary function in a
Injury 17:2–4, 1986. sheep lung model. J Bone Joint Surg Am 79:194–202, 1997.
5. Riska EB, Myllynen P: Fat embolism in patients with multiple 23. Heim D, Regazzoni P, Tsakiris DA, et al: Intramedullary nailing
injuries. J Trauma 22:891–894, 1982. and pulmonary embolism: Does unreamed nailing prevent
6. Shapiro MB, Jenkins DH, Schwab CW, Rotondo MF: Damage embolization? An in vivo study in rabbits. J Trauma 38:
control: Collective review. J Trauma 49:969–978, 2000. 899–906, 1995.
7. Pape HC, Auf’m’Kolk M, Paffrath T, et al: Primary intramedullary 24. Heim D, Schlegel U, Perren SM: Intramedullary pressure in
femur fixation in multiple trauma patients with associated lung reamed and unreamed nailing of the femur and tibia—an
contusion—a cause of posttraumatic ARDS? J Trauma 34: in vitro study in intact, human bones. Injury 24(suppl 3):
540–548, 1993. S56–S63, 1993.
8. Sturmer KM, Schuchardt W: [New aspects of closed 25. Manning JB, Bach AW, Herman CM, Carrico CJ: Fat release
intramedullary nailing and marrow cavity reaming in animal after femur nailing in the dog. J Trauma 23:322–326, 1983.
experiments. II. Intramedullary pressure in marrow cavity 26. Oztuna V, Ersoz G, Ayan I, et al: Early internal fracture
reaming (author’s transl)]. Unfallheilkunde 83:346–352, 1980. fixation prevents bacterial translocation. Clin Orthop Relat
9. Wozasek GE, Simon P, Redl H, Schlag G: Intramedullary Res 446:253–258, 2006.
pressure changes and fat intravasation during intramedullary 27. Pape HC, Dwenger A, Regel G, et al: Pulmonary damage after
nailing: An experimental study in sheep. J Trauma 36: intramedullary femoral nailing in traumatized sheep—is
202–207, 1994. there an effect from different nailing methods? J Trauma
10. Nowotarski PJ, Turen CH, Brumback RJ, Scarboro JM: 33:574–581, 1992.
Conversion of external fixation to intramedullary nailing 28. Wolinsky PR, Banit D, Parker RE, et al: Reamed intramedullary
for fractures of the shaft of the femur in multiply injured femoral nailing after induction of an “ARDS-like” state in
patients. J Bone Joint Surg Am 82:781–788, 2000. sheep: Effect on clinically applicable markers of pulmonary
11. Roberts CS, Pape HC, Jones AL, et al: Damage control ortho- function. J Orthop Trauma 12:169–176, 1998.
paedics: Evolving concepts in the treatment of patients who 29. Bochicchio GV, Napolitano LM, Joshi M, et al: Systemic
have sustained orthopaedic trauma. Instr Course Lect inflammatory response syndrome score at admission
54:447–462, 2005. independently predicts infection in blunt trauma patients.
12. Scalea TM, Boswell SA, Scott JD, et al: External fixation as a J Trauma 50:817–820, 2001.
bridge to intramedullary nailing for patients with multiple 30. Ertel W, Keel M, Bonaccio M, et al: Release of anti-inflammatory
injuries and with femur fractures: Damage control mediators after mechanical trauma correlates with severity of
orthopedics. J Trauma 48:613–621, 2000. injury and clinical outcome. J Trauma 39:879–887, 1995.
13. Taeger G, Ruchholtz S, Waydhas C, et al: Damage control 31. Giannoudis PV, Abbott C, Stone M, et al: Fatal systemic
orthopedics in patients with multiple injuries is effective, inflammatory response syndrome following early bilateral
time saving, and safe. J Trauma 59:409–417, 2005. femoral nailing. Intensive Care Med 24:641–642, 1998.
14. Feliciano DV, Mattox KL, Jordan GL Jr: Intra-abdominal 32. Harwood PJ, Giannoudis PV, van Griensven M, et al: Alterations
packing for control of hepatic hemorrhage: A reappraisal. in the systemic inflammatory response after early total care
J Trauma 21:285–290, 1981. and damage control procedures for femoral shaft fracture in
15. Rotondo MF, Zonies DH: The damage control sequence and severely injured patients. J Trauma 58:446–454, 2005.
underlying logic. Surg Clin North Am Aug 77:761–777, 1997. 33. Malone DL, Kuhls D, Napolitano LM, et al: Back to basics:
16. Schweiberer L, Dambe LT, Klapp F: [Multiple injuries: Severity Validation of the admission systemic inflammatory response
and therapeutic measures]. Chirurg 49:608–614, 1978. syndrome score in predicting outcome in trauma. J Trauma
17. Trentz O, Oestern HJ, Hempelmann G, et al: [Criteria for the 51:458–463, 2001.
operability of patients with multiple injuries (author’s 34. Napolitano LM, Ferrer T, McCarter RJ Jr, Scalea TM: Systemic
transl)]. Unfallheilkunde 81:451–458, 1978. inflammatory response syndrome score at admission
18. Bosse MJ, MacKenzie EJ, Riemer BL, et al: Adult respiratory independently predicts mortality and length of stay in
distress syndrome, pneumonia, and mortality following trauma patients. J Trauma 49:647–653, 2000.
Damage Control Trauma Care 369

35. Pape HC, Grimme K, Van Griensven M, et al: Impact of 45. The Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society: Reamed versus
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femoral fractures on immunoinflammatory parameters: the rate of ARDS in multiple injured patients. J Orthop
Prospective randomized analysis by the EPOFF Study Group. Trauma 20:384–387, 2006.
J Trauma 55:7–13, 2003. 46. Jaicks RR, Cohn SM, Moller BA: Early fracture fixation may be
36. Wanner GA, Keel M, Steckholzer U, et al: Relationship deleterious after head injury. J Trauma 42:1–6, 1997.
between procalcitonin plasma levels and severity of injury, 47. Townsend RN, Lheureau T, Protech J, et al: Timing fracture
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37. Bone LB, Babikian G, Stegemann PM: Femoral canal reaming 48. Hofman PA, Goris RJ: Timing of osteosynthesis of major
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perspective. Clin Orthop Relat Res (318):91–94, 1995. 31:261–263, 1991.
38. Brundage SI, McGhan R, Jurkovich GJ, et al: Timing of femur 49. Kotwica Z, Balcewicz L, Jagodzinski Z: Head injuries coexistent
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and head injuries. J Trauma 52:299–307, 2002. osteosynthesis. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 102(1-2):19–21, 1990.
39. Carlson DW, Rodman GH Jr, Kaehr D, et al: Femur fractures in 50. McKee MD, Schemitsch EH, Vincent LO, et al: The effect
chest-injured patients: Is reaming contraindicated? J Orthop of a femoral fracture on concomitant closed head injury in
Trauma 12:164–168, 1998. patients with multiple injuries. J Trauma 42:1041–1045,
40. Charash WE, Fabian TC, Croce MA: Delayed surgical fixation 1997.
of femur fractures is a risk factor for pulmonary failure 51. Nau T, Kutscha-Lissberg F, Muellner T, et al: Effects of a
independent of thoracic trauma. J Trauma 37:667–672, 1994. femoral shaft fracture on multiply injured patients with a
41. Handolin L, Pajarinen J, Lassus J, Tulikoura I: Early head injury. World J Surg 27:365–369, 2003.
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head injuries. ANZ J Surg 73:1018–1021, 2003. 35:671–677, 1993.
Chapter Humeral Shaft Fractures: What

54 Is the Best Treatment?


Fractures of the humeral shaft represent approxi- nonoperative care, only 50% reported full recovery.
mately 5% of all fractures.1 The majority of humeral The authors conclude that plate fixation should be
shaft fractures are currently treated without surgery in considered for some fracture subtypes (Level V).
North America and Europe, a fact reflected in the fol-
lowing quote: “Because closed methods of treatment
for humeral shaft fractures have a high rate of success, Operative Management: Compression Plating
open reduction is rarely indicated.”2 The indications versus Statically Locked Intramedullary Nail
for operative reduction and fixation of humeral diaphy-
sis fractures, first defined by Bandi3 in 1964 and now Since the advent of intramedullary nails designed for
found in most articles and textbooks, include failed humeral shaft fractures, controversy has existed re-
conservative management (unable to maintain ade- garding the superiority of compression plating ver-
quate reduction), open fracture, bilateral humeral shaft sus statically locked nailing of these fractures.6 Ad-
fractures, fractures with vascular injury/compromise, vantages of nailing include a remote entry point
polytrauma victim with humeral shaft fracture, patho- preserving the biological environment for fracture
logic fracture, ipsilateral humeral shaft and forearm healing; intramedullary reaming and fixation, elimi-
fractures (floating elbow), and segmental fractures.4 nating risk for injury to the radial nerve (as long as
These recommendations are based on expert opinion no nerve interposition occurs); load sharing by the
rather than comparative outcome studies. device; and more rapid surgery with less blood loss
and muscle damage. In contrast, the advantages of
plate fixation include a direct approach to the frac-
OPTIONS ture site with no violation of the proximal humerus
and, more importantly, the rotator cuff; no risk of
Options for treatment of humeral diaphysis fractures shoulder impingement from prominent subacromial
include operative and nonoperative techniques. Non- hardware; direct visualization and protection of the
operative modalities include hanging cast, coapta- radial nerve depending on fracture level and ap-
tion splint (also known as functional bracing), and proach; the possibility of rigid compressive fixation;
plaster U splint (“sugar-tong splint”). No evidence and the opportunity for bone grafting or radial nerve
exists to support one of these methods over the exploration, or both, if needed. Both options permit
other. Once there is indication for operative inter- rapid mobilization of the shoulder and elbow.
vention, the surgeon can choose between open re- A number of prospective, randomized studies have
duction and internal fixation with plate and screws, compared plating and nailing of humeral shaft frac-
intramedullary nailing (statically locked and non- tures. Rodrigues-Merchan7 compared open reduction
locked), and external fixation. and compression plating with closed reduction and in-
tramedullary fixation with Hackethal nails in 40 patients
who did not respond successfully to conservative treat-
OPERATIVE VERSUS NONOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT ment. Given the lack of interlocking, the nailing group
required 6 months of postoperative bracing. All except
Currently, no prospective trials have compared the one of the former group required reoperation for hard-
outcomes of operative and nonoperative treatment of ware removal. No nonunions occurred, and delayed
these fractures. In one study, Ekholm and coauthors5 union and functional results were identical in both
report on a cohort of 78 patients evaluated retrospec- groups. The author concludes that the treatments were
tively after conservative treatment of humeral shaft equivalent in healing and functional outcome, but that
fractures with fracture brace treatment. The non- the nailing group required systematic hardware re-
union rate overall was 10% but increased to 20% for moval and prolonged bracing.
AO/OTA (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefra- Chiu and colleagues8 randomized 91 patients to
gen/Orthopaedic Trauma Association) type A frac- 3 groups: open reduction and plate fixation, with and
tures of the midshaft and more proximal diaphysis. without bone graft, and closed reduction and nailing
Outcome scores were worse for those who went on to with flexible Enders nails without interlocking. Surgi-
nonunion and required open reduction and internal cal time, blood loss, and length of stay were lowest in
fixation. Even in those who healed successfully with the nailing group. Time to union was increased in the

Humeral Shaft Fractures: What Is the Best Treatment? 371

group undergoing plating without bone graft. Overall, with nailing. The authors conclude that, given a total
complications were more likely to occur in the plating of only 155 randomized patients across 3 studies,
without bone graft and the nailing groups, including a these results need to be interpreted with care and
statistically greater rate of nonunion when compared called for a much larger definitive trial to determine
with plating with bone graft. Infection and iatrogenic the true treatment effects of intramedullary nails and
nerve injury were similar in all three groups. All pa- compression plates in humeral shaft fractures.11
tients reported satisfactory results according to func-
tional parameters set out by the authors. The authors
conclude that, in cases where operative time was a INTRAMEDULLARY NAILING: ANTEGRADE
consideration (e.g., patient with polytrauma injuries), VERSUS RETROGRADE
Enders nailing appeared superior. Overall, union was
best assured with plating plus bone graft. The initial enthusiasm accompanying the advent of
In 2000, McCormack and coauthors9 reported the antegrade locked intramedullary nailing of humeral
first published prospective, randomized trial compar- shaft fractures was dampened by reports of subse-
ing plating with statically locked intramedullary nail- quent shoulder pain.13,14 This was attributed to rotator
ing. A total of 44 patients were randomly assigned to cuff and/or humeral head injury during insertion, as
plating or locked nailing. Initially, nailing was ante- well as potentially prominent hardware provoking sub-
grade, but then it was switched to retrograde based on acromial impingement. A retrograde insertion tech-
reports of shoulder complications with the former nique was developed to avoid these complications.
technique. No statistical difference was detected in In a nonrandomized, prospective cohort study,
terms of pain, shoulder function (using validated out- Blum and coauthors15 compared the antegrade and
come measures), union, alignment, blood loss, and retrograde insertion techniques using an identical
operative time. Complications were significantly more implant. Eighty-four acute diaphyseal fractures un-
common in the nailing group, however (62% vs. 13% in derwent nailing, two thirds retrograde and one third
the plating group), whereas secondary surgery was antegrade, based on surgeon preference. Iatrogenic
required in 33% of nailing patients compared with 4% fracture at the insertion point was seen in 5% of retro-
of plating patients. Fewer complications occurred with grade patients, a well-recognized complication of this
retrograde nailing compared with antegrade nailing. technique. Nonunion occurred in 9% (5/57) of the
Surprisingly, iatrogenic radial nerve injury occurred in retrograde group, with none in the antegrade group.
14% (3/21) of nailing patients, with none in the plating Of these, the majority (4/5) was “hypotrophic” in na-
group. These findings led the authors to recommend ture, and all resolved with secondary surgery. The
plating as the standard for fixation of humeral shaft second primary outcome evaluated was pain and
fractures, reserving nailing for specific situations such function. Overall, 6% (5/84) of patients reported sig-
as pathologic and segmental fractures. nificant shoulder pain. Interestingly, two of these five
In a larger randomized study, Chapman and research- patients had undergone retrograde nailing. One case
ers10 compared plating and antegrade locked intramed- of elbow pain occurred in each of the groups. In terms
ullary nailing in 84 patients. No difference in time to of shoulder function, 3.7% of antegrade patients de-
union and rate of nonunion was detected. Significantly scribed poor function compared with 1.8% of the ret-
more patients described shoulder pain and had de- rograde group. However, this advantage was lost
creased shoulder range of motion in the nailing group, when the 1.8% rate of poor elbow function seen in the
whereas fixed flexion contracture of the elbow was retrograde group was added. Overall, intraoperative
more common in the plating group, especially in distal complications and nonunion results were greater in
third fractures. The authors conclude that healing was the retrograde group, with overall rates of pain and
comparable with the two techniques with more pain poor function similar in both cohorts.
and stiffness in the shoulder secondary to nailing.
To improve the inferences from the small, prospec-
tive, randomized trials comparing plating and locked EXTERNAL FIXATION OF HUMERAL SHAFT FRACTURES
intramedullary nailing in humeral shaft fractures,
Bhandari and investigators11 undertook a systematic No comparative studies exist to clarify the role
review and meta-analysis to assess their effects on of external in the fixation of humeral shaft frac-
rates of reoperation and other secondary outcomes. tures. This technique is currently reserved for spe-
Three studies were pooled9,10,12 after confirming over- cific clinical situations.16 These include temporary
all study quality. The relative risk of reoperation with stabilization in the polytrauma patient while await-
plating was determined to be 0.3 (95% confidence ing improved physiologic parameters for more de-
interval, 0.07–0.9; P ! 0.03), translating into a relative finitive fixation. Contaminated open fractures can
risk reduction of 74% compared with nailing. The be stabilized with external fixation until soft-tissue
relative risk of shoulder impingement was also re- decontamination is completed by serial debride-
duced with plating (0.1; 95% confidence interval, ments. Fractures involving nerve or arterial injury
0.03–0.4; P ! 0.002), resulting in a relative risk reduc- requiring reconstruction can also benefit from ex-
tion of 90%. Analysis of secondary outcomes such as ternal fixation for stabilization. In the nonacute set-
nonunion, infection, and iatrogenic nerve injury re- ting, nonunion (whether sterile or infected) can be
vealed no increased risk with plating when compared successfully treated with this type of fixation.17
372 Trauma Topics

Currently, the preferred treatment for isolated recommendations are based on a low number of
humeral shaft fractures continues to be nonopera- patients, and larger prospective trials are
tive given the lack of strong evidence supporting necessary to draw more certain conclusions.11
operative care (Level V). However, outcome studies Intramedullary nailing does appear to retain a
suggest that union rates and particularly patient role in segmental and pathologic fractures. In
function are not as good as historically assumed. No these cases, antegrade nailing is associated with
recommendations can be made about which type of fewer intraoperative complications and greater
nonoperative treatment is best in the absence of union rates than retrograde nailing.
good quality comparative studies. External fixation has a definite but limited role
When indications exist for operative care of a to play in humeral shaft fracture fixation.
humeral shaft fracture, open reduction and Currently, this technique is limited to provisional
compression plating appears to be superior to fixation in open fractures and patients with
intramedullary fixation with regards to rate of multiple trauma injuries, as well as in the
reoperation and shoulder impingement, but not for treatment of nonunions. Table 54–1 provides a
nonunion, infection, and iatrogenic nerve injury. summary of recommendations for the treatment
As Bhandari and investigators11 point out, these of humeral shaft fractures.

TABLE 54–1. Summary of Recommendations for the Treatment of Humeral Shaft Fractures

1. Operative vs. nonopera- Operative care limited to C V 3, 4

tive treatment indications cited in text
2. Intramedullary nail vs. Plate fixation to reduce rate of reop- A, B I, II 7–11
plate fixation eration and shoulder impingement
3. Antegrade vs. retrograde Antegrade to reduce rate of nonunion C 15
nailing and intraoperative complications
4. External fixation Indications as cited in the text C V 4, 16, 17

REFERENCES 11. Bhandari M, Devereaux PJ, McKee MD, Schemitsch EH: Com-
pression plating versus intramedullary nailing of humeral shaft
1. Crolla RM, de Vries LS, Clevers GJ: Locked intramedullary fractures—a meta-analysis. Acta Orthop 77:279–284, 2006.
nailing of humeral fractures. Injury 24:403–406, 1993. 12. Bolano LE, Iaquinto JA, Vasicek V: Operative treatment of hu-
2. Rockwood CA, Green DP, Bucholz RW (eds): Rockwood and merus shaft fractures: A prospective randomized study com-
Green’s Fractures in Adults, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, paring intramedullary nailing with dynamic compression
1991, p 853. plating. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
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Humerus. Helv Chir Acta 31:89–100, 1964. Feb 15–19, 1995.
4. Sarmiento A, Waddell JP, Latta LL: Diaphyseal humeral frac- 13. Chapman J, Weber TG, Henley MB, Benca PJ: Randomized
tures: Treatment options. Instr Course Lect 51:257–269, 2002. prospective study of humerus fixation: nails versus plates.
5. Ekholm R, Tidermark J, Tornkvist H, et al: Outcome after Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic
closed functional treatment of humeral shaft fractures. Trauma Association, Tampa Bay, Florida, Sept 29–Oct 1, 1995,
J Orthop Trauma 20:591–596, 2006. pp 104–105.
6. Haberneck H, Orthner E: A locking nail for fractures of the 14. Wagner MS, Patterson BM, Wilber JH, Sontich JK: Comparison
humerus. J Bone Joint Surg Br 73-B:651–653, 1991. of outcomes for humeral diaphysis fractures treated with ei-
7. Rodrigues-Merchan EC: Compression plating versus hackethal ther closed intramedullary nailing or open reduction internal
nailing in closed humeral shaft fractures failing nonoperative fixation using a dynamic compression plate in the multiple
reduction. J Orthop Trauma 9:194–197, 1995. trauma patient. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the
8. Chiu FY, Chen CM, Lin CF, et al: Closed humeral shaft frac- Orthopaedic Trauma Association, Tampa Bay, Florida, Sept
tures: A prospective evaluation of surgical treatment. J 29–Oct 1, 1995, pp 102–103.
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9. McCormack RG, Brien D, Buckley RE, et al: Fixation of frac- new medullary humeral nail: Antegrade versus retrograde
tures of the shaft of the humerus by dynamic compression insertion. J Orthop Trauma 15:342–349, 2001.
plate or intramedullary nail. A prospective, randomised trial. 16. Ruland WO: Is there a place for external fixation in humeral
J Bone Joint Surg Br 82B:336–339, 2000. shaft fractures? Injury 31(suppl):27–34, 2000.
10. Chapman JR, Henley MB, Agel J, Benca PJ: Randomized pro- 17. Lammens J, Bauduin G, Driesen R, et al: Treatment of non-
spective study of humeral shaft fracture fixation: Intramedul- union of the humerus using the Ilizarov external fixator. Clin
lary nails versus plates. J Orthop Trauma 14:162–166, 2000. Orthop Relat Res 353:223–230, 1998.
Supracondylar Humeral Fractures:
Is Open Reduction and Internal Fixation

55 or Primary Total Elbow Arthroplasty

Better in Poor Quality Bone?

In young patients, open reduction and internal fixa- When discussing results, it is important to recog-
tion (ORIF) with double-plate fixation is the gold stan- nize the distinction between different types of su-
dard for displaced intra-articular fractures of the dis- pracondylar humeral fracture: AO type “A,” an extra-
tal humerus, regardless of comminution.1 This articular or transcondylar fracture; AO type “B,” or
procedure, however, can be technically challenging partial articular fracture affecting one column only;
even when excellent bone quality is present, and el- and AO type “C,” or complete articular fracture with
bow stiffness, malunion, nonunion, failure of fixation, an intrinsically poor prognosis.
and ulnar neuropathy are common sequelae.1 In Although semiconstrained TEA has been recognized
elderly patients, the complication rate is increased as a standard treatment for the complications or fail-
because of osteoporotic bone, metaphyseal commi- ure of primary ORIF of intra-articular distal humeral
nution, poor soft-tissue quality, and limited tolerance fractures,4,5 the role of primary TEA in the setting of
for joint immobilization; this is important because acute supracondylar humeral fracture is more contro-
although distal humeral fractures represent only a versial. Although the advantages are obvious, includ-
small proportion of adult upper extremity fractures, ing immediate stability and enhanced rehabilitation,
the incidence of osteoporotic fractures of the distal no requirement for bone grafting or concern for de-
humerus is increasing.1,2 According to the Finnish layed or nonunion, and possibly shorter operative
National Hospital Discharge Register, the current times, the longevity of the prosthesis in the increas-
trend in the number and incidence of osteoporotic ingly active elderly population remains a concern. In a
fractures of the distal humerus in Finnish women landmark study, Cobb and Morrey6 report a series of
aged 60 or older is increasing rapidly.3 The annual 21 elderly patients (mean age, 72 years) who had pri-
incidence of these types of fractures has escalated mary TEA for comminuted fractures of the distal hu-
from 11 per 100,000 in 1970 to 30 per 100,000 in 1995 merus and described a 95% good or excellent result
and 2000; the increase is greatest in the oldest age rate at a mean follow-up of 3.3 years with a reoperation
group (women ! 80 years) where the age-specific in- rate of 5% (one elbow).6 Several other similar single-
cidence rates showed a nine-fold increase (8 in 1970 institution reviews have described remarkably similar
vs. 75 in 2000). These results (which reflect trends results in smaller series.7–11 More recently, Frankle and
seen in Europe and North America) reinforce the colleagues12 performed a retrospective comparison of
need to identify the optimal type of treatment for ORIF with TEA, and the Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma
comminuted distal humeral fractures in the elderly to Society (COTS)13 conducted a randomized clinical trial
reduce the risk for reoperation and maximize func- comparing these two treatment methods in older indi-
tional outcome and independence. It should also be viduals. Although there is now an increasing amount of
pointed out that, in most studies on this topic, women data to guide the clinician in decision making for el-
predominate in a 5:1 or 6:1 ratio. derly patients with intrinsically poor bone quality who
sustain an intra-articular fracture of the distal hu-
merus, it must be emphasized that this is a technique
OPTIONS restricted to older patients and is contraindicated for
patients younger than 65 years unless there are special
The three main options available for dealing with dis- circumstances (i.e., preexisting elbow arthritis).
placed intra-articular fractures of the distal humerus
are as follows: (1) conventional ORIF; (2) total elbow
arthroplasty (TEA); and (3) nonoperative care, or the EVIDENCE
“bag of bones” technique. This chapter concentrates Outcome after Open Reduction and Internal Fixation
on the first two options. The third is considered of
historical interest only and is reserved for undis- Although there is substantial evidence for the bene-
placed fractures or injuries in patients with dementia fits of ORIF in younger patients with fractures of the
or those incapable of receiving an anesthetic. distal humerus,1,2 the evidence is less clear in older

374 Trauma Topics

patients because only retrospective studies with in 26% of patients with an overall complication rate
small numbers have been reported (Table 55–1).14–19 of 18%.19 Clearly, the results of ORIF for this type of
Several of these studies have suggested that the ma- fracture in the elderly do not match those seen for
jority of elderly patients achieve good or excellent younger patients, especially for the more severe
functional results with ORIF; however, critical analy- C-type fractures, and there is significant room for
sis of these results indicates a large variability in improvement.
outcome and less predictable results than optimal.
Huang and coauthors14 report on 19 patients with a
mean age of 72 years who required ORIF for AO type Outcome after Total Elbow Arthroplasty
“C” distal humeral fractures. They describe good re-
sults with no hardware failures, a mean range of flex- Several studies suggest that semiconstrained TEA may
ion-extension from 17 to 128 degrees, with 15 excellent have a role to play in the primary treatment of severe
and 4 good results (according to the Mayo elbow intra-articular distal humeral fractures (Table 55–2).
score). Imatani and coworkers15 describe a technique Cobb and Morrey6 reported in 1997 their initial experi-
in the Japanese population of using a small AO “T” ence of primary TEA in 20 patients (21 elbows) with a
plate for fixation of transcondylar fractures with good mean age of 72 years (range, 48–92 years) and a mean
or excellent results in 14 of 17 patients older than follow-up of 3.3 years. A follow-up report on 43 patients
70 years. However, these “A”-type extra-articular frac- was published in 2004 that revealed similar results.
tures were not the more severe intra-articular injuries The mean flexion-extension arc was 24 to 131 degrees,
typically seen; results are usually worse in the “C”- and the mean Mayo elbow score was 93 points. Mean
type injuries. Srinivasan and researchers16 report their follow-up had increased to 7 years, although 9 elbows
results of treatment with ORIF for “C”-type fractures in had required a total of 10 additional procedures, rang-
21 patients with a mean age of 85 years (range, 75–100 ing from simple hematoma evacuation to revision ar-
years) and found 43% fair or poor outcomes. Korner throplasty for infection.20 Gambirasio and coworkers9
and investigators17 report on the outcome of 45 pa- report the functional outcome at a minimum of 1 year
tients with a median age of 73 years (range, 61–92 for 10 women (mean age, 85 years) treated with pri-
years) and a minimum follow-up of 2 years. Overall, 19 mary TEA for a comminuted, intra-articular distal
patients (42%) had a fair or poor outcome according humeral fracture. Eight patients had an excellent
to the Mayo elbow score. Fourteen of these patients outcome and two had a good outcome based on the
(74%) had an AO/OTA type C fracture. In the subset of Mayo elbow score.9 Garcia and colleagues10 evaluated
29 patients with AO/OTA type C fractures, only 45% 16 patients with a mean age of 73 years (range, 61–95
had an excellent or good outcome.17 Postoperative years) treated by primary TEA using the Coonrad–
complications were recorded in 13 patients (29%), and Morrey prosthesis at a mean follow-up period of
revision surgery was required in 7 patients. Pereles 3 years (range, 1.5–5 years). No patients had inflamma-
and colleagues18 report more favorable results in 14 tory or degenerative arthritis of the elbow. OTA type
patients with a mean age of 71 years (mean Mayo el- C3 fractures were present in 11 patients. The mean
bow score, 89 points). John and coauthors19 reviewed DASH (a patient-based disability score) was 23 (range,
the results of 49 patients with an average age of 80 1–63), and the mean Mayo elbow score was 93 (range,
years (range, 75–93 years) treated with ORIF of the 80–100).
distal humerus after a mean of 18 months.5 Twenty- Ray and colleagues7 describe good results in seven
eight fractures (57%) were classified as AO/OTA elderly (mean age, 82 years) women treated with
type C. Fair and poor functional results were observed semiconstrained arthroplasty for intra-articular dis-

TABLE 55–1. Results of Open Reduction and Internal Fixation for Distal Humeral Fractures in Elderly Patients

Huang et al. (2005)14 19/72 yr 111 15 E, 4 G No nonunions

Imatani et al. (2005)15 17/all 70" yr Unknown 3 E, 11 G, 3 F Transcondylar fractures
Srinivasan et al. (2005)16 28/85 yr 76 3 E, 9 G, 7 F, 43% “C”-type fair or poor
Pereles et al. (1997)18 14/71 yr 112 89 mean 2 patients lost fixation
John et al. (1993)19 49/80 yr Unknown 89 mean 34% still had pain
Korner et al. (2005)17 45/73 yr Unknown Most good/ 55% “C”-type fair or poor
Frankle et al. (2003)12 12/74 yr 100 81 mean (ex- 3 required conversion to TEA
cludes 3
COTS and McKee (2007)13 15/77 yr 95 73 RCT: 5 patients converted in-
traoperatively to TEA from

COTS, Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society; E, excellent; F, fair; G, good; ORIF, open reduction and internal fixation; P, poor; RCT, randomized, controlled
trial; ROM, range of motion; TEA, total elbow arthroplasty.
Supracondylar Humeral Fractures 375

tal humeral fractures.7 The mean range of motion perficial infection. All of these complications re-
was 20 to 130 degrees, and there were five excellent solved without subsequent sequelae, and no pa-
and one good results according to the Mayo elbow tient required revision implant surgery. The ORIF
score. Lee and researchers11 report nearly identical group had four excellent, four good, one fair and
results in seven elderly Asian women (mean age, three poor results. The poor results were all sal-
73 years).11 vaged by conversion to TEA (a difficult procedure
with a high complication rate). The authors recom-
mend primary TEA as a viable alternative in type C
Comparative Studies fractures of the distal humerus in elderly patients,
especially in the setting of associated comorbidity
In one of the few comparative studies, Frankle and such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and
colleagues12 compared primary TEA versus ORIF systemic steroid use.
for the treatment of distal humeral fractures in In a study that has been presented at the 2007 An-
women older than 65 years (all comminuted type C nual American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
fractures) (Table 55–3). They found that in the 12 (AAOS) Meeting (J Shoulder Elbow Surg, accepted) the
patients in the TEA group, 11 had excellent results COTS randomized 42 elderly patients (mean age, 78
and 1 had good results; no fair and no poor results years) with comminuted intra-articular distal humeral
were reported.12 Notably, eight patients (67%) had fractures to either semiconstrained TEA (Coonrad–
associated rheumatoid arthritis. Three patients Morrey prosthesis) or conventional ORIF (two small
(25%) required subsequent operations, one to re- fragment plates).13 Twenty-one patients were ran-
connect an uncoupled prosthesis, one to drain a domized to each group: one patient in each group
postoperative hematoma, and one to débride a su- died, and five patients randomized to ORIF had to be

TABLE 55–2. Results of Total Elbow Arthroplasty for Distal Humeral Fractures in Elderly Patients

Ray et al. (2000)7 7/82 yr 110 5 E, 2 G No reoperations

Adolfsson and Hammer (2006)8 4/80 yr Unknown 3 E, 1 G Hemiarthroplasty
Lee et al. (2006)11 7/73 yr 89 94 Asian population
Garcia et al. (2002)10 19/73 yr 101 93 No reoperations, no loosening
Gambirasio et al. (2001)9 10/85 yr 102 94 No reoperations or loosening
Frankle et al. (2003)12 12/72 yr 110 95 TEA had shorter operative
time, hospital stay
Kamineni and 43/69 yr 107 93 5 revision TEA required at
Morrey (2004)20 mean follow-up of 7 years
COTS and McKee (2007)13 25/78 yr 107 86 RCT with 5 intraoperative
crossovers from ORIF
to TEA

COTS, Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society; E, excellent; G, good; ORIF, open reduction and internal fixation; RCT, randomized, controlled trial; ROM,
range of motion; TEA, total elbow arthroplasty.

TABLE 55–3. Comparative Studies


Frankle et al. 12 ORIF (mean age, 74), 12 ORIF: 57 mo Mean Mayo elbow score: ORIF: 3 late conversions
(2003)12 TEA (mean age, 72) TEA: 45 mo ORIF 81, TEA 95 (NS) to TEA
TEA: 8 had RA,
3 reoperations
(infection, hematoma,
uncoupled prosthesis)

COTS and McKee 21 in each group (mean 24 mo DASH at 6 months: 5 immediate failures of
(2007)13 age, 78) ORIF 77, TEA 43 (P # 0.02), ORIF; 4 additional
1 yr NS* reoperations; TEA
Mean Mayo elbow score at 3 reoperations
6, 12, and 24 months:
ORIF 73, TEA 86
(P # 0.02)*

*Crossovers not analyzed by intention to treat.

COTS, Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society; DASH, disability of the arm, shoulder, and hand; NS, not significant; ORIF, open reduction and internal fixa-
tion; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; TEA, total elbow arthroplasty.
376 Trauma Topics

converted to TEA during surgery because of the in- condyles. Because the condyles serve as origin for the
ability to stably fix the fracture. This was anticipated collateral ligaments, the common extensor origin and
and allowed as part of the study protocol. This left 25 flexor-pronator mass, their resection could have a
patients in the TEA group and 15 patients in the ORIF detrimental effect on a number of functions, including
group for evaluation. Despite the fact that the TEA elbow stability and forearm and hand strength. McKee
group theoretically had worse injuries (by inclusion and coworkers’21 study examined the effect of condy-
of the five most severe cases from the ORIF group), lar resection by comparing 16 total elbow arthroplas-
they had superior outcome, especially early. At 6 ties with intact condyles versus 16 with resected or
months, the mean DASH score in the TEA group was absent condyles.21 Comparing strength to the opposite
43 versus 77 in the ORIF group (P # 0.02), although normal arm in each patient, the authors found no dif-
this difference was not statistically significant at 1 ference in objectively measured hand, forearm, or el-
year (TEA vs. ORIF: 32 vs. 47; P # 0.10). The Mayo el- bow strength. Mayo elbow scores were also similar
bow scores were better in the TEA group at 6, 12, and between the two groups (intact: 79; resected: 77), sug-
24 months (TEA vs. ORIF: 86 vs. 73, P # 0.015). The gesting that practically, condylar resection did not
reoperation rate was not statistically different (TEA have a clinically relevant effect on strength. It is impor-
vs. ORIF: 3/25 [12%] vs. 4/15 [27%]; P # 0.20), al- tant to note, however, that this study did not address
though it must be remembered the TEA group in- the question of stability and longevity of the prosthe-
cluded five patients who did not respond successfully sis after condylar resection.
to operative fixation. The authors’ conclusion was
that TEA improved functional outcome compared
with ORIF for these difficult fractures, and this was Hemiarthroplasty versus Total Elbow Arthroplasty
the treatment of choice, especially when commi-
nuted, osteoporotic bone made fixation technically Conventional wisdom dictates that the treatment of a
difficult. However, to date, only short-term results (2 severe distal humeral fracture by arthroplasty re-
years) are available, and these patients will require quires a semiconstrained total joint prosthesis to
longer follow-up before establishing the ultimate su- provide immediate stability and allow early motion.
periority of replacement arthroplasty in this popula- However, this mandates resection of a (usually nor-
tion. mal) ulnar articulation, which may not be necessary.
Some have advocated replacement of the fractured
distal humerus alone with a hemiarthroplasty, in con-
AREAS OF CONTROVERSEY junction with a ligament repair or reconstruction.
Length of Follow-up Adolfsson and Hammer8 provide a preliminary report
on four elderly (mean age, 80 years) female patients
Prosthetic longevity is a significant concern whenever with an unreconstructable distal humeral fracture
arthroplasty is used as a treatment for fracture. The treated with distal humeral hemiarthroplasty. The
mean life expectancy for a healthy North American described excellent results in three and a good result
woman aged 70 years is 15 more years. This is an im- in one. Although this technique has promise and does
portant fact to remember, especially when one consid- make some sense on a theoretical level (only replac-
ers the increasingly active lifestyles (golf, tennis, etc.) ing what is broken, potentially better longevity of the
of the modern retired population, and the increased prosthesis), it should be considered experimental at
demands that the prosthesis may experience. The ma- the present time until further data are available.
jority of reports describing TEA for severe distal hu-
meral fracture have follow-up that at best can be de-
scribed as short term (2–5 years). The longest follow-up Open Fractures of the Distal Humerus
period in the literature is from Kamineni and Morrey’s20
2004 article, averaging 7 years.20 They describe five Infection is a devastating complication for patients
patients who required a revision arthroplasty; only with an implanted elbow arthroplasty, and it should be
one patient required revision in their original 1997 re- avoided at all costs. For this reason, the presence of an
port that had a mean follow-up period of just more open wound has been considered a relative, if not ab-
than 3 years. It is reasonable to assume that with lon- solute, contraindication to TEA after supracondylar
ger follow-up more TEA patients will require revision. humeral fracture. However, although there is no spe-
This emphasizes the fact that this procedure should cific article on this topic, some information is available
be restricted to older ($70 years) patients, and that a that suggests it may be reasonable to perform primary
more sedentary lifestyle or at least some physical re- TEA in the presence of an open wound. It is a question
strictions on elbow use is preferred. of some relevance because the fractures with an open
wound tend to be of the more severe variety that
makes ORIF difficult or impossible. Kamineni and Mor-
Effect of Condylar Resection rey20 describe two patients with grade I open wounds
treated with immediate debridement and arthroplasty,
The use of semiconstrained TEA for comminuted frac- and neither became infected; the COTS study had
tures of the distal humerus typically requires resection three similar cases treated in the same fashion, and
of the fracture fragments, which include the humeral none suffered any infectious complications.13
Supracondylar Humeral Fractures 377

Although it appears that primary TEA in the pres-

(COTS study) and one comparative study
ence of a grade I wound may be safe, it is important
(Frankle and colleagues12) that TEA is
to emphasize proper technique. First, all the above
superior, at least in the short to mid term, to
cases were treated within 12 hours of injury: It may
ORIF in the treatment of complex, multifrag-
be prudent to temporize with patients presenting
mentary, intra-articular fractures of the distal
late for treatment. Second, the open wound tends to
humerus (C, C3 types), especially when the
be posterior and is made as the condyles break away
surgeon is unable to restore articular
as the elbow hits the ground and the distal humeral
congruity or obtain stable fixation such that
shaft drives through the soft tissue and skin to im-
early motion is feasible.12,20 TEA in this setting
pact the ground. Thus, although a thorough debride-
provides shorter rehabilitation and improved
ment and copious irrigation of the entire wound tract
function, and decreases the need for revision
is mandatory, careful attention must be given to de-
to secondary TEA. Both prospective studies
briding and cleaning the distal humeral shaft and
and retrospective reviews from multiple
associated intramedullary canal, and antibiotics
centers describe consistently good results
should be added to the cement.
with this technique (see Table 55–2) including
a Mayo elbow score between 90 and 95 points,
RECOMMENDATIONS a flexion/extension arc of 100 to 110 degrees,
and a reoperation rate of 5% to 10%.
Displaced intra-articular fractures of the distal hu-
merus in elderly patients with osteoporosis are
best treated surgically: Nonoperative treatment is
reserved for those too demented to comply with a SUMMARY
rehabilitation program or benefit from the func- Most of the literature on this topic consists of
tional improvement surgery provides, or those too case series and retrospective reviews that de-
medically unwell to receive an anaesthetic. scribe the experience of single centers. Although
Unfortunately, there is a paucity of high-quality there are some recent prospective and
(Level I or II) studies to use to decide whether comparative studies, more high-quality studies
ORIF or TEA is superior for those who do qualify are required before definitive statements can be
for surgical intervention. However, relying on what made regarding ideal treatment methods. It must
studies are available, some general guidelines are be remembered that with the techniques and im-
applicable: plants currently available, ORIF remains the
Grade C: TEA is reserved for those patients treatment of choice for the majority of these
65 years or older. Given the average longevity fractures including anyone younger than 65 to
of the prosthesis in most retrospective series, 70 years, extra-articular or partial-articular
and the loosening rate in comparative studies, fractures, and simple-pattern complete articular
this should be considered an absolute fractures. In the setting of a complex, intra-
minimum age for considering TEA. All younger articular fracture not amenable to stable fixation
patients should have ORIF unless there are in an elderly ($70 years) patient with
extenuating circumstances such as preexisting osteoporosis, TEA has been shown to have
arthritic change or diminished life expectancy. significant advantages in terms of quicker
Grade C: TEA should be reserved for complex, rehabilitation, improved function, and a lower
multifragmentary, intra-articular fractures catastrophic failure rate compared with ORIF.
(types C2 and C3). Generally favorable results Table 55–4 provides a summary of
are reported for ORIF of the more simple recommendations.
fracture patterns, and all comparative studies
exclude simple (A, B, simple C) fracture types.
Given the techniques and implants currently
available22 (anatomic, precontoured plates, TABLE 55–4. Summary of Recommendations
locking plates, etc.), ORIF should be feasible
for most extra-articular (type A), partial GRADE OF
articular (type B), and simple (C1) fractures. RECOMMENDATION RECOMMENDATION
Grade C: Some evidence exists that primary TEA
is an option for fractures associated with 1. ORIF is preferred for young healthy C
grade I open wounds, if certain conditions are patients with good bone quality.
2. ORIF is preferred for all simple C
met. These include a grade I or II open wound fracture patterns (AO types A and B).
without extensive contamination, operative in- 3. TEA is preferred in older patients B
tervention within 12 hours of injury, and ex- with osteoporotic bone and type C
tensive irrigation and debridement with fractures.
proper technique (see earlier). 4. TEA is safe in the presence of a type I C
or II open fracture.
Grade B: Good quality evidence has been re-
ported from one randomized multicenter trial ORIF, open reduction and internal fixation; TEA, total elbow arthroplasty.
378 Trauma Topics

REFERENCES elbow arthroplasty in the treatment of intraarticular distal

humerus fractures in women older than age 65. J Orthop
1. McKee MD, Jupiter JB: Fractures of the distal humerus. Trauma 17:473–480, 2003.
Browner B, Jupiter J, Levine A, Trafton P (eds): Skeletal 13. Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society, McKee MD: A multi-
Trauma, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 2002, pp 765–782. center prospective randomized controlled trial of ORIF ver-
2. Sodergard J, Sandelin J, Bostman O: Postoperative complica- sus TEA for displaced intra-articular distal humeral fractures
tions of distal humeral fractures. 27/96 adults followed up for in elderly patients. Proceedings of the 2007 AAOS.
6 (2-10) years. Acta Orthop Scand 63:85–89, 1992. 14. Huang TL, Chiu FY, Chuang TY, Chen TH: The results of open
3. Palvanen M, Kannus P, Niemi S, Parkkari J: Secular trends in reduction and internal fixation in elderly patients with severe
the osteoporotic fractures of the distal humerus in elderly fractures of the distal humerus: A critical analysis of the
women. Eur J Epidemiol 14:159–164, 1998. results. J Trauma 58:62–69, 2005.
4. Morrey BF, Adams RA: Semiconstrained elbow replacement for 15. Imatani J, Ogura T, Morito Y, et al: Custom AO small T plate
distal humeral nonunion. J Bone Joint Surg Br 77:67–72, 1995. for transcondylar fractures of the distal humerus in the
5. Morrey BF, Adams RA, Bryan RS: Total replacement for post- elderly. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 14:611–615, 2005.
traumatic arthritis of the elbow. J Bone Joint Surg Br 16. Srinivasan K, Agarwal M, Matthews SJ, Giannoudis PV:
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6. Cobb TK, Morrey BF: Total elbow arthroplasty as primary fixation the treatment of choice? Clin Orthop Relat Res
treatment for distal humeral fractures in elderly patients. J (434):222–230, 2005.
Bone Joint Surg Am 79:826–832, 1997. 17. Korner J, Lill H, Muller LP, et al: Distal humerus fractures in
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arthroplasty as primary treatment for distal humeral frac- ation. Osteoporos Int 16(suppl 2):S73–S79, 2005.
tures in elderly patients. Injury 31:687–692, 2000. 18. Pereles TR, Koval KJ, Gallagher M, Rosen H: Open reduction
8. Adolfsson L, Hammer R: Elbow hemiarthroplasty for acute re- and internal fixation of the distal humerus: Functional out-
construction of intra-articular distal humerus fractures. Acta come in the elderly. J Trauma 43:578–584, 1997.
Orthop 77:785–787, 2006. 19. John H, Rosso R, Neff U, et al: Distal humerus fractures in pa-
9. Gambirasio R, Riand N, Stern R, Hoffmeyer P: Total elbow tients over 75 years of age. Long-term results of osteosynthe-
replacement for complex fractures of the distal humerus. sis. Helv Chir Acta 60(1-2):219–224, 1993.
An option for the elderly patient. J Bone Joint Surg Br 20. Kamineni S, Morrey BF: Distal humeral fractures treated with
83:974–978, 2001. noncustom total elbow replacement. J Bone Joint Surg Am
10. Garcia JA, Mykula R, Stanley D: Complex fractures of the dis- 86A:940–947, 2004.
tal humerus in the elderly. The role of total elbow replace- 21. McKee MD, Pugh DM, Richards RR, et al: Effect of humeral
ment as primary treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Br 84:812–816, condylar resection on strength and functional outcome after
2002. semiconstrained total elbow arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg
11. Lee KT, Lai CH, Singh S: Results of total elbow arthroplasty in Am 85-A(5):802–807, 2003.
the treatment of distal humeral fractures in elderly Asian pa- 22. Korner J, Diederichs G, Arzdorf M, et al: A biomechanical
tients. J Trauma 61:889–892, 2006. evaluation of methods of distal humerus fracture fixation
12. Frankle MA, Herscovici D Jr, DiPasquale TG, et al: A compari- using locking compression plates versus conventional
son of open reduction and internal fixation and primary total reconstruction plates. J Orthop Trauma 18:286–293, 2004.
Chapter Acetabular Fractures:
Does Delay to Surgery Influence

56 Outcome?

Fractures of the acetabulum can be devastating inju- ters.16 Few surgeons will argue that treatment of these
ries often associated with high-energy trauma. Patient injuries should be excessively delayed. The purpose
outcome is adversely affected by many factors, some of this chapter is to guide clinicians using the best
of which cannot be influenced by the treating surgeon. available evidence as to the optimal timing for sur-
These include age, osteoporosis, obesity, and associ- gery and to evaluate the evidence regarding a poten-
ated injuries. The fracture pattern and severity, as well tial threshold beyond which further delay to surgery
as specific prognostic features such as marginal impac- adversely affects outcome.
tion and femoral head damage are also outside of the
surgeon’s control. However, the surgeon is able to in-
fluence factors such as the timing of surgery, choice of EVIDENCE
approach, accuracy of reduction, and the maintenance
of that reduction.1,2 Delay to surgery is mentioned as a contributing factor
Historically, acetabular fractures were treated with influencing outcome in several studies summarized in
traction and other nonoperative techniques. How- Table 56–1.9,10,12,13,17–20 These studies are retrospective
ever, modern treatment now involves operative in design and usually originate from a single center.
reduction and fixation of the acetabulum in most Most of these studies are small and do not achieve
cases.3 Acetabular fractures are classified as either statistical significance.9,13,17–20 However, they consis-
elementary fractures involving one fracture line or tently note a trend of delay to surgery being associ-
associated fractures involving multiple fracture ele- ated with less favorable radiographic or functional
ments.4,5 Anatomic reduction has been consistently outcome.
identified as an important prognostic indicator of a A retrospective review from Mears and research-
good clinical outcome in acetabular fractures.5–11 ers10 catalogues their experience treating 411patients
Acetabular fracture surgery is demanding and re- with acetabular fractures (Level III). This study used
quires a specialized surgeon and team (Level V). Surgi- Harris hip scores for functional outcomes and radio-
cal treatment strategies often involve partial fracture graphs to measure postsurgical reduction. The authors
exposure and reduction via indirect means because of identified several factors associated with poor out-
anatomic constraints of the pelvis. These indirect re- come including articular impaction/abrasion, concom-
duction strategies rely on mobility between the frac- itant femoral neck fracture, elderly age, obesity, osteo-
ture fragments especially when treating associated porosis, and extensile exposure. The most important
fracture types. As the fracture begins to heal, orga- variable they identified was the quality of reduction.
nized hematoma and callus can interfere with fracture Time to surgery was categorized by the authors as
mobility. This decreased mobility makes anatomic re- before 3 days, 3 to 10 days, and 11 or more days. They
duction difficult, allowing imperfect reductions to found the rate of anatomic reduction to be decreased
become more prevalent.9,10,12 A strategy to deal with from 70% in those operated on within 10 days to 54%
decreased fracture mobility involves the use of more in the group receiving surgery after a delay of 11 days
direct fracture reduction techniques; however, this or more (P ! 0.002). Matta,9 using similar methods,
often requires multiple or extensile exposures with retrospectively reported his experience with 259 pa-
their associated morbidity.13–15 tients with acetabular fracture (Level III). Results were
The reasons for delay to treatment can vary from similar, identifying quality of reduction as a major indi-
patient to patient. In some cases, the patient’s trau- cator of outcome. In Matta’s9 study, delay to surgery
matic or medical comorbidities may necessitate a was associated with a trend to poorer reduction after
delay until the patient is suitable for prolonged sur- a delay of greater than 14 days (P ! 0.06). Time catego-
gery. Availability of specialized surgeons and surgical ries in both studies are arbitrary. Neither study spe-
resources can also be a cause for delay. In some cifically examined the effect of delay on clinical out-
medical systems, shortage of hospital bed resources come, and instead used rate of anatomic reduction as
can significantly delay transfer to specialized cen- a proxy indicator.

380 Trauma Topics

TABLE 56–1. Summary of Literature Examining Delay to Fixation of Acetabular Fractures


Brueton et al. 40 patients Not reported Good results: average delay Low numbers, not
(1993)17 of 11 days; poor results: statistically significant
average delay of 17 days
Johnson et al. 207 patients all Lower rate of anatomic Lower rate of good/excellent Heterogeneous group
(1994)13 with delay reductions than authors’ results and greater including malunions;
greater than other studies complication rate than historic controls only
21 days authors’ previous studies
Matta (1996)9 259 patients Greater rates of anatomic Effect of delay not reported Not statistically significant
reduction if surgery
before 14 days (P ! 0.06)
Plasier et al. 59 patients Not reported Early acetabular surgery Low numbers, no long-term
(2000)19 associated with decreased follow-up, no functional
hospital stay, increased rate outcome, associations
of discharge to home, and with tenuous causal link
lower rate of multiorgan
dysfunction syndrome
Deo et al. 74 patients Not reported Of patients with good/excellent No P value reported
(2001)18 outcome: 91% had surgery
within 14 days; of patients
with fair/poor outcome, only
78% had surgery within
14 days
Mears et al. 411 patients Rate of anatomic Effect of delay not reported Arbitrary time categories,
(2003)10 reductions lower no functional outcomes
(70% vs. 54%) after delay
of 11 days (P ! 0.002)
Kumar et al. 73 patients Not reported Higher Harris hip scores in Not statistically significant
(2005)20 group treated before 14 days
Madhu et al. 237 patients Odds of anatomic reduction Good/excellent results 15–19%
(2006)12 declines by 18% per day less likely per day of delay
For elementary fractures: For elementary fractures:
anatomic reduction less good/excellent result less
likely after 15 days likely after 15 days
For associated fractures: For associated fractures: good/
anatomic reduction less excellent results less likely
likely after 5 days after 10 days

Johnson and coworkers13 conducted a multicenter gap of 2 mm or less. Functional results were compiled
review of acetabular fractures treated between 21 and based on Merle d’Aubigne and Postel’s21 system.
120 days after injury. These represented extreme de- Rates of anatomic reductions and good/excellent
lays, with many fractures actually being intra-articular functional outcomes decreased significantly with
malunions. This article compared their results with increased surgical delay. When analyzed as a continu-
historic controls only (Level IV). Their reported rate ous variable, the odds of obtaining an anatomic
of 57% anatomic reductions and 65% good and excel- reduction or a good/excellent functional outcome
lent clinical results is lower than reported in other declined by between 15% and 19% per day of delay
studies but impressive considering the nature of these (P " 0.01). As a categoric variable, the authors dem-
injuries. This article, however, also notes a need for onstrate a significant decrease in both functional and
extensile exposures in 33.2% of the patients and radiographic results for elementary fractures after
significantly greater complication rates including in- 15 days of delay. For associated fractures, radiologic
fection (4%), heterotopic ossification (11%), sciatic results declined after 5 days, whereas functional
nerve palsy (10.6%), osteonecrosis (13.8%), and osteo- results decreased after 10 days. Complication rates
arthritis (24%). showed a trend to increase with surgical delay, but
An article from Madhu and coauthors12 specifically this did not reach statistical significance in this
analyzed the effect of delay on outcomes of acetabu- study.
lar fractures (Level IV). This is a retrospective study
of 254 patients from a teaching center in the United
Kingdom. The authors analyzed the effect of delay to AREAS OF CONTROVERSY AND UNCERTAINTY
surgery on radiologic and clinical outcomes in ele-
mentary and associated fracture types. Radiologic The literature involving acetabular fractures generally
outcomes were based on radiographs, with an ana- consists of retrospective reviews of variable size usu-
tomic reduction defined as no articular step and a ally from single institutions. Mears and researchers’9
Acetabular Fractures 381

and Matta’s10 large reviews support accuracy of reduc- REFERENCES

tion as an important predictor of outcome. They sug-
1. Letournel E, Judet R: Fractures of the Acetabulum, 2nd ed.
gest delay to surgery decreases anatomic reduction New York, Springer Verlag, 1993.
rates; however, they do not associate delay directly 2. Tile M, Helfet DL, Kellam JF: Fractures of the Pelvis and
with functional outcome. Madhu and coauthors’12 re- Acetabulum, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams &
view specifically analyzes delay to surgery and has Wilkins, 2003.
several strengths including large numbers, high rates 3. Giannoudis PV, Grotz MR, Papakostidis C, Dinopoulos H:
Operative treatment of fractures of the acetabulum:
of follow-up, and convincing statistics. However, each A meta-analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Br 87-B:2–9, 2005.
of these studies suffers from similar limitations of ret- 4. Judet R, Judet J, Letournel E: Fractures of the acetabulum:
rospective design with a lack of blind assessment of Classification and surgical approaches for open reduction-a
radiographs and functional outcomes. The functional preliminary report. J Bone Joint Surg Am 46A:1615–1646,
outcome measures used by each study include Harris 5. Letournel E: Acetabulum fractures: Classification and
hip scores and Merle d’Aubigne–Postel scores. These management. Clin Orthop 151:81–106, 1980.
are older, nonvalidated scoring systems. 6. Chiu FY, Chen CM, Lo WH: Surgical treatment of displaced
Many trauma systems suffer from scarcity of surgi- acetabular fractures. 72 cases followed for 10(6-14) years.
cal and other patient care resources. This is identified Injury 31:181–185, 2000.
7. Cole JD, Bolhoffner BR: Acetabular fracture fixation via a
by some authors as a source of delay.16 It would be modified Stoppa limited intra-pelvic approach: Description of
helpful for resource management and triage to iden- operative technique and preliminary treatment results. Clin
tify a threshold where delay begins to threaten Orthop 305:112–123, 1994.
chances of obtaining good clinical results. This 8. Moed BR, Wilson Carr SE, Watson JT: Results of treatment of
posterior wall fractures of the acetabulum. J Bone Joint Surg
threshold cannot definitively be stated based on the Am 84-A:752–758, 2002.
current literature. However, Madhu and coauthors’12 9. Matta JM: Fractures of the acetabulum: Accuracy of reduction
study shows a decrease of between 15% and 19% in and clinical results in patients managed within 3 weeks after
the odds of a good radiographic or clinical result for the injury. J Bone Joint Surg Am 78:1632–1645, 1996.
every day of delay. For elementary fractures, clinical 10. Mears DC, Velyvis JH, Chang CP: Displaced acetabular
fractures managed operatively: Indicators of outcome. Clin
scores significantly decreased after 15 days, whereas Orthop 407:173–186, 2003.
associated types decreased after 10 days. 11. Kreder HJ, Rozen N, Borkhoff CM, et al: Determinants of
Ideally, these questions could be answered by functional outcome after simple and complex acetabular
randomized, controlled trials. Unfortunately, pa- fractures involving the posterior wall. J Bone Joint Surg Br
88:776–782, 2006.
tients cannot ethically be randomized to unneces- 12. Madhu R, Kotnis R, Al-Mousawi A, et al: Outcome of surgery
sary delay. As a result, future studies examining for reconstruction of the acetabulum: The time dependant
delay to surgery should include prospective studies effect of delay. J Bone Joint Surg Br 88:1197–1203, 2006.
with modern observational design using validated 13. Johnson EE, Matta JM, Mast JW, Letournel E: Delayed recon-
outcome measurement tools. struction of acetabular fractures 21-120 days following injury.
Clin Orthop 305:20–33, 2004.
14. Routt ML Jr, Swiontkowski MF: Operative treatment of
complex acetabular: Combined anterior and posterior
RECOMMENDATIONS exposures during the same procedure. J Bone Joint Surg Am
72-A:897–904, 1990.
Table 56–2 provides a summary of recommenda- 15. Griffin DB, Beaule PE, Matta JM: Safety and efficacy of the ex-
tions for the treatment of acetabular fractures. tended iliofemoral approach in the treatment of complex
fractures of the acetabulum. J Bone Joint Surg Br 87:
1391–1396, 2005.
16. Bircher M, Giannoudis PV: Pelvic trauma management within
the UK: Reflection on a failing trauma service. Injury 35:2–6,
TABLE 56–2. Summary of Recommendationos 2004.
17. Brueton RN: A review of 40 acetabular fractures: The
LEVEL OF importance of early surgery. Injury 24:171–174, 1993.
EVIDENCE/GRADE OF 18. Deo SD, Tavares SP, Pandey RK, et al: Operative manage-
RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATION ment of acetabular fractures in Oxford. Injury 32:581–586,
1. Acetabular fractures requiring open C 19. Plasier BR, Meldon SW, Super DM, Malangoni MA: Improved
reduction and internal fixation should outcome after early fixation of acetabular fractures. Injury
be treated as soon possible after the 31:81–84, 2000.
patient is stabilized for surgery. 20. Kumar A, Shah NA, Kershaw SA, Clayson AD: Operative
2. Results of open reduction and inter- C management of acetabular fractures: A review of 73 fractures.
nal fixation of acetabular fractures Injury 36:605–612, 2005.
deteriorate with increasing delay to 21. Merle d’Aubigne R, Postel M: Functional results of hip
surgery. Clinically significant changes arthroplasty with acrylic prosthesis. J Bone Joint Surg Am
may occur after 15 days for elemen- 36-A:451–475, 1954.
tary fractures and 10 days for associ-
ated fractures.
3. Extreme delay past 21 days de- C
creases functional and radiographic
results, increases need for extensile
exposures, and increases complica-
tion rates.
Hip Dislocation:
is the Best Treatment

ENNIFER Does Delay
Avascular Necrosis Rate?



A dislocated hip represents a true orthopaedic emer- or acetabulum with incarceration of a bony fragment
gency and requires immediate attention. Reduction of in the hip joint. Alternatively, the head may have “but-
any dislocated joint helps to reduce pain, improves tonholed” through the hip capsule, the piriformis
circulation within the surrounding soft tissues, re- muscle may block relocation of the head, or the la-
moves pressure on the chondral surfaces, and allows brum may have torn and flipped into the joint.12 Given
for better radiographic imaging. In the case of the hip this scenario, when should surgical relocation of the
joint, an associated risk for avascular necrosis of hip be preformed? Most general orthopedic surgeons
the femoral head is present. Time to reduction of the can perform an open reduction of a hip dislocation;
dislocated hip has been implicated as a factor in however, those associated with femoral head or ace-
the development of avascular necrosis. tabular fracture often necessitate referral to a trauma
specialist for definitive fixation. Should the referring
surgeon perform an open reduction and relocate the
OPTIONS hip before transferring to the specialist for a second
procedure to fix the fracture? Should relocation of the
Avascular necrosis is a devastating complication that hip be deferred and managed definitively by the
results in death of the osteocytes in the femoral trauma specialist?
head, subsequent chondral collapse, and secondary
degenerative osteoarthritis of the hip joint. Death
of these osteocytes is thought to occur because of EVIDENCE
ischemia from damage to the blood supply to the
femoral head.1 Blood is supplied to the femoral head Animal studies suggest that the disruption of the vas-
through both extraosseous and intraosseous vessels. cular supply to the femoral head may improve with
Extraosseous vessels include the medial femoral reduction within 12 hours. Duncan and Shim4 found
circumflex, the ligamentum teres, and the retinacular that early reduction of the dislocated hip improved
vessels.2,3 Several basic science studies have shown early and complete recovery of blood supply to the
that traumatic dislocation of the hip places tension femoral head in a rabbit model. Reduction of the dis-
on the medial femoral circumflex artery and more located hip delayed beyond 12 hours did not benefit
proximally at the junction of the common femoral the rate and extent of the circulatory recovery of the
artery with the external iliac artery.4–6 This leads femoral head. Histologic avascular necrosis was ob-
to disruption of both the intraosseous and extraosse- served in hips reduced early and late; however, it was
ous vasculature. Does this disruption improve with less frequently observed and less severe in those re-
early reduction of the hip? duced early. In a subsequent study using rabbits and
Reduction of a dislocated hip is often delayed for canines, Shim5 found that vascular damage was largely
several reasons. Significant trauma is required to due to compression, traction, and spasm of the ex-
produce a hip dislocation; thus, patients with a dislo- traosseous vessels (only a minority of these was
cated hip tend to have multiple severe injuries. Head ruptured). This is reinforced by a human cadaveric
or abdominal injuries may require treatment before study demonstrating that dislocation caused com-
the dislocated hip. In the setting of the patient with pression of the medial femoral circumflex and com-
multiple injuries, the hip dislocation may be missed. mon femoral vessels.6 These basic science studies
The patient may be transferred a significant distance suggest that the vascular disruption is reversible with
from a referring hospital. What is the prognosis for reduction of the hip. Furthermore, early reduction
the patient with a hip dislocation whose reduction may reverse ischemic changes that occur in the femo-
has been delayed? ral head at a cellular level.
A subset of hip dislocations (3–13% in the litera- Clinical studies that explore the effect of timing
ture) are irreducible closed and require open reduc- of hip reduction on the rates of avascular necrosis
tion.7–11 These irreducible hip dislocations are fre- are largely retrospective cohort studies. No study
quently associated with fracture of the femoral head was identified that focused solely on the rate of

Hip Dislocation 383

avascular necrosis as a function of time to reduc- includes the more severe dislocations that require
tion. Rather, these studies explored several differ- open reduction or transfer to a specialist. This group
ent outcome measures (e.g., avascular necrosis, includes those dislocations with more severe trauma
patient satisfaction, degenerative osteoarthritis) (acetabular fracture and/or femoral head or neck
and several different variables (e.g., type of disloca- fracture) and those that will ultimately receive sur-
tion, time to weight bearing). We have identified six gery (i.e., hips that are irreducible closed). Both
Level II and three Level IV studies with regard to surgery and the extensive trauma to the hip nega-
effect of reduction on rate of avascular necrosis tively affect vascularity.
(Table 57–1). Three Level IV evidence articles were identified.
Brav8 reviewed traumatic hip dislocations that These articles are case series because they present
presented to U.S. Army hospitals during a 12-year pe- rates of avascular necrosis for dislocations reduced
riod from 1947 to 1958.8 He found that the rate of avas- at a specific time. Two of these articles, by Jaskulka
cular necrosis was 17.6% when reduction occurred and colleagues18 and McKee and coworkers,11 con-
before 12 hours and 56.9% when reduction was de- clude that there was an increase in avascular necro-
layed over 12 hours. Although no statistical analysis sis with time to reduction.11,18 Jaskulka and col-
was done to prove significance (no P value was re- leagues18 report a rate of 1.8% (i.e., 1 case) in their
ported), there is a definite trend to reduced avascular series of 47 posterior fracture dislocations and at-
necrosis in the group treated early. tributed this low rate to the fact that all hips were
Subsequent Level II studies have presented similar reduced within 6 hours.18 McKee and coworkers11
results with respect to timing of reduction and rates presented a series of 25 central and posterior dislo-
of avascular necrosis. Şahin and colleagues13 exam- cations with associated severe acetabular and femo-
ined 62 cases of traumatic hip dislocation (5 anterior ral neck fractures. They attribute their high avascu-
and 57 posterior with associated acetabular fracture) lar necrosis rate (26%), in part, to the relatively long
and found a trend for decreased avascular necrosis time to reduction (mean, 15.3 hours). However, pa-
when the hip was reduced within 12 hours (2.9%) as tients in this series all sustained severe trauma, and
compared with after 12 hours (14.8%). In addition, this may be a more significant factor in the high rate
they found that there was no significant difference of avascular necrosis. Bhandari and coauthors19 re-
between hips reduced less than 6 hours and those port on 109 posterior hip dislocations with associ-
reduced between 6 to 12 hours after injury. Moed ated acetabular fracture and conclude that time to
and coworkers14 also note a significant reduction reduction was not a prognostic factor. Their re-
in rates of avascular necrosis in hips reduced within ported rate of avascular necrosis was 3%, and their
12 hours (P ! 0.001) but did not comment on the average time from injury to reduction was 18 hours.
absolute rates. Yang and coauthors15 present a retro- They did not use avascular necrosis as an outcome
spective cohort of 96 hip dislocations that included but rather used radiologic grade, clinical grade, or
both anterior and posterior dislocations with and the development of arthritis as outcomes. Their
without acetabular fractures. They found no avascu- multivariate analysis suggests that the quality of
lar necrosis in dislocations reduced within 24 hours fracture reduction has the greatest impact on these
and a rate of 42.2% in those reduced after 24 hours. outcomes, and that time to reduction has less of an
Hougaard and Thomsen16 presented 100 posterior impact. However, these outcome measures do not
hip dislocations with and without associated frac- specifically address development of avascular ne-
ture of the acetabulum. They found a decrease in crosis and likely are better indicators of the develop-
avascular necrosis when the hip was reduced within ment of secondary osteoarthritis in the hip.
6 hours (4.8% at !6 hours, and 58.8% at "6 hours).
They had insufficient data to comment on a differ-
ence between reduction less than 6 hours and reduc- AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY
tion between 6 and 12 hours. This study also found Position of Hip Dislocation
an increase in avascular necrosis with severity of in-
jury (5% with minor acetabular fracture and 52.6% Anterior dislocations of the hip are rare and account
with severe acetabular fracture and/or femoral head for 6.3% to 13% of reported hip dislocations.13,15,18
or neck fracture). These injuries are typically grouped together with
Dreinhöfer and investigators’17 study was the only posterior dislocations in studies. However, of the
Level II study that suggested there was no difference two studies that analyzed anterior dislocations as a
in avascular necrosis with delayed reduction.17 How- separate group, no avascular necrosis was reported
ever, all 35 hip dislocations (anterior and posterior in one study, and a rate of 4.8% was reported in the
dislocations without associated fracture) in their other study.8,17 This lower rate of avascular necrosis
series were reduced within 6 hours of injury. They may be because of the position of the dislocated
focused on a difference in avascular necrosis in a proximal femur and the resulting trauma to its
group treated within 1 hour (8.3%) versus a group vasculature.
treated in 1 to 6 hours (13%) and found no significant Yue and researchers6 showed in their cadaveric
difference. study that a posteriorly dislocated hip with the leg
In all the Level II studies identified, selection bias in external rotation (i.e., the hip was first posteriorly
occurred in the delayed reduction group. This group dislocated and then the leg was forced into external
384 Trauma Topics
TABLE 57–1. Studies That Examine Correlation of Time to Reduction with Rate of Avascular Necrosis

Brav8 II Retrospective 262/523 6.7 (2–14) 27 (3–75) 228 Posterior 91 Simple 204 ! 12 hr 17.6% ! 12 hr Yes
cohort (50%) 34 Anterior acetabular 58 # 12 hr 6.9% # 12 hr
27 Complex
Şahin et al.13 II Retrospective 62/107 9.6 (3.6–18.4) 34.5 (14–72) 57 Posterior 57 Acetabular 50 Closed 35 ! 12 hr 2.9% ! 12 hr Yes
cohort (57.9%) 5 Anterior fracture (80.6%) 27 #12 hr 14.8% # 12 hr
Dreinhöfer II Retrospective 42/421 4.5 (2.5–9) 29 (5–62) 38 Posterior No fracture 48 Closed 12 ! 1 hr 8.3% ! 1 hr No
et al.17 cohort (10%) 12 Anterior (96%) 23 in 1–6 hr 13% in 1–6 hr
Yang et al.15 II Retrospective 96/125 7.5 (1.25–18) 33.5 (7–81) 90 Posterior 90 Acetabular 69 ! 12 hr 0 ! 24 hr Yes
cohort (76.8%) 6 Anterior fracture 8 in 12–24 hr 42.1% # 24 hr
19 # 24 hr
Moed et al.14 II Retrospective 100/108 5 (2–14) 38 (16–74) All had 83 Closed 71 ! 12 hr Yes
cohort (92.6%) acetabular (96.5%) 8 in 12–24 hr
fracture 7 # 24 hr
Hougaard and II Retrospective 100/137 14 (5–26) 39 (16–89) All posterior All had 83 ! 6 hr 4.8% ! 6 hr Yes
Thomsen16 cohort (73.0%) acetabular 17 # 6 hr 58.8% # 6 hr
Bhandari IV Case series 109/163 5.9 (2–19) 42 (15–79) All posterior 9 Femoral neck 18 hr (mean) 3% No
et al.19 (66.9%) fracture
11 Acetabular
McKee et al.11 IV Case series 25 41.8 (17–81) 19 Posterior All had All open 15.3 hr (mean) 26% Yes
6 Central acetabular
Jaskulka IV Case series 47/54 6.7 (2–11) 29.7 (17–56) All posterior All closed All ! 6 hr 1.8% Yes
et al.18 (87%)
Hip Dislocation 385

rotation) created filling defects in both the common RECOMMENDATIONS

femoral and medial femoral circumflex arteries.
The filling defects in the common femoral artery Hip dislocations are relatively rare and result
were reversed when the leg was rotated internally from significant trauma. These injuries frequently
(the hip remained posteriorly dislocated); how- occur in the patient with multiple injuries who is
ever, the filling defects in the medial femoral often medically unstable. Definitive management
circumflex arteries remained. Presumably, the fill- of these injuries often requires transfer to a spe-
ing defects in the medial femoral circumflex arter- cialist. In both of these scenarios, knowledge of
ies are due to pressure exerted on the posterior hip optimal time for reduction is required. Based on
capsule and overlying vasculature because of the our review of the literature, we have made the
posteriorly displaced head of the femur. Defects in following recommendations (Table 57–2):
the common femoral artery result from twisting of • Grade B evidence exists that reduction of a
the artery because of the position of the leg (i.e., hip dislocation within 12 hours of injury
worse when the leg is externally rotated). Although reduces the rate of avascular necrosis. Rates
not specifically tested, one may assume that an of avascular necrosis in those hips reduced
anteriorly dislocated hip would result in a revers- within 12 hours range from 2.9% to 17.6%.8,13
ible defect in the common femoral artery (because Rates of avascular necrosis range from 14.8%
the leg is externally rotated) and no defect in the to 58.8% in hips reduced after 12 hours.8,13
femoral circumflex arteries (because the femoral • Insufficient evidence has been reported to
head is displaced anteriorly and the posterior hip suggest that reduction sooner than 6 hours
capsule is not under tension). influences rate of avascular necrosis.
• Insufficient evidence exists that hip dislocation
with associated acetabular fracture is not
Associated Acetabular and Proximal Femur Fractures affected by delay in reduction.
• Grade B evidence has been reported that ante-
Brav8 reports lower rates of avascular necrosis in rior dislocations have lower rates of avascular
anterior and posterior dislocation groups without necrosis than do posterior dislocations.
associated acetabular fracture (13.9% ! 12 hours
and 47.8% # 12 hours), and quite high rates of avas-
cular necrosis in those with severe associated ace-
tabular and femoral head fractures (62.5% ! 12 TABLE 57–2. Grades of Recommendations for the Treatment
hours and 81.8% # 12 hours). Greater rates of avas- of Hip Dislocation
cular necrosis were observed in series that included
acetabular and femoral head/neck fractures as com- LEVEL OF
pared with those that did not (see Table 57–1). This RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENATION
may be explained by the more significant trauma to
the soft tissue and vasculature that is sustained with 1. Adult with dislocation of the hip B
these injuries. These injuries also often require surgi- joint should be reduced no later
cal management, and this may further damage the than 12 hours.
2. Adult with dislocation of the hip I
vasculature. joint may benefit from reduction
Letournel and Judet20 suggest that time to reduc- within 6 hours.
tion had little prognostic value. Their series of ace- 3. Reduction may be delayed beyond I
tabular fracture dislocations demonstrates low rates 12 hours when acetabular fracture
of avascular necrosis despite a long interval of time is present.
4. Adult with anterior hip dislocation B
between injury and reduction (5% ! 6 hours, 8% be- can expect a better outcome than
tween 6 and 24 hours, and 4% # 24 hours). Bhandari posterior dislocation.
and coauthors’19 results agree with this as they have
reported a low rate of avascular necrosis (3%) with
posterior dislocation and associated acetabular frac-
ture. Their explanation is that the posterior acetabu- REFERENCES
lar fracture allows the femoral head to sit in a posi- 1. Rodriguez-Merchan EC: Osteonecrosis of the femoral head
tion that places less tension on the medial femoral after traumatic hip dislocation in the adult. Clin Orthop
circumflex and retinacular vessels than if the acetab- 377:68–77, 2000.
ulum was intact. If this is correct, the greater rates 2. Sevitt S, Thompson RG: The distribution and anastomoses
of arteries supplying the head and neck of the femur. J Bone
of avascular necrosis observed in other series (see Joint Surg Br 47-B:560–573, 1965.
Table 57–1) may be caused by associated surgical 3. Gautier E, Ganz K, Krügel N, et al: Anatomy of the medial
trauma or inclusion of femoral head/neck fractures femoral circumflex artery and its surgical implications.
in these series. However, we cannot discount the J Bone Joint Surg Br 82-B:679–683, 2000.
Level II studies that suggest greater rates of avascu- 4. Duncan C, Shim S: Blood supply of the head of the femur in
traumatic hip dislocation. Surg Gynecol Obstet 144:185–191,
lar necrosis in patients with associated acetabular 1977.
fracture that experience delay in reduction beyond 5. Shim SS: Circulatory and vascular changes in the hip following
12 hours. traumatic hip dislocation. Clin Orthop 140:255–261, 1979.
386 Trauma Topics

6. Yue JJ, Wilber JH, Lipuma JP, et al: Posterior hip dislocations. 14. Moed BR, Willson Carr SE, Watson JT: Results of operative
A cadaveric angiographic study. J Orthop Trauma 10:447–454, treatment of fractures of the posterior wall of the acetabulum.
1996. J Bone Joint Surg Am 84-A:752–758, 2002.
7. Thompson VP, Epstein HC: Traumatic dislocations of the hip. 15. Yang RS, Tsuang YH, Hang YS, et al: Traumatic dislocation
A survey of two hundred and four cases covering a period of of the hip. Clin Orthop 265:218–227, 1991.
twenty-one years. J Bone Joint Surg Am 33-A:746–778, 1951. 16. Hougaard K, Thomsen PB: Coxarthrosis following traumatic
8. Brav EA: Traumatic dislocations of the hip. Army experience posterior dislocation of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Am
and results over a twelve-year period. J Bone Joint Surg Am 69-A:679–683, 1987.
44-A:1115–1134, 1962. 17. Dreinhöfer KE, Schwarzkopf SR, Haas NP, et al: Isolated
9. Hunter GA: Posterior dislocation and fracture-dislocation of traumatic dislocation of the hip: Long-term results in
the hip. A review of fifty-seven patients. J Bone Joint Surg Br 50 patients. J Bone Joint Surg Br 76-B:6–12, 1994.
51-B:38–44, 1969. 18. Jaskulka RA, Fischer G, Fenzl G: Dislocation and fracture-
10. Proctor H: Dislocations of the hip joint (excluding “central” dislocation of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Br 73-B:465–469,
dislocations) and their complications. Injury 5:1–12, 1973. 1991.
11. McKee MD, Garay ME, Schemitsch EH, et al: Irreducible 19. Bhandari M, Matta J, Ferguson T, et al: Predictors of clinical
fracture-dislocation of the hip: A severe injury with a poor and radiological outcome in patients with fractures of the
prognosis. J Orthop Trauma 12:223–229, 1998. acetabulum and concomitant posterior dislocation of the hip.
12. Canale ST, Manugian AH: Irreducible traumatic dislocations J Bone Joint Surg Br 88-B:1618–1624, 2006.
of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Am 61-A:7–14, 1979. 20. Letournel E, Judet R: Fractures of the Acetabulum. Elson RA
13. Şahin V, Karakas ES, Aku S, et al: Traumatic dislocation and (ed). New York, Springer-Verlag, 1993.
fracture-dislocation of the hip: A long-term follow-up study.
J Trauma 54:520–529, 2003.
Combined Fractures of the Hip
and Femoral Shaft:
58 What Is the Best Treatment Method?

Ipsilateral fractures of the hip and femur are rare from intertrochanteric fractures to different types of
injuries that result from high-energy trauma. This intracapsular neck fractures. The position of the hip
injury pattern is most commonly seen in motor vehi- (degree of abduction) at the time of injury has been
cle accidents.1,2 The mechanism of injury is an axial suggested as the determinant of the pattern of hip
force applied along the femur as the occupant’s knee fracture produced.10 What is the most common type
strikes the dashboard. If the hip is adducted when this of hip fracture encountered with this injury? What is
force is applied, the resulting injury to the hip is usu- the most common type of femoral shaft fracture?
ally a dislocation or acetabular fracture, or both. If the Many different implants and implant combinations
hip is in abduction, this will produce a femoral neck have been used to treat this combination of fractures.
and shaft fracture.3 Given the rarity of this injury (i.e., Implant designs have changed over the time periods
occurring in less than 9% of all femoral shaft frac- of many of the retrospective case series reported in
tures), no large series are reported in the literature.1,2,4 the literature (Table 58–1). For example, the antegrade
Nearly 60 different implant combinations have been femoral intramedullary nail has evolved from the un-
described for this fracture pattern.5,6 locked (Küntscher) nail, to the first-generation locked
nail, to the second-generation cephalomedullary (or
reconstruction) locked nail, and finally to the intra-
OPTIONS medullary hip screw device. Retrograde femoral nail-
ing has also become increasingly popular since the
The main complications associated with isolated late 1990s. However, the literature consists of small
femoral neck fractures are high rates of nonunion and case series that involve a mixture of different implants
avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Complications from different periods. What are the optimal implants
associated with isolated femoral shaft fractures for this fracture pattern?
include malunion (i.e., !2 cm shortening, !10-degree
varus or valgus alignment, and !20 degrees malrota-
tion) and nonunion. Many authors contend that the EVIDENCE
complications of the femoral neck trump those of the
femoral shaft. They suggest that avascular necrosis is Alho1 conducted a meta-analysis on 65 studies pub-
the most significant complication and, therefore, the lished between 1970 and 1996 that incorporated 722
femoral neck fracture should be treated first.4,7,8 cases of ipsilateral hip and shaft fractures. This rep-
Others suggest that the femur should be treated resents the largest summary of case series reported
initially to allow for ease of closed reduction of the in the literature. He identified 10 studies (240 frac-
femoral neck fracture.3,5,9 What are the most common tures) that included useful demographic data. This
complications of this injury pattern? In what order injury typically occurs in young individuals (mean
should fixation of the fractures proceed? age, 33 years) and results from a high-energy mech-
A large number of the femoral neck fractures anism (85% motor vehicle accidents). Only 1% of
associated with shaft fractures are missed (approxi- cases occurred in elderly individuals. Approxi-
mately 30%).1 Many of the femoral neck fractures are mately 18% of the femoral shaft fractures were re-
nondisplaced at the time of presentation (25–60%).1 ported as open, with a large number of comminuted
(This may occur because some of the energy that fractures (i.e., 42% were Winquist type III or IV).11
would normally result in a displaced femoral neck The majority of shaft fractures occurred in the
fracture is dissipated by the shaft fracture.) In addi- middle third of the femur (72%). For hip fractures,
tion, many of these patients have multiple injuries Alho1 reports that the majority of cases were femo-
with numerous “distracting” injuries. What is the ral neck fractures (61%), with the rest being tro-
best method of imaging the hip to avoid missing a chanteric fractures. Shuler and colleagues10 report
fracture? on 52 cases of hip fracture with femoral shaft frac-
A spectrum of different hip fractures has been ture and found 90% to be femoral neck fractures.
reported with this injury pattern. Hip fractures vary They found that these hip fractures all tended to

TABLE 58–1. Studies That Examine Implants Used for Femoral Shaft Fixation in Ipsilateral Hip and Femoral Shaft Fractures

Alho et al. III Meta-analysis N/A 219 78% M 33 (3–76) A: Plate and A: 2.4% 0% A: 9.7% A: 1.2% A: 3.7% A: 20.7%
(1997)1 of 20 screws (82) B: 2.7% B: 2.7% B: 1.4% B: 8.2% B: 15.1%
studies B: Unlocked nails (73) C: 3.6% C: 0% C: 3.6% C: 0% C: 3.6%
C: Locked nail (28) D: 0% D: 0% D: 2.8% D: 0% D: 2.8%
D: Cephalomedullary
nail (36)
Oh et al. IV Case series N/A 17 87.5% M 44 (25–77) Unreamed retrograde 5.9% 5.9% 29.4% 5.9% 5.9% 5.9%
(2006)18 intramedullary nail;
dynamic hip screws
or screws for hip
Jain et al. IV Case series 2.6 (1–4.6) 23 95.7% M 34.5 Reamed 4.3% 4.3% 17.4% 4.3% 17.4% 13.0%
(2004)6 (21–56) cephalomedullary
nail; screws for hip
Hossam et al. IV Case series 2.1 (1–3) 9 100% M 28.5 Reamed 0% 0% 11.1% 11.1% 0% 22.2%
(2001)19 (18-36) cephalomedullary
nail; screws for hip
Swiontkowski IV Case series 2.9 (1–8) 7 85.7% M 29.1 Retrograde unlocked 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A
et al. (22–43) nail; screws for hip
Combined Fractures of the Hip and Femoral Shaft 389

extend into the inferomedial neck regardless of the overall clinical outcomes (P " 0.001) than the plate
fracture type (i.e., midcervical, basocervical, or or unlocked nailing groups. Locked nails also had
pertrochanteric). The extension of the fracture into lower rates of femoral shaft nonunion and malunion
the inferomedial neck (i.e., femoral calcar) makes it (see Table 58–1) than either plating or unlocked nail-
prone to displacement with weight bearing. ing. No significant difference was found in rates of
Complication rates for femoral neck fractures with complications or clinical outcome noted between
an associated femoral shaft fracture tend to be less first-generation locked and cephalomedullary nails.
than with this injury in isolation. Alho1 quotes an Alho1 concluded that the femoral shaft fracture was
avascular necrosis rate of 5% and no nonunions of the “key component” to this injury because this frac-
254 fractures (this includes displaced and nondis- ture exhibited greater complication rates than the
placed fractures). For isolated displaced femoral neck hip fracture. In a review of complications associated
fractures, the incidence rate of avascular necrosis is with ipsilateral hip and femur fractures (level IV evi-
22.5% and of nonunion is 6%.12 The reduced rate of dence), Watson and Moed9 found that 76% of identi-
avascular necrosis and nonunion seen with the com- fied complications were nonunion of the femoral
bined injury may result from a greater rate of nondis- shaft fracture. Among these cases of femoral shaft
placed fractures (up to 60% for the combined injury),1 nonunion, they found that 86% were open fractures,
perhaps because much of the energy is dissipated 80% were treated with an unreamed nail, 100% had
through the femoral shaft fracture. Thus, the hip frac- prolonged non–weight bearing, and 30% were treated
ture tends to be less comminuted with less injury to with a cephalomedullary nail. They conclude that a
the vasculature (i.e., posterior retinacular vessels). reamed, second-generation, locked intramedullary
An important consequence of the high rate of non- nail was the optimal implant for treatment of the
displaced femoral neck fractures is that they tend to femoral shaft fracture in this combined injury.
be missed on initial presentation. Alho1 states that
the diagnosis of the hip fracture was delayed (from
1 day to several months) in 30% of cases. Tornetta AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY
and investigators13 conducted a Level II study on the Should a Displaced Femoral Neck Fracture Be Fixed
effectiveness of a radiographic protocol to detect before Fixation of the Femoral Shaft?
nondisplaced hip fractures in patients with femoral
shaft fractures.13 A standard protocol of computed Numerous authors have advocated that the hip frac-
tomographic (CT) scan, dedicated internal rotation ture be fixed before the femoral shaft fracture. The
hip radiographs, and lateral intraoperative fluoro- most common argument for this approach is that rates
scopic hip images for all femoral shaft fractures was of avascular necrosis of the femoral head increase with
instituted, and the rate of missed hip fractures was time to reduction and fixation for displaced femoral
recorded. This was compared with rates before insti- neck fractures.4,7,8 However, no clinical evidence sug-
tution of this protocol (i.e., when imaging was left to gests this is, indeed, the case (see Chapter 54). Level II
the discretion of the treating surgical team). They clinical evidence suggests that the outcome of a dis-
found that this protocol significantly decreased the placed femoral neck fracture is dependent on anatomic
rates of missed hip fractures (57% before vs. 6.3% reduction (i.e., no varus) and rigid fixation.14–16 Manip-
after institution of the protocol). Of these imaging ulation of the hip fracture (either through an open or
modalities, the authors found the CT scan to be the closed approach) is simplified by fixation of the femo-
most useful (a poor-quality CT scan resulted in the ral shaft. Thus, we recommend fixation of the femoral
only fracture that was missed on CT and subse- shaft before fixation of the displaced femoral neck
quently diagnosed on an internal rotation hip radio- fracture (Level V evidence). No clinical studies in the
graph). Thus, all femoral shaft fractures resulting literature compare these two approaches.
from a high-energy mechanism (especially motor
vehicle accidents) should undergo a CT scan of the
ipsilateral hip before definitive fixation. What Type of Implant Should Be Used
No comparative studies exist in the literature with for the Femoral Shaft Fracture?
regard to method of fixation for combined femoral
neck and shaft fractures. Alho’s1 meta-analysis took Swiontkowski and colleagues4 advocate fixation of
219 individual cases from 20 studies and segregated this injury with an unlocked retrograde nail. Treat-
them into 4 groups based on fixation of the femoral ment of femoral shaft fractures with locked retro-
shaft fracture: (1) plate and screws, (2) unlocked grade nails has increased in popularity in recent
intramedullary nail, (3) first-generation locked intra- years. Ricci and coworkers17 conducted a retrospec-
medullary nail, and (4) cephalomedullary nail. This is tive comparative trial (Level II evidence) for locked
Level III evidence given that it is a meta-analysis con- antegrade and retrograde nailing of isolated femoral
sisting of small, retrospective, comparative studies shaft fractures. They found that rates of nonunion
and case series. Methods of hip fixation varied among and malunion were not significantly different be-
the groups, making the results for complications of tween the two methods of treatment. The incidence
the hip fracture unreliable. Alho1 concludes that the of knee pain was significantly greater for the retro-
locked nailing treatment groups (i.e., first-generation grade nail, whereas the incidence of hip pain was
and cephalomedullary nails) had significantly better significantly greater for the antegrade nail. The
390 Trauma Topics

authors conclude that these two implants provide

• Retrograde femoral nailing should be used
similar clinical results for femoral shaft fractures.
over antegrade nailing for this injury pattern.
The retrograde femoral nail offers theoretical ad-
These two treatments provide equivalent
vantages to the antegrade femoral nail for the treat-
results for treatment of the femoral shaft
ment of ipsilateral hip and femoral shaft fractures.
fracture. However, retrograde nailing of the
Use of a retrograde nail allows the surgeon to use
femur allows either a sliding hip screw or can-
either a sliding hip screw or cannulated screws to fix
nulated screws to be used for the hip fracture.
the hip fracture, whereas with the use of an ante-
Grade C evidence supports this statement.
grade nail, the surgeon is obligated to use screws.
• All femoral shaft fractures resulting from
With a nondisplaced femoral neck fracture, there is
high-energy trauma (especially motor vehicle
the risk for displacing the fracture when the ante-
accidents) should receive a high-quality CT
grade nail is introduced. When a retrograde nail is
scan of the hip. Grade B evidence supports
used, the nondisplaced femoral neck fracture can be
this statement.
fixed before nailing the femur. No clinical studies
• Cephalomedullary implants in isolation should
compare these two methods of treatment for this in-
not be used to treat this injury pattern. Grade
jury. Only case series that show good results for ret-
C evidence supports this statement.
rograde nailing have been reported (Level IV evi-
dence).4,18 It is our opinion that a retrograde nail
should be used to fix the femoral shaft fracture with
this injury. We believe that cannulated screws should TABLE 58–2. Summary of Recommendations for the Treatment
be used for the femoral neck fracture in patients with of Ipsilateral Hip and Femoral Shaft Fractures
adequate bone stock, and a sliding hip screw for pa-
tients with osteopenic bone or a combined intertro- LEVEL OF
chanteric fracture (Level V evidence). For nondis- RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATION
placed femoral neck fractures, the hip should be
fixed before retrograde nailing the femur (Level V 1. Fixation of the femoral shaft fracture C
evidence). For displaced femoral neck fractures, the should precede fixation of the hip
femur should be fixed before reducing and fixing the fracture for displaced femoral neck
hip fracture (Level V evidence). fractures.
2. Fixation of the hip fracture should C
precede fixation of the femoral shaft
fracture for nondisplaced femoral
Do Cephalomedullary Nails Provide Improved neck fractures.
3. Retrograde femoral nailing is pre- C
Fixation? ferred to antegrade femoral nailing.
4. High-quality computed tomographic B
Cephalomedullary nails have been advocated by scan of the ipsilateral hip should be
some authors because they provide added fixation of performed for all femoral shaft
the hip fracture.6 However, recent case series sug- fractures resulting from high-energy
gest that the clinical results of this type of fixation trauma.
5. Cephalomedullary implants should C
are inferior to those provided by a retrograde nail for not be used in isolation to treat this
ipsilateral hip and femoral shaft fractures (see Table injury pattern.
58–1).6,19 These case series have small sample sizes,
and no trials directly compare these two types of
implants for this injury pattern. Watson and Moed9
found a high rate of complications with the use of REFERENCES
cephalomedullary nails, and therefore conclude that
1. Alho A: Concurrent ipsilateral fractures of the hip and shaft
this implant should not be used with this fracture of the femur. A systematic review of 722 cases. Ann Chir
pattern (Level IV evidence). Gynaecol 86:326–336, 1997.
2. Alho A: Concurrent ipsilateral fractures of the hip and
femoral shaft: A meta-analysis of 659 cases. Acta Orthop
Scand 67:19–28, 1996.
RECOMMENDATIONS 3. Schatzker J, Barrington TW: Fractures of the femoral neck
associated with fractures of the same femoral shaft.
No large comparative studies have been con- Can J Surg 11:297–305, 1968.
ducted to critically examine the implants used to 4. Swiontkowski MF, Hansen ST, Kellam J: Ipsilateral fractures
of the femoral neck and shaft. A treatment protocol. J Bone
treat this injury pattern. Based on limited case Joint Surg Am 66-A:260–268, 1984.
series and expert opinion, we make the following 5. Wolinsky PR, Johnson KD: Ipsilateral femoral neck and shaft
recommendations (Table 55A–2): fractures. Clin Orthop Relat Res (318):81–90, 1995.
• When there is a displaced femoral neck frac- 6. Jain P, Maini L, Mishra P, et al: Cephalomedullary interlocked
nail for ipsilateral hip and femoral shaft fractures. Injury
ture, the femoral shaft should be treated first. 35:1031–1038, 2004.
When the femoral neck fracture is nondis- 7. Swiontkowski MF: Ipsilateral femoral shaft and hip fractures.
placed, this fracture should be treated first. Orthop Clin North Am 18:73–84, 1987.
Grade C evidence supports these statements. 8. Peljovich AE, Patterson BM: Ipsilateral femoral neck and
shaft fractures. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 6:106–113, 1998.
Combined Fractures of the Hip and Femoral Shaft 391

9. Watson JT, Moed BR: Ipsilateral femoral neck and shaft A prospective, randomised study comparing closed and open
fractures: Complications and their treatment. Clin Orthop reduction. J Bone Joint Surg Br 86-B:1035–1040, 2004.
Relat Res (399):78–86, 2002. 15. Asnis SE, Wanek-Sgaglione L: Intracapsular fractures of the
10. Shuler TE, Gruen GS, DiTano O, Riemer BL: Ipsilateral femoral neck: Results of cannulated screw fixation. J Bone
proximal and shaft femoral fractures: Spectrum of injury Joint Surg Am 76-A:1793–1803, 1994.
involving the femoral neck. Injury 28:293–297, 1997. 16. Chua D, Jaglal SB, Schatzker J: Predictors of early failure
11. Winquist RA, Hansen ST: Comminuted fractures of the of fixation in the treatment of displaced subcapital hip
femoral shaft treated by intramedullary nailing. Orthop Clin fractures. J Orthop Trauma 12:230–234, 1998.
North Am 11:633–648, 1980. 17. Ricci WM, Bellabarba C, Evanoff B, et al: Retrograde versus
12. Damany DS, Parker MJ, Chojnowski A: Complications after antegrade nailing of femoral shaft fractures. J Orthop Trauma
intracapsular hip fractures in young adults. A meta-analysis 15:161–169, 2001.
of 18 published studies involving 564 fractures. Injury 18. Oh CW, Oh JK, Park BC, et al: Retrograde nailing with
36:131–141, 2005. subsequent screw fixation for ipsilateral femoral shaft and
13. Tornetta P 3rd, Kain MS, Creevy WR: Diagnosis of femoral neck fractures. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 126:448–453,
neck fractures in patients with a femoral shaft fracture. 2006.
Improvement with a standard protocol. J Bone Joint Surg 19. Hossam ElShafie M, Adel Morsey H, Emad Eid Y: Ipsilateral
Am 89-A:39–43, 2007. fracture of the femoral neck and shaft, treatment by recon-
14. Upadhyay A, Jain P, Mishra P, et al: Delayed internal fixation struction interlocking nail. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg
of fractures of the neck of the femur in young adults. 121:71–74, 2001.
Chapter What
is the

JWhen Should
AND JOHN Subcapital
Fracture Be Replaced versus Fixed?


comes. As a result of the limitations of prior surveys,
Hip fractures occur in 280,000 Americans (!5000 per knowledge of the opinions of surgeons managing hip
week) and 36,000 (!690 per week) Canadians annu- fractures remains limited. Knowing the extent of vari-
ally. By the year 2040, the number of people aged 65 ability in opinions and practice can identify factors
or older will increase from 34.8 million to 77.2 million. that influence surgeons’ preferences for a particular
Demographic projections by Statistics Canada indi- treatment, serve to educate the orthopedic commu-
cate that, by the year 2041, 1 in 4 Canadians will be nity on issues regarding the treatment of hip frac-
older than 65 years. The number of hip fractures is tures, and assist in the planning of future clinical
likely to exceed 500,000 annually in the United States trials addressing issues that remain unresolved
and 88,000 in Canada over the next 40 years.1–3 By the among orthopedic traumatologists.
year 2040, the estimated annual healthcare costs will We conducted an international survey of practic-
reach $9.8 billion in the United States and $650 mil- ing orthopedic surgeons with an interest in fracture
lion in Canada.4 care to clarify current opinion in the treatment of
Hip fractures are associated with a 30% mortality displaced femoral neck fractures.5 Of 442 surgeons
rate at 1 year and profound temporary, and some- who received the questionnaire, 298 (68%) responded.
times permanent, impairment of independence and The typical respondent was a North American resi-
quality of life. Furthermore, approximately 30% of dent older than 40 years and in academic practice
surgically treated hip fractures require revision sur- who supervised residents, had fellowship training in
gery.5 These revisions are associated with a large trauma, worked in a low-volume center ("100 hip
burden of morbidity and mortality. The disability fractures per year), and treated an equal proportion
adjusted life-years lost as a result of hip fractures of displaced and undisplaced femoral neck fractures.
ranks in the top 10 of all causes of disability globally. Most surgeons believed that internal fixation was the
procedure of choice in younger patients (" 60 years)
across displaced fracture types (Garden types III-IV).
WHAT ARE CURRENT MANAGEMENT OPTIONS? Among those patients older than 80 years with Gar-
den type III and IV fractures, almost all surgeons
Although there is general consensus regarding the preferred arthroplasty (94% and 96%, respectively).
operative management of nondisplaced fractures of Respondents varied widely in their preferences for
the femoral neck,5 the optimal choice for the stabi- patients aged 60 to 80 years with displaced fractures
lization of displaced femoral neck fractures remains (Garden III/IV) or active patients with Garden III frac-
controversial.5 Operative approaches for displaced tures. Many surgeons believed there was no differ-
femoral neck fractures include prosthetic replace- ence between arthroplasty and internal fixation when
ment (arthroplasty) or internal fixation. Approaches considering mortality (45%), infection rates (30%),
to arthroplasty include unipolar hemiarthroplasty, and quality of life (37%).
bipolar hemiarthroplasty, and total hip arthro- The purpose of this chapter is to guide clinicians
plasty. Options for internal fixation include multiple regarding the treatment of displaced femoral neck
screws, a compression screw and side plate, or an fractures in patients older than 65 years by evaluat-
intramedullary hip screw device. ing the evidence comparing internal fixation versus
arthroplasty on major outcomes (mortality, revision
Surveys of surgeon opinions in Denmark, Canada, and WHAT IS THE EVIDENCE?
the United Kingdom6,7 have been limited by lack of
generalizability to other countries and a failure to In the hierarchy of evidence for questions about a
elicit surgeons’ views of the impact of alternative “therapy” (in this case, a surgical intervention), a
management strategies on patient-important out- meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials is

Femoral Neck Fractures 393

the standard when no single large definitive trial tients) reported on pain relief and 12 on function (N #
exists. Our search identified 4 meta-analyses and 1179 patients). Pain relief and function were similar in
58 randomized trials that provide information on patients treated with arthroplasty or internal fixation
surgical treatments for femoral neck fractures. (RR of no/little pain, 1.12; 95% CI, 0.88–1.35; good func-
Three meta-analyses directly address the question tion, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.90–1.10). Arthroplasty significantly
of internal fixation versus arthroplasty in patients increased the risk for infection (12 studies, N # 1822)
with displaced femoral neck fractures.8–10 Their re- compared with internal fixation (RR, 1.81; 95% CI,
sults are consistent. Here, we present the current 1.16–2.85; P # 0.009; homogeneity P # 0.16). The risk
results of the single meta-analysis of randomized difference between the two treatments was 3.4%. This
trials.8 meant that for every 29 patients treated with internal
fixation, 1 infection could be prevented (NNT # 1/0.034
# 29.4).
Mortality Blood Loss and Surgical Time. Four studies (N # 343
patients) reported on estimated blood loss, and 5
Nine trials (N # 1162 patients) provided postoperative (N # 447 patients) on surgical time. Patients who
mortality data at 4 months or less. The results of the underwent arthroplasty experienced greater blood
pooled statistical analyses are listed in Table 59–1. Ar- loss than those who were treated with internal
throplasty showed a trend toward increased mortality fixation (weighted mean difference, 176.4 mL; 95%
when compared with internal fixation (relative risk CI, 132.4–220.4; P " 0.05) . Similarly, surgical time
[RR], 1.27; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.84–1.92; P # in the patients treated with arthroplasty was
0.25; homogeneity P # 0.45). Twelve trials (N # 1767 greater than the patients treated with internal fix-
patients) provided 1-year mortality data. At 1 year, ar- ation (weighted mean difference, 29.0 minutes;
throplasty did not increase the risk for mortality when 95% CI, 23.2–34.8; P " 0.05).
compared with internal fixation, with wide variability
between studies (RR, 1.04; 95% CI, 0.84–1.29; P # 0.68; UNCERTAINTY AND FUTURE RESEARCH
homogeneity P # 0.03) (Fig. 59–1).
What Is the Optimal Choice of Internal Fixation
(Multiple Screws or Sliding Hip Screws) for Fixation
Revision Surgery of Hip Fractures?
All 14 studies (N # 1901) provided information on revi- Parker and colleagues’11 meta-analysis evaluated 28
sion surgery (see Table 59–1). Arthroplasty substan- trials (N # 5547 patients) and reported no advantage
tially reduced the risk for revision, and the results of any internal fixation technique over any other. The
were consistent from study to study (RR, 0.23; 95% CI, trials were small (sample size range, 33–410) and
0.13–0.42; P # 0.0003; homogeneity P " 0.01). Thus, methodologically limited.
arthroplasty reduced the RR of revision surgery by
77% when compared with internal fixation. The risk
difference of 18% translated into a number needed to What Is the Optimal Choice of Arthroplasty
treat (NNT) of 5.6, which meant that for every 6 pa- (Total Hip Arthroplasty or Hemiarthroplasty)
tients treated with arthroplasty, 1 revision surgery for Treatment of Hip Fractures?
could be avoided.
Pain, Function, and Infection Rates. Information on second- Current best estimates of treatment effect suggest
ary outcomes was available in 6 studies for pain relief that total hip arthroplasty reduces hip pain (RR
and 12 studies for function. Six studies (N # 1153 pa- reduction, 24%; 95% CI, 2–41%) and may reduce func-

TABLE 59–1. Mortality and Revision Surgery

N A IF RR* 95% CI P

Mortality ("4 months)

All arthroplasty vs. IF 1162 55/615 34/547 1.27 0.84–1.92 0.25
Mortality (at 1 year)
All arthroplasty vs. IF 1767 226/984 160/783 1.04 0.84–1.29 0.68
Mortality (!1 year)
All arthroplasty vs. IF 1596 412/895 251/701 1.12 0.90–1.43 0.30
Revision surgery
All arthroplasty vs. IF 1901 111/1051 299/850 0.23 0.13–0.42 0.0003

*The relative risk (RR) of outcome (i.e., mortality or revision surgery) with arthroplasty compared with internal
fixation (!1.0 favors internal fixation; "1.0 favors arthroplasty).
A, all arthroplasty; CI, confidence interval; IF, internal fixation.
394 Trauma Topics

Favors arthroplasty Favors internal fixation

Davison (2001) n = 280 patients

Ravikumar (2000) n = 271 patients
Van Vugt (1993) n = 43 patients
Parker (2000) n = 208 patients
Van Dortmont (2000) n = 60 patients
Tidermark (1999) n = 39 patients
Sikorski (1981) n = 218 patients
Soreide (1979) n = 104 patients
Johansson (2000) n = 100 patients
Neander (1997) n = 20 patients
Jonsson (1996) n = 47 patients
Rogmark (2002) n = 409 patients
FIGURE 59–1. A forrest plot depicting the
Pooled estimate n = 1799 patients treatment effect across multiple randomized
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 trials comparing internal fixation and
arthroplasty in patients with femoral neck
Relative risk (95% confidence interval) fractures.

TABLE 59–2. Summary of Recommendations

tional limitations (RR reduction, 10%; 95% CI, 24%
to $6%) when compared with hemiarthroplasty. The RECOMMENDATIONS OF RECOMMENDATION
reduction in pain and improvement in function may
come at the cost of an increased risk for hip disloca- 1. For patients 65 years or older A
tion (RR, 2.95; 95% CI, 0.40–21.74). Despite the trend with displaced femoral neck frac-
toward an increase in hip dislocation, the data (point tures, arthroplasty will reduce
estimate) shows a trend toward a decreased reopera- the need for revision surgery.
2. For patients 65 years or older A
tion rate with hemiarthroplasty, though the sparse with displaced femoral neck
data are associated with wide CIs (RR reduction, fractures, arthroplasty will in-
14%; 95% CI, 53% to $59%).12,13 crease operating time, blood
Table 59–2 provides a summary of recommenda- loss, and the risk for infection.
3. For patients 65 years or older B
tions for the treatment of femoral neck fractures. with displaced femoral neck
fractures, arthroplasty and
internal fixation have similar
mortality rates.

In patients older than 65 years with displaced
femoral neck fractures, evidence suggests: REFERENCES
• Arthroplasty significantly reduces the risk
1. Cooper C, Campion G, Melton LJ: Hip fractures in the elderly:
for revision surgery at 1 year compared with A world-wide projection. Osteoporos Int 2:285–289, 1992.
internal fixation (grade A recommendation: 2. Cummings SR, Rubin SM, Black D: The future of hip fractures
good evidence [Level I studies with consistent in the United States. Numbers, costs, and potential effects of
findings]). postmenopausal estrogen. Clin Orthop Relat Res 252:163–166,
• Arthroplasty does not increase the risk for 3. Johnell O, Kanis JA: An estimate of the worldwide preva-
mortality at 1 year compared with internal lence, mortality and disability associated with hip fracture.
fixation (grade B recommendation: fair Osteoporos Int 15:897–902, 2004.
evidence [Level I studies with inconsistent 4. Emmanuel A, Papadimitropoulos BSP, Coyte PC, et al: Current
findings and methodologic limitations]). and projected rates of hip fracture in Canada. CMAJ
157:1357–1363, 1997.
• Arthroplasty significantly increases the risk for 5. Bhandari M, Devereaux PJ, Tornetta P 3rd, et al: Operative
infection, blood loss, and operating time at management of displaced femoral neck fractures in elderly
1 year compared with internal fixation patients. An international survey. J Bone Joint Surg Am
(grade A recommendation: good evidence 87:2122–2130, 2005.
6. Laursen JO: Treatment of intracapsular fractures of the
[Level I studies with consistent findings). femoral neck in Denmark: Trends over the past decade. Acta
Orthop Belg 65:478–484, 1999.
7. Chua D, Jaglal SB, Schatzker J: An orthopedic surgeon survey
on the treatment of displaced femoral neck fracture: Opposing
views. Can J Surg 40:271–277, 1997.
Femoral Neck Fractures 395

8. Bhandari M, Devereaux PJ, Swiontkowski M, et al: Internal trials including 4,925 patients. Acta Orthop Scand 69:138–143,
fixation compared with arthroplasty for displaced fractures of 1998.
the femoral neck. J Bone Joint Surg Am 85A:1673–1681, 2003. 12. Ravikumar KJ, Marsh G: Internal fixation versus hemiarthro-
9. Lu-Yao GL, Keller RB, Littenberg B, Wennberg JE: Outcomes plasty versus total hip arthroplasty for displaced subcapital
after displaced fractures of the femoral neck: A meta analysis fractures of femur—13 year results of a prospective
of 106 published reports. J Bone Joint Surg Am 76A:15–25, 1994. randomised study. Injury 31:793–797, 2000.
10. Masson M, Parker MJ, Fleischer S: Internal fixation versus 13. Keating JF, Grant A, Masson M, et al: Displaced intracapsular
arthroplasty for intracapsular proximal femoral fractures in hip fractures in fit, older people: A randomized comparison of
adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2):CD001708, 2003. reduction and fixation, bipolar hemiarthroplasty and total hip
11. Parker MJ, Blundell C: Choice of implants for internal fixation arthroplasty. Health Technol Assess 9:iii-iv, ix-x, 1–65, 2005.
of femoral neck fractures: Meta analysis of 25 randomized
Chapter What
is the Best
Neck Fracture:

ENNIFER Does Delay
Complication Rate?
JOHN Surgery
FLYNN Affect



Speed1 termed the displaced intracapsular femoral cumflex. Several questions become apparent: Does
neck fracture the unsolved fracture because of its high nonunion and avascular necrosis depend on the ex-
rate of complications and controversies in manage- tent of damage to these vessels at the time of injury
ment at the time. Many years later, this fracture con- and not the time from injury to operative fixation in
tinues to challenge the treating orthopedic surgeon. high-energy injuries? Do high-energy injuries have
Much of the difficulty lies in the precarious blood greater rates of nonunion and avascular necrosis
supply to the femoral neck and head. This leads to than low-energy injuries?
the two most common and devastating orthopedic Several authors have discussed the possibility that
complications: nonunion and avascular necrosis of avascular necrosis of the femoral head is related to
the femoral head. These fractures have long been increased intracapsular pressure.8,9 Increased intra-
believed to represent an orthopedic emergency, re- capsular pressure may result in occlusion of the reti-
quiring immediate intervention to prevent these com- nacular vessels. This has often been the argument
plications. Displaced femoral neck fractures occur for early surgical intervention or aspiration to “de-
infrequently (only 3% of all hip fractures) in the young compress” the hip capsule. Are rates of avascular
adult (i.e., younger than 60 years); therefore, it is dif- necrosis affected by hip capsule decompression?
ficult to obtain adequate power to conduct a study to Low-energy injuries may occur in the young adult.
determine whether timing of intervention actually Robinson and colleagues3 and Swiontkowski and coau-
impacts the rate of complications.2,3 This fracture oc- thors4 comment on a subgroup of patients from this
curs much more frequently in the elderly population; population who have longstanding medical problems
however, epidemiology, mechanism of injury, rates of and sustain this fracture from a simple fall. They found
complications, and treatment options are different for that these patients tended to have an increased preva-
this age group. This chapter examines the effect of lence of alcoholism, arthritis, cardiorespiratory prob-
time to surgery on complication rates for displaced lems, neuromuscular disorders, and epilepsy. Is this
femoral neck fractures in these two age groups. subgroup of patients best grouped with elderly pa-
tients because their fractures likely occur secondary
to osteoporosis and result from low-energy trauma?
OPTIONS Displaced femoral neck fractures in the elderly have
been examined mainly from the standpoint of treat-
Displaced femoral neck fractures in the young adult ment. A lack of agreement remains among surgeons
patient tend to result from high-energy trauma. Typi- regarding optimal treatment (internal fixation vs. ar-
cally, this produces a highly unstable vertical shear throplasty) for those fractures in the young elderly
fracture and is often associated with other injuries group (i.e., 60–80 years of age).10 Internal fixation of
(e.g., ipsilateral femoral shaft fracture).3–5 This high- the fracture in this age group has several advantages
energy mechanism may also result in significant in- compared with arthroplasty: shorter operative time,
jury to the soft tissues surrounding the hip joint. decreased blood loss, and reduced perioperative mor-
Cadaveric injection studies and radioisotope scans tality.11 Many of these patients have significant comor-
of the femoral head show that there are both intraos- bidities and require medical management before sur-
seous and extraosseous vessels supplying the femo- gery. Does time from injury to surgery affect the rates
ral head and neck.6,7 The major extraosseous blood of nonunion and avascular necrosis in elderly patients
supply to the femoral head comes from the medial with displaced femoral neck fractures?
femoral circumflex artery and its retinacular branches
(inferior, posterior, and superior). The artery of the
ligamentum teres supplies a negligible volume of the EVIDENCE
femoral head in most of the population. In displaced
femoral neck fractures, blood supply to the femoral Damany and coauthors2 reported a meta-analysis on
head and neck is mainly dependant on the extraosse- intracapsular femoral neck fractures in the young
ous retinacular branches of the medial femoral cir- adult (15–50 years of age). This is Level II evidence

Intracapsular Femoral Neck Fracture 397

because they incorporated the results of 18 retrospec- Studies have examined the vascularity of femoral
tive cohort studies (547 fractures) published between heads retrieved from patients undergoing arthro-
1976 and 2003. They found that displaced femoral neck plasty within 2 weeks after sustaining a displaced
fractures occurred more frequently than nondisplaced femoral neck fracture. Calandruccio and Anderson7
fractures (79.9% vs. 25.6%) in this age group. The over- report that 22% of femoral heads were vascular, 47%
all rate of avascular necrosis for the displaced frac- were partially avascular, and 32% were avascular.
tures was 22.5%, and the rate of nonunion was 6.0%. Similarly, Catto17 found that 17% of femoral heads
They identified 7 studies (170 fractures) that gave data were vascular, 50% were partially avascular, and 33%
regarding timing of surgery and development of com- were avascular. These studies suggest that at the
plications. From their analysis of these data, they time of fracture, the majority of femoral heads (i.e.,
found no significant difference in the rate of avascular 79–83%) are at least partially avascular. Because re-
necrosis for fractures reduced within 12 hours of ported rates of avascular necrosis are less than 30%
injury (13.6%) as compared with those reduced after (even with delayed fixation), there are two possible
12 hours (15%) of injury. Similarly, there was no differ- scenarios: (1) the femoral head undergoes revascu-
ence in nonunion rates between the 2 groups (11.8% larization with time, or (2) some patients have asymp-
before 12 hours and 5.0% after 12 hours). This study tomatic avascular necrosis without segmental col-
represents the best evidence on timing of surgery and lapse of the head. Calandruccio and Anderson7
complications for displaced femoral neck fractures suggest that the latter was true, and that the fate of
(Table 60–1). the femoral head was determined at the time of in-
Upadhyay and investigators’12 Level II study found jury. We agree with this statement and believe that
no evidence of decreased complication rates with the vascularity of the femoral head is largely depen-
early intervention among 92 young adults with dis- dent on the degree of the initial injury.
placed femoral neck fractures. Rates of avascular ne-
crosis were 14% in the group treated within 48 hours
of injury and 19% in the group treated over 48 hours AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY
after injury. The nonunion rate was 18% in the early Should the Intracapsular Hematoma
treatment group and 16.7% in the delayed group. Be Decompressed?
Haidukewych and colleagues’13 Level IV study also
found no association between operative delay and In young patients with displaced femoral neck frac-
complication rates. tures, time from injury to treatment does not ap-
Several Level II studies included in the meta-analysis pear to have a significant effect on avascular necro-
by Damany and coauthors2 conclude that the time in- sis rates. This suggests that the fate of the femoral
terval between injury and surgery does affect compli- head is determined at the time of injury. Further-
cation rates. Swiontkowski and coauthors4 conclude more, decompression of the capsule (either through
that their good results (no nonunions and 20% rate of open reduction or aspiration) has not been shown
avascular necrosis) were due to early intervention. clinically to affect development of avascular necro-
However, their sample size was small (21 patients) and sis. Maruenda and coauthors’18 Level I study showed
included 4 nondisplaced fractures and only 1 displaced no relation between intracapsular pressure (pres-
fracture treated over 12 hours after injury. Jain and sure above diastolic pressure) and development of
colleagues14 found a significantly greater rate of avas- avascular necrosis or reduction in blood supply to
cular necrosis in patients treated 12 hours after injury the femoral head (measured by the scintigraphy
(none in those treated before 12 hours and 26% after ratio). This study also included nondisplaced frac-
12 hours). This study also had a small sample size tures and found no difference in intracapsular pres-
(38 patients), 9 patients in the study had nondisplaced sures between nondisplaced and displaced frac-
fractures, and only 7 patients in the early treatment tures with the leg in a resting position.
group were followed for more than 2 years radiograph- Upadhyay and investigators12 also found no signifi-
ically. Radiographic follow-up of more than 2 years cant difference in rates of avascular necrosis and
is often suggested because approximately 20% of avas- nonunion for displaced fractures treated with closed
cular necrosis cases present more than 2 years after reduction and pinning compared with those treated
injury.7 with open reduction, capsulotomy, and pinning. This
Two case series from the developing world give study found that quality of reduction, quality of fixa-
rates of avascular necrosis for neglected displaced tion, and posterior comminution all influenced the
femoral neck fractures in the young adult. Huang15 rates of this complication. Posterior comminution has
found a rate of avascular necrosis of 25% for patients been cited by several as a poor prognostic indica-
with displaced fractures seen for nonunion from tor.19–21 Posterior comminution may indicate signifi-
3 months to 2 years after injury. Roshan and Ram16 cant damage to the posterior retinacular vessels (main
treated 32 patients treated at 12 to 30 weeks after in- blood supply to the femoral head) or may influence
jury and recorded no cases of avascular necrosis after the ability to obtain a good quality reduction. Poor
at least 2 years of follow-up. Both these studies con- reduction, especially varus angulation, has also been
clude that avascular necrosis was not related to timing cited by several authors as a factor for failure of fixa-
of surgery, given that the results were equal to or bet- tion and development of nonunion.12,20–22 Chua and
ter than fractures fixed on an urgent basis. coworkers22 conducted a retrospective cohort study
TABLE 60–1. Studies That Examine Correlation of Complication Rates with Time from Injury to Surgery for Young Adults

398 Trauma Topics


Damany et al. II Meta-analysis 170 16–50 yr 110 ! 12 hr 13.6% ! 12 hr 11.8% ! 12 hr No

(2005)2 of 7 studies 60 " 12 hr 25.0% " 12 hr 5% " 12 hr

Upadhyay II Retrospective 90.2% 92 82.6% M 37.72 (15–50) 50 ! 48 hr 14% ! 48 hr 18% ! 48 hr No

et al. cohort 42 " 48 hr 19% " 48 hr 16.7% " 48 hr
Huang IV Case series 100% "2 yr 16 75% M 27.9 (16–43) 3–24 mo 25% 100% No for
(1986)15 AVN
Roshan and IV Case series 90.6% 6.1 (2–12) yr 32 78.1% M 33 (18–50) 12–30 wk 0 100% No for
Haidukewych IV Case series 6.6 yr (3 mo to 73 72.6% M 36 (15–50) 53 ! 24 hr 24.5% ! 24 hr 7% ! 24 hr No
et al. 24 yr) 20 " 24 hr 20% " 24 hr 10% " 24 hr

AVN, avascular necrosis.

TABLE 60–2. Studies That Examine the Rates of Complications in the Elderly Population

Gerber et al. II Retrospective cohort "1 44 23.7% M "60 4.5% 4.5% No

Barnes et al. II Prospective cohort "3 848 15% M 148 ! 24 hr 27.7% ! 24 hr No
(1976)23 700 " 24 hr 33.0% " 24 hr
Toh et al. II Retrospective cohort 91 29% M 1.24–4.41 11% 13% No
(2004)24 days
Bhandari et al. V Meta-analysis of 14 1933 9.7% (5–18%) 18.5% (5–28%) Not discussed
(2003)11 studies
Lu-Yao et al. V Meta-analysis of 5 "2 503 78–81 16% 33% Not discussed
(1994)25 studies
Intracapsular Femoral Neck Fracture 399

on 108 elderly patients with femoral neck fractures

comminution are correlated with greater rates
and found that difficulty in obtaining a reduction was
of complication (grade B evidence).
associated with a significantly greater rate of failure of
• Despite a low-energy mechanism of injury,
fixation (4.3 times).22 If the reduction was difficult to
elderly patients have a greater incidence of
obtain and the hip was fixed in varus, then the fixation
nonunion (13–33%) after fixation of these
was 13.6 times more likely not to be successful.
fractures than young adults (grade B
evidence).11,23–25 This is likely because of poor
fixation and difficulty obtaining reduction in
RECOMMENDATIONS osteopenic bone. Rates of avascular necrosis
(10–16%) are similar to those seen in young
Displaced femoral neck fractures occur infre- adults (grade B evidence).11,23–25 A decrease in
quently in the young adult population, and this has time for fracture fixation in the elderly has not
made clinical study of this fracture challenging. been shown to decrease rates of nonunion or
Studies in the literature have small sample sizes, avascular necrosis (grade B evidence).
require many years to obtain appropriate sample
numbers, combine results from multiple surgeons
and hospitals, and incorporate different methods
of fixation. This makes interpretation of results TABLE 60–3. Grades of Evidence for Displaced Intracapsular
difficult. Based on the results from Damany and Femoral Neck Fractures
coauthors’2 meta-analysis (avascular necrosis rate
of 13.6% and nonunion rate of 11.8% for fractures LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/ GRADE
fixed within 12 hours), we calculated the sample
size required to detect a difference in these 1. Early intervention reduces rates I
complication rates between equal groups of of avascular necrosis, nonunion,
fractures fixed within 12 hours and more than or both.
12 hours after injury. Assuming a relative risk ratio 2. No difference in complication C
of 2 (rate of complications is twice as frequent in rates between fractures fixed
before and after 12 hours after
the group of fractures fixed after 12 hours), these injury.
calculations suggest that at least 270 patients 3. Complication rates for this B
would be required to determine a significant injury in the young adult are
difference (# $ 0.05; % $ 0.8). (The actual relative 22.5% for avascular necrosis
and 6% for nonunion.
risk ratio is likely less than 2, indicating that an 4. No role for decompression of B
even larger sample size is required.) No intracapsular hematoma.
retrospective case-controlled studies in the 5. Complication rates increase B
literature have this sample size. with poor reduction, difficulty
Studies on displaced femoral neck fractures in obtaining reduction, and degree
of posterior comminution.
the elderly population have similar difficulties 6. A decrease in time for fracture B
(Table 60–2). Although this fracture is much more fixation in elderly patients has
common in this age group, many surgeons elect not been shown to decrease
to replace the femoral head rather than attempt rates of nonunion or avascular
to save it. This also leads to relatively small
sample sizes. As a result, we have had to rely on
meta-analyses to extract data from the literature.
Based on our review of the literature, we have REFERENCES
made the following recommendations
1. Speed K: The unsolved fracture. Surg Gynecol Obstet 60:341,
(Table 60–3): 1935.
• No good evidence has been reported that 2. Damany DS, Parker MJ, Chojnowski A: Complications after in-
early intervention reduces complication rates tracapsular hip fractures in young adults. A meta-analysis of
for displaced femoral neck fractures. Best 18 published studies involving 564 fractures. Injury 36:131–141,
evidence actually suggests no difference in 2005.
3. Robinson CM, Court-Brown CM, McQueen MM, et al: Hip frac-
complication rates between fractures fixed tures in adults younger than 50 years of age: Epidemiology
before and after 12 hours after injury (grade C and results. Clin Orthop 312:238–246, 1995.
evidence). Overall rates of complication for 4. Swiontkowski MF, Winquist RA, Hansen SH: Fractures of the
this injury in the young adult are 22.5% for femoral neck in patients between the ages of twelve and
forty-nine years. J Bone Joint Surg Am 66-A:837–846, 1984.
avascular necrosis and 6% for nonunion 5. Swiontkowski MF, Hansen ST, Kellam J: Ipsilatera1 fracture of
(grade B evidence).2 No decrease in the femoral neck and shaft. A treatment protocol. J Bone
complication rates with decompression of the Joint Surg Am 66-A:260–268, 1984.
intracapsular hematoma occurs (grade B 6. Sevitt S, Thompson RG: The distribution and anastomoses of
evidence). arteries supplying the head and neck of the femur. J Bone
Joint Surg Br 47-B:560–573, 1965.
• Poor reduction (i.e., coxa vara), difficulty in 7. Calandruccio RA, Anderson WE: Post-fracture avascular ne-
obtaining reduction, and posterior fracture crosis of the femoral head: Correlation of experimental and
clinical studies. Clin Orthop 152:49–84, 1980.
400 Trauma Topics

8. Soto-Hall R, Johnson LH, Johnson R: Alterations in the intra- 17. Catto M: A histological study of avascular necrosis of the
articular pressures in transcervical fractures of the hip. femoral head after transcervical fracture. J Bone Joint Surg
J Bone Joint Surg Am 46-A:662, 1963. Br 47-B:749, 1965.
9. Bonnaire F, Schaefer DJ, Kuner EH: Hemarthrosis and hip joint 18. Maruenda JI, Barrios C, Gomar-Sancho F: Intracapsular hip
pressure in femoral neck fractures. Clin Orthop 353:148–155, pressure after femoral neck fracture. Clin Orthop Relat Res
1998. 340:172–180, 1997.
10. Bhandari M, Devereaux PJ, Tornetta P, et al: Operative man- 19. Scheck M: Intracapsular fractures of the femoral neck:
agement of displaced femoral neck fractures in elderly Comminution of the posterior neck cortex as a case of unsta-
patients. An international survey. J Bone Joint Surg Am ble fixation. J Bone Joint Surg Am 41-A:1187–1200, 1959.
87-A:2122–2130, 2005. 20. Asnis SE, Wanek-Sgaglione L: Intracapsular fractures of the
11. Bhandari M, Devereaux PJ, Swiontkowski MF, et al: Internal femoral neck: Results of cannulated screw fixation. J Bone
fixation compared with arthroplasty for displaced fractures Joint Surg Am 76-A:1793–1803, 1994.
of the femoral neck. A meta-analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 21. Bray TJ: Femoral neck fracture fixation. Clin Orthop Relat
85-A:1673–1681, 2003. Res (339):20–31, 1997.
12. Upadhyay A, Jain P, Mishra P, et al: Delayed internal fixation 22. Chua D, Jaglal SB, Schatzker J: Predictors of early failure of
of fractures of the neck of the femur in young adults. A fixation in the treatment of displaced subcapital hip
prospective, randomised study comparing closed and open fractures. J Orthop Trauma 12:230–234, 1998.
reduction. J Bone Joint Surg Br 86-B:1035–1040, 2004. 23. Barnes R, Brown JT, Garden RS, Nicoll EA: Subcapital frac-
13. Haidukewych GJ, Rothwell WS, Jacofsky DJ, et al: Operative tures of the femur. A prospective review. J Bone Joint Surg
treatment of femoral neck fractures in patients between the 58-B:2–24, 1976.
ages of fifteen and fifty years. J Bone Joint Surg Am 24. Toh EM, Sahni V, Acharya A, et al.: Management of intracapsu-
86-A:1711–1716, 2004. lar femoral neck fractures in the elderly; is it time to rethink
14. Jain R, Koo M, Kreder HJ, et al: Comparison of early and de- our strategy? Injury 35:125–129, 2004.
layed fixation of subcapital fractures in patients sixty years 25. Lu-Yao GL, Keller RB, Littenberg B, et al.: Outcomes after dis-
of age or less. J Bone Joint Surg Am 84-A:1605–1612, 2002. placed fractures of the femoral neck. A meta-analysis of one
15. Huang CH: Treatment of neglected femoral neck fractures in hundred and six published reports. J Bone Joint Surg
young adults. Clin Orthop Relat Res 206:117–126, 1986. 76-A:15–25, 1994.
16. Roshan A, Ram S: Early return to function in young adults 26. Gerber C, Strehle J, Ganz R: The treatment of fractures of the
with neglected femoral neck fractures. Clin Orthop Relat Res femoral neck. Clin Orthop Relat Res 292:77–86, 1993.
447:152–157, 2006.
Chapter Subtrochanteric Femoral Fractures:

61 Is a Nail or Plate Better?


Subtrochanteric fractures remain a problematic frac- EVIDENCE

ture for treatment because of the local biomechanics,
deforming forces of the attached musculature, and No Level I studies were available comparing treat-
fracture configuration. The combination of high-stress ment options for subtrochanteric fractures. The
concentration in an area of dense, cortical, hypovas- available Level II studies focused on pertrochanteric
cular bone results in a propensity for nonunion. The fractures, but few stratified for a subtrochanteric
soft-tissue stripping from the fracture can be further fracture group and even fewer specifically analyzed
exacerbated with surgical dissection, resulting in a data for this fracture. Most of the studies were un-
greater risk for delayed union and nonunion. derpowered to show significant differences. Both
The deforming forces of the muscular attachments biomechanical and clinical studies are available.
on the fragments combined with the effect of weight However, extrapolating biomechanical results to the
bearing result in the typical deformity of varus, apex clinical situation must be done with caution because
anterior angulation, shortening, and external rotation the most stable implant in the laboratory may not
of the proximal fragment. When inadequately cor- necessarily be optimal in a biological sense.
rected, a significant malreduction can increase the The available Level III and IV case series describ-
stress on the implant, leading to further deformity ing the treatment results with individual implants
and implant failure. If the implant selected has poor noted impressive success rates up to 100% and
fixation, or if weight-bearing limits are not adhered to, complication rates as low as 0%.7–11 Although these
delayed displacement, malunion, or nonunion are the studies may give some indication as to the success
usual results. and pitfalls of various implants, they provide little
Several classification systems are currently in help in guiding treatment considerations of one
use, including the Russell–Taylor classification,1 the implant versus another.
Seinsheimer classification,2 and the AO/OTA classi- Specific patient or fracture characteristics may limit
fication. Each has its own method of stratification the treatment options available. In patients with previ-
and nomenclature; however, they have not been ous surgery or hardware distally in the femur, such as
shown to be useful in predicting treatment and out- a total knee prosthesis,12 with previous deformity, or
come.3,4 in pediatric fractures with open proximal growth
The treatment principles are similar to other non- plates, a fixed-angle plate device may be preferred. In
articular long bone fractures of the lower extremity. patients with a significant lateral soft-tissue injury, or
These include preoperative optimization, including with extensive comminution or a segmental injury
smoking cessation, preoperative planning, surgical extending down the femoral shaft, a cephalomedul-
positioning, operative reduction and fixation empha- lary nail is less traumatic to the soft-tissue envelope.
sizing soft-tissue preservation, and postoperative In the case of a pathologic fracture, a cephalomedul-
rehabilitation protocols. lary nail treats the fracture and provides prophylactic
support or fixation for distal lesions.13 It would be
difficult to produce randomized trials for each poten-
OPTIONS tial scenario comparing treatment strategy, and the
level of evidence in this regard is therefore limited to
The question of whether subtrochanteric femur frac- Level V (expert opinion).
tures are best treated with an intramedullary nail
device or an extramedullary plate device has been
long debated and studied.5,6 Devices currently in use Biomechanics
include cephalomedullary nails, with either a pirifor-
mis or trochanteric start, and fixed-angle plating The ideal fracture fixation device would be able to
implants including blade plates, sliding hip screws, withstand the physiologic loads of postoperative reha-
and locking plates. The purpose of this review is to bilitation. Typically, to stand in single-leg stance would
guide surgeons in selecting the appropriate implant axially load the femur with 750 N; however, walking or
for this potentially troublesome fracture based on other activities of daily living would generate three to
the best available evidence. seven times that load.

402 Trauma Topics

Tencer and colleagues14 compared seven devices MSP. Their analysis included stratification of some of
in a cadaveric subtrochanteric fracture model tested the subtrochanteric fracture data: 16 patients treated
in axial loading and found that the plate devices with the SGN, and 12 treated with the MSP. They report
(compression hip screw and AO angled blade plate) a greater postoperative fixation complication rate with
failed between 1100 and 1500 N compared with a the MSP with loss of reduction in two patients. In their
locked nail at 3000 N. pooled data analysis of all the fractures, they report
In a cadaveric study by Haynes and coworkers,15 better operative reduction, less blood loss, and lower
the short Gamma nail (GN) was tested against the mortality for those treated with the SGN. Other out-
dynamic hip screw (DHS) in an osteotomized proxi- comes examined including intraoperative fractures,
mal femur simulating a subtrochanteric fracture with operative time, transfusions, infections, length of hos-
intertrochanteric extension. The authors found that pital stay, and functional outcomes showed no signifi-
in the harder bone model, the GN had a failure load of cant differences.
5761 N versus the DHS with a failure load of 4660 N in Parker and Handoll19 report in the Cochrane review
axial loading. In the soft bone model, the failure loads on cephalomedullary versus extramedullary implants
were 5725 N for the GN and 3225 N for the DHS. The for the treatment of extra-articular pertrochanteric
modes of failure were fractures of the femoral shaft fractures that there were better intraoperative results
around the distal locking screws for the GN, and lat- and less fracture fixation complications in the subtro-
eral plate and screw pullout with the DHS. chanteric subgroup treated with a cephalomedullary
It can be concluded from these and other similar device (Level I).
studies that intramedullary devices are able to with- Of the available randomized trials that pooled sub-
stand greater axial loads than plate devices in unstable trochanteric and intertrochanteric data, most of the
subtrochanteric fractures with medial comminution. outcomes studied showed no difference, except for a
The effect of nonaxial muscular forces on the frag- significant incidence of femoral shaft fracture with the
ments and construct stiffness may be a factor in the use of a short intramedullary device, and a subsequent
development of a delayed union or nonunion; how- greater reoperation rate20,21 (Level II).
ever, the differences between implants in this regard
have not been adequately reported in the literature.


