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The binomial expansion Syllabus reference: 1.3 Contents: A Binomial expansions B_ The binomial coefficient ("") The binomial theorem 180__THE BINOMIAL EXPANSION (Chapter 7) OPENING PROBLEM Consider the cube alongside, which has sides of length (+6) om. The cube has been subdivided into 8 blocks by making 3 cuts parallel to the cube’s surfaces as shown. bem ‘We know that the total volume of the cube is (a+b) em*. 4 gm However, we can also find an expression for the cube’s volume by adding the volumes of the 8 individual blocks. bam bem Things to think about: ‘How many of the blocks that make up the cube have dimensions: I atyabya WH abyabyb oes iil a by bbyd lv bbyb by b? —— b By adding the volumes of the blocks, can you find an expression which is equivalent to (a+5)°2 EY stoma expansions The sum a+b is called a binomial as it contains two terms. Any expression of the form (a +)" is called a power of a binomial. All binomials raised to a power can be expanded using the same general principles. In this chapter, therefore, we consider the expansion of the general expression (« +8)" where n €N. Consider the following algebraic expansions: (24d) =a4b (a+b) = (a+ (a4 bP (a+b)? =a? + 20b +6 = (a+ b)(a? + 2ab +62) a? + 20% + al? +07b-+ 2ab? + BF =a + 307 + 3ab? +68 The binomial expansion of (a +0)? is a? +2ab +07. ‘The binomial expansion of (a +6)* is a® + 3a7b + 3ab? + 0°. SSN What to do: 1. Expand (a+b)! in the same way as for (a+b)? above Hence expand (a +b)® and (a +5)° 2 The cubic expansion (a +b)? =a? +307) + 3ab? +3 contains 4 terms. Observe that their coefficients are: 1 3 3 1 ‘What happens to the powers of a and b in each term of the expansion of (a +6)? THE BINOMIAL EXPANSION (Chapter 7) 181 b Does the pattern in a continue for the expansions of (a +b)*, (a+b)°, and (a+b)°? € Write down the triangle of n coefficients to row 6: n n 2 3 3. 1+—row3 3 The triangle of coefficients in ¢ above is called Pascal's triangle. Investigate: a the predictability of each row from the previous one ® a formula for finding the sum of the numbers in the nth row of Pascal's triangle. 4a Use your results from 3 to predict the elements of the 7th row of Pascal's triangle. & Hence write down the binomial expansion of (a +b)". € Check your result algebraically by using (a +8)’ = (a+)(a+6)® and your results from From the Investigation we obtained (a + b)* =a‘ + 4a%b + 6a7b? + dab? + b* =a" + dab! + 607? + dah + bt Notice that: As we look from left to right across the expansion, the powers of a decrease by 1, while the powers of b increase by 1. The sum of the powers of @ and b in each term of the expansion is 4. © The number of terms in the expansion is 4 +1 =5. ‘+ The coefficients of the terms are row 4 of Pascal’s triangle. For the expansion of (a+5)" where n € N: ‘© As we look from left to right across the expansion, the powers of a decrease by 1, while the powers of b increase by 1. ‘© The sum of the powers of a and b in each term of the expansion is n. ‘© The number of terms in the expansion is n +1. ‘© The coefficients of the terms are row n of Pascal's triangle. In the following examples we see how the general binomial expansion (a +b)" may be put to use, Using (a+)? =a +3ab+ Sab? +6, find the binomial expansion of: 2 (2243) b (-5y a Inthe sion of (a +b)® we substitute a = (2z) ao “ ©. Qe +3)9 = (2x) +3(2x)?(8) + 3(2z)"(3)? + (3)? 82° + 3627 + 54x + 27 i b We substitute a= (2) and b=(-5) FS o. (2 —5)9 = (2)* + 3(e)?(—5) + 3(@)(-5)? + (-5)* m =a? 152” +752 — 125 UY

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