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System design is the transformation of the analysis model into a system design model. Up to now we
were in the problem domain. System design is the first part to get into the solution domain in a software
This chapter focuses on transforming the analysis model into the design model that takes into account the
non-functional requirements and constraints described in the problem statement and requirement analysis
sections discussed earlier.
The purpose of designing is to show the direction how the system is built and to obtain clear and enough
information needed to drive the actual implementation of the system. It is based on understanding of the
model the software built on. The objectives of design are to model the system with high quality.
Implementing of high quality system depend on the nature of design created by the designer. If one wants
To change to the system after it has been put in to operation depends on the quality of the system design.
So if the system is design effetely, it will be easy to make changes to it.
3.1. Design goals and objectives
The objectives of design are to model the system with high quality. The design goals are derived from
nonfunctional requirements that means non-functional requirement is the description of the feature
characteristics and attribute of the system as well as any constraints that may limit the boundary of the
proposed solution.
Design goals describe the qualities of the system that the developers should consider.
Reliability: DBUCIMS system should be reliable.
Fault Tolerance: DBUCIMS system should be fault tolerant to loss of connectivity with the service.
Security: DBUCIMS system should be secured, i.e., not allow other users or unauthorized users to
access data that has no the right to access it.
Modifiability: DBUCIMS system should be modifiable for further modification and enhancement of
the application.
Performance: - The system should respond fast with high throughput, i.e. it should perform the task
quickly possible as possible such as generating report and receiving, viewing project status and also
mployee and material information etc.
Cost: The system should be developed with minimum cost possible. In reality there is always trade-
offs or disadvantages and therefore from its previous experience the University prefers to invest more on
development cost than maintenance cost to minimize bugs which may appear at the later stage.
End User Criteria: - The system should have simple and understandable graphical user Interface such
as forms and buttons, which have descriptive names. It should give reliable response for each user
comment. All the interfaces, forms and buttons are written or designed in a simple language or common
language so that the user can access it without any difficult.
3.2. System architecture
In our system we have preferred three tier system architecture because of the following main advantages:-
Scalability – Each tier can scale horizontally
High Performance – the Presentation tier can cache requests, network utilization is minimized, and the
load is reduced on the Application and Data tiers.
High degree of flexibility in deployment platform and configuration
Better Re-use
Improve Data Integrity
Improved Security – Client is not direct access to database.
Easy to maintain and modification is bit easy, won’t affect other modules
In three tier architecture application performance is good.

fig 3.1 system architecture

System Design phase is process of describing, organizing, and structuring system
components at architectural design level and detailed design level.Build a system
Design converts functional models from analysis into models that helps to represent
the solution for the problem. In system Designing process we can use structured or
object oriented approaches.
In the case of online Debreberhan condominium house management system our
system design modeling,willfill the gap between the system specification produced
during requirement elicitation and analysis which is concentrated on the purpose and
the functionality of the onlineDebreberhan condominium house management system.
In the design phase of the online condominium house management system, system
decomposition, component modeling, database design ,class mapping ,deployment
diagram and the exact architecture of the proposed system which is the user interface
prototyping will be showed in detail is showed in detail.
In our system development process system design part is very important so as to make
the implementation of the proposed system very easy. The different types of the system
modeling techniques that are used to make easy the implementation of the system
such as deployment and component modeling are show in detail. Not only the system
modeling techniques but also some system design techniques such as system
decomposition design are cover in detail in this phase. The non-functional
requirement is the description of the feature characters and attributes of the system.
Some of the design goals are:-
Security- The system should be secured that unauthorized user can not access
the data that does not concern with them.
Reliability- The system should be reliable.
Fault Tolerance-The system should be able to give response (error message) when
the user enter incorrect input. This recommends the user to enter correct input.
Throughput:-Since online condominium house management system has web
application it is able to perform many tasks at any time.
Robustness: - The system has the ability to survive wrong applicant inputs.
Besides this end applicant that use online condominium house management system
site have limited access regarding info about applicant (like name phone no, Email
Modifiability:-The proposed system able to handle applicant data based on
selected service center such as kebele office and condominium house constructor. The
system can be modified by adding some addition futures like different controls and
Usability: - online condominium house management system provide easy user
friendly interface for users of the systems. It also provides help menu which gives brief
description how to use the system so that user can be able to use it easily.
Memory: - online condominium house management system requires the following
space to run the system. Desktop or laptop computers and web server computers
having more than 4GB of RAM and high storage capacity and processing speed.

Chapter Three: Design

3.1 Purpose and goals of design

Design goals describe the qualities of the system that developers should optimize. Such goals are
normally derived from the non-functional requirements of the system.

Design goals are grouped into five categories. These are

 Performance
 Dependability
 Maintenance
 End User Criteria
3.1.1 Performance Criteria

The part of the system to be used for the record office should have a fast response time

(realtime) with maximum throughput. Furthermore, the system should not be taking up too much
space in memory. The record officer has chosen fast response time over through put and hence
the system should try to be more interactive. In the case of the timetabling subsystem, the system
should be more reliable in order to satisfy the constraints than fast response time.

3.1.2 Dependability

The school needs the system to be highly dependable as it is expected to be used by nonIT
professionals. The system should be robust and fault tolerant. Furthermore, as the system is
handling sensitive data of the school, high emphasis should be given with regards to security, as
there are subsystems to be accessed through web.

3.1.3 Maintenance

The system should be easily extensible to add new functionalities at a later stage. It should also
be easily modifiable to make changes to the features and functionalities.

3.1.4 End User Criteria

Usability: Usability is the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve
specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. From
the end users’ perspective the system should be designed in such a way that it is easy to learn and
use, efficient and having few errors if any.

Trade-off is inevitable in trying to achieve a particular design goal. One best case is the issue of
security versus response time. Checking User-Id and Password before a member can enter to the
SMS creates response time problem/overhead. The other case is the issue of response time versus
quality. There is some amount of time taken by the system to generate the timetable. So the user
has to wait a little after telling the system to generate the timetable and getting the result to get a
quality timetable.

3.2 Current software architecture

The proposed system is expected to replace the existing manual system by an automated system
in all facets. It is mainly based on the system Analysis document (chapter 2).

The architecture used for the system is a 3 tier Client/Server Architecture where a client can use
Internet browsers to access the online report provided by the system within the local area
network of the school or anywhere using the Internet. Figure 3.1 shows the architecture of the
proposed system.

The data tier maintains the applications data such as student data, teacher data, timetable data etc.
It stores these data in a relational database management system (RDBMS).

The middle tier (web/application server) implements the business logic, controller logic and
presentation logic to control the interaction between the application’s clients and data. The
controller logic processes client requests such as requests to view student’s result, to record
attendance or to retrieve data from the database. Business rules enforced by the business logic
dictate how clients can and cannot access application data and how applications process data.

A web server is a program that runs on a network server (computer) to respond to HTTP
requests. The most commonly used web servers are Internet Information Server (IIS) and
Apache. The web server used in this system is IIS. HTTP is used to transfer data across an
Intranet or the Internet. It is the standard protocol for moving data across the internet.

The client tier is the applications user interface containing data entry forms and client side
applications. It displays data to the user. Users interact directly with the application through user
interface. The client tier interacts with the web/application server to make requests and to
retrieve data from the database. It then displays to the user the data retrieved from the server.

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