Few studies include the comparison of an intramedul- Nails
lary device versus a plate device for subtrochanteric The complication of femoral shaft fracture with
fractures in a randomized controlled trial. Ekstrom short intramedullary devices has prompted
and coworkers16 conducted a pertrochanteric frac- further implant design and study. Kraemer and
ture fixation trial on 203 patients that included analy- coworkers22 used a cadaveric model to compare
sis of the subtrochanteric fracture data, 18 treated the Russell–Taylor reconstruction nail, the short
with the proximal femoral nail (PFN), and 13 treated intramedullary hip screw (IMHS), and the long
with the Medoff sliding plate (MSP) (Level III). They IMHS in an unstable subtrochanteric fracture. In
found significant advantages in operating room time, axial loading, the reconstruction nail and short
blood loss, and earlier ability to walk 15 m at 6 weeks IMHS were stiffer than the long IMHS in nonde-
for those treated with the PFN. The MSP held the structive cyclic loading. The reconstruction nail
advantage for shorter fluoroscopy time. They also had the highest ultimate load to failure compared
studied other functional parameters including intra- with either IMHS nails and failed by femoral head
operative complications, walking ability at 4 and screw cutout, whereas the short IMHS failed by
12 months, hospital stay, transfusions, infection, and femoral shaft fracture.
mortality, and they found no significant differences. In a cadaveric study by Wheeler and col-
Goldhagen and colleagues17 randomized 75 pa- leagues,23 unstable subtrochanteric fractures
tients with pertrochanteric fractures to compare the were simulated and fixed with three different
GN and the compression hip screw (CHS), which cephalomedullary nails, the Richards Russell–
included analysis of 12 subtrochanteric fractures. Taylor reconstruction nail, the Synthes spiral
The GN was used in seven patients, and the CHS was blade nail, and the Zimmer ZMS nail. The
used in five. The authors found a trend for shorter Richards and Zimmer constructs were signifi-
operative time with the GN (82 vs. 99 minutes); how- cantly stiffer and had a higher failure load than
ever, they were unable to show statistical signifi- the Synthes construct in axial loading. The
cance. Other outcomes studied including fluoros- Richards constructs typically failed by fracture of
copy time, blood loss, transfusions, length of hospital the distal femur at the interlocking screw holes.
stay, functional outcomes, and mortality showed no The Zimmer constructs failed by bending of the
difference (Level II). proximal end of the nail. The Synthes
In another study by Miedel and coauthors,18 217 pa- constructs failed by bending of the spiral blade
tients with pertrochanteric fractures were randomized and fracture of the femoral neck.
to treatment with the standard Gamma nail (SGN) or a
Subtrochanteric Femoral Fractures 403

Starr and coauthors24 report on a series of per- A potential advantage of earlier return to
trochanteric fractures treated with a piriformis function in unstable fractures with intramedul-
start or trochanteric start cephalomedullary nail. lary nailing exists, as supported by increased
They found no difference in intraoperative or resistance to axial loading seen in biomechanical
postoperative parameters studied (Level I). Thus, studies (14, 15) and clinically by Ekstrom and
if a nail is to be used, a long cephalomedullary coworkers,16 who reported better ability to walk
nail with either a piriformis or trochanteric start 15 m at 6 weeks after surgery in those treated
and appropriate proximal and distal locking with an intramedullary nail. This difference is no
should be selected. longer seen at 4 and 12 months (Level III). This
factor may be particularly important in patients
Plates who are unable to comply with postoperative
weight-bearing restrictions.
There remains a wide variety of plates used for Varus malreduction and inaccurate screw
subtrochanteric fractures, including blade plates, placement in the femoral head have been corre-
95- and 135-degree sliding hip screw constructs, lated with an increased risk for failure and fur-
biaxial sliding constructs, and locking plates. ther deformity.16 Given the lack of clear evidence
Many of these implants have not been tested of the superiority of one implant over another, it
in a comparative study either biomechanically is likely more important that the surgeon
or in a randomized clinical trial. chooses the implant with which they are most
Tencer and colleagues14 report a study of seven facile, and able to get the most accurate reduc-
types of fixation in a stable and unstable subtro- tion and appropriate implant position, whereas
chanteric fracture model. In the stable fracture maximally preserving the local biology and soft-
model, the 150-degree hip screw and 95-degree tissue envelope.
blade plate demonstrated similar stiffness in With the new armamentarium of current im-
torsion, which was significantly greater than the plants and soft-tissue–preserving techniques, fur-
intramedullary implants tested (none in current ther study is needed to determine what differ-
use). In axial loading, both plate systems were as ences exist between nails and plates, and in
rigid as the nails. In the unstable fracture model, which fracture types they are best applied. Table
both plate systems remained stiffer than the 61–1 provides a summary of recommendations.
nails in rotation, but resistance to axial loading
was poor.
In a clinical trial, Madsen and researchers21
report on randomized pertrochanteric fractures TABLE 61–1. Summary of Recommendations
that the DHS with trochanteric side plate (TSP)
had less postoperative redisplacement and lag RECOMMENDATION OF RECOMMEDATION
screw cutout compared with the CHS. They also
report a longer hospital stay with the DHS with 1. Adults with subtrochanteric fe- B
TSP compared with the CHS (Level I). Another mur fractures can be treated with
study by Lunsjo and coworkers25 reports that the either a long intramedullary
cephalomedullary device or a
MSP had less fixation failure than the DHS, fixed-angle device.
dynamic condylar screw, and DHS with TSP 2. A short intramedullary device C
(Level I). should NOT be used for these
With the advent of new plate designs, as well fractures.
as improvements in indirect reduction and
biologic plating techniques, it remains unclear
which plate construct is best suited for subtro- REFERENCES
chanteric fractures, although a fixed angle device
with adequate proximal fixation is recommended. 1. Russell TA, Taylor JC: Subtrochanteric fractures of the femur.
In Browner BD, Jupiter JB, Levine AM, Trafton PG (eds):
Nails versus Plates Skeletal Trauma, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1992,
pp 1832–1878.
With the change in practice to using long 2. Seinsheimer F: Subtrochanteric fractures of the femur. J Bone
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intramedullary devices, femoral shaft fracture 3. Blundell CM, Parker MJ, Pryor GA, et al: Assessment of the
complications are rare; however, the apparent AO classification of intracapsular fractures of the proximal
shorter operating room time reported with short femur. J Bone Joint Surg Br 80:679–683, 1998.
intramedullary nails compared with plates16,17 4. Parker MJ, Dutta BK, Sivaji C, Pryor GA: Subtrochanteric
may no longer be significant because of the extra fractures of the femur. Injury 28:91–95, 1997.
5. Fielding JW: Subtrochanteric fractures. Clin Orthop Relat
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distally. The disadvantage of greater intraopera- 6. Thomas WG, Villar RN: Subtrochanteric fractures: Zickel nail
tive blood loss with plating is not seen clinically or nail-plate? J Bone Joint Surg Br 68:255–259, 1986.
after surgery with the same transfusion rates as 7. Alho A, Ekeland A, Stromsoe K: Subtrochanteric femoral
fractures treated with locked intramedullary nails. Experience
nailing.16,18 from 31 cases. Acta Orthop Scand 62:573–576, 1991.
404 Trauma Topics

8. Barquet A, Francescoli L, Rienzi D, Lopez L: Intertrochanteric- 18. Miedel R, Ponzer S, Tornkvist H, et al: The standard Gamma
subtrochanteric fractures: Treatment with the long Gamma nail or the Medoff sliding plate for unstable trochanteric and
nail. J Orthop Trauma 14:324–328, 2000. subtrochanteric fractures. A randomised, controlled trial.
9. Bedi A, Toan Le T: Subtrochanteric femur fractures. Orthop J Bone Joint Surg Br 87:68–75, 2005.
Clin North Am 35:473–483, 2004. 19. Parker MJ, Handoll HHG: Gamma and other cephalocondylic
10. Celebi L, Can M, Muratli HH, et al: Indirect reduction and intramedullary nails versus extramedullary implants for
biological internal fixation of comminuted subtrochanteric extracapsular hip fractures. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
fractures of the femur. Injury 37:740–750, 2006. CD000093, 2004.
11. Pai CH: Dynamic condylar screw for subtrochanteric femur 20. Aune AK, Ekeland A, Odegaard B, et al: Gamma nail vs
fractures with greater trochanteric extension. J Orthop compression screw for trochanteric femoral fractures.
Trauma 10:317–322, 1996. 15 reoperations in a prospective, randomized study of 378
12. Althausen PL, Lee MA, Finkemeier CG, et al: Operative patients. Acta Orthop Scand 65:127–130, 1994.
stabilization of supracondylar femur fractures above total 21. Madsen JE, Naess L, Aune AK, et al: Dynamic hip screw with
knee arthroplasty: A comparison of four treatment methods. trochanteric stabilizing plate in the treatment of unstable
J Arthroplasty 18:834–839, 2003. proximal femoral fractures: A comparative study with the
13. Weikert DR, Schwartz HS: Intramedullary nailing for impending Gamma nail and compression hip screw. J Orthop Trauma
pathological subtrochanteric fractures. J Bone Joint Surg Br 12:241–248, 1998.
73:668–670, 1991. 22. Kraemer WJ, Hearn TC, Powell JN, Mahomed N: Fixation of
14. Tencer AF, Johnson KD, Johnston DW, Gill K: A biomechanical segmental subtrochanteric fractures: A biomechanical study.
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15. Haynes RC, Poll RG, Miles AW, Weston RB: An experimental tion nails for high subtrochanteric femur fracture fixation. Clin
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AO Dynamic Hip Screw under static loading: A cadaveric 24. Starr AJ, Hay MT, Reinert CM, et al: Cephalomedullary nails
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16. Ekstrom W, Karlsson-Thur C, Larsson S, et al: Functional young patients: A prospective, randomized comparison of
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Medoff sliding plate. J Orthop Trauma 21:18–25, 2007. 25. Lunsjo K, Ceder L, Tidermark J, et al: Extramedullary fixation
17. Goldhagen PR, O’Connor DR, Schwarze D, Schwartz E: A of 107 subtrochanteric fractures: A randomized multicenter
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screw and the gamma nail. J Orthop Trauma 8:367–372, 1994. systems. Acta Orthop Scand 70:459–466, 1999.
Chapter Femoral Shaft Fractures:

62 What Is the Best Treatment?


Intramedullary nailing remains the treatment of PICO (Patients, Intervention, Comparison, and Out-
choice for femoral shaft fractures. However, some come) format.3,5
situations may direct surgeons to different treat-
ment options. To guide the reader in making choices
between these treatment options, we use the Evi- EVIDENCE
dence Cycle. This cycle systematically approaches Plating or Intramedullary Nailing
clinical problems using evidence-based medicine.1–4
The Evidence Cycle can be conceptualized to con- Particularly in the patient with multiple injuries,
sist of five A’s: assess, ask, acquire, appraise, and plating was thought to have advantages in prevent-
apply. ing brain damage in the patient with head injury.6
This chapter focuses on adult patients with trau- Thus, our first question using the PICO format is: In
matic femoral shaft fractures. The population of in- patients with head injury and femoral shaft fracture
terest is skeletally mature patients with femoral shaft (P), will plating (I) or intramedullary nailing (C) re-
fractures. sult in better neurologic outcome (O)? Bhandari and
Several treatment options can be considered in coworkers6 evaluated this question in an observa-
treatment of patients with femoral shaft fractures. tional study. The authors identified 21 patients with
Nonoperative treatment needs to be mentioned for severe head injuries treated with a reamed femoral
its historical importance; however when operative nail for a femoral fracture and 29 comparable pa-
management became available, this treatment mo- tients treated by means of a femoral plate. In their
dality was soon abandoned because of its high risk series, severity of the head injury was the strongest
for complications. Traditionally, operative treatment predictor for outcome. Nailing was considered a safe
consisted of open reduction and internal plate procedure that did not worsen outcome, although
fixation. Intramedullary nails subsequently gained the authors conclude that a large, sufficiently pow-
popularity and are the current standard of care ered, randomized, controlled trial (RCT) is needed to
in patients with shaft fractures, although recent definitively resolve this controversy6 (grade C).
minimally invasive plating techniques have revived Bosse and coworkers’7 retrospective study com-
femoral plating as an option in some circumstances. pares data from a trauma center using reamed nail-
The purpose of this chapter is to assist the reader ing (I) for acute stabilization of femoral fractures
in making choices regarding the various treatment with data from another North American center
options for femoral shaft fractures in skeletally using plating (C). The rate of adult respiratory dis-
mature adults. tress syndrome (O) in the patients who had a femo-
ral fracture without a thoracic injury did not vary
considerably according to whether the fracture had
OPTIONS been nailed (118 patients) or plated (114 patients).
Equally, the occurrence of adult respiratory distress
Our review focuses on the following treatment op- syndrome, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, fail-
tions: plating or nailing. Specific technical issues that ure of multiple organs, or mortality for the patients
relate to intramedullary nails include the evidence who had a femoral fracture and thoracic injury was
surrounding fracture-table versus freehand reduc- comparable regardless of whether reamed nailing
tion techniques, slotted versus solid intramedullary (117 patients) or plating (104 patients) had been
nailing, antegrade versus retrograde intramedullary used. The authors conclude that the use of intra-
nailing, trochanteric versus piriformis entry point, medullary reamed nailing for acute fixation of frac-
reamed versus undreamed nailing, and lastly, static tures of the femur in patients with multiple injuries
versus dynamic locking of intramedullary nails. Tim- who have a thoracic injury without major comor-
ing of surgery is discussed in Chapter 50. bidity did not seem to increase the likelihood
Our outcomes of interest are nonunion, malunion, of development of adult respiratory distress syn-
including malrotation, and other adverse events. Each drome, pulmonary embolism, failure of multiple
clinical question is addressed using a structured organs, pneumonia, or mortality7 (grade C).

406 Trauma Topics

Fracture-Table versus Freehand Reduction Antegrade versus Retrograde Nailing

After choosing intramedullary nailing as the treat- Two studies compared antegrade versus retrograde
ment option for femoral shaft fractures, surgeons reamed intramedullary nailing in RCTs with meth-
have different fracture reduction techniques in their odologic shortcomings. Tornetta and Tiburzi11 used
toolbox. Stephen and coworkers8 compared fracture- hospital chart numbers for patient allocation and
table (I) with manual traction (C) in femoral intra- randomized 38 fractures in the antegrade group
medullary nailing in a well-designed, sufficiently and 31 in the retrograde group. A rotational defor-
powered RCT.8 The primary outcome was number of mity of greater than 10 degrees was seen on com-
patients with 10 degrees or more malrotation. Also, puted tomographic rotation studies in 3 of 18 (17%)
the authors scored severity of rotational malalign- of the antegrade and in 5 of 15 (33%) of retrograde
ment. Operative procedure time was a secondary nailings performed in cases with unstable patterns.
outcome. Internal malrotation was exceedingly more Shortening occurred in five unstable fractures in
frequent when the fracture table had been used: 12 the retrograde group, but in none of such injuries
(29%) of the 43 femora were internally rotated by in the antegrade group. In these five patients, short-
more than 10 degrees compared with 3 (7%) of the ening averaged 12 mm (5–30 mm). Return to the
45 reduced with manual traction (P ! 0.007). Total operating room for acute lengthening and relocking
procedure time, from the beginning of the patient was necessary for a patient with 3 cm of shorten-
positioning to the finishing point of the skin closure, ing. At union, four patients with retrograde nailing
was reduced from a mean of 139 minutes (range, and five with antegrade nailing reported pain in
100–212 minutes) when the fracture table was used the knee.
to a mean of 119 minutes (range, 65–180 minutes) Ostrum and coworkers12 compared 44 fractures
when manual traction was used (P ! 0.033). No sig- (7 bilateral) treated with a retrograde nail and 46
nificant difference was found between the two treat- (1 bilateral) with an antegrade nail. Discussing frac-
ment groups with regard to the number of assistants ture results and not patients complicates making
per case (mean, 2; range, 0–3), fluoroscopy time, inferences when patients with bilateral fractures are
other adverse events including femoral leg length compared with patients with single-site fractures.5,13
discrepancy, or functional condition of the patient at Knee pain was equal in both groups (4 patients in the
1-year follow-up8 (grade A). antegrade group; 5 patients in the retrograde group),
but hip and thigh pain was in the majority in the
antegrade-treated group (10 patients in the ante-
Slotted versus Solid Intramedullary Nail grade group; 2 patients in the retrograde group; P !
0.0108). Finally, three retrospective case series de-
After the fracture is manually well reduced and ro- scribed this issue.14–17
tationally aligned options for nailing include using Table 62–1 provides detailed information on the
either a slotted or a solid nail. One European and available data. Despite the potential for complica-
one North American study evaluated this issue.9,10 tions, most concerns have been unrealized in recent
Alho and coauthors10 randomized 22 nonslotted comparisons between antegrade and retrograde
Gross–Kempf nails and 24 slotted AO/ASIF universal intramedullary nails in patients with femoral shaft
femoral nails. Although the nonslotted nails showed fractures (see Table 62–1). In brief, retrograde nails
higher stiffness than the slotted nails, insertion achieve equal union rates and function at the ex-
resulted in splintering of the distal fragment, one pense of an increased need for nail dynamization.
resulting in a change of the implant to a condylar Shortening occurs at a greater rate with retrograde
plate. Other complications were not implant re- nail insertion but is seldom clinically significant
lated. No nonunions were observed in either ("1.5 cm). Thigh and hip pain, a common occur-
group. rence in antegrade nails, is significantly reduced with
Cameron and coworkers9 randomized patients retrograde nail insertion. In conclusion, surgeons
with femoral shaft fractures into three groups: with experience in retrograde nailing techniques can
32 were treated with a nonslotted Grosse–Kempf nail, achieve outcomes similar to those of antegrade nail-
29 with a Russell–Taylor nail (nonslotted), and 27 ing techniques. Retrograde nailing may be particu-
with a Synthes nail (slotted). The operation took less larly useful in patients with multiple ipsilateral inju-
time in the Grosse–Kempf nail group. Three proximal ries and in obese patients. Based on our review, both
fractures could not be locked with the Synthes nail. antegrade and retrograde procedures can have
At follow-up examination, the authors did not find acceptable results (grade B).
important difference in pain, limp, range of motion,
or time to union. On the other hand, the investiga-
tors removed fewer Synthes nails to resolve patient Trochanteric versus Piriformis Entry Point
reports of pain. Three delayed unions were due to
fracture distraction and were not implant related. Based on a prospective cohort study comparing
The authors conclude that all three nails are suitable 38 patients in the trochanteric starting point group
for the treatment of almost all femoral shaft fractures with 53 in the piriformis fossa entry point, Ricci and
(grade I). coworkers18 found reduced fluoroscopy time using a
Femoral Shaft Fractures 407

TABLE 62–1. Antegrade versus Retrograde Nails


Tornetta and 2004 118 RCT I 2%/3% 8%/16% NS 1%/7%† NS NS NS

Holmenschlager 2002 62 PCS IV —/2% — —/0% —/2% — 81%/ —
et al.15 normal
Ricci et al.17 2001 283 RCS III 6%/6% — NS — 9%/36%‡ — —
Ostrum et al.12 2000 100 RCT I 0%/2%§ 5%/17% — — NS¶ NS/ —
Ostrum et al.16 1998 57 PCS IV —/5% —/12% — — 0% — —

*Updated series presented at 2004 Orthopaedic Trauma Association, October 2004.

No patient had shortening #1.5 cm.

Hip pain more common in antegrade nailing (10% vs. 4%).
Nail to canal diameter difference was a predictor of nonunion.

Thigh pain more common in antegrade nails.
A, antegrade group; LOE, level of evidence; NS, not significant; PCS, prospective case series; R, retrograde group; RCS, retrospective cohort study; RCT,
randomized, controlled trial; ROM, range of motion.

trochanteric starting point and similar overall out- a relative risk of 0.29 (95% confidence interval
come (grade C). [CI], 0.14–0.57) for delayed or nonunion favoring
reamed nails (Fig. 62–1).21–24 Translated into num-
ber needed to treat (NNT) equals 7 (95% CI, 5–12);
Reamed versus Unreamed Nailing that is, with every 7 patients treated with a reamed
nail, 1 delayed or nonunion result will be pre-
The controversy surrounding reamed versus unreamed vented.
nailing is evaluated in several RCTs. Bhandari and co- The relative risk for ARDS in patients treated
workers19 performed a systematic review published in with a reamed nail was 1.91 (95% CI, 0.74–4.93)
2000 comparing reamed versus unreamed nailing of (Fig. 62–2).21,24,25 The CIs crossing 1 indicate a non-
lower extremity long bone fractures. Since this publi- significant result.
cation, new RCTs and a new systematic review have Data on reported adverse events as a composite
become available.20 end point showed a widespread range from patient-
Key outcomes of interest in these studies are unimportant outcomes (e.g., a broken drill bit) to
delayed or nonunion and post-traumatic acute patient-important outcomes (such as pudendal nerve
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Pooling the palsy), making pooling of these data futile as a single
data of four currently published studies showed composite outcome measure.

Review: Intramedullary nailing of the femur

Comparison: 01 reamed versus unreamed
Outcome: 01 nonunion
Study or Reamed Unreamed RR (random) RR (random)
sub-category n/N n/N 95% Cl 95% Cl

C.O.T.S. 2003 2/121 8/107 0.22 [0.05, 1.02]

Clatworthy 1998 3/22 14/23 0.22 [0.07, 0.67]
Selvakumar 2001 2/52 13/50 0.15 [0.04, 0.62]
Tornetta 1997 4/39 6/42 0.72 [0.22, 2.35]

Total (95% Cl) 234 222 0.29 [0.14, 0.57]

Total events: 11 (reamed), 41 (unreamed)
Test for heterogeneity: Chi2 ! 3.46, df ! 3 (p ! 0.33), I2 ! 13.4%
Test for overall effect: Z ! 3.55 (p ! 0.0004)

0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Favors reamed Favors unreamed

Figure 62–1. Pooled results reamed versus unreamed nailing in preventing nonunion.21–24 CI, confidence interval; RR,
relative risk. Data from Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society: Nonunion following intramedullary nailing of the femur
with and without reaming. Results of a multicenter randomized clinical trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am 85-A:2093-2096, 2003;
Clatworthy MG, Clark DI, Gray DH, and Hardy AE: Reamed versus unreamed femoral nails. A randomised, prospective
trial. [see comment]. J Bone Joint Surg Br 80:485-489, 1998; Selvakumar K, Saw KY, and Fathima M: Comparison study be-
tween reamed and unreamed nailing of closed femoral fractures. Med J Malaysia 56 Suppl D:24-28, 2001; and Tornetta P,
III and Tiburzi D: Reamed versus nonreamed anterograde femoral nailing. J Orthop Trauma 14:15-19, 2000.
408 Trauma Topics

Study or Reamed Unreamed RR (random) RR (random)

sub-category n/N n/N 95% Cl 95% Cl

Anwar 2004 8/41 4/41 2.00 [0.65, 6.13]

C.O.T.S. 2006 3/147 4/168 1.71 [0.29, 10.12]
Tornetta 2000 0/83 0/89 Not estimable

Total (95% Cl) 271 298 1.91 [0.74, 4.93]

Total events: 11 (reamed), 6 (unreamed)
Test for heterogeneity: Chi ! 0.02, df ! 1 (p ! 0.89), I2 ! 0%
Test for overall effect: Z ! 1.34 (p ! 0.18)

0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10

Favors reamed Favors unreamed

Figure 62–2. Pooled results reamed versus undreamed femoral nailing in preventing acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS).24,25,29 CI, confidence interval; RR, relative risk. Data from Anwar IA, Battistella FD, Neiman R, Olson SA, Chapman
MW, and Moehring HD: Femur fractures and lung complications: a prospective randomized study of reaming. Clin Orthop
71-76, 2004; and Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society: Nonunion following intramedullary nailing of the femur with and
without reaming. Results of a multicenter randomized clinical trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am 85-A: 2093-2096, 2003.

Patients with Multiple Injuries

Femoral shaft fractures can be treated safely using
reamed intramedullary nails preventing delayed or Currently limited data are available to make inferences
nonunions without strong evidence for increasing on the optimal treatment strategy for the patient with
risk for ARDS (grade B). multiple injuries with a femoral shaft fracture.

Static or Dynamic Locking
Based on our review, our recommendations are
After the nail is inserted, static or dynamic locking as follows:
of the nail is possible. One small RCT with meth- • In adult patients with femoral shaft fractures, a
odologic shortcomings did not show a difference in reamed nail is the implant of choice (grade B),
union rates between static and dynamic locking; reducing nonunion frequency, with insufficient
however, the authors did observe a trend to earlier data supporting theoretical adverse events such
union in the dynamically locked group.26 Of the 26 as increasing ARDS or worsening brain injury.
femoral fractures in the dynamized group, union • Fracture reduction and nail insertion is ideally
occurred between 13 and 28 weeks (average, 19.2 achieved on a radiolucent table using a free-
weeks) in 25 of 26 patients. Union rate was 96.2% hand technique, resulting in shorter operative
in the dynamized group. Of the 24 patients with time and reducing the likelihood of malrotation
femoral fractures in the static group, union was (grade A).
achieved in 23 between 16 and 30 weeks (average, • Nails can be inserted either in an antegrade
23.45 weeks); union rate was 95.8%. direction, at the cost of hip adverse events,
Conflicting information comes from a larger obser- or retrograde, increasing knee adverse events
vational study comparing data from two Italian hospi- (grade B).
tals.27 Time to union was significantly shorter in the • Using a nail designed for a trochanteric starting
104 patients treated in the static group (103 days) point may reduce fluoroscopy time (grade C).
compared with the 75 patients treated in the dy- Table 62–2 provides a summary of recommenda-
namized group (126 days)27 (grade I conflicting data). tions for the treatment of femoral shaft fractures.
Biomechanical data suggest that immediate weight
bearing as tolerated is safe after static locking, even
in comminuted fractures.28 Dynamic locking of com-
minuted shaft fractures should be avoided because it TABLE 62–2. Summary of Recommendations
would preclude immediate weight bearing without LEVEL OF
incurring shortening of the fracture. EVIDENCE/GRADE OF

AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY 1. Adults with femoral shaft fractures B

should be treated with a reamed nail.
Cost 2. Femoral fracture reduction on a ra- A
diolucent table using manual traction
In our literature search, we could not identify studies is preferred.
evaluating cost associated with treatment options 3. Either antegrade or retrograde femo- B
ral nail insertion is acceptable.
for femoral shaft fractures. To our knowledge, eco- 4. A nail designed for a trochanteric start- C
nomic analyses currently are lacking. ing point may reduce fluoroscopy time.
Femoral Shaft Fractures 409

Conflicting Data 14. Blum J, Janzing H, Gahr R, et al: Clinical performance of a

new medullary humeral nail: Antegrade versus retrograde
Based on published reports, we found conflicting data insertion. J Orthop Trauma 15:342–349, 2001.
on slotted versus solid nails and static or dynamic 15. Holmenschlager F, Piatek S, Halm JP, Winckler S: [Retrograde
intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fractures. A prospective
locking. study]. Unfallchirurg 105:1100–1108, 2002.
16. Ostrum RF, DiCicco J, Lakatos R, Poka A: Retrograde intramed-
ullary nailing of femoral diaphyseal fractures. J Orthop Trauma
12:464–468, 1998.
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Group: Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature, A Manual for 18. Ricci WM, Schwappach J, Tucker M, et al: Trochanteric versus
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice. Chicago, AMA Press, 2002. piriformis entry portal for the treatment of femoral shaft
2. Hayward R: Centre for Health Evidence on line. Available at: fractures. J Orthop Trauma 20:663–667, 2006. 19. Bhandari M, Guyatt GH, Tong D, et al: Reamed versus
3. Richardson WS, Wilson MC, Nishikawa J, Hayward RS: The nonreamed intramedullary nailing of lower extremity long
well-built clinical question: A key to evidence-based bone fractures: A systematic overview and meta-analysis.
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5. Poolman RW, Kerkhoffs GM, Struijs PA, et al: Don’t be misled 21. Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma: Nonunion following intramed-
by the orthopedic literature: Tips for critical appraisal. Acta ullary nailing of the femur with and without reaming. Results
Orthop 78:162–171, 2007. of a multicenter randomized clinical trial. J Bone Joint Surg
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Clin Orthop 187–198, 2003. unreamed femoral nails. A randomised, prospective trial. J
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distress syndrome, pneumonia, and mortality following 23. Selvakumar K, Saw KY, Fathima M: Comparison study
thoracic injury and a femoral fracture treated either with between reamed and unreamed nailing of closed femoral
intramedullary nailing with reaming or with a plate. A fractures. Med J Malaysia 56(suppl D):24–28, 2001.
comparative study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 79:799–809, 1997. 24. Tornetta P III, Tiburzi D: Reamed versus nonreamed
8. Stephen DJG, Kreder HJ, Schemitsch EH, et al: Femoral anterograde femoral nailing. J Orthop Trauma 14:15–19,
intramedullary nailing: Comparison of fracture-table and 2000.
manual traction: A prospective, randomized study. J Bone 25. Anwar IA, Battistella FD, Neiman R, et al: Femur fractures
Joint Surg Am 84:1514–1521, 2002. and lung complications: A prospective randomized study of
9. Cameron CD, Meek RN, Blachut PA, et al: Intramedullary reaming. Clin Orthop 422:71–76, 2004.
nailing of the femoral shaft: A prospective, randomized study. 26. Basumallick MN, Bandopadhyay A: Effect of dynamization in
J Orthop Trauma 6:448–451, 1992. open interlocking nailing of femoral fractures. A prospective
10. Alho A, Moen O, Husby T, et al: Slotted versus non-slotted randomized comparative study of 50 cases with a 2-year
locked intramedullary nailing for femoral shaft fractures. follow-up. Acta Orthop Belg 68:42–48, 2002.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 111:91–95, 1992. 27. Tigani D, Fravisini M, Stagni C, et al: Interlocking nail for
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12. Ostrum RF, Agarwal A, Lakatos R, Poka A: Prospective of a comminuted fracture of the femoral shaft with a stati-
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intramedullary nailing. J Orthop Trauma 14:496–501, 2000. 81:1538–1544, 1999.
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88:41–45, 2006. Trauma 20(6):384–387, 2006.
Chapter Supracondylar Femoral Fractures:

63 Is a Locking Plate or a Nail Better?


Supracondylar fractures of the femur have been a ther functional (pain or impairment) or radio-
controversial topic over the years. As the literature graphic (fracture healing or subsidence) outcome,
indicates, the first attempt at minimally invasive sur- or infection rate; and (4) the study was primarily
gery in this area was the intramedullary (IM) nail, based on published or unpublished randomized,
first done antegrade, then later, more successfully, in controlled trials. However, because of the paucity
a retrograde fashion.1 Although the union rate seemed of this data set, secondary articles were also
improved with the IM nail, the number of malunions reviewed.
appeared to increase as the fracture type became
more complex. Eventually, the technique for a mini-
mally invasive dynamic condylar screw (DCS)2 and Are Plates Better Than Nails in Supracondylar
the advent of the locked plate with its minimally inva- Fractures of the Femur?
sive tools and technique opened the door for biome-
chanical and prospective clinical studies to evaluate Christodoulou and colleagues11 examined the fixa-
whether the increased cost of the new locked plate tion methods of supracondylar fractures before the
was associated with improved outcome.3–7 introduction of the locked plate. The objective of
the study was to present the results of surgical
management of supracondylar fractures of the fe-
OPTIONS mur (types A and C according to the Association
for Osteosynthesis/Association for Research and
Treatment options for fractures of the supracondy- Education Foundation [AO/ASIF] classification) in
lar femur in adults include nonoperative treatment elderly patients with the use of two different meth-
and operative treatment. Nonoperative treatment ods of fixation: the mini open DCS fixation and the
is mainly of historical interest but may still have a closed retrograde intramedullary nailing (RIN).
role in special circumstances such as nonambula- Eighty patients with supracondylar fractures of the
tory patients or those unable to undergo an anes- femur were treated from January 1994 to June 2000,
thetic. This chapter focuses on operative treatment and 72 of them followed up completely. The au-
alternatives. thors conclude that although the two methods
Operative management requires anatomic reduc- appear to have the same percentage of excellent
tion of the articular surface, which is generally results and same time to bony union, RIN is prefer-
achieved with an open reduction and lag screw fixa- able to DCS in terms of less blood loss and shorter
tion. Arthroscopically or fluoroscopically assisted operating time (Fig. 63–1).
percutaneous reduction and fixation may be consid- Hartin and coauthors12 studied the blade plate
ered for simple fracture patterns but has not been and the IM nail used in the treatment of supracondy-
studied systematically. Attaching the articular sur- lar femoral fractures. The condylar blade plate relies
face to the diaphysis can be achieved using IM nailing on the principles of open reduction, absolute stabil-
or plating with fixed-angle plates or regular plates and ity, and interfragmentary compression to achieve
screws. Plates can be applied using an open tech- union. The technique of retrograde nailing uses indi-
nique or using minimally invasive techniques. rect reduction of the metaphyseal fracture compo-
nent, offering relative stability and a less invasive
approach. Twenty-two patients with 23 supracondy-
EVIDENCE lar femur fractures were recruited from two regional
trauma centers over a 26-month period and random-
We identified primary articles with the following ized to receive either a retrograde IM nail fixation
features: (1) the target population was skeletally (12 fractures) or a fixed-angle blade plate fixation
mature patients with a fracture of the femur in the (11 fractures). Both distal femoral nailing and blade
supracondylar region; (2) the intervention was plating gave good outcomes. There was a trend for
the use of a fixed-angle plate (DCS, blade plate, or patients undergoing retrograde nailing to report
locked plate) or an IM nail in the management of more pain and to require revision surgery for re-
these fractures; (3) the outcome measure was ei- moval of implants.

Supracondylar Femoral Fractures 411



FIGURE 63–1. A retrograde intramedullary nail uti-

lized to stabilize a compound periprosthetic supra-
condylar fracture of the femur with associated tibial
E F fracture. A–B, Initial radiographs. C–D, Compound
tibial wound. E–F, Postoperative radiographs.

Biomechanical Data on Nails versus Plates The 95-degree plate and Russell–Taylor nail had
statistically significant greater loads to failure than
Koval and investigators5 performed a biomechanical the supracondylar IM nail. These results supported
cadaver study to compare the stability of three stan- the use of a 95-degree plate when maximum rigidity
dard distal femoral fixation techniques. After initial of fixation or maximum compression is desired.
mechanical characterization of intact femurs, a dis- Koval and investigators4 report on the biome-
tal femoral osteotomy was created, reduced, and chanical properties of the locked plate compared
stabilized under compression using random assign- with the standard condylar buttress plate. The
ment to one of three methods of fixation: (1) 6-hole locked buttress plate provided significantly greater
95-degree supracondylar plate; (2) retrograde in- fixation stability than the standard plate both be-
serted, statically locked, supracondylar IM nail; and fore and after cycling in axial loading. The locked
(3) antegrade inserted, statically locked Russell– buttress plate also proved significantly more stable
Taylor nail. in axial loading than the blade plate both before and
412 Trauma Topics

3.5 also demonstrated good results in the treatment

Femoral diaphysis/medial condyle of difficult fractures such as AO33 types A and C
3 Femoral diaphysis/lateral condyle in patients with multiple trauma injuries with soft-
Medial/lateral condyles tissue damage7 (Fig. 63–4) and periprosthetic supra-
condylar femur fractures.14
Ly and coworkers15 presented data at the Ortho-
paedic Trauma Association (OTA) general meeting
MTPM (mm)

* indicating that, in a review of their last 124 supracon-
dylar fractures treated in a standard nonlocked fash-
1.5 ion, 20 were complicated by nonunion and required
further surgical intervention to achieve union.
1 Large and colleagues16 also presented at the OTA
meeting a study of lateral locked plating versus other
0.5 operative techniques. The locked plate group had six
malunions (24%) and no nonunions. The other group
had nine malunions (47%) and three nonunions
(16%). Both approached clinical significance but re-
main underpowered to date.
FIGURE 63–2. Permanent deformation reported as the
mean maximum total point motion (MTPM) of each frac-
ture segment pairing after cyclic loading. CBP, condylar
buttress plate; DCS, dynamic condylar screw; LISS, less AREAS OF CONTROVERSY
invasive stabilization system. *P ! 0.05. Although several of the implants have been compared
biomechanically, clinical RCTs are needed to compare
the functional outcome and complications associated
with each treatment option. A biomechanically rigid
after cycling. The authors conclude that a condylar system is required if a fracture is to be treated with
buttress plate with locked screws improves fixation absolute stability, but it may not be advantageous
stability. clinically in a multifragmentary fracture treated with
Duffy and colleagues13 also studied the biomechan- bridge plating and relative stability.
ical characteristics of the DCS, standard condylar
buttress plate, and the limited invasive stabilization
system (LISS). Both of these studies indicate the
locked plate (LISS) was indeed stronger than the 8
other two standard devices. Duffy and colleagues’13
study used radiostereometric analysis to measure 7
micromotion between bone segments. Permanent de-
formation was measured after cyclic axial loading, 6
and elastic deformation was measured during a static *
load. The LISS plate proved to be more flexible and 5
MTPM (mm)

allowed some motion, which may explain the clinical

impression of more exuberant callous formation at *
the fracture site (Figs. 63–2 and 63–3).
Prospective cohort studies suggest that the bio-
mechanical properties of the locked plate seem to
hold up clinically, although there are as yet no pub-
lished prospective RCTs to compare implants.
Fankhauser and coworkers3 used the LISS to treat
30 distal femoral fractures in 29 patients. They 0
found the LISS to be a safe and effective treatment.
Schutz and researchers6 managed 112 patients with
116 distal femoral fractures in a prospective multi- Femoral diaphysis/medial condyle
center study. All fractures were treated with the Femoral diaphysis/lateral condyle
LISS plate. The study had a 93% follow-up rate with Medial/lateral condyles
the follow-up period ranging from 7 to 33 months.
The study showed that with a sound knowledge of FIGURE 63–3. Elastic deformation reported as the mean
the operative technique and careful preoperative maximum total point motion (MTPM) of each fracture
planning, the LISS represents an excellent, safe pro- segment pairing under static loading. CBP, condylar
cedure for the treatment of almost all distal femoral buttress plate; DCS, dynamic condylar screw; LISS, less
invasive stabilization system. *P ! 0.05.
fracture types including periprosthetic fractures of
the distal femur, generally without the need for pri-
mary cancellous bone grafting. Locked plates have
Supracondylar Femoral Fractures 413


FIGURE 63–4. Locked plates inserted via a lim-

ited invasive approach are utilized to rigidly fix
an associated supracondylar femoral fracture
and a tibial fracture (floating knee) in a 32-year-
old pregnant woman after a motor vehicle crash.
A–B, Preoperative radiographs. C–D, Limited
E F invasive approach. E–F, Seven months after
414 Trauma Topics

DCS in proximal and distal femoral fractures. Injury

RECOMMENDATIONS 28(suppl 1):A20–A30, 1997.
A fixed-angle device applied with the use of 3. Fankhauser F, Gruber G, Schippinger G, et al: Minimal-invasive
treatment of distal femoral fractures with the LISS (Less Inva-
minimal soft-tissue stripping and indirect sive Stabilization System): A prospective study of 30 fractures
reduction techniques appears to lead to the best with a follow up of 20 months. Acta Orthop Scand 75:56–60,
union rates. Subsequent movement of the 2004.
fracture appears to be reduced with the use of a 4. Koval KJ, Hoehl JJ, Kummer FJ, et al: Distal femoral fixation:
A biomechanical comparison of the standard condylar
locked plate, particularly if the medial condyle is buttress plate, a locked buttress plate, and the 95-degree
involved. blade plate. J Orthop Trauma 11:521–524, 1997.
IM nails, usually retrograde, are utilized in 5. Koval KJ, Kummer FJ, Bharam S, et al: Distal femoral fixation:
supracondylar fractures where the fracture is A laboratory comparison of the 95 degrees plate, antegrade
extra-articular or an undisplaced intra-articular and retrograde inserted reamed intramedullary nails.
J Orthop Trauma 10:378–382, 1996.
fracture is present. Given this fracture type, if a 6. Schutz M, Muller M, Krettek C, et al: Minimally invasive
locked nail allows for axial and varus-valgus fracture stabilization of distal femoral fractures with the LISS:
stability, the outcomes are satisfactory. If the A prospective multicenter study. Results of a clinical study
fracture type is periarticular (within 5 cm of the with special emphasis on difficult cases. Injury 32(suppl 3):
SC48–SC54, 2001.
joint), a fixed-angle device placed via a limited 7. Schutz M, Muller M, Regazzoni P, et al: Use of the less inva-
invasive approach appears to be the preferred sive stabilization system (LISS) in patients with distal femoral
method. This appears to reduce the risk for a (AO33) fractures: A prospective multicenter study. Arch
malunion. If the fracture includes only one con- Orthop Trauma Surg 125:102–108, 2005.
dyle or is axially stable, a standard plate without 8. Anwar IA, Battistella FD, Neiman R, et al: Femur fractures and
lung complications: A prospective randomized study of ream-
locking screws performs as well as or better than ing. Clin Orthop Relat Res 71–76, 2004.
other implants tested. If the fracture involves 9. Pape H-C, Grimme K, Van Griensven M, et al: Impact of
both condyles or is axially unstable, a locked intramedullary instrumentation versus damage control for
plate appears to provide the best fixation in both femoral fractures on immunoinflammatory parameters:
Prospective randomized analysis by the EPOFF Study Group.
biomechanical and in clinical studies. Table 63–1 J Trauma 55:7–13, 2003.
provides a summary of recommendations for the 10. Tornetta P 3rd, Tiburzi D: Antegrade or retrograde reamed
treatment of supracondylar femoral fractures. femoral nailing. A prospective, randomised trial. J Bone Joint
Surg Br 82:652–654, 2000.
11. Christodoulou A, Terzidis I, Ploumis A, et al: Supracondylar
femoral fractures in elderly patients treated with the dynamic
TABLE 63–1. Summary of Recommendations for the Treatment condylar screw and the retrograde intramedullary nail: A
comparative study of the two methods. Arch Orthop Trauma
of Supracondylar Femoral Fractures Surg 125:73–79, 2005.
12. Hartin NL, Harris I, Hazratwala K: Retrograde nailing versus
fixed-angle blade plating for supracondylar femoral fractures:
A randomized controlled trial. ANZ J Surg 76:290–294, 2006.
13. Duffy P, Trask K, Hennigar A, et al: Assessment of fragment
1. Adult with axially unstable B micromotion in distal femur fracture fixation with RSA. Clin
supracondylar femur fracture Orthop Relat Res 448:105–113, 2006.
within 5 cm of the joint should 14. Ricci WM, Loftus T, Cox C, et al: Locked plates combined
be treated with a lateral fixed with minimally invasive insertion technique for the treatment
angle device. of periprosthetic supracondylar femur fractures above a total
2. Adult with a unicondylar or an B knee arthroplasty. J Orthop Trauma 20:190–196, 2006.
axially stable supracondylar fe- 15. Ly TV, Bong MR, Hamid N, et al: Results of operative inter-
mur fracture should be treated vention of supracondylar femur fractures. Available at: http://
with compression screws and Accessed
regular buttress/compression May 2008.
plating. 16. Large TM, Norton J, Bosse MJ, et al: Locked plating of supra-
3. Adult with axially unstable C condylar periprosthetic femur fractures. Available at: http://
supracondylar femur fracture Ac-
more than 5 cm from the joint cessed.
may be treated preferentially 17. Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society: Nonunion following
with a lateral fixed-angle device, intramedullary nailing of the femur with and without reaming.
but a retrograde statically Results of a multicenter randomized clinical trial. J Bone Joint
locked femoral nail is also Surg Am 85-A:2093–2096, 2003.

1. Ostrum RF, Agarwal A, Lakatos R, et al: Prospective compari-
son of retrograde and antegrade femoral intramedullary nail-
ing. J Orthop Trauma 14:496–501, 2000.
2. Krettek C, Schandelmaier P, Miclau T, et al: Minimally inva-
sive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis (MIPPO) using the
What Is the Relation Between
Chapter Malunion and Function for Lower

64 Extremity Tibial Diaphyseal


Tibial diaphyseal fractures are one of the most For a number of reasons, reports are conflicting
common fractures of the long bones.1 Controversy regarding the effect of malunion on the long-term
remains, however, over the best way to manage functional outcome after tibial shaft fractures.
these fractures, with authors arguing not only over These include a general lack of consensus as to
operative techniques but also between surgical and what constitutes a malunion, retrospective report-
nonsurgical management. With any treatment, how- ing with incomplete follow-up and varying times of
ever, one thing is agreed on, there is an inherent follow-up (from 10–40 years), a lack of standardized
risk for healing with some degree of residual mal- technique to radiographically measure malunion,
alignment. Indeed, in a recent systematic review of and the use of multiple and varied functional out-
the treatment of distal-third tibial shaft fractures, come measures between studies (some that are
for example, incidence rates of malunion (as de- nonstandardized and nonvalidated) (Table 64–1).
fined by the authors of the included studies) ranged Before assessing whether malunion of the tibial
from 13.1% to 16.2% depending on treatment shaft affects long-term functional outcome, it is
choice.2 important to understand the long-term outcome in
Two major issues should be considered when dis- those with a tibial shaft fracture in general. Green-
cussing malunion. The first is what actually consti- wood and colleagues5 retrospectively reviewed 398
tutes a malunion; that is, what are the limits of an patients with tibial shaft fractures (it was not stated
acceptable reduction? Second, will a malunion result how the fractures were all treated just that “most
in any long-term adverse sequelae to the patient? If were treated with cast therapy”) and compared
the malunion does not cause adverse sequelae, then these with a cohort of 1573 age- and sex-matched
does it actually matter? To make the argument com- control subjects.5 Outcome measures were subjec-
pletely circular, is it actually a malunion, radio- tive reporting of knee pain, ability to walk 100
graphic issues aside? Surgeons’ definition of angular yards, bend, kneel, and stoop, and a general practi-
malunion has been shown to range from less than tioner’s diagnosis of osteoarthritis. The 36-Item
5 to 20 degrees, and a majority of surgeons defined Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) outcome instru-
significant shortening as greater than 15 mm.3 How- ment was also used. Greenwood and colleagues5
ever, some would argue that asymptomatic angula- found that patients with a tibial shaft fracture had
tion be considered an anatomic deviation rather more knee pain (odds ratio, 1.23; 95% confidence
than malunion per se.4 interval [CI], 1.00–1.51) and an increase in having a
This chapter discusses the literature that specifi- diagnosis of osteoarthritis (odds ratio, 1.46; 95% CI,
cally focuses on the issue of how “malunion” of the 1.08–1.97). They also found a statistically signifi-
tibial diaphysis potentially affects long-term function cant incidence of a decreased ability of the patients
of the patient. with fractures to climb stairs, bend, kneel, or stoop.
Interestingly, even though the odds ratios them-
EVIDENCE selves suggested a slightly increased risk for knee
pain or diagnosis of osteoarthritis, the confidence
Prognostic studies address the possible outcomes of intervals either include 1 or come close to 1, sug-
a disease or condition. In the hierarchy of evidence, gesting that these results are trends as opposed to
a Level I prognostic study would be a prospective true statistical differences. However, because the
cohort with a !80% follow-up rate. One can under- same trend was seen throughout all domains of the
stand it would be unethical (and difficult to obtain outcome measures, it may be that the study was
consent) to randomize patients into a malunion underpowered and these trends are accurate esti-
group. mates of the truth.

TABLE 64–1. Characteristics of Included Studies

Obremskey and Retrospective Group 1: 39 Group 1: IM nail "2 yr #5-degree angulation, MODEMS lower limb No difference between
Medina cohort Group 2: 18 by community #10-mm shortening, module subsections: those with or without
(2004)6 surgeon #10-degree rotation Physical function, malunion in physical
416 Trauma Topics

Group 2: IM nail Physical limitations, function (P $ 0.24) or

by orthopedic Bodily pain physical limitations
trauma surgeon (P $ 0.43)
Worse score for bodily
pain in malunion group
(P $ 0.42)
Boucher et al. Retrospective 13 IM nail 5.46 yr !10-degree rotation Functional Outcome: WOMAC: No correla-
(2002) case series !5 degrees varus/valgus WOMAC, tion with alignment in
!10 degrees pro/recurvatum LEFS any plane and func-
Physical Assessment: tional outcome
ASLEF LEFS: No correlation with
malunion in any plane
and subject’s response
ASLEF: No correlation
between malunion in
any plane and
subject’s response
Milner et al. Retrospective 164 Closed (cast) 36 yr Lower-limb alignment: Functional Outcome: No univariate associations
(2002)14 case series #6.25 degrees varus WOMAC questionnaire between malunion and
#4.75 degrees valgus Radiographic arthritis development of arthritis
!5 degrees angulation knee and ankle or functional scores
!10-mm shortening Clinical arthritis (pain Some minor associations
with range of motion found within subgroup
and joint stiffness) analysis
Kyro (1997)17 Retrospective 17 Intramedullary N/A #5-degree angulation Subjective Functional Malunion group had 2-fold
case series nail #10-mm shortening Measures: swelling, increase in subjective
No malrotation loss of knee exten- functional complaints
sion, inability to Malunion group had a
squat, etc. 1.5-fold increase in
Subjective Complaints: subjective complaints
pain in knee, pain in Worse outcomes in those
leg, pain in ankle, etc. with angulation
#10 degrees and
shortening #15 mm
Greenwood Retrospective 398 tibial shaft Majority closed 35 yr N/A Knee pain Patients with fractures
et al. (1997)5 case–control fractures (cast) Self-reported diagnosis are more likely to have
of knee OA knee pain (OR, 1.23;
Ability to climb stairs, 95% CI, 1.00–1.51),
walk 100 yards, bend, Patients with fractures
kneel, or stoop are more likely to re-
GP diagnosis of knee port being given diag-
OA, nosis of OA by GP (OR,
SF-36 1.46; 95% CI, 1.08–1.97)
Patients with fractures
have lower SF-36 scores,
less ability to climb
stairs, walk 100 yards,
bend, kneel, and stoop
van der Schoot Retrospective 88 tibial Closed 15 yr Three groups: 0–4 degrees, Radiographic arthritis Angular deformity of
et al. (1996)15 case series fractures 5–10 degrees, and knee/ankle 5 degrees or more
#10 degrees (author-derived resulted in a greater
rating scale) proportion of ankle or
knee arthritis com-
pared with an angular
deformity "5 degrees
(58% vs. 31%; P $ 0.02)
Puno et al. Retrospective 28 tibia 24 closed (cast) 8.2 yr Author-derived joint Combined functional Increased ankle malalign-
(1991)16 case series fractures 4 external malalignment and radiographic ment correlated with
fixation Ankle mean: 1.3 degrees score: author- poorer ankle score: no
Knee mean: 6.6 degrees derived for knee and correlation seen with
ankle knee malalignment and
knee score
Netz et al. Retrospective 25 tibia Closed (cast 7 yr 8 mo 6 groups: Patients’ subjective No association between
(1991)13 case series fractures brace) "5 degrees varus complaints residual angular defor-
5–10 degrees varus Clinical assessment mity or shortening with
#10 degrees varus Radiographic outcomes
"10 degrees other assessment
angulation Muscle force analysis
10–20 degrees other
#20 degrees other
Merchant and Retrospective 37 tibia Closed (cast) 29 yr 3 groups: Knee/Ankle arthrosis: No difference in outcome
Dietz (1989)10 case series fractures "5 degrees angulation author-developed scores between any of
(any plane) rating scale the groups (both clini-
5–10 degrees angulation Functional: Knee—Iowa cal and radiographic)
#10 degrees angulation knee evaluation
Iowa knee evaluation
Kristensen Retrospective 17 tibia Closed (cast) 28 yr #10 degrees angular Ankle arthrosis: Arthritis: 17 no ankle ar-
et al. (1989)8 case series fractures deformity Magnusson’s criteria throsis (Magnusson’s
Functional measure: criteria)
Cedell criteria Functional: 15 asymp-
2 moderate symptoms
(Cedell criteria)
Kettelkamp Retrospective 14 patients Closed (cast) 31.7 yr 7–15 degrees tibial angular Radiographic signs of Increased forces through
et al. (1988)9 case series 15 limbs deformity in any plane knee arthritis the medial or lateral
(12 femora, Biomechanical modeling tibial plateau corre-
4 tibia) of forces through knee lated with a varus or
valgus deformity at the

ASLEF, Assessment System of Lower Extremity Function; CI, confidence interval; IM, intramedullary; LEFS, Lower Extremity Functional Scale; MODEMS, Musculoskeletal Outcomes Data Evaluation and Management
Scale; OR, odds ratio; SF-36, 36-Item Short Form Health Survey; WOMAC, Western Ontario and McMaster Osteoarthritis Index.
What Is the Relation between Malunion and Function for Lower Extremity Tibial Diaphyseal Fractures? 417
418 Trauma Topics

Malunion Does Not Affect Long-Term Functional More recently, Milner and investigators14 evaluated
Outcome 167 subjects after an average follow-up period of
36 years from the initial injury. They used a validated
One retrospective cohort study was identified that functional outcome score (the Western Ontario and
attempted to correlate malunion with functional out- McMaster Osteoarthritis Index [WOMAC]) to assess
come6 (Level of Evidence II, retrospective cohort). In knee function and an author-derived clinical and ra-
this study, two different groups of surgeons (commu- diographic arthritis score. They found no significant
nity surgeons and orthopedic trauma surgeons) each association between the development of knee or an-
treated a cohort of patients with an intramedullary kle arthritis and tibial malalignment. There was, how-
nail. Between the groups it was demonstrated that ever, a trend for those limbs in varus malalignment to
the community surgeon group had a greater mal- have more frequent evidence of medial compartment
union rate.6 Using the Musculoskeletal Outcomes knee arthritis and for those limbs in either varus or
Data Evaluation and Management Scale (MODEMS) valgus malalignment to be associated with subtalar
lower functional extremity score, they found no sig- stiffness.14
nificant functional differences between those with a
malunion as compared with those without within the
subset scales of physical function and physical limi- Malunion Does Affect Long-Term Functional Outcome
tations. However, within the bodily function sub-
scale, they found a slightly statistically significantly Observational case series have been identified that
worse outcome in the malunion group (P $ 0.042). suggest that tibial malalignment does, in fact, correlate
This should be interpreted with caution, however, with the extent of knee or ankle arthritis and, there-
because multiple subgroup analysis may potentially fore, the functional outcome of the patient. van der
result in spuriously positive findings.7 Also, this Schoot and coauthors15 suggest that malaligned frac-
study was primarily addressing the issue of whether tures show more degenerative changes with a correla-
orthopedic trauma surgeons had less malunions and tion between symptoms in the knee and radiographic
was underpowered to detect a difference comparing arthritis.15 This correlation, however, did not hold for
those with a malunion and those without. ankle symptoms and radiographic ankle arthritis. Puno
Smaller observational case series are available that and researchers16 assessed 28 tibial fractures correlat-
suggest that the long-term effect of malunion of tibial ing joint malalignment and clinical outcome. They
shaft fractures does not affect functional outcome.8–10 found that greater ankle malalignment correlated with
Merchant and Dietz10 reviewed 37 tibial fractures with poorer clinical results. However, this correlation did
a mean follow-up period of 29 years10 (Level of Evi- not hold for malalignment about the knee. Similar re-
dence IV, retrospective case series). They assessed sults have been associated with malunions after an
both clinical and radiographic outcome of both the intramedullary nail. Kyro17 evaluated a group of 17 pa-
knee and ankle. With the outcome scores used (Iowa tients and found that those with a malunion had an
knee evaluation and the Iowa knee evaluation modi- increased number of subjective functional findings
fied by the authors for the ankle), 78% of the ankles (such as swelling of the lower limb, loss of knee, ankle,
and 92% of the knees of the study group were rated as or subtalar motion, or squatting difficulties) and sub-
good or excellent. With the radiographic outcome jective complaints (pain in the knee, leg, ankle or foot,
used (author derived from a synthesis of previously swelling, and problems with walking, running, squat-
published scores), 76% of the ankles and 92% of the ting or working).
knees in the study group had a good or excellent re-
sult. When subgroup analysis was done, they found
no statistically significant difference in function be- ARE THE RESULTS OF THESE STUDIES VALID?
tween those whose tibial angulation in any plane was
less than 5 degrees compared with those whose angu- All studies are retrospective in nature, and the major-
lation was 5 to 10 degrees or more than 10 degrees. ity is case series reviews. This allows for the potential
Given their numbers, however, these statistical com- introduction of bias at a number of levels including a
parisons may be underpowered, potentially resulting selection bias, recall bias, and measurement bias,
in a beta or type II statistical error. among others. Indeed, it has been shown that obser-
Kristensen and coworkers8 examined 17 patients vational studies can both overestimate and underes-
with a tibial angular deformity of more than 10 de- timate treatment effects.18 Between the studies, the
grees a minimum of 20 years after their injury.8 Using lack of standardized and fully validated outcome
clinical outcome criteria according to Cedell11 and measures limits the inferences that can be made.
radiographic criteria according to Magnusson,12 they Most of the studies had a small sample size, and thus
found no evidence of knee or ankle arthritis in their could have been underpowered to detect differences
study population.8 Netz and coauthors13 reviewed between groups (type II error). As well, some of the
their series of tibial fractures treated with cast ap- studies performed a number of subgroup analyses
plication and found no correlation of patients’ sub- with small numbers of patients that may lead to spu-
jective complaints, clinical examination, or muscle riously positive findings of statistical significance sug-
force analysis with angular deformity or leg-length gesting that these positive results should be inter-
discrepancy.13 preted with caution.7
What Is the Relation between Malunion and Function for Lower Extremity Tibial Diaphyseal Fractures? 419

TABLE 64–2. Level of Evidence and Overall Grade of Recommendation


Obremsky and Medina (2004)6 No (one minor subgroup with a negative II I $ Insufficient evidence
correlation was identified) and conflicting results
of prognostic outcome
of malunion in tibial shaft
Boucher et al. (2002)19 No IV
Milner et al. (2002)14 No (one minor subgroup with a negative IV
correlation was identified)
Greenwood et al. (1997)5 Yes III
Kyro (1997)17 Yes IV
van der Schoot et al. (1996)15 Yes IV
Puno et al. (1991)16 Yes IV
Netz et al. (1991)13 No IV
Merchant and Dietz (1989)10 No IV
Kristensen et al. (1989)8 No IV
Kettelkamp et al. (1988)9 No IV

EVIDENCE-BASED BOTTOM LINE 6. Obremskey WT, Medina M: Comparison of intramedullary

nailing of distal third tibial shaft fractures: Before and after
Based on the current available evidence, the follow- traumatologists. Orthopedics 27:1180–1184, 2004.
ing has been reported (Table 64–2): 7. Bhandari M, Devereaux PJ, Li P, et al: Misuse of baseline com-
parison tests and subgroup analyses in surgical trials.
1. No Level I (prospective cohort with !80% Clin Orthop Relat Res 447:247–251, 2006.
follow-up rate) data are available that address 8. Kristensen KD, Kiaer T, Blicher J: No arthrosis of the ankle
the long-term functional outcomes of tibial 20 years after malaligned tibial-shaft fracture. Acta Orthop
fracture malunion. Scand 60:208–209, 1989.
2. A number of retrospective observational 9. Kettelkamp DB, Hillberry BM, Murrish DE, Heck DA: Degen-
erative arthritis of the knee secondary to fracture malunion.
studies with conflicting results have been Clin Orthop Relat Res 234:159–169, 1988.
identified, which limits the inferences that can 10. Merchant TC, Dietz FR: Long-term follow-up after fractures of
be made regarding the long-term effects of the tibial and fibular shafts. J Bone Joint Surg Am 71:599–606,
malunion on functional outcome. 1989.
11. Cedell CA: Supination-outward rotation injuries of the ankle. A
3. Prospective trials that focus specifically on the clinical and roentgenological study with special reference to
issue of malunion and functional outcome with the operative treatment. Acta Orthop Scand (suppl 110):3%,
well-validated functional outcome measures, 1967.
validated measurement techniques, and 12. Magnusson R: On the late results in non-operated cases of
long-term (#80%) follow-up will be necessary malleolar fractures. clinical-roentgenological-statistical study:
fractures by external rotation. Acta Chirugica Scandinavica
to accurately address this issue. 1:1-36;=1944.
13. Netz P, Olsson E, Ringertz H, Stark A: Functional restitution
after lower leg fractures. A long-term follow-up. Arch Orthop
Trauma Surg 110:238–241, 1991.
REFERENCES 14. Milner SA, Davis TRC, Muir KR, et al: Long-term outcome af-
ter tibial shaft fracture: Is malunion important? J Bone Joint
1. Court-Brown C, McQueen MM, Tornetta P III: Tibia and fibula Surg Am 84-A:971–980, 2002.
diaphyseal fractures. In Tornetta P III, Einhorn T (eds): 15. van der Schoot DK, Den Outer AJ, Bode PJ, et al: Degenera-
Trauma. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006, tive changes at the knee and ankle related to malunion of tib-
pp 339–353. ial fractures. 15-year follow-up of 88 patients. J Bone Joint
2. Zelle BA, Bhandari M, Espiritu M, et al: Treatment of distal Surg Br 78:722–725, 1996.
tibia fractures without articular involvement: A systematic 16. Puno RM, Vaughan JJ, Stetten ML, Johnson JR: Long-term
review of 1125 fractures. J Orthop Trauma 20:76–79, 2006. effects of tibial angular malunion on the knee and ankle
3. Bhandari M, Guyatt GH, Swiontkowski MF, et al: A lack of joints. J Orthop Trauma 5:247–254, 1991.
consensus in the assessment of fracture healing among 17. Kyro A: Malunion after intramedullary nailing of tibial shaft
orthopaedic surgeons. J Orthop Trauma 16:562–566, 2002. fractures. Ann Chir Gynaecol 86:56–64, 1997.
4. Sarmiento A: On the behavior of closed tibial fractures: 18. Bhandari M, Tornetta P III, Ellis T, et al: Hierarchy of evidence:
Clinical/radiological correlations. J Orthop Trauma 14:199–205, Differences in results between non-randomized studies and
2000. randomized trials in patients with femoral neck fractures.
5. Greenwood DC, Muir KR, Doherty M, et al: Conservatively Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 124:10–16, 2004.
managed tibial shaft fractures in Nottingham, UK: Are pain, 19. Boucher M, Leone J, Pierrynowski M, Three-dimensional assessment
osteoarthritis, and disability long-term complications? of tibial malunion after intramedullary nailing: a preliminary study.
J Epidemiol Community Health 51:701–704, 1997. J Orthop Trauma 16(7):473-483, 2002.
Chapter Tibial Diaphyseal Fractures: What

65 Is the Best Treatment?


The management of tibia fractures has evolved over In a similar study by van der Linden and Larsson,7
time from nonoperative treatment to operative 100 patients were randomly assigned to ORIF with
treatment. Despite their common occurrence, the plates or closed treatment. Hospital stay seemed to
evidence base to direct the care of tibial shaft frac- be longer in the group treated by ORIF, and the com-
tures is relatively poor. Moreover, there is little evi- plication rate was slightly greater. In accordance
dence to support the commonly recommended pa- with Abdel-Salam and colleagues’ study,1 the healing
rameters of acceptable fracture alignment (less than time was significantly shorter in the ORIF group, and
5–7 degrees of varus/valgus, less than 10 degrees of malalignment occurred more frequently in the non-
flexion/extension, less than 1.5 cm of shortening, operative group.
and less than 15 degrees of rotational deformity). A meta-analysis that included these studies reached
The characteristics of fractures amenable to non- the conclusion that the quality of the literature was
surgical management, stable fractures, are not well poor. The risk for superficial infection was greater
evidence based. It is generally accepted that non- after ORIF versus cast treatment (odds ratio, 0.2; 95%
pathologic, isolated, low-energy fractures, with little confidence interval [CI], 0.08–0.50); however, there
displacement, no significant soft-tissue injury, and was no difference in the deep infection rate. Frac-
having an associated fibular fracture can be treated tures treated with ORIF were more likely to be healed
without surgery. For the surgical management of by 20 weeks than those treated in a cast (odds ratio,
tibial shaft fractures, a variety of implants is avail- 0.02; 95% CI, 0.06–0.68).8
able, including external fixators, plates, and intra-
medullary (IM) nails.
This chapter summarizes the evidence to help NONOPERATIVE TREATMENT
guide the treatment of closed and open tibial shaft VERSUS INTRAMEDULLARY NAIL
fractures, although details regarding open fracture
management in general is presented elsewhere. Hooper and coworkers’4 prospective, randomized
study of 62 patients with unstable tibial shaft frac-
tures found that IM nailing reduced time to fracture
OPERATIVE VERSUS NONOPERATIVE TREATMENT union by 2 weeks (P ! 0.05) compared with long leg
OF DISPLACED TIBIA SHAFT FRACTURES casting. IM nailing was also associated with signifi-
cantly less time off work (13.5 vs. 23 weeks; P !
Minimally displaced, stable tibia shaft fractures are 0.01) and less time in the hospital (8.1 vs. 11.7 days;
commonly treated without surgery with satisfactory P ! 0.01). Compared with IM nailing, more patients
results. Controversies, however, exist in the manage- with cast treatment had angular deformity and
ment of displaced tibial shaft fractures. Six studies shortening. One third of casted patients healed with
have compared nonoperative treatment modalities more than 10 degrees of angular deformity, and two
with surgery for displaced closed tibia fractures.1–7 thirds with shortening of more than 1 cm. No sig-
nificant differences were observed in regard to
range of motion of the ankle or knee joints. Second-
NONOPERATIVE TREATMENT VERSUS OPEN REDUCTION ary interventions were necessary in five patients of
AND FIXATION WITH PLATES AND SCREWS the nonoperative group compared with only one
patient in the ORIF group.
In a prospective randomized clinical trial by Abdel- Toivanen and coauthors6 note no delayed union in
Salam and colleagues,1 45 patients with closed tibial 33 patients treated with IM nailing compared with 8
shaft fractures were treated with a long-leg plaster of 54 patients treated with cast, representing a de-
cast and compared with 45 patients managed with layed union rate of 14.8% (P ! 0.05). They did note
open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF).1 Healing anterior knee pain in 79% of patients treated with an
time and return to usual activity was significantly IM nail compared with only 2% in the casted group
shorter in the ORIF group. The complication rate (P ! 0.001). Mean healing time, hospitalization time,
of secondary intervention for bone grafting or deep and sick leave duration were significantly longer in
infection was lower in the ORIF cohort. the group treated with casting. A significant bias in

Tibial Diaphyseal Fractures 421

this study was that patients initially treated without Intramedullary Nail versus External Fixator
surgery who had a loss of reduction and needed re-
vision surgery were excluded, so that the results A total of 78 patients with 79 fractures was entered into
in terms of final alignment were not statistically dif- Braten and coworkers’11 study (41 external fixators,
ferent between the groups. In a prospective, ran- 38 IM nails). Time to radiographic union and full weight
domized trial, Karladani and researchers5 studied 53 bearing did not differ significantly, but unprotected
patients, with 27 being treated with IM nails and weight bearing was achieved earlier in the IM group
26 receiving nonoperative care. The nonoperative (12 vs. 20 weeks; P ! 0.001). Reoperation for secondary
group was divided into additional cohorts of 12 and displacement was more frequent in the external fixator
14 patients because some fractures were not consid- group. No differences were observed in the final align-
ered stable enough to be treated in cast alone and ment or in the amount of shortening. IM nailing was
underwent cerclage wire or screw fixation in addi- commonly associated with anterior knee pain.
tion to casting. In the analysis of the final outcome
parameters such as quality of life, weight-bearing
time, and union rate, these two groups were ana- Intramedullary Nail versus Ender Nail
lyzed together and compared with the IM nail group.
IM nailing resulted in a 6 weeks faster time to union In a study by Chiu and colleagues12 that compares
(95% CI, 2.5–12 weeks), and a faster time to full Ender nails with locked IM nails, IM nails were found
weight bearing by 8 weeks (95% CI, 5–17 weeks). IM to be superior for the treatment of comminuted, un-
nailing was associated with a lower risk for delayed stable tibial shaft fractures.
union (odds ratio, 0.36; 95% CI, 0.17–0.78) but an in-
creased risk for anterior knee pain (12/27 vs. 0/26
patients). At 3 months after injury, patients who Reamed versus Unreamed Intramedullary Nails
underwent IM nailing had significantly better mobil-
ity, social function, work function, and sexual func- Four Level II studies could be identified in which un-
tion as measured on the Nottingham Health Profile reamed nailing was compared with reamed nailing.13–16
(P ! 0.05). Reamed nailing was consistently found to be superior
The current best evidence suggests that opera- compared with unreamed nailing. The incidence of
tive treatment is superior to nonoperative treat- delayed and nonunion, as well as malunion, was lower,
ment with respect to healing time, alignment, non- secondary interventions were less frequent, and the
union rate, and working capacities in displaced overall healing time was shorter in the group treated
tibia shaft fractures. Incidence rates of anterior with reamed IM nails. Implant failure was found to be
knee pain and complications such as infection or more frequent with unreamed nailing, whereas no dif-
secondary procedures for removal of the orthope- ference in infection rate was encountered.
dic implants are greater in patients treated with The evidence suggests that the reamed locked IM
surgery (grade B). nailing is the best operative treatment for unstable
closed tibia shaft fractures. Standard plating may be
advantageous in situations where achieving satisfac-
OPERATIVE TREATMENT OF CLOSED TIBIA FRACTURES tory alignment is expected to be problematic, but it
Plate versus Intramedullary Nail is associated with increased risks for soft-tissue com-
plications (grade B). The role of percutaneous, mini-
A prospective, randomized trial with a total of 64 pa- mally invasive plating is yet to be determined.
tients was conducted by Im and Tae9 to compare IM
nailing to plate fixation of distal tibia fractures. Thirty-
four patients were treated with an IM nail, and 30 pa- OPEN FRACTURES
tients underwent open reduction and plate fixation Early versus Late Treatment
with a follow-up period of 2 years. In the group
treated with IM nails, the average angulation was Soft-tissue management is paramount to the success-
greater (2.8 vs. 0.9 degree; P " 0.01). Locked IM nails ful management of all open fractures, particularly
seem to be advantageous in regard to the length of open tibial shaft fractures. Skeletal stabilization aids
operation, restoration of motion, and reduced soft- in the soft-tissue management, as well as being vital
tissue complications, whereas open reduction and to the ultimate functional outcome.
fixation with plate and screws can restore alignment Three retrospective cohort studies could be iden-
better than IM nails. tified to determine the efficiency of early surgical
A systematic review of the prospective literature by treatment versus delayed treatment in open tibia
Coles and Gross10 reports more superficial infection fractures.17–19 The final outcome measures included
with plating (9% vs. !3% with reamed vs. unreamed infection, secondary procedures, nonunion, and de-
nailing) but lower rates of malunion (0% vs. 3.2% with layed union. Early surgery was defined as surgery
reamed and 11.8% with unreamed nailing). No evi- less than 6 hours after the injury, whereas delayed
dence that assesses the utility of minimally invasive surgery was defined as greater than 6 hours. In both
plating techniques in comparison with other treat- groups, antibiotics were administrated. No differ-
ment approaches is currently available. ences in the overall rate of infection, secondary
422 Trauma Topics

procedures, nonunion, delayed union, or complica- topic. Hupel and coauthors27 conclude that “limited
tions could be determined. Although the present canal reaming before insertion of an intramedullary
consensus remains that open tibial shaft fractures nail may result in the least damaging combination of
be treated on an emergent basis (Level V), if un- insults to the cortical circulation.”
avoidable, delayed management does not seem to Two trials, with a pooled 132 patients, have evalu-
jeopardize the final outcome. ated reamed versus unreamed nails in open tibial shaft
fractures in a prospective, randomized fashion.15,28 The
outcomes in terms of nonunion or infection were not
Plate Fixation versus External Fixator influenced by reaming. There was, however, a statisti-
cally greater rate of implant failure associated with the
In Bach and coauthors’ study,20 published in 1989, a use of an unreamed nail.
total of 59 patients were randomized to undergo plate Current best evidence would suggest that, in addi-
fixation or external fixation for grade 2 and 3 open tion to aggressive soft-tissue management, open tibia
fractures.20 Their study showed a statistically signifi- fractures should be stabilized by locked IM nailing.
cant greater rate of deep infections in the group treated Reamed and unreamed nails appear to have similar
with ORIF. Time to union and malalignment was not results, except for a greater rate of screw failure with
significantly different in both groups. Additional lag the use of the unreamed device (grade B).
screws were used in 12 of 26 patients with external
fixation for better alignment. This procedure did not
seem to have any adverse effects in regard to the heal- TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS
ing time or secondary procedures. This is in contrast
with Krettek and colleagues’21 study in which they rec- Having come to the conclusion that the majority of
ommend that additional lag screws not be used in unstable tibial shaft fractures should be treated with
open tibia fractures treated by external fixators be- locked IM nailing, some technical considerations are
cause they seem to interfere with bone healing. warranted. No good evidence has been reported to
provide guidance as to the optimal timing for the in-
tervention. However, the longer a fracture is left in a
Locked Intramedullary Nail versus External Fixator shortened, displaced position, the more difficult it
becomes to regain anatomic length.
In the evolution of the treatment of open tibial frac-
tures, a strategy of sequential locked IM nailing after
external fixation was developed. Antich-Adrover and Fracture Table
investigators22 evaluated this strategy in a prospec-
tive, randomized study of 39 patients. Sequentially Although early in the history of tibial nailing the use
treated patients healed faster, with better alignment, of a fracture table was usual, there has been a grad-
and had a more predictable and rapid return to full ual move away from this. A prospective, randomized
function than patients treated with external fixation study29 demonstrated that “free-draped” nailing was
followed by casting. equally effective as using a fracture table and re-
In a prospective, randomized study of grade II, IIIA, quired less operative time. It also facilitated con-
and IIIB open fractures, Henley and coworkers23 sug- comitant injury management. Although fluoroscopy
gest that unreamed interlocked IM nailing was more time was no different, it may be that the surgeon ex-
efficacious than half-pin external fixation. IM nailing posure, not measured, was higher because of the re-
was associated with significantly better final alignment quirement of being closer to the field in the free-
and significantly less operative interventions. Healing draped technique. It should be pointed out that
complications and infections were more associated free-draped nailing generally requires an assistant,
with the severity of the soft-tissue injury than the whereas fracture table nailing can usually be done
method of skeletal stabilization. without one. An external fixation device can be used
Two Level III trials with a total of 65 patients and 1 as a temporary intraoperative reduction aid during
Level III study with 41 patients evaluated unreamed nailing without a fracture table, but it has not been
nailing and external fixation in higher grade IIIB frac- evaluated objectively.
tures.24–26 Patients who underwent nailing were easier
to manage, required less secondary procedures, and
had more predictable anatomic outcomes, without Tourniquet
having greater infection risks.
A generally held belief is that a tourniquet should
not be used while reaming because it is theoreti-
Reamed versus Unreamed Locked cally postulated that the circulatory system acts as
Intramedullary Nailing a radiator, dissipating the heat generated and pre-
venting heat necrosis of the diaphysis, a devastat-
Reaming has been the source of much debate in the ing complication of reamed nailing. A prospective,
management of tibial shaft fractures. An extensive randomized study by Giannoudis and coworkers30
body of basic science literature exists regarding this does not substantiate this concern. There was a
Tibial Diaphyseal Fractures 423

slightly, but not statistically significant, higher tem- generally provide relative stability, whereas these
perature with the use of a tourniquet, but aggres- plates confer absolute stability. Surgeons with lim-
sive reaming was not carried out. The authors did, ited experience with nailing of proximal-third frac-
however, find that diaphyseal temperatures in- tures may well consider using definitive plating
creased most with the larger reamers (11 and 12 techniques rather than nailing. No good evidence
mm) and in small medullary canals. Blood loss with base exists for the selection of approaches to the
IM reaming is usually small, so unless there are management of proximal-third tibial fractures.
particular concerns, a tourniquet is not usually

Approach and Starting Point It is generally recommended that all tibial nails be
locked proximally and distally. With stable trans-
A move has been made to a less invasive, percutane- verse fracture patterns, the screws at one end can
ous technique of nail insertion, although no evidence be placed in a dynamic mode, if the nail design al-
demonstrates a benefit. The starting point for the lows, because one requires only rotational control
insertion of a tibial IM nail has been the source of and not axial control. In fractures in the midthird,
much discussion and debate. The two principle is- one screw at each end of the nail is sufficient to con-
sues at play are the incidence of anterior knee pain trol bony alignment. As the fracture approaches the
and effects of start point on fracture alignment. metaphyseal area, because of the limited cortical
Toivanen and coauthors31 could demonstrate no dif- bony contact, more than one locking screw in the
ference in the incidence of late anterior knee pain or short segment affords better angular stability. Kne-
functional impairment with the use of a paratendi- ifel and Buckley36 prospectively evaluated the use of
nous versus a transtendinous approach. These find- one versus two distal locking screws in diaphyseal
ings are consistent with a body of evidence of lower tibial fractures treated with undreamed nails and
quality. showed a significantly greater screw failure rate with
The nailing of proximal-third tibial fractures has the use of only one screw. Heavier patients and lon-
been associated with a significant incidence of mal- ger locking screws (larger medullary canals) corre-
union, valgus, and procurvatum. This has been re- lated with increased screw failure. This, however,
lated to the anatomy of the proximal tibia and to had no impact on fracture union.
nailing with the knee in flexion. The oblique antero- Although free-hand distal targeting is most com-
medial face of the proximal tibia will direct a nail monly used for distal locking, two prospective, ran-
started medially and anteriorly in a posterolateral domized studies compared the use of alternative
direction. Once centered in the canal of the distal devices. Gugala and coworkers37 demonstrated no
segment, this will result in a valgus, procurvatum significant difference in operating time with the use
deformity. This malalignment can largely be avoided of a distally based distal targeting device and no
by a lateral and more posterior starting point. In- statistical difference in total fluoroscopy time. They
deed, the safe starting point has been delineated by did show a statistically shorter distal-locking fluo-
McConnell and researchers32 as being just medial to roscopy time with the distal device. Krettek and
the lateral tibial spine, at the anterior edge of the colleagues38 showed a statistically shorter opera-
articular surface of the tibial plateau. tive time and fluoroscopy time with their radiation-
Other strategies can be used to manage the ten- independent distal aiming device.
dency toward malalignment in difficult cases. This
includes nailing in extension,33 the use of “poller”
blocking screws,34 temporary limited plating, or en- Fibular Plating
tirely avoiding nailing and using definitive plating
techniques.35 Nailing in extension overcomes the Some debate regards the merits of stabilization of an
tendency to flex the fracture, produce procurvatum, associated fibular fracture in distal-third tibial frac-
with nailing with the knee maximally bent. Blocking tures. Clearly, if the fibular fracture represents an
screws are screws (can also be pins) placed percu- associated ankle fracture, the principles appropriate
taneously across the tibia to narrow the medullary to ankle fractures should be applied. A retrospective,
canal, thus directing the nail into proper alignment. Level III study by Egol and coauthors39 suggests a
These are effective only in the metaphyseal portion significantly lower rate of loss of alignment in nailed
of the tibia where the nail is not constrained by the distal-third tibial shaft fractures when ORIF of the
medullary canal. They are also unable to compen- fibula was also undertaken.
sate for an entirely wrong starting point. Unicortical
plating through a limited approach, preserving bone
vascularity, can aid by maintaining fracture align- Postoperative Management
ment while nailing and locking is undertaken. The
plate can be left definitively or can be removed once In the postoperative management of nailed tibial
locking has been accomplished. Leaving the plate is fractures, there is little evidence base to direct care.
technically against basic principles because nails The use of splints, the role of physiotherapy, and
424 Trauma Topics

the time to weight bearing have not been evaluated. TABLE 65–1. Summary of Recommendations
Although there is some support for the use of deep
vein thrombosis prophylaxis in tibial fractures LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/GRADE
treated in cast, no evidence is available to direct
prophylaxis in cases with surgical stabilization. 1. Adult with a closed unstable B
After fracture healing, implant removal is elective tibial shaft fracture should be
and usually indicated by significant symptoms. The treated with reamed, statically
routine removal of implants has no evidence base. If locked intramedullary nailing.
elected, the recommendations regarding the time to 2. Adult with an open (all types) B
tibia fracture should be treated
implant removal vary, but again are not evidence with statically locked intramed-
based. ullary nailing after appropriate
soft-tissue management.
3. Free-hand nailing shortens oper- B
ative time.
Bone Healing Adjuncts 4. Open fractures should be treated C
Smoking and the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs have been associated with an increased inci-
dence of delayed and nonunion. It seems reasonable to
counsel patient regarding these substances.
Several modalities have been investigated in an ef- REFERENCES
fort to accelerate bone healing. Studies conflict re-
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grade-IIIb open tibial fractures. A prospective randomised J Orthop Trauma 12:373–378, 1998.
comparison of external fixation and non-reamed locked 39. Egol KA, Weisz R, Hiebert R, et al: Does fibular plating improve
nailing. J Bone Joint Surg Br 76:13–19, 1994. alignment after intramedullary nailing of distal metaphyseal
26. Tu YK, Lin CH, Su JI, et al: Unreamed interlocking nail versus tibia fractures? J Orthop Trauma 20:94–103, 2006.
external fixator for open type III tibia fractures. J Trauma 40. Emami A, Petren-Mallmin M, Larsson S: No effect of
39:361–367, 1995. low-intensity ultrasound on healing time of intramedullary
27. Hupel TM, Weinberg JA, Aksenov SA, Schemitsch EH: Effect of fixed tibial fractures. J Orthop Trauma 13:252–257, 1999.
unreamed, limited reamed, and standard reamed intramedul- 41. Heckman JD, Ryaby JP, McCabe J, et al: Acceleration of tibial
lary nailing on cortical bone porosity and new bone fracture-healing by non-invasive, low-intensity pulsed
formation. J Orthop Trauma 15:18–27, 2001. ultrasound. J Bone Joint Surg Am 76:26–34, 1994.
28. Keating JF, O’Brien PJ, Blachut PA, et al: Locking intramedul- 42. Fourie JA, Bowerbank P: Stimulation of bone healing in new
lary nailing with and without reaming for open fractures of fractures of the tibial shaft using interferential currents.
the tibial shaft. A prospective, randomized study. J Bone Physiother Res Int 2:255–268, 1997.
Joint Surg Am 79:334–341, 1997.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

for Pilon Fractures?

Intra-articular fractures of the distal tibia vary in TREATMENT OPTIONS

regards to the amount of articular and metaphyseal
damage. Pilon fractures are difficult injuries to man- Pilon fractures, although not common, do cause con-
age and can be associated with high rates of compli- siderable debate and controversy as to what surgical
cations, chronic pain, and disability. The underlying methods should be used and the timing of surgery in
mechanism of injury and general physiology of the relation to soft-tissue status. The treating surgeon is
patient dictates the severity of the bony injury and, faced with two competing priorities. The first prior-
more importantly, the soft-tissue involvement. High- ity is to achieve an anatomic reduction of the frac-
energy pilon fractures are the most challenging to ture with fixation sufficiently secure to allow early
manage. movement, and the second is to minimize iatrogenic
disruption of the vulnerable soft-tissue envelope.
It has generally been accepted that for displaced
IMAGING AND ANATOMY pilon fractures, surgical management with reduction
and fixation is appropriate as long as there is no con-
After appropriate radiographs, computed tomo- traindication to surgical intervention for the individ-
graphy (CT) is important in operative planning ual patient (Level IV).
(Table 66–1). Tornetta and Gorup1 have shown that The surgical strategies can be divided into three
their operative plan was altered in 64% of patients, broad subsets:
with additional information about fracture pattern 1. Immediate open reduction and internal fixa-
gained in 82%, underlining the importance of ap- tion (ORIF)
propriate imaging. Understanding the anatomy of 2. Primary closed reduction and external skeletal
the fracture should allow the development of ap- fixation (ExFix) with delayed ORIF—the staged
propriate steps in fracture fragment approach and protocol (Level IV)
reduction, improving surgical technique and ulti- 3. Definitive ExFix with or without limited inter-
mately outcome. nal fixation
Recent work from Bristol2 documents 126 pilon The optimal management of these difficult injuries
fractures, and defines 6 distinct fracture fragments remains controversial. The staged protocol has shown
(anterior, posterior, medial, anterolateral, posterolat- acceptable results and has gained a substantial level
eral, and die-punch) and 2 fracture families (sagittal of support. Indeed, we are aware that the faculties at
and coronal). Within each fracture group there was some recent international conferences and instruc-
progression from a simple to a more complex type tional courses have suggested that it is the only ac-
with increasing transfer of energy. Interestingly, a pi- ceptable treatment option.
lon fracture with an intact distal fibula was eight
times more likely to have a functional disruption of
the tibiofibular joint (separated lateral tibial frag- EVIDENCE
ments), and if not recognized, resulted in continued
instability and its associated complications. The re- Several studies have been published that aim to com-
producibility of this fracture description was found pare the differing treatment modalities for pilon frac-
by Topliss and colleagues2 to be superior to the AO tures, but all have their limitations when conclusions
and Ruedi and Allgower’s3 classification concerning are drawn from limited sample size and variable pa-
interobserver and intraobserver agreement. The au- tient conditions (Table 66–2).
thors conclude that the sagittal family fractures oc- Blauth and colleagues4 retrospectively studied 51
cur after high energy, with varus angulation in young- patients. They had 3 treatment groups: primary ORIF
er patients, whereas the coronal fractures occur with (15 patients all with closed injuries), definitive ExFix
valgus angulation in older patients after less severe with or without limited internal fixation (28 patients),
trauma. This work has implications for surgical ap- and temporary ExFix with or without limited internal
proach, reduction of fracture fragments, and choice fixation followed by delayed minimally invasive
of implant. medial plating (8 patients). The incidence of wound

What Is the Best Treatment for Pilon Fractures? 427

TABLE 66–1. Imaging and Anatomy


Tornetta and Gorup1 Prospective I 22 15 Ruedi II 11 type II

7 Ruedi III 11 type III increased fragments: 12 patients
Impaction: 6 patients
Increased comminution: 11 patients
Additional information gained in 82% of patients
Topliss et al.2 Prospective II 126 33 Ruedi I 6 distinct fracture fragments
38 Ruedi II 2 fracture families
47 Ruedi III Implications for surgical planning

TABLE 66–2. Evidence

Blauth et al. 4
III Retrospective 51 3 B2 ORIF (15) Better ankle ROM in
review 1 B3 ExFix/limited ORIF (28) two-stage group
2 C1 ExFix converted to ORIF (8)
26 C2
19 C3
Pugh et al.5 III Retrospective 60 10 A ORIF (24) Malunions more
review 3 B1 Spanning ExFix (21) common in fixator
4 B2 Nonspanning ExFix (15) groups
2 B3
8 C1
9 C2
24 C3
Wyrsch et al.6 III Prospective 39 8 type I ORIF (19) Fewer soft-tissue
surgeon 14 type II ExFix/limited ORIF (20) complications with
randomized 17 type III fixator group
Sirkin et al.7 IV Retrospective 56 4 C1 Staged ORIF after ExFix Effective in both
10 C2 open and closed
42 C3 injuries; reduced
need for soft-tissue
Patterson and IV Retrospective 22 23 C3 Staged ORIF after ExFix Advantage of
Cole8 limited soft-tissue
Koulouvaris III Retrospective 55 19 B Spanning ExFix (20) Delayed union and
et al.9 36 C Nonspanning ExFix (22) reduced activities
Two-stage ORIF (13) more common with
Harris et al.10 III Retrospective 79 11 B Staged ORIF (63) ORIF fewer
68 C Limited IF and ExFix (16) complications
and less post-
traumatic OA

ExFix, external skeletal fixation; IF, internal fixation; OA, osteoarthritis; ORIF, open reduction and internal fixation; ROM, range of motion.

infections did not differ significantly among the three tients treated with an ankle-spanning half-pin ExFix,
groups. The range of ankle movement was greater and 15 patients with a single-ring hybrid ExFix. The
in the two-stage treated group compared with the severity of injuries was similar in all groups. No sig-
others. These patients also had less pain, more nificant difference was reported in complications be-
frequently continued working in their previous pro- tween groups, but a greater number of malunions
fession, and had fewer limitations in their leisure occurred in fractures treated with ExFix compared
activities. On the basis of these findings, the authors with ORIF (P ! 0.03). These findings were uninflu-
recommend a two-stage procedure. However, the enced by whether the fracture was open or closed,
sample size is small in this retrospective review, and was bone grafted, or had an associated fibula fracture
the groups are not well matched; therefore, definitive stabilized. The authors conclude that external fixa-
conclusions cannot be made. tion had a lower risk for deep infection but a greater
Similar work by Pugh and coauthors5 retrospec- risk for malunion than did ORIF. No randomization,
tively assessed 60 pilon fractures. Again, there were 3 long-term follow-up, or functional outcome was per-
broad groups: 24 patients treated with ORIF, 21 pa- formed in these patients.
428 Trauma Topics

A surgeon randomized, prospective study6 evalu- tients have experienced development of post-trau-
ated 39 patients. Nineteen patients underwent ORIF matic arthritis (defined as loss of joint space and pain)
of both tibia and fibula, and 20 patients had ExFix (P ! 0.25). Seven patients from group A have reduced
with or without limited internal fixation. The authors their activities (P ! 0.004). In this long-term follow-up
aimed to compare the rates of complications, the study, the two-staged internal fixation and the hybrid
radiologic results, and the functional results between fixation with small arthrotomy were equally effica-
the two groups. In the ORIF group, there were 28 ad- cious in achieving bone union. Patients in external
ditional operations in 7 patients with 15 major com- fixation with the ankle spanning had a significantly
plications compared with 5 additional operations in greater rate of delayed union. Also, more patients in
4 patients with 4 major complications in the ExFix this group had to reduce their activities.
group. They found that nonvalidated clinical score Similar work from Cleveland (Harris and research-
(pain and range of motion) did not correlate well ers10) retrospectively reviewed 79 pilon fractures.
with type of fracture, and there was also no signifi- Patients were treated with ORIF (63 patients) or lim-
cant difference between treatment groups. The con- ited open articular reduction and wire-ring ExFix (16
clusion was that ExFix is a satisfactory method of patients). Tibial ORIF was performed at an average of
treatment associated with fewer complications than 7.6 days after injury. Approximately 86% of patients
ORIF. However, of note is the timing of surgery in the with ORIF treatment underwent staged surgery,
ORIF group, and this point should be highlighted. whereby initial surgery consisted of fibular fixation
Operating in the presence of severe intradermal and temporary ankle-spanning ExFix or splinting.
edema or fracture blisters can further compromise The patients treated definitively with ExFix had more
damaged soft tissues. On average, patients were op- complications (P ! 0.007) and post-traumatic arthri-
erated on days 3 to 5, when soft-tissue swelling was tis (P ! 0.01) when compared with ORIF. However,
well established. Therefore, it may well not be tech- this may be because of selection bias because more
nique related but timing dependent. open injuries and more severely comminuted frac-
This point has been examined by work from Sirkin tures were managed definitively with external fixa-
and colleagues.7 They retrospectively analyzed 56 tion than with ORIF.
pilon fractures (34 closed and 22 open fractures) From the literature, the overall average rate of
from a single institution. All patients underwent im- deep infection is approximately 5% after surgical
mediate ORIF of the fibula and closed reduction with management of pilon fractures regardless of the
spanning ExFix for the distal tibia. Formal ORIF of the technique used. Definitive ORIF done at 2 to 5 days
tibia was performed when soft-tissue swelling had after injury would appear to be associated with more
subsided, on average, 14 days after injury. By follow- wound complications than delayed ORIF or definitive
ing a staged protocol, they demonstrated that ORIF ExFix. Deep infection occurs more frequently in open
could be performed semielectively with a low risk for fractures than it does in closed fractures. The risk for
wound problem in both open and closed injuries. malunion and delayed union are more common in
However, no functional outcome scoring of results patients treated definitively with external fixation.
with this effective soft-tissue–preserving procedure A number of other factors have been shown to be
exists. associated with risk for complications. Several au-
Similar retrospective work from Florida (Patterson thors have emphasized the importance of the level of
and Cole8) examined 22 C3 distal tibia fractures experience of the surgeon and the quality of the re-
treated with a comparable staged protocol. Anatomic duction. Anatomic reduction of the articular segment
reduction was possible in 73% of patients who under- and anatomic realignment of the nonarticular seg-
went surgery, on average, 24 days after injury. Ap- ment should intuitively be associated with a lower
proximately 90% of patients had good/fair results on risk for malunion and post-traumatic osteoarthritis.
subjective and objective evaluation. The authors Although the optimal management of pilon fractures
recognized difficulties with operating on 3-week-old requires anatomic reduction and restoration of the
fractures and the extended dissection needed. alignment of the distal tibial articular surface, success
Koulouvaris and coworkers9 retrospectively com- or failure is often related more closely to the manage-
pared ExFix with staged ORIF. The study population ment of the vulnerable soft-tissue envelope around the
included 36 AO type C and 19 AO type B tibial plafond fracture and the avoidance of wound complications.
fractures. Of these fractures, 24 were open and 31 The natural history of the soft tissues overlying the
closed. Three surgical protocols were used. In 20 pa- distal tibia and ankle is that they are subject to swell-
tients, group A, a half-pin ExFix with ankle spanning ing and blistering in the first few hours to days after
was used for fixation. In 22 patients, group B, a non- injury, before gradually recovering some elasticity
spanning ring hybrid ExFix was used. In 13 patients, over a period of around 10 to 14 days. It is recognized
group C, a two-staged ORIF was performed. Group A that there is an early period after injury where the skin
had union in 6.9 months, group B in 5.6 months, and is pliant and is able to withstand open fracture surgery.
group C in 5.1 months (P ! 0.009). Six (group A), two However, this period is poorly quantified: Published
(group B), and one (group C) patient had limitation of graphs and guidelines continue to be based on anec-
ankle motion (P ! 0.47). One patient from group C dotal experience, and there remains considerable dis-
acquired an infection, and the plate was removed. agreement as to whether a “safe period” exists. Then
Four (group A), one (group B), and one (group C) pa- there is a subsequent period of localized edema where
What Is the Best Treatment for Pilon Fractures? 429

the soft tissues are widely considered to be under too Patients treated with ExFix with or without limited
great a degree of tension, with compromised tissue internal fixation reported and demonstrated signifi-
perfusion, to allow predictable and safe wound closure cantly poorer results for three of the five primary
and healing. Historically, the enthusiasm for open sur- outcomes—walking ability, range-of-motion impair-
gical treatment that followed Ruedi and Allgower’s3 ment, and pain—than did patients treated with ORIF.
seminal article in 1969 was tempered by subsequent In addition to providing evidence about functional
reports of disconcerting rates of wound slough, infec- outcome, this study also provides strong support for
tion, and osteomyelitis in other centers. Currently, a the superiority of ORIF over ankle-spanning ExFix
widespread preference exists for staged treatment techniques.
whereby after temporary external fixation, definitive More long-term studies related to fracture pattern of
surgery is delayed until the end of the period of swell- pilon fractures, which underwent ORIF, highlight the
ing. Several authorities and standard texts6 advise fact that post-traumatic arthritis is a progressive dis-
against surgery in the “early” period. ease. Chen and coworkers12 studied 128 patients with a
Many studies outline the ability to treat pilon frac- mean follow-up period of 10 years (range, 6–15 years).
tures with varying external skeletal fixation strate- All fractures were treated by ORIF; however, Ruedi and
gies with or without limited internal fixation. Com- Allgower type II and III injuries underwent delayed sur-
parative evidence, however, is lacking. gery after 1 to 2 weeks of traction. At 2 years, the post-
traumatic osteoarthritis rate was 5.1%, 9.7%, and 29.6%
in types I, II, and III, respectively. There was progression
FUNCTIONAL OUTCOME RESULTS of post-traumatic arthritis only in types II and III
to 22.6% and 55.6%, respectively, at final follow-up
The immediate management of pilon fractures is not (mean, 10 years). The average duration between initial
the only area of concern for the patient. The long- injury and the development of severe arthritis was 6.7
term function and outcome after such injuries needs years. Functional outcome was worse in patients with
to be evaluated to give advice and counseling to pa- high-energy injuries. This study has important implica-
tients (Table 66–3). tions with regard to resources planning of subsequent
Although there is good documentation of the com- patient follow-up, counseling, and possible salvage
plications associated with pilon fractures, functional procedures.
outcome studies using well-validated assessment
tools are scarce in the literature. Ruedi and Allgower’s3
pivotal work with impressive outcomes has not been Area of Uncertainty: Timing, Surgical Approach,
universally repeated in the current literature. and Plate Design
Pollak and colleagues11 have shown that midterm
outcome results after pilon fractures are not good. The techniques used in the treatment of pilon frac-
Their Level II evidence, retrospective, observational tures often depend on the surgeon’s preference and
study of 103 patients, with a mean duration of follow- the associated soft-tissue trauma. When faced with a
up of 3.2 years, showed of those used at time of in- complex pilon fracture and considerable tissue
jury, only 57% returned to work. Approximately one trauma, the most widely accepted treatment option
third of patients reported notable difficulty with an- is to apply a spanning external fixator (with or with-
kle stiffness (35%), swelling (29%), or pain (33%). out limited internal of the joint surface) and wait
Thirteen percent reported that they usually used a until the swelling abates before proceeding to defini-
walking aid. This was reflected in the Sickness Im- tive ORIF. However, intra-articular reduction in the
pact Profile ambulation scores, whereby up to 50% of presence of early callus and soft tissues with reduced
patients were unable to ascend and descend stairs elasticity further compromise an already challenging
reciprocally or run on the spot for 30 seconds. operation. Therefore, do we compromise articular

TABLE 66–3. Outcomes


Chen et al.2 II Retrospective 128 Adequacy of 10 yr (6–15 yr) Average time to post-traumatic
reduction, clinical OA: 6.7 yr; post-traumatic
rating of Teeny OA progressive disease and
and Wiss13 requires long-term follow-up
Pollak et al.6 II Retrospective 103 SF-36, Sickness 3.2 yr (2–5 yr) Midterm pilon results not
observational Impact Profile, good; only 57% returned to
ROM impairment, work; poorer results with
pain on VAS, stair ExFix

ExFix, external skeletal fixation; ORIF, open reduction and internal fixation; ROM, range of motion; SF-36, 36-Item Short Form Health Survey; VAS, visual
analogue pain scale.
430 Trauma Topics

reduction for soft-tissue preservation? And does this

Definitive management with ORIF is preferred to
have a bearing on functional outcome? Insufficient
either spanning or nonspanning external fixation.
evidence has been presented to make a recommen-
Malunion and poorer functional outcome appear
dation about the timing of definitive ORIF, but most
to be the main drawback to ExFix (Level IV).
current studies advise delay until soft-tissue swelling
Timing of surgical intervention is somewhat
subsides (7–14 days) by using the staged protocol.
controversial. Low-energy injuries with little soft-
It is generally agreed that surgical approaches
tissue damage likely can be managed with early
used for ORIF should be designed to preserve the
(within 24 hours) definitive ORIF as long as it is
blood supply to bone to allow for rapid fracture heal-
done by an experienced orthopedic trauma sur-
ing. Elevation of large soft-tissue flaps is also thought
geon and a well-prepared team. If there is a
to be associated with a risk for wound breakdown
question about the soft-tissue envelope, most
and subsequent infection. Minimally invasive surgi-
surgeons advocate a staged procedure with ORIF
cal approaches with submuscular or subcutaneous
of the fibula, limited ORIF of the articular surface,
plate placement and percutaneous screw placement
and external skeletal fixation of the tibia as the
have become popular. Ancillary equipment including
initial procedure. Definitive ORIF of the tibia is
radiolucent tables, image intensifiers, and distrac-
delayed until the soft-tissue swelling has sub-
tors for reduction and temporary fixation are neces-
sided (7–14 days). No prospective comparative
sary for these techniques. No published evidence
study of early versus delayed ORIF for tibial pilon
has documented the superiority of these techniques
fractures has been published.
for pilon fractures.
Surgical approaches should be selected that
New implants for ORIF have been utilized recently
will allow adequate exposure for fracture reduc-
including low-profile plates and screws and locking
tion whereas minimizing further injury to the soft
plate designs. Despite theoretical advantages, no
tissue. Indirect reduction and minimally invasive
published evidence exists that precontoured low-
fixation techniques are frequently used (Level V).
profile plates or locking plate systems are associated
Precontoured, low-profile plates seem to be ad-
with fewer complications or better outcomes than
vantageous because of the soft-tissue envelope
traditional implants for the treatment of tibial pilon
around the distal tibia. Locking plate technology
is usually not necessary as long as both the tibia
and the fibula are fixed (Level V).
In conclusion, the best treatment for tibial pi-
Guidelines lon fractures is anatomic reduction and stable fix-
ation, whereas respecting the biology of the
No guidelines have been published about the assess-
soft-tissue envelope and allowing early functional
ment of treatment of tibial pilon fractures.
rehabilitation. Unfortunately, the literature does
not contain good evidence-based studies to
support overall superiority of one treatment
RECOMMENDATIONS method. Controversy will continue to exist about
the optimum timing and surgical techniques, but
Tibial pilon fractures frequently occur as a result the staged protocol for delayed ORIF has the
of a high-energy mechanism of injury and can be most widespread support at this time. Table 66–4
associated with significant soft-tissue injury and provides a summary of recommendations for the
a complex fracture pattern. Early surgical compli- management of tibial pilon fractures.
cations will occur if the patient is not carefully
assessed and treated with appropriate surgical
strategies. In general, the articular segment
TABLE 66–4. Recommendations for the Management of Tibial
requires anatomic reduction and absolutely
Pilon Fractures
stable fixation, whereas the nonarticular segment
requires anatomic realignment of the limb and LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/
adequate stabilization. The surgeon must con- GRADE OF
sider the soft-tissue envelope and treat it care-
fully to allow fracture healing and to minimize the 1. Preoperative computed tomographic B
risk for infection. A variety of surgical techniques scanning is an important aspect of
has been used to manage these complex injuries. patient assessment.
The literature around this topic does not provide 2. Patients should be advised that poor B
functional outcome may occur and is
strong evidence about management. more common in high-energy injuries.
We recommend that the patient be thoroughly 3. Displaced tibial pilon fractures C
assessed with clinical and radiographic evalua- should receive definitive surgical
tion including CT. The soft tissues are best management with open reduction
assessed with clinical examination, whereas the and internal fixation.
4. Timing: tibial pilon fractures require I
bony injury requires plane radiographs and CT. a staged protocol with delayed defin-
The CT information is generally better obtained itive fixation if open reduction and
after fracture reduction. internal fixation is to be utilized.
What Is the Best Treatment for Pilon Fractures? 431

REFERENCES complex pilon fractures. J Orthop Trauma 18(8 suppl):

S32–S28, 2004.
1. Tornetta P 3rd, Gorup J: Axial computed tomography of pilon 8. Patterson MJ, Cole JD: Two-staged delayed open reduction
fractures. Clin Orthop Relat Res (323):273–276, 1996. and internal fixation of severe pilon fractures. J Orthop
2. Topliss CJ, Jackson M, Atkins RM: Anatomy of pilon fractures Trauma, 13(2): 85–91, 1999.
of the distal tibia. J Bone Joint Surg Br 87:692–697, 2005. 9. Koulouvaris P, Stafylas K, Mitsionis G, et al: Long-term
3. Ruedi TP, Allgower M: The operative treatment of intra- results of various therapy concepts in severe pilon fractures.
articular fractures of the lower end of the tibia. Clin Orthop Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 2007. (Epub ahead of print)
Relat Res (138):105–110, 1979. 10. Harris AM, Patterson BM, Sontich JK, Vallier HA: Results
4. Blauth M, Bastian L, Krettek C, et al: Surgical options for the and outcomes after operative treatment of high-energy tibial
treatment of severe tibial pilon fractures: a study of three plafond fractures. Foot Ankle Int 27:256–265, 2006.
techniques. J Orthop Trauma 15:153–160, 2001. 11. Pollak AN, McCarthy ML, Bess RS, et al: Outcomes after
5. Pugh KJ, Wolinsky PR, McAndrew MP, Johnson KD: Tibial treatment of high-energy tibial plafond fractures. J Bone
pilon fractures: A comparison of treatment methods. Joint Surg Am, 85-A(10):1893–1900, 2003.
J Trauma 47:937–941, 1999. 12. Chen SH, Wu PH, Lee YS: Long-term results of pilon fractures.
6. Wyrsch B, McFerran MA, McAndrew M, et al: Operative Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 127:55–60, 2007.
treatment of fractures of the tibial plafond. A randomized, 13. Teeny SM, Wiss DA: Open reduction and internal fixation of
prospective study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 78:1646–1657, 1996. tibial plafond fractures. Variables contributing to poor results
7. Sirkin M, Sanders R, DiPasquale T, Herscovici D Jr: A staged and complications. Clin Orthop Relat Res (292):108–117,
protocol for soft tissue management in the treatment of 1993.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

67 for Plantar Fasciitis?


Plantar fasciitis is a painful heel syndrome of unclear found a greater improvement in pain symptoms with
cause. Chronic or acute injury to the origin of the the plantar fascia–specific stretching after 8 weeks
plantar fascia at the medial tubercle of the calcaneus (Level of Evidence II).15 Long-term follow-up at 2
is thought to produce a cycle of microtrauma and years was incomplete but suggested no difference
degenerative changes. Plantar fasciitis affects both between Achilles tendon stretching and the plantar
active and sedentary adults with studies reporting fascia–specific groups, although both groups showed
that up to 10% of runners and a similar proportion of improvement (Level of Evidence III).16
the general population are affected.1–4 A significant
occurrence also is reported in military personnel and
professional athletes.5,6 Increased body mass index, Taping
extended time standing, and limited ankle dorsiflex-
ion are risk factors predisposing to plantar fasciitis.7 Taping techniques are intended to alter the position
The high prevalence, substantial pain, and decreased and alignment of the calcaneus, and to support the
tolerance for activity result in large numbers of pa- longitudinal arch. The effectiveness of calcaneal tap-
tients seeking treatment. The cumulative number of ing was compared with stretching, no treatment, and
office visits in the United States is estimated to be sham taping in one small study. Taping produced
nearly 1 million visits each year.1 greater improvement in reported pain on a visual
analog scale (VAS) than sham taping, controls with
no treatment, or stretching (Level II).14 A larger study
TREATMENT with 92 participants that examined taping with ultra-
sound compared with sham ultrasound reported a
Plantar fasciitis tends to improve in most cases re- small improvement with taping in first step pain, one
gardless of the treatment selected.8–11 As a result, of four measured parameters (Level I).17 Sensitivity
conservative management is effective for nearly 90% or allergy to tape may cause skin irritation.18
of patients.12,13 The conservative treatments used in
management of plantar fasciitis vary widely and are
dependent on physician specialty.1 Common treat- Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
ments include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), stretching, insoles, taping, physical ther- NSAIDs are used extensively in the management of
apy, and night splints. If these simple and noninvasive acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain. The mecha-
modalities prove ineffective, additional treatment op- nisms for the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of
tions include iontophoresis, injections, extracorpo- these drugs are well documented in an extensive body
real shock wave therapy (ESWT), and surgical treat- of basic science and clinical research. Despite this, lim-
ment. This chapter reviews the various treatment ited evidence exists to support the efficacy of NSAIDs
methods for plantar fasciitis, and the effectiveness in shortening the course or decreasing the symptoms
and safety of these treatments as supported by the of plantar fasciitis. One small trial found a nonstatisti-
best available evidence. cally significant decrease in pain and disability with
NSAID treatment of plantar fasciitis (Level II).19 Other
studies have quantified NSAID use as a measure of im-
Stretching provement with other therapies.20 The use of NSAIDs is
associated with known adverse effects, which have
Stretching protocols for the treatment of plantar fas- been reported extensively in the medical literature.
ciitis include stretching the Achilles tendon with or
without stretching of the plantar fascia. Limited evi-
dence is available from controlled trials to establish Orthoses
the effectiveness of stretching.14 Prospective studies
comparing a plantar fascia–specific stretching proto- The use of orthoses is intended to change loading
col before the first morning steps and Achilles ten- characteristics of the plantar aponeurosis. Studies
don stretching for treating chronic plantar fasciitis using cadaveric limbs suggest that support of the

436 Foot and Ankle Topics

medial longitudinal arch can decrease strain of the compared iontophoresis with taping and 0.4% dexa-
plantar aponeurosis.21 Several randomized, con- methasone, 5% acetic acid, or 0.9% NaCl placebo. The
trolled trials have examined the use of insoles in graphical data presented in the study indicate no
management of plantar fasciitis. A recent study com- statistically significant improvement with dexametha-
paring custom insoles, sham insoles, and prefabri- sone treatment in six measured outcomes at 4 weeks
cated insoles found minor improvement in symp- and less relief of pain symptoms compared with the
toms 3 months after treatment with prefabricated or control group at 2 weeks of treatment. In the group
custom insoles compared with sham (Level I).22 Pre- treated with acetic acid, there was a significant im-
fabricated insoles have been found to be as effective provement in morning stiffness at 4 weeks with no
as custom insoles at a reduced total cost.22–24 Insoles reported statistically significant difference in three
may be equally effective and offer improved patient measures of pain at 4 weeks and no significant im-
compliance compared with night splints.24,25 A ran- provement compared with placebo in all six parame-
domized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study ters at 2 weeks (Level I).18
conducted with 101 patients compared magnetic in-
soles with sham magnetic insoles and found no sta-
tistically significant improvement in pain symptoms Steroid Injection
after 8 weeks of treatment (Level II).26
Previously published reviews have found limited evi-
dence to support the use of steroid injections in the
Night Splints treatment of plantar fasciitis.3,8 Steroid injection with
and without nerve block was compared with placebo
Tension night splints stretch the plantar fascia over in a double-blind, randomized, control trial with 91
several hours while the patient sleeps by maintaining participants (Level I).32 The study found a statisti-
a constant ankle dorsiflexion. A trial comparing night cally significant benefit at 1 month with steroid injec-
splints with conservative treatment with conservative tion but not at 3 and 6 months. In addition, it was
treatment alone found no significant difference in reported that tibial nerve block was not effective at
symptoms (Level I).27 Roos and coworkers28 com- relieving pain associated with steroid injection. A
pared insoles with night splints and found no signifi- prospective study with 132 patients comparing ste-
cant difference in pain reduction and improved com- roid injection with ESWT or placebo found a statisti-
pliance with insoles (Level II). 28 Three studies reported cally significant improvement in pain symptoms for
that patients find night splint treatment uncomfort- the group receiving steroid injection over ESWT or
able and difficult to maintain, resulting in decreased placebo (Level II).33 The participants in this study
compliance.24,28,29 A systematic review found that the reported VAS pain scores that were significantly
evidence for the effectiveness of night splints is incon- lower than for the control and ESWT groups at 3 and
clusive (Level II).3 12 months. Potential adverse side effects of steroid
injection include fat pad atrophy and plantar fascia
Limited evidence has been reported for the effective- Botulinum Toxin Type A Injection
ness of casting in treatment of plantar fasciitis. One
case series of 32 patients reported improvement in Botulinum toxin is used in the treatment of a variety
pain symptoms after 6 months after treatment with of pain syndromes, and its use in treatment of plan-
casting (Level IV).30 A fiberglass walking cast was tar fasciitis has been reported. A single randomized,
used in the study. placebo-controlled, double-blind study conducted
with 27 patients and 43 treated feet found statisti-
cally significant improvement in pain symptoms 3
Iontophoresis and 8 weeks after treatment (Level I).34 Additional
studies of the use of botulinum toxin in the treatment
Iontophoresis uses an electrical potential generated by of plantar fasciitis are necessary to further define
bipolar electrodes to transfer charged ions and ioniz- safety and efficacy.
able materials including some medications through
the skin to provide anti-inflammatory or analgesic
treatment.31 Conflicting results have been published Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
for the effectiveness of dexamethasone iontophoresis.
In a double-blind study with 39 subjects comparing ESWT utilizes application of mechanical waves similar
iontophoresis using dexamethasone with a placebo, to those used in lithotripsy but of lower energy den-
significant improvement on the Maryland foot score sity, usually less then 0.36 mJ/mm2 per pulse. Therapy
was reported at the end of the 2-week treatment period consists of 500 to 6000 pulses delivered at 2 to 4 Hz to
(3.80; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.76–6.84) but not treat plantar foot pain. The mechanism by which
after 1 month (0.30; 95% CI, !2.16 to 6.76) (Level I).31 ESWT provides benefit is investigational. Current the-
A second randomized, controlled trial with 31 subjects ories include stimulation of healing after increased
What Is the Best Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis? 437

release of growth factors and neovascularization in ing,42,44,46 likely do not pose serious health risks. How-
the environment of local tissue injury35,36 or alteration ever, clear evidence supporting the use of ESWT treat-
in the chemical function of small axons producing an- ment in the treatment of plantar fasciitis has not been
algesic effects.37,38 The possibility of a noninvasive reported.
treatment for chronic plantar fasciitis has generated
significant interest, and several studies investigating
the effectiveness of this technique have been pub- Surgery
lished. Many of these trials are not of sufficient quality
to provide a reliable assessment of the effectiveness No randomized, controlled trials compare patients
of ESWT.3,8,39,40 The studies investigating ESWT have undergoing surgical treatments with a control popula-
been in many cases sponsored by the equipment tion. Surgical treatment is considered for the approxi-
manufacturers, and the randomized control trials mately 10% of patients who do not respond to conser-
have produced conflicting results. Good quality, ran- vative treatment. Surgical treatment options include
domized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical tri- percutaneous plantar fasciotomy, endoscopic plantar
als have found no significant benefit to ESWT,41–43 fasciotomy, or open fasciotomy.48,49 Cryosurgery is
whereas other randomized, controlled trials44–47 have another proposed treatment that was reported in one
found ESWT to be beneficial. The reasons for the dis- case series to result in improvement of symptoms.50
crepancy in reported results are unclear. A lack of Complications of surgical treatments include forefoot
uniformity of therapy exists from study to study, with stress fracture, calcaneal fracture, medial or lateral
differing methods for assessment of therapy, and in column pain, nerve injury, infection, and instabil-
some studies, significant problems with study design ity.51,52 For surgical treatments, published case series
have been reported.3,40 Differences also exist in the report that between 75% and 95% of patients re-
definition of the terms high energy and low energy, as sponded with improvement in measured symptoms
well as in the amount of energy used in various stud- after surgical treatment, with up to 27% having resid-
ies. No controlled trials adequately define and identify ual pain symptoms and 20% reporting activity restric-
indications for high- or low-energy protocols for ESWT. tion. 8,49,53–56 Increasing body mass index is a risk factor
In addition, differences in criteria for patient inclusion for poorer response to surgical treatment.57 A study
in the studies make it difficult to compare the trials comparing plantar fascia release of 25%, 50%, or 66%
directly. Table 67–1 summarizes double-blind, ran- of the insertion by open or endoscopic procedures
domized studies comparing ESWT with placebo. The reports that increasing lateral column pain symptoms
reported adverse reactions, including skin redness, occurred with increased percentage of plantar fascia
bruising, pain, numbness, tingling, and local swell- release.51 Limited evidence is available to suggest

TABLE 67–1. Summary of Randomized, Controlled Trials of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Intervention

Buchbinder 166 "6 wks "2000 #4 Hz 0.02–0.33 1406 $ 3 No benefit Manufacturer-supported

(2004)11 study
Variable treatment dose
Haake et al. 272 "6 mo 4000 0.08 320 $ 3 No benefit Government-supported
(2003)42 study
Ogden et al. 260 "6 mo 100 2 Hz 0.12–0.22 "308 $ 1 Effective Manufacturer-supported
(2001)44 1400 0.22 study
Intention-to-treat analy-
sis not used
Unclear randomization
Results in the original
disclosed to FDA
where not significant
Rompe 45 "12 mo 2100 4 Hz 0.16 336 $ 3 Effective Population: running
et al. athletes
Speed et al. 88 "3 mo 1500 0.12 180 $ 3 No benefit Study supported by
(2003)43 charity
Theodore 150 "6 mo 3800 0.36 1300 $1 Effective Manufacturer-supported
et al. study
Kudo 114 "6 mo 3800 0.36 1300 $ 1 Some Manufacturer-supported
(2006)66 benefit study; one parameter
was statistically
Malay et al. 172 "6 mo 3800 2.5 Hz Effective Manufacturer-supported
(2006)46 study
438 Foot and Ankle Topics

when surgical treatment should be recommended or plantar fascia. After careful cannula placement, the
to guide the choice of surgical treatment. plantar fascia is identified and the medial third is re-
Open Fasciotomy. Medial fasciotomy can be performed leased with a hook knife. Patients can be fully weight
with local or general anesthesia. The plantar fascia bearing after the procedure with moderate activity.
is approached through an incision beginning medi- Prospective studies of endoscopic release of the plan-
ally and extending to the plantar aspect of the foot tar fascia have reported relief of symptoms in up to
to allow exposure and release of the deep and super- 97% of treated patients (Level II).61 Other studies
ficial fascia of the abductor hallucis brevis muscle. have reported shortened recovery time compared
Further dissection is used to identify and transect with open procedures (Level IV).62 No large-scale tri-
the medial aspect of the central plantar fascial als have directly compared outcomes in patients un-
band.58 For patients with neurologic symptoms re- dergoing open as opposed to endoscopic treatment
sulting from suspected compression of the first for plantar fasciitis.
branch of the lateral plantar nerve, which inner-
vates the abductor digiti quinti (Baxter’s nerve),
fasciotomy is accompanied by decompression of the Other Treatments
nerve through release of the deep fascia of the ab-
ductor hallucis.59 Other authors advocate proximal The application of topical wheat-grass cream has
release of the tarsal tunnel when neurologic symp- been proposed in treatment of plantar fasciitis. A ran-
toms suggest that refractory heel pain is associated domized, placebo-controlled double-blind study con-
with both plantar fasciitis and tarsal tunnel syn- ducted with 80 patients found no statistically signifi-
drome.60 No controlled trials adequately compare cant improvement resulting from treatment at 6 and
isolated plantar fasciotomy with techniques that in- 12 weeks. Primary outcome measures were a VAS for
corporate release of Baxter’s nerve or the tarsal tun- first-step pain in the morning and the Foot Health
nel. The open technique also allows for the removal Status Questionnaire.63 No further studies on this
of a prominent plantar heel spur when present. No treatment have been reported.
controlled trials have determined whether removal Irradiation of skin or soft tissue with low-power
of a spur improves outcomes when compared with lasers has been proposed as an agent for pain man-
soft-tissue release only. agement in plantar fasciitis.64 A single randomized,
Endoscopic Fasciotomy. Endoscopic fasciotomy may be placebo-controlled, double-blind study conducted
conducted with regional nerve blocks for anesthesia. with 32 patients found no statistically significant
One or two ports have been used with ideal port improvement in 6 measured parameters during a
placement being 1 to 2 mm distal to the medial calca- series of treatments or 1 month after therapy. Ad-
neal tubercle at the level of the inferior aspect of the verse reactions were minimal (Level I).65

Limited evidence supports the recommendation improved with time.3,8,11 Conservative treatment is
of any one therapy in the treatment of plantar effective for nearly 90% of patients.12,13 No
fasciitis.40 As a result, the use of less costly and evidence supports the use of rest and ice, and
less invasive treatment modalities such as limited evidence supports NSAID use in the treat-
stretching, taping, NSAIDs, orthoses, and night ment of plantar fasciitis. These treatments are ef-
splints remain first-line therapies for plantar fective general measures used in conservative
fasciitis. The failure of these conservative modali- management of many musculoskeletal complaints
ties may lead to the need for more costly or inva- and may be considered for adjunctive therapy for
sive treatments including casting, iontophoresis, treatment of plantar fasciitis in absence of contra-
injection, ESWT, or open or endoscopic plantar indications. Prefabricated insoles, plantar
fasciotomy. fascia–specific stretching, and taping techniques
Studies for several of these treatments have should be considered as part of conservative
produced conflicting results. Recommendations treatment for short-term improvement in
with grade of evidence for specific treatments symptoms, but evidence for their efficacy is also
and references are summarized in Table 67–2. limited.
Problems with study design have been recognized The optimal period of conservative treatment
for several published trials and include descrip- before considering more invasive treatments has not
tion of randomization procedures, concealment of been determined. Most studies examined the effec-
allocation, use of intention-to-treat analysis, absent tiveness of conservative treatments at 3 months, 6
or ineffective blinding, and duplicate publication months, or 1 year. When symptoms persist despite
of previously published results.2,3 conservative treatment, steroid injections may be
Plantar fasciitis tends to improve spontaneously, considered for short-term relief of symptoms but are
and in most of the comparative studies of treat- associated with plantar fascia rupture and fat pad
ment for plantar fasciitis, it was found that both atrophy. Botulinum toxin injection and acetic
the treatment groups and the control groups acid iontophoresis may be considered, but the
What Is the Best Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis? 439

effectiveness of each is supported by only a single, management may consider surgical treatment with
small randomized trial. Casting and cryosurgery are endoscopic or open release of 50% or less of the
additional proposed therapies, but evidence is plantar fascia. Reported complications of surgery
lacking to establish effectiveness of these treat- include persistent pain, fracture, nerve injury,
ments. Available evidence does not provide infection, and instability. No randomized controlled
convincing support for the effectiveness of night trials compare surgical treatment with a control
splints, steroid iontophoresis, ESWT, magnetic in- population, but there have been several reports of
soles, laser therapy, or topical application of wheat series of patients achieving satisfactory results with
grass. Patient who do not respond to nonoperative either open or endoscopic plantar fasciotomy.

TABLE 67–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. Plantar fascia stretching exercises should be used for conservative management of B 14, 15
plantar fasciitis.
2. Taping techniques improve pain symptoms and should be considered for conserva- B 14, 17
tive management of plantar fasciitis.
3. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications may shorten the course or decrease the I 19
symptoms of plantar fasciitis.
4. Prefabricated insoles are as effective as custom-made insoles and may decrease costs. B 22–24
5. Prefabricated insoles are as effective as night splints and may improve patient B 14, 28
6. Night splints have not been shown to be effective. I 24, 29, 65
7. Magnetic insoles are not effective. I 26
8. Casting may be considered for symptoms not responding to other treatment I 30
9. Iontophoresis has not been shown to be effective. I 18, 31
10. Steroid injections may shorten the course but have not been shown to change long- B 32, 33
term outcomes for plantar fasciitis.
11. Botulinum toxin A injection may improve symptoms, but limited data are available. I 34
12. Topical wheat-grass treatment is not effective. I 63
13. Laser treatment is not effective. I 64
14. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy has shown conflicting results, and its effective- I 41–46
ness has not been definitively shown.
15. Open or endoscopic fasciotomy may be indicated for patients who do not respond C 49, 51, 53–57
to conservative management.

REFERENCES 11. Buchbinder R: Clinical practice. Plantar fasciitis. N Engl

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Chapter What Is the Best Treatment for

68 Posterior Tibial Tendonitis?


Posterior tibial tendonitis, also known as posterior hindfoot. In a rigid deformity, the goal is to support
tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD), is a well-recognized the position of the foot in situ with a brace that ac-
clinical entity that encompasses a spectrum of dis- commodates the bony deformities. In addition, symp-
ease ranging from inflammation to frank insufficiency tomatic relief can be addressed with the use of nonste-
and rupture of the tendon. Dysfunction of the poste- roidal anti-inflammatory drugs, activity modification,
rior tibial tendon (PTT) has been found to be the and encouraging weight loss.
leading cause of a flatfoot deformity1 and can cause Few studies exist on the nonoperative treatment of
significant impairment of the affected extremity.2 The PTT dysfunction, but it is believed that a well-fitted,
diagnosis of PTT dysfunction is often delayed or custom-molded orthosis can be effective at relieving
missed. Increased awareness and knowledge of the symptoms, and can delay and sometimes prevent
presentation of this disease entity can help improve surgical intervention6 (Level of Evidence V). Chao
rates of diagnosis. The treatment of PTTD is an evolv- and colleagues7 performed a study of 49 patients
ing area with several potential treatment options. Al- with the diagnosis of PTTD treated with either a
though both surgical and nonsurgical options have molded ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) or University of
been investigated, controversy still exists regarding California Biomechanics Laboratory (UCBL) brace
the ideal treatment for PTTD. This chapter aims to with medial posting (Level IV). Nonobese patients
simplify some of the debate surrounding this topic. with flexible deformities and less than 10-degree re-
sidual forefoot varus with the heel in a neutral posi-
tion received the UCBL brace. The remaining patients
STAGING received the molded AFO. In total, 40 feet were
treated with a molded AFO, and 13 were treated with
PTT dysfunction is classically divided into three a UCBL brace. Patients were divided into three groups
clinical stages corresponding to the progression of based on a functional scoring system, and 67% of
the disease and used to guide treatment.3,4 This clas- patients were found to have excellent to good re-
sification system was modified to include a fourth sults. Unfortunately, this study cannot be used to
stage by Myerson.5 Stage I is characterized by mild make a comparison between different disease stages
swelling and medial ankle pain but no deformity because of the nonuniformity of treatment.
when compared with the unaffected side. The pa- Augustin and coworkers6 studied the nonoperative
tient retains the ability to single-leg heel rise. Stage II treatment of various stages of PTTD with an Arizona
is characterized by progressive flattening of the arch, AFO brace, a custom-molded leather and polypropy-
with a flexible valgus heel deformity. In this stage, the lene orthosis (Level IV). Twenty-one patients with
patient is unable to perform single-leg heel rise or PTTD were evaluated just before brace use and after
invert against resistance. Stage III includes the signs a minimum of 3 months of use using questionnaires
of stage II, but the hindfoot deformity is fixed in val- and clinical examination. American Orthopaedic Foot
gus with forefoot abduction. Degenerative changes and Ankle Society (AOFAS) Hindfoot Scores, Foot
of the midfoot and subtalar joint are also present on Function Index scores, and 36-Item Short Form Health
radiographs. Stage IV is characterized by valgus tilt Survey (SF-36) scores all increased significantly ex-
of the talus in the ankle mortise leading to lateral cept for the change in health perception area of the
tibiotalar degeneration. SF-36. Six of six patients with stage I PTTD showed
improvement attributable to the brace. The authors
suggest that the Arizona AFO brace is effective at re-
STAGE I lieving symptoms and either obviating or delaying
Nonoperative Therapy any surgical intervention, especially in earlier stages.
Further studies are needed to determine whether an
Nonoperative therapy (Table 68–1) is an appropriate orthosis can prevent disease progression together
initial intervention in almost all cases of PTTD. The with providing symptomatic relief.
goals of treatment are pain relief and the return of PTT Alvarez and coauthors8 studied the treatment of
function when possible. In a flexible deformity, the aim stage I and II PTTD in 47 patients with a nonoperative
is to control the progressive valgus deformity of the management protocol consisting of physical therapy,

442 Foot and Ankle Topics

TABLE 68–1. Nonoperative Treatment Levels of Evidence longus (FDL) transfer and Achilles lengthening to aug-
ment the PTT.
Chao IV UCBL 33 of 49 (67%) of
et al.7 patients were Nonoperative Treatment
found to have
excellent to Initially, stage II PTTD is treated similarly to stage I, but
good results; there are a few studies for nonoperative treatment of
4 patients
more advanced PTTD. Because the foot is flexible, cor-
surgery rective orthoses are utilized to prevent or correct defor-
Augustin IV Arizona 18 of 20 (90%) mity and control pain.12 Alvarez and coauthors8 showed
et al.6 AFO patients dem- improvement in functional and subjective outcomes in
onstrated a patients with stage II PTTD with physical therapy, an
significant aggressive home exercise program, and an orthosis
improvement (Level IV). If corrective orthoses are unable to correct
of symptoms; the deformity, a medial posted UCBL device, as sug-
1 patient re- gested by Chao and colleagues,7 may be used. Augustin
quired surgery
Alvarez IV Physical 39 of 47 (83%)
and coworkers6 showed that all 12 patients using an
et al.8 therapy, patients had Arizona brace showed pain relief referable to the brace
Home successful and improvement in multiple clinical measurement in-
exercise subjective and struments. If the deformity is severe, an AFO may be
program, functional needed.7 As in stage I, stage II is given a 3- to 6-month
orthosis outcomes; 42
(89%) patients trial before advocating surgical intervention.
were satisfied;
5 patients re-
quired surgery
Operative Treatment
AFO, ankle-foot orthosis; UCBL, University of California Biomechanics
A variety of options exists for the operative treatment
of stage II PTT dysfunction. An FDL transfer is an ac-
cepted option,13 but isolated FDL transfer has failed to
demonstrate long-term durability despite short-term
an aggressive home exercise program, and an orthosis success.14 A bony procedure will oftentimes be neces-
(Level IV). Over a 4-month period, 39 (83%) patients sary to supplement the FDL transfer to improve its
had successful subjective and functional outcomes, longevity. Bony procedures can be divided by position
and 42 (89%) patients were satisfied, with 5 (11%) and include medial osteotomy, lateral column length-
patients requiring surgery. ening, or a combined procedure.

Operative Treatment Medial Osteotomy with Flexor Digitorum Longus

A variety of surgical options exists for patients who do
not respond to a trial of conservative treatment. The A medial calcaneal slide osteotomy and FDL tendon
principal of operative treatment is to perform the transfer is one surgical option that has been shown
least invasive procedure that will decrease pain and to provide acceptable results for stage II disease
improve function.9 For stage I PTTD exploration and (Table 68–3).15 Myerson and researchers16 performed
debridement of the PTT and soft tissue is often a rec- a radiographic analysis of 18 patients 12 to 26 months
ommended option. (Table 68–2). All tenosynovial tis- after such a procedure (Level IV). They found im-
sue should be excised, with debridement of degener- proved radiographic values of the talar-first metatarsal
ated tendon areas and repair of any tears. Crates and angle and the distance from the medial cuneiform to
Richardson10 report on a series of seven patients with the floor, concluding that the procedure may offset the
stage I PTT dysfunction who were treated with de- weakness of isolated FDL transfer. Myerson and re-
bridement after failure of conservative treatment searchers16 also found high patient satisfaction and
(Level IV). Six of the seven patients were pain free at functional improvement in 32 patients treated with
11-month follow-up examination. In Teasdall and John- this procedure for stage II disease at a mean of 20
son’s study,11 14 of 19 patients had complete relief months after surgery (Level IV).5 Guyton and cowork-
of pain after a synovectomy and debridement for ers17 performed a review of 26 patients who underwent
stage I PTTD (Level IV). Sixteen patients had a return the procedure at a mean of 32 months follow-up (Level
of function of the PTT as evidenced by the ability to IV). All patients except three were able to perform a
perform a single-limb heel-rise test. Significant pathol- single-leg toe raise, which none could perform before
ogy within the substance of the tendon may require surgery. Pain relief was rated as excellent by 75% of
aggressive resection followed by flexor digitorum patients. Patients felt a prolonged period of steady
What Is the Best Treatment for Posterior Tibial Tendonitis? 443

TABLE 68–2. Debridement Levels of Evidence


Crates and IV Debridement 6 of 7 patients with type I pain

Richardson10 free at 11 months
Teasdall and IV Debridement 14 of 19 patients with type I
Johnson11 had complete relief of pain

TABLE 68–3. Medial Osteotomy


Myerson et al.16 IV Medial calcaneal slide osteotomy Patients showed improvement in multiple
with FDL tendon transfer radiographic values after surgery
Myerson and IV Medial calcaneal slide osteotomy 30 of 32 (94%) of patients were satisfied
Corrigan5 with FDL tendon transfer with the outcome of surgery, had
improved function, and exhibited
radiographic correction of the foot
Guyton et al.17 IV Medial displacement calcaneal 23 of 26 (88%) patients could perform
osteotomy with FDL tendon single-leg toe raise at follow-up and felt
transfer function was markedly improved; 75%
of patients reported excellent pain
Rosenfeld et al.18 II Medial displacement calcaneal No difference in clinical outcome based
osteotomy with FDL tendon on excision or retention of PTT
transfer either retaining or ex-
cising the PTT
Sammarco and IV Medial displacement calcaneal No statistically significant improvement
Hockenbury20 osteotomy with FHL tendon of the medial longitudinal arch but high
transfer patient satisfaction rate

FDL, flexor digitorum longus; FHL, flexor hallucal longus; PTT, posterior tibial tendon.

improvement in symptoms and function over time. Medial Osteotomy with Flexor
Radiographic improvement in the alignment of the foot Hallucal Longus Transfer
was noted but did not correlate to self-reported im-
provement in appearance. These early clinical studies Commonly, the FDL tendon has been used in tendon
suggest that FDL transfer and medial displacement transfer for PTT dysfunction, but this choice has been
calcaneal osteotomy provide good functional outcome questioned. The FDL is only 28% of the relative strength
and symptomatic relief. of PTT and only 69% of the strength of the antagonistic
The decision to remove or retain the PTT when per- peroneal brevis (PB). The flexor hallucis longus (FHL)
forming a FDL tendon transfer and medial displacement has 50% of the relative strength of the PTT and exceeds
calcaneal osteotomy has been examined. Rosenfeld the strength of the PB.19 Sammarco and Hockenbury20
and investigators18 performed a prospective study ran- hypothesize that using a stronger muscle would lead to
domizing 12 patients into 2 groups depending on exci- a greater arch correction (Level IV). They retrospec-
sion or retention of the PTT, and assessed muscle vol- tively analyzed a series of 19 patients undergoing an
ume and AOFAS scores at 1-year follow-up (Level II). FHL tendon transfer and medial calcaneal osteotomy
Though the intact tendon group lost posterior tibial for stage 2 PTTD. The clinical outcomes using this tech-
muscle volume, all of the posterior tibial muscles in nique were comparable with those observed in a series
the excised tendon group were replaced by fatty infil- of FDL tendon transfer and calcaneal osteotomy, and
tration. The FDL muscle hypertrophied to a greater no improvement was shown in radiographic appear-
extent in the excised tendon group, but there was no ance of the medial longitudinal arch. Despite the new
difference in AOFAS scores between the two groups interest in FHL transfer procedures, short-term results
after surgery. The authors conclude that the FDL un- have failed to reveal superiority of the FHL to FDL
dergoes greater hypertrophy and the posterior tibia transfer with calcaneal osteotomy. In addition, the FHL
undergoes fatty infiltration with excision of the PTT, tendon requires a more complicated dissection, which
but this does not affect clinical outcome. places the neurovascular bundle under greater risk.
444 Foot and Ankle Topics

Lateral Osteotomy both groups were satisfied, and 96% stated they would
have the same surgery again. Of note was a high rate
Another option for stage II dysfunction is lateral col- of complications for both groups, specifically the rate
umn lengthening in conjunction with a tendon trans- of nonunion or delayed union in the CC distraction
fer (Table 68–4). The lengthening can be performed arthrodesis group. The authors conclude that both
using an osteotomy of the neck of the calcaneus and procedures offered marked improvement in radio-
interposing bone graft or through the calcaneocuboid graphic parameters and AOFAS score, but both were
(CC) joint itself. A version of the procedure by Evans also associated with a high rate of complications.
recommends the osteotomy be done 1.5 cm proximal Particular concern regarding arthritis of the CC
to the CC joint. Sangeorzan and researchers21 studied joint with Evans-type procedure has led several au-
the effect of Evans-type calcaneal lengthening on rela- thors to recommended abandoning the procedure.
tions among the hindfoot, midfoot, and forefoot in The literature, however, is conflicting. A cadaver study
seven patients who underwent the procedure for demonstrated increased CC joint pressures after an
symptomatic pes planus (Level IV). The authors note Evans osteotomy with wedge graft.24 In a study from
an improvement in the flatfoot deformity. Kitaoka and 1983, Phillips and coauthors25 report degenerative
investigators22 performed a study using a dynamic changes in CC joint in 6 of the 23 feet (Level IV). A
flatfoot deformity model of nine fresh-frozen foot more recent study by Hintermann and coworkers26
specimens to investigate their mechanical behavior reviewed 19 patients who underwent lateral column
after CC distraction arthrodesis. Three-dimensional lengthening by calcaneal osteotomy in conjunction
tarsal bone positions were determined using a mag- with medial soft-tissue procedures (Level IV). At an
netic tracking system. Arch alignment in simulated average follow-up of 23 months, 2 patients had radio-
toe-off phase of gait was found to be improved sig- graphic signs of CC degeneration, and all 19 patients
nificantly but was not reduced anatomically. had satisfactory restoration of the medial arch height.
No consensus has been reached on the ideal method One patient required arthrodesis of the CC joint after
of lateral column lengthening. Thomas and colleagues23 5 months because of painful degenerative joint dis-
analyzed 27 feet treated with lateral column lengthen- ease. In addition, Momberger and coworkers27 exam-
ing for painful pes planus at 1-year follow-up examina- ined the change in pressure across the CC joint after
tion (Level III). Ten feet underwent Evans-type open- an Evans-type calcaneal osteotomy using a cadaveric
wedge osteotomy with tricortical iliac crest graft, and adult flatfoot model. Joint pressures were compared
17 feet underwent CC distraction arthrodesis. Both among the normal foot, the created flatfoot, and the
groups underwent debridement of PTT with FDL corrected flatfoot. Peak pressure across the joint in-
transfer. Radiographic results documented marked creased significantly from the normal to the created
improvement in all parameters, with no statistically flatfoot but did not change significantly from the flat-
significant difference between the two groups. Postop- foot to the corrected flatfoot model. In some cases,
erative AOFAS rating score also did not show a statisti- the peak pressure in the flatfoot decreased with cor-
cally significant difference. Twenty of 25 patients in rection. These findings led the authors to conclude

TABLE 68–4. Lateral Osteotomy


Sangeorzan et al.21 IV Evans-type calcaneal lengthening Improvement in flatfoot deformity mea-

sured using weight-bearing radiographs
Thomas et al.23 III FDL tendon transfer, PTT debride- Improvement in radiographic parame-
ment with either Evans-type ters in both groups; no statistically
calcaneal lengthening or CC significant difference in AOFAS score
distraction arthrodesis between groups; 20 of 25 (80%) total
patients were satisfied; high rates of
complications in both groups
Phillips et al.25 IV Evans-type calcaneal lengthening 6 of 23 (26%) patients had degenerative
changes at CC joint at long-term
follow-up, with the remainder having
good or good results
Hintermann et al.26 IV Evans-type calcaneal lengthening 19 of 19 (100%) of patients had satisfac-
and medial soft-tissue tory restoration of their medial longi-
procedures tudinal arch, reduction of abduction in
the forefoot, and restored height in the
arch; one patient had to undergo ar-
throdesis of the calcaneocuboid joint
after 5 months because of painful de-
generative joint disease

AOFAS, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society; CC, calcaneocuboid; FDL, flexor digitorum longus; PTT, posterior tibial tendon.
What Is the Best Treatment for Posterior Tibial Tendonitis? 445

TABLE 68–5. Combined Medial and Lateral Osteotomies


Pomeroy and Manoli28 IV FDL tendon transfer, lateral column Improved AOFAS score; statistically
lengthening, medial displacement significant correction of the pes
calcaneal osteotomy and heel-cord planovalgus deformity on radio-
lengthening graphic measurements
Moseir-LaClair et al.29 IV FDL tendon transfer, lateral column Improvement in radiographic
lengthening, medial displacement parameters and AOFAS score
calcaneal osteotomy, and heel-cord

AOFAS, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society; FDL, flexor digitorum longus.

that the Evans-type osteotomy does not increase pres- strated an improvement in the anteroposterior talo-first
sure across the CC joint. The literature provides an metatarsal angle, the talonavicular coverage angle, and
inconclusive picture of the superior method and pre- the medial cuneiform distance to the floor. These early
cludes abandonment of the Evans-type osteotomy. results suggest that FDL transfer with medial soft-tissue
reconstruction and subtalar fusion have comparable
results with other extra-articular sparing procedures.
Combined Medial and Lateral Osteotomies The authors suggest that this procedure can be an effec-
tive and reliable alternative procedure in the treatment
A technique of combining medial displacement cal- of stage II PTT dysfunction.
caneal osteotomy, lateral column lengthening, FDL
transfer, and heel cord lengthening has gained inter-
est (Table 68–5). Pomeroy and Manoli28 performed STAGES III AND IV
this procedure in 20 cases of stage II PTT dysfunc- Nonoperative Treatment
tion, and analyzed the patients radiographically and
with the AOFAS scale at an average follow-up of 17.5 In stage III and IV, the foot is rigid, and the goal is to
months (Level IV). The average foot rating improved provide support, reduce pain, and prevent further pro-
from 51.4 to 82.8, and radiographic measurements gression. Augustin and coworkers6 showed that three
demonstrated statistically significant correction of of five patients with stage III PTTD had relief of symp-
the pes planovalgus deformity. Moseir-LaClair and toms referable to the use of an Arizona brace. The foot
researchers29 analyzed the effect of a similar proce- may be braced in situ with a custom-molded orthosis.
dure in 26 patients with 28 stage II feet at a mean Although a solid AFO may sometimes prove useful, of-
follow-up of 5 years (Level IV). The AOFAS score ten an articulated device is better tolerated. In stage IV
was high after surgery, and there was radiographic disease, a solid device is usually required because or-
improvement of the deformity. Four patients (14%) thoses usually provide little control of the deformity.31
demonstrated signs of CC arthrosis, but the authors With the use of braces, particular care must be taken
contend that half of these patients had preexisting to avoid skin ulceration, which can be caused by the
CC joint arthritis. The authors of both studies sug- rigidity of the deformity. Although various conserva-
gest that the double osteotomy technique provides tive modalities have been described, advanced PTTD
symptomatic relief and acceptable correction of is difficult to manage without surgery.31
pes planovalgus deformity associated with stage 2
TABLE 68–6. Subtalar Arthrodesis Levels of Evidence

Another proposed operative procedure for stage II Johnson IV Subtalar arthrode- 17 of 17 (100%)
PTTD consists of subtalar fusion in conjunction with et al.30 sis combined feet had
soft-tissue rebalancing (Table 68–6). Johnson and inves- with spring successful
ligament repair/ fusion; over-
tigators30 performed a retrospective review of 17 feet reefing and all improve-
with stage II PTT dysfunction treated with subtalar ar- flexor digitorum ment in
throdesis combined with spring ligament repair/reefing longus transfer radiographic
and FDL transfer at an average follow-up period of 27 to the navicular parameters
and ques-
months (Level IV). All patients had successful subtalar tionnaire
joint fusion with an average time to radiographic union scores
of 10.1 weeks. Standing radiographic analysis demon-
446 Foot and Ankle Topics

Operative Treatment SUMMARY

The standard treatment for stage III PTTD remains The PTT is a vital component of the lower extremity,
arthrodesis, although there is debate over the extent and its dysfunction can lead to significant deformity
of fusion (Table 68–7). Traditionally, the gold stan- and pain. PTT dysfunction is a clinical diagnosis in
dard for treatment of stage III PTTD has been triple which the physical examination can help differenti-
arthrodesis32,33 (Level V). Multiple studies have shown ate the disease into its various stages, depending on
satisfactory results with this procedure, although the presence and flexibility of deformity. Nearly all
there is the long-term risk for adjacent ankle arthri- cases initially can be managed without surgery, but
tis.34,35 Fortin and Walling36 studied 32 patients who progression of disease or continuing pain will many
underwent triple arthrodesis for advanced PTTD and times necessitate a surgical intervention. A variety of
found that Foot and Ankle Society Hindfoot scores surgical procedures exists for the treatment of PTT
improved an average of 36 points with high patient dysfunction, and often there is no definitive standard
satisfaction (Level IV). Jarde and colleagues35 per- of treatment. Both the conservative and surgical op-
formed a retrospective review of 20 cases of flatfoot tions are evolving areas with ample opportunity for
deformity secondary to PTTD and found good to ex- future research. (Table 68-8).
cellent results in 70%, although follow-up radiographs
showed progression of osteoarthritis (Level IV). The
fusion technique should be meticulous and preceded
with an anatomic reduction because an in situ fusion TABLE 68–8. Summary of Recommendations
carries the risk for future arthrosis at the adjacent
joints.14 Isolated subtalar fusion has been suggested LEVEL OF
as an alternative in selected groups, but data are lim- RECOMMENDATIONS STAGE RECOMMENDATION
ited and it requires further study.37
Stage IV dysfunction is a rare anatomic condition Activity modification, I C
with no specific gold standard. Described treatment anti-inflammatories,
immobilization alone
modalities include tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis or Orthosis C
pan-talar fusion, although few reports with these tech- Surgical exploration C
niques in patients with PTTD have been published.31,38 with soft tissue
Experience with these procedures in other patient debridement
populations, such as arthritic or post-traumatic condi- Medial osteotomy with C
tions, has shown that they are viable salvage proce- FDL/FHL transfer
dures when there is disease involving both the subta- Lateral lengthening with C
lar and tibiotalar compartments.39,40 FDL transfer
Combined procedures C
Subtalar arthrodesis with C
soft-tissue procedures
Custom-molded orthosis III C
TABLE 68–7. Triple Arthrodesis Level of Evidence Triple arthrodesis C
Custom-molded orthosis IV I
LEVEL OF Tibiocalcaneal C

Fortin and IV Triple 32 feet underwent AFO, ankle-foot orthosis; FDL, flexor digitorum longus; FHL, flexor hallucal
Walling36 arthrodesis triple arthrode- longus; UCBL, University of California Biomechanics Laboratory.
sis for advanced
PTTD and were
evaluated at REFERENCES
an average of
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protocol: an orthosis and exercise program. Foot Ankle Int 24. Cooper PS, Nowak MD, Shaer J: Calcaneocuboid joint
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Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

69 for Achilles Tendon Rupture?


Achilles tendon ruptures (Fig. 69–1) are a catastrophic technique and suture material. The variation in su-
event that occurs when forces that are placed on the ture technique and material is not believed to be
Achilles tendon exceed its tensile limits (approxi- clinically significant because the strength of the re-
mately strain !8%).1 This event is likely a result of a pair is equivalent.
preexisting Achilles tendon disease2–4 if the forces are
relatively low. The histopathology of the diseased hu-
man Achilles tendon has been previously described Operative versus Nonoperative Treatment
on the basis of biopsies from the Achilles tendons of
patients with subcutaneous rupture3,5–9 and chronic, In an attempt to gather the best evidence available to
localized Achilles tendon symptoms.6,10,11 These stud- guide treatment recommendations for Achilles ten-
ies suggest that a common pathologic process may don rupture, a literature search was performed using
predispose individuals to rupture.3,6 the search terms “Achilles,” “tendon,” “rupture,”
The most common patient profile for human “treatment,” “operative,” and “nonoperative.” Litera-
Achilles tendon rupture would be that of a man in his ture was then screened for Level I and II evidence
third or fourth decade of life who plays sports occa- comparing operative and nonoperative treatments of
sionally. Men-to-women rupture ratios have been re- Achilles tendon ruptures. The search was narrowed
ported from 2:1 to 12:1.2,4,12 The mean age has been to six studies (Table 69–1).
estimated between the 30s and 40s,13 with the left Three of the studies meet the criteria for Level 1
Achilles rupture more common than the right prob- original evidence articles including randomized, con-
ably reflecting right-side dominance with left leg trol trials (RCT) by Cetti and investigators,16 Moller
pushing off.14 Leppilahti and colleagues13 report on and researchers,21 and Nistor.22 Cetti and investiga-
an increasing incidence of rupture in 1994 in Oulu, tors16 randomized 111 healthy subjects, of which 90%
Finland, to be 18 per 100,000, whereas Suchak and were reported to regularly participate in sports, to
coworkers15 report the incidence to be between 5.5 operative repair (n " 56) or nonoperative treatment
and 9.9 ruptures per 100,000 in North America. Sub- (n " 55) of their ruptured Achilles tendons. This
jects have been participating in sports during rup- study cites a rerupture rate of 5.4% and 14.5% for
ture at rates from 44.4% to 83%,16,17 with 52.3% of operative and nonoperative cohorts, respectively.
ruptures playing badminton. The site of rupture has The deep infection rate was 3.6% and 0% in favor of
been reported to occur in the myotendinous junction the nonoperative cohort. Furthermore, many compli-
in 12.1%, the insertion in 4.6%, and 3.5 cm proximal cations rates were cited to be lower in the nonopera-
to the insertion in 83% of patients.4 tive group, as was the return to sport rate.
The intention of this chapter is to provide the best In the second Level I study, Moller and research-
evidence available for the treatment of Achilles tendon ers21 cite similar results with a rupture rate of 1.7%
ruptures. It is divided into four sections including op- versus 20.8% in the operative and nonoperative co-
erative versus nonoperative treatment, percutaneous horts, respectfully. This study also cites decreased
versus open operative treatment, and postoperative complications with a slower return to work time in
functional rehabilitation. Final treatment recommenda- the patients treated without surgery. The patients in
tions are based on the literature presented combined both cohorts had similar demographic characteris-
with clinical experience of overall patient care needs. tics and were healthy, reporting a high level (70–80%)
of regular participation in sports.
In the third Level I original evidence article, Nistor22
TREATMENT randomized 115 patients of similar health demo-
graphic characteristics to operative repair or nonop-
Level I and II evidence evaluating operative and non- erative treatment of their ruptured Achilles tendon.
operative treatment of Achilles tendon rupture are Results reported included a 3% rerupture rate for
based on healthy patients. The surgical approaches both operative and nonoperative treatments, whereas
of open repair and percutaneous repair are consis- the infection rate was 4.4% and 0% favoring nonopera-
tent. However, the specific surgical technique for tive treatment. The minor complication rate was much
open and percutaneous repairs may vary by suture greater (68.8% vs. 0%) in the nonoperative group.

What Is the Best Treatment for Achilles Tendon Rupture? 449

rate was greater in the nonoperative group (13% vs.

3.1%; n " 448; P " 0.005), but the infection rate was
lower (0% vs. 4.7%; n " 421; P " 0.03). No difference
was cited in the return to function and the spontane-
ous complaints cumulative data.
Finally, Wong and coauthors’25 quantitative review
of the literature pooled data gathered from 125 arti-
cles including 5370 patients. This study identifies no
difference in the rerupture rate between operative
and nonoperative cohorts (1.4% vs. 1.5%) but does
cite an increased wound complication rate in the
operative cohort (14.6% vs. 0.5 %).

Percutaneous versus Open Operative Repair

A literature search was performed using the search
Figure 69–1. Ruptured Achilles tendon. terms “Achilles,” “tendon,” “rupture,” “treatment,” and
“operative,” “open,” “percutaneous,” and “surgery.”
Literature was then screened for Level I and II evidence
The final three studies reviewed included Level I comparing percutaneous and open operative treat-
meta-analysis studies by Bhandari and colleagues23 ments of Achilles tendon ruptures; three studies were
and Khan and coauthors,24 and a Level II quantitative found30–32 (see Table 69–1).
review of the literature by Wong and coauthors.25 The best article currently available is a Level I RCT
The most recent study by Khan combined the results with a patient population of 66 (33 patients in each
of four studies,16,21,22,26 which included 356 patients. of the open and percutaneous cohorts) by Lim and
The cumulative rerupture rate was greater (12.6% vs. coauthors.32 Patients in these cohorts were described
4.6%) in the nonoperative group, but the infection as more sedentary (30% regular participation in
(4.0% vs. 0%) and minor complication rates (33.5% sports) with no information on health status. Results
vs. 2.7%) were lower. cited a lower rerupture rate in patients treated with
In Bhandari and colleagues’23 Level I meta-analysis percutaneous repair versus open repair (6% vs. 2%);
study, six original articles were identified to meet all however, the differences in these results were not
eligibility criteria.16,21,22,27–29 The cumulative rerupture statistically significant. However, a statistically sig-
nificant increase in the infection rate for patients
treated with open repair (21% vs. 0%) was reported.
TABLE 69–1. Summary of the Evidence Available That Should Sural nerve complications, adhesions, and perceived
be Considered When Choosing Treatment Options for a Ruptured functional outcomes were greater in the percutane-
Achilles Tendon ous repair, although again they were not statistically
AUTHOR PUBLISHED EVIDENCE STUDY TYPE The second Level I study by Goren and research-
Operative versus Nonoperative Treatment
ers31 was an RCT comparing isokinetic strength and
range of motion after percutaneous (n " 10) and open
Cetti16 1993 I RCT original article
Moller21 2001 I RCT original article
(n " 10) surgical repair of a ruptured Achilles tendon.
Bhandari23 2002 I Meta-analysis The study cites no difference in health status of the
Khan24 2005 I Meta-analysis two cohorts. Results indicate that isokinetic strength
Nistor22 1981 I RCT original article and range of motion were equal in the two cohorts;
Wong 25
2002 II Quantitative review however, there was an increased incidence of Sural
Percutaneous versus Open Operative Repair nerve injury (40% vs. 0%) in the percutaneous-treated
Lim32 2001 I RCT original article cohort.
Goren31 2005 I RCT original article Cretnik and colleagues’30 Level II, prospective, non-
Cretnik30 2000 II Prospective
nonrandomized randomized study compares 237 patients with an
Postoperative Rehabilitation
Achilles tendon rupture treated with open (n " 105)
versus percutaneous (n " 132) surgical repair. The
Saleh41 1992 I RCT original article
Cetti33 1994 I RCT original article results revealed slight increases in rerupture (3.7% vs.
Mortensen38 1999 I RCT original article 2.8 %) and sural nerve injury (4.5% vs. 2.8%) rates in
Kerkhoffs36 2002 I RCT original article the percutaneous cohorts, but these differences were
Kauranen35 2002 I RCT original article not statistically significant. However, fewer major
Petersen39 2002 I RCT original article
Maffulli37 2003 I RCT original article
(4.5% vs. 12.4%) and total complications (9.7% vs.
Costa34 2003 I RCT original article 21%) were reported in the percutaneous cohort. Func-
Suchak40 2006 I Meta-analysis tional assessment using Foot and Ankle society score
and the Holtz score demonstrated no differences be-
RCT, randomized, controlled trial. tween the two cohorts.
450 Foot and Ankle Topics

Postoperative Rehabilitation In contrast with the studies detailed earlier,

Kauranen and researchers’35 and Petersen and inves-
A literature search was undertaken to compare post- tigators’39 Level I study showed no improvement in
operative rehabilitation methods for treatment out- outcome for patients treated with and with an active
comes of patients with cast immobilization versus brace and CAM walker versus a plaster cast after sur-
“functional rehabilitation” using the search terms gical repair of acute Achilles tendon ruptures.
“Achilles,” “tendon,” “rupture,” “treatment,” “opera- A Level I meta-analysis by Suchak and colleagues40
tive,” “cast,” “immobilization,” “rehabilitation,” “func- included six prospective RCTs33,34,37,38,42,43 that were
tional,” and “postoperative.” Literature was then pooled to include 315 patients treated with surgical
screened for Level I and II evidence, identifying nine repair and postoperative immobilization (n " 156) or
articles33–40 (see Table 69–1). Eight Level 1 original early functional rehabilitation (n " 159). The pooled
articles were RCTs, which were all in favor of early results showed no difference in the rerupture rate in
functional rehabilitation when compared with more the immobilized and functional rehabilitation co-
traditional means of cast immobilization. The ninth horts (3.8% vs. 2.5%, respectively) and no difference
article was a Level I meta-analysis pooling the results in the infection rates (3.8% vs. 3.1%, respectively).
of six of the above articles. However, the functional rehabilitation cohort had
Cetti and colleagues’33 article was the first Level I improved subjective responses (88% vs. 62%) and
article to compare the outcomes of patients using a less complications (e.g., scar adhesions and tran-
mobile cast (n " 30) versus a rigid below-knee cast sient sural nerve deficits) (5.8% vs. 13.5%). The au-
(n " 30). No significant difference in rerupture and thors conclude that early functional rehabilitation
infection rates was found in the two cohorts, but the for postoperative care of Achilles tendon ruptures
mobile cast cohort was reported to have fewer minor treated with surgery improves patient satisfaction
complications, improved functional outcome, less with reduced minor and major complications.
elongation of the tendon, and was more likely to
return to work.
Saleh and investigators41 report results from a Level
I study of functional rehabilitation with a full weight-
bearing brace that holds the foot in 15 degrees of plan- With respect to the choice of operative versus
tar flexion. The authors report a more rapid return of nonoperative care, one must consider patient
ankle dorsiflexion and return to normal activities. factors that are detrimental to healing, infection,
Mortensen and researchers’38 Level I study ran- and a patient’s ability to undergo surgery. If pa-
domized 71 patients with an acute Achilles rupture tients have such factors, then the recommended
to either cast immobilization for 8 weeks or early treatment should be nonoperative care based on
restricted motion of the ankle in a below-the-knee increased complication rates such as infection
brace for 6 weeks. They also found that the increased and wound healing (Levels of Evidence I and II,
motion cohort had improved functional outcome grade A recommendation), which are summa-
with respect to range of motion and a quicker return rized earlier. If patients are free of such factors,
to sports or work. then faster return to normal activities and less
Kerkhoffs and coworkers’36 Level I study random- chance of rerupture is likely with operative care
ized a total of 39 consecutive patients with complete (Levels of Evidence I and II, grade A recommen-
ruptures of the Achilles tendon to a walking cast or a dation).
wrap and showed that the wrap cohort allowed a With respect to a recommendation on the type
significantly shorter hospital stay, as well as return of surgical repair (open vs. percutaneous), one
to preinjury sports level compared with treatment must consider patient factors that are detrimen-
with a walking cast. No increased risk of rerupture or tal to healing or infection. Thus, with patient
wound healing problems were reported. factors that are absent for healing or infection
Costa and colleagues’34 Level I study randomized concerns, one should choose open operative
28 patients to either immediate loading in an ortho- repair to avoid excessive risk to the sural nerve
sis or traditional serial plaster casting and showed (Levels of Evidence I and II, grade A recommen-
improved clinical functional outcomes in the imme- dation). If patient factors that affect healing or
diate loading group. infection rates adversely are present, one may
Kangas and coauthors’42 level I study randomized recommend percutaneous over open surgical
50 patients treated surgically for an acute Achilles repair to avoid wound healing and infectious
tendon rupture to receive either early movement or complications (Levels of Evidence I and II, grade
immobilization. The calf muscle strength results were A recommendation). However, to make recom-
somewhat better in the early motion group, whereas mendations on operative percutaneous repair
other outcome results obtained in the two cohorts of a ruptured Achilles versus nonoperative care,
were similar. then direct Level I or II studies comparing the
Finally, Maffulli and coworkers’37 Level I study two would be necessary.
showed that patients who were randomized to an Finally, it is strongly recommended with sup-
early weight-bearing protocol had shortened the port from the existing literature (Levels of
time of recovery without increased complications.
What Is the Best Treatment for Achilles Tendon Rupture? 451

8. Maffulli N, Barrass V, Ewen SW: Light microscopic histology

Evidence I and II, grade A recommendation) that of Achilles tendon ruptures. A comparison with unruptured
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surgery improves patient function and satisfac- Achilles tendon is preceded by widespread and bilateral
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tion, and in some cases, reduces minor and histopathologic study of 60 patients. Acta Orthop Scand
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2. Patients with factors Level I & II 30,31,32 21. Moller M, Movin T, Granhed H, et al: Acute rupture of tendon
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3. Early functional Level I & II 33, 34,35,36, analysis. Clin Orthop Relat Res (400):190–200, 2002.
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Chapter What Is the Best Treatment for

70 End-Stage Ankle Arthritis?


Hip and knee arthroplasties are two of the most suc- ANKLE ARTHRODESIS
cessful operations in the past century. For manage-
ment of end-stage ankle arthritis, however, arthrod- Ankle arthrodesis for end-stage arthritis was first de-
esis continues to be the mainstay of an orthopedic scribed by Albert in 1879,3 and for almost 100 years,
practice. This is in part due to the early catastrophic this was the only option offered to patients with se-
failures of the “first-generation” ankle arthroplasties vere ankle pathology. Little information has been
and the high patient satisfaction after an ankle ar- published on the topic. Since the 1960s, numerous
throdesis. Despite the initial failures of ankle arthro- studies have looked at various aspects of ankle ar-
plasties, several individuals remained committed to throdesis: techniques of fusion, fusion rates, open
the possibilities of replacing the ankle joint, and versus arthroscopic fusion, position of fusion, patient
their persistence has resulted in the introduction of satisfaction, functional outcomes, gait analysis, long-
“second- and third-generation” ankle implants.1,2 term results with focus on the health of the ipsilateral
Preliminary clinical results are promising, again giv- hindfoot joints, and more recently, comparison with
ing rise to total ankle arthroplasty as an option for normal control populations. These studies are largely
managing end-stage arthritis. These developments based on Level III and IV evidence.
have prompted the current debate at many national With regard to technique of arthrodesis, the classic
and international meetings regarding the role of an- Level IV retrospective study authored by J. Charnley4
kle arthroplasty in the management of end-stage and published in 1951 was the first to demonstrate
ankle arthritis. This chapter briefly reviews the evi- that compression across a fusion site optimizes bone
dence that exists in the literature for all treatment healing. Charnley4 describe compression with external
options available for the operative management of fixation, and this technique was used for more than
end-stage ankle arthritis; however, the primary fo- two decades. During the late 1970s and 1980s, the use
cus is to assess the level of evidence regarding ankle of internal fixation increased in frequency. In 1991,
fusion versus arthroplasty and to provide the reader Moeckel and colleagues,5 in a Level III study, compared
with treatment guidelines for their patients. external fixation with internal fixation and demon-
strated an increased incidence of nonunion, delayed
union, and infection in the external fixation group.
OVERVIEW More recently, circular external fixators with fine wires
under tension are being used with increased frequency.
An extensive literature search was performed in The proponents of this technique suggest that the ad-
preparation for this chapter. The majority of the vantages are earlier weight bearing, ability to correct
articles assessing operative management of patients deformities during the postoperative follow-up phase,
with end-stage ankle arthritis are of poor scientific respect for soft tissues, more stable fixation, and fewer
quality. Most of the studies provide Level III and IV problems with prominent internal fixation.6,7 Oppo-
evidence. Only a handful of Level I and II studies ex- nents argue that the procedure is more complex, more
ist, many of which assess the outcomes of total an- expensive, and more labor intensive, with increased
kle arthroplasty or compare different methods by complications such as pin-tract infections. To date, no
which to obtain an ankle fusion. Also, no compara- comparative or cost analysis studies have been pub-
tive studies exist for ankle fusion versus ankle ar- lished. Level III studies have suggested that external
throplasty. fixation is advantageous in the presence of infection,
The two latest techniques described for surgical bone loss, talar avascular necrosis, or severe defor-
management of end-stage ankle arthritis are ankle mity6–8; however, no comparative studies have been
joint distraction and fresh total ankle allografts. performed.
The literature published on these new techniques Studies comparing screw versus plate fixation have
includes Level IV evidence only. Consequently, best found an improved rate of union with screws.9–14
treatment recommendations of end-stage ankle ar- Screw fixation can be obtained with less soft-tissue
thritis are based on expert opinion and conclusions stripping. This, combined with better compression at
drawn from comparing the outcomes of different the fusion site, may account for the difference. Holt
studies. and coauthors10 describe a technique using three

454 Foot and Ankle Topics

screws for fixation whereas preserving the medial fusion rates to open methods, shorter hospital stay,
and lateral malleoli. A fibular osteotomy is performed and decreased wound healing problems. Again, these
and, after denuding the cartilage, it is secured to the observations are based on Level III and IV evidence.
tibia and talus with compression screws. A second Only two comparative studies,22,34 both of which are
screw is placed from the medial malleolus into the retrospective (Level III), offer only marginal support
talus, and then a third screw, the so-called home-run for the aforementioned advantages of arthroscopic
screw, is inserted from the posterior malleolus into ankle arthrodesis. All agree that the procedure re-
the neck of the talus. This screw is of primary impor- quires familiarity with arthroscopic skills for small
tance because it stabilizes plantarflexion and dorsi- joints and is indicated only in patients with minimal
flexion forces (Fig. 70–1). Laboratory studies have deformity at the ankle joint level.
shown that two crossed screws create a more rigid Optimal position of ankle fusion has been studied
construct than two parallel screws.15 Cadaveric stud- closely in several Level III retrospective comparative
ies have shown that the use of three screws has the clinical series.35–38 These studies have demonstrated
advantage of increased compression and better resis- that patients fused in greater than 10 degrees of equi-
tance to torque.16 These variations aside,9–11,13,14,16 nus have a vaulting gait, increased knee extension
most surgeons would agree that a minimum of two and recurvatum, laxity of the medial collateral liga-
screws is necessary for adequate stability. Stability ment of the knee, and slower walking speeds. These
can be improved further by adding a fibular strut abnormalities were not observed in patients whose
graft17; the use of a T-plate has been shown on cadav- ankles were fused in a neutral position.36–38 It was
ers to provide the stiffest construct when compared also observed that when the hindfoot was in varus,
with other types of fixation, but it requires more soft- patients reported increased pain and callus forma-
tissue dissection.18,19 tion along the lateral border of the foot.36 Current
Arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis was introduced in recommendations are to position the hindfoot in
1983 by Schneider and popularized by others.20,21 neutral dorsiflexion, slight valgus, external rotation
Since then, numerous articles have been published equal to the opposite side, and position the talus di-
with the primary focus on surgical technique, time to rectly under or slightly posterior to the midline of
fusion, duration of admission to hospital, and fusion the tibia.
rates.20–34 Proponents of arthroscopic ankle arthrode- Overall patient satisfaction after ankle arthrodesis
sis advocate shorter operating room time, equivalent was good. A number of articles published between

FIGURE 70–1. Recommended position of fusion is neutral dorsiflexion in the lateral plane and
neutral alignment of the ankle in the coronal plane, slight valgus of the calcaneus. Equinus and
varus positioning should be avoided.
What Is the Best Treatment for End-Stage Ankle Arthritis? 455

1960 and 2006 demonstrated a high satisfaction rate, lead to progressive ipsilateral hindfoot arthritis be-
good relief of pain, and improved function. Most of cause it is often present before surgery. Daniels and
these articles were retrospective case series studies researchers47 identified progression of subtalar ar-
with no control group. One Level III intermediate thritis in 4 of 26 (15%) patients in an intermediate
follow-up study compared outcomes of ankle arthrod- follow-up study and progression of calcaneocuboid
esis with a normal control population, and it demon- arthritis from stage 2 to 5 in one patient. Trauma has
strated that there were substantial differences be- been identified as the most common causative factor
tween the two groups with regard to physical function of ankle arthritis.48 What is not known is whether the
and pain39; however, many of the patients treated with preexisting ipsilateral hindfoot arthritis is the result
arthrodesis remained satisfied with their results. of the stiffness of the arthritic ankle or is caused by
Several Level III long-term studies demonstrated a the original trauma, or a combination of both. Re-
high incidence of ipsilateral hindfoot arthritis after gardless of the causative factor, it can be concluded
ankle arthrodesis, particularly of the subtalar joint that long-term patients with ankle arthritis or ankle
(Fig. 70–2).35,40–45 Two articles with more than a arthrodesis, or both, have a high incidence of ipsilat-
20-year follow-up period demonstrated that more eral hindfoot arthritis with the subtalar joint most
than 60% of the patients continue to be satisfied with commonly affected. Level III evidence exists that the
their results despite the high prevalence of ipsilat- presence of ipsilateral hindfoot arthritis does com-
eral hindfoot arthritis.40,46 Only two studies have as- promise the functional outcome of the patient after
sessed the preoperative radiographs to determine ankle arthrodesis.45,49 None of the long-term studies
the presence of preexisting ipsilateral hindfoot ar- demonstrated an increased incidence of knee or
thritis.46,47 Sheridan and coworkers46 demonstrated metatarsophalangeal arthritis on either the ipsilat-
the presence of preexisting subtalar arthritis in 77.5% eral or contralateral extremities.40,46
of patients with end-stage ankle arthritis and sug- Articles that have assessed the effects of an ankle
gested that ankle arthrodesis does not necessarily arthrodesis on gait have indicated that the abnor-
mal kinetics and kinematics are most evident
through the hindfoot, midfoot, and forefoot, with
lesser effects on the knee, hip, and pelvis.35–38,47,50,51
All the studies cited earlier are retrospective re-
views and considered Level III evidence. Although
some variability exists in the results of gait analysis,
patients with hindfoot fusions generally have the
following gait characteristics: shortened stride
length, decreased cadence, slower walking speeds,
earlier heel raise during stance phase, increased
anterior tilt of the tibia during midstance, increased
forefoot plantar pressures with the forefoot ground
reactive forces (GRF) shifted posterior during termi-
nal stance, increased hip flexion, earlier knee exten-
sion during stance, diminished hindfoot motion,
and increased midfoot motion. Studies that have
A assessed the effects of footwear on gait have indi-
cated that the gait pattern further normalizes with
footwear, particularly if there is a slight elevation in
the heel and a forefoot rocker36–38; however, what
continues to persist are early heel rise, posterior
shift of the GRFs, and early extension of the knee.50
Beyaert and colleagues50 have suggested that the
early heel rise and increased anterior tibial tilt dur-
ing midstance increases the shear forces to the
midtarsal joints and is a possible reason for the in-
creased incidence of ipsilateral hindfoot arthritis
after ankle arthrodesis. Weiss and coworkers,52 in a
B prospective, Level II, comparative study, assessed
the effects of ankle/hindfoot arthrodesis on the
FIGURE 70–2. (A) Lateral radiograph of a patient that had function of the knee and hip. This study was not
an ankle fusion six years ago presenting with a one year isolated to arthrodesis of the ankle alone, but it is
history of increasing lateral hindfoot pain. Note the end-
stage arthritis of the posterior facet of the subtalar joint.
the only prospective gait study that focused on the
(B) Lateral radiograph of a patient that had undergone an kinetic and kinematic outcomes of the ipsilateral
ankle fusion 60 years ago. The talonavicular and the hip and knee joints. It demonstrated that the overly-
calcaneocuboid joints were fused 30 years ago due to the ing leg joints experience an improvement in joint
development of arthritis. Patient currently presents with motion, muscle-generated joint moments, and work
painful subtalar and navicular-cuneiform arthritis. during walking after arthrodesis.
456 Foot and Ankle Topics

ANKLE ARTHROPLASTY painful hindfoot arthritis below an ankle fusion pro-

duces significant functional limitations.54,55
Though the role of ankle arthroplasty remains contro- It is beyond the scope of this article to assess in
versial, interest in the procedure as a viable alterna- detail the types of ankle implants utilized today. In
tive to arthrodesis has increased substantially in the brief, there are fixed bearing (two-component) and
last decade because of the accumulative effect of sev- mobile bearing (three-component) designs. The two-
eral factors: (1) the development of foot and ankle component designs have the polyethylene that locks
surgery as a subspecialty, (2) improved ankle im- into the tibial component, whereas three-component
plants, and (3) the success of arthroplasties in other designs have a polyethylene that articulates with the
joints such as the hip, knee, shoulder, and elbow. tibial and talar component allowing for motion at
As is evident from the previous discussion, ankle both surfaces (Fig. 70–3).
arthrodesis is considered by many experts to pro- There has been a gradual trend toward a three-
vide a good functional outcome for their patients. component, mobile-bearing implant that requires
However, the long-term consequences of ankle fusion minimal bone resection.56–58 The disadvantages of the
consist of subtalar arthritis, which produces poor two-component design are that more bone resection
functional outcomes because of the stiff and painful is required and there is less room for error in posi-
subtalar joint complex. A pantalar fusion to address tioning of the components.59,60 However, no studies


FIGURE 70–3. (A) An anteroposterior

(AP) view of a two component agility
ankle arthroplasty. (B and C) AP and
C lateral view of a 3-component
Hintegra total ankle arthroplasty.
What Is the Best Treatment for End-Stage Ankle Arthritis? 457

have compared the outcomes of three-component have demonstrated an increased complication rate
and two-component designs. such as nonunion and infection with a prolonged re-
The evidence in assessing outcomes for ankle joint covery. This further emphasizes the cautious ap-
arthroplasty is actually superior to that of ankle ar- proach that should be taken when considering a
throdesis because ankle arthroplasty studies are young patient for ankle arthroplasty.
more recent. An increased number of prospective If ankle arthroplasty is to truly offer the patient an
studies with validated outcomes and gait analysis advantage over an ankle arthrodesis, it would have
are available. However, there are still no comparative to allow for enough motion to normalize gait. Several
prospective studies, long-term outcome studies, and studies have assessed the gait of patients who have
randomized trials comparing ankle arthroplasty with undergone total ankle arthroplasty with the more
fusion or different types of ankle arthroplasty. Fur- recent two- and three-component designs.64,67,83,97
thermore, sufficient data are not available to com- Two of these studies provide Level II evidence83,97
pare differences between two- and three-component and two provide Level III evidence64,67 that gait after
ankle replacements. Thus, the clinical results of this surgery is improved and approaches more nor-
meta-analysis are based on combining the results of mal kinetic and kinematic parameters. There is im-
two- and three-component designs. proved dorsiflexion of the ankle during the stance
Current clinical outcome studies of the newer an- phase, improved muscle function, and increased ca-
kle arthroplasties have determined the following: dence and stride length. GRF at midstance are im-
patients have a substantial relief of pain, improve- proved, but patients continue to demonstrate de-
ment in their function and gait, and the implant 5- to creased vertical peak pressures during the terminal
10-year survival rates are acceptable but not equiva- stance phase.67 The improved dorsiflexion during the
lent to knee or hip arthroplasty.1,2,56,61–84 The most stance phase may help decrease the abnormal shear
current and comprehensive review is a Level III meta- forces to the subtalar joint complex, thereby de-
analysis of 10 total ankle arthroplasty articles pub- creasing the incidence of progressive ipsilateral
lished between 1998 and 2005 that meet a strict in- hindfoot arthritis. A Level III meta-analysis by Soohoo
clusion criteria.85 The 5- and 10-year implant survival and coworkers98 assessed reoperation rates after
rates after total ankle arthroplasty were 78% (95% ankle arthrodesis versus arthroplasty and demon-
confidence interval, 69.0–87.6%) and 77% (95% confi- strated a decreased incidence of patients requiring
dence interval, 63.3–90.8%), respectively. subtalar fusion after ankle arthroplasty.
A revision during the follow-up period was re- It is important to note that none of the gait pa-
quired in 7% (95% confidence interval, 3.5–10.9%) of rameters was completely normalized, and compar-
the patients who had undergone a total ankle arthro- ative studies to ankle arthrodesis do not exist.
plasty. The most common reason for revision was Valderrabano and researchers’83 Level II study as-
loosening, subsidence, or both (28%). Five percent sessing muscle function and rehabilitation before
(95% confidence interval, 2.0–7.8%) of the total ankle and after ankle arthroplasty determined that total
arthroplasties were converted to arthrodeses, with ankle arthroplasty improved muscle function (tor-
the main reason for conversion being loosening, sub- que, electromyographic intensity). However, after 1
sidence, or both (50% of all conversions). Below-the- year, patients did not reach the level of the contra-
knee amputation was performed in 1% of the patients lateral healthy leg and the electromyographic fre-
treated with total ankle arthroplasty. When com- quency remained unchanged.
pared with 39 comparable ankle arthrodesis articles
published between 1990 and 1997, nonunion was
observed in 10% (95% confidence interval, 7.4–12.1%) Fresh Ankle Osteochondral Allografts
of the patients treated with ankle arthrodesis. Nine
percent (95% confidence interval, 5.5–11.6%) of the The outcomes of fresh ankle osteochondral allografts
arthrodesis group underwent revision, primarily be- for end-stage ankle arthritis have been reported in a
cause of nonunion (the indication for 65% of all revi- retrospective Level IV review by Brage and investiga-
sions of arthrodeses). Five percent of the patients tors,99,100 where 11 patients were managed for an aver-
treated with ankle arthrodesis underwent a below- age of 33 months, and a successful outcome was identi-
the-knee amputation. fied in 6 of the 11 patients. The author concludes that
To date, all of the ankle arthroplasty articles assess this procedure is indicated in young patients with end-
the short- and mid-term results. The longest follow up stage ankle arthritis as an alternative to ankle joint ar-
is on the two-component Agility design by Knecht throplasty. To date, this procedure is highly experi-
and colleagues75 with an average follow-up period of mental and should be restricted to a tertiary care
9 years. Long-term follow-up of the first-generation practice with a close and continuous follow-up.
total ankle arthroplasties showed extremely poor re-
sults and prompted a period when ankle joint arthro-
plasties were rarely performed.86–92 It is not known Ankle Joint Distraction
yet whether a similar fate awaits the second- and
third-generation ankle joint arthroplasties. Articular distraction of the ankle joint with an external
Several Level IV retrospective articles have been fixation device101–106 has been advocated for patients
published on the feasibility of salvaging a failed total with severe end-stage arthritis who are candidates for
ankle arthroplasty with arthrodesis,93–96 all of which arthrodesis. The procedure involves application of a
458 Foot and Ankle Topics

ringed external fixator to the distal tibial and foot after SUMMARY
open or arthroscopic debridement. The joint is dis-
tracted a total of 5 mm, at 1-mm increments per day. Current literature highlights a paucity of comparative,
Weight bearing is allowed, and hinges are applied to prospective, and long-term studies for the various sur-
the fixator at 6 to 12 weeks to allow ankle flexion and gical options available to patients with end-stage ankle
extension. The fixator is removed at an average of 15 arthritis. Currently, the most common procedures per-
weeks after application. Marijnissen and coworkers105 formed are ankle arthrodesis and arthroplasty. Though
report on 46 patients with an average follow-up of 2.8 the option of ankle arthroplasty is relatively new, no
± 0.3 years: 13 patients withdrew from the study and comparative studies are available to help the treating
underwent an arthrodesis. The remaining patients re- surgeons determine which procedure to choose and
ported a significant reduction in pain (P ! 0.0001), what advice to give their patients.
and improvement in function (P ! 0.0001) and clinical Problems with assessing outcomes of arthroplasty
condition (P ! 0.0001). The ankle range of motion im- are that outcomes of greater than 5 years are required
proved, but not significantly. Radiographically, the and some questions can be answered only with 15- to
joint space increased by 17% at the 1-year and 27% at 20-year outcomes. By the time these results are pub-
the 3-year follow-up examination (P ! 0.05). The func- lished, the technology has changed substantially,
tional and clinical outcome scores were significantly making the outcomes obsolete.
better at the 3-year follow-up examination (P ! 0.05),
suggesting that the clinical picture improved with
time. A more recent Level IV long-term retrospective RECOMMENDATIONS
clinical series of 25 patients with more than 7 years of After thorough review of the literature, the only
follow-up determined a 73% success rate.106 expert advice we can offer is that the short-term
Acevedo and Myerson107 report on a group of nine outcomes of ankle fusion and arthroplasty are
patients who underwent debridement and acute dis- equivalent. Does the motion allowed for by an
traction (average, 5.8 mm; range, 4.5–8 mm). The fix- ankle arthroplasty offer sufficient benefits to the
ator was removed at an average of 11 weeks. Only patient to make the risks for a difficult revision
three patients reported functional improvement at the worthwhile? Does it decrease the incidence of
1-year follow-up mark, and three underwent arthrode- symptomatic ipsilateral hindfoot arthritis? Does
sis of the ankle at an average of 12 months after the the improved gait over arthrodesis offer any
distraction procedure. Although this treatment holds long-term benefits to the patient? None of these
promise, data supporting a successful outcome are questions can be answered by the current
limited to Level III retrospective reviews published by literature. Table 70–1 provides a summary of
a single group of physicians. recommendations for the treatment of end-stage
ankle arthritis.

TABLE 70–1. Summary of Recommendations


1. Position of fusion – neutral dorsiflexion, slight valgus and 15° B 6, 16, 17, 15,19
external rotation
2. Less complications with internal fixation and compression B 23
compared to standard external fixation methods
3. High incidence of ipsilateral hindfoot arthritis in long-term B, C 5, 12
reviews of patients that have undergone an ankle fusion
4. Patient satisfaction, pain relief and improved function B, C 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 29, 35, 38, 58,
satisfactory following ankle fusion for end-stage ankle arthritis
5. Outcomes and union rates of open vs. arthroscopic ankle fusions B 40, 52
6. Gait characteristics following ankle fusion are: shortened stride B 6, 13, 16-20
length, decreased cadence, slower walking speeds, earlier heel
raise during stance phase, increased anterior tilt of the tibia
during mid-stance, increased forefoot plantar pressures with the
forefoot Ground Reactive Forces (GRF) shifted posterior during
terminal stance, increased hip flexion, earlier knee extension
during stance, diminished hindfoot motion and increased
midfoot motion
7. Five-year and ten-year implant survival rates following total ankle B 85
arthroplasty were 78% and 77%, respectively
8. Average non-union rate following ankle fusion is 10% B 85
9. Incidence of below knee amputation following failed ankle re- B 85
placement is 1% compared to 5% following failed ankle fusion
10. Gait following total ankle replacement is improved and approaches B 64, 67, 83, 97
more normal kinetic and kinematic parameters
11. Short-term outcomes of ankle fusion and arthroplasty are equivalent C Current article
What Is the Best Treatment for End-Stage Ankle Arthritis? 459

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kle Arthroplasty. Heidelberg, Springer, 1998, p 20. 102. van Valburg AA, van Roermund PM, Marijnissen AC,
77. Kofoed H, Sorensen TS: Ankle arthroplasty for rheumatoid ar- Wenting MJ, Verbout AJ, Lafeber FP, Bijlsma JW: Joint
thritis and osteoarthritis: Prospective long-term study of ce- distraction in treatment of osteoarthritis (II): Effects on
mented replacements. J Bone Joint Surg Br 80:328–332, 1998. cartilage in a canine model. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 8:1–8,
78. Kopp F, Patel MM, Deland JT, O’Malley MJ: Total ankle arthro- 2000.
plasty with the Agility prosthesis: Clinical and radiographic 103. van Valburg AA, van Roermund PM, Lammens J,
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79. San Giovanni T, Keblish DJ, Thomas WH, Wilson MG: traction delay the need for an arthrodesis of the ankle? A
Eight-year results of a minimally constrained total ankle preliminary report. J Bone Joint Surg Br 77:720–725,
arthroplasty. Foot Ankle Int 27:418–426, 2006. 1995.
What Is the Best Treatment for End-Stage Ankle Arthritis? 461

104. van Roermund PM, Lafeber FP: Joint distraction as treat- 106. Ploegmakers J, van Roermund PM, van Melkebeek J,
ment for ankle osteoarthritis. Instr Course Lect 48:249–254, Lammens J, Bijlsma JW, et al: Prolonged clinical benefit from
1999. joint distraction in the treatment of ankle osteoarthritis.
105. Marijnissen AC, van Roermund PM, van Melkebeek J, Schenk Osteoarthritis Cartilage 13:582–588, 2005.
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cept in an open prospective study and in a randomized con-
trolled study. Arthritis Rheum 46:2893–2902, 2002.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

71 for Ankle Osteochondral Lesions?


Osteochondral lesions (OCLs) are focal articular inju- be meaningful only in traumatic cases. To include all
ries of the subchondral bone and the cartilage with a these causes and others, for example, idiopathic os-
multifaceted cause (trauma, ligament instability, isch- teonecrosis, the term osteochondral lesions (OCLs)
emic necrosis, malalignment, endocrine diseases, and provides the most cautious terminology.
others). The knee and the ankle joint are the most The traditional staging system for OCLs of the ta-
commonly involved joints for OCLs in the lower ex- lus is the Berndt and Harty2 classification based on
tremity. In the ankle joint, OCLs are mostly seen in the radiographic findings. This classification consists of
talus, at the posteromedial and anterolateral talar the following stages of an osteochondral talus frag-
dome, closely related to the top of the curvature. Ta- ment: stage I, small compression area; stage II, in-
lus OCLs most often affect sports active young indi- complete avulsion of a fragment; stage III, complete
viduals and becomes symptomatic through persis- avulsion without displacement; and stage IV, avulsed
tent pain, joint swelling, and sometimes blocking fragment displaced within the joint. The Berndt and
of the joint. OCLs are known to have a significant im- Harty classification has the advantage of being popu-
pact on patients’ quality of life and sports activity, or lar, but it does not accurately reflect the integrity of
even their sports careers. In recent years, diagnosis the articular cartilage. The Ferkel and Sgaglione3
of OCL increased substantially with the widespread classification is a CT-based classification describing
use of modern diagnostic tools, such as computed fragmentation, osteonecrosis, and cyst formations
tomography (CT), arthrocomputer tomography, mag- (stage I-IV). Anderson and colleagues4 described an
netic resonance imaging (MRI), single-photon emis- MRI-based classification including the bone marrow
sion computed tomography (SPECT)-CT, and other edema. Last, a commonly used arthroscopic classifi-
tools. With improved diagnostics, treatment options cation is the OCL classification of the International
also changed. Currently, ankle arthroscopy allows Cartilage Repair Society.5
beside direct diagnostic visualization and palpable Epidemiologically, the ankle registers 4% of all the
assessment, as well as simultaneous minimally inva- human osteochondral defects.6 The cause of OCLs
sive osteochondral treatment (debridement, drilling, of the talus has multiple facets. However, it can be
microfracturing, and others). Based on the severity subdivided into a traumatic and nontraumatic
and location of the disease, open surgery and exten- cause. Trauma plays the most important role in the
sive techniques might be applied (mosaicplasty, au- pathomechanism of talus OCLs. Overall, more than
tologous chondrocytes implantation, and others). 80% of the talus OCLs are of traumatic origin.7,8 In
Despite the large number of publications (Level II-IV such traumatic cases, the acute OCLs are frequently
evidence), to date, no strong evidences and guide- located on the lateral dome of the talus (anterolat-
lines are available in the literature. The orthopedic eral) (Table 71–1). Hereby, the most common rea-
surgeon has to choose the treatment of choice based sons are a severe inversion ankle sprain, chronic
on different variables, such as age, size, location of ankle instability (CAI; causing in 5–9% of the cases a
the OCLs, and other factors. lateral talar OCL),9,10 or a fracture mechanism. How-
ever, medial lesions are more common than lateral
OCLs. In these cases, the most affected area is
DEFINITION, STAGING, CLINICS the posteromedial talar dome (see Table 71–1). On
the basis of repetitive microtraumas, avascular ne-
OCLs are articular injuries of the subchondral bone crosis, genetics, endocrinic reasons, or systemic
and the overlaying cartilage. Because of the still un- reasons, the nontraumatic causative agent with os-
clear natural history of OCLs, several terms can be teonecrosis represents to date still an unclear pa-
found for this entity to date in the literature, for ex- thomechanism of chronic OCLs (longer than 2
ample, osteochondritis dissecans, osteochondral frac- months). Here, one should be alert on not missing a
ture, flake fracture, and others. Because currently there radiologically correlating hindfoot malalignment
is no proof for an underlying inflammation, the tradi- (hindfoot varus or valgus) that could explain the
tional term osteochondritis dissecans introduced by overload on the painful OCL joint region. In many
König1 in 1888 should be abandoned. Furthermore, the cases, a causative agent cannot be traced and re-
term transchondral/osteochondral/flake fracture may mains “idiopathic.”

What Is the Best Treatment for Ankle Osteochondral Lesions? 463

TABLE 71–1. Characteristics of Lateral and Medial Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus

Traumatic causative factor 100% 64% Canale and Kelly66

98% 70% Flick and Gould16
Location 43% lateral 57% medial Berndt and Harty2
anterolateral posteromedial Canale and Belding18
Depth Deep Shallow Schachter et al.13
Shape Wafer shaped Egg shaped Schachter et al.13
Displacement Usually nondisplaced Usually displaced Schachter et al.13

OCL, osteochondral lesions.

An untreated OCL represents a local osteoarthritis subchondral bone better analyzed. The CT scan is
model because of the altered joint biomechanics. therefore a valuable diagnostic for preoperative
Hereby, a traumatic osteochondral defect (flake frac- planning. MRI provides complementary informa-
ture) or pathologic chronic shear forces (CAI11) cause tion, for example, the status of the OCL overlaying
damage of the superficial layer of the cartilage, and cartilage, information on bony edema, and the situ-
with time deep cracks and degeneration of the carti- ation of the ligaments. Scintigraphy showed to be
lage. Subsequently, joint fluid pumps into the sub- useful in evaluating OCLs when radiographs appear
chondral bone and creates painful cysts and large- to be normal.4,13 Addressing the lack of anatomic
area cartilage lifting. At the end, OCL fragments can accuracy of the classic scintigraphy, a new diagnos-
break off and dislocate all over the joint. tic tool for OCLs emerged: the SPECT-CT. The SPECT-
Patients with OCLs of the talus typically report CT combines data of the scintigraphy and CT scan
chronic ankle pain, joint stiffness, ankle swelling, snap- and fuses it to one picture: SPECT providing the
ping, giving way, and weakness. The patients, usually activity and metabolic rate of the OCL surrounding
of young age (mean age in a meta-analysis on 734 pa- bone, and the CT the precise anatomic localization
tients, 26.9 years),12 are substantially limited in their (Fig. 71–1). Lastly, diagnostic ankle arthroscopy
daily life, in their sports activities, and have a reduced remains a reliable diagnostic tool, allowing direct
sports level. Many of them lose their sports career or and dynamic examination of the talus OCLs and the
even jobs by disability. ankle-stabilizing ligaments.14
Clinical examination should document patient his-
tory and include physical examination. Patients may
report ankle sprain or CAI. Other predisposing fac- TREATMENT OPTIONS
tors may be a periarticular fracture or severe ankle
trauma. Patient history should further include sys- The conservative treatment of OCLs of the talus is
temic risk factors, as causative factors of avascular limited for stages I and II only. Success rates for non-
necrosis, systemic diseases, and others. Clinically, operative treatment with sports restriction and non-
OCL ankle joints show, in almost all cases, a swelling steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or cast immobiliza-
and effusion. Tenderness may be triggered on the af- tion differ from 0% to 100% (review article12). A
fected ankle side (lateral, medial) or periarticular. meta-analysis on 201 patients proved a 45% success
Regarding the ligament instability, one may find rate of conservative treatment for stages I and II, as
pathologic signs for lateral ankle instability (anterior well as medial stage III talus OCLs.15 Whereas acute
drawer test, inversion tilt test), medial ankle instabil- lesions seem to do worse (0% success rates in acute
ity (eversion tilt test), or a combination of both (ro- transchondral fractures16), chronic lesions show dif-
tational ankle instability). Furthermore, hindfoot mal- ferent success rates between 41% (cast immobiliza-
alignment (hindfoot varus or valgus) and foot tion12) and 59% for restriction of activities, but free
deformity (pes planovalgus, cavovarus, etc.) should range of motion.17,18 Young patients seem to do better
be checked. with conservative treatment than aged patients. Bruns
The diagnostics of OCLs of the talus include first and Rosenbach19 showed 85% excellent and good re-
conventional weight-bearing radiographs of the sults in patients 16 years and younger in comparison
ankle joint, anteroposteriorly and laterally. Radio- with 65% in adults, with 8% failure in each group only
graphs provide information on the OCL location (Level IV evidence).19 These results are also confirmed
and stage only if the x-rays hit the OCL perpendicu- by Higuera and coworkers (Level IV).20 In long-term,
lar, that is, if the OCL lies on the highest point of persistent, radiologic irregularities were found in 38%
the talar dome. Radiographs further provide infor- (Level IV).21 Shearer and coworkers22 managed even
mation on possible osseous predisposition for CAI, high-grade cystic lesions nonsurgically (Level IV).22
which represents a possible causative factor of However, after 38 months of follow-up, 18% of patients
OCL in the ankle joint. had to be transferred to ankle arthrodesis.
With CT, the stages described by Berndt and In most of the conservatively treated OCL cases,
Harty can be better defined, OCL cysts and frag- the pain remains untreated and the disease advances
ments better visualized, and the integrity of the to further stages. Berndt and Harty2 reported in 1959
464 Foot and Ankle Topics


FIGURE 71–1. Osteochondral lesion of the talus. Series shows the case of a 25-years-old man, a sports and physically active
patient, with chronic ankle pain, a lateral talus osteochondral lesion (OCL), and chronic ankle instability. Radiographs (A, B)
showed a suspicious area on the lateral talar dome. Further diagnostic was performed using the single-photon emission
computed tomography-computed tomography (SPECT-CT; combination of scintigraphy and CT) (C–E).
What Is the Best Treatment for Ankle Osteochondral Lesions? 465



FIGURE 71–1. cont’d The SPECT-CT and diagnostic arthroscopy confirmed a lateral talus OCL stage III-IV with cystic
lesions (C–F). (C–F, if in color, the SPECT-CT would have a red spot over the OCL) Therapy consisted of debridement,
microfracturing (G), autologous bone transplantation (H), and treatment by “autologous matrix-induced chondrogene-
sis” (AMIC; bilayer collagen membrane; Geistlich Pharma AG, Wolhusen, Switzerland) (I, J). Further surgical treatment
included the elimination of the OCL risk factor, chronic ankle instability, by lateral and medial ligament repair. About
6 months after osteochondral reconstruction, the patient is pain free, has an excellent function, and is back to daily life
(job, sports).
466 Foot and Ankle Topics

that nonoperatively treated patients obtained poor the simultaneous lavage, catabolic enzymes and
results, and that good results were registered in 84% inflammation mediators are also removed. This sur-
of the cases after surgical treatment (Level IV). Surgi- gical option is adequate only for small OCL and
cal treatment of OCLs traditionally includes excision gives only good results on a short-term basis.
of loose bodies, debridement of the area, and drilling Hereby, arthroscopic results seem to be slightly
or microfracturing. This surgery may be performed better in comparison with open procedures12,25,26
open or arthroscopically. The arthrotomy may some- (all Level IV evidence). Surprisingly, the only Level
times require a medial or lateral malleolar osteotomy, of Evidence II study on OCL treatment, reported by
grooving of the anteromedial distal tibia, or an oste- Gobbi and coauthors,27 describes arthroscopic ex-
otomy of the anterolateral tibia to reach the involved cision and shaving to show no significant difference
OCL talus region. As an alternative or as an addition to microfracture and osteochondral autograft trans-
to the open technique, ankle arthroscopy allows, fer system (OATS) in 33 patients after 12 and
beside a good diagnostic visualization of the OCLs, a 24 months.
minimal invasive therapy avoiding the high morbid-
ity of an extensive arthrotomy or malleolar osteot-
omy. The treatment of OCLs of the talus includes a Retrograde Drilling
primary (as fixation of a flake fracture in traumatic
cases) or a secondary repair (surgical treatment of Retrograde drilling is reserved for stage I and II of the
chronic OCLs). The different options for secondary talus OCLs. Hereby, the sclerotic subchondral bone
repairs depend on whether the OCL is predominantly of the OCL cysts are minimally invasive opened up
a problem of the chondral layer, the osseous part, or and filled with autologous spongiotic bone (as, for
a combination of both, on the age of the patient and example, from the iliac crest) or osteoinductive and
the size of the OCL (Tables 71–2 and 71–3). osteoconductive materials. This technique allows an
ingrowing of marrow cells and blood vessels to build
a healthy, stable subchondral bone and overlying
Primary Fixation of Acute Osteochondral Lesions fibrocartilaginous tissue. Retrograde drilling showed
an 81% success rate by drilling through the sinus
In case of an osteochondral fracture of the talus, the tarsi (Level IV).28
fragment can be fixed by low-profile screws, bioab- Kono and researchers29 showed that in Pritsch O
sorbable materials, or other methods, for example, or I classified OCL (grade O: cartilage layer intact;
cortical bone peg fixation (89% success rate)23 or fibrin grade I: cartilage soft, but stable in place), retrograde
fixation (75% success rate).24 With this therapy, about drilling reaches significantly better results than
73% of the patients reach a satisfactory result12,23 transmalleolar (anterograde) drilling (Level III).
(all evidence Level IV).

Debridement, Abrasion
With microfracturing, the sclerotic subchondral
With the debridement, the surgeon removes the bone is removed and the OCL area is multiply micro-
necrotic tissue and loose bodies by excision and fractured or alternatively microdrilled. Steadman
curettage. Excision and curettage (76% overall suc- and colleagues30 first described the technique of
cess rate) in combination show better results than microfracturing. Through the created bony holes,
excision alone (38% overall success rate).12 With bone-marrow stem cells are expected to nest on the

TABLE 71–2. Treatment Options for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus with Tissue Repair Potential (Cartilage and Bone)

Fragment refixation !! !! Kumai et al.23 (Level IV)

Debridement/curettage ! ! Gobbi et al.27 (Level II)
Microfracturing ! ! Gobbi et al.27 (Level II)
Drilling ! !! Draper and Fallat42 (Level III)
Kono et al.29 (Level III)
Osteochondral autologous transplantation system !! !! Gobbi et al.27 (Level II)
(OATS)/mosaicplasty Draper and Fallat42 (Level III)
Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) !! " Whittaker et al.58 (Level IV)
Matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte Implantation (MACI) !! " —
Bartlett et al.67 (Level II)
Autologous matrix-induced chondrocytogenesis !! " —
(AMIC) Bartlett et al.68 (Level IV)
Autologous cancellous bone grafting " !! Kolker et al.64 (Level IV)
Retrograde drilling " !! Kono et al.29 (Level III)
What Is the Best Treatment for Ankle Osteochondral Lesions? 467

TABLE 71–3. Surgical Principles of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus


OCL Stage

Berndt and Harty stages I and II Retrograde drilling Kono et al.29

Microfracturing Gobbi et al.27
Chondral reconstruction (ACI, MACI, AMIC) Whittaker et al.58
Berndt and Harty stages III and IV OATS/Mosaicplasty Kreuz et al.51
Chondral and osseous reconstruction (ACI, MACI, Gobbi et al.27
or AMIC with or without microfracturing or Kolker et al.64
bone grafting) Whittaker et al.58
OCL Size
#1.5 cm2 Retrograde drilling Taranow et al.28
Microfracturing Becher and Thermann35
Debridement Robinson et al.63
$1.5 cm2 OATS/Mosaicplasty Scranton et al.43
Chondral and osseous reconstruction (ACI, MACI, Kolker et al.64
or AMIC with or without microfracturing or Whittaker et al.58
bone grafting)
Patient Age
%50 years Chondral reconstruction (ACI, MACI, AMIC) Koulalis et al.59
$50 years Retrograde drilling Kumai et al.37
Microfracturing Becher and Thermann35
TAR, ankle arthrodesis

ACI, autologous chondrocyte implantation; AMIC, autologous membrane-induced chondrogenesis; MACI, matrix-membrane autologous chondrocyte
implantation; OATS, osteochondral autograft transfer system; OCL, osteochondral lesions; TAR, total ankle replacement.

fibrin clot in the OCL defect and develop into chon- nique is indicated for grades III and IV of substan-
droblasts, chondrocytes, and fibroblast, which pro- tially large OCL defects of the talus. The reported
duce a nonhyaline fibrocartilaginous matrix. How- results are believed to be good to excellent (Level
ever, fibrocartilage is known to have a pathologic IV).41 However, the donor-site morbidity of knee-to-
viscoelastic property.31 One limitation of microfrac- talus mosaicplasty is not negligible, and the carti-
turing is the use only for cartilage defect smaller lage properties of knee and talus are known to not
than 1.5 cm2 and with a maximal depth of 7 mm (see biomechanically and biochemically match together.6
Table 71–3).32 Furthermore, with OATS, the precise restoration
Currently, microfracturing of the talus has dem- of the curvature and congruency of the talus is
onstrated good or excellent results,6,33 with suc- technically demanding. Gobbi and coauthors27
cess rates of 77% to 96%34,35 (all Level IV evidence). (Level II) and Draper and Fallat42 (Level III) showed
Saxena and Eakin34 showed a significant shorter that OATS and microfracturing/drilling show no sig-
recovery time for microfracture in comparison nificant differences in follow-up. Success rates of 89
with autogenous bone grafting (Level IV). Becher to 100% are published (all Level IV).43–50 Kreuz and
and Thermann35 showed that after microfracturing investigators51 showed that OATS offers a success-
in follow-up arthroscopies, the cartilage cannot ful opportunity in OCL revisions (Level IV). Only
be distinguished from the surrounding cartilage recently were concerns about donor-site morbidity
(Level IV). reported.52
Anterograde drilling, arthroscopically, percutane-
ous, or transmalleolar performed, shows in combina-
tion with excision and curettage better results than Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation
excision and curettage alone7,16,36–40 (all Level IV),
with success rates in a meta-analysis of 76% and 87%, The transplantation of an osteochondral allograft is
respectively.12 Angermann and Jensen25 found in a indicated for large OCLs of the talus. In a long-term
follow-up of 9 to 15 years that only 1 of 18 patients prospective study, Gross and colleagues53 confirmed
had new signs of osteoarthritis (Level IV). the value of fresh osteochondral allografts to recon-
struct articular defects of joints in young active
patients (knee joint study; Level II; success rate of
Osteochondral Autograft Transfer System 85% for femur and 80% for tibial plateau). Unlike
for the knee, few reports are available for osteochon-
The OATS or mosaicplasty technique is based on dral allograft talus reconstruction in the literature
harvesting full-thickness osteochondral grafts from (all evidence Level IV).54–56 Gross and colleagues54
a donor site such as the lateral supracondylar or report a 66% survivorship rate of talus osteochon-
the intercondylar notch area of the femur. This tech- dral allografts after 11 years (Level IV).
TABLE 71–4. Original Peer-Reviewed Articles in the Area of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus

Gobbi et al. 33 Ferkel 2b, 3, 4 Chondroplasty vs. 53 MRI NK 12 No significant Randomized 2 (no blinded
(2006)27 microfracture differences controlled groups,
vs. OATS after 12 and trial only
24 months blinded
Persistent edema radiologic
and chondral analysis)
lesion in the MRI
Kono et al. 30 Modified Pritsch TMD (19) vs. RD 12 Rearthroscopy TMD 0, RD TMD 42.1, RD significantly Case–control 3
(2006)29 grade O and I (11) 27.2 RD 0 better study
Draper and 31 Mixed BG (14) vs. CD (17) 71.5 Clinical BG 6.9 vs. NK BG significantly Case–control 3
Fallat (2000)42 examination CD better study
radiographs 4.5 points
Alexander and 49 NK DC 18–216 Clinical 44 2 Improvements Case series 4
Lichtman examination after surgery for
(1980)62 18 months, sta-
ble long-term
Kelberine and 48 Acute osteochondral Removal, 60 X-ray Acute: 91, NK Significantly Case series 4
Frank (1999)36 fractures vs. curettage, chronic: 67 better results
chronic transchondral for acute
osteochondral drilling, loose lesions;
defects body fixation incomplete bony
healing; mixture
of interventions
Kumai et al. 18 Intact cartilage layer Arthroscopic 55 X-ray 72 0 Age dependence Case series 4
(1999)37 transmalleolar (24–114) of results
Taranow et al. 16 NK Retrograde 24 MRI NK NK Significantly im- Case series 4
(1999)28 drilling proved results
Hangody et al. 36 ICRS grade III and IV Mosaicplasty 24–84 X-ray, histology 94 0 No long-term Case series 4
(2001)46 (OATS) from donor-site
the knee morbidity
Al-Shaikh et al. 19 NK OATS from the 16 X-ray 89 0 2 with mild knee Case series 4
(2002)50 knee pain, good graft
ingrowth in all
Kumai et al. 27 Unstable fragment Cortical bone peg 84 X-ray 89 0 Radiologic improve- Case series 4
(2002)23 fixation ment in 89%
Shearer et al. 34 Cystic modified Nonsurgical 38 X-ray 54 18 6 converted to Case series 4
(2002)22 Berndt and Harty management surgery; stable
type V lesions lesion, mild
signs of OA, no
correlation of
x-ray, clinical
outcome and
joint degenera-
tion, clinically
54% improved
Lee et al. 18 Berndt and Harty Mosaicplasty 36 Rearthroscopy 100 0 Good results in Case series 4
(2003)45 types III-IV (OATS) from rearthroscopy
the knee
Robinson et al. 65 Anderson I-IV Arthroscopic 42 X-ray 52 22 Curettage is Case series 4
(2003)63 excision and better than
curettage or drilling; medial
drilling cystic lesions
with poor
Kolker et al. 13 Berndt and Harty Autologous bone 51.9 X-ray, CT scan 46 46 31% converted to Case series 4
(2004)64 types III-IV grafting ankle arthrodesis
Baltzer and 43 Berndt and Harty OATS from the 0–54 MRI, 95 5 Good integration Prospective 4
Arnold types III-IV and knee rearthroscopy of the grafts case series
(2005)49 focal osteoarthritis
Becher and 30 Osteochondral Microfracture 24 MRI 83 0 Cartilage repair Case series 4
Thermann defects vs. local in MRI, no
(2005)35 osteoarthritis limitation to age
Whittaker et al. 10 1.95 m2 Autologous 23 Rearthroscopy 90 10 Filled defects, Case series 4
(2005)58 chondrocyte biopsies showing
implantation fibrocartilage
with some
Baums et al. 12 NK OATS 63 MRI 8 Full return to Case series 4
(2006)48 sports achieved
Han et al. 38 Osteochondral Microfracture 24–36 X-ray 77 5 No significant Case series 4
(2006)65 defects with vs. and or abrasion differences,
without (arthroscopic) small cysts
subchondral cysts without influ-
ence on outcome
Kreuz et al. 35 Berndt and Harty Mosaicplasty 48.9 MRI 91 0 Recommended Case series 4
(2006)51 types III and IV (OATS) from option for
after primary the talus revisions
Scranton et al. 50 Cystic modified OATS from the 36 Clinical 90 7 No morbidity for Case series 4
(2006)43 Berndt and Harty knee examination medial malleolar
type V lesions osteotomy, 1
with donor-site
morbidity for
3 months
Reddy et al. 15 NK Mosaicplasty 47 Clinical 47 13 Donor-site Case series 4
(2007)52 Revisions after (OATS) from examination morbidity: poor
primary treatment the knee outcome in 27%
Saxena and 46 Hepple II-V Microfracturing 24–96 Clinical 96 0 ABG needs more Prospective 4
Eakin (2007)34 (Hepple II-IV) examination time for return case series
and autogenous to activity than
bone grafting MF
(Hepple V)

ABG, autologous bone grafting; BG, bone grafting; CD, curettage and drilling; CT, computed tomography; ICRS, International Cartilage Repair Society; MF, microfracture; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NK not known; OA,
osteoarthritis; OATS, osteochondral autologous transplantation system; RD, retrograde drilling; TMD, transmalleolar drilling.
470 Foot and Ankle Topics

Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation scientific power. The majority of the articles pub-
lished on talus OCL state Level IV evidence (see
The principle of autologous chondrocyte implantation Table 71–4). Accurate description of the causative
(ACI) is based on harvesting of autologous chondro- factor, size, location of OCL lesions, and exact treat-
cytes (knee, talus, detached OCL fragment), culturing ment and after-treatment are not provided in the
of the cells in vitro for 2 to 5 weeks, and finally reim- majority of the studies. The indications for nonop-
plantation of the proliferated cells. This technique erative and operative treatment of OCL of the talus
was first described in knee OCLs57 and also is cur- are still quite controversial. Only a few treatment
rently used in talus OCLs successfully.32 Whittaker and tendencies do crystallize out. A few variables, such
coworkers58 report 90% good and excellent results as stage, size, location, tissue involved (cartilage/
and in rearthroscopies lesions completely disap- bone), and chronicity of the OCL lesion, as well as
peared (Level IV). Koulalis and coauthors59 even re- the age of the patient, are decisive for the treat-
port success in 100% of cases (Level IV). The ACI can ment of choice and best outcome (see Tables 71–2
be implanted under a periosteal flap (ACI), in a matrix- and 71–3). Most of the authors and reports recom-
membrane, or under a collagen membrane cover. mend as a first attempt nonoperative treatment
These chondrocyte transplantation techniques are with non–weight bearing or immobilization, or
indicated in large defects of OCL stages III and IV with both; this provides good results in patients espe-
cystic formations or failed previous surgery (after de- cially of young age and those with stage I and II ta-
bridement, drilling, etc.). The defect should be greater lus OCLs. In case of lack of pain relief after 1 year
than 1.5 cm2, and the age of the patients is limited to of conservative treatment or in cases with stage III
younger than 55 years.6,60 Kissing talus-tibia lesions and IV talus, OCL surgical treatment is indicated.
and osteoarthritis are contraindications for ACI. In Hereby a few rules can be followed based on a
cases of larger bone defects, ACI can be used together few variables: involved tissue (cartilage, bone; see
with debridement and bone grafting. In cases of hind- Table 71–2), as well as OCL stage, OCL size, and
foot malalignment and CAI, additional surgeries (oste- patient age (see Table 71–3).
otomies, ligament repair, etc.) should be added at the
time of ACI surgery for restoration of normal ankle
biomechanics. The first mid-term results of ACI are GUIDELINES
promising (Level IV).32 ACI techniques, however, pro-
duce hyaline-like cartilage only. Furthermore, the du- Currently, few review articles provide the best guide-
ration of recovery and the treatment costs are sub- lines for treatment of OCL of the talus.12,13,15,61 Guide-
stantially longer and greater compared with other lines and algorithms are also presented yearly in sym-
methods. posia and instructional courses of several societies,
A new method for autologous chondrocyte re- such as American Foot and Ankle Society, American
generation is the so-called autologous membrane- Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, ICRS, and others.
induced chondrogenesis (AMIC; see Table 71–2; see The current valid guidelines are summarized in this
Fig. 71–1). The AMIC technique is a one-stage proce- chapter.
dure consisting of debridement, microfracturing, or
drilling (without or with bone transplantation), and
coverage of the treated area by a bilayer collagen
membrane that is fixed to the site by fibrin glue (see
Fig. 71–1).
Based on the actual evidence of the literature
SUMMARY and our own clinical experience, we recommend
following the therapeutic principles described in
In summary, based on the diagnostic tools (x-ray, this chapter, specifically in Tables 71–2 and 71–3.
CT, MRI, scintigraphy, SPECT-CT, arthroscopy) spe- In general, early grades of OCL (stage I or II) may
cifically used in the different publications, cur- be treated by conservative treatment first; more
rently, several classifications are available for talus severe grades of OCL (stage III or IV) or failures
OCLs. Because OCLs of the talus have multiple of conservatively managed stage I or II OCL need
causative factors and still an unclear pathomecha- a surgical approach. Because the half-life of the
nism and natural history, no classification so far published talus OCL articles is short, and new
has managed to provide satisfactory evidence for a publications and treatment modifications emerge
proper therapeutic principle and outcome predic- almost monthly, we recommend acquiring
tion. Despite the large number of publications, the continuing education through high evidence
evidence for treatment of OCL of the talus is still level articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses,
poor. To our knowledge, no publication to date and specific high-quality symposia and
shows Level I evidence for specific treatments. courses. Table 71–5 provides a summary of
Only few publications show Level II and III evidence recommendations.
(Table 71–4) with small cohorts and, therefore, low
What Is the Best Treatment for Ankle Osteochondral Lesions? 471

TABLE 71–5. Summary of Recommendations

1. Conservative treatment of OCLs of the talus are restricted to stage I and II. C 17, 18, 22, 30
2. No significant difference in outcome was found between excision and de- B 27
bridment, microfracturing and OATS.
3. Fragment refixation for acute transchondral fractures is recommended. C 23
4. Therapies that address the cartilage in first line: ACI, MACI, AMIC, micro- B, C 27, 33, 58, 67, 68
fracturing, OATS.
5. Therapies that address the osseous level in first line: OATS, autologous B 27, 29, 33, 42
bone grafting, retrograde drilling.

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Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

72 for End-Stage Hallux Rigidus?


Hallux rigidus is the commonest form of osteoarthri- SURGICAL TREATMENT

tis in the foot with an incidence of 1 in 40 adults older Noncomparative Studies (Case Series; Level IV)
than 50 years, and it is the second commonest com-
plaint of the great toe behind hallux valgus.1–3 Cheilectomy. A cheilectomy entails excision of the dor-
Patients generally report pain and stiffness over sal osteophyte together with a portion of the dorsal
the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. The pain degenerative articular surface. It is recommended to
is aggravated with walking, particularly during termi- remove up to a third of the articular surface with the
nal heel rise in the gait cycle. They also describe a goal to obtain a minimum of 70 degrees of dorsiflex-
dorsal prominence over the joint that may cause ion. Usually included with the procedure is the re-
mechanical symptoms from pressure against the top section of any dorsal osteophytes off the proximal
of the shoe. During clinical examination, a dorsal ex- phalanx, debridement of the joint, loose body re-
ostosis is generally present, and the overlying skin moval, and synovectomy.5,6
can be erythematous and tender secondary to local Cheilectomy has been shown to have good results
irritation. Physical examination reveals a restricted in early stages of hallux rigidus.4,7 Some authors have
range of motion of the first MTP, particularly in dor- reported good clinical results for cheilectomy irre-
siflexion. spective of radiographic grade.4–6 No study exists
Radiographic evaluation reveals findings consis- that isolates the subset of patients with advanced hal-
tent with osteoarthritis, which includes joint space lux rigidus. The largest published series is reported
narrowing, osteophyte formation (particularly dor- by Coughlin and Shurnas7 where 93 feet of all stages
sally), subchondral cysts, and sclerosis. Hattrup and of hallux rigidus underwent a cheilectomy and were
Johnson4 developed a radiographic classification of reviewed retrospectively, with an average follow-up
hallux rigidus, which was divided into three grades. period of 9.6 years. Of the nine feet that had end-stage
In grade I, mild-to-moderate osteophytes are present; radiographic changes, five did not respond to treat-
however, there is preservation of the joint space. In ment and underwent arthrodesis at a mean of 6.9
grade II, there is moderate osteophyte formation years after cheilectomy.7 Easley and coworkers8 con-
with narrowing of the joint space and subchondral ducted a retrospective review of 68 feet of all stages
sclerosis. Grade III is characterized by marked osteo- treated with cheilectomy at an average follow-up pe-
phyte formation, loss of the joint space, and sub- riod of 5 years. A 90% satisfaction rate was achieved
chondral cysts may be present. in the entire group. Of the nine feet that remained
Initial treatment should constitute nonsurgical symptomatic; eight of those had end-stage grade 3
management that attempts to reduce the inflamma- changes. It was noted that all nine demonstrated pain
tion and restrict the painful movement through the at the midrange of the motion arc, which would be
first MTP joint. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs suggestive of more global and advanced degenerative
can help to improve the synovitis of the joint and changes in the hallux MTP joint. The authors con-
alleviate other inflammatory processes. Cautious clude that this was a negative prognosticator after
use of intraarticular corticosteroid injections can cheilectomy.8 Based on these two Level IV studies, a
also be considered. Shoe modifications such as a cheilectomy cannot be recommended for treatment
high toe box help reduce mechanical pressure over of end-stage hallux rigidus (grade C level of recom-
the dorsal prominence, whereas a rocker bottom mendation).
sole or an extended rigid shank will reduce the pain- Keller Resection Arthroplasty. In 1904, Keller described a
ful dorsiflexion. Similar principles are applied utiliz- procedure that involved excision of a portion of the
ing a rigid insole or orthotic with a toe extension proximal phalanx of the hallux for the treatment of
covering the first ray. Activity modification can also hallux valgus and associated osteoarthritis of the
be recommended to the patient to minimize high- first MTP joint. Although this procedure decom-
impact loading of the foot (e.g., running). However, presses the joint, excessive resection can lead to
once these measures have failed to provide any sig- instability secondary to loss of both bone and soft-
nificant relief of symptoms, operative intervention tissue restraints. Shortening of the great toe occurs,
should be offered. and the plantar aponeurosis is disrupted, which

474 Foot and Ankle Topics

impairs the windlass mechanism contributing to degrees. One patient reported transfer metatarsalgia.
the decreased stability of the medial column. Com- The authors13 conclude that interpositional arthro-
monly described complications include transfer plasty was indicated for treatment of advanced hallux
metatarsalgia, weak push off, and a cock-up defor- rigidus, and the technique as described by Hamilton
mity of the toe, which has led many investigators to and colleagues12 had reproducible outcomes. How-
recommend this procedure for low-demand and ever, Lau and Daniels1 used a similar technique and
older patients.9,10 retrospectively reviewed a series of 11 patients with a
When reviewing the results of the Keller arthro- mean follow-up period of 2 years. Ten of 11 patients
plasty, variable outcomes are found with few being were grade III radiographically, whereas the other pa-
prospective or comparative trials. No studies review tient was grade II. Patient satisfaction was 72.7%. How-
the subset of younger or higher demand patients. In ever, weakness of the great toe was reported in 72.7%
addition, many studies also include hallux valgus de- of patients, whereas 27.3% reported lateral metatarsal-
formities and lack any uniformity on grading or out- gia. The investigators conclude that interpositional
come measures, particularly older studies. Love and arthroplasty should be considered a salvage proce-
coworkers10 performed a prospective trial studying dure with less reliable results.1
75 feet in patients with hallux valgus and hallux rigi- Barca14 reports on the use of the plantaris tendon
dus. Inclusion criteria included age older than 50 as the biologic spacer that was combined with a 20-
years, symptomatic osteoarthritis of the first MTP to 30-degree dorsal wedge osteotomy of the proximal
joint, and relatively low demand as defined by occupa- phalanx. An articulated external fixator was used to
tion and lifestyle. No differentiation was reported in maintain the diastasis of the joint. Barca retrospec-
radiographic grade of the osteoarthritis present in the tively reviewed a series of 12 patients over a period
first MTP joint. Mean follow-up period was 31 months. of 21 months. All patients reported good or excellent
The authors report that joint pain was alleviated in 40 results, and dorsiflexion was improved by an average
of 44 patients with an overall satisfaction rate of 77%. of 44 degrees. Coughlin and Shurnas15 used a gracilis
No increased incidence of postoperative metatarsal tendon as a graft and retrospectively reviewed seven
callosities occurred. However, they report a cock-up patients over an average of 42 months of follow-up.
deformity after surgery in 28 feet compared with 8 All seven patients rated their result as good or excel-
before surgery, as well as a slight decrease in first MTP lent with a mean increase in AOFAS scores from 46 to
joint motion after surgery.10 86. Mean dorsiflexion improved from 9 to 34 degrees
Biologic Interpositional Arthroplasty. Biologic interpositional and all demonstrated good to excellent plantarflex-
arthroplasties have been described for treatment of ion strength. Four patients did report mild metatar-
severe hallux rigidus. The technique involves per- salgia. The authors conclude that this technique
forming both a cheilectomy and proximal phalanx ex- gave excellent pain relief and reliable function of the
cision with insertion of a biologic interpositional hallux.15
spacer. Different donor tissues have been used that Arthrodesis. Arthrodesis of the first MTP joint has
include the extensor hallucis brevis (EHB), gracilis, been one of the mainstays of surgical treatment of
and plantaris tendons. The goal of this procedure is to severe hallux rigidus, particularly in the younger,
maintain motion through the joint, and with require- more active population. This procedure eliminates
ment of less bone resection, stability of the joint is the painful movement of the joint and provides a
improved, thereby avoiding some of the complica- stable medial column for ambulation. However, it has
tions related to a traditional Keller arthroplasty. not been without controversy. An arthrodesis has a
Hamilton and colleagues12 performed a retrospec- prolonged recovery course compared with other
tive review on 30 patients with advanced hallux rigidus procedures, and there are complications such as
who were treated with an EHB tendon and capsular nonunion, progressive arthrosis of the interphalan-
interpositional arthroplasty collected over 10 years. geal joint, and lateral metatarsalgia.16 The long-term
However, the follow-up time is unknown. Subjectively, success and the impact on the gait cycle have also
93.3% of patients reported that they would undergo been a concern.
the same procedure. The American Orthopaedic Foot Joint Preparation and Fixation Technique. Authors have de-
and Ankle Society (AOFAS) pain scores improved from bated on the methods to prepare the joint surfaces
23.2 points before surgery to 37.4 points after surgery, and stabilize the arthrodesis site. There are two
and the average dorsiflexion improved from 10 to popular methods to prepare the fusion site. The first
50 degrees. No patients described weakness in push method is using a cone reamer system where one
off or lateral metatarsalgia, and no calluses were found reamer is used to create a convex surface at the
underneath the metatarsal heads.12 Kennedy and base of the proximal phalanx whereas a reciprocal
coworkers13 retrospectively reviewed 18 patients (21 reamer leads to a concave surface on the metatarsal
feet) over a mean follow-up period of 38 months who head. The second method of planar excision is sim-
underwent capsular interpositional arthroplasty utiliz- pler, where an oscillating saw can be used to create
ing the EHB tendon. Eighteen of 21 feet were grade 3 flat cancellous surfaces on either side of the joint
radiographically, whereas the remainder were grade 2. that are then brought together. Various fixation tech-
All 18 patients had pain relief, whereas 17 reported niques have been described; older studies have
they would have the same procedure repeated. The used wire suture, K-wires, or Steinmann pins,
mean postoperative increase in dorsiflexion was 37 whereas more recent authors have used a dorsal
What Is the Best Treatment for End-Stage Hallux Rigidus? 475

plate, interfragmentary screws, or Herbert screws. Prosthetic Replacement Arthroplasty. Over the past several
Several biomechanical studies have compared both decades, prosthetic replacement arthroplasties have
different methods of joint preparation and fixation been developed for the treatment of severe hallux
techniques. Curtis and researchers17 compared four rigidus with the anticipation of not only pain relief
fixation techniques: (1) planar excision with K-wire but restoration of joint stability and motion.
fixation, (2) planar excision and fixation with dorsal Silastic Implants. Because of the success of silastic im-
plate and screws, (3) planar excision and fixation plants in the hand, they were adapted for the first
with a single interfragmentary screw, and (4) cup MTP joint. This led to the development of a double-
and cone preparation and fixation with an interfrag- stemmed implant, which allowed the implant to act
mentary screw. Their results revealed that the cup as a dynamic spacer and, as a result, maintain joint
and cone group had greater stiffness and load to space and motion. Although clinical studies showed
failure compared with all other groups. It was con- good clinical satisfaction, there was concern about
cluded that the cup and cone method of fusion pro- the longevity of the prosthesis. In a prospective
vided the majority of the stability, whereas the study, Cracchiolo and coworkers21 observed 66 pa-
method of fixation was secondary.17 Politi and coau- tients over an average of 5.8 years. Subjectively, 83%
thors18 compared the strength of five techniques of of the patients were satisfied while the average range
first MTP arthrodesis: (1) surface excision with a of motion was 42 degrees. However, radiographically,
machined reaming and fixation with a 3.5-mm corti- the implant did not fare as well. Osteophyte forma-
cal interfragmentary lag screw, (2) surface excision tion was present in 23 patients, and of those, 12 had
with machined conical reaming and fixation with nearly 50% articular space encroachment. Radio-
crossed K-wires, (3) surface excision with machined graphic cysts were noted in 35% of the patients, and
conical reaming and fixation with a 3.5-mm cortical eight implant fractures were identified.21 The area of
lag screw and a four-hole dorsal miniplate, (4) sur- concern for implant failure was at the hinged portion
face excision with machined conical reaming and of the prosthesis, which was subjected to high shear
fixation with a four-hole dorsal miniplate and no lag forces at the joint. Titanium grommets were added
screw, and (5) planar surface excision and fixation to protect this area and increase durability of the
with a single oblique 3.5-mm interfragmentary corti- implants. In a retrospective review, Swanson and
cal lag screw. The most stable technique found was de Groot22 retrospectively report on 90 implants; all
the combination of the machined conical reaming patients were clinically improved, and no implant
and an oblique interfragmentary lag screw and dor- fractures were identified. Sebold and Cracchiolo23
sal plate, whereas the dorsal plate and K-wire fixa- also retrospectively reviewed a series of 47 feet that
tion alone were the weakest.18 received a silicone implant with titanium grommets
Clinical Outcomes. Clinical studies have shown high suc- over an average follow-up period of 51 months. Thirty
cess rates with fusion using a variety of techniques. of 47 patients were completely satisfied with no radio-
Goucher and Coughlin19 prospectively evaluated 50 graphic evidence of implant fracture, although 5 feet
patients who underwent first MTP arthrodesis using had radiolucencies around the implant, and subsi-
dome-shaped reamers and a dorsal plate and crossed dence was noted in 15 feet. This was compared with
screws. Diagnoses included hallux rigidus, hallux a similar group of patients who had been treated with
valgus, rheumatoid arthritis, failure of prior first MTP hinged implants, and it was noted that 30 of 41 feet
procedures, hallux varus, and neuromuscular disor- had evidence of radiolucencies around the implant
ders. They achieved a 96% satisfaction rate and 92% with two implant fractures. It was concluded that the
union rate at an average of 16 months of follow-up. A titanium grommets appeared to protect the silicone
significant improvement was found in AOFAS scores.19 implant and may help improve its longevity.23 Despite
Flavin and colleagues20 in a prospective study had the modification with titanium grommets, the use
similar results. Twelve first MTP arthrodeses were of silicone implants remains controversial, in particu-
performed using cone reaming preparation and fixa- lar, with the potential complications of silicone de-
tion with a dorsal plate with an average follow-up bris. The silicone particles can cause a foreign body
period of 18 months. Diagnoses included hallux val- reaction that leads to synovitis and potential bone
gus, hallux rigidus, and nonunion of a previous first erosion. Systemic effects are also a concern because
MTP fusion. All patients showed evidence of radio- silicone microfragments invade the lymphoreticular
graphic union at 6 weeks and had significant in- system, and the long-term complications of this pro-
creases in both AOFAS hallux and SF-36 (36-Item cess have yet to be identified.24
Short Form Health Survey) scores.20 The literature Metallic Implants. With the success of the metallic hip
has limitations because most series include a num- and knee arthroplasty, similar implants were designed
ber of preoperative diagnoses besides hallux rigidus, for the hallux. In a prospective trial, Pulavarti and
mainly hallux valgus. colleagues25 prospectively reviewed the results of 36
The absence of any prospective comparative clinical Bio-Action prostheses (Osteomed, Addison, Texas) a
trials evaluating the different techniques of first MTP nonconstrained, uncemented implant, with a mini-
arthrodesis for the treatment of advanced hallux rigi- mum follow-up period of 3 years. Diagnoses included
dus leads to uncertainty of ideal technique of first MTP hallux rigidus, hallux valgus with degenerative
arthrodesis (grade I recommendation for arthrodesis changes, failed hallux surgery, gouty arthritis, and
of the treatment of advanced or end-stage hallux). rheumatoid arthritis. Results showed a significant
476 Foot and Ankle Topics

improvement in dorsiflexion, MTP arc of motion, and occurred in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis with
Hallux MTP scale after surgery. Subjective satisfaction poor bone quality.27 Taranow and coworkers28 retro-
was rated as either excellent or good in 77.5% of pa- spectively reviewed 28 patients who received metal-
tients. Two patients required revision surgery (resec- lic hemiarthroplasties for severe hallux rigidus over
tion arthroplasty and arthrodesis) after poor out- an average follow-up period of 33 months. Twenty-
comes; however, the authors did not identify any three of 28 patients were completely satisfied, 3 were
obvious cause for the failures. Radiographic studies satisfied with reservations, and 2 were dissatisfied.
did reveal periprosthetic radiolucency and subsidence Radiographically, four implants were inserted in a
in 33% of the implants, although this did not affect dorsiflexed position, which was demonstrated on
functional outcome.25 Fuhrmann and coauthors26 pro- postoperative radiographs, and three of these
spectively reviewed the results of 43 ReFlexion (Os- showed evidence of subsidence and loosening. No
teomed, Addison, Texas) MTP endoprostheses with other cases of loosening or progressive deformities
an average follow-up period of 3 years. The ReFlexion were reported. Two patients demonstrated mild re-
endoprosthesis is a modular, nonconstrained, porous- currence of osteophytes, but this did not correlate
coated implant that allows for either cementless or with patient satisfaction. The authors conclude that
cemented fixation. Thirty-two patients had painful technical errors likely contributed to radiographic
end-stage hallux rigidus, whereas other diagnoses in- loosening.28 However, not all results have been posi-
cluded failed resection arthroplasty, cheilectomy, and tive. Kondel and Menger29 retrospectively reviewed
silicone implants. Because of poor bone stock, cement 10 patients (13 feet) who underwent a titanium hemi-
was used in 20 phalangeal components and 5 metatar- arthroplasty for grade II or III hallux rigidus. Follow-
sal components. Results revealed all patients reported up ranged from 37 to 105 months. Eleven of 13 toes
significant reduction in pain levels with a visual ana- had absent or mild pain. However, all implants had
logue scale pain. AOFAS scores and passive dorsiflex- evidence of varying degrees of radiolucencies and
ion significantly improved after surgery. However, the subsidence. One implant was removed and under-
main area of concern was a reduction of MTP joint went interpositional arthroplasty after fracture and
stability. About 28% of patients had an increased dor- painful nonunion.29
soplantar drawer test, and 16% had medial instability
(2!) with the toe in a slight valgus position. Radio-
graphically, 30% of patients had mild hallux valgus Comparative Studies
deformities, 9% had slight varus deformities, and 21%
showed plantar subluxation of the phalangeal compo- Keller Arthroplasty versus Arthrodesis. O’Doherty and coau-
nent. Radiolucent lines were evident in 23% of phalan- thors30 report a prospective randomized trial com-
geal components (35% cemented vs. 13% cemented) paring Keller’s arthroplasty and arthrodesis of the
and 9% of metatarsal components (equal cemented first MTP joint for the treatment of both hallux valgus
vs. uncemented percentages).26 and rigidus in 110 feet with a minimum follow-up pe-
Hemiarthroplasty. Although hemiarthroplasties of the riod of 2 years. The inclusion criteria were age older
proximal phalanx for the treatment of hallux rigidus than 45 years, with a mean of 60.5 years. They report
have been available in the past half century, they similar results among the two groups with a satisfac-
have not gained much popularity compared with tory or excellent result in 98% who underwent a
other forms of surgical treatment. Correspondingly, Keller arthroplasty compared with 95% in the ar-
the literature reveals few published studies on their throdesis group. No significant difference was found
outcomes. Advocates of metallic hemiarthroplasties between the groups in the incidence of postoperative
believe that it avoids the high dorsal shear forces transfer metatarsalgia or cock-up deformity. However,
associated with arthroplasties involving the metatar- the incidence rate of nonunion in the arthrodesis
sal heads and does not possess the inherent struc- group was extremely high at 44%. The majority of
tural flaws of a silastic implant.27,28 patients were asymptomatic, with only 4 of 22 requir-
Townley and Taranow27 performed a long retro- ing revision. The authors attributed this to the wire
spective review of 279 patients treated with a metal- suture and K-wire fixation technique, which was a
lic hemiarthroplasty of the proximal phalanx with a poor biomechanical construct.30
follow-up range from 8 months to 33 years. Indica- Arthrodesis versus Total Joint Replacement. Gibson and
tions for treatment included hallux rigidus (n " 171), Thomson31 performed a prospective, randomized,
rheumatoid arthritis (n " 29), and varying degrees of controlled trial comparing arthrodesis versus total
osteoarthritis associated with hallux valgus (n " 79). replacement arthroplasty for hallux rigidus. Sixty-
The authors report good or excellent results in 95% three patients (77 feet) were randomized to either
of patients. Only two patients with hallux rigidus arthrodesis (22 patients, 38 toes) or a BioMet, unce-
were unsatisfied: one was complicated by an infec- mented total joint arthroplasty (27 patients, 39
tion, whereas the other received an oversized im- toes). Patient mean age was 55 (range, 34–77) years.
plant. The remainder of failures occurred in eight of Arthrodesis was performed using planar excision
the patients with hallux valgus and three with rheu- preparation and metal cerclage wire and K-wire for
matoid arthritis. Only one case of clinical or radio- fixation; all arthroplasties were uncemented. Re-
graphic evidence of loosening was reported, which sults revealed that all 38 arthrodeses united, al-
What Is the Best Treatment for End-Stage Hallux Rigidus? 477

though 7 acquired minor wound infections and 2 than hemiarthroplasty for alleviating symptoms and
required extraction of the K-wire. In contrast, 6 of 39 restoring function in patients with severe hallux
arthroplasties required removal because of loosen- rigidus.32
ing of the phalangeal components. At 2 years, final
range of active joint dorsiflexion was no greater
than preoperative movement. Visual analogue pain
scores revealed significant reduction in both groups. RECOMMENDATIONS
However, those who had an arthrodesis improved
more than those in the arthroplasty group. More The best treatment for end-stage hallux rigidus
patients in the arthrodesis group preferred both remains controversial. The quality of the
their function result and the appearance of their toe literature is poor because there are few
after arthrodesis. At 2 years, only 3% of patients in prospective comparative studies, a lack of stan-
the arthrodesis group would not have undergone dardized outcome measures, few long-term
the same surgery again compared with 40% in the studies, and most studies include other
arthroplasty group. The authors conclude that out- diagnoses beyond hallux rigidus.
comes after arthrodesis were better than those af- Initial treatment of hallux rigidus should be
ter arthroplasty, and arthrodesis was clearly pre- nonoperative. Arthrodesis is the mainstay
ferred by most patients.31 operative treatment for end-stage hallux rigidus.
Arthrodesis versus Hemiarthroplasty. Raikin and coworkers32 Conical reaming and fixation with a dorsal plate
retrospectively reviewed a series of patients with and interfragmentary screw is the strongest
severe hallux rigidus who were treated with either a construct. A Keller resection arthroplasty is a
metallic hemiarthroplasty or an arthrodesis. Twenty- viable option in older or lower demand patients;
one hemiarthroplasties with a mean follow-up period however, the complications of cock-up toe
of 79 months were compared with 27 arthrodeses deformity and transfer metatarsalgia must be
with a mean follow-up period of 30 months. The Bio- taken into consideration.
pro implant (Biopro, Port Huron, Michigan) was uti- Cheilectomy cannot be recommended for
lized for the hemiarthroplasties, whereas the ar- treatment of end-stage hallux rigidus. Current
throdesis technique involved planar excision with total joint replacements have shown a high
two obliquely oriented screws for fixation. Results incidence of radiographic evidence of early
revealed that all arthrodesis went on to unite within loosening and wear. Because their longevity has
12 weeks, and no revisions were required. Only two not yet been established, it cannot be
patients required screw removal for prominent hard- recommended at this time.
ware. Of the 21 hemiarthroplasties, 5 required revi- Hemiarthroplasty has shown some promise in
sion surgery (1 was revised, 4 were converted to an long-term survivorship, but results overall
arthrodesis), whereas eight that had survived showed have been variable. Biologic interpositional
evidence of plantar cutout of the prosthetic stem. arthroplasty has not shown consistent, reliable
Patients who underwent arthrodesis had significantly results. There is insufficient evidence to allow for
greater satisfaction rates, greater AOFAS hallux a recommendation for or against this treatment
scores, and lower visual analogue pain scores com- of end-stage hallux rigidus. Table 72–1 provides a
pared with the hemiarthroplasty group. The authors summary of recommendations for the treatment
conclude that arthrodesis was more predictable of end-stage hallux rigidus.

TABLE 72–1. Summary of Recommendations


1. Arthrodesis is the mainstay operative treatment for B II 19, 20, 30–32

end-stage hallux rigidus.
2. Conical reaming and fixation with a dorsal plate and B II 17, 18
interfragmentary screw is the strongest construct for
an arthrodesis.
3. Keller resection arthroplasty is a viable option for B II 10, 30
older or lower demand patients.
4. Cheilectomy cannot be recommended for treatment C IV 5, 6
of end-stage hallux rigidus.
5. Total joint replacements have shown a high inci- B II 25, 26, 31
dence of radiographic evidence of early loosening
and wear cannot be recommended.
6. Hemiarthroplasty has shown inconsistent results. I IV 27–29, 32
7. Biologic interpositional arthroplasty has shown in- I IV 1, 12–16
consistent results.
478 Foot and Ankle Topics

REFERENCES A biomechanical study of internal fixation techniques. Foot

Ankle 14:395–399, 1993.
1. Lau JT, Daniels TR: Outcomes following cheilectomy and 18. Politi J, John H, Njus G, Bennett GL, Kay DB: First metatarsal-
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22:462–470, 2001. stability. Foot Ankle Int 24:332–337, 2003.
2. Gould N, Schneider W, Ashikaga T: Epidemiological survey of 19. Goucher NR, Coughlin MJ: Hallux metatarsophalangeal joint
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Foot Ankle Int 1:8–10, 1980. fixation: A prospective study. Foot Ankle Int 27:869–876, 2006.
3. Coughlin MJ, Shurnas PS: Hallux Rigidus: Demographics, etiol- 20. Flavin R, Stephens MM: Arthrodesis of the first metatarso-
ogy, and radiographic assessment. Foot Ankle Int 24:731–743, phalangeal joint using a dorsal titanium contoured plate.
2003. Foot Ankle Int 25:783–787, 2004.
4. Hattrup SJ, Johnson KA: Subjective results of hallux rigidus 21. Cracchiolo A 3rd, Weltmer JB Jr, Lian G, Dalseth T, Dorey F:
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Res 226:182–191, 1988. double-stem silicone implant. Results in patients who have
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tomy. J Bone Joint Surg Am 70:400–406, 1988. rheumatoid arthritis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 74:552–563, 1992.
6. Feltham GT, Hanks SE, Marcus RE: Age-based outcomes of 22. Swanson AB, de Groot SG: Use of grommets for flexible hinge
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8. Easley ME, Davis WH, Anderson RB: Intermediate to long- 24. Esway J, Conti SF: Joint replacement in the hallux metatarso-
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hallux rigidus. Foot Ankle Int 20:147–152, 1999. 25. Pulavarti RS, McVie JL, Tulloch CJ: First metatarsophalangeal
9. Henry AP, Waugh W, Wood H: The use of footprints in assess- joint replacement using the Bio-Action great toe implant:
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16. Brage ME, Ball ST: Surgical options for salvage of end-stage 32. Raikin SM, Ahmad J, Pour AE, Abidi N: Comparison of
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Arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint: 1979–1985, 2007.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

73 for Hallux Valgus?


Theories on the pathology and appropriate treatment jected to shoes with narrow toe boxes supports a
of hallux valgus have been extensively described in congenital predisposition. An association between
the orthopedic literature. The wealth of information hallux valgus and female sex is also suggested.11,12 It
on the surgical management of hallux valgus has been has also been proposed that there is a familial predis-
molded into frequently taught treatment algorithms position to development of hallux valgus.6,13–15 The
and principles. Although these algorithms and prin- exact cause leading to the development of a hallux
ciples aim to provide consistency in treating symp- valgus deformity remains unclear and may be multi-
tomatic hallux valgus, the wide variety of approaches factorial. However, as the bunion deformity tends to
to treating hallux valgus suggests that they are far develop over time, it seems reasonable to conclude
from commonly accepted. The purpose of this cur- that repetitive forces applied to the first metatarsal
rent concept review is to provide a balanced repre- phalangeal joint leads to hallux valgus.
sentation of current thinking on the pathomechanics,
assessment, and treatment of hallux valgus. Orthope-
dic management of hallux valgus remains challenging. CAUSATIVE FACTORS AND PATHOMECHANICS
Despite the appeal of establishing universally ac- (PROPOSED THEORIES)
cepted treatment protocols and algorithms, a critical Anatomic Considerations
review of the literature suggests that the surgeon
treating hallux valgus deformity should individualize Patients without hallux valgus maintain physiologic
management to the particular patient. alignment of the hallux metatarsophalangeal (MTP)
joint with the following anatomic conditions: (1)
congruent/symmetric alignment of the articular sur-
HISTORY OF THE CONDITION AND OVERVIEW faces of the first proximal phalanx and the first meta-
OF CAUSATIVE FACTORS tarsal head during the repetitive joint loading asso-
ciated with gait, (2) physiologic relation of the distal
Bunion, a term evolving from the Latin word bunio, first metatarsal articular surface and the first meta-
meaning “turnip,” poorly defines the condition hallux tarsal shaft axis, (3) stable balance of soft tissues
valgus. To our knowledge, the first published refer- about the first MTP joint, and (4) stable first tar-
ence to hallux valgus is by Carl Hueter in 1870.1 Hallux sometatarsal (TMT) joint. Given that there is no
valgus is commonly thought to develop because of muscular/tendinous attachment to the metatarsal
unaccommodative shoe wear. Some support this con- head, any divergence from these physiologic factors
clusion,2,3 but consistently sufficient evidence does predisposes a patient to hallux valgus.
not exist to confirm unaccommodative shoe wear as Repetitively forcing the hallux into a valgus posi-
a causative factor in the development of hallux val- tion, particularly with weight bearing and ambula-
gus. Conversely, the observation that many individu- tion, is believed to eventually result in a valgus defor-
als do not experience development of hallux valgus mity at the first MTP joint. The summation of ground
despite wearing nonphysiologic shoe wear for many reactive forces and dynamic muscular forces eventu-
years implies that some individuals may have an in- ally leads to attenuation of the medial joint capsule,
completely defined predisposition to hallux valgus. contractures of the lateral joint capsule and adduc-
Other studies report that hallux valgus develops in tor tendons, with a resultant medial deviation of the
some unshod individuals, implying a congenital pre- first metatarsal head (“bunion deformity”).
disposition.4–10 Hallux valgus in juveniles, adolescents, Ground reactive forces may play a role in the
or male individuals whose feet have not been sub- gradual development of a hallux valgus deformity.
The forefoot is subject to ground reactive forces
equal to more than body weight with each step. If
Much of this text, by the same authors, has been published in Foot and
Ankle International as a two-part Current Concepts Review of hallux valgus
these forces are channeled through the plantar pulp
(Easley ME, Trnka HJ: Current concepts review: Hallux valgus. Part 1: of the hallux, the first MTP joint will move through a
Pathomechanics, clinical assessment, and nonoperative management. Foot physiologic range of motion. However, if these forces
Ankle Int 28:654–659, 2007; and Easley ME, Trnka HJ: Current concepts re-
view: Hallux valgus. Part II: Operative treatment. Foot Ankle Int 28:748–758, are channeled through the plantar medial aspect of
2007). Reprinted with permission of Data Trace Publishing Company. the hallux, then the structures restraining the medial

480 Foot and Ankle Topics

aspect of the first MTP joint will tend to become at- primus varus. Some foot and ankle surgeons main-
tenuated over time. In this model, anything that tain that hypermobility of the first TMT joint or lack
leads the hallux to accept weight bearing asymmetri- of stability of the foot’s medial column contributes
cally on the medial aspect of the hallux can predis- to the development of hallux valgus28–32 and resul-
pose to hallux valgus. Restrictive shoe wear and hy- tant pain,33 a theory popularized by Morton.9,34–37
permobility of the first ray are examples that may Lapidus38–40 supports this theory and suggests sur-
produce this situation. gical correction with a first TMT joint arthrodesis.
Dynamic muscular forces across the first MTP Although a convincing argument in theory, no evi-
joint may also contribute to the development of the dence exists to support such a correlation, and in
hallux valgus deformity. If the medial dynamic struc- fact, other investigators have demonstrated that
tures, particularly the abductor hallucis, have their hypermobility of the first TMT joint is not directly
pull redirected plantarward, the force opposing the associated with hallux valgus.37,41–45 Insufficient evi-
adductor hallucis is forfeited. The extensor hallucis dence (Level III-V) exists to support or disprove the
longus and flexor hallucis longus gradually create a contribution of first TMT joint hypermobility to the
more lateral force across the joint, the plantar apo- development of hallux valgus (grade I).
neurosis (windlass mechanism) is directed more lat-
erally, and the flexor hallucis brevis forces also shift
slightly more laterally. With these eccentric forces, Shape of the First Metatarsal Head
the crista under the first metatarsal head fails to
maintain proper tracking of the sesamoids. The re- A “square” or flattened configuration of the MTP
sulting muscular forces across the first MTP joint joint may resist valgus forces and limit development
function to deviate the hallux laterally. of hallux valgus; in contrast, a rounded, concentric
Several factors have been reputed to be associated relation of the MTP joint may predispose to hallux
with the development of hallux valgus. These include: valgus if a valgus stress is consistently maintained
(1) pes planus, (2) hypermobility of the first TMT on the hallux. To our knowledge, the contribution of
joint, (3) the relation and characteristics of the first metatarsal head configuration to the development of
metatarsal head and proximal phalanx, and (4) the hallux valgus remains an observation; no evidence
condition of the medial capsule. supports the association of metatarsal head configu-
ration to hallux valgus.

Pes Planus and Hallux Valgus

Distal Metatarsal Articular Angle
Pes planus may lead to hallux valgus because of in-
creased forefoot abduction that creates a nonphysio- Hallux valgus may exist with a congruent/symmetric
logic load on the plantarmedial aspect of the great toe relation between the first proximal phalanx and the
during heel rise. The association between pes planus first metatarsal head, suggesting a congenital predis-
and hallux valgus is controversial. Although some au- position in select patients with an increased distal
thors suggest that patients with pes planus have a metatarsal articular angle (DMAA).46–48 Richardson
greater tendency to experience development of hallux and colleagues49 note that the DMAA ranged from
valgus than patients with maintained arches,16–23 oth- 6.3 to 18 degrees; as the angle increases, so does
ers fail to support this association.14,24–26 The combi- the propensity for hallux valgus, albeit congruent/
nation of conflicting reports and consistently Level symmetric. Coughlin14 adds that the DMAA tends to
III-V evidence provide insufficient evidence (grade I) be greater in patients with juvenile hallux valgus
to prove or disprove an association between pes pla- younger than 10 years when compared with those
nus and hallux valgus. older than 10. Although Richardson and colleagues49
suggest that the DMAA can be reliably determined
radiographically, others have reported poor interob-
Hypermobility of the First Tarsometatarsal Joint server reliability.50–52

Mobility of the first TMT joint is observed in the

sagittal and transverse plane.27 The actual preva- Medial Capsular Integrity
lence of medial column hypermobility continues to
be controversial. It is theorized that hypermobility Uchiyama and investigators53 demonstrate, in a ca-
could lead to the development of hallux valgus in daveric model, that feet with hallux valgus have a
two ways. First, greater than physiologic dorsal different organization of collagen fibrils than that
subluxation of the first metatarsal could result in observed in normal feet. These findings may be in
pes planus alignment, increased forefoot abduction, response to abnormal stress repetitively applied to
and a nonphysiologic load on the plantarmedial as- this part of the joint capsule. Alternatively, abnormal
pect of the great toe during heel rise. Second, mechanical properties of the medial capsule such as
greater than physiologic medial subluxation of the those seen in patients with conditions such as rheu-
first metatarsal could result in increasing the 1-2 matoid arthritis may increase the propensity to de-
intermetatarsal angle (IMA), promoting metatarsus velop hallux valgus.
What Is the Best Treatment for Hallux Valgus? 481

cular, neurogenic, or systemic disorders that affect

CLINICAL MANIFESTATION/TYPICAL PRESENTATION the function of the foot may also be appreciated.
History Taking Oblique views of the foot may facilitate the recogni-
tion of these associated problems; however, they
Not all patients with hallux valgus are symptomatic. are not used to measure any of conventional param-
Besides an obvious cosmetic deformity, patients with eters of pedal alignment, and are therefore often
symptomatic hallux valgus generally report pain ex- unnecessary.
acerbated by shoe wear, particularly shoe wear with Radiographic Measurements Pertinent to Hallux Valgus. Several
a narrow toe box. Frequently reported complaints parameters measured from AP radiographs aid in
include pain over the medial eminence and pain with the basic characterization of a hallux valgus defor-
first MTP joint motion. Pain may also be reported at mity. The hallux valgus angle (HVA), defined as the
the second MTP joint, under the second metatarsal angle formed by the intersection of longitudinal axes
head, and occasionally with impingement of the first of the diaphyses of the first metatarsal and the
toe on the second. In addition to identifying pain re- proximal phalanx, quantifies the malalignment of the
lated to hallux valgus, the physician should deter- first MTP joint. Several authors have suggested that
mine limitations in shoe wear and activity level re- the upper limit of normal for this measurement is 15
sulting from the deformity. degrees.6,57–59 The IMA represents the angle formed
between the diaphyses of the first and second meta-
tarsals. This measurement quantifies the extent of
Physical Examination metatarsus primus varus. The upper limit of normal
for the IMA is 9 degrees.6,57–59 The interphalangeal
The severity of hallux valgus deformity and pes pla- angle, which measures the angle between the me-
nus are assessed with the patient weight bearing. To taphysis and diaphysis of the proximal phalanx, de-
illustrate appropriateness of shoe wear, the physi- termines the amount of hallux valgus interphalan-
cian may wish to contrast an outline of the patient’s geus (HVI). The physiologic upper limit of normal
foot with nonphysiologic shoe wear. Medial emi- for this parameter is 10 degrees.51,58,59 The DMAA as-
nence tenderness, first MTP joint range of motion, sesses the angular relation between the articular
and first TMT hypermobility may be evaluated with surface of the head and diaphysis of the first meta-
the patient seated.43 Limited first MTP joint range of tarsal. The upper limit of normal DMAA is 10 de-
motion with or without crepitance should alert the grees.37,49,51 The literature suggests that, although
physician to potential first MTP joint degenerative preoperative intraobserver and interobserver reli-
changes. ability for the HVA and IMA is excellent (!5 degrees,
Because physiologically normal values of first 95% confidence interval),51,59–61 assessment of the
TMT joint mobility have not been defined, first ray DMAA remains a diagnostic challenge, with poor in-
hypermobility remains a controversial finding and a traobserver and interobserver reliability.47,49–52
diagnostic challenge, despite some authors provid- Radiographic Measurements Purported to Suggest Hypermobility. Sec-
ing methods to objectively quantitate first TMT joint ond metatarsal diaphyseal hypertrophy, a medially
motion.54 Even though a validated Klaue device ex- oriented first TMT joint, and first TMT joint obliquity
ists to measure first ray mobility,55,56 it is not particu- have been suggested to indirectly determine hypermo-
larly practical in the clinical setting. Moreover, first bility of the first ray. Diaphyseal hypertrophy of the
TMT joint hypermobility may not only occur in the second metatarsal, particularly the medial cortex, has
sagittal plane but also in the transverse plane.27 been suggested as a sign of hypermobility of the first
Clinical evaluation may not be adequately specific to ray.28,29,31,62,63 No investigation has demonstrated a cor-
isolate the first TMT joint, and therefore may assess relation between radiographic changes in the second
only medial column mobility. Physical examination metatarsal and hypermobility.37,44,64 However, one
should also include the evaluation of the second study demonstrated a marginal correlation between
MTP joint for presence of synovitis, metatarsal head the IMA and dorsal mobility of the TMT joint in pa-
overload, and/or second toe deformity, all of which tients with hallux valgus.65 A medially oriented obliq-
are often associated with hallux valgus. uity of the first TMT joint has proposed as an associ-
ated sign of a hypermobility, but Brage and colleagues66
demonstrated that changing the inclination of the
Imaging Studies x-ray beam relative to the floor created wide variation
in the measurement of the first TMT joint obliquity.
Proper evaluation of a hallux valgus deformity ne- Based on these findings, Brage and colleagues66 con-
cessitates weight-bearing anteroposterior (AP) and cluded that first TMT joint obliquity was not a reliable
lateral radiographs of the entire foot. From these indication for first TMT arthrodesis in the manage-
radiographs, the angular relations that identify the ment of hallux valgus. An investigation observed
presence and determine magnitude of the deformi- significant dorsal translation and dorsiflexion of this
ties of the bones and the joints associated with hal- joint in a series of patients with moderate-to-severe
lux valgus are measured. Other conditions, such as hallux valgus compared with normal control subjects.67
instability, arthrosis, and malalignment of joints The appearance of plantar gapping at the TMT joint
elsewhere in the foot or the manifestations of vas- has been attributed to radiographic projection and
482 Foot and Ankle Topics

discounted as an indication of hypermobility.33,71 Cur- surgery. To ensure appropriate nonsurgical treat-

rently, no investigation has correlated these presumed ment of hallux valgus, the treating surgeon should
radiographic abnormalities of the TMT joint with clini- focus on identifying the patient’s specific complaints.
cal hypermobility. Pain may not be a major component of the patient’s
Correlating Physical and Radiographic Findings. Thordarson and symptoms. Cosmetic concerns and difficulty using
coworkers68 evaluated 285 women, with an average age restrictive shoe wear are often common complaints.
of 49 years, scheduled for corrective surgery for hallux Because of the recovery time associated with bun-
valgus. Validated AAOS foot-specific outcomes data ion surgery and the potential for complications,
collection questionnaires were used. Preoperative ra- surgical correction of hallux valgus for cosmesis is
diographic data (HVA and IMA) were stratified into de- not indicated.
gree of deformity. The data were stratified into age Symptoms of pain are best treated with shoe wear
groups consistent with those reported for the 36-Item and activity modification. Shoes with a wider toe
Short Form Health Survey (SF-36), and the results were box and a comfortable upper are often helpful. Pad-
compared with the SF-36 for the general population. ding over the medial eminence or adjustments to
The global foot and ankle score and the shoe comfort the shoe to create more space medially can be help-
score were compared with the general population, and ful. However, nonoperative management cannot re-
the severity of the preoperative deformity was corre- verse hallux valgus deformity, and successful sur-
lated with the baseline scores. Bodily pain scores were gery may lead to an improved functional outcome. A
uniformly worse for hallux valgus patients compared randomized, controlled trial in 209 consecutive pa-
with the general population, with significantly lower tients with symptomatic hallux valgus treated in
global foot and ankle and shoe comfort scores, a find- four Finnish general community hospitals demon-
ing that suggests that the bodily pain score from the strated that, although orthoses provided short-term
SF-36 represents a sensitive measure of the difficulties symptomatic relief, surgical management of hallux
experienced by patients undergoing corrective hallux valgus led to superior functional outcome and pa-
valgus surgery. The preoperative radiographically de- tient satisfaction as compared with orthotic man-
termined severity of deformity failed to correlate with agement at a minimum follow-up of 12 months.69
any scores measured. Surgical correction also led to better functional out-
come and patient satisfaction than observation
(“watchful waiting”), suggesting that the natural
CLASSIFICATION history of symptomatic hallux valgus deformity, at
12 months, is not one of improvement (Level I evi-
Classification of deformity, based on radiographic dence). Although this prospective, randomized
parameters, may serve to formulate a surgical plan in study demonstrates benefits of surgical correction
the management of hallux valgus deformity. Although of hallux valgus when compared with nonoperative
algorithms exist, the authors caution that hallux val- treatment, insufficient evidence exists to support
gus surgery may need to be individualized. The fol- that corrective bunion surgery should be favored
lowing classification provides general guidelines: over nonoperative management (grade I).

Hallux Valgus
Step 1: Rule out degenerative joint disease of the OVERVIEW OF OPERATIVE TREATMENT
first MTP joint
Step 2: Congruent versus incongruent joint More than 100 different operative treatments have
(i.e., increased DMAA or not) been proposed for hallux valgus. As a general princi-
Step 3: Degree of severity ple, the severity of the deformity dictates treatment
Mild deformity (IMA ! 13 degrees; HVA options. Although mild-to-moderate deformities often
! 30 degrees) can be corrected with a more distal procedure such
stable first TMT joint as a chevron osteotomy, more severe deformities
Moderate-to-severe deformity (IMA " 13 degrees; typically are managed with a more proximal proce-
HVA " 30 degrees) dure such as a proximal metatarsal osteotomy or
stable first TMT joint Lapidus procedure. A first MTP joint arthrodesis gen-
Severe deformity (IMA " 20 degrees; HVA erally is reserved for hallux valgus associated with
" 40 degrees) first MTP joint arthrosis, severe deformities, or sal-
stable first TMT joint vage of failed previous hallux valgus procedures.
Step 4: Hypermobility of the first TMT joint
Step 5: Evaluate for increased HVI angle
Distal Procedures
Incongruent Hallux Valgus.
Nonoperative management of hallux valgus can im- Simple Bunionectomy. Few recent orthopedic articles re-
prove a patient’s symptoms and avoids the compli- port on simple bunionectomy (medial eminence resec-
cations that may be associated with hallux valgus tion with medial capsular plication). In a retrospective
What Is the Best Treatment for Hallux Valgus? 483

review of simple bunionectomy, Kitaoka and coau- For mild-to-moderate hallux valgus correction, the
thors70 note high recurrence and high patient dissatis- effectiveness of the distal chevron osteotomy in pro-
faction rates. Given the limited Level IV evidence for viding favorable outcomes and patient satisfaction,
simple bunionectomy, no specific recommendation regardless of fixation method, addition of lateral soft-
(grade I) can be made for medial eminence resection in tissue release, length of follow-up, or patient age, is
hallux valgus correction. supported by numerous retrospective reviews (Level
Modified McBride Procedure (Distal Soft-Tissue Procedure). The IV evidence).80–85,90–97 The average preoperative IMA
McBride distal soft-tissue procedure, although com- was less than 15 degrees in all studies. DeOrio and
mon as an adjunct procedure in many hallux valgus Ware81 report satisfactory outcomes and patient sat-
corrective surgeries, has also been described as an isfaction with a low complication rate with bioab-
isolated procedure for hallux valgus correction. In sorbable fixation (Level IV evidence). Crosby and
1923, Silver22 reported the combination of medial Bozarth93 and Gill and colleagues82 note no signifi-
eminence resection, lateral capsular release, adduc- cant differences in favorable outcomes or patient
tor hallucis tendon release, and medial capsular satisfaction and minimal complications in case series
plication for the treatment of hallux valgus defor- comparisons of screw, Kirschner wire, and no fixa-
mity. The modified McBride procedure includes tion and Kirschner wires versus bioabsorbable fixa-
medial capsulotomy (and subsequent plication), tion, respectively (Level IV evidence).
division of the ligament between the lateral capsule Although the addition of a lateral release to a distal
and fibular sesamoid, adductor hallucis release, chevron osteotomy may improve global correction of
lateral capsular fenestration, and a controlled varus hallux alignment, patient satisfaction is similar in pa-
stress to the first MTP joint.71–73 A concern about tients who have distal chevron osteotomies with or
hallux varus after the original McBride procedure74 without lateral release. Resch and investigators’89 Level
prompted the preservation of the fibular sesamoid I evidence investigation compares distal chevron oste-
in the modification. otomy with and without adductor tenotomy. Although
Few recent orthopedic articles report on isolated the clinical appearance and radiographic alignment
modified McBride procedures for the correction of were significantly improved in the group with adduc-
hallux valgus deformity. In a retrospective review, tor release, patient satisfaction was not. Mann and
Mann and Pfeffinger72 note acceptable patient satisfac- Donatto,80 in a small case series (Level IV evidence),
tion rates and improvement in hallux alignment (Level note satisfactory outcome for distal chevron osteot-
IV evidence). However, a selection bias to patients omy without lateral release: similar to results of Level
with mild and flexible deformities was suggested.75 IV evidence studies of distal chevron osteotomies with
Johnson and coworkers71 retrospectively compared lateral release.92,95,97
the modified McBride procedure and distal chevron Two recently published Level IV case series of
osteotomy, with the two groups matched for age, se- distal chevron osteotomies with lateral release83,85
verity of deformity, and length of follow-up (Level III note that the results were maintained with longer
evidence). Although postoperative satisfaction rates follow-up: Trnka and coworkers’83 follow-up period
were not significantly different, the distal chevron was 2 to 5 years, and Schneider and colleagues’85
group exhibited significantly better correction of align- follow-up period was 5.6 to 12.7 years. Furthermore,
ment. Given the limited Level III and IV evidence for both studies suggest that results were equal for pa-
the modified McBride procedure, no specific recom- tients older and younger than the arbitrarily chosen
mendation (grade I) can be made for the McBride age of 50 years.
distal soft-tissue procedure when used in isolation for Congruent Hallux Valgus. Although subject to poor in-
hallux valgus correction. terobserver reliability,47,50–52 the DMAA47,49 can be de-
Distal Chevron Osteotomy. The distal chevron osteotomy is a creased by combining the distal chevron osteotomy
V-shaped osteotomy of the first metatarsal, described with Akin osteotomy80 or by making a biplanar distal
by Corless,76 Johnson and coworkers,77 and Austin and chevron osteotomy in mild hallux valgus deformity46,98
Leventen.78 The capital fragment is shifted laterally (Level IV evidence). Whereas the goal of a combina-
to narrow the forefoot. An anatomic study suggested tion of distal chevron and Akin osteotomies is to im-
that the capital fragment can be safely shifted laterally prove clinical alignment through extra-articular cor-
6.0 mm in men and 5.0 mm in women, and still maintain rection, the biplanar distal chevron osteotomy aims
greater than 50% bony apposition of the fragments.79 to simultaneously correct hallux valgus and decrease
The procedure has been performed with or without the DMAA. In the biplanar distal chevron procedure,
fixation of the shifted capital fragment.80–85 The sym- two different osteotomy configurations can be used.
metric orientation of the distal chevron osteotomy78 With the conventional, symmetric pattern of two os-
has undergone several modifications to accommodate teotomy limbs of equal length, a second oblique
fixation.77,80 The combination of a medial closing wedge wedge resection for each cut allows a reduction in the
osteotomy of the first proximal phalanx (Akin) and a DMAA in combination with the lateral shift of the
distal chevron osteotomy has been described when metatarsal head46 (Level IV evidence). With a short,
hallux valgus with metatarsus primus varus is associ- relatively vertical dorsal limb and long, horizontal
ated with HVI.86,87 The distal chevron osteotomy also plantar limb, a second wedge resection dorsally per-
has been combined with a lateral capsular or adductor mits redirection of the metatarsal head simultaneous
tendon release, or both.83,85,88–90 with the lateral shift98 (Level IV evidence).
484 Foot and Ankle Topics

Risk for Osteonecrosis of the First Metatarsal Head with Distal Chevron ies exist for the distal chevron and Akin osteotomies
Osteotomy. Adding a lateral capsular release to a and the biplanar distal chevron osteotomy to cor-
chevron osteotomy may improve deformity correc- rect mild-to-moderate hallux valgus associated with
tion,84,88,95,96,99,100 but this type of release may in- an increased DMAA.46,86,87,98 Although functional out-
crease the risk for osteonecrosis of the first meta- comes and patient satisfaction for these case series
tarsal head90 (Level IV evidence). A distal chevron are favorable, only grade C evidence supports their
osteotomy disrupts the intraosseous blood supply use in the management of mild-to-moderate hallux
to the metatarsal head, and the medial capsular valgus with an increased DMAA.
release eliminates a substantial portion of the blood Keller Resection Arthroplasty. Several Level IV retrospective
supply to the metatarsal head.88 Retrospective re- case series have been published on the Keller resec-
views83–85,94–96 (Level IV evidence) suggest that a tion arthroplasty.21,101–107 The Keller resection arthro-
lateral capsular release or adductor tenotomy can plasty is the resection of the first proximal phalanx
be safely combined with a distal chevron osteot- base to correct hallux valgus deformity. In a prospec-
omy. Moreover, in a prospective, randomized study tive comparison, Turnbull and Grange101 demonstrate
(Level I evidence), Resch and investigators99 used better HVA and IMA correction, hallux MTP joint mo-
scintigraphy to demonstrate that an adductor hal- tion, and metatarsal head relation with the sesamoid
lucis tenotomy performed with a distal chevron complex for the distal chevron osteotomy compared
osteotomy did not lead to an increased circulatory with the Keller procedure (Level II evidence). Al-
disturbance to the first metatarsal head compared though some authors have reported satisfactory re-
with distal chevron osteotomies performed with- sults with the Keller resection arthroplasty, these
out a lateral soft-tissue procedure. Kuhn and col- authors note that acceptable results were achieved
leagues88 prospectively (Level III evidence) utilized because of ancillary procedures. Specifically, Donley
an intraoperative laser Doppler probe to demon- and researchers108 note acceptable postoperative
strate that the combination of chevron osteotomy, alignment when the resection arthroplasty is com-
medial capsular release, and lateral release plus bined with a fibular sesamoidectomy (Level IV). Like-
adductor tenotomy resulted in a cumulative de- wise, several authors105,106,109–111 attribute improved
crease in blood flow to the metatarsal head of 71%, outcome applying a cerclage fibreux (described by
with the greatest insult being attributed to the me- LeLievre and LeLievre112) distal soft-tissue procedure
dial capsular release (45%). None of the 20 metatar- or tendon transfer in conjunction with the resection
sal heads analyzed in Kuhn and colleagues’88 study (Level IV). Zembsch and investigators,102 in a retro-
experienced development of osteonecrosis. Some spective, uncontrolled comparative case series, dem-
investigations have noted initial radiographic find- onstrate worse results with the Keller procedure than
ings suggestive of avascular change in the first with proximal metatarsal closing wedge osteotomy,
metatarsal head, but with further follow-up these with significantly better correction of hallux valgus
changes resolved in most patients.80,96,99 Even after deformity in the proximal osteotomy group. Both
chevron osteotomy without lateral release, subtle groups had high rates of transfer metatarsalgia (Level
findings suggestive of osteonecrosis may be identi- IV evidence). Anecdotally, most authors suggest that
fied, but these rarely have long-term sequelae80,99 the Keller procedure be used only in older patients
(Level I and IV evidence). Jones and coauthors100 with limited functional expectations who may be at
propose an overpenetration with the saw blade risk if subjected to corrective surgery. Given that no
through the lateral first metatarsal cortex and the more than Level IV evidence exists in the orthopedic
lateral capsule as the technical error potentially literature, only grade C evidence exists for recom-
leading to osteonecrosis. mending the Keller procedure in the management of
Levels of Evidence for Distal Chevron Osteotomy. Given the nu- hallux valgus deformity.
merous positive Level IV evidence investigations
and one Level I evidence study in the orthopedic
literature, a grade B treatment recommendation can MODERATE-TO-SEVERE DEFORMITY
be made to support the use of a distal chevron oste- Incongruent Hallux Valgus Deformity
otomy for correction of mild-to-moderate hallux val-
gus deformity. One Level I evidence study and mul- Proximal Procedures and First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis. For
tiple Level IV evidence investigations that provide a moderate-to-severe hallux valgus deformity associ-
grade B evidence that hallux alignment and func- ated with metatarsus primus varus, a more powerful
tional outcome may be better after a distal chevron deformity correction generally is required. A wide vari-
osteotomy with a lateral soft-tissue procedure than ety of approaches have been described for correction
without suggest that patient satisfaction is no differ- of severe hallux valgus deformity, including various
ent in these two groups. Moreover, consistently proximal first metatarsal osteotomies, corrective first
positive Level IV evidence and one Level I evidence TMT joint arthrodesis (Lapidus), or first MTP joint ar-
investigation allow a grade B recommendation that a throdesis. Typically, a distal soft-tissue procedure is
lateral capsular or adductor hallucis tendon release performed in conjunction with a proximal osteotomy
can be done with a distal chevron osteotomy with- or a Lapidus procedure.
out increased risk for first metatarsal head osteone- Whereas crescentic113–117 and closing wedge osteot-
crosis. Two relatively recent Level IV evidence stud- omies are done through a dorsal approach, proximal
What Is the Best Treatment for Hallux Valgus? 485

chevron, opening wedge Ludloff, and scarf osteoto- improvements in the functional outcomes with the
mies are done from the medial aspect of the proximal proximal chevron osteotomy at intermediate follow-
first metatarsal.118–121 Several authors suggest that up. In the Level II investigation comparing the proxi-
dorsiflexion malunion is less likely to occur with mal chevron and crescentic osteotomies, healing
proximal osteotomies done from the medial aspect of time was shorter and the tendency for first metatar-
the first metatarsal than from the dorsal aspect.115,118,121 sal shortening was less for the proximal chevron
Most proximal first metatarsal osteotomies require cohort. Dorsiflexion malunion was observed in 0%
full transection of the first metatarsal; the opening and and 17% for the proximal chevron and crescentic
closing wedge procedures maintain lateral and medial cohorts, respectively. Taking the limited (but favor-
cortical hinges, respectively. For all proximal osteoto- able) Level IV evidence and the positive Level II evi-
mies combined with a distal soft-tissue procedure, dence into consideration, a grade B recommenda-
potential complications include recurrence, hallux tion for the use of the proximal chevron osteotomy
varus, first MTP joint stiffness, malunion, nonunion, in the operative management of hallux valgus can
and infection. be made.
Proximal Crescentic Osteotomy. The proximal crescentic os- Opening Wedge Proximal First Metatarsal Osteotomy. The opening
teotomy for correction of hallux valgus associated wedge proximal first metatarsal osteotomy was de-
with metatarsus primus varus has been popularized scribed by Trethowen in 1923129 but was largely
by Mann and colleagues.122 Unique to the proximal abandoned because of concerns of stability and non-
crescentic osteotomy is the use of a crescentic saw union. With improved fixation techniques, including
blade. A commonly cited potential complication of fixed-angle plating, the opening wedge has regained
the proximal crescentic osteotomy is dorsiflexion acceptance in some centers. It probably is inaccu-
malunion.115,116,122,123 Jones and coauthors124 describe rate to state that an opening wedge proximal first
a technique to aid surgeons in properly orienting the metatarsal osteotomy lengthens the metatarsal, but
crescentic saw blade in the coronal plane to minimize it may maintain length, a feature that may be benefi-
the risk for initial dorsiflexion malpositioning. cial when the first metatarsal is relatively short com-
Several case series (Level IV evidence) reported pared with the second metatarsal. Healing rarely is
satisfactory radiographic correction, high rates of problematic despite the gap that is created; minimal
satisfaction, and significant improvement in func- periosteal stripping and an intact lateral cortex allow
tional outcomes with the proximal crescentic osteot- relatively rapid incorporation of local autograft, al-
omy at intermediate- to long-term follow-up peri- lograft, or bone graft substitutes.
ods.113,114,116,117,122,123,125,126 A prospective, randomized Despite the attention given this technique in re-
comparison115 (Level II evidence) of the proximal cent years, to our knowledge, no investigations have
crescentic and proximal chevron osteotomies sug- been published that report the results of hallux val-
gested favorable radiographic correction and clinical gus correction using an opening wedge proximal first
outcomes for both procedures, with American Ortho- metatarsal osteotomy. Thus, insufficient (grade I)
paedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) outcome evidence exits to make a recommendation.
scores and radiographic correction of HVA and IMA Proximal Oblique (“Ludloff”) Osteotomy. The proximal oblique
improving significantly at an average follow-up of 24 first metatarsal osteotomy was introduced in 1918 by
(proximal crescentic) and 20 months (proximal chev- Ludloff,130 but it failed to gain acceptance because the
ron). Dorsiflexion malunion was observed in 17% of original description did not include fixation. More re-
the proximal crescentic cohort. Mann and col- cently, a modified technique included fixation with
leagues,122 in one of the original articles describing two screws.121 The first screw is placed before the
this procedure, note dorsiflexion malunions in 28% of osteotomy is completed, allowing the surgeon to
cases. The consistently favorable results from several maintain full control of the osteotomy throughout the
case series and one Level II evidence study impart a procedure.121 Beischer and coauthors131 report the
grade B recommendation for the use of the proximal optimal geometric parameters of the modified Ludloff
crescentic osteotomy in the surgical management of osteotomy in a three-dimensional computer analysis.
hallux valgus. Specifically, they determined that first metatarsal
Proximal Chevron Osteotomy. The proximal chevron oste- shortening and rotational malalignment can be con-
otomy, first reported by Sammarco and research- trolled if the osteotomy is started dorsally at the first
ers,118 relies not simply on lateral translation of the TMT joint and extended distally to the plantar first
distal fragment, as with the distal chevron procedure, metatarsal, just proximal to the sesamoid complex.
but concomitantly incorporates an opening wedge They also explain that first metatarsal elevation is
principle.115,118–120 The large contact area is relatively avoided by tilting the osteotomy 10 degrees plantar-
stable, and recommended fixation is with a combina- ward, thereby directing the distal fragment plantar-
tion of a screw and a Kirschner wire, two screws, or a ward during correction.
plate.115,118–120,127,128 The procedure has been described A few orthopedic clinical series (Level IV evidence)
using a single-119,120 or two-incision115,118 technique. have analyzed the modified Ludloff osteotomy com-
Three case series118,120 (Level IV evidence) and bined with a distal soft-tissue procedure.121,132,133 At in-
one prospective, randomized comparative study115 termediate follow-up, in prospective case series (Level
(Level II evidence) reported favorable radiographic IV evidence), Hofstaetter and colleagues,132 Petroutsas
correction, high rates of satisfaction, and significant and Trnka,133 and Chiodo and coworkers121 report
486 Foot and Ankle Topics

significant improvement in the AOFAS Hallux-IP joint correction of hallux valgus in those with a distal soft-
score, favorable patient satisfaction, and significant tissue procedure was accompanied by significantly
correction of radiographic hallux alignment. Based on less first MTP joint motion. Several dorsiflexion mal-
the limited clinical series of Level IV articles, a grade B unions were observed in the entire group of patients.
recommendation exists for the modified Ludloff oste- With the Level III and IV evidence, a grade B recom-
otomy and distal soft-tissue procedure in the operative mendation can be made for the closing wedge proxi-
management of moderate-to-severe hallux valgus de- mal first metatarsal osteotomy in the correction of
formity. hallux valgus, with the observation that dorsiflexion
Closing Wedge Proximal First Metatarsal Osteotomy. A proximal malunion and considerable shortening of the first
closing wedge osteotomy perpendicular to the first metatarsal are frequent.
metatarsal longitudinal axis is not universally ac- Scarf Osteotomy. The scarf osteotomy is not a proximal
cepted by orthopedic foot and ankle surgeons be- first metatarsal osteotomy per se but is commonly
cause of concerns regarding complications, including used outside of the United States for moderate-to-
shortening and dorsiflexion malunion.102,134,135 Perhaps severe hallux valgus deformity.137–141 The configura-
by utilizing an oblique wedge orientation (as has been tion of the osteotomy with a distal dorsal limb (virtu-
espoused at various meetings), these risks might be ally identical to that of a traditional distal chevron
diminished. To date, however, no peer-reviewed pub- osteotomy), a long transverse cut, and a proximal
lished data exist in support of this in the orthopedic limb (similar to the distal extension of the Ludloff
literature. The proximal closing wedge first metatarsal osteotomy) confers stability and permits fixation
osteotomy is done through a dorsal approach, with with two screws. It is designed primarily as an oste-
the base of the resected segment directed laterally. otomy that laterally translates the distal fragment,
Despite a medial hinge being maintained, most pub- but with slight modification of the bone cuts, rota-
lished series acknowledge a risk for dorsiflexion mal- tion also can be imparted to the distal fragment to
union. Given the natural propensity for the wedge os- further correct the IMA increased DMAA. A potential
teotomy to shorten the ray, theoretically, this complication unique to the scarf osteotomy is
osteotomy may be uniquely suitable for patients with “troughing” (i.e., an impaction of the two osteotomy
a relatively long first metatarsal. fragments, resulting in loss of metatarsal height).
Several retrospective case series (Level IV evi- Several prospective and retrospective case series
dence) of proximal first metatarsal closing wedge (Level IV evidence) have reported favorable radio-
osteotomies and distal soft-tissue procedures with graphic correction, high rates of patient satisfaction,
intermediate- to long-term follow-up periods have and significant improvements in the functional out-
been reported in the orthopedic literature.102,134–136 comes and pedobaric foot pressure analyses with
Trnka and researchers135 report long-term retrospec- the scarf osteotomy.137–145 Aminian and coauthors,142
tive results (follow-up range, 10–22 years) of basal in their retrospective review, note no transfer meta-
metatarsal closing wedge osteotomies. Despite good- tarsalgia pattern in foot pressure analysis. Prospec-
to-excellent results in 85% of patients who returned tively, Lorei and coworkers141 observed a redistribu-
for follow-up, a considerable number of complica- tion from the lateral forefoot to the first ray after
tions occurred, including dorsiflexion malunion, first scarf osteotomies in their case series using pedo-
metatarsal shortening (mean, 5 mm), transfer meta- barographic analysis (Level IV evidence). Jones and
tarsalgia, and hallux varus. In an uncontrolled com- coauthors,139 prospectively, and Crevoisier and in-
parative study (Level IV evidence), the same authors vestigators,137 retrospectively, reported favorable
report that a subset of the same patients compared outcomes and radiographic correction using a com-
favorably with a group of similar patients undergoing bination of scarf and Akin osteotomies (Level IV evi-
Keller resection arthroplasties.102 Although the inci- dence).
dence of transfer metatarsalgia was equal in the two In contrast, Coetzee146 reports poor AOFAS out-
groups, the basal closing wedge osteotomy had sig- come scores and an alarming complication rate in a
nificantly better AOFAS Hallux-IP joint scores and ra- prospective case series of scarf osteotomies (Level IV
diographic outcomes. Again, the frequency of dorsi- evidence). Complications included “troughing” (35%),
flexion malunion and hallux varus was high. In an rotational malunion (30%), metatarsal fracture (10%),
intermediate follow-up case series, Resch and inves- and early recurrence of deformity (25%). Although
tigators134 cite a long average time to healing of the many authors have acknowledged the complexity of
osteotomy and a 20% incidence rate of dorsiflexion this osteotomy, several have provided technique tips
malunion associated with transfer metatarsalgia. and experience to accelerate the learning curve in
Granberry and Hickey136 report a retrospective, mastering the procedure.138,143,145,147–149
uncontrolled comparative study (Level III evidence) Despite one Level IV evidence case series con-
of proximal first metatarsal closing wedge and Akin demning the procedure, the favorable results from
osteotomies with or without a distal soft-tissue pro- numerous case series support a grade B recommen-
cedure. Although the same combination of osteoto- dation for the use of the scarf osteotomy in the treat-
mies was done in the two groups, only one group had ment of primary hallux valgus.
release of the lateral joint capsule from the sesamoid First Tarsometatarsal Joint Arthrodesis (Modified Lapidus Proce-
and transfer of the adductor tendon into the first dure). Lapidus38 originally described an arthrodesis be-
metatarsal neck. The significantly better radiographic tween the bases of the first and second metatarsals
What Is the Best Treatment for Hallux Valgus? 487

and the first intercuneiform joint to correct metatarsus metatarsal osteotomy or medial opening wedge
primus varus in patients with hallux valgus. Currently, osteotomy of the first cuneiform (Cotton proce-
the modified Lapidus procedure incorporates an iso- dure) to correct the increased IMA and a distal
lated arthrodesis of the first TMT joint with a lateral medial closing wedge osteotomy of the metatarsal
and plantar based closing wedge osteotomy of the head (Reverdin osteotomy) to reduce the DMAA,
medial cuneiform.31,138,150–152 This procedure has been may be considered. With severe deformity, an open-
indicated for the correction of metatarsus primus ing wedge medial cuneiform osteotomy (Cotton
varus in patients with moderate-to-severe hallux val- procedure) can be added to proximal MT osteot-
gus and hypermobility of the first ray. First ray hyper- omy and Reverdin to further correct the IMA, creat-
mobility has been controversial and often is ques- ing a triple osteotomy. When associated with HVI,
tioned.37,42,45,152 an Akin osteotomy also should be added because
Several retrospective case series (Level IV evi- none of the aforementioned osteotomies directly
dence) have collectively reported excellent radio- corrects angulation in the hallux proximal pha-
graphic correction, high rates of satisfaction, and lanx.159 One Level IV evidence investigation sug-
significant improvements in functional outcomes gested favorable outcomes in a limited number of
with the modified Lapidus procedure.28–30,32,153,154 patients undergoing multiple osteotomies for a
Faber and coauthors,152 in a prospective, random- more comprehensive hallux valgus correction.159
ized study comparing the Hohmann procedure (dis- Several case series (Level IV evidence) have re-
tal first metatarsal osteotomy) with the modified ported favorable outcomes with Akin osteotomies
Lapidus procedure in 101 feet (Level I evidence), added to distal chevron osteotomies86,87 and more
found no significant differences in clinical outcomes, proximal osteotomies.137,139 The limited published
radiographic correction, or patient satisfaction. Feet Level IV evidence available for double and triple
with preoperatively identified hypermobility had osteotomies is insufficient (grade I) to make a rec-
equally favorable outcomes with either procedure ommendation for their use in the management of
when compared with feet without hypermobility. A hallux valgus deformity.
prospective study (Level II evidence) evaluated the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis. Arthrodesis of
efficacy of the modified Lapidus procedure in the the first MTP joint generally is reserved for patients
treatment of recurrent hallux valgus. Significant de- with severe hallux valgus deformity, or patients in
creases in the pain score, IMAs, and HVAs, and in- whom hallux valgus is associated with arthrosis of
creases in the AOFAS clinical ratings score were as- the joint, failed prior surgical correction, or a neuro-
sociated with an 81% satisfaction rate at 2 years muscular disorder; it also is used as part of the re-
after surgery.155 construction of a rheumatoid forefoot. Coughlin and
Early reports identified nonunion rates of 10% to coauthors160 (Level IV evidence) report significant
12% with the modified Lapidus procedure.29,31,156 decreases in pain after fusion for moderate-to-
However, a more recent large clinical series reported severe hallux valgus. There were no dissatisfied
a 4% nonunion rate and a 2% revision rate in feet patients, and most patients were able to wear con-
treated with the Lapidus procedure.32 The authors ventional or comfort shoe wear at an average of
reported that five of the eight patients with non- 8 years after surgery. However, radiographic pro-
unions had previous bunion surgery, and two pa- gression of arthritis was evident at the interphalan-
tients smoked. Another study reported no nonunions geal joint in 7 of the 21 feet in their series.160 Grimes
with the use of the modified Lapidus procedure for and Coughlin151 report satisfactory outcomes at an
the primary correction of hallux valgus.157 The uni- average follow-up period of 8 years in a retrospec-
formly successful results from numerous case series, tive case series of first MTP joint arthrodeses per-
supported by one Level I evidence study, justify a formed for failed hallux valgus procedures. When
grade B recommendation for the use of the modified fusion was compared with resection of the first MTP
Lapidus procedure in the treatment of primary hal- joint for reconstruction of the rheumatoid forefoot
lux valgus. Although the results of Coetzee and co- (Level II evidence), no differences were detected
workers155,158 suggest that the modified Lapidus pro- other than a significant increase in the duration of
cedure also is an effective salvage procedure for the procedure for the group undergoing arthrode-
recurrent hallux valgus, this evidence from a single sis.161 Salvage of a failed Keller procedure with fu-
Level II study is insufficient (grade I) to make a rec- sion was associated with a greater rate of satisfac-
ommendation. tion and AOFAS clinical rating score, and avoided
the onset of postoperative valgus or cock-up defor-
mity when compared with isolated soft-tissue re-
Congruent Hallux Valgus Deformity lease (Level III evidence).162 A case series (Level IV
evidence) evaluating the results of arthrodesis for
Double/Triple Osteotomies for Hallux Valgus Correction. A large hallux valgus in children with cerebral palsy re-
IMA in combination with an increased DMAA can- ported high rates of fusion and satisfaction with the
not be corrected with a proximal osteotomy alone; procedure. Together, these investigations favor a
reducing the IMA will effectively increase the DMAA. grade B recommendation for the use of arthrodesis
In hallux valgus with a large IMA and increased in the management of a wide spectrum of hallux
DMAA, a double osteotomy, with a proximal first valgus deformities.
488 Foot and Ankle Topics

Our evidence-based recommendations for • Multiple proximal first metatarsal procedures,
the treatment of hallux valgus are as follows when combined with a distal soft-tissue
(Table 73–1): procedure, appear to provide satisfactory treat-
• Nonoperative treatment for hallux valgus can ment for moderate-to-severe hallux valgus de-
mitigate patient symptoms but does not alter formity (hallux valgus associated with
the natural history of the deformity. metatarsus primus varus). These include
• A distal chevron osteotomy appears to be a proximal crescentic, proximal chevron,
predictable treatment for mild and some proximal oblique (Ludloff), proximal closing
moderate hallux valgus deformities. wedge, and scarf osteotomies and the
• The addition of a limited lateral capsular Lapidus procedure.
release, adductor hallucis tenotomy, or both to • First MTP joint arthrodesis appears to offer
a distal chevron osteotomy does not seem to satisfactory outcome in patients with severe
increase the risk for first metatarsal hallux valgus.

TABLE 73–1. Summary of Recommendations


1. A distal chevron osteotomy apears to be a predictable treatment for Level IV/Grade B 80–85, 90–97
mild and some moderate hallux valgus deformities.
2. The addition of a limited lateral capsular release or adductor hallu- Level I, IV/Grade B 83–85, 88, 94–96, 99, 100
cis tenotomy or both to a distal chevron ostetomy does not seem to
increase the risk of first metatarsal head osteonecrosis.
3. Multiple proximal first metatarsal procedures, when combined with a Level II, IV/Grade B 113, 114, 116, 117, 122,
distal soft-tissue procedure, appear to provide satisfactory treatment 123, 125, 126, 118,
for moderate-to-severe hallux valgus deformity (hallux valgus 119, 120, 115, 121,
associated with metatarsus primus varus). These include proximal 132, 133, 136,
crescentic, proximal chevron, proximal oblique (Ludoff), proximal 137–145, 28–30, 32,
closing wedge, and Scarf osteotomies and the Lapidus procedure. 153, 154
4. First metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis appears to offer Level II, III, IV/Grade B 151, 160, 161
satisfactory outcome in patients with severe hallux valgus.

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131. Beischer AD, Ammon P, Corniou A, Myerson M: Three- 149. Saragas NP: Technique tip: Preventing “troughing” with the
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132. Hofstaetter SG, Gruber F, Ritschl P, Trnka HJ: [The modified plasty and transfer of the extensor hallucis brevis tendon. A
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primus varus with hallux valgus deformity]. Z Orthop Ihre Relat Res (308):43–49, 1994.
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133. Petroutsas J, Trnka HJ: The Ludloff osteotomy for correction arthrodesis as a treatment for failed hallux valgus surgery.
of hallux valgus. Oper Orthop Traumatol 17:102–117, 2005. Foot Ankle Int 27:887–893, 2006.
134. Resch S, Stenstrom A, Egund N: Proximal closing wedge 152. Faber FW, Mulder PG, Verhaar JA: Role of first ray hypermo-
osteotomy and adductor tenotomy for treatment of hallux bility in the outcome of the Hohmann and the Lapidus proce-
valgus. Foot Ankle 9:272–280, 1989. dure. A prospective, randomized trial involving one hundred
135. Trnka HJ, Muhlbauer M, Zembsch A, et al: Basal closing and one feet. J Bone Joint Surg Am 86-A:486–495, 2004.
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tarsus primus varus: 10- to 22-year follow-up. Foot Ankle Int tive cohort outcome study. Foot Ankle Int 25:526–531, 2004.
20:171–177, 1999. 154. Johnson KA, Kile TA: Hallux valgus due to cuneiform-
136. Granberry WM, Hickey CH: Hallux valgus correction with metatarsal instability. J South Orthop Assoc 3:273–282,
metatarsal osteotomy: Effect of a lateral distal soft tissue 1994.
procedure. Foot Ankle Int 16:132–138, 1995. 155. Coetzee JC, Resig SG, Kuskowski M, Saleh KJ: The Lapidus
137. Crevoisier X, Mouhsine E, Ortolano V, et al: The scarf procedure as salvage after failed surgical treatment of
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138. Barouk LS: Scarf osteotomy for hallux valgus correction. 156. Myerson M, Allon S, McGarvey W: Metatarsocuneiform
Local anatomy, surgical technique, and combination with arthrodesis for management of hallux valgus and
other forefoot procedures. Foot Ankle Clin 5:525–558, metatarsus primus varus. Foot Ankle 13:107–115, 1992.
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hallux valgus. A prospective clinical and pedobarographic valgus. Clin Orthop Relat Res (379):209–217, 2000.
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143. Dereymaeker G: Scarf osteotomy for correction of hallux Intermediate results. Foot Ankle Int 26:783–792, 2005.
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Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

74 for a Charcot Foot and Ankle?


Charcot, or neuropathic arthropathy, of the lower ex- this is associated with bony fragmentation. Stage II,
tremity is a destructive disease in which patients pre- known as coalescence, involves decreasing inflamma-
sent with swelling, erythema, and progressive defor- tion and edema, with bony coalescence noted radio-
mity of their feet. Despite diabetes becoming the most graphically. In Stage III, the bones are consolidated
common causative agent, the incidence of Charcot with an absence of inflammatory signs leading to the
neuropathy is quite low in the diabetic population. In a presence of fixed deformity.4 A prodromal stage 0
radiographic study,1 the incidence was noted to be (“pre-stage I”) category has been described in pa-
less than 1%, with similar incidence in retrospective tients with neuropathy with an acute sprain or frac-
clinical studies.2 Other studies have reported the pres- ture that places them at risk for the development of
ence of Charcot radiographic bony changes in almost full-blown Charcot arthropathy.7 Other classification
16% of patients with diabetes.3 This large variability systems have been developed since then that are
may be attributed to difference in definition, alternate based on anatomic location and type of deformity.8,9
diagnosis, and lack of clinical signs despite radio- The only classification system tested to be reliable
graphic changes. and reproducible involved the midtarsus.9,10 In this
The cause of Charcot disease is related to presence radiographic classification, Charcot anatomic vari-
of peripheral neuropathy. Two theories currently exist ants of midtarsus deformities are identified by Roman
regarding the pathophysiology of the disease. One numerals (I-IV) beginning from the Lisfranc joints (I)
theory considers neurotraumatic destruction of the and extending proximally to the transverse tarsal
joint, in which multiple trauma to the insensate joint joints (IV). A severity stage (! [low risk] or " [high
results in microfractures, which over time result in risk]) is assigned depending on radiographic features.
macrofractures and progressive deformity. This con- If one of the following criteria is met, the foot is con-
cept also includes major fractures that progress to sidered at high risk ("):
clinical deformity and is similar to the pathway by 1. A dislocation is present
which arthritic joints in neuropathic patients become 2. The lateral talar-first metatarsal angle is
Charcot joints with advanced bony changes. The sec- # 30 degrees
ond theory relies on neurosympathetic destruction in 3. The lateral calcaneal-fifth metatarsal angle
which vascular and absorptive changes occur second- # 0 degrees
ary to abnormal neural function, leading to autonomic 4. The anteroposterior talar-first metatarsal angle
sympathectomy and vascular alterations, which even- is # 35 degrees
tually progresses to gross deformity.4 It is thought that An ! stage can be assigned when all four features
a combination of both pathologies contributes to the are absent. By testing the system on 75 orthopedic
disease process. A common finding that is not as fre- surgeons, reliability and reproducibility were found
quently evaluated is that peripheral perfusion is main- to be high. It was believed to be useful as a tool for
tained in this group of patients. diagnosis, planning treatment, and assessing the
Biologically, the progressive bone resorption seen in prognosis.10
Charcot joints is associated with a large number of os-
teoclasts lining resorptive bone lacunae. The osteo-
clasts outnumber osteoblasts and demonstrate immu- MANAGEMENT
noreactivity to cytokines: interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, and
tumor necrosis factor-! (TNF-!). One study concludes Goals of treatment include the creation and mainte-
that alteration in the synthesis, secretion, or activity of nance of a stable plantigrade foot, wound and bone
these regulatory molecules may alter bone remodeling healing, elimination of infection, and prevention of de-
and lead to healing without collapse or malalignment.5 formity. Current treatment recommendations are based
on the stage of disease presentation. Pinzur11 had re-
ported that reviewing current orthopaedic textbooks
CLASSIFICATION reveals almost universal agreement that acute Charcot
foot arthropathy, Stage I Eichenholtz, should be treated
The disease process has been divided into stages as conservatively, and surgery has only been advised
described by Eichenholtz.6 Stage I is characterized by when accommodative treatment has failed.12,13 Despite
significant inflammatory response with hyperemia, this general consensus, significant lack of evidence-
erythema, swelling, and warmth. Radiographically, based studies exist to support this recommendation,

What Is the Best Treatment for a Charcot Foot and Ankle? 493

with a majority of current data from Level III and IV length of treatment of fractures in patients with Char-
studies.11 Therefore, a grade C recommendation exists cot arthropathy is similar or only slightly larger in
regarding the use of total contact cast (TCC) for the nondiabetic fractures.
initial management of Charcot arthropathy. In a study of 55 patients with acute Charcot arthrop-
The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Soci- athy who were treated with serial TCC for an average
ety (AOFAS) has taken an initiative to develop objec- of 18.5 ± 10.6 weeks, all patients returned to perma-
tive data for basing diagnostic and therapeutic nent footwear over a period of 28.3 ± 14.5 weeks after
guidelines for this disease. A two-part survey was casting.21 The authors note that the casting time to
done. Whereas the first part surveyed treatment pat- return to footwear was independent of anatomic site
terns for 94 patients, the second part consisted of a of involvement.21 However, patients with bilateral in-
questionnaire of the clinical preferences completed volvement required a longer duration of TCC treat-
by 37 AOFAS members with special interest in the ment (28 ± 15 weeks) and a longer subsequent period
disease process.14 The AOFAS notes from their re- for return to permanent footwear (48 ± 18 weeks; P $
sults that management of the Charcot foot in the 0.02).21 A retrospective review of 237 patients showed
community is inconsistent, and significant variabil- successful nonoperative management with non–
ity occurs from the current guidelines by both physi- weight-bearing TTC in 115 (48.5%) patients. The cast
cians in the community and the specialists.14 was changed weekly and discontinued after dissipa-
tion of swelling and warmth.13 Another study involv-
ing 147 patients noted that 87 patients (59.2%) were
Adjuvant Medical Treatment successfully managed conservatively.11 An additional
retrospective study of 221 neuropathic fractures or
In addition to better diabetic control, a number of Charcot joints identified 136 that were managed with-
studies have looked at adjuvant medications during out surgical reconstruction.22
the acute phase to relieve the symptoms.15 A Level I, However, compliance with non–weight-bearing sta-
randomized, controlled, therapeutic trial of 39 pa- tus is variable and can be limited by physical or
tients with active Charcot neuroarthropathy randomly medical conditions, or both.15 Pinzur and colleagues15,23
assigned patients to treatment with 90 mg pamidro- managed 9 patients treated with TTC who were al-
nate or placebo.16 The authors report the treatment lowed to bear full weight on their casts. At 5 months,
group had statistically significant reduction of symp- all patients progressed to consolidation without any
toms and warmth; there was also significant reduction complications or wound problems. In another case
in bone turnover markers, bone-specific alkaline phos- series, the authors used a well-padded bivalved cast
phate and dehydroxypyridinoline, from 4 to 24 weeks. (moldable, removable to check skin and padding) in
The authors conclude that pamidronate had a sub- 25 (51%) acute Charcot feet with good success.24 An-
stantial effect on reducing symptoms and bone turn- other study by Conti and coauthors25,26 compared
over markers in patients with active Charcot arthrop- plantar pressure measurements between short leg
athy.16 They also suggest that further studies may be casts (SLCs) and TTC in 10 healthy subjects. They
necessary to evaluate dosing regimen and frequency identified no significant difference between SLC and
of pamidronate administration. Therefore, a grade B TTC, although there were marginal decreased hind-
recommendation exists for the use of pamidronate in foot pressures in TTC.25
reducing symptoms of active Charcot arthropathy. In subacute (stage II) midfoot Charcot arthropathy,
Myerson and coauthors27 note that TTC was success-
ful in 70% of patients. As the stages evolved, weight
Nonsurgical Management bearing was advanced to full weight bearing, and
patients were then placed in protective bracing to
Traditionally, acute Charcot arthropathy, or Eichen- decrease the risk for flare-up or displacement.15,27
holtz Stage I, has been treated with non–weight bear- From these studies, one may summarize a grade B
ing and TCC. In healthy subjects, plantar peak pressure recommendation exists to support the concept “short
was shown to be significantly less, and contact dura- leg cast is equivalent to TCC in dissipating pressure
tion greater, under the metatarsal heads and heel dur- and grade C recommendations exist that ‘weightbear-
ing gait in a TCC than in a standard shoe.17 A general ing is permissible in cast, in allowing significant pro-
belief exists that the healing time for diabetic Charcot portional of Charcot patients to successfully follow a
fractures may be twice as long as nondiabetic frac- nonoperative protocol.’”
tures15,18; nevertheless, Boddenberg’s19 literature re-
view found no conclusive evidence to support that
assumption.19 His experience with 28 patients with dia- Complications of Casting
betes compared with 17 patients in a control group
found a healing rate of 3.5 versus 3 months in the con- Casting is not risk free, and contraindications to total
trol group.19 Another study noted differences in heal- contact casting include deep infection, osteomyelitis,
ing based on the location of pathology at an average of extensive drainage, poor skin quality, severe arterial
86 ± 45 days, with hindfoot and midfoot Charcot taking insufficiency, and poor patient compliance.28 Guyton’s29
longer than forefoot disease to complete healing.20 retrospective review of 71 patients was performed
Thus, grade B level of recommendation exists that the to evaluate iatrogenic complications of TCCs. The
494 Foot and Ankle Topics

average cast was changed every 7.69 days. Complica- Internal Fixation. Traditionally, elective operative fusion
tions occurred in 22 casts (5.52% per cast). These in- of Charcot joints had been performed in Eichenholtz
cluded six new pretibial ulcers, six new midfoot ulcers, stage III or after. This protocol is followed to avoid the
four forefoot or toe ulcers, five hindfoot ulcers, and poorer bone quality and increased technical difficul-
one malleolar ulcer. He notes that all the iatrogenic ul- ties associated with stages I and II.15,33 Currently, no
cers, except for one, healed within 3 weeks, and there studies in the literature support that theory, however,
was no worsening of the original wound or ulcer.29 and surgery may be indicated in stage I disease if
No studies exist that have compared alternative there is gross instability, dislocation, or deformity.7
forms of protective immobilization. It appears that a Simon and coworkers39 published the results of 14 of
significant number of methods have been used includ- 43 patients with stage I disease who underwent acute
ing well-padded bivalved casts, Unna boots, compres- extensive debridement, open reduction, and internal
sion hoses, molded splints, braces, bivalved ankle-foot fixation of the tarsal-metatarsal region with autolo-
orthosis (AFO), and SLCs.12,14,15,30–32 Therefore, a grade gous bone graft. They note successful union in all pa-
I recommendation exists for these alternative forms of tients. The mean time to assisted weight bearing was
protective immobilization of Charcot arthropathy. 10 ± 3.3 weeks, the mean time to unassisted weight
bearing was 15 ± 8.8 weeks, and the mean time to
return to the use of regular shoes was 27 ± 14.4
Surgical Treatment weeks.39
Associated procedures may include Achilles tendon
Indications for surgery in the Charcot foot include lengthening21,22,33,40 if there is associated equines con-
acute fracture or dislocation, severe or progressive tracture, bone grafting with internal or external fixa-
deformity, and recurrent ulceration, secondary to ei- tion40 for defects, or increased risk for nonunion.22
ther instability or bony prominence.22,31,33 Surgical pro- Methods of Fixation. Despite many case series recommend-
cedures include debridement, exostectomy of bony ing open reduction and internal fixation.11,12,33,34 No
prominences, osteotomies with realignment, and fu- studies have looked at comparing different modalities
sion. In a Level IV series by Myerson and coauthors,27 of fixations. A variety of midfoot arthrodesis techniques
a cohort of 41 feet with chronic Charcot, stage III, un- has been described. Despite Charcot arthropathy being
derwent total contact casting initially. Subsequent a major cause of multiple midfoot joint arthroses, most
surgery in this group included arthrodesis in nine of these studies did not focus solely on the disease. In-
(22%) feet, exostectomy in six (14%) feet, drainage of ternal fixation techniques included staples, Steinmann
an abscess in two (5%) feet, and amputation in two pins, tension band wires, screws, dowels, and medial or
(5%) feet.27 In stage II midfoot neuroarthropathy, 3 plantar plates.41–46 A biomechanical study comparing
(10%) of 30 feet were treated surgically (two arthrode- multiscrew fixation with a plate applied to the plantar
ses and one exostectomy) after reaching the chronic (tension) side of the medial midfoot demonstrated that
stage, stage III.27 In another level IV study, 29 (17%) of the latter was stronger.47
168 patients with Charcot arthropathy were treated Traditionally, fixation plates have been placed me-
surgically in either stages II or III.34 Saltzman and col- dial and plantar, areas thought to be of greatest
leagues35 (Level IV) performed 53 procedures on 115 stress.29,34,35,39 However, a retrospective review of nine
patients (49%), excluding amputations. Another group patients undergoing fusion through a dorsally placed
of 122 of 237 patients (51.5%) required surgical inter- plate (four were secondary to Charcot arthropathy)
vention that included bony stabilization, debridement, had a 95% success rate.45 Another retrospective re-
and partial limb amputations.13 Another group had a view of 10 patients treated with open reduction and
surgical rate of 40.8%.11 internal fixation with iliac crest bone grafting resulted
Exostectomies. Exostectomies are indicated for stable in 90% union rate.48 This included five osseous and
Charcot deformities and are supported by Level IV four fibrous unions.48
studies, in which there are bony prominences that For hindfoot fixation, plantar or medial plates, and
are promoting recurrent ulceration or hindering screws have been utilized. A biomechanical study
healing of a chronic ulcer.4,11,36,37 A retrospective assessing the calcaneocuboid (CC) screw placement
review (Level IV) of 20 patients who underwent 27 found that a screw placed axially from posterior to
ostectomy procedures evaluated medial and lateral anterior starting at the calcaneal tuberosity and
column ulcerations.38 There were 18 medial and 9 crossing the CC joint perpendicularly was superior
lateral ulcers. After surgery, 20 wounds had re- to an obliquely placed screw.49
solved, resulting in a 74% healing rate. The majority Caravaggi and researchers50 evaluated ankle ar-
of failed procedures involved lateral column wounds throdesis with a compressive intramedullary nail in 14
(six of seven). Revision surgery was required in five patients. Patients had severe ankle instability with pre-
of the nine lateral column wounds for limb salvage. vious recommendation of undergoing below-knee am-
The authors warn that ostectomy for ulcers that in- putation (BKA). After a mean follow-up of 18 months,
volve the lateral column was less predictable and 10 patients (71.4%) achieved a solid arthrodesis, 3 pa-
may require further surgery.38 Therefore, a grade C tients (21.4%) experienced development of fibrous
recommendation exists for exostectomy for stable union, after hardware failure, and 1 patient went on to
Charcot arthropathy in which there are bony promi- a BKA.50 Another study by Pinzur and colleagues51
nences that are promoting recurrent ulceration or evaluated 21 attempted ankle fusion with a retrograde
hindering healing of a chronic ulcer. nail, of which 11 limbs had the talus absent or required
What Is the Best Treatment for a Charcot Foot and Ankle? 495

complete talectomy for realignment. A significantly in- overall lower extremity amputation rate of 9% (of 237
creased complication rate was present in this sub- patients) during a 10-year period.
group of patients compared with the group with pre- In a meta-analysis of 15 studies, the death rate was
served talus.51 4% (11 deaths in 301 patients) within 2.5 years after
External fixation may be used as an alternative form treatment for Charcot arthropathy.55 Partial or com-
of fixation and deformity correction. This may be espe- plete foot amputation had been done in 20 (7%) of 301
cially useful in patients with extensive open wounds patients in the follow-up period. A total of 83 (28%) of
and recurrent or persistent ulcerations.34 A retrospec- 301 patients required an AFO, permanent bracing, or
tive review reported on 11 patients with significant ul- assistive devices.55
cerations who underwent wound debridement, ostec-
tomy, corrective osteotomies, and external fixation.
Average time of fixator placement was 57 days, after PREVENTION
which all patients were placed in TCC for an average of
131 days. All patients progressed to full healing, with Charcot arthropathy may occur after acute trauma in
four osseous and five fibrous unions.52 Another report the patient with neuropathy.37 Therefore, it is prudent to
by Pinzur53 advocates the use of ring external fixators treat this population group with extra caution including
for patients with high risks for wound complications immobilization and protective bracing after injury. In
for internal fixation. Based on the wide variety of surgi- patients with diabetes with decreased sensation, pre-
cal techniques and method of fixation, the absence of ventive patient education may include frequent inspec-
studies comparing different modality of fixation leads tion, extra protection against traumatic events, and low
to a grade I recommendation. tolerance in seeking medical evaluation.37 A single-
blinded, randomized, clinical trial study was conducted
to evaluate the effectiveness of at-home infrared tem-
Complications of Arthrodesis with Internal Fixation perature monitoring for preventing the development of
ulceration and wound complications in patients with
In a series of 29 operative patients, 10 (34%) patients diabetes at high risk.56 The authors divided 85 patients
experienced development of pseudarthroses.34 Other into 2 groups, with the first group undergoing standard
complications in 19 of the 29 patients included mal- foot care and evaluation, and the second group adding
union, superficial wound infection, early or late fatigue home infrared thermometer to monitor skin tempera-
failure of screw fixation, wound slough, skin irritation ture, and reducing their activity with any detectable in-
and ulceration, distal tibia fracture, osteomyelitis, and crease in temperature. The authors used a temperature
BKA. However, 7 (70%) of the pseudarthroses were differential of 4 degrees between corresponding sites of
stable, and limb salvage was achieved in 27 (93%) pa- opposite feet to trigger the subsequent decreased activ-
tients.34 Papa and coauthors34 report a complication ity level and to contact a healthcare worker. They note
rate of 65% in their study of 29 patients. These in- that patients in the standard management group were
cluded nine pseudarthroses (six tibiocalcaneal, one 10.3 times more likely to experience development of
tibiotalar, and two talonavicular). In another series, foot ulcerations than the group monitoring skin tem-
the complication rate was 53%.54 perature changes and adjusting their activity level ac-
cordingly. Two cases of Charcot arthropathy were ob-
served in the standard treatment group, and none was
COMPLICATIONS OF CHARCOT ARTHROPATHY observed in the second group. Their recommendation
was to use home infrared thermometry as an adjunct
Saltzman and colleagues’35 retrospective review of tool for diabetic foot care and monitoring.56
115 patients demonstrated an approximately 2.7% Although this one Level I study possibly supports a
annual rate of amputation, a 23% risk for requiring grade A recommendation, this is only one study, and
bracing for more than 18 months, and a 49% risk for this diagnostic modality needs to be substantiated in
recurrent ulceration. Limbs with open ulcers at ini- further studies. Table 74–1 provides a summary of
tial presentation or chronically recurrent ulcers had recommendations for the treatment of Charcot foot
increased risk for amputation.35 Pinzur13 reports an and ankle.

TABLE 74–1. Summary of Recommendations


1. Home monitoring of foot skin temperatures is successful in preventing ulceration. A

2. Short leg cast is equivalent to total contact casting in dissipating pressure. B
3. Length of treatment of fractures in patients with Charcot arthropathy is similar to or slightly longer than B
with nondiabetic fractures.
4. Total contact cast should be used for initial management of Charcot arthropathy. C
5. Weight bearing is permissible during the initial phase of total contact cast treatment. C
6. Exostectomy is appropriate for bony prominences. C
7. Internal fixation is necessary for gross deformity. C
8. There is no difference between early and late operative arthrodesis. C
9. External fixation is a valid treatment in high-risk or infected feet. C
10. Use of pamidronate for treatment of active Charcot arthropathy is effective in reducing symptoms. C
496 Foot and Ankle Topics

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13. Pinzur MS: Benchmark analysis of diabetic patients with 39. Simon SR, Tejwani SG, Wilson DL, et al: Arthrodesis as an
neuropathic (Charcot) foot deformity. Foot Ankle Int early alternative to nonoperative management of Charcot
20:564–567, 1999. arthropathy of the diabetic foot. J Bone Joint Surg Am
14. Pinzur MS, Shields N, Trepman E, et al: Current practice 82-A:939–950, 2000.
patterns in the treatment of Charcot foot. Foot Ankle Int 40. Deresh GM, Cohen M: Reconstruction of the diabetic Charcot
21:916–920, 2000. foot incorporating bone grafts. J Foot Ankle Surg 35:474–488,
15. Trepman E, Nihal A, Pinzur MS: Current topics review: 1996.
Charcot neuroarthropathy of the foot and ankle. Foot Ankle 41. Horton GA, Olney BW: Deformity correction and arthrodesis
Int 26:46–63, 2005. of the midfoot with a medial plate. Foot Ankle Int 14:493–499,
16. Jude EB, Selby PL, Burgess J, et al: Bisphosphonates in the 1993.
treatment of Charcot neuroarthropathy: A double-blind ran- 42. Johnson JE, Johnson KA: Dowel arthrodesis for degenerative
domised controlled trial. Diabetologia 44:2032–2037, 2001. arthritis of the tarsometatarsal (Lisfranc) joints. Foot Ankle
17. Baumhauer JF, Wervey R, McWilliams J, et al: A comparison Int 6:243–253, 1986.
study of plantar foot pressure in a standardized shoe, total 43. Kupcha PC, Fitzpatrick MJ: Application of the tension band
contact cast, and prefabricated pneumatic walking brace. technique for arthrodesis of the forefoot and midfoot. Foot
Foot Ankle Int 18:26–33, 1997. Ankle Int 12:784, 1996.
18. Schwarz RJ, Macdonald MRC, Van der Pas M: Results of ar- 44. Treadwell JR, Kahn MD: Lisfranc arthrodesis for chronic pain:
throdesis in neuropathic feet. J Bone Joint Surg Br 88:747–750, A cannulated screw technique. J Foot Ankle Surg 37:28–36,
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19. Boddenberg U: Healing time of foot and ankle fractures in pa- 45. Suh J-S, Amendola A, Lee K-B, et al: Dorsal modified calcaneal
tients with diabetes mellitus: Literature review and report on plate for extensive midfoot arthrodesis. Foot Ankle Int
own cases. Zentralbl Chir 129:453–459, 2004. 26:503–509, 2005.
20. Sinacore DR: Acute Charcot arthropathy in patients with dia- 46. Sticha RS, Frascone ST, Wertheimer SJ: Major arthrodeses in
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21. Armstrong DG, Todd WF, Lavery LA, et al: The natural history 47. Marks RM, Parks B, Schon LC: Midfoot fusion technique for
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22. Schon LC, Easley ME, Weinfeld SB: Charcot neuroarthropathy 48. Craig Stone N, Daniels TR: Midfoot and hindfoot arthrode-
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What Is the Best Treatment for a Charcot Foot and Ankle? 497

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Chapter What Is the Best Treatment
for Displaced Intra-Articular
75 Calcaneal Fractures?

All patients who present with a displaced intra- circumstance dictates that less surgery may be a bet-
articular calcaneal fracture should be treated ini- ter option for an individual patient, percutaneous
tially with rest, ice, compression, and elevation. fixation done with the aid of fluoroscopy, usually
After initial assessment of the injured patient, deci- from the lateral or medial side, may result in rational
sion making becomes much more difficult. Certain care for an individual patient.
factors in patients with displaced intra-articular
calcaneal fractures are critically important in de-
ciding whether to operate.1 Operative Reduction
An early (1976) Level II study2 demonstrated that
more patients in the group who had a surgical reduc- The debate has raged over whether operative care is
tion of their subtalar joint had resumed heavy work. better than nonoperative care in many randomized
Other studies, reviews, and meta-analyses have clinical trials.2,6,7,9 However, one thing becomes clear
shown consistent direction that surgical treatment with careful review of well-performed Level II studies
provides slight advantages in certain circumstances with good follow-up and computerized tomography.
for individual patients with defined patient and frac- Those cases where an operative reduction has been
ture factors.3–9 done perfectly end in a better result.6,10 Nonopera-
tive care, when compared with operative care, has
consistently less successful results. Interestingly, the
TREATMENT OPTIONS worst outcomes appear to be in those patients who
Nonoperative Treatment have had operative reduction and internal fixation
with a less than optimal anatomic reduction proved
A common theme among prospective trials of opera- by computerized tomography.6,10 This is also rein-
tive versus nonoperative treatment for displaced forced by a study11 in which all prospective random-
intra-articular calcaneal fractures is that the hindfoot ized trials were reviewed to judge operative reduc-
becomes stiff when immobilized. Because of this, tion. This study suggests that there was only weak
nonoperative care was thought best without immobi- evidence to support open reduction and internal fix-
lization.2,6,7 One small, randomized, controlled trial ation versus nonoperative care. There was weak
was quick to dismiss nonoperative care because op- evidence to show an improved plain radiographic
erative care was much better in their Level II trial.9 anatomic alignment in this group of radiographic
However, nonoperative care has withstood the test studies.7,9,12
of time in certain patient populations, especially A common theme with these studies and the earlier-
those patients who are elderly, presenting with mul- mentioned randomized, controlled trials is that patient
tiple medical problems, distal vascular insufficiency, selection is important. Simple, displaced fractures that
or incorrigible smoking habits. This means ice, eleva- can be easily reduced (Sanders type II)12 are best re-
tion, tensoring, and early range of motion establish- duced surgically. Sanders type III and IV fractures
ing full weight bearing by 6 weeks. These patients, (comminuted) are more difficult to reduce accurately
especially sedentary patients,1,6 have reasonable and to maintain reduction.13
long-term results with nonoperative care. Another article has stated the significance of avoid-
ing complications.14 Complications will often result
in a less than optimal long-term result with problems
Percutaneous Fixation such as pain, stiffness, or infection lessening the
long-term outcome.1,6,14 It is clear that complications
No Level I or II trials exist showing efficacy for percu- occur regardless of management strategy (even by
taneous fixation versus operative care in those pa- experienced surgeons). Complications are a cause of
tients where surgery has been chosen as the best significant morbidity, especially failure to obtain and
option for treatment. In situations where the medical maintain a reduction, infection, and late and long-

What Is the Best Treatment for Displaced Intra-articular Calcaneal Fractures? 499

term stiffness.14 Surgeon decision making was thought than older adult patients.6 Female patients may re-
to be crucial for patient outcome. The right patient spond better than male patients with displaced intra-
must receive surgery to minimize possible complica- articular calcaneal fractures.6 Open fractures, be-
tions (long-term problems from nonoperative care). cause of the amount of energy and violence imparted
The right patient should also be treated without with the foot injury, will have marked foot deformities
surgery (to minimize operative complications in that and have better outcomes with operative care. If a
patient deemed more suitably treated without sur- patient presents with a Böhler’s angle of greater than
gery).1,14 The patient and fracture factors thought 15 degrees, then operative care may be suggested
to be important include age, sex, smoking history, because these patients will do better with operative
compensation claim information, workload on foot, strategies.6 Those with a Böhler’s angle of less than
fracture classification, bilaterality, and description 0 degrees show equivocal results with operative care,
of whether the calcaneus is an open or closed although at least one study by Thordarson and
fracture. Krieger9 suggests much better results with operative
care. Simple fracture patterns, such as Sanders frac-
ture types II and III, respond better with operative
EVIDENCE care.4,6 Fractures that are severely comminuted pro-
Nonoperative Treatment vide treatment dilemmas. Fractures with Sanders
type IV characteristics can be treated with primary
No Level I evidence provides guidance for treatment operative repair or primary fusion treatment. One
of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures. study demonstrated that the amount of initial injury
There are combinations of demographic groups or involved with the displaced intra-articular calcaneal
types of patients who are best treated by nonopera- fracture was a primary prognostic determinant of
tive care.1,6 Older patients (!60 years), medically long-term patient outcome.17 Patients with Böhler’s
unwell patients or unrepentant smokers, sedentary angle presentation of less than 0 degrees were 10
workers, or those with simple fractures patterns times more likely to require late subtalar fusion than
such as extra-articular type can be treated without a Böhler’s angle presentation of greater than 15 de-
surgery.1,6 The nonoperative protocol for these pa- grees, whereas a Sanders type IV presentation was 5.5
tients includes early range of motion, ice, elevation, times more likely to be fused than a simple Sanders
and good follow-up. These decisions are based on type II fracture. Workers with insurance claims were
the proviso that a computerized tomographic calca- three times more likely to need fusion than those
neal scan demonstrates that the foot does not have without an insurance claim, whereas nonoperative
any deformity. One of the features that was impor- care resulted in fusion six times more likely than in
tant from Howard and coauthors’14 article was that those patients treated with initial open reduction and
foot deformity treated without surgery will respond internal fixation.17
poorly, but given the fact that no gross foot defor-
mity (marked varus or valgus) exists, this patient
should have little in the way of complications and AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY
may be a candidate for nonoperative care. Age
Ceccarelli and colleagues18 provided long-term
Percutaneous Fixation follow-up care on calcaneal fractures in children.
Children were defined as younger than 17 years.
For those displaced fractures where full surgical ap- Those patients who presented with fractures when
proaches are not advisable (skin or soft-tissue con- they were younger than 14 years responded well
cerns, elderly patients with vascular problems, or regardless of nonoperative or operative care. Those
patients with diabetes), percutaneous fixation may patients who were 15 to 17 years old responded
be used. Essex-Lopresti15 introduced the use of the better with operative care. This Level II study also
reduction technique with a posterior joystick ele- showed that extra-articular fractures could be
vating the depressed posterior facet. Tornetta16 re- treated without surgery.
introduced the percutaneous techniques for poste-
rior facet percutaneous reduction more recently
with a Level IV study. No Level I or II studies suggest Workers’ Compensation (Insurance Claims)
that percutaneous reduction provides better long-
term results for displaced intra-articular calcaneal Buckley and colleagues6 determined that results
fractures. were equivocal with their Level II study when these
patients suffered displaced intra-articular calca-
neal fractures. Any patient without workers’ com-
Operative Reduction pensation insurance claim did better with opera-
tive care, whereas those patients with an insurance
Once soft tissues have settled (7–10 days), operative claim did not score as well on the standard scoring
treatment is suggested by a number of Level II stud- scales (scored 20 points less on a 100-point scoring
ies.2–6,8–10 Young patients are found to respond better scale).6
500 Foot and Ankle Topics

Bilateral mandated. Investigation with plain radiograph

and computed tomographic scanning can
Patients with bilateral calcaneal injuries seem to
quantify and qualify the type of fracture present.
have less successful outcomes than patients with
When nonsurgical management is chosen,
one fracture.6 Gait and occupation are compromised.
functional care is preferable to casting with early
Treatment strategies are unclear.
motion, non–weight bearing, and stretching. At 6
weeks, progressive weight bearing can be started
with the use of custom orthoses and good
Subtalar Fusion footwear.1
Percutaneous operative treatment is best
Patients with severe fractures (Sanders type IV) on
utilized in patients who are medically unwell or
initial presentation may be treated operatively with
who have simple fracture patterns. With careful
primary reconstruction or fusion. No evidence has
use of small incisions and intraoperative
been reported that one is better than the other in the
fluoroscopy, posterior facet reduction is
literature. However, late subtalar fusion is predicted
accomplished and maintained with limited
by a number of presenting patient features.17 Impor-
internal fixation. Knowing that an anatomic
tantly, those patients who were fused late (!6 months
reduction provides the best result, this particular
after injury) demonstrated outcome scores similar to
technique should be saved for those patients
those treated with surgery early.17 Level II evidence
who, for medical reasons, should not have a large
suggests that if someone is treated without surgery
incision for open reduction internal fixation.
initially because of ongoing medical circumstance, but
Surgery is the standard of care for most
they require a late subtalar fusion for pain, then their
displaced intra-articular fractures of the
outcome will be similar to patients who had early op-
calcaneus. Skeletally mature patients,18 young
erative care.
adult patients,6 and any patient without an
insurance claim6 should have operative reduction
internal fixation with an experienced surgical
GUIDELINES team. Simple fracture types are more easily
reduced and the fracture reductions maintained.
The spectrum of care for displaced intra-articular cal-
Difficult reductions occur in the Sanders type III
caneal fractures is dependent on patient factors and
and IV fractures, and the surgeon must always be
fracture factors. Level II evidence suggests that young
aware that “the achievement of a reduction and
patients, any patient without a worker compensation
the maintenance of a reduction” determines
insurance claim, and simple fracture types with good
whether a patient will have a good result.6,10 If the
soft tissue will have optimal results with operative
result is compromised with a less than adequate
care.1,6,10 Importantly, a surgeon must be wary of pa-
surgical procedure, then the patient will probably
tient complications during surgery.14 Should compli-
have results that are equal to or no better than
cations occur, the outcome for the patient significantly
nonoperative care.6 Complications must be
lessens because of further surgical needs. The surgi-
avoided because patients with complications will
cal team must be adept at provision of an accurate
have less successful results and long-term
reduction. Level II evidence6,10 suggests that if the op-
outcome.1,14 Subtalar arthritis, if it does occur,
erative reduction is not well achieved and the surgical
may be treated with late subtalar fusion17 with
team is able only to achieve a partial reduction, then
good results.
long-term outcome for the patient is compromised.
In conclusion, this clinical scenario has proved
Lastly, for patients who are medically unwell, older,
to be a clinical conundrum. Unfortunately, the
have extra-articular fractures, or perform light or sed-
surgical team may focus on the fracture and may
entary work, Level II evidence suggests nonoperative
overlook significant patient characteristics that
care may be the best choice.
could help in guiding optimal patient care.
Operative management is the treatment of choice
as long as complications can be minimized.
Nonoperative care can lead to successful results
RECOMMENDATIONS in select patients in a high percentage of cases.
Patient must be carefully assessed to ensure they Table 75–1 provides a summary of recommenda-
are good operative candidates. Smoking tions for the treatment of displaced intra-
cessation attempts and good soft-tissue care are articular calcaneal fractures.
What Is the Best Treatment for Displaced Intra-articular Calcaneal Fractures? 501

TABLE 75–1. Summary of Recommendations


Patient Factor

Age1,3,6 B Adolescent; adult Middle age (50 yr) !60 yr

Sex1,3,6 B Female patients; Middle-aged male Older patients
young male pa- patients
Smoking his- C " " Recommended
Chronic medical C " " Recommended
Insurance claim6 B " # "
Workload6 B Any patient without Insurance claim Light or sedentary work
insurance claim pending
Fracture Factor
Bilateral B " # "
Open fracture1,4 C Recommended " "
Böhler’s angle6 B !0° $0° "
Fracture B Sanders types II, III, Type IV fractures Extra-articular type
classification6 and IV ORIF or primary (percutaneous ORIF?)
Surgical team B Excellent chance of Equivocal reduction Little chance of achieving
probability of achieving reduction operative reduction or main-
achieving tenance of reduction
surgical goal6

ORIF, open reduction and internal fixation.

REFERENCES 10. Richards P, Bridgman S: Review of the radiology in random-

ized controlled trials in open reduction and internal fixation
1. Buckley R, Tough S: Displaced intra-articular calcaneal (ORIF) of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures. Injury
fractures. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 12:172–178, 2004. 32:633–636, 2001.
2. Aaron D, Howat T: Intra-articular fractures of the calcaneum. 11. O’Farrell D, O’Byrne J, McCabe J, et al: Fractures of the os
Injury 7:205–211, 1976. calcis: improved results with internal fixation. Injury
3. Bajammal S, Tornetta IP, Sanders D, et al: Displaced intra- 24:263–265, 1993.
articular calcaneal fractures. J Orthop Trauma 19:360–364, 12. Sanders R: Intra-articular fractures of the calcaneus: Present
2005. state of the art. J Orthop Trauma 6:252–265, 1992.
4. Bridgman S, Dunn K, McBride D, et al: Interventions for 13. Longino D, Buckley R: Bone graft in the operative treatment
treating calcaneal fractures. Cochrane Database Syst Rev of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures: Is it helpful?
CD001161, 2000. J Orthop Trauma 15:280–286, 2001.
5. Bridgeman S, Dunn K, McBride D, et al: Interventions for 14. Howard J, Buckley R, McCormack R, et al: Complications
treating calcaneal fractures. Foot 12:47–61, 2002. following management of displaced intra-articular calcaneal
6. Buckley R, Tough S, McCormack R, et al: Operative compared fractures: A prospective randomized trial comparing open
with non-operative treatment of displaced intra-articular cal- reduction internal fixation with non-operative management.
caneal fractures: A prospective randomized controlled multi- J Orthop Trauma 17:241–249, 2003.
centre trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am 84:1733–1744, 2002. 15. Essex-Lopresti P: The mechanism, reduction technique and re-
7. Parmar H, Triffitt P, Gregg P: Intra-articular fractures of the sults in fractures of the os calcis. Br J Surg 39:395–419, 1952.
calcaneum treated operatively or conservatively, a 16. Tornetta P: The Essex-Lopresti reduction for calcaneal frac-
prospective study. J Bone Joint Surg Br 75:932–937, 1993. tures revisited. J Orthop Trauma 12:469–473, 1998.
8. Randle J, Kreder H, Stephen D, et al: Should calcaneal frac- 17. Csizy M, Buckley R, Tough S, et al: Displaced intra-articular
tures be treated surgically? Meta-analysis. Clin Orthop Relat calcaneal fractures: Variables predicting late subtalar fusion.
Res 217–227, 2000. J Orthop Trauma 17:106–112, 2003.
9. Thordarson D, Krieger L: Operative vs. non-operative treat- 18. Ceccarelli F, Faldini C, Piras F, et al: Surgical vs. non-surgical
ment of intra-articular fractures of the calcaneus: A prospec- treatment of calcaneal fractures in children: A long term
tive randomized trial. Foot Ankle Int 17:2–9, 1996. results comparative study. Foot Ankle Int 21:825–832, 2000.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

76 of Displaced Talar Neck Fractures?


Talus fractures have been recognized in the scien- dislocation of the talar head from the talonavicular
tific literature for centuries, with Fabricus’ 1608 de- joint.
scription often cited as the first reference.1 Fractures
of the talar neck comprise 3% of all foot fractures,
but 50% of all talus fractures. They are usually high- CLOSED VERSUS OPEN MANAGEMENT
energy injuries, and as such, often are associated
with poor outcomes. Certain aspects of the talar The first question that must answered when taking
anatomy further exacerbate this. For instance, the care of a patient with a displaced talar neck fracture
talus has no muscular attachments, with approxi- is whether open reduction and internal fixation
mately 70% of its surface covered by articular carti- (ORIF) is indicated. Traditionally, concerns regarding
lage. The talar neck itself has fewer trabeculae com- the development of AVN and post-traumatic arthritis
pared with the head or body, and these trabeculae have led to the general consensus that displaced ta-
have a different orientation.2 The precarious blood lar neck fractures require ORIF.
supply of the talus has been studied extensively, and In the twentieth century, before Hawkins’s work,
it is vulnerable to disruption with fractures of the several clinical series on talus fractures were re-
talar neck. This puts patients with displaced talar ported.5–8 In 1919, Anderson coined the term avia-
neck fracture at risk for the development of avascu- tor’s astragalus after observing this injury in downed
lar necrosis (AVN). pilots.5 In 1952, Coltart6 reported a large Level IV
Historical treatment options described for dis- clinical series examining this injury in British Air
placed talar neck fractures have ranged from closed Force pilots during World War II. In this series, a
reduction and casting to open reduction with and poor outcome was associated with inadequate re-
without internal fixation. More recent studies have duction of the subtalar joint, leading the author to
investigated the timing of surgery and the optimal advocate anatomic reduction with or without inter-
method of fixation. When faced with a displaced talar nal fixation.
neck fracture, the treating orthopedist is faced by Subsequently, Kenwright and Taylor7 examined 58
three main questions. First, is surgery necessary, or talus fractures in civilians. In 14 patients with talar
can the fracture be treated without surgery? Second, neck fractures and subtalar subluxation, closed re-
if open management is indicated, is it necessary to duction and cast immobilization was attempted;
perform surgery on an emergent basis? Third, what however, in 10 patients (71%), satisfactory reduc-
is the best method of fixing these fractures? This tion could not be obtained or maintained, and open
chapter attempts to answer these questions using an reduction was necessary. In some instances (the
evidenced-based review of the pertinent literature on authors did not specify how many), the reduction
displaced talar neck fractures. was held with a Kirschner wire. Similar results were
noted for talar neck fractures with tibiotalar dislo-
cation. As such, the authors conclude that “a good
CLASSIFICATION result occurs only if accurate reduction is effected
and maintained.”7
Hawkins3 introduced the popular classification sys- If these studies are considered to be Level II prog-
tem of talar neck fractures that remains commonly nostic studies (i.e., investigating the outcome of the
used today. This system is based on the degree of injury with and without reduction), they constitute
fracture fragment displacement and divides talar fair evidence (grade B) that for displaced talar neck
neck fractures into three groups. Type I fractures are fractures, some form of reduction is necessary. The
nondisplaced. Type II fractures are displaced with question then remains, is ORIF necessary?
subtalar subluxation or dislocation. Type III talar In 1970, Hawkins’3 landmark review and classifica-
neck fractures are displaced with dislocation of the tion system of talar neck fractures was published. In
subtalar and tibiotalar joints. This classification sys- this retrospective review (Level IV therapeutic
tem was modified by Canale and Kelly4 in 1978 to in- study, Level II prognostic study), he drew attention
clude type IV fractures that involve not only disloca- to the incidence of AVN after talar neck fractures
tion of the subtalar and tibiotalar joints but also and emphasized the importance of open reduction.

What Is the Best Treatment of Displaced Talar Neck Fractures? 503

Nevertheless, in this series, Hawkins only peripher- In addition to AVN, the development of malunion
ally mentions internal fixation in two patients but and post-traumatic osteoarthritis are two other clini-
does not give details regarding fracture type or cal concerns associated with displaced talar neck
method of fixation. Of the 24 type II fractures in this fractures. Canale and Kelly4 report that subtalar degen-
series, 10 were treated with closed reduction and erative changes occurred in approximately 50% of
cast immobilization, whereas 14 were treated with their patients, of which one third was said to have a
open reduction.3 The overall incidence of AVN for malunion. Notably, in this series, 18 of 71 patients
type II fractures was 42%.3 For type III fractures, 2 of (25%) experienced development of a malunion. Be-
these injuries were treated with closed reduction cause 11 of these 18 were initially treated with only
and 20 with some form of open reduction for an closed reduction and casting, Canale and Kelly4 attrib-
overall AVN rate of 91%.3 uted subtalar arthritis to inadequate reduction or fixa-
Meanwhile, Canale and Kelly4 used closed reduc- tion. Comfort and colleagues’12 work supports the hy-
tion, as well as open reduction with and without inter- pothesis that the incidence of malunion can be reduced
nal fixation, in their historical series. Closed reduc- with internal fixation. In this retrospective review of
tion was limited to those fractures in which adequate 28 patients with displaced talar neck fractures all
alignment (defined as less than 5 mm of displacement treated with ORIF, there were no malunions and no
and less than 5 degrees of angular deformity) could nonunions. Radiographic evidence of ankle arthritis
be obtained. Of the 30 cases of type II fractures in this was noted in eight patients.12 Similarly, in the series
series, 19 were treated with closed reduction and reported by Vallier and coworkers,11 all 102 fractures
casting, 1 presented late and was treated with only were treated with ORIF. No patients experienced devel-
non–weight bearing, and 10 underwent open reduc- opment of a malunion or nonunion. Although 54% of
tion with internal fixation. The overall AVN rate for patients had radiographic evidence of arthritis, this
type II fractures was 50%. Meanwhile, for type III frac- was more common after comminuted and open frac-
tures, 5 underwent closed reduction and 15 had open tures.11 Finally, Fleuriau Chateau and colleagues13 re-
reduction (only 11 of which had internal fixation). port a clinical series of displaced and highly commi-
The AVN rate in this group was 84%.4 nuted talar neck fractures treated with open reduction
Unfortunately, in both Hawkins’3 and Canale and and plate fixation. These authors note no varus mal-
Kelly’s4 series, the incidence and rate of AVN were unions despite the fact that the fractures in this series
not stratified by treatment type. Therefore, it is diffi- were characterized by substantial comminution.
cult to draw from these two studies any conclusions Although the aforementioned studies offer evidence
as to whether open treatment provides a lower AVN that ORIF reduces the incidence of malunion, Sanders
rate than closed reduction. and colleagues’14 series does have a high malunion
Other studies have reported varied rates of AVN. In rate despite the use of internal fixation. In this series,
a large Level IV review of 123 talar neck fractures, 70 displaced talar neck fractures were treated with
Lorentzen and colleagues9 found the overall inci- open reduction and screw fixation. Signs of radio-
dence rate of AVN to be 21%. The majority of the graphic arthritis were present in 40% of affected ankles
fractures in this series were treated with cast immo- and 78% of subtalar joints. The authors acknowledge
bilization. Among the 53 type II fractures, only 4 un- malunion as “an important clinical problem” and note
derwent open reduction. Thirty fractures were treated hindfoot malalignment in 30% of patients. When inter-
with closed reduction and casting, whereas 19 were preting the results of this study, it is important to note
treated with no reduction and casting only. Notably, that, in this series, surgery was performed or “directly
although Lorentzen and colleagues report a 21% inci- supervised” by a consultant orthopedic trauma sur-
dence rate of AVN, 44% of the fractures in their series geon, and that eight fractures were treated by “other
were nondisplaced. The incidence rate of AVN was orthopedic surgeons at the trauma center.”14 In addi-
35% when only the displaced talar neck fractures are tion, malunion was seemingly not assessed by radio-
considered.9 graphs but rather hindfoot alignment alone.
In those studies that examine the results of ORIF, Beyond these series, Grob and coauthors10 report
the type of fixation often varies dramatically within osteoarthritis of the ankle joint in 32% of cases and
the study. In a Level IV retrospective review, Grob and of the subtalar joint in 37% of cases. All fractures in
coworkers10 report the results of ORIF in 41 displaced this series were treated with some form of ORIF. Un-
talar neck fractures treated with malleolar screws, fortunately, data stratification with regard to post-
Kirschner wires, or cancellous screws. In this series, traumatic arthritis and fracture type was not pro-
the incidence rate of AVN was only 16%.10 These en- vided. No mention was made to malunion or nonunion.
couraging data would seem to indicate that ORIF Pajenda and researchers15 reviewed 50 fractures of
does reduce the incidence of AVN when compared the talar neck and body (Level IV evidence), and re-
with previous series in which patients were more ported osteoarthritis in 48% of the fractures. Severe
commonly treated with closed techniques. However, ankle arthritis was noted in 11 of 30 displaced talar
in Vallier and colleagues’11 retrospective review (Level fractures (types II, III, and IV), but the form of fixation
II prognostic study) of 102 displaced talar neck frac- varied greatly including open reduction and internal
tures in which all patients were treated with ORIF, the with screws, external fixation, percutaneous screws,
incidence of AVN was 39% for Hawkins group II frac- and closed reduction with percutaneous pinning us-
tures and 64% for Hawkins group III fractures.11 ing Kirschner wires.15
504 Foot and Ankle Topics

Collectively, these results justify a grade C recom- METHOD OF FIXATION

mendation that patients with displaced talar neck
fractures should undergo ORIF of their displaced The third question that must be answered in the
fractures. treatment of displaced talar neck fractures is what
form of surgical fixation should be used. Tradition-
ally, surgical fixation of talar neck fractures has been
TIMING OF SURGERY achieved with Kirschner wires or screws placed in
an anterior-to-posterior direction. Only a few clinical
When faced with a displaced talus fracture, the next studies have examined other fixation constructs.
issue to be decided is the timing of surgery. Specifi- Lemaire and Bustin17 analyzed their results using
cally, the surgeon must decide whether this is an closed reduction followed by placement of a lag
operation that must be performed on an emergent or screw via the posterior tubercle. These authors sug-
an urgent basis. Traditionally, concern regarding the gest that the posterior approach allowed them to
development of AVN has led many to advocate emer- place the screw perpendicular to the fracture line.
gent ORIF of these fractures. They also postulate that the posterior approach
At least three studies, two clinical series and one would have less effect on blood supply compared
survey, have addressed this issue. In a recent clini- with an anterior approach. They report three excel-
cal investigation, Vallier and colleagues11 performed lent results and four good results, with AVN develop-
a Level II retrospective review of 100 patients with ing in two of the seven cases.17
102 fractures of the talar neck. The average time to Fayazi and coauthors18 describe a technique in
fixation was 3.4 days for patients who experienced which they closed reduced talar neck fractures and
development of AVN compared with 5.0 days for then performed percutaneous fixation using fluoros-
patients who did not. Rather than the timing of sur- copy and two partially threaded cannulated screws
gery, AVN was associated with talar neck comminu- placed in opposite directions and parallel to each
tion and the presence of an open injury. No correla- other. In this Level V technique article, the authors
tion between surgical delay and the development of emphasize that if an anatomic reduction could not be
AVN could be identified. obtained by closed methods, then open reduction
These results are similar to those that Comfort and was required. They state that their percutaneous ap-
colleagues12 reported. In this retrospective review, proach resulted in shorter surgery, less pain, and
the results of 28 patients who underwent ORIF of minimal soft-tissue manipulation. Unfortunately, they
displaced talar neck fractures were reported and report only on their technique and do not offer any
analyzed.12 Time to surgery was less than 12 hours results.18
for 18 patients, 1 to 7 days in 9, and 17 days in 1. Finally, Fleuriau Chateau and coworkers13 studied
Twelve of the 28 patients (43%) experienced develop- the effects of fixation of talar neck fractures using
ment of AVN. Like Vallier and colleagues,11 the au- mini-fragment plates. In this retrospective review,
thors report that there was no trend between delay 23 talar neck fractures were stabilized with a combi-
in operation and the degree of necrosis, and that the nation of mini-fragment plates augmented with lag
presence of necrosis correlated with the degree of screws if required. These fractures included type II,
displacement. III, and IV injuries, and all were characterized by
Recently, 89 expert orthopedic surgeons working substantial comminution. The plates were placed
at Level 1 trauma centers were surveyed regarding on the more comminuted side of the fracture (either
the current state of practice for the treatment of medial or lateral). With an average follow-up period
displaced talar neck fractures (Level V evidence).16 of 20 months, the authors report no wound compli-
In this survey, 60% of respondents stated that, cations, a 100% union rate, and no evidence of varus
for displaced talar neck fractures, treatment after malunion. Radiographically, there were two cases of
8 hours is acceptable. Forty-six percent of respon- tibiotalar arthritis and one case of subtalar arthri-
dents stated that treatment at or after 24 hours tis. These patients were clinically asymptomatic.
is acceptable. The authors of this study conclude The authors argue that plate fixation minimizes
that “most expert orthopedic trauma surgeons do varus malunion in highly comminuted fractures by
not believe that an immediate operation is neces- avoiding excessive compression of the comminuted
sary to adequately treat a displaced talar neck neck with lag screws.13
fracture.”16 Although biomechanical studies do not provide
These studies, especially the work of Vallier and direct clinical evidence, they are helpful in providing
colleagues,11 offer fair (grade B) evidence that dis- surgeons with basic principles that may provide
placed talar neck fractures do not need to undergo guidance in the clinical setting. Several biomechani-
ORIF on an urgent or emergent basis. Nevertheless, it cal studies have examined various methods of surgi-
should be noted that Vallier’s group did advocate cal fixation for talar neck fractures. Swanson and
emergent reduction of dislocations through either coworkers19 created a fracture model with cadaveric
closed or percutaneous manipulation. Meanwhile, tali and compared four different fixation constructs:
Comfort’s group12 recommends that ORIF “should be (1) Kirschner wires alone, (2) 4.0-mm cancellous
performed early,” although they did not expand on screws placed from anterior to posterior, (3) 4.0-mm
the definition of “early.” cancellous screws placed from posterior to anterior,
What Is the Best Treatment of Displaced Talar Neck Fractures? 505

and (4) a 6.5-mm cancellous screw placed from pos-

TABLE 76–1. Summary of Recommendations for the Treatment
terior to anterior combined with a Kirschner wire.19
of Displaced Talar Neck Fractures
Results showed that screw fixation was superior
to Kirschner-wire fixation. Furthermore, screws LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/
placed in a posterior-to-anterior direction were GRADE OF
found to provide stronger fixation than those placed
in an anterior-to-posterior direction.19 More recently, 1. Some form of reduction is necessary B
Charlson and colleagues20 created a comminuted in treatment of displaced talar neck
talar neck fracture model fixed with either two fractures.
4.0-mm cancellous screws placed in a posterior-to- 2. Patients with displaced talar neck frac- B
tures should undergo open reduction
anterior direction or a lateral mini-fragment plate and internal fixation.
augmented with a medial 2.7-mm lag screw.20 Their 3. Displaced talar neck fractures do not C
results showed superior fixation with the two-screw need open reduction and internal fix-
technique compared with plate fixation. Also, their ation on an urgent or emergent basis.
results demonstrated failure at a load significantly 4. Plate fixation minimizes malunion in C
highly communited fractures.
below that shown by Swanson and coworkers.19
They attribute this to the comminuted component
of the fracture model.20 Attiah and coauthors21 com- REFERENCES
pared fixation among 3 3.5-mm cortical and
4.0-mm cancellous screws placed in an anterior-to- 1. Adelaar RS: Complex fractures of the talus. Instr Course Lect
46:323–338, 1997.
posterior direction, 2 4.0-mm cancellous screws 2. Ebraheim NA, Sabry FF, Nadim Y: Internal architecture of the ta-
placed in posterior-to-anterior direction, and a lus: Implication for talar fracture. Foot Ankle Int 20:794–796, 1999.
2.7-mm blade plate placed on the medial aspect with 3. Hawkins LG: Fractures of the neck of the talus. J Bone Joint
a 4.0-mm cancellous screw placed laterally.21 Unlike Surg Am 52:991–1002, 1970.
Charlson and colleagues,20 these authors report no 4. Canale ST, Kelly FB Jr: Fractures of the neck of the talus.
Long-term evaluation of seventy-one cases. J Bone Joint Surg
significant difference in the failure load between Am 60:143–156, 1978.
screw and plate fixation, but they did note that the 5. Anderson HG, FM, Gotch OH (eds): The Medical and Surgical
screws failed by bending or pulling out, whereas the Aspects of Aviation. London, H Frowde, 1919.
blade plate model failed by fracture of the talar head 6. Coltart WD: Aviator’s astragalus. J Bone Joint Surg Br
34-B:545–566, 1952.
around the plate.21 7. Kenwright J, Taylor RG: Major injuries of the talus. J Bone
Taken together, the combination of clinical evi- Joint Surg Br 52:36–48, 1970.
dence and biomechanical studies for fixation of ta- 8. Kleiger B: Fractures of the talus. J Bone Joint Surg 30A:735–744,
lar neck fractures suggest the following: Screws 1948.
placed in a posterior-to-anterior direction provide 9. Lorentzen JE, Christensen SB, Krogsoe O, Sneppen O: Fractures
of the neck of the talus. Acta Orthop Scand 48:115–120, 1977.
stronger fixation than those placed in the tradi- 10. Grob D, Simpson LA, Weber BG, Bray T: Operative treatment
tional anterior-to-posterior direction. Biomechani- of displaced talus fractures. Clin Orthop Relat Res
cal studies have conflicting results whether screw (199):88–96, 1985.
fixation is equal to or superior to plate fixation. 11. Vallier HA, Nork SE, Barei DP, et al: Talar neck fractures: Results
and outcomes. J Bone Joint Surg Am 86-A:1616–1624, 2004.
However, Fleuriau Chateau and colleagues13 offer 12. Comfort TH, Behrens F, Gaither DW, et al: Long-term results
limited Level IV clinical evidence that plate fixation of displaced talar neck fractures. Clin Orthop Relat Res
may minimize varus malunion in highly commi- (199):81–87, 1985.
nuted fractures. 13. Fleuriau Chateau PB, Brokaw DS, Jelen BA, et al: Plate
fixation of talar neck fractures: Preliminary review of a new
technique in twenty-three patients. J Orthop Trauma
16:213–219, 2002.
CONCLUSION 14. Sanders DW, Busam M, Hattwick E, et al: Functional outcomes
following displaced talar neck fractures. J Orthop Trauma
In conclusion, displaced talar neck fractures con- 18:265–270, 2004.
15. Pajenda G, Vecsei V, Reddy B, Heinz T: Treatment of talar
tinue to pose a clinical challenge with an uncertain neck fractures: Clinical results of 50 patients. J Foot Ankle
prognosis and potentially poor long-term morbidity. Surg 39:365–375, 2000.
An evidenced-based review of the scientific literature 16. Patel R, Van Bergeyk A, Pinney S: Are displaced talar neck
regarding the optimal treatment of these injuries al- fractures surgical emergencies? A survey of orthopaedic
lows for several recommendations. First, such frac- trauma experts. Foot Ankle Int 26:378–381, 2005.
17. Lemaire RG, Bustin W: Screw fixation of fractures of the neck of
tures should be treated with ORIF, rather than cast the talus using a posterior approach. J Trauma 20:669–673, 1980.
immobilization alone or open reduction without in- 18. Fayazi AH, Reid JS, Juliano PJ: Percutaneous pinning of talar
ternal fixation. Second, surgery does not have to be neck fractures. Am J Orthop 31:76–78, 2002.
performed on an emergent basis. Third, various fixa- 19. Swanson TV, Bray TJ, Holmes GB Jr: Fractures of the talar
neck. A mechanical study of fixation. J Bone Joint Surg Am
tion constructs are biomechanically advantageous, 74:544–551, 1992.
especially screws placed in a posterior-to-anterior 20. Charlson MD, Parks BG, Weber TG, Guyton GP: Comparison of
direction and plate fixation for highly comminuted plate and screw fixation and screw fixation alone in a commi-
fractures. Table 76–1 provides a summary of recom- nuted talar neck fracture model. Foot Ankle Int 27:340–343, 2006.
mendations for the treatment of displaced talar neck 21. Attiah M, Sanders DW, Valdivia G, et al: Comminuted talar
neck fractures: A mechanical comparison of fixation tech-
fractures. niques. J Orthop Trauma 21:47–51, 2007.
Chapter What is Is the Best Treatment

Jfor Injury

Joint Complex?
JOHNthe Tarsometatarsal


The tarsometatarsal joints, commonly but incor- whom congruity of the joint was not accurately
rectly called the tarsometatarsal joint, divides the restored.
midfoot from the forefoot, and injuries to this joint Multiple confounding factors make it difficult to
complex continue to be both a diagnostic and a make treatment recommendations, few Level I stud-
treatment challenge. The term tarsometatarsal joint ies exist to support any single approach, and the
complex was introduced by Myerson and col- best treatment approach is unclear if not contro-
leagues1 to highlight the more extensive nature of versial. This chapter initially reviews treatment
this injury to include not only the joints between recommendations based on levels of evidence
the metatarsals and cuneiforms or cuboid, but also followed by specific issues associated with this
the intercuneiform and the naviculocuneiform topic.
joints. The presentation of this injury is quite var-
ied and may take the form of a joint subluxation,
dislocation with or without fracture. Although the LEVEL I STUDY
reported occurrence is 1 per 55,000 fractures per
year,2 these injuries seem to be increasing in fre- Only a single Level I study has been published on
quency since the late 1990s, particularly in certain clinical outcomes of surgical treatment of the tarso-
sports. metatarsal joint. Ly and Coetzee8 compared ORIF
Diagnosis is made based on a high index of suspi- versus primary arthrodesis in a study of 41 patients
cion with tenderness about the midfoot. Radio- with isolated acute and subacute primarily ligamen-
graphs must be taken while bearing weight, and if tous injuries. The average follow-up was 42 months
equivocal, a fluoroscopic stress test with forefoot with a minimum of 2 years after treatment. The pri-
abduction and pronation is performed. Various mary arthrodesis group included a fusion of the
treatment modalities have been utilized, including first two or three rays, but never included the lat-
closed treatment with immobilization, closed reduc- eral rays. The mean American Orthopaedic Foot
tion and percutaneous pinning, open reduction and and Ankle Society (AOFAS) midfoot score was 68.6
internal fixation (ORIF), and primary arthrodesis. for the open reduction group and was 88 in the ar-
The best approach to achieve and maintain an ana- throdesis group. In the open reduction group, five
tomic reduction must be balanced with the risks for patients who had persistent midfoot pain with or
operative intervention and the possible develop- without the development of deformity eventually
ment of arthritis and the need for future surgery. underwent arthrodesis. Patients treated with a pri-
Treatment of these injuries does not have uni- mary arthrodesis estimated achievement of postop-
formly excellent outcomes, even with anatomic re- erative level of activity was 92% of their preinjury
duction and stable internal fixation. Arthritis and level, whereas the open reduction group estimated
hence disability may result even with surgical treat- that the postoperative level was only 65% of their
ment,3 and the reported prevalence of painful preoperative level (P ! 0.005). Multiple criticisms
arthrosis with these injuries has ranged from 0 of have been made for this Level I study. The medium-
9 patients4 to 15 (58%) of 26 patients.5 In a series of to long-term results of primary arthrodesis and the
69 patients, degenerative joint disease developed risk for arthritis in adjacent joints over the long
in 21 (30%).6 Regardless of the incidence of post- term remain unknown. Furthermore, significant
traumatic arthritis, it is now well accepted that an bony injuries were not addressed in this study be-
anatomic reduction is critical to a successful out- cause this treatment was based on ligamentous in-
come. One such study by Arntz and Hansen7 dem- juries (subluxation and dislocation). Lastly, the in-
onstrated an overall good or excellent functional clusion and exclusion criteria are not clear, given
result in 95% of patients in whom an anatomic re- that no high-performance athlete was treated in this
duction was obtained. In contrast, a satisfactory manner, and no massive and complete high-energy
result was obtained in only one of five patients in dislocations were treated.

What Is the Best Treatment for Injury to the Tarsometatarsal Joint Complex? 507

LEVEL II STUDY rary internal fixation with AO screws (Level IV). They
emphasize the importance of screw fixation, given
Only a single Level II study has been published on the previous problems that they had experienced
tarsometatarsal injuries. In a surgeon randomized with percutaneous pin fixation, including pin infec-
study, Mulier and colleagues9 analyzed patients with tion, migration of pins, and loss of reduction. Of the
severe tarsometatarsal injuries who were treated patients with an anatomic reduction, a good or excel-
by surgical intervention, with one surgeon always lent result was obtained in all but two patients at an
performing an arthrodesis and the other surgeon average follow-up of 3.4 years. An analysis of the six
always performing ORIF. ORIF (16 patients) and par- patients who had a fair or poor result showed the
tial arthrodesis (6 patients) was recommended over following: two patients had an anatomic reduction,
complete arthrodesis of all 5 tarsometatarsal joints two patients had a fair reduction, and two a nonana-
(6 patients). The subgroups were identical in age, tomic reduction; five had an associated grade II or III
follow-up, type of fracture, type of injury, and time to open injury.
intervention. Anatomic reduction was achieved in Kuo and coworkers14 performed a retrospective
8 of the 12 patients in the arthrodesis group and in study of patients who underwent an open reduc-
12 of the 16 patients in the ORIF group. The Balti- tion and screw fixation of a tarsometatarsal injury
more painful foot score was greater in the ORIF (Level IV). Forty-eight patients were observed for
group than in the complete arthrodesis group, mean- an average of 52 months (range, 13–114 months).
ing the ORIF group had less pain. Stiffness of the Twelve patients (25%) had post-traumatic osteoar-
forefoot, loss of the metatarsal arch, and sympa- thritis of the tarsometatarsal joints, and six of them
thetic dystrophy occurred more frequently in the required arthrodesis. The average AOFAS midfoot
complete arthrodesis group. However, it is noted score was 77 (out of 100). No significant difference
that 94% of the open-reduction group had signs in outcome scores could be detected when purely
of radiographic degeneration at the average final ligamentous injuries were compared with combined
follow-up of 30 months. ligamentous and osseous injuries, open wounds
were compared with closed wounds, involvement
of five tarsometatarsal joints was compared with
LEVEL III AND IV STUDIES involvement of fewer than five, the presence of as-
sociated cuneiform and/or cuboid injury was com-
Several Level III and IV studies also have been pub- pared with the absence of either injury, isolated
lished that provide guidance in decision making. injury was compared with multiple injuries, multi-
Closed treatment with plaster immobilization has ple trauma was compared with the absence of mul-
resulted in poor results.10–12 Wilson13 reports that tiple trauma, the presence of associated injury of
only 1 of 14 patients undergoing closed reduction the ipsilateral lower limb was compared with the
and cast immobilization had an anatomic reduction, absence of such injury, acute diagnosis was com-
and 7 of the 14 patients were noted to have residual pared with delayed diagnosis, and work-related in-
displacement of 5 mm or more. These studies consist jury was compared with nonwork-related injury.
of limited small numbers, and their poor results are Based on these studies and their levels, grade C
of historic interest only. The demographics of tarso- recommendation exists for ORIF and screw fixation
metatarsal injury have changed markedly, and with of tarsometatarsal fracture dislocation.
closer attention to diagnosis, subtle injuries have
been diagnosed with increased frequency. Although
closed reduction or closed reduction and percutane- Late Treatment with Arthrodesis
ous screw fixation does not allow for assessment
under direct visualization of the reduction or for Delayed treatment of injuries beyond 6 weeks has
removal of osteocartilaginous debris, percutaneous been associated with poorer outcomes.15 This, how-
screw fixation has gained popularity. ever, depends on the magnitude of the deformity. For
Based on these reports, and because the potential those injuries associated with complete subluxation
for long-term morbidity after tarsometatarsal inju- of all the joints, then, indeed, delayed treatment is
ries, any patient with a displaced fracture-dislocation more complicated because the realignment and ar-
or with any degree of instability of the tarsometatar- throdesis required is more complex. However, this
sal joint should be treated with surgery. The question does not apply to more minor injuries where limited
remains, however, as to what is the ideal method of subluxation and dislocation is present. These luxa-
surgical treatment (Level IV). tions can be treated months after injury with either
closed reduction and percutaneous fixation or ORIF
without resorting to arthrodesis. Sangeorzan and
Open Reduction and Internal Fixation Hansen’s19 study of salvage of tarsometatarsal inju-
ries yielded significant results based on different sta-
Multiple authors have correlated outcomes with the tistical analyses. By Pearson coefficient, they found
accuracy of surgical reduction. Arntz and Hansen7 several significant factors: less time to treatment was
retrospectively reviewed 34 tarsometatarsal fracture- more likely to result in a good or excellent result; ad-
dislocations treated with open reduction and tempo- equate reduction was correlated with better outcome;
508 Foot and Ankle Topics

and work-related injuries were more likely to have injury requiring open reduction because of the high
a bad outcome. No correlation was found between incidence (11/25) of these injuries subsequently being
the age of the patient and result of treatment. By mul- treated with arthrodesis. However, no information was
tiple regression analysis, reduction was the only fac- provided on the type and magnitude of either the in-
tor found to be predictive of result.16 Komenda and jury or the type of treatments available that might
Myerson17 retrospectively reviewed 32 patients who have predisposed the patients to development of post-
underwent an arthrodesis of the midfoot after a trau- traumatic arthritis. Furthermore, no outcome data
matic injury. The arthrodesis was performed at a were provided subsequently for those 11 patients who
mean of 35 months (range, 6–108 months) after the underwent arthrodesis. Kuo and coworkers14 suggest
injury. All of the patients were treated with rigid inter- that there may be a subset of patients with purely liga-
nal fixation, and autogenous bone graft was used in mentous injuries who would benefit from primary ar-
24 patients in whom a defect had been created after throdesis, given that 6 of 15 of their patients with
preparation of the bone surfaces. At an average of purely ligamentous injuries experienced development
50 months after the arthrodesis, the mean AOFAS of painful osteoarthrosis.
midfoot postoperative score was 78 points (vs. Because of the limited number of grade I/and mul-
44 before surgery). Given the number of patients in tiple Level III/IV studies, a Grade C recommendation
this study, it was not possible to determine whether exists for primary arthrodesis. As noted in the treat-
the extent of arthrodesis, the involvement of other ment algorithm (Fig. 77–1), we recommend primary
joints in the hindfoot or forefoot, or the involvement arthrodesis in a subset of patients with Lis Franc
of workers’ compensation affected outcome. injuries.

Primary Arthrodesis Extent of Arthrodesis

Several Level III and IV studies have analyzed the role In the setting of arthrosis, the extent of fusion has
of primary arthrodesis for tarsometatarsal dislocation been an area of controversy, particularly the inclu-
in addition to the Level I study by Ly and Coetzee8 sion versus exclusion of the lateral column. Interest-
described earlier in this chapter. Granberry and ingly, the middle column (second and third metatar-
Lipscomb18 recommend primary fusion in any unstable socuneiform joints) has the least motion, and yet

Midfoot injury

Plain weightbearing
AP, lateral, 30° oblique

Nondisplaced Displaced (" CT scan)

Stress radiograph Open reduction

Stable Unstable
Comminution Chronic injury Anatomic,
Midfoot sprain Percutaneous
fixation with screws of OR
1st, 2nd, 3rd TMT joints
(K-wires for 4th or 5th
Cast TMT)
Primary arthrodesis ORIF with screws
of 1st, 2nd, 3rd TMT (K-wires for 4th or
(K-wires for 4th or 5th TMT)
5th TMT)
FIGURE 77–1. Recommended treatment algorithm for Lis Franc injuries.
What Is the Best Treatment for Injury to the Tarsometatarsal Joint Complex? 509

are the joints most likely to develop post-traumatic and fifth tarsometatarsal joints at a 2-year minimum
arthritis and require an arthrodesis. The contrary follow-up, but most of these arthrodeses (22/28)
applies to the lateral column (the fourth and fifth were performed for neurarthopathic rocker-bottom
metatarsocuboid joints), which is mobile but is rarely deformity and have no relevance in this type of dis-
symptomatic. The sagittal plane movements of the cussion pertaining to a neurologic intact person with
tarsometatarsal joints, as determined by cadaveric post-traumatic arthritis. Based on current evidence,
study, are significantly greater for the fourth (9.6 we recommend limiting fusions to the medial and
mm) and fifth (10.2 mm), as compared with the first middle columns.
(3.5 mm), second (0.6 mm), and third (1.6 mm)
joints.16 Given this increased physiologic motion
across the lateral column, the benefit of arthrodesis UTILITY OF BONE SCAN FOR LATE TREATMENT
across these joints has been called into question. In
the setting of chronic degenerative changes, San- No studies exist that specifically address the ideal
georzan and coauthors19 and Komenda and Myer- diagnostic modalities for determining the extent of
son17 have recommended that only the medial and/or arthrodesis. In addition to plain radiographs, Level IV
middle column should be fused. The only two pa- evidence alone supports the use of nuclear bone scans
tients who underwent arthrodesis of all three col- and selective anesthetic injections. Komenda and
umns in Komenda and Myerson’s study subsequently Myerson17 did not find bone scan to be useful because
required a revision procedure with metatarsal oste- it tended to show uptake in areas that were painless.
otomies because of metatarsalgia. Furthermore, a They did not recommend any additional imaging stud-
third patient who underwent fusion with an interpo- ies, given that clinical examination and plain radio-
sition bone block arthrodesis of the calcaneocuboid graphs were useful in determining which joints should
joint for a traumatic abduction deformity also expe- be fused. However, Mann and Sobel21 used a bone scan
rienced intractable pain at the metatarsocuboid to determine the extent of arthrodesis in 8 of 40 pa-
joints and subsequently underwent metatarsocuboid tients in their series. The majority of patients in this
fusions. Raikin and Schon20 presented a report of 28 latter series, however, were treated for idiopathic
feet that were treated with arthrodesis of the fourth osteoarthritis and not post-traumatic deformity.

After diagnosis with either weight-bearing primary arthrodesis. If comminuted, this is the
radiographs or fluoroscopic stress manipulation procedure of choice, but it is technically difficult
of the foot, anatomic restoration of the tarsometa- to perform because of lack of joint congruity and
tarsal joint complex should be obtained either by bone support. Based on Ly and Coetzee’s8 work,
closed or open means. If closed, percutaneous primary arthrodesis should, however, be part of
screw fixation is an acceptable method of restor- the current treatment regimen used by orthopedic
ing joint alignment, and open reduction with either surgeons in the management of tarsometatarsal
fixation or primary arthrodesis used where commi- joint injury. Table 77–1 provides a summary of
nution or failure to obtain an anatomic reduction recommendations for the treatment for injury to
is noted. The dilemma remains with respect to the tarsometatarsal joint complex.

TABLE 77–1. Summary of Recommendations

1. LisFranc injuries that are fracture dislocations Level I/III/IV Grade B 7, 8, 10-12, 14, 18
or that are unstable should be treated surgically
2. Tarsometatarsal fracture dislocations should be Level III/IV Grade C 7, 14
treated with anatomic reduction and screw fixation
3. Tarsometatarsal fracture dislocations and unsta- Level I/III/IV Grade C 8, 14, 17-19
ble injuries should be treated with arthrodesis
4. Arthrodesis of the LisFranc joints should be lim- Level III/IV Grade B 9, 17, 19
ited to the medial and middle column in the
neurologically intact patient
5. Bone scan should be used to determine the Level IV Grade I 17, 21
extent of arthrodesis
510 Foot and Ankle Topics

REFERENCES 11. Willpula E: Tarsometatarsal fracture-dislocation. Acta Orthop

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correlated with pathology and treatment. Foot Ankle 20:655–664, 1989.
6:225–242, 1986. 13. Wilson DW: Injuries of the tarso-metatarsal joints: Etiology,
2. Hardcastle P: Injury to tarsometatarsal joint. J Bone Joint classification and results of treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Br
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3. Buzzard BM, Briggs PJ: Surgical management of acute 14. Kuo RS, Tejwani NC, DiGiovanni CW, et al: Outcome after
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Res 353:125–133, 1998. injuries. J Bone Joint Surg Am 82-A:1609–1618, 2000.
4. Aitken AP, Poulson D: Dislocations of the tarsometatarsal 15. Myerson MS, Fisher RT, Burgess AR, et al: Fracture dislocations
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5. Wilppula E: Tarsometatarsal fracture-dislocation. Late results pathology and treatment. Foot Ankle 6:225–242, 1986.
in 26 patients. Acta Orthop Scand 44:335–345, 1973. 16. Ozononian T, Shereff M: In vitro determinant of midfoot
6. Hardcastle PH, Reschauer R, Kutscha-Lissberg E, Schoffmann motion. Foot Ankle Int 10:140–146, 1989.
W: Injuries to the tarsometatarsal joint. Incidence, classifica- 17. Komenda GA, Myerson MS, Biddinger KR: Results of
tion, and treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Br 64-B:349–356, 1982. arthrodesis of the tarsometatarsal joints after traumatic
7. Arntz CT, Veith RG, Hansen ST: Fractures and fracture- injury. J Bone Joint Surg Am 78:1665–1676, 1996.
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8. Ly TV, Coetzee JC: Treatment of primarily ligamentous 19. Sangeorzan BJ, Veith RG, Hansen ST Jr: Salvage of tarsometa-
tarsometatarsal joint injuries: Primary Arthrodesis compared tarsal joint by arthrodesis. Foot Ankle 193–200, 1990.
with open reduction and internal fixation. J Bone Joint Surg 20. Raikin SM, Schon LC: Arthodesis of the fourth and fifth
Am 88-A:514–520, 2006. metatarsal joints of the midfoot. Foot Ankle Int 24:584–590,
9. Mulier T, Reynders P, Dereymaeker G, Broos P: Severe 2003.
tarsometatarsal injuries: Primary arthrodesis or ORIF? Foot 21. Mann RA, Prieskorn D, Sobel M: Mid-tarsal and tarsometatarsal
Ankle Int 23:902–905, 2002. arthrodesis for primary degenerative osteoarthrosis or osteo-
10. Goosens M, DeStoop N: Tarsometatarsal’s fracture dislocation: arthrosis after trauma. J Bone Joint Surg Am 78:1376–1385,
Etiology, readiology, and results of treatment. Clin Orthop 1996.
176:154–162, 1983.
Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

78 for Recurrent Ankle Instability?


Incidence of Recurrent Ankle Instability

joint reaction force in the ankle, increasing strain on
Most acute injuries are treated by a rehabilitation pro- the lateral collateral ligaments.6 Posterior displace-
gram. The remaining 15% to 20% who remain symp- ment of the tip of the fibula has been hypothesized as
tomatic may require surgical intervention.1 In the being the cause of recurrent instability. These ana-
United Kingdom, 302,000 sprains are treated per year.2 tomic variations may, however, represent part of a
Recurrent sprains may result in more lost days of constellation of cavus foot deformity.7 Symptomatic
sport than the initial injury.3 chronic instability may be caused by the combination
of foot shape and an acute injury. A study of patients
with ankle instability awaiting surgery compared with
Anatomy of the Lateral Collateral Ligaments normal control subjects showed that those with in-
stability had a more varus heel.6
The lateral collateral ligaments stabilize the ankle
joint to episodes of inversion sprains. The anterior
talofibular ligament runs from the anterior aspect of PREVENTION OF ANKLE INSTABILITY
the fibula to the neck of the talus laterally at its junc-
tion to the body of the talus.4 The calcaneofibular liga- Theoretically, bracing may prevent recurrent ankle
ment starts just inferior and posterior to the origin of instability. The application of a brace may assist in
the talofibular ligament, and inserts into the lateral prevention of instability by mechanical support and
border of the calcaneus running posteriorly.5 The talo- by improved proprioception. Bracing has also been
fibular ligament therefore stabilizes the ankle by pre- used to prevent ankle instability; this is supported
venting the talus from subluxing anteriorly in the ankle through reviews in the Cochrane database but is be-
mortise, whereas the calcaneofibular ligament pre- yond the scope of this chapter.
vents inversion of both the talus and calcaneus at the
ankle joint and subtalar joint, respectively.

Pathoanatomy The general consensus of the literature is that

the results of early surgical repair do not result in
Rupture of the lateral ligaments may cause instability better outcomes than nonoperative treatment.8–11
in the ankle, in the subtalar joint, or both. During an Two Cochrane database reviews showed insufficient
acute episode of instability, the talus will rotate evidence to recommend surgical intervention. The
within the ankle mortise and can subject a shear load most recent is based on the review of 20 articles. A
onto the cartilage on the dome of the talus. The me- trend existed toward worse outcome in the surgical
dial dome may impinge on the medial side of the dis- group for longer recovery times, stiffness, and surgi-
tal tibia causing a central to posteromedial chondral cal complications {Kerkhoffs, 2007 #585} (grade B).
injury. Alternatively, the lateral dome may impinge on Repair and reconstruction is therefore recommended
the fibula causing a posterolateral injury. Ongoing in- only for patients with chronic symptoms of ankle
stability and the chondral injury can cause further instability.
cartilaginous degeneration, allowing the ankle joint to
become inflamed with associated synovitis. If long-
term instability is persistent, significant ankle degen- Limitations of Outcomes Studies
eration occurs with osteophytes formation, both of
which may cause symptomatic impingement. Inver- In the Cochrane database review, no evidence was
sion sprains may also overload the peroneal tendon found to support acute lateral ligament reconstruc-
complex, causing stretching or incompetency of SPR, tion compared with conservative treatment. How-
peroneal subluxation/injury, and synovitis. ever, the studies analyzed were not designed well
The anatomy of the hindfoot has a critical effect on enough to definitively answer the question.9 The
the loading of the lateral ligament complex. A cavus obvious limitations of articles on recurrent lateral
foot position may cause medial displacement of the ankle instability include retrospective design with

512 Foot and Ankle Topics

nonvalidated outcome scores without control The obvious study, comparison of brace versus no
groups. Less obvious may be the presence or ab- brace treatment on the midterm outcome of ankle
sence of copathologies with ankle instability. Hin- instability or symptoms reported by the patient, has
termann and colleagues12 report on 148 patients not been done. The articles written on bracing for
with medial or lateral instability. Cartilage injury chronic instability are summarized in Table 78–1. Fu-
was found in 66% of patients with lateral instability, ture research should ideally be prospective, random-
and 98% of patients with medial instability. Another ized, and based on patient-reported outcomes.
study showed a 98% rate of intra-articular pathol- Physiotherapy. Three studies of Level II quality exist
ogy is associated with lateral ankle instability. The supporting the use of physiotherapy for recurrent in-
author notes the most common finding was synovi- stability. Four studies are Level II and IV quality, and
tis with a 25% rate of chondral injuries in the an- three cannot be rated because they report outcomes
kle.13 Other authors have documented similar find- that were not clinical and focused on indirect evi-
ings.13–15 Injury to the peroneal tendons and dence such as peroneal reaction times. Based on
tendonitis are associated with recurrent lateral an- these studies, a grade B recommendation exists for
kle instability16,17 with 25% of patients having a pe- treatment of ankle instability with physiotherapy. One
roneal tendon injury. study used an unusual treatment regimen28 that is an
In summary, older studies do not address the co- unconventional form of physiotherapy—a bidirec-
pathologies, nor do they discuss or outline their tional bicycle pedal that is not available to most pa-
concomitant treatment protocol on finding these as- tients (Table 78–2).
sociated issues. For this reason alone, the outcomes
for ankle ligament stabilization may be improved in
recent articles with the advent of routine magnetic Surgical Treatment of Recurrent Ankle Instability
resonance imaging (MRI) and ankle arthroscopy, and
treatment of osteochondral defects. Based on the After failed nonoperative treatment of ankle instabil-
Level IV studies, a grade I recommendation exists for ity, patients may opt for surgical stabilization. The
the routine use of advanced diagnostic testing, such ligaments may be repaired or reconstructed. In the
as MRI. The diagnostic role of routine arthroscopic Broström repair, the torn ligaments are imbricated
debridement at the time of lateral ligament recon- and may be augmented by the extensor retinaculum
struction has not been determined; however, its use (Gould modification). Karlson modified the Broström
is now recommended by some authors15,18 (grade I). technique by recommending repair through drill
More studies are required in regard to this specific holes in bone.
issue. Alternatively, the ligaments can be reconstructed.
The reconstruction can be either anatomic or non-
anatomic. Nonanatomic reconstructions include the
Nonoperative Treatment of Recurrent Ankle Evans procedure (rerouting of the peroneus brevis
Instability through the fibula) or the Watson–Jones procedure
(peroneal tendon weave). These reconstructions as a
Nonoperative treatment of recurrent ankle instability result sacrifice the active evertors of the ankle for a
may include casting, bracing, anti-inflammatory med- static restraint. Because the reconstruction is non-
ication, taping, and physiotherapy. A review of the anatomic, joint motion may be restricted, so that the
literature showed a number of studies related physio- Evans procedure, for example, restricts subtalar joint
therapy, cast, and brace treatment. Most of these motion.37,38 In one retrospective case–control study
modalities are used in combination. Physiotherapy with long-term follow-up, the rate of arthritis, ongoing
seems to be better studied and the outcomes out- instability, and reoperation rate all favored anatomic
lined better than brace treatment. repair over Evans tenodesis.39 Nine studies recom-
Brace Treatment. Overall bracing may be more effective mend against the use of nonanatomic reconstruc-
than no treatment with Level C evidence: poor-quality tions.39–47 Another study showed impaired kinematics
evidence (Level IV or V with consistent findings) for after Evans tenodesis and recommended against its
or against recommending intervention, with most use.42 In a review of patients undergoing the Broström
studies being of Level IV quality. Although bracing procedure compared with the Christman–Snook non-
may be effective, the literature is too inconsistent to anatomic reconstruction, patients with the recon-
recommend bracing over taping or to recommend struction complained of the ankle feeling “too tight.”48
one brace over another. Current opinion supports the use of an anatomic re-
Strengths of these brace studies in general are construction or repair without sacrifice of the active
that the majority are prospective and do contain evertors of the ankle.
a control group. One criticism is that they do not Anatomic Repair. Anatomic repair (Broström repair, with
have clinical results as an end point, but instead use or without modifications) remains one of the main-
indirect measures such as dynamometer testing or stays of surgical treatment of recurrent ankle instabil-
peroneal reaction times. This weakness makes many ity.49 Broström50 described the imbrication of the lat-
of the articles, which otherwise have good study eral collateral ligaments. Karlsson and coworkers51
design, hard to place in the context of outcome modified the Broström repair by bringing the distal
research. segments of the ligaments through drill holes and
What Is the Best Treatment for Recurrent Ankle Instability? 513

TABLE 78–1. Brace Treatment for Ankle Instability

De Simoni et al.19 1996 30 Functional brace 93% better Recommend IV
Eils et al.20 2002 24 10 brace types Tilting platform UR
Jerosch and 2000 21 Ankle support Sport specific Improved with IV
Schoppe21 activities brace
Hals et al.22 2000 25 Rigid brace Shuttle run times Better with brace III/UR
Baier and Hopf23 1998 22 Rigid vs. flexible Reduced Both flexible and III/UR
brace mediolaterals rigid braces
way work
Jerosch et al.24 1997 23 ankles 18 Various braces Jumping Braces better III/UR
control subjects performance than no brace—
aircast best
Jerosch et al.24 1997 23 ankles 18 Various braces Time for ankle Braces better than III
control subjects stabilization no brace
Els et al.25 1996 89 patients Lace brace Acute injury— Braces beneficial IV
0 control recurrent
subjects instability
Regis et al.26 1995 20 dynamic 10 cast Dynamic brace Clinical outcome Dynamic brace III
versus cast and Cybex better
Jerosch and 1994 16 athletes Brace vs. taping Dynamic reaction Brace and tape UR IV
Bischof27 14 healthy time better than
volunteers nothing

Grade of recommendation C: Poor-quality evidence (Level IV or V with consistent findings) for or against recommending intervention.

TABLE 78–2. Treatment of Ankle Instability with Physiotherapy


Kaminski et al.29 2003 30 Proprioception; Peak torque No difference 11

strength training; Kin-Com
Hoiness et al.28 2003 19 Bidirectional pedal Increased peak Prospective 11
eversion torque randomized
! clinical review
Matsusaka et al.30 2001 22 Tape and disc Proprioception Tape improved 11
Eils and 2001 48 Multistation Joint position Exercise better 111
Rosenbaum31 proprioception sense and
Rozzi et al.32 1999 13 Balance training Stability test Improved III
Wester et al.33 1998 48 Wobble board Recurrent Wobble board II
instability— beneficial
control group
Wester et al.34 1996 48 Wobble board— Clinical assess- Wobble board II
acute injury ment beneficial
Regis et al.26 1995 20 20 dynamic brace Clinical outcome Dynamic brace III
vs. 10 cast and Cybex better
Karlsson et al.35 1991 100 Functional 49 good or excellent Recommend phys- IV
rehabilitation iotherapy as
initial treatment
Linde et al.36 1986 150 Functional 8% significantly Physiotherapy IV
rehabilitation impaired at recommended as
1 year initial treatment

oversewing the repair to reinforce it. Gould and inves- mens for one type of reconstruction.54 The strongest
tigators52 modified the Broström repair by oversewing study was performed by Pijnenburg and researchers,55
the extensor retinaculum over the top of the repaired a Level I, randomized, prospective study. The remain-
ligaments. I prefer to use both the Karlsson and Gould der of the studies is Level IV quality. Overall, the grade
modifications.53 Three studies are prospective, al- of re-commendation is B for anatomic repair of the
though one study compares two postoperative regi- lateral ligaments for recurrent instability. All of the
514 Foot and Ankle Topics

studies support the anatomic reconstruction, as op- calcaneofibular ligament and runs perpendicular to
posed to the significant number of studies failing to the native ligament. Patients, therefore, may describe
support nonanatomic reconstruction. Notably, the ma- loss of inversion range, and loss of active eversion may
jority of ideal studies have been done within the ana- cause greater feeling of instability beyond the instabil-
tomic repair group, with consistent results. The ana- ity being treated.
tomic repair should therefore be considered the The Watson–Jones reconstruction uses peroneus
standard of care for surgical intervention of recurrent brevis in a similar manner to the Evans repair, but
lateral ankle instability, based on the level of evidence brings the tendon through the front of the fibula
with the current studies and outcomes available and also reconstructs the talofibular ligament. The
(Table 78–3). Christman–Snook repair reconstructs both ligaments
Instability in Children. Children and teenagers have with peroneus brevis by bringing the tendon from
weaker bones than adults; as a result, they are at risk front to back and making a more anatomic recon-
for avulsing the tip of the fibula with an inversion struction of the calcaneofibular ligament.
sprain. In this case, the unstable ankle joint is associ- Grade of recommendation I exists for the nonana-
ated with a fracture, providing a different pathology tomic reconstructions in view of the conflicting evi-
and a different reconstruction. The outcome of re- dence for reconstruction. A large number of articles
moval of the bone fragment and repair of the ligament advocate against nonanatomic reconstruction and that
to bone has been studied previously. The outcome these procedures should not be performed, and ana-
studies on this procedure are summarized later in tomic reconstruction or repair used instead. The arti-
this chapter. As a subgroup of patients with ankle in- cles on poor outcomes of nonanatomic reconstruc-
stabilities, they represent a small percentage of all tions support the abandonment of the procedure
patients with ankle instability. Notably, few patients (Table 78–5 and 78–6).
have been studied in retrospective reviews, but all Anatomic Reconstruction with Use of Allograft or Autograft Tendon
reporting good outcomes. Therefore, with a limited Augmentation. Anatomic reconstruction uses allograft
number of patients studied, a level C grade of recom- or autograft to reconstruct the lateral collateral liga-
mendation exists for this procedure in children with ments of the ankle in a manner that as closely as pos-
ankle instability (see Table 78–4). sible resembles the normal anatomy. Anatomic recon-
Nonanatomic Reconstruction. Nonanatomic reconstructions structions preserve the function of the peroneus
are more historical interest at this time. A number of brevis. Like an anterior cruciate reconstruction of the
repairs have been described. The Evans repair sacri- knee, the anatomy cannot be completely reproduced,
fices the peroneus brevis muscle and uses it as a static but the technique is designed within the limits of the
restraint on the lateral ankle by repairing the proximal surgery to resemble the normal anatomy.
end to the fibula. It is the least anatomic of the nonana- Segesser79 and Anderson84 have used the plantaris
tomic reconstructions. It does not reconstruct the tendon to reconstruct the lateral collateral ligaments.

TABLE 78–3. Surgical Treatment of Ankle Instability Using an Anatomic Lateral Ligament Repair Such as a Broström Procedure

Pijnenburg et al.55 2003 370 Repair vs. Surgery better Randomized prospective II
Jarde et al.56 2002 43 Repair? Surgery better Retrospective IV
Karlsson et al.57 1998 22 Repair Surgery improved Retrospective IV
Rudert et al.58 1997 94 Repair with 81% good to excellent Retrospective IV
periosteal flap
Liu and 1995 39 Repair with 92% satisfied Retrospective review IV
Jacobson59 capsule
Karlsson et al.54 1995 40 Repair: early ROM 80% satisfaction—cast Prospective randomized II
vs. cast 91% satisfaction—
early ROM
Karlsson et al.51 1988 148 Repair and 86% satisfied Retrospective IV
Duquennoy 1989 50 Repair 32 good or excellent Retrospective IV
et al.60
Duquennoy 1980 22 Repair anterior TFL 21 good and excellent IV
et al.61
Hennrikus 1996 80 Repair vs. Repair better Randomized prospective II
et al.48 Christman–Snook
Krips et al.39 2002 54 Repair vs. Evans Repair better Retrospective IV
Messer et al.62 2000 22 Broström 91% good or excellent Retrospective review IV
Hamilton et al.63 1993 27 Broström 26 of 27 did well Retrospective review IV

Grade of recommendation: B.
ROM, range of motion; TFL, talofibular ligament.
What Is the Best Treatment for Recurrent Ankle Instability? 515

TABLE 78–4. Results for Surgery for Ankle Instability in Children


Busconi and 1996 10 Excision of fibular All “better” In favor IV

Pappas64 fragment
Danielsson65 1980 5 Excision fibular All better In favor IV
Letts et al.66 2003 12 Nonanatomic “Better” In favor IV

TABLE 78–5. Outcomes of Surgery for Nonanatomic Reconstructions: Articles in Favor of the Technique

Cheng and Tho67 2002 15 Christman–Snook 14 excellent and good Retrospective study IV
Colombet et al.68 1999 32 Christman–Snook Karlson score and Telos 6 bad 24 return to IV
Eskander and 1993 23 Watson–Jones Not stated IV
van der Rijt and 1984 9 Watson–Jones 22-year follow-up: only 3 Recommends IV
Evans47 asymptomatic against
Lauttamus et al.70 1982 33 Evans 32 good ? Quality IV
Kristiansen71 1982 18 Evans 67% stable; 33% return ? Quality IV
to full activity
Kristiansen72 1981 24 Evans 73% stable postoperative IV
Horstman et al.41 1981 Evans, Watson– Believed these ORs IV
Jones, Elmslie were inappropriate
Baltopoulos et al.37 2004 27 Evans 92 average AOFAS points Retrospective study IV
Smith et al.73 1995 18 Christman–Snook Retrospective study IV
Marsh et al.74 2006 44 Christman–Snook Good outcomes—children Retrospective study IV
Rosenbaum et al.75 1999 10 Evans Equal results to
periosteal repair

AOFAS, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society.

TABLE 78–6. Nonanatomic Reconstruction: The 11 Articles Reporting Poor Outcomes


Juliano et al.40 2000 10 Christman–Snook Revision surgery Poor outcomes IV

Boszotta and 1989 44 Watson–Jones 61% arthrosis Recommends IV
Sauer46 against
van der Rijt and 1984 9 Watson–Jones 22-year follow-up: only Recommends IV
Evans47 3 asymptomatic against
Horstman et al.41 1981 Evans, Watson– Believed these IV
Jones, Elmslie ORs were
Hedeboe and 1979 21 Watson–Jones 80% good and excellent IV
Johannsen76 but not better than
Krips et al.39 2002 45 Evans Compared with Retrospective IV
Broström—higher case–control
reoperation rate review
in Evans
Labs et al.42 2001 79 Evans Recommended against Retrospective IV
Evans review
Nimon et al.43 2001 89 Modified Evans Recommended against Retrospective IV
65% good or excellent review
Becker et al. 44
1994 38 Evans 40% reported ongoing Retrospective IV
pain: restricted motion review
Orava et al.45 1983 42 Evans 6 poor results— Retrospective IV
radiographic review
Recommend against
Karlsson et al.77 1988 42 Evans Only 50% satisfied— Retrospective IV
against Evans review

Grade of recommendation I: The nonanatomic reconstructions have conflicting evidence for reconstruction. In view of the large number of articles advo-
cating against nonanatomic reconstruction, these procedures should be not be performed, and anatomic reconstruction or repair used instead.
516 Foot and Ankle Topics

A drill hole is made through the calcaneus to deliver tomic reconstruction for patients with more attenu-
the tendon at the insertion of the calcaneofibular ated tissue. Because these tendon autograft or allograft
ligament. The tendon is then brought up through lateral ligament reconstruction are newer techniques,
drill holes in the fibula and back onto the insertion of limited outcome data are available. However, all arti-
the anterior talofibular ligament, repairing to the ta- cles support of anatomic reconstruction with a grade
lus with drill holes. Colville80 repaired the lateral liga- C recommendation (see Table 78–7).
ments using half of peroneus brevis, thus preserving Revision Lateral Ligament Reconstruction. Only two articles
the function of the brevis muscle as an evertor. identified the outcome of lateral ligament reconstruc-
Coughlin83 uses a free gracilis graft through drill tion for revision of a previous failed repair. As would
holes. A modification of the Anderson technique us- be expected, few articles have been published in this
ing a free gracilis autograft is our preferred technique area. Those two articles support the principle with a
for lateral ligament reconstruction. No outcome re- grade C recommendation, with the caution that few
view has been performed to date.78 patients have been studied. Table 78–9 provides a
All articles to date support the concept of an ana- summary of recommendations for the treatment of
tomic reconstruction. Some surgeons select the ana- recurrent ankle instability.

TABLE 78–7. Outcomes of Anatomic Reconstruction with Autograft or Allograft Tendon


Segesser and Goesele79 1996 443 Reconstruction with 88% good/excellent Supports repair IV
Colville and Grondel80 1995 12 Reconstruction half Supports repair ? IV
peroneal brevis Anatomic
Solheim et al.81 1980 30 Medial third Achilles All except 1 asymptomatic IV
Sugimoto et al.82 2002 13 Repair with bone pa- All IV
tella bone
Coughlin et al.83 2004 28 Gracilis free graft All good outcome IV
Anderson84 1985 9 Plantaris All good outcome IV

Grade of recommendation C: One article has a large series; however, the number of articles currently supporting anatomic reconstruction with a free tendon
graft is few.

TABLE 78–8. Outcomes of Revision Lateral Ligament Reconstruction


Kuhn and 2006 15 Revision lateral 12/15 good Favorable IV

Lippert85 ligament with
Sammarco and 1995 10 Elmslie with 9/10 good IV
Carras- tendon graft

Grade of recommendation C or I: There are only 25 patients in total studied in these series. However, it is not
surprising that this is a limited area of publication.

TABLE 78–9. Summary of Recommendations


1. Acute ankle sprains should be treated non operatively. B 8-11, [1]

2. Brace treatment may be effective for non operative treatment of ankle instability. C 19-27
3. Physiotherapy is beneficial for patients with recurrent ankle instability. B 26,28-36
4. For failed non operative treatment a Brostrom repair of the ligaments is effective, B 55-63
including Karlsson and Gould Modifications.
5. There is insufficient research to determine the best treatment for ankle instability C 64-66
in children, although studies to date show benefit.
6. Non anatomic reconstructions of the ankle are not recommended due to the C 39-47,76,77
large number of papers documenting poor outcomes with Evans and Watson
Jones Procedures.
7. There is insufficient evidence to support non anatomic reconstructions. C 37, 47, 68-75
8. Anatomic reconstruction should be used if a repair cannot be performed C 79-84
because of poor or insufficient residual ligaments.
9. There is insufficient evidence for the use of anatomic reconstruction as a C 79-84
primary procedure.
What Is the Best Treatment for Recurrent Ankle Instability? 517

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48. Hennrikus WL, Mapes RC, Lyons PM, et al: Outcomes of the technique]. Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot 85:722–
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Regional Anesthesia for Total Hip
and Knee Arthroplasty:
79 Is It Worth the Effort?

Regional anesthesia (RA) for total hip arthroplasty liability risk.23 These obstacles have prompted many
(THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has been orthopedic surgeons (and anesthesiologists alike)
associated with numerous benefits compared with to ask: “Is regional anesthesia worth the effort?”
general anesthesia (GA). Regional anesthesia can af- Numerous recent meta-analyses have addressed
ford both dense surgical anesthesia and long-lasting, the question of regional anesthesia versus GA for ma-
opioid-sparing, postoperative analgesia with a low jor orthopedic surgery with conflicting results.24–29
rate of serious complications.1–7 Regional anesthesia Much of the source data for these meta-analyses are
techniques for THA and TKA include, either alone or dated because databases such as MEDLINE capture
in combination, central neuraxial blockade (CNB) indexed articles published as early as 1950. These
(i.e., epidural and spinal anesthesia) and peripheral older studies do not reflect advances in training, anes-
nerve blockade (PNB). For example, combined thetic techniques, and perioperative surgical prac-
spinal-epidural is an excellent technique for THA or tices, such as routine low-molecular-weight heparin
TKA because it combines the benefits of spinal and thromboprophylaxis and standardized clinical path-
epidural blockade, that is, reliable rapid-onset dense ways. Moreover, meta-analyses are notoriously lim-
surgical anesthesia provided by the intrathecal dose ited by the inclusion of studies with small sample
of local anesthetic and the flexibility to administer sizes, heterogeneity between source studies, publica-
supplemental local anesthetic as necessary via tion bias, informed censoring, and meta-analyst
the epidural catheter for prolonged intraoperative bias.30,31 Accordingly, results of meta-analyses often-
anesthesia or postoperative analgesia, or both. times do not reflect those of corresponding large,
Alternatively, PNB avoids many of the unwanted ad- randomized, controlled trials (RCTs).32 In this chapter,
verse effects of both GA and CNB, such as hypoten- we review and summarize (Tables 79–1 and 79–2) the
sion, nausea and vomiting, and pruritus, and allows best contemporary data available regarding the ef-
for targeted unilateral blockade of the operative fects of anesthetic technique, either regional anesthe-
limb providing excellent analgesia.8,9 Continuous sia or GA, on important perioperative outcomes for
PNB (CPNB) for TKA has gained tremendous popu- patients undergoing THA or TKA. We included RCTs of
larity in recent years10,11 because continuous peri- adult patients who underwent regional anesthesia or
neural infusions of dilute, long-acting local anesthetic GA for THA or TKA that were published in English
solution via an indwelling catheter can significantly from 1990 to July 2007. We included trials that com-
prolong postoperative analgesia compared with pared a regional anesthesia technique for primary
single-injection techniques12,13 and, importantly, can surgical anesthesia or postoperative analgesia, or
facilitate rehabilitation14–17 because opioid-related both, with conventional GA for surgery and/or sys-
adverse effects are spared.9,18,19 temic analgesia for postoperative pain control.
Despite the benefits of regional anesthesia for
THA and TKA, many orthopedic surgeons have been
reluctant to embrace regional anesthesia because of MORTALITY
concerns of operating room delay and block fail-
ure.20 Indeed, GA affords a near 100% success rate in No contemporary RCTs are designed primarily to
comparison with regional anesthesia, which carries assess differences in mortality after regional anes-
an inherent failure rate even in experienced hands.21 thesia versus GA for THA or TKA. Because death is
GA can often be performed faster than regional anes- such a rare occurrence in modern anesthetic prac-
thesia, and the technical skills needed to administer tice, prohibitively large numbers of patients would
GA are easier to acquire than regional anesthesia. be required for study to determine the effects of
Furthermore, the choice of anesthetic technique— anesthetic technique on patient mortality. In a
regional anesthesia versus GA—is oftentimes influ- widely cited meta-analysis of 141 clinical trials (al-
enced by time constraints, the availability of a “block most 10,000 patients in total) comparing CNB or GA
room,”22 skilled anesthetic personnel, and perceived for a variety of surgery types (mostly orthopedic),

522 Arthroplasty Topics

TABLE 79–1. Perioperative Outcomes after Regional Anesthesia versus General Anesthesia for Total Hip Arthroplasty

Wulf et al. 43 EA CEA No deaths reported in the NS 2°
(1999)54 45 GA IV PCA course of the study
Planes et al. 65 SAI Paracetamol No difference in NS 2° I. No additional enoxaparin
(1991)61 60 SAII Paracetamol postoperative mortality II. 20 mg enoxaparin
62 GAIII Paracetamol 1 hour after SA
III. 40 mg enoxaparin
12 hours before GA
Enoxaparin 12 hours after
surgery and daily
Cardiovascular Morbidity
Borghi et al. 70 EA Undisclosed Incremental increase in "0.05 1°
(2002)62 70 EA!GA Undisclosed incidence of clinically
70 GA Undisclosed significant hypotension
EA!GA vs. GA vs. EA
Wulf et al. 43 EA CEA 1. Increased incidence of 1. "0.05 2°
(1999)54 45 GA IV PCA hypotension in EA (4%) 2. "0.05
vs. GA (11%)
2. Increased incidence of
bradycardia in EA (2%)
vs. GA (14%)
Dauphin et al. 20 EA!GA IV/IM opioid No difference in periopera- NS 2° Perioperative (48-hour)
(1997)63 17 GA IV/IM opioid tive dysrhythmias or Holter monitoring
ischemic episodes
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Brueckner 16 SA Undisclosed 1. No cases of clinically 1. NS 1° Daily nadroparin
et al. 10 GA Undisclosed evident DVT 2. NS thromboprophylaxis
(2003)64 2. No difference in and compression
hemostatic molecular stockings
Dauphin et al. 20 EA!GA IV/IM opioid No difference in DVT NS 2° Daily warfarin
(1997)63 17 GA IV/IM opioid thromboprophylaxis
Planes et al. 65 SAI Paracetamol 1. No difference in total 1. NS 1° I. No additional enoxaparin
(1991)61 60 SAII Paracetamol and proximal DVT 2. "0.01 II. 20 mg enoxaparin
62 GAIII Paracetamol 2. Incremental reduction in 1 hour after SA
distal DVT in group I III. 40 mg enoxaparin
(11%) vs. group II (5%) 12 hours before GA
vs. group III (0%) Enoxaparin 12 hours
after surgery and daily
Venography on POD 13
Pulmonary Embolism
Brueckner 16 SA Undisclosed No cases of clinically NS 1° Daily nadroparin
et al. 10 GA Undisclosed evident PE thromboprophylaxis
(2003)64 and compression
Planes et al. 65 SAI Paracetamol No cases of PE NS 1° I. No additional enoxaparin
(1991)61 60 SAII Paracetamol II. 20 mg enoxaparin
62 GAIII Paracetamol 1 hour after SA
III. 40 mg enoxaparin
12 hours before GA
Enoxaparin 12 hours
after surgery and daily
Venography on POD 13
Blood Loss
Borghi et al. 70 EA Undisclosed 1. No difference in 1. NS 1° Nitrous oxide in GA can
(2005)65 70 EA!GA Undisclosed intraoperative or 2. "0.05 inhibit erythropoiesis
70 GA Undisclosed postoperative blood loss by altering vitamin B12
2. Faster recovery of
circulating RBC mass in
EA vs. EA!GA or GA
Brueckner 16 SA Undisclosed Reduced intraoperative "0.05 2° No difference in Hb and
et al. 10 GA Undisclosed bleeding in SA (572 mL) Hct up to POD 6
(2003)64 vs. GA (750 mL)
Regional Anesthesia for Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty 523

TABLE 79–1. Perioperative Outcomes after Regional Anesthesia versus General Anesthesia for Total Hip Arthroplasty—cont’d
Borghi et al. 70 EA Undisclosed No difference in intraoper- NS 2°
(2002)62 70 EA!GA Undisclosed ative or postoperative
70 GA Undisclosed blood loss or transfusion
Stevens et al. 28 GA LPB 1. Reduced intraoperative 1. "0.05 2° LPB performed before
(2000)66 29 GA IV PCA blood loss in LPB 2. "0.05 surgery
(420 mL) vs. IV PCA
(538 mL)
2. Reduced postoperative
blood loss in LPB (170
mL) vs. IV PCA (310 mL)
D’Ambrosio et 15 EA!GAI CEA Increased perioperative "0.001 1° I. Aprotinin 500,000 KIU
al. (1999)67 15 EA!GAII CEA blood loss and before surgery and
15 GAIII IV opioid transfusion requirements 500,000 KIU/hr
15 GAIV IV opioid in GAIV vs. all other intraoperatively
groups II. No aprotinin (placebo)
III. Aprotinin 500,000 KIU
before surgery and
500,000 KIU/h
IV. No aprotinin (placebo)
Daily naproparin
Dauphin et al. 20 EA!GA IV/IM opioid 1. Reduced intraoperative 1. "0.01 1° Reduced average
(1997)63 17 GA IV/IM opioid blood loss in EA!GA 2. "0.01 intraoperative MAP in
(664 mL) vs. GA (1259 mL) 3. NS EA!GA (80 mm Hg)
2. Reduced transfusion vs. GA (88 mm Hg)
requirements in EA!GA (P " 0.05)
(35%) vs. GA (88%)
3. No difference in
postoperative Hb
Planes et al. 65 SAI Paracetamol No difference in NS 2° I. No additional enoxaparin
(1991)61 60 SAII Paracetamol intraoperative blood II. 20 mg enoxaparin
62 GAIII Paracetamol loss, postoperative 1 hour after SA
blood drainage, or III. 40 mg enoxaparin
transfusion requirements 12 hours before surgery
All patients received
40 mg enoxaparin
12 hours after surgery
and daily thereafter
Salo and 11 SA IM opioid No difference in surgical NS 2°
Nissila 11 GA IM opioid blood loss
Jones et al. 43 SA IM morphine 1. Reduced transfusion 1. "0.05 2°
(1990)69 46 GA IM morphine requirements in SA 2. NS
(50%) vs. GA (72%)
2. No difference in
postoperative Hb
Surgical Time
Borghi et al. 70 EA Undisclosed No difference in surgical NS 2°
(2005)65 70 EA!GA Undisclosed duration
70 GA Undisclosed
Biboulet et al. 15 GA FNB No difference in surgical NS 2°
(2004)70 duration
Brueckner et al. 16 SA Undisclosed No difference in surgical NS 2°
(2003)64 duration
10 GA Undisclosed
Borghi et al. 70 EA Undisclosed No difference in surgical NS 2°
(2002)62 70 EA!GA Undisclosed duration
70 GA Undisclosed
Stevens et al. 29 GA LPB No difference in surgical NS 2° LPB performed before
(2000)66 30 GA IV PCA duration surgery
D’Ambrosio et 15 EA!GAI CEA No difference in surgical NS 2° See above for explanation
al. (1999)67 15 EA!GAII CEA duration of groups
15 GAIII IV opioid
15 GAIV IV opioid
Dauphin et al. 20 EA!GA IV/IM opioid No difference in surgical NS 2°
(1997)63 17 GA IV/IM opioid duration

524 Arthroplasty Topics

TABLE 79–1. Perioperative Outcomes after Regional Anesthesia versus General Anesthesia for Total Hip Arthroplasty—cont’d
Moiniche et al. 11 EA CEA No difference in surgical NS 2°
(1994)71 11 GA IM morphine duration
Planes et al. 65 SAI Paracetamol No difference in surgical NS 2° See above for explanation
(1991)61 60 SAII Paracetamol duration of groups
62 GAIII Paracetamol
Biboulet et al. 15 GA FNB Reduced pain scores and "0.05 1° No difference in pain
(2004)70 15 GA LPB morphine consumption scores or morphine
15 GA IV PCA up to 4 hours in LPB vs. consumption at rest
FNB or IV PCA or during mobilization
beyond 4 hours
Stevens et al. 28 GA LPB Reduced pain scores and "0.01 1° LPB performed before
(2000)66 29 GA IV PCA morphine consumption surgery
up to 6 hours in LPB vs. No difference in pain
IV PCA scores or morphine
consumption beyond
6 hours
Wulf et al. 43 EA CEA Reduced pain scores at "0.01 1° No difference in pain
(1999)54 45 GA IV PCA rest up to 24 hours in EA scores after mobilization
vs. GA
Moiniche et al. 11 EA CEA Reduced pain scores at 1. "0.01 1° No difference in pain
(1994)71 11 GA IM morphine (1) rest, (2) flexion, and 2. "0.01 scores beyond 48 hours
(3) walk up to 48 hours 3. 0.01
in EA vs. GA
Adverse Effects
Biboulet et al. 15 GA FNB No difference in PONV, NS 2° No difference in patient
(2004)70 15 GA LPB pruritus, or sedation satisfaction
Stevens et al. 28 GA LPB No difference in PONV NS 2° LPB performed before
(2000)66 29 GA IV PCA symptoms surgery
Wulf et al. 43 EA CEA 1. Reduced incidence of 1. "0.05 2°
(1999)54 45 GA IV PCA nausea in EA (16%) vs. 2. "0.05
GA (28%) 3. "0.05
2. Reduced incidence of
vomiting in EA (11%) vs.
GA (22%)
3. Earlier return of bowel
motility in EA (26 hours)
vs. GA (47 hours)
Cognitive Deficit
Wulf et al. 43 EA CEA Earlier mental clarity and "0.05 2°
(1999)54 45 GA IV PCA cooperativeness in EA
vs. GA
Biboulet et al. 15 GA FNB 1. No difference in articular 1. NS 2°
(2004)70 15 GA LPB mobility on admission to 2. NS
15 GA IV PCA rehabilitation center
2. No difference in duration
of stay at rehabilitation
Moiniche et al. 11 EA CEA No difference in NS 2°
(1994)71 11 GA IM morphine postoperative activity
Length of Stay
Wulf et al. 43 EA CEA No difference in LOS NS 2° Earlier discharge
(1999)54 45 GA IV PCA readiness from PACU
in EA vs. GA (P " 0.05)
Moiniche et al. 11 EA CEA No difference in LOS NS 2°
(1994)71 11 GA IM morphine

*1° denotes primary outcome measure of parent study; 2° denotes secondary outcome measure of parent study.
CEA, continuous epidural analgesia; EA, epidural anesthesia; FNB, femoral nerve block; GA, general anesthesia; Hb, hemoglobin; Hct, hematocrit; IM, intra-
muscular; IV, intravenous; LOS, length of stay; LPB, lumbar plexus block; MAP, mean arterial pressure; NS, not significant; PACU, postanesthesia care unit;
PCA, patient-controlled analgesia; PE, pulmonary embolism; POD, postoperative day; PONV, postoperative nausea and vomiting; SA, spinal anesthesia.
Regional Anesthesia for Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty 525

TABLE 79–2. Perioperative Outcomes after Regional Anesthesia versus General Anesthesia for Total Knee Arthroplasty

Williams-Russo 134 EA CEA No difference in NS 2°
et al. (1996)15 postoperative mortality
Williams-Russo 128 GA IV opioid
et al. (1995)56
Cardiovascular Morbidity
Chelly et al. 29 GA CFNB!SNB 1. Decreased incidence 1. "0.05 2° CFNB!SNB placed
(2001)60 30 EA CEA of hypotension in 2. "0.05 before surgery
33 GA IV PCA GA!CFNB!SNB 3. "0.05
(66% RRR) vs. GA alone 4. "0.05
2. Decreased incidence 5. NS
of bradycardia in
(77% RRR) vs. GA alone
3. Decreased incidence
of hypotension in
(69% RRR) vs. EA
4. Decreased incidence
of bradycardia in
(81% RRR) vs. EA
5. No difference in
postoperative MI or CVA
Williams-Russo 134 EA CEA No difference in adverse NS 2°
et al. (1996)15 cardiovascular
Williams-Russo 128 GA IV analgesia
et al. (1995)56
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Chelly et al. 29 GA CFNB!SNB No difference in DVT NS 2° Daily warfarin
(2001)60 30 EA CEA thromboprophylaxis
Kohro et al. 11 EA Undisclosed Reduced blood "0.05 1° Study limited to
(1998)72 11 GA Undisclosed coagulability (mean intraoperative period
maximum amplitude) No thromboprophylaxis
in EA vs. GA disclosed
Sharrock et al. 15 EA Undisclosed No difference in thrombin NS 1° Study limited to
(1997)73 16 GA Undisclosed generation or intraoperative period
fibrinolytic activity Daily ASA
Williams-Russo 97 EA CEA No difference in DVT NS 2° Daily ASA
et al. (1996)15 81 GA IV opioid thromboprophylaxis,
graded elastic
stockings, and early
Sharrock and Go 11 EA Undisclosed No difference in clot NS 1° Postoperative
(1992)74 10 GA Undisclosed formation or venography
fibrinolytic activity
Jorgensen et al. 17 EA CEA 1. Reduced overall 1. 0.02 1° Compression stockings
(1991)34 22 GA IM opioid incidence of DVT in EA 2. 0.05
(15%) vs. GA (59%)
2. Reduced incidence of
calf vein thrombosis in
EA (12%) vs. GA (45%)
Mitchell et al. 34 EA Undisclosed No difference in DVT NS 1° Daily ASA
(1991)75 38 GA Undisclosed or PE (combined thromboprophylaxis
incidence) (males) or low-dose
warfarin (females)
Reduced incidence of
proximal vein clots
in EA vs. GA

526 Arthroplasty Topics

TABLE 79–2. Perioperative Outcomes after Regional Anesthesia versus General Anesthesia for Total Knee Arthroplasty—cont’d

Pulmonary Embolism
Williams-Russo 86 EA PCEA No difference in PE NS 2° Daily ASA thrombopro-
et al. (1996)15 67 GA IV PCA phylaxis, graded
elastic stockings, and
early mobilization
Postoperative lung
perfusion scans
Jorgensen et al. 17 EA CEA No difference in PE NS 2° Compression stockings.
(1991)34 22 GA IM opioid One case of nonfatal PE
in GA
Mitchell et al. 34 EA Undisclosed No difference in DVT NS 1° Daily ASA thrombopro-
(1991)75 38 GA Undisclosed or PE (combined phylaxis (males) or
incidence) low-dose warfarin
Postoperative lung
perfusion scans
Blood Loss
Chelly et al. 29 GA CFNB!SNB 1. Reduced postoperative 1. "0.05 2°
(2001)60 30 EA CEA bleeding and 2. "0.05
33 GA IV PCA transfusion
requirements in
CFNB!SNB (72% and
68% RRR) vs. IV PCA
2. Reduced postoperative
bleeding and transfu-
sion requirements in
CEA (64% and 50%
Kohro et al. 11 EA Undisclosed No difference in NS 2°
(1998)72 11 GA Undisclosed postoperative blood
Jorgensen et al. 17 EA CEA No difference in NS 2°
(1991)34 22 GA IM opioid postoperative blood
drainage or transfusion
Mitchell et al. 34 EA Undisclosed No difference in blood NS 2°
(1991)75 38 GA Undisclosed loss or number of units
Nielson et al. 25 SA Opioid No difference in transfu- NS 2°
(1990)55 39 GA Opioid sion requirements
Surgical Time
Capdevila et al. 20 GA CFNB No difference in duration NS 2°
(1999)14 17 GA CEA of surgery
Ganapathy et al. 20 GA CFNB 0.2% B No difference in duration NS 2°
(1999)76 20 GA CFNB 0.1% B of surgery
22 GA Placebo
Sharrock et al. 15 EA Undisclosed No difference in duration NS 2°
(1997)73 16 GA Undisclosed of surgery
Williams-Russo 134 EA CEA No difference in duration NS 2°
et al. (1996)15 128 GA IV opioid of surgery
et al. (1995)56
Mitchell et al. 34 EA Undisclosed No difference in duration NS 2°
(1991)75 38 GA Undisclosed of surgery
Nielson et al. 25 SA Opioid No difference in duration NS 2°
(1990)55 39 GA Opioid of surgery
Serpell et al. 13 SA CFNB No difference in duration NS 2°
(1991)41 16 SA IV PCA of surgery
Seet et al. 17 SA CFNB 0.15% R 1. No difference in pain 1. NS 1°
(2006)45 18 SA CFNB 0.2% R scores 2. "0.05
20 SA IV PCA 2. Reduced morphine
consumption in CFNB
0.15% R and 0.2% R vs.
Regional Anesthesia for Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty 527

TABLE 79–2. Perioperative Outcomes after Regional Anesthesia versus General Anesthesia for Total Knee Arthroplasty—cont’d
Wang et al. 15 GA FNB 1. Reduced pain scores 1. "0.05 1° No difference in pain
(2002)44 15 GA Placebo at rest and during 2. "0.05 scores on POD 2
rehabilitation up to and 3
POD 1 in FNB vs.
2. Reduced total
postoperative morphine
consumption in FNB
(0.7 mg/kg) vs. placebo
(2.5 mg/kg)
Chelly et al. 29 GA CFNB!SNB 1. Reduced morphine 1. "0.05 2°
(2001)60 30 EA CEA consumption up to 2. "0.05
(59% RRR) vs. CEA
2. Reduced morphine
consumption up to
(74% RRR) vs. IV PCA
Capdevila et al. 20 GA CFNB Reduced pain scores at "0.05 1° No difference in pain
(1999)14 17 GA CEA rest and during CPM scores or morphine
19 GA IV PCA up to 48 hours in CFNB requirements
and CEA vs. IV PCA between CFNB
and CEA
Ganapathy et al. 20 SA CFNB 0.2% B Reduced pain scores "0.05 1° No difference in pain
(1999)76 20 SA CFNB 0.1% B during activity on DOS scores during activity
22 SA Placebo only in CFNB 0.2% B from POD 1 up to day
and 0.1% B vs. placebo of discharge
Inconsistent reduction
in morphine con-
sumption in CFNB
groups vs. placebo
Allen et al. 12 SA FNB 1. Reduced pain scores at 1. "0.05 1° Incomplete data
(1998)43 12 SA FNB!SNB rest up to 8 hours in 2. "0.02 beyond 8 hours
12 SA Placebo FNB and FNB!SNB vs. SNB did not improve
placebo analgesia compared
2. Reduced morphine with FNB alone
consumption up to
POD 2 in FNB and
FNB!SNB vs. placebo
Singelyn et al. 15 GA CFNB Reduced pain scores at "0.05 1°
(1998)16 15 GA CEA rest and with movement
15 GA IV PCA up to 48 hours in CFNB
and CEA vs. IV PCA
Hirst et al. 11 GA FNB Reduced pain scores with "0.05 1° No difference in pain
(1996)39 11 GA CFNB motion in PACU in FNB scores or morphine
11 GA IV PCA and CFNB vs. IV PCA requirements beyond
Moiniche et al. 10 EA CEA Reduced pain scores at "0.05 1°
(1994)71 10 GA IM morphine rest, flexion, and walk
in CEA vs. IM morphine
Edwards and 19 GA CFNB 1. Reduced pain scores 1. "0.01 1° No data beyond
Wright 18 GA IM opioid up to 24 hours in CFNB 2. "0.01 24 hours
(1992)38 vs. IM opioid
2. Reduced morphine
consumption up to
24 hours in CFNB vs.
IM opioid
Nielson et al. 25 SA Opioid No difference in the NS 2°
(1990)55 39 GA Opioid amount or choice
of postoperative
opioid use
Serpell et al. 13 SA CFNB 1. No difference in pain 1. NS 1° Intermittent boluses
(1991)41 16 SA IV PCA scores at 24 and 2. "0.05 via CFNB for
48 hours 48 hours
2. Reduced total morphine
consumption at 48
hours in CFNB (60 mg)
vs. IV PCA (91 mg)

528 Arthroplasty Topics

TABLE 79–2. Perioperative Outcomes after Regional Anesthesia versus General Anesthesia for Total Knee Arthroplasty—cont’d

Adverse Effects
Seet et al. 17 SA CFNB 0.15% R No difference in PONV, NS 2° Superior patient satis-
(2006)45 18 SA CFNB 0.2% R urinary retention, and faction in both CFNB
20 SA IV PCA sedation between the groups vs. IV PCA
Wang et al. 15 GA FNB Reduced incidence of "0.05 2°
(2002)44 15 GA Placebo opioid-related adverse
effects in FNB (5%) vs.
placebo (54%)
Chelly et al. 29 GA CFNB!SNB 1. Reduced PONV in 1. "0.05 2°
(2001)60 30 EA CEA CFNB!SNB (63% RRR) 2. "0.05
33 GA IV PCA vs. IV PCA 3. "0.05
2. Reduced pruritus in 4. "0.05
(73% RRR) vs. IV PCA
3. Reduced constipation
in CFNB!SNB (88%
4. Reduced constipation
(66% RRR) vs. CEA
Capdevila et al. 20 GA CFNB 1. Reduced urinary reten- 1. "0.05 2°
(1999)14 17 GA CEA tion in PACU in CFNB 2. "0.05
19 GA IV PCA (0%) and IV PCA (21%) 3. "0.05
vs. CEA (53%).
2. Reduced nausea at 24
hours in CFNB (5%) vs.
IV PCA (21%)
3. Incremental reduction
in hypotension at 24
hours in IV PCA (26%)
vs. CFNB (50%) vs. CEA
Ganapathy et al. 20 GA CFNB 0.2% B No difference in PONV NS 2°
(1999)76 20 GA CFNB 0.1% B symptoms
22 GA Placebo
Allen et al. 12 SA FNB No difference in pruritus, NS 2° No difference in patient
(1998)43 12 SA FNB!SNB nausea, or sedation satisfaction
12 SA Placebo
Singelyn et al. 15 GA CFNB 1. No difference in PONV 1. NS 2°
(1998)16 15 GA CEA symptoms 2. "0.05
15 GA IV PCA 2. Increased urinary
retention in CEA (40%)
vs. CFNB (0%)
Hirst et al. 11 GA FNB Reduced PONV in FNB "0.05 2° No difference in patient
(1996)39 11 GA CFNB and CFNB vs. IV PCA satisfaction
Serpell et al. 13 SA CFNB No difference in PONV NS 2°
(1991)41 16 SA IV PCA symptoms
Cognitive Deficit
Williams-Russo 134 EA CEA No difference in cognitive NS 1° Midazolam and fentanyl
et al. (1995)56 128 GA IV opioid function tests 1 week for intraoperative
or 6 months after sedation in EA group
Nielson et al. 25 SA Opioid No difference in cognitive NS 1° All patients undergoing
(1990)55 39 GA Opioid or psychosocial SA received intraop-
function tests up to 3 erative sedation
months after surgery with diazepam
or lorazepam
Seet et al. 17 SA CFNB 0.15% R No difference in the NS 2°
(2006)45 18 SA CFNB 0.2% R median day of first
20 SA IV PCA ambulation
Regional Anesthesia for Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty 529

TABLE 79–2. Perioperative Outcomes after Regional Anesthesia versus General Anesthesia for Total Knee Arthroplasty—cont’d
Wang et al. 15 GA FNB 1. Superior ambulation 1. "0.05 2° No difference in knee
(2002)44 15 GA Placebo from POD 1 up to 2. "0.05 flexion at time of
discharge in FNB vs. discharge
2. Greater knee flexion
on POD 2 in FNB
(70 degrees) vs.
placebo (60 degrees)
Chelly et al. 29 GA CFNB!SNB 1. Increased ROM on CPM 1. "0.05 2°
(2001)60 30 EA CEA up to POD 3 in 2. "0.05
vs. IV PCA
2. Earlier mobilization in
Capdevila et al. 20 GA CFNB 1. Earlier achievement of 1. "0.05 2° No difference in knee
(1999)14 17 GA CEA rehabilitation goals in 2. "0.05 flexion at 1 and
19 GA IV PCA CFNB and CEA vs. IV 3. "0.05 3 months
2. Greater maximal knee
flexion on POD 5 in
CEA (85 degrees) and
CFNB (80 degrees) vs.
IV PCA (60 degrees)
3. Shorter stay in rehabili-
tation facility in CEA
(37 days) and CFNB
(40 days) vs. IV PCA
(50 days)
Ganapathy et al. 20 GA CFNB 0.2% B Improved ROM on POD 1 "0.05 2° No difference in ROM
(1999)76 20 GA CFNB 0.1% B in CFNB 0.2% B vs. after POD 1
22 GA Placebo CFNB 0.1% B and
Singelyn et al. 15 GA CFNB 1. Superior knee flexion 1. "0.05 2° No difference in knee
(1998)16 15 GA CEA up to 6 weeks discharge 2. 0.02 flexion between
15 GA IV PCA in CFNB and CEA vs. IV CFNB and CEA at any
PCA time
2. Earlier walking in CFNB No difference in knee
(3.5 days) and CEA flexion at 3 months
(3.5 days) vs. IV PCA
(4.3 days)
Williams-Russo 134 EA CEA 1. Earlier achievement of 1. "0.03 1° No difference in all
et al. (1996)15 128 GA IV opioid 90-degrees flexion in EA 2. "0.01 other functional
(6.9 days) vs. GA milestones
(7.8 days)
2. Earlier achievement of
assisted stair climbing
in EA (7.9 days) vs. GA
(9.5 days)
Moiniche et al. 10 EA CEA No difference in NS 2°
(1994)71 10 GA IM morphine postoperative activity
Length of Stay
Seet et al. 17 SA CFNB 0.15% R No difference in LOS NS 2°
(2006)45 18 SA CFNB 0.2% R
Wang et al. 15 GA FNB Shorter LOS in FNB "0.05 2°
(2002)44 15 GA Placebo (3 days) vs. placebo
(4 days)
Chelly et al. 29 GA CFNB!SNB Shorter LOS in CFNB!SNB "0.05 2°
(2001)60 30 EA CEA (20% RRR) vs. IV PCA
Singelyn et al. 15 GA CFNB Shorter LOS in CFNB "0.001 2° Duration of hospital
(1998)16 15 GA CEA (17 days) and CEA stay included
15 GA IV PCA (16 days) vs. IV PCA rehabilitation phases
(21 days) of recovery

530 Arthroplasty Topics

TABLE 79–2. Perioperative Outcomes after Regional Anesthesia versus General Anesthesia for Total Knee Arthroplasty—cont’d
Williams-Russo 134 EA CEA No difference in LOS NS 2°
et al. (1995)56 128 GA IV opioid
Moiniche et al. 10 EA CEA No difference in LOS NS 2°
(1994)71 10 GA IM morphine
Mitchell et al. 34 EA Undisclosed No difference in LOS NS 2°
(1991)75 38 GA Undisclosed

Numeric data are presented for significant differences between groups wherever possible. Pain scores are presented out of 10 (maximum) on a verbal
rating scale.
*1° denotes primary outcome measure of parent study; 2° denotes secondary outcome measure of parent study.
ASA, acetylsalicylic acid; B, bupivacaine; CEA, continuous epidural analgesia; CFNB, continuous femoral nerve block; CPM, continuous passive motion;
CVA, cerebrovascular accident; DOS, day of surgery; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; EA, epidural anesthesia; FNB, femoral nerve block; GA, general anesthesia;
IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; LOS, length of stay; LPB, lumbar plexus block; MI, myocardial infarction, NS, not significant; PACU, postanesthesia care
unit; PCA, patient-controlled analgesia; PCEA, patient-controlled epidural analgesia; PE, pulmonary embolism; POD, postoperative day; PONV,
postoperative nausea and vomiting; R, ropivacaine; ROM, range of motion; RRR, relative risk reduction; SA, spinal anesthesia; SNB, sciatic nerve block.

Rodgers and colleagues25 found that overall mortal- thromboprophylaxis, there appears to be no signifi-
ity was reduced by one third (odds ratio [OR], 0.70; cant difference in the incidence of DVT and PE for
95% confidence interval [CI], 0.54–0.90) in patients patients undergoing THA (see Table 79–1). For TKA,
allocated to CNB. Furthermore, Rodgers and col- only two studies21,34 currently reviewed showed a
leagues25 demonstrated that overall mortality was decreased incidence of DVT in favor of regional an-
reduced regardless of whether neuraxial blockade esthesia, and these without chemical thrombopro-
was continued after surgery.25 For epidural analge- phylaxis. Furthermore, none of the TKA studies indi-
sia after THA, Wu and colleagues26 similarly found cated that the incidence of PE is affected by
no reduction in mortality compared with systemic anesthetic technique (see Table 79–2). It therefore
analgesia after reviewing a random sample of 23,136 remains questionable whether regional anesthesia
patients from a national Medicare claims database offers any additive effect in reducing DVT and PE
between 1994 and 1999. It may be that any observed when used in combination with modern routine
reduction in mortality conferred by regional anes- thromboprophylaxis.
thesia is due to the surgical anesthetic rather than
postoperative analgesia.
DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS AND PULMONARY In a meta-analysis investigating the effects of CNB on
EMBOLISM surgical blood loss, Joanne Guay35 found that CNB
for THA significantly reduced the likelihood of trans-
It has long been thought that CNB can decrease the fusion by three fourths (OR, 0.25; 95% CI, 0.11–0.53).
incidence of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) rates Peripheral vasodilation most likely accounts for any
by enhancing lower extremity venous blood flow,33 observed blood-sparing effects of CNB for THA. By
and perhaps “washing out” the thrombogenic load contrast, however, we found conflicting results in the
accumulated during surgery. In addition, epidural contemporary literature for intraoperative bleeding
analgesia and CPNB each facilitate postoperative and transfusion requirements in patients receiving
rehabilitation after THA and TKA,14–16 which may regional anesthesia either alone or in combination
indirectly prevent DVT formation. Mauermann and with GA for THA (see Table 79–1). For TKA, the con-
colleagues28 reported a meta-analysis of 10 studies temporary literature demonstrates no significant dif-
examining the incidences of DVT and pulmonary ference in intraoperative blood loss with regional
embolism (PE) in patients randomized to CNB or GA anesthesia compared with GA, and this lack of effect
for THA. The pooled data revealed a significantly is most likely due to the use of an intraoperative
lower risk for DVT (OR, 0.27; 95% CI, 0.17–0.42) and tourniquet.
PE (OR, 0.26; 95% CI, 0.12–0.56) for patients who
received CNB in comparison with those who re-
Importantly, among the 10 RCTs included in
Mauermann and colleagues’28 meta-analysis, 8 were Mauermann and colleagues’28 meta-analysis dem-
carried out before 1990 when routine thrombopro- onstrated a modest, but significant, decrease in
phylaxis was not commonplace. In only 1 of these surgical time with CNB compared with GA for THA.
10 trials did patients receive heparin thrombopro- This difference may be a reflection of the reduction
phylaxis. However, after the introduction of routine in bleeding afforded by CNB and, by extension, a
Regional Anesthesia for Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty 531

“drier” operative field. Among the studies currently ADVERSE EFFECTS

reviewed, the duration of surgery was not influ-
enced by the type of anesthetic for THA or TKA Opioid-related adverse effects, especially nausea and
(see Tables 79–1 and 79–2). However, none of these vomiting, are of primary concern to patients49 and
studies considered the total operating room time can delay discharge from hospital.50 In many pub-
that includes anesthetic intervention. Endless ef- lished studies examining regional anesthesia versus
forts to improve operating room efficiency have GA, including most examined herein, significant
spawned modifications of how anesthetic services differences in opioid-related adverse effects were
are delivered, such as the introduction of a “block observed in favor of regional anesthesia. Unfortu-
room” or anesthesia induction room where regional nately, however, opioid-related adverse effects are
techniques are performed before operating room almost never designated as primary outcome mea-
entry. These models have been shown to reduce sures. Reported “significant” differences in second-
the anesthesia-related operating room time when ary outcomes must be interpreted with caution
compared with GA22,36 and may prove cost-saving in because the parent studies are often inadequately
the future.37 powered to detect such differences.51 For example, in
Seet and colleagues’45 RCT, there was a significant
opioid-sparing effect in patients receiving regional
PAIN anesthesia compared with IV PCA, but no significant
difference in opioid-related adverse effects such as
Choi and colleagues’24 meta-analysis examines the PONV and sedation.45 For this reason, each listed
efficacy of postoperative lumbar epidural analgesia outcome in Tables 79–1 and 79–2 is identified as the
compared with systemic analgesia after THA or primary or secondary outcome measure of the
TKA. These authors hesitantly conclude that epidu- corresponding parent study.
ral analgesia affords superior pain relief for up to
6 hours after surgery compared with conventional
systemic analgesia. One important limitation of COGNITIVE DEFICIT
this meta-analysis is that all patients, whether THA
or TKA, were analyzed in aggregate despite impor- It has long been suggested that regional anesthesia
tant differences between these surgical procedures, allows for rapid recovery of cognitive function after
especially concerning the severity of postoperative surgery compared with GA.52,53 In our review of the
pain. contemporary literature, we found only one recent
Our review identified only four recently published RCT that reported cognitive performance after re-
RCTs that investigated regional anesthesia versus gional anesthesia versus GA for THA with results
systemic analgesia for THA (see Table 79–1). It ap- in favor of regional anesthesia (see Table 79–1).54
pears that the analgesic benefit of regional anesthe- By contrast, two robust studies demonstrated no
sia is short-lived and does not confer extended difference in short- and long-term cognitive function
benefit once the local anesthetic recedes or the infu- between regional anesthesia and GA for patients with
sion ceased. However, in one THA study, there was a TKA (see Table 79–2), but IV sedation was adminis-
significant reduction in morphine consumption be- tered to the regional anesthesia groups, which can
yond the expected duration of action of the local introduce bias.55,56
anesthetic, possibly suggesting a pre-emptive anal-
gesic effect of regional anesthesia. For TKA, epidural
analgesia, single-injection femoral nerve block (FNB), REHABILITATION AND LENGTH OF STAY
and continuous catheter-based FNB can each im-
prove postoperative pain control compared with Regional anesthesia can significantly hasten postop-
systemic analgesia (see Table 79–2).14,15,38–45 Only erative rehabilitation and shorten length of stay in
one study included a comparison of single-injection hospital after TKA, but not after THA (see Tables
FNB with continuous catheter-based FNB (CFNB) for 79–1 and 79–2). This difference is likely because the
postoperative analgesia after TKA and showed little severity of pain decreases rapidly after THA in com-
additional benefit by the placement of a catheter as parison with TKA, where pain can often be severe,
opposed to the single-injection technique,39 but this and exacerbates with physical therapy. Epidural
finding has since been countered.13,17 Furthermore, analgesia and CFNB for TKA can each significantly
a study comparing CFNB with intravenous (IV) improve rehabilitation and help to attain milestones
patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) for TKA revealed earlier than IV PCA.8 CFNB is generally preferred over
an opioid-sparing effect, which is a surrogate marker epidural analgesia because important unwanted ef-
of pain relief, and better patient satisfaction scores fects such as bilateral blockade, hypotension, brady-
favoring CFNB to IV PCA, despite no significant dif- cardia, and nausea and vomiting are avoided,14,16,57
ferences in reported pain scores between whereas the patient’s anticoagulation status is less of
the groups.45 Lastly, whether sciatic afferents (i.e., a concern.58,59 A shorter length of stay in hospital has
posterior aspect of the knee) contribute significan- consistently been demonstrated in patients receiv-
tly to pain after TKA remains a subject of contro- ing CFNB or FNB for pain relief after TKA.16,44,60 Re-
versy.43,46–48 markably, the early rehabilitation achievements fa-
532 Arthroplasty Topics

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Chapter Should Thromboprophylaxis Be

80 Used for Lower Limb Joint

Replacement Surgery?

THROMBOEMBOLIC DISEASE IN JOINT REPLACEMENT on to experience development of symptomatic VTE.

SURGERY This has led to prevention strategies as the key to
minimizing the risk for VTE and the recommendation
Venous thromboembolic events (VTEs) are among of thromboprophylaxis for all patients undergoing ma-
the most feared complication of total hip replace- jor joint replacement surgery. Numerous means, in-
ment (THR) and total knee replacement (TKR) sur- cluding compression stockings, mechanical compres-
geries, and these patients are in the greatest surgical sion devices, early mobilization, anesthetic or analgesic
risk group for this complication. The development of techniques, and anticoagulant drugs are utilized to
deep venous thrombosis (DVT) with the potential to decrease the risk for VTE, and their study remains a
propagate a potentially lethal pulmonary embolus major focus in the field.
(PE) is the complication that presents the greatest The ideal VTE prophylaxis includes clear effective-
risk for perioperative mortality after lower limb joint ness compared with placebo or other active inter-
replacement. This has led to the adoption of routine ventions; good risk/benefit profile; good compliance
thromboprophylaxis as a standard of care in joint by patients, nurses, and physicians; easy administra-
replacement surgery since the late 1980s.1,2 tion or intervention; and requiring no need for moni-
The natural history of VTE disease, after joint re- toring whereas being cost effective.19 The best means
placement surgery, has been well characterized. Based to attain this goal remains an evolving science.
on data before 1980 and from trials with placebo pa-
tients, the incidence of lower extremity DVT without
thromboprophylaxis in THR and total knee arthro- VENOUS THROMBOEMOBLIC EVENT RISKS
plasty (TKA) has been reported as 40% to 60% and 41%
to 85%, respectively (Table 80–1).3–9 Many of these sta- Understanding VTE risk factors is key in helping to
tistics are based on venography end points. At least further risk stratify individual patients for selection
50% of these patients had either asymptomatic or dis- of best thromboprophylaxis, including length of du-
tal DVTs that resolved spontaneously without clinical ration of intervention. Multiple risk factors are com-
sequelae.10,11 In the absence of thromboprophylaxis, mon, and the overall risk for postsurgical VTE in-
clinically more important proximal DVTs occurred in creases with each additional risk factor identified.
THR and TKA at 18% to 36% and 5% to 22%, respec- The interaction of age, genetic factors, and second-
tively, but again many were asymptomatic. With pro- ary, acquired persistent or transient environment or
phylaxis, symptomatic VTE was seen in 2.4% and 1.7%, local factors is the accepted model for the pathogene-
respectively, of patients within 3 months of THR or sis of venous thrombotic disease. VTE risk has a direct
TKA in studies done between 1992 and 1996.12 Many of and major relation to age.19 At ages 20, 50, and 80
these thrombotic events occur after hospital discharge, years, the prevalence of VTE is 1 in 10,000, 1 in 1000,
and the VTE risk remains increased for at least 8 weeks and 1 in 100 individuals per year, respectively, with a
after surgery. lifetime risk of 10%.20 Ethnicity is a risk factor.21,22 VTE
The incidence of PEs is less certain. The incidence is more common among blacks compared with whites
of asymptomatic PE ranges from 3% to 20% and symp- and Asians by 1.4- and 7-fold, respectively.
tomatic PE from 0.5% to 3%,13,14 and with the current Up to 15% to 20% of the general population has de-
routine use of thromboprophylaxis, fatal PE is uncom- monstrable endogenous biochemical hypercoagulable
mon.15 Without thromboprophylaxis, perioperative states.23,24 These defects may be on a genetic or ac-
mortality in THR and TKA from PE was reported from quired basis and include defects or deficiencies in
0.1% to 2%.5,16,17 With thromboprophylaxis for 7 to anticoagulant proteins (protein S or C, antithrombin
10 days, there is a 0.1% rate of postdischarge fatal PE [AT]), altered procoagulant proteins (factor V and
at 90 days after surgery in THR.18 prothrombin), or fibrinolytic processes.25 Genetic hy-
Although there have been great strides in identifying percoagulable states include factor V Leiden (2–4% of
genetic and biochemical thrombophilic abnormalities the white population) and prothrombin 20210 defect
and acquired medical risk factors to help stratify pa- (2–4% of the white population), AT deficiency (1/1000),
tient risk for VTE, there remains no robust way of protein C deficiency (1/2000), and protein S deficiency
identifying and separating out individuals who will go (1/2000).26 Acquired defects include anti-phospholipid

536 Arthroplasty Topics

physical methods, is cost-effective and supported by

TABLE 80–1. Venous Thromboembolic Event Frequency
evidence-based medicine. Secondary prevention ap-
after Orthopedic Joint Replacement Surgery
proaches are strongly discouraged in other than ex-
DVT PE tenuating clinical circumstances. Secondary ap-
TOTAL PROXIMAL TOTAL PROXIMAL proaches include the use of sensitive VTE screening
methods, such as Doppler ultrasound (DUS), for
THR 42–57%1,5,13 18–36%1,5,13 0.9–28%1,4,13 0.1–2.0%5,6,16 postoperative VTE detection followed by treatment
TKA 41–85%8,14,15 5–22%8,14,15 1.5–10%8,14,15 0.1–1.7%6,14 of subclinical venous thrombosis to prevent PE. Sec-
ondary prevention should never replace primary
DVT, venous thromboembolic event; PE, pulmonary embolism; THR, total prophylaxis and is reserved for patients in whom
hip replacement; TKA, total knee arthroscopy.
primary prophylaxis is either contraindicated or in-
antibodies (2–5%) that can be found in up to 25% of Features of the ideal VTE prophylaxis include clearly
population by age 75.23 Increased factor VIII, found in demonstrated effectiveness in evidence-based trials
up to 10% of the well population, has a dose-related compared with placebo or active approaches, good
relation to VTE and is one of the more recently identi- risk/benefit profiles with low bleeding risk and high
fied common risk factors.27 Factor V Leiden is the degree of prevention, excellent compliance because of
most common cause of inherited thrombophilia, found ease of us and simplicity of the intervention, lack of
in up to 20% of VTE cases. In addition, local factors need for laboratory monitoring, and cost-effectiveness
play a key role in thrombosis related to lower limb compared with other interventions.
joint surgery and include vascular injury and throm- The prophylactic measures most commonly used
botic repair response, as well as venous stasis caused in surgery include low-dose unfractionated heparin
by prolonged immobility. (LDUFH), low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH),
Independent VTE risk factors identified in studies the substituted pentasaccharide, fondaparinux, oral
of surgical populations for VTE included age older adjusted-dose vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) (inter-
than 50 years, varicose veins, prior myocardial infarc- national normalized ratio [INR], 2.0–3.0), and lower
tion, cancer, atrial fibrillation, ischemic stroke, diabe- limb mechanical compression approaches. For joint
tes mellitus, current use of estrogen-containing com- replacement surgery, LDUFH is not an acceptable
pounds, and chronic and acute inflammatory states option in normal circumstances.2
including infections.28 Additional risk factors that in- A large and strong body of evidence-based studies,
crease the risk for surgery-related VTE include previ- from randomized trials and meta-analysis, in thrombo-
ous VTE, obesity, heart failure, and paralysis.29 prophylaxis makes current prophylaxis recommenda-
VTE risk is increased, in a stepwise and fairly linear tions robust for most common procedures including
manner, with multiple risk factors. One surgical study joint replacement surgery. A primary reference that is
noted a 10% to 15% increased risk for VTE with each increasingly seen as the authoritative reference body
additional risk factor identified.30 Multiple risk factors that sets the North American standard of care in
in orthopedic patients should be expected given the thromboprophylaxis is the periodic report on the “Pre-
age, increasing numbers of patients undergoing joint vention of Venous Thrombosis” for the American Col-
replacement, and frequency of underlying VTE pre- lege of Chest Physicians Conference on Antithrombotic
dispositions. and Thrombolytic Therapy.2 It is strongly recom-
Medical and surgical patients have been risk mended that individual hospitals, as well as subspe-
stratified into low, intermediate, high, and highest cialty and physician groups, should develop, adopt,
VTE risk groups, to assist in creating robust clinical and evolve formal strategies for the prevention of VTE
recommendation for best thromboprophylaxis prac- disease for all risk categories for surgical and medical
tice.2,31 Patients undergoing elective joint replace- patients.
ment surgery fall into the highest risk category of
this well-accepted clinical model. Patients at high-
est risk for VTE include surgical patients older than Drugs Used in Venous Thromboembolic Event
40 years with multiple risk factors, those with THR Prevention
or TKA, patients undergoing hip fracture surgery, or
patients with major trauma and spinal cord injury. Low-Dose Unfractionated Heparin. Although UFH is not
Risk for VTE in this aggregate group include calf considered an acceptable prophylactic drug for
DVT (40–80%), proximal DVT (10–20%), clinical PE lower limb joint replacement surgery because of
(4–10%), and fatal PE (0.2–5%). its lack of efficacy compared with other pharmaco-
logic intervention, it is the parent compound from
which the current recommended agents, LMWH
Prevention of Venous Thromboembolic Events: and fondaparinux, were developed, and the mecha-
Introduction nisms of action are closely related.
UFH is a heterogeneous glycosaminoglycan (5000–
Two approaches, primary and secondary, are used to 30,000 molecular weight [MW]) that binds to AT, al-
prevent fatal PE. Primary VTE prophylaxis, the ac- tering AT so that AT then binds to and inactivates
cepted current standard of care using drugs and circulating factor Xa and factor IIa (thrombin). UFH
Thromboprophylaxis for Lower Limb Joint Replacement Surgery? 537

then dissociates from these inactive, AT-serpin com- replaced UFH for many clinical indications including
plexes that are then cleared. This anti–factor Xa and joint replacement surgery thromboprophylaxis.36
anti–factor IIa activity accounts for UFH anticoagu- Like UFH, LMWH induces its anticoagulant effect
lant activity. UFH inactivates free but not clot-bound through complex formation with AT and factor Xa,
factors IIa and Xa in a 1:1 ratio and, to a lesser ex- and to a lesser extent, thrombin. The anti–factor IIa/
tent, the other serine proteases.32 anti–factor Xa ratio is 1:1 for UFH, but 1:2 to 1:5 for
Clearance of UFH is dose dependent, with an ap- different LMWHs. A number of pharmaceutical for-
proximate half-life of 30 to 60 minutes. This short half- mulations are available in North America, including
life explains the need for two or three times daily nadroparin, enoxaparin, dalteparin, and tinzaparin.
dosing when prophylaxis is used. One major biophys- They are prepared by different methods resulting in
ical drawback with UFH, but not with LMWH or slightly different pharmacokinetic and anticoagulant
fondaparinux, is that UFH binds to and is made un- properties, although clinical efficacy is similar for all
available by a large number of endogenous, intravas- indications other than acute coronary syndromes.37
cular heparin-binding proteins (von Willebrand factor, Bleeding risk is similar or slightly lower with LMWH
fibronectin, platelet factor 4) that reduce its anticoag- compared with UFH, and there is no true antidote for
ulant activity, because only free UFH is active.33 This its anticoagulant action, unlike UFH.
may in part explain LMWH superiority to UFH in high- Biophysical properties of LMWH are its major ad-
risk prothrombotic situations such as joint surgery. vantage. Because LMWH does not bind to intravascu-
LDUFH has the advantage that it is relatively inexpen- lar proteins or cells, they have predictable pharmaco-
sive compared with LMWH and fondaparinux, and is kinetics including dose–response relations and an
easily administered. Anticoagulant monitoring is not increased plasma half-life. Peak anticoagulant effect is
required for prophylaxis. seen at 4 to 8 hours after SC injection. Half-life of this
Limitations of UFH include the pharmacokinetic, renally cleared agent is much longer than UFH at 3 to
biophysical properties and risk for heparin-induced 6 hours, and any measurable anticoagulant effect of
thrombocytopenia (HIT).34 HIT is an immunologic LMWH is gone in 24 hours in the absence of kidney
disorder in which antibodies form against heparin- dysfunction. Depending on the formulation and sup-
PF4 complex bound to the platelet and endothelial porting clinical evidence, LMWHs are administered ei-
cell surface, and result in vascular cell (platelet and ther once or twice a day for thromboprophylaxis.37
endothelial cell) activation, thrombocytopenia, and HIT is much less common with LMWH use than
arterial and venous thrombosis. These pathologic UFH, although the precise incidence is not clear. As
antibodies form in 1% to 3% of patients receiving UFH, an example, one randomized, double-blind study of
and although more common with full-dose UFH, the patients after hip surgery found that thrombocytope-
syndrome is well described with LDUFH. HIT is asso- nia occurred in 9 of 332 patients (2%) receiving UFH
ciated with significant morbidity (stroke, coronary compared with none receiving LMWH.38 Because of
events, peripheral arterial occlusions) in 10% to 15% LMWH cross-reactivity with HIT antibodies, patients
of HIT cases. All patients receiving UFH must be fol- with a history of HIT should never be exposed to ei-
lowed with regular platelet counts while remaining on ther LMWH.
UFH, and any unexplained thrombocytopenia (de- Pentasaccharide. Fondaparinux (Arixtra), a synthetic
cline in platelets of !50% from baseline or platelet heparin analog, is a highly sulfated, pentasaccharide
count " 100,000/#L) during UFH use requires investi- sequence, derived from the AT binding region of UFH.
gation and elucidation of its cause. If HIT is suspected, It is the newest, currently available anticoagulant for
UFH must be stopped and replaced by an alternative joint surgery thromboprophylaxis and has demon-
anticoagulant not associated with HIT (hirudin, arg- strated improved efficacy compared with LMWH.39,40
atroban, or danaparoid) until the diagnosis is estab- The anticoagulant action of fondaparinux is via a
lished.35 HIT antibodies cross-react with LMWH. Pa- mechanism similar to LMWH in which the drug binds
tients diagnosed with HIT should never be exposed to to AT and causes AT to bind to and inactivate factor
either UFH or LMWH. Xa, but not thrombin. Its action is directed against
Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins. LMWH is a thrombopro- factor Xa only. Fondaparinux, like LMWH, does not
phylactic drug of choice for joint replacement sur- bind to or interact with other plasma proteins or
gery. LMWHs are fractionated, low-molecular-weight cells resulting in predictable and stable pharmacoki-
moieties (3000–5000 MW) of UFH, produced by chem- netics. Its half-life at 17 hours is much longer than
ical and physical methods, that are approximately UFH (0.5–1 hour) or LMWH (4–6 hours), and prophy-
one-third as long as native UFH.32 LMWHs when com- lactic doses (2.5 mg SC) are given daily. Although
pared with UFH have a number of desirable pharma- clinical HIT has not been described with fondaparinux,
cologic and clinical properties that include: (1) supe- HIT antibodies do develop with it use.41 Bleeding
rior and predictable pharmacokinetics that allow with prophylactic fondaparinux is slightly more com-
once or twice daily subcutaneous (SC) dosing based mon than with LMWH or VKA, and like LMWH, this
on body weight, (2) no laboratory monitoring, (3) agent is not reversible.15,42
more favorable benefit/risk ratio, and (4) less anti– Oral Anticoagulants. VKA has been available in clinical
factor IIa and more anti–factor Xa activity. Because of practice since the 1950s and is commonly used for
these properties and its demonstrated improved clin- VTE prophylaxis in lower limb joint replacement
ical efficacy in preventing VTE disease, LMWH has surgery. Certain anticoagulant properties including
538 Arthroplasty Topics

long half-life, delayed onset of action, and reversibil- (GI) upset and hair thinning may be seen in 10% to
ity have made it a favored drug for joint replacement 15% of cases. An outpatient bleeding risk index has
thromboprophylaxis in North America.43 The VKA been developed that includes independent risk fac-
warfarin induces an anticoagulant state by interfer- tors: age older than 65, history of GI bleeding, history
ing with the vitamin K–dependent, post-translational of stroke.48 Low-, intermediate-, and high-risk pa-
modification of hepatically synthesized blood clot- tients had, respectively, 3%, 12%, and 53% probabil-
ting factors II, VII, IX, and X. This results in near- ity of bleeding. The bleeding risk is directly corre-
normal circulating levels of hypofunctional clotting lated with INR; it begins to increase quite markedly
factors II, VII, IX, and X. when the INR increases to more than 3.5, and an INR
These factors have markedly different half-lives, greater than 5 requires active intervention (hold
from 6 to 60 hours. It is the half-lives of these factors drug, oral or SC vitamin K1, fresh-frozen plasma) to
that dictate the anticoagulant effect of VKA. The an- reverse the drug effect.
ticoagulant efficacy of VKA most closely correlates Aspirin. Although aspirin decreases the frequency of
with the functional level of factor II (prothrombin) VTE after orthopedic surgery when analyzed in meta-
that has the longest half-life (60 hours).44 analysis, this efficacy is significantly less than that
VKA is rapidly absorbed from the gut and is 90% al- obtained using other anticoagulant agents.49 A large
bumin bound in circulation. Only free, unbound VKA randomized trial involving 4088 patients undergoing
is biologically active. The half-life of VKA is 36 to 48 THR and TKR received placebo or 160 mg/day aspirin
hours, and it is the hepatic metabolism by microsomal for 35 days, in addition to other thromboprophylactic
enzymes, including cytochrome P450 variants, that measures prescribed at the discretion of the treating
explains, in part, the marked interindividual variation physician.50 Fatal PE and DVT were both significantly
in dosage required for drug effect. Numerous factors decreased by aspirin: relative risk reduction (RRR) of
affect the biologic activity of VKA, including patient 40% and absolute risk reduction of 4 fatal PEs per
age, activity level, diet, drug absorption, albumin level, 1000 patients. Wound-related bleeding, GI bleeding,
vitamin K intake, general state of health, and interfer- and the need for transfusion were significantly more
ing drugs. The list of drugs known to interact by either common in the aspirin-treated group. Thus, although
potentiating or attenuating the VKA effect is lengthy, aspirin may have some activity in preventing VTE, its
and knowledge of their identity and expected interac- efficacy and safety profile are markedly inferior to
tions is important given its narrow therapeutic index.45 other available measures, precluding its use as mono-
Diet can also impact warfarin effect because ingestion therapy.51 Aspirin cannot currently be recommended
of foodstuffs high in vitamin K will counteract the for the prophylaxis of VTE.2
effects of warfarin within 6 to 12 hours.46 New Anticoagulant Agents. Further improvements in throm-
The average oral dosage of VKA is 5 mg/day, and for boprophylaxis are going to come from the evolution of
patients older than 70 years is 4 mg/day. The use of better pharmacologic agents with not only an in-
VKA dosing nomograms should be adopted and have creased efficacy in VTE prevention but a lower bleed-
been convincingly demonstrated to accelerate the at- ing risk and improved biologic properties including
tainment of a target INR whereas simplifying manage- reversibility and longer half-lives. The quest for this
ment for healthcare providers.47 The optimal INR target holy grail in anticoagulant therapy among pharmaceu-
for treatment and prophylaxis of VTE indications is 2.5 tical companies is ongoing. Examples of agents that
(2.0–3.0). For any given indication, there is a trend to have demonstrable efficacy with similar benefit/risk
lower bleeding risk with no loss in clinical efficacy the profiles when compared with LMWH and have been
lower the INR is kept within the therapeutic range. Tar- studied in THR and TKA include the direct thrombin
get INR should be 2.0 to 3.0 as per published trials as inhibitors parenteral recombinant hirudin, parenteral
opposed to lower targets. There is no rationale to use melagatran, and oral ximelagatran and the new oral
a loading dose for the initiation of VKA therapy.43 Given direct anti Xa inhibitor rivaroxaban.2,52,53,145,146 Emerg-
the long half-lives of both VKA (36 hours) and factor II ing drugs include idraparinux, a long-acting pentasac-
(60 hours), this means that to attain full anticoagulant charide congener to fondaparinux, currently in trials,
effect, the INR must be within the therapeutic range for that can be given once a week and the biotinylation of
at least 4 to 6 days for all of the vitamin K–dependent pentasaccharides so that their anticoagulant action
proteins to decrease to 20% to 30% of normal. can be reversed with an infusion of avidin.39 None of
Unlike LMWH and fondaparinux, frequent PT/INR these agents has been approved for thromboprophy-
blood testing is required with VKA thromboprophy- laxis use in North America.
laxis, making infrastructure support necessary for
adequate posthospital anticoagulation control. Point
of care testing (POCT) of INR, analogous to POCT Mechanical Approaches to Venous Thromboembolic
glucose monitoring, has been developed for VKA Event Prevention
therapy. A number of small handheld home models
are available, and results obtained with them corre- Compared with drug interventions for thrombopro-
late reasonably well with reference laboratory re- phylaxis, mechanical devices have been studied in
sults in the range of an INR of 1.0 to 3.5. fewer patients. Thus, the confidence around the rec-
VKA is generally well tolerated, with few side ef- ommendation for their use is weaker. A major practi-
fects other than the bleeding risk. Gastrointestinal cal issue related to using this approach is patient and
Thromboprophylaxis for Lower Limb Joint Replacement Surgery? 539

health provider compliance.54 Intermittent pneumatic well refined. Three pharmacologic approaches have
leg compression (IPC), graduated compression stock- been demonstrated to be effective and safe. LMWH
ings (GCS), and venous foot pump (VFP) mechani- (SC once or twice daily), fondaparinux (SC once daily),
cally prevent venous thrombosis by augmenting or adjusted-dose VKA (target INR, 2.5).2,15,70–76
blood flow and theoretically decreasing venous stasis Mechanical prophylaxes GCS,16,63–65 IPC,56–59 and
in the deep veins of the legs. Pneumatic compression VFP65,68 have all been studied in THR. Each of these
has an added biochemical anticoagulant effect by re- methods provides some level of protection com-
ducing plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 levels, re- pared with placebo with a RRR of DVT of 20% to 70%.
sulting in increased endogenous fibrinolytic activity.55 However, this RRR is inferior compared with current
Thus, mechanical leg compression approaches have pharmacologic interventions in preventing VTE, es-
both local and systemic effects. pecially proximal DVTs.2,59,63 Mechanical, lower limb
These devices are generally free of clinically impor- methods are not recommended as a primary prophy-
tant side effects and offer a valuable alternative or lactic modality.2
adjunct in patients who have a high risk for bleeding. Multimodal prophylaxis, although frequently adop-
They must be used continuously until the patient is ted in orthopedic surgery, is less well studied using
fully ambulatory and removal can be only temporary accepted randomized, clinical trials approaches ver-
to be fully effective. They produce discomfort in some sus other active intervention and in large enough pa-
patients, which impacts compliance, and should be tient populations, making it difficult to make any firm
used with caution in patients with peripheral vascular recommendations.
disease. They are contraindicated in patients at bed In THR, both aspirin51 and fixed-dose LDUH77 are
rest or immobilized for more than 72 hours without superior to placebo in meta-analyses for the preven-
other active prophylaxis, because there use may cause tion of VTE. However, neither of these modalities is
a newly formed clot to dislodge. recommended as monotherapy because of inferior ef-
Although IPC56–59 has been demonstrated to reduce ficacy when compared with LMWH or VKA.3,53,78–80
the incidence of DVT in moderate-risk surgical pa- In North America, as opposed to the European
tients,60 it is less effective in patients undergoing hip Union, thromboprophylaxis utilizing adjusted-dose
surgery or knee replacement, and although it reduces VKA (target INR, 2.5) continues to the most common
RRR of total DVTs and prevents calf vein thrombosis, it pharmacologic intervention used in THR.81–86 In the
is not clinically effective for more important proximal European Union, LMWH has largely replaced VKA
DVTs.56,59 IPC use has decreased with decreasing length because of the lower comparative efficacy of VKA.
of hospital stay and rapid ambulation in patients un- Advantages of VKA include its later onset of action,
dergoing orthopedic surgery.61 In a review, the dura- physicians’ comfort and familiarity with the drug and
tion, degree of compression, and overall compliance its actions, the ability to reverse anticoagulant effect,
were significantly less than expected, even with a con- lower cost compared with fondaparinux and LMWH,
certed education program, in patients undergoing THR and more acceptable bleeding risk. Disadvantages of
when IPC was the only form of prophylaxis.62 VKA include the need for frequent blood testing, ne-
GCS16,63–65 reduce venous stasis in the limb by ap- cessity of complex ongoing infrastructure for moni-
plying decreasing degrees of compression moving toring and dose adjustment, wide patient intervari-
proximally from the ankle to calf, but reduce the inci- ability in drug dosage, variable patient response,
dence of postoperative VTE only in low-risk surgical narrow therapeutic index, and significant drug and
patients.66 In a meta-analysis, GCS in combination food interactions. There is a delay in full anticoagu-
with other forms of prophylaxis does not result in lant action with VKA,87 for at least 3 to 5 days, that
any further risk reduction in VTE.67 may explain VKA bleeding risk advantage compared
Evidence of efficacy with VFP65,68 is less developed with fondaparinux and LMWH.2
than the other mechanical methods, and although it Different LMWHs have been studied extensively and
does appear to reduce overall rates of DVT, it is infe- demonstrated to be safe and highly efficacious in
rior to current anticoagulant approaches.9,69 Mechani- the thromboprophylaxis of THR.70–73,75,76,88–92 A meta-
cal devices are not recommended as a sole therapy for analysis of 13 studies comparing LMWH with placebo
thromboprophylaxis in joint replacement surgery, and demonstrated that LMWH significantly reduced the
good comparative studies with these devices as part risk for asymptomatic DVT (RR, 0.51) without signifi-
of multimodal approaches are lacking, making it diffi- cantly increasing the risk for major bleeding, and indi-
cult to make any firm recommendations despite their cated that the different LMWH regimens studied and
attractiveness because of their biomechanical action. currently recommended are similarly effective and
safe.93 Pooled results of a number of large clinical tri-
als75,76,91,94 of adjusted-dose VKA versus LMWH in THR
TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENT reveal that LMWH is more effective, but at the cost of
increased bleeding risk. Overall pooled DVT rates were
Thromboprophylaxis has been recommended in all 20.7% versus 13.7% (P $ 0.0002), and proximal DVT
patients undergoing THR for at least 20 years. This was 4.8% versus 3.4% (P $ 0.08) in the VKA and LMWH
recommendation is supported by many randomized, groups, respectively. In a trial of greater than 3000 pa-
clinical trials between active interventions with and tients with THR treated with LMWH twice daily versus
without placebo groups, and guidelines have been VKA, there was a threefold reduction in in-hospital,
540 Arthroplasty Topics

symptomatic VTE (0.3% vs. 1.1%), and major bleeding symptomatic and asymptomatic VTE in THR at a
was 1.2% versus 0.5%, respectively, whereas the slightly increased risk for surgical-site bleeding. In-
3-month overall VTE rates, between treatments, were creased bleeding and improved VTE efficacy is likely
no different.95 In another major randomized clinical on the basis of earlier proximity to surgery of antico-
trial, LMWH, started either 2 hours before or 4 hours agulant activity of LMWH and fondaparinux.
after surgery, versus adjusted-dose VKA demonstrated
a significant reduction in total and proximal DVT, and
significant reduction in symptomatic DVT (2.2% vs. TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT
4.4%).76 A meta-analyses of up to 10,000 patients under-
going lower limb orthopedic surgery compared the TKA differs from THR in a number of important ways.
benefit/risk ratio of VKA versus LMWHs and concluded The total VTE rate is greater in TKA, whereas more
that VKAs were less effective than LMWH in preventing important proximal and symptomatic DVTs are less
total and proximal DVTs, and that differences between common. The efficacy of LMWH versus VKA is more
VKA and LMWH in major hemorrhage and wound he- pronounced in TKA, and major bleeding is less com-
matoma were not significant.96 Thus, LMWHs are more mon but clinically more worrisome. After elective
efficacious than VKA in prevention of VTE, but this TKR, LMWH, fondaparinux, or adjusted VKA (target
efficacy comes at a cost of a slightly increased bleed- INR, 2.5) can be used.2,75,89,91,97,101 Finally, although the
ing risk. number of patients undergoing TKR now equals the
The pentasaccharide fondaparinux is the most re- number undergoing THR in North America, there
cently available anticoagulant with indications for have been fewer trials in patients undergoing knee
thromboprophylaxis with apparent improved efficacy replacement.
in THR. In the initial European Union study comparing Like THR studies of IPC102,103 and VFP,104 but not
fondaparinux and enoxaparin, in which fondaparinux GCS,66 mechanical devices show some efficacy. How-
(2.5 mg SC daily) was started 4 to 8 hours after sur- ever, issues of compliance and inability to maintain
gery and LMWH 12 hours before surgery, demon- usage limit this efficacy. The relatively smaller num-
strated a 50% decrease in overall VTE rates (4% vs. ber of patients enrolled in mechanical device, ran-
9%) in favor of fondaparinux.42 In the North American domized, clinical trials compared with pharmacologic
study with LMWH starting 12 to 24 hours after sur- studies results in weak confidence around recommen-
gery, there was no statistical difference between over- dations related to their use. Although IPC may have
all and proximal VTE rates (6% vs. 8% and 2% vs. 1%, some adjunctive role in in-hospital prophylaxis, its
respectively).92 There was a nonsignificant trend to combined use has not been studied in randomized,
more bleeding with fondaparinux versus all controlled studies. Both LDUH99,105 and aspirin7,78,103
LMWH.42,92,97,98 Studies directly comparing fondaparinux have been studied in TKA and have been shown to be
and VKA have not been performed. A meta-analysis of much less efficacious than LMWH, fondaparinux, or
four multicenter, randomized, double-blind trials for adjusted-dose VKA; they are not recommended.
the prevention of VTE after major orthopedic surgery, Numerous randomized trials of VKA in TKA have
in which fondaparinux (2.5 mg/day) begun 4 to 8 been reported, and confidence around VKA recom-
hours after surgery was compared with enoxaparin, mendations is high.7,75,91,101,102,106–109 Despite adjusted-
demonstrated a significantly reduced risk for all VTEs dose VKA, thromboprophylaxis total, venographic,
by day 11 (6.8% vs. 13.7%; P " 0.001) but at an in- DVT rates remain high (25–50%), with treatment out
creased bleeding risk.15 to 2 weeks. However, unlike THR, symptomatic VTE
Comparison of bleeding risks across trials of throm- rates are low (1–2%) when assessed at up to 3 months
boprophylaxis drugs in THR is difficult, because the after surgery.86,110 A 2004 meta-analysis of VKA trials in
agents, dosing schedules, dosage, and definition of orthopedic surgery demonstrated that VKAs were
major and minor bleeding often vary from one trial to less effective than LMWH in preventing total and
another. General conclusion can be inferred that the proximal DVTs (9822 patients; RR, 1.51; P " 0.001; and
bleeding risk increases from VKA to LMWH and 6131 patients; RR, 1.51; P $ 0.028, respectively),
fondaparinux. First, surgery-related bleeding risk must whereas the differences between VKA and LMWH in
be put in context by the observation that in the pla- major hemorrhage and wound hematoma were not
cebo groups of pooled, randomized, clinical trials of significant. The authors conclude that VKAs are less
THR, the aggregate major bleeding rate was 2% to effective than LMWH, without any significant differ-
4%.99,100 One meta-analysis concluded that there was ence in the bleeding risk in lower limb orthopedic
no significant difference in bleeding risk between VKA procedures including TKR and THR.96 When compared
and LMWH.96 In four major trials pooled, significant with LMWH in patients with TKA, VKA is less effica-
bleeding in VKA and LMWH groups was 3.3% versus cious with a similar or slightly lower bleeding risk.
5.3%, respectively,75,76,91,94 whereas the rates of major LMWH in TKA is well-studied, and is a safe and ef-
bleeding ranged from 1.8% to 4.1% for fondaparinux fective prophylactic measure with clear superior effi-
and 1.0% to 3.5% for LMWH. A nonsignificant trend to cacy compared with VKA. Pooled clinical trials di-
more bleeding with fondaparinux versus all LMWHs rectly comparing VKA and LMWH demonstrate overall
was reported.42,92,97,98 DVT rates of 48% versus 33% and proximal DVT rates
In conclusion, LMWH, and by indirect comparison of 10.4% versus 7.1%, respectively.75,91,101,107,111,112 A
fondaparinux, is more effective than VKA in preventing 2001 meta-analysis of thromboprophylaxis studies in
Thromboprophylaxis for Lower Limb Joint Replacement Surgery? 541

TKA evaluated 14 studies (3482 patients) and reported or 12 to 24 hours after surgery. The onset of antico-
that for proximal DVT rates, LMWH was significantly agulant effect is delayed until the third or fourth
better than warfarin (P $ 0.0002), whereas there was postoperative day.87
no significant difference for symptomatic PE, fatal PE, There is likely little difference in efficacy in preop-
major hemorrhage, or total mortality.113 Another meta- erative or postoperative commencement of LMWH.76,88
analysis confirmed the superior efficacy of LMWH LMWH at a first injection, 50% dose reduction, started
over VKA without increased bleeding.114 immediately before or early after ("7 hours) surgery
Large-scale clinical trials have shown that in patients undergoing THR, resulted in similar VTE
fondaparinux further reduces the likelihood of VTE rates of both total and proximal DVT but significantly
complications after major orthopedic surgery.115 lower VTE rates when compared with warfarin.120 No
Fondaparinux was shown to be superior to LMWH in difference was found between the preoperative and
reduction of total VTE events after TKA in a large, postoperative LMWH arms with respect to efficacy,
randomized trial of more than 1000 patients.97,115 but there was more major bleeding in the preopera-
Fondaparinux (2.5 mg SC daily) started 6 hours after tive LMWH group when compared with warfarin and
surgery versus LMWH started 12 to 24 hours after the postoperative arm. In a meta-analysis comparing
surgery resulted in a halving of total VTE (12.5% vs. preoperative with postoperative initiation of LMWH
27.8%; P " 0.001) and proximal DVT rates (2.4% vs. for prophylaxis of DVT after THR, it was shown that
5.4%; P $ 0.06) respectively. This improved efficacy total DVT rates (but not proximal DVT rates) and
came at a cost of increased major bleeding (2.1% vs. major bleeding occurred significantly less frequently
0.2%; P $ 0.006). In a systematic review of the four in the preoperative group compared with those who
thromboprophylaxis studies in major orthopedic received postoperative prophylaxis.121 The timing of
surgery, fondaparinux was 50% more effective in re- the first dose of LMWH after THR was further as-
ducing VTE than LMWH (enoxaparin), with an over- sessed in a meta-analysis of four trials of LMWH given
all 1% increased rate of major bleeding, whereas the at half the regular dose within 6 to 8 hours compared
incidence of fatal bleeding, critical organ bleeding, with full dose at 12 to 24 hours, VKA was associated
or bleeding leading to reoperation did not differ be- with a large risk reduction, and major bleeding oc-
tween the two treatment groups.39,115 curred significantly less frequently in the preopera-
VTE after TKR results in a significant cost burden tive group compared with those who received post-
because of rehospitalization, prolonged stay, morbid- operative prophylaxis.121 This study concluded that
ity, mortality, and long-term postphlebitic syndrome. the timing of initiating LMWH significantly impacts
Both LMWH and fondaparinux are significantly more efficacy, and delaying initiation of LMWH prophylaxis
costly on a daily basis than VKA for thromboprophy- results in loss of efficacy without an enhanced safety
laxis. When cost-effectiveness, comparing VKA and advantage. The closer to surgery prophylaxis is initi-
LMWH, has been studied, conflicting conclusions us- ated the better the efficacy, but this is offset by an
ing slightly different methodologies have been drawn, increased risk for major bleeding.122,123
suggesting that there may be little difference in cost- Findings are similar with fondaparinux with re-
effectiveness of VKA versus LMWH.116–118 A review of spect to perioperative timing of prophylactic
the pharmacoeconomic evaluations of fondaparinux dose.15,39,122,124 In a benefit/risk analysis, the incidence
leads to the conclusion that fondaparinux is a cost- of major bleeding was significantly less (2.1% vs.
effective alternative to LMWHs in VTE prophylaxis.119 3.2%) in those patients receiving fondaparinux 6 ver-
In conclusion, LMWH, and by indirect comparison sus less than 6 hours after surgery, whereas there
fondaparinux, is more effective than VKA in prevent- was no significant difference in efficacy (7.0% vs. 6%,
ing symptomatic and asymptomatic VTE. The bleed- respectively).124 This finding resulted in a regulatory
ing risk is similar for VKA and LMWH but increased agency recommending fondaparinux initiation at 6 to
for fondaparinux. Increased bleeding and improved 8 hours after surgery rather than the timing used in
VTE efficacy is likely on the basis of earlier proximity the trials (4–8 hours).
to surgery of anticoagulant activity of these two for-
mer drugs.
Duration of Prophylaxis
OTHER ISSUES For a patient undergoing THR or TKR, the minimum
Timing of Prophylaxis duration of pharmaco-thromboprophylaxis for all pa-
tients should be 7 to 10 days.2 Extending prophylaxis
Prophylaxis should ideally be started in close proxim- with VKA, LMWH, or fondaparinux beyond this time
ity to surgery, either before or after, and continued appears to have greatest efficacy in THR as opposed
until the patient is fully ambulatory and VTE risk be- to TKR. VKA use extended for 4 weeks in THR com-
gins to approach baseline. In North America, prophy- pared with in-hospital use was associated with a 5- to
laxis has routinely started 12 to 24 hours after surgery 10-fold decrease in VTE rates as assessed by DUS at
because of a greater concern for bleeding complica- little increased bleeding risk.125 Multiple reports and
tions and to facilitate same-day admissions. two meta-analyses clearly support continued prophy-
VKA prophylaxis can be commenced at any conve- laxis with LMWH for 28 to 42 days after THR.70–72,74,126,127
nient time perioperatively, usually the night before The meta-analyses, when compared with placebo,
542 Arthroplasty Topics

showed a significant decrease in total DVT and PE tions in all patients. Pooled results from five trials
without a significant increased risk for major bleeding showed that neuraxial block significantly decreased
but increased minor bleeding.121,126,127 There is less of the incidence of all radiologic DVT or PE in THR. The
a need for extended prophylaxis beyond 10 days for odds ratio for DVT and PE was 0.27 (confidence inter-
patients undergoing TKR because prolonging therapy val [CI], 0.17–0.42) and 0.26 (CI, 0.12–0.56), respec-
for an additional 3 to 6 weeks in TKR does not appear tively, and the authors concluded that patients under-
to provide significant further benefit.74,75,126 going THR with neuraxial anesthesia have better
The benefit of thromboprophylaxis in THR with outcomes than those under GA and less frequent VTE
fondaparinux (2.5 mg/day) for 1 month, rather than events.139 Second, as the 2003 ASRA Consensus Confer-
6 to 8 days, was studied in a double-blind, multi- ence statement makes clear, regional anesthesia may
center trial and summarized in two other reviews of be used safely with LMWH prophylaxis136 as long as
all fondaparinux-related joint surgery randomized key factors including timing issues in relation to the
studies.39,115,128 Compared with 1 week of fondaparinux regional anesthetic procedure are considered.
followed by 3 weeks of placebo in the PENTHIFRA-
PLUS trial, extended fondaparinux resulted in a sig-
nificant reduction in total VTE from 35.0% to 1.4%, as COST-EFFECTIVENESS
well as an 87% reduction in symptomatic VTE. How-
ever, a nonsignificant trend toward more major bleed- VTE represents a huge health economic burden of
ing in the 1-month group was found. nearly $500 million per year in the United States, and
Recommendations include prophylaxis for 7 to patients undergoing major lower limb surgery are at
10 days in all patients undergoing THR and TKA. high risk for development of VTE. Prophylaxis with
Extended prophylaxis up to 42 days is recom- warfarin substantially reduces the risk for VTE after
mended in patients with THR and in at-risk but not lower limb arthroplasty and is more cost-effective than
in routine-risk patients with TKR. no prophylaxis.119 Although LMWHs are more expen-
sive than VKA, they are superior to warfarin in VTE
prevention and are cost-effective.140,141 A review of the
SCREENING pharmacoeconomic evaluations of fondaparinux leads
to the conclusion that fondaparinux is a cost-effective
It has been clearly demonstrated with numerous alternative to LMWHs in lower limb joint surgery.119
studies that postoperative screening for VTE using Fondaparinux, LMWH, and VKA in extended prophy-
noninvasive methods is an unacceptable and costly laxis for 28 days all appear to be cost-effective.142–144
alternative to primary prophylaxis.129 Noninvasive
screening methods, such as the DUS, have been dem-
onstrated as having low sensitivity and specificity,
after THR, for both distal and proximal DVT.130–132 RECOMMENDATIONS
This has been shown in studies of both TKR and In making overall recommendations for thrombo-
THR.110,133,134 A meta-analysis demonstrated that ve- prophylaxis, an increased weight/value is placed
nous ultrasound imaging has moderate sensitivity on the risks (bleeding) of thromboprophylaxis
and moderate positive predictive value when used to given the relative low incidence of symptomatic
screen for DVT after orthopedic surgery; thus, ultra- VTE, proximal DVT, and PE with current pharma-
sound imaging is not a reliable approach for DVT cologic interventions. VKA, fondaparinux, and
screening.135 Consequently, DVT screening as sec- LMWH are all efficacious in the prevention of VTE
ondary prophylaxis is not recommended for patients in lower limb joint replacement surgery. This im-
with lower limb joint replacement.2 proved efficacy, moving progressively from VKA
to LMWH to fondaparinux, is offset by a similar
trend toward increasing bleeding rates. This risk/
NEURAXIAL ANESTHESIA benefit ratio for each intervention needs to be
weighed on an individual patient basis. Patients
Lower limb arthroplasty surgery that involves spinal who, on clinical analysis, are at greater risk for
or epidural invasive procedures for regional anesthe- bleeding or clotting should be considered for
sia or continued analgesia in conjunction with prophy- prophylaxis with an approach that carries a
lactic anticoagulants must be used with extreme cau- lower risk for these respective deleterious
tion, and current and evolving recommendations of complications.2
the American Association for Regional Anesthesia Specific decisions of thromboprophylaxis ap-
should be consulted for evolving recommendations. proach for THR and TKA should be made at a
Spinal hematoma, although a serious concern, is hospital level, ideally both through a professional
rare.136 Bleeding risk concerns should not outweigh consensus approach and at an individual patient
the anticipated benefits of regional anesthesia in joint level. Decision should be based on issues of local
arthroplasty or its efficacy in thromboprophylaxis, cost, infrastructure support for monitoring of
which are much more common complications of lower VKA if being considered, patient compliance, and
limb arthroplasty.2,137,138 A recent meta-analysis of 10 duration of prophylaxis. Table 80–2 provides a
trials showed that compared with general anesthesia summary of recommendations.
(GA), neuraxial block reduced many serious complica-
Thromboprophylaxis for Lower Limb Joint Replacement Surgery? 543

TABLE 80–2. Summary of Recommendations


Elective THR

The routine use of one of the following is recommended for all patients undergoing elective THR: (1) A
LMWH, at standard high-risk prophylactic dosage, started either 12 hours before or 12 to 24 hours af-
ter surgery, or a 50% dose reduction at 4 to 6 hours after surgery escalating to full-dose prophylaxis at
24 hours and daily thereafter; (2) VKA, dose adjusted with INR-warfarin nomogram to a target INR of
2.5, started before surgery or the evening after surgery; or (3) fondaparinux (2.5 mg) started 6 to 8
hours after surgery and daily thereafter.
The use of aspirin, LDUFH, GCS, IPC, or VFP as monotherapy for thromboprophylaxis is not recommended. A
Elective TKR
The routine use of one of the following is recommended for all patients undergoing elective TKR: (1) A
LMWH, at standard high-risk prophylactic dosage, started either 12 hours before or 12 to 24 hours af-
ter surgery, or a 50% dose reduction at 4 to 6 hours after surgery escalating to full-dose prophylaxis at
24 hours and daily thereafter; (2) VKA, dose adjusted with INR-warfarin nomogram to a target INR of
2.5, started before surgery or the evening after surgery; or (3) fondaparinux (2.5 mg) started 6 to 8
hours after surgery and daily thereafter.
The use of aspirin, LDUFH, GCS, IPC, or VFP as monotherapy for thromboprophylaxis is not recommended. A
The efficacy-to-bleeding risk needs to be individualized for all patients at increased risk to bleed or clot A
based on clinical assessment and on the bases of each agent. Preoperative or postoperative initiation
off all three agents (fondaparinux, LMWH, or VKA) is acceptable.
The routine use of postoperative VTE screening in asymptomatic patients is not recommended. A
Length of Prophylaxis
In elective THR and TKA, thromboprophylaxis with LMWH, VKA, or fondaparinux should be continued for A
a minimum of 7 to 10 days for patients. Patients undergoing THR and patients at high risk for thrombo-
sis undergoing TKA should be given extended prophylaxis for up to 28 to 42 days after surgery.
Neuraxial Anesthesia/Analgesia
Special caution should be used with concurrent use of anticoagulant prophylaxis. B

DVT, venous thromboembolic event; GCS, graduated compression stockings; INR, international normalized ratio; IPC, intermittent pneumatic leg compression;
LDUFH, low-dose unfractionated heparin; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; PE, pulmonary embolism; THR, total hip replacement; TKA, total knee arthros-
copy; TKR, total knee replacement; VFP, venous foot pump; VKA, vitamin K antagonist.

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546 Arthroplasty Topics

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Chapter What Blood Conservation

81 Techniques for Total Joint

Arthroplasty Work?

In 1997, after the tainted blood issues of the 1980s, tive techniques focus on reducing the loss of RBCs or
the Canadian Commission of Inquiry on the Blood the reclamation of shed blood. Surgical technique and
Supply (The Krever Commission; more information is the strict attention to hemostasis is the single-most
available online at: important factor for which there is no alternative.
activit/com/krever_e.html) recommended the pro- Other methods purported to reduce blood loss in-
motion of the “appropriate use of, and alternatives clude controlled hypotension, acute normovolemic
to, blood components and blood products.” There- hemodilution (ANH), antifibrinolytic agents, and cell
fore, it is not a question of whether blood conserva- salvage. Postoperative blood conservation modalities
tion should be considered, but rather which of the include cell salvage, continued adherence to a transfu-
available modalities of blood conservation is ef- sion guideline, and the careful management of hemo-
fective, and moreover cost-effective, in joint arthro- stasis, keeping in mind the need for postoperative
plasty. deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis (see Chapter 2).
The primary focus of blood conservation in joint
arthroplasty, as well as the focus of this chapter, is
on limiting the perioperative need for 1 or 2 units EVIDENCE
of allogeneic red blood cells (RBCs). Although, re- Preoperative Autologous Donation
ducing the amount of blood lost and maintaining a
higher hemoglobin concentration peri-operatively PAD is a method of expanding the RBC mass by
are similar objectives to avoiding an allogeneic removing blood for storage in the blood bank and
blood transfusion, there is no clear evidence that allowing the patient to replace the sequestered RBCs
there will be any effect on measurable patient out- before surgery. Although some protocols allow for
comes. blood collection from patients with anemia (hemo-
It should be stressed that blood conservation is globin concentration !130 g/L) and allow for blood
not limited to avoiding allogeneic blood utilization collection up to 48 hours before surgery, this practice
but also includes the appropriate utilization of blood should be avoided because the patient is unlikely to
and blood products. Simple rules to ordering and replace the sequestered RBCs before surgery, and
administering blood products should be established, the risk for an allogeneic blood transfusion will be
published, and reinforced at every institution carry- unchanged at best.
ing out joint arthroplasty: (1) A transfusion guideline The efficacy of PAD in reducing patient exposure
should be established (Table 81–1); (2) ordering of to allogeneic blood has been demonstrated in
blood product should include the indication for its numerous randomized clinical trials in several op-
administration (e.g., transfuse 1 unit of RBCs for a erative settings.1 This evidence is supported by
hemoglobin concentration of 70 g/L), and (3) RBC controlled observational trials, but the overall level
units should be administered one unit at a time with of evidence remains poor because there are no
the patient reassessed before a second unit is admin- blinded trials.1
istered. Following these simple guidelines will im- In joint arthroplasty, the evidence in support of
prove the utilization of blood products and reduce PAD is less convincing (Figs. 81–12–4 and 81–25–11).
unnecessary transfusions. Some authors have concluded that there is no role
for PAD in joint arthroplasty, and if the entire surgical
population were considered candidates for PAD, then
OPTIONS the evidence would support this contention.1 How-
ever, for patients who are at increased risk for a
Blood conservation includes preoperative, intraoper- blood transfusion (e.g., revision surgery, small body
ative and postoperative modalities. Preoperative habitus [!70 kg]) and are not anemic (i.e., patient
modalities focus on the expansion of the RBC mass capable of regenerating RBC mass after donation),
either ex vivo using preoperative autologous blood PAD may be a viable blood conservation modality. It
donation (PAD) or in vivo using iron supplementation should be the role of a perioperative blood conserva-
and erythrocyte-stimulating agents (ESA) (e.g., Eprex, tion program to identify appropriate patients for PAD
Ortho Biotech, Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Intraopera- using an up-to-date database to evaluate its use.

What Blood Conservation Techniques for Total Joint Arthroplasty Work? 549

TABLE 81–1. Guideline for Red Blood Cell Transfusion Based MCV less than 80 fL, a 4-week course of supplemental
on Hemoglobin Concentration iron results in an 11- to 12-g/L increase in hemoglobin
concentration.14 In contrast, anemia with an MCV
HEMOGLOBIN greater than 90 fL does not respond to iron supple-
The routine use of perioperative supplemental
"100 Transfusion required only in
exceptional circumstances iron therapy is controversial in that it has little effect
70–100 Transfusion required only if there on blood transfusion.15,16 However, in patients in
are signs and symptoms of whom erythropoiesis is either stimulated by PAD or
impaired oxygen delivery or if recombinant Epo, iron supplementation is recom-
patient is at high risk*
!70 Likely be appropriate
mended. The source of iron is arguably unimportant
!60 Transfusion highly recommended as long as the goal is to add approximately 100 mg
elemental iron to the daily diet. In fact, dietary heme-
Level III evidence. iron in red meat, poultry, and fish is more readily
*Patients at high risk include those with known coronary artery or valvular absorbed than formulated dietary supplements.
hearts disease, previous cerebral vascular event, or poor oxygenation.
Other sources of iron include plant food such as len-
tils and beans. If, however, oral iron absorption is
poor and iron supplementation is still required, intra-
Preoperative Iron and Erythropoietin Therapy venous iron sucrose is a safe and effective alterna-
tive.17,18 Iron sucrose is no more effective than oral
The incidence of preoperative anemia in patients iron preparations in increasing the RBC mass.19,20
scheduled for the total arthroplasty is between 20% Epo is a naturally-occurring hormone secreted by
and 35%.12,13 The causative factor of this anemia is the kidneys in response to low partial pressure of oxy-
multifactorial, but the two most common causes are gen. Epo stimulates effective erythropoiesis only if
iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease. there are adequate iron stores, and the use of Epo
Importantly, preoperative anemia is the single-most should be combined with supplemental iron. The effi-
treatable risk factor for a blood transfusion associated cacy of preoperative Epo in total joint arthroplasty
with joint arthroplasty surgery.12 Iron supplementa- (TJA) has been demonstrated in double-blind, ran-
tion and the use of erythropoietin (Epo) are the pri- domized, controlled trials, increasing preoperative
mary modes of therapy of preoperative anemia. hemoglobin concentration by 15 g/L whereas reducing
The incidence of preoperative iron deficiency ane- the frequency of RBC transfusion by 50%.21 In a system-
mia is unknown, but elderly patients have a number of atic review of the literature, Laupacis and colleagues22
risk factors for iron deficiency including use of nonste- found that the overall odds ratio of RBC transfusion in
roidal anti-inflammatory drugs and poor diet. Iron patients who received Epo was 0.36 (95% confidence
deficiency anemia is a hypochromic, microcytic ane- interval [CI], 0.24–0.56).22
mia, and the RBC mean cell volume (MCV) is a good In addition, several studies have evaluated the use
predictor for response to iron supplementation.14 For of Epo in the clinical setting and confirmed it effective-
anemia (hemoglobin concentration !120 g/L) and ness in reducing the exposure of patient to allogeneic

Review: Preoperative autologous blood donation

Comparison: 01 Preoperative autologous blood donation V control-RCT
Outcome: 01 Allogeneic blood transfusion
Study or Treatment Control OR (fixed) Weight
Sub-category n/N n/N 95% Cl %

01 THA
Elawad 1991 3/45 14/15 42.27
Hedstrom 1996 2/38 29/40 57.73
Billote 2005 0/42 0/54
Subtotal (95% Cl) 125 109 100.00
Total events: 5 (treatment), 43 (control)
Test for heterogeneity: Chi2 # 0.97, df # 1 (p # 0.32), I2 # 0%
Test for overall effect: Z # 6.31 (p !0.00001)

Total (95% Cl) 125 109 100.00

Total events: 5 (treatment), 43 (control)
Test for heterogeneity: Chi2 # 0.97, df # 1 (p # 0.32), I2 # 0%
Test for overall effect: Z # 6.31 (p !0.00001)

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Favors treatment Favors control
FIGURE 81–1. Randomized, controlled trials of preoperative autologous blood donation (PAD) in joint arthroplasty.
Exposure to allogeneic red blood cell transfusion. CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; THA, total hip arthroplasty.
550 Arthroscopy Topics

Review: Preoperative autologous blood donation

Comparison: 01 Preoperative autologous blood donation V control-observation trials
Outcome: 01 Allogeneic blood transfusion
Study or Treatment Control OR (fixed) Weight
Sub-category n/N n/N 95% Cl %

01 THA
Bierbaum 1999 266/2487 533/1403 35.17
Sculco 1999 69/529 59/113 4.89
Billote 2000 22/142 29/89 1.74
Feagan 2002 34/476 665/1841 14.66
Subtotal (95% Cl) 3634 3446 56.45
Total events: 391 (treatment), 1286 (control)
Test for heterogeneity: Chi2 # 9.91, df # 3 (p # 0.02), I2 # 69.7%
Test for overall effect: Z # 23.73 (p ! 0.00001)

02 TKA
Bierbaum 1999 206/2995 421/2076 26.76
Sculco 1999 42/633 62/130 5.55
Feagan 2002 55/365 463/1833 7.55
Subtotal (95% Cl) 3993 4039 39.85
Total events: 303 (treatment), 946 (control)
Test for heterogeneity: Chi # 45.48, df # 2 (p # 0.00001), I2 # 95.6%
Test for overall effect: Z # 15.76 (p ! 0.00001)

03 TJA
Hatzidakis 2000 23/264 59/225 3.36
Couvert 2004 1/31 69/677 0.34
Subtotal (95% Cl) 295 902 3.70
Total events: 24 (treatment), 128 (control)
Test for heterogeneity: Chi2 # 0.01, df # 1 (p # 0.93), I2 # 0%
Test for overall effect: Z # 5.03 (p < 0.00001)

Total (95% Cl) 7922 8387 100.00

Total events: 718 (treatment), 2360 (control)
Test for heterogeneity: Chi2 # 75.11, df # 8 (p # 0.00001), I2 # 89.3%
Test for overall effect: Z # 28.49 (p ! 0.00001)

0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Favors treatment Favors control
FIGURE 81–2. Observational trials of preoperative autologous blood donation (PAD) in joint arthroplasty. Exposure to
allogeneic red blood cell transfusion. CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; THA, total hip arthroplasty; TJA, total joint
arthroplasty; TKA, total knee arthroplasty.

blood transfusions.13,23,24 In a clinical observation trial, cancer.25 These concerns led the U.S. Food and Drug
Karkouti and colleagues13 demonstrated a reduction in Administration (FDA) to enhance its safety warnings
transfusion rates for patients with anemia undergoing for Epo and other ESAs (more information is available
TJA from 56.1% to 16.4% when treated before surgery online at:
with Epo, and the adjusted odds ratio of RBC transfu- default.htm). Patients should be informed of these
sion in the Epo group was 0.33 (95% CI, 0.21–0.49).13 newly recognized safety concerns, and the cautious
Although Epo is undeniably an effective therapy in use of ESA should be recommended. It will likely be
reducing the risk for an allogeneic blood transfusion, some time before the importance of these safety con-
particularly for the patient with anemia, there are two cerns for patients with TJA can be clarified.
caveats to its routine use that should be considered.
First, it remains an expensive therapy ($500 [Canadian
currency] per injection), and second, concerns about Intraoperative Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution
the safety of Epo have been identified. The first safety
concern is that the use of an ESA can increased the risk For ANH, autologous whole blood is sequestered in
for thromboembolic events. In a large (N # 681), ran- the operating room, and the intravascular volume is
domized, control trial, patients with anemia who re- replaced with crystalloid or colloid to maintain nor-
ceived Eprex before spinal surgery had a significantly movolemia. As a result, the blood lost during surgery
greater rate of thromboembolic events compared with is diluted, and the amount of hemoglobin or number
patients given placebo (8.2% vs. 4.1%; more informa- of RBCs lost is reduced. The sequestered whole blood
tion is available online at: http://download.veritas- is retransfused if a transfusion trigger is met or the The second case is completed.
and perhaps more worrisome safety concern is the in- Several meta-analyses have considered the efficacy
creased risk for serious adverse events and death of ANH, including trials from various surgical proce-
when they are used to treat anemia in patients with dures.1,26,27 Conclusions from these reviews are as
What Blood Conservation Techniques for Total Joint Arthroplasty Work? 551

follows: (1) The effectiveness of ANH is dependent of conclude that antifibrinolytics reduce blood loss and
the number of units sequestered and the degree of allogeneic blood transfusion, there are caveats that
hemodilution tolerated; (2) the trials included in the should not be overlooked before tranexamic acid or
review were not blinded, resulting in an overestimated aprotinin are used in clinical practice. The first con-
effect size; and (3) when the outcome decision (i.e., sideration relates to the law of diminishing returns.
allogeneic blood transfusion) was considered under a Zufferey and coworkers36 point to a direct relation
transfusion protocol, the effect size was reduced. between transfusion rate and effect size such that the
Randomized, controlled trials conducted in the number needed to treat to avoid an allogeneic blood
joint arthroplasty are presented in Figure 81–3.28–32 transfusion decreases as baseline transfusion rate in-
Oishi and colleagues30 utilized ANH and intraopera- creases.36 Therefore, the benefit of antifibrinolytics
tive cell salvage, and compared the rate of any trans- will be reduced as transfusion rates are reduced, and
fusion, allogeneic or autologous. ANH is of minimal many of the studies had greater transfusion rates than
benefit in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) when a tour- are found currently.
niquet is used because most blood loss occurs after The second caveat has to do with the different
the tourniquet is deflated at a time when the seques- dosing regimens used in the trials included in these
tered blood is retransfused. For total hip arthro- systematic reviews. Although the high-dose apro-
plasty (THA), a prolonged severe anemia would be tinin and tranexamic acid (Cyklokapron) treatments
required to accomplish sufficient hemodilution to would seem to be effective, the optimal dose has
reduce the risk for an allogeneic blood transfusion, not been established. In addition, several observa-
and this has perioperative risk in and of itself. There- tional studies and a meta-analysis of randomized,
fore, the evidence does not support the routine use controlled trials have shown that aprotinin is associ-
of ANH because it offers only limited benefit in terms ated with increased risk for renal dysfunction.37–39
of blood conservation and has an unproven safety These findings led the FDA to restrict the indications
profile. for aprotinin to high-risk coronary artery bypass
surgery (more information is available at: http://
Intraoperative Antifibrinolytics html). Tranexamic acid has been shown to signifi-
cantly reduce allogeneic blood exposure in joint ar-
Surgical stress, limb trauma, and the application of a throplasty, but its benefit may be limited to settings
tourniquet can activate fibrinolysis and increase blood associated with high blood loss.33–36 Importantly, the
loss. Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses adverse-effect profile or risks for these drugs has
have focused on the use of antifibrinolytics in joint not been established, making it difficult to establish
arthroplasty (Table 81–2).33–36 While these reviews a risk/benefit estimate.

Review: ANH
Comparison: 01 ANH v control
Outcome: 01 Allogeneic blood transfusion
Study or ANH Control OR (fixed) Weight
sub-category n/N n/N 95% Cl %

01 THA
Ahlberg 1977 16/20 23/23 20.08
Bennett 1994 7/20 7/20 19.44
Oishi 1997 7/17 12/16 31.08
Lorentz 1991 15/16 10/15 2.76
Subtotal (95% Cl) 73 74 73.36
Total events: 45 (ANH), 52 (control)
Test for heterogeneity: Chi2 # 8.55, df # 3 (p # 0.04), I2 # 64.9%
Test for overall effect: Z # 1.07 (p # 0.29)

02 TKA
Olsfanger 1997 11/20 10/10 26.64
Subtotal (95% Cl) 20 10 26.64
Total events: 11 (ANH), 10 (control)
Test for heterogeneity: not applicable
Test for overall effect: Z # 1.89 (p # 0.06)

Total (95% Cl) 93 84 100.00

Total events: 56 (ANH), 62 (control)
Test for heterogeneity: Chi2 # 10.98, df # 4 (p # 0.03), I2 # 63.6%
Test for overall effect: Z # 1.94 (p # 0.05)

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Favors treatment Favors control
FIGURE 81–3. Randomized trials of acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) in joint arthroplasty. Exposure to
allogeneic red blood cell transfusion. CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; THA, total hip arthroplasty; TKA, total
knee arthroplasty.
552 Arthroscopy Topics

TABLE 81–2. Meta-analytic Results for the Allogeneic Transfusion Rates for Patient Undergoing Joint
Arthroplasty Surgery Comparing the Effects of Antifibrinolytic with Placebo

Ho and Ismail (2003)33 TKA, THA TA/AP: 99/286 145/237 0.16 (0.09–0.26)
Cid and Lozano (2005)34 TKA TA: 88/255 135/202 0.10 (0.06–0.18)
Gill and Rosenstein (2006)35 THA TA/AP Reduces
Zufferey et al. (2006)36 THA/THA AP: 83/375 87/196 0.42 (0.27–0.66)
TA: 112/357 185/305 0.18 (0.09–0.26)

AP, aprotinin; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; TA, tranexamic acid; THA, total hip arthroplasty; TKA, total
knee arthroplasty.

INTRAOPERATIVE AND POSTOPERATIVE CELL SALVAGE tively reduce the need for an allogeneic blood transfu-
sion (Fig. 81–4).2,45–49
Cell salvage can be accomplished producing either a Intraoperative cell salvage can be utilized in THA;
washed or filtered RBC product and can continue into however, there are no randomized, control trials to
the postoperative period for up to 6 hours by reclaim- support its general use. In revision THA, the use of cell
ing shed blood from surgical drains. The inflammatory salvage is reported in retrospective cohort studies to
response to retransfusion of filtered blood has been reduce both net perioperative blood loss50 and num-
found to be greater than the response to a washed ber of allogeneic blood transfusions.51 This Level III
RBC product, but the consequence of this difference evidence is not sufficient to recommend the routine
has not been identified.40–42 use of cell salvage in THA.
Although not supported by clinical evidence, drains
are used in joint arthroplasty surgery to reduce he-
matoma formation and the incidence of wound infec- AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY
tion. Some evidence would suggest that these benefits Levels of Evidence
are not realized, and that drain placement may in-
crease postoperative blood loss.43,44 If a drain is PAD, ANH, and cell salvage have never been com-
placed, there is evidence from randomized, controlled pared using blinded, randomized, controlled trials,
trails, particularly in TKA, that cell salvage can effec- and we must rely on open-labeled trails, which can

Review: Perioperative cell salvage

Comparison: 01 Cell salvage V control
Outcome: 01 Allogeneic transfusion
Study or Treatment Control OR (fixed) Weight
sub-category n/N n/N 95% Cl %

01 THA
Elawad 1991 6/20 18/20 9.14
Subtotal (95% Cl) 20 20 9.14
Total events: 6 (treatment), 18 (control)
Test for heterogeneity: not applicable
Test for overall effect: Z # 3.42 (p # 0.0006)

02 TKA
Majkowski 1991 14/40 38/40 17.91
Heddle 1992 10/39 27/40 14.37
Newman 1997 3/35 28/35 18.56
Shenolikar 1997 8/53 31/56 18.56
Thomas 2001 12/116 33/116 21.45
Subtotal (95% Cl) 283 287 90.86
Total events: 47 (treatment), 157 (control)
Test for heterogeneity: Chi2 # 14.00, df # 4 (p # 0.007), I2 # 71.4%
Test for overall effect: Z # 9.19 (p !0.00001)

Total (95% Cl) 303 307 100.00

Total events: 53 (treatment), 175 (control)
Test for heterogeneity: Chi2 # 15.42, df # 5 (p # 0.009), I2 # 67.6%
Test for overall effect: Z # 9.76 (p !0.00001)

0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Favors treatment Favors control
FIGURE 81–4. Randomized, control trials of postoperative cell salvage in joint arthroplasty surgery. Exposure to
allogeneic red blood cell transfusion. CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; THA, total hip arthroplasty; TKA, total
knee arthroplasty.
What Blood Conservation Techniques for Total Joint Arthroplasty Work? 553

overestimate the effect size. Some studies are in the Pre operative assessment
planning stage to overcome this shortfall, but in the CBC, group and screen
meantime, the use of these modalities should be lim-
ited to patients at high risk for a blood transfusion Hg !130 g/L Hg "130 and
with surgery. !150 g/L

TKA, THA Revision, bilateral TKA

or THA
Comparison of Blood Conservation Modalities
Numerous trials compare the efficacy of one blood Iron only MCV !80 fl 2 unit autologous
conservation modality with another (e.g., PAD com- Iron and Epo (MCV "80 fl) blood donation
pared with ANH52 or PAD with perioperative cell sal- "70 k: 40,000 IU
!70 k: 20,000 IU
vage).53,54 These comparisons would be valuable if
the efficacy of at least one modality was well estab-
lished, but as described earlier, this is not the case.
Trials comparing different as yet unproven modalities CBC prior to 3rd Consider intraoperative
Epo dose antifibrinolytic and cell
were not considered in this chapter unless a placebo salvage
group was included.
FIGURE 81–5. Perioperative blood conservation algorithm
for patients undergoing joint arthroplasty. CBC, complete
blood count; Epo, erythropoietin; Hb, hemoglobin con-
Combining Blood Conservation centration; MCV, mean cell volume; THA, total hip arthro-
It would seem logical that if one modality of blood plasty; TKA, total knee arthroplasty.
conservation was effective, then adding a second
modality would be more effective. However, this
should be done with caution because there would be
an obvious reduction in cost-effectiveness and a po-
tential increase in risk for adverse effects without
known benefit.
patients, avoiding a blood transfusion is an impor-
tant objective, but one that is usually superseded by
Cost Benefit the surgical outcome. Clear evidence that avoiding a
blood transfusion or avoiding moderate anemia (he-
One of the limitations of any cost-effective analysis moglobin concentration, 70–90 g/L) improves patient
is the ability to include all the relevant costs and outcome has yet to be definitively demonstrated in
similarly all the potential cost savings. For some joint arthroplasty surgery.

Effective perioperative blood conservation is a Until evidence supports more aggressive
multidisciplinary perioperative management perioperative blood conservation management, we
concern. It requires the cooperation of orthopedic recommend the restricted management
surgery with transfusion medicine, the providers outline in Figure 81–5 and Table 81–3. Iron and Epo
of blood products, anesthesiology, the managers therapy for moderate preoperative anemia and
of perioperative hemodynamics, fluid resuscitation PAD for patients at high risk for an allogeneic
and hemostasis, and perioperative nursing to blood transfusion with hemoglobin concentration in
identify patients at risk for a blood transfusion. the reference range are recommended. Evidence
Patients need to be informed of the perioperative from observational11,13 and randomized21,22 trials
risk for a blood transfusion and the strategies support a program approach to perioperative
available to reduce this risk. If the cost-effective- blood conservation, but each program should be
ness of blood conservation is to be assessed, tailored to its institution using site-specific
efforts for blood conservation need to look be- data to guide the utilization of specific
yond the number of units of blood transfused to interventions.
the perioperative patient outcome.
554 Arthroscopy Topics

TABLE 81–3. Summary of Recommendations


Preoperative autologous blood donation Not routinely recommended B 1–11

Acute normovolemic hemodilution Not recommended B 28–32
Cell salvage Notrecommended B 2, 43–49
Preoperative iron Recommended B 15–19
Preoperativeerythropoietin Recommended A 13, 22–24, 36
Tranexamic acid Not routinely recommended B 33–36
Aprotinin Not recommended B 33, 35, 36

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hip arthroplasty: A meta-analysis. J Arthroplasty 21:869–873, 46. Heddle NM, Brox WT, Klama LN, et al: A randomized trial on
2006. the efficacy of an autologous blood drainage and transfusion
36. Zufferey P, Merquiol F, Laporte S, et al: Do antifibrinolytics device in patients undergoing elective knee arthroplasty.
reduce allogeneic blood transfusion in orthopedic surgery? Transfusion 32:742–746, 1992.
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37. Karkouti K, Beattie WS, Dattilo KM, et al: A propensity score autologous transfusion. A randomized, controlled study after
case-control comparison of aprotinin and tranexamic acid in knee replacement. J Bone Joint Surg Br 79:630–632, 1997.
high-transfusion-risk cardiac surgery. Transfusion 46:327–338, 48. Shenolikar A, Wareham K, Newington D, et al: Cell salvage
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aprotinin in cardiac surgery. N Engl J Med 354:353–365, 49. Thomas D, Wareham K, Cohen D, et al: Autologous blood
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paring the effectiveness and adverse outcomes of antifibrino- 50. Zarin J, Grosvenor D, Schurman D, et al: Efficacy of intraoper-
lytic agents in cardiac surgery. Circulation 115:2801–2813, ative blood collection and reinfusion in revision total hip ar-
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washed wound drainage. J Knee Surg 16:93–97, 2003. plasty. Transfusion 40:1054–1057, 2000.
42. Cheng SC, Hung TSL, Tse PYT: Investigation of the use of 53. Goodnough LT, Monk TG, Despotis GJ, et al: A randomized
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43. Esler CNA, Blakeway C, Fiddian NJ: The use of a closed-suction 54. Woolson ST, Wall WW: Autologous blood transfusion after
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44. Tsumara N, Yoshiya S, Chin T, et al: A prospective compari- J Arthroplasty 18:243–249, 2003.
son of clamping the drain or post-operative salvage of blood
Chapter What Is the Role of Antibiotic

82 Cement in Total Joint Replacement?


Deep wound infection after total joint arthroplasty Biomet, Warsaw, IN, USA) beads showed that more to-
can be a devastating complication for the patient. tal antibiotic was released from the latter and was
Data from the Swedish Knee Registry demonstrates a maintained at greater concentrations than it was in the
deep infection rate after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) cement to which antibiotics were mixed by hand.11
of 1.7% in patients with osteoarthrosis and 4.4% in Some antibiotics elute better from bone cement
patients with rheumatoid arthritis.1 Data from other than others.12 A study of antibiotic elution from Sim-
large series of patients have shown infection rates to plex bone cement examined cefazolin (4.5 g per 40 g
be between 0.2% to 1%.2–4 Antibiotic-loaded bone ce- cement powder), ciprofloxacin (6 g per 40 g powder),
ment (ALBC) is a well-accepted adjunct in the treat- clindamycin (6 g per 40 g powder), ticarcillin (12 g per
ment of an established infection. However, its role in 40 g powder), tobramycin (9.8 g per 40 g powder),
the prevention of infection remains controversial be- and vancomycin (4 g per 40 g powder). The authors
cause of issues regarding drug resistance, sensitivity, conclude that clindamycin, vancomycin, and tobra-
efficacy, and cost. mycin displayed the best elution characteristics into
When considering whether to use ALBC during bone and granulation tissue.13
joint arthroplasty, it is important to define whether The use of local antibiotic delivery from ALBC in
the intended use is for prophylaxis or treatment of the treatment of musculoskeletal infection is well
infection, primary or revision joint arthroplasty, and established.14–17 It has been shown that at least 3.6 g
whether there are specific high-risk patients for antibiotic per 40 g cement is optimal for the best elu-
whom ALBC would be beneficial. tion kinetics and sustained therapeutic levels.18
Doses as high as 6 to 8 g antibiotic per 40 g bone ce-
ment have been shown to be safe clinically.17 The use
BACKGROUND of these high doses is important for the sustained
release of antibiotics at levels that are bacteriocidal
For an antibiotic to be effective when mixed with for the organisms being treated.
methylmethacrylate, the preparation must be ther-
mally stable to withstand the heat of polymerization.
The antibiotic must be water soluble so that it can PROPHYLAXIS
diffuse into surrounding tissues and have a bacteri- Total Knee Arthroplasty
cidal effect at the tissue levels attained. In addition,
it must be released gradually over time. The use of ALBC for treating active infections in joint
The course and amount of antibiotic that is re- arthroplasty has been well established. The basis for
leased from the cement depends on the porosity and the use of ALBC as a prophylactic measure is to reduce
the overall surface area of the bone cement exposed. the prevalence of deep joint infection. Gentamicin, ce-
Antibiotic is released from the surface of the cement, furoxime, and tobramycin are the antibiotics most
and also from cracks and voids in the cement.5,6 commonly used in bone cement in clinical studies
Palacos (Zimmer, Warsaw, IN, USA) bone cement worldwide.19–22 Of the three antibiotics, gentamicin has
has been shown to have greater elution levels than been used most frequently and studied most exten-
other types of bone cement.7,8 This difference is at- sively.23 We are not aware of any clinical studies com-
tributed to the increased porosity of Palacos cement. paring the efficacy of one antibiotic over another as a
Although the majority of the antibiotic release occurs prophylaxis in cement.
in the first 9 weeks, late fracture of the cement mantle In a randomized clinical trial of 340 primary TKAs,
can liberate substantial levels of antibiotic many Chiu and colleagues19 evaluated the deep infection
years after implantation.9,10 rates for patients with cefuroxime bone cement as
Commercially prepared antibiotic cement may be compared with standard bone cement. No deep infec-
superior to cement in which antibiotics are mixed in- tions occurred in the study group, whereas a deep
traoperatively. Elution of gentamicin and tobramycin infection developed in 5 of the 162 knees (3.1%) in the
from surgeon-mixed Simplex (Stryker, Mahwah, NJ, control group (P ! 0.02). Even with the small sample
USA) or Palacos beads compared with elution from size, a significant reduction in deep infections was
commercially prepared gentamicin-PMMA (Septopal, noted with the use of antibiotic bone cement.

What Is the Role of Antibiotic Cement in Total Joint Replacement? 557

The same authors then performed a second pro- A large retrospective study of 22,170 primary total
spective randomized trial on just 78 patients with hip replacements from the Norwegian Arthroplasty
diabetes undergoing primary TKA.20 Once again, Register during the period of 1987 to 2001 was re-
cefuroxime bone cement was used in one group and ported by Engesaeter and investigators.29 Patients
standard bone cement in the other. The authors who received only systemic antibiotic prophylaxis
note a significant reduction in deep infection rate in (5960 patients) had a 1.8 times greater rate of infec-
this high-risk patient population with the use of an- tion than patients who received systemic antibiotic
tibiotic bone cement (P " 0.02). The reported a prophylaxis combined with gentamicin-loaded bone
deep infection rate of 13.5% (5/37) in the control cement (15,676 patients) (P ! 0.01).
group and no infections in the ALBC group. This In another retrospective review of 1542 total hip
overall infection rate for patients with diabetes is replacements, no difference was found in infection
greater than that reported in the literature of 3.1% rate between primary total hip replacements per-
to 7%.24–26 formed with (1.65%) compared with those performed
In another randomized trial, McQueen and cowork- without gentamicin-loaded bone cement (1.72%).30
ers27 found that, in 295 patients undergoing primary However, with revision surgery, gentamicin-loaded
hip or knee replacement, there was no difference bone cement provided significantly better results,
in infection rates between the use of cefuroxime- with a 0.81% infection rate, as compared with a rate
impregnated bone cement or administration of the of 3.46% after those done with plain cement.30
cefuroxime intravenously. They report an overall in- Tunney and colleagues’31 in vitro study examined
fection rate of 6.8%. the efficacy of gentamicin-impregnated bone cement
and preoperative and postoperative administration
of cefuroxime in the prevention of biofilm formation.
Prophylaxis: Total Hip Arthroplasty The authors conclude that with a low bacterial inoc-
ulum, the combination of gentamicin and cefuroxime
Josefsson and Kolmert28 performed a large random- was effective in preventing biofilm formation but had
ized trial of 1688 patients undergoing hip replacement no effect in an environment of high bacterial concen-
and found that at 2 years, the group treated with intra- trations (Table 82–1).
venous antibiotics had a deep infection rate of 1.6%
(13/835) versus 0.4% (3/853) in the group treated with
gentamycin-impregnated bone cement (P " 0.05). STUDY LIMITATIONS
Espehaug and coauthors21 report on 10,905 pri-
mary cemented total hip replacements from the In the literature, the event rate for deep infection has
Norwegian Arthroplasty Registry. There were four been reported at about 1% in many large series.1–4
treatment groups: (1) systemic antibiotics and anti- Taking a 50% reduction in infection rate as significant
biotic-impregnated bone cement, (2) systemic anti- and assuming a power of 0.8, a well-powered, ran-
biotics only, (3) antibiotic-impregnated bone ce- domized, controlled study would need approximately
ment only, and (4) no antibiotic prophylaxis. The 5000 patients to adequately document a difference
overall infection rate was 0.4%. The use of antibiotic between groups.
bone cement and systemic antibiotics was found The randomization process in the two studies by
to be significantly more effective in preventing deep Chiu and colleagues19,20 used a system based on
infection than using either systemic antibiotics or even and odd medical record numbers as opposed
antibiotic bone cement alone (P " 0.001). The ad- to a formal, computer-generated randomization
justed failure rate ratios in the remaining groups schedule.
were 4.3 (systemic antibiotics only), 6.3 (antibiotic-
impregnated cement only), and 11.5 (no antibiotic
prophylaxis). The authors conclude that the best
prophylaxis against infection was a combination
of systemic antibiotics and antibiotic-impregnated
cement. TABLE 82–1. Summary of Level I Evidence for Prophylactic
The Swedish Hip Registry data consisted of 92,675 Antibiotic-Loaded Bone Cement in Joint Arthroplasty
primary and revision total hip replacements performed DEEP INFECTION CONTROL
between 1978 and 1990. Malchau and researchers22 AUTHOR JOINTS STUDIED RATES TREATMENT
found that the quality of the operating room ventila-
tion and the use of gentamycin-impregnated antibiotic Chiu et al.19 Primary 5/162 (3.1%) 0/178 (0%)
bone cement were the only significant factors in reduc- (N ! 340) knees
Chiu et al.20 Primary 5/37 (13.5%) 0/41 (0%)
ing deep infection (P " 0.001). Also, the benefit was (N ! 78) knees
greater for revision surgery than for primary hip McQueen Primary hips 2/149 (1.3%) 1/146 (0.7%)
replacements. Interestingly, the data showed a de- et al.27 and knees
crease in deep infection rates from 1979 to 1991 in all (N ! 295)
Josefsson and Primary hips 13/835 (1.6%) (3/853)
patients, regardless of the use of ALBC, because of Kolmert 28 (0.4%)
other measures of infection control introduced over (N ! 1688)
this period.
558 Arthroplasty Topics

Potential Disadvantages of Routine Use of Antibiotic- 69 revision total knee replacements, and found
Loaded Bone Cement the prevalence of deep infection to be 1%
after primary total knee replacement com-
The unanswered question remains whether the ben- pared with 5.8% after revision total knee
efits of prophylaxis with ALBC in the current era of replacement.
joint arthroplasty with an extremely low rate of in- 3. Inflammatory arthritis: Infection rates in rheu-
fection are outweighed by the potential disadvan- matoid arthritis have been reported to be be-
tages associated with its routine use. The issues of tween 2% and 4% in various studies.36,40,41
toxicity and detrimental effects to the mechanical 4. Diabetes mellitus: Various authors have re-
properties of bone cement are inconsequential when ported infection rates between 3.1% and 7% in
using low-dose ALBC (0.5–1.0 g antibiotic per 40 g patients with diabetes undergoing primary
cement). Biomechanical testing has shown that, in total joint arthroplasty.20,24–26
contrast with the use of high-dose antibiotics, which
can weaken bone cement, the low-dose, antibiotic-
impregnated bone cements that are used in practice
have negligible reductions in fatigue strength, and RECOMMENDATIONS
fixation is not compromised.32–34 The use of ALBC in prophylaxis in primary total
Two reports showed that the addition of gentamicin joint arthroplasty remains controversial. ALBC
powder into Palacos R bone cement (Zimmer) or ei- should be considered as a defense against direct
ther erythromycin plus colistin or tobramycin powder contamination at the time of surgery or during
into Simplex P (Stryker) bone cement did not decrease the early postoperative period as the wound
the fatigue strength compared with that of the respec- seals. In a survey of 1015 American adult
tive plain-cement controls.35,36 In contrast, DeLuise and arthroplasty surgeons, only 56% routinely
Scott6 showed that hand-mixing tobramycin into Sim- use ALBC in their practice.43
plex P bone cement results in a 36% decrease in the Kurtz and colleagues44 have projected that
strength of the cement compared with the strength between the years of 2005 and 2030, the revision
of commercially prepared, tobramycin-loaded bone burden in the United States for hip and knee
cement (Simplex T) and that of plain Simplex P ce- surgery will increase by 137% and 601%,
ment. Radiostereometric analysis studies have re- respectively. The healthcare costs for treating
vealed comparable fixation of cemented implants with joint sepsis after arthroplasty has been estimated
and without commercially prepared antibiotic-impreg- at $40 to $80 million annually in the United
nated bone cement.34 States.45 Sculco46 estimates the direct costs of
Other concerns are the potential for an allergic re- revision surgery for deep infection at more
action to the antibiotic being used and the potential than $55,000.
development of drug-resistant organisms. No reports In the literature there exist four prospective,
have been made of allergic reactions in more than randomized trials in which three have
100,000 cases of ALBC thus far in the literature.37 Some demonstrated a decreased rate of deep infection
authors have described gentamycin-resistant organ- with ALBC prophylaxis for primary joint
isms and have suggested the use of other antibiotics arthroplasty at short-term follow-up. Dividing the
such as the cephalosporins ciprofloxacin, erythromy- patients by hip and knee surgery, there are
cin, or vancomycin as alternative choices.31,38,39 insufficient numbers in these studies to
The cost of commercially available ALBC products adequately conclude a definite benefit in the use
is considerable. Compared with the cost of plain of ALBC for routine primary joint arthroplasty.
bone cement, the cost of equivalent ALBC is in- Many unanswered questions remain such as
creased from $284 to $349 (U.S currency) per 40-g which is the best antibiotic for use in prophylaxis
package.40 This increased cost needs to be balanced in bone cement, whether commercially available
against the potential cost savings from avoiding a ALBC is mechanically superior to less expensive
deep prosthetic joint infection. hand-mixed ALBC in the clinical setting, and
whether an increased use of low-dose ALBC will
result in an increased prevalence of
Potentially High-Risk Populations drug-resistant organisms.
With concerns of cost and antibiotic-resistant
Patients with the following characteristics are at organisms, the use of ALBC in all routine
potentially high risk for infection: primary hip and knee replacements cannot be
1. Prolonged operating time: Smabrekke et al.41 recommended based on the current evidence.
evaluated 31,745 total hip replacements in Antibiotics in bone cement has a more definitive
Norway and found that an operating time of role in those populations at high risk described
more than 150 minutes was associated with a earlier and in revision joint arthroplasty.
greater infection rate. Table 82–2 provides a summary of
2. Revision surgery: Blom and researchers42 ex- recommendations.
amined the results of 931 primary and
What Is the Role of Antibiotic Cement in Total Joint Replacement? 559

TABLE 82–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. ALBC is indicated in the treatment of active bone/joint infections. A 14–17

2. ALBC decreases the early deep infection rates after primary THA/TKA. B 19, 20, 28, 29
3. ALBC leads to increased complications such as allergic reaction and I 31, 37–39

ALBC, antibiotic-loaded bone cement; THA, total hip arthroplasty; TKA, total knee arthroplasty.

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Total Hip Replacement:
Hybrid versus Uncemented: Which

83 Is Better?

Total hip replacement (THR) is one of the most com- after implantation, and at 24 and 48 hours after the
mon procedures performed in orthopedic surgery. surgery. This study found no difference between the
With an ever-aging population and increasing levels prevalence of fat embolism in cemented and unce-
of obesity, arthritic joints are becoming more preva- mented stems, regardless of patients receiving bilat-
lent. Furthermore, arthroplasty is being performed in eral or unilateral arthroplasties.
younger and younger patients. Although THR results Christie and colleagues3 found that cemented com-
in substantial improvement in quality of life, it is not pared with uncemented hemiarthroplasty in the
without intraoperative and postoperative risks, in- treatment of femoral neck fractures caused greater
cluding fat embolism, deep venous thrombosis (DVT), and more prolonged embolic cascades (Level II). A
pulmonary embolism, and ultimately failed prosthe- subsequent study evaluated minimal versus thor-
sis, necessitating another, more significant revision ough lavage of the femoral canal and found a statisti-
surgery. This chapter examines the decision to ce- cally significant reduction in duration of the embolic
ment the femoral component. responses and number of large emboli, together with
Surgical technique is paramount to a successful less pulmonary function disturbance4 (Level II). Al-
THR outcome. Currently, much research is being dedi- though these studies were not done in the context of
cated to evaluate the potential merits and downfalls of hip arthroplasty for arthritic joints, it speaks to the
minimally invasive surgery (MIS). With regards to to- importance of thorough femoral canal lavage before
tal hip arthroplasty, this option remains in its infancy cementation.
of evaluation. With consumer interest in this cosmeti- A modified cementing technique using vacuum
cally pleasing, smaller scar, further studies are war- drainage into the proximal femur has been success-
ranted to ensure minimally invasive THR is a safe and ful in reducing intramedullary pressure and the inci-
reproducible surgery that parallels the traditional ap- dence of embolism5 (Level II). Koessler and cowork-
proach and its historically sound results. ers5 studied the effects of placing vacuum drainage
The first issue is the risk of intraoperative fat em- in the proximal femur to reduce the increase in in-
boli. Fat emboli presents a potential intraoperative tramedullary pressure during prosthesis insertion.
adverse event, including the rare but critical bone ce- To perform this study, 2 groups of 120 patients were
ment implantation syndrome (BCIS), which leads to randomized. One group received a total hip arthro-
death in 0.6% to 1% of patients.1 BCIS is characterized plasty using a conventional cementing technique,
by hypoxemia, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, and the other group used the modified technique
and cardiac arrest in any or all combinations. Trans- described earlier. Perioperative monitoring of em-
esophageal echocardiography (TEE) has been used in bolic events was done by continuous TEE, hemody-
many studies to evaluate the size and magnitude of namic monitoring, and blood gas analysis. The re-
embolic cascade during the reaming of the femoral sults in this study show that 93.3% of patients
canal. Here, we compare different techniques in hip receiving the conventional cementation experienced
arthroplasty and show examples of measures taken embolism contrasted with 13.3% occurrence rate in
to reduce the risk for complications from fat emboli patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty using the
in cemented and uncemented arthroplasty. modified technique (P ! 0.05). Intraoperative shunt
In one study, the incidence of bone marrow and fat values increased from 8.2% to 10.3% during femoral
emboli among cemented and uncemented THR was component insertion in the conventional cementa-
similar2 (Level of Evidence II). Here, 50 consecutive tion group (P ! 0.05). No significant changes were
bilateral hip replacements and 106 unilateral hip re- found during femoral stem insertion in the modified
placements were enrolled in this study, for a total of group. No patients in either group sustained fat em-
206 hip arthroplasties. One hundred of the hips were bolism syndrome. These results show that the em-
treated with cemented stems, whereas 106 of the bolic events seen under TEE can lead to increased
hips were replaced with uncemented stems. Arterial pulmonary shunt values during THR, most notably
and right atrial blood samples were obtained before in those patients with systemic disease. The modi-
implantation, at 1-, 3-, 4-, and 10-minute intervals fied technique, designed to reduce increases in

562 Arthroplasty Topics

intramedullary pressure, reduced the incidence of rectly compared cemented versus uncemented femo-
embolism. ral stems. In a study that compared titanium-cemented
Pitto and investigators6 performed a similar study, and uncemented stems, it was found that cementless
utilizing a bone-vacuum technique in the experimen- stems had better 10-year survival rates (100%) than
tal group (Level II). Here, 130 patients were random- the cemented counterparts (84%), in which survivor-
ized to receive a standard cemented hip without the ship was defined by femoral revision8 (Level II). The
use of a bone vacuum or to have the arthroplasty authors compare two similar stems, one randomized
performed with the use of a bone vacuum (65 pa- to be cemented (n " 102 hips) whereas the other was
tients in each study). This study examined the inci- uncemented (n " 78 hips). Radiographic analysis
dence of embolic events via TEE as well. However, was performed, with an average follow-up period of
serial duplex ultrasonography was used to assess the 6.7 and 7.0 years for the cemented and cementless
occurrence of DVT in each of the groups. This was groups, respectively. In this analysis, osteolysis below
done the day before surgery and on postoperative the joint line, in zones 2 through 6, occurred in 12.7%
days 4, 14, and 45. The control, standard cementation (13/102) of hips in the cemented group and in 0% of
group had significantly more embolic particles and the uncemented hips (P ! 0.001). Although each
masses (in 59 patients, or 91%) versus the group that study group had the same number of acetabular revi-
underwent femoral component implantation with the sions (17 in each), the uncemented stem group had
concurrent use of a bone vacuum (10 patients, or zero femoral stem revisions. Nine of the 17 acetabular
15%). Furthermore, ultrasonography on postopera- revisions from the cemented group underwent con-
tive day 4 found DVT in 12 of the patients in the con- current femoral revision.
trol group (18%) compared with a DVT rate of 3% In a double-blinded study that assessed mortality,
(2 patients) on postoperative day 4 in the experimen- revision rate, and health-related quality of life, 250 pa-
tal group (P ! 0.05). tients with diagnoses of osteoarthritis of the hip were
Pitto and investigators7 also examined the inci- randomized to receive the same femoral, titanium-alloy
dence of fat embolism in uncemented versus ce- prosthesis, one implanted with cement and the other
mented hip arthroplasty in the following study. To as- without. Of the 250 patients, 124 of them received ce-
sess this, they randomized 60 patients to 1 of 3 groups mented femoral stems and 126 uncemented. The mean
of 20 patients each. Group 1 received uncemented age was 64 years, and average follow-up was 6.3 years.
femoral stems, group 2 received femoral stems with The results showed that 13 revisions were required in
conventional cementation, and group 3 stems with the cemented stem group versus 6 in the uncemented
modified cementation technique. Again, TEE, hemody- group (P " 0.11). However, of the 13 revisions in the
namic, and blood-gas analyses were performed intra- cemented group, 12 of them required femoral revisions
operatively to assess for embolic events. Severe em- versus 1 in 6 from the uncemented group (P " 0.002)9
bolic events, defined as a cascade of fine echogenic (Level II). In this study, the authors conclude that one
particles less than 5 mm in diameter, were observed type of cemented prosthesis required more femoral
in 17 of 20 patients in group 2 (85%). Group 1, the un- revisions than uncemented femoral stems.
cemented group, has no patients with this occurrence. Osteoarthritis of the hip in a younger population
Group 3, with stems implanted using modified cemen- presents a particular problem in planning for a revi-
tation technique, had one patient with severe embolic sion arthroplasty at a later point in time. With this
events (5%)7 (Level II). Group 1 had an average in- foresight in mind, uncemented stems have been
crease in intrapulmonary shunt values of 24% (P ! utilized often in younger populations. One study
0.05), whereas the other two groups did not have a compared cemented and uncemented stems in
significant change detected. Thus, this study showed a younger population (!65 years; average age,
it is imperative to consider the overall health of the 54 years) with hip osteoarthritis.10 Forty-five pa-
patient with THR in preoperative planning, most nota- tients who met the above criteria were randomized
bly in their ability to cope with embolic events or in- to receive an uncemented or cemented stem, then
traoperative pulmonary impairment if a conventional observed for a period of 2 years (Level II). Out-
cementation is to be performed. This is less of an is- comes were measured via Merle d’Aubigne score,
sue if bone-vacuum cementation is performed or an conventional radiography, and repeated radioste-
uncemented stem is implanted. This study shows that reometric analysis. Furthermore, the authors man-
the defined severe embolic events, together with in- aged 81 of the uncemented stems for an average of
traoperative pulmonary impairment, are quite com- 8 years (range, 7–12 years) with revision as their
mon (85%) in the setting of conventional cementation end point. The results showed the cemented stems
of the femoral component. It also revealed that modi- remained stable throughout the follow-up period.
fied cementation using the bone-vacuum technique The uncemented stems subsided and rotated into
significantly reduces the risk for these embolic retroversion in the first three postoperative months,
events. then remained stable radiographically thereafter.
Other issues in deciding to cement the femoral com- Postoperative thigh pain, traditionally a problem in
ponent in THR includes incidence of postoperative uncemented hip prostheses, was not observed in
thigh pain, periprosthetic proximal femur fractures, any patient from this study. The authors conclude
and rate of femoral revision. Several studies have di- both cemented and uncemented femoral Cone stems
Total Hip Replacement 563

give stable results younger patients with osteoar- cement the femoral component, many considerations
thritis. However, longer-term studies are warranted must be taken, including age of the patient and over-
to assess long-term viability. all health status. Cementation can increase the risk
DVT and pulmonary embolism are great concerns for embolic events, especially when used without
after surgery in total hip arthroplasty. Laupacis and thorough or vacuum-assisted lavage of the femoral
coauthors11 directly assess this issue in a randomized canal. Furthermore, revision rates of the femoral
study of 250 patients undergoing unilateral THR. The component are found to be greater in cemented
patients were randomized to receive the same pros- THRs. DVT rates were found to be similar in either
thesis: one group to be cemented, and the other un- cemented or uncemented hip replacements, provided
cemented. Both groups received prophylaxis against the femoral canal is appropriately prepared via la-
DVT, with aspirin being used in the first half of the vage before cementation.
study and warfarin in the second. Of the 250 patients, If patients are older and in good health overall, it
80% agreed to undergo postoperative bilateral venog- would seem appropriate to utilize uncemented femo-
raphy. All of them were clinically evaluated for pulmo- ral stems if their bone has a high enough quality. In
nary embolus. The results of this study showed that the setting of poor bone quality, utilizing a modified
the frequency of DVT was not statistically significant cementation technique to minimize the ill effects of
(50% in the cemented patient group and 47% from the embolic cascade is the most appropriate course. If
uncemented group; P " 0.73). younger patients are in need of hip replacement, un-
Heterotopic ossification (HO) can be a debilitating cemented stems are appropriate in planning for pos-
aftereffect of THR, leading to increased pain, decreased sible revision surgery in the future. If cementation of
mobility, and potentially necessitating a challenging the femoral component is performed, thorough la-
revision arthroplasty. In a prospective, randomized, vage or vacuum-assisted lavage of the femoral canal
controlled trial, HO was compared between cemented before femoral component insertion decreases em-
and uncemented hip arthroplasties, with 112 patients bolic problems. After surgery, other than greater
receiving uncemented implants and 114 receiving ce- rates of revision in cemented THR, there does not
mented implants.12 The Brooker classification was seem to be any difference in cemented or unce-
used to assess heterotopic bone formation from post- mented hip replacements in many important param-
operative radiographs. Overall, 148 of the hips (66%) eters. The incidence rates of DVT and pulmonary
did not develop HO: 76 from the uncemented group embolism are similar. Quality of life and overall im-
(68%) and 72 from the cemented group (63%). Of the provement scores studied are similar among the
HO cases that did develop in the remainder, neither of cemented and uncemented THR. Table 83–1 provides
the groups progressed to Brooker class IV. Rates of a summary of recommendations for the treatment
Brooker classes I, II, and III were approximately the of THR.
same between the two groups. This study showed that
there is no significant difference in the formation of HO
between cemented and uncemented THR. TABLE 83–1. Summary of Recommendations for the Treatment
To further protect from the formation of hetero- of Total Hip Replacement
topic bone formation, some have advocated the use LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/
of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as GRADE OF
a postoperative prophylactic measure. Regardless of STATEMENT RECOMMENDATION REFERENCES
cemented or uncemented prosthesis, evidence shows
1. Vacuum-assisted B 7, 8
that the use of these medications can reduce the drainage in cementa-
amount and severity of heterotopic bone formation. tion of femoral compo-
In a study of the use of NSAIDs after cementless hip nents reduces fat
arthroplasty, patients were randomized to receive a embolism events and
4- or an 8-day course of indomethacin, 50 mg three incidence of deep vein
thrombosis to levels
times daily. The longer course group of patients, it comparable with
was discovered, had less severe HO formation than uncemented femoral
the shorter course group (P " 0.003).13 stem procedures.
Another study examined the use of naproxen, 500 2. Uncemented femoral B 10, 11
stems have prolonged
mg twice daily, for the first 7 postoperative days. The survivorship versus
control group consisted of 23 patients from a previous cemented femoral
study, none of which received any NSAID. HO was stems when femoral
measured radiographically, with the radiographs revision is the end
mixed randomly. One year after the operation, 4 of the point.
3. No difference exists in A 14
27 patients (17%) in the naproxen group experienced the prevalence or
development of HO versus 12 (52%) in the untreated severity of heterotopic
group of 23 patients (P ! 0.05).14 bone formation when
THR remains a highly successful procedure that cemented and unce-
mented femoral stems
greatly improves quality of life in those stricken with are compared.
degenerative arthritis. When considering whether to
564 Arthroplasty Topics

REFERENCES fat embolism during total hip arthroplasty. A prospective,

randomized clinical trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am 81:831–843,
1. Lamade WR, Friedl W, Schmid B, Meeder PJ: Bone cement 1999.
implantation syndrome. A prospective randomised trial for 8. Emerson Jr RH, Head WC, Emerson CB, et al: A comparison
use of antihistamine blockade. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg of cemented and cementless titanium femoral components
114:335–339, 1995. used for primary total hip arthroplasty: A radiographic and
2. Kim Y-H, Oh SW, Kim JS: Prevalence of fat embolism following survivorship study. J Arthroplasty 17:584–591, 2002.
bilateral simultaneous and unilateral total hip arthroplasty 9. Laupacis A, Bourne R, Rorabeck C, et al: Comparison of
performed with or without cement: A prospective, randomized total hip arthroplasty performed with and without cement:
clinical study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 84-A:1372–1379, 2002. A randomized trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am 84-A:1823–1828,
3. Christie J, Burnett R, Potts HR, Pell ACH: Echocardiography of 2002.
transatrial embolism during cemented and uncemented hemi- 10. Strom H, Kolstad K, Mallmin H, et al: Comparison of the
arthroplasty of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Br 76:409–412, 1994. uncemented Cone and the cemented Bimetric hip prosthesis
4. Christie J, Robinson CM, Singer B, Ray DC: Medullary lavage in young patients with osteoarthritis: An RSA, clinical and
reduces embolic phenomena and cardiopulmonary changes radiographic study. Acta Orthopaedica 77:71–78, 2006.
during cemented hemiarthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Br 11. Laupacis A, Rorabeck C, Bourne R, et al: The frequency of
77:456–459, 1995. venous thrombosis in cemented and non-cemented hip
5. Koessler MJ, Fabiani R, Hamer H, Pitto RP: The clinical rele- arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Br 78:210–212, 1996.
vance of embolic events detected by transesophageal echocar- 12. Nayak KN, Mulliken B, Rorabeck CH, et al: Prevalence of
diography during cemented total hip arthroplasty: A random- heterotopic ossification in cemented versus noncemented
ized clinical trial. Anesth Analg 92:49–55, 2001. total hip joint replacement in patients with osteoarthrosis: A
6. Pitto RP, Hamer H, Fabiani R, et al: Prophylaxis against fat randomized clinical trial. Can J Surg 40:368–374, 1997.
and bone-marrow embolism during total hip arthroplasty re- 13. Dorn U, Grethen C, Effenberger H, et al: Indomethacin for
duces the incidence of postoperative deep-vein thrombosis: prevention of heterotopic ossification after hip arthroplasty.
A controlled, randomized clinical trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am A randomized comparison between 4 and 8 days of
84-A:39–48, 2002. treatment. Acta Orthop Scand 69:107–110, 1998.
7. Pitto RP, Koessler M, Kuehle JW: Comparison of fixation of 14. Gebuhr P, Wilbek H, Soelberg M: Naproxen for 8 days can
the femoral component without cement and fixation with use prevent heterotopic ossification after hip arthroplasty. Clin
of a bone-vacuum cementing technique for the prevention of Orthop Relat Res (314):166–169, 1995.
Which Bearing Surface Should Be
Chapter Used: Highly Cross-Linked

84 Polyethylene versus Metal or Metal

versus Ceramic on Ceramic?

Total hip replacement changes the lives of more than return to near-normal function. This perception has
one million patients worldwide each year. In well- contributed to the fact that greater numbers of
selected patients, the success of the implant has younger patients are seeking total hip arthroplasty
historically meant that for nearly 90% of patients, than ever before; in addition, the activity level and
their primary hip replacement is their only hip re- expectations of all patients undergoing total hip re-
placement.1 This level of success has been reached placement has significantly increased.
with multiple implants including cemented mono- Therefore, patients not only expect to be more ac-
block femoral stems with conventional cemented, tive than their historical counterparts, data demon-
all-polyethylene, acetabular components of several strate that these patients will live longer. All of this
different designs. If this is the case, why are we look- leads to greater tribological loads on the bearing sur-
ing for alternative bearings? face; hence, there have been concerted efforts by the
First, the levels of success in historical data were orthopedic scientific community to develop new bear-
achieved only in select groups of patients. Many his- ing surfaces that will meet the demands of the patients
torical studies had an inbuilt selection bias. Surgeons who are currently seeking total hip replacement. To
were aware that there were certain diagnoses that this end, advances have been made with polyethylene-
fared poorly with the implants and techniques avail- bearing surfaces with the development of highly cross-
able to them, and in particular, younger patients did linked polyethylene, and there has been renewed
not respond as well in terms of survivorship of the interest and advances in both engineering and the un-
implant. As such, patients who were perceived to be derstanding of metal on metal in both total hip and
at high risk for unsuccessful results were not offered a resurfacings and ceramic-on-ceramic bearings.
total hip replacement. National registries are probably
the best tool for observing the effect that age and di-
agnosis have on the revision rate. The Swedish regis- WHAT ARE THE TRIBOLOGICAL DEMANDS ON TOTAL HIP
try has been collecting data relating age and diagnosis ARTHROPLASTY ARTICULATIONS?
to the success of hip arthroplasty since 1979. Over
this period, they have observed an overall diminish- Historically, wear particles from conventional poly-
ing revision burden, which they speculate may be ethylene gamma irradiated in air, coupled with small-
caused by better surgical training, an improvement in diameter metal or ceramic heads, has led to osteolysis
the performance of modern implants compared with and failure of the components after 5 to 15 years of
their historical counterparts, and surgeons modifying use.3,4 In a study of Charnley hips retrieved at time of
their practice to use combinations of implants that revision for aseptic loosening,5 the mean time to revi-
have performed well in the registry.2 Despite these fa- sion was 12 years, and the mean volumetric wear at
vorable conditions for hip arthroplasty, there has failure was 785 mm.4 The same polyethylene had been
been a relative increase in the revision rate of total hip tested in another study using a hip simulator, and this
replacements performed for inflammatory arthropa- degree of volumetric wear was obtained after 12 years
thies, childhood hip disorders, and post-traumatic of wear when it was assumed that 1.5 million steps
arthritis2—all diagnoses found predominantly in were taken in a year.6,7 Assuming 1.5 million steps per
young people having total hip arthroplasties. year as average use of the joint replacement, conven-
Second, patient demands have significantly changed tional articulations should have a total lifetime of
since the introduction of total hip arthroplasty. To- between 10 and 20 million cycles before failure.
day’s patients and surgeons are unlikely to proceed Young people have higher levels of activity than
with operations such as arthrodesis and resection older patients by up to an additional million steps per
arthroplasty. Patients perceive that total hip replace- year.8 They should also expect to live 20 to 40 years
ment is almost universally successful and offers a longer than the conventional recipients of total hip

566 Arthroplasty Topics

replacements. Younger patients are also planning to free radicals from adjacent polyethylene molecules,
return to more vigorous activities with their hip re- two chains may link at the site from which the free
placements, and as such, we would expect that they radicals were released. The amount of cross linking
would be at a greater risk for polyethylene failure and is determined by the type of irradiation the polyeth-
osteolysis, as well as an increased risk for dislocation ylene is exposed to, the dosage of radiation applied,
than their historical counterparts. To improve both the atmosphere in which the polyethylene is exposed
range of motion and stability, larger and larger diame- to the radiation, and the postradiation treatment of
ter femoral heads have been developed.9 A progres- the polyethylene.26 Cross linking improves the resis-
sion has occurred from the 22.25-mm to the 26-, 28-, tance of the polyethylene to adhesive and abrasive
32-, and now 36- and 38-mm metal heads for use in wear. This should result in decreased linear and volu-
metal/poly articulations. These larger heads have in- metric wear in cross-linked polyethylene articula-
creased wear associated with the increased surface tions compared with conventional polyethylene.
area of the articulation.4,10 In hip simulator data, this is In hip simulator studies, there is an eightfold reduc-
seen with conventional polyethylene and significantly tion in volumetric wear of cross-linked polyethylene
reduced with highly cross-linked polyethylene. Even compared with conventional polyethylene.19,24 Im-
with the biggest heads, the wear of the highly cross- provements in wear rate by an additional 40% are
linked polyethylene is still significantly less than the seen when ceramic heads are used against the cross-
historical wear rates of smaller heads against conven- linked polyethylene.19,24 In clinical studies, a reduction
tional polyethylene. Metal-on-metal articulations have in linear and volumetric wear has been seen using
even greater available bearing diameters and are now cross-linked polyethylene ranging from 28% to 95%.26–
up to 44 mm with conventional stems and shells, and 30
These observations would suggest that if volumet-
anatomic head sizes with surface replacement ric wear alone determined osteolysis potential, cross-
components. linked polyethylene should be a much better
Thus, the lifetime tribological demand that young articulation than conventional polyethylene.
people place on their hip replacements may have in- Unfortunately, cross-linked polyethylene produces
creased to between 100 and 200 million cycles. If a wear debris that theoretically may have a specific
single implanted articulation is to cope with the ex- biological activity double that of conventional poly-
pected increase in demand of the younger or more ethylene.19,24 Thus, even though there is an eightfold
active patient, there would need to be at least a 10-fold reduction in volumetric wear, there is only a fourfold
improvement in the wear characteristics of the alter- improvement in the functional biological activity of
native bearing couple compared with conventional the bearing couple. Thus, in vitro, cross-linked poly-
polyethylene for the bearing couple to survive with- ethylene articulations do not reach the 10-fold im-
out need for revision. This is the driving force behind provement in wear characteristics that are estimated
the development of alternative bearing surfaces.11 to be required by younger patients having total hip
replacement. In vitro experiments thus predict a
reduction in osteolysis when highly cross-linked
Evidence polyethylene is used; however, the reduction may
not be proportionate to the observed reduction in
Hip simulator studies have been used extensively the volumetric wear.
since the late 1990s to support the research and devel- In a randomized, prospective study with minimum
opment of new bearing systems for hip prostheses.12–15 4-year radiographic follow-up, the incidence of oste-
Total hip replacements often fail because of polyethyl- olysis was significantly less in the cross-linked arm of
ene wear debris-induced osteolysis.16 Most studies the study.27 This observation was more pronounced
comparing cross-linked polyethylene and conventional on the femoral side where the difference between the
polyethylene have concentrated only on volumetric cross-linked and noncross-linked group was highly
wear. Osteolysis is, however, dependent on the size, significant (P ! 0.001). However, when the volume
shape, and chemical activity of the wear debris gener- of the osteolytic area was examined, one finds that
ated.17 To compare alternative bearing surfaces, one although the total volume of osteolysis was less in
must determine the relative biological activity of the the cross-linked group, the difference was not signifi-
debris generated and then relate it to the volumetric cant (P ! 0.4). In another 5-year retrospective study
wear of the articulation. This then gives a means comparing cross-linked and conventional polyethyl-
of directly comparing the tribological and biological enes, there were no osteolytic lesions observed
performances of different alternative bearings.5,17–25 around the femoral components in the cross-linked
group28 (Level of Evidence IV).
Thus far we have concentrated on the improved
CROSS-LINKED POLYETHYLENE material property of wear resistance that cross-linked
polyethylene has compared with conventional poly-
Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene comprises ethylene. There are, however, downsides to cross-
long chains of polyethylene molecules, some in par- linking polyethylene, namely, the physical properties
allel and others in random orientation. When the of yield strength, overall tensile strength, and resis-
polyethylene molecules are exposed to gamma irra- tance to elongation or crack propagation are all re-
diation, free radicals are released. With the release of duced.31 These physical properties are important to
Which Bearing Surface Should Be Used: XLPE versus Metal or Metal versus Ceramic on Ceramic? 567

the overall survival of the implant because they each In summary, metal-on-metal articulations have the
represent a mode through which the implant may fail. advantages that they produce low volumetric wear
One needs to remember that wear-related osteolysis rates, that increasing the diameter of the articulation
and aseptic loosening are not the only reasons that an improves the volumetric wear rates, and that metal-
implant may fail. Impingement of the neck of the femo- on-metal articulations can be manufactured in a large
ral component on the polyethylene insert may result in variety of sizes as either conventional total hip re-
catastrophic failure caused by fracture of the polyeth- placements or surface replacements. Is this then the
ylene. Fatigue failure of the locking mechanism may ideal bearing surface for the young adult who intends
lead to loosening of the insert within the modular shell to be active with his or her total hip replacement?
again, causing catastrophic failure.31 These failure What are the disadvantages of metal-on-metal articu-
mechanisms are rarely seen with conventional poly- lations?
ethylene; however, the diminished mechanical proper- The single greatest concern with the use of metal-
ties of cross-linked polyethylene raise concerns that on-metal bearings continues to be the increased lev-
failures because of these mechanisms may become els of metal ions measurable in patients’ blood and
more frequent.32 A balance therefore needs to be urine after implantation. Many studies have evalu-
reached between the improved wear properties and ated the circulating heavy metal ions (Table 84–1).38
the reduced physical properties of cross-linked poly- There are, however, multiple complex issues associ-
ethylene. To date, this balance has not been deter- ated with the analysis of metal ions, including collec-
mined. tion techniques, analysis, statistical methodologies,
and reporting of results. To date, the literature on
this topic has been characterized by significant vari-
METAL ON METAL ability in all of these factors. Attempts have been
made to standardize these methods.39 What then are
Of all the alternative bearings, metal on metal has the observed biological effects of the wear debris?
data with the longest follow-up period, with clinical Wear debris from metal-on-metal articulations is in
data available on the McKee–Farrar prosthesis for the nanometer size range, and these particles have
nearly 30 years of follow-up.33 Currently, there are two been found to be cytotoxic to cells at volumes of
main iterations of the metal-on-metal articulation in 5 "m3/cell and greater.40 Necrosis has been observed
North America: a modular metal insert that fits into a histologically around retrieved implants of both his-
traditional press-fit shell, or a surface replacement torical and modern design.41 This cytotoxic effect of
metal head that articulates against nonmodular ace- the wear debris to the local tissue remains of con-
tabular components. cern to users of metal-on-metal articulations. Con-
Metal-on-metal articulations have the most complex cerns are also raised about the effect of elevated
tribology of the alternative bearings. The wear proper- heavy metal ions in remote tissues to the hip replace-
ties are dependent on the exact composition of the ment. Both chromium and cobalt levels are increased
alloy used, the size of the articulation, the time after above baseline with metal-on-metal articulations.35,42
implantation, and the clearance between the compo- Concerns have also been expressed about potential
nents. In simulator studies, high-carbon alloys have metal ion carcinogenicity. More than 700,000 metal-
been compared with low-carbon alloys with the find- on-metal total hip arthroplasties have been per-
ings that low-carbon alloys had a six times greater formed globally with no causal links to cancer.43,44
volumetric wear rate than high-carbon alloys.33 From Metal wear debris also may cause inflammatory or
this observation, the investigators recommend that allergic local tissue reactions in some individuals.
low-carbon alloys should not be used in metal-on- This may lead to pain at the site of implantation from
metal articulations. This has been supported by other synovitis or implant loosening.45
authors.34 Metal-on-metal articulations feature a sig- These potential adverse biological effects of metal-
nificant running in phenomenon. In the first million on-metal articulations are the rationale behind ongo-
cycles, the articulation has a significantly increased ing research into novel hard-bearing articulations.
wear rate compared with the steady-state wear rate For example, currently under investigation are a
observed after this.35 Paradoxically, articulations of delta ceramic head on metal insert bearing, and the
larger diameters have less volumetric wear than use of metal components coated with a thick layer of
smaller articulations. This applies both to the wearing chromium cyanide (CrCN). Both ceramic-on-metal
in and the steady-state wear rates.36 Lubrication analy- and the CrCN-coated metal-on-metal articulations
sis revealed that as the head size increased, the fluid have volumetric wear rates 10 to 100 times less than
film also increased, hence reducing wear.37 metal-on-metal articulations of the same diameter
Radial clearance has also been examined as a head size.46–48 The improvement observed with the
contributor to volumetric wear rate. As the radial ceramic-on-metal articulation is thought to be be-
clearance increases between 20 and 150 "m and cause of the differential hardness of the metal and
beyond, the volumetric wear in both the running-in the ceramic, and the smoother surface and improved
and the steady-state phase increases. Lubrication lubrication that ceramics offer. The wear debris from
analysis revealed that as radial clearance increased, the CrCN-coated bearings was also found to be more
fluid film decreased, which explains the worsening biocompatible and less cytotoxic than the metallic
wear rates for increased radial clearance.37 debris.49
568 Arthroplasty Topics

TABLE 84–1. Cobalt and Chromium Levels of Metal-on-Metal Implants


Metasul* AAS Serum 27 1 1.1 — 57

Metasul AAS Serum 36 5 0.7 — 58
Metasul AAS Serum 15 2 0.88 — 59
Metasul AAS Serum 15 4.3 0.81 — 59
Metasul AAS Serum 60 2 1.70 4.28 60
Metasul AAS Serum 42 4 1.57 2.10 61
Metasul average 1.13 3.19
M2a† ICP-MS Erythrocytes 22 2 1.10 2.50 62
M 2a AAS Serum 10 6 1.55 0.84 63
M2a average 1.33 1.67
BHR‡ ICP-MS Serum 16 1 2.10 64
BHR AAS Serum 111 2 4.28 5.12 60
BHR AAS Serum 16 2 1.88 3.53 65
BHR ICP-MS Whole blood 26 4 1.20 1.10 66
BHR average 2.37 3.25

*Metasul (Zimmer Inc., Winterthur, Switzerland).

M a (Biomet, Warsaw, IN).
† 2

Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR; Midland Medical Technologies, Birmingham, United Kingdom).
AAS, atomic absorption spectrophotometry; ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.

micron-sized debris from grain boundary failure and
Ceramic-on-ceramic articulations in simulated wear pull out from the regions of stripe wear.52 When this
testing outperform other articulations. Volumetric debris was cultured with human macrophages, mea-
wear rates for ceramic-on-ceramic articulations using sured tumor necrosis factor-# production produced a
traditional hip simulators have been as low as 0.1 specific biological activity of 0.18. When combined
mm3/million cycles.37 To put this in perspective, this with volumetric wear, substantially lower functional
is about 350 times lower than the volumetric wear biological activity is derived for ceramic-on-ceramic
rates of metal on conventional polyethylene and 50 articulations than either conventional polyethylene
times less than the volumetric wear rate of metal on (80 times lower) or cross-linked polyethylene (20 times
cross-linked polyethylene. Unfortunately, these wear lower).37 This lower functional biological activity is re-
rates have not been observed in clinical retrieval flected in retrieval studies where there has been a low
studies of worn ceramic on ceramic articulations. As incidence of osteolysis.53
the hip moves in vivo, the femoral head does not stay Ceramics are brittle materials. A real risk exists for
in the exact center of the joint at all times through the fracturing one of the components if the component
gait cycle, and at times may come in contact with the dislocates or if the neck of the femoral component
rim of the cup. Standard hip simulators have not been impinges on the rim of the acetabular insert.54 There
able to replicate the stripe wear that is seen on re- have also been reports of spontaneous fracture of
trieved femoral heads.50 Thus, a microseparation hip ceramic femoral heads (zirconia heads).54 Modern
simulator has been developed that replicates the ceramics have a fracture risk rate of 0.004%54 (Level
stripe wear seen on retrieved femoral heads. Volu- of Evidence III). One of the theoretical concerns that
metric wear rates of 1.4 mm3/million cycles have been this raises is that when there is a ceramic fracture,
observed using this simulator.51 These observations the bearing used for the revision should also be ce-
are consistent with retrieval studies of ceramic- ramic because the hardness of the residual fragments
on-ceramic articulations.37 Comparing these results after revision will cause accelerated wear because of
with other bearings, the ceramic-on-ceramic articula- third body wear in either a metal-on-metal or a metal-
tion produces 25 times less debris than conventional on-polyethylene articulation. When the ceramic frac-
polyethylene and 4 times less debris than highly tures, damage may also occur to the femoral trun-
cross-linked polyethylene.37 In vivo, ceramic-on- nion, which then may necessitate removal of a
ceramic bearings produce similar volumetric wear to well-fixed femoral stem because the morse taper may
metal-on-metal bearings when the metal-on-metal be too damaged for another modular head to be
bearing has finished running in and is within its implanted on it.54
steady-state wear. Another complication that occurs uniquely with ce-
When examining the functional biological activity of ramic-on-ceramic bearings is squeaking. For reasons
the debris from the microseparation hip simulator in yet to be determined, a small percentage of patients
the same way that the debris of polyethylene articula- (0.5–7%)55,56 (Level of Evidence IV) experience a posi-
tions was analyzed, there was a bimodal distribution of tional- or activity-related squeaking noise arising from
particle size in the ceramic debris: nanometer-sized their articulation. This can be unsettling for the patient
debris from the normal articulation surfaces and and rarely may necessitate a revision. Squeaking does
Which Bearing Surface Should Be Used: XLPE versus Metal or Metal versus Ceramic on Ceramic? 569

not appear to be a problem with metal-on-metal articu-

forms. This gives the surgeon greater flexibility
lations because when squeaking does occur, it is usu-
in terms of improving the stability at time of
ally only a temporary phenomenon during the metal-
surgery. Currently, acetabular components can be
on-metal bearing run-in period. More information,
manufactured only with neutral openings, and as
however, is needed to understand more fully the
such, the range of options as with polyethylene
squeaking phenomenon in both ceramic-on-ceramic
liners is not available. Large-head, conventional
and metal-on-metal bearing couples.
metal-on-metal articulations have the advantage
of modularity on both the femoral and acetabular
side, and offer the ability to use screws to obtain
primary stability of the acetabular shell. In the
future, modified metal articulations—ceramic on
RECOMMENDATIONS metal or metal coated with CrCN—may offer the
solution to the adverse biological properties of
Thus far, only the tribological and biological
current metal-on-metal articulations (Level of
effects of the alternative bearings have been
Evidence V).
considered. What is important to remember is
The 2000s has seen a significant improvement
that these articulations are being used for total
in the materials and options that are available
hip replacement, and as such, other consider-
for use as articulating surfaces in total hip
ations need to be met when considering what
arthroplasty. Currently, most of the commercially
would be the best articulation for an individual
available bearings have only short- to mid-term
patient. All of these articulations are used in our
follow-up, but results to date are encouraging.
institution in variable clinical scenarios.
Long-term follow-up is, however, required to
Highly cross-linked polyethylene is an extremely
confirm in vivo results will replicate in vitro data.
versatile articular bearing surface with a variety
There continues to be much ongoing work in the
of options available to the reconstructive sur-
improvement of current bearing materials, as
geon. Fully cemented components can be manu-
well as the evaluation of potential newer bearing
factured, acetabular inserts can be designed with
couples. Table 84–2 summarizes the levels of
hoods of various degrees, extra offset can be
evidence for bearing surfaces.
built into the liner, the liner may have an angled
offset opening (a face-changing liner), or the liner
may be incorporated into a bipolar or tripolar
head. This versatility cannot be achieved with TABLE 84–2. Bearing Surfaces: Levels of Evidence
other alternative bearings. Highly cross-linked
polyethylene thus gives the surgeon flexibility in LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/
obtaining stability in a total hip replacement. STATEMENT RECOMMENDATION REFERENCES
This may be even more critical in revision total
hip replacements where the increased options 1. In hip simulator studies, Basic science 19, 24
available to the surgeon make this an ideal there is an eightfold reduc- article
alternate bearing surface. tion in volumetric wear of
Ceramic-on-ceramic articulations have as their cross-linked polyethylene
compared with conven-
strengths the lowest volumetric wear rates and tional polyethylene.
the fact that they produce the least biologically 2. Metal against cross-linked B 27 28, 29
active wear debris. Their weakness is that they UHMWPE produces less B
have limited sizing options, the rare flaw of osteolysis than against
non–cross-linked UHM-
catastrophic failure, and the clinical issue of a WPE
squeaking bearing. We see the role of ceramic- 3. Low-carbon alloys should Basic science 33
on-ceramic articulations to be the articulation of not be used in metal-on- article
choice for young and active patients for whom metal articulations.
you have concerns that the increased metal ions 4. In metal-on-metal articula- Basic science 37
tions, the larger the diam- article
associated with metal-on-metal articulations may eter of the articulation,
prove problematic—for example, the young fe- the lower the wear.
male individual of child-bearing years, the young 5. In vitro, ceramic-on- Basic science 37
patient with a history of cardiac or renal disease, ceramic articulations article
have about 350 times
or the young patient with a history of metal lower the volumetric wear
hypersensitivity. (Level of Evidence V). rates of metal on conven-
A significant renewal in interest in metal-on-metal tional polyethylene and
articulations has occurred. Metal heads are able 50 times less than the
to be manufactured in a greater range of sizes and volumetric wear rate of
metal on cross-linked
neck lengths than ceramic heads. Metal polyethylene.
acetabular articulations can also be made in a 6. Osteolysis is infrequent B 53, 54
variety of sizes in both modular and nonmodular with ceramic-on-ceramic

UHMWPE, ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene.

570 Arthroplasty Topics

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Chapter What Are the Facts and Fiction
of Minimally Invasive Hip and Knee
85 Arthroplasty Surgery?

Although minimally invasive surgical (MIS) techniques of excessive emphasis on incision length.25–27 Some
such as laparoscopic cholecystectomy and arthro- authors have questioned the ethics of the broad ap-
scopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction have plication of such techniques without proven benefit,
gained widespread acceptance in the surgical commu- as well as the role that direct-to-consumer advertis-
nity, reduced invasiveness in total joint replacement ing and commercial interests have played before
has stirred much controversy and debate. The con- thorough study.28–30
cept of minimizing iatrogenic trauma has always been The purpose of this chapter is to review the avail-
a fundamental surgical principle. However, it is only able evidence in the literature that is capable of direct-
recently that the concept of small-incision surgery and ing potential incorporation of novel MIS techniques
minimal musculotendinous disturbance has come to into the already successful practice regimens of hip
the forefront in the total hip and total knee arthro- and knee arthroplasty, which have been developed
plasty (THA and TKA) literature, the lay press, and over more than three decades. Techniques that in-
commercial advertising. volve smaller and modified implant plant components
There are several key characteristics of what is such as unicompartmental knee arthroplasty or resur-
generally considered MIS joint replacement includ- facing of the hip are not considered here. Although the
ing reduced skin incision length, mobile windows of overwhelming majority of data on this topic is derived
exposure, reduced muscle and tendon damage, from retrospective cohort studies and case–control
avoidance of extreme maneuvers such as patellar series, there is a modest amount of Level I and II evi-
eversion, and utilization of low-profile instrumenta- dence available to draw some conclusions and make
tion. Any discussion of this topic must distinguish practice recommendations (Tables 85–1 and 85–2).
between those techniques that involve surgical ap-
proaches through smaller skin incisions and less-
ened muscle dissection from those procedures that OPTIONS
describe truly novel and potentially technically chal- Hip
lenging approaches to the hip and knee. In addition,
it is important to recognize that any MIS joint re- In MIS hip surgery, the dominant approaches have
placement protocol also incorporates specialized been modifications of standard anterior, posterior,
preoperative and postoperative patient education, and lateral surgical exposures, as well as a combined
anesthesia routines, as well as nursing and rehabili- anterior and posterior approach commonly called
tation programs. the “two-incision” technique. This has led to the de-
Advocates for MIS joint replacement proclaim the velopment of surgical instrument systems that are
benefits of less blood loss, less postoperative pain, smaller and of lower profile, but the actual implants
reduced length of hospital stay, more rapid recovery themselves have not changed in any significant way.
of function, and better cosmesis without increased The posterior technique of mini-incision THA has
risk for complication or diminished duration of im- been described by authors such as Chimento and
plant survivorship.1–11 However, other investigators coworkers.31 This approach involves an incision of
have failed to find significant benefit from MIS joint 6 to 10 cm in length without disruption of the gluteus
replacement and have encountered steep and diffi- maximus tendon or the quadratus femoris muscle.
cult learning curves.10,12–18 Some investigators have Berger1 has described an anterolateral approach that
discovered concerning rates of serious complica- transects less gluteus medius and minimus through
tions such as implant malposition, intraoperative an 8- to 10-cm incision. Toms and Duncan32 have pub-
fracture, skin complications, and prolonged opera- lished a description of a single incision intermuscular
tive durations.18–24 These data combined with the anterolateral approach that they claim has advan-
well-documented and highly favorable long-term re- tages of standard lateral patient positioning, simple
sults of traditional-incision joint replacement have conversion to an extensile approach, no need for fluo-
resulted in some vocal opposition to the placement roscopy, and a short learning curve for surgeons.

Facts versus Fiction of Minimally Invasive Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Surgery 573

TABLE 85–1. Summary of Level I and II Evidence


Level I and II Studies of MIS THA

Chimento et al.31 II Prospective, 8 vs. 16 cm 28 MIS vs. 32 Less intraoperative and
randomized posterolateral standard total blood loss in MIS,
but no difference in
Less limp at 6 weeks
No difference in
complication rate
Mardones et al.40 II Randomized, Two-incision vs. 10 two-incision vs. Two-incision group had
controlled miniposterior, 10 miniposterior greater damage to
cadaveric abductor muscles
Bennett et al.12 II Prospective, 10 vs. 16 cm 17 Standard group achieved
blinded cohort posterior more normal hip joint
kinematics after sur-
gery compared with
MIS group showed no
early benefit (postop-
erative day 2) in any
kinematic of temporo-
spatial measures com-
pared with
Mow et al.5 II Blinded scar !10 vs. "15 cm 31 Cosmesis of mini-
comparison incision THA scars
may be inferior to
Hart et al.6 II Prospective, !10 vs. "10 cm 120 Less blood loss in MIS
randomized posterior group; trend toward
better clinical scores
for MIS at 6 weeks after
surgery; no clinical dif-
ference by 6 months;
no difference in com-
Ogonda et al.13 I Prospective, !10 vs. 16 cm 219 Mini-incision safe but of
randomized posterior no benefit in the early
postoperative phase;
more investigation
required for lower
volume, less
experienced surgeons
Level I and II Studies of MIS TKA
Kolisek et al.50 II Prospective, MIS midvastus with 80 No differences in func-
randomized skin incision tional or radiographic
!13 cm vs. results; no differences
"13-cm incision in adverse outcomes
with midvastus
or medial
Aglietti et al.45 I Prospective, Mini-subvastus vs. 60 No significant differences
randomized “quadriceps between groups at
sparing” 3 months after surgery
Quadriceps sparing
technically more
Boerger et al.44 II Prospective 10-cm mini-subvastus 120 Early, short-lived
vs. standard medial functional benefit in
parapatellar MIS, but with
greater significant
complication rate; no
radiographic differ-
ences; MIS more
574 Arthroplasty Topics

TABLE 85–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. Short incision approaches to the hip utilizing less invasive modifications of traditional posterior, lat- A
eral, and anterior approaches are a viable option in nonobese patients without prior hip surgery or
major alterations to normal anatomy (such as protrusion or developmental dysplasia of the hip).
2. Minimally invasive hip approaches utilizing novel surgical approach (two-incision approach) are not B
recommended because of lack of evidence of any benefit and unacceptable complication rates.
3. Short-incision approaches to the knee utilizing less invasive modifications of traditional medial parapa- A
tellar, subvastus, or midvastus approaches are a viable option in nonobese patients without prior knee
surgery or major alterations to normal anatomy.
4. Minimally invasive knee approaches utilizing novel surgical approach (quadriceps-sparing approach) is B
not recommended because of lack of evidence of clinical benefit and concerns about technical difficulty.

Among the most controversial novel hip ap- length or 4 to 5 cm starting at the superior-medial pole
proaches has been the two-incision method written of the patella. The patella is then lateralized but not
about extensively by Berger.33 It has been claimed dislocated.35
that this technique is completely intermuscular and The technique that deviates to the greatest degree
“avoids the transection of any muscle or tendon.”1 from traditional techniques and has gained the least
The two-incision technique utilizes an anterior, general acceptance has been described by Tria and
Smith–Peterson interval for the acetabular exposure, Coon38 and is commonly referred to as the “quadriceps-
and a posterior incision between the abductors and sparing” technique. This technique uses a curved me-
the external rotators for stem insertion. The de- dial incision from the superior pole of the patella to the
scribed technique requires intraoperative fluoro- tibial joint line. An arthrotomy is then made in line with
scopic imaging. the skin incision. Bony cuts are made using instru-
ments and guides that fixate and cut from the medial
side of the knee rather than the standard anterior loca-
Knee tion. The quadriceps tendon and VMO are theoretically
left completely intact.
Three modifications of standard techniques have
gained wider utilization in the knee, as well as one
novel approach, which has much less general accep- EVIDENCE
tance. All four techniques have in common abandon- Hip
ment of the formerly common practice of patellar
eversion and tibiofemoral dislocation for exposure Because of the earlier interest and development of
purposes.34 They also make use of the concept of MIS applications to THA, the hip literature is more
“mobile windows” of exposure that utilize varying robust than that of the knee. The earliest work in this
degrees of flexion and extension throughout the pro- realm consisted almost exclusively of case series and
cedure to allow visualization of the femur or the tibia, expert opinions. Despite the absence of high-quality
but not both simultaneously. research, many orthopedic surgeons have deter-
Scuderi and coworkers35 use a 10- to 14-cm skin inci- mined the degree to which they would incorporate
sion and a medial parapatellar arthrotomy that differs MIS concepts into their practice based on the recom-
from a standard approach in that the quadriceps ten- mendation of opinion leaders, as well as their own
don is incised only 2 to 4 cm above the superior pole personal experience. Fortunately, sufficient time has
of the patella. The subvastus approach that Hofmann36 now elapsed to allow several Level I and II studies to
described has been modified to make it less invasive. be published.
A shortened anterior, midline skin incision is made, In 2005, Ogonda and coauthors13 reported on
and a medial parapatellar arthrotomy follows. The at- a prospective, randomized, controlled trial of 219 pa-
tachment of the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) mus- tients with 219 THAs studied over a period of
cle to the quadriceps tendon and upper patellar pole 6 months. Patients were blinded to length of incision,
is left intact. The VMO muscle belly is then retracted and all surgery was performed by a single surgeon
so that limited dissection can occur posterior to the using a posterior approach. Of critical importance,
muscle belly, anterior to the intermuscular septum. and one of the strengths of this study, was the fact
Synovial release of the suprapatellar pouch is required, that the treating surgeon had already become adept
and the patella is subluxed laterally.35 The standard at MIS techniques by previously performing 300 short-
midvastus approach that Engh and colleagues37 de- incision THAs. In the standard-incision group, the
scribed has been modified to lessen its damage to the subcutaneous tissues and fascia lata were divided in
VMO. A shortened midline anterior skin incision is line with the skin incision, which was 16 cm long. In
utilized. A medial arthrotomy is made and the incision the MIS group, only the proximal 1 cm of the fascia
is extended proximally into the full thickness of the lata was incised. The distal fibers of the gluteus maxi-
vastus medialis, in-line with its muscle fibers for a mus were split by blunt dissection, and the short ex-
Facts versus Fiction of Minimally Invasive Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Surgery 575

ternal rotators were detached close to their insertion Another study, conducted by Bennett and cowork-
into the greater trochanter. These authors found no ers,12 also failed to show any significant benefit of
difference in component position and wound compli- MIS THA techniques. These authors compared objec-
cations, and no evidence of lessened inflammation in tive postoperative gait mechanics data by means of
the MIS group based on C-reactive protein measure- a prospective, blinded cohort study of 25 randomly
ments at 48 hours after surgery. Most remarkably, selected patients evaluated on postoperative days 1,
there were no differences in function immediately af- 2, and 42 (6 weeks). Nine patients with MIS and eight
ter surgery or at 6 weeks, based on Harris hip scores, with standard incision were available for a full set of
Oxford hip scores, WOMAC Index of Osteoarthritis gait analyses. The standard group experienced
and SF-12 general health questionnaire. There was greater improvement in sagittal plane hip joint move-
also no benefit for the MIS group in terms of length of ment between day 2 and week 6 compared with the
hospital stay. These authors conclude that MIS inci- MIS group. Measurements also suggested that the
sion surgery performed by an experienced surgeon standard group achieved more normal hip joint kine-
through a posterior approach is safe but of no benefit matics after surgery than did the MIS group. The MIS
in the early postoperative phase. They also caution group demonstrated no early benefit (at day 2) in
that more investigation is required to determine the any kinematic or temporospatial measures. Even at
appropriateness of this technique for lower volume 6 weeks, the temporospatial variables and kinematic
and less experienced surgeons.13 ranges of motion were reduced compared with the
Chimento and investigators5 conducted a prospec- traditional group. The lack of any significant differ-
tive, randomized comparison of a group of 60 patients ence in velocity, step length of the affected or unaf-
with THA through a 15-cm incision with a group that fected leg, or stride length or stance phase duration
had a modified posterolateral approach and an 8-cm between groups failed to lend support to the MIS
incision. Only patients with a body mass index of less technique.
than 30 and no previous hip surgery were included. Hart and coworkers6 conducted a prospective study
All procedures involved a single surgeon and anesthe- comparing 60 patients randomly selected to have a
tist. After surgery, all patients were supervised by a posterior approach THA with an incision 10 cm or less
single physiotherapist. The MIS group was found to to a second group of 60 with a standard posterolateral
have significantly less intraoperative and total blood approach. Mean follow-up period was 39 months, and
loss. At 6 weeks after surgery, significantly fewer MIS no patients were lost to follow-up. No statistically sig-
patients had a residual limp (21.4% vs. 46.8%). No dif- nificant differences were observed between the two
ferences were found in any other parameter including groups including pain, motion, and function. There
length of hospital stay, number of units transfused, were also no differences in component positioning or
postoperative interleukin-6 levels, volume of narcotic complication rates. These authors caution that the
used, or utilization of a cane at 6 weeks. There were MIS approach has a greater requirement for assistants
also no differences between the groups in terms of and should not be attempted in patients with protru-
the position of components or incidence of complica- sio deformity, fibrous or osseus ankylosis, hips scarred
tions. This well-designed study did indicate that the by previous surgery, or obese patients.
MIS group may benefit in terms of reduced blood loss; The two-incision approach to THA has been among
however, the lack of any difference in transfused units the most controversial of MIS techniques. The devel-
and the possibility that there was inadequate num- opers of this operation have published several techni-
bers to detect differences in complication rates re- cal and experiential reports that were largely favor-
sults in no definitive evidence in favor of the MIS able and described rapid recovery of function.1,2,7
approach. However, several studies by other authors have since
Lawlor and researchers39 have conducted a pro- revealed a difficult learning curve and a complication
spective study of 219 THA replacements that were rate that is of significant concern. Archibeck and
randomized into either an MIS group (!10 cm) or White19 examined data provided by the implant manu-
standard incision (16 cm), performed by a single sur- facturer that played a role in the development of this
geon with a standardized analgesia and physiother- procedure, which was collected to track the early ex-
apy regimen. No significant improvement was noted periences of surgeons trained in the technique. These
in the MIS group in terms of ability to transfer, mobi- authors discovered that the learning curve was likely
lize weight bearing, or walking velocity at 2 days af- longer than initially expected based on the 851 cases
ter surgery. No statistically significant difference was they reviewed. The rates of femoral fractures (6.5%)
found in the length of hospital stay. No significant and nerve injuries (3.2%) were also found to be much
differences between groups were found at the 6-week greater than traditional THA. Bal and coauthors20
mark after surgery. These authors conclude that the have also raised concern as they compared the re-
MIS approach offered no benefit over the 16-cm inci- sults of the two-incision technique as described by
sion. It is clear that a posterior approach was used initial innovators1,2,7 with an MIS approach, which
for all hips in this study; however, there is no indica- used a single incision. In the two-incision group, 10%
tion that deep soft-tissue management differed be- of patients required repeat surgery because of a femo-
tween the two groups. Therefore, this study cannot ral fracture identified after surgery (two hips), disloca-
have implication beyond the impact of a smaller skin tion (one hip), a wound complication (two hips), or
incision. subsidence and loosening of the femoral implant (four
576 Arthroplasty Topics

hips). Twenty-five percent of patients suffered an in- 125 (range, 110–135) degrees compared with 116
jury of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, and one (range, 95–130) degrees in the standard group. Post-
patient (one hip) had a neuropraxia of the femoral operative Knee Society scores were greater in the
nerve. In comparison, of the 96 THAs that had been MIS group, and there was no difference in radio-
performed with use of a single MIS direct lateral ex- graphic alignment, infections, extensor mechanism
posure of the hip joint, the overall complication rate complications, or neurovascular injury. The authors
was 6% and the reoperation rate was 3%. Although the conclude that mini-midvastus approach without pa-
rate of complications with the two-incision technique tella eversion combined with a small incision was
decreased significantly as the surgeon gained experi- associated with a more rapid functional recovery
ence, this study raises concern about highly conse- and improved range of motion without compromise
quential complications early in the learning curve, of implant position.42 Laskin and colleagues’43 retro-
particularly because these authors are experienced spective mini-midvastus study has also shown im-
hip surgeons who took the necessary training before proved early range of motion and greater Knee Soci-
initiating the two-incision technique. ety functional outcome scores without compromise
Further evidence questioning the value and utility of in radiographic alignment.
the two-incision technique was reported by Mardones In a prospective, observer-blinded study, Boerger
and coworkers.40 These authors elegantly quantified and researchers44 studied 120 consecutive patients
the extent and location of damage to the abductor with TKAs performed by a single surgeon using ei-
and external rotator muscles and tendons after 10 two- ther the MIS subvastus approach without patella
incision and 10 miniposterior THAs were conducted eversion or the standard parapatellar approach with
on contralateral sides of 10 fresh-frozen cadavers. A patella eversion. Patients were matched by age, sex,
surgeon experienced with such procedures performed body mass index, knee flexion, deformity, and preex-
each approach. A third surgeon assessed the degree isting high tibial osteotomy. The authors found that
of muscle damage using a standardized, published the MIS approach was technically more demanding,
technique,41 and found damage to gluteus medius and and inferior visibility prolonged the tourniquet time
gluteus minimus from the two-incision technique was by an average of 15 minutes. They attributed two in-
greater than the miniposterior approach. Every two- traoperative complications to the poorer exposure.
incision procedure had damage to abductors, external Patients in the MIS subvastus group lost, on average,
rotators, or both. The mean amount of damage to the 100 mL less blood and had better pain scores on day
gluteus medius muscle for the two-incision technique 1 (mean visual analogue scale score: 2.4 vs. 3.89).
was 15.14% of its muscular area, whereas the minipos- The MIS group reached 90 degrees of knee flexion
terior technique had a mean of only 4.73%. The dam- earlier (2.8 vs. 4.5 days), and an active straight-leg
age to the gluteus minimus muscle was similarly raise earlier (3.2 vs. 4.1 days). Although the MIS
greater in the two-incision technique as compared group average flexion at 30, 60, and 90 days was sta-
with the miniposterior group. Six of 10 two-incision tistically better (100 vs. 94, 110 vs. 106, and 112 vs.
THAs had complete detachment of the external rota- 109 degrees), the benefits diminished with time, and
tors. Although this was a cadaveric study, and there- the authors doubted the clinical relevance. All pa-
fore not precisely comparable with living patients, the tients including those with complications had good
indications for the two-incision procedure were fur- results with good component and leg alignment. The
ther eroded because there was absolutely no evidence authors conclude that the MIS subvastus approach
of lessened muscle or tendon damage. In fact, the ex- offers early but short-lived benefits for patients at
tent of abductor damage was actually greater in the the expense of a longer operation and a greater risk
two-incision group than in the matched miniposterior for complications.
group. A prospective, randomized, double-blind study
was conducted by Aglietti and researchers45 to com-
pare the postoperative recovery and early results
Knee “quadriceps-sparing” technique with the MIS sub-
vastus approach.45 Thirty patients in each group re-
Although a review of the literature reveals fewer ceived the same anesthesia protocol and had sur-
data of high quality in the area of MIS TKA than that gery performed by the same surgeon using the same
of THA, adequate information is available to draw TKA implants. Evaluation was performed before sur-
some conclusions. Haas and colleagues42 compared gery, in the first week after surgery, and at 1 and
40 consecutive MIS midvastus TKAs without patellar 3 months. The authors questioned the feasibility of
eversion with an age- and sex-matched cohort of the quadriceps-sparing technique because these
TKAs done with a standard technique. Patients highly experienced knee surgeons required exten-
achieved motion faster in the MIS group. Mean flex- sion of the incision in five cases in the “quadriceps-
ion for minimally invasive total knee replacement at sparing” group for exposure. Active straight leg
6 and 12 weeks was 114 (range, 90–132) and 122 raising was achieved half a day earlier, on average,
(range, 103–135) degrees, respectively, compared in the MIS subvastus group (1.9 vs. 1.4 days). No
with 95 (range, 65–125) and 110 (range, 80–125) de- further difference was found between the two ap-
grees for the standard group. The average range of proaches in relation to short-term recovery or early
motion at 1 year after surgery in the MIS group was results; thus, the utility of the technically more chal-
Facts versus Fiction of Minimally Invasive Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Surgery 577

lenging quadriceps-sparing technique was ques- these procedures but considers MIS surgery to be an
tioned. Further evidence by Pagnano and research- “evolving” technique.
ers49 used a cadaveric study that reported that any
medial arthrotomy that extends more proximal than
the midpole of the patella detaches a portion of CONCLUSIONS
the quadriceps tendon; thus, the term quadriceps-
sparing TKA may be inaccurate. Review of the orthopedic literature indicates that total
Nuelle and Mann46 examined 2 groups of 25 pa- hip and knee replacement through smaller incisions
tients in a single surgeon’s practice who underwent utilizing traditional approaches that minimize soft-
THA and TKA with standard incisions. The only dif- tissue damage can be performed without unacceptable
ference between groups was the anesthesia, pain complications rates. However, only minimal benefit has
management, and physical therapy protocols. One been demonstrated in terms of recovery, and without a
group received the protocols described for MIS sur- doubt, modern perioperative anesthesia and physio-
gery, whereas the second group had protocols for therapy regimens play a contributing role.
standard procedures. The surgical technique itself In contrast, techniques that involve major devia-
was identical between the two groups. A dramatic tions from the traditional surgical approaches have yet
reduction in the time it took to achieve the goals for to be proven beneficial and likely have unacceptable
discharge was observed in the MIS protocol group. complication rates when performed by surgeons other
The MIS protocol group benefited in terms of time to than the designers and innovators themselves. These
straight leg raise, time to walk 100 m, time to get in procedures cannot be recommended at this time.
and out of bed without assistance, and length of stay.
Most patients with the MIS protocols were ready for
discharge within 24 hours. The implications of these
results are that the benefits of MIS surgery may be RECOMMENDATIONS
unrelated to the surgical procedure itself but rather
Review of the available literature allows for
directly a result of perioperative protocols. If true,
certain recommendations regarding the
this would make the reduction in exposure and the
applicability of minimally invasive approaches to
potential inherent risks of MIS surgery of no particu-
hip and knee replacement in the broader
lar value.
orthopedic community. The published literature
Dalury and Dennis47 have raised concerns about
naturally divides itself into two categories. One
component malposition and potential long-term com-
category involves procedures that utilized
promise when MIS TKA techniques are used. In this
smaller incisions in combination with modifica-
retrospective, comparative study, the authors com-
tions of standard approaches to minimize muscle
pared a group of 30 patients who had MIS TKA with
and tendon damage. The second category of
a similar group of 30 patients who had a standard-
procedure includes those that are distinctly
incision TKA. Exposure in both groups was primarily
different from traditional both in terms of the
through a midvastus approach, although a medial
location of skin incisions and the nature of the
parapatellar was used in 7 of 30 of the MIS and 9 of 30
deeper surgical approach (two-incision THA and
standard patients. The MIS group had some minor
“quadriceps-sparing” TKA).
early advantages in terms of pain medication use and
At this time, a definitive recommendation in
earlier improvement in range of motion; however, by
favor of smaller incisions with modifications of
3 months, the groups were equivalent. Radiographic
standard approaches cannot be made because
evaluation revealed that 4 of 30 patients with MIS expo-
the published evidence has failed to reveal any
sures had tibial component varus (!87 degrees) and
significant and clinically relevant difference
none of the standard group had such malalignment.
between the early outcomes of any MIS tech-
nique when contrasted with the comparable
traditional approach. Longer-term studies have
GUIDELINES also found no advantages of MIS procedures.
Several retrospective, case-controlled, and case
In 2004, the American Association of Hip and Knee
series studies have shown moderate early
Surgeons (AAHKS) published an advisory statement
advantages of MIS surgery in terms of blood loss
on the topic of MIS.48 At the time of this statement’s
and early functional outcome. These studies have
publication, the AAHKS was of the opinion that the
also generally demonstrated an absence of
potential of MIS surgery for better long-term results,
adverse outcomes with respect to component
with shorter and less painful recovery, had yet to be
positioning, fixation, or postoperative complica-
scientifically proven. The AAHKS states that is the
tions. Thus, these “small-incision” procedures
responsibility of the surgeon to be competent at
can be acceptable when adequate training and
these techniques and obtain informed consent before
consent is obtained.
performing them.49
In distinct contrast, however, techniques
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
such as “two-incision” approach to THA and the
(AAOS; similarly rec-
ognizes the importance of studying and validating Continued
578 Arthroplasty Topics

RECOMMENDATIONS—CONT’D 19. Archibeck MJ, White RE Jr: Learning curve for the two-
incision total hip replacement. Clin Orthop Relat Res
“quadriceps-sparing” TKA have both failed to (429):232–238, 2004.
20. Bal BS, Haltom D, Aleto T, et al: Early complications of
demonstrate any advantages in outcomes primary total hip replacement performed with a two-incision
whereas significant evidence of complications minimally invasive technique. J Bone Joint Surg Am
has been documented. Furthermore, there has 87:2432–2438, 2005.
been convincing cadaveric anatomic data that 21. Bottner F, Delgado S, Sculco TP: Minimally invasive total hip
replacement: The posterolateral approach. Am J Orthop
both of these procedures are not as “muscle 35:218–224, 2006.
sparing” as had been initially believed.40,46 These 22. Howell JR, Masri BA, Duncan CP: Minimally invasive versus
procedures cannot, therefore, be recommended. standard incision anterolateral hip replacement: A compara-
tive study. Orthop Clin North Am 35:153–156, 2004.
23. Parvizi J, Sharkey PF, Pour AE, et al: Hip arthroplasty with
minimally invasive surgery: A survey comparing the opin-
ion of highly qualified experts vs patients. J Arthroplasty
REFERENCES 21(6 suppl 2):38–46, 2006.
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Chapter What Is the Role for Hip

86 Resurfacing Arthroplasty?

Hip resurfacing is a technique that has re-emerged • Improved wear characteristics with no
since the late 1990s. Hip resurfacing using different polyethylene-induced osteolysis
methods of fixation and different bearing surfaces • Reduced risk for dislocation because of a larger
have previously been unsuccessful. The experience femoral head
with the Wagner resurfacing in the early 1980s was • Greater levels of postsurgical activity
reported by Bell and coauthors1 in their study of im- • The possibility for ease of conversion to THR
plant failures with the Wagner resurfacing. They note should the resurfacing implant fail
that loosening was associated with the development Despite the promising advantages of hip resurfacing,
of a membrane at the bone-cement interface. This long-term clinical outcomes and safety profiles are not
histologic examination of the membrane demon- well understood. This chapter presents a summary of
strated foreign body response to wear products from the evidence on the clinical effectiveness and safety of
the arthroplasty. This suggested that the bearing ma- hip resurfacing arthroplasty.
terials used in this second generation of resurfacing
devices was a major factor in the high early failure
The high volumetric of polyethylene of the earlier Systematic Reviews
designs led several investigators to simultaneously
and independently investigate in the early 1990s the At this time, there are two Level IV systematic re-
use of metal-on-metal (MOM) bearing surfaces.3,4 views available on the outcomes of hip resurfacing
The bearings designed during the 1990s have proved arthroplasty. The systematic review by Vale and col-
more durable and are the subject of this review. leagues9 compared the reported outcomes of hip re-
Hip resurfacing arthroplasty is an increasingly popu- surfacing with other treatments including THR. This
lar hip arthroplasty option for young, active patients review included 20 articles (1990–2001) that met the
who will likely loosen a conventional total hip replace- inclusion criteria, which included study patients who
ment (THR) prosthesis. THR has proved to be highly were active and younger than 65 years, and who
effective in elderly and less active patients, who can would likely outlive a THR. Hip resurfacing revision
expect an implant failure rate less than 10% at 10 years rates were found to range from 0% to 14% over a
after surgery.5 These excellent results, however, are 3-year follow-up period compared with THR revision
not observed in younger, more active recipients of rates of 10% or less over a 10-year period. Further-
THR, who routinely put significant strain on their hip more, 91% of patients with hip resurfacing were re-
prosthesis during work and recreational pursuits. In ported to be pain free at 4-year follow-up evaluation,
these patients, implant failure rates of 25% to 30% have compared with 84% at 11 years for patients with
been reported at 15 years.6 This is likely caused by THRs. Unfortunately, that review was limited to eight
an active lifestyle that contributes to excessive wear, case series reports of hip resurfacing outcomes.
osteolysis, and loosening of the implant.7,8 Hence, no comparative studies were available that
Modern hip resurfacing offers a more conserva- directly compared hip resurfacing with THR.
tive approach to hip arthroplasty in terms of bone Wyness and researchers10 provide a follow-up
stock. With this arthroplasty, MOM bearings are systematic review on the effectiveness of hip resur-
used to resurface the worn surfaces of the hip joint. facing based on studies published before 2002
A femoral component is cemented in the majority (Level IV). This review includes data from four hip
of systems in current usage onto the proximal resurfacing studies, four THR studies, and one
femur, and an uncemented acetabular cup is press- watchful waiting study. In addition, the authors in-
fit into the pelvis. This technique minimizes femo- clude three unpublished hip resurfacing studies
ral bone resection and potentially restores normal supplied from manufacturers for analysis. Unfortu-
biomechanics. It is generally believed that, com- nately, similar to Vale and colleagues’9 review, no
pared with THR, MOM hip resurfacing offers the comparative studies were available to this system-
following advantages: atic review. The studies included in this review rate
• Maintenance of normal hip biomechanics poorly for study description and for controlling
• Better proprioceptive feedback bias. Of the hip resurfacing reports, revision rates

What Is the Role for Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty? 581

were between 0% and 14.3% over a follow-up range

of 8.3 to 48 months. HIP RESURFACING OUTCOMES
Implant Survival Rates
Prospective, Randomized Studies The most important outcome after hip resurfacing is
the rate of surgical revision, which is the primary indi-
One prospective, randomized, controlled trial (RCT)11 cator of implant failure. Although a revision of a resur-
has assessed outcomes after modern hip resurfacing faced hip to a THR is relatively straightforward, it is
with THR. Howie and coauthors12 also report a hip inconvenient to the patient, costly, and associated
resurfacing RCT that featured 24 patients 55 years with the risks of revision surgery.
or younger. That study compared the outcomes of Currently, there are no long-term outcomes on revi-
11 patients who randomly received McMinn resurfac- sion rates for the current generation of hip resurfacings.
ing devices with 13 patients with THR. The surgeries Reported short-term outcomes of up to 5 years after
were performed between 1993 and 1995, and unlike surgery have indicated various rates of revision (see
current hip resurfacing techniques, cement fixation Table 86–1). We summarized the revision rates for these
of the acetabular component was used. An extremely studies as the overall revision rates per 100 hip-years of
high revision rate of 73% was observed in the resur- follow-up. We used a Poisson distribution to determine
facing group, which contributed to the abandonment the rates after first testing for overdispersion of study
of cement fixation for the acetabular component. rates using a negative binomial distribution. We used
Vendittoli and coworkers’11 RCT compares the hip-time of follow-up as an offset in estimating the failure
clinical outcomes of patients with hip resurfacing (107 rate. At the 5% level of significance, there was no evi-
hips) with THR (103 hips) over a study period from dence of overdispersion among the rates. The overall
2003 to 2006. The average age of the hip resurfacing rate per 100 hip-years of follow-up was 0.99 (95% confi-
group (49.1 years; range, 23–64 years) was similar to dence interval, 0.83–1.17).
that of the THR group (50.6 years; range, 24–65 years), Table 86–2 provides a summary of the revision rates
although the hip resurfacing group had a lower body and study duration reported in comparative and case
mass index (27.2 vs. 29.6) than the THR group. Osteo- series hip resurfacing studies. In addition, it includes
arthritis was the primary diagnosis for all patients, and the 3-year revision rates for each study based on an
outcome measures included the, Western Ontario exponential failure distribution. Numerous factors
and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) index, Postel- contribute to the variance in revision rates reported
Merle-d’Aubigne (PMA) functional assessment, and in the literature. These include surgeon experience13,14
the UCLA activity score. This RCT found that hip resur- and appropriate patient selection.
facing, compared with THR, took longer operating time
(101 vs. 85 min) and resulted in shorter length of hos-
pital stay (5.0 days vs. 6.1 days). At 1-year follow-up Adverse Events
examination, WOMAC and PMA scores were similar for
both groups, although patients with hip resurfacing The major complication after MOM hip resurfacing is
had greater average UCLA activity scores. Vendittoli femoral neck fracture. This contributes to the earlier
and coworkers11 also note that more resurfacing revision rate noted with hip resurfacing when compared
patients returned to work and resumed heavy or mod- with total hip arthroplasty. The overall incidence rate of
erate activities at 1-year follow-up compared with the femoral neck fracture as reported by Shimmin and
THR group. No dislocations or femoral neck fractures Back15 is 1.46%. The incidence rate for women is 1.91%
were observed in the resurfacing group, although two and for men is 0.98%. The mean time to fracture was
cases of femoral aseptic loosening led to revision 15.4 weeks. Significant varus placement of the femoral
surgery (one at 6 months and the other at 9 months component and intraoperative notching of the femoral
after surgery). In the THR group, one revision was neck were predisposing factors in 85% of cases.
performed for recurrent dislocation. Those authors
conclude that hip resurfacing and THR result in similar
satisfaction rates in young patients, but hip resurfac- Implant Wear and Metal Ion Effects
ing may give better functional performance in terms of
activity level and capacity to return to work. Although The advent of MOM arthroplasty has led to an increased
this RCT is the best experimental study conducted to concern about the consequence of metal ion debris
date on hip resurfacing, it is limited by its short-term with respect to both toxicity and carcogenicity. Keegan
follow-up period. and coauthors’16 review article outlines the potential
toxicities of metal ions. Visuri and investigators’17 work
shows no increase in the cancer rate on long-term
Comparative and Case Series Studies follow-up of patients with MOM total joint arthroplasty.
However, because the event rate is low, the literature
Numerous comparative and case series studies must be considered inconclusive on this issue. No evi-
have been published since the late 1990s on patient dence exists for an increased risk for cancer with the
clinical outcomes after hip resurfacing. An over- ion levels that are currently seen in clinical practice.
view of these studies is provided in Table 86–1. Further surveillance is required.
582 Arthroplasty Topics

TABLE 86–1. Comparative and Case Series Studies on Patient Clinical Outcomes after Hip Resurfacing

Amstutz et al. Prospective IV 400 (355) 48.2 (15–77) 400 Conserve Plus MOM hip resurfacings (355 patients)
(2004)24 case series performed between 1996 and 2000. Average patients
was 48 (range, 15–77), with OA being the primary
diagnosis for surgery. Average follow-up examination
was at 3.5 years (range, 2.2–6.2), and 3 patients were
lost to follow-up. Significant improvements in clinical
outcomes and quality of life were found. Revision
rate at follow-up was 3%. Reasons for revision were
femoral component loosening (7 hips), femoral neck
fracture (3 hips), recurrent dislocation (1 hip), and a
deep infection (1 hip).
Amstutz et al. Prospective IV 600 (519) 48.9 (15–78) Outcomes of 600 Conserve Plus MOM hip resurfacings
(2007)20 case series in 519 patients were assessed. Surgeries were
performed between 1996 and 2003. Average patient
age was 49 years. This study assessed surgeon
experience with outcomes. Modifications to tech-
nique were introduced after the first 300 hips. The
mean follow-up time was 5.9 years for the first
300 hips and 3.5 years for the second 300. Significant
improvement was noted for the second 300 hips
over the first half. 94.4% (17 hips) of all the revised
hips (18) occurred in the first 300 hips.
Back et al. Prospective IV 230 52.1 (18–82) The clinical and radiological outcomes of 230 consecu-
(2005)22 case series tive patients with Birmingham hip resurfacing
(average age, 52) who underwent surgery between
1999 and 2001 were studied. Follow-up was at an
average of 3 years. Survivorship rate at follow-up was
99.14% (1 patient suffered a femoral neck fracture
that required revision). 97% of patients reported
their outcome as good or excellent. Study authors
suggest that results from hip resurfacing are superior
to the earlier generation of hip resurfacing devices
that used cement and metal-on-polyethylene
Beaule et al. Retrospective IV 42 (39) 47.5 (22–69) 39 patients received 42 McMinn MOM hip resurfacings
(2004)25 case series between 1993 and 1996. Average patient age was
48 years (range, 22–69), and OA was the primary
reason for surgery. Mean follow-up period was at
8.7 years (range, 7.2–10.0), and 1 patient was lost to
follow-up due to death. This study reported a poor
survival rate of 79% at 7-year follow-up.
Considering aseptic-only failures, the femoral and
acetabular component survivorship at 7 years was
93% and 80%, respectively. Cement fixation was used
for the acetabular component, resulting in acetabular
loosening. The current generation of hip resurfacings
uses cementless acetabular components.
Beaule et al. Retrospective IV 94 (83) 34.2 (15–40) Outcomes of 94 Conserve Plus MOM hip resurfacings in
(2004)26 case series a group of 83 young patients (average age, 34 years;
range, 15–40) was studied. The mean follow-up
period was 3 years (range, 2.0–5.6), and 2 patients
(2 hips) were lost to follow-up. Significant improve-
ments in clinical outcomes and quality of life were
found at follow-up. The survival rate was 96.8% at
follow-up. Three revisions were performed at a mean
of 27 months. The survivorship of the hip resurfac-
ings was superior to the published results of THR
devices for this younger patient population.
Daniel et al. Retrospective IV 446 (384) 48.3 446 hip resurfacings (403 Birmingham and 43 McMinn
(2004)23 case series (26.8–54.9) devices) were performed between 1994 and 2001.
OA was the primary diagnoses, and the average
patient age was 48 years old (range, 27–55 years).
Follow-up occurred at an average of 3.3 years
(range, 1.1–8.2 years), and no patient was lost to
follow-up. Six patients died of unrelated causes,
whereas 1 suffered a femoral neck fracture. The
survival rate was 99.8% (1 revision was required).
The results suggest that MOM hip resurfacing
offers superior results over THR for younger
patients with degenerative joint disease.
What Is the Role for Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty? 583

TABLE 86–1. Comparative and Case Series Studies on Patient Clinical Outcomes after Hip Resurfacing—cont’d
De Smet Prospective IV 268 (252) 49.7 (16–75) Study assessed outcomes of 268 consecutive
(2005)27 case series Birmingham hip resurfacings performed on 252 pa-
tients from 1998 to 2004. Average patient age was 50
years (range, 16–75), and the primary diagnosis was
OA. Follow-up occurred at an average of 2.8 years
(range, 2–5), and 3 patients (4 prostheses) were lost
to follow-up because of death. At follow-up, 97.8% of
patients had no pain, total Harris Hip Score averaged
97.2, 61% engaged in strenuous activities, hip flexion
averaged 123 degrees, 19.4% experienced temporary
clicking in the prosthesis within the first 6 months
after surgery, and 2.8% had a persistent slight groin
pain. Prosthesis survival rate was 98.8%. Reasons for
revision were a femoral neck fracture, a low-grade
infection, and avascular necrosis in the femoral
head. This study shows promising short-term results
with hip resurfacing for young, active patients.
Falez et al. Prospective IV 60 (58) 46.82 (30–60) 60 hips (58 patients) resurfaced between 2001 and
(2008)28 case series 2005. Mean follow-up period was 2.7 years, and
average patient age was 47 (range, 30–60).
Postoperative complication rate was 11.7%, with
8.3% (5 cases) requiring revision. The authors
conclude that short-term hip resurfacing outcomes
are strongly correlated with surgical approach
and between prosthesis design and fixation
Grigoris et al. Retrospective IV 200 (186) 48 (22–72) 186 consecutive patients (200 hips) received Durom
(2005)29 case Series hip resurfacings between 2001 and 2003. Average
patient age was 48 years (range, 22–72), and the
primary preoperative diagnosis was OA. Average
follow-up was at 2.2 years (range, 1.0–3.4), and no
patients were lost to follow-up. Early results had
100% prosthesis survivorship, with no indications
of impending device failure in any patient.
Lilikakis et al. Retrospective IV 70 (66) 51.5 Outcomes of 70 MOM Cormet 2000 hip resurfacings in
(2005)30 case series (23.3–72.7) 66 patients (average age, 52 years) were assessed.
Surgeries were performed from 2001 to 2002.
Unique to this study was the use of hydroxyapatite
coating on the femoral component rather than
cement fixation. The mean follow-up period was
2.4 years (range, 2.0–3.2). The survival rate was
97.1%, with 2 revisions (one because of infection
and the other aseptic loosening of the acetabular
McAndrew et Prospective IV 180 (155) 56 (25–75) 180 consecutive hip resurfacing procedures (150 pa-
al. (2007)31 case series tients) were performed between 2000 and 2004 with
a mean follow-up of 2.6 years. Average age was 56
(range, 25–75), and OA was the primary diagnosis.
Nine complications in 7 patients were reported:
3 femoral neck fractures, 2 superficial wound
infections, 2 cases of deep vein thrombosis, 2 cases
of pulmonary embolism, and 1 femoral nerve palsy.
Implant survival rate was 98.3% at follow-up. Study
outcomes are comparable with others. Authors
recommend that hip resurfacing is suitable for
younger, active patients who present with
degenerative joint disease.
Mont et al. Retrospective III 1016 (906) 50 (15–80) 1016 MOM total hip resurfacings were performed
(2006)13 compara- in 906 patients from 2000 to 2006. The average
tive study follow-up period was 2.6 years. Mean patient age
was 50 (range, 15–80). Over the course of this
study, surgical technique was modified to adjust for
femoral cysts and prosthesis sizes. The impact of
these modifications on outcomes was studied. The
overall complication rate declined from 13.4% to
2.1%, and femoral neck fracture rates declined from
7.2% to 0.8% after the modifications. This study
indicates the importance of patient selection
and optimized surgical technique in the reduction
of complications.

584 Arthroplasty Topics

TABLE 86–1. Comparative and Case Series Studies on Patient Clinical Outcomes after Hip Resurfacing—cont’d
Pollard et al. Retrospective III 54 (53) 49.8 (18–67) Results of 54 Birmingham hip resurfacings performed
(2006)32 compara- from 1999 to 2001 were compared with those of
tive study 54 hybrid THRs performed from 1996 to 2001 by
the same surgeon. OA was the primary diagnoses
in both groups. Outcomes comparisons included
radiologic, clinical, and quality-of-life measures.
Patients in both groups were matched before sur-
gery for gender, age, surgery, BMI, and preoperative
activity levels before disease limitations. Average
follow-up time was 5.1 years for the resurfacing
group and 6.7 for the THR. Postoperative function
was excellent in both groups, but resurfacing
patients had higher postoperative activity and
quality-of-life scores. The revision or intent-to-
revise rates were 6% for the resurfacing group and
8% for the hybrid THR group. The 6% revision rate
of the resurfacing group was likely because of the
surgeon’s inexperience. Study suggests hip
resurfacing provides better outcomes to younger
patients compared with THR.
Schmalzried Retrospective IV 91 (79) 48 (30–67) 91 Conserve Plus MOM hip resurfacings in 79 patients
et al. case series performed between 2000 and 2004. Average age was
(2005)33 48 years (range, 30–67), and OA was the primary
diagnosis for surgery. 70 patients (81 hips) were
managed up at 2.6 years (range, 2.0–4.0). Significant
clinical improvements were observed with no
implant failures. Hips with least OA degeneration
had best outcomes. The authors advocate strict
patient selection criteria for optimal resurfacing
outcomes. Limitations of study include the use of
multiple femoral component fixation techniques.
Siebel et al. Prospective IV 300 (300) 56.8 (18–76) Clinical outcomes of 300 consecutive ASR MOM hip
(2006)14 case series resurfacings in 300 patients (average age, 57 years)
performed between 2003 and 2005. OA was the
primary diagnosis, and 15 patients had previous
surgery of the affected hip. Average follow-up time
was 202 days (0.6 year). Implant survival rate was
97.3%. Reasons for revision were 5 femoral neck
fractures and 3 acetabular component revisions. Re-
vision rates were predominately in the early group
of hips, indicating a steep learning curve in hip
resurfacing arthroplasty. Of the first 150 patients,
7 revisions were performed later, whereas only
1 was required in the next 150 patients.
Treacy et al. Retrospective IV 144 (130) 52.1 (17–76) 144 consecutive Birmingham hip resurfacings in
(2005)21 case series 130 patients performed between 1997 and 1998.
Average patient age was 52 years (range, 17–76),
and the primary diagnosis was OA. The survival
rate at 5 years after surgery was 98% overall and
99% for asepticive revisions only. Authors note that
hip resurfacing offers medium-term solution for
younger, more active adults who need surgical
intervention for hip disease.
Vail et al. Retrospective III 57 (52) 47 (22–64) Comparison of outcomes of 57 patients with Conserve
(2006)34 compara- Plus hip resurfacing with 47 matched patients with
tive study THR. The study follow-up period was 3 years (range,
2–4). At follow-up, the patients with hip resurfacing
had better clinical outcomes and lower patient-
reported limitations compared with the THR group.
Survival rates were similar between the hip
resurfacing (96.5%) and THR (95.7%) groups.

BMI, body mass index; MOM, metal on metal; OA, osteoarthritis; THR, total hip replacement.
What Is the Role for Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty? 585

TABLE 86–2. Summary of Revision Rates Reported in Comparative and Case Series Studies

Beaule et al. (2004)25 1993–1996 42 (39) McMinn 8.7 (7.2–10.0) 35.9% 14.2%
Beaule et al. (2004)26 NR 94 (83) Conserve Plus 3 (2.0–5.6) 3.6% 3.6%
Treacy et al. (2005)21 1997–1998 144 (130) BHR 5 2.3% 1.4%
Amstutz et al. (2004)24 1996–2000 400 (355) Conserve Plus 3.5 (2.2–6.2 3.4% 2.9%
Pollard et al. (2006)32 1999–2001 54 (53) BHR 5.1 (4.3–5.9) 6% 3.6%
Back et al. (2005)22 1999–2001 230 BHR 3 (2.1–4.3) 0.4% 0.4%
Daniel et al. (2004)23 1994–2001† 446 (384) BHR: 403 hips 3.3 (1.1–8.2) 0.3% 0.3%
McMinn: 43 hips
Lilikakis et al. (2005)30 2001–2002 70 (66) Cormet 2000 2.4 (2.0–3.2) 2.9% 3.6%
Amstutz et al. (2007)20 1996–2003 600 (519) Conserve Plus 4.7 (2.8–9.1) 3% 1.9%
Vail et al. (2006)34 2000–2003 57 (52) Conserve Plus 3.0 (2.0–4.0) 3.5% 3.5%
Grigoris et al. (2005)29 2001–2003 200 (186) Durom System 2.2 (1.0–3.4) 0% 0.0%
De Smet (2005)27 1998–2004 268 (252) BHR 2.8 (2–5) 1.2% 1.3%
Schmalzried et al. (2005)33 2000–2004 91 (79) Conserve Plus 2.6 (2.0–4.0) 0% 0.0%
McAndrew et al. (2007)31 2000–2004 180 (155) MMT BHR 2.6 (NR) 2% 2.3%
Falez et al. (2008)28 2001–2005 60 (58) BHR, ASR, MRS, RECAP 2.7 (0.2–3.7) 8% 8.8%
Siebel et al. (2006)14 2003–2005 300 (300) ASR 0.6 (NR) 2.7% 12.8%
Mont et al. (2006)13 2000–2006 1016 (906) Conserve Plus 2.8 (2–5) 5% 5.3%

*Three-year revision rate assumes exponential failure distribution.

1996 data excluded because of prosthesis production problems.
BHR, Birmingham hip resurfacing; NR, not reported

A major drawback with metal-on-polyethylene hip Reported results from the Australian registry
arthroplasty devices is their wear profile and sub- show an acceptable midterm survivorship of
sequent release of polyethylene particles into the several of the resurfacing systems, surpassing the
joint. This wear debris is believed to be a signifi- reports of a high failure rate for the Wagner
cant cause of osteolysis and long-term implant resurfacing system by midterm assessment. The
failure.18,19 greater earlier failure rate is largely a conse-
MOM bearings for THR and hip resurfacing are quence of femoral neck fracture. Based on
becoming increasingly popular because of their Shimmin and Back’s15 analysis, many of the
improved wear characteristics. The literature fractures were as a consequence of technical
shows considerable variation in revision rates for error. Appropriate physician training, attention to
MOM resurfacing. Much of this is due to variation intraoperative detail, and careful patient selection
in study durations, and when we interpolated to avoid patients with poor bone quality should
3-year rates using an exponential failure lead to a reduction in the postoperative rate of
distribution, the rates ranged from 0% to 14.2%. femoral neck fracture. The authors recommend
Early articles reported greater revision rates than continued study of the outcome of resurfacing
typically seen with THRs because of the early and surveillance for possible adverse conse-
occurrence of femoral neck fractures leading to quences of increased metal ion levels. Resurfac-
conversion to total hip arthroplasty. Reports by ing arthroplasty shows great promise in young
experienced surgeons20–23 (Level IV) showed adults with osteoarthritis who have a high func-
excellent midterm results with lower projected tional demand and when performed by an
revision rates than that for THR as reported by experienced surgeon. Table 86–3 provides a
the Swedish Joint Replacement Registry. summary of recommendations.

TABLE 86–3. Summary of Recommendation


Resurfacing arthroplasty may have a role I

in young adults.
586 Arthroplasty Topics

REFERENCES 18. Schmalzried TP, Jasty M, Harris WH: Periprosthetic bone loss
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Chapter When Should a Unicompartmental

87 Knee Arthroplasty Be Considered?


The first unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA), OPTIONS

the Polycentric, was released in 1968 by Gunston,1 af-
ter which UKA became a viable treatment option for Surgical options for patients with unicompartmental
selected patients with unicompartmental osteoarthri- osteoarthritis of the knee include proximal tibial oste-
tis. Initial results for UKA in the 1970s were somewhat otomy, TKA, chondral transplant with or without cor-
unimpressive, perhaps suggestive of the learning curve rective osteotomy, and arthroscopic debridement.
associated with the introduction of a novel technol- Proximal tibial osteotomy has similar indications
ogy.2 After publication of improved UKA results in the for a UKA, including lack of significant flexion con-
1980s and continued refinement of patient selection, tracture with intact range of motion. The results
technology, and surgical procedure, Kozinn and Scott3 generally demonstrate 80% survivorship at 5 years
published what have now become referred to as the and 60% survivorship at 10 years.10 The result, how-
“classic” indications for UKA.4 These inclusion and ex- ever, is often cosmetically unsatisfying and questions
clusion criteria were selected for an elderly, nonobese remain regarding the results of salvage procedures
patient with noninflammatory medial compartment after UKA, such as TKA.11 The traditional method,
arthritis and intact ligaments. Although an important and that with the most evidence, is the closing wedge
and widely quoted publication, the development of the osteotomy, as described by Coventry.12 Opening
classic indications for UKA was largely based on obser- wedge osteotomy and opening wedge hemicallosto-
vational series often using survivorship as the sole sis osteotomy have become increasing popular.13,14
outcome metric. Survivorship of UKA demonstrated Although long-term data are lacking, the techniques
equivalent survivorship in the first decade between are appealing in that they tend to be more “physio-
UKA and total knee arthroplasty (TKA), but worse sur- logic” with respect to joint biomechanics because
vivorship for UKA in the second decade. Thus, UKA the osteotomy is usually performed below the tu-
was initially seen as a definitive procedure that would bercle, and they have been suggested to be more re-
not need to be revised in an elderly patient. producible and reduce the incidence of adverse ef-
Interest in UKA has been renewed since the 1990s fects such as reversed tibial slope, intra-articular
associated with newer designs and minimally inva- fracture, patellar baja, and medial proximal tibial
sive surgery (MIS).5 This renewed interest may also overhang with metaphyseal-diaphyseal mismatch11,15
be associated with the unmet burden of middle-aged (Level of Evidence IV). Proximal tibial osteotomy is
patients with unicompartmental osteoarthritis of the generally reserved for younger patients with higher
knee.6 Without the underpinnings of strong evidenced- levels of demand (Level of Evidence V).
based indications, UKA is increasingly being recom- TKA has similar or better survivorship to UKA in
mended as a bridging procedure for younger patients the first decade and better survivorship in the sec-
with isolated osteoarthritis of the medial or lateral ond decade.16,17 As such, TKA is more reliable and is
compartment,7 in addition to a definitive procedure appropriate for older patients who may outlive their
in the older patient. Furthermore, some authors have UKA. TKA has similar satisfaction rates to medial
expanded the indications to include patients with UKA (82%).18 TKA has the major advantage over UKA
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficiency and pa- of being able to accommodate major ligament re-
tients with significant patella-femoral arthritis. The leases and resections, including the ACL and PCL, as
variability and lack of consensus of indications for well as significant bone resection to address defor-
UKA have led to a reported range of potential candi- mity. The survivorship of TKA is adversely affected
dates for UKA in a knee arthroplasty population of by younger age and obesity.19–22
between 5% and 30%.8 Despite the fact that UKA pre- Fresh osteochondral allografting has been recom-
ceded TKA and the renewed interest in UKA, the cu- mended for the treatment of large focal defects.
mulative revision rates for UKA have not improved in Matched osteochondral surfaces are transplanted
Sweden since the 1970s. This is in distinction to TKA, from the donor to the recipient host, often with an
which has seen a significant reduction in cumulative unloading osteotomy. Reasonable success rates have
revision rate (CRR) over the same period. been reported, but this technique has limitations in

588 Arthroplasty Topics

that it requires immunosuppressive drugs, carries Amin and coworkers16 report on a matched study
the risk for disease transfer, and requires a large of 54 consecutive UKAs compared with 54 consecu-
catchment area to find suitable donors.23,24 This tech- tive TKAs. The two groups of patients were matched
nique has had limited success at a few centers for age, sex, body mass index, preoperative range of
around the world. Chondral transplant has been ad- movement, and preoperative Knee Society scores.
vocated for focal defects in one of the femoral con- The mean follow-up period was 59 months in both
dyles.25–27 Although it has been possible to grow groups. Classic selection criteria were used for the
chondrocytes in vitro, results of transplanted chon- UKA group. The UKA was mobile bearing. The survi-
drocytes have been mixed because of the large bio- vorship for the UKA group at 5 years was 88% com-
mechanical forces to which the immature chondral pared with 100% for the TKA group. Subjective out-
cells are exposed. comes were similar for both groups. The range of
Arthroscopic debridement of the knee for unicom- motion was greater for the UKA group. This study
partmental arthroplasty has been shown in general differed from Newman and colleagues’29 work in
to be ineffective28 (Level of Evidence I). However, that the patients with TKA were not candidates for
evidence suggests that arthroscopic debridement UKA, and the UKA was mobile bearing (Level of Evi-
can relieve symptoms temporarily for patients with dence III).
mechanical symptoms, such as catching or locking, Stukenborg-Colsman and investigators30 completed
associated with arthritis28 (Level of Evidence I). a prospective, randomized trial comparing UKA with
proximal tibial osteotomy. The selection criteria for
the patients were medial unicompartmental osteoar-
EVIDENCE thritis, varus malalignment less than 10, flexion con-
traction less than 15 degrees, minimal ligament insta-
Unfortunately, UKA studies in the literature with high bility, and age older than 60 years. The osteotomies
levels of evidence are limited (Table 87–1). In a random- were performed according to Coventry’s12 technique
ized trial, Newman and colleagues29 compared 52 TKAs and the UKAs were fixed bearing. Thirty-two patients
with 50 fixed-bearing UKAs. All patients were selected received osteotomies and 28 received UKAs with
for surgery as candidates for UKA using the classic in- mean follow-up period of 7.5 years. The UKA group
dications of intact cruciate ligaments: “normal” other had fewer intraoperative and postoperative compli-
compartments, flexion deformity less than 15 degrees, cations, had a greater percentage of patients with
and varus/valgus less than 15 degrees. The mean age at good or excellent results on the Knee Society Score,
surgery was 69 years. Patients in the UKA group had and had a better 7- to 10-year survivorship rate of
less morbidity, shorter length of stays, and better range 77% compared with 60%. The authors conclude that
of motion both in the short and the long term (109.3 vs. UKA offered better long-term results compared with
102.6 degrees). Two failures occurred in the UKA group Coventry-type proximal tibial osteotomy in patients
and one in the TKA group, with an additional pending older than 60 years (Level of Evidence I).
failure. The number of knees able to flex greater than UKA has experienced a resurgence in interest since
120 degrees was proportionally greater in the UKA the last 1990s partly because of its adaptability to MIS.
group. Pain relief was similar in both groups using the Despite the popularity of MIS, most data to support its
Bristol Knee Score. The authors conclude that UKA use are anecdotal or of a low quality of evidence. Fur-
gives better results than TKA at 5 years in patients who thermore, reported MIS results are most often associ-
meet the conservative criteria for UKA (Level of Evi- ated with a specific implant of interest, hence the re-
dence I). sults may not be generalizable to all implant/instrument

TABLE 87–1. Summary of Studies with Levels of Evidence Greater Than II for Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty

Newman Prospective UKA vs. TKA Fixed bearing Favors UKA I 102 69 5
et al.29 randomized
Amin et al.16 Matched UKA vs. TKA Mobile bearing UKA ! better II 54 68 5
prospective range of
UKA ! worse
Stukenborg- Prospective UKA vs. HTO Fixed bearing Favors UKA I 60 67 7.5
Colsman randomized
et al.30
Carlsson Prospective MIS vs. Fixed bearing Favors MIS I 41 65 2
et al.31 randomized conventional

HTO, high tibial osteotomy; MIS, minimally invasive surgery; TKA, total knee arthroplasty; UKA, unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.
When to Consider Doing a Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 589

types. Carlsson and coauthors31 have reported on the (Level of Evidence II). The increased incidence of ra-
only randomized trial comparing a conventional ap- diolucent lines is significant but difficult to interpret
proach in 20 patients with MIS in 21 patients, using because radiolucent lines do not necessarily correlate
a fixed-bearing UKA. Patients were selected for the with failure. Also, other that one being mobile bearing
study who had intact ligaments and unicompartmental and the other fixed, the two designs of knees studied
disease; however, moderate patella-femoral arthritis were quite disparate, and these differences in design
was accepted. Average patient age was 64 years, and may just as easily account for the improved kinemat-
the length of follow-up was 2 years. Patients receiving ics. Emerson and coauthors35 report on 50 matched
the MIS approach had significantly shorter hospital mobile-bearing UKAs with 51 fixed-bearing UKAs with
stays (3 vs. 6 days). However, the subjective outcomes 7.7 years of follow-up. The mobile-bearing group dem-
(Hospital for Special Surgery Score) were the same for onstrated a survivorship rate of 99% at 11 years,
both groups, as were the clinical outcomes such as whereas the fixed-bearing group had a rate of 93%.
alignment and range of motion. Precise and accurate However, the two groups had significantly different
radiostereometric analysis (RSA) data demonstrated postoperative alignment, forcing the authors to con-
similar migration patterns in both patients, suggesting clude that the results could be attributable to surgical
that the long-term survivorship should be the same for technique and prosthesis design (Level of Evidence
both groups (Level of Evidence I). III). Gleeson9 reports on the early results of a prospec-
tive study comparing 47 mobile-bearing UKAs with 57
fixed bearings. At 2 years, the mobile-bearing group
AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY had a greater failure rate, mostly because of polyeth-
Acceptable Degree of Patella-Femoral Joint Arthritis ylene dislocation, and better subjective pain scores
(Level of Evidence II). According to the Swedish Knee
Classic indications for UKA suggest that rest pain in Registry,20 mobile-bearing UKAs have a greater rate of
the patella-femoral joint is a relative contraindication mechanical failures but a lower rate of failure for poly-
to UKA, whereas asymptomatic patella-femoral arthri- ethylene wear than do fixed-bearing designs36 (Level
tis is not. However, full-thickness cartilage lesions in of Evidence III).
the patella-femoral groove have been suggested to be
a contraindication to surgery.3 Some authors more
recently have suggested that significant patella-femo- Lateral Compartment Unicompartmental Knee
ral arthritis, including that associated with pain, is not Arthroplasty
a contraindication.32 No randomized trials published
to date address this issue. Considerable debate is included in the literature re-
garding UKA of the lateral compartment. Initially,
before tricondylar knee systems, it was not uncom-
Obesity mon to use a UKA for lateral joint disease.37 In a
nonrandomized, consecutive series comparing lat-
Previous literature suggests that UKA should be eral with medial UKAs in 159 knees, the authors
avoided in obese patients.3 More recent articles have conclude that lateral UKA is a viable alternative to
refuted this notion, which appears to be based on an- TKA (Level of Evidence III). However, in a large se-
ecdote and the expectation that increased body mass ries investigating satisfaction after UKA and TKA in
index will lead to increased load on a small area of more than 29,000 patients from the Swedish Knee
tibia. Tabor and coauthors33 report that on a 20-year Registry, satisfaction rates after lateral UKA were
follow-up of UKA, the survivorship of the UKAs in the significantly lower than for medial UKA18 (Level of
obese group was actually better than the nonobese Evidence III). Because of significant differences in
group, whereas Berend and Lombardi32 report in- the kinematics between the medial and lateral com-
creased failures in a retrospective review (Level of partments, some authors have recommended cau-
Evidence II). Few data address differences in func- tion when using meniscal bearings in the lateral
tional outcome between the two groups. compartment38,39 (Level of Evidence V).

Mobile versus Fixed Bearing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency

Early failure patterns in UKA treatment included de- ACL deficiency has been defined in the early litera-
lamination and failure of the polyethylene bearing. ture as a contraindication for UKA3 (Level of Evi-
Partly in an effort to address this, a more congruent dence V). The concern has been that ACL laxity can
but mobile-bearing polyethylene was developed. In a ultimately culminate in increased polyethylene wear
small, randomized trial to look at this issue, Li and because of the altered joint kinematics, particularly
researchers34 randomized 56 UKAs to a fixed-bearing with anteroposterior translation.40,41 Both favorable
versus a mobile-bearing device. In their study, the and unfavorable results have been reported with
mobile-bearing knees had better kinematics, a lower UKA in patients with ACL deficiency.41 ACL recon-
incidence of radiolucency, but no difference in multi- struction at the same time as UKA has been reported
ple subjective outcome questionnaires at 2 years34 in a matched series of 15 patients receiving UKA with
590 Arthroplasty Topics

ACL reconstruction and 15 patients receiving UKA

judiciously in obese and highly active patients
with an intact ACL. Similar excellent short-term out-
(grade C). Reports of good outcomes in UKA with
comes were reported for both groups42 (Level of Evi-
ACL reconstruction and significant arthritic
dence III).
changes in the patella-femoral joint tend to be
prosthetic specific from expert UKA surgeons.
I do not recommend the routine use of UKA in
GUIDELINES these circumstances (grade C).
Given that a volume effect has been reported
No published guidelines are specific to patient selec-
on more technically demanding implants, such as
tion for UKA from any of the major international or-
mobile-bearing designs,43 the casual UKA surgeon
thopedic or arthritis care organizations. The “clas-
should strongly consider simpler designs with
sic” indications for UKA have been described by
larger incisions, if necessary (grade C). Ideally,
Kozinn and Scott,3 and have generally been accepted
potential UKA patients would be referred to a
by the orthopedic community as such. However, the
small enough number of surgeons with a
“classic” indications are not necessarily believed to
particular interest in UKA to take maximum
be the contemporary indications.
advantage of the surgical learning curve, and
ensure greater consistency and reproducibility in
patient selection.
A significant need exists for appropriate
UKA is a technical operation, made more studies with high levels of evidence to address
complex when associated with MIS, with the areas of controversy and to further define
significant controversy regarding patient selec- who are the best candidates for UKA. Table 87–2
tion, including age, body mass index, extent of provides a summary of recommendations.
patella-femoral arthritis, and condition of the
ACL. UKA is no longer seen as exclusively a
definitive procedure in the elderly but rather in-
creasingly as a bridging procedure in the younger TABLE 87–2. Summary of Recommendations
patient. A paucity of appropriate randomized
trials exists to address many of the controversial LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/GRADE
aspects of patient selection. Subsequently, UKA is
difficult in the sense of both the “incision” and 1. Older patients A 29
the “decision.” with classic* indi-
cations for UKA do
The greatest preponderance and length of as well or better
follow-up in the literature still suggest that the with a UKA than
ideal patient for UKA is an older, nonobese with TKA.
patient with medial compartment osteoarthritis, 2. Patients aged 60 A 30
intact ligaments, a correctable deformity, small or years or older
with classic indi-
no flexion contracture, good range of motion, and cations for UKA do
no significant arthritis in the lateral or patella- better with UKA
femoral joint (grade B). It appears that, with a than with high tib-
fixed bearing at least, there are advantages of the ial osteotomy.
3. Lateral UKA has B 18
MIS approach without significant disadvantages significantly lower
in the short- and long-term clinical outcome satisfaction rates
(grade I). This may be prosthesis and instrument than medial UKA.
specific, however. 4. The survivorship B 19
UKA in younger patients has shown favorable of UKA in patients
less than 60 years
outcomes in selected series. These series are of age is worse
usually from high-volume UKA knee surgeons, than in patients
often with advanced knowledge of the prosthesis older than 60.
in question. As such, it is difficult to extrapolate
*Classic indications: isolated medial compartment osteoarthritis, flexion
the results to the larger surgical community. The deformity less than 15 degrees, varus/valgus less than 15 degress, intact
Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Registry has reported anterior cruciate ligament
that in the experience of all surgeons living in
one nation using multiple prostheses design and
techniques, the survivorship of UKA in patients REFERENCES
younger than 60 years is worse than in those
1. Gunston FH: Polycentric knee arthroplasty. Prosthetic simu-
older than 6019 (Level of Evidence III). UKA lation of normal knee movement. J Bone Joint Surg
eventually will fail in the younger patient 53:272–277, 1971.
population, and it is unclear as to the survivor- 2. Scott RD: Unicondylar arthroplasty: Redefining itself. Ortho-
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five-year chondrocyte viability in fresh osteochondral knee arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Br 83:45–49, 2001.
Should You Save or Substitute
the Posterior Cruciate Ligament
88 in Total Knee Replacement?

The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) serves several range of motion. Because of roll back, the femur
important functions in the native knee joint. The PCL moves backward on the tibia by 10 mm from full
is the strongest ligament in the knee and runs from extension to full flexion. This posterior translation
the posteromedial portion of the medial femoral con- of the femur prevents it from impinging on the pos-
dyle to the posterior aspect of the tibia.1 Because of terior portion of the tibial plateau during flexion.
its direction of attachment, it is the primary ligament Posterior translation of the femur by 10 mm also
resisting posterior subluxation of the tibia on the fe- increases the quadriceps lever arm by approxi-
mur. During flexion, the PCL ensures that the femoral mately 40% (Fig. 88–1).1 This improves quadriceps
condyles are positioned appropriately on the tibial power for knee extension from a flexed position.
plateau. The ligament also contains receptors that Proponents of PCL sparing have argued that this
are sensitive to stretch and allow for normal knee leads to improved stair climbing. They have sug-
joint proprioception. gested that patients without normal femoral roll
The PCL is present and functional in almost all back need to lean forward while climbing stairs
patients who present for total knee arthroplasty. Fur- so that their center of gravity falls anterior to
thermore, it is possible to retain this ligament with- the knee (counteracting the reduced quadriceps
out significantly increasing surgical time or expense. lever arm).1
Sacrifice of the PCL, however, may facilitate ligament The PCL is the primary stabilizer for posteriorly
balancing and enhance correction of deformity. This directed forces on the tibia. These forces may be
has sparked debate concerning how the PCL should quite high during normal activities (e.g., approach-
be treated during total knee arthroplasty. Orthope- ing body weight during walking).1 Without the native
dic surgeons follow one of two differing philosophies: PCL, these forces may be transferred to the bone-
save the PCL or sacrifice the PCL. implant interface. Two types of PCL-sacrificing im-
plants recreate the posterior stabilizing effect of the
PCL using different designs: (1) posterior stabilized
OPTIONS (PS) implants have a post on the tibial component
Arguments for Sparing the Posterior Cruciate and a cam on the femoral component, and (2) ultra-
Ligament in Total Knee Arthroplasty congruent (UC) implants have deep troughs in the
tibial component to accommodate the femoral con-
Advocates for PCL sparing total knee arthroplasty dyles. In these PCL-sacrificing implants, a posterior-
generally cite five theoretical advantages: (1) increases directed force on the tibia will pass through the tib-
passive range of motion, (2) preserves the quadriceps ial component and result in a shear force at the
lever arm, (3) enhances joint stability, (4) reduces bone-implant interface. This may accelerate loosen-
bone-implant interfacial stress on the tibial compo- ing of the tibial component.
nent, and (5) improves joint proprioception. A review Because of its location in the middle of the knee,
of the normal function of the PCL in the knee is re- the PCL is also a secondary stabilizer for both varus
quired to understand these arguments. and valgus forces placed on the tibia.1 The typical
As the knee is flexed, the PCL tethers the femur to varus thrust that occurs with walking on level ground
the posterior tibia. This causes the femoral condyles results in an adduction moment about the knee joint.
to roll backward on the tibial plateau. The resulting This is resisted by the PCL through a relatively short
anterior-to-posterior translation of the femur on the lever arm (Fig. 88–2). This function of the PCL may
tibia has been termed femoral roll back.2 The medial not be fully replicated by PS and UC implants. As a
femoral condyle is more constrained than the lateral result, there may be greater forces through the me-
femoral condyle and, therefore, undergoes less roll dial compartment than the lateral compartment
back. This causes internal rotation of the tibia on the when the PCL is sacrificed.
femur with knee flexion. The PCL, like the anterior cruciate ligament
Preservation of normal femoral roll back is sug- (ACL), contains mechanoreceptors that detect knee
gested as the mechanism for increased passive joint position (i.e., proprioception). These mecha-

Should You Save or Substitute the Posterior Cruciate Ligament in Total Knee Replacement? 593

malities, and difficulties with balance.3 Improved

knee joint proprioception through retention of the
PCL may result in better patient function after total
knee arthroplasty.4

Arguments for Sacrificing the Posterior Cruciate

Ligament in Total Knee Arthroplasty
Advocates for PCL-sacrificing total knee arthroplasty
generally cite three possible advantages: (1) it facili-
tates correction of deformity, (2) it enhances range of
passive motion, and (3) it decreases stress at the
bone-implant interface. Several authors suggest that
release of the PCL allows for improved correction in
knees with more than 15 degrees of varus or valgus
deformity and knees with more than 15 degrees of
W W fixed flexion deformity.5,6 Matsueda and colleagues7
showed in a cadaver study that release of the PCL led
to the ability to achieve significantly greater tibio-
femoral coronal angles during both medial and lateral
releases. They also found that release of the PCL pro-
duced extension gaps of 10.9 mm and flexion gaps of
6.6 mm. This would allow for correction of significant
flexion deformities.
FIGURE 88–1. An illustration of increased quadriceps lever The PS implant recreates the femoral roll back
arm due to femoral roll back. (From Andriacchi TP, Galante through the articulation between the cam on the
JO: Retention of the posterior cruciate in total knee arthro- femoral component and the post on the tibial compo-
plasty. J Arthroplasty 3(Suppl): 13-19, 1988, p.S17.)
nent. Femoral roll back, as stated earlier, allows for
increased passive range of motion and quadriceps
mechanical function. Through fluoroscopic analysis,
femoral roll back has been shown to be more consis-
tent with PS implants than cruciate-sparing implants.8
Some cruciate-sparing implants exhibited paradoxical
anterior femoral translation. The UC implant has an
anterior lip and tibial surface that conforms to the
F femoral condyles to substitute for the PCL. This does
not recreate femoral roll back; however, the axis of
rotation of the femur on the tibia is placed posterior
Force in PCL on the tibial plateau. This allows for improved range
of motion and quadriceps mechanical function in the
absence of femoral roll back.2
Lever The PCL is thought to impart posterior stability to
Arm the flexed knee through two mechanisms. First, it is
taut in flexion and orientated somewhat horizontal to
the tibia, so that it may directly resist posterior dis-
placement of the tibia on the femur.2 Second, the PCL
holds the femoral condyles down on the tibial surface.
The tibial surface slopes upward anteriorly, and this is
FIGURE 88–2. The PCL produces a stabilizing moment (force further enhanced by the menisci.2 With the PCL secur-
in PCL) that acts at a distance (lever arm) from the medial
ing the femoral condyles to the tibial surface, the
compartment. The PCL is therefore a secondary stabilizer
acting against the normal adduction moment (or varus condyles will impinge on the anterior sloping tibial
thrust) that occurs with walking. (From Andriacchi TP, surface if the tibia experiences a posterior-directed
Galante JO: Retention of the posterior cruciate in total knee force. For the PCL to provide posterior stability
arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty 3(Suppl): 13-19, 1988, p.S17.) through these mechanisms, it must have the appropri-
ate tension in flexion. This is achieved by varying
bone cuts on the superior tibia and posterior femur
noreceptors sense stress placed on the ligaments (i.e., varying the flexion gap).
and act through a reflex arc to stimulate the dy- The success of total knee arthroplasty with reten-
namic stabilizers of the knee (i.e., muscles that tion of the PCL is highly dependent on proper ten-
cross the knee joint). Proprioceptive deficiency in sioning of the PCL. If the flexion gap is “overstuffed”
the knee may lead to knee instability, gait abnor- (i.e., too large of a femoral component or too thick of
594 Arthroplasty Topics

a polyethylene spacer), the PCL will be under too ity) are cited for choosing PCL retention over sacri-
much tension with flexion. This causes a large com- fice and vice versa. Therefore, studies should in-
pressive force between the femoral condyles and the corporate outcome measures that address these
posterior aspect of the tibial surface. Unbalanced variables.
force on the tibial surface causes the tibial compo-
nent to “book open” (i.e., the anterior portion of the
tibial component lifts off the tibia). This must be rec- Evidence
ognized intraoperatively and the appropriate mea-
sures taken (recessing the PCL, reducing thickness A Cochrane meta-analysis was performed recently to
of the spacer, or decreasing size of the femoral com- identify differences in functional, clinical, and radio-
ponent). Otherwise, this unbalanced force on the logical outcomes for patients receiving either a cruci-
tibial component will place undue stress on the bone- ate retaining or sacrificing total knee arthroplasty.11
implant interface. Overtensioning the PCL has also Eight randomized, controlled trials were identified in
been reported to increase the rate of polyethylene the literature. These consisted of four level I studies
wear and may result in posterior femoral sublux- and four level II studies (Table 88–1).3,12–18 Two treat-
ation.9,10 On the other hand, leaving the flexion space ment options were compared to PCL retention: PCL
too lax or over-recessing the PCL will lead to a slack sacrifice with use of a PCL-retaining (CR) implant,
PCL and subsequent flexion instability. and PCL sacrifice with use of a PS implant. The group
Differences in passive range of motion, tibial receiving PCL sacrifice with a PS implant were found
component loosening, proprioception, and patient to have a significantly greater (8.1 degrees; P " 0.01)
function (i.e., quadriceps strength and knee stabil- range of motion after surgery as compared with the

TABLE 88–1. Studies Reporting Outcomes for Posterior Cruciate Ligament–Retaining Implants, Posterior Cruciate Ligament–Substituting
Implants and Posterior Cruciate Ligament Sacrifice with Use of a Posterior Cruciate Ligament–Retaining Implant

Catani et al. I Prospective 100% 2 A: 20 70 A: CR

(2004)12 RCT B: 20 B: PS

Maruyama et al. I Prospective 100% 2.64 (2–4.42) 20 74.3 A: CR

(2004)13 RCT B: PS

Swanik et al. I Prospective 100% 0.63 A: 10 A: 71.1 A: CR

(2004)3 RCT B: 10 B: 69.4 B: PS

Tanzer et al. I Prospective 100% 2 A: 20 A: 68 A: CR

(2002)14 RCT B: 20 B: 66 B: PS

Misra et al. (2003)15 II Prospective 77% !5 A: 51 A: 66.8 A: CR

RCT B: 54 B: 67.2 B: CR (PCL resected)

Straw et al. (2003)16 II Prospective 56% 3.5 A: 66 73.2 A: CR

RCT B: 59 B: CR (PCL resected)
C: 42 C: PS

Clark et al. (2001)17 II Prospective 51% 3 A: 67 A: 72 A: CR

RCT B: 76 B: 71 B: PS

Shoji et al. (1994)18 II Prospective 51% 3.2 (2.5–4.5) 28 60.2 A: CR

RCT B: CR (PCL resected)

* Bilateral total knee arthroplasty studies with the PCL spared in one knee and resected in the contralateral knee.
CR, posterior cruciate ligament retaining; HSS, Hospital for Special Surgery; KS, Knee Society; PCL, posterior cruciate ligament; PS, posterior stabilized;
RCT, randomized, controlled trial; ROM, range of motion.
Should You Save or Substitute the Posterior Cruciate Ligament in Total Knee Replacement? 595

CR group. There was no significant difference in tween PCL retention and sacrifice using the same
range of motion in patients receiving CR implants prosthesis.11
with either PCL retention or sacrifice. The Hospital Long-term case series (Level IV) are available for
for Special Surgery score was significantly better for similarly designed CR and PS implants. The Press-Fit
PCL sacrifice (CR and PS implants together) than PCL Condylar prosthesis (PFC; Johnson and Johnson,
retention. This outcome measure evaluates overall Raynham, MA) has been used since 1984, and sur-
patient function and specific clinical variables (e.g., vival data have been published for both CR and PS
knee range of motion and radiographic appearance). designs.19 Survival of the CR design has been
All other variables did not reveal any significant dif- reported at 91.5% at a mean of 15.8 years, and sur-
ference between treatment groups. The authors of vival of the PS design has been reported at 94.6% at
the Cochrane analysis were reluctant to make con- 12 years.19,20 The similar longevity of these implant
clusions because the methodologic quality of the designs suggests that the PCL may be substituted
studies, as determined by the van Tulder score, was without increasing revision rates. Therefore, rates of
quite variable.11 For future studies, they suggest aseptic loosening, knee instability, and component
more information on the patient population, more wear may be unaffected by PCL substitution.
information on the type of treatment and intraopera- Authors have suggested sacrifice of the PCL and use
tive findings, and better outcome measures (e.g., of a PS implant for certain clinical scenarios: severe
range of motion, contact position of the femur on deformity (varus/valgus ! 15 degrees and fixed flexion
the tibia, and knee stability). Despite their hesitation deformity ! 15 degrees), previous patellectomy, and
to make a conclusion, these authors state that there inflammatory arthritis.6 Laskin21 has reported a retro-
is “strong” evidence that there is no difference be- spective case series (Level IV) showing poor results in



A: 106 ± 12 A: 97 ± 15 d No difference No difference No difference Not reported PS showed signifi-

degrees egrees cantly increased
B: 106 ± 21 B: 114 ± 21 ROM at 2 years
degrees degrees after surgery.
A: 120 ± 8 A: 122 ± 15 No difference No difference No difference Not reported PS showed signifi-
degrees degrees cantly increased
B: 120 ± 18 B: 131 ± 13 ROM at more than
degrees degrees 2 years after
Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Significantly Proprioception
better in PS improves after
group surgery with both
CR and PS
A: 110 ± 12 A: 112 ± 13 No difference Not reported No difference Not reported No difference in
degrees degrees results for CR or PS
B: 101 ± 23 B: 111 ± 17 implants.
degrees degrees
Not reported Not reported Not reported No difference No difference Not reported PCL not useful when
retained. PS knee
implant may not be
required for PCL-
deficient knees.
Not reported A: 100 No difference Not reported No difference Not reported No significant differ-
degrees ence between CR,
B: 110 CR (PCL released),
degrees and PS groups.
C: 110 d
A: 110.6 A: 108.5 No difference Not reported No difference Not reported No difference in
degrees degrees results for CR or PS
B: 111.6 B: 108.3 de- implants.
degrees grees
A: 95.4 A: 114.2 Not reported No difference No difference Not reported No difference
degrees degrees between retention
B: 94.3 B: 117.4 and sacrifice of
degrees degrees PCL.
596 Arthroplasty Topics

patients with a fixed varus deformity treated with a comparative studies (Level III) that showed no differ-
CR prosthesis. Laskin and others5,21 suggest PCL sacri- ence in proprioception with PCL sacrifice.25,26
fice and use of a PS implant for varus or valgus defor-
mity greater than 15 degrees (Level V). Lombardi and
colleagues6,22 originally believed that a fixed flexion Is a Posterior Stabilized Implant Required When
contracture of greater than 15 degrees required PCL the Posterior Cruciate Ligament Is Sacrificed?
sacrifice; however, based on a recent retrospective
comparative study (Level III), these authors now rec- The PS implant reproduces the stability of the PCL
ommend an intraoperative algorithm to determine through a post and cam mechanism. Articulation of
whether the PCL should be sacrificed for flexion defor- the tibial post within the femoral cam during flexion
mity. Sacrifice of the PCL is recommended if full exten- also simulates physiologic femoral roll back. However,
sion cannot be achieved with CR trial, or more than the cam-post articulation can be an additional source
2 mm (beyond the amount required using a measured of polyethylene wear debris and may dislocate (i.e.,
resection technique) of distal femur must be resected the cam may jump anteriorly over the post) if collat-
to achieve full extension. Paletta and Laskin23 pub- eral ligament laxity is present.27 Therefore, UC implants
lished a retrospective, comparative trial (Level III) on have been proposed as an alternative to PS implants.
total knee arthroplasty after a patellectomy that Parsley and coworkers28 conducted a retrospective
showed superior results for a PS implant as compared comparative study (Level III) with 121 patients in the PS
with a CR implant. In a case series of CR implants used treatment group and 89 patients in the UC treatment
to treat patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared group.28 They found no significant difference between
with a case series of CR implants used to treat patients groups for terminal flexion, range of motion, and func-
with osteoarthritis, Laskin and O’Flynn24 found an in- tional scores at the time of follow-up (the time of follow-
creased incidence of posterior instability and recurva- up was undefined). The authors conclude that there
tum deformity in the patients with rheumatoid arthri- was no clinical difference between implant designs.
tis. They recommend use of a PS implant in patients Is it possible to use a CR implant with sacrifice of
with inflammatory arthritis (Level IV). the PCL? Three Level II studies were identified that
compared PS implants with CR implants used without
retention of the PCL (see Table 88–1).15,16,18 These
AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY studies did not show any significant difference in
Does Sacrifice of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament range of motion, functional score, or radiographic as-
Lead to Changes in Knee Joint Proprioception? sessment between the two treatment groups. This led
the authors to conclude that a PS implant is not re-
The neurosensory function of the PCL is often used as quired when the PCL is sacrificed. However, follow-up
an argument to retain this ligament during knee arthro- periods for the studies were relatively short (i.e., only
plasty.4 Proprioception is used to regulate motor con- one study had a follow-up period of at least 5 years).
trol, coordination, and stability of a joint. An associa- Instability and polyethylene wear may become appar-
tion between reduced proprioception and function has ent beyond this follow-up time.
been reported in patients with osteoarthritis.3 Given
the importance of joint stability and coordination in an
elderly population (i.e., prevention of falls), every ef-
fort should be made to preserve knee joint propriocep-
tion. However, many other structures other than the RECOMMENDATIONS
PCL contribute to proprioception (e.g., ACL, collateral The literature contains significant debate
ligaments, and joint capsule). Should the PCL be re- regarding the fate of the PCL during total knee
tained to allow for improved proprioception? arthroplasty. However, both long- and short-term
Swanik and colleagues3 conducted a prospective, studies suggest little difference between PCL
randomized, controlled trial to investigate the effect retention and sacrifice. Based on our examination
of PCL sacrifice on proprioception (Level I evidence). of the literature, we make the following
They assessed joint position sense, threshold to de- recommendations (Table 88–2):
tect joint motion, and ability to balance on an unsta- • Primary total knee replacements with PCL
ble platform both before surgery and over 6 months sacrifice exhibit slightly greater early range of
after surgery. Ten patients were randomized to the motion (approximately 8 degrees difference).
CR group, and 10 to the PCL-sacrificing group with Otherwise, there is no significant difference in
use of a PS implant group. Joint position sense and clinical outcomes (functional measures,
balance were significantly better after surgery as radiographic measures, and revision rates)
compared with before surgery for both treatment between retention and sacrifice of the PCL
groups. The only significant difference between treat- during routine primary total knee arthroplasty
ment groups was an improvement in joint sensation (grade A).
(sensing extension from a flexed position) for the PS • The PCL should be sacrificed and a PS implant
implant group. The authors conclude that arthro- used for patients with severe varus or valgus
plasty improves knee joint proprioception, and sacri- deformity (!15 degrees, grade C), severe
fice of the PCL has no significant effect on proprio- fixed flexion deformity (unable to obtain
ception. This agrees with two other retrospective
Should You Save or Substitute the Posterior Cruciate Ligament in Total Knee Replacement? 597

7. Matsueda M, Gengerke TR, Murphy M, et al: Soft tissue re-

intraoperative correction with a CR implant, lease in total knee arthroplasty. Cadaver study using knees
grade B), previous patellectomy (grade B), without deformities. Clin Orthop Relat Res (366):264–273,
and inflammatory arthritis (grade C). 1999.
• Sacrifice of the PCL during total knee 8. Dennis DA, Komistek RD, Mahfouz MR, et al: Multicenter
determination of in vivo kinematics after total knee
arthroplasty does not decrease joint arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res (416):37–57, 2003.
proprioception (grade A). 9. Yamakado K, Worland RL, Jessup DE, et al: Tight posterior
• Insufficient evidence exists that a PS implant is cruciate ligament in posterior cruciate-retaining total knee
required when the PCL is sacrificed during arthroplasty: A cause of posteromedial subluxation of the
routine primary total knee arthroplasty. femur. J Arthroplasty 18:570–574, 2003.
10. Swany MR, Scott RD: Posterior polyethylene wear in posterior
cruciate ligament-retaining total knee arthroplasty. A case
study. J Arthroplasty 8:439–446, 1993.
11. Jacobs WC, Clement DJ, Wymenga AB: Retention versus
sacrifice of the posterior cruciate ligament in total knee
replacement for treatment of osteoarthritis and rheuma-
TABLE 88–2. Grades of Evidence for Recommendations toid arthritis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 4:CD004803,
Regarding Posterior Cruciate Ligament in Total Knee Arthroplasty 2005.
12. Catani F, Leardini A, Ensini A, et al: The stability of the ce-
mented tibial component of total knee arthroplasty: Posterior
cruciate-retaining versus posterior-stabilized design. J Arthro-
plasty 19:775–782, 2004.
13. Maruyama S, Yoshiya S, Matsui N, et al: Functional comparison
1. No significant difference was found in A of posterior cruciate-retaining versus posterior stabilized total
clinical outcomes between retention knee arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty 19:349–353, 2004.
and sacrifice of the PCL during rou- 14. Tanzer M, Smith K, Burnett S: Posterior-stabilized versus
tine primary total knee arthroplasty. cruciate-retaining total knee arthroplasty: Balancing the gap.
2. The PCL should be sacrificed and a B J Arthroplasty 17:813–819, 2002.
PS implant used for patients with 15. Misra AN, Hussain MR, Fiddian NJ, et al: The role of the
previous patellectomy. posterior cruciate ligament in total knee replacement.
3. The PCL should be sacrificed and a B J Bone Joint Surg 85-B:389–392, 2003.
PS implant used for patients with 16. Straw R, Kulkarni S, Attfield S, et al: Posterior cruciate liga-
severe fixed flexion deformity (unable ment at total knee replacement. Essential, beneficial or a
to obtain intraoperative correction hindrance? J Bone Joint Surg 85-B:671–674, 2003.
with a CR implant). 17. Clark CR, Rorabeck CH, MacDonald S, et al: Posterior-stabilized
4. The PCL should be sacrificed and a C and cruciate-retaining total knee replacement: A randomized
PS implant used for patients with study. Clin Orthop Relat Res (392):208–212, 2001.
severe varus or valgus deformity 18. Shoji H, Wolf A, Packard S, et al: Cruciate retained and
(!15 degrees). excised total knee arthroplasty. A comparative study in
5. The PCL should be sacrificed and a C patients with bilateral total knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop
PS implant used for patients with in- Relat Res (305):218–222, 1994.
flammatory arthritis. 19. Rodricks DJ, Patil S, Pulido P, et al: Press-fit condylar design
6. Sacrifice of the PCL during total knee A total knee arthroplasty. Fourteen to seventeen-year follow-up.
arthroplasty does not decrease knee J Bone Joint Surg Am 89-A:89–95, 2007.
joint proprioception. 20. Rasquinha VJ, Ranawat CS, Cervieri CL, et al: The press-fit
7. A PS implant is required when the I condylar modular total knee system with a posterior
PCL is sacrificed during routine cruciate-substituting design. A concise follow-up of a previous
primary total knee arthroplasty. report. J Bone Joint Surg Am 88-A:1006–1010, 2006.
21. Laskin RS: Total knee replacement with posterior cruciate
CR, posterior cruciate ligament retaining; PCL, posterior cruciate ligament; ligament retention in patients with a fixed varus deformity.
PS, posterior stabilized. Clin Orthop Relat Res (331):29–34, 1996.
22. Berend KR, Lombardi AV Jr, Adams JB: Total knee arthroplasty
in patients with greater than 20 degrees flexion contracture.
Clin Orthop Relat Res (452):83–87, 2006.
REFERENCES 23. Paletta GA, Laskin RS: Total knee arthroplasty after a previ-
ous patellectomy. J Bone Joint Surg Am 77-A:1708–1712,
1. Andriacchi TP, Galante JO: Retention of the posterior cruciate 1995.
in total knee arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty 3(suppl):13–19, 24. Laskin RS, O’Flynn HM: The Insall Award. Total knee replace-
1988. ment with posterior cruciate ligament retention in rheumatoid
2. Freeman MA, Railton GT: Should the posterior cruciate liga- arthritis. Problems and complications. Clin Orthop Relat Res
ment be retained or resected in condylar nonmeniscal knee (345):24–28, 1997.
arthroplasty? The case for resection. J Arthroplasty 3(Suppl): 25. Cash RM, Gonzalez MH, Garst J, et al: Proprioception after
3–12, 1988. arthroplasty: Role of the posterior cruciate ligament. Clin
3. Swanik CB, Lephart SM, Rubash HE: Proprioception, Orthop Relat Res (331):172–178, 1996.
kinesthesia, and balance after total knee arthroplasty with 26. Lattanzio PJ, Chess DG, MacDermid JC: Effect of the posterior
cruciate-retaining and posterior stabilized prostheses. cruciate ligament in knee-joint proprioception in total knee
J Bone Joint Surg 86-A:328–334, 2004. arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty 13:580–585, 1998.
4. Simmons S, Lephart S, Rubash H, et al: Proprioception 27. Puloski SK, McCalden RW, MacDonald SJ, et al: Tibial post
following total knee arthroplasty with and without the poste- wear in posterior stabilized total knee arthroplasty. An un-
rior cruciate ligament. J Arthroplasty 11:763–768, 1996. recognized source of polyethylene debris. J Bone Joint Surg
5. Laskin RS, Rieger M, Schob C, et al: The posteriorstabilized Am 83-A:390–397, 2001.
total knee prosthesis in the knee with a severe fixed 28. Parsley BS, Conditt MA, Bertolusso R, et al: Posterior cruciate
deformity. Am J Knee Surg 1:199–203, 1988. ligament substitution is not essential for excellent postopera-
6. Lombardi AV Jr, Mallory TH, Fada RA, et al: An algorithm for tive outcomes in total knee arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty
the posterior cruciate ligament in total knee arthroplasty. 21(suppl 2):127–131, 2006.
Clin Orthop Relat Res 392:75–87, 2001.
Chapter What
Should is the
the Patella
Best Treatment
Be Resurfaced

Jin Total
ENNIFER GOEBEL Knee Replacement?

The issue of whether the patella should be replaced verely deformed patellae were excluded. Removal of
during total knee replacement (TKR) for osteoarthri- osteophytes was performed on the nonresurfaced
tis is controversial. Three options are available to the group, and cemented, all-polyethylene components
surgeon, namely, always resurface, never resurface, were inserted in patients in the resurfaced group.
or selectively resurface. This chapter examines the One patient in each group had died on follow-up.
available evidence in the literature to help make a Thirty-eight knees were reviewed at 3 years after
supported decision. surgery. There were no patellar complications or
The specific questions examined in this chapter revisions in either group. No statistically significant
are as follows: difference was found in Hospital for Special Surgery
1. What is the evidence for or against routine (HSS) and specific Patellar scores between the resur-
resurfacing of the patella during TKR for faced and nonresurfaced groups. Women and heavier
osteoarthritis? patients were found to have significantly lower HSS
2. What is the evidence for the reliability of the and Patellar scores. Significantly worse scores were
factors used to predict postoperative anterior reported for stair climbing in the resurfaced group.
knee pain? The authors conclude that there were no significant
3. What is the evidence for or against selective benefits to resurfacing the patella if it was not se-
resurfacing of the patella during TKR for verely deformed.


Thirteen Level I-II studies and four meta-analyses found Bourne and colleagues2 report a series of 90 patients in
in the English literature examine the role of routine re- a RCT with 50 knees in each group. At a minimum of
surfacing of the patella. All of these studies compared 2 years, two nonresurfaced patellae had subsequent
two groups of patients with one group having routine resurfacing for intractable knee pain. They found no
resurfacing of their patellae and the other group rou- statistically significant difference in Knee Society func-
tine retention of their patellae. These studies are exam- tional score, 30-second stair climbing, and the knee
ined paying specific attention to statistically significant extension torque. The nonresurfaced patients had sig-
differences in the incidence of patellofemoral compli- nificantly less pain and better clinical rating. At the 8-
cations or revisions, the incidence of anterior knee to 10-year follow-up examination, Mayman and coau-
pain, and clinical or functional scores in these studies. thors3 report results on the same group of patients.
There are a further 13 Level III-IV studies on the sub- Twenty-nine patients had died leaving 71 patients to
ject. However, this chapter examines only the Level I-II follow-up. One patient in the resurfaced group fell and
evidence available to make a recommendation. fractured the patella, requiring a patellectomy. The
Among the 13 Level I/II studies, only one found an clinical results had changed since the last report in fa-
inferior result in the resurfaced group favoring non- vor of resurfacing. The incidence of anterior knee pain
resurfacing as the preferred management. Eight stud- with walking and stair climbing was significantly less in
ies found conflicting results within the same cohort the resurfaced group. More patients were either satis-
over time or statistically nonsignificant results. Four fied or extremely satisfied in the resurfaced group. At
studies found superior results in the resurfaced the minimum of 10 years review, Burnett and research-
group (Table 89–1). ers4 report on 50 knees. From the original 90 patients,
7 refused to participate after enrollment in the study,
36 patients had died, and 2 patients could not attend
Evidence Favoring Nonresurfacing the follow-up because of dementia and a stroke. Conse-
quently, 45 patients and 50 knees remained to review.
Feller and coauthors1 report a prospective random- One more patient in the nonresurfaced group had had
ized, control trial (RCT) of 40 patients who had uni- a subsequent resurfacing for anterior knee pain since
lateral TKR by a single surgeon. Patients with se- the last review. No statistically significant difference

Should the Patella Be Resurfaced in Total Knee Replacement? 599

was found between the groups regarding revision rates, be reviewed. Two patients in the nonresurfaced group
Knee Society clinical rating and functional scores, pa- had undergone subsequent resurfacing for anterior
tient satisfaction, anterior knee pain, and patellofemo- knee pain. One patient in the resurfaced group had an
ral radiographic outcomes. The authors recommend a arthroscopic lateral release for lateral tilting and an-
selective resurfacing approach. terior knee pain. No statistically significant difference
Keblish and colleagues5 report on a quasi- was found in Knee Society score, Western Ontario
randomized, prospective, control trial of 52 pa- and McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index, and
tients who had bilateral TKR. Forty-four patients specific patellofemoral-related questions. The authors
had osteoarthritis, six had rheumatoid arthritis, conclude that they were not able to recommend rou-
and two had post-traumatic osteoarthritis. All pa- tine resurfacing of the patella.
tients had a resurfacing on one side and nonresur- In all the articles previously mentioned in this sec-
facing on the other. Fifty-one of the 52 had a metal- tion, no mention in any of the studies is made of a
backed uncemented mobile-bearing patella, and 1 power analysis. Indeed, in each study, multiple out-
had a cemented all-polyethylene component. Only comes are mentioned and no primary outcome is
58% (30/52) of patients were available for review. identified. Given that these trials were all negative, it
At a mean follow-up examination of 5.24 years, no is imperative that the reader know what the primary
statistically significant difference was found in sub- outcome of interest was and the sample size needed
jective preference, performance on ascending and to achieve adequate power. Without this information,
descending stairs, or the incidence of anterior these negative trials give limited information to the
knee pain. The authors conclude that nonresur- reader. Given the numbers in these studies, it is most
faced patellae could perform as well as resurfaced likely they were underpowered, rendering their con-
patellae. clusions that there is no difference between the
Barrack and coauthors6 report on 118 knees in treatment options open to question.
86 patients at 2.5 years in a RCT. 10% of those in the
non-resurfaced group had subsequent resurfacing be-
cause of pain. No patient in the resurfaced group had Evidence Favoring Routine Resurfacing
another operation. The statistical significance of this
apparent difference in the incidence of reoperation Schroeder-Boersch and investigators9 report on 40
was not reported. No statistically significant difference patients in a RCT. One patient in the nonresurfaced
was found in regarding overall score, pain score, func- group had a lateral release for subluxation. Better func-
tional score, patient satisfaction, or the incidence tional and clinical Knee Society scores, as well as bet-
of anterior knee pain. At the 5- to 7-year follow-up ex- ter stair-climbing score, were found in the resurfaced
amination, Barrack and coauthors6a report on 88 knees group. The authors recommend routine resurfacing,
in 64 patients in the same cohort. One more patient in especially in those with severe osteoarthritis. One ma-
the nonresurfaced group had had a subsequent patel- jor deficiency in this article is that there were no pre-
lar resurfacing for anterior knee pain. Again, the statis- operative scores on the patients. Because this is
tical significance of the apparent difference in the inci- known to be the single strongest predictor of postop-
dence of reoperation was not reported. No statistically erative scores, the lack of these scores is a major con-
significant difference was found in any of the parame- cern. In addition, the method of randomization was not
ters previously examined. The conclusion of the au- described.
thors was that the occurrence of anterior knee pain Newman and colleagues10 reported on a well-
was unlikely to be related to whether the patella was designed RCT involving 125 knees. Forty-two knees
resurfaced. were in each of the resurfaced and nonresurfaced
Peng and investigators7 report on 35 patients groups. Twenty patients had died at the last follow-
having bilateral TKR by a single surgeon in a quasi- up; therefore, 105 knees were available for review. No
randomized prospective study. A variety of implants patient in the resurfaced group required a reopera-
was used: 30 NexGen (Zimmer, Warsaw, Indiana), 36 tion. Six knees in the nonresurfaced group had a sub-
Miller-Galante II (Zimmer, Warsaw, Indiana), 2 PFC sequent resurfacing for anterior knee pain. The differ-
(Johnson & Johnson, Langhorne, Philadelphia), ence in the incidence of reoperation was statistically
2 Genesis (Smith & Nephew, Memphis, Tennessee). significant. No statistically significant difference was
One patient in the nonresurfaced group had a patel- found in Bristol Knee score. The authors recommend
lar realignment for lateral subluxation after a fall. No routine patellar resurfacing.
statistically significant difference was found in Knee Wood and coworkers11 report on a well-designed
Society overall, clinical or function scores, incidence RCT involving 201 patients. Nine had died and 12 had
of anterior knee pain or reoperation, and no patient withdrawn from the study. A total of 198 knees in
preference for either knee. No recommendation was 180 patients were therefore available for review. Fif-
made by the authors. teen of 128 nonresurfaced knees required a reopera-
Campbell and researchers8 report on 100 TKRs in a tion because of patellofemoral problems. Eleven of
RCT. At 10-year follow-up examination, 22 patients these were secondary patellar resurfacing, one had
had died, 7 had dementia, 10 were lost to follow-up, an arthroscopy for anterior knee pain, two had sur-
and 3 had refused to participate because of poor geries for mal-tracking, and one had tibial tubercle
health. Fifty-eight knees were therefore available to transfer after a traumatic patellar dislocation. Nine of
TABLE 89–1. Resurfacing versus Nonresurfacing

Feller et al. I OA 40 (20/20) PCA 3 0 0 Better

(1996)1 recruited stair-climbing
38 (19/19) score in
reviewed nonresurfaced

Bourne et al. I OA 100 (50/50) AMK 2 0/50, 2/50, Less pain and Better flexion
(1995)2† significance significance better clinical torque in
not stated not stated score in nonresurfaced
nonresurfaced knees*
Mayman I OA 71 reviewed AMK 8–10 1/50, NS 2/50, NS 10% on 47% on NS More resurfaced
et al. stairs* stairs* patients were
(2003)3† 0% on 33% on either satisfied
walking* walking* or extremely
Burnett et al. I OA 50 reviewed AMK !10 1/42, NS 3/48, NS 7/19, NS 5/20, NS NS
Keblish et al. II OA/RA/post- 104 (52/52) Low contact 5.2 0 0 3/30, 3/30, NS NS in patient
(1994)5 traumatic recruited stress significance significance satisfaction
60 (30/30) not stated not stated
Barrack et al. I OA 118 (58/60) Miller-Galante II 2.5 0%, 10%, 7%, NS 13%, NS NS NS in patient
(1997)6‡ significance significance satisfaction
not stated not stated
Barrack I OA 88 (44/44) Miller-Galante II 5–7 0%, 12%, 19% NS 17% NS NS NS in patient
(2001)6a significance significance satisfaction
not stated not stated
Peng et al. II OA 70 (35/35) NexGen, 3.2 0/35, 1/35, 20%, NS 20%, NS NS NS in patient
(2003)7 Miller-Galante significance significance satisfaction
II, Genesis, not stated not stated
Campbell I OA 100 (46/54) Miller-Galante II 10 1/30, 2/28, 47% NS 43% NS NS on WOMAC
et al. recruited significance significance or AKS
(2006)8 58 (30/28) not stated not stated
Schroeder- II OA 40 (20/20) Duracon 2 0/20, 1/20, NS NS Better overall Better score on
Boersch significance significance and functional climbing stairs
et al. not stated not stated knee scores in subitem in
(1998)9 the resurfaced resurfaced
group* patients*
Newman I OA 125 (42/42), Kinematic !5 0/42* 6/42* NS
et al. 41 selectively
(2000)10 resurfaced,
105 reviewed
Wood et al. I OA 220 (92/128), Miller-Galante II 2 10% NS 12% NS 16%* 31%* NS in Knee Soci- NS on stair de-
(2002)11 198 reviewed ety scores scent or ascent
Waters and I 403 OA, 514 recruited PFC 5.3 3/243* 11/231* 5.3%* 25.1%* Greater overall Higher patient
Bentley 71 RA 474 (243/231) score in resur- satisfaction in
(2003)12 reviewed faced knees* resurfaced
Forster I§ OA 3 RCTs, 235 Kinematic, 5–10 0.7%* 11%*
(2004)13 knees Miller-Galante
Pakos et al. I§ OA/RA 10 RCTs, 1223 1–10 1.9%* 7.3%* 6.4%* 21.2%* NS
(2005)14 knees
Nizard et al. II§ OA/RA 12 RCTs, 1490 1–10 2.3%* 6.5%* 7.6%* 22.3%* Less pain during
(2005)15 knees stair climbing in
NS in patient
Parvizi et al. II§ OA/RA 14 RCTs, 1519 NS NS 15.5%* 30.3%* NS Higher patient
(2005)16 knees satisfaction in
those resur-

*Statistically significant difference found.

Same cohort.

Same cohort.
AKP, rate of anterior knee pain; AKS, American Knee Society score; AMK, anatomic medullary knee; Dx, diagnosis; LOE, level of evidence; NR, nonresurfaced; NS, no statistically significant difference; OA,
osteoarthritis; PCA, porous coated anatomic, PFC, press-fit condylar; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; reoperations, rate of reoperations for patellofemoral problems; RCT, prospective, randomized, control trials;
RS, resurfaced; WOMAC, Western Ontario and McMaster University Arthritis Index.
602 Arthroplasty Topics

the 92 resurfaced knees required reoperations. There authors conclude that there seemed to be an advan-
were five patellar revisions; three of these were done tage in routine resurfacing the patella.
for loosening. One patient had a patellectomy for Parvizi and investigators16 examined 14 prospective
a comminuted patellar fracture, one had a lateral trials with a total of 1519 knees. Randomized and
release, and two had arthroscopies. A significantly quasi-randomized trials were included. A significantly
lower incidence of anterior knee pain was found in lower risk for having anterior knee pain and a higher
the resurfaced group. There was no statistically sig- patient satisfaction rate was found in the resurfaced
nificant difference in Knee Society score. Better abil- patient. No statistically significant difference was found
ity with borderline statistical significance was found in the incidence of reoperation, complications, or knee
in stair descent in the resurfaced group. The authors scores. The authors did not make a recommendation.
note that the results of their study are specific to the
Miller-Galante type II knee.
Waters and Bentley12 report on 474 knees in 390 Summary
patients in a RCT. Eleven of 231 knees had to have a
secondary resurfacing in the nonresurfaced group. Most of the Level I/II studies have shown either no dif-
This was a well-designed RCT looking at the Press Fit ference in results or have shown advantages of routine
Condylar Knee from Johnson & Johnson. In the resur- resurfacing over nonresurfacing. Notably, of the 13
faced group, one loose patellar component was re- studies mentioned, only three of the RCTs and two of
moved, and two knees had lateral releases. There the meta-analyses were of a high-quality design, and all
was a significantly lower incidence of reoperation, of these studies support routine patellar resurfacing.
lower incidence of anterior knee pain, greater Knee In conclusion, there is good evidence to support rou-
Society score, and higher patient satisfaction in the tine resurfacing of the patella over nonresurfacing in
resurfaced group. The authors recommend routine the treatment of osteoarthritis with total knee arthro-
patellar resurfacing. plasty. However, this evidence is specific to certain
Even though a few well-designed, prospective, ran- total knee designs. Clearly, there is a need for further
domized trials with adequate follow-up have shown RCTs on this subject. However, for these to be success-
results in favor of routine resurfacing, the majority of ful, a well-designed scoring system needs to be defined
the Level I/II studies yielded equivocal results. The that will answer this important question.
potential problems such as small patient numbers, lost
to follow-up, and inadequate power may increase the
chance of a type II error. A number of meta-analyses SELECTIVE RESURFACING
have been performed to minimize this chance.
Selective resurfacing has been advocated by some to
reduce the incidence of postoperative anterior knee
Meta-analyses pain whereas minimizing the complications such as
patellar fractures and component loosening associ-
Forster13 examined three prospective, randomized ated with resurfacing. In this approach, the surgeon
trials with a minimum of 5-year follow-up and strict has to make an assessment before and during surgery
inclusion criteria. A 78% follow-up rate was reported as to which patients are likely to experience postop-
with a total of 235 knees. The resurfaced patients had erative anterior knee pain. The patients who are
a significantly lower incidence of reoperation. Ante- deemed at high risk for having postoperative knee
rior knee pain could not be analyzed because of pain will then be selected to have a patella resurfacing
study heterogeneity. The authors conclude that there at the time of their TKR. This section examines the
was no mid- to long-term benefit to leaving the pa- evidence for the validity of factors used to predict the
tella nonresurfaced. occurrence of postoperative anterior knee pain.
Pakos and colleagues14 examined 10 prospective,
randomized trials with a total of 1223 knees. The
range of follow-up was between 1 and 10 years. There Evidence for and against the Reliability of Predictors
was a well-designed meta-analysis with strict inclu- for Postoperative Anterior Knee Pain
sion criteria. A significantly lower risk for having a
reoperation or anterior knee pain was found in the Four Level I studies and four Level IV studies have
resurfaced patients. No statistically significant differ- presented data on the validity of different predictive
ence was found in terms of knee scores. The authors factors for postoperative anterior knee pain. These
conclude that routine resurfacing was a marginally factors include age, sex, weight, height, body mass
superior strategy. index, preoperative anterior knee pain, preoperative
Nizard and coworkers15 examined 12 prospective Knee Society score, preoperative range of move-
trials with a total of 1490 knees. Randomized and ment, degree of osteophytes, grading of the articular
quasi-randomized trials were included. A significantly surface of the patellofemoral joint, and the need for
lower risk for having a reoperation, anterior knee a lateral release. No Level I/II data are available on
pain, or pain during stair climbing was found in the the diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis as a predictor
resurfaced patients. No statistically significant differ- of postoperative anterior knee pain. Only the Level I
ence was found in terms of patient satisfaction. The evidence is considered here (Table 89–2).
Should the Patella Be Resurfaced in Total Knee Replacement? 603

TABLE 89–2. Predictors for Postoperative Anterior Knee Pain


Newman et al. (2000)10 I 125 recruited, Grading of articular cartilage was found not to be a predictor.
105 reviewed
Wood et al. (2002) 11
I 220 recruited, Age, sex, weight, body mass index, preoperative anterior knee
198 reviewed pain, preoperative Knee Society score, preoperative range of
movement, grading of patellar articular cartilage, degree of
osteophytes formation, and lateral release were not significant
predictors of postoperative anterior knee pain.
The weight of the patient was a significant predictor of anterior
knee pain in those without patellar resurfacing.*
Waters and Bentley I 514 recruited Age, sex, weight, preoperative radiographic appearance, lateral
(2003)12 474 reviewed release, or whether the posterior cruciate ligament was
sacrificed were not found to be predictors.
Campbell et al. (2006)8 I 100 recruited, Grading of the articular surfaces of either the patella or the
58 reviewed trochlea was not found to be a predictor.

*Statistically significant difference found.

LOE, level of evidence.

TABLE 89–3. Resurfaced versus Selectively Resurfaced

Newman I OA 125 (42/41), 42 Kinematic !5 0/42, NS 1/41, NS Recommended
et al. non-resurfaced (Stryker, NS routine
(2000)10 Mahwah, resurfacing
Tabutin III OA 5915 (487/5428) NexGen 2 0.7%* 6.3%*
et al. (Zimmer,
(2005)17 Warsaw,

*Statistically significant difference found.

AKP, rate of anterior knee pain; Dx, diagnosis; LOE, level of evidence; NS, no statistically significant difference; reoperations, rate of reoperations for
patellofemoral problems; RS, resurfaced; SR, selectively resurfaced.
604 Arthroplasty Topics

TABLE 89–4. Selective Resurfacing Case Series

Boyd et al. IV OA/RA 891 (396/495) Johnson & 6.5 4%* 12%* RA 13%* Routine
(1993)18 Johnson OA 6%* resurfacing
Ewald et al. IV OA/RA 306 (242/64) Kinematic 10–14 11/242, 1/64, 11.2%* 21.8%* Better stair-climbing Resurfacing not
(1999)19 (Stryker, significance significance abilities in appropriate
Mahwah, not stated not stated nonresurfaced for this
New Jersey group* prosthesis
Misra et al. IV OA 129 re- PFC 4.75 0/48 0/57 4.2% 3.5% NS in HSS score RCTs needed
(2003)20 cruited, (Johnson and Greater rate of
105 (48/57) Johnson, lateral release
reviewed Langhorne, in nonresurfaced
Pennsylvania) group*
Arbuthnot IV OA/RA 378 (236/142) Insall– 38/236, 40/142, Better Knee Society RCTs needed
et al. Berstein II significance significance score in resurfaced
(2004)21 not stated not stated group*

*Statistically significant difference found.

AKP, rate of anterior knee pain; Dx, diagnosis; HSS, Hospital for Special Surgery; LOE, level of evidence; NR, nonresurfaced; NS, no statistically significant difference; OA, osteoarthritis; PFC, press-fit condylar; RA,
rheumatoid arthritis; RCT, prospective, randomized, control trials; reoperations, rate of reoperations for patellofemoral problems; RS, resurfaced.
Should the Patella Be Resurfaced in Total Knee Replacement? 605

Newman and colleagues10 found in their RCT that Tabutin and coauthors17 report on the incidence of
the intraoperative grade of the articular cartilage of anterior knee pain as a part of a multicenter 5-year
the patellofemoral joint did not correlate with the clinical and radiologic study on 5915 Nex Gen TKRs.
occurrence of postoperative knee pain. Wood and Only osteoarthritic knees with no previous osteoto-
coworkers11 found that age, sex, weight, body mass mies or replacements were included. The 2-year re-
index, preoperative anterior knee pain, preopera- sults of French (487 knees) and the international
tive Knee Society score, preoperative range of move- (5428 knees) groups were reported. A significantly
ment, grading of patellar articular cartilage, degree greater incidence of preoperative anterior knee pain
of osteophytes formation, and lateral release did was found in the French group (85.1% vs. 66.6%). The
not correlate with the incidence of postoperative percentage of patellar resurfacing was also found to
anterior knee pain. However, when the nonresur- be significantly different between the two groups with
faced group was considered in isolation, the weight the French resurfacing 98.8% and the international
of the patient was found to be a significant predic- group resurfacing 35.7% of the knees. The main find-
tor of anterior knee pain. Waters and Bentley12 ing in this report was the significant difference in
found that age, sex, weight, preoperative radio- postoperative anterior knee pain with 0.7% in the
graphic appearance, lateral release, and whether French group and 6.3% in the international group. The
the posterior cruciate ligament was sacrificed were incidence of patellofemoral complication or reopera-
not to predictive of postoperative anterior knee tions was not reported. It must be pointed out that
pain. Campbell and researchers8 found that the this is not a true comparison between routine resur-
grading of the articular surfaces of either the patella facing and selective resurfacing. Not the entire French
or of the trochlea was not predictive of postopera- cohort was resurfaced, and the criteria for resurfac-
tive anterior knee pain. ing in the international group were not reported. The
Therefore, a lack of consistent evidence exists to authors conclude with caution that resurfacing was a
support any of the factors mentioned earlier as valid better option with this prosthesis.
predictors of postoperative knee pain after a TKR with-
out patellar resurfacing. Without reliable predictors of
anterior knee pain, the criteria for selective resurfac- Selective Resurfacing Case Series
ing, therefore, are subjective and do not confer any
prognostic value. The whole basis of selective resur- Boyd and coworkers18 retrospectively evaluated a
facing should therefore be questioned. group of 891 selectively resurfaced knees. A total of
396 knees were selectively resurfaced based on the
gross appearance of the patellofemoral joint and on
Data on Selective Resurfacing the patellar tracking intraoperatively. A posterior cru-
ciate–retaining prosthesis was used. Thirty percent of
In contrast with routine resurfacing, there are few di- resurfaced knees and 37% of the knees that were not
rect comparative studies on selective resurfacing resurfaced had osteoarthritis. The incidence of reop-
against other treatment options in the literature. Most erations was significantly lower in the resurfaced
of the evidence on this subject is of low quality. In the group compared with the nonresurfaced group. The
English literature, there is one RCT (Level I) comparing incidence of anterior knee pain was significantly lower
routine resurfacing, nonresurfacing and selective re- in patients with osteoarthritis as compared with those
surfacing. There is one case–control study (Level III) with inflammatory arthropathy in the nonresurfaced
and four case series (Level IV). Because of the paucity group. The authors recommend routine resurfacing
of Level I-II evidence, studies of all levels of evidence when a cruciate-retaining prosthesis was used.
are considered (Tables 89–3 and 89–4). Ewald and colleagues19 reported on a prospective
case series of 306 knees. Approximately 45.5% of the
patients had osteoarthritis, 49.5% had rheumatoid ar-
Selective Resurfacing versus Routine Resurfacing thritis, and 5% had post-traumatic arthritis. About
79% of the patellae were resurfaced. The indications
Newman and colleagues10 compared 42 patients who included rheumatoid arthritis, eburnated patellofemo-
had their patellae resurfaced and 41 patients who ral joint, and patellar deformity. Ten of the 242 resur-
had selective resurfacing of their patellae in an RCT. faced patellae became loose and were revised. One
One patella had to be revised in the selective group resurfaced patella had to be realigned for recurrent
for loosening. None of the patients in the resurfaced dislocation. One nonresurfaced patella was resurfaced
group had a reoperation. No statistically significant for recurrent dislocation. A significantly greater inci-
difference was found in terms of incidence of reop- dence of anterior knee pain was found in the nonre-
erations, Bristol knee score, and clinical Patellar surfaced group, but significantly better stair-climbing
score. However, although not significantly different, abilities were found in the nonresurfaced group. The
the nonresurfaced group and nonresurfaced knees authors conclude that routine resurfacing may not be
in the selected group scored worse than the knees the most effective strategy with that prosthesis.
that were resurfaced, either selectively or by ran- Misra and coauthors20 report a case series on 105
dom allocation. The authors recommend routine TKRs that were treated with selective resurfacing. The
patellar resurfacing. criteria for resurfacing included preoperative patello-
606 Arthroplasty Topics

femoral symptoms, patellar instability/malalignment, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of
and grade III-IV articular changes. Forty-eight knees any factors as valid predictors of postoperative ante-
were resurfaced according to these criteria. A signifi- rior knee pain. Therefore, there is a great deal of dif-
cantly greater incidence of lateral release was found in ficulty in designing high-quality RCTs to answer this
the nonresurfaced group. No statistically significant question. The evidence available is insufficient to
difference was found in the incidence of anterior knee support the management option of selective resurfac-
pain or in the HSS score. No revisions were required in ing at the time of TKR for osteoarthritis.
any knees. The authors conclude that an RCT was To date, the best evidence available supports
needed. routine resurfacing of the patella. This is based on
Arbuthnot and investigators21 report on a prospec- three well-designed RCTs and two meta-analyses.
tive case series of 378 TKRs. All of these knees had However, the conclusions of these studies are spe-
preoperative patellofemoral pain. A total of 236 knees cific to the prosthesis used. Meta-analysis, although
were resurfaced at the surgeons’ discretion. The crite- providing some insight, again is limited because of
ria for resurfacing were not described. A significantly many factors including limited number of high-
better Knee Society score was found in the resurfaced quality RCTs, multiple prosthetic designs, multiple
group. No statistically significant difference was found surgeries, and ill-defined primary outcomes. Given
in the incidence of postoperative anterior knee pain, that this is an important question to be answered,
reoperations, or complications. The authors were un- future high-quality RCTs are of value. However,
able to make a recommendation. equally important is the clinician’s decision on
what primary outcome would be of utmost impor-
tance for him/her and his/her patients. In this way,
CONCLUSION RCTs can be appropriately powered to show a dif-
ference in important clinical outcome if the differ-
The literature on patellar resurfacing has been re- ence truly exists. Until further evidence becomes
viewed in an attempt answer whether we should al- available, routine resurfacing of the patella is rec-
ways resurface, never resurface, or selectively resur- ommended. Table 89–5 provides a summary of rec-
face the patella in TKR. For selective resurfacing, ommendations.

TABLE 89–5. Summary of Recommendations

1. The patella should be routinely resurfaced in total knee I 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

8. Campbell DG, Duncan WW, Ashworth M, et al.: Patellar

REFERENCES resurfacing in total knee replacement: A ten-year randomised
prospective trial. J Bone Joint Surg Br 6:734, 2006.
1. Feller JA, Bartlett RJ, Lang DM: Patellar resurfacing versus 9. Schroeder-Boersch H, Scheller G, Fischer J, et al.: Advantages
retention in total knee arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Br of patellar resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty. Two-year
2:226, 1996. results of a prospective randomized study. Arch Orthop
2. Bourne RB, Rorabeck CH, Vaz M, et al.: Resurfacing versus Trauma Surg 1-2:73, 1998.
not resurfacing the patella during total knee replacement. 10. Newman JH, Ackroyd CE, Shah NA, et al: Should the patella be
Clin Orthop Relat Res (321):156, 1995. resurfaced during total knee replacement? Knee 1:17, 2000.
3. Mayman D, Bourne RB, Rorabeck CH, et al: Resurfacing 11. Wood DJ, Smith AJ, Collopy D, et al: Patellar resurfacing in
versus not resurfacing the patella in total knee arthroplasty: total knee arthroplasty: A prospective, randomized trial.
8- to 10-year results. J Arthroplasty 5:541, 2003. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2:187, 2002.
4. Burnett RS, Haydon CM, Rorabeck CH, et al: Patella resurfacing 12. Waters TS, Bentley G: Patellar resurfacing in total knee
versus nonresurfacing in total knee arthroplasty: Results of a arthroplasty. A prospective, randomized study. J Bone Joint
randomized controlled clinical trial at a minimum of 10 years’ Surg Am 2:212, 2003.
followup. Clin Orthop Relat Res (428):12, 2004. 13. Forster MC: Patellar resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty
5. Keblish PA, Varma AK, Greenwald AS: Patellar resurfacing or for osteoarthritis: A systematic review. Knee 6:427, 2004.
retention in total knee arthroplasty. A prospective study of 14. Pakos EE, Ntzani EE, Trikalinos TA: Patellar resurfacing in
patients with bilateral replacements. J Bone Joint Surg Br total knee arthroplasty. A meta-analysis. J Bone Joint Surg
6:930, 1994. Am 7:1438, 2005.
6. Barrack RL, Wolfe MW, Waldman DA, et al: Resurfacing of the 15. Nizard RS, Biau D, Porcher R, et al: A meta-analysis of
patella in total knee arthroplasty. A prospective, randomized, patellar replacement in total knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop
double-blind study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 8:1121, 1997. Relat Res 432:196, 2005.
6a. Barrack RL, Bertot AJ, Wolfe MW, et al: Patellar resurfacing in 16. Parvizi J, Rapuri VR, Saleh KJ, et al: Failure to resurface the
total knee arthroplasty. A prospective, randomized, double- patella during total knee arthroplasty may result in more
blind study with five to seven years of follow-up. J Bone Joint knee pain and secondary surgery. Clin Orthop Relat Res
Surg Am 9:1376–1381, 2001. (438):191–196, 2005.
7. Peng CW, Tay BK, Lee BP: Prospective trial of resurfaced 17. Tabutin J, Banon F, Catonne Y, et al: Should we resurface the
patella versus non-resurfaced patella in simultaneous bilat- patella in total knee replacement? Experience with the Nex Gen
eral total knee replacement. Singapore Med J 7:347, 2003. prothesis. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 7:534, 2005.
Should the Patella Be Resurfaced in Total Knee Replacement? 607

18. Boyd AD Jr, Ewald FC, Thomas WH, et al: Long-term 20. Misra AN, Smith RB, Fiddian NJ: Five year results of
complications after total knee arthroplasty with or without selective patellar resurfacing in cruciate sparing total knee
resurfacing of the patella. J Bone Joint Surg Am 5:674, 1993. replacements. Knee 2:199, 2003.
19. Ewald FC, Wright RJ, Poss R, et al: Kinematic total knee 21. Arbuthnot JE, McNicholas MJ, McGurty DW, et al: Total knee
arthroplasty: A 10- to 14-year prospective follow-up review. replacement and patellofemoral pain. Surgeon 4:230, 2004.
J Arthroplasty 4:473, 1999.
Chapter What is Is the BestRole Treatment
of Computer

JNavigation inM.Hip

FLYNN and Knee


Achieving the correct rotation and alignment of the surgeon can make the necessary cuts. Passive sys-
implant components is critical for the short- and tems include CT-based, fluoroscopy-based, or im-
long-term survival of hip and knee arthroplasty. In ageless navigation.
total hip arthroplasty (THA), wear,1,2 range of mo- CT-based systems require a preoperative CT scan
tion,3 and stability4 are all affected by component that is used to construct a three-dimensional model
orientation. In total knee arthroplasty (TKA), au- of the joint including the mechanical, transepicon-
thors have shown that knee implants malpositioned dylar, and tibial rotation axis. Surface landmarks of
by more than 3 degrees had a 24% loosening rate by the joint are then acquired intraoperatively by
3 years after surgery as compared with 3% for cor- touching the bony points with a tracking probe.
rectly aligned implants.5,6 Fluoroscopy-based navigation uses two or more
The correct placement of implants is guided by intraoperative fluoroscopic views that are entered
preoperative radiographs and templating, intraopera- into the computer, thereby calculating the required
tive anatomic landmarks, and mechanical alignment anatomic references. A third method requires no
guides on the instrumentation sets. However, patient images be obtained before or during surgery, but
positioning on the table is variable, anatomic land- rather relies on the computer system having a da-
marks are often difficult to reliably identify in arthritic tabase of prescanned CT images to calculate refer-
joints, and mechanical alignment guides have not ence axes. The surgeon inputs multiple bony refer-
improved accuracy of acetabular positioning.7,8 ence points into the computer that are compared
Computer-assisted surgery (CAS) has the potential with the database to define a three-dimensional
to improve surgical accuracy through less invasive model of the patient’s anatomy.
techniques and to improve clinical outcomes for pa- Regardless of the type of computerized navigation
tients. Computer-based tools allow for preoperative system, the main goal is to increase surgical accu-
templating with three-dimensional imaging and intra- racy and reduce the chance of malposition of the
operative real-time positional information on tracking implants. The potential downsides of navigation are
tools and bony structures. The clinical utility of these the increased cost, exposure to radiation, and in-
tools as compared with conventional techniques is creased surgical time.
being investigated in total joint arthroplasty.
BACKGROUND Total Hip Arthroplasty
Picard and colleagues9 have classified CAS into ac- Achieving the correct abduction and anteversion of
tive robotic systems, semiactive robotic systems, the acetabular component could potentially improve
and passive systems. Active robotic systems are the longevity of a THR, improve the range of motion,3
those in which a robot performs some surgical tasks and decrease the dislocation rate.10–12 Lewinnek and
such as drilling and reaming without the direct inter- coauthors13 recommend an abduction angle of 40 ± 10
vention of the surgeon. Many systems use a preop- degrees and an anteversion angle of 15 ± 10 degrees
erative computed tomographic (CT) scan to plan the as the safe zone for cup orientation. Many studies
surgery. These systems are costly and involve com- have investigated whether CAS can help improve ac-
plex equipment in the operating room, and thus have curacy in cup placement.
not been widely used. Kalteis and investigators,14 in a prospective, ran-
Semiactive robots do not perform surgical tasks domized trial, examined CT-based navigation versus
directly but rather direct placement of surgical tools imageless navigation versus conventional techniques
in space. With this system, the surgeon first indi- for positioning of the acetabulum. The data showed
cates the desired position and orientation of the that the incidence of component malposition was 53%
implant on a three-dimensional template. The robot in the freehand group, 17% in the CT-based group, and
then positions the saw and drill guides so that the 7% with imageless navigation. The authors conclude

What Is the Role of Computer Navigation in Hip and Knee Arthroplasty? 609

that navigation significantly improved component the authors conclude that limb-length equality and
alignment (P ! 0.003), and there was no difference varus/valgus alignment of the femoral component
between CT-based and imageless navigation (P ! was improved with the robot (P " 0.001). Recurrent
0.23). In comparing the mean abduction and antever- dislocations and subsequently the revision rate was
sion angles between the groups, navigation was sig- greater in the robotic group (P " 0.001), and the du-
nificantly better than conventional techniques with no ration of surgery was increased in the robotic group
difference between the CT-based versus imageless (P " 0.001). No difference was found at 2 years in the
navigation. Surgical time was increased 8 minutes Harris hip, Merle d’Aubigné, and the Mayo clinical
with imageless navigation and 17 minutes with CT- scores between the two groups. The authors con-
based navigation with no difference in blood loss clude that the 18% dislocation rate in the robot
among the three groups. group was due to the abductor muscle deficiencies
Parratte and Argenson15 compared image-free navi- either from the wide surgical approach needed for
gation and freehand techniques for cup placement in the robot or the damage it caused to the tendon dur-
a prospective randomized study of 60 patients. They ing the reaming process, but not from malposition of
found that 57% of the cups in the freehand group the components. Furthermore, the authors suggest
were malpositioned outside the acceptable range as this technology needs some further development
compared with 20% in the navigation group (P ! before it can be considered for routine use in THA.
0.002). When they compared the mean cup angles for The stability of the femoral implant inserted with
both abduction and anteversion between the two ROBODOC was evaluated by Nogler and research-
groups, there was no significant difference. The mean ers20 in a prospective, randomized cadaveric study.
surgical time was 12 minutes greater for the naviga- The authors conclude that there was no difference in
tion group. femoral component micromotion at the time of inser-
Leenders and researchers16 undertook a prospec- tion; therefore, the robot system did not enhance
tive, randomized trial comparing CT-based navigation stability as compared with manual insertion tech-
and freehand techniques for positioning of the ace- niques (Table 90–1 and Fig. 90–1).
tabular component. CAS surgery led to a significantly
improved accuracy for placing the cup within the safe
zone of 45 to 55 degrees as compared with traditional Total Knee Arthroplasty
methods (P " 0.001). The authors found that only 2 of
the 50 patients in the CAS group had abduction angles Minor implant malpositioning can lead to early wear
of cup outside the safe zone. and loosening, and poorer clinical results. Ritter and
Other authors have concluded similar findings coworkers21 have proposed that implants should be
that navigation helped improve alignment in cup aligned in a neutral mechanical axis ±3 degrees varus
position and reduce the number of outliers from the or valgus for better survivorship. Ten percent of
acceptable range.17,18 Many of these studies are knees lie outside of this range using standard instru-
short-term follow-up, and it would be prudent to fol- mentation. Rotational malpositioning can affect patel-
low these patients long term to see whether the im- lar tracking and cause subluxation.22 Traditional tech-
proved component alignment leads to an improved niques for determining femoral component alignment
outcome and survival of the implant. Overall, there include the epicondylar axis, posterior femoral con-
is no reported increase in complication rate associ- dyles, and Whiteside’s line.23 Studies have shown that
ated with CAS. the intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility
A further advancement has been the use of active of these techniques in arthritic knees is poor24–26
systems and a robot that serves as a delivery tool for Computer navigation has the potential to improve
a surgical procedure planned before surgery on a component alignment and also to record information
computer. The surgeon positions a robot by means on intraoperative knee kinematics, joint range of mo-
of a referencing procedure and then can supervise tion, and soft-tissue balance.27
the robot throughout the process. Chin and investigators28 performed a prospective,
A prospective, randomized study from Germany randomized trial to compare postoperative radio-
by Schwieger and colleagues19 compared robotic in- graphic alignment of TKA using standard alignment
sertion (ROBODOC) and conventional techniques for techniques, both intramedullary (IM) and extramed-
total hip replacement. After 24 months of follow-up, ullary, with CAS. The authors found that CAS was

TABLE 90–1. Summary of Best Evidence for Navigation and Hip Arthroplasty

Kalteis et al.14 (N ! 90) Outliers from accepted range 16/30 (53%) 2/30 (7%) 5/30 (17%)
Parratte and Argenson15 (N ! 60) Outliers from accepted range 17/30 (57%) 6/30 (20%)
Leenders et al.16 (N ! 60) Outliers from accepted range 8/30 (27%) 2/30 (7%)
610 Arthroplasty Topics

FIGURE 90–1. Navigation

in total hip replacement.
A, Intraoperative tracking
of landmarks. B, Real-time
feedback on acetabular
positioning. (Courtesy
Smith & Nephew,
A B Memphis, TN)

more accurate and consistent with placement of the mean mental scores conducted on the patients on
components in both the sagittal and coronal planes postoperative days 1 or 3.
as compared with conventional techniques (P " The issue of blood loss was addressed by Kalairajah
0.05). When the overall mechanical axes of the limbs and colleagues34 in a prospective, randomized study
were compared, there was no difference among the of 60 patients undergoing TKA with either computer-
three groups (P ! 0.274). The authors conclude that based navigation or by conventional methods. The
there are fewer outliers from the acceptable align- mean blood loss in the CAS group was 1183 versus
ment of ±3 degrees with computer navigation. Opera- 1747 mL in the conventional group. This difference
tive time was significantly greater in the CAS group was statistically significant (P ! 0.001). The authors
by 30 minutes (P " 0.001). The volume of drainage in conclude that despite an increase in mean surgical
the drains was less in the computer navigation group time in the CAS group, 89 versus 74 minutes (P !
(P ! 0.046); however, the decline in hemoglobin was 0.002), CAS surgery can potentially lead to a decrease
no different (P ! 0.176). in need for blood transfusions.
In a randomized prospective trial by Chauhan Keene and investigators35 randomized patients
and coworkers,29 70 patients were randomized to undergoing bilateral medial unicompartmental ar-
jig-based TKA versus. computer-assisted TKA. They throplasty into two groups, one side with computer
found that computer-navigated knees scored sig- navigation and the other with traditional techniques.
nificantly better in terms of femoral coronal plane Preoperative valgus stress view radiographs and
alignment (P ! 0.032), femoral rotation (P ! 0.001), clinical assessments were used to determine the
and tibial alignment (P ! 0.047). Overall, blood loss desired postoperative coronal alignment. The re-
was less with CAS (P ! 0.0001), and the duration sults demonstrated that the mean variation between
of surgery was greater by an average of 13 minutes the desired alignment and the achieved correction
(P ! 0.0001). was significantly improved in the navigation group,
Matziolis and investigators30 performed a prospec- 0.9 versus 2.8 degrees (P " 0.001). The mean tourni-
tive, randomized study comparing CAS and conven- quet time for the navigated knees was 70 minutes as
tional techniques in TKA. They conclude that com- compared with 53 minutes in the non-navigated
puter guidance led to a smaller range of deviation knees.
from a neutral mechanical axis as compared with A meta-analysis taking restoration of the mechani-
conventional techniques (P " 0.004). Rotational align- cal axis as an end point was reported by Bauwens and
ment of the tibial and femoral components showed coauthors.36 They included 33 studies, 11 of which
no difference between the two groups. Other authors were randomized studies for a total of 3423 patients.
have reported similar results whereby computer nav- They conclude that mean values for alignment were
igation decreases the number of outliers from the no different between the computer navigation group
acceptable range of alignment.31,32 of patients and the conventional technique group.
Another potential benefit to CAS is avoid having to Computer navigation did, however, decrease the risk
cannulate the IM canals of the femur and tibia, which for malalignment beyond the critical threshold of
can potentially lead to decreased blood loss and less 3 degrees. Mean surgical time was 23% greater in the
systemic fat embolus load. Kalairajah and colleagues33 navigation group.
investigated the incidence of cranial emboli in a pro- The benefits of computer navigation in revision sur-
spective, randomized study of 24 patients undergoing gery have not been well described in the literature.
either CAS or traditional TKA using intramedullary Sikorski37 reported on 14 knees revised for aseptic fail-
femoral and tibial guides. In the computer-assisted ure and concluded that no component was perfectly
group, there were, on average, 0.64 emboli detected aligned after surgery and the most difficulty came in
versus 10.7 in the conventional total knee group (P ! femoral rotation. Overall, the author believes that the
0.003). However, this study did not determine the size alignment obtained in computer-assisted revision knee
of these emboli or the nature of the emboli being fat, surgery is not as accurate as computer-assisted pri-
air, platelets, or bone. No difference was reported in mary knee arthroplasty (Table 90–2 and Fig. 90–2).
What Is the Role of Computer Navigation in Hip and Knee Arthroplasty? 611

TABLE 90–2. Summary of Best Evidence for Navigation and Knee Arthroplasty

Matziolis et al.30 Outliers from ±3-degree mechanical 7/28 (25%) 1/32 (3%)
(N ! 60) axis
Chauhan et al.29 Outliers from ±3-degree mechanical 8/35 (23%) 5/35 (14%)
(N ! 70) axis
Chin et al.28 (N ! 90) Outliers from ±3-degree mechanical 22/60 (37%) 6/30 (20%)
Decking et al. (N ! 52)
Outliers from ±5-degree mechanical 8/25 (32%) 1/27 (4%)
Bathis et al.39 (N ! 160) Outliers from ±3-degree mechanical 18/80 (22%) 3/80 (4%)


FIGURE 90–2. Navigation in total knee replace-

ment. A–B, Diagram of patient setup with tracker
pins in femur and tibia, and computer base with
infrared sensors. C, Distal femoral alignment.
D, Soft-tissue balancing. (Courtesy Smith &
C D Nephew, Memphis, TN)

Computer navigation is an emerging technology
whereby the software and hardware components
STUDY LIMITATIONS are all continuing to evolve. There is a significant
Many of the studies in the hip and knee literature learning curve with computer navigation.17
around CAS have reported the overall mean align- Potential improvements may be a pinless system
ment for the study groups. We suggest that this to avoid stress risers in the tibia and femur, as
measure may not be an accurate comparison for well as a computer base with a sterile handle
reporting the data. For example, two cups in one such that it can be adjusted by the surgeon.
study group aligned at 50 and 30 degrees of abduc- New systems are using electromagnetic pulses
tion will present the same mean as two cups aligned rather than line-of-sight infrared determination of
in 40 degrees of abduction; however, they represent implant position, which may help reduce some of
different surgical precision. Continued
612 Arthroplasty Topics

the clutter of the crowded operating room. 1. Schmalzried TP, Guttman D, Grecula M, Amstutz HC: The
At the time of this publication, there are few relationship between design, position and articular wear of
acetabular components inserted without cement and the
randomized controlled trials to clearly document development of pelvic osteolysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am
an advantage to CAS. From both the hip and knee 76:677–688, 1994.
literature, it appears clear that navigation does 2. Kennedy JG, Rogers WB, Soffe KE, et al: Effect of acetabular
decrease the number of outliers from the desired component orientation on recurrent dislocation, pelvic os-
teolysis, polyethylene wear, and component migration.
component alignment. Long-term studies to J Arthroplasty 13:530–534, 1998.
document an overall clinical benefit in compo- 3. Kummer FJ, Shah S, Iyer S, DiCesare PE: The effect of acetab-
nent survival with CAS are yet to be published. ular cup orientations on limiting hip rotation. J Arthroplasty
The computer software systems provide the 14:509–513, 1999.
surgeon with much data on soft-tissue stability 4. Jolles BM, Zangger P, Leyvraz PF: Factors predisposing to dis-
location after primary total hip arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty
and ligament balance to which no standard and 17:282, 2002.
accepted values are known. How much laxity is 5. Fehring TK, Odum S, Griffin WL, et al: Early failures in total
acceptable at full extension, midflexion, or knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res 392:315–318,
90 degrees of flexion is yet to be determined and 2001.
6. Jeffery RS, Morris RW, Denham RA: Coronal alignment after to-
remains an area in need of further study. tal knee replacement. J Bone Joint Surg Br 73:709–714, 1995.
Navigation systems generally do not provide 7. Siston RA, Patel JJ, Goodman SB, et al: The variability of
any information about either patellofemoral kine- femoral rotational alignment in total knee arthroplasty.
matics or placement of the patellar component. J Bone Joint Surg Am 87:2276–2280, 2005.
With improved software, computer navigation 8. DiGioia AM, Jaramaz B, Plakseychuk Ay, et al: Comparison of
a mechanical acetabular alignment guide with computer
may prove to become a valuable tool to assess placement of the socket. J Arthroplasty 17:359–364, 2002.
patellofemoral kinematics in osteoarthritic knees 9. Picard F, Moody J, DiGioia III AM, et al (eds): Computer and
and reduce patellofemoral complications. Robotic Assisted Hip and Knee Surgery. New York, Oxford
At the current costs of the equipment, the use of University Press, 2004, pp 43–48.
10. Del Schutte H Jr, Lipman AJ, Bannar SM, et al: Effects of ace-
navigation may be limited to higher volume arthro- tabular abduction on cup wear rates in total hip arthroplasty.
plasty centers. However, its greatest benefit may J Arthroplasty 13:621–626, 1998.
be in the hands of the low-volume arthroplasty sur- 11. Paterno SA, Lachiewicz PF, Kelley SS: The influence of patient-
geon who is not as comfortable with the traditional related factors and the position of the acetabular component
alignment guides. Whether these systems prove to on the rate of dislocation after total hip replacement. J Bone
Joint Surg Am 79:1202–1210, 1997.
be cost-effective in the long term by reducing the 12. Kennedy JG, Rogers WB, Soffe KE, et al: Effect of acetabular
revision burden remains to be seen. component orientation on recurrent dislocation, pelvic
The role of computer navigation may be limited osteolysis, polyethylene wear, and component migration.
to difficult cases with altered anatomy or in associ- J Arthroplasty 13:530–534, 1998.
13. Lewinnek GE, Lewis JL, Tarr R, et al: Dislocations after total
ation with small incision techniques to improve hip-replacement arthroplasties. J Bone Joint Surg Am
component alignment. Its consistent use in every 60:217–220, 1978.
primary total joint replacement would likely require 14. Kalteis T, Handel M, Bathis H, et al: Grifka imageless naviga-
a reduction in costs to the hospital, a decrease in tion for the insertion of the acetabular component in total
added surgical time to the case, and an alternate hip arthroplasty: Is it as accurate as CT based navigation?
J Bone Joint Surg Br 88:163–168, 2006.
funding model for the surgeon. Table 90–3 provides 15. Parratte S, Argenson JN: Validation and usefulness of a
a summary of recommendations. computer-assisted cup-positioning controlled study system
in total hip arthroplasty. A prospective, randomized, con-
trolled study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 89:494–499, 2007.
16. Leenders T, Vandevelde D, Mahieu G, Nuyts R: Reduction in
TABLE 90–3. Summary of Recommendations variability of acetabular cup abduction using computer as-
sisted surgery: A prospective and randomized study. Comput
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/GRADE Aided Surg 7:99–106, 2002.
RECOMMENDATIONS OF RECOMMENDATION REFERENCES 17. Wixson RL, MacDonald MA: Total hip arthroplasty through
a minimal posterior approach using imageless
1. CAS improves preci- A 3, 14–16, computer-assisted hip navigation. J Arthroplasty
sion in component 28, 29 20(7 suppl 3):51–56, 2005.
alignment in THA/ 18. Haaker RG, Tiedjen K, Ottersbach A, et al: Comparison of con-
TKA. ventional versus computer-navigated acetabular component
2. CAS increases mean A 14, 15, 28, insertion. J Arthroplasty 22:151–159, 2007.
surgical time versus 29 19. Schwieger K, Hille E, Morlock MM, et al: Comparison of
conventional robotic-assisted and manual implantation of a primary total
techniques. hip replacement: A prospective study. J Bone Joint Surg Am
3. CAS decreases blood I 3, 14, 28, 85:1470–1478, 2003.
loss in THA/TKA. 29, 34, 40 20. Nogler M, Polikeit A, Wimmer C, et al: Primary stability of a
4. CAS leads to an I robodoc implanted anatomical stem versus manual implanta-
improved long-term tion. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 19:123–129, 2004.
clinical outcome in 21. Ritter MA, Faris PM, Keating EM, Meding JB: Postoperative
THA/TKA. alignment of total knee replacement. Its effect on survival.
Clin Orthop Relat Res (299):153–156, 1994.
22. Merkow RL, Soudry M, Insall JN: Patellar dislocation follow-
CAS, computer-assisted surgery; THA, total hip arthroplasty; TKA, total ing total knee replacement. J Bone Joint Surg Am 67:1321,
knee arthroplasty.
What Is the Role of Computer Navigation in Hip and Knee Arthroplasty? 613

23. Whiteside LA, Arima J: The anteroposterior axis for femoral 32. Victor J, Hoste D: Image-based computer-assisted total knee
rotational alignment in valgus total knee arthroplasty. Clin arthroplasty leads to lower variability in coronal alignment.
Orthop Relat Res (321):168–172, 1995. Clin Orthop Relat Res (428):131–139, 2004.
24. Kinzel V, Ledger M, Shakespeare D: Can the epicondylar axis 33. Kalairajah Y, Cossey AJ, Verrall GM, et al: Are systemic emboli
be defined accurately in total knee arthroplasty? Knee reduced in computer-assisted knee surgery? A prospective, ran-
12:293–296, 2005. domised, clinical trial. J Bone Joint Surg Br 88:198–202, 2006.
25. Jerosch J, Peuker E, Philipps B, Filler T: Interindividual re- 34. Kalairajah Y, Simpson D, Cossey AJ, et al: Blood loss after to-
producibility in perioperative rotational alignment of femo- tal knee replacement: Effects of computer-assisted surgery.
ral components in knee prosthetic surgery using the trans- J Bone Joint Surg Br 87:1480–1482, 2005.
epicondylar axis. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 35. Keene G, Simpson D, Kalairajah Y: Limb alignment in
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measurement of the transepicondylar axis during total knee 36. Bauwens K, Matthes G, Wich M, et al: Navigated total knee re-
replacement. Acta Orthop Scand 75:74–77, 2004. placement. A meta-analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 89:261–269,
27. Siston RA, Gioric NJ, Goodman SB, Delp SL: Surgical naviga- 2007.
tion for total knee arthroplasty: A perspective. J Biomech 37. Sikorski JM: Computer-assisted revision total knee replace-
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28. Chin PL, Yang KY, Yeo SJ, Lo NN: Randomized control trial 38. Decking R, Markmann Y, Fuchs J, et al: Leg axis after
comparing radiographic total knee arthroplasty implant computer-navigated total knee arthroplasty: A prospective
placement using computer navigation versus conventional randomized trial comparing computer-navigated and manual
technique. J Arthroplasty 20:618–626, 2005. implantation. J Arthroplasty 20:282–288, 2005.
29. Chauhan SK, Scott RG, Breidahl W, Beaver RJ: Computer- 39. Bathis H, Perlick L, Tingart M, et al: Alignment in total knee ar-
assisted knee arthroplasty versus a conventional jig-based throplasty: A comparison of computer-assisted surgery with
technique. A randomised, prospective trial. J Bone Joint the conventional technique. J Bone Joint Surg Br 86-B:683–687,
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30. Matziolis G, Krocker D, Weiss U, et al: A prospective, ran- 40. Widmer KH, Grutzner PA: Joint replacement-total hip replace-
domized study of computer-assisted and of implant align- ment with CT based navigation. Injury 35(suppl 1):S-A84–A89,
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89:236–243, 2007. image-guided knee replacement based on computed
31. Stockl B, Nogler M, Rosiek R, et al: Navigation improves ac- tomography. J Bone Joint Surg Br 86:366–371, 2004.
curacy of rotational alignment in total knee arthroplasty. 42. Kalteis T, Handel M, Herold T, et al: Greater accuracy in
Clin Orthop Relat Res (426):180–186, 2004. positioning of the acetabular cup by using an image-free
navigation system. Int Orthop 29:272–276, 2005.
Chapter What
How Do is theYouBest Make Treatment
a Diagnosis

ENNIFER Infected
AND JOHN M.Arthroplasty?

Infection after a total hip or knee arthroplasty is an later confirmed with positive intraoperative cultures.
uncommon but serious complication with significant Acute onset of pain, systemic illness, and sinus for-
impact. Although the postoperative infection rate mation were the most commonly found signs and
has decreased from 9% to 1% to 2%, large centers still symptoms. No studies comment on the value of
treat a significant number of patients with infected history and examination in correctly diagnosing an
arthroplasties every year. With the aging population infected knee arthroplasty. History and physical ex-
and also younger patients demanding joint replace- amination are useful because they give you an initial
ment procedures, the problem is likely to increase index of suspicion or a pretest likelihood of infection.
over the years to come. Further diagnostic testing simply changes the pretest
Rational methods to prevent and diagnose infec- likelihood of disease. As such, a patient who presents
tion must be established. Diagnosing an infection with a low likelihood of infection based on history
after a joint replacement can be straightforward in and physical examination, will require much more
the acute postoperative period but challenging if it stringent criteria to clearly diagnose infection. How-
occurs months or years later. Accurate diagnosis is ever, a patient who presents with florid signs and
therefore important to avoid erroneous surgery. symptoms of infection will require much less strin-
Aseptic loosening is currently the most common gent criteria for the confirmation of infection. This is
diagnosis leading to a revision arthroplasty. How- an application of Bayes’ theorem in probability the-
ever, infection must be excluded in all cases. The ory, and this is why it is important to understand how
consequences of failing to correctly diagnose an in- to apply the various tests that are discussed in the
fection will have serious consequences on outcome context of the initial encounter with the patient,
of the revision procedure, with reinfection occurring namely, the history and physical examination.
in most cases. The purpose of this chapter is to out-
line the various diagnostic options and to evaluate
their accuracy based on the best evidence available Preoperative Hematologic Tests
in the literature.
White Blood Cell Count. Obtaining a white blood cell count
(WBC) is a routine preoperative investigation that is of
OPTIONS little diagnostic value. In a prospective study (Level I
evidence), Spangehl and colleagues1 evaluated the di-
History and clinical examination are an important first agnostic accuracy to correctly diagnose an infection in
step in diagnosing a prosthetic infection. Preoperative 202 hips. With a value of more than 11.0 ! 109 WBC/L
investigations include blood tests, aspiration, radio- considered to be a positive result indicating infection,
graphs, and nuclear medicine techniques. Intraopera- they found a sensitivity of 0.20 and a specificity of
tive tests include analysis of synovial fluid, Gram 0.96. The positive predictive value, however, was only
staining, histologic analysis of a frozen section, or 0.54, and the negative predictive value 0.85. Di Cesare
intraoperative cultures. and coworkers2 (Level IV) undertook a prospective,
case–control study of 58 patients undergoing reopera-
tion. Seventeen were diagnosed as having a prosthetic
EVIDENCE infection. The sensitivity of WBCs was 0.47, and the
History and Clinical Examination specificity was 1.00. The positive predictive value was
1.00, and the negative predictive value was 0.82. In a
No study has investigated solely the sensitivity and retrospective case series (Level IV evidence), Canner
specificity of history and clinical examination to ac- and coauthors3 note a low prevalence of increased
curately diagnose a prosthetic infection. However, WBC counts in patients with an infected total joint
Spangehl and colleagues1 correctly diagnosed 27 of arthroplasty. Therefore, based on the evidence,
35 infected total hip arthroplasties with history and WBC count is of limited use, except when the pretest
examination alone (Level I). All 35 infections were probability is high.

How Do You Make a Diagnosis of an Infected Arthroplasty? 615

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and C-Reactive Protein. The eryth- molecule. Through this amplification, it enables the
rocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a measure of eryth- detection of rare RNA and DNA sequences. Various
rocyte rouleaux formation, which occurs whenever an genetic diseases and infections can be diagnosed
inflammatory condition is present. C-reactive protein with PCR. Panousis and investigators7 (Level II) con-
(CRP) is an acute-phase protein synthesized in the ducted a prospective study of 92 cases undergoing a
liver. As with all acute-phase reactants, CRP level is revision arthroplasty (76 hips, 16 knees) to evaluate
increased in many inflammatory, infectious, and some the efficacy of PCR sampled intraoperatively from
neoplastic conditions. Spangehl and colleagues1 (Level joint aspirate before capsulotomy to detect a pros-
I) prospectively analyzed the ESR and CRP level in 171 thetic infection. The authors used a combination of
and 142 revision hip arthroplasties. ESR had a sensitiv- ESR, CRP, preoperative aspiration, and intraopera-
ity of 0.82, specificity of 0.85, positive predictive value tive cultures to determine the presence or absence
of 0.58, and negative predictive value of 0.95. CRP of infection. PCR yielded a high false-positive rate.
had a sensitivity of 0.96, specificity of 0.92, positive The sensitivity was 92%, the specificity was 74%, the
predictive value of 0.74, and negative predictive value positive predictive value was 34%, and the negative
of 0.99. If both tests were negative (ESR "30 mm/hr, predictive value was 98%.
CRP "10 mg/L), the probability of infection was zero.
When both tests were positive, the probability of infec-
tion was 0.83. Virolainen and researchers4 (Level IV) NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNIQUES
also conclude that combined ESR and CRP are of value
in the preoperative evaluation. For ESR, Di Cesare and Bone scans have traditionally been used to evaluate
coworkers2 (Level IV) found a sensitivity of 1.0 and painful arthroplasties. The main problems encoun-
specificity of 0.56. CRP had a sensitivity of 0.95 and tered were the inability of a positive test to distin-
specificity of 0.76. guish between infection, aseptic loosening, and im-
Greidanus and investigators5 (Level I) evaluated pending fractures. Furthermore, many of these
145 patients presenting for revision total knee arthro- studies remain positive in asymptomatic prostheses
plasty for the presence of infection using the ESR and for up to 2 years after surgery.
CRP. The ESR and CRP were obtained at the time of In a prospective study of 50 painful total hip ar-
clinical assessment before definitive revision total throplasties, Reinartz and colleagues8 (Level III) com-
knee arthroplasty. All patients had undergone preop- pared the value of technetium-99 triple-phase bone
erative aspiration for culture and had intraoperative scan (TPBS) with 18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) posi-
periprosthetic tissue sent for bacterial culture. A diag- tron emission tomography (PET) in differentiating
nosis of infection was established for 45 of 151 knees between infection and aseptic loosening. The sensi-
that underwent revision total knee arthroplasty (prev- tivity and specificity for the technetium scan to dif-
alence, 0.298). The ESR (sensitivity, 0.93; specificity, ferentiate between a prosthetic infection and aseptic
0.83; likelihood ratio positive, 5.81; accuracy, 0.86) and loosening was 0.68 and 0.68, and for the PET scan
CRP (sensitivity, 0.91, specificity, 0.86; likelihood ratio was 0.94 and 0.95. The sensitivity and specificity for
positive, 6.89; accuracy, 0.86) had excellent diagnostic the technetium scan to detect a pathologic process
test performance. Combination testing of ESR and was 0.79 and 0.88, respectively, and of the PET 0.94
CRP together increases overall sensitivity to 0.95 for and 0.97, respectively. In contrast, Stumpe and coau-
the diagnosis of infection. In this study, using receiver thors9 (Level II) compared PET, TPBS, and conven-
operating characteristics curves, the optimal cut point tional radiography in the ability to differentiate be-
for ESR was found to be 22.5 mm/hr, and that of CRP tween infection and aseptic loosening in 35 patients
was found to be 13.5 mg/L. with painful hip replacements. The authors conclude
Serum Interleukin-6. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a factor pro- that FDG-PET and TPBS had a similar diagnostic ac-
duced by monocytes and macrophages. It functions as curacy. Pill and investigators10 (Level II) compared
a hepatocyte-stimulating factor and induces the produc- FDG-PET with 111indium-white blood cell imaging in
tion of acute-phase reactants. Wirtz and coworkers6 es- 92 patients with painful total hip arthroplasties. The
tablished that it returns to normal after total joint ar- specificity of both investigations to differentiate be-
throplasties. Di Cesare and coworkers2 (Level III) tween infection and aseptic loosening was compara-
selected 58 patients who underwent a revision proce- ble (93% and 95%). However, FDG-PET yielded a sig-
dure and measured the IL-6 levels before and after sur- nificantly higher sensitivity (95% vs. 50%).
gery. Seventeen of the 58 patients were infected as de-
termined after surgery with intraoperative cultures. The
sensitivity of IL-6 was 1.0, the specificity was 0.95, the Preoperative Invasive Test
positive predictive value was 0.89, and the negative pre-
dictive value was 1.00. However, this study was done on Preoperative Fluid Aspiration and Tissue Sampling. Spangehl and
a small and selected sample, and further large studies colleagues1 analyzed the diagnostic accuracy of
(Levels I and II) are needed to determine the value of image-guided aspiration and tissue sampling in 180
IL-6 in accurately detecting infection before surgery. patients undergoing a revision hip arthroplasty.
Polymerase Chain Reaction. Polymerase chain reaction Patients who were taking antibiotics were excluded
(PCR) is a molecular technique that allows the from this study. The results of the initial aspiration
production of large quantities of DNA from one DNA showed a sensitivity of 0.86, a specificity of 0.94, a
616 Arthroplasty Topics

positive predictive value of 0.67, and a negative Frozen Section. Frozen sections are particularly help-
predictive value of 0.98. In five hips, repeat aspira- ful when clinical suspicion is high but preoperative
tions were performed because the initial results tests were negative or equivocal. For example in
were inconsistent with the clinical presentation. patients with inflammatory disease (rheumatoid ar-
This improved the diagnostic accuracy of the aspi- thritis), ESR or CRP can be high in the absence of
ration. This suggests that aspiration alone is not infection. Preoperative aspiration can also be false
sufficient for the diagnosis because of the risk for negative or false positive. Spangehl and colleagues1
false-positive and -negative results. For this reason, evaluated frozen sections in 202 hips using the crite-
in low-probability cases, the authors suggest that if ria of Mirra.14 They considered a specimen infected
the ESR and the CRP are not suggestive of infection, if any single high-power field contained at least five
an aspiration is not necessary. If, however, the pre- stromal neutrophils. The analysis of the frozen sec-
test probability is high, an aspiration in addition to tion compared with the final histologic result had a
the ESR and the CRP is required, particularly if the sensitivity of 0.80, a specificity of 0.94, a positive
ESR and CRP are normal. In all cases, an aspiration predictive value of 0.74, and a negative predictive
is required to confirm the diagnosis of infection if value of 0.96.
the ESR or the CRP level is increased. Using more stringent criteria (more than 10 poly-
Williams and colleagues11 (Level II) compared morphonuclear leucocytes per high-power field),
open capsular biopsy with needle aspiration in Bandit and coworkers15 studied 121 revision total
273 consecutive total hip arthroplasties before revi- joint arthroplasties. They compared a positive fro-
sion surgery. Sensitivity and specificity of the 2 mo- zen section with intraoperative cultures as the gold
dalities were comparable (0.83 vs. 0.80 and 0.90 vs. standard. For frozen section, the sensitivity was
0.94, respectively). The authors conclude that both 0.6, the specificity was 0.93, the positive predictive
methods are reliable in differentiation between sep- value was 0.67, and the negative predictive value
tic and aseptic loosening, but open biopsy offers no was 0.93. Therefore, using more stringent criteria
advantages over needle aspiration. lowers the sensitivity, making it possible to miss
Sadiq and coworkers12 (Level II) report on the certain infections, without significantly increasing
diagnostic accuracy of open core biopsy to detect the specificity. Therefore, we recommend the use of
a prosthetic infection in 159 total hip and knee more than 5 polymorphonuclear leucocytes per
arthroplasties before a revision arthroplasty. This high-power field as the cut point instead of more
showed a sensitivity of 88%, a specificity of 91%, than 10.
and an accuracy of 89% considering the final diag- Intraoperative Cultures. In the absence of other factors,
nosis. This suggests no advantage over less inva- intraoperative cultures remain the gold standard to
sive techniques. which all other investigations are compared. Unless
Trampuz and investigators13 (Level II) analyzed the the patient is already taking antibiotics, they should
synovial fluid leukocyte count and differential ob- provide the definitive diagnosis in most patients with
tained by arthrocentesis in 133 patients with a painful infection at the site of joint replacement. Spangehl
total knee arthroplasty. Using intraoperative cultures, and colleagues1 analyzed specimens from 180 hips
they diagnosed aseptic failure in 99 patients and a undergoing revision hip replacement. They took at
prosthetic infection in 34 patients. A leukocyte count least three intraoperative samples from obviously
of more than 1.7 ! 103 #L had a sensitivity of 94% and inflamed tissues. Infection was diagnosed if more
a specificity of 88%. A differential of more than than one third of all specimens was positive (2/3 or
65% neutrophils had a sensitivity of 97% and a speci- 3/3 samples); the sensitivity was 0.94, specificity was
ficity of 98%. Notably, the absolute cell count is much 0.97, positive predictive value was 0.77, and negative
lower than that seen in septic arthritis of an unre- predictive value was 0.99. Atkins and researchers16
placed joint. The differential count is of much greater (Level II) performed a prospective study of 297 revi-
importance. Whenever the neutrophil proportion is sion hip and knee arthroplasties. The authors con-
more than 65%, the likelihood of infection is high. clude that if three or more specimens out of five were
positive, the sensitivity was 66% and the specificity
was 99.6%.
Intraoperative Tests
The definitive diagnosis of whether an arthroplasty
is infected is made at surgery. Macroscopic evalua-
tion of the operative site with the presence of pus is RECOMMENDATIONS
usually only of value in the acute situation. Chronic No one diagnostic test is available today to make
infections can present with inflamed tissues without the definitive diagnosis of a chronically infected
any pus. This may look no different from cases arthroplasty. Diagnosis starts with a thorough his-
affected by severe osteolysis because of polyethyl- tory and examination. Patients with an infected
ene wear. For this reason, intraoperative diagnostic arthroplasty often describe pain unrelated to ac-
tests are required. These include frozen sections and tivity and not relieved by rest. Often the pain has
intraoperative cultures.
How Do You Make a Diagnosis of an Infected Arthroplasty? 617

been present since the initial operation, although TABLE 91–1. Summary of the Evidence
different in character. There may be a history of
a slow-healing wound after surgery or prolonged GRADE OF
redness and swelling. Serial radiographs can STATEMENT RECOMMENDATION REFERENCES
show rapid loosening over months rather than
years, as would be typical for aseptic loosening. 1. Preoperative A 1–4
Scalloping and osteolysis can be present but are levels of ESR and
more often absent. CRP are highly
sensitive and
Serologic investigations are performed in every specific to ex-
patient with pain at the site of an arthroplasty. clude infection.
White blood cell count, CRP level, and ESR are 2. PCR has a low B 6
routine. In the absence of any clinical suspicion specificity to
diagnose an
and with a normal CRP level and a normal ESR, infection.
an infection can be safely excluded and no other 3. Nuclear medicine B 7–9
tests are required. An aspiration with or without techniques are
a synovial biopsy is warranted if either the CRP sensitive but not
level or ESR is increased, and/or if there is specific. FDG-PET
is superior to
clinical suspicion for an infection. If the first TPBS.
aspirate is negative, a repeat aspiration is 4. Preoperative joint A, B 1, 10–12
warranted. It is also important to wait as long as aspiration and
possible after antibiotics are stopped to reduce tissue sampling is
sensitive and
the potential for a false-negative result, although specific especially
in such a situation, a negative aspirate does not if repeated.
necessarily exclude the diagnosis of infection, 5. Intraoperative A, B 1, 14
and more imaging such as a serial bone/indium frozen section is
scan or a PET scan may be warranted. At the end specific but not
sensitive. The
of the day, the surgeon has to exercise positive predic-
substantial judgment in the interpretation of the tive value is low.
battery of tests and has to apply Bayes’ theorem 6. Intraoperatively A, B 1, 15
before a definitive diagnosis may be made. An obtained cultures
from at least
intraoperative frozen section is potentially three different
helpful to aid in the diagnosis of such difficult locations are
cases. Intraoperative cultures (at least three highly sensitive
samples from different locations taken with clean and specific.
instruments) are mandatory in all revision cases.
Some authors recommend withholding prophy- CRP, C-reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; FDG, 18-
fluorodeoxyglucose; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PET, positron
lactic antibiotics before obtaining these cultures; emission tomography; TPBS, triple-phase bone scan.
however, there is no high-level evidence to
warrant such a practice. In straightforward cases
where infection has been ruled out, and the
probability of infection is low, the advantage of
withholding antibiotics is not high enough to REFERENCES
overshadow the increased risk for postoperative 1. Spangehl MJ, Masri BA, O’Connell JX, et al: Prospective anal-
infection related to the lack of prophylactic ysis of preoperative and intraoperative investigations for the
antibiotics before the skin incision. For this diagnosis of infection at the sites of two hundred and two
reason, when we believe that infection has been revision total hip arthroplasties. J Bone Joint Surg Am
81A:672–682, 1999.
ruled out, we administer prophylactic antibiotics. 2. Di Cesare PE, Chang E, Preston CF, et al: Serum interleukin-6
Of course, in cases where infection cannot be as a marker of periprosthetic infection following total hip
easily conclusively ruled out and the presurgical and knee arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am 87A:1921–1927,
probability of infection is still reasonably high, 2005.
we prefer to withhold preoperative antibiotics 3. Canner GC, Steinberg ME, Heppenstall RB, et al: The infected
hip after total hip arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am
and to give them only after the intraoperative 66A:1393–1399, 1984.
cultures have been taken. This way, if there is an 4. Virolainen P, Lahteenmaki, Hiltunen A, et al: The reliability
unexpected positive culture results, the patient of diagnosis of infection during revision arthroplasties.
can be treated with 6 weeks of intravenous Scand J Surg 91:178–181, 2002.
5. Greidanus NV, Masri BA, Garbuz DS, et al.: Use of erythrocyte
antibiotics after surgery17 (Level V). Table 91–1 sedimentation rate and c-reactive protein level to diagnose in-
provides a summary of the evidence. fection before revision total knee arthroplasty. a prospective
evaluation. J Bone Joint Surg Am 89:1409-1416, 2007.
6. Wirtz DC, Heller KD, Miltner O, et al: Interleukin 6: A potential
inflammatory marker after total joint replacement. Int Orthop
24:194–196, 2000.
618 Arthroplasty Topics

7. Panousis K, Grigoris P, Butcher I, et al: Poor predictive value 13. Trampuz A, Hanssen AD, Osmon DR, et al: Synovial fluid
of broad range PCS for the detection of arthroplasty infection leukocyte count and differential for the diagnosis of
in 92 cases. Acta Orthop Scand 76:341–346, 2005. prosthetic knee infection. Am J Med 117:556–562, 2004.
8. Reinartz P, Mumme T, Hermanns B, et al: Radionuclide 14. Mirra JM, Amstutz HC, Matos M, et al: The pathology of the
imaging of the painful hip arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Br joint tissues and its clinical relevance in prosthesis failure.
87-B:465–470, 2005. Clin Orthop 117:221–240, 1976.
9. Stumpe KD, Notzli HP, Zanetti M: FDP PET for differentiation 15. Bandit DM, Kaufer H, Hartford JM: Intraoperative frozen
of infection and aseptic loosening in total hip replacements: section analysis in revision total joint arthroplasty. Clin
Comparison with conventional radiography and three phase Orthop Relat Res 401:230–238, 2002.
bone scintigraphy. Radiology 231:333–341, 2004. 16. Atkins BL, Athanasou N, Deeks JJ, et al: Prospective
10. Pill SG, Parvizi J, Tang PH, et al: Comparison of fluorodeoxy- evaluation of criteria of microbiological diagnosis of
glucose positron emission tomography and 111indium-white prosthetic-joint infection at revision arthroplasty. J Clin
blood cell imaging in the diagnosis of periprosthetic infection Microbiol 36:2932–2939, 1998.
of the hip. J Arthroplasty 21(suppl 2):91–97, 200. 17. Tsukayama DT, Estrada R, Gustilo RB: Infection after
11. Williams JL, Norman P, Stockley I: The value of hip aspiration total hip arthroplasty. A study of the treatment of one hun-
versus tissue biopsy in diagnosing infection before exchange dred and six infections. J Bone Joint Surg Am 78:512–523,
hip arthroplasty surgery. J Arthroplasty 19:582–586, 2004. 1996.
12. Sadiq S, Wootton JR, Morris CA, et al: Application of core
biopsy in revision arthroplasty for deep infection.
J Arthroplasty 20:196–201, 2005.
Chapter Are Anterior Cruciate Ligament

92 Injuries Preventable?

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the most com- straight knee landing, and 1-step stopping with an ex-
monly injured ligament in the body. Disruption of the tended knee. Based on these observations, the Hen-
ACL is particularly common in athletic populations ning Program focused on avoiding these positions and
and among military personnel. There may be as many supplanting them with an accelerated rounded turn,
as 200,000 ACL injuries occurring in the United States bent-knee landing, and a 3-step stop with the knees
each year. ACL deficiency leading to instability is as- flexed, respectively. This type of training has been ex-
sociated with secondary meniscal and articular carti- panded by others and could be generally categorized
lage injury increasing the risk for gonarthrosis. ACL as a technique-movement awareness program.
reconstruction is commonly performed to restore Various types of intervention programs have been
stability to the knee. It is estimated that more than described to decrease ACL injury. These programs
100,000 ACL reconstructions are performed annually attempt to influence the neuromuscular kinetic chain
in the United States, costing in excess of $2 billion. through awareness, strengthening, flexibility, agility,
Female individuals are two to six times more likely proprioceptive, and plyometric training to reduce
to injure the ACL compared with male individuals injury risk. However, two main types of preventive
playing identical sports at similar levels. ACL recon- ACL programs have been put forward and investi-
structions are performed most commonly in high- gated with more rigorous study design, specifically
school- and college-aged individuals; however, ACL proprioception-balance training and plyometric-
reconstruction in this active age group compared agility training. Proprioceptive-balance programs are
with older individuals is twice as common for female intended to improve balance and increase coordina-
than male individuals, further supporting the find- tion through exercises such as balancing on unstable
ings of others that female individuals are at increased surfaces and single-leg tasks with or without simulta-
risk for ACL injury.1 neous tasks with the upper extremities. Plyometric-
Given the increasing incidence of ACL injury, to- agility training focuses on improving dynamic stabil-
gether with the costly surgery to restore stability and ity and technique during sport-related tasks. These
lengthy rehabilitation involved to recover, this is an training programs typically involve landing, jumping,
apt condition for both primary and tertiary preventive and decelerating in various positions at different in-
measures.2 Primary prevention aims to reduce the in- tensity levels.
cidence of ACL tears, whereas tertiary prevention tar-
gets a reduction in complications from the injury such
as secondary injury of the knee or subsequent graft EVIDENCE
failure. Most of the research in this area has focused on
primary prevention. Sex differences in lower extremity The knee ligament injury prevention (KLIP) training
kinematics and neuromuscular control are some of the program is a low-intensity plyometric training pro-
biomechanical factors that may contribute to increased gram applicable for broad use in any active popula-
risk for ACL injury in female individuals. In fact, differ- tion.5 The KLIP emphasizes landing mechanics with
ences in lower extremity kinematics have been shown neuromuscular control at landing. Irmischer and col-
in female individuals while just walking compared with leagues5 randomized 28 active college-age female in-
age- and activity-level–matched male individuals.3 dividuals to a KLIP or control group, and showed
that a 9-week KLIP program improved landing me-
chanics and decreased peak vertical impact force, as
OPTIONS well as the rate of force displacement.
Nine studies of adequate design for potential
The Henning Program was one of the first training in- casual inference, eight Level II studies,6–13 and one
terventions described for the prevention of ACL in- Level I study14 have investigated ACL prevention train-
jury.4 Henning viewed more than 500 videos of ACL in- ing programs; the characteristics of these studies are
juries and concluded that the overwhelming majority listed in Table 92–1. The results of the individual stud-
of the injuries occurred without contact. In female bas- ies are listed in Figure 92–1 together with a forest
ketball players, he notes that the most common non- plot graphically displaying the point estimates on a
contact injury mechanisms were planting and cutting, common scale. These studies are clinically and

622 Sports Medicine Topics

TABLE 92–1. Characteristics of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Prevention Studies


Caraffa et al. Cohort PB: using a BAPS board 300 Soccer M 300 Soccer F
(1996)6 (II)
Hewett et al. Cohort PA: plyometric jump training 185 Volleyball F 81 Volleyball F
(1999)7 (II) emphasizing technique, 97 Soccer F 193 Soccer F
strength, power, agility, 84 Basketball F 189 Basketball F
maximum vertical jump height 209 Soccer M
225 Basketball M
Hewett total 366 897
Heidt et al. RCT (II) PA: plyometric, strength, 42 Soccer F 258 Soccer F
(2000)8 flexibility, technique training,
and awareness of risky
Soderman RCT (II) PB: using a balance board 121 Soccer F 100 Soccer F
et al.
Myklebust Cohort PB: using foam mats and 855 (1999–2000 Handball F 942 Handball F
(2003)10 (II) balance board, awareness season) Handball F (1998–1999
training on landing technique 850 (2000–2001 control
season) season)
Mandel- Cohort PA: 20 prepractice warm-up 1885 Soccer F 3818 Soccer F
baum (II) of stretching, strengthening,
et al. plyometrics, and agility
(2005)11 training
Petersen Cohort PB: using foam mats and 134 Handball F 142 Handball F
et al. (II) balance board, awareness
(2005)12 training on landing technique,
Henning principles
Olsen et al. RCT (I) PB: using foam mats and 808 Handball F 778 Handball F
(2005)14 balance board, awareness 150 Handball M 101 Handball M
training on landing technique
Olsen total 958 879
Pfeiffer et al. Cohort PA: “KLIP” program: plyometrics 191 Basketball F 319 Basketball F
(2006)13 (II) with landing technique and 189 Soccer F 244 Soccer F
run-deceleration mechanics 197 Volleyball F 299 Volleyball F
Pfeiffer total 577 862

KLIP, knee ligament injury prevention; LOE, level of evidence; PA, plyometric-agility; PB, proprioceptive-balance; RCT, randomized, controlled trial.

Training program Control Odds ratio

Study or M-H, random, Odds ratio
subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight 95% Cl Year M-H, random, 95% Cl
Caraffa 1996 10 300 70 300 15.5% 0.11 [0.06, 0.22] 1996
Hewett 1999 2 366 5 463 9.7% 0.50 [0.10, 2.61] 1999
Soderman 2000 4 121 1 100 7.1% 3.38 [0.37, 30.78] 2000
Heidt 2000 1 42 8 258 7.5% 0.76 [0.09, 6.25] 2000
Myklebust 2003 40 1705 29 942 16.6% 0.76 [0.47, 1.23] 2003
Olsen 2005 3 958 10 879 11.7% 0.27 [0.07, 1.00] 2005
Peterson 2005 1 134 5 132 7.3% 0.19 [0.02, 1.66] 2005
Madelbaum 2005 6 1885 67 3818 14.6% 0.18 [0.08, 0.41] 2005
Pfeiffer 2006 3 577 3 862 9.9% 1.50 [0.30, 7.44] 2006

Total (95% Cl) 70 6088 198 7754 100.0% 0.42 [0.20, 0.90]
Heterogeneity: Tau2 ! 0.84; Chi2 ! 31.41, df ! 8 (P ! 0.0001); I2 ! 75%
Test for overall effect: Z ! 2.25 (P ! 0.02)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Favors training program Favors control
FIGURE 92–1. Forest plot showing the effect of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) prevention programs on the odds of ACL
injury. Studies are ordered acording to the year of publication, with the number of events (ACL injury) given for each
group. Blue square and horizontal line represent the odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals of the studies.
Diamond denotes the combined odds ratio with its 95% confidence interval.
Are Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries Preventable? 623

methodologically heterogeneous with a significant RECOMMENDATIONS

test for statistical heterogeneity (P ! 0.0001). A
random-effects model was developed in Review Fair evidence exists based on inconsistent
Manager 515 using the method of DerSimonian–Laird findings from Level II studies supporting the
to calculate an overall pooled estimate of effect (odds use of neuromuscular training programs for the
ratio [OR], 0.42; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.20– prevention of ACL injury. No evidence suggests
0.90) to account for between-study variation (hetero- that such programs are unsafe or lead to serious
geneity). Considerable differences have been found in adverse advents. Future randomized trials using
the type and frequency of training programs used, the ACL injury as the primary end point could
study populations at risk, method of diagnosing ACL strengthen this body of evidence and potentially
injury, and study designs. To that end, it is not surpris- address areas of uncertainty. Table 92–2 provides
ing that the findings of these studies are not all com- a summary of recommendations.
patible, and the pooled estimate of effect should be
viewed with caution. Indeed, future studies should
heed the advice of Padua and Marshall,1 who have
pointed out that it is imperative that future studies TABLE 92–2. Summary of Recommendations
adopt a standardized method of verifying and report- LEVEL GRADE OF
ing the incidence of ACL injury with a clear definition RECOMMENDATION OF EVIDENCE RECOMMENDATION REFERENCES
of exposure.
Based on a number-needed-to-treat analysis, Grind- Neuromuscular 8 Level II B 5–12
training pro- studies 13
staff and coworkers16 pooled the results of 5 studies grams reduce 1 Level I
to estimate, for a competitive season, that it would the incidence study
take 89 subjects participating in a neuromuscular of anterior
control training program to prevent 1 ACL injury cruciate liga-
(95% CI, 66–139). ment injury.
Hewett and investigators17 performed a meta-analysis
to estimate the overall effect of injury prevention pro-
grams on the odds of ACL injury and reported a protec-
tive pooled OR of 0.40 (95% CI, 0.26–0.62). The meta-
analysis in this review differs from that of Hewett et al.17 1. Padua DA, Marshall SW: Evidence supporting ACL-
in its methodology; specifically, Hewett et al.17 pooled injury-prevention exercise programs: A review of the
the results of six studies under the fixed-effect assump- literature. Ath Ther Today 11:11–23, 2006.
2. Griffin LY, Albohm MJ, Arendt EA, et al: Understanding and
tion of homogeneity. The meta-analysis in the current preventing noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries:
review includes several additional studies and accounts A review. Am J Sports Med 34:1512–1532, 2006.
for the heterogeneity with a more conservative random- 3. Hurd WJ, Chmielewski TL, Axe MJ, et al: Differences in normal
effects model. and perturbed walking kinematics between male and female
athletes. Clin Biomech 19:465–472, 2004.
4. Griffin L: Prevention of Noncontact ACL Injuries. Rosemont,
IL, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2001, p 93.
AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY 5. Irmischer BS, Harris C, Pfeiffer RP, et al: Effects of a knee
ligament injury prevention exercise program on impact
The available published evidence regarding preventive forces in women. J Strength Cond Res 18:703–707, 2004.
6. Caraffa A, Cerulli G, Projetti M, et al: Prevention of anterior
training programs is primarily Level II17 (Fair Evi- cruciate ligament injuries in soccer. A prospective controlled
dence), save for Olsen and researchers’14 Level I trial study of proprioceptive training. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol
(Good Evidence). Based on this classification schema Arthrosc 4:19–21, 1996.
of evidence, a B grade of recommendation supports 7. Hewett TE, Lindenfeld TN, Riccobene JV, et al: The effect
the use of training programs utilizing plyometric-agility of neuromuscular training on the incidence of knee injury
in female athletes. A prospective study. Am J Sports Med
or proprioception-balance exercises, or both, to re- 27:699–706, 1999.
duce the incidence of ACL injuries. Many of the studies 8. Heidt RS Jr, Sweeterman LM, Carlonas RL, et al: Avoidance
used a multidimensional approach (incorporating in- of soccer injuries with preseason conditioning. Am J Sports
jury awareness, proprioception-balance, plyometric- Med 28:659–662, 2000.
9. Soderman K, Werner S, Pietila T, et al: Balance board training:
agility); however, the specific aspects of these training Prevention of traumatic injuries of the lower extremities in
programs that result in risk reduction are not entirely female soccer players? A prospective randomized intervention
transparent, such as the relative contributions and/or study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 8:356–363, 2000.
interactions between the different components. Other 10. Myklebust G, Engebretsen L, Braekken IH, et al: Prevention
areas of uncertainty include: (1) Is there a dose re- of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female team handball
players: A prospective intervention study over three seasons.
sponse to the intervention? In other words, is there a Clin J Sport Med 13:71–78, 2003.
minimum amount necessary to be effective, and/or 11. Mandelbaum BR, Silvers HJ, Watanabe DS, et al: Effectiveness
does more participation in a training program lead to of neuromuscular and proprioceptive training program in
further risk reduction? (2) Is there a temporal relation preventing anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female
athletes: 2-year follow-up. Am J Sports Med 33:1003–1010,
that is important and is it sport specific (preseason, 2005.
in season, postseason)? (3) What is the duration of 12. Petersen W, Braun C, Bock W, et al: A controlled prospective
the effect? case control study of a prevention training program in female
624 Sports Medicine Topics

team handball players: The German experience. Arch Orthop 16. Grindstaff TL, Hammill RR, Tuzson AE, et al: Neuromuscular
Trauma Surg 125:614–621, 2005. control training programs and noncontact anterior cruciate
13. Pfeiffer RP, Shea KG, Roberts D, et al: Lack of a knee ligament ligament injury rates in female athletes: A numbers-needed-
injury prevention program on the incidence of noncontact to-treat analysis. J Athl Train 41:450–456, 2006.
anterior cruciate ligament injury. J Bone Joint Surg Am 17. Hewett TE, Ford KR, Myer GD: Anterior cruciate ligament
88:1769–1774, 2006. injuries in female athletes: Part 2, a meta-analysis of
14. Olsen OE, Myklebust G, Engebretsen L, et al: Exercises to neuromuscular interventions aimed at injury prevention.
prevent lower limb injuries in youth sports: Cluster Am J Sports Med 34:490–498, 2006.
randomized controlled trial. BMJ 330:449, 2005.
15. Review Manager (RevMan) [Computer program]. Version 5.0.
Copenhagen, The Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane
Collaboration, 2007.
Autograft Choice in Anterior:
Chapter Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

93 Should It Be Patellar Tendon or Hamstring


The optimal graft choice for reconstruction of the relevant studies. Bibliographies from relevant publica-
deficient anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) remains tions found electronically were hand-examined for
controversial. Graft options currently in use include further potential inclusions. A title review was also
autogenous or autologous patellar tendon, ipsilateral done for presentations and posters in the proceedings
patellar tendon, hamstring tendons (double or qua- of three major orthopedic meetings (the American
druple strand), quadriceps tendon (with or without Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, the International
patellar bone), xenografts, and synthetic replace- Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopae-
ments or augmentations. Autograft tissue currently dic Sports Medicine, and the Canadian Orthopaedic
is the most common source for grafts worldwide, Association).
with the main choices being the patellar tendon and Eighteen studies were identified by the search crite-
hamstring tendons (semitendinosus and gracilis). ria as prospective, randomized comparisons with
The advantages and disadvantages of both these patients being allocated to receive one of the two
popular autografts have been discussed extensively specified autografts. Seven of these were subsequently
in the literature. Both the quadruple-strand ham- excluded because group assignment was not specified
string and bone patellar tendon grafts have demon- as being strictly by random allocation (birth date/year
strated more than adequate load to failure and single randomization was accepted, however, because this
pull strengths with multiple fixation configurations did not have the potential for manipulation).4–10 Three
when biomechanically compared with native ACLs.1–3 investigations were further eliminated because they
Patellar tendon grafts have traditionally been fa- used two-strand hamstring grafts (versus four).11–13
vored for their robust strength, relative ease of op- One investigation reported outcome data recorded at
erative fixation, and the potential for bone-to-bone 12 months (vs. 24 months).14 Another study utilized a
ingrowth after implantation. Hamstring tendons are a novel hamstring graft preparation (including a bone
relatively newer graft choice and have become popu- block) that was not believed to be a standard tech-
lar for the relative ease and low morbidity of their nique.15 The remaining six investigations met the full
harvest. criteria for eligibility and were included in the final
In the clinical research realm, most early investiga- analysis.16–21
tions of ACL reconstruction were retrospective case The cumulative sample from the 6 investigations
series using a single graft or comparative retrospec- was 483 patients, 235 having received BPTB grafts
tive cohorts. Such observational data were prone to and 248 having received quadruple-strand hamstring
the limitations of bias and confounding. More recently, grafts. The studies typically included patients of
however, several randomized trials have been pub- similar age ranges (14–59 years). None of the studies
lished comparing outcomes. included skeletally immature patients. The sex distri-
Because of the dramatic increase in published trials bution favored male individuals. The proportion of
on ACL graft choice in the last 4 years, a systematic acute (!3 months) versus chronic ACL injuries was
review of published randomized, Level I evidence was difficult to determine from the information provided
undertaken. The objective in writing this chapter was in each study, as was the presence of associated
to synthesize this evidence, in a narrative fashion, to meniscal, chondral, or ligamentous pathology at the
obtain inference with respect to graft rerupture, postre- time of reconstruction.
construction laxity, and incidence of complications
after ACL reconstruction with either bone–patellar
tendon–bone (BPTB) or quadruple-strand hamstring TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS
A comprehensive search of electronic publication The majority of the studies used “aperture fixation”
databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Cen- with interference screws for graft fixation on both the
tral Register of Controlled Trials) was done to identify femoral and tibial sides of the joint. Metal screws

626 Sports Medicine Topics

were the preferred fixation for both grafts in the ear- FUNCTIONAL OUTCOMES
lier studies, with a trend to bioabsorbable screws for
fixation of soft-tissue grafts in more recent investiga- None of the investigations used a validated measure
tions. Two studies used extracortical fixation with ei- of health-related quality of life. The majority of the
ther plate or endobutton (Smith & Nephew, Andover, studies reported activity ratings and clinical com-
Massachusetts, USA) fixation on the femoral side for posite measures that included some index of patient
hamstring grafts.17,18 Maletis and coworkers19 used satisfaction. One study included the 36-Item Short
bioabsorbable screws on both the femoral and tibial Form Health Survey (SF-36), a generic measure of
sides; this is the only study to use identical fixation health-related quality of life, as part of the postopera-
for both grafts. None of the studies specified the ten- tive assessment.19 A significant increase in physical
sion at which the grafts were fixed. The flexion angle function occurred between years 1 and 2 after ACL
of the knee at the time of fixation was inconsistently reconstruction in both groups. No differences were
reported and varied from hyperextension to up to 70 demonstrated between the grafts at 2 years.
degrees of flexion. Rehabilitation protocols were sim- The Lysholm score is a 100-point scoring system
ilar, as were follow-up schedules. for examining a patient’s knee-specific symptoms in-
cluding mechanical locking, instability, pain, swelling,
stair climbing, and squatting.22 Lysholm scores were
JOINT LAXITY used to assess outcome in 5 of the 6 studies. Signifi-
cant improvement was found from preoperative to
All reconstructions were performed endoscopically postoperative scores in all of these studies. No sig-
through single tibial incisions. Instrumented laxity nificant differences were noted in the Lysholm scores
measurements utilizing the KT-1000 arthrometer between the 2 grafts. Similarly, Tegner scores, a pa-
were common to all 6 studies; however, the forces at tient-reported measure of activity level, improved
which the knees were tested (89 vs. 134 N vs. maxi- from preoperative to postoperative assessments in
mum manual) and the method of reporting (side-to- five studies and did not show a statistical difference
side difference vs. proportion of patients with mild/ between the grafts at final assessment. In 1 study,
moderate/gross laxity) varied. Despite these differ- more patients were able to return to their preopera-
ences, no statistically significant differences in terms tive activity level with a BPTB graft.19
of instrumented laxity between the 2 grafts were Knee-specific composite scores were frequently
found in any of the individual studies. A trend existed used to assess outcomes. These scores combine ob-
toward increased side-to-side laxity with hamstring jective physician-assessed clinical data with subjective
tendon grafts in all 6 studies; however, the differ- functional data obtained from patients. No differences
ences were often small (!3 mm) and of uncertain were seen between the grafts in any of the studies uti-
clinical significance. lizing the Cincinnati knee score or the International
Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) scores (both
composite and subjective components).
Strength and range of motion were inconsistently COMPLICATIONS
reported among the studies. Although early follow-
up (!1 year) often demonstrated strength differ- Anterior knee pain is an important outcome after ACL
ences, no consistent trends were noted across the reconstruction. Anterior knee pain was variably as-
studies for either graft in terms of flexion and ex- sessed among the group of studies, with some investi-
tension strength at 2 years after reconstruction. gators reporting the incidence of anterior knee pain
Maletis and coworkers19 found persistent flexion and others providing patient-reported scores or “knee
weakness in the hamstring group and persistent walking/kneeling” ability. In all the investigations, knee
quadriceps weakness in the patellar tendon group, pain was significantly greater after patellar tendon
but the deficits were small and of uncertain clinical grafts were used. The incidence of knee pain before
significance. Similarly, although extension defi cits reconstruction was inconsistently reported.
were seen early in the BPTB group in several stud- Graft failure, rerupture, or both were poorly de-
ies, the groups usually equilibrated at 2-year follow- fined among the five studies. Twelve failures (5 BPTB,
up. In 2 studies, the extension deficit per- 11 hamstring) were reported before the 2-year final
sisted.17,20 follow-up examination for an overall rate of 3.3%. No
Two studies demonstrated a statistically signifi- difference was reported in the rate of early failure
cant proportion of patients in the hamstring group between the two grafts.
with an abnormal pivot shift examination at final Septic joint infections were rare with five reported
follow-up.17,19 The severity of the pivot shift (i.e., a from the six investigations (1%). Three cases resolved
“glide” vs. an overt subluxation) was specified in with arthroscopic lavage, administration of intrave-
only 1 study, and no patients demonstrated more nous antibiotics, and retention of the original graft. In
than a grade 1 (glide).19 No differences were found two cases, a staged revision reconstruction was nec-
between the grafts with respect to the one-leg hop essary. No difference was seen in the rate of deep in-
test in the studies that reported this outcome. fection for the two grafts. Superficial infections were
Autograft Choice in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction 627

inconsistently reported, as were the rates of deep in the Level I investigations that were included in this
venous thrombosis, pretibial numbness, and arthro- review, no attempts were made to stratify randomiza-
fibrosis. tion based on prognostic indicators such as con-
comitant cartilage, ligament or meniscal injury, the
presence of ligamentous hypermobility, or body
VALIDITY/QUALITY ASSESSMENT mass index. Such stratification could provide impor-
tant prognostic information regarding these factors
Despite the fact that these investigations were all and guide future research initiatives.
randomized studies, from an epidemiologic per- Several previous reviews have been previously
spective, the quality of the trials was variable. All published comparing these 2 grafts with inconsis-
six studies were relatively small. Only two studies tent findings. A “review of reviews” was undertaken
specified a primary outcome of interest and per- by Poolman and coworkers23 to investigate the
formed an a priori sample size calculation accord- reasons for the discordant findings. Eleven such
ingly. Loss to follow-up was poorly reported and not reviews were identified in that investigation, with
accounted for in any of the analyses. Neither post 3 favoring the patellar tendon graft for stability
hoc power calculations nor calculation of confi- and 6 favoring the hamstring graft to prevent
dence intervals was used in any of the studies, all of anterior knee pain. The quality of the individual
which failed to show major differences between the reviews was highly variable and believed to be the
two grafts. most significant reason for the differences in their
Limitations are imposed on this analysis because
DISCUSSION of inconsistent reporting of the outcome measures
across the investigations and the lack of validated,
Utilizing only Level I, strictly randomized data, re- patient-based measures of function. Although we
searchers found no major differences between the suspect from these data that neither graft has a
two grafts with respect to laxity, patient-assessed propensity for failure outright, a definitive conclu-
outcomes, or subjective scores (Table 93–1). The sion on superiority awaits functional data at longer-
finding of a persistent pivot shift in a greater propor- term follow-up. The finding of a trend toward in-
tion of patients with hamstring reconstruction in 2 creased incidence of anterior knee pain with patellar
studies is an important observation. Both anterior tendon grafts should be interpreted in light of the
knee pain and kneeling pain were experienced by fact that few studies record whether this pain pre-
more patients after BPTB grafts in all studies. The ceded the reconstruction. Furthermore, the asso-
trials were international, including 4 Scandinavian, 2 ciation of the increase in laxity (as assessed by the
American, and 1 Australian trial. The study group pivot shift examination) seen with hamstring grafts
was young, active, and predominantly male. This and patient function or sport participation is un-
would be consistent with the average patient re- known.
questing ACL reconstruction in the North American The breadth of research on ACL reconstruction is
population. expanding and evolving. The literature is plentiful,
In summarizing existing evidence, limitations are but its impact is weakened by underpowered investi-
introduced by the heterogeneity and quality of the gations. A place exists for a large, multicenter trial to
individual studies. In terms of heterogeneity, al- definitively explore this question with long-term
though the individual study designs and sample functional outcomes; however, further small investi-
populations were similar—all were randomized tri- gations are unnecessary and, we would suggest, an
als conducted in young, active, predominantly male inefficient use of time and resource.
populations—the technical aspects of graft har- This brief narrative review is intended to provide
vest, fixation, and tensioning were variable and the surgeon with up-to-date data, which can be used
may have introduced potentially important differ- to appropriately educate his or her patients in the
ences in graft survival and function at 2 years. consent process before ACL reconstruction. Fur-
Variations in epidemiologic quality among the indi- thermore, this work represents the beginnings of
vidual trials might have led to overestimation or a more extensive analysis that will appear in the
underestimation of treatment effects. Publication Cochrane database. A wealth of data can be derived
bias might have played a role in the original litera- from this sample of Level I randomized trials on ACL
ture search because only 1 foreign language study reconstruction. Further inference may be possible
was identified.8 with the raw data from each study and/or a formal
Although this review has provided some insight meta-analysis as per the Cochrane database meth-
into autograft selection, many unanswered questions odology. The Cochrane review will attempt to pro-
remain regarding ACL reconstruction. There is a vide overall estimates of treatment effect via statis-
complete lack of data in the literature to guide deci- tical pooling of study data. Definitive information,
sion making as to the optimal timing of ACL recon- however, can come only from a large randomized
struction. No Level I investigations compare acute trial with long-term functional data as a primary end
ACL reconstruction (performed within 3 months of point. Table 93–2 provides a summary of recom-
injury) with chronic reconstructions. Furthermore, mendations.
TABLE 93–1. Level of Evidence

Ejerhed et al. (2003)16 71 (34 PT, 37 HS) I Study characteristics:

24-month minimum follow-up
2 lost to follow-up (1 PT, 1 HS)
3 early failures (1 PT, 2 HS)
More patients could “knee walk” in HS group
Equivalent Lysholm, Tegner, laxity, IKDC scores
No significant difference for laxity
Anterior knee pain greater in PT group
Feller and Webster (2003)17 65 (31 PT, 34 HS) I Study characteristics:
36-month minimum follow-up
6 lost to follow-up (4 PT, 2 HS)
1 early failure (PT)
More kneeling pain in PT group
Extension deficits in PT group
KT values greater in HS group
More patients with pivot in HS group
Equivalent Cincinnati score, IKDC score, return to activity
Both grafts give satisfactory function
Increased morbidity in PT group
Increased laxity in HS group
Increased femoral tunnel width in HS group
Jansson et al. (2003)18 PRCT: 99 (51 PT, 48 HS) I Study characteristics:
21-month minimum follow-up
16 lost to follow-up (13 PT, 3 HS)
4 early failures (4 HS)
Extracortical femoral fixation in HS group
Equivalent KT 1000 Arthrometer (Medmetric Corp,
San Diego, California, USA) IKDC, Lysholm, Tegner scores
Equivalent Kujala patellofemoral score
Both techniques improve performance
Equal results for both groups
Laxdal et al. (2005)21 134* (40 PT, 39 HS) I Study characteristics:
Average 26 months of follow-up
9 lost to follow-up (total only)
5 early failures (1 PT, 4 HS)
Third randomized group: two-strand HS
Knee walking worse in PT group
Less discomfort with knee walking in HS group
No differences for laxity and function
Maletis et al. (2007)19 99 (46 PT, 53 HS) I Study characteristics:
Average 24 months of follow-up
2 lost to follow-up (2 HS)
1 early failure (HT)
Identical fixation for both grafts
Equivalent Lysholm, IKDC, Tegner scores
Fewer with jumping difficulty in PT group
More return to preinjury Tegner score in PT group
Stronger extension in HS group
Fewer with kneeling difficulty in HS group
Good outcomes with both grafts
Subtle differences may help guide graft choice
Shaieb et al. (2002)20 82 (41 PT, 41 HS) I Study characteristics:
Average 33 months of follow-up
12 lost to follow-up
4 early failures (2 HS, 2 PT)
Similar fixation for both grafts
Equivalent Lysholm score, KT, return to activity
More knee pain and stiffness in PT group
Both grafts gave good outcomes
Both grafts performed similarly
Fewer in HS group had pain and stiffness

*Three groups randomized, two hamstring groups (two and four strands). Only four-strand results considered.
HS, hamstring; IKDC, International Knee Documentation Committee; LOE, level of evidence; PRCT, prospective, randomized, control trial; PT, patellar tendon.
Autograft Choice in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction 629

TABLE 93–2. Summary of Recommendations


1. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with either bone–patellar tendon– I A

bone or quadruple-strand hamstring tendon autograft provides restoration of
knee stability, alleviation of knee-specific symptoms, and improvement in
generic health-related quality of life versus preoperative assessment.
2. No statistically significant differences were found between bone–patellar I A
tendon–bone autografts and quadruple-strand hamstring tendon autografts with
respect to knee laxity and functional outcome at up to 2 years after surgery.
3. An increased incidence on anterior knee pain and kneeling pain after anterior I A
cruciate ligament reconstruction with bone–patellar tendon–bone autograft
versus hamstring tendon autograft was reported at up to 2 years after surgery.
4. In patients for whom kneeling is an occupational requirement or for whom I A
the ability to kneel without pain is a significant part of cultural, religious, or
sports participation, a quadruple-strand hamstring autograft has advantages
over bone–patellar tendon–bone autograft for reconstruction of the anterior
cruciate ligament.

REFERENCES 12. Beynnon B, Johnson RJ, Fleming BC, et al: Anterior cruciate
ligament replacement: Comparison of bone-patellar tendon-
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of human ligament grafts used in knee-ligament repairs and randomized study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 84-A:1503–1513, 2002.
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2. Woo SL, Kanamori A, Zeminski J, et al: The effectiveness anterior cruciate ligament: A prospective randomized
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A prospective, randomized clinical trial. J Bone Joint Surg 16. Ejerhed L, Kartus J, Sernert N, et al: Patellar tendon or
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between patellar tendon and doubled semitendonosis/ with a two-year follow-up. Am J Sports Med 31:19–25, 2003.
gracilis for ACL reconstruction: A minimum 5 year follow up. 17. Feller JA, Webster KE: A randomized comparison of patellar
J Sports Traumatol Rel Res 19:57–68, 1997. tendon and hamstring tendon anterior cruciate ligament
6. Aune AK, Holm I, Risberg MA, et al: Four-strand hamstring reconstruction. Am J Sports Med 31:564–573, 2003.
tendon autograft compared with patellar tendon-bone 18. Jansson KA, Linko E, Sandelin J, Harilainen A: A Prospective
autograft for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction—a randomized study of patellar versus hamstring tendon
randomized study with two-year follow-up. Am J Sports Med autografts for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
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7. Eriksson K, Anderberg P, Hamberg P, et al: A comparison 19. Maletis GB, Cameron SL, Tengan JJ, et al: A prospective
of quadruple semitendinosus and patellar tendon grafts randomized study of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
in reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. J Bone A comparison of patellar tendon and quadruple strand
Joint Surg Br 83-B:348–354, 2001. semitendonosis/gracilis tendons fixed with bioabsorbable
8. Ropke M, Becker R, Urbach D, Nebelung W: Semitendinosus interference screws. Am J Sports Med 35:385–394, 2007.
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reconstruction. Am J Sports Med 34:1933–1940, 2006. comparison of bone patellar tendon bone and hamstring grafts
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three surgical methods. Am J Sports Med 29:272–279, 2001. are they different? J Bone Joint Surg Am 89:1542–1552, 2007.
Chapter What
Is There is the
a RoleBestfor Treatment

1 Jin the
ENNIFER Treatment



Arthroscopy was first described to treat osteoarthri- is important to note that the degree of pain relief, as
tis (OA) of the knee by Burman and coauthors1 in well as how long it lasts, can be varied.9
1934. Over the past several decades, arthroscopic Surgical management includes arthroscopic debride-
debridement of the degenerative knee has become a ment and lavage, osteotomies to correct deformities,
commonly performed orthopedic procedure. Despite unicompartmental arthroplasty, and total knee arthro-
its popularity, the exact role of arthroscopy in treating plasty. Osteotomy is indicated in younger patients
OA is controversial. Older, primarily uncontrolled co- with deformity and degenerative changes on one
hort studies have suggested that arthroscopy has a side of the knee. Unicompartmental arthroplasty is
variety of benefits in patients with early OA.2–6 How- reserved for patients who have degenerative changes
ever, a more recent study has suggested that the pla- in primarily 1 compartment, good motion, knee stabil-
cebo effect may be responsible for the benefit related ity, and no significant deformity. Finally, total knee
to arthroscopic treatment.7 The variety of arthroscopic arthroplasty is indicated in older patients with signifi-
procedures, the retrospective nature of the majority cant degenerative changes and multicompartment
of published studies, and the lack of control subjects involvement of the knee. The role of arthroscopy in the
probably adds even more confusion as to which pa- osteoarthritic knee is not clear.
tients will benefit from arthroscopy.8
Additional prospective, randomized, controlled
studies are needed to try and define the role of ar- EVIDENCE
throscopic debridement in the treatment of OA of the
knee. This is essential because it would allow for Several studies have been conducted in an effort to
a greater efficiency in the management of these examine the effectiveness of arthroscopy in treating
patients; those who would benefit from surgery can OA of the knee (Table 94–1). However, after conduct-
be indicated, whereas those who would not can be ing an evidence-based review of the current litera-
spared the unnecessary expense and operative risk ture, we found only 1 study that contained Level I
of a surgical procedure. In the meantime, it is impor- evidence. This study, by Moseley and colleagues,7
tant to analyze the current literature in an effort to was a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled
determine which patients are most likely to benefit trial of 180 patients with OA who were assigned to
from arthroscopy. The goal of this chapter is to sum- receive arthroscopic debridement, arthroscopic
marize the current literature in an effort to determine lavage, or placebo surgery. Their inclusion criteria
whether there is, in fact, a role for arthroscopy in the included: (1) age ! 75 years, (2) OA as defined by the
treatment of OA. American College of Rheumatology, (3) knee pain
despite at least 6 months of conservative manage-
ment, and (4) no arthroscopy performed on the knee
OPTIONS in the previous 2 years. The severity of OA was as-
sessed radiographically and graded from 1 to 4. The
Numerous treatment options are available for the scores from all 3 compartments were added for a
patient with OA of the knee. Generally speaking, non- total of 0 to 12. Of note, patients were excluded for
operative treatments are indicated initially, followed severe deformity, for a score of more than 9 on the
by surgical options if the former are not effective. scale, or if there was a medical contraindication.
The degree of OA in the involved knee also plays a Patients and assessors of outcome were blinded to
role in the decision-making process. the treatment group assignment, and outcomes were
Nonoperative management begins with activity assessed at multiple points over a 24-month period
modification, physical therapy, and a trial of anti- with the use of 5 self-reported scores. The authors
inflammatory medications. Many patients will often conclude that the outcomes after arthroscopic la-
experience significant relief after intra-articular cor- vage or arthroscopic debridement were no better
ticosteroid injections and hyaluronate injections. It than those after a placebo procedure.

Is There a Role for Arthroscopy in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis? 631

TABLE 94–1. Recent studies with their respective levels of evidence regarding the treatment of knee osteoarthritis with arthroscopy

Moseley et al.7 Prospective, randomized, 180 I No difference between arthroscopic

placebo controlled group and placebo group
Dervin et al.8 Retrospective case series 126 IV 44%
Jackson and Rouse12 Retrospective case series 68 IV 95%
Chang et al.13 Prospective comparative 32 II 44%
Aaron et al.14 Cross-sectional cohort 122 II 65%
Jackson and Dieterichs16 Retrospective case series 121 IV 84%
Matsusue and Thomson17 Retrospective case series 68 IV 84%
McGinley et al.18 Retrospective case series 77 IV 67%

Several details about this study require a more in- nificantly. It can be difficult to determine which
depth evaluation because they are certainly relevant meniscal tears are clinically significant; many au-
to the authors’ conclusion that surgical intervention thors will use the term mechanical symptoms, which
provided no benefit compared with placebo surgery. includes locking and catching, and generally refers to
Forty-four percent of the eligible participants de- unstable mensical tears. Some authors have at-
clined to participate in the study, which creates a se- tempted to determine whether mechanical symp-
lection bias; that is, it is possible that the patients toms are a prognostic factor associated with a posi-
who declined to participate had lower grades of OA tive outcome after arthroscopic debridement. The
and, therefore, might have experienced the best out- results have been mixed. Chang and colleagues13
come.10 In addition, the presence or absence of joint conclude that patients with mechanical symptoms
effusion was not reported. This is significant because tended to benefit, whereas Aaron and coworkers14
some of the indications for knee arthroscopy, such as (Level II) and Livesley and coauthors15 found that the
loose bodies or meniscal tears, can be manifested type of symptoms did not predict outcome. The term
clinically by a joint effusion. Finally, the method of mechanical symptoms has a different meaning for dif-
grading OA may lead to conflicting results. For exam- ferent clinicians. Mechanical locking, which is when
ple, a patient with one severely arthritic compart- the knee becomes suddenly stuck in one position
ment may receive the same score as a patient with requiring manipulation that allows the knee to sud-
mild arthritis in all three compartments. These pa- denly unlock, generally indicates the presence of a
tients are probably not comparable clinically and loose body or an unstable flap of meniscus or articu-
would most likely have different outcomes after surgi- lar cartilage. Arthroscopy reliably eliminates this
cal intervention. Despite these criticisms, this inves- phenomenon even in the presence of arthritis. How-
tigation is still the only Level I study that addresses ever, arthritis symptoms may not be relieved by the
the role of arthroscopy in OA; therefore, the authors’ procedure. Lastly, the term mechanical symptoms is
conclusion should be acknowledged and taken into not specific to this type of locking.
account when treating these patients. Several authors have proposed that patients with
Patients with symptomatic OA of the knee have a low-grade OA can have substantial and long-lasting
reported incidence rate of meniscal tears in up to improvement after knee arthroscopy, whereas pa-
91% of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans.11 tients with high-grade OA fare less well. For example,
Some surgeons have proposed that patients who Jackson and Dieterichs,16 in a Level IV study, note 91%
have pain secondary to clinically significant menis- excellent results at 4 to 6 years after debridement for
cal tears will benefit from arthroscopic mensical de- knees in which degenerative change was limited to
bridement. Dervin and investigators,8 in a Level IV fibrillation, which they rate as stage 2. When the dis-
study, attempted to elicit preoperative factors that ease progressed to fragmentation of the cartilage
would predict a successful outcome after arthros- (stage 3), results deteriorated to 77% fair or good.
copy for OA of the knee. They conclude that three Aaron and coworkers14 and Livesley and coauthors15
variables were significantly associated with clinical note similar trends: Patients with low grades of OA
improvement: the presence of medial joint line ten- had acceptable pain relief that lasted up to 3 years,
derness, a positive Steinman test, and the presence while patients with higher grades of OA had signifi-
of an unstable meniscal tear at arthroscopy. Jackson cantly worse results. Aaron and coworkers14 also note
and Rouse,12 in a Level IV study, reported 95% good that patients who had a joint space of 3 mm or larger
to excellent results obtained with arthroscopic par- on radiographs improved after arthroscopic debride-
tial meniscectomy for clinically significant meniscal ment, whereas those with a joint space less than 2 mm
tears in the setting of substantial OA. Although rarely had a substantial relief of symptoms. It is fair to
Chang and colleagues13 (Level II) conclude that pa- say that joint space directly correlates with the vary-
tients with OA did not experience consistent relief ing stages of OA; therefore, this finding supports the
after arthroscopy, they do point out that the subset notion that patients with mild OA or larger joint
of patients with anterior two-thirds medial mensical spaces have better outcomes than those with higher
tears and any lateral meniscal tears did improve sig- grades of OA or smaller joint spaces. Matsusue and
632 Sports MedicineTopics

Thomson17 (Level IV) stratified their results of menis- high percentage of patient follow-up. In addition, the
cal tear debridement based on coexisting degenera- results should be categorized by history, physical
tive changes within the involved compartment. They examination, presence of loose bodies, presence of
found that patients with early degenerative changes, meniscal tears, and degree of OA present both radio-
classified as grade I or II, had 87% excellent results, graphically and by intraoperative visualization. This
whereas only 7% of the patients with grade III or IV will help in identifying subgroups that are amenable
changes experienced an excellent result. Finally, to arthroscopic debridement and those that are not.
McGinley and coworkers18 (Level IV) note that greater
than 80% grade 4 changes within a single compart-
ment was a risk factor for total knee arthroplasty RECOMMENDATIONS
within 2 years. Although it is difficult to compare and Currently, insufficient evidence-based data are
contrast these different studies, because many of the available to definitively recommend specific indi-
investigators used a different system for grading the cations for the use of arthroscopy in the treatment
severity of OA, there certainly seems to be a trend of OA. Many of the prospective randomized stud-
toward patients with early OA having better outcomes ies in the literature lack stratification of arthritis
than those with advanced OA. severity, have poor enrollment, and have a small
In a Level V article, Stuart and Lubowitz19 propose sample size. Other studies are retrospective in na-
that loose bodies within the knee joint is another prog- ture, lack randomization or a control group, have
nostic factor associated with a positive result after ar- a selection bias, and lack a quantifiable outcome
throscopy in patients with OA. However, we have been measure between groups. However, despite these
unable to find data to support this statement. Aaron limitations, we do believe that there is a role for
and coworkers14 were unable to find an association arthroscopy in select patients with knee OA.
between having loose bodies and a good result after The senior author’s (R.G.M.) current indica-
arthroscopy, although only 9 of 122 patients in their tions for arthroscopic surgery for patients with
study were identified as such. OA of the knee includes either patients who have
Patients with fixed varus or valgus deformity, par- clear mechanical locking as described earlier, or
ticularly valgus deformity, have consistently demon- patients who have not responded successfully
strated poor results after arthroscopic debride- to conservative management, including at least
ment.14,20 Likewise, patients with bilateral disease are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or acet-
considered poor candidates and were reported to aminophen as appropriate, chondroitin, and glu-
undergo total knee arthroplasty at a greater rate (64%) cosamine, as well as physical therapy, and who
when compared with a similar group of patients with also have mechanical symptoms (i.e., locking),
unilateral disease (33%).18 meniscal tears confirmed by MRI that are
believed to be symptomatic based on patient
history and physical examination, mild arthritis
GUIDELINES as defined by a joint space of 3 mm or larger, and
persistent pain with a mild deformity (i.e., varus
The orthopedic surgeon has many tools to treat OA of ! 10 degrees). We believe that arthroscopic de-
the knee, one of which is arthroscopy. It is under- bridement should generally not be performed
standable why arthroscopic debridement is so com- in patients who have severe arthritis as defined
monly performed; it is relatively safe, is an outpatient by a joint space of less than 2 mm, fixed limb
procedure, and does not preclude later definitive malalignment ("10 degrees), particularly valgus
surgery. Unfortunately, a consensus on the role of knees, and bilateral disease. Although we do not
arthroscopy in the treatment of OA still has not been believe that the natural history of the arthritis
established. Some patients may benefit from arthros- can be significantly altered by arthroscopy,
copy, but the challenge remains identifying which pa- associated conditions such as new onset of pain
tients are likely to benefit and which ones will not. from a meniscal tear or locking caused by a loose
It is important for the clinician to keep in mind that body can often be treated by arthroscopy in an
OA of the knee is not a single entity but encompasses arthritic knee with good results. Patients should
a spectrum of pathology. It is important for future in- be counseled that the degree of arthritis is proba-
vestigations to stratify the severity of OA based on bly best assessed intraoperatively, and that their
functional disability and radiographs. In addition, the clinical outcome will often depend on the sever-
specifics of physical examination and clinical symp- ity of cartilage lesions that are seen during the
toms should also be carefully documented. These arthroscopy procedure. As a result, it may not
factors are instrumental in developing guidelines to be possible to truly estimate the likelihood of
determine the type of surgical candidates who will success until after the operation.
experience predictable relief after arthroscopy. Lastly, we counsel patients that arthritis symp-
Future studies, preferably with Level I or II evi- toms tend to worsen over the long term, and that
dence, will need to be conducted in an effort to deter- this is what they can expect over years in the fu-
mine indications, or lack thereof, for arthroscopic ture after arthroscopy in this setting. Table 94–2
debridement of the osteoarthritic knee. These stud- provides a summary of recommendations.
ies should be prospective, randomized, and have a
Is There a Role for Arthroscopy in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis? 633

8. Dervin GF, Stiell IG, Rody K, et al: Effect of arthroscopic

TABLE 94–2. Grades of Recommendation for Summaries debridement for osteoarthritis of the knee on health-related
or Reviews of Orthopedic Surgical Studies quality of life. J Bone Joint Surg Am 85:10–19, 2003.
9. Leopold SS, Redd BB, Warme WJ, et al: Corticosteroid com-
pared with hyaluronic acid injections for the treatment of
osteoarthritis of the knee. A prospective, randomized trial.
J Bone Joint Surg Am 85A:1197–1203, 2003.
1. Knee arthroscopy for C 10. Siparsky P, Ryzewicz M, Peterson B, et al: Arthroscopic
symptomatic meniscal treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. Clin Orthop Relat Res
tears in the setting of (455):107–112, 2007.
osteoarthritis 11. Bhattacharyya T, Gale D, Dewire P, et al: The clinical importance
2. Arthroscopic debridement I of meniscal tears demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging
for knee pain in the setting in osteoarthritis of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am 85:4–9, 2003.
of osteoarthritis 12. Jackson RW, Rouse DW: The results of partial meniscectomy
3. Knee arthroscopy for loose C in patients over 40 years of age. J Bone Joint Surg Br
body removal in the setting 64:481–485, 1982.
of osteoarthritis 13. Chang RW, Falconer J, Stulberg SD, et al: A randomized con-
trolled trial of arthroscopic surgery versus closed-needle
joint lavage for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.
Arthritis Rheum 36:289–296, 1993.
14. Aaron RK, Skolnick AH, Reinert SE, et al: Arthroscopic
REFERENCES debridement for osteoarthritis of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg
Am 88:936–943, 2006.
1. Burman MS, Finkelstein H, Mayer L: Arthroscopy of the knee 15. Livesley PJ, Doherty M, Needoff M, et al: Arthroscopic lavage
joint. J Bone Joint Surg Am 16A:255–268, 1934. of osteoarthritic knees. J Bone Joint Surg Br 73:922–926, 1991.
2. Baumgaertner MR, Cannon WD Jr, Vittori JM, et al: 16. Jackson RW, Dieterichs C: The results of arthroscopic lavage
Arthroscopic debridement of the arthritic knee. Clin Orthop and debridement of osteoarthritic knees based on the sever-
Relat Res 253:197–202, 1990. ity of degeneration: A 4-to-6 year symptomatic follow-up.
3. McLaren AC, Blokker CP, Fowler PJ: Arthroscopic debridement Arthroscopy 19:13–20, 2003.
of the knee for osteoarthrosis. Can J Surg 34:595–598, 1991. 17. Matsusue Y, Thomson NL: Arthroscopic partial medial menis-
4. Ogilvie-Harris DJ, Fitsialos DP: Arthroscopic management of cectomy in patients over 40 years old: A 5 to 11 year follow-up
the degenerative knee. Arthroscopy 7:151–157, 1991. study. Arthroscopy 12:39–44, 1996.
5. Rand JA: Arthroscopic management of degenerative meniscus 18. McGinley BJ, Cushner FD, Scott WN: Debridement arthroscopy:
tears in patients with degenerative arthritis. Arthroscopy 10-year follow-up. Clin Orthop Relat Res 367:190–194, 1999.
1:253–258, 1985. 19. Stuart MJ, Lubowitz JH: What, if any, are the indications
6. Yang SS, Nisonson B: Arthroscopic surgery of the knee in the for arthroscopic debridement of the osteoarthritic knee?
geriatric patient. Clin Orthop Relat Res (316):50–58, 1995. Arthroscopy 22:238–239, 2006.
7. Moseley JB, O’Malley K, Petersen NJ, et al: A controlled trial 20. Harwin SF: Arthroscopic debridement for osteoarthritis
of arthroscopic surgery for osteoarthritis of the knee. N Engl of the knee: Predictors of patient satisfaction. Arthroscopy
J Med 347:81–88, 2002. 15:142–146, 1999.
Chapter What Are Effective Therapies

95 for Anterior Knee Pain?


Anterior knee pain or patellofemoral (PF) pain is one The Q angle, representing the line of pull of the rec-
of the commonest conditions presenting to clinicians tus femoris muscle, has long been the benchmark of
involved in the management of sports injuries.1,2 Pro- orthopedic surgeons to indicate PF function. Its value
spective cohort studies report incidence rates of is widely debated in the literature, with many authors
7% to 15% in sporting and general populations.3–6 questioning the diagnostic relevance of the static
Currently, the cause of patellofemoral pain (PFP) is Q angle, suggesting the dynamic Q angle has greater
not known, but patients present with stereotypical relevance.1,15,16 The dynamic Q angle is affected by the
symptoms, namely, anterior knee pain aggravated by position of the hip from above and the foot below dur-
flexed knee activities, both loaded, such as climbing ing weight-bearing activities. The alignment of the hip
stairs and squatting, and unloaded, such as sitting and the foot is particularly critical at 30 degrees of
with the knee flexed (“moviegoer’s” knee). knee flexion when the patella should be engaging in
the trochlea. Many individuals with PFP have “squint-
ing” patellae and an associated internal rotation of the
SOURCES OF PAIN femur, which has been hypothesized to cause tight-
ness in the tensor fascia latae muscle and weakness of
Much speculation had been made about the source the gluteus medius muscle. Evidence in the literature
of PFP, but evidence is mounting that the richly in- of poor hip and pelvic control is limited, although
nervated infrapatellar fat pad could be a significant there is some support that the hip abductor and rota-
player.7,8 A recent study by Bennell and colleagues,9 tor strength is decreased in individuals with PFP suffer-
in which the fat pad of asymptomatic individuals ers.17–19 However, others claim that hip abductor and
was injected with hypotonic saline, confirmed the external rotator strength is no different in PFP subjects
finding that the fat pad can be a potent source of and healthy control subjects.20 In addition, soft-tissue
knee pain symptoms that are not just confined to the flexibility of various structures in the lower limb such
infrapatellar region but can refer to the proximal as iliotibial band, hamstrings, gastrocnemius, and
thigh as far as the groin. In addition, the lateral reti- anterior hip structures has been suggested as being
naculum seems to be responsible for some PF symp- a factor in PFP syndrome, but the findings are quite
toms because numerous studies demonstrate nerve disparate.
damage in the lateral retinaculum of patients with Abnormal foot biomechanics such as excessive,
PFP, including nerve fibrosis, neuroma formation, prolonged, or late pronation, which alters tibial and
and increased number of myelinated and unmyelin- even entire lower limb rotation at varying times
ated nerve fibers with a predominant nociceptive through range, has been proposed to adversely affect
component.10–12 PF joint mechanics.15,21,22 Intrinsic and extrinsic causes
of abnormal foot position exist. The intrinsic causes
relate to static foot postures such as forefoot and rear-
Factors Predisposing to Patellofemoral Pain foot varus and valgus. The extrinsic causes relate to
the foot being lateral to the weight-bearing line, such
Several factors predisposing an individual to PFP as genu valgus and internal rotation of the femur, or
have been identified, ranging from overuse and the weight being borne on the lateral aspect of the
training errors to faulty biomechanics. Structural foot, such as tibial varum. However, one research
causes of PFP are divided into intrinsic and extrin- group has conflicting conclusions about the influence
sic causes. Intrinsic structural factors are uncom- of foot pronation in subjects with PFP, suggesting that
mon and relate to dysplasia of the patella or femo- statically increased rearfoot varus may be a contribut-
ral trochlea and the position of the patella relative ing factor in PFP,23 whereas dynamically, individuals
to the trochlea. Extrinsic structural faults are re- with PFP do not demonstrate excessive foot pronation
ported to cause a lateral tracking of the patella.1,13,14 or tibial internal rotation compared with asymptom-
The extrinsic factors include increased Q angle, atic individuals.24
hamstrings and gastrocnemius muscle tightness, The most common cause of PFP cited in the litera-
abnormal foot pronation, and quadriceps muscle ture is quadriceps muscle weakness particularly of the
dysplasia. vastus medialis oblique (VMO). Ideally, the synergistic

Identifying Effective Therapies for Anterior Knee Pain 635

relation between the VMO and vastus lateralis (VL) TREATMENT

should maintain the alignment of the patella in the
femoral trochlea, especially in the first 30 degrees of PFP is not a self-limiting condition, so it is important to
knee flexion, before the patella is fully engaged in the identify strategies that will alleviate the symptoms of
trochlea. It has been proposed that this balanced acti- this often chronic condition. The majority of patients
vation of the VMO and VL is disrupted in patients with with PFP respond to nonoperative (physical therapy)
PFPS. The issue of whether the disruption is in part a management, which aims to not only improve patellar
motor control dysfunction has been investigated by tracking through active (quadriceps or VMO retrain-
Mellor and Hodges,25 who found that synchronization ing) and passive (realignment procedures such as
of motor unit action potentials is reduced in subjects tape, brace, stretching) interventions but also improve
with PFP (38%) compared with control subjects (90%). lower-limb mechanics both proximally by pelvic mus-
However, the evidence to support an imbalance in the cle training and distally by enhancing foot function
activation of the vasti (either decreased activation of with orthotics or muscle training. Initially, the clinician
VMO or enhanced activation of VL) is contentious.26–29 needs to be able to significantly reduce the patient’s
Differences in methodology (particularly with respect symptoms. This is often achieved by taping or bracing
to the use of electromyography [EMG]) and the inher- the patella. One group of investigators suggests that
ent heterogeneity in the PFPS population may account bracing may even prevent the development of PFP in
for some of the inconsistencies in study results. athletic individuals.39
Although there is inconclusive evidence to support Patellar taping should unload painful structures to
or refute an imbalance in the magnitude of vasti activa- enable the patient to be pain-free while doing activi-
tion in patients with PFPS, disrupted activation of the ties. Theoretically, using tape could also provide a
vasti may take the form of delayed activation of the sustained stretch of the tight lateral structures, mak-
VMO relative to the VL. It has been hypothesized that ing use of the creep phenomenon, which occurs when
the VMO, which has a smaller cross-sectional area a constant low load is applied to viscoelastic material
than the VL, must receive a feed-forward enhancement such as the lateral retinacular tissues. Length of soft
of its excitation level to track the patellar optimally.30,31 tissues can be increased with sustained stretching,
Many studies that have examined individuals with and the magnitude of increased displacement is de-
PFPS have supported this hypothesis, by demonstrat- pendent on the duration of the applied stretch,40 al-
ing that the EMG activity and reflex onset time of the though there have been no studies to show changes
VMO relative to the VL is delayed, when compared in retinacular tissue length after taping.
with asymptomatic individuals.32–34 However, the issue Short-term pain reduction does occur with patellar
remains controversial in the literature, with some stud- taping and bracing41–45 (Level of Evidence I), and re-
ies demonstrating no differences in EMG onsets,27,28,35,36 search continues to focus on mechanisms to explain
but a more recent study by Cowan and colleagues34 this pain relief. Two randomized, clinical trials did not
found that although the majority of subject with PFP find any benefits of using a medial glide tape while
have a delayed onset of VMO relative to VL on a stair- doing physical therapy in addition to physical ther-
stepping task (67% concentrically, 79% eccentrically), apy intervention.46,47 The problem with both these
there were still some subjects whose VMO preceded studies is that the beneficial effect of tape was not
VL activation. In addition, these investigators found established, and the tape was applied only for the
that some of the control subjects (no history of PFP) physical therapy session, not while the individuals
exhibited a delayed onset of the VMO relative to the VL were doing other potentially painful weight-bearing
(46% concentrically and 52% eccentrically) on the activities.
stair-stepping task. Cowan and colleagues’34 study may A few studies have evaluated the effects of patellar
clarify some of the discrepancies found in the litera- taping and bracing on radiographic patellar align-
ture with regards to timing. The stratification of the ment in patients with PFPS with conflicting results.
groups occurs only when there are sufficient subject Although improvements have been noted in some
numbers to tease out the difference. Some of the ear- studies,48 other studies failed to find radiologic evi-
lier studies may not have a statistical significance be- dence of changed patellar position.43 A number of
cause the power calculations had not been done and factors including different measurement procedures
there were too few subjects. (weight bearing vs. non–weight bearing), taping tech-
Individuals with PFP not only demonstrate a delay niques, and subject attributes may contribute to the
in the onset of VMO relative to the VL but also rela- disparate results.
tive to the prime mover (tibialis anterior and soleus, Although no evidence has been reported that patel-
respectively) after postural perturbation where sub- lar tape can change the activation magnitude of the
jects were required to rock back on their heels or go VMO or VL,49 there is evidence that taping the patella
up on their toes in response to a light stimulus.37 In can alter the onset timing of the VMO relative to the
control subjects, the VMO preceded the prime mover VL during stair ambulation.50,51 Cowan and col-
and was activated with the VL.37 This feed-forward leagues50 used a randomized, crossover design in
strategy used by the central nervous system to con- which participants with PFPS were required to com-
trol the patella can be restored by physical therapy plete the stair-stepping task under 3 experimental
rehabilitation strategies directed at altering muscle conditions: no tape, therapeutic tape, and control
recruitment in functional movements.38 tape (Level of Evidence I). During the stair-stepping
636 Sports Medicine Topics

task, the application of the therapeutic tape was producing more vasti activity. Closed kinetic training
found to alter the temporal characteristics of VMO allows simultaneous training not only of the vasti but
and VL activation, whereas the control tape had no also the gluteals and trunk muscles to control the
effect. Taping the patella has also been shown to sig- limb position in weight bearing.
nificantly increase isokinetic quadriceps torque,41,42 A stable pelvis minimizes unnecessary stress on
as well as knee extensor moments and power during the knee. Training of the gluteus medius (posterior
a vertical jump and lateral step up.52 fibers) decreases hip internal rotation and the conse-
In addition to taping the patella, taping the lateral quent valgus vector force that occurs at the knee.
thigh has been proposed as a technique to improve However, the evidence supporting the effect of hip
the balance of VL and VMO activity. The tape is ap- muscle training alone on PFP symptoms is quite lim-
plied firmly in a horizontal direction across the VL ited, with most studies being single-case studies with
muscle belly and the midthigh level to inhibit the no long-term follow-up.61,62 If the patient exhibits in-
activity of VL. This premise has been investigated ternal rotation and adduction of the femur during
only in asymptomatic individuals in whom it was weight-bearing activities, indicating poor gluteal con-
found that inhibitory tape significantly reduced the trol, it has been suggested that taping the gluteals
EMG activity of VL compared with no tape or placebo may improve the stability of the pelvis. Kilbreath and
tape in a stair descent task.53 coworkers63 recently demonstrated improved hip
There seems to be consensus in the literature that extension in a group of stroke patients after gluteal
bracing and/or taping that provides immediate pain taping. The subjects who had experienced a stroke
relief should be used as an adjunct to treatment in between 2 and 11 years ago walked at 2 different
conjunction with muscle retraining. VMO retraining speeds (self-selected and fast) under three different
to restore the dynamic stability of the patella is one conditions (control, therapeutic, and placebo tape).
of the mainstays of PFP rehabilitation programs. Tra- With the therapeutic tape in situ, subjects went from
ditionally, open chain exercises have been proposed 3 degrees of hip flexion in the control situation to
to improve quadriceps muscle imbalance. There are 11-degree extension in self-selected walking speed
3 main open kinetic chain exercises: (1) isometric and 8 degrees in fast walking. No difference was
knee extension, (2) inner range knee extension (ter- found with placebo tape. The authors conclude that
minal or short-arc knee extension), and (3) straight the shortened gluteal musculature could work more
leg raises. All 3 utilize knee flexion less than 30 de- effectively and improve hip extension. Further re-
grees to minimize PF joint contact stress. The avail- search needs to be done to validate the use of gluteal
able evidence suggests that the VMO is not preferen- tape to improve pelvic stability in patients with PFP.
tially activated compared with VL during isometric Some promising evidence in the literature has eval-
knee extension, inner range quadriceps, or straight uated the pain-reducing effect of orthotics in subjects
leg raises, regardless of the hip rotation bias.54–57 In with PFP who exhibit excessive pronation.64–66 Both
fact, all studies that evaluate both the straight leg hard and soft orthotics are effective in relieving symp-
raise and isometric quadriceps setting have shown toms but do not have much effect in changing foot
less EMG activity in the single-joint extensors during or lower limb alignment, so the mechanism of pain
a straight leg raise (even when resistance is applied) reduction remains unknown (Level of Evidence III).67
than during the isometric quadriceps setting exer- Appropriate flexibility exercises are often included in
cise. The addition of hip rotation (internal or exter- the treatment regimen. Only 1 study has examined the
nal) does not appear to have a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of a stretching program to decrease PFP
activation of VMO.56,57 Mixed results have been re- symptoms.68 Peeler and Anderson68 recently found
ported regarding the addition of hip adduction on the that after 3 weeks of quadriceps muscle stretching in
relative activation of VMO and VL, with some authors weight bearing that there was a significant reduction
finding that hip adduction enhances the VMO/VL in PFP (Level of Evidence III).
ratio,58 whereas others found no benefit.54,55 What is evident from the literature is that no one
However, there is increasing evidence that weight treatment is effective for PFP because it is a multifac-
bearing or closed chain training is effective in prefer- torial problem that requires a multimodal approach.
entially activating the vasti. Stensdotter and col- Strong evidence has been recorded in the literature
leagues59 found in asymptomatic subjects that closed that a McConnell-based physical therapy program is
chain knee extension promoted a more simultaneous successful in managing PFP.69,70 This includes patellar
onset of EMG activity of the 4 different muscle por- taping, patellar mobilizations, specific quadriceps
tions of the quadriceps compared with open chain. and gluteal exercises often with biofeedback, and
In open chain, rectus femoris had the earliest EMG stretching for the anterior hip structures and ham-
onset, whereas the VMO was activated last with strings. A robust, randomized, placebo-controlled
smaller amplitude than in closed chain. These au- clinical trial of a McConnell-based physical therapy
thors conclude that closed kinetic chain exercise program in 71 patients with PFP demonstrated that
promotes a more balanced initial quadriceps activa- the physical therapy group responded significantly
tion than open kinetic chain exercise. This supports better to treatment and had greater improvements in
the finding of Escamilla and coworkers,60 who found average pain, worst pain, and functional activities
that open kinetic chain exercises produced more (Level of Evidence I). The physical therapy treatment
rectus femoris activity, with closed chain exercises changed the onset timing of VMO relative to VL
Identifying Effective Therapies for Anterior Knee Pain 637

TABLE 95–1. Identifying Effective Therapies for Anterior Knee Pain


Crossley et al. Prospective, double-blind, randomized I 71 patients randomized to physiotherapy or

(2002)69 trial of McConnell-based physiotherapy placebo group. Subjects and assessor
program vs. placebo physiotherapy blinded to group allocation; improved pain
treatment for patellofemoral pain (VAS) and function in the patients in the
McConnell-based physiotherapy group;
change maintained at 3-month follow-up;
longer-term follow-up not done as placebo
group crossed over
Cowan et al. Prospective, double-blind, randomized I 71 patients randomized to physiotherapy or
(2001)50 trial of McConnell-based physiotherapy placebo group; subjects and assessor
program vs. placebo physiotherapy blinded to group allocation; improved EMG
treatment for patellofemoral pain onset timing of medial quads in the patients
in the McConnell-based physiotherapy
Clark et al. Prospective, randomized trial comparing I 81 patients with patellofemoral pain in an
(2000)46 exercise, taping, and education; exercise observer-blinded, prospective, factorial
and education; taping and education; design, randomized, controlled trial showed
and education alone that patients who exercised were signifi-
cantly more likely to be discharged at
3 months than nonexercising patients, and
these benefits were maintained at 1 year
Whittingham Prospective, randomized trial comparing I 24 patients randomized to either combination
et al. daily patella taping and exercise group of daily patella taping and exercises group
(2004)70 or exercise alone group or exercise alone group; 4 weeks of daily
patella taping and exercises was superior
to exercise alone in improving pain and
function in individuals with patellofemoral
pain syndrome; no long-term follow-up
Witvrouw Prospective study to evaluate the efficacy II 60 patients were randomized into a 5-week
et al. of open versus closed kinetic chain program that consisted of only closed
(2000)33 exercises in the nonoperative kinetic chain exercises or only open
management of patellofemoral pain kinetic chain exercises; both groups
experienced a statistically significant
decrease in pain and an increase in
functional performance; no long-term
Peeler and Pretest/post-test control group design III 83 subjects completed a 3-week static
Anderson to determine whether a 3-week static quadriceps stretching program; after
(2007)68 stretching program would increase the stretching program, a significant
quadriceps muscle flexibility in improvement in flexibility was detected
subjects with PJPS for both groups, and the PJPS group
reported a significant decrease in knee
pain and improved joint function, but
changes in quadriceps flexibility were
poorly correlated with changes in knee
pain and function
Saxena and Retrospective review of patients III 102 patients treated for patellofemoral pain
Haddad diagnosed with patellofemoral pain syndrome with semiflexible foot orthoses
(2003)65 syndrome and fitted with semiflexible showed a decrease in pain; no control or
orthotics placebo group, not randomized, and no
long-term follow-up
Mascal et al. Case report of management of IV 2 patients with patellofemoral pain treated
(2003)61 patellofemoral pain targeting hip, with hip, trunk, and pelvic muscle exercises
pelvis, and trunk muscle function for 14 weeks; improvements in pain and
function; no control or placebo group, long
treatment period, no follow-up

EMG, electromyography; PJPS, patellofemoral joint pain syndrome; VAS, visual analog pain scale.

during stair-stepping and postural perturbation tasks. CONCLUSION

At baseline in both the placebo and treatment groups,
the VMO came on significantly later than the VL. After PFP is a multifactorial problem where it seems the
treatment, there was no change in muscle onset tim- symptoms are most likely to be arising from the fat
ing of the placebo group, but in the physiotherapy pad or lateral retinaculum, which are highly nocicep-
group, the onset of VMO and VL occurred simultane- tive structures. A multimodal physical therapy pro-
ously during concentric activity, and VMO preceded gram is effective. This consists of taping or bracing
VL during eccentric activity.39,71 to relieve pain, performing weight-bearing exercises
638 Sports Medicine Topics

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Identifying Effective Therapies for Anterior Knee Pain 639

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plete a postural task. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 83:989–995, 2002. activity of the vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis
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Chapter What Is the Best Treatment

96 for Chondral Defects in the Knee?


Damage to the articular cartilage comprises a spec- efficacy of these procedures and to enable physicians
trum of disease entities ranging from single, focal to properly indicate treatment.
chondral defects to more advanced degenerative This chapter provides an overview of the existing
disease. Long implicated in the subsequent develop- techniques and supporting data in an attempt to
ment of osteoarthritis, focal chondral defects result guide surgeons in their indications for the treatment
from various causative factors. Patients are approxi- of cartilage defects of the knee.
mately evenly split in reporting a traumatic versus
an insidious onset of symptoms; athletic activities
are the most common inciting event associated with OPTIONS
the diagnosis of a chondral lesions.1 Traumatic events
and developmental causative agents such as osteo- Before the development of modern bioengineering
chondritis dissecans (OCD) predominate in younger techniques, orthopedists were restricted to proce-
age groups. Several large studies have found high- dures that aimed to palliate the effects of chondral
grade chondral lesions (Outerbridge grades III and lesions or attempted to stimulate a healing response
IV) in 5% to 11% of younger patients (!40 years) and initiated from the subchondral bone resulting in the
up to 60% of older patients.1–3 The most common lo- formation of fibrocartilage to fill the defect. Simple
cations for these defects are the medial femoral con- arthroscopic lavage and debridement of lesions has
dyle (up to 32%) and the patella,2,3 and most are de- been used since the 1940s in an effort to reduce
tected incidentally during meniscectomy or anterior symptoms resulting from loose bodies and cartilage
cruciate ligament reconstruction.1,4 Notably, despite flaps, and it is a common first-line treatment, espe-
this relatively high incidence, many of these defects cially for coincidental defects. Marrow stimulation
are incidental in nature and asymptomatic. It is techniques (MST), such as abrasion arthroplasty,
agreed that articular cartilage lesions have no spon- drilling, and microfracture, attempt to induce a re-
taneous repair potential and a propensity to worsen parative response by perforation of the subchondral
with time. Even though the natural history is still not bone after radical debridement of damaged cartilage
completely understood, those involved in cartilage and removal of the tide mark “calcified” zone to en-
repair agree that one must look for background hance the integration of repair tissue. The resultant
factors that predispose to the formation of these blood clot, and the primitive mesenchymal cells con-
defects—malalignment and compartment overload tained within, may differentiate into a fibrocartilagi-
of the tibiofemoral or patellofemoral compartments, nous repair tissue that fills the defect. Unlike hyaline
joint laxity, contracture, meniscal insufficiency, and cartilage, this fibrocartilage largely consists of type I
of course, genetic predisposition to osteoarthritis— collagen and is mechanically less stable and less dur-
for which to date clinical, biological, or genetic mark- able.5 The pluripotential marrow-derived cells may
ers are lacking. Therefore, various techniques have also form bone, another mode of MST-related failure
evolved to stimulate defect repair or overtly replace that is increasingly becoming recognized.6 Although
these defects. The high costs and extensive rehabili- closely related, MSTs vary by the degree of trauma to
tation associated with many of these procedures ne- the subchondral bone, which has been recognized as
cessitate careful evaluation to establish their respec- a factor in the failure of these techniques. Abrasion
tive clinical and cost-effectiveness. arthroplasty (or also abrasion chondroplasty) decor-
The field of cartilage repair is a recent development ticated the superficial subchondral bone with a bur
within orthopedic surgery with techniques that con- to expose the more porous bone below but also de-
tinue to evolve. Although there are no formal treat- stabilized the subchondral bone with the risk for
ment algorithms that have been agreed on and vali- fracture. Drilling utilizes small drill bits or K-wires to
dated by prospective comparative trials of the perforate the subchondral bone, which can result in
emerging techniques, practice-based algorithms have heat necrosis; microfracture avoids this issue by us-
been recommended based on existing evidence and ing special awls (microfracture or Steadman awls).
by matching patient characteristics to treatment effi- Currently, most surgeons have abandoned the older
cacy and risks. High-quality outcomes research is methods in favor of microfracture, which is usually
necessary to provide a better understanding of the performed in an all-arthroscopic fashion.

What Is the Best Treatment for Chondral Defects in the Knee? 641

Restorative cartilage repair techniques such as au- by harvesting the graft from a corresponding location
tologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) introduce in the donor condyle, the ability to transplant large
chondrogenic cells into the defect area, resulting in grafts, and the avoidance of donor-site morbidity. The
the formation of a repair tissue that more closely re- main concerns with allograft transplantation are fail-
sembles the collagen type-II rich hyaline cartilage. ure to incorporate with subchondral collapse and the
The original technique of ACI was developed in the risk for disease transmission (estimated at 1 in 1.6 mil-
1980s7 and has been used in the United States to treat lion for the transmission of HIV9).
more than 10,000 patients since its approval by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1997. ACI
is indicated for the treatment of medium to large EVIDENCE
chondral defects with no or shallow associated osse-
ous deficits. It originally received FDA approval for Table 96–1 provides an overview of cartilage repair
application in the femoral condyle (medial, lateral, studies. Table 96–2 provides a summary of treatment
and trochlea) but has also been used successfully to recommendations and respective levels of evidence
treat patellar defects. ACI in its current form is a two- for chondral defects in the knee.
stage procedure with an initial arthroscopic cartilage
biopsy, followed by a staged reimplantation through
an arthrotomy. The next generation ACI-c (collagen- Microfracture
covered) technique was developed to reduce the re-
operation rate because of hypertrophy of the perios- Most studies show good outcomes in 60% to 80% of
teal patch used to cover the defect. This was achieved patients. Several studies have tried to define the indi-
by substitution of periosteum with a collagen mem- cations for microfracture in regards to patient and
brane, frequently consisting of a porcine type-I/III defect characteristics. Kreuz and Erggelet10 have dem-
collagen bilayer membrane. The latest generation of onstrated improved results in patients younger than
ACI, termed MACI (membrane associated), cultures 40 years, both in regard to validated scores and to
the chondrocytes directly on the aforementioned col- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of better
lagen membrane, which is then implanted arthroscop- fill and quality. They also demonstrated a worsening
ically or through a mini-open approach with fibrin between the 18- and 36-month follow-up scores for all
glue or limited suturing. patients in the older age group and for younger pa-
Cartilage replacement techniques include osteo- tients with patellofemoral defects (Level of Evidence
chondral autograft and allograft transfers, such as II). In another study, the same authors report on the
the osteochondral autograft transfer system (OATS; association between outcomes and defect locations,
Arthrex, Naples, FL), mosaicplasty (Smith & Nephew, and found the best outcomes in femoral condyle le-
Andover, MA), and mega-OATS techniques. Osteo- sions, whereas those in the patella group fared the
chondral autograft transplantation is used to ad- worst (Level II).11 Other authors have described bet-
dress small to medium defects (1–4 cm2), often with ter results in smaller lesions, body mass index less
associated bone loss. Osteochondral cylinders are than 30, and shorter duration between onset of symp-
harvested from lesser marginal weight-bearing areas toms and start of treatment (Level IV).6,12,13
of the knee joint and press-fitted into the prepared
defect. Commonly, multiple cylinders have to be
transplanted to fill larger defects. Osteochondral Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation
autografting is limited by the amount of cartilage
that can be harvested without violating the weight- Several long-term case series have reported good-to-
bearing articular surface.8 The main advantage lies excellent results in 70% to 90% of patients after ACI
in its autogenicity, avoidance of disease transmis- in the knee, depending on the location (patella and
sion, immediate graft availability through harvesting femoral condyle) or the clinical series (Level IV).14,15
of the patient’s own tissue, and decreased cost of Bentley and colleagues16 compared ACI-c with mosa-
this single-stage procedure. icplasty in a prospective randomized controlled trial
The treatment of chondral defects with fresh osteo- (RCT), showing good and excellent results (Cincin-
chondral allografts has garnered significant attention nati score) in 88% of patients with ACI, but only
because of its potential to restore and resurface even 69% of mosaicplasties. All 5 patellar mosaicplasties
extensive areas of damaged cartilage and bone. Osteo- were considered failures (Level I). In a similar study
chondral allograft transplantation is used predomi- by Horas and coworkers,17 mosaicplasty performed
nantly in the treatment of large and deep osteochon- significantly better than ACI. Biopsies were obtained
dral lesions resulting from OCD, osteonecrosis, and from a subgroup of patients and uniformly revealed
traumatic osteochondral fractures, but it can also be fibrous tissue in all defects treated with ACI. This
used to treat peripherally uncontained cartilage and study, however, was limited by the use of nonstan-
bone defects. Furthermore, osteochondral allograft- dard cell-culturing facilities (Level I).
ing presents a viable salvage option after failure of In a prospective RCT comparing ACI-p
other cartilage resurfacing procedures. The main ad- (periosteum-covered) with ACI-c, (Gooding and co-
vantages over autograft transplantation are the ability workers18 found no statistically significant differ-
to closely match the curvature of the articular surface ences in the clinical outcome, but a reoperation
TABLE 96–1. Overview of Cartilage Repair Studies


642 Sports Medicine Topics


Kreuz et al.10 Prospective (II) 3 yr (70 patients) Grade 3 and 4 chondral 30 and 39 yr (average, Patient age: !40 All groups improved significantly;
defects treated with 2.2 cm2) younger patients improved more.
microfracture Older patients and patellofemoral
lesions in younger patients
worsened between 18 and
36 months.
Kreuz et al.11 Prospective (II) 3 yr (70 patients) Grade 3 and 4 chondral 40 yr (average, 2.2 cm2) Defect locations: All groups improved significantly,
defects treated with femoral condyle, most in the femoral condyle
microfracture trochlea, tibia, pa- group; results decreased
tella between 18 and 36 months.
Mithoefer et al.6 Case series (IV) 41 mo (48 patients) Grade 3 and 4 chondral 41 yr (median, 2.8 cm2) N/A Significant improvement until
defects treated with 24 months after surgery, then
microfracture deterioration. Poor fill on MRI
correlated with poor outcome.
BMI " 30 associated with poor fill
and outcome.
Blevins et al.12 Case series (IV) 3.7 yr (140 patients) Grade 3 and 4 chondral 26 and 38 yr (average, Activity status: Both groups with significant
defects treated with 2.2 cm2) High-level vs. improvements. On second-look
microfracture recreational arthroscopy, no improvement in
athletes lesion grade in 8% of high-level
and 35% of recreational athletes.
Peterson et al.15 Case series (IV) 4.2 yr (condyle) Grade 3 and 4 chondral 32 yr (condyle) N/A Good and excellent results in 92% of
2.7 yr (multiple defects treated with 35 yr (multiple lesions) femoral condyle lesions, 67% of
lesions) ACI (average, 4.2/4.6 cm2) multiple lesions, 89% of OCD,
(101 patients) 65% of patellar lesions. Graft
failure in 7 of 101 patients.
Bartlett et al.19 RCT (I) 12 mo (91 patients) Grade 3 and 4 chondral 34 yr (average, 6 cm2) ACI technique: No statistically significant differences
defects ACI-c, MACI between groups. Better outcomes
in patients younger than 35 years
and with symptoms for less than
50 months. Reoperation rate for
graft hypertrophy in 9% of ACI-c
and 6% of MACI.
Gooding et al.18 RCT (I) 24 mo (68 patients) Grade 3 and 4 chondral 31 yr (average, 4.5 cm2) ACI technique: Good and excellent results
defects ACI-p, ACI-c (Cincinnati score) in 74% of ACI-c
and 67% of ACI-p, but dissimilar
defect locations: 61% of lesions
treated with ACI-p were patellar,
whereas only 20% of those treated
with ACI-c were in this location.
Reoperation rate for graft
hypertrophy was 36% in ACI-p
and 0% for ACI-c.
Bentley et al.16 RCT (I) 19 mo (100 patients) Grade 3 and 4 chondral 31 yr (average, 4.7 cm2) Cartilage repair Good and excellent results
defects technique: (Cincinnati score) in 88% of ACI
ACI-c, mosaicplasty and 69% of mosaicplasty patients.
All 5 patellar mosaicplasties
failed. No graft hypertrophy in
patients with ACI (collagen
membrane used).
Knutsen et al.20 RCT (I) 2 yr (80 patients) Grade 3 and 4 chondral 33 yr (average, 5 cm2) Cartilage repair No statistically significant differences
defects technique: between the groups at 2 years,
ACI, microfracture except SF-36, which was better in
microfracture group. Patients
younger than 30 years and more
active (Tegner score "4) did
better, regardless of treatment.
Defects larger than 4 cm2 fared
worse with microfracture, no
similar effect was seen with ACI.
Gudas et al.23 RCT (I) 37 mo (57 patients) Grade 3 and 4 chondral 24 yr (average, 2.8 cm2) Cartilage repair Good and excellent results in 96% of
defects technique: OATS and 52% of microfracture
microfracture, patients. Return to sports in 93%
OATS of OATS and 52% of microfracture
patients. Microfracture signifi-
cantly worse in lesions "2 cm2,
and results deteriorated after
12 months. Both groups showed
better results in patients younger
than 30 years.
Gross et al.24 Case series (IV) 10 yr (127 patients) Osteochondral defects 27 yr (femur) N/A Survivorship of 95% at 5 years, 80%
of the femur and 43 yr (tibia) to 85% at 10 years, and 65% to
tibia 74% at 15 years.
Gortz and Bug- Case series (IV) 4.5 yr (43 patients) Osteochondral defects 35 yr (average, 5.9 cm2) N/A 88% had good and excellent results.
bee25 of the femur

ACI, autologous chondrocyte implantation; ACI-c, collagen-covered autologous chondrocyte implantation; ACI-p, periosteum-covered autologous chondrocyte implantation; BMI, body mass index; MACI,
membrane-associated autologous chondrocyte implantation; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; N/A, not available; OATS, osteochondral autograft transfer system; OCD, osteochondritis dissecans; RCT,
randomized, controlled trial; SF-36, 36-Item Short Form Health Survey.
What Is the Best Treatment for Chondral Defects in the Knee? 643
644 Sports Medicine Topics

TABLE 96–2. Treatment Recommendations and Respective Level of Evidence


1. Microfracture treatment shows better results in smaller defects (!2–4 cm2). B

2. Microfracture treatment shows best results in femoral condyle lesions. B
3. Microfracture treatment results in better outcomes in younger patients (!30–40 years old). B
4. Microfracture treatment results in better outcomes in patients with BMI !30. C
5. ACI, microfracture, or mosaicplasty result in outcomes superior to each other. I
6. Shorter duration of symptoms before cartilage repair results in better outcomes. B
7. The use of a collagen membrane in place of a periosteal patch for ACI reduces the A
reoperation rate for graft hypertrophy.
8. ACI-c and MACI have comparable outcomes. A
9. Osteochondral defects are amenable to osteochondral allograft transplantation. B

ACI, autologous chondrocyte implantation; ACI-c collagen-covered autologous chondrocyte implantation; BMI, body mass index; MACI, membrane-associated
autologous chondrocyte implantation.

rate for symptomatic graft hypertrophy of 36% in showed better results in patients younger than 30
the periosteal covered group versus 0% with the years (Level I).23
collagen membrane (Level I). Bartlett and coau-
thors19 presented a prospective RCT comparing the
advanced techniques ACI-c and MACI, and reported Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation
no statistically significant differences between the
groups. They also found improved outcomes in pa- Gross reported on a large series of fresh osteochondral
tients younger than 35 years and with pre-opera- allografts for the treatment of predominately traumatic
tive symptoms for less than 50 months (Level I).19 distal femoral and proximal tibial defects. Survivorship
Knutsen compared ACI with microfracture and analysis demonstrated intact and well-functioning grafts
found no significant differences. The 36-Item Short (Hospital for Special Surgery score "70) in 95% of pa-
Form Health Survey (SF-36) improved more in the tients at 5 years, which decreased to 80% to 85% at 10
microfracture group, and the authors hypothesized years and 65% to 74% at 15 years (Level IV).24 Gortz and
whether this could be because of the more invasive Bugbee25 report good and excellent results in 88% of 43
nature of ACI. Furthermore, the authors observed fresh osteochondral allografts of the distal femur at an
better results in younger (!30 years) and more ac- average follow-up time of 4.5 years (Level IV).
tive (Tegner scale score "4) patients. Defects larger
than 4 cm2 fared worse than smaller lesions after
microfracture treatment; no such effect was seen Summary
after ACI (Level I).20
Graft hypertrophy resulting in mechanical symp- Summarizing the conclusions of the reviewed litera-
toms such as clicking and popping occurs in up to ture, both microfracture and osteochondral autograft
25% to 30% of patients, typically 7 to 9 months after transfer are appropriate treatment options for defects
the procedure,21 and can be addressed with ar- smaller than 4 cm2. Evidence exists that autograft
throscopic debridement of the hypertrophic tissue. transfer allows faster and more likely return to sports
Newer techniques such as ACI-c and MACI have de- for athletes, and this technique should therefore be
creased the rate of symptomatic graft hypertrophy considered in this population. Both techniques have
to less than 10% (Level I).19 limitations in larger defects because of diminished re-
sults with microfracture and donor-site morbidity in
autograft transfer. Therefore, ACI and allograft trans-
Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation plantation should be considered for the treatment of
lesions larger than 4 cm2. Both have demonstrated
Patients treated with osteochondral autograft trans- similar results but have specific risks and benefits: Al-
plantation experienced good-to-excellent results in ap- lograft transplantation is uniquely suited for the treat-
proximately 90% of condylar lesions, 80% of tibial de- ment of uncontained or deep osteochondral lesions
fects, and 70% of trochlear lesions.22 The treatment of but is limited by the scarcity of fresh grafts and the risk
patellar defects remains controversial, with some for disease transmission from the donor. ACI is not as-
groups reporting almost universal failure in this loca- sociated with either limitation and can be used for
tion.16 Gudas and investigators23 compared OATS with defects of any size and location. Good evidence has
microfracture in a group of athletes, and demonstrated been reported that the use of collagen membranes in
good and excellent results in 96% of patients treated place of periosteal patches for ACI reduces the risk of
with OATS versus 52% with microfracture. Rate of re- reoperation with otherwise equivalent clinical out-
turn to sports was 93% with OATS and 52% with micro- come and should, therefore, be recommended as far as
fracture. Microfracture had significantly worse results allowed by the local regulatory organizations (collagen
in lesions larger than 2 cm2, and results started to de- membranes are not FDA-approved for use in ACI in the
teriorate after the 12-month examination. Both groups United States).
What Is the Best Treatment for Chondral Defects in the Knee? 645

conduct well-designed, adequately powered, ethi-

AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY cally sound, comparative studies. These will be true
Study Design and Indications Level I evidence-based outcome studies that will
help guide treatments for our patients and provide
Symptomatic chondral defects are relatively rare in a data for evidence-based treatment algorithms. Only
clinical practice; therefore, a surgeon must have a then will we be able to properly design trials that
large tertiary referral practice to develop clinical ex- compare the efficacy of treatment options for the
pertise in this area. A large difference must exist in same type of defect.
the treatment outcomes to have an adequately statis- Engebretsen evaluated the quality of cartilage re-
tically powered study to compare treatments for a pair studies in an update26 to a previous publication27
rare problem such as a chondral defect. However, and commented on this subject:
the time end points must also be established in this
The increased focus on methodology in major journals
field because any fibrocartilage repair may do well in by marking original articles with a level-of-evidence is
the first 3 years, then the tissue and the clinical re- highly appreciated. However, we would like to empha-
sults will deteriorate. Consequently, not only is an size the fact that randomized controlled trials can have
adequately powered study necessary, but an appro- serious design flaws (i.e., not using independent review-
priate length of follow-up to determine durability of ers, no statistical power analysis, not using an adequate
the repair and the prevention of degenerative joint randomization procedure, not accounting for eligible
disease also is needed. Therefore, a multicenter pro- subjects not included in study), and therefore be rated
spective randomized study is necessary to recruit as level-of-evidence II. We would also like to draw the
adequately. reader’s attention to the fact that several well performed
case series (level-IV evidence) score very well on the
Several authors have conducted studies comparing
CMS. These studies largely take into consideration mul-
different repair techniques such as microfracture, mo- tiple aspects of good methodological quality such as in-
saicplasty, and ACI with conflicting results. These stud- dependent investigator, sufficient number of patients,
ies are often compromised by the very nature of the well-described rehabilitation protocol, validated out-
procedures they were designed to investigate; for ex- come measures and so forth, and are mainly lacking in
ample, ACI as a cell-based therapy is dependent on a not having a control group. We therefore recommend the
sophisticated cell-culturing process. The cell-culturing reader to not entirely dismiss articles marked level-IV
process requires phenotypic validation, cell viability evidence, yet themselves assess the methodological
assessment, and sterility process validation according quality of the paper when interpreting the results (for
to the FDA, GLP (Good Laboratory Practices), and example using a grading system like the CMS).
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) to ensure sterile, We also agree with their recommendation that inclu-
safe, phenotypically stable cell implantation; however, sion and exclusion criteria should be well-established,
not all authors utilize standardized and approved labo- validated outcome measures for cartilage injuries
ratory facilities. should be used, and outcome assessment be made by
The technical skill factor and “learning curve” for an independent investigator, ideally by the patient
the ACI procedure and multiple osteochondral graft- without assistance.
ing technique is crucial. These procedures are chal-
lenging. Some studies have used multiple surgeons
performing few surgeries, which may compromise BACKGROUND FACTORS
the clinical outcomes. This is another appealing
facet of the microfracture technique; its technical With the exception of clearly traumatic defects, most
ease of performance to most parts of the knee joint cartilage defects do not exist in isolation, but rather
may bias against a comparative study using ACI or are associated with other pathologic entities. Careful
mosaicplasty, for which technical perfection is a evaluation can often identify structural abnormalities,
must to obtain a good clinical result. such as malalignment, patellar instability, or insuffi-
Furthermore, it is unlikely that every chondral de- ciency of the ligamentous and meniscal structures.
fect is amenable to every available treatment, but The presence of these associated abnormalities intro-
rather that there will be differences depending on duces an additional layer of variability into studies
the exact defect size and location. Therefore, even because of the reproducibility of assessing back-
well-designed, prospective RCTs attempting to com- ground factors between surgeons and treating these
pare treatment options for a wide range of defects before or concomitantly with the treatment of the
are bound to yield conflicting results. chondral defect varies. To date, this correlation has
To formulate better treatment guidelines, investi- not been firmly established. The disappointing early
gators must first assess each treatment option on its results of cartilage repair have been explained by the
own to ascertain which type of defect it is most effi- failure to properly diagnose and correct these associ-
cacious in. The success rates and clinical outcomes ated bony and ligamentous abnormalities; for exam-
may then be established from these well-performed ple, in early studies of patellar defects treated with
prospective clinical cohorts. A range of patient char- ACI alone, good and excellent results were found in
acteristics, defect location, and size will thus be es- only one third of patients.7 Later studies, however,
tablished. Each defect will have one or several as- identified patellar maltracking as an important associ-
sociated treatment options. We will then be able to ated abnormality, and concurrent use of a corrective
646 Sports Medicine Topics

osteotomy led to 71% good or excellent results.28

“backfilled” with synthetic Calcium Sulfate-PLA/
These reports emphasize the importance of a thor-
PGA copolymer (OBI TruFit plugs; Smith &
ough patient evaluation to correctly identify and treat
Nephew) (Level V). Drains are used after surgery
all associated abnormalities to ensure the long-term
to prevent hemarthrosis and arthrofibrosis
success of chondral repair.
(Level V). Defects of the patella and tibial plateau
should not be managed with this technique be-
cause the cartilage thickness mismatch between
GUIDELINES donor site (average, 2 mm) and patella (average,
5–7 mm) results in incongruities, resorption, and
No guidelines based on comparative trials for the
failure. Osteochondral autograft transfer may be
treatment of articular cartilage defects have been
performed arthroscopically but must be a precise
developed. Our preferred treatment algorithm is out-
fit—flush to the surface and orthogonally placed;
lined in the following section.
hence miniarthrotomy for accurate placement
should be considered if there is any concern for
graft placement by arthroscopy.
Defects of the weight-bearing condyles, tibia,
RECOMMENDATIONS trochlea, and patella of 1 to 2 cm2 are also amen-
We do not treat asymptomatic chondral defects able to microfracture with acceptable long-term
at this time because the possibility to worsen results. The recovery and return to sports is
patient’s condition exists. Existing techniques longer than osteochondral autografting, and the
currently do not report excellent results of more success rate is less. However, microfracture is
than 90%, and the natural history and progres- technically less challenging and can be applied to
sion of a chondral defect remains unknown all locations within the knee. Long-term follow-up
for any given individual. Careful longitudinal is necessary because the durability is less pre-
follow-up in this situation is recommended to dictable and recurrent symptoms are common
the patient with annual clinical examination for at 2 1⁄2 to 5 years after surgery (Level I).
progressive crepitus and effusion. High-resolution We prefer to treat defects larger than 2 cm2
MRI scan is performed to evaluate for potential with ACI because of the good and predictable
defect size progression; conventional standing long-term results of this technique. Associated
anteroposterior and flexion posteroanterior osseous defects deeper than 6 to 8 mm should
radiographs help to assess the overall cartilage be addressed with a bony procedure, either in a
space. Counseling regarding weight control and staged fashion with bone grafting followed by
avoidance of impact loading sports is recom- ACI 9 to 12 months later or with single-stage
mended. If the patient becomes symptomatic or osteochondral allograft transplantation
there is progression in defect size, then surgery (mega-OATS) (Level IV).
is recommended after the risks and benefits are Our primary indication for a fresh osteochon-
discussed and an informed consent obtained. dral allograft is a large, peripherally uncontained
This is based on the most appropriate treatment lesion, osteochondral defect with deep osseous
from the guidelines that follow. component, avascular necrosis, or a previous ACI
The background factors for the cartilage defect that has failed by fibrous repair. Otherwise, bone
are evaluated with clinical examination and long deficiency is not a contraindication for ACI if the
alignment radiographs. The authors perform a defect is first bone grafted. The long-term results
corrective osteotomy to the neutral mechanical of ACI are superior to allograft, and for this
axis without overcorrection for any defects reason, in a young person, our preference is a
larger than 2 cm2 if there is 2 degrees or more staged bone-cartilage repair with ACI (Level IV).
of mechanical varus or valgus, and correct The field of cartilage repair is evolving. The
any patellar maltracking through an anteromedi- relative efficacies of the differing techniques and
alization of the tibial tubercle (Level II). their limitations are being elucidated through
Single full-thickness chondral defects of the carefully conducted prospective cohorts to
weight-bearing femoral condyles and trochlea determine the best cartilage technique for any
of less than 10 mm in diameter are amenable to given defect, even though this study design does
osteochondral autograft transfer (OATS or mosa- not afford the highest level of evidence. However,
icplasty). Occasionally, in a large knee, two plugs these studies will provide success and failure
will be used to repair a lesion of 15 mm in diame- rates to subsequently design comparative,
ter (Level IV). This technique has the advantages statistically well-powered, ethically just RCTs
of a single-stage procedure, transfer of mature that will answer this question: “What is the best
hyaline cartilage into the defect, and a compara- repair technique for this defect?” Currently, we
tively uncomplicated postsurgical recovery. can advocate an evidence-based algorithm for
Donor-site morbidity is acceptable with use treatment based on patient and defect character-
of a single plug. The donor sites are frequently istics that will be cost-effective and sound.
What Is the Best Treatment for Chondral Defects in the Knee? 647

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at osteochondral donor sites in the patellofemoral joint. 3-year follow-up. Clin J Sport Med 11:223–228, 2001.
Am J Sports Med 32:967–974, 2004. 22. Hangody L, Fules P: Autologous osteochondral mosaicplasty
9. Gitelis S, Cole BJ: The use of allografts in orthopaedic for the treatment of full-thickness defects of weight-bearing
surgery. Instr Course Lect 51:507–520, 2002. joints: Ten years of experimental and clinical experience.
10. Kreuz PC, Erggelet C, Steinwachs MR, et al: Is microfracture J Bone Joint Surg Am 85-A(suppl 2):25–32, 2003.
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22:1180–1186, 2006. gous transplantation versus microfracture for the treatment
11. Kreuz PC, Steinwachs MR, Erggelet C, et al: Results after of osteochondral defects in the knee joint in young athletes.
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outcome after autologous chondrocyte transplantation Res (436):30–39, 2005.
is the Best

JShould Surgical
ENNIFER GOEBEL Reconstruction

Be Acute or Delayed?



Multiple ligament knee injuries involve rupture of at vey,12 and (5) Hospital for Special Surgery.13 A brief
least 2 major ligaments of the knee usually involving description of these outcome instruments follows.
1 or both of the cruciates with or without injury to the The Lysholm scale is designed to document the
collateral ligaments. Multiple knee ligament injuries patient’s evaluation of function. It is a condition-
are relatively rare and often the result of high-energy specific outcome measure that contains 8 domains:
traumatic injuries. The optimal amount of time be- limp, locking, pain, stair climbing, use of supports, in-
tween injury and surgical intervention is controver- stability, swelling, and squatting.9 An overall score
sial. Some argue for intervention in the acute stage, from 0 to 100 points is calculated, with 95 to 100 points
commonly defined as within 3 weeks of injury, whereas indicating an excellent outcome; 84 to 94 points, a
others have recommended delaying surgery a number good outcome; 65 to 83 points, a fair outcome; and less
of months depending on a variety of factors.1–6 than 65 points, a poor outcome. The instrument has
We identified 16 articles; 7 studies compared acute face validity and acceptable construct and criterion
with conservative treatment, and 9 studies compared validity, as well as test-retest reliability and adequate
acute with chronic surgical repair. The characteris- responsiveness.14
tics and levels of evidence of these studies are The IKDC scale has 2 versions. The older version
displayed in Table 97–1. There were no randomized included a subjective patient-rated assessment
trials, and only 1 study was prospective. Of the within a generally physician-rated form (now Knee
9 studies that addressed acute versus chronic repair, Examination Form). The subjective portion in-
1 study7 was excluded because it did not provide a cluded 2 patient-rated questions that ask, “How
direct comparison between the 2 cohorts. All studies does your knee function?” and “How does your
included a variety of combinations of injured knee affect your activity level?” Patients provide a
ligaments. The average sample size was 39 (range, rating of normal (A), nearly normal (B), abnormal
11–89). Studies were evaluated for methodologic (C), or severely abnormal (D). The question with
quality according to a modified version of the the lowest rating provides the score for that
Newstead–Ottawa Scale (NOS)8; a scale designed patient.10,15 The latest version of the IKDC contains
to assess the quality of nonrandomized studies a separate form titled “The Subjective Knee Evalua-
(Table 97–2). Using this rating scale, each study is tion Form”10 that is an 18-item, knee-specific ques-
judged on 3 broad perspectives: the selection of tionnaire designed to detect changes in patients
study groups, the comparability of the groups, and with a variety of knee conditions. The questions
the ascertainment of the outcome of interest. The address 3 domains: physical symptoms (7 items),
maximum number of points is 8, which indicates a sports activities (10 items), and function before
high-quality study. In general, the methodologic qual- injury (1 item). The resulting total score is out of
ity was poor; the maximum number of points awarded 100 possible points, which represents perfect knee
on the NOS was 6, and the majority of studies were function. This instrument has face validity and
awarded 3 points. The methodologic features of demonstrated construct validity, excellent test-
these studies are summarized in Table 97–3. retest reliability, and sensitivity to change.10,15
Meyers and coworkers11 developed a rating scale
to measure the functional ability of patients after
treatment for knee dislocations. They defined “excel-
SUBJECTIVE OUTCOME MEASURES: A BRIEF DESCRIPTION lent” as the ability to return to work or previous level
Functional Status of activity without impairment and with a stable knee;
“good” included having knee symptoms that did not
Five subjective functional outcome measures were preclude the patient’s return to normal occupation
common among studies: (1) Lysholm,9 (2) Interna- and activities of daily living. In this classification, pain
tional Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC),10 is present but is considered an annoyance, and symp-
(3) Meyer’s Rating Scale,11 (4) Knee Outcome Sur- toms of instability are unusual or minimal. A rating of

TABLE 97–1. Sample Characteristics of the Included Study

Almekinders and 14 ACL/PCL 16 MVA 26 males/ 6 patients treated surgically 4 patients had Mean 40 mo Within 2 weeks
Logan24 5 MCL/LCL 6 falls 5 females 10 patients treated direct repair of all of injury
12 not described 9 other 32 yr (range, conservatively ligaments
15–76) • Treatment selection based 2 patients had autograft
on surgeon’s preference reconstruction
and experience
• 15 lost to follow-up
Meyers et al.11 6 ACL/PCL 8 MVA 33 males/20 20 patients treated surgically 4 patients with at least !1 yr Not described
20 ACL/PCL/MCL 12 motorcycle females 13 patients treated one ligament repaired
11 ACL/PCL/LCL 9 pedestrian vs. Age range, conservatively 16 patients with all
8 ACL/PCL/ automobile 15–73 yr • Selection criteria not ligaments repaired
LCL/MCL 13 falls described
4 ACL/LCL 6 miscella- • 20 lost to follow-up
1 ACL/MCL neous
2 LCL/MCL 3 unknown
1 not described 2 sports
Richter et al.19 36 ACL/PCL/MCL 56 MVA 69 males/ 63 patients treated surgically 37 ACL/PCL sutured Mean 8.2 yr 10.6 days
34 ACL/PCL/LCL 17 sports 20 females 26 patients treated 12 ACL/PCL fixed (range, 2–25) (range,
19 ACL/PCL/ 8 industrial 33.5 yr conservatively 11 ACL/PCL 0–140)
LCL/MCL 8 falls (range, • Treatment selection based reconstructed
15–76) on general condition of 2 ACL reconstructed/
the patient and associated PCL repaired
injuries 1 ACL repair/PCL
Rios et al.20 2 ACL/PCL 19 MVA 20 males/ 21 patients treated surgically 11 complete Mean 36 months
11 ACL/PCL/MCL 3 sports 6 females (all had no life-threatening reconstruction (range, 12–96)
9 ACL/PCL/LCL 3 falls 37 yr (range, conditions) of all damaged 5.6 days
4 ACL/PCL/ 1 fight 16–68) 5 patients treated ligaments (range, 0–8)
LCL/ MCL conservatively 3 either the ACL or PCL
• 4 surgery not recommended repaired
• 3 severe skeletal and 3 collateral ligament
visceral injuries repair only
• 1 Pseudomonas infection 4 not described
after bypass/severe
popliteal artery disruption,
causing necrosis of soleus
and gastrocnemius mus-
• 1 patient refused surgery

Multiligament Knee Injury 649
TABLE 97–1.
92-1. Sample
theIncluded Study—cont’d
Taylor et al.25 Not described 24 MVA 31 males/ 16 patients treated surgically Not described Range 6 mo to Not described
6 sport 11 females • 10 surgery recommended 35 yr
related 36 yr (range, • 4 open injuries
650 Sports Medicine Topics

7 work related 8–77) • 2 irreducible dislocations

5 falls • 3 had small fractures
• 1 trapped lateral popliteal
• 3 primary repairs
• 2 secondary procedures
• 1 Küntscher nail used for
• 26 patients treated conser-
vatively (knee reduced un-
der general anesthesia, fol-
lowed by casting)
Werier et al.18 8 ACL/PCL/ 25 MVA 28 males/ 22 knees treated surgically 19 ACL/PCL repair or Mean 5 years Not described
MCL/LCL 4 sport injuries 8 females 16 knees treated conservatively reconstruction (range, 18 mo
14 ACL/PCL/MCL 6 work related 32 yr (range, • Treatment selection based 1 PCL repair or to 10 yr)
14 ACL/PCL/LCL 1 assault 17–85) on surgeon preference and reconstruction
1 ACL/MCL/LCL 2 patients with presence of other injuries 2 not described
1 ACL/PCL bilateral liga- requiring surgery
ment injury
Wong et al.21 Not described 13 high 24 males/ 15 patients treated surgically 7 partial repair (suture Median 33.5 mo Not described
velocity 2 females 11 patients treated repair of all disrupted (range,
(MVA/falls) 22 yr (range, conservatively ligaments or ACL 6–144 mo)
13 low 11–54) • Selection criteria not reconstruction only)
velocity described 8 complete
(jumping/ reconstruction (of all
twisting) torn structures)
• Closed immobiliza-
tion (casting or with
external fixation)
Harner et al.6 31 ACL/PCL/ Not described 28.4 yr 19 acute • Avulsed ligaments and Mean 44 mo Acute:
MCL/LCL (range, 12 chronic tears of the medial (range, "3 weeks
16–51) • Selection criteria not collateral ligament 2–6 yr) from injury
described were directly repaired Chronic:
• Complete tears of the !3 weeks
cruciate and lateral
collateral ligaments
were reconstructed
with fresh-frozen
allograft tissue
• Remaining injuries
to the posterolateral
structures were
addressed by direct
repair and/or
allograft replacement
Fanelli et al.23 19 ACL/PCL/PLC 20 MVA 26 males/9 19 patients treated acutely 35 ACL/PCL/MCL/PLC Mean 24 mo Not described
9 ACL/PCL/MCL 9 sports females 16 patients treated chronically (range,
6 ACL/PCL/ related 35 yr • Selection criteria not de- 24–120)
MCL/PLC 4 falls scribed
1 ACL/PCL 1 industrial
1 pedestrian vs.
Karataglis et al.2 3 ACL/PCL/ 16 MVA 27 males/8 6 patients treated acutely 35 ACL/PCL/PLC/ Mean 40.3 mo Acute: within
LCL/PLC 14 sports females • Patients had concomitant in- MCL/LCL (range, 3 weeks of
1 ACL/PCL/ 5 fall 35.1 yr juries that necessitated ur- 12–124 mo) injury
MCL/PLC (range, gent surgical intervention Chronic: aver-
2 ACL/PCL/ MCL 17–60) • 29 patients treated chroni- age 2.7 yr
9 ACL/PCL/ PLC cally (range, 6 mo
2 ACL/LCL/ PLC • Tertiary referral center with to 12 yr)
1 ACL/MCL/ PLC no trauma service
Liow et al.3 7 ACL/PCL/ 12 sports 16 males/ 8 knees treated acutely 22 ACL/PCL/LCL/ Mean 32 mo Acute:
LCL/PCL 10 MVA 8 females 14 knees treated chronically MCL/PLC (range, "2 weeks
5 ACL/PCL/MCL 26.9 yr • Late referrals from outside 11–77 mo) Chronic:
6 ACL/LCL/PCL (range, regions !6 months
1 PCL/LCL 15–46) (range,
2 ACL/PCL 6–72 mo)
Noyes and 4 ACL/PCL/PLC 6 MVA 10 males/ 7 patients treated acutely 11 ACL/PCL Mean 4.5 yr Acute: 14 days
Barber-Westin5 5 ACL/PCL/MCL 2 sports 1 female 4 patients treated chronically (range, (range 7–28)
1 ACL/PCL/ 2 hit by falling 27 yr (range, • 2 had successful prior re- 2.5–6.9) Chronic: 22
MCL/PLC objects 17–42) pairs of MCL mo (range,
1 ACL/PCL/ PLC 1 industrial • 2 had failed prior repair or 13–31)
reconstruction of ACL
O’Donoghue1 Not described Not described Range 6–56 44 patients treated acutely 80 ACL/PCL/MCL/LCL 40 mo (range, Acute:
yr 36 patients treated chronically 6 mo to 15 yr) "2 weeks
• Treatment selection based Chronic:
on surgeon preference !2 weeks
Tzurbakis et al.22 12 ACL/MCL 35 MVA 41 males/ 38 patients treated acutely Bony avulsed ligaments 51.3 mo (range, Acute:
11 ACL/PCL/ PLC 10 sports 7 females 10 patients treated chronically and acute tears of the 21.4–81.2 mo) "3 weeks
25 ACL/PCL/ 2 work related 28.6 yr • Selection criteria not posterolateral and Chronic:
MCL/LCL 1 fall (range, described posteromedial corner !3 weeks
16–40) were repaired if
Midsubstance tears
of the cruciate
ligaments and
chronic cases were
reconstructed with
Wascher et al.4 7 ACL/PCL/MCL 6 MVA 27.5 yr 9 patients treated acutely 13 ACL/PCL Mean 38.4 mo Acute:
6 ACL/PCL/PLC 5 sports (range, 4 patients treated chronically reconstructed (range, 24–54) "3 weeks
2 falls 14–51) • 1 patient with associated Different grafts for each Chronic:
spine and abdominal injuries patient mean 11
• 3 patients were late referrals mo (range,
Multiligament Knee Injury 651

ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; LCL, lateral collateral ligament; MCL, medial collateral ligament; MVA, motor vehicle accident; PCL, posterior cruciate ligament; PLC, posterolateral complex.
652 Sports Medicine Topics

TABLE 97–2. Newstead–Ottawa Scale ranges from 0 to 100 points, with 100 points indicating
an absence of symptoms and functional limitations
during activities of daily living. The Activities of Daily
Living Scale has been shown to be a reliable, valid, and
responsive measure of symptoms and functional limi-
tations during activities of daily living in individuals
with a variety of knee injuries. The Sports Activity
Scale measures symptoms and functional limitations
experienced during sports activities. The Sports
Activity Scale score ranges from 0 to 100 points, with
100 points representing the absence of symptoms and
functional limitations during sports activities.12

Return to Activity
Two scales are used to measure patient activity level:
(1) the Tegner Activity Level Scale and (2) the IKDC
activity level scale. The Tegner Activity Level Scale
rates the level of activity on a scale of 0 (off of work)
to 10 (competitive contact sports).16 The IKDC activity
level scale measures return to activity on four levels:
I is return to intensive activity, II is moderate activity,
III is light activity, and IV is remain sedentary.

Ligament Stability
The overall IKDC Knee Examination Form assesses the
function of the knee based on 4 factors: (1) subjective
assessment, (2) symptoms, (3) range of motion (ROM),
and (4) ligament examination. These factors are rated
as normal (A), nearly normal (B), abnormal (C), and
severely abnormal (D).17 The overall final IKDC rating
is based on group ratings for function, symptoms,
ROM, and laxity. The worst problem area qualification
defines the overall final qualification.

Lysholm Scale
Werier and colleagues18 found that the average Lysholm
scale score of 85 (95% confidence interval [CI], 80–90)
From The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS). Assessing the quality of non-ran-
domized studies in meta-analysis. Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on
in the reconstructed group was significantly greater
Systematic Reviews: Beyond the Basics-Improving Quality and than the average score of 69 (95% CI, 57–81) in those
Impact. Oxford, St. Catherine’s College, July 2000. patients who were treated conservatively. When com-
paring the components of the Lysholm, the recon-
structed group had a better ability to climb stairs and
“fair” means the patient is performing all activities experienced less symptomatic instability. Similarly,
of daily living but has difficulty walking upstairs, Richter and investigators19 found that the Lysholm
walking on tiptoes, or running, and tends to avoid score was significantly greater in those who under-
such activities. Finally, a “poor” functional rating is went surgical treatment (78.3 ± 13.4) compared with
assigned to patients who cannot work and who are those who had nonoperative treatment (64.8 ± 16.3).
unable to perform daily activities.
The Knee Outcome Survey was developed to mea-
sure symptoms and functional limitations for patients International Knee Documentation Committee
with a variety of knee disorders, including ligamentous Subjective Score
and meniscal injuries.12 The Knee Outcome Survey
consists of two scales, the Activities of Daily Living Rios and coauthors20 report the IKDC subjective
Scale and the Sports Activity Scale. The Activities of score in terms of having excellent, good, fair, or poor
Daily Living Scale measures symptoms and functional results. The authors did not provide a definition of
limitations during activities of daily living. The score these classifications. The surgical group (n # 21) had
Multiligament Knee Injury 653

TABLE 97–3. Quality Characteristics of the Included Studies

Almekinders and Logan24 Retrospective Yes Yes No/Yes* No 2 III
Meyers et al.11 Prospective Yes Yes No Yes 2 II
Richter et al.19 Retrospective No Yes Uncertain No 3 III
Rios et al.20 Retrospective No Yes Yes No 4 III
Taylor et al.25 Retrospective No Yes Uncertain No 2 III
Werier et al.18 Retrospective No Yes No No 2 III
Wong et al.21 Retrospective No Yes Uncertain No 3 III
Fanelli et al.23 Prospective No Yes Yes Yes 6 II
Harner et al.6 Retrospective No Yes No Yes 6 III
Karataglis et al.2 Retrospective No Yes Yes No 3 III
Liow et al.3 Retrospective No Yes Yes No 4 III
Noyes and Barber-Westin5 Retrospective No Yes Uncertain No 2 III
O’Donoghue1 Retrospective No Yes No Yes 3 III
Tzurbakis et al.22 Retrospective No Yes No Yes 3 III
Wascher et al.4 Retrospective No Yes No Yes 3 III

*Some of the measured outcomes were blinded.

4 patients with excellent results and 10 patients with study3 in which those patients who underwent sur-
good results, whereas none of the patients in the gery during the acute phase had better functional
conservatively managed group (n # 5) had excellent ratings (87; 95% CI, 81–91) than those patients who
or good results. In a similar study, Wong and col- underwent late reconstruction (75; 95% CI, 53–100).
leagues21 found that operative patients had a signifi- All acutely treated knees had a Lysholm score of
cantly greater average IKDC score (75.8 ± 10.0) com- more than 80 compared with only 5 of the 14 (36%)
pared with the conservative group (63.7 ± 9.1), whose knees with delayed treatment. Likewise, Wascher
average was considered suboptimal. and coauthors4 report a greater Lysholm score for
patients treated acutely compared with chronic pa-
tients, with a mean score of 91.3 and 79.3, respec-
Meyer’s Rating Scale tively. Finally, Fanelli and coauthors23 report no statis-
tically significant difference in the Lysholm score
According to the Meyer’s Rating Scale, Meyers and re- between acute and delayed treated knees;
searchers11 found that of the 13 patients in the conser- although no data were provided to support these
vatively managed group, 10 reported poor functional conclusions.
outcome, 2 fair, and 1 good. Three patients in the surgi-
cal group (n # 20) were rated as poor, 3 fair, 11 good,
and 3 excellent. The authors conclude that the surgical International Knee Documentation Committee
group had better outcomes after treatment compared Patient Subjective Assessment
with those patients who did not undergo ligament re-
pair. Similarly, Rios and colleagues20 reported that all Tzurbakis and coauthors22 report that 30 patients in
of the patients in the conservatively managed group the acutely treated group (n # 38) considered their
(n # 5) were reported to have fair or poor functional knee to be normal or nearly normal. Only 5 of 10 pa-
outcomes on the Meyer’s scale, whereas only 2 pa- tients treated in the delayed phase rated their knee as
tients were rated as fair and 2 as poor in the surgical normal or nearly normal. This difference was statisti-
group (n # 21). Sixteen patients in the surgical group cally significant.
had excellent or good results.


Lysholm Scale Harner and colleagues6 report that 16 of 19 patients
in the acute group had an excellent or good rating,
Harner and colleagues6 found that the 19 patients and 3 had a fair rating. Of the 12 patients in the de-
who underwent acute surgery had an average Lysholm layed group, 7 received an excellent or good rating,
score of 91 ± 7.0 points, compared with 80 ± 16.9 2 received a fair rating, and 3 received a poor rating.
points for the 12 patients whose surgery was delayed. The difference between the acute and delayed groups
Although the acute group had a greater average score was not statistically significant. Similarly, Wascher
than the chronic group, this difference did not reach and coauthors4 found that 4 patients who underwent
statistical significance. Similarly, Tzurbakis and coau- surgery in the acute phase (n # 9) had an excellent
thors22 report a mean Lysholm score of 88.3 ± 11.9 for rating and 5 had a good outcome, whereas no pa-
the acutely treated patients and a mean score of tients were classified as fair or poor. In the delayed
81.7 ± 13.3 for the delayed group (P ! 0.05). Similar group (n # 4), 2 patients were rated as excellent, 1
differences were observed in Liow and investigators’ rated as fair, and 1 rated as poor.
654 Sports Medicine Topics

Knee Outcome Survey 4.4 (range, 1–7), respectively. Fanelli and coauthors23
also compared the results of the Tegner score between
One study6 evaluated patients using the Knee Outcome the acutely treated and delayed treatment patients.
Survey. The average score on the Activities of Daily Liv- The authors conclude no statistically significant differ-
ing scale for the acutely treated patients was 91 ± 6.4, ence between acute and delayed treatment knees in
and the patients who received delayed treatment had their ability to return to activities after surgery. Noyes
an average score of 84 ± 11.8. Despite the trend toward and Barber-Westin5 found that of the four patients
a better outcome in the acutely treated patients, this treated acutely, two patients had decreased work
difference was not statistically significant. On the Sports activities because of their knee condition, one had
Activity Scale, the patients in the acute group had a decreased work activities because of reasons unre-
significantly greater average score (89 ± 10.3), compared lated to their knee, and two remained in the same
with those in the delayed group (69 ± 27.9) points. occupation. Only one patient had returned to activity
Using their own classification, Noyes and Barber- at follow-up. Three patients returned to occupations
Westin5 had all patients complete a separate rating of rated as light. All patients with delayed treatment had
their perception of the overall outcome and knee decreased their activities, sports and work-related
condition, rated as poor, fair, good, very good, or activities, because of their knee condition.
normal. Three patients in the acute group (n # 7)
rated their knees as normal; two patients rated as
good, and two patients rated as poor. In the delayed Summary
group (n # 4), one patient rated their knee condition
as very good, one patient as good, and two patients In 1 study, patients who underwent surgical treatment
as fair. The authors conclude that the acute patients returned to higher levels of activity when compared
had better overall perceptions of their outcome com- with those who did not have surgery. In general, the
pared with the chronic group. activity level of acutely treated patients was higher
than for patients whose surgery was delayed; how-
ever, these differences were not large and did not
Summary reach statistical significance.

All studies found that patients undergoing surgical

treatment have better self-reported functional out- LIGAMENT STABILITY
comes when compared with patients treated without Acute versus Non-operative
surgery. All studies found that patients who under-
went surgical treatment in the acute phase ("3 weeks Richter and investigators19 report that the propor-
after injury) experienced better self-reported func- tion of patients who obtained a rating of nearly nor-
tional outcomes when compared with patients whose mal or normal (B) was significantly greater in those
surgery was delayed. For the majority of studies, undergoing surgery (14/59) compared with those
however, the observed differences between groups receiving nonoperative treatment (1/18).
were not statistically significant.

RETURN TO ACTIVITY Acute versus Delayed

Acute versus Nonoperative Tzurbakis and coauthors22 report that 27 of 35 pa-

tients in the acute group were graded as normal or
Richter and colleagues19 report that patients who nearly normal compared with 5 of the 9 patients in the
underwent surgical intervention returned to higher delayed group. This difference was not statistically
levels of activity (4.0) according to the Tegner Activ- significant. From a possible 31 patients, Harner and
ity Scale compared with those who received nonop- colleagues6 reported the final overall IKDC rating as
erative treatment (2.7). In this same study, the IKDC nearly normal for 11 knees, abnormal for 12, and se-
showed that significantly more patients in the surgi- verely abnormal for 8. No knee received a normal
cal group returned to intense or moderate activities overall IKDC rating. Ten of the 11 knees that received
compared with the group managed without surgery. a nearly normal IKDC score had been treated acutely.
An equal number of severely abnormal knees was re-
ported in the acute and delayed groups. In a similar
Acute versus Delayed study, Liow and investigators3 found no statistically
significant difference in overall IKDC rating between
According to the Tegner Activity score, Liow and in- patients who underwent reconstruction in either the
vestigators3 found that 5 patients from the acute group acute or the delayed phase. They report that 3 of the
(n # 8) had activity levels greater than 5, compared 8 knees in the acute patients were rated as nearly nor-
with 7 of the 14 patients who underwent delayed mal, compared with 5 of the 14 knees that underwent
reconstruction. The mean Tegner level showed a trend delayed reconstruction. Of the patients who under-
toward the early reconstruction group returning to went surgical intervention in the acute phase, Wascher
higher levels of activity than the late reconstruction and coauthors4 report four patients who rated their
group with average scores of 5 (range, 3–7) and knees as nearly normal and four patients who gave a
Multiligament Knee Injury 655

rating of abnormal. Of the patients in the delayed vestigators3 reported that 6 of 8 acute ACL recon-
group, 2 knees were rated as nearly normal, one as structions had 3 to 5 mm difference compared with 9
abnormal, and one as severely abnormal. of 14 delayed surgeries cases.

Lachman Testing Summary

Acute versus Non-operative. Werier and colleagues18 re- All studies demonstrated greater laxity (on average)
ported the results of the Lachman test in 20 degrees in patients treated without surgery compared with
of knee flexion. The Lachman test was classified as patients treated with surgery. Although 2 studies
grade I (0–5 mm displacement), grade II (5–10 mm showed slightly better results in acutely treated
displacement), or grade III (!10 mm displacement).18 patients, the majority of the studies found no signifi-
A significantly greater number of individuals with a cant difference in ligament stability between acute
grade III Lachman were in the nonoperative group and delayed treatment patients.
compared with the operative group.
Acute versus Delayed. Wascher and coauthors4 measured
the Lachman test with the knee in 20 degrees of flexion RANGE OF MOTION
and reported that, in the acute group, 7 of 9 patients Acute versus Nonoperative
were normal, and 2 patients had 3 to 5 mm of anterior
tibial translation. In the delayed group, 2 patients were Wong and colleagues21 report the average ROM for the
graded as normal, and 2 patients had 3 to 5 mm of an- surgical patients to be 128 degrees compared with a
terior translation. All patients in both groups had firm mean of 137 degrees in the nonoperative patients. This
end points. difference was not statistically significant. There were
significantly more flexion contractures in the surgical
group. The authors emphasize the role of aggressive
KT-1000 Arthrometer physiotherapy. Similarly, Richter and investigators19
did not find a statistically significant difference in the
Acute versus Non-operative. Two studies19,24 used the KT- proportion of patients with a deficit in either flexion or
1000 arthrometer to measure cruciate ligament laxity. extension. In the surgical group, 29 of 59 patients that
Almekinders and Logan24 specifically looked at antero- were managed had an extension deficit of 3 degrees or
posterior (AP) laxity of the knee. They defined abnor- more, whereas 10 of 18 in the nonoperative group ex-
mal AP laxity as 3-mm or more side-to-side difference perienced this same deficit. Similarly, 44 patients in the
when compared with the unaffected knee. The au- surgical group and 16 patients in the nonoperative
thors found that all patients in the nonoperative group had a flexion deficit of 3 degrees or more. Werier
group had abnormal AP laxity compared with their and colleagues’18 study found that operative patients
contralateral knee, whereas only 2 of the 6 patients in had a slightly smaller range of flexion at 120 degrees
the operative group experienced greater than 3 mm compared with the nonoperative treatment group at
excursion. Similarly, Richter and investigators19 exam- 130 degrees. In contrast, Almekinders and Logan’s24
ined cruciate ligament stability using KT arthrometer study reported that ROM in the operative group was
whereas performing the Lachman test (at 25 degrees slightly better (129 ± 18 degrees) than in the nonopera-
of knee flexion) with 20 pounds of force. They report tive group (108 ± 22 degrees).
that, on average, patients treated without surgery had
significantly greater translation (8.2 ± 3.4 mm) com-
pared with the surgical group (5.1 ± 2.4 mm). Further- Acute versus Delayed
more, in a similar study, Wong and investigators21 re-
port the mean AP tibial translation for the surgical Harner and colleagues6 found that total ROM was
group as 4.6 mm compared with 9.4 mm for the group similar between patients who had undergone surgi-
managed without surgery. cal treatment during the acute phase (128 ± 10 de-
Acute versus Delayed. Fanelli and coauthors,23 Tzurbakis grees) compared with those patients who underwent
and coauthors,22 and Mariani8 all report no statisti- delayed surgery (129 ± 15 degrees). Similarly, Liow
cally significant difference in KT-1000 arthrometer and investigators3 report that the mean loss of exten-
measurement between acute and delayed cases in sion in the acute group was 10 degrees compared
their respective studies. Similarly, Noyes and Barber- with 7 degrees in the group that underwent late
Westin5 found that all but 1 patient in the acute group reconstruction. The acute group had a smaller loss
(n # 7) had less than a 3-mm difference in AP of flexion (4 degrees) compared with the late recon-
displacement testing compared with the contralat- structions (8 degrees). Noyes and Barber-Westin5
eral knee. Two patients treated in the delayed phase found that 5 of 7 patients treated during the acute
(n # 4) had a less than 3-mm difference whereas phase had normal knee ROM, whereas all chronic
2 patients had greater than a 6-mm side-to-side differ- patients (n # 4) had achieved normal knee ROM.
ence. Similarly, Wascher and coauthors4 report a Wascher and coauthors4 found that the acute group
mean side-to-side difference of 4.1 mm in the acute had a mean ROM of 132.4 degrees, whereas for de-
group compared with an average of 5.6 mm in the layed patients, it was 125.8 degrees. Tzurbakis and
delayed treatment group. Conversely, Liow and in- coauthors22 also found similar mean ROM between
656 Sports Medicine Topics

acute and chronic patients (129.5 ± 12.6 and 131.7 ± COMPLICATIONS

12.3 degrees, respectively). They also report similar
measures of mean flexion and extension losses be- A common postoperative complication reported in the
tween the acute and delayed patients. literature was knee joint stiffness. The evidence sug-
gests that surgery during the acute phase is associated
with a greater risk for motion loss or arthrofibrosis.3,23
Summary Liow and investigators3 conclude that early repair or
reconstruction of all injured ligaments may produce a
Overall, the evidence does not show an important dif- better functional outcome and a more stable knee, but
ference in ROM between patients treated with or with- they also note that the risk for arthrofibrosis remains
out surgery, though patients treated without surgery a concern in acutely treated patients. Fanelli and coau-
tended to achieve a slightly greater ROM. Several thors23 made a similar suggestion that delaying sur-
investigators suggest that observed improvements in gery 2 to 3 weeks allows for swelling to decrease and
ROM might be credited to early rehabilitation rather offers a protected ROM. Noyes and Barber-Westin5 and
than surgical treatment. Results were similar and not Wascher and coauthors4 also note that acute recon-
significantly different for patients treated acutely com- struction of the ligaments may increase the risk for
pared with patients whose surgery was delayed. postoperative arthrofibrosis; however, they stress the
importance of aggressive rehabilitation to prevent this
complication. Conversely, Harner and colleagues6
RADIOGRAPHIC OUTCOMES found no increased joint stiffness in the acutely treated
patients and advocate early ligament repair.
Almekinders and Logan24 used a blinded observer to
rate the degenerative changes on plain radiograph.
The overall score ranged from 0, no evidence of degen- DISCUSSION
erative arthritis, to a maximum score of 10, severe de-
generative arthritis. This study did not demonstrate We conducted a systematic review of the literature
any significant differences in the degenerative changes to identify studies comparing surgical interventions
between the surgical and nonoperative treatment with nonoperative interventions for multiple liga-
groups. Werier and colleagues18 used the same rating ment knee injuries and studies comparing the out-
scale and found that radiographic scores did not differ comes of patients treated surgically in the acute
significantly between the 2 treatment groups. Fifty per- phase (less than 3 weeks after injury) compared with
cent and 60% of the reconstructed and unreconstructed patients whose surgery was delayed beyond the
group, respectively, had completely normal radio- acute phase. In general, across a variety of outcomes
graphs. Richter and colleagues19 used the Jager and and among studies, surgical intervention provided
Wirth radiologic scale to measure the degree of osteo- superior outcomes to patients treated without sur-
arthritis in the affected knee. This scale ranges from gery. Furthermore, patients who underwent surgery
grade 0 (no signs of osteoarthritis) to grade IV (severe within 3 weeks of injury did not appear to have
osteoarthritis). The proportion of individuals with better outcomes when compared with patients whose
grade III or IV osteoarthritis was significantly greater in surgery was delayed. We must raise several cautions
those who had a nonsurgical intervention compared regarding the strength of the evidence in support of
with those who had surgery. This finding suggests that these conclusions. The remainder of this discussion
the use of a larger study may show a benefit to having focuses on these methodologic shortcomings and
surgery in terms of the subsequent development of their potential influence on these findings.
osteoarthritis. Selection bias refers to a systematic difference
between treatment groups in prognosis and subse-
quent responsiveness to the intervention as a result
OTHER of the way they were chosen for participation in the
study.26 A randomized, controlled trial with adequate
Taylor and coworkers25 assessed their patients on concealment of allocation protects against selection
3 factors—stability, pain, and movements—and classi- bias by ensuring that patient eligibility is determined
fied each factor as either good, fair, or poor. They de- before randomization so that clinician knowledge of
fined “good” as a stable, painless knee that had treatment allocation cannot influence the decision
90 degrees or greater flexion; “fair” as experiencing whether to include or exclude a patient from the
slight instability on straining, no pain, and range of study. Our review did not identify any randomized
flexion between 60 and 90 degrees; and “poor” as the studies. In fact, decisions about treatment, for the
remainder of patients. In contrast with the previous majority of studies, were left to the preference of
studies, Taylor and coworkers25 found that the nonop- the treating physician and were usually based on the
erative patients achieved better function on the mea- presence or absence of concomitant injuries and the
sured factors than the surgical group. In the conserva- prognosis of the patient, almost certainly ensuring a
tive group of 26 patients, 18 were classified as good, selection bias. For example, Werier and colleagues18
6 as fair, and two as poor compared with four good, made the decision to perform operative repair based
6 fair, and 6 poor in the operative group. on the presence of injuries that required surgery
Multiligament Knee Injury 657

(i.e., vascular injury, nerve injury), and Rios and others in this group and the nonoperative treatment
coauthors20 chose their nonoperative group based group did not participate in this rehabilitation pro-
on the severity of concomitant injuries (i.e., patients gram. In addition, 19% of the nonoperative treatment
were not fit for surgery). In this review, it was not group underwent an operative procedure on struc-
possible to explore the magnitude of the bias intro- tures other than the cruciate ligaments. Noyes and
duced through selection strategies because no study Barber-Westin5 also report that the patients in the
was without methodologic flaws. delayed treatment group had significant symptoms
The proportion of patients lost to follow-up is an- and functional limitations before surgery, whereas
other potential threat to the internal validity of a study. none of the seven patients in the acute group had
In general, a lost-to-follow-up rate of greater than 20% any knee symptoms before their injuries.
is considered to be a serious threat to the validity of Finally, of the 16 studies identified in this review,
the results because patients are rarely lost to follow-up 9 were published before the year 2000, and the old-
for arbitrary reasons,27 and there is a good possibility est study was published in 1955. It is probable that
that those patients without complete follow-up have surgical techniques have evolved and changed suf-
difference outcomes than patients with complete ficiently over time to make it difficult to generalize
follow-up. In this review, 2 of the 15 eligible studies11,24 the findings of older studies to what we might
reported a greater than 20% lost-to-follow-up rate. expect today; outcomes may be significantly differ-
One final methodologic feature that is important ent with newer surgical techniques compared with
to maintaining the internal validity of the study is those used in the past.
blinding of the data collector. Blinding is defined as
concealment of group assignment from the patients,
investigators, and/or outcome assessors in a trial.27 RECOMMENDATIONS
Blinding reduces the potential influence on the mea-
surement or interpretation of outcomes that con- Our systematic review of the literature failed to
scious or unconscious opinions about the effective- reveal a sound basis for the treatment algorithms
ness of the intervention could potentially cause and or current “dogma” in caring for patients with mul-
reduces the potential for imbalances in cointerven- tiligament knee injuries. However, methodologic
tions.27 For example, in Richter and investigators’19 shortcomings of these articles and their potential
study, 27 of 63 surgical patients also underwent a influence on reported outcomes are clearly related
functional rehabilitation regimen in addition to their limitations in studying this patient population. The
surgical intervention, but none of the conservatively injuries remain relatively rare, and it is estimated
managed patients received this program. that the average orthopedic surgeon will treat
One further limitation of the studies included in this only 3 or 4 of these injuries during their entire
review was the lack of adequate power to make de- career. It has been reported that incidence of
finitive conclusions about the effectiveness of treat- these injuries is increasing because of several
ment. None of the studies that we identified provided factors, including the expanded definition and the
the details of their sample size calculation or included increase in the number of people participating in
a discussion about power. None of the studies in- high-speed, risk-taking sports. Although awareness
cluded information that would inform the interpreta- of multiligament knee injuries has improved
tion of their results. Specifically, no study provided dramatically, the definitive management of these
information about the magnitude of the between- complex injuries remains controversial because of
groups difference that would constitute a minimally the number of ligament injury patterns, varying
important difference. If the estimate of the treatment degrees of concomitant injuries, differing patient
effect is accurate (i.e., the study is internally valid), function/pain before surgery, as well as the variety
the authors must also comment on the precision of of surgical procedures and postsurgical rehabilita-
their results by including CIs around their estimates. tion protocols that have been recommended.
In addition, the authors should comment as to whether Thus, it will likely take a much larger multicenter
the CIs exclude with certainty the possibility of an trial to ensure that patient enrollment is sufficient
important difference for studies with nonsignificant to power a study to be able to draw more
statistical findings, and for studies with significant definitive conclusions regarding best treatment
statistical findings, the authors should comment as for these patients. Table 97–4 provides a summary
to whether the CIs exclude differences that patients/ of recommendations.
clinicians would consider unimportant.
Finally, it is important to note that there are impor- Conclusion
tant differences between studies that make it difficult The timing of surgical management for multiple
to summarize the results. Specifically, the involved ligament knee injuries remains controversial.
ligaments, concomitant injuries, patient function/ There is a paucity of high-quality literature, and
pain before surgery, surgical procedure, and the type the majority of studies were underpowered. We
of postsurgical rehabilitation differed across studies. recommend that larger studies with more rigor-
For example, Richter and investigators19 report ous methodology be conducted before definitive
43% of the surgical group participated in a functional conclusions are made.
rehabilitation program after surgery, whereas the
658 Sports Medicine Topics

TABLE 97–4. Summary of Recommendations


1. In general, across a variety of outcomes, surgical intervention provides superior re- III C
sults versus conservative treatment after multiligament knee injury.
2. Early surgical reconstruction after multiligament knee injury (within 3 weeks) does III C
NOT improve outcome versus delayed reconstruction.

REFERENCES 14. Kocher MS, Steadman JR, Briggs KK, et al: Reliability, validity,
and responsiveness of the Lysholm knee scale for various
1. O’Donoghue DH: An analysis of end results of surgical treat- chondral disorders of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am
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outcome following reconstruction in chronic multiple tee subjective knee form. Am J Sports Med 29:600–613, 2001.
ligament deficient knees. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol 16. Briggs KK, Kocher MS, Rodkey WG, Steadman JR: Reliability,
Arthrosc 14:843–847, 2006. validity, and responsiveness of the Lysholm knee score and
3. Liow RY, McNicholas MJ, Keating JF, Nutton RW: Ligament Tegner activity scale for patients with meniscal injury of the
repair and reconstruction in traumatic dislocation of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am 88:698–705, 2006.
knee. J Bone Joint Surg Br 85:845–851, 2003. 17. Hefti F, Muller W, Jakob RP, Staubli HU: Evaluation of knee liga-
4. Wascher DC, Becker JR, Dexter JG, Blevins FT: Reconstruction ment injuries with the IKDC form. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol
of the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments after knee Arthrosc 1(3-4):226–234, 1993.
dislocation. Results using fresh-frozen nonirradiated allografts. 18. Werier J, Keating JF, Meek RN: Complete dislocation of the
Am J Sports Med 27:189–196, 1999. knee—the long-term results of ligamentous reconstruction.
5. Noyes FR, Barber-Westin SD: Reconstruction of the anterior Knee 5:255–260, 1998.
and posterior cruciate ligaments after knee dislocation. Use 19. Richter M, Bosch U, Wippermann B, et al: Comparison of
of early protected postoperative motion to decrease arthro- surgical repair or reconstruction of the cruciate ligaments
fibrosis. Am J Sports Med 25:769–778, 1997. versus nonsurgical treatment in patients with traumatic
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of knee dislocations. J Bone Joint Surg Am 86:262–273, 2004. 20. Rios A, Villa A, Fahandezh J, et al: Results after treatment of
7. Mariani PP, Margheritini F, Camillieri G: One-stage traumatic knee dislocations: A report of 26 cases. J Trauma
arthroscopically assisted anterior and posterior cruciate 55:489–494, 2003.
ligament reconstruction. Arthroscopy 17:700–707, 2001. 21. Wong CH, Tan JL, Chang HC, et al: Knee dislocations: A retro-
8. Anonymous: The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS). Assessing spective study comparing operative versus closed immobili-
the quality of non-randomized studies in meta-analysis. zation treatment outcomes. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol
Proceedings of the the 3rd Symposium on Systematic Arthrosc 12:540–544, 2004.
Reviews: Beyond the Basics-Improving Quality and Impact. 22. Tzurbakis M, Diamantopoulos A, Xenakis T, Georgoulis A:
Oxford, St. Catherine’s College, July 2000. Surgical treatment of multiple knee ligament injuries in
9. Kocher MS, Steadman JR, Briggs KK, et al: Reliability, 44 patients: 2-8 years follow-up results. Knee Surg Sports
validity, and responsiveness of the Lysholm knee scale for Traumatol Arthrosc 14:739–749, 2006.
various chondral disorders of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg 23. Fanelli GC, Edson CJ, Maish DR: Combined anterior/posterior
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10. Irrgang JJ, Ho H, Harner CD, Fu FH: Use of the International Sports Med Arthosc 9:208–218, 2001.
Knee Documentation Committee guidelines to assess 24. Almekinders LC, Logan TC: Results following treatment of
outcome following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. traumatic dislocations of the knee joint. Clin Orthop Relat
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 6:107–114, 1998. Res (284):203–207, 1992.
11. Meyers MH, Moore TM, Harvey JP Jr: Traumatic dislocation 25. Taylor AR, Arden GP, Rainey HA: Traumatic dislocation of the
of the knee joint. J Bone Joint Surg Am 57:430–433, 1975. knee. A report of forty-three cases with special reference to
12. Irrgang JJ, Snyder-Mackler L, Wainner RS, et al: Development conservative treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Br 54:96–102, 1972.
of a patient-reported measure of function of the knee. J Bone 26. Bandolier on-line. Available at:
Joint Surg Am 80:1132–1145, 1998. bandolier/aboutus.html. Accessed June 27, 2007.
13. Mancuso CA, Sculco TP, Wickiewicz TL, et al: Patients’ 27. Haynes RB, Sackett DL, Guyatt GH, Tugwell P: Clinical
expectations of knee surgery. J Bone Joint Surg Am Epidemiology: How to Do Clinical Practice Research, 3rd ed.
83-A:1005–1012, 2001. New York, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.
Chapter Should First-Time Shoulder

98 Dislocators Be Stabilized Surgically?



tion.13,14 The cost, risk, and anxiety associated with
The shoulder is a versatile complex of joints with a surgery have caused some surgeons to adopt a strat-
large functional range of motion. However, stability is egy of “watchful neglect,” allowing patients to demon-
sacrificed for this freedom of movement. The glenohu- strate recurrent episodes of instability or dislocation
meral joint is a loosely opposed “ball-and-socket” type before proceeding with an operative solution. Further-
joint, and as such is the most commonly dislocated more, although early surgery has the potential to re-
large joint in the body. The lifetime incidence of ante- sult in a number of patients avoiding redislocation in
rior shoulder dislocation has been reported to be the short term, the long-term functional benefits over
1% to 2% in the general population.1,2 Recurrent insta- a conservative approach are less well known.
bility after primary dislocation is a common problem. This chapter attempts, via an evidence-based ap-
After initial reduction of the joint, the traditional proach, to address whether early surgical interven-
treatment for primary shoulder dislocations has been tion improves outcome after a primary shoulder dis-
immobilization in a sling, with the arm in a position of location. For the most part, this is a narrative overview
adduction and internal rotation. The length of the im- of published investigations that describe results after
mobilization period is controversial. A common rec- conservative or arthroscopic treatments, or both, for
ommendation is for 3 to 6 weeks in a sling to allow for first-time anterior shoulder dislocations. For the pur-
early capsular healing followed by several months of poses of this review, the studies were divided into
rehabilitation including range-of-motion and strength- three categories: those reports describing primarily
ening exercises. Some authors have recommended nonsurgical treatments, those describing arthroscopic
abbreviated periods of immobilization, as short as treatments, and those designed as prospective com-
1 week, followed by early institution of therapy to pro- parative cohorts and/or randomized trials utilizing
mote restoration of a full range of motion. both surgical and nonsurgical treatment arms.
The clinical course of patients after nonsurgical The specific patient population of interest for the
treatment has been investigated extensively. Of par- review was young patients (!40 years old) who had
ticular interest is the relatively high rate of recurrent sustained first-time, traumatic, anterior dislocations of
instability in young patients. Estimates of the recur- the glenohumeral joint. These patients represent a
rence rate in this group have been reported to be group at high risk for recurrent dislocation and in
anywhere between 17% and 96%.2–10 whom treatment decisions are controversial. Studies
The anatomic abnormality associated with the ma- pertaining to the methods of and issues regarding the
jority of traumatic shoulder dislocations is the reduction of shoulder dislocations were excluded. Also
Bankart lesion—an avulsion of the anterior glenoid excluded were those investigations that included (or
labrum and shoulder joint capsule at the insertion of whose primary focus was) recurrent shoulder disloca-
the inferior glenohumeral ligament. The anterior cap- tions/instability, atraumatic dislocations, posterior dis-
sulolabral complex is thought to be the major stabi- locations, and multidirectionally unstable patients.
lizer of the shoulder to anterior subluxation. The The concept of symptomatic recurrent instability
frequency of recurrence, therefore, is postulated to merits further clarification. For the purposes of this
be related to failure of this complex to heal in an ana- review, patients were considered to have recurrent
tomic position. Proponents of acute arthroscopic instability if the patient had sustained a subsequent
Bankart repair have emphasized that it is the ability (documented) dislocation or if the patient sought
to directly oppose and secure the lesion to its ana- surgical intervention for symptoms of instability
tomic position at surgery that imparts immediate and/or subluxation, (but not necessarily dislocation)
stability versus nonoperative methods. Early series which he or she felt was intolerable. This definition
of arthroscopic treatment of shoulder instability excludes those patients who may have demonstrated
have shown it to be an effective modality in decreas- clinical findings consistent with instability (most no-
ing recurrence.11,12 tably a positive apprehension test) but who did not
Despite evidence in favor of arthroscopic stabiliza- wish to proceed with further intervention.
tion, uncertainty still exists among the orthopedic There were 43 potentially relevant study titles.
community as to optimal timing of surgical interven- More studies were identified secondarily on the basis

660 Sports Medicine Topics

of bibliographical reviews and hand searches of pro- those patients younger than 40 years experiencing
ceedings. Application of the study eligibility criteria further instability.
eliminated 11 of the original titles, with 32 articles Controversy as to the optimal rehabilitation pro-
remaining for review: 13 describe primarily nonsurgi- gram after first-time dislocation was introduced by
cal management, 9 describe arthroscopic interven- both Aronen and Regan,9 as well as Yoneda and co-
tions, 4 are observational studies that include the re- workers,10 who reported seemingly lower recurrence
sults for both surgically and nonsurgically treated rates of 25% and 17.3%, respectively, with aggressive
patients, and 6 are randomized trials. physical therapy. The former of these investigations
was prospectively conducted on a small cohort of
young male military cadets (n " 20)—a recognized
NONSURGICAL STUDIES “high-demand” population (Level IV). The authors
used a rigorous rehabilitation protocol. Despite the
The natural history—or clinical course in the ab- fact that this protocol was described in detail, subse-
sence of active treatment (whether it be surgical or quent studies utilizing it on a similar population have
rehabilitative)—after anterior dislocation of the failed to replicate the results.11
shoulder has been investigated extensively. Reports A prospective, multicenter cohort study was initi-
dating to the early part of the twentieth century high- ated in 1978 in a Swedish population (Level II). The
light the recurrent nature of the problem. results of this cohort have been published at 2-, 5-,
In those reports predating 1990, retrospective (Level and 10-year follow-up.15–17 The group of 247 primary
II, III, and IV) studies predominate.4–6 These series are dislocations in patients between the ages of 12 and 40
subject to the limitations of bias and confounding in- years were quasi-randomized (on the basis of even or
herent in any investigation that relies on retrospec- odd date of injury) to receive one of three methods of
tively collected data. Furthermore, most of these se- conservative treatment: sling and swathe for 3 weeks,
ries include both primary and recurrent dislocators in sling for 1 week followed by restricted range of mo-
the study sample. Perhaps the largest early series is tion, or a “mixed” treatment for patients believed to
that of Rowe and colleagues,4 which reports on 488 be unfit for either of the first two arms. No significant
patients with shoulder dislocations seen at Massachu- differences were found in the rate of recurrent dislo-
setts General Hospital during the 20-year period from cations at 10 years after injury among the three
1934 to 1954. Of the entire group, 398 (82%) were pa- groups. Overall, approximately 50% of the patients
tients with primary dislocations with the remainder had experienced symptoms of instability at 10-year
being recurrent. No information is provided as to im- follow-up. Young age was again put forth as the single
mobilization or rehabilitative protocols prescribed for strongest predictor for recurrence. The presence of
these patients. Although the inclusion of patients with an associated fracture of the greater tuberosity was
recurrent instability makes it difficult to draw specific identified as protective. No association between re-
inferences on those patients with primary instability, current instability and sex, handedness, or side of
Rowe was the first to document a relatively high re- dislocation was identified. This Level I prognostic
currence rate (38%) after primary dislocation in a study represents the highest current level of evidence
large series and to make conjectures about possible available regarding the natural history of anterior
prognostic factors for recurrence including young age shoulder dislocations with long-term, prospectively
at initial dislocation and traumatic cause. Age was collected data. This study has an impressively low
identified as the strongest single prognostic factor, loss to follow-up (3%) over the 10-year course.
with 83% of those patients younger than 20 years go- A recently published study has suggested that im-
ing on to further instability episodes. mobilizing acutely dislocated shoulders in a position
In more recent investigations, there has been con- of relative external rotation reduced subsequent dis-
flicting information as to the rate of recurrent instabil- location rates.18 In a quasi-randomized prospective
ity and the optimum nonsurgical management. Henry trial (Level II), Itoi and coauthors18 demonstrate a 0%
and Genung7 reported on a group of 121 first-time recurrence rate in 20 patients immobilized in exter-
dislocators that was also reviewed retrospectively nal rotation versus a 30% recurrence rate in 20 pa-
(Level II). A rate of recurrence of 85% to 90% was tients immobilized in a sling at a mean follow-up of
noted in these patients within 18 months of the in- 15.5 months. Several randomized clinical trials are
jury; this was significantly greater than the previous ongoing in Canada, the United States, and Australia
reports of Rowe and others.4 All patients in that study to test this concept in a young at-risk population.
were younger than 32. Half of the group was immobi- The characteristics of the nonoperative studies are
lized in a sling for a variable period. Although ran- outlined in Table 98–1.
domization was not performed, equivalent rates of
recurrent instability in immobilized and nonimmobi-
lized patients led the authors to conclude that immo- Arthroscopic Studies
bilization was of little benefit in reducing recurrence.
Another Level III retrospective series of 124 patients The appearance in the literature of studies that ad-
by Simonet and Cofield8 reports a lower overall rate dress arthroscopic stabilization as a primary treat-
of recurrence (33%), but again stresses the impor- ment modality for acute shoulder dislocations has
tance of age as a risk factor with more than 50% of been a relatively recent phenomenon. Before the
Should First-Time Shoulder Dislocators Be Stabilized Surgically? 661

TABLE 98–1. Nonsurgical Management of Primary Dislocations: Study Characteristics


McGlaughlin and Cavallaro 573 Retrospective series (primary and recurrent II 50

(1950)5 dislocators included)
Rowe (1956)4 398 Retrospective series (primary and recurrent II 38*
dislocators included)
Kazar and Relovsky (1969)1 760 Retrospective series (primary and recurrent II 27
dislocators included)
Kiviluoto et al. (1980) 6
226 Retrospective series (primary and recurrent IV 13*†
dislocators included)
Henry and Genung (1982)7 121 Retrospective (primary dislocators); variable IV 88 (!32 yr)*
protocols; no immobilization (51%), slings
with or without swathes (49%)
Simonet and Cofield (1984)8 124 Retrospective; 82% immobilized for average 3 weeks IV 33
Aronen and Regan (1984)9 20 Prospective (therapeutic) cohort; sling # 3 weeks, IV 25 (all !22 yr)
THEN structured rehabilitation
Yoneda et al. (1982)10 104 Retrospective; sling and swathe # 5 weeks, THEN IV 17.3 (average, 21 yr)
graduated ROM
Hovelius (1987)16 257 Prospective (prognostic) cohort; sling # 1 week II 44*
(52%) vs. sling and swathe 3 weeks
Hoelen et al. (1990) 3
168 Not specified 26
Kralinger et al. (2002)19 180 Sling # 3 weeks, no ER $ 0 # 6 weeks, therapy 29.4
Itoi et al. (2003)18 40 Quasi-randomized trial; ER brace # 3 weeks vs. I ER brace: 0
sling # 3 weeks sling: 30
teSlaa et al. (2004) 20
105 Unspecified (retrospective) IV 26

*No difference in rate of recurrence for immobilized versus nonimmobilized patients.

56% in patients !20 years; greater frequency of redislocation with shorter period of immobilization.
ER, external rotation.

advent of arthroscopy, operative management was when presenting the results of these primarily retro-
usually considered only after a patient had demon- spective series. In addition, a variety of different ar-
strated symptomatic recurrent instability. Arthroscopic throscopic stabilization techniques is used in these
stabilization has become increasingly popular for the studies, each with its own associated surgical “learn-
treatment of shoulder instability because it offers po- ing curve” and spectrum of complications. Identifying
tential advantages over formal open techniques in- surgical complications and deriving estimates of pa-
cluding improved cosmesis, superior intra-articular tient satisfaction (beyond recurrence) from historical
visualization, and minimized disruption of the anterior chart review is problematic. Keeping this in mind, it
soft tissues. Specifically, in the setting of a primary would still seem that the incidence of recurrent insta-
dislocation, the decreased morbidity offered by the bility is tangibly reduced with early arthroscopic re-
arthroscopic approach—combined with the acuity of pair. Inferences beyond that are difficult.
the Bankart lesion and its amenability to repair in this Early diagnostic arthroscopy without stabilization
state—have made it an especially attractive option to has also been suggested to be useful in reducing the
surgeons who recognize the potential for recurrent in- rate of recurrent shoulder instability. In two prospec-
stability with traditional nonoperative treatments. tive studies, patients underwent arthroscopic lavage
The risk for recurrence after arthroscopic stabiliza- only.21,22 The rationale for this procedure was both di-
tion has been reported in several series, which are agnostic and therapeutic. In removing intra-articular
summarized in Table 98–2. Unfortunately, few reports clot and debris, investigators suggest acute ar-
distinguish between acute and recurrent dislocations throscopic lavage allows the Bankart lesion to heal in

TABLE 98–2. Acute Arthroscopic Management of Primary Dislocations: Study Characteristics


Wheeler et al. (1989)11 9 Retrospective case series; staple capsulorraphy IV 22

Uribe and Hechtman (1993)12 11 Retrospective case series; transglenoid sutures IV 9
Arciero et al. (1995)24 25 Retrospective case series; bioabsorbable tacks IV 5
Mole et al. (1996)21 21 Retrospective case series; arthroscopic lavage IV 28.5
Salmon and Bell (1998)25a 17 Retrospective case series; transglenoid sutures IV 17
Valentin et al. (1998)25 15 Retrospective case series; transglenoid sutures IV 13
Boszotta and Helperstorfer (2000)26 72 Retrospective case series; transglenoid sutures IV 6.9
teSlaa et al. (1995)22* 31 Retrospective case series; arthroscopic lavage IV 55
Pienovi et al. (2003)27 31 Retrospective case series; transglenoid sutures IV 12.9

*Investigation reported in abstract only.

662 Sports Medicine Topics

an anatomically reduced position. Mole and col- in their own words, biased to the merits of the ar-
leagues21 performed arthroscopic lavage on 30 pa- throscopic approach. In separate trials, Wheeler11 and
tients within 4 days of an initial dislocation. Of the 21 Deberardino29 prospectively evaluated cohorts of pa-
(70%) patients available for follow-up at 24 months, 6 tients, all male military cadets, who were allowed to
(28.5%) developed recurrent instability. teSlaa and co- choose between conservative or arthroscopic treat-
workers20 performed arthroscopy on 31 patients within ment. Similarly, a recent Turkish study reports on
10 days of a first-time dislocation. At 5-year follow-up, 2 groups of arthroscopically stabilized and conserva-
12 patients (38.7%) had sustained a recurrent disloca- tively treated attendees at a military academy.30 Again,
tion, and a total of 17 patients (55%) had described at these patients were allowed to choose their own treat-
least 1 episode of symptomatic subluxation during the ment. All of these trials demonstrate a strong benefit
study period. From the results of this study, and that of with arthroscopic stabilization in limiting subsequent
Mole and colleagues,21 the evidence of benefit with symptomatic instability. Inferences as to the true ben-
isolated arthroscopic lavage would seem to be weak. efit of arthroscopy, however, are weakened by the
Surgical complications were infrequent in the ar- potential for selection bias in the absence of random-
throscopic series reviewed. Traditionally, the rate of ization. A fourth prospective study, this one con-
reported complications in large series of arthroscopic ducted on South American rugby players, reiterates
stabilizations for recurrent instability has also been the finding of significantly lower incidence of symp-
low.23 Complications were generally of low morbidity, tomatic instability with surgical intervention.31 All the
ranging from stiffness (mildly decreased external ro- aforementioned investigations, although observa-
tation $30 degrees) in the involved shoulder to a tional, have significance in the literature because they
surgical infection (n " 1) requiring repeat debride- introduced the concept of acute surgical stabilization
ment and intravenous antibiotics. The overall com- of the dislocated shoulder as a viable treatment alter-
plication rate for all the arthroscopic stabilizations native, thereby paving the way for the randomized
reviewed was less than 1%. This is consistent with trials that were to come. The characteristics of com-
previous reports of complications after similar pro- parative, non-randomized investigations are discussed
cedures for recurrent glenohumeral instability.23 in Table 98–3.
Further characteristics of the arthroscopic series
included in this review are presented in Table 98–2.
Over time, recurrence rates have generally decreased Randomized Studies
without a corresponding increase in the incidence of
complications. This is due in part to the increasing Criticism fell on the aforementioned military trials
familiarity of surgeons with arthroscopic procedures, both for failure to randomize and for a lack of gener-
as well as refinements of the technique and equip- alizability. The military cadet population was seen as
ment. Methods utilizing suture anchors are now the an extremely high-demand group of patients whose
standard because the anterior labrum can be most significant risk for recurrent instability may not re-
securely approximated in an anatomic fashion with flect that seen in the general civilian population. A
these devices. randomized trial was subsequently conducted in a
military population. Bottoni and colleagues32 re-
ported the results of 24 cadets quasi-randomly allo-
COMPARATIVE STUDIES cated (on the basis of social insurance number) to
Nonrandomized (Observational) Studies receive arthroscopic stabilization (n " 14) versus
nonoperative treatment (n " 10). Of those patients
In an effort to improve the quality of evidence in favor available for follow-up at an average of 36 months
of acute arthroscopic stabilization, prospective trials from the time of dislocation, recurrent instability was
were initiated at several U.S. military academies.28,29 seen in 75% of the nonoperative group as compared
Investigators from these institutions had previously with only 11% (1/9) of the arthroscopic group. Un-
published series of both conservatively and ar- equal group sizes may reflect the strictly nonrandom
throscopically treated first-time dislocations and were, nature of treatment allocation.

TABLE 98–3. Comparative, Nonrandomized Investigations: Study Characteristics


Arciero et al. (1994)28 36 (15 C, 21 A) Prospective (therapeutic) cohort study; II Sling: 80

sling # 4 weeks vs. arthroscopic staple Arthroscopy: 14
DeBerardino et al. (2001) 29
54 (6 C, 48 A) Prospective (therapeutic) cohort study; II Sling: 67
sling # 3 weeks vs. arthroscopic tack Arthroscopy: 12
Larrain et al. (2001)31 46 (18 C, 28 A) Prospective (therapeutic) cohort study; II Sling: 96
sling # 3 weeks vs. transglenoid sutures Arthroscopy: 4
or anchors
Yanmis et al. (2003)30 62 (32 C, 30 A) Prospective (therapeutic) cohort study; II Sling: 38
sling # 3 weeks vs. arthroscopic tack Arthroscopy: 0

A, arthroscopic stabilization; C, conservative therapy.

Should First-Time Shoulder Dislocators Be Stabilized Surgically? 663

TABLE 98–4. Comparative, Randomized Investigations: Study Characteristics


Sandow (1995)33 20 (10 C, 10 A) Randomized trial; sling # 4 weeks I C: 50

vs. arthroscopic tacks A: 10
Jakobsen et al. (2007)34 76 (39 C, 37 A) Randomized trial; sling # 1 week I C: 51
vs. open stabilization A: 3
Wintzell et al. (1999)35 30 (15 C, 15 A) Randomized trial; immediate I C: 60
vs. arthroscopic lavage A: 20
Bottoni et al. (2002)32 24 (12 C, 9 A) Randomized trial; sling # 4 weeks I C: 75
vs. arthroscopic tacks A: 11
Kirkley et al. (1999)36 40 (21 C, 19 A) Randomized trial; sling # 3 weeks I C: 47
vs. arthroscopic transglenoid A: 16

A, arthroscopic stabilization; C, conservative therapy.

Two other randomized investigations comparing arthroscopy. The clinical significance of the 15% dif-
surgical interventions with conservative treatment for ference in disease-specific outcome at final follow-up
primary shoulder dislocators have been conducted. favoring the patients treated arthroscopically is
Sandow33 has provisionally reported on 20 patients, unclear. This is due in part to the relative “newness”
all of whom were younger than 26 years, randomized of the outcome measure used and the fact that func-
to receive arthroscopic stabilization with a bioabsorb- tion was considered a secondary outcome (therefore,
able tack versus sling immobilization for 4 weeks. Re- the study may not have been adequately powered
currence was significantly lower in the surgical group to show a clinically significant difference in function).
with only 1 of 10 patients demonstrating symptomatic Nonetheless, the results have important implications.
instability (10%) versus 5 of 10 (50%) in the sling If acute arthroscopy serves only to reduce early
group. In the only investigation that included patients recurrence rates, with no significant long-term func-
who underwent acute open stabilization, Jakobsen tional benefit, then an approach that optimizes con-
and coworkers34 also found a significantly lower rate servative treatment may provide the greatest overall
of redislocation with patients randomized to surgery benefit to patients, whereas simultaneously limiting
(1/37; 2.7%) versus those immobilized in a sling for potential complications. The characteristics of all the
1 week followed by therapy (20/39; 51%). This ran- comparative and/or randomized investigations are
domized trial includes prospectively collected data summarized in Table 98–4.
out to 10 years after dislocation. For the purposes of statistical pooling, weights were
On the suggestion that arthroscopic lavage may re- assigned to each study on the basis of sample size. A
duce recurrence, Wintzell and researchers35 conducted relative risk estimate of 0.35 (95% confidence interval,
a randomized trial to compare this treatment with 0.18–0.65) confirms a strong benefit, based on the high-
sling immobilization. Arthroscopic lavage was per- est level of available evidence, with early arthroscopic
formed within 10 days of dislocation in 15 patients. treatments in reducing the risk for recurrent shoulder
Another 15 patients (with no specific randomization instability after first-time dislocation. None of the ran-
scheme described) were given an optional sling for domized studies identified any significant limitations
1 week and encouraged to move the shoulder freely. At in range of motion or strength after arthroscopic pro-
the 2-year follow-up examination, 3 (20%) of the pa- cedures. Unfortunately, each of the randomized trials
tients in the lavage group had redislocated versus identified used different outcome tools to report func-
9 (60%) in the nonoperative group. tional status or health-related quality of life, or both,
Kirkley and coworkers36 performed a randomized thereby precluding a formal synthesis of the data. Only
clinical trial on civilian patients. Forty patients one perioperative complication, a septic joint after ar-
younger than 30 years were allocated, on the basis of throscopic stabilization, was reported in the combined
a permuted block, computer-generated, randomiza- populations of the three trials (n " 89) for an overall
tion scheme, to receive sling immobilization (n " 21) complication rate of 1.1%.
or undergo acute arthroscopic stabilization (n " 19)
after first-time dislocation. The rate of recurrence at
the 2-year follow-up was significantly lower in the ar- CONCLUSIONS
throscopic group (47% vs. 15.9%). This study had few, Prognosis after First-Time Dislocation
if any, deficiencies with its design or analysis and re-
mains the highest level of evidence in support of The true rate of recurrent instability after primary
early arthroscopic stabilization to reduce recurrence. anterior glenohumeral dislocation remains imprecise,
Secondary outcomes included validated general and with series reporting estimates that range from 17% to
disease-specific quality-of-life measurement tools. 90%. With few exceptions, most reports would suggest
A preliminary analysis of patient-based outcomes at the rate of recurrent dislocation or symptomatic sub-
2-year follow-up suggested a statistically higher level luxation, or both, in young patients approaches 50%.
of function in those patients who underwent early Greater rates have been demonstrated in series with
664 Sports Medicine Topics

larger proportions of younger patients, males, and ac- structing the Bankart lesion, and improved surgical
tive military recruits. Even in the absence of recurrent instrumentation to make the surgery less technically
instability, prospectively collected, disease-specific, demanding. These advances, together with more
health-related quality-of-life data suggest patients clearly defined operative indications, have realized
demonstrate prolonged functional deficits after a pri- decreasing recurrence rates in more recent series de-
mary dislocation.37 Age has been repeatedly demon- scribing acute arthroscopic stabilizations. Currently,
strated as the most significant prognostic factor in there are limited data to support the use of acute ar-
predicting recurrence. Recently, teSlaa and cowork- throscopic lavage without stabilization.
ers20 have attempted to quantify this risk based on the A dramatic benefit was demonstrated with early
odds ratio of recurrence with various age distribu- open or arthroscopic stabilization in reducing recur-
tions. They suggest the risk for recurrence decreases rence rate after acute dislocations.34,36 Several ques-
by a factor of 0.09 (9%) with each additional year of tions remain to be answered, however. The presence
patient age at the time of initial dislocation. or absence of recurrent instability cannot be consid-
The presence of associated fractures was of vari- ered an appropriate surrogate for functional outcome.
able prognostic significance in the development of Patients may not experience a subsequent dislocation
recurrent instability. Fractures of the greater tuber- solely because of discontinuation of the activities that
osity seem to impart a protective effect that is inde- put them at risk. This point underpins the importance
pendent of age and the degree of shoulder stiffness of assessing patient function as a primary outcome
(associated with fracture immobilization).19 Frac- when conducting future investigations. The lack of a
tures of the humeral head (Hill–Sachs lesion) and universally accepted, instability-specific outcome tool
anterior glenoid rim (the bony Bankart lesion) are has made this difficult in the past. The introduction of
suggested to increase the risk for recurrence; how- the Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI),
ever, the difficulty of diagnosing and quantifying a tool with proven reliability, responsiveness, and va-
these lesions, particularly in retrospective studies, lidity, may make the assessment of patient-based
has made a definitive association elusive. functional outcomes after dislocation more consistent
Interestingly, neither activity level nor participa- in the future.38
tion in sports has been definitively shown to be as- Debate over the role of early arthroscopy continues
sociated with an increased risk for recurrence. Simi- in the orthopedic community. Despite the relatively
larly, associations have not been demonstrated with high level of evidence in support of this approach,
recurrence rate and sex, side of dislocation, or hand some surgeons remain reluctant to expose patients to
dominance. The presence of generalized ligamentous the risk, cost, and anxiety of surgery after a single dis-
laxity or hypermobility has not previously been in- location episode. Kirkley and coworkers’38 trial de-
vestigated for an association with recurrent instabil- monstrates that, although arthroscopy definitively re-
ity after a primary dislocation. duces recurrence in the short term, functional benefits
may not be as substantial. If we assume that function
is not significantly improved with arthroscopy, then
Role of Nonoperative Treatment methods to reduce recurrence with nonoperative treat-
ment may be the best approach. Itoi and coauthors’18
The optimal conservative management strategy after trial suggests immobilization of the affected shoulder
first-time shoulder dislocation remains unknown. Re- in a position of external rotation may be one such
habilitation strategies have generally not been effec- method.
tive in reducing the rate of recurrent instability. Aronen As with any systematic review, the strength of infer-
and Reagan’s9 and Yoneda and coworkers’10 reports, ence is only as good as the quality of the primary stud-
which describe recurrence rates on the order of 20%, ies and the scientific rigor with which the review was
are seemingly anomalous. Similarly, traditional immo- conducted. Meta-analyses that pool data from nonran-
bilization devices such as a sling and/or sling and domized studies are subject to all of the limitations of
swathe have not altered the natural history after first- the primary studies. Thus, combining the results of
time dislocation. A relatively large prospective cohort nonrandomized studies may result in a biased pooled
with long-term follow-up (Level I prognostic evidence) estimate of effect that reflects the biases inherent to
has demonstrated equivalent recurrence rates with the observational studies.39 The estimates of treat-
sling immobilization versus early range of motion and ment effect described in the current review were gen-
therapy.17 Preliminary results from a small random- erated from pooling only randomized investigations
ized trial have suggested merit in a novel immobiliza- and, therefore, may be more reflective of the true ben-
tion strategy positioning the affected limb in external efits imparted by early arthroscopic intervention over
rotation.18 traditional nonoperative methods.
The Cochrane group has published a review of
surgical versus nonsurgical treatments for acute an-
Role of Arthroscopy terior shoulder dislocations (January 2004). The cur-
rent review and the published Cochrane review were
The optimal arthroscopic technique has yet to be de- conducted independently and are similar in their
termined. Recent advances have included the use of findings with respect to the benefit of acute ar-
suture anchors, a more anatomic approach to recon- throscopic stabilization. Whereas the scope of the
Should First-Time Shoulder Dislocators Be Stabilized Surgically? 665

current review is broad, including all literature on gation comparing arthroscopic lavage versus lavage
the orthopedic management of primary shoulder with stabilization is indicated to resolve this issue.
dislocations, the Cochrane review has included only There is relatively good evidence to suggest that
five randomized investigations that directly compare modifications in the conservative treatment of pri-
surgical versus nonsurgical interventions.40 mary traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation, spe-
cifically immobilization of the affected shoulder in
external rotation, may improve on historically re-
Implications for Practice ported recurrence rates. Furthermore, this approach
may provide equivalent functional outcomes without
Symptomatic recurrent instability after first-time exposing patients to the risk, anxiety, and cost of
anterior shoulder dislocation can be significantly surgery.
reduced with early arthroscopic stabilization. The Future trials comparing arthroscopic and conser-
improvements in long-term quality of life and shoul- vative treatments for first-time shoulder dislocation
der function after arthroscopic stabilization are must include validated functional outcome measures
uncertain. as primary end points and be planned with a priori
sample sizes sufficient to demonstrate clinically im-
portant differences in these outcomes. Such trials
Implications for Research would optimally be conducted on groups of patients
from the general population (vs. military or other
Although early arthroscopic intervention reduces homogenous populations) to improve the generaliz-
recurrence, it may be that arthroscopic lavage with- ability of the inferences that can be made. Table 98–5
out stabilization is sufficient. A randomized investi- provides a summary of recommendations.

TABLE 98–5. Summary of Recommendations


1. Recurrent instability after primary anterior shoulder dislocation is common. I: Good evidence NA
Age is a strong prognostic indicator for recurrence. Greater tuberosity fractures
may be protective.17
2. Arthroscopic stabilization after a primary anterior shoulder dislocation reduces I: Good evidence A
episodes of recurrent instability versus sling immobilization.36
3. Open stabilization after primary anterior shoulder dislocation reduces episodes I: Good evidence A
of recurrent instability versus nonoperative treatment.34
4. Arthroscopic stabilization after primary anterior shoulder dislocation improves I: Good Evidence A
functional outcome scores at early postoperative follow-up (!24 months);
long-term benefits are unknown.37
5. Immobilization of the affected shoulder in a position of external rotation after II: Fair evidence B
primary anterior shoulder dislocation reduces episodes of recurrent instability
versus traditional sling immobilization.18
6. Arthroscopic lavage immediately after primary anterior shoulder dislocation II: Fair evidence B
reduces episodes of recurrent instability versus sling immobilization.35
7. Sling immobilization for up to 3 weeks after primary anterior shoulder disloca- II: Fair evidence B
tion likely does not reduce episodes of recurrent instability versus early motion
rehabilitation protocols.17

NA, not applicable

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following acute primary glenohumeral dislocation. J Bone 33. Sandow MJ: Arthroscopic repair for primary shoulder
Joint Surg Br 86-B:58–64, 2004. dislocation: A randomized clinical trial. J Bone Joint Surg
21. Mole D, Coudane H, Rio B, et al: The role of arthroscopy Br 77-B:(supp I):67, 1995.
during the first episode of anteromedial luxation of the 34. Jakobsen BW, Johannsen HV, Suder P, Søjbjerg JO: Primary
shoulder: Lesion assessment and recurrence factors. repair versus conservative treatment of first-time traumatic
J Traumatol Sport 13:20–24, 1996. anterior dislocation of the shoulder: A randomized study
22. teSlaa RL, Ritt M, Jansen BRH: A prospective arthroscopic with 10-year follow-up. Arthroscopy 23:118–123, 2007.
study of acute initial anterior shoulder dislocation in the 35. Wintzell G, Haglund-Akerlind Y, Nowak J, et al: Arthroscopic
young [abstract]. Proceedings of the Sixth International Con- lavage with nonoperative treatment for traumatic primary
ference on Surgery of the Shoulder. Helsinki, June 1995. anterior shoulder dislocation: A two-year follow-up of a
23. Green MR, Christensen MD: Arthroscopic versus open prospective randomized study. J Shoulder Elbow Surg
Bankart procedures: A comparison of early morbidity and 8:399–402, 1999.
complications. Arthroscopy 9:371–374, 1993. 36. Kirkley A, Griffen S, Richards C, et al: Prospective randomized
24. Arciero RA, Taylor DC, Snyder RJ, et al: Arthroscopic clinical trial comparing the effectiveness of immediate
bioabsorbable tack stabilization of initial anterior shoulder arthroscopic stabilization versus immobilization and
dislocations: A preliminary report. Arthroscopy 11:410–417, rehabilitation in first traumatic anterior dislocation of the
1995. shoulder. Arthroscopy 15:507–514, 1999.
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25a. Salmon JM, Bell SN: Arthroscopic stabilization of the shoul- and rehabilitation in first traumatic anterior dislocations of the
der for acute primary dislocations using a transglenoid suture shoulder: Long-term evaluation. Arthroscopy 21:55–63, 2005.
technique. Arthroscopy 14(2):143–147, 1998 38. Kirkley A, Griffen S, McLintock H, Ng L: The development
26. Boszotta H, Helperstorfer W: Arthroscopic transglenoid and evaluation of a disease specific quality of life measure-
suture repair for initial anterior shoulder dislocation. ment tool for shoulder instability: The Western Ontario
Arthroscopy 16:462–470, 2000. Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI). Am J Sports Med 26:764–
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Chapter Open versus Arthroscopic Repair
for Shoulder Instability:
99 What’s Best?

Shoulder dislocations are a common sports injury, SURGICAL OPTIONS

especially in contact sports such as hockey,1,2
rugby,3,4 and all forms of football,5,6 but also in sports As stated earlier, the surgical options can be divided
associated with falls, such as skiing,7,8 and in sports broadly into those performed via open surgery and
in which shoulder movements are integral to the those performed arthroscopically, but there is a vari-
game, such as tennis, badminton, swimming, and ety of techniques that can be utilized within each
baseball.3,9,10 Most of these dislocations involve ante- approach. This especially appears to be true with
rior dislocation,3,7,8,11–15 during which the glenohu- arthroscopic shoulder repair, possibly because this
meral joint actually is disrupted. In some, the dislo- approach is newer, and hence more in its evolution-
cation reduces itself spontaneously.16 Other patients ary phase.24,25 Some of the initial arthroscopic ap-
require manual reduction, often requiring anesthe- proaches included staple capsulorrhaphy, transgle-
sia. Immediate conservative management after re- noid suturing, bioabsorbable tack fixation, suture
duction may consist of a sling, more to alleviate pain anchor fixation with capsular plication, and the com-
and worry than to protect the joint, and avoidance of bined use of intra-articular and extra-articular Sure-
sporting activities for an extended time, possibly as- tac sutures.26–41 More recently, most surgeons utilize
sociated with analgesics, physiotherapy, or both; but a suture anchor system with or without knot tying.
the research on the acute management of shoulder This variety, in itself, makes it difficult to compare
dislocations is quite inconclusive,17 and there is ex- between studies, and between the arthroscopic and
treme variability in clinical practice.18–20 open surgery approaches.
Irrespective of how shoulder dislocations are man-
aged immediately after injury,21 the risk for redislo-
cating a shoulder is high without surgical repair, in OUTCOMES OF INTEREST
some series approaching 90%, especially in younger
athletes.2,21 Conservative management, including the Because there has been variability in the surgical ap-
use of a sling in the short term and physiotherapy, is proaches used, there also has been considerable
of uncertain benefit21 and may actually increase this variability in the outcomes measured. Virtually all
risk by delaying more definitive treatment.22 Conse- investigators who have assessed open or arthroscopic
quently, surgery commonly is considered, especially repair alone or relative to each other have utilized
for those who are young and those wanting to return recurrent instability as an outcome, and often as the
to athletic activities. primary outcome. However, how recurrent instabil-
Currently, the surgical options can be classified ity is defined has differed, some including a positive
broadly into open surgical repair and arthroscopic re- apprehension sign as an indicator of instability. No
pair; however, ongoing debate rages regarding which other single outcome has spanned all studies, but
is most effective for the treatment of shoulder disloca- several investigators have adopted the use of vali-
tions, which has led to two meta-analyses and a further dated multidimensional instruments, especially the
published review of the literature.23–25 Certainly, early shoulder-specific (joint-specific) evaluation instru-
investigators seemed to identify either no difference ments called the Rowe Rating Scale,26,29,31,33,35–38,40
between the approaches or some superiority of open which initially was called the Rating Sheet for Bankart
surgery, but this conclusion largely was based on a Repair, and the Constant Score.28,31,33,35,37,38 Other
single outcome: joint stability. Despite these early re- shoulder-specific summation scores that have been
sults, the arthroscopic repair of shoulder instability utilized are the modified Rowe Rating Scale,28 the
seems to have gathered momentum since the late American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) Stan-
1990s.24,25 This chapter is a review of the relatively lim- dardized Shoulder Assessment Form,39,41 and the
ited comparative evidence, examining not only joint University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Shoulder
stability, but also several other outcomes of clinical Rating Scale.26,36 Kirkley and colleagues’43 Western
interest. Note that these comparisons all are relatively Ontario Shoulder Instability (WOSI) scale, another in-
recent, the first publication having been in 1996.26 strument used in one of the comparative studies,42

668 Sports Medicine Topics

offers the advantage of being a disease-specific, conclude that open is superior to arthroscopic re-
rather than just a joint-specific, instrument, in that it pair, in terms of instability rates (Level III).
specifically evaluates shoulder function in patients Later studies have been much less consistent. A
with shoulder instability. Like the Rowe and Constant few studies have uncovered some advantage of open
scales, each of these instruments generates a sum- surgery, such as Rhee and colleagues37 (25% arthros-
mation score, often expressed as a percentage, which copy vs. 13% open; P ! 0.05), Hubbell and cowork-
is derived from evaluations of individual parameters, ers30 (60% vs. 0%; P ! 0.05), Cole and coauthors27
such as pain, function, range of motion (ROM), (24% vs. 16%; P value not significant [NS]), Karlsson
strength, and stability, though which parameters are and researchers33 (15% vs. 10%; P value NS), and
included, and how they are weighted varies from Sperber and investigators38 (23% vs. 13%; P value NS)
scale to scale. Some investigators also have com- (Level III). In contrast, several other studies revealed
pared the open and arthroscopic approaches with no difference at all between the 2 surgical ap-
respect to the change in summation score from pre- proaches,28,31,35,36,39,42 and 1 study actually demon-
operative baseline to final evaluation. strated a clinically impressive, albeit not statistically
Another summation score that has been used is significant, difference in favor of arthroscopy (6%
the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36),27 an arthroscopy vs. 24% open; P value NS) (Level III). In
instrument with several subscales to evaluate self- some instances, no cases of postrepair instability
perceived patient well-being. The SF-36 is not spe- were identified in either group.28,35,39
cific to any joint or to any 1 medical or surgical As stated earlier, 1 problem interpreting these
condition; as such, it allows for comparison between data is that instability has not been consistently de-
conditions, which can be useful if one wishes to fined. For example, Kartus and colleagues35 limited
determine the relative worth of treatment of 1 condi- the designation of instability to shoulder disloca-
tion versus another. tion, which clearly might have reduced the numbers
More individual outcomes of interest include the this group considered unstable versus other investi-
apprehension sign; the requirement for further surgi- gative teams that included a positive apprehension
cal procedures on the involved shoulder; joint ROM, sign. Nonetheless, what is apparent is that it is less
especially external rotation when the shoulder is clear now that open repair provides a lower risk for
abducted and forward flexion; loss of joint ROM, rela- instability than it may have been 1 decade ago, pos-
tive to presumed premorbid baseline or “normal” sibly because of improved arthroscopic techniques
ROM; pain severity, for example, as rated on a visual and equipment, and increased experience among
analogue scale; the rate and time to return to athletic surgeons. It also is apparent, and quite understand-
activities; the rate and time to return to prior athletic able, that the results of arthroscopy are quite opera-
activities; the rate and time to return to contact or so- tor dependent.
called collision athletic activities; and radiographic
evidence of cystic change or drill holes. No article has
reported on all these outcomes, or even the majority, Apprehension
again making interstudy comparisons difficult.
Because a positive apprehension sign generally is
indicative of shoulder instability, it is reasonable to
REVIEW OF OUTCOMES expect that the presence of apprehension would par-
Instability allel that of instability. But how sensitive and specific
the apprehension sign is as an indicator of joint in-
As shown in Table 99–1, the earliest studies compar- stability is a question that must be considered, as
ing arthroscopic repair of shoulder instability with well as its level of intrarater and inter-rater reliabil-
the long-established open approach demonstrated ity. Moreover, few current studies have examined the
superiority of the latter26,29,40 (Level III). For example, reliability, sensitivity, and specificity of most ortho-
among 12 patients undergoing open repair and pedic signs,44 and some evidence suggests that the
15 arthroscopy, Geiger and coworkers29 identified a inter-rater reliability of the apprehension sign (the
44% rate of instability among those who had under- rate at which different examiners agree that the same
gone arthroscopy but no instances of instability in shoulder is either stable or unstable) may be as low
those who had had open surgery (P ! 0.05). Simi- as 50%, which is no better than the flip of a coin.45
larly, in the studies by Guanche and researchers26 In Geiger and coworkers’29 study, the rates for
(Level III) and Steinbeck and Jerosch40 (Level II), the shoulder instability were 17% and 6% for postar-
rates of instability were 33% and 17% in those who throscopy and open repair, respectively, and a posi-
had had arthroscopy versus 8% and 6% in the open tive apprehension sign was detected in 30% and
surgery group, respectively. Though clinically appre- 6%, suggesting that almost half the patients with ar-
ciable, these latter 2 differences did not achieve sta- throscopy with positive apprehension signs were
tistical significance. Nonetheless, these 3 studies found not to have any other evidence of instability
were among the 6 included in the meta-analysis pub- (Level III). In this study, the former intergroup differ-
lished by Freedman and colleagues24 in 2004 and the ence, for instability, failed to achieve statistical sig-
11 studies included in the meta-analysis performed nificance, but the latter difference, for a positive
by Mohtadi and coworkers25 in 2005, both of which apprehension sign, did. Concern exists regarding
Open versus Arthroscopic Repair for Shoulder Instability 669

that, in several other studies, the presence of a defined the various ordinal categories differently. For
positive apprehension sign was deemed enough for example, in 1 study, any Rowe score from 75 to 89
the investigators to consider the joint unstable, and was considered good,31 but in another study, only
the presence or absence of a positive apprehension scores from 81 to 90 were so designated, with scores
sign per se was not reported. from 70 to 80 considered fair35; in these same two
studies, a “poor” result was defined as less than 50
and less than 70, respectively.
Summation Scores No summation instrument besides the Rowe or
Constant scores has been utilized in a published com-
As stated earlier, the Rowe Shoulder Scale was parison between open and arthroscopic shoulder re-
the most commonly used summation instru- pair more than twice; therefore, combining data
ment,23,26,27,29,31,33,35–38,40 followed by the Constant across studies either cannot be done or would yield
Score,28,31,33,35,37,38 with both scores often reported us- an insufficient number of subjects to be meaningful.
ing an ordinal scale; for example, scores of 90% or However, with the exception of the UCLA Shoulder
greater might be categorized as an “excellent” result, Rating Scale score being greater in the arthroscopy
scores from 75 to 89 a “good” result, scores from 51 group in a single study,36 where a higher score corre-
to 74 “fair,” and scores of 50 or less “poor.” Conse- sponds to a better result, no statistically significant
quently, the most commonly reported result has differences have been noted with any scale.
been the percentage of patients who achieved a
good-to-excellent result, when combining the various
parameters included in the instrument. With the Range of Motion
Rowe Scale, these parameters are function, pain se-
verity, joint stability, and ROM28; with the Constant As equivocal as the data are with respect to virtually
Score, they are pain, function, ROM, and strength28 every other outcome, the evidence for shoulder
(Level I). Interestingly, the tendency toward joint in- ROM is reasonably clear. Joint shoulder ROM or loss
stability being more common among those who had of ROM was reported as a separate outcome in 10 of
undergone arthroscopic repair has not been reflected the comparison studies,26–30,33,35,38,39,42 most often re-
in either the Rowe or Constant scores, despite joint ferring to external rotation with the shoulder ab-
stability being a parameter in the Rowe Scale. For ducted and forward flexion.
example, with the possible exception of the study by In no study was ROM in any plane superior in the
Geiger and coworkers,29 in no study was there a sta- open surgery group. Conversely, a statistically sig-
tistically significant intergroup difference using ei- nificant advantage of arthroscopic repair was iden-
ther scale. In Geiger and coworkers’29 study, 83% in tified by 6 investigative teams, and this was noted
the open group were assigned a postoperative func- both with external rotation30,33,35,42 and forward flex-
tional rating of good to excellent, compared with ion26,27,30 (Level III). This discrepancy favoring ar-
only 50% in the arthroscopy group (P " 0.05) (Level throscopic repair was evident even in Guanche and
III); however, it is not clear whether these ratings researchers’26 study, in which arthroscopy was as-
were based solely on the Rowe score, some combina- sociated with greater than a 33% rate of instability
tion of the Rowe score and a joint instability rating, and fewer than half of patients with arthroscopy
or some other factor(s). If one assumes that Geiger’s were deemed to have had a “good” or “excellent”
group did base their good-to-excellent rating solely result,29 and Hubbell and coworkers’30 study, in
on the Rowe score, then the overall average percent- which 60% versus 0% of the patients with arthros-
age of good-to-excellent ratings based on Rowe copy developed recurrent instability (Level III).
scores across the 10 studies that reported this pa- Despite these seemingly poor results among the
rameter using this ordinal scale was 88% for open patients with arthroscopy, at least in terms of sta-
repair and 86% for arthroscopy, and the overall bility, nonetheless, there was a mean of 5.1 degrees
weighted average percentage (weighted by the num- of forward flexion lost in those undergoing open
ber of subjects per group per study) of good-to- repair versus just a 1.0-degree loss in the arthros-
excellent ratings was 82% for the open group versus copy group in the former study (P " 0.02)29; and
77% for those who received arthroscopic repair (#2 " 45% of the patients with open surgery versus 0%
1.83; P " 0.17, NS) (Table 99–2). Excluding Geiger and after arthroscopy suffered a loss of external rota-
coworkers’29 study, the percentages are 88% versus tion in the latter study (P ! 0.05).30
90% overall and 78% versus 79% weighted, respec- In 2001, Kailes and Richmond32 published an arti-
tively, which, again, is not a statistically significant cle comparing arthroscopic versus open repair of
difference (Level III). Constant scores actually trend shoulder instability using expected value decision
toward favoring arthroscopy, with 94% in the ar- analysis (Level III). Basing their analysis on no study
throscopy group receiving good-to-excellent ratings published after 1997, and hence emphasizing data
versus 89% in the subjects with open repair; but generally favoring open versus arthroscopic repair
again, this difference is not statistically significant and studies generally examining 1 approach versus
(#2 " 1.48; P " 0.20, NS) (see Table 99–2). Moreover, the other, rather than comparative studies, these
caution should be exercised interpreting the co- authors predicted a rate of recurrent instability
alesced data because different investigative teams among those receiving arthroscopic repair at 35%
670 Sports Medicine Topics

TABLE 99–1. Published Studies Comparing Open versus Arthroscopic Repair of Shoulder Instability

Guanche et al. Retrospective III 12 15 Minimum Transglenoid Recurrent instability

(1996)26 17 mo sutures (10) (subluxation,
(range, 17–42) dislocation)
Suture Apprehension on PE
anchor (5)

Geiger et al. Retrospective III 18 16 Minimum 15 mo Transglenoid Recurrent instability

(1997)29 (15–44) sutures (subluxation,

Steinbeck and Prospective, II 32 30 Mean 38 mo Transglenoid Recurrent instability

Jerosch nonrandom (24–60) sutures (subluxation,
(1998)40 dislocation)

Kartus et al. Prospective, II 18 18 Median 28, 31 mo Intra-articular Recurrent instability

(1998)35 semirandom (18–46) and extra-
(patients articular
Suretac Poor Rowe score

Poor Constant score

Jorgensen et al. Prospective II 20 21 Median 36 mo Transglenoid None stated

(1999)31 semirandom (30–52) sutures
(selection per
home address)

Cole and Prospective, II 22 37 Mean 54 mo Transfixing Recurrent instability

Warner nonrandom (27–72) Suretac (subluxation,
(2000)23 (2–3) dislocation)
Treatment based Apprehension
on EUA/

Karlsson et al. Prospective, II 53 66 Medians 36, 28 mo Suretac Recurrent instability

(2001)33 nonrandom (?) (24–63) fixators (subluxation,
Open versus Arthroscopic Repair for Shoulder Instability 671


UCLA Recurrent instability: 33% arthroscopy vs. Open stabilization Longer mean interval between
8% open (NS) superior injury and surgery in
arthroscopy group
Rowe Apprehension: arthroscopy 40% vs. open
8% (P ! 0.05)
Good-to-excellent result (Rowe): 83% open,
47% arthroscopy (P " 0.06, NS)
Further surgery required: 27% arthroscopy
vs. 0% open (P " 0.05)
Loss of forward flexion: 5.4 degrees open
vs. 1.0 degrees arthroscopy (P " 0.02)
Rowe Recurrent instability: 44% arthroscopy vs. 0% open Open stabilization
(P ! 0.05) superior

Good-to-excellent result: 83% open vs.

50% arthroscopy (P " 0.05)
Returned to work or primary sport: 89% open vs. 53%
arthroscopy (P " 0.02)
Mean ROM: arthroscopy 92 degrees vs. open
89 degrees (NS)
Rowe Recurrent instability: 17% arthroscopy vs. Open stabilization Group assignment based on
6% open (NS) slightly superior arthroscopy findings;
selection bias
Apprehension: 30% arthroscopy vs. 6% open
(P ! 0.05)
Good-to-excellent result (Rowe): 91% open,
80% arthroscopy (NS)
Rowe No cases of recurrent dislocations in either group Arthroscopy superior Longer mean interval between
first injury and surgery in
open group (60 vs. 24 mo)

Constant Good-to-excellent Rowe score: 100% arthroscopy, Lack of recurrent instability in

83% open (NS) any group suggests lack of
generalizability of subjects
Good-to-excellent Constant score: 89% arthroscopy,
78% open (NS)
Abducted external rotation: 83 degrees arthroscopy,
65 degrees open (P ! 0.05)
Radiographic evidence of drill holes or cysts:
56% open vs. 23% arthroscopy (P ! 0.05)
Rowe Instability: 10% in each group Approaches comparable Longer mean interval between
except better ROM injury and surgery in arthros-
and cosmesis with copy group
Constant Rowe (arthroscopy: 93%, open: 95%) and Constant
(arthroscopy: 83%; open: 79%) scores similar

Failure to regain original function: 35% open vs.

33% arthroscopy
ROM less in open group (no statistical analysis done)
SF-36 Failures: 24% arthroscopy vs. 18% open (NS) Treatment should be Heterogenous pathology
based on EUA plus
Rowe Good-to-excellent (Rowe): 76% arthroscopy vs. Treatment based on EUA plus
77% open (NS) Capsule/GHL morphology

ASES ASES and SF-36 scores similar

ROM (forward flexion) less in open group (P ! 0.05)
75% in each group returned to the same sport
Rowe Instability: 15% arthroscopy vs. 10% open (NS) Approaches comparable Nonrandom group assignment

Constant Rowe score: 93% arthroscopy vs. 89% open (NS) External rotation better
with arthroscopy
Constant score: 91% Arthroscopy vs. 89% open (NS)
Abducted external rotation: 90% arthroscopy vs.
80% open (P ! 0.05)
672 Sports Medicine Topics

TABLE 99–1. Published Studies Comparing Open versus Arthroscopic Repair of Shoulder Instability—cont’d
Sperber et al. Prospective, II 26 30 24 mo Biodegradable Recurrent instability
(2001)38 random tacks

Kim et al. Retrospective III 30 59 Mean 39 mo Anchors, Recurrent instability

(2002)36 case–control capsular
and proxi-
mal shift

Hubbell et al. Retrospective III 20 30 Min 60 mo Transglenoid None stated

(2004)30 (no range) sutures

Fabbriciani et al. Prospective, I 30 30 2 yr SCOI Constant score

(2004)28 randomized technique

Wang et al. Retrospective III 22 20 2 yr Bankart repair Instability

(2005)41 case–control

Sperling et al. Retrospective III 6 5 Mean 6.5 yr ? Recurrent instability

(2005)39 case–control
Patients all
$ 50 yr old

Bottoni et al. Prospective RCT II 29 32 Minimum 24 mo Suture anchor Recurrent instability

(2006)42 (24–48) (0–6) (subluxation,
Ability to return to full
military duties

Rhee et al. Retrospective, IV 32 16 Mean 72 mo Recurrent instability

(2006)37 nonrandom (30–136) (subluxation,

Athletes in
contact sports

ASES, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons; EUA, examination under anesthesia; GHL=glenohumeral ligaments; MDI, multidirectional instability; NS,
not significant; PE, physical exam; RCT, randomized, controlled trial; ROM, range of motion; SCOI, Southern California Orthopedic Institute; SF-36, 36-Item
Short Form Health Survey; UCLA, University of California Los Angeles; WOSI, Western Ontario Shoulder Instability.
Open versus Arthroscopic Repair for Shoulder Instability 673

Rowe Instability: 23% arthroscopy vs. 13% open (NS) Approaches comparable Rowe and Constant data only
provided for stable shoulders

Constant Rowe score among stable shoulders: 100%

arthroscopy vs. 98% open (NS)
Constant score among stable shoulders: 100% arthros-
copy vs. 95% open (NS)
Loss of abducted external rotation: 9 degrees arthros-
copy vs. 10 degrees open (NS)
Rowe Instability: 10% in each group Approaches comparable Nonrandom group assignment

UCLA Good-to-excellent: 91% arthroscopy vs. 87% open (NS)

Rowe (P " 0.04) and UCLA (P " 0.03) scores greater in
the arthroscopy group
No other differences
None Postoperative instability: 60% arthroscopy vs. 0% Open procedure better Included first time and MDIs
open (P ! 0.05) for athletes in contact
Reoperation required: 27% arthroscopy vs. 0% open Arthroscopy better if
(P ! 0.05) external rotation
Some loss of external rotation: 45% Open group vs. 0%
Arthroscopy (p ! 0.05)
Mean degrees of external rotation lost: Open group 8o
Return to collision sports: Open 35% vs.
Arthroscopy 30% (NS)
Constant Instability: not reported in either group Approaches comparable

Modified Constant score: 97% arthroscopy vs. 94% open (NS) Arthroscopy may yield
Rowe greater ROM
Improvement in Constant score from baseline:
23% arthroscopy vs. 20% open (NS)
Modified Rowe: 91% arthroscopy vs. 87% open (NS)
Constant ROM score: 39.6 arthroscopy vs. 37.8 open
(P " 0.02)
ASES1 Instability: 24% open vs. 6% arthroscopy (NS) Approaches comparable Retrospective, nonrandom
ASES scores similar Arthroscopy less expen- Small samples
Overall costs greater for open procedure
because of required postoperative admission
ASES1 Instability: not reported in either group Approaches comparable Small sample
in patients 50 yr old
ASES: 98% open vs. 87% arthroscopy (NS) Retrospective, nonrandom
Mean shoulder elevation: 178 degrees open vs.
174 degrees arthroscopy (NS)
External rotation: 72 degrees arthroscopy vs.
70 degrees open (NS)

WOSI Failure: 3% (n " 1) in each group Approaches comparable Generalizability of military


WOSI scores similar Heterogenous pathology

ROM less in open group (NS) No standard arthroscopy

Rowe Instability: 25% arthroscopy vs. 13% open Open procedure better Retrospective, nonrandom
(P " 0.04) for athletes in contact

Constant No other differences

674 Sports Medicine Topics

TABLE 99–2. Rowe and Constant Scores in Patients after Arthroscopic versus Open Repair of Shoulder

Rowe Scores

Guanche et al. (1996)26 12 83% 15 47%

Geiger et al. (1997)29 18 83% 16 50%
Steinbeck and Jerosch (1998)40 32 91% 30 80%
Kartus et al. (1998)35 18 83% 18 100%
Jorgensen et al. (1999)31 20 95% 21 90%
Cole and Warner (2000)23 22 77% 37 76%
Karlsson et al. (2001)33 53 89% 66 93%
Sperber et al. (2001)38 26 98% 30 100%
Kim et al. (2002)36 30 87% 59 91%
Fabbriciani et al.* (2004)28 30 87% 30 91%
Rhee et al. (2006)37 32 N/A 16 N/A
Total 261 322
Average 88% 86%
Weighted average 82% 77%
Constant scores
Kartus et al. (1998)35 18 78% 18 89%
Jorgensen et al. (1999)31 20 79% 21 83%
Karlsson et al. (2001)33 53 89% 66 91%
Sperber et al. (2001)38 26 95% 30 100%
Fabbriciani et al. (2004)28† 30 94% 30 97%
Rhee et al. (2006)37 32 N/A 16 N/A
Total 147 165
Average 87% 92%
Weighted average 88% 92%

*Unclear whether Rowe Scale used to determine good-to-excellent designation.

Modified Rowe scale used.
N/A, not available.

versus just 5% in the open surgery group. However, being that these represent damage to bone; these
they also estimate that 40% of those undergoing abnormalities were statistically more common in the
open repair would lose shoulder ROM versus just open group (56% vs. 23%; P ! 0.05) (Level II). The
10% for arthroscopy. Their predictions for were iden- only 2 studies that evaluated costs, 1 in the United
tical for all other outcomes, including minor compli- States41 and 1 in Germany,46 both discovered that
cation rate (2%), major complication rate (2%), time arthroscopic repair of the unstable shoulder was
decrement for rehabilitation and minor complica- significantly less costly, largely because of the re-
tions (4.5 and 3.0 months, respectively), functional duced need for postoperative hospitalization after
decrement for major complications,25 utility of stabil- arthroscopic versus open procedures.
ity without recurrences (1.0 out of 1), utility of recur- One outcome that is conspicuously missing from
rent instability (0.4 out of 1), and disutility of de- studies is subscapularis weakness, which could be
creased ROM (0.1 out of 1).32 different in the 2 groups, because of significant
muscle disruption that occurs with the open proce-
dure that generally is not an issue with arthros-
Other Outcomes copy. In 1 study, 12 patients with shoulder instabil-
ity who underwent arthroscopic stabilization were
As stated previously, no other outcome has been re- compared with 10 who underwent open surgery
ported in any more than a few studies, making com- and 12 healthy control subjects47 (Level III). Whereas
parisons between open and arthroscopic repair diffi- none of the patients with arthroscopy exhibited
cult for these parameters. In studies in which shoulder any subscapularis weakness after surgery, such
dislocations, subluxations, and/or instability were weakness was noted in 7 of the 10 patients who
found to be more common in the arthroscopy group, underwent open surgery (P ! 0.05), and magnetic
a return to sports and especially to contact sports resonance imaging revealed evidence of subscapu-
was less likely in this group as well.29,30 Conversely, laris muscle atrophy in the latter group as well.
when there was no intergroup difference in the rate of Another study demonstrated that the subscapu-
instability, there similarly was no difference in the laris weakness that occurs after open capsular shift
rate of return to athletics or other previous activi- lasts an average of almost 9 weeks, but that all pa-
ties.27,31 One study35 examined for the radiographic tients had regained full strength within 20 weeks.48
presence of either drill holes or cysts, the implication This difference may be 1 of the reasons behind
Open versus Arthroscopic Repair for Shoulder Instability 675

the slightly higher Constant scores exhibited by However, that difference may be disappearing, or
patients with arthroscopy, because strength is 1 of may already have disappeared, as arthroscopic
the 4 major subscales. techniques and equipment, and the experience and
skills of surgeons with respect to arthroscopic
shoulder procedures advance. Conversely, the
SUMMARY OF LITERATURE evidence is reasonably clear that arthroscopy yields
better ROM of the involved shoulder. Costs also
What is most clear about the relative effectiveness appear to be less with arthroscopy, largely because
of arthroscopic versus open surgical repair of shoul- there is less of a need for postoperative hospitaliza-
der instability is that the data provide no clear an- tion. Beyond that, a review of other outcomes,
swers. In general, it appears that open surgery may including various summation scores, either reveals
be more effective at reducing the likelihood of re- no difference or a tendency to favor the arthroscopic
current instability, which, in turn, may affect the approach; and data on subscapularis strength,
rate at which injured athletes can return to their which may be significantly worse in the open
prior sport, especially if collisions are involved. surgery group, largely are absent.

Since the late 1980s, there has been a dramatic patients for arthroscopic stabilization would have
shift from open to arthroscopic surgery in the a soft-tissue Bankart lesion because large glenoid
shoulder. It is obvious that the scope is here to rim fractures might compromise the ability to
stay; fortunately, improvements in instrumenta- stabilize the joint. If the status of the glenoid is
tion, visualization, fluid management, and implant uncertain on the plain films, then a CT scan with
materials have made arthroscopic procedures three-dimensional reconstruction is recommended.
easier, more efficient, and reliable. I favor nonme- If at the time of scope the inferior glenohumeral
tallic anchoring devices to prevent inadvertent ligaments have avulsed off the humeral neck, the
trauma to the articular cartilage. Many anchors so-called HAGL (humeral avulsion glenohumeral
now come with new generation permanent suture ligaments) lesion, then this is best managed
materials that are abrasion resistant and extremely through an open approach (Level V). Athletes
strong; these new sutures make the shoulder involved with throwing or overhead sports such as
arthroscopic procedure easier to perform, and tennis and volleyball are good candidates for an
allow for a more secure repair and perhaps more arthroscopic approach because it is easier to
progressive rehabilitation. maintain external rotation and sport function.
The learning curve for shoulder stabilization sur- Young athletes with an acute anterior dislocation
gery is not short and should not be encouraged should be informed about the option of surgical
for surgeons performing infrequent shoulder- stabilization even after a single dislocation to
stabilizing surgeries. Skills training is available prevent ongoing instability, as well as the
through many societies and organizations, and is subsequent soft-tissue and bone injury associated
an essential part of obtaining and maintaining safe with multiple recurrences. The surgeon must avoid
and effective techniques. Many of the surgical overconstraining the shoulder joint whether the
steps required to perform an arthroscopic stabili- surgery is performed open or arthroscopic
zation can be practiced outside the operating because most patients would choose instability
room, for example, arthroscopic knot-tying tech- over stiffness and loss of function. Severe motion
niques, suture passing, management strategies, and loss is strongly correlated with arthritis of the
safe and effective portal placement. As with any glenohumeral joint. Table 99–3 provides a
procedure, patient selection is important. Ideal summary of recommendations.

TABLE 99–3. Summary of Recommendations


1. Traumatic unidirectional anterior shoulder instability can be B 23,31,35 38, 40, 42

safely treated with an arthroscopic or open stabilization
2. Arthroscopic approaches are more likely to maintain shoulder B 28, 30, 31, 33
external rotation.
3. Open stabilization procedures are better for athletes involved B 30,37
in contact sports.
4. An arthroscopic stabilization may be more cost effective than B 41
an open procedure.
676 Sports Medicine Topics

REFERENCES 24. Freedman KB, Smith AP, Romeo AA, et al: Open Bankart repair
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3. Hazmy CH, Parwathi A: Sports-related shoulder dislocations: A 26. Guanche CA, Quick DC, Sodergren KM, Buss DD: Arthroscopic
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6. Roberts SN, Taylor DE, Brown JN, et al: Open and arthroscopic spective randomized study. Arthroscopy 20:456–462, 2004.
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clinical function of the subscapularis musculotendinous unit J Shoulder Elbow Surg 16:544–547, 2007.
Chapter Is Arthroscopic Rotator

100 Cuff Repair Superior?


Tears of rotator cuff can be repaired by open or mini- repairs in a randomized, controlled trial and found no
open surgery, or arthroscopically. Codman first de- difference in disease-specific quality-of-life outcomes
scribed open repair in 1911. Charles Neer is credited at 1 year (only available Level I evidence on rotator
with describing the most commonly performed open cuff repair). Most of the evidence in the literature is
technique in which acromioplasty with or without re- Level III with patients compared retrospectively. These
section of the lateral end of clavicle is performed, a articles often report a surgeon’s transition from an
bone trough is made at the articular margin for reat- open to a less invasive technique. The open cases
tachment of the cuff, and transosseous sutures are serve as a control group for the newer technique.1–5
placed through bone tunnels. Complex sutures are Such studies are generally poorly controlled and sub-
possible because of the open exposure. The advent of ject to the multiple types of bias inherent in retrospec-
a mini-open technique was largely in response to the tive studies. Retrospective Level IV studies, where
most important shortcoming of open repair, the neces- cohorts are studied after a particular surgery and ana-
sity for deltoid detachment. In the mini-open tech- lyzed without any comparator group, are most com-
nique, the acromioplasty is done arthroscopically, and mon and are ill-equipped to compare one technique
the cuff repaired through a smaller deltoid-splitting over another.
incision. Most recently, advances have allowed the A surgeon’s preferences are largely dictated by the
passage of sutures arthroscopically and, therefore, an training the surgeon has received. In agreement with
all arthroscopic rotator cuff repair procedure. elsewhere in surgery, there appears to be a general
The advantages of minimally invasive surgery over trend toward less invasive procedures. The patient
more invasive techniques are generally recognized. choice, however, is clear. Sperling and colleagues6
With minimal soft-tissue violation, pain and tissue demonstrate an overwhelming 92% patient prefer-
damage are minimized, reducing analgesic use and ence for arthroscopic shoulder surgery compared
potentially allowing early discharge from hospital and with open. Patients anticipated superior functional
return of function. The risk for stiffness, which is com- outcomes and less morbidity with arthroscopic sur-
mon after open surgery, may be minimized. In addi- gery. Moreover, a significant number of patients
tion, it has been suggested that the use of the arthro- would prefer to avoid surgery if the only option was
scope, when repairing the rotator cuff, offers specific an open procedure. In the consumer-driven society
advantages. It not only spares the deltoid from poten- of today, patient preferences at least partially explain
tial detachment, it provides enhanced visualization of the trend from open to mini-open, and ultimately to
the tear and associated pathology. Tear geometry and arthroscopic cuff repair.
edge mobility are better appreciated when observed Assessment of the success of cuff repairs is prob-
arthroscopically. Intra-articular pathology of the bi- lematic. Historically, success was measured using rela-
ceps tendon, labrum, and articular cartilage, which tively crude, nonvalidated assessments of clinical pa-
could affect decision making, can be assessed. Con- rameters, sometimes assigning a score or groupings
cerns about arthroscopic repair include inadequate such as good or excellent. Modern studies more often
visualization because of bleeding, fluid extravasation, use functional outcome measures in which the pa-
difficulty in passing sutures, suture failure, and a steep tients assess their symptoms and ability to function
learning curve. Arguably, advances in technology and using validated, specially designed questionnaires.
technique have addressed all but the last of these There has also been a move recently to look at success
concerns. The cost of arthroscopic surgery in terms in terms of the integrity of the repair using imaging
of time and equipment remains a concern. This chap- methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or
ter analyzes the evidence available to support deci- ultrasound. This difference in the way success is mea-
sion making in rotator cuff repair surgery. sured makes it difficult to compare studies and par-
ticularly to compare new and old repair techniques. In
general, most authors have reported clinical improve-
PREFERENCES—A MATTER OF CHOICE ment after all types of cuff repairs. Since Codman’s first
description in 1911, many surgeons have reported
No Level I or II full manuscript published reports of good results with open repairs. Ellman,7 Hawkins,8
studies favor 1 type of repair over another. Mohtadi Cofield9, and others report in early articles 72% to 87%
and Hollingshead46 compared open with mini-open good to excellent results on the basis of improvement

Is Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair Superior? 679

in pain, function, and strength (Level IV). More re- ment of the deltoid from the acromion to varying
cently, Klepps,10 Mellado,11 and Bishop and others12 degrees. Although the majority of authors recom-
have shown 71% to 90% good functional results. mend minimal deltoid dissection, large and mas-
Whereas Mellado and coworkers11 used the UCLA sive tears often require extensive exposure, placing
score (and postoperative MRI studies), others have the deltoid attachment at risk. Burkhart and coau-
used American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) thors22 highlight another theoretical disadvantage
and Constant scores. Functional outcome scores of of open repair. They hypothesize that “open expo-
arthroscopic repairs are similar. Burkhart and coau- sure places undue focus on medial-to-lateral trans-
thors,13,14 Gartsman and coworkers,15 Youm and re- fer of the torn cuff edge to the greater tuberosity
searchers,16 and Bishop and others12 (ASES and Con- bone trough. Because the surgeon’s visualization
stant) have reported 80% to 93% satisfaction rates is limited medially, all the efforts are directed at
using UCLA and Constant scores (Level IV). somehow to bring the cuff to the bone bed.
Studies of early arthroscopic repairs suggest greater This approach ignores the tear morphology and
re-tear rates than with open surgery. Improvements in ultimately results in a repair with greater tension
implants and evolution of technique now are reported on bone tendon interface. Such repairs are more
to produce intact cuffs as often as open repairs. Verma likely to fail”. Since Burkhart and coauthors’22 work
and coworkers17 found a 25% re-tear rate after both on tear morphology and progression, open repairs
mini-open and arthroscopic repairs at 2-year ultra- have tried to address this issue.
sound follow-up (Level III). Boileau and coauthors18 Arthroscopic surgery starts with glenohumeral
report a 29% recurrence rate on computed tomogra- examination. The superior labrum, the long head of
phy (CT). Fuchs43, and Goutalier44 found a 10% to 30% the biceps, and joint surfaces are evaluated for coex-
re-tear rate for small and medium tears with greater isting pathology. Bursoscopy allows examination of
rates for massive tears. In the largest multicenter the subacromial space (need for acromioplasty), cuff
study published to date, Flurin et al.19 assessed 576 tear morphology, medial retraction, and mobility of
arthroscopically repaired cuffs with MRI or CT arthro- cuff edges. The acromioclavicular joint can be as-
gram. Seventy-five percent showed no dye leakage sessed and resected, if warranted. Appropriate re-
compared with a mean of 69% for all published series leases (anterior or posterior) and margin conver-
in the literature for open repairs (Level IV). The au- gence sutures can be planned with more accuracy
thors conclude that arthroscopic repairs yield intact because of the enhanced visualization.
cuffs as often as open repairs. Previously, Gerber and
colleagues20 had provided a useful reference point,
reporting an MRI-proven recurrent defect in 40% of REPAIR STRENGTH
open repairs of massive tears in 32 shoulders com-
pared with 22% for arthroscopic repairs in 49 shoul- The strength of a tendon repair ultimately depends
ders, which included multiple tendon tears21 (Level on several links in the chain of the repair. The links
III). Lafosse41 reports a 12% failure rate on 105 cuffs include the suture-bone interface, suture strength,
repaired arthroscopically; 70% of these tears were suture-tendon interface, and the cuff tissue itself.
large or massive. Much of the recent scientific work has focused on
Verma and coworkers,17 Bishop and others12 have strengthening the materials that are implanted, leav-
found that good functional results are possible in the ing the cuff tissue as the weakest link over which we
absence of a watertight repair. Irrespective of the tech- currently have no control.
nique used, however, there is evidence that intact re- Traditionally, open repairs have used transosse-
pairs correlate with better functional results. In 1991, ous sutures. Gerber and colleagues23 showed that
Harryman45 suggested that clinical results after open bone itself provides a poor fixation point. In 8 of 16
repair correlate with cuff integrity based on ultra- shoulders, transosseous fixation failed by the su-
sound. Though he found significant satisfaction rates tures pulling out of the bone early in the postopera-
in terms of motion, strength, and pain relief even in the tive course. This is more relevant in the poor qual-
presence of recurrent defects, better results were seen ity osteoporotic bone encountered in the elderly.
with intact cuffs. Gerber and colleagues20 found that Though the authors did not test bone anchors, they
patients who had a re-tear (on MRI) showed less im- recommend that transosseous bone fixation must
provement than those who had intact repairs. be supplemented with a cortical bone augmentation
device. Craft and coworkers24 compared 4 suture
anchors with transosseous repairs and found equal
COUNTERARGUMENTS initial fixation strength. Reed and coauthors25 found
Exposure/Visualization—Seeing Is Believing! that anchor repair was significantly stronger than
transosseous sutures irrespective of bone quality.
Codman proposed a saber-cut incision in the earli- Chhabra and investigators,26 in a cadaver study,
est known description of rotator cuff repair. Since found that double-loaded anchors provide stronger
then, anterior, posterior, and extensile approaches fixation than transosseous repair in the immediate
have been described. Neer popularized anterior postoperative period.
acromioplasty to relieve rotator cuff impingement. Though most of these studies tested sutures and
All traditional open approaches involve detach- repair strength by ultimate load to failure, Hecker
680 Sports Medicine Topics

and coauthors27 suggest that this may not be the repairs, though results in terms of range of motion
best way to assess suture security because it may are comparable at 1 year.1,5 As discussed earlier,
not reflect the real clinical situation. Barber and col- re-tear as a complication in small and moderate
leagues28 echoed this and argued that cyclic load tears is reportedly similar for arthroscopic and
testing is more appropriate. Cyclic loading occurs open repairs, but some studies have suggested that
with repeated arm motion, applying a modest force there may be a greater incidence of re-tear in
on the repair. They tested 4 commonly used absorb- arthroscopic repair of massive tears.12 Nho found
able anchors on human cadaveric humeri. After cy- 6 cases of subacromial impingement in the mini-
clical load testing, they found that none of the an- open group compared with 1 in the arthroscopic
chors showed signs of failure. In addition, Burkhart group that needed repeat surgery. Overall, he found
and coauthors22 have shown that cyclic loading can 14 complications in 473 patients (prevalence rate,
cause failure with sutures cutting through bone in 3%) in the arthroscopic group compared with
transosseous repairs. 27 complications in 411 patients (prevalence rate,
With the use of new polyblend “super sutures,” 6.6%) in mini-open group.
the weakest link has all but shifted to the tendon tis-
sue. Cummins and Murrell,29 Gartsman,30 and others
have shown that the new sutures hardly ever break, RECOMMENDATIONS
and the failure to load strength far exceeds 200 N for Arthroscopic surgery is the choice of most of
the commonly used No. 2 sutures compared with our patients. It permits better visualization and
Ethibond or other commonly used sutures. detects coexisting pathology, which allows a
Tendon tissue quality and the suture-tendon inter- planned and systematic approach to manage-
face are the only remaining areas of concern in ment. The repair construct is strong and can
achieving a stable and durable repair. Whereas the withstand physiologic loads. The complication
former is beyond the surgeon’s control, the latter rate is low, though there may be an increased in-
can be favorably influenced by more complex suture cidence of re-tears in massive tears. Fortunately,
configurations. Complex suture passes such as the functional outcomes even in these cases are
Mason Allen configuration are believed to yield the generally improved and the most recent reports
strongest interface38. Because these are difficult to suggest that, as techniques improve, equivalent
pass arthroscopically, this has provided an argu- or even better results are being achieved in
ment for superior strength of open repairs. Arthros- large tears repaired arthroscopically. Besides,
copy advocates have countered by demonstrating recent reports of Flurin, Cole, and Lafosse show
nearly the same construct strength with subtle mod- better or equivalent results in large or massive
ifications, which are possible to do arthroscopi- tears repaired arthroscopically. In fact, literature
cally.31–33 Burkhart and Brady,34 on the other hand, comparison of 2 types of repair at various
have advocated simple suture configuration with points of time since the earlier 1990s shows a
double-loaded anchors. In a biomechanical study, distinct trend of continuously improving results
they calculated that maximal load per suture does with arthroscopic repairs. Cost concerns have
not exceed 37.7 N if double-loaded anchors are not been specifically studied for rotator cuff
placed 1 cm apart. Simple suture configurations are repairs; however, Wang and coworkers36 and
enough to withstand this load. Bohnsack and coauthors,37 in separate studies,
found cost of arthroscopic Bankart repair to
be less than that of open surgery.
REHABILITATION AND RECOVERY Barring a greater incidence of complications in
the case of open repairs, no single factor in the
Gerber and colleagues23 and others have found that published literature overwhelmingly favors one
most of the failures occur in the early postoperative technique over another. The trend is toward
period. Thus, irrespective of type of repair, it needs arthroscopic repair as the least invasive
to be protected in the first 4 to 10 weeks. The type of technique because it is in many surgical
rehabilitation is usually based on the size of tear and procedures. Based on largely Level III/IV evidence
tissue quality. After the initial protection period, available, it is our opinion that arthroscopic cuff
many authors1,13 have observed an earlier return to repair seems to be a superior technique in skilled
functional range of motion after arthroscopic repair. hands. However, the absence of Level I studies
prevents us from making a grade A recommenda-
tion. Our recommendation is, therefore, a grade C
COMPLICATIONS recommendation in favor of arthroscopic rotator
cuff repair. Prospective, randomized multi-center
Deltoid detachment and atrophy have been reported trials are currently being conducted by groups
to occur in 3% to 18% of open rotator cuff repairs. such as JOINTS Canada and should provide
Similarly, infection has affected the result in 1% to more definitive answers in the near future.
3% of open repairs.35 Recovery of motion in the Tables 100–1 and 100–2 provide a summary of
early postoperative period (first 3 months) after recommendations and levels of evidence.
open repairs usually lags behind arthroscopic
Is Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair Superior? 681

TABLE 100–1. Levels of Evidence for Studies on Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair

Nho et al. (2007)40 Systematic review of arthroscopic Level III: systematic No technique recommended
rotator cuff repair and mini-open review of literature over other. Slightly higher rate
rotator cuff repair of complication in mini-open
Cole et al. (2007)35 Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: Level IV: prospective study Overall failure rate is 22%,
prospective functional outcome of 49 consecutive repairs mostly in tears involving
and repair integrity at minimum with MRI infraspinatus.
2-year follow-up
Lafosse et al. (2007)41 The outcome and structural Level IV: prospective study Arthroscopic repair with
integrity of arthroscopic rotator of 105 consecutive double-row suture anchor
cuff repair with use of the repairs with CT/MRA technique results in a much
double-row suture anchor lower rate of failure than has
technique previously been reported in
either open or arthroscopic
repair methods.
Liem et al. (2007)42 Clinical outcome and tendon Level III: retrospective, In isolated supraspinatus tears,
integrity of arthroscopic versus therapeutic, comparative arthroscopic rotator cuff
mini-open supraspinatus tendon study repair produces excellent
repair: an MRI-controlled clinical results and equivalent
matched-pair analysis tendon integrity compared
with mini-open repair.
Flurin et al. (2005)19 Arthroscopic repair of cuff tears: a 75% intact tears compared
multicentric retrospective study with a mean of 69% for all
of 576 cases with anatomic published series in the
assessment literature for open repairs
Gerber et al. (2000)20 The results of repair of massive Prospective analysis 60% of tears are intact,
tears of the rotator cuff functionally better than
persistent defects.
Severud et al. (2003)1 All-arthroscopic versus mini-open Retrospective outcome Surgery times are comparable.
rotator cuff repair study Patients regain motion faster
in the first 12 weeks with the
all-arthroscopic technique. A
steep learning curve is present.

CT, computed tomography; MRA, magnetic resonance angiography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.

TABLE 100–2. Summary of Recommendations


Rotator cuff repair should be performed C


